Oh hey. It’s April Fools Day. AKA, the day to ignore any press release. AKA, why the fuck is this a holiday? I mean, I’m sure there’s some backstory if you Google it. But pranks are generally a not fun way to kick down. Great job of a holiday, everybody.
This is so disappointing…..we can’t have any of this type of success. We need riots, protests and illegal immigrants taking all our jobs to win an election.
Why the fuck haven’t any of our trolls signed the petition?
This just makes me believe that “conservatives” simply are not trustworthy. They perpetually claim to support the 2nd Amendment. And yet they are obviously opposed to the free exercise of those rights and freedoms. You can’t trust folks who say one thing and then do the opposite.
Spewing hate at 8:14 AM Oregon moron?
Tsk tsk tsk!
Caught her red-handed using her secret homebrew server to order the hit on the 101 missing FBI agents!
She’s really, really in for it now! Any day now! Really, really!
When the Foo Shits, DUMMOCRETINS circle the wagons… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2587416
Meanwhile, more Mike Rowe Agreshuns are occurring every day! http://madamenoire.com/623353/.....se-racism/
More wierd Australian laws… http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2582155
Betcha Heilary would want this in America too!
Libtards, even when a conservative treats them as they would want to be treated, they are really ASSholes deep down! http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2580057
We see this on HA DUMMOCRETINS every day!
Just look at posts #1 and #2!!!!!
I’m not sure if this was just meant to be funny or kind of a way to point out the hypocracy of blaming homosexuality for things or just not being able to reflect on oneselves shortcomings because it is just taken for granted as being part of what is normal, but this is sure to make Puffy’s head explode and spew more from the hate machine.
The Heterosexual Agenda http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....89692.html
I gotta give Carson this much credit: he really doesn’t seem to be willing to lie. He may say some pretty fucking awful shit. But it’s’ probably awful shit that he truly believes on some level. Even the nonsense about the belt buckle and the scholarship offers.
Which raises an interesting prospect:
What’s he gonna say when he has to testify under oath about his boy-toy arrangement with Trump?
More fun at the RNC facebook page
Facebook republicans are adamant that trump is their leader.
Topic: Questions about the GOP convention process?
Top Comments: You know, this disaster with the GOP would never have happened if you had done what “we the people” wanted in the first place. Instead you acted like a bunch of democrats, spent our hard earned money like water, let our country be overrun with illegals, lined your pockets with lobbyist money, totally disregarded the conservative wing of the party and now look what’s happened. You deserve every bit of this mess with Trump/Cruz/Kasich. Oh, and then you thought we’d settle for Jeb Bush!? Really?
Top Comments: I do not understand the republican party any longer or maybe i just had my head in the sand. why would you allow donald trump to run as a republican then try everything in you power to destroy him.
Topic: A post about Iran
Top Comments: The treatment that Donald Trump is receiving from the media,i.e. Matthews and Anderson Cooper and MSNBC and FOX, along with the Republican establishment is disgusting. What you are forgetting is that he is the voice of “We the people”.
Top Comments: My husband and I are lifetime Republicans and are fed up with the trash that is being thrown at Donald Trump. Wake Up GOP!!!!! We are not the few disgruntled but we are the silent majority. You will loose your party if you continue to thwart the will of the people.
Topic: When asked to name Clinton’s accomplishments, Democrats and “many voters come up blank.”
Top Comments: Well if the Republican Party doesn’t get their act together Hillary will be our next president because of their foolishness! Get on board with Trump, he’s the only hope we have of keeping her out of the White House!
Top Comments: The Republican Party is going to abandon their voters at the Convention and we’ll get Queen Hillary. I will not vote for Kasich, Bush, Romney, or any other Hack they try to nominate instead of the voters’ choice.
Topic: Hillary’s ‘Bernie Problem’ is Really a ‘Hillary Problem’
Top Comments: As a Republican… If you try electing another candidate at the GOP Convention,one of the two above will be your next President. That’s a promise!
I see no problem with this….this is change……I think we should give it a chance…..people acting like little school kids can be good. We don’t need any civility….compromise bad!
Quick! Look the other way – another immoral hypocrite Republican. Nothing tweet worthy here Boob.
Let’s see here…who else in the news has been using lots of burner phones? Oh, yeah, ISIS!!! Maybe Governor Bentley’s been rubbing elbows with terrorists at the AT&T Store.
C’mon you guys! No fairsies! Quit it! Quiiiiit iiiiit!
Quit totally ignoring Boob’s remarkable, shocking, world-shattering, breathtaking, totally disruptive HOMEBREW-EMAIL-BLUEDRESS-PAULAJONES-FOSTER-GHAZI-GATE!
If we don’t pay scrupulous attention to this bullshit now, how will we know what these lunatics are ranting about next year, when they resume seizing government buildings and refusing to pay their taxes?
@15 soon, hopefully, anyone looking like that will just put the gun to their head and take their own life before they have to bare any more pain. They must be in agony – one self-triggered gun bullet to the head will solve their misery.
Zygote person-hood and the killing of children.
“Just remember: The question is not “Should we punish women for having abortions?” The morally relevant questions are instead: “Should men and women be held legally responsible for killing children?” And “Should we discriminate against children based on their age or where they live, or how dependent they are on their mothers?””
@3 Oh, don’t worry, you’re not hateworthy. We merely laugh at your buffoonery. Thanks for 10 years of entertainment (or however long it’s been). Btw, market timers, mattress stuffers, and short sellers are having another bad day.
I really like this part:
“…and in the United States there are no public education campaigns to discourage them from having an abortion,
Because of these factors, women may not be completely responsible morally for choosing abortion and so may not deserve as harsh a punishment as pro-choice advocates claim they would receive under an abortion ban.”
Nice! Can’t recall seeing any public education campaigns to discourage me from mounting a JATO pack on my Dodge Challenger either. So… Fuckin’ A!
P.S. This kinda shit is how you know these weirdos have never cracked a law book.
For all those that haven’t noticed, don’t worry it will trickle down and evrntually you will start to notice, but missisappi is about to sign another anti fuck the gays bill.
As soon a The Chinless Dildo announced that he would not consider any SCOTUS nominee from an African American President, I began to wonder exactly how hard Republicans would actually fuck themselves with this bullshit. Given the stridency of the early rhetoric, it seemed unlikely that Senate Republicans would start to give ground early. But on the other hand, since most of the political damage to be suffered was likely to be absorbed before the summer, it seemed foolish to prolong the hold-out unless you really intended to go all the way. In fact, it seems to me that any kind of prolonged, gradual de-escalation resulting in a confirmation late in the year is guaranteed to produce maximum political damage to Republicans. I didn’t think they were that stupid.
I may have to revise that assessment.
Now that the President has offered them their bestest BFF dream-boat nominee, more than a quarter of Senate dildonistas are opening up to the nominee. Gotta check my math here, but 16 Republicans + 44 Democrats = let’s drag this out until August and then vote to confirm.
Obummer’s nuclear conferences haven’t stopped North Korea from their singular nuclear actions.
@22 hopefully one lands on your house.
@20 Mississippi is determined to cement its hold on its #50 position among the states economically.
@22 Neither did Shrub’s.
What a Ted Cruz theocracy might look like.
“One of Ted Cruz’s supporters in Wisconsin once stood up for the idea that gay couples who married in another state should be sent to prison—and be fined hefty sums. Back in 2008, when California legalized same-sex marriage …, same-sex couples in Wisconsin considered heading to California to tie the knot. But there was a hitch. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported at the time, an obscure state law ‘makes it a crime for Wisconsin residents to enter into marriage in another state if the marriage would be prohibited here.’ The law also carried a serious penalty of up to $10,000 and nine months in prison. And at least one person wanted to see that law enforced against gay Wisconsin couples who married elsewhere. ‘If it were challenged and the courts decided to basically wink at it, and refused to enforce the law, we have a problem,’ Julaine Appling, who led the Wisconsin Family Council, said at the time.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Cruz, a lawyer, has argued that states should ignore the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage. Imagine what he would do as president, and what kind of justices he would appoint. And it’s not hard to imagine him jailing gays for the crime of getting married.
@26 from the freedom party. Cruz is a worse choice that Drumpf.
Ted Cruds phone number in the DC madams black book?
Make sure you all keep your dicks in your pants while Ted has all the fun.
Hmmm… Po-PO 5-O could not find evidence the 15 year old woman was groped. She threw a punch and paid for it with pepper spray. Police are deciding on charges.
Remember, when Reagan was president frigates were ruling the seas and the US Navy took care of Iran’s navy! Now we had crying sailors under Obummer.
Air force F-22s capped by Obummer. What happens when we are attacked in the future?
Navy Seals have to share weapons. http://www.outdoorhub.com/news.....ays-seals/
The world is getting worse and more dangerous and Obummer is still cutting defensive weapons. To Obummer, the military is dangerous to DUMMOCRETINS! http://www.stripes.com/socom-i.....s-1.397061
FACTS, irrefutable FACTS!
@30 The world had over 60,000 nuclear weapons in 1985 and today has about 15,000, yet the stupid loon thinks we’re less safe now. The Soviet Union still existed then and is gone now, yet the stupid loon thinks we’re less safe now.
@22 Yeah seems no Presidential administration has had success with North Korea agreeing to a nuclear free Korean peninsula. And oddly their nuclear ambitions ect are rational. Though their attack on Washington has the missile hitting the Earth, but the blast is a aerial blast, how amateur. I do think the S Koreans and Japanese have expressed opposition to a preemptive attack.
@23 No, that would be a bad thing…actually a evil thing. Also the neighbors are NIMBY’s.
@34 not really MBY (or YBY) when you can’t live freely in it. I’m all for a good old bomb drop. Nothing more evil than discriminating against others.
Once again R senile tries to change the subject to nukular weapons. Where was that discussed?
No wonder HA DUMMOCRETINS babble all the time against FACTS!
Remember when North Korea conducted its first nuclear weapons test on October 9th 2006 and President B. Hussein Obama failed to travel back in time to help the Republican president who kept us safe?
Almost as bad as that time when the DUMMOCRETIN president B. Hussein Obama neglected to time travel to stop the terrorist attack on September 11th 2001.
As if Obummer had not yet read th National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9-11 Commission) and learned the Republican president who kept us safe from terrorism needed his help with reading comprehension!
FACTS, irrefutable FACTS