President Trump sure did a lot of things that look like crimes. I mean asking people to commit crimes on your behalf is pretty crimish. Don’t have people crime for you, everyone.
Their President woke up this morning to begin his day declaring that the SCO report is “crazy”, filled with “bullshit”, written by “angry Democrats”, and also that you should not let your lawyer take notes.
“angry Democrats”
No way they’re as angry as Doctor Dumbfuck has been these last 24 hours.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Border vigilantes are getting bolder. Now they’re kidnapping people at gunpoint.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Near the border, you can’t tell who’s pointing guns at you anymore. Could be drug runners, border vigilantes, gang members, or foreign invaders. I guess you have to shoot first and worry about identifying the bodies later.
Donald Trump looked less crimish than Hillary Clinton.
Crimish Hillary Clinton works but not nearly as well as Crooked Hillary Clinton. I mean, try getting Martha Raddatz
“A Tunisian man was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday for stabbing a police officer at the airport in Flint, Michigan, a decision a federal judge said was made easier by the defendant’s defiant and angry remarks in court. …
“An FBI investigation found that Ftouhi, who lived in Montreal, Canada, had legally entered the United States five days earlier and tried on multiple occasions to buy a firearm at a gun show. Ftouhi said on Thursday he had hoped to obtain a machine gun.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s your Muslim terrorist border crosser, folks. Still think we don’t need background checks at gun shows? That we should legalize machineguns? Fuck you. You’re not patriots. You’re enabling these homicidal fanatics.
@ 5
Still think we don’t need background checks at gun shows?
Asking that question one paragraph after making it clear that the guy’s multiple efforts to purchase a firearm at a gun show were unsuccessful isn’t helping you any, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
He stabbed, rather than shot, his victim.
My God, what an incompetent attorney you must have been.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Trump voter is someone who’s impervious to the factual findings of a careful, thorough, impartial investigation by a former head of the FBI; or, in their own words (with very little paraphrasing), “I don’t believe Mueller.”
Well, they knew democracy would be messy. You have to assume some voters are idiots. The Framers realized that, too, and probably also figured out that Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse would make a better voter than him, but dealing with that when drafting a constitution is easier said than done.
Collusion is the Left’s Benghazi.
Surrounded by HA libbies who don’t believe Mueller’s finding that no collusion occurred, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 7 pens
A Trump voter is someone who’s impervious to the factual findings of a careful, thorough, impartial investigation by a former head of the FBI…
The hypocrisyirony is staggering.
For pre-election access to the Steele dossier, you needed to be a member of Team Hillary.
Goldy Retweeted
David Ziff
Replying to @GoldyHA and 2 others
For access to the unredacted report, you need to be a member of Mueller Prime.
Michael Cohen was never in Prague.
McClatchy is wrong nearly as frequently as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 You can parse words all you want, but the fact is a hostile foreign power wanted to choose our president, offered to help their preferred candidate, and members of his campaign and immediate family not only didn’t report this to authorities but were eager to accept that help. If this wasn’t collusion, the only reason it wasn’t is because they were too clumsy to carry it out.
The applicable legal terms, doc, are “coordination” and “conspiracy.” Collusion is not a legal term and has only a vernacular meaning.
To be guilty of conspiracy, you don’t have to succeed at committing the underlying crime. In criminal law, attempted bank robbery is a crime, too.
You’re an idiot. Your horse is smarter than you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The real problem is that Republican voters don’t care if their party leaders are criminals, as long as they get the results they want. They would vote for Ted Bundy if they liked his policies.
(Bundy, you may remember, was a Republican activist who happened to be a prolific serial killer on the side.)
Republicans have no values or morals, and no regard for others. For example, they don’t care about migrant kids locked in cages. Their fundamental trait is selfishness. There’s nothing more to them than, “I’m getting mine, and fuck you.”
That’s why I can never be a Republican, even though I might disagree with some Democratic policy positions from time to time.
See, if you’re the most powerful man in the world and you’re innocent, you demonstrate your innocence by doing precisely nothing while half the nation screams at you, your family, and even at your pre-teen child. For two straight years.
’cause if you react as any normal human would to this type of intrusion, you must be guilty.
Jeffrey Toobin
Verified account
Happy people don’t obstruct justice. Trump’s frustration at leaks and investigation are evidence of guilt, not innocence. But let’s see the report . .
7:34 AM – 18 Apr 2019
Guilty of something, anyway. Give us long enough and we’ll find the equivalent of the stained blue dress, amirite?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
1) Obstruction probably occurred. Fact is, owing to Mueller’s interpretation of the OLC guidance, we still don’t really know.
2) Nor do we know if the Republican Presidential Campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russian spies. Because, as the SCO report acknowledges, many sources of evidence were either destroyed, concealed, or materially altered – which of course loops us back to #1.
And that’s why it is illegal to obstruct even when no underlying crime can be proven to a legal certainty. Obviously.
We are unfortunately destined now to enter into a prolonged period of pointing out the ridiculously obvious to mouth breathing, gas huffing ass-clowns of the Trump Right Apologia network.
Knowingly ordering a subordinate to lie to federal law enforcement officers is obstruction of justice. That remains true even if that subordinate refused to follow the unlawful order.
@ 13
That’s why I can never be a Republican.
You forgot failing in your career and in your investments, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Those are disqualifying, too.
The real problem is that Republican voters don’t care if their party leaders are criminals, as long as they get the results they want.
Written by an asswipe unhappy that Crimish Hillary Clinton didn’t win.
@ 15
Obstruction probably occurred
Obstruction to an investigation of a crime that clearly did not occur.
Prosecutors determined that you cannot make this allegation beyond a reasonable doubt.
Time to let it drop and focus on 2020, QoS McHillbilly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 “if you’re the most powerful man in the world and you’re innocent” the investigators write a different report than they do if you’re not innocent.
There’s a damn good reason why Doctor Dumbfuck was never a medical examiner, because he can’t recognize criminal behavior when it’s staring him in the face.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Look, you’re trying to argue with a tree stump. Our job here isn’t to debate tree stumps; it’s to expose, mock, and humiliate them.
You spent years lying about your claim to be a millionaire, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have failed your family. At this point you likely are worth more to them dead than alive.
Consider yourself exposed, mocked, and humiliated.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “Crimish Hillary Clinton”
Do tell. You asswipes spent 30 years and millions of our tax dollars investigating her. What, exactly, have you convicted her of?
You might want to be a little more circumspect. Calling someone a criminal when they haven’t been convicted of anything is actionable. Yes, she’s a public figure, but a jury couldn’t possibly fail to notice the white froth of your malice; it dribbles down your chin, oozes from your pores, and makes puddles on the floor.
You’re living proof that any dumbfuck can be a doctor. Radiology was invented to separate the medical school dregs from the patients who are still alive. There’s a reason why radiology labs are always tucked away in remote hard-to-access corners of hospital basements where they have the corpse freezers and store broken wheelchairs, drums of medical waste, and barrels of discarded sharps. You’re the reason.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…as long as they get the results they want.”
Which are what? I really can’t tell anymore.
Used to be there was some sort of identifiable set of objectives associated with “conservatism”. But I’ll be damned if I can see it anymore. They seem gleeful about wrecking global security arrangements. They are absolutely indifferent when it comes to the budget. They laughingly reject scientific consensus as it relates to public policy. And it’s fair enough to say that just about every “ride or die” issue they campaign on are things they honestly don’t want to come about.
The only people to really get results out of this debacle are Russian oligarchs, a handful of murderous wealthy foreign despots, and a few very well positioned Republicans in the Senate. I suppose it’s fair to say that Kushner Co. might not have survived without the assistance of Qatar. But I don’t see what good this has done the rest of the family.
As for the Republican Party, I’m pretty confident historians will write books about this depicting it all as a fucking disaster for the party. They’ve purchase two years of unified govt. control and four years of White House control at the price of their future. At least Ben Carson gets some furniture out of it. All your crazy Uncle Liberty got is a few minutes of awkward silence at Thanksgiving.
@ 21
What, exactly, have you convicted her of?
Incompetent presidential candidacy in the first degree.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 You’ve failed your horse. You have yet to sire a single unicorn. That isn’t her fault. If you had any balls the pasture would be full of running and leaping My Little Ponies by now.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You’ll get only one shot at this. And you aren’t even keeping your ammo inside the range, Dumbfuck.
“Obstruction to an investigation of a crime that clearly did not occur.“ The report does not say that. Nor does what little of the underlying investigation we are allowed to see. If you have to come out of the gate lying in order to get past this it will not go well for you.
“Prosecutors determined that you cannot make this allegation beyond a reasonable doubt.” Doesn’t say this either. Not even close. Mueller determined in advance that SCO could not even investigate specific criminal allegations for which OLC guidance forbids him to bring an indictment.
If you choose to reduce yourself to an apologetic vassal clown in service to these people you are welcome to do so. And I for one will enjoy the spectacle every bit as much as I’ve enjoyed watching you debase yourself these past 26 months. But I don’t need you for a dose of bullshit nonsense. The troll-verse is overpopulated with similarly oriented ass-clowns who do a better job than you at it. And at least they are occasionally witty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 “And it’s fair enough to say that just about every ‘ride or die’ issue they campaign on are things they honestly don’t want to come about.”
Well, I think they really do want to make abortion a capital offense in America. They’ll still be able to get theirs in Mexico.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Incompetent presidential candidacy in the first degree.”
If that was a crime the GOP’s 16 other candidates in 2016 would all be in jail with her.
Closer to home, fortunately for you being an incompetent voter isn’t a crime either, although maybe it should be. Or at least actionable by the rest of us. You owe us for electing Trump.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Making abortion a capital offense isn’t even a practical possibility, much less a political one.
I’ll grant you there’s no end of mischief and suffering yet to be had in backward, semi-rural redoubts of fearful aging Republicans. But the genie is out of the bottle when it comes to abortion, largely because these days abortion comes in a bottle.
I gather that once upon a time a woman had to have her husband’s permission to get an IUD. And a doctor would never consider prescribing birth control to a single woman out of “concern for her well being”. Advances in birth control brought about a lot of changes that most people barely perceive even if they are living in it. Much the same is true of abortion.
At some point a competent appellate court jurisdiction will be forced to grapple with the underlying implications of a woman being charged with some form of homicide for having taken pills to self-terminate her pregnancy. In circumstances where proving the underlying elements of “the crime” requires that much government intrusion I’m betting some judges otherwise known to be skeptical about a constitutional right to privacy may “suddenly” find themselves converted. At which point the whole idiotic culture wars wedge melts away to nothing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
From Seattle Times daily brief:
“Now that we’ve all had a day to read Robert Mueller’s 448-page report, this is what matters: The fight is just beginning. The House Judiciary Committee today issued a subpoena for the full report as Congress escalates its investigation of President Donald Trump. The report takes the American public inside the room with a fearful Trump, who repeatedly tried to thwart the probe.”
Well, aren’t all criminals fearful of getting caught?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 “Making abortion a capital offense isn’t even a practical possibility, much less a political one.”
Also, let’s not forget that in some of our fellow third-world shithole countries to the south, women are serving long prison sentences for having miscarriages.
Anything is possible. And when people tell you they’re going to do something cruel and inhuman, it’s a mistake to not believe them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m certainly not saying the GOP isn’t trying or won’t try.
I’m just saying that as a practical matter it is the equivalent of WALL!!!
They can certainly try. And they are. They might create a lot of harm in a lot of ways doing so. But no rational human being with sufficient intellectual capacity to take charge of such an effort could simultaneously conclude these two requisite things: 1) that it is possible to build a hardened, secure fortification stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean; and 2) that any such fortification would have the intended effect.
In a very similar sense, the lawmakers and policy advisers who labor to enact laws that equate abortion with homicide know that they cannot expect those laws to either be implemented or to have the effect they claim.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t oppose these efforts. I’m saying we should not honor them as being the product of ideology. “Right to life” is bullshit in just the same way that “WALL!!” is bullshit. It is the most cynical kind of political manipulation largely focused on ginning up fund raising. So yet another con artist can bill $30,000 per month for #cocaineyachthookers to yet another 501(c) with little or no oversight.
This comes to mind when Conservatives for Putin ink spew that Hillary was worse than trump.
“Hillary has been lambasted since the 90s by Republicans and not a single thing came of it. She served her country, and even with a few fuckups never engaged in the lawlessness claimed against her. Now years after her final campaign Republicans still cling to their “Hillary broke the law!” bullshit, yet try to gaslight everyone that 400 pages of a summary of evidence against their god emperor is nothing.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 Walls are misunderstood. The Maginot Line’s problem wasn’t poor design or construction, but the Germans’ ability to go around it. The Great Wall of China worked for its purpose, which wasn’t to keep Mongols out, but to keep their horses out so they’d have to fight the Chinese defenders on foot. In basic training, they tell you barbed wire doesn’t stop enemy attackers, it only slows them down. Trump knows nothing about the uses and limitations of physical barriers because he has no military experience and doesn’t read. Castles became obsolete centuries ago; even oceans don’t protect you anymore, so why would anyone think a border wall would? Any wall can be breached or scaled in no time unless it’s constantly guarded. That’s why prison walls have guard towers. There are places along our southern border where physical barriers in conjunction with constant patrolling might be useful, but there’s no one-wall-fits-all solution to illegal border crossings.
The report on Mueller obstruction can be summarized as:
– This is what obstruction is
– Here’s 100+ pages of what Trump did, that read just like the description of obstruction
– Unfortunately, I’m forbidden from concluding its obstruction by DOJ policy
– While I can’t call it obstruction, I can tell you that congress has that authority
– …..and here is the legal argument congress should use to support their oversight authority when they impeach for obstruction of justice
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 Saying Republicans are pathetic is like saying water is wet.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Probably the greater irony is that almost all of what Conservatives for Putin spew is Russian election propaganda product.
Just read the report. While most of the volume 1 investigation remains sealed behind redactions, the SCO was rather unequivocal when it comes to the sweep and effect of the Russian operations.
I understand we can’t expect much from Senate Republicans. But once folks have a chance to read the report and understand what it is saying about the Russian election operations I hope they are willing to act. Bot farm activity is not really very difficult to detect. And what the Russians were engaged in was not very sophisticated. Didn’t have to be. They enjoyed Russian government approval and we left ourselves wide open.
But here we are two years later and the belief system built upon that foundation of bot farm activity is still alive and well. These operations have pervasive and lasting impacts. Sure, it helps when a big chunk of the voting population are fearful, aging, racists pre-occupied with crushing pills and spray painting their receding hairline. But if they can do it here, they can do it anywhere.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
again you do great disservice when you credit things like WALL!! with possessing any practical objective having anything to do with immigration, such as limiting or controlling movement at the border.
WALL!! serves as both political distraction and as political metaphor*. But it in no way serves as a barrier, except perhaps as a barrier to understanding.
The GOP needs immigration as a culture wars, fear producing hammer tailor made for mass media. It is designed to specifically appeal to the demographically narrow but deep source of turnout that their electoral strategy depends on.
WALL!! serves as a perfect metaphor when communicating with these voters. Mostly retired, less active, less mobile, a bit less educated, and far less cultured. Their lives have shrunk down to a routine that often centers around their homes and immediate neighborhoods. “The outside” world is becoming more and more frightening to them. Those fears become uniquely animated in the person of anyone “too strange” or “too foreign”.
The problem is that Republican lawmakers are absolutely unwilling to address immigration policy through legislation. That have closed that door and nailed it shut. So it is imperative that the debate steer completely clear of Congress and our broken system of immigration laws. In that way WALL!! serves as a perfect distraction. It focuses the target voter’s attention on the border as far away from Congress as possible and where the White House has relative freedom to control the optics and tailor them to their needs.
*Please read George Lakoff
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 I don’t disagree with your assessment of how Republicans view the “WALL!”, but not everyone is a Republican; there are rational people in the world. I don’t expect Republicans to comprehend the 14th century military value of building a wall to keep horses out, nor to comprehend the uselessness of a border wall to keep immigrants out, when what this country most needs is to keep Republicans and Trump out of power.
It’s obvious what’s going on. For years, the worst thing that could happen to the GOP was to win the abortion fight. Now that they think (rightly or wrongly) that they’re on the cusp of winning that battle, they think they need a new bogeyman and social wedge. Were they to succeed in walling out and running off all the immigrants, it would be something else — alien unicorns or whatever.
Fear of shadows and hatred of “the other” is the glue that holds the GOP together. There’s nothing else. It’s a paper airplane held together with scotch tape. It sorta flies when the winds are blowing from the right, but it can’t lift any cargo heavier than hot air.
Roger Rabbitspews:
George Zimmerman has been kicked off Tinder. He previously was kicked off Bumble.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have pity on the poor guy. It’s not easy to be an outcast.
Sorry if this has come up but I’m super busy and don’t have the time to wade through…but a quick set here…
The Kent carjacking/murder victim was killed with his own gun.
So LITERALLY what he bought for his protection failed in the most spectacular way possible. Maybe even if he didn’t have it he’d be alive.
For every ‘hero thwarting crime’ there’s several killed with their own gun. By suicide, by accidental discharge, by kid playing with it, spouse finding it…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 The Kent carjacking/murder victim also was leaning against his truck with the driver’s door open and the engine running when the high-on-drugs perp jumped in — and somehow ended up in the truck bed. The logical deduction is that he jumped into the back of a truck that was in the process of being stolen and had a loaded handgun in the console. Don’t want to knock someone who’s dead, but that probably wasn’t the smartest thing the late Mr. Sperling ever did in his short life.
My trumper acquaintance sez trump can do no wrong because somewhere there is a lazy person on welfare who could be working. He is immune to logic.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Pelosi Tries To Keep Russia Hoax Alive While Old Demorat Chomsky Bemoans Pussywhipped Punks Who Follow Her.
This report [Mueller] includes several alarming findings, including that ‘the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.’ It also explicitly states that the President’s campaign took actions with an expectation that ‘it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.’
As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance.
The Democrats invested everything in this issue. Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election. That’s just a—that’s a matter of being so unwilling to deal with fundamental issues, that they’re looking for something on the side that will somehow give political success.
Artistic Depiction;
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.48% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 19, 2019.
Things that should be age 21 to do:
1. Buy and use tobacco.
2. Buy and own firearms and ammunition for those firearms.
3. Serve in the military.
4. Buy and use alcohol and cannabis.
5. Vote.
‘hero thwarting crime’ – Yeah, like that guy several months ago who shot some deranged asshole because the asshole was attacking a convenience store clerk with an ax.
@44. Can’t have those few 18 year olds that vote, voting for progressives.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Presumably unconcerned that the board of the NRA has taken his $50 every year and used it for #YachtCocaineProstitutes to the brink of bankruptcy.
And then consoles himself that it is all David Hogg’s fault.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
How ’bout you can vote as soon as you move out of your Mom’s basement and get a place of your own?
Who knows? It might be just the motivation you’ve been looking for all these years.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Getting into the meat of the testimony from WH personnel in the Report, I’m starting to see why they’ve been unable to get anything done.
There are no clear lines of authority. Obviously their president has ultimate authority. But between his cowardly reluctance to directly confront people, and his obvious worries about either fucking up or getting into legal trouble, their president is consistently reluctant to exercise his authority. After that it’s pretty much a fucking free-for-all. Seems like Kelly managed to establish some degree of authority over certain parts of the operation. And that ultimately lead to his dismissal. But beyond that there seems to be no accountability.
The number of times witnesses testify to either refusing to carry out an instruction, or neglecting to, or pretending to delegate it to someone else without having actually done so with no consequences is really quite remarkable for any organization. And it is absolutely unprecedented for a White House.
Some of this is a consequence of their president’s habit of trying to go around the regular order, presumably to avoid his own accountability. But that often bizarre irregularity has so often resulted in people outside of the formal lines of authority being tasked with conveying their president’s wishes that it seems to have become routine for all concerned to just ignore it. And it makes it fairly easy for senior officials to avoid those kinds of instructions in the first place. For example, the Attorney General is under absolutely no obligation to attend a meeting with the White House Staff Secretary.
I assume that most of these people at this point have a sort of working understanding that, as long as they remain in their president’s good book, any order or instruction coming from anyone other than their president may be skillfully avoided and if necessary tactfully ignored. That certainly helps explain someone like Scott Pruitt, the no-show jobs, the NetJets accounts, and the five day cocaine fueled junkets to Paris.
That is simultaneously reassuring and deeply threatening.
Missing the point.
Think of it as a philosophical exercise.
What is the acceptable number of civilian deaths of a firearm owner by their own firearm for every crime stopped by a civilian due to the possession of a gun at the time of the crime?
Does the acceptable number increase in the opinion of civilians who have become crime victims themselves?
What’s the number? Are five random deaths worth saving the life on one? One to one ratio? Ten? If you could take the streetcar off the tracks blocked by a flaming fuel truck guaranteed to explode and kill all aboard but killing the two workers on the side track is that a reasonable trade? What if you’re the family of the workerS?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A Central Washington University student who was never vaccinated against the measles is now in quarantine after reportedly being exposed to the highly contagious disease during international travel.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s probably being treated a lot better than Republicans treated the non-contagious ebola hero nurse.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance.”
Tell that to the Ukrainians whose freedom he and Manafort sold to Putin cheap.
Ya know, if you weren’t just a robot parroting Breitbart and had half a brain, you might be dangerous in a Neville Chamberlain way.
@8 I thought you thought Benghazi was real? Ohhh, I see, you never take a position on anything. Like you didn’t vote fore The Hump. You don’t like to be held accountable for anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I guess getting them to admit President Putin Puppet’s dealings with Russia at least amount to “minor corruption” is progress, in a way. I remember a time in this country when you couldn’t get anyone to admit they voted for Nixon. If you talk to elderly Germans, they were all victims of Hitler, every last one of them. A day will come when Trump’s supporters will slink away into the dark, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 “Things that should be age 21 to do:
“3. Serve in the military.”
No, that won’t work. The military needs to snag them at age 17 – 19, because by age 21 they know better.
“5. Vote.”
The voting age was lowered to 18 because 18, 19, and 20-year-olds were fighting and dying in Vietnam, so you can shove that up your ass. Why do you hate our soldiers? Fuck you.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Oh, don’t worry. He voted for his puwezident.
He knows it. He owns it.
Very Severe Conservative.spews:
@49 Silly man, There are no number of innocent deaths to justify taking any guns away from true Americans.
@44. Maybe you would like to go back, where only white males who owned land had the right to vote?
Why do you hate democracy?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News– Indian Princess Demands Impeachment, Will Demorats Have The Balls To Support This Brave Native American Victim Of Racism, Or Show Themselves To Be Cowardly Phonies?
Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said in a series of tweets that not only does the Mueller report released on Thursday not clear President Donald Trump of charges of collusion with the Russians, but that efforts to obstruct justice by interfering with the special counsel’s investigation into the matter require starting impeachment proceedings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Of Course) climbs over a highway guardrail to demonstrate “how easy it is to cross the border.”
(Note: The actual border near there is the Colorado River, but Hunter didn’t want to get wet and possibly drown, so he faked it. Also, actually crossing the border would violate his bail terms and land him in jail.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 For an actual hoax, see #59 above.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Results– Tie; Undocumented Pediatricians
Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza & Oscar Ramirez.
Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza;
A previously deported illegal alien has been accused of raping, kidnapping, and sex trafficking a teenage girl in Ohio, law enforcement officials say.
According to the Ohio State Patrol, state trooper Mitch Ross pulled over 33-year-old illegal alien Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza, from Mexico, who had a 15-year-old girl in the car with him.
Law enforcement officials said they confirmed that the illegal alien had allegedly kidnapped, raped, and was sex trafficking the teenage girl from New Jersey to Chicago.
Oscar Ramirez;
CULPEPER COUNTY, Va. — A 33-year-old immigrant, living in the country illegally, has been charged with raping a 7-year-old girl.
On Thursday, Culpeper Sheriff’s Detectives arrested Oscar Ramirez, 33, of Culpeper, for the rape of a seven-year-old girl, which reportedly occurred between April 6 and 7.
Ramirez was charged with one count of Rape of a Child less than 13 years of age and was taken into custody without incident. He is being held at the Culpeper County Jail without bond.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Holy shitsnacks! Mittens is moving toward the edge of Teh Orange Event Horizon!
I’ve got a feeling it’s going to crowded with “nuance” out there pretty quick with quasi-patriots defending Republican mythology in order to help us all “move past” the kid fucking, Toddler Torture, and Obstruction-in-Chief.
“A 33-year-old immigrant, living in the country illegally, has been charged with raping a 7-year-old girl.”
Don’t you just hate it when illegal immigrants behave like Republicans?
Russia Hoax Bonus Post–CNN Oddly Approaches Something Which Resembles Fact.
In a bizarre twist, CNN writer Scott Jennings is shifting the blame for the dreaded Russian Meddling™ from Trump and onto Obama and Susan Rice.
Jennings actually points out that the *alleged* interference took place under their watch, and says that Rice had opportunities to investigate and intervene, but chose not to, in part because Obama was the one actually making deals with Putin, and blaming Trump is just a smoke screen.
“Crimish Hillary Clinton works but not nearly as well as Crooked Hillary Clinton.”
Poor Doctor Dumbfuck. Thousands upon thousands of times Putin’s very own HA stooge has accused Hillary of being a criminal and yet the poor sap still can’t come up with a single fucking crime. And now, less than 24 hours after the SCO made the case for multiple obstruction charges against Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron (AKA, Individual 1), he’s here today flaming out in front of us, babbling about Hillary. This is so…SAD!
Be sure to note August 12th on your calendars. That’s the one-year anniversary of the loon’s lynching.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Now do Elvis.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like pork sauce is spending Friday evening alone.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62 Romney is a piece of shit. After claiming to be “sickened” by Trump’s behavior, he says it’s “good news” that Trump wasn’t charged, and says “the business of government can move on.” In other words, Trump is a bad boy, now it’s back to business as usual. Makes me wanna puke.
No longer able to claim Trump is the exonerated victim of a partisan witch hunt, “move on” will be their mantra from now on. Meanwhile, the real “good news” is that Mitt Romney will never, ever be president.
How drunk are you today?
Scott Jennings, a CNN contributor, is a former special assistant to President George W. Bush and former campaign adviser to Sen. Mitch McConnell. He is a partner at RunSwitch Public Relations in Louisville, Kentucky. Follow him on Twitter @ScottJenningsKY. The opinions expressed in this commentary are his own. View more opinion articles on CNN.
Their President woke up this morning to begin his day declaring that the SCO report is “crazy”, filled with “bullshit”, written by “angry Democrats”, and also that you should not let your lawyer take notes.
“angry Democrats”
No way they’re as angry as Doctor Dumbfuck has been these last 24 hours.
Border vigilantes are getting bolder. Now they’re kidnapping people at gunpoint.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Near the border, you can’t tell who’s pointing guns at you anymore. Could be drug runners, border vigilantes, gang members, or foreign invaders. I guess you have to shoot first and worry about identifying the bodies later.
Donald Trump looked less crimish than Hillary Clinton.
Crimish Hillary Clinton works but not nearly as well as Crooked Hillary Clinton. I mean, try getting Martha Raddatz
to say Crimish Hillary Clinton on the air.
Doesn’t work, does it?
“A Tunisian man was sentenced to life in prison on Thursday for stabbing a police officer at the airport in Flint, Michigan, a decision a federal judge said was made easier by the defendant’s defiant and angry remarks in court. …
“An FBI investigation found that Ftouhi, who lived in Montreal, Canada, had legally entered the United States five days earlier and tried on multiple occasions to buy a firearm at a gun show. Ftouhi said on Thursday he had hoped to obtain a machine gun.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here’s your Muslim terrorist border crosser, folks. Still think we don’t need background checks at gun shows? That we should legalize machineguns? Fuck you. You’re not patriots. You’re enabling these homicidal fanatics.
@ 5
Still think we don’t need background checks at gun shows?
Asking that question one paragraph after making it clear that the guy’s multiple efforts to purchase a firearm at a gun show were unsuccessful isn’t helping you any, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
He stabbed, rather than shot, his victim.
My God, what an incompetent attorney you must have been.
A Trump voter is someone who’s impervious to the factual findings of a careful, thorough, impartial investigation by a former head of the FBI; or, in their own words (with very little paraphrasing), “I don’t believe Mueller.”
Well, they knew democracy would be messy. You have to assume some voters are idiots. The Framers realized that, too, and probably also figured out that Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse would make a better voter than him, but dealing with that when drafting a constitution is easier said than done.
Collusion is the Left’s Benghazi.
Surrounded by HA libbies who don’t believe Mueller’s finding that no collusion occurred, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit @ 7 pens
A Trump voter is someone who’s impervious to the factual findings of a careful, thorough, impartial investigation by a former head of the FBI…
hypocrisyirony is staggering.For pre-election access to the Steele dossier, you needed to be a member of Team Hillary.
Goldy Retweeted
David Ziff
Replying to @GoldyHA and 2 others
For access to the unredacted report, you need to be a member of Mueller Prime.
Michael Cohen was never in Prague.
McClatchy is wrong nearly as frequently as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@8 You can parse words all you want, but the fact is a hostile foreign power wanted to choose our president, offered to help their preferred candidate, and members of his campaign and immediate family not only didn’t report this to authorities but were eager to accept that help. If this wasn’t collusion, the only reason it wasn’t is because they were too clumsy to carry it out.
The applicable legal terms, doc, are “coordination” and “conspiracy.” Collusion is not a legal term and has only a vernacular meaning.
To be guilty of conspiracy, you don’t have to succeed at committing the underlying crime. In criminal law, attempted bank robbery is a crime, too.
You’re an idiot. Your horse is smarter than you.
The real problem is that Republican voters don’t care if their party leaders are criminals, as long as they get the results they want. They would vote for Ted Bundy if they liked his policies.
(Bundy, you may remember, was a Republican activist who happened to be a prolific serial killer on the side.)
Republicans have no values or morals, and no regard for others. For example, they don’t care about migrant kids locked in cages. Their fundamental trait is selfishness. There’s nothing more to them than, “I’m getting mine, and fuck you.”
That’s why I can never be a Republican, even though I might disagree with some Democratic policy positions from time to time.
See, if you’re the most powerful man in the world and you’re innocent, you demonstrate your innocence by doing precisely nothing while half the nation screams at you, your family, and even at your pre-teen child. For two straight years.
’cause if you react as any normal human would to this type of intrusion, you must be guilty.
Jeffrey Toobin
Verified account
Happy people don’t obstruct justice. Trump’s frustration at leaks and investigation are evidence of guilt, not innocence. But let’s see the report . .
7:34 AM – 18 Apr 2019
Guilty of something, anyway. Give us long enough and we’ll find the equivalent of the stained blue dress, amirite?
1) Obstruction probably occurred. Fact is, owing to Mueller’s interpretation of the OLC guidance, we still don’t really know.
2) Nor do we know if the Republican Presidential Campaign engaged in a criminal conspiracy with Russian spies. Because, as the SCO report acknowledges, many sources of evidence were either destroyed, concealed, or materially altered – which of course loops us back to #1.
And that’s why it is illegal to obstruct even when no underlying crime can be proven to a legal certainty. Obviously.
We are unfortunately destined now to enter into a prolonged period of pointing out the ridiculously obvious to mouth breathing, gas huffing ass-clowns of the Trump Right Apologia network.
Knowingly ordering a subordinate to lie to federal law enforcement officers is obstruction of justice. That remains true even if that subordinate refused to follow the unlawful order.
@ 13
That’s why I can never be a Republican.
You forgot failing in your career and in your investments, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Those are disqualifying, too.
The real problem is that Republican voters don’t care if their party leaders are criminals, as long as they get the results they want.
Written by an asswipe unhappy that Crimish Hillary Clinton didn’t win.
@ 15
Obstruction probably occurred
Obstruction to an investigation of a crime that clearly did not occur.
Prosecutors determined that you cannot make this allegation beyond a reasonable doubt.
Time to let it drop and focus on 2020, QoS McHillbilly.
@14 “if you’re the most powerful man in the world and you’re innocent” the investigators write a different report than they do if you’re not innocent.
There’s a damn good reason why Doctor Dumbfuck was never a medical examiner, because he can’t recognize criminal behavior when it’s staring him in the face.
@15 Look, you’re trying to argue with a tree stump. Our job here isn’t to debate tree stumps; it’s to expose, mock, and humiliate them.
You spent years lying about your claim to be a millionaire, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You have failed your family. At this point you likely are worth more to them dead than alive.
Consider yourself exposed, mocked, and humiliated.
@16 “Crimish Hillary Clinton”
Do tell. You asswipes spent 30 years and millions of our tax dollars investigating her. What, exactly, have you convicted her of?
You might want to be a little more circumspect. Calling someone a criminal when they haven’t been convicted of anything is actionable. Yes, she’s a public figure, but a jury couldn’t possibly fail to notice the white froth of your malice; it dribbles down your chin, oozes from your pores, and makes puddles on the floor.
You’re living proof that any dumbfuck can be a doctor. Radiology was invented to separate the medical school dregs from the patients who are still alive. There’s a reason why radiology labs are always tucked away in remote hard-to-access corners of hospital basements where they have the corpse freezers and store broken wheelchairs, drums of medical waste, and barrels of discarded sharps. You’re the reason.
Which are what? I really can’t tell anymore.
Used to be there was some sort of identifiable set of objectives associated with “conservatism”. But I’ll be damned if I can see it anymore. They seem gleeful about wrecking global security arrangements. They are absolutely indifferent when it comes to the budget. They laughingly reject scientific consensus as it relates to public policy. And it’s fair enough to say that just about every “ride or die” issue they campaign on are things they honestly don’t want to come about.
The only people to really get results out of this debacle are Russian oligarchs, a handful of murderous wealthy foreign despots, and a few very well positioned Republicans in the Senate. I suppose it’s fair to say that Kushner Co. might not have survived without the assistance of Qatar. But I don’t see what good this has done the rest of the family.
As for the Republican Party, I’m pretty confident historians will write books about this depicting it all as a fucking disaster for the party. They’ve purchase two years of unified govt. control and four years of White House control at the price of their future. At least Ben Carson gets some furniture out of it. All your crazy Uncle Liberty got is a few minutes of awkward silence at Thanksgiving.
@ 21
What, exactly, have you convicted her of?
Incompetent presidential candidacy in the first degree.
@20 You’ve failed your horse. You have yet to sire a single unicorn. That isn’t her fault. If you had any balls the pasture would be full of running and leaping My Little Ponies by now.
You’ll get only one shot at this. And you aren’t even keeping your ammo inside the range, Dumbfuck.
“Obstruction to an investigation of a crime that clearly did not occur.“ The report does not say that. Nor does what little of the underlying investigation we are allowed to see. If you have to come out of the gate lying in order to get past this it will not go well for you.
“Prosecutors determined that you cannot make this allegation beyond a reasonable doubt.” Doesn’t say this either. Not even close. Mueller determined in advance that SCO could not even investigate specific criminal allegations for which OLC guidance forbids him to bring an indictment.
If you choose to reduce yourself to an apologetic vassal clown in service to these people you are welcome to do so. And I for one will enjoy the spectacle every bit as much as I’ve enjoyed watching you debase yourself these past 26 months. But I don’t need you for a dose of bullshit nonsense. The troll-verse is overpopulated with similarly oriented ass-clowns who do a better job than you at it. And at least they are occasionally witty.
@22 “And it’s fair enough to say that just about every ‘ride or die’ issue they campaign on are things they honestly don’t want to come about.”
Well, I think they really do want to make abortion a capital offense in America. They’ll still be able to get theirs in Mexico.
@23 “Incompetent presidential candidacy in the first degree.”
If that was a crime the GOP’s 16 other candidates in 2016 would all be in jail with her.
Closer to home, fortunately for you being an incompetent voter isn’t a crime either, although maybe it should be. Or at least actionable by the rest of us. You owe us for electing Trump.
Making abortion a capital offense isn’t even a practical possibility, much less a political one.
I’ll grant you there’s no end of mischief and suffering yet to be had in backward, semi-rural redoubts of fearful aging Republicans. But the genie is out of the bottle when it comes to abortion, largely because these days abortion comes in a bottle.
I gather that once upon a time a woman had to have her husband’s permission to get an IUD. And a doctor would never consider prescribing birth control to a single woman out of “concern for her well being”. Advances in birth control brought about a lot of changes that most people barely perceive even if they are living in it. Much the same is true of abortion.
At some point a competent appellate court jurisdiction will be forced to grapple with the underlying implications of a woman being charged with some form of homicide for having taken pills to self-terminate her pregnancy. In circumstances where proving the underlying elements of “the crime” requires that much government intrusion I’m betting some judges otherwise known to be skeptical about a constitutional right to privacy may “suddenly” find themselves converted. At which point the whole idiotic culture wars wedge melts away to nothing.
From Seattle Times daily brief:
“Now that we’ve all had a day to read Robert Mueller’s 448-page report, this is what matters: The fight is just beginning. The House Judiciary Committee today issued a subpoena for the full report as Congress escalates its investigation of President Donald Trump. The report takes the American public inside the room with a fearful Trump, who repeatedly tried to thwart the probe.”
Well, aren’t all criminals fearful of getting caught?
@28 “Making abortion a capital offense isn’t even a practical possibility, much less a political one.”
That doesn’t stop them from trying.
Also, let’s not forget that in some of our fellow third-world shithole countries to the south, women are serving long prison sentences for having miscarriages.
Anything is possible. And when people tell you they’re going to do something cruel and inhuman, it’s a mistake to not believe them.
I’m certainly not saying the GOP isn’t trying or won’t try.
I’m just saying that as a practical matter it is the equivalent of WALL!!!
They can certainly try. And they are. They might create a lot of harm in a lot of ways doing so. But no rational human being with sufficient intellectual capacity to take charge of such an effort could simultaneously conclude these two requisite things: 1) that it is possible to build a hardened, secure fortification stretching from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific Ocean; and 2) that any such fortification would have the intended effect.
In a very similar sense, the lawmakers and policy advisers who labor to enact laws that equate abortion with homicide know that they cannot expect those laws to either be implemented or to have the effect they claim.
I’m not saying we shouldn’t oppose these efforts. I’m saying we should not honor them as being the product of ideology. “Right to life” is bullshit in just the same way that “WALL!!” is bullshit. It is the most cynical kind of political manipulation largely focused on ginning up fund raising. So yet another con artist can bill $30,000 per month for #cocaineyachthookers to yet another 501(c) with little or no oversight.
This comes to mind when Conservatives for Putin ink spew that Hillary was worse than trump.
“Hillary has been lambasted since the 90s by Republicans and not a single thing came of it. She served her country, and even with a few fuckups never engaged in the lawlessness claimed against her. Now years after her final campaign Republicans still cling to their “Hillary broke the law!” bullshit, yet try to gaslight everyone that 400 pages of a summary of evidence against their god emperor is nothing.”
@31 Walls are misunderstood. The Maginot Line’s problem wasn’t poor design or construction, but the Germans’ ability to go around it. The Great Wall of China worked for its purpose, which wasn’t to keep Mongols out, but to keep their horses out so they’d have to fight the Chinese defenders on foot. In basic training, they tell you barbed wire doesn’t stop enemy attackers, it only slows them down. Trump knows nothing about the uses and limitations of physical barriers because he has no military experience and doesn’t read. Castles became obsolete centuries ago; even oceans don’t protect you anymore, so why would anyone think a border wall would? Any wall can be breached or scaled in no time unless it’s constantly guarded. That’s why prison walls have guard towers. There are places along our southern border where physical barriers in conjunction with constant patrolling might be useful, but there’s no one-wall-fits-all solution to illegal border crossings.
The report on Mueller obstruction can be summarized as:
– This is what obstruction is
– Here’s 100+ pages of what Trump did, that read just like the description of obstruction
– Unfortunately, I’m forbidden from concluding its obstruction by DOJ policy
– While I can’t call it obstruction, I can tell you that congress has that authority
– …..and here is the legal argument congress should use to support their oversight authority when they impeach for obstruction of justice
@32 Saying Republicans are pathetic is like saying water is wet.
Probably the greater irony is that almost all of what Conservatives for Putin spew is Russian election propaganda product.
Just read the report. While most of the volume 1 investigation remains sealed behind redactions, the SCO was rather unequivocal when it comes to the sweep and effect of the Russian operations.
I understand we can’t expect much from Senate Republicans. But once folks have a chance to read the report and understand what it is saying about the Russian election operations I hope they are willing to act. Bot farm activity is not really very difficult to detect. And what the Russians were engaged in was not very sophisticated. Didn’t have to be. They enjoyed Russian government approval and we left ourselves wide open.
But here we are two years later and the belief system built upon that foundation of bot farm activity is still alive and well. These operations have pervasive and lasting impacts. Sure, it helps when a big chunk of the voting population are fearful, aging, racists pre-occupied with crushing pills and spray painting their receding hairline. But if they can do it here, they can do it anywhere.
again you do great disservice when you credit things like WALL!! with possessing any practical objective having anything to do with immigration, such as limiting or controlling movement at the border.
WALL!! serves as both political distraction and as political metaphor*. But it in no way serves as a barrier, except perhaps as a barrier to understanding.
The GOP needs immigration as a culture wars, fear producing hammer tailor made for mass media. It is designed to specifically appeal to the demographically narrow but deep source of turnout that their electoral strategy depends on.
WALL!! serves as a perfect metaphor when communicating with these voters. Mostly retired, less active, less mobile, a bit less educated, and far less cultured. Their lives have shrunk down to a routine that often centers around their homes and immediate neighborhoods. “The outside” world is becoming more and more frightening to them. Those fears become uniquely animated in the person of anyone “too strange” or “too foreign”.
The problem is that Republican lawmakers are absolutely unwilling to address immigration policy through legislation. That have closed that door and nailed it shut. So it is imperative that the debate steer completely clear of Congress and our broken system of immigration laws. In that way WALL!! serves as a perfect distraction. It focuses the target voter’s attention on the border as far away from Congress as possible and where the White House has relative freedom to control the optics and tailor them to their needs.
*Please read George Lakoff
@37 I don’t disagree with your assessment of how Republicans view the “WALL!”, but not everyone is a Republican; there are rational people in the world. I don’t expect Republicans to comprehend the 14th century military value of building a wall to keep horses out, nor to comprehend the uselessness of a border wall to keep immigrants out, when what this country most needs is to keep Republicans and Trump out of power.
It’s obvious what’s going on. For years, the worst thing that could happen to the GOP was to win the abortion fight. Now that they think (rightly or wrongly) that they’re on the cusp of winning that battle, they think they need a new bogeyman and social wedge. Were they to succeed in walling out and running off all the immigrants, it would be something else — alien unicorns or whatever.
Fear of shadows and hatred of “the other” is the glue that holds the GOP together. There’s nothing else. It’s a paper airplane held together with scotch tape. It sorta flies when the winds are blowing from the right, but it can’t lift any cargo heavier than hot air.
George Zimmerman has been kicked off Tinder. He previously was kicked off Bumble.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have pity on the poor guy. It’s not easy to be an outcast.
Sorry if this has come up but I’m super busy and don’t have the time to wade through…but a quick set here…
The Kent carjacking/murder victim was killed with his own gun.
So LITERALLY what he bought for his protection failed in the most spectacular way possible. Maybe even if he didn’t have it he’d be alive.
For every ‘hero thwarting crime’ there’s several killed with their own gun. By suicide, by accidental discharge, by kid playing with it, spouse finding it…
@40 The Kent carjacking/murder victim also was leaning against his truck with the driver’s door open and the engine running when the high-on-drugs perp jumped in — and somehow ended up in the truck bed. The logical deduction is that he jumped into the back of a truck that was in the process of being stolen and had a loaded handgun in the console. Don’t want to knock someone who’s dead, but that probably wasn’t the smartest thing the late Mr. Sperling ever did in his short life.
My trumper acquaintance sez trump can do no wrong because somewhere there is a lazy person on welfare who could be working. He is immune to logic.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News–Pelosi Tries To Keep Russia Hoax Alive While Old Demorat Chomsky Bemoans Pussywhipped Punks Who Follow Her.
This report [Mueller] includes several alarming findings, including that ‘the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election in sweeping and systematic fashion.’ It also explicitly states that the President’s campaign took actions with an expectation that ‘it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts.’
As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance.
The Democrats invested everything in this issue. Well, turned out there was nothing much there. They gave Trump a huge gift. In fact, they may have handed him the next election. That’s just a—that’s a matter of being so unwilling to deal with fundamental issues, that they’re looking for something on the side that will somehow give political success.
Artistic Depiction;
+32.48% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 19, 2019.
Things that should be age 21 to do:
1. Buy and use tobacco.
2. Buy and own firearms and ammunition for those firearms.
3. Serve in the military.
4. Buy and use alcohol and cannabis.
5. Vote.
‘hero thwarting crime’ – Yeah, like that guy several months ago who shot some deranged asshole because the asshole was attacking a convenience store clerk with an ax.
@44. Can’t have those few 18 year olds that vote, voting for progressives.
Presumably unconcerned that the board of the NRA has taken his $50 every year and used it for #YachtCocaineProstitutes to the brink of bankruptcy.
And then consoles himself that it is all David Hogg’s fault.
How ’bout you can vote as soon as you move out of your Mom’s basement and get a place of your own?
Who knows? It might be just the motivation you’ve been looking for all these years.
Getting into the meat of the testimony from WH personnel in the Report, I’m starting to see why they’ve been unable to get anything done.
There are no clear lines of authority. Obviously their president has ultimate authority. But between his cowardly reluctance to directly confront people, and his obvious worries about either fucking up or getting into legal trouble, their president is consistently reluctant to exercise his authority. After that it’s pretty much a fucking free-for-all. Seems like Kelly managed to establish some degree of authority over certain parts of the operation. And that ultimately lead to his dismissal. But beyond that there seems to be no accountability.
The number of times witnesses testify to either refusing to carry out an instruction, or neglecting to, or pretending to delegate it to someone else without having actually done so with no consequences is really quite remarkable for any organization. And it is absolutely unprecedented for a White House.
Some of this is a consequence of their president’s habit of trying to go around the regular order, presumably to avoid his own accountability. But that often bizarre irregularity has so often resulted in people outside of the formal lines of authority being tasked with conveying their president’s wishes that it seems to have become routine for all concerned to just ignore it. And it makes it fairly easy for senior officials to avoid those kinds of instructions in the first place. For example, the Attorney General is under absolutely no obligation to attend a meeting with the White House Staff Secretary.
I assume that most of these people at this point have a sort of working understanding that, as long as they remain in their president’s good book, any order or instruction coming from anyone other than their president may be skillfully avoided and if necessary tactfully ignored. That certainly helps explain someone like Scott Pruitt, the no-show jobs, the NetJets accounts, and the five day cocaine fueled junkets to Paris.
That is simultaneously reassuring and deeply threatening.
Missing the point.
Think of it as a philosophical exercise.
What is the acceptable number of civilian deaths of a firearm owner by their own firearm for every crime stopped by a civilian due to the possession of a gun at the time of the crime?
Does the acceptable number increase in the opinion of civilians who have become crime victims themselves?
What’s the number? Are five random deaths worth saving the life on one? One to one ratio? Ten? If you could take the streetcar off the tracks blocked by a flaming fuel truck guaranteed to explode and kill all aboard but killing the two workers on the side track is that a reasonable trade? What if you’re the family of the workerS?
“A Central Washington University student who was never vaccinated against the measles is now in quarantine after reportedly being exposed to the highly contagious disease during international travel.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s probably being treated a lot better than Republicans treated the non-contagious ebola hero nurse.
@43 “As far as Trump collusion with the Russians, that was never going to amount to anything more than minor corruption, maybe building a Trump hotel in Red Square or something like that, but nothing of any significance.”
Tell that to the Ukrainians whose freedom he and Manafort sold to Putin cheap.
Ya know, if you weren’t just a robot parroting Breitbart and had half a brain, you might be dangerous in a Neville Chamberlain way.
@8 I thought you thought Benghazi was real? Ohhh, I see, you never take a position on anything. Like you didn’t vote fore The Hump. You don’t like to be held accountable for anything.
I guess getting them to admit President Putin Puppet’s dealings with Russia at least amount to “minor corruption” is progress, in a way. I remember a time in this country when you couldn’t get anyone to admit they voted for Nixon. If you talk to elderly Germans, they were all victims of Hitler, every last one of them. A day will come when Trump’s supporters will slink away into the dark, too.
@44 “Things that should be age 21 to do:
“3. Serve in the military.”
No, that won’t work. The military needs to snag them at age 17 – 19, because by age 21 they know better.
“5. Vote.”
The voting age was lowered to 18 because 18, 19, and 20-year-olds were fighting and dying in Vietnam, so you can shove that up your ass. Why do you hate our soldiers? Fuck you.
Oh, don’t worry. He voted for his puwezident.
He knows it. He owns it.
@49 Silly man, There are no number of innocent deaths to justify taking any guns away from true Americans.
@44. Maybe you would like to go back, where only white males who owned land had the right to vote?
Why do you hate democracy?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is A Giant Conspiracy News– Indian Princess Demands Impeachment, Will Demorats Have The Balls To Support This Brave Native American Victim Of Racism, Or Show Themselves To Be Cowardly Phonies?
Presidential hopeful Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said in a series of tweets that not only does the Mueller report released on Thursday not clear President Donald Trump of charges of collusion with the Russians, but that efforts to obstruct justice by interfering with the special counsel’s investigation into the matter require starting impeachment proceedings.
Wherein Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Of Course) climbs over a highway guardrail to demonstrate “how easy it is to cross the border.”
(Note: The actual border near there is the Colorado River, but Hunter didn’t want to get wet and possibly drown, so he faked it. Also, actually crossing the border would violate his bail terms and land him in jail.)
@58 For an actual hoax, see #59 above.
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Results– Tie; Undocumented Pediatricians
Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza & Oscar Ramirez.
Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza;
A previously deported illegal alien has been accused of raping, kidnapping, and sex trafficking a teenage girl in Ohio, law enforcement officials say.
According to the Ohio State Patrol, state trooper Mitch Ross pulled over 33-year-old illegal alien Juan Carlos Morales-Pedraza, from Mexico, who had a 15-year-old girl in the car with him.
Law enforcement officials said they confirmed that the illegal alien had allegedly kidnapped, raped, and was sex trafficking the teenage girl from New Jersey to Chicago.
Oscar Ramirez;
CULPEPER COUNTY, Va. — A 33-year-old immigrant, living in the country illegally, has been charged with raping a 7-year-old girl.
On Thursday, Culpeper Sheriff’s Detectives arrested Oscar Ramirez, 33, of Culpeper, for the rape of a seven-year-old girl, which reportedly occurred between April 6 and 7.
Ramirez was charged with one count of Rape of a Child less than 13 years of age and was taken into custody without incident. He is being held at the Culpeper County Jail without bond.
Holy shitsnacks! Mittens is moving toward the edge of Teh Orange Event Horizon!
I’ve got a feeling it’s going to crowded with “nuance” out there pretty quick with quasi-patriots defending Republican mythology in order to help us all “move past” the kid fucking, Toddler Torture, and Obstruction-in-Chief.
“A 33-year-old immigrant, living in the country illegally, has been charged with raping a 7-year-old girl.”
Don’t you just hate it when illegal immigrants behave like Republicans?
Russia Hoax Bonus Post–CNN Oddly Approaches Something Which Resembles Fact.
In a bizarre twist, CNN writer Scott Jennings is shifting the blame for the dreaded Russian Meddling™ from Trump and onto Obama and Susan Rice.
Jennings actually points out that the *alleged* interference took place under their watch, and says that Rice had opportunities to investigate and intervene, but chose not to, in part because Obama was the one actually making deals with Putin, and blaming Trump is just a smoke screen.
“Crimish Hillary Clinton works but not nearly as well as Crooked Hillary Clinton.”
Poor Doctor Dumbfuck. Thousands upon thousands of times Putin’s very own HA stooge has accused Hillary of being a criminal and yet the poor sap still can’t come up with a single fucking crime. And now, less than 24 hours after the SCO made the case for multiple obstruction charges against Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron (AKA, Individual 1), he’s here today flaming out in front of us, babbling about Hillary. This is so…SAD!
Be sure to note August 12th on your calendars. That’s the one-year anniversary of the loon’s lynching.
Now do Elvis.
Looks like pork sauce is spending Friday evening alone.
@62 Romney is a piece of shit. After claiming to be “sickened” by Trump’s behavior, he says it’s “good news” that Trump wasn’t charged, and says “the business of government can move on.” In other words, Trump is a bad boy, now it’s back to business as usual. Makes me wanna puke.
No longer able to claim Trump is the exonerated victim of a partisan witch hunt, “move on” will be their mantra from now on. Meanwhile, the real “good news” is that Mitt Romney will never, ever be president.
How drunk are you today?
This time it’s that Flakka!