Carl, I dont know the guy like you guys know him, or as well as Bob knows horses, but from that picture looks like the guy is contemplating how he amounted to nothing his whole life, again it’s how I picture Bob.
Also, it’s best to keep the red in your heart, don’t let the idiots on the bus affect your day, don’t be like this guy, just look up at that stranger and smile, you’ll soon be off that bus.
Stuart Varneyspews:
Well, Maxine Waters showed her complete ignorance of student loans when she asked three big financial executives about the level of student loan debt and was told those big institutions have exited the student loan business years ago. The woman is a complete moron and a point of embarrassment to the nation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Seems to me you’re the stupid one. And if the CEOs of America’s largest banks don’t know how much student debt is out there, they’re pretty stupid, too.
The fact is, student debt now exceeds credit card debt, and student loan obligations are a significant restraint on consumer spending that impacts the entire economy.
I’m pretty sure banks know how much student debt there is, who owes it, how it affects credit markets, and its overall impact on the economy. It affects how they do business.
Whether they make student loans wasn’t the question.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The witch hunt everyone’s been waiting for is almost here! Trump’s puppet AG is fixing to investigate the investigators:
Senator Dick Durbin, the Illinois Democrat, asked Barr directly why he wants the job.
“Well, because I love the [Justice] Department and all its components, including the FBI,” Barr said. “I think they’re critical institutions that are essential to preserving the rule of law, which is the heartbeat of this country … I feel that I’m in a position in life where I can provide the leadership necessary to protect the independence and reputation of the department.”
That drily delivered answer contains a great deal of meat. It’s impossible to read his statements about rule of law and the “independence and reputation” of the Justice Department as anything other than an implicit rebuke of Trump, who has tried to railroad the department into prosecuting political adversaries and overriding ethical recommendations; of former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who resisted Trump’s biggest pressures but saw DOJ take a steep decline in esteem; and of Matt Whitaker, the political apparatchik who’s now the acting attorney general. . . .Barr’s paeans to the rule of law and independence of the Justice Department also suggest he might feel some of the same sense of duty to protect the country from Trump that compelled Mattis to serve, despite his misgivings. Perhaps Barr harbors dreams of being a modern-day Elliot Richardson, the attorney general who stood up to Richard Nixon and resigned rather than fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox. Barr did tell senators he’d resign before doing something illegal, but the prospect of martyrdom is an unlikely reason to take a job.
Like Mattis, Barr shows little evidence of being a real Trumpist. His interest in the rule of law is enough evidence of that, as is his service to Bush, a president with few if any similarities to Trump. Barr is a conservative Republican in the old mold, but Trump is not. On Tuesday, Barr praised Mueller as a man of impeccable integrity and said the special counsel would not take part in a witch hunt (though Barr allowed that Trump might feel persecuted, since he is the one under investigation).. . .
. . . Barr told the senators that he had met Trump for the first time only when the U.S. ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, approached him about possibly serving as Trump’s personal attorney. Barr said that he agreed to meet the president but had no intention of taking the job.
It must really suck to be stuck in the dark and fed human compost daily, nay, hourly, by your unbreakable addiction to and of donkeysa$$*. As with Mueller, you lefty’s loved him until you hated him. You loved him when you dreamed, hoped, prayed he could/would be of use to you.
*How much to do send? It must be significant with only 5 mushrooms feeding on the excrement.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Barr’s paeans to the rule of law and independence of the Justice Department also suggest he might feel some of the same sense of duty to protect the country from Trump that compelled Mattis to serve, despite his misgivings
But you yourself have avowed repeatedly that the DOJ and the FBI are fundamentally corrupt institutions that cannot be trusted and must be investigated and obliterated from existence. You’ve called them “treasonous”. You’ve insisted repeatedly that they are under the control of partisans and “WEEEEEETCH HUNTERS!!!!”.
Now, suddenly, just because he wrote a four page letter to Congress “summarizing” the SCO findings and proclaiming that your Cheeto Benito is “exonerated” you support the DOJ?
Are you sure? Awesome!
Never having brought your mouth up from the Mighty Orange Taint for air even once since Jan 2017 you might have missed a few details. Seven other offices of the DOJ still have active investigations of your party and your administration ongoing. Three other state level law enforcement agencies as well. Oh, and btw, Barr has almost fully recanted his letter. He has disavowed any “summary” insisting that anyone who relied on his letter to Congress to draw any conclusions in any way was badly mistaken. He specifically insists that nothing and no one is “exonerated”. And he says that the report contains evidence of criminal activity on the part of “certain” individuals, as yet, not detailed in public indictments. Finally he says he doesn’t believe that it is the responsibility of the DOJ to proceed in this area. But that the SCO is merely tasked with investigating “certain events” and that “other parties” may have an appropriate interest in acting.
The Attorney General is a cabinet level appointee who answers directly to the President. That’s the system. A good portion of the department under him is “independent”. The Attorney General is not. He serves at the pleasure of he who appoints him. When the President calls him on the phone, he must answer. When the President invites him to a meeting, he must attend.
Not so, the USAOs. When this President calls to speak with a United States Attorney (something the record indicates he has done with some frequency) they do not immediately return his calls. A large and growing number of them may not do so. Not lawfully. Because he, his family, his campaign, his companies, and/or his fake charities are directly connected to matters being actively investigated by those offices. They first have their deputies identify the matters to be discussed. And they notify the White House in advance regarding any topics of discussion that they are not free to discuss with your stupid, bloated, orange fart bag of a leader. And when he attempts to veer into those topics they defer and hang up if they must. More than one of two of them have had to do so since his inauguration. They are “independent” to the extent called for in the law. And seven of them are still actively investigating your beloved President Rage-Diaper, his campaign, his family members, his companies, and his fake charities.
#youbuiltthat – and it will never, ever go away however much you might wish it.
Now, are you sure you really looooove the DOJ?
Add the definition of ‘Treason’ to the growing list of things Donald doesn’t know anything about.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5, 6 – A MAGA hat is a freak flag, worn by those who enjoy being social outcasts.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think a clear pattern may emerge where AG Barr is concerned.
He’s going to say some stupid shit initially to satisfy Crazy Uncle Liberty. Then he’ll go radio silent for a bit. Then he’ll pretty much repudiate whatever stupid shit he said before. Whatever stupid shit he says at first will have a political impact, of course. The GOP/Sadism propaganda news network will run wild with whatever it is, dance around bonfires in the studios, paint their faces, etc. And the Trailer Base of mental defectives (see @6 above) will take great comfort from it. But ultimately what may matter most is what he does after. Which is probably nothing.
Today during testimony before Appropriations he said he thought the DOJ engaged in illegal spying on the Trump campaign. Stunned silence ensued. And before the hearing could even gavel closed he was already repudiating what he said. Too late, of course. The world went crazy and Congress is demanding to know more about what the fuck he was talking about. He’ll drag his feet. And he’ll end up having to eat his words again.
His two decades away from the department he oversees has seen a lot of changes. He spent the ensuing time in corp regulatory compliance. Patriot Act did not exist when he left. FISC did not exist when he left. The towers still stood. And FBI was still primarily a cautious domestic law enforcement agency. That’s not just a lot of change. It’s a lot of complex change. And his basic institutional instincts may be that FBI and domestic law enforcement seldom have any business eaves dropping on domestic targets engaged in protected activities.
I don’t disagree. But right or wrong, our laws, our technology, and our system changed a shit ton after 911. Today, thanks largely to those attacks and how the Congress responded to them, the FBI engages in lots and lots of domestic surveillance of all kinds of fundamentally protected activities. So Barr having only become aware of these things in the last few weeks is probably undergoing some adjustment and more than a little future shock.
So when Barr says this stupid shit, it may be it sounds about right to him at the time. For sure he knows it pleases his intended audience of one. The question is, even after he repudiates what he says and pretends he never said it in the first place, what does he do? OIG has been investigating FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign for about six months. Good for them. They should. So far they don’t seem to have found any defects in the process, Deven Nunes’ Cow and #yachtcocainehookers notwithstanding. So assuming he lets that process run its course, maybe he announces some more stupid shit based on whatever OIG concludes. Still, the law doesn’t change, the security and terrorism threats don’t change, so neither does the process of domestic surveillance of protected activities.
This stuff is political theater. Just like his “conclusions” about the SCO. It’s performance art intended for an audience of drooling, television addicted, meat heads. And sadly that audience happens to include the President.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Here in one sentence is the grand total of the GOP’s accomplishments since 2016:
“The kind of chaos now unfolding in Washington — with American set against American and skepticism rife about the legitimacy of the President — is the kind of result of which Putin can only have dreamed at the start of the Russian election interference effort.”
Texas lawmakers consider the death penalty for abortion
@1 Yes, Putin is happy. So is Doctor Dumbfuck. It’s not like they ever had to collude or conspire. They both have simply wanted the same thing, to see America brought to its knees. The difference is, Putin wants it for political power while Doctor Dumbfuck only wants it for laughs. But make no mistake about it, they’re both on the same page.
This is one big misunderstanding. We don’t need a wall because of the 3% of “Raping Mexicans” Illegals that are Mexicans. This wall will help in a humanitarian crisis that is at our South Border.
I’ll summarize – many, many, many dead people. That darn Press (in Conservative TexAss) isn’t talking about the many. many, many dead people, many. Many, many, many dead people from all over. Who knew! Damn Press!
And it’s very, very, very dangerous (aside from the Humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border). In Africa they carry guns to protect against the Lions and Elephants by the way – I’m just saying. You can never leave your house at night! Kind of reminds me of my neighbor when I was growing up as a kid. His family moved in when I was about six and he was about the same age, his father told him to make sure he was home before the street lights came on, because it was very, very dangerous after dark (at night) – the family was black in a predominately white neighborhood; all be it even back in those days it was a progressive type neighborhood, but the times were also different back thin in the 70’s.
Carry a gun and use it. In Texas? I thought the guns were for hunting. Never go near the gate – the many, many, that get buy on a gallon of water are lurking at the gate.
Nobody knows how bad this is. And this is very bad. It’s been happening for many, many, many years but we didn’t know because of the fake news wouldn’t report it. And now because the Economy is so tremendous it’s happening a lot more. And these people are being preyed upon by the Coyotes. We need a wall to protect them!
Dead oil field workers – many, many, many? Damn Press. The Wall stops this! You’ll see them, the good people, on the other side of the wall, in this vast expanse of desert where nobody will be looking and first of all they wont even come if there is a wall and they know that there’s no way of getting thru! 100’s of miles between places and you’ll see the good people’s pretty faces peeking thru the wall.
New York. 5th Avenue. Park Avenue – Hahahahahah! Hahahahah! Fuck you Wall Street!
Men in Black! Humanitarian Crisis. No crisis of Shopping While Black! Killing people at the gates!
The good ones are dying during the little stroll, but the bad ones they all live to stand by the gates, waiting for the truck!
You said 3%? Yeah, 3% Mexican (opps, let me hold my head in shame). They got hoodies on!
They’re sending the bad ones! So we lock up them little 3 years and their moms. Those 3 year old gang members are bad people! Photographs of children! Pregnant woman! Drugs?
Man that guy gets a bit angry about the 1000’s that die who are sent here. Damn it! That’s not fair or right when we have good cages we can hold them in!
This is incredible! Nobody has ever heard of this stuff. Not even the Republicans. Texas you been keeping secrets?
Things have changed – they just don’t pick our fruits and veggies, so we don’t have to, they take our trucks! Great relationship when they went back home after picking our shit for us.
How did the refer truck get across the border!
The level of toughness over the last, well let’s say 10 years (damn Blackie), is now greater.
Damn Dems – don’t they know Russians and Jews are better.
Big State Texas – 2000 miles. And the Press never told us how big the State is. No one should have to die to come to America, but when they come we will accommodate them, we have plenty of cages!
We have walls. Wall was there. But I replaced the Wall. Thanks to Obama. And now we have a wall.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 It’s pretty hard to have any respect for Republican voters when they elect people like him to state legislatures.
We should call him what he is: A domestic terrorist whose proposed bill makes terroristic threats against law-abiding citizens.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably the only way to save this scandal-ridden scandal sheet. Not that it’s worth saving. The U.S. literacy rate would go up several points if it just disappeared.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.93% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 10, 2019.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They’ve been circling the drain.
That’s why they were trying to form an alliance with a blood thirsty, despotic monster.
And also mbs.
The Bezos scheme was Pecker’s last play and he blew it. Now AMI will sell the Enquirer and use the money to retire debt and defend themselves leaving Pecker and Howard hanging.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Texas, like other GOP-managed states, is struggling to make ends meet after cutting taxes for the wealthy. There, like everywhere else, cutting taxes has reduced the revenue available for schools, firefighting, and other public services. Republicans just can’t seem to get a handle on how to increase revenues by cutting taxes, even though their quack economic theories tell them that’s what should happen.
Even worse, they’re coming off “the Texas GOP’s worst election in a generation.” Now, to save their skins, they have to boost school funding and rein in property taxes at the same time.
Texas, like Washington, doesn’t have an income tax. Not surprisingly, their sales tax is even higher than ours, second only to California’s. But the GOP governor wants to raise the sales tax even higher, not just to stop the hemorrhaging of revenue, but to shift more of the tax burden from wealthy landowners to poor people. If ya gotta raise taxes, this is how the GOP Playbook tells you to do it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Texas isn’t really part of the United States. A spinoff of the Old Confederacy, they’re more like the part of the Ukraine that Putin hasn’t gobbled up yet. They have their own air force, consisting mostly of privately maintained B-17s and B-24s, with a few privately flown P-51 escort fighters, and they have a different legal culture there (see @12 above). It’s the kind of place where you’ll get thrown in jail for trying to pass a Canadian quarter at an airport newsstand. A travel advisory is in effect; it’s best to book flights that don’t require plane changes there, and you don’t want to get caught driving while black in their sovereign territory (but for white people, sovereign citizen license plates are okay). Also, the air is not breathable in some of their cities. It’s just best to avoid the place. There’s nothing there but cow shit and Texans anyway.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Roger, never, ever forget that Norma McCorvey and Sarah Weddington came from Texas. And that a mild mannered, hard working, brilliant “Snakey ‘K'” from Abilene changed the world and smashed the patriarchy forever.
She was barely a child at the time. And she went on to serve three terms in the Texas lege and help thousands of other Texas women become lawyers. Sarah just turned 74 in Feb. And she’s doing great.
And most of the Texas men alive at the time of Roe are still alive too.
But only just barely.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 It’s the Texas Republicans you gotta watch out for. The hats who prosecute you for trying to buy a candy bar in an airport with a Canadian quarter.
Trump's weird little penisspews:
“We confront the Roman Catholic Church, other Christian bodies, and the synagogues of America with their silence and cowardice in the face of our country’s crimes. We are convinced that the religious bureaucracy in this country is racist, is an accomplice in this war, and is hostile to the poor.”
Times have changed. And modern theologians know better.
They better just shut their fucking mouths and take their tax money like grateful employees who share the corpirate “vision” and are committed to meeting “team goals”..
Roger rabbitspews:
Wherein Mike Pence says he still opposes gay marriage, “But that doesn’t mean that we’re critical of anyone else who has a different point of view.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, he just signs legislation that discriminates against gay people, that’s all. No criticism, just nastiness.
Hey, I’m not criticizing you by throwing you off this roof! I’m merely exercising my freedom of religion, that’s all.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’ve seen this movie before. George W. Bush wanted to fire federal meat inspectors and give taxpayer money to meatpacking companies to hire their own “inspectors.”
Now, Trump wants to do the same. He’s floating a plan that would replace federal inspectors in hog slaughterhouses with plant employees.
Under Bush, tainted food cases soared. Jews and Muslims know what to do with pork: Don’t eat it.
Donald saying into a microphone that it’s a shame the U.S. Military has regulations and honor and it would be much better if he could order them to act a little more like death squads which is perfectly normal, right?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does it to have a better bowel movement.
People are putting cannabis up their bums and vaginas to have better sex
Future of the Trumpublican Party dominating trailer parks…
… and oysters.
Maybe. Heh.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
@27 – Well, our Constitution allows people to be idiots if they choose to do so. In the United Kingdom, I don’t think cannabis is legal, yet.
On another subject, it looks like Julian Assange may be coming to the US, for a long, long stay! It’s too bad. Assange did freedom a favor by exposing what was going on with our government. And that’s another reason to release the Mueller Report in total to the public.
@31 ask Bob and the other Repukes if they want the Meuller Report released. You know those true “Fake News” guys that are always looking for the truth.
Assange looks like a real scum bag…he needs to shave. What did he actually expose that was so detrimental? More detrimental than Global Warming? Or the deficit? Or the rise of Fascism and bigotry?
This is the guy y’all HA libbies relied on to take down Brett Kavanaugh.
Michael Avenatti indicted on 36 counts by California federal grand jury; accused of ripping off mentally ill paraplegic client
He’s also the guy who CNN and MSNBC relied upon many, many times for interviews during the 2018 calendar year.
At least he helped y’all take back the House. With any luck he’ll help take down Rachel Maddow.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Assange did freedom a favor…got a bunch of good people killed…“
Captain DerpState, if you, like Assange, or Snowden, or Manning, or Greenwald, want to see US policy and the law surrounding domestic and overseas surveillance changed the place to do it is at your voting booth, not on 4chan. And the way to do it is by electing better members of Congress and a President who doesn’t torture infants as part of a re-election strategy. Blowing OpSec for active programs is irresponsible. There’s a reason these people face jail time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trump’s sister forced to retire from federal bench by Trump family tax evasion scandal.
@33 Who, exactly, besides Stormy Daniels relied on him? I didn’t hire him. He didn’t represent me. I don’t believe Pelosi, Schumer, or anyone in the Democratic caucus did, either. I don’t even know the guy. He’s just somebody I read about in the papers. I don’t recall him questioning any witnesses in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Brett Kavanaugh took down Brett Kavanaugh. Make no mistake, he was taken down. The who country knows what he is. The fact he’s sitting on the Supreme Court anyway merely evidences how decrepit and morally bankrupt the GOP has become.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 I wouldn’t know anything about that, or about stallion cock up my butt, either. You’re the expert on those subjects.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Right, none of that would’ve happened if girls had kept their legs crossed.
Roger Rabbitspews:
For 2000 years the Holy See has done a great recruiting job for atheism. No reason to let up now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“President Donald Trump, who praised WikiLeaks several times during the 2016 presidential campaign, said Thursday that he had no opinion on Assange’s arrest. WikiLeaks infamously distributed materials hacked from Democratic National Committee servers that proved damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, the Trumpster’s lawyers warned him to keep his opinions about Assange to himself if he doesn’t want to be in the can with him.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fatal workplace falls are skyrocketing under Trump.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Relaxed workplace safety compliance and oversight is often associated with Republican administrations, which typically give higher priority to production quotas than workers’ lives. Republicans consider workers expendable.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Under Trump, military retirees wait, wait, and wait for their pensions:
“NBC News spoke with half a dozen former Air National Guard and Reserve members who … waited weeks or months … to receive their pension. Some … had to endure months of no income while waiting.
“In interviews, the retired service members say they are forced to endlessly navigate automated phone systems for hours and receive generic email responses when they request specific details about the state of their pensions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They served their country, now it’s time for their country to serve them. If you’re going to run our government like a business, you need a competent CEO. Mismanagement like this would get a private sector CEO fired.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Companies paying no taxes doubled under Trump’s tax “reform.” We’re not talking moms and pops, or family farms, here. Those paying zero taxes in 2018 include Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, Deere, and Eli Lilly, among others.
“The identified companies were ‘able to zero out their federal income taxes on $79 billion in U.S. pretax income,’ according to the ITEP report, which was released today. ‘Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes, as the new 21 percent corporate tax rate requires, these companies enjoyed a net corporate tax rebate of $4.3 billion, blowing a $20.7 billion hole in the federal budget last year.'”
The Republican solution? Cut working class tax refunds. Cut Special Olympics. Cut health care. Because we can no longer afford those things.
You get what you vote for, and when you vote Republican, you’re voting to give billionaires special tax privileges the rest of us (including you) will pay for.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Mike Pence casts himself as the victim in his gay-bashing.
Worth mentioning at this point that President Sundowner’s oldest son had heated mash-note correspondence with Mr. Assange in the weeks right before the November 2016 election. Much of what they discussed was illegal.
But I’m sure it was all “hypothetical”.
I expect trump to pardon assage.
Pope Prius VIspews:
It’s time for the Roman Catholic Church to either reform itself and have women and married priests or simply disappear.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Headline of the Day (from AOL News)
“Trump changes his tune on Wikileaks after Assange arrest”
“Though the president touted the whistleblower website on the campaign trail, he denied knowing anything about it after its founder was arrested Thursday”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By any reasonable person’s standards, Trump is a lying and hypocritical sack of shit. Which, of course, is an essential qualification for Republican candidates these days.
Roger Rabbitspews:
‘WalMart Wendy’ Calls Cops on Utility Worker Because He Asked Her To Move Her Car
“A woman in a Glendora, Calif. Walmart parking lot showed her true colors when she was filmed going on a racist rant while asking police to ‘come get’ a man who she claims looked ‘illegal.’ On Monday, a Southern California Edison contract worker asked the woman to move her car so he could park the company truck straight.”
But she assures us she’s not racist, because she herself is “part aloha.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Still worth pointing out, again and again, despite however much the “media” bend over backwards to be “polite”*, that President Sundowner’s oldest idiot son was engaged in a months long bromance with Assange at the height of the 2016 election. And that much of what they discussed was illegal.
*Because once you acknowledge the president of the United States represents an active threat to our democracy, which Trump clearly does, then you must also acknowledge the Republican Party represents an active threat to our democracy.
Which it clearly does. But too many Republicans watch too much television and are reliable consumers of the mobility chairs, “gold-buggery” investment products, and cheap foam pillows that pay for television news.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.68% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 11, 2019.
A militia in an unincorporated area near Dallas, TX leaves her children, 4 & 6 in a car the four year old finds a gun in the center console and shoots the six year old. She did not survive.
Local Sheriff is recommending no charges. Good thing she was six and not a fetus or someone could be looking at the death penalty.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 B-b-b-ut don’t you see, she’s already been punished enough … and … and, Second Amendment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The fact something is legal doesn’t make it a good idea.
Thomas Jeffersonspews:
48 – In my day, most of us were Deists. It worked out pretty well for my colleagues and me.
Big surprise! Turns out the guy who was burning all those AA churches in Louisiana was a white dude.
Therefore a “crazy”, “loner” among otherwise “very fine people” (not the least of whom would be his pops, a local sheriff’s deputy).
And not a domestic terrorist hate criminal motivated by The Republican Party.
So move along, people.
Jo Jo Dancerspews:
I’m hoping the US doesn’t take the stupid path and try to get involved in Venezuela’s shit-storm. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. Just let the people of Venezuela run their country.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@58 The people of Venezuela aren’t running their country. A dictator is running their country. But if Trump embarks on a military adventure there, it won’t be to help the Venezuelan people.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Despicable” Trump Schemed to Retaliate Against Sanctuary Cities
“White House officials … plotted … to retaliate against … sanctuary cities by releasing detained immigrants in their jurisdictions, The Washington Post reported Thursday.
“According to emails obtained by the Post, officials have put pressure on U.S. immigration authorities … to help them implement the plan, which they expected would wreak havoc on cities that won’t comply with President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown. ‘It was retaliation …,’ one of the Department of Homeland Security officials … said. ….
“[W]histleblowers with knowledge of the plan approached Congress with the information, the Post reported. … ‘The extent of this Administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated,’ Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne told HuffPost on Thursday night. ‘Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable, and in some cases, criminal.'”
He was hoping one of them would settle in San Francisco, set up a cocaine empire, murder his rivals, date Michelle Pfeiffer, cause a bloody turf war and nearly burn the place down before dying in a hail of gunfire and an assassin’s bullet because he’s too stupid to know that was just a movie.
And he would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Among the ideas the White House has floated recently: offering undocumented parents a veritable ‘Sophie’s choice’ of indefinite detention with their children or separation that would allow the children to seek asylum in the U.S.; an executive order to end birthright citizenship; expanded deportations of undocumented immigrants already in America; and accelerated efforts to construct the border wall.
“Which of these policies Trump will actually pursue, if any, remains uncertain. But the fact that he’s looking for someone ‘tougher’ than Nielsen … suggests that Trump and his close adviser Stephen Miller are committed to pushing the boundaries of both public opinion and the law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump got elected by running on the economy, but it’s now clear his presidency is all about race and immigration. Foreign policy, defense, disaster relief, and other presidential duties are distractions. There is no daylight between “Make America Great Again” and “Make America White Again;” the two are one and the same.
But he has only four, at most eight, years to wreak his transformation of our society. Has he thought about what happens after he leaves office? If a wall can be built, it can be unbuilt. If asylum seekers can be kept out for now, they can be let in later. Executive orders can be reversed. In short, the changes he’s trying to impose on our country aren’t permanent. Like Hitler’s Third Reich, they’ll last only while he’s in power.
So maybe he isn’t planning to leave.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It isn’t “Trump and his close adviser Miller”.
It’s the GOP and their close adviser FOX.
That’s where all this sick shit originates. This is all political theater designed to squeeze one more election out of the raving fear and resentment of old white men who watch too much television.
Jo Jo Dancerspews:
Still, the best thing for the US to do is nothing. We will be hated for NOT getting involved and hated if we get involved. Intervention is a no-win situation.
BTW, the Venezuelans ARE responsible for the choice they made to embrace socialism. They did that on their own, and the own that choice. THEY chose Chavez and, later, THEY chose Maduro.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+33.20% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 12, 2019.
Carl, I dont know the guy like you guys know him, or as well as Bob knows horses, but from that picture looks like the guy is contemplating how he amounted to nothing his whole life, again it’s how I picture Bob.
Also, it’s best to keep the red in your heart, don’t let the idiots on the bus affect your day, don’t be like this guy, just look up at that stranger and smile, you’ll soon be off that bus.
Well, Maxine Waters showed her complete ignorance of student loans when she asked three big financial executives about the level of student loan debt and was told those big institutions have exited the student loan business years ago. The woman is a complete moron and a point of embarrassment to the nation.
@2 Seems to me you’re the stupid one. And if the CEOs of America’s largest banks don’t know how much student debt is out there, they’re pretty stupid, too.
The fact is, student debt now exceeds credit card debt, and student loan obligations are a significant restraint on consumer spending that impacts the entire economy.
I’m pretty sure banks know how much student debt there is, who owes it, how it affects credit markets, and its overall impact on the economy. It affects how they do business.
Whether they make student loans wasn’t the question.
The witch hunt everyone’s been waiting for is almost here! Trump’s puppet AG is fixing to investigate the investigators:
Investigating Trump was a crime.
Not investigating Hillary was a crime.
And Barr is the partisan hack we think he is.
LOL, Send Bill a hat! Bill needs a hat!
@4, How soon they forget:
Your lefty know betters know better, mushroom.
Relevant quotes:
It must really suck to be stuck in the dark and fed human compost daily, nay, hourly, by your unbreakable addiction to and of donkeysa$$*. As with Mueller, you lefty’s loved him until you hated him. You loved him when you dreamed, hoped, prayed he could/would be of use to you.
*How much to do send? It must be significant with only 5 mushrooms feeding on the excrement.
But you yourself have avowed repeatedly that the DOJ and the FBI are fundamentally corrupt institutions that cannot be trusted and must be investigated and obliterated from existence. You’ve called them “treasonous”. You’ve insisted repeatedly that they are under the control of partisans and “WEEEEEETCH HUNTERS!!!!”.
Now, suddenly, just because he wrote a four page letter to Congress “summarizing” the SCO findings and proclaiming that your Cheeto Benito is “exonerated” you support the DOJ?
Are you sure? Awesome!
Never having brought your mouth up from the Mighty Orange Taint for air even once since Jan 2017 you might have missed a few details. Seven other offices of the DOJ still have active investigations of your party and your administration ongoing. Three other state level law enforcement agencies as well. Oh, and btw, Barr has almost fully recanted his letter. He has disavowed any “summary” insisting that anyone who relied on his letter to Congress to draw any conclusions in any way was badly mistaken. He specifically insists that nothing and no one is “exonerated”. And he says that the report contains evidence of criminal activity on the part of “certain” individuals, as yet, not detailed in public indictments. Finally he says he doesn’t believe that it is the responsibility of the DOJ to proceed in this area. But that the SCO is merely tasked with investigating “certain events” and that “other parties” may have an appropriate interest in acting.
The Attorney General is a cabinet level appointee who answers directly to the President. That’s the system. A good portion of the department under him is “independent”. The Attorney General is not. He serves at the pleasure of he who appoints him. When the President calls him on the phone, he must answer. When the President invites him to a meeting, he must attend.
Not so, the USAOs. When this President calls to speak with a United States Attorney (something the record indicates he has done with some frequency) they do not immediately return his calls. A large and growing number of them may not do so. Not lawfully. Because he, his family, his campaign, his companies, and/or his fake charities are directly connected to matters being actively investigated by those offices. They first have their deputies identify the matters to be discussed. And they notify the White House in advance regarding any topics of discussion that they are not free to discuss with your stupid, bloated, orange fart bag of a leader. And when he attempts to veer into those topics they defer and hang up if they must. More than one of two of them have had to do so since his inauguration. They are “independent” to the extent called for in the law. And seven of them are still actively investigating your beloved President Rage-Diaper, his campaign, his family members, his companies, and his fake charities.
#youbuiltthat – and it will never, ever go away however much you might wish it.
Now, are you sure you really looooove the DOJ?
Add the definition of ‘Treason’ to the growing list of things Donald doesn’t know anything about.
@5, 6 – A MAGA hat is a freak flag, worn by those who enjoy being social outcasts.
I think a clear pattern may emerge where AG Barr is concerned.
He’s going to say some stupid shit initially to satisfy Crazy Uncle Liberty. Then he’ll go radio silent for a bit. Then he’ll pretty much repudiate whatever stupid shit he said before. Whatever stupid shit he says at first will have a political impact, of course. The GOP/Sadism propaganda news network will run wild with whatever it is, dance around bonfires in the studios, paint their faces, etc. And the Trailer Base of mental defectives (see @6 above) will take great comfort from it. But ultimately what may matter most is what he does after. Which is probably nothing.
Today during testimony before Appropriations he said he thought the DOJ engaged in illegal spying on the Trump campaign. Stunned silence ensued. And before the hearing could even gavel closed he was already repudiating what he said. Too late, of course. The world went crazy and Congress is demanding to know more about what the fuck he was talking about. He’ll drag his feet. And he’ll end up having to eat his words again.
His two decades away from the department he oversees has seen a lot of changes. He spent the ensuing time in corp regulatory compliance. Patriot Act did not exist when he left. FISC did not exist when he left. The towers still stood. And FBI was still primarily a cautious domestic law enforcement agency. That’s not just a lot of change. It’s a lot of complex change. And his basic institutional instincts may be that FBI and domestic law enforcement seldom have any business eaves dropping on domestic targets engaged in protected activities.
I don’t disagree. But right or wrong, our laws, our technology, and our system changed a shit ton after 911. Today, thanks largely to those attacks and how the Congress responded to them, the FBI engages in lots and lots of domestic surveillance of all kinds of fundamentally protected activities. So Barr having only become aware of these things in the last few weeks is probably undergoing some adjustment and more than a little future shock.
So when Barr says this stupid shit, it may be it sounds about right to him at the time. For sure he knows it pleases his intended audience of one. The question is, even after he repudiates what he says and pretends he never said it in the first place, what does he do? OIG has been investigating FBI surveillance of the Trump campaign for about six months. Good for them. They should. So far they don’t seem to have found any defects in the process, Deven Nunes’ Cow and #yachtcocainehookers notwithstanding. So assuming he lets that process run its course, maybe he announces some more stupid shit based on whatever OIG concludes. Still, the law doesn’t change, the security and terrorism threats don’t change, so neither does the process of domestic surveillance of protected activities.
This stuff is political theater. Just like his “conclusions” about the SCO. It’s performance art intended for an audience of drooling, television addicted, meat heads. And sadly that audience happens to include the President.
Here in one sentence is the grand total of the GOP’s accomplishments since 2016:
“The kind of chaos now unfolding in Washington — with American set against American and skepticism rife about the legitimacy of the President — is the kind of result of which Putin can only have dreamed at the start of the Russian election interference effort.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Congratulations, pubbies, you’ve finally made your mark.
So pro life they want to kill women.
@1 Yes, Putin is happy. So is Doctor Dumbfuck. It’s not like they ever had to collude or conspire. They both have simply wanted the same thing, to see America brought to its knees. The difference is, Putin wants it for political power while Doctor Dumbfuck only wants it for laughs. But make no mistake about it, they’re both on the same page.
This is one big misunderstanding. We don’t need a wall because of the 3% of “Raping Mexicans” Illegals that are Mexicans. This wall will help in a humanitarian crisis that is at our South Border.
I’ll summarize – many, many, many dead people. That darn Press (in Conservative TexAss) isn’t talking about the many. many, many dead people, many. Many, many, many dead people from all over. Who knew! Damn Press!
And it’s very, very, very dangerous (aside from the Humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border). In Africa they carry guns to protect against the Lions and Elephants by the way – I’m just saying. You can never leave your house at night! Kind of reminds me of my neighbor when I was growing up as a kid. His family moved in when I was about six and he was about the same age, his father told him to make sure he was home before the street lights came on, because it was very, very dangerous after dark (at night) – the family was black in a predominately white neighborhood; all be it even back in those days it was a progressive type neighborhood, but the times were also different back thin in the 70’s.
Carry a gun and use it. In Texas? I thought the guns were for hunting. Never go near the gate – the many, many, that get buy on a gallon of water are lurking at the gate.
Nobody knows how bad this is. And this is very bad. It’s been happening for many, many, many years but we didn’t know because of the fake news wouldn’t report it. And now because the Economy is so tremendous it’s happening a lot more. And these people are being preyed upon by the Coyotes. We need a wall to protect them!
Dead oil field workers – many, many, many? Damn Press. The Wall stops this! You’ll see them, the good people, on the other side of the wall, in this vast expanse of desert where nobody will be looking and first of all they wont even come if there is a wall and they know that there’s no way of getting thru! 100’s of miles between places and you’ll see the good people’s pretty faces peeking thru the wall.
New York. 5th Avenue. Park Avenue – Hahahahahah! Hahahahah! Fuck you Wall Street!
Men in Black! Humanitarian Crisis. No crisis of Shopping While Black! Killing people at the gates!
The good ones are dying during the little stroll, but the bad ones they all live to stand by the gates, waiting for the truck!
You said 3%? Yeah, 3% Mexican (opps, let me hold my head in shame). They got hoodies on!
They’re sending the bad ones! So we lock up them little 3 years and their moms. Those 3 year old gang members are bad people! Photographs of children! Pregnant woman! Drugs?
Man that guy gets a bit angry about the 1000’s that die who are sent here. Damn it! That’s not fair or right when we have good cages we can hold them in!
This is incredible! Nobody has ever heard of this stuff. Not even the Republicans. Texas you been keeping secrets?
Things have changed – they just don’t pick our fruits and veggies, so we don’t have to, they take our trucks! Great relationship when they went back home after picking our shit for us.
How did the refer truck get across the border!
The level of toughness over the last, well let’s say 10 years (damn Blackie), is now greater.
Damn Dems – don’t they know Russians and Jews are better.
Big State Texas – 2000 miles. And the Press never told us how big the State is. No one should have to die to come to America, but when they come we will accommodate them, we have plenty of cages!
We have walls. Wall was there. But I replaced the Wall. Thanks to Obama. And now we have a wall.
@12 It’s pretty hard to have any respect for Republican voters when they elect people like him to state legislatures.
We should call him what he is: A domestic terrorist whose proposed bill makes terroristic threats against law-abiding citizens.
Looks like National Enquirer will be sold.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Probably the only way to save this scandal-ridden scandal sheet. Not that it’s worth saving. The U.S. literacy rate would go up several points if it just disappeared.
+32.93% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 10, 2019.
They’ve been circling the drain.
That’s why they were trying to form an alliance with a blood thirsty, despotic monster.
And also mbs.
The Bezos scheme was Pecker’s last play and he blew it. Now AMI will sell the Enquirer and use the money to retire debt and defend themselves leaving Pecker and Howard hanging.
Texas, like other GOP-managed states, is struggling to make ends meet after cutting taxes for the wealthy. There, like everywhere else, cutting taxes has reduced the revenue available for schools, firefighting, and other public services. Republicans just can’t seem to get a handle on how to increase revenues by cutting taxes, even though their quack economic theories tell them that’s what should happen.
Even worse, they’re coming off “the Texas GOP’s worst election in a generation.” Now, to save their skins, they have to boost school funding and rein in property taxes at the same time.
Texas, like Washington, doesn’t have an income tax. Not surprisingly, their sales tax is even higher than ours, second only to California’s. But the GOP governor wants to raise the sales tax even higher, not just to stop the hemorrhaging of revenue, but to shift more of the tax burden from wealthy landowners to poor people. If ya gotta raise taxes, this is how the GOP Playbook tells you to do it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Texas isn’t really part of the United States. A spinoff of the Old Confederacy, they’re more like the part of the Ukraine that Putin hasn’t gobbled up yet. They have their own air force, consisting mostly of privately maintained B-17s and B-24s, with a few privately flown P-51 escort fighters, and they have a different legal culture there (see @12 above). It’s the kind of place where you’ll get thrown in jail for trying to pass a Canadian quarter at an airport newsstand. A travel advisory is in effect; it’s best to book flights that don’t require plane changes there, and you don’t want to get caught driving while black in their sovereign territory (but for white people, sovereign citizen license plates are okay). Also, the air is not breathable in some of their cities. It’s just best to avoid the place. There’s nothing there but cow shit and Texans anyway.
Roger, never, ever forget that Norma McCorvey and Sarah Weddington came from Texas. And that a mild mannered, hard working, brilliant “Snakey ‘K'” from Abilene changed the world and smashed the patriarchy forever.
She was barely a child at the time. And she went on to serve three terms in the Texas lege and help thousands of other Texas women become lawyers. Sarah just turned 74 in Feb. And she’s doing great.
And most of the Texas men alive at the time of Roe are still alive too.
But only just barely.
@20 It’s the Texas Republicans you gotta watch out for. The hats who prosecute you for trying to buy a candy bar in an airport with a Canadian quarter.
“We confront the Roman Catholic Church, other Christian bodies, and the synagogues of America with their silence and cowardice in the face of our country’s crimes. We are convinced that the religious bureaucracy in this country is racist, is an accomplice in this war, and is hostile to the poor.”
Times have changed. And modern theologians know better.
They better just shut their fucking mouths and take their tax money like grateful employees who share the corpirate “vision” and are committed to meeting “team goals”..
Wherein Mike Pence says he still opposes gay marriage, “But that doesn’t mean that we’re critical of anyone else who has a different point of view.”
Wherein Mike Pence says he still opposes gay marriage, “But that doesn’t mean that we’re critical of anyone else who has a different point of view.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No, he just signs legislation that discriminates against gay people, that’s all. No criticism, just nastiness.
Hey, I’m not criticizing you by throwing you off this roof! I’m merely exercising my freedom of religion, that’s all.
We’ve seen this movie before. George W. Bush wanted to fire federal meat inspectors and give taxpayer money to meatpacking companies to hire their own “inspectors.”
Now, Trump wants to do the same. He’s floating a plan that would replace federal inspectors in hog slaughterhouses with plant employees.
Under Bush, tainted food cases soared. Jews and Muslims know what to do with pork: Don’t eat it.
Donald saying into a microphone that it’s a shame the U.S. Military has regulations and honor and it would be much better if he could order them to act a little more like death squads which is perfectly normal, right?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does it to have a better bowel movement.
People are putting cannabis up their bums and vaginas to have better sex
Read more:
Hillary’s dismissal of Wisconsin still paying dividends.
Lisa Neubauer concedes Supreme Court race, prepares Appeals Court re-election bid
The winning candidate used ads featuring Trump to win.
The Democratic Party isn’t conceding anything, anywhere.
That’s bound to offer one or two opportunities for angry, spittle flecked raging red hat end zone celebrations in the years to come.
Just ask Roy Moore…
… or Jaime Herrera Beutler.
Future of the Trumpublican Party dominating trailer parks…
… and oysters.
Maybe. Heh.
@27 – Well, our Constitution allows people to be idiots if they choose to do so. In the United Kingdom, I don’t think cannabis is legal, yet.
On another subject, it looks like Julian Assange may be coming to the US, for a long, long stay! It’s too bad. Assange did freedom a favor by exposing what was going on with our government. And that’s another reason to release the Mueller Report in total to the public.
@31 ask Bob and the other Repukes if they want the Meuller Report released. You know those true “Fake News” guys that are always looking for the truth.
Assange looks like a real scum bag…he needs to shave. What did he actually expose that was so detrimental? More detrimental than Global Warming? Or the deficit? Or the rise of Fascism and bigotry?
This is the guy y’all HA libbies relied on to take down Brett Kavanaugh.
Michael Avenatti indicted on 36 counts by California federal grand jury; accused of ripping off mentally ill paraplegic client
He’s also the guy who CNN and MSNBC relied upon many, many times for interviews during the 2018 calendar year.
At least he helped y’all take back the House. With any luck he’ll help take down Rachel Maddow.
did freedom a favor…got a bunch of good people killed…“ftfy
Captain DerpState, if you, like Assange, or Snowden, or Manning, or Greenwald, want to see US policy and the law surrounding domestic and overseas surveillance changed the place to do it is at your voting booth, not on 4chan. And the way to do it is by electing better members of Congress and a President who doesn’t torture infants as part of a re-election strategy. Blowing OpSec for active programs is irresponsible. There’s a reason these people face jail time.
Trump’s sister forced to retire from federal bench by Trump family tax evasion scandal.
@33 Who, exactly, besides Stormy Daniels relied on him? I didn’t hire him. He didn’t represent me. I don’t believe Pelosi, Schumer, or anyone in the Democratic caucus did, either. I don’t even know the guy. He’s just somebody I read about in the papers. I don’t recall him questioning any witnesses in the Kavanaugh hearings.
Brett Kavanaugh took down Brett Kavanaugh. Make no mistake, he was taken down. The who country knows what he is. The fact he’s sitting on the Supreme Court anyway merely evidences how decrepit and morally bankrupt the GOP has become.
@27 I wouldn’t know anything about that, or about stallion cock up my butt, either. You’re the expert on those subjects.
Today it’s this:×900
Tomorrow it’ll be this:
Here’s your something.
Wherein the retired pope blames priests molesting alter boys on “the sexual revolution.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Right, none of that would’ve happened if girls had kept their legs crossed.
For 2000 years the Holy See has done a great recruiting job for atheism. No reason to let up now.
“President Donald Trump, who praised WikiLeaks several times during the 2016 presidential campaign, said Thursday that he had no opinion on Assange’s arrest. WikiLeaks infamously distributed materials hacked from Democratic National Committee servers that proved damaging to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: In other words, the Trumpster’s lawyers warned him to keep his opinions about Assange to himself if he doesn’t want to be in the can with him.
Fatal workplace falls are skyrocketing under Trump.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Relaxed workplace safety compliance and oversight is often associated with Republican administrations, which typically give higher priority to production quotas than workers’ lives. Republicans consider workers expendable.
Under Trump, military retirees wait, wait, and wait for their pensions:
“NBC News spoke with half a dozen former Air National Guard and Reserve members who … waited weeks or months … to receive their pension. Some … had to endure months of no income while waiting.
“In interviews, the retired service members say they are forced to endlessly navigate automated phone systems for hours and receive generic email responses when they request specific details about the state of their pensions.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They served their country, now it’s time for their country to serve them. If you’re going to run our government like a business, you need a competent CEO. Mismanagement like this would get a private sector CEO fired.
Companies paying no taxes doubled under Trump’s tax “reform.” We’re not talking moms and pops, or family farms, here. Those paying zero taxes in 2018 include Amazon, Netflix, Chevron, Deere, and Eli Lilly, among others.
“The identified companies were ‘able to zero out their federal income taxes on $79 billion in U.S. pretax income,’ according to the ITEP report, which was released today. ‘Instead of paying $16.4 billion in taxes, as the new 21 percent corporate tax rate requires, these companies enjoyed a net corporate tax rebate of $4.3 billion, blowing a $20.7 billion hole in the federal budget last year.'”
The Republican solution? Cut working class tax refunds. Cut Special Olympics. Cut health care. Because we can no longer afford those things.
You get what you vote for, and when you vote Republican, you’re voting to give billionaires special tax privileges the rest of us (including you) will pay for.
Wherein Mike Pence casts himself as the victim in his gay-bashing.
Worth mentioning at this point that President Sundowner’s oldest son had heated mash-note correspondence with Mr. Assange in the weeks right before the November 2016 election. Much of what they discussed was illegal.
But I’m sure it was all “hypothetical”.
I expect trump to pardon assage.
It’s time for the Roman Catholic Church to either reform itself and have women and married priests or simply disappear.
Headline of the Day (from AOL News)
“Trump changes his tune on Wikileaks after Assange arrest”
“Though the president touted the whistleblower website on the campaign trail, he denied knowing anything about it after its founder was arrested Thursday”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: By any reasonable person’s standards, Trump is a lying and hypocritical sack of shit. Which, of course, is an essential qualification for Republican candidates these days.
‘WalMart Wendy’ Calls Cops on Utility Worker Because He Asked Her To Move Her Car
“A woman in a Glendora, Calif. Walmart parking lot showed her true colors when she was filmed going on a racist rant while asking police to ‘come get’ a man who she claims looked ‘illegal.’ On Monday, a Southern California Edison contract worker asked the woman to move her car so he could park the company truck straight.”
But she assures us she’s not racist, because she herself is “part aloha.”
Still worth pointing out, again and again, despite however much the “media” bend over backwards to be “polite”*, that President Sundowner’s oldest idiot son was engaged in a months long bromance with Assange at the height of the 2016 election. And that much of what they discussed was illegal.
*Because once you acknowledge the president of the United States represents an active threat to our democracy, which Trump clearly does, then you must also acknowledge the Republican Party represents an active threat to our democracy.
Which it clearly does. But too many Republicans watch too much television and are reliable consumers of the mobility chairs, “gold-buggery” investment products, and cheap foam pillows that pay for television news.
+32.68% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 11, 2019.
A militia in an unincorporated area near Dallas, TX leaves her children, 4 & 6 in a car the four year old finds a gun in the center console and shoots the six year old. She did not survive.
Local Sheriff is recommending no charges. Good thing she was six and not a fetus or someone could be looking at the death penalty.
@53 B-b-b-ut don’t you see, she’s already been punished enough … and … and, Second Amendment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The fact something is legal doesn’t make it a good idea.
48 – In my day, most of us were Deists. It worked out pretty well for my colleagues and me.
Steak Sauce owns this!
Trump Railed At Illegal Immigration But Now Owns The Worst Numbers In A Decade
Big surprise! Turns out the guy who was burning all those AA churches in Louisiana was a white dude.
Therefore a “crazy”, “loner” among otherwise “very fine people” (not the least of whom would be his pops, a local sheriff’s deputy).
And not a domestic terrorist hate criminal motivated by The Republican Party.
So move along, people.
I’m hoping the US doesn’t take the stupid path and try to get involved in Venezuela’s shit-storm. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing. Just let the people of Venezuela run their country.
@58 The people of Venezuela aren’t running their country. A dictator is running their country. But if Trump embarks on a military adventure there, it won’t be to help the Venezuelan people.
“Despicable” Trump Schemed to Retaliate Against Sanctuary Cities
“White House officials … plotted … to retaliate against … sanctuary cities by releasing detained immigrants in their jurisdictions, The Washington Post reported Thursday.
“According to emails obtained by the Post, officials have put pressure on U.S. immigration authorities … to help them implement the plan, which they expected would wreak havoc on cities that won’t comply with President Donald Trump’s immigration crackdown. ‘It was retaliation …,’ one of the Department of Homeland Security officials … said. ….
“[W]histleblowers with knowledge of the plan approached Congress with the information, the Post reported. … ‘The extent of this Administration’s cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated,’ Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne told HuffPost on Thursday night. ‘Using human beings — including little children — as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable, and in some cases, criminal.'”
He was hoping one of them would settle in San Francisco, set up a cocaine empire, murder his rivals, date Michelle Pfeiffer, cause a bloody turf war and nearly burn the place down before dying in a hail of gunfire and an assassin’s bullet because he’s too stupid to know that was just a movie.
And he would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids.
“Among the ideas the White House has floated recently: offering undocumented parents a veritable ‘Sophie’s choice’ of indefinite detention with their children or separation that would allow the children to seek asylum in the U.S.; an executive order to end birthright citizenship; expanded deportations of undocumented immigrants already in America; and accelerated efforts to construct the border wall.
“Which of these policies Trump will actually pursue, if any, remains uncertain. But the fact that he’s looking for someone ‘tougher’ than Nielsen … suggests that Trump and his close adviser Stephen Miller are committed to pushing the boundaries of both public opinion and the law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump got elected by running on the economy, but it’s now clear his presidency is all about race and immigration. Foreign policy, defense, disaster relief, and other presidential duties are distractions. There is no daylight between “Make America Great Again” and “Make America White Again;” the two are one and the same.
But he has only four, at most eight, years to wreak his transformation of our society. Has he thought about what happens after he leaves office? If a wall can be built, it can be unbuilt. If asylum seekers can be kept out for now, they can be let in later. Executive orders can be reversed. In short, the changes he’s trying to impose on our country aren’t permanent. Like Hitler’s Third Reich, they’ll last only while he’s in power.
So maybe he isn’t planning to leave.
It isn’t “Trump and his close adviser Miller”.
It’s the GOP and their close adviser FOX.
That’s where all this sick shit originates. This is all political theater designed to squeeze one more election out of the raving fear and resentment of old white men who watch too much television.
Still, the best thing for the US to do is nothing. We will be hated for NOT getting involved and hated if we get involved. Intervention is a no-win situation.
BTW, the Venezuelans ARE responsible for the choice they made to embrace socialism. They did that on their own, and the own that choice. THEY chose Chavez and, later, THEY chose Maduro.
+33.20% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 12, 2019.