It’s difficult to keep track of who Republicans hate more. They hate the gays. They hate the poor. They hate Latinos. They hate the African-Americans. They hate the liberals. They hate the Iranians. They hate the Muslims. I know there must be more. Trump really needs to expand his base. More hate for everyone!
Oh, but they love war!
SoI was in the car the other evening and there was a story on KIRO that I was mindlessly playing about the drop in civilian pilots and private planes due to escallating costs. But a throwaway line from an instructor interview struck me as odd.
Entry level first officers for commercial airlines earn about $25K/yr. Stop and think about that. That was followed by the idea that to get certified to apply for such a job would put one into $150k of student loan debt. First Officers top out around 40k/yr while it is true that a first chair pilot can earn as much as $175k/yr it takes around a decade to get promoted from first officer. (spent some time down the rabbit hole of the internet verifying the basic math of airline pay.)
This is now typical of so much of higher education. The state, be it federal or individual state has ceased paying for college so the cost of getting a degree is now insanely high. But now that you have that degree, the pay of an entry-level job in a professional career has not moved a bit. For at least the first five years of getting a white collar degree required job one will be in severe financial distress between rent/food/student debt repayment.
Making the user pay and suffer through that job is the natural order according to one side of the political aisle but it has never been part of American society until the last few decades. Creating an educated workforce used to be part what industry demanded of the Government and that was subsidized by taxes on industry. That is no more. Now the individual must pay for the priveledge of one day, maybe, getting an entry level job. Industry is no longer expected to pay taxes to train those workers nor pay a salary that has risen as their cost of training workers through taxation has dropped. Kind of a sweet deal for industry, eh?
The lack of purchasing power of young professionals is quite a drag on the economy but hey, your taxes are low so it’s all good right and low coroporate taxes creates more jobs, amiright?
They hate Union members.
They Hate “feed the poor” Christians, you know WWJD types Christians.
They hate the Pope.
They hate Scientists
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Not to worry, future jetliners will be pilotless. Also seatless and legroom-less, but amply endowed with baggage fees and other tack-on fees. Here’s what unregulated capitalism looks like:
Well yeah, it is, corporations have never been more profitable and capitalists like me have never raked it in like we are now! I’m not fond of this system — it strikes me as unfair — but this is why I’ve been saying for years that everyone should be a capitalist now, because being a worker has turned into a bum deal. No one should work, given the system we have now, which rewards me for your labor. But conservatives promise the “market” will take care of that by replacing workers with robots. That’s another reason why everyone will has to become a capitalist, because someday there won’t be any jobs left for humans. Only computers and machines will have work — and they won’t be paid. Conservatives will finally realize their age-old dream of free labor that doesn’t need piss breaks, doesn’t have to be fed, and doesn’t need sleep or rest.
from the Air Line Pilots Association states that the mainline airlines pay first officers $48,000 to start. That’s starting salary, not ‘topping out’. And it’s from 2012 so likely a bit higher now.
That fact sheet states that 2,400 qualified pilots leave the armed forces every year, giving the airlines plenty of applicants. Think retirement in one’s early 40s with a nice military pension, then going to work as a commercial pilot after that. Suddenly a lower salary paid by lower-tier airlines doesn’t seem so bad if it’s supplemented by a government pension and VA health care, does it?
Those companies lose money if they can’t afford to fly because they can’t afford pilots.
Although poorer-off restaurants that can’t afford minimum wage salaries shouldn’t even be in business, I’m told by some around here, so poorer-off regional carriers who can’t afford to match what Delta is paying really should be looked at the same way, right? If they shouldn’t be in business, and the lower-paid pilots instead should apply at higher-paying carriers, then what’s the problem?
Unless those regional carriers, like the lower-end fast-food outlets, play a role for a segment of the population that relies on them. But it’s not nice to mention struggles of the bottom end, when the top end numbers are looking so good to Invictus, Goldy, and the like.
CZ, you should have realized something wasn’t right when you wrote ‘First officers top out around 40k/yr…’.
Taking a decade to get from a start of $48k to the $150k+ range isn’t so tough. Salaries increase most rapidly in the first five years of employment.
Plus, cool hats with wings and Russell Wilson to hang out with.
McCain is getting primaried because he isn’t as hateful or nutjobby as a nutjob should be. Weird.
“‘It’s not the America we grew up in, is it?’ Ward touted herself as a “true conservative” unlike McCain, who she said has been known to tack to the right during his reelection bids. ‘He’s going to move so far to the right, he’s going to bump into my left shoulder,’ Ward predicted, adding she would “nudge” him back to where he belongs.”
“It’s difficult to keep track of who Republicans hate”
I believe you’re approaching the problem wrong. It’d be a lot easier to identify those who they don’t hate. Themselves.
So in other words, if you can get one of a handful of ‘ Mainline’ jobs and you have a second salary subsidized by the taxpayer that you gave up a great deal of you earnings potential to he trained by the govt it’s a really sweet deal? Well, problem solved.
BTW, the Alaska link you provided is for pilots not FOs. BTW, don’t know if its the same for pilots but flight attendants are only on duty for hourly wage from doors closed to doors open. They need a better union. But wage theft isn’t an issue outside of fast food, right?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 10
I wouldn’t say ‘handful’, cz, but I’m not coming unprepared to an argument.
Same fact sheet, p.2.
•500,000 pilots needed over the next 20 years.
•Commercial airline fleet will double by 2034.
Oh, my data @7 is from a table with the heading:
Since you were talking about First Officers I figured I should do the same, cz.
So if the CBO methodology is wrong (because 64 studies covering periods no more recent than 2007 were looked at), does that call into question as well all those feel-good numbers about how much real income would increase, and how many people will be lifted out of poverty, Goldy? After all, CBO used the same methodology both for the good stuff and the bad stuff.
’cause I sort of recall Darryl quoting some of those good stuff figures in an exchange on HA awhile back.
Seemed good enough for him to bring it up back then, at least.
Anyone remember Jordan Silver, formerly at 107.7 theEnd? She’s still all up in arms about the “attacks on the confederate flag”. I’ll never understand people who are victims of discrimination and intolerance defending the symbols of discrimination and intolerance. She spent a couple of years in Atlanta on an alternative rock station in the LGBT community and she’s decided she’s an expert on the South and racism. I suspect she might have had a different experience if she didn’t dress and look like a small white boy and worked in a more diverse format. Her cracker followers think they should remove all traces of MLK before they even think of touching the traitor flag. I need a dandelion break.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Travis Bickle @6,
Now you know checkmate gloms onto the first thing it reads and then reacts. Wait a minute… that’s what checkmate writes about us… It’s that Psych 101 Projection Thang again!
Poor checkmate… Puddy’s late brother-in-law joined the Navy at 17.5 years… Lied about his age. Retired after 42 years at 60. Got his EE degree while in the Navy. Retired at Lt Commander rank as he came in enlisted! Worked another 15 years as an EE. Took retirement. Was a triple dipper until deciding to cash out the EE retirement. Full naval benefits along with SS benefits. Bought a new car every three to four years. Was restoring a 69 Mercedes when he died.
Too bad being a civilian all your life you have no understanding about military pensions for officers! Stoooooooooopid on this topic as every other one you “write” about.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
If the aborted baby is just useless biomASS as pro-abortion libtards claim why are there uses for these “human baby body parts” if they are just useless biomASSes?
So before you leftard DUMMOCRETINS scream setup, here is the Planned Parenthood response… Hence it has to be true… PuddyCommentary: Naaaaah it’s not baby parts… it’s just tissue in the shape of hearts, livers, legs, etc.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Speaking of MLK…
“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill-will.” – MLK Jr.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You’ve read Bickle’s propaganda. Here’s the truth about pilot pay.
Fortune magazine: “Regional airlines can’t fill their cockpits, and it’s because their pilots earn miserably low pay … the Air Line Pilots Association estimates that the average starting salary is … $22,500 per year …. Unsurprisingly, 11 of the 12 regional airlines the GAO interviewed reported difficulties filling entry-level first-officer vacancies. ‘You just can’t find people to work for those wages,’ says Helane Becker, a managing director at Cowen and Company who covers airlines.”
Wall Street Journal: “A widening shortage of U.S. airline pilots is spotlighting the structure of an industry built on starting salaries for regional-airline pilots that are roughly equivalent to fast-food wages. … Starting pilot salaries at 14 U.S. regional carriers average $22,400 a year, according to the largest U.S. pilots union. Some smaller carriers pay as little as $15,000 a year. … After five years, the average regional copilot still earns only $35,100 a year ….”
Wall Street Journal: “[M]ajor airlines have been furloughing pilots more than hiring them, so it’s been increasingly difficult for regional airline pilots to get on the seniority track at big airlines, which leads to high salaries. … On average, starting pay at major airlines is $36,283 –- about double where many regional airlines start pilots, but darn low for mid-career professionals ….”
Forbes magazine: “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, citing data from the Airline Pilots Association, International, starting pay for most airline pilots is approximately $20,000.”
From an article called “The Truth About the Profession”: “Junior Captains earn around $120,000 to $140,000 per year at major airlines, and at some financially successful major airlines and cargo carriers, slightly over $200,000 per year. Unfortunately, however, … these jobs are extremely hard to come by. Many will read these six figure numbers and salivate, but … it is highly unlikely that the average reader will ever see a salary that high. There simply aren’t that many jobs like this available, and there are tons of other variables that could come into play that can prevent you from ever becoming senior enough to hold a position like that at any time in your career.”
And then there are all the downsides: Long hours of unpaid off-the-clock work (pilots are only paid for actual flight time), constant travel and time away from home and family, the industry’s cyclical ups and downs with attendant layoffs and company restructurings, etc. The upshot is that the U.S. is heading toward a severe pilot shortage, with many regional carriers (who carry 50% of domestic airline traffic) already grounding planes and canceling flights because of a lack of pilots, and this is well documented in numerous news stories and media articles, and has been a subject of debate in Congress. Yes, there are some six-figure flying jobs out there — for the lucky few. Just as there are a few major league baseball jobs paying millions of dollars a year — about 500 such jobs, to be exact. But that’s hardly a reason for millions of dads to tell their sons to play baseball instead of going to college.
Bottom line: Bickle, as usual, is full of shit.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 14
He has a point, a small one, but he broadens it to an industry-wide issue, which it is not.
involved two undertrained and exhausted crew, who made poor wages and slept between shifts in airport locker rooms, etc., to conserve cash. Pretty sure this is the one I’m recalling. Voice recorder captured their discussions about how poor they were and what they did to hang on to cash, and they were so engrossed in their conversation they didn’t see themselves heating into a stall. Pilot pulled the stick when he should have pushed.
There are some small carriers who pay their pilots pennies and this is what can result.
Doesn’t mean he can present it like it’s an across-the-board problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s not going to be a war against Iran, and Republican warmongers can’t stand it. Of course, they’re couching their criticism of the Iran nuke deal in respectable-sounding language like “security interests” and such. But what they’re really upset about is Obama took their bombers and other military toys away from them.
As a matter of general principle, Iran is a sovereign state and has as much right to possess nuclear weapons as we do. They’d be within their rights to say, “We’ll give up nukes when you do.” It’s highly hypocritical for a country that possesses tens of thousands of nuclear warheads and has refused to sign a no-first-use pledge to tell another country they can’t have any warheads at all. Of course, things aren’t quite that simple, because nukes are so threatening that anybody having them is everyone’s business.
There are a lot of other stupidities in the Republican position, too. For example, they (and Netanyahu) assume that if Iran gets nuclear weapons it’ll use them. First of all, it’s perfectly possible for a country to want nukes purely for defensive purposes. The fact is, no country has used a single nuke in warfare since the U.S. monopoly on possessing nukes was broken. Everyone uses them for deterrence, and nothing else. Secondly, nukes are useless without delivery systems. Sure, Iran probably could deliver a nuke warhead to Israel, but the notion that an Iran A-bomb would threaten the U.S. is preposterous. Iran has no ICBMs, no missile-launching subs, no long-range bombers. If Iran acquired a nuclear arsenal tomorrow, it would alter the politics of the Middle East, which is really what everyone is upset about, but it wouldn’t pose a military threat to the U.S. that we couldn’t easily defend ourselves against.
Republicans argue this agreement gives Iran a “path to a bomb.” That’s debatable at best, but what’s clear is that having no agreement will leave them with a much quicker and easier path to a bomb. So what’s the Republicans’ alternative to this agreement? Gauzy promises that they would negotiate a tougher agreement. Really? Do they have some magic fairy dust which, when sprinkled on the negotiating table, will make the Iranians more willing to agree to stricter terms? The Republican “alternative” in this case sounds suspiciously like their proposed budgets that promise to cut taxes, eliminate deficits, and boost military spending — all at the same time — but they never explain or provide any details about how they’re going to do that.
It’s pretty clear Republicans don’t want any agreement at all with Iran. They want to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!” They want war, just like they always do. It’s up to the adults to take their flying toys away from them and say no.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 “There are some small carriers who pay their pilots pennies and this is what can result. Doesn’t mean he can present it like it’s an across-the-board problem.”
Not some small carriers, ALL small carriers, and yes it’s an across-the-board problem. If you bothered to spend 10 minutes reading readily-available research material on the internet, you would know that. But you’re too busy farting hot air to be bothered with facts.
@20 A pitch perfect articulation of the matter. Thanks.
Yes, it is an across the board problem. The cost of getting the requirements for a professional white collar job have been rising steadily. The amount of compensation for an entry level job has not been rising nearly as steadily. Low cost airlines and the airline industry in general are an example.
I guess you’ve moved into an idea that because some legacy carriers actually pay better then it’s all good. Okay. I see where you stand.
The BLS disagrees with the fact sheet about growth in the industry saying that the number of commercial pilots will be unchanged over 2012-2022.
Not quite. They did sign on to the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty so without formally leaving the treaty which they have not done. It is under that authority that the 6 nations + 1 talks have occured.
What going to give the righties fits is that under the Non-Proliferation treaty and the new agreement if Iran is at any time to be found non-compliant sanctions can be re-imposed. Kind of undercuts the arguement that Iran is now free to do whatever they want. But then making sense has never been a strong point for Congressional Republicans.
What never seems to get mentioned by anyone in the media is that the U.S. & Britain conspired to overthrow a democratically-elected Iranian prime minister and replaced him with tyrant, the Shah. Most Americans would get a little testy if the Iranian government had done the same to the U.S. Perhaps the best course of action is to let the Iranian people decide their own fate as to whether or not they have nukes. We’ve have created a monstrosity by messing around in the Middle East. Let’s withdraw entirely from the region.
Shhhhh, America is never wrong. Ever. Never. They hate us for our freedoms and no other reason.
“The cost of getting the requirements for a professional white collar job have been rising steadily.”
My profession has gone downhill so fast I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. Firm HR departments weed out any resume that so much as suggests that the applicant might be over 40 years old. Why should they hire those over-priced relics when young graduates loaded with massive debt are begging to work at practically any salary? Sure, the youngsters will fuck shit up without some experienced gray hairs around, but today’s breed of upper-level management lied their way to the top, blaming others for their own fuckups every step of the way, so when the youngsters fuck things up, management knows exactly what to do.
Sigh! Wingnuts. Headlines will suffice.
“Mayor won’t resign over ‘Gorilla face’ Michelle Obama rant because ‘that’s admitting I’m racist’”
It’s okay, Dude, we already know.
“Doctor unleashes tirade of disgusting anti-gay comments amid launch of right-wing Texas group”
Of course he did. The disgusting anti-brown people comments are tomorrow. Friday, it’s disgusting anti-Muslim comments.
“Fox producer: People love Trump because he won’t let ‘illegal aliens come and murder our women’”
All the same, it might not be wise move to leave Trump alone the ladies.
“‘Absolutely nothing’ but usual quiet in Texas on first day of Jade Helm 15”
Damn! I was really hoping.
“Michigan veteran calls for armed revolution after losing home to scam: ‘It’ll go down like Bundy Ranch'”
Huh! It seems I missed an armed revolution. At least he promising another. Maybe I’ll catch that one.
“Civics 101 fail: Tennessee GOP lawmaker wants to impeach governor for obeying Supreme Court”
Of course he does.
“Texas Republican: Democrats must ‘apologize now’ for their Confederate flag or ‘shut up’”
I’m so sorry that southern Democrats of the 19th Century had a flag that you wingnut racist freaks like to wave in the 21st Century to taunt black folk with. Truly, it’s all my bad.
“South Carolina woman jailed after telling restaurant that ‘Jesus’ would pay her tab”
It being South Carolina and all, I’m more curious to know how many times her scam worked.
For all his faults, and were many, following Challenger, the way President Ronald Reagan consoled our shocked and grieving nation made me proud of my president. Today’s Republican candidates would use such a disaster as an excuse to bash fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum, organized labor, Planned Parenthood and immigrants.
So my sister in law lost her first daughter to a pretty nasty infant disease before her second bday. Without hesitation she and her husband elected full body donation. My sis in law is a medical researcher. So she fully understood what full body donor means. Nevertheless, they insisted that she read and sign multiple disclosures acknowledging how full body donation works. She already knew that in all liklihood her deceased daughters remains would end up in dozens of different buckts.
You have a problem with this? Fine. Thats your choice. Why do you feel the need to condemn hers?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like it’s going to take a court order to force Texas to issue birth certificates for children born there, and therefore U.S. citizens, of undocumented parents.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Texas, of course, is run by Republicans who never run out of creative ways to be jerks.
“Thats your choice. Why do you feel the need to condemn hers?”
In the case of the batshit insane freak @15, it’s pretty simple, just like his mind. He’s not into freedom. He’s a member of a religious cult who prays to Baby Jesus for a Christian theocracy to replace our existing form of government and for your fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum sister-in-law to be reduced to a subservient handmaiden.
“Firm HR departments weed out any resume that so much as suggests that the applicant might be over 40 years old.”
I forgot to mention the same people who hire anybody over 40 years old want SSI eligibility raised to 70. The reason why they don’t talk about how one is to live without work for 30 years is because they want those people to fucking die. That’s one reason why they hate Obama care and the social safety net. Not enough Americans are senselessly dying to make them fucking happy. Hell, that’s the reason they want more fucking war. To see more Americans dying. That’s why the batshit insane SOB @15 posts his dehumanizing “DUMMOCRETIN” sandwiched between “fascist” and “scum”. Our nation once killed fascists by the tens of thousands in war and who doesn’t want to eliminate scum? Dehumanize, kill and eliminate. Is it clear yet? The batshit insane loon posts his eliminationist bullshit for one reason only. Like the rest of those right-wing SOBs, he wants to see Americans die.
Today’s right-wing Christian pervert headlines:
“Evangelical pastor arrested for sex abuse after being found with 13-year-old girl in backseat of a car”
I initially thought, “WTF?” But I checked my Bible and it’s all good.
Luke 14:13
But when you give a feast, don’t invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, shame them instead.
Mark 10:21
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, horde all that you have and never give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Luke 6:20-26
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Cursed are you who are poor, for yours is not the kingdom of God.
Luke 3:11
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics shall not share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
Mark 3:2-3
And they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Get lost, Crip.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
Another day, another nut with a gun, another shooting.
A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.
Roger Rabbitspews:
We’ve got to find a way to keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them, the Supreme Court’s conservative justices and the NRA notwithstanding.
“A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.”
One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the batshit insane loon would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter! Being it was Chattanooga, the spin the batshit crazy loon will lay on us is that it was an American troop-hating fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter. The hilarious thing is, the batshit crazy loon would be saying the latter on the same day he’s hunkered down somewhere in Texas waiting for his beloved American troops to come and get him and take him away to a Walmart detention center!
Holy shit! The goofy-looking mayor who called our black president “monkey man” and and our First Lady “gorilla face” is from Airway Heights in Eastern Fucking Washington. His FB post…
“Gorilla face Michelle, can’t disagree with that,” Patrick Rushing, mayor of Airway Heights, reportedly wrote in a Facebook post. “The woman is not attractive except to monkey man Barack. Check out them ears. LOL.”
He should throw his hat in the ring for the GOP presidential race because Trump has nothing on that motherfucker. If he were to do it now, I’d bet he could crack the top ten and make the cut for the debate on Fox on August 6th.
Holy shit, this is so funny.
“If I do resign that’s admitting I’m a racist and I’m not.”
“The Spokesman-Review reports that Rushing told the city council his comments were “completely out of character.” Yet The Pacific Northwest Inlander reports that the mayor has a long history of posting questionable and outright racist comments on Facebook.”
“The newspaper found what it said were at least 75 posts and reposts, including an image that suggests both the president and his wife should “hang for treason.” Another is a “joke” in which the punchline is the pilot of Air Force One suggesting he could throw them and Oprah Winfrey off the plane while in flight. A number of Rushing’s online posts also attacked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, gays and immigrants.”
“In some posts, Rushing also claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ.”
It looks like we’ve found a new hero for our (self-loathing) batshit crazy loon to idolize.
Roger Rabbitspews:
41 & 42: Apparently he’s exactly what the good white citizens of Airway Heights want leading their city.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of the batshit loon, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. Must be working, poor sap. Guess he’s gotta make his $15/hr. sometime, to stay afloat.
Presidential candidate Scott Walker’s priorities.
“the Wisconsin Senate has passed a bill to give $250 million in public subsidies to get the Milwaukee Bucks a new arena”
“Just a few days ago, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed a state budget that includes cuts of $250 million to the University of Wisconsin system, among other cuts to public education funding.”
Take $250 million from public education and then turn around and give that money to a goddamned billionaire. That is today’s GOP in a fucking nutshell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Authorities are now calling the attack in Chattanooga that killed four Marine recruiters and wounded a police officer an “act of domestic terrorism,” which implies they don’t yet see a foreign connection. The shooter, “identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez,” also is dead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 When you actually look at the stuff this guy posted, it’s shocking. He’s a hate-filled racist, sexist, and bigot who posted disparaging comments about blacks and women, lewd comments about lesbians, talked about “kicking gay ass,” and several times implied that he wishes President Obama and the First Lady were dead. He’s a birther, an admirer of Joe Arpaio, likes Confederate flags, and made references to Hillary Clinton’s “small breasts.” How can this guy possibly stay in office as an elected official? If he won’t resign, does the Airway Heights city council have the option of impeaching him? How do you get rid of a mayor who’s unfit to hold public office?
“Speaking of the batshit loon, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. ”
Jade 15. After a long a long ride through a tunnel, the batshit crazy loon is presently being held in a Walmart store at an undisclosed location in Texas. Putz. Word got to me that he’s actually thrilled about because it’s the first time one of his batshit crazy right-wing conspiracy theories has been proven true.
“When you actually look at the stuff this guy posted…”
I know, it’s like reading the batshit crazy loon’s comments only I don’t need a decoder ring.
“Historic South Carolina paper rips pro-Confederate lawmakers: It’s ‘chilling’ how much they sound like KKK”
Holy Cow! And this is out of a South Carolina newspaper, no less. But of course they sound alike. They’re all right-wing racists, cut from the same cloth.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A jury has rejected the Colorado theater shooter’s insanity defense and found him guilty of murder; I’ll stick my neck out and guess they’ll impose the death penalty. It takes only one juror to say no, but the jurors having found him legally sane, I don’t think any of them will conclude that someone who killed 12 strangers and wounded 70 more should live.
Teabagger in Declinespews:
The clowns think they are Presidential material.
They gave Obama shit for Jeramiah Wright, but they have no problem hanging around with someone who believes in killing people.
Pathetic people. Then they complain that the so called people that call for tolerance aren’t tolerant. Well, I wonder why.
This is more fun than shooting chickens in a bathtub.
@55 Isn’t that satire? I didn’t watch it, but there was a video going around a day or two ago created by a satirist which supposedly really nailed it.
38)I was thinking here we go again, and the usual suspects will begin their usual rants in the media. I am outraged at the shooting, a little late posting, as I work nights.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
So my sister in law lost her first daughter to a pretty nasty infant disease before her second bday.
So your sister’s baby was born and not aborted. That’s very sad Lib Unscientist… And nice she allowed that! Butt… What does that have to do with aborted babies and selling body parts?
What about that difference doesn’t Stupid Solution Steve comprehend as a batshit moonbat eating guano and barking at the moon? Born and given up through death vs. not born (aborted), taken and used as baby parts?
She already knew that in all liklihood her deceased daughters remains would end up in dozens of different buckts.
Hmmm… deceased daughter… must mean there was a live birth and not an abortion.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, nothing like the standard HA DUMMOCRETIN train wreck trying to change the subject!
Stoooooooooooooopid as evah!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“Speaking of the great one Puddy, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. ”
That’s because Puddy took family to Portland for two days Stupid Solution Steve. We did tours, saw places Mrs Puddy and Puddy will visit by ourselves in the future.
You should look into something to do vs. trolling Sound Politics or making very stooooooooooopid comments on HA DUMMOCRETINS about someone’s born and dead child comparing that to an aborted child baby parts being sold by Planned Parenthood!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh what a moron!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
@55 Isn’t that satire? I didn’t watch it
Don’t blame you Stupid Solution Steve… Anything from the vomit producer will sear your eyes forever with that IDIOT’s looooonacy!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Steve spews:
Thursday, 7/16/15 at 10:55 am
– Nothing of any importance
“A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.”
– Well now we know… Authorities identified Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez as the gunman responsible for the shooting for the deaths of the four marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Men and women proudly serving the US and dead sue to stooooooooopidity!
One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the great Puddy would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter!
– And no one has yet to prove Puddy incorrect in those posts because Puddy always brings to bear corroborating evidence such as voting record links of the city, county and state! All Stupid Solution Steve does is leave a smelly BULLSHITTIUM load with no corroborating evidence!
Being it was Chattanooga, the spin the great Puddy will lay on us is that it was an American troop-hating fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter.
– He may have been Stupid Solution Steve… Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez could have been a DUMMOCRETIN in thought, action, and deed. Most HA DUMMOCRETINS hate the military. Very evident from posts all the way back to 2004.
The hilarious thing is, the great Puddy would be saying the latter on the same day he’s hunkered down somewhere in Texas waiting for his beloved American troops to come and get him and take him away to a Walmart detention center!
– Walmart has detention centers now Stupid Solution Steve? Really? Got link? It’s more hilarious to notice how wrong you are lately Stupid Solution Steve. Recently you couldn’t name the capitol of South Carolina! Most would have looked it up before posting butt not Stupid Solution Steve!
What was the capit[a]l again?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Maybe MSNBC moron Lawrence O’Donnell will check facts now there is a bet on the table.
Geez, it looks like batshit crazy loon woke up batshit insane again. What’s that make it now, ten years in a row of him being batshit crazy, morning to night? Oh, well. One can still hope they find a cure.
“Very evident from posts all the way back to 2004.”
Oh. I thought it started in 2005. Make that eleven years. My bad.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Remember how Obummer and his cronies were trying to OUST Benjamin Netanyahu from office before Netanyahu could make that March trip to Congress to discuss the real truth about the Iran deal? The man Obummer and his cronies were trying replace Netanyahu with has spoken up on the Iranian NUKE deal and it’s not pretty!
Last December, when I interviewed the leader of Israel’s left-leaning Labor Party, Isaac “Bougie” Herzog, at the Brookings Institution’s Saban Forum, he said, in reference to nuclear negotiations with Iran: “I trust the Obama administration to get a good deal.”
In a telephone call with me late last night, Herzog’s message was very different. The deal just finalized in Vienna, he said, “will unleash a lion from the cage, it will have a direct influence over the balance of power in our region, it’s going to affect our borders, and it will affect the safety of my children.”
PuddyCommentary: Yeah, that “I trust the Obama administration to get a good deal” fell flat on it’s face. Remember how blowhard checkmate accused Puddy of using the CBS post as regurgitated Netanyahu’s words? Well can checkmate claim that of Herzog? Of course checkmate can. checkmate is a moron!
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
The Atlantic… A left wrong libtard site… Puddy uses them to smack DUMMOCRETIN ASS whenever possible. Of course there are those who will stooooooooopidly claim Puddy only uses right wing sites!
“One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the batshit insane loon would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter! ”
“And no one has yet to prove Puddy incorrect in those posts because Puddy always brings to bear corroborating evidence such as voting record links of the city, county and state! ”
Called it again!
But as batshit insane as he’s become, it’s just to easy. I can’t even get anyone to bet on it anymore.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
When you reduce Stupid Solution Steve to ad hominem attacks there is only one thing left GO!
Thanks for playing Stupid Solution Steve!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve?
Got link?
Chattanooga is your latest EPIC FAYLE!
Am I mistaken or is the bastshit crazy loon even crazier than usual? Seems like it. I’m guessing Jade 15 and all those sleepless nights fretting about America invading America.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ain’t it great we learned this week that DUMMOCRETINS have no compassion for the death of Kate Steinle
and cheer how Planned Parenthood tears up aborted human babies for “tissue reclamation projects” for “harvesting”!
Willy Vomitspews:
@ the Schitzo @ 74
You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right? The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than his predecessor.
Of course, you’d be happy to be his official teabagger in that concentration camp he’d be more than happy to put you in.
Anything for a laugh huh Schitzo?
The problem is, you aren’t funny anymore, you’re just pathetic.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
BTW HA DUMMOCRETINS those confederate flag waving people were organized by a black person who claimed evil in a man’s heart leads to shooting others not a piece of cloth. Butt remember, to a DUMMOCRETIN a bullet loads itself into a gun and then tells the trigger to move back to cock the hammer to propel the bullet.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right? The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than his predecessor.
The vomit producer makes these WILD ASS claims with no links to back it up! More StormFront trolling vomit producer? Or maybe Reddit? Maybe 4Chan? Hmmm…?
And the vomit producer calls Puddy pathetic with posts like that?
Let’s see what we have for headlines this morning.
“Pastor Jim Bakker blames Obama’s Iran deal for California’s drought and the Second Coming of Christ”
Our nation’s president delivers the second coming of Christ to you and you fuckers still can’t show any gratitude? What’s the guy gotta do?
“Off-grid ‘Rambo’ plotted to spark violence against Ferguson protesters by gluing gun to black man’s hand”
Now that’s a plan! I’m only surprised that our batshit crazy loon didn’t think of it first.
“Arizona cops illegally barge into home of showering woman and handcuff her while she’s naked”
“Sheriff of Texas town where Sandra Bland died was fired from previous job for racism”
Amazing. All we need is the voting record of the cities, counties and states, and we can identify the political affiliation of those cops and the sheriff. Let’s see, Texas and Arizona. Hmm.
“Kentucky Republicans push bill to let county clerks deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples”
I’m waiting to see if wingnuts can add two and two together, voter suppression and religion, and next come up with denying letting cities and county clerks to birth certificates to minorities based on religious grounds. Although wingnuts are all dumber that a box of rocks, when it comes to denying civil rights to others, they really can be kind of clever.
“Historic South Carolina paper rips pro-Confederate lawmakers: It’s ‘chilling’ how much they sound like KKK”
Insurance plans sold on government-run Obamacare exchanges on average have 34 percent fewer hospitals and doctors—including specialists—in their provider networks than health policies sold outside those exchanges or offered by employers, a new analysis finds.
Sarah Palin is right again!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Ahhh Puddy notices how Stupid Solution Steve@81 changes the topic!
Well FACT delivering ASS kickings do that to you!
“those confederate flag waving people were organized by a black person”
My goodness! America has got two black batshit crazy loons? I was hoping there was only one.
“Steve@81 changes the topic!”
Thanks to the batshit crazy loon, the topic of every HA thread these days is “How batshit crazy will the batshit crazy loon be today?” Simple answer, “Even more batshit crazy than yesterday.”
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
“You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right?”
Of course. He’s a wingnut.
“The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than…”
For a moment there I thought you were going to say that he’s crazier and stupider than our than our batshit crazy loon. But that was my bad. We all know that isn’t possible.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Major Garrett is a fucking imbecile, and has built his entire career on being the biggest jackass in the room. He was well put in his place and rightfully so. He’s a professional asshole, and a Teabaggist neofascist fucktard of the highest order.
Of course you’d love him.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve @84,
Who knows what evil lurks in mens’ hearts like James Holmes? Or that moronic twit Markos Moulitsas for blaming Sarah Palin for the attack. What about Jared Loughner who met Gabby Giffords previously and claimed she was stupid and unintelligent? What about Adam Lanza and his rampage?
Did Holmes secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 12?
Did Loughner secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 6?
Did Lanza secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 20?
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Hillary now claims she wanted to be an astronaut when she was a teenager.
Puddy thought she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary. Wait… he climbed Everest after she was born? Darn!
Didn’t she try to join the marines? Wait… Hillary was a law professor then.
She was fired at while visiting the Balkans? Wait… the video shows Hillary and Chelsea walking normally.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Where is that link by the vomit producer link for Greg Abbott white supremacist again?
Wait… he attacks Major Garrett instead… Major Garrett went to CBS news you moron. You don’t arrive at CBS News as a CONSERVATIVE vomit producer!
“Jade Helm 15 watchdog writes off liberals as ‘useless’: ‘I can’t wait to kill thousands of these f*cks’”
It looks like our batshit crazy loon has found himself a kindred spirit.
So I’ll stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb.
Which can only mean one thing…
But being dumb might not be your fault. Perhaps you were born that way. Perhaps years of substance abuse brought it on (more on that below). Whatever. So wtf, what’s wrong with me doing my part to try to make the world a little less dumb?
“Butt… What does that have to do with aborted babies and selling body parts?”
I guess we’ll begin by bifurcating your ignorance into two parts:
1) human tissue;
2) preparation and distribution of same.
1) So I suppose you make some orthodox, non-scientific distinction between certain sources for donated human tissue. However in the world not governed by your invisible sky buddy, an aborted fetus, a liver, blood, a brain (zombie research) the remains of a recently deceased 19 month old infant, eyeballs, sperm, and even a face are all examples of human tissue that can and have been legally donated for various uses in medicine and research. So if you are reading this then part of your ignorance is now answered. Aborted human fetal tissue can be and is donated just like a liver or blood. Glad that’s settled.
2) It is illegal to sell human tissue for profit. Commercial trading in human tissue for profit by donors and/or their doctors is illegal. But there is a commercial market for human tissue. How is this? When someone dies, when a fetus is aborted, when part of a person is removed from them, these tissues are seldom in a condition immediately suitable for use in medicine or medical research. Sometimes a bunch of processing and extraction takes place first. Blood is separated into component tissues, etc. And business have been established to carry out this important work. You may have come across a plasma center or two during your years living on the street abusing Sterno. Well, many of these are for-profit businesses that actually pay(!) the donors for their plasma. The government has decide that this is okay since the payments are so small (but enough to afford you the next can of squeeze, am I right?). And these plasma center businesses sell the blood products they collect from Sterno abusers to other business for profit. The government says this is okay too. So abortion providers can at the direction of a mother donate fetal tissue and may be compensated for doing so in order to cover costs associated with the donation, etc. And some of the businesses they provide fetal tissue to are for-profit businesses that manufacture tissue products and medical research products from donated tissue and sell them. The government says this is okay.
Now, you and John Boehner can clutch your pearls and run to your fainting couch if that’s what you need to do. But neither you, nor John Boehner is going to shut down the human tissue industry. Lots of people, including babies, would die if you did that.
It really shocks me that you didn’t know any of this. Seems kind of weird. Are you sure you didn’t?
Oh. Right. We already agreed to stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb. Which can only mean…
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
your invisible sky buddy
– The tell tale sign you are Lib Unscientist!
– You are being stooooopid and derailing the argument… Your niece was born alive and unfortunately died. My condolences. She was ALIVE. These aborted babies never were alive. They were removed on purpose and aborted. And their organs are what…? Tissue? This is the new gravitas term of the pro abortion crowd now?
There is no comparison between your dead niece born alive and aborted babied harvested for their tissue! The rest of your rant is just wasted pixels and DUMMOCRETIN cannon fodder!
So what is the difference between the remains of my deceased niece and the remains of an aborted fetus? Assume that I can’t read your mind and don’t agree with you about anything.
“Oh. Right. We already agreed to stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb. Which can only mean…”
Way to to hand the batshit crazy loon’s ass to him, Liberal Scientist.
“– You are being stooooopid and derailing the argument…”
Forgive me. I was unaware that I was obligated to help you to support your arguments. I’m not sure I agree with that.
Nope. I’m certain. I don’t agree with that. I am not responsible for helping you support your arguments. Please go now and fuck yourself. And when you are done offer us a better argument. Perhaps one that can’t be so easily derailed?
“The tell tale sign you are Lib Unscientist!”
Let me guess. Having your ass so deftly handed to you was your first clue. It certainly was mine.
Hey, Lib Sci!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Been busy…
First… Even Stupid Solution Steve admits CloseForeplay is really Lib UnScientist! Thanks Stupid Solution Steve for the corroboration! Puddy can smell the libtard stench through the monitor and Lib the UnScientist is one of the most putrid!
Second… So what is the difference between the remains of my deceased niece and the remains of an aborted fetus?
Aborted Baby Lib UnScientist. Call it what it is. Four fingers and a thumb on each hand and five toes on each foot. Two arms and two legs. Not a baby chimpanzee or gorilla or spider monkey.
One has had life while the other never never did. The latter was a aborted human! Sad isn’t it. The dead niece was talked to while in the womb. The dead niece was sang to in the womb. The parents enjoyed their child for that short amount of time. They took pictures of her. They fed her. They sang to her. They talked to her. You may have taken pictures of her. The dead niece had a funeral.
The unwanted aborted baby parts probably met a garbage pail! The wanted baby parts went off somewhere to the highest bidder! There was no funeral! No one talked to the aborted dead baby! No one cuddled the aborted dead baby! The father probably never knew his unborn child.
Soooooooooooo if there isn’t any difference as Lib UnScientist claims why did the PP CEO Cecile has apologized for being exposed for what they are doing with aborted dead baby parts? Hmmm…? Seems Cecile was only worried about the “tone and statements” butt not the practice. If nothing is wrong why attempt to save PP face? That’s A-OK!
You are a laughably sad human biomass Lib UnScientist! Comparing your dead niece to an aborted baby! At least your niece got to meet her parents, smile, laugh, giggle, feel comforted, etc. The aborted baby experienced pain. it’s brains being sucked out, or stabbed in the back of the next Kermit Gosnell style, etc.
Seems Lib the UnScientist cares more about an aborted baby then Kate Steinle killed by a five time deported illegal alien. Butt to a DUMMOCRETIN with mixed up priorities like Lib UnScientist and his ASSkissing sycophant Stupid Solution Steve… that’s A-OK too!
“Puddy can smell the libtard stench through the monitor and Lib the UnScientist is one of the most putrid!”
The internet tubes don’t work that way. It’s obviously yourself that you smell. Consider showering more than once a month. I’m sure that’ll help considerably with the putrid body stench. Not so much with the putrid stench of the mindless hate you spew.
Decide yet which 1,000 liberals you’re gonna kill?
“One has had life while the other never never did.”
Whoa! Are you sure about that?
Settles it then. Abortion is legal. And Puddy agrees. ‘Cause whatever never had life, can’t have it taken away.
You put it in writing, Pud. Own it.
“The dead niece had a funeral”
A memorial only. Before which, her remains were donated at the direction of her parents. They were prepared in various ways, processed in various solutions, and placed into various containers. Some might have been used to help train pediatric vascular surgeons. Some might have been used to study disease in cells. And some undoubtedly wound up in buckets. Donated human tissue is often used many times in different ways. Whole bodies may be mass dissected by first year med students. Then the resulting parts might be used for study by undergrad anatomy students. It varies. But it is all very important. Like I wrote earlier, without tissue donations, lots and lots of babies would die needlessly. Is that really what you want? That is sad.
“Seems Cecile was only worried about the “tone and statements” butt not the practice”
Instead of ranting on and asking rhetorical questions, why not share with us precisely what it is about PP practices you find objectionable? But do stick to facts. There is no bidding. There is no profit. There is no organ harvesting. All of this you know by now. All mothers are offered the option of donating. Mothers whose fetuses die in the womb. Mothers who terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Mothers whose babies die in infancy. Whatever the origin, once dead, they are dead. I’m sorry you are disturbed by the use of human tissue to study and fight disease and train scientists. But you wont get anywhere trying to convince the rest of us to return with you to the suffering of the middle ages.
And let me get this straight: You object to the medical use of the remains of an unwanted fetus. But you are perfectly fine with the medical use of the remains of a loved and wanted child. Frankly, I think the only way that makes sense is if you really don’t care at all about medical uses of human remains. But instead you object simply to abortion and you want to exploit squeamishness about human remains to push your agenda of female oppression. Fuck you.
And remember this: half the women you know have experienced an unwanted pregnancy.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Stupid Solution Steve… It’s metaphysical… and Puddy realizes you are tooooooooooo stooooooooooopid to comprehend!
“Comparing your dead niece to an aborted baby!”
Again, this kind of reasoning strongly suggest that you are completely insincere in your “defense” of human “life”.
I was comparing remains. That was unmistakable. And if those remains are put to use saving lives and reducing human suffering, then the comparison is very favorable.
Buy you clearly find the value of “an aborted baby” to be less than the remains of a “wanted baby”. Your post articulates a marked bias against the value of “an aborted baby”. That runs contrary to your claims of revering the “life of the unborn”. This only makes sense if your claims of reverence for life are insincere.
You support war. You support drone strikes against civilian targets. You support the death penalty. You support police killings of unarmed suspects. You oppose access to birth control and family planning services. And you hate aborted fetuses.
You just want to oppress women. QED.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Settles it then. Abortion is legal. And Puddy agrees.
– Really Lib UnScientist? Puddy doesn’t agree at all!
Is that really what you want?
– Your niece had life, The aborted baby never did. What part of that don’t you understand?
Dr Nucatola expressly said at lunch on the video in so many words Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts. Hmmm…? That’s why the VP of PP cnaged the dynamic to “tissue” because intact hearts and livers and other organs are available to the highest bidder! Anywhere from #30 to $100 per part! Her own words from the video
Dr. Nucatola said, “You’re just kind of cognizant of where you put your graspers, you try to intentionally go above and below the thorax, so that, you know, we’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m going to basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact.”
You object to the medical use of the remains of an unwanted fetus. But you are perfectly fine with the medical use of the remains of a loved and wanted child.
– Ever heard of the law? Of course not. To left wrong libtards like Lib UnScientist, they don’t want you to know Federal law prohibits the sale of body parts of aborted babies. In fact, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
So the rest of you rant is vacuous words full of empty blather!
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
I was comparing remains. That was unmistakable. And if those remains are put to use saving lives and reducing human suffering, then the comparison is very favorable.
And Puddy was referring to the life of a child to the life of the unborn child sucked out or forceptted out!
Buy you clearly find the value of “an aborted baby” to be less than the remains of a “wanted baby”.
– a) Purchase of tissue
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.
Laws anyone? And you consider the value of an aborted baby more valuable than a human life snuffed out by a five time deported illegal alien in a sanctuary city! That’s why you skip right over that!
Laws do not matter to DUMMOCRETINS like Lib UnScientist! Never have and never will!
You can’t stop your goddamned lying for even one fucking comment.
You want to kill 1,000 liberals like the other deranged fucking wingnut? Try starting with me, you SOB. I assure you, you motherfucking asshole, that you’ll never tell another goddamned fucking lie again.
Well, it really is just plain awful lying.
And pointedly refusing to face his own truth.
He carries alot of anger toward women.
Look, Puddy I can understand this somewhat. You had a difficult adolescence. Many people do. Lots of changes. Lots of feelings. And the church and family didn’t help. Left you feeling like an outsider. But don’t take it out on the girls who ignored you or eye rolled you. They had fun. Others had fun. They were truly happy. You wished you could have had fun. You wished you could have been happy. But you couldn’t crack that code.
But it isn’t too late. You can have fun. You can be happy. You can turn away from the self loathing and hate. Women who own themselves are wonderful. They really are more fun. So much better you probably can’t even imagine it. Letting go of all the shame, and doubt, and hate, and guilt, and fear will make you happy for the first time. You can still find out what it means to be happy. To be one of the happy people. You can even keep you invisible sky buddy. But your going to have to stop carrying around all the resentment toward the other happy people. And stop trying to control their bodies. That won’t make you happy.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Apparently Post #102 scares certain DUMMOCRETINS!
Difficult adolescence? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy chose to be working and making money at 14. Bought my first multi-speed bike with my own money at 14! Just another train wreck comment attempt by Lib UnScientist! It’s all about Lib UnScientist and his unscientific diagnoses! Puddy loves wimens: my wife, all six of my sisters, and my dead momma!
Once again you won’t deal with the law Lib UnScientist. Why is that? You won’t deal with Dr. Nucatola’s own words which Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards ran to video cover up.
And to rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve, where did Puddy lie? Is this the law or not rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve?
Did Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards make the cover-up video rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve? Did Dr. Nucatola say those things on the video rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve? The whole 2 hour video is out in the public domain now and people can view it in it’s entirety to see if it was doctored or edited!
So come on delineate where Puddy lied. Come on and grow some brass maubuls
Lib UnScientist has fallen off the deep end. Where there is a law Lib UnScientist hates, it’s ignore time! No use discussing the law with that libtard moron!
Liberal Scientistspews:
Hello everybody.
I obviously haven’t been around, but I was perusing this thread, something I haven’t done in a long, LONG time, and quite gratifyingly saw that my persona was being invoked because of a different participant’s deft evisceration of the Puddibigot….nice. Keep up the good work.
No, DistantReply is not me. Just wanted to clarify that.
I’ve missed you all…well, almost all of you.
It’s been a really bad year in the Liberal Scientist house…I lost Mrs. Scientist, the most loving, humble, gentle, luminous being I’ve ever known.
A horrible 16 weeks last Fall between being fine, then starting to suddenly lose her balance, to exiting this world in January, taken far far too soon by a horrifically nasty brain tumor.
I’ve thought of this place as community, and it is, but simply have not had the time/inclination/fire to attend to it as it deserves. Moving my boys (two teenagers) through tragedy, keeping a grip on the house and the pets and the bills and the job…just no time to joust with imbeciles like Puddibigot or that idiot Travis.
I don’t know how much I’ll be around going forward…hopefully more. In the midst of this awfulness is a gift…the ability and means and inclination to reevaluate *everything* in one’s life…work and home and activities and friends and community…stepping back, with mindfulness and intention…asking what actually brings bliss.
Peace to you all.
Peace to you, Liberal Scientist. I am so sorry for your loss.
Puddybud, proving the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is always wrongspews:
Well Lib Scientist…
Sorry to read your loss of Mrs Scientist. Unlike left wrong SCUM Puddy does care.
Evisceration? Notice no one responded to the law questions.
It’s difficult to keep track of who Republicans hate more. They hate the gays. They hate the poor. They hate Latinos. They hate the African-Americans. They hate the liberals. They hate the Iranians. They hate the Muslims. I know there must be more. Trump really needs to expand his base. More hate for everyone!
Oh, but they love war!
SoI was in the car the other evening and there was a story on KIRO that I was mindlessly playing about the drop in civilian pilots and private planes due to escallating costs. But a throwaway line from an instructor interview struck me as odd.
Entry level first officers for commercial airlines earn about $25K/yr. Stop and think about that. That was followed by the idea that to get certified to apply for such a job would put one into $150k of student loan debt. First Officers top out around 40k/yr while it is true that a first chair pilot can earn as much as $175k/yr it takes around a decade to get promoted from first officer. (spent some time down the rabbit hole of the internet verifying the basic math of airline pay.)
This is now typical of so much of higher education. The state, be it federal or individual state has ceased paying for college so the cost of getting a degree is now insanely high. But now that you have that degree, the pay of an entry-level job in a professional career has not moved a bit. For at least the first five years of getting a white collar degree required job one will be in severe financial distress between rent/food/student debt repayment.
Making the user pay and suffer through that job is the natural order according to one side of the political aisle but it has never been part of American society until the last few decades. Creating an educated workforce used to be part what industry demanded of the Government and that was subsidized by taxes on industry. That is no more. Now the individual must pay for the priveledge of one day, maybe, getting an entry level job. Industry is no longer expected to pay taxes to train those workers nor pay a salary that has risen as their cost of training workers through taxation has dropped. Kind of a sweet deal for industry, eh?
The lack of purchasing power of young professionals is quite a drag on the economy but hey, your taxes are low so it’s all good right and low coroporate taxes creates more jobs, amiright?
They hate Union members.
They Hate “feed the poor” Christians, you know WWJD types Christians.
They hate the Pope.
They hate Scientists
@2 Not to worry, future jetliners will be pilotless. Also seatless and legroom-less, but amply endowed with baggage fees and other tack-on fees. Here’s what unregulated capitalism looks like:
@2 “Kind of a sweet deal for industry, eh?”
Well yeah, it is, corporations have never been more profitable and capitalists like me have never raked it in like we are now! I’m not fond of this system — it strikes me as unfair — but this is why I’ve been saying for years that everyone should be a capitalist now, because being a worker has turned into a bum deal. No one should work, given the system we have now, which rewards me for your labor. But conservatives promise the “market” will take care of that by replacing workers with robots. That’s another reason why everyone will has to become a capitalist, because someday there won’t be any jobs left for humans. Only computers and machines will have work — and they won’t be paid. Conservatives will finally realize their age-old dream of free labor that doesn’t need piss breaks, doesn’t have to be fed, and doesn’t need sleep or rest.
@ 2
Try a different bong mix next time.
A fact sheet accessed here:,d.cGU
from the Air Line Pilots Association states that the mainline airlines pay first officers $48,000 to start. That’s starting salary, not ‘topping out’. And it’s from 2012 so likely a bit higher now.
That fact sheet states that 2,400 qualified pilots leave the armed forces every year, giving the airlines plenty of applicants. Think retirement in one’s early 40s with a nice military pension, then going to work as a commercial pilot after that. Suddenly a lower salary paid by lower-tier airlines doesn’t seem so bad if it’s supplemented by a government pension and VA health care, does it?
Not everyone can afford to pay top-tier.
Those companies lose money if they can’t afford to fly because they can’t afford pilots.
Although poorer-off restaurants that can’t afford minimum wage salaries shouldn’t even be in business, I’m told by some around here, so poorer-off regional carriers who can’t afford to match what Delta is paying really should be looked at the same way, right? If they shouldn’t be in business, and the lower-paid pilots instead should apply at higher-paying carriers, then what’s the problem?
Unless those regional carriers, like the lower-end fast-food outlets, play a role for a segment of the population that relies on them. But it’s not nice to mention struggles of the bottom end, when the top end numbers are looking so good to Invictus, Goldy, and the like.
CZ, you should have realized something wasn’t right when you wrote ‘First officers top out around 40k/yr…’.
Taking a decade to get from a start of $48k to the $150k+ range isn’t so tough. Salaries increase most rapidly in the first five years of employment.
Alaska Airlines First Officer Pay Scale
Year 1
$53/hr, 75 hr/mo minimum.
$53/hr x 75 hr/mo x 12 mo/yr = $47,700 minimum.
Oh, year 2 is $83. So $74,700, minimum.
Plus, cool hats with wings and Russell Wilson to hang out with.
McCain is getting primaried because he isn’t as hateful or nutjobby as a nutjob should be. Weird.
“‘It’s not the America we grew up in, is it?’ Ward touted herself as a “true conservative” unlike McCain, who she said has been known to tack to the right during his reelection bids. ‘He’s going to move so far to the right, he’s going to bump into my left shoulder,’ Ward predicted, adding she would “nudge” him back to where he belongs.”
“It’s difficult to keep track of who Republicans hate”
I believe you’re approaching the problem wrong. It’d be a lot easier to identify those who they don’t hate. Themselves.
So in other words, if you can get one of a handful of ‘ Mainline’ jobs and you have a second salary subsidized by the taxpayer that you gave up a great deal of you earnings potential to he trained by the govt it’s a really sweet deal? Well, problem solved.
BTW, the Alaska link you provided is for pilots not FOs. BTW, don’t know if its the same for pilots but flight attendants are only on duty for hourly wage from doors closed to doors open. They need a better union. But wage theft isn’t an issue outside of fast food, right?
@ 10
I wouldn’t say ‘handful’, cz, but I’m not coming unprepared to an argument.
Same fact sheet, p.2.
•500,000 pilots needed over the next 20 years.
•Commercial airline fleet will double by 2034.
Oh, my data @7 is from a table with the heading:
Since you were talking about First Officers I figured I should do the same, cz.
Goldy @GoldyHA
via @CivicSkunkworks: David Brooks, the CBO, and Conventional Economics Are Wrong …
So if the CBO methodology is wrong (because 64 studies covering periods no more recent than 2007 were looked at), does that call into question as well all those feel-good numbers about how much real income would increase, and how many people will be lifted out of poverty, Goldy? After all, CBO used the same methodology both for the good stuff and the bad stuff.
’cause I sort of recall Darryl quoting some of those good stuff figures in an exchange on HA awhile back.
Seemed good enough for him to bring it up back then, at least.
Anyone remember Jordan Silver, formerly at 107.7 theEnd? She’s still all up in arms about the “attacks on the confederate flag”. I’ll never understand people who are victims of discrimination and intolerance defending the symbols of discrimination and intolerance. She spent a couple of years in Atlanta on an alternative rock station in the LGBT community and she’s decided she’s an expert on the South and racism. I suspect she might have had a different experience if she didn’t dress and look like a small white boy and worked in a more diverse format. Her cracker followers think they should remove all traces of MLK before they even think of touching the traitor flag. I need a dandelion break.
Travis Bickle @6,
Now you know checkmate gloms onto the first thing it reads and then reacts. Wait a minute… that’s what checkmate writes about us… It’s that Psych 101 Projection Thang again!
Poor checkmate… Puddy’s late brother-in-law joined the Navy at 17.5 years… Lied about his age. Retired after 42 years at 60. Got his EE degree while in the Navy. Retired at Lt Commander rank as he came in enlisted! Worked another 15 years as an EE. Took retirement. Was a triple dipper until deciding to cash out the EE retirement. Full naval benefits along with SS benefits. Bought a new car every three to four years. Was restoring a 69 Mercedes when he died.
Too bad being a civilian all your life you have no understanding about military pensions for officers! Stoooooooooopid on this topic as every other one you “write” about.
Meanwhile in real news we learn all about those aborted dead baby parts!
If the aborted baby is just useless biomASS as pro-abortion libtards claim why are there uses for these “human baby body parts” if they are just useless biomASSes?
So before you leftard DUMMOCRETINS scream setup, here is the Planned Parenthood response… Hence it has to be true… PuddyCommentary: Naaaaah it’s not baby parts… it’s just tissue in the shape of hearts, livers, legs, etc.
Speaking of MLK…
“Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill-will.” – MLK Jr.
This too is DAYUM Funny! Down to the tenths of the minute!
For rujaxmeoff! The latest in the Illinois killing fields
You’ve read Bickle’s propaganda. Here’s the truth about pilot pay.
Fortune magazine: “Regional airlines can’t fill their cockpits, and it’s because their pilots earn miserably low pay … the Air Line Pilots Association estimates that the average starting salary is … $22,500 per year …. Unsurprisingly, 11 of the 12 regional airlines the GAO interviewed reported difficulties filling entry-level first-officer vacancies. ‘You just can’t find people to work for those wages,’ says Helane Becker, a managing director at Cowen and Company who covers airlines.”
Wall Street Journal: “A widening shortage of U.S. airline pilots is spotlighting the structure of an industry built on starting salaries for regional-airline pilots that are roughly equivalent to fast-food wages. … Starting pilot salaries at 14 U.S. regional carriers average $22,400 a year, according to the largest U.S. pilots union. Some smaller carriers pay as little as $15,000 a year. … After five years, the average regional copilot still earns only $35,100 a year ….”
Wall Street Journal: “[M]ajor airlines have been furloughing pilots more than hiring them, so it’s been increasingly difficult for regional airline pilots to get on the seniority track at big airlines, which leads to high salaries. … On average, starting pay at major airlines is $36,283 –- about double where many regional airlines start pilots, but darn low for mid-career professionals ….”
Forbes magazine: “According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, citing data from the Airline Pilots Association, International, starting pay for most airline pilots is approximately $20,000.”
From an article called “The Truth About the Profession”: “Junior Captains earn around $120,000 to $140,000 per year at major airlines, and at some financially successful major airlines and cargo carriers, slightly over $200,000 per year. Unfortunately, however, … these jobs are extremely hard to come by. Many will read these six figure numbers and salivate, but … it is highly unlikely that the average reader will ever see a salary that high. There simply aren’t that many jobs like this available, and there are tons of other variables that could come into play that can prevent you from ever becoming senior enough to hold a position like that at any time in your career.”
And then there are all the downsides: Long hours of unpaid off-the-clock work (pilots are only paid for actual flight time), constant travel and time away from home and family, the industry’s cyclical ups and downs with attendant layoffs and company restructurings, etc. The upshot is that the U.S. is heading toward a severe pilot shortage, with many regional carriers (who carry 50% of domestic airline traffic) already grounding planes and canceling flights because of a lack of pilots, and this is well documented in numerous news stories and media articles, and has been a subject of debate in Congress. Yes, there are some six-figure flying jobs out there — for the lucky few. Just as there are a few major league baseball jobs paying millions of dollars a year — about 500 such jobs, to be exact. But that’s hardly a reason for millions of dads to tell their sons to play baseball instead of going to college.
Bottom line: Bickle, as usual, is full of shit.
@ 14
He has a point, a small one, but he broadens it to an industry-wide issue, which it is not.
This crash:
involved two undertrained and exhausted crew, who made poor wages and slept between shifts in airport locker rooms, etc., to conserve cash. Pretty sure this is the one I’m recalling. Voice recorder captured their discussions about how poor they were and what they did to hang on to cash, and they were so engrossed in their conversation they didn’t see themselves heating into a stall. Pilot pulled the stick when he should have pushed.
There are some small carriers who pay their pilots pennies and this is what can result.
Doesn’t mean he can present it like it’s an across-the-board problem.
There’s not going to be a war against Iran, and Republican warmongers can’t stand it. Of course, they’re couching their criticism of the Iran nuke deal in respectable-sounding language like “security interests” and such. But what they’re really upset about is Obama took their bombers and other military toys away from them.
As a matter of general principle, Iran is a sovereign state and has as much right to possess nuclear weapons as we do. They’d be within their rights to say, “We’ll give up nukes when you do.” It’s highly hypocritical for a country that possesses tens of thousands of nuclear warheads and has refused to sign a no-first-use pledge to tell another country they can’t have any warheads at all. Of course, things aren’t quite that simple, because nukes are so threatening that anybody having them is everyone’s business.
There are a lot of other stupidities in the Republican position, too. For example, they (and Netanyahu) assume that if Iran gets nuclear weapons it’ll use them. First of all, it’s perfectly possible for a country to want nukes purely for defensive purposes. The fact is, no country has used a single nuke in warfare since the U.S. monopoly on possessing nukes was broken. Everyone uses them for deterrence, and nothing else. Secondly, nukes are useless without delivery systems. Sure, Iran probably could deliver a nuke warhead to Israel, but the notion that an Iran A-bomb would threaten the U.S. is preposterous. Iran has no ICBMs, no missile-launching subs, no long-range bombers. If Iran acquired a nuclear arsenal tomorrow, it would alter the politics of the Middle East, which is really what everyone is upset about, but it wouldn’t pose a military threat to the U.S. that we couldn’t easily defend ourselves against.
Republicans argue this agreement gives Iran a “path to a bomb.” That’s debatable at best, but what’s clear is that having no agreement will leave them with a much quicker and easier path to a bomb. So what’s the Republicans’ alternative to this agreement? Gauzy promises that they would negotiate a tougher agreement. Really? Do they have some magic fairy dust which, when sprinkled on the negotiating table, will make the Iranians more willing to agree to stricter terms? The Republican “alternative” in this case sounds suspiciously like their proposed budgets that promise to cut taxes, eliminate deficits, and boost military spending — all at the same time — but they never explain or provide any details about how they’re going to do that.
It’s pretty clear Republicans don’t want any agreement at all with Iran. They want to “bomb, bomb, bomb Iran!” They want war, just like they always do. It’s up to the adults to take their flying toys away from them and say no.
@19 “There are some small carriers who pay their pilots pennies and this is what can result. Doesn’t mean he can present it like it’s an across-the-board problem.”
Not some small carriers, ALL small carriers, and yes it’s an across-the-board problem. If you bothered to spend 10 minutes reading readily-available research material on the internet, you would know that. But you’re too busy farting hot air to be bothered with facts.
@20 A pitch perfect articulation of the matter. Thanks.
Yes, it is an across the board problem. The cost of getting the requirements for a professional white collar job have been rising steadily. The amount of compensation for an entry level job has not been rising nearly as steadily. Low cost airlines and the airline industry in general are an example.
I guess you’ve moved into an idea that because some legacy carriers actually pay better then it’s all good. Okay. I see where you stand.
The BLS disagrees with the fact sheet about growth in the industry saying that the number of commercial pilots will be unchanged over 2012-2022.
I know where the fuckwad can get a new brain. Even embryonic it will work better than the one he has.
Puffy’ friends, hard at work. Doing creative and meaningful things in life.
Protesters Fly Confederate Flags To Greet Obama In Oklahoma
Damn Demmocretins!
Not quite. They did sign on to the Nuclear non-proliferation treaty so without formally leaving the treaty which they have not done. It is under that authority that the 6 nations + 1 talks have occured.
What going to give the righties fits is that under the Non-Proliferation treaty and the new agreement if Iran is at any time to be found non-compliant sanctions can be re-imposed. Kind of undercuts the arguement that Iran is now free to do whatever they want. But then making sense has never been a strong point for Congressional Republicans.
What never seems to get mentioned by anyone in the media is that the U.S. & Britain conspired to overthrow a democratically-elected Iranian prime minister and replaced him with tyrant, the Shah. Most Americans would get a little testy if the Iranian government had done the same to the U.S. Perhaps the best course of action is to let the Iranian people decide their own fate as to whether or not they have nukes. We’ve have created a monstrosity by messing around in the Middle East. Let’s withdraw entirely from the region.
Shhhhh, America is never wrong. Ever. Never. They hate us for our freedoms and no other reason.
“The cost of getting the requirements for a professional white collar job have been rising steadily.”
My profession has gone downhill so fast I can hardly believe what I’m seeing. Firm HR departments weed out any resume that so much as suggests that the applicant might be over 40 years old. Why should they hire those over-priced relics when young graduates loaded with massive debt are begging to work at practically any salary? Sure, the youngsters will fuck shit up without some experienced gray hairs around, but today’s breed of upper-level management lied their way to the top, blaming others for their own fuckups every step of the way, so when the youngsters fuck things up, management knows exactly what to do.
Sigh! Wingnuts. Headlines will suffice.
“Mayor won’t resign over ‘Gorilla face’ Michelle Obama rant because ‘that’s admitting I’m racist’”
It’s okay, Dude, we already know.
“Doctor unleashes tirade of disgusting anti-gay comments amid launch of right-wing Texas group”
Of course he did. The disgusting anti-brown people comments are tomorrow. Friday, it’s disgusting anti-Muslim comments.
“Fox producer: People love Trump because he won’t let ‘illegal aliens come and murder our women’”
All the same, it might not be wise move to leave Trump alone the ladies.
“‘Absolutely nothing’ but usual quiet in Texas on first day of Jade Helm 15”
Damn! I was really hoping.
“Michigan veteran calls for armed revolution after losing home to scam: ‘It’ll go down like Bundy Ranch'”
Huh! It seems I missed an armed revolution. At least he promising another. Maybe I’ll catch that one.
“Civics 101 fail: Tennessee GOP lawmaker wants to impeach governor for obeying Supreme Court”
Of course he does.
“Texas Republican: Democrats must ‘apologize now’ for their Confederate flag or ‘shut up’”
I’m so sorry that southern Democrats of the 19th Century had a flag that you wingnut racist freaks like to wave in the 21st Century to taunt black folk with. Truly, it’s all my bad.
“South Carolina woman jailed after telling restaurant that ‘Jesus’ would pay her tab”
It being South Carolina and all, I’m more curious to know how many times her scam worked.
For all his faults, and were many, following Challenger, the way President Ronald Reagan consoled our shocked and grieving nation made me proud of my president. Today’s Republican candidates would use such a disaster as an excuse to bash fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum, organized labor, Planned Parenthood and immigrants.
So my sister in law lost her first daughter to a pretty nasty infant disease before her second bday. Without hesitation she and her husband elected full body donation. My sis in law is a medical researcher. So she fully understood what full body donor means. Nevertheless, they insisted that she read and sign multiple disclosures acknowledging how full body donation works. She already knew that in all liklihood her deceased daughters remains would end up in dozens of different buckts.
You have a problem with this? Fine. Thats your choice. Why do you feel the need to condemn hers?
Looks like it’s going to take a court order to force Texas to issue birth certificates for children born there, and therefore U.S. citizens, of undocumented parents.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Texas, of course, is run by Republicans who never run out of creative ways to be jerks.
“Thats your choice. Why do you feel the need to condemn hers?”
In the case of the batshit insane freak @15, it’s pretty simple, just like his mind. He’s not into freedom. He’s a member of a religious cult who prays to Baby Jesus for a Christian theocracy to replace our existing form of government and for your fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum sister-in-law to be reduced to a subservient handmaiden.
“Firm HR departments weed out any resume that so much as suggests that the applicant might be over 40 years old.”
I forgot to mention the same people who hire anybody over 40 years old want SSI eligibility raised to 70. The reason why they don’t talk about how one is to live without work for 30 years is because they want those people to fucking die. That’s one reason why they hate Obama care and the social safety net. Not enough Americans are senselessly dying to make them fucking happy. Hell, that’s the reason they want more fucking war. To see more Americans dying. That’s why the batshit insane SOB @15 posts his dehumanizing “DUMMOCRETIN” sandwiched between “fascist” and “scum”. Our nation once killed fascists by the tens of thousands in war and who doesn’t want to eliminate scum? Dehumanize, kill and eliminate. Is it clear yet? The batshit insane loon posts his eliminationist bullshit for one reason only. Like the rest of those right-wing SOBs, he wants to see Americans die.
Today’s right-wing Christian pervert headlines:
“Evangelical pastor arrested for sex abuse after being found with 13-year-old girl in backseat of a car”
“TLC finally cancels ’19 Kids and Counting’”
After looking into it, I’ve determined that Scott Walker is a good Christian man.
“Walker Sues Feds For Right To Shame The Poor”
I initially thought, “WTF?” But I checked my Bible and it’s all good.
Luke 14:13
But when you give a feast, don’t invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, shame them instead.
Mark 10:21
And Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “You lack one thing: go, horde all that you have and never give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me.”
Luke 6:20-26
And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said: “Cursed are you who are poor, for yours is not the kingdom of God.
Luke 3:11
And he answered them, “Whoever has two tunics shall not share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
Mark 3:2-3
And they watched Jesus, to see whether he would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse him. And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Get lost, Crip.”
Another day, another nut with a gun, another shooting.
A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.
We’ve got to find a way to keep guns away from people who shouldn’t have them, the Supreme Court’s conservative justices and the NRA notwithstanding.
“A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.”
One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the batshit insane loon would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter! Being it was Chattanooga, the spin the batshit crazy loon will lay on us is that it was an American troop-hating fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter. The hilarious thing is, the batshit crazy loon would be saying the latter on the same day he’s hunkered down somewhere in Texas waiting for his beloved American troops to come and get him and take him away to a Walmart detention center!
Holy shit! The goofy-looking mayor who called our black president “monkey man” and and our First Lady “gorilla face” is from Airway Heights in Eastern Fucking Washington. His FB post…
“Gorilla face Michelle, can’t disagree with that,” Patrick Rushing, mayor of Airway Heights, reportedly wrote in a Facebook post. “The woman is not attractive except to monkey man Barack. Check out them ears. LOL.”
He should throw his hat in the ring for the GOP presidential race because Trump has nothing on that motherfucker. If he were to do it now, I’d bet he could crack the top ten and make the cut for the debate on Fox on August 6th.
Holy shit, this is so funny.
“If I do resign that’s admitting I’m a racist and I’m not.”
“The Spokesman-Review reports that Rushing told the city council his comments were “completely out of character.” Yet The Pacific Northwest Inlander reports that the mayor has a long history of posting questionable and outright racist comments on Facebook.”
“The newspaper found what it said were at least 75 posts and reposts, including an image that suggests both the president and his wife should “hang for treason.” Another is a “joke” in which the punchline is the pilot of Air Force One suggesting he could throw them and Oprah Winfrey off the plane while in flight. A number of Rushing’s online posts also attacked Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, gays and immigrants.”
“In some posts, Rushing also claims to be a follower of Jesus Christ.”
It looks like we’ve found a new hero for our (self-loathing) batshit crazy loon to idolize.
41 & 42: Apparently he’s exactly what the good white citizens of Airway Heights want leading their city.
Speaking of the batshit loon, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. Must be working, poor sap. Guess he’s gotta make his $15/hr. sometime, to stay afloat.
Presidential candidate Scott Walker’s priorities.
“the Wisconsin Senate has passed a bill to give $250 million in public subsidies to get the Milwaukee Bucks a new arena”
“Just a few days ago, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed a state budget that includes cuts of $250 million to the University of Wisconsin system, among other cuts to public education funding.”
Take $250 million from public education and then turn around and give that money to a goddamned billionaire. That is today’s GOP in a fucking nutshell.
Authorities are now calling the attack in Chattanooga that killed four Marine recruiters and wounded a police officer an “act of domestic terrorism,” which implies they don’t yet see a foreign connection. The shooter, “identified as Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez,” also is dead.
@42 When you actually look at the stuff this guy posted, it’s shocking. He’s a hate-filled racist, sexist, and bigot who posted disparaging comments about blacks and women, lewd comments about lesbians, talked about “kicking gay ass,” and several times implied that he wishes President Obama and the First Lady were dead. He’s a birther, an admirer of Joe Arpaio, likes Confederate flags, and made references to Hillary Clinton’s “small breasts.” How can this guy possibly stay in office as an elected official? If he won’t resign, does the Airway Heights city council have the option of impeaching him? How do you get rid of a mayor who’s unfit to hold public office?
“Speaking of the batshit loon, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. ”
Jade 15. After a long a long ride through a tunnel, the batshit crazy loon is presently being held in a Walmart store at an undisclosed location in Texas. Putz. Word got to me that he’s actually thrilled about because it’s the first time one of his batshit crazy right-wing conspiracy theories has been proven true.
“When you actually look at the stuff this guy posted…”
I know, it’s like reading the batshit crazy loon’s comments only I don’t need a decoder ring.
“Historic South Carolina paper rips pro-Confederate lawmakers: It’s ‘chilling’ how much they sound like KKK”
Holy Cow! And this is out of a South Carolina newspaper, no less. But of course they sound alike. They’re all right-wing racists, cut from the same cloth.
A jury has rejected the Colorado theater shooter’s insanity defense and found him guilty of murder; I’ll stick my neck out and guess they’ll impose the death penalty. It takes only one juror to say no, but the jurors having found him legally sane, I don’t think any of them will conclude that someone who killed 12 strangers and wounded 70 more should live.
The clowns think they are Presidential material.
They gave Obama shit for Jeramiah Wright, but they have no problem hanging around with someone who believes in killing people.
Pathetic people. Then they complain that the so called people that call for tolerance aren’t tolerant. Well, I wonder why.
The Jade Helm 15 military exercise is underway, and the Tinfoil Hat Army is on full alert.
@47 sounds like Maine’s Governor. The tolerant right apparently is so tolerant they can pretend they aren’t.
@ 53
More grist for the mill.
This is more fun than shooting chickens in a bathtub.
@55 Isn’t that satire? I didn’t watch it, but there was a video going around a day or two ago created by a satirist which supposedly really nailed it.
38)I was thinking here we go again, and the usual suspects will begin their usual rants in the media. I am outraged at the shooting, a little late posting, as I work nights.
So my sister in law lost her first daughter to a pretty nasty infant disease before her second bday.
So your sister’s baby was born and not aborted. That’s very sad Lib Unscientist… And nice she allowed that! Butt… What does that have to do with aborted babies and selling body parts?
What about that difference doesn’t Stupid Solution Steve comprehend as a batshit moonbat eating guano and barking at the moon? Born and given up through death vs. not born (aborted), taken and used as baby parts?
She already knew that in all liklihood her deceased daughters remains would end up in dozens of different buckts.
Hmmm… deceased daughter… must mean there was a live birth and not an abortion.
Sheeeeeeeeeeeesh, nothing like the standard HA DUMMOCRETIN train wreck trying to change the subject!
Stoooooooooooooopid as evah!
“Speaking of the great one Puddy, he’s nowhere to be seen in these threads today. ”
That’s because Puddy took family to Portland for two days Stupid Solution Steve. We did tours, saw places Mrs Puddy and Puddy will visit by ourselves in the future.
You should look into something to do vs. trolling Sound Politics or making very stooooooooooopid comments on HA DUMMOCRETINS about someone’s born and dead child comparing that to an aborted child baby parts being sold by Planned Parenthood!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeesh what a moron!
@55 Isn’t that satire? I didn’t watch it
Don’t blame you Stupid Solution Steve… Anything from the vomit producer will sear your eyes forever with that IDIOT’s looooonacy!
Steve spews:
Thursday, 7/16/15 at 10:55 am
– Nothing of any importance
“A cop and 4 Marines shot at a recruiting office in Chattanooga. No other details at this time.”
– Well now we know… Authorities identified Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez as the gunman responsible for the shooting for the deaths of the four marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, July 16, 2015. Men and women proudly serving the US and dead sue to stooooooooopidity!
One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the great Puddy would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter!
– And no one has yet to prove Puddy incorrect in those posts because Puddy always brings to bear corroborating evidence such as voting record links of the city, county and state! All Stupid Solution Steve does is leave a smelly BULLSHITTIUM load with no corroborating evidence!
Being it was Chattanooga, the spin the great Puddy will lay on us is that it was an American troop-hating fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter.
– He may have been Stupid Solution Steve… Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez could have been a DUMMOCRETIN in thought, action, and deed. Most HA DUMMOCRETINS hate the military. Very evident from posts all the way back to 2004.
The hilarious thing is, the great Puddy would be saying the latter on the same day he’s hunkered down somewhere in Texas waiting for his beloved American troops to come and get him and take him away to a Walmart detention center!
– Walmart has detention centers now Stupid Solution Steve? Really? Got link? It’s more hilarious to notice how wrong you are lately Stupid Solution Steve. Recently you couldn’t name the capitol of South Carolina! Most would have looked it up before posting butt not Stupid Solution Steve!
What was the capit[a]l again?
Maybe MSNBC moron Lawrence O’Donnell will check facts now there is a bet on the table.
Then again prolly not since you need to be a moron to work on PMSNBC and Lawrence fits that title perfectly!
Planned Parenthood is in full cover-up mode along with Congressional DUMMOCRETINS over that video. Apologies everywhere…
Those are not aborted baby parts, it’s just tissue!
Meanwhile only in Seattle…
Geez, it looks like batshit crazy loon woke up batshit insane again. What’s that make it now, ten years in a row of him being batshit crazy, morning to night? Oh, well. One can still hope they find a cure.
“Very evident from posts all the way back to 2004.”
Oh. I thought it started in 2005. Make that eleven years. My bad.
Remember how Obummer and his cronies were trying to OUST Benjamin Netanyahu from office before Netanyahu could make that March trip to Congress to discuss the real truth about the Iran deal? The man Obummer and his cronies were trying replace Netanyahu with has spoken up on the Iranian NUKE deal and it’s not pretty!
PuddyCommentary: Yeah, that “I trust the Obama administration to get a good deal” fell flat on it’s face. Remember how blowhard checkmate accused Puddy of using the CBS post as regurgitated Netanyahu’s words? Well can checkmate claim that of Herzog? Of course checkmate can. checkmate is a moron!
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
The Atlantic… A left wrong libtard site… Puddy uses them to smack DUMMOCRETIN ASS whenever possible. Of course there are those who will stooooooooopidly claim Puddy only uses right wing sites!
“One thing about that we’ve all seen before in these threads. If that were San Francisco or Seattle, the batshit insane loon would say that’s proof enough that it was a fascist DUMMOCRETIN scum shooter! ”
“And no one has yet to prove Puddy incorrect in those posts because Puddy always brings to bear corroborating evidence such as voting record links of the city, county and state! ”
Called it again!
But as batshit insane as he’s become, it’s just to easy. I can’t even get anyone to bet on it anymore.
When you reduce Stupid Solution Steve to ad hominem attacks there is only one thing left GO!
Thanks for playing Stupid Solution Steve!
Got proof Stupid Solution Steve?
Got link?
Chattanooga is your latest EPIC FAYLE!
Am I mistaken or is the bastshit crazy loon even crazier than usual? Seems like it. I’m guessing Jade 15 and all those sleepless nights fretting about America invading America.
Meanwhile DUMMOCRETINS threaten violence when their points are proven wrong…
Meanwhile Chief Executive Magazine recognized Texas as the “best state for business” for the eleventh year in a row!
WA State? Hmmm…? And what has HA DUMMOCRETINS screamed about all these 11 years?
HA DUMMOCRETIN heads explode!
I’m guessing Jade 15 and all those sleepless nights fretting about America invading America.
Keep personal attacking Stupid Solution Steve… that’s all you have left!
Look at those left wrong loser states worst for bidness…
49 New York
50 California
Meanwhile Rick Perry kicks some PMSNBC ASS too…
Ain’t it great we learned this week that DUMMOCRETINS have no compassion for the death of Kate Steinle
and cheer how Planned Parenthood tears up aborted human babies for “tissue reclamation projects” for “harvesting”!
@ the Schitzo @ 74
You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right? The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than his predecessor.
Of course, you’d be happy to be his official teabagger in that concentration camp he’d be more than happy to put you in.
Anything for a laugh huh Schitzo?
The problem is, you aren’t funny anymore, you’re just pathetic.
BTW HA DUMMOCRETINS those confederate flag waving people were organized by a black person who claimed evil in a man’s heart leads to shooting others not a piece of cloth. Butt remember, to a DUMMOCRETIN a bullet loads itself into a gun and then tells the trigger to move back to cock the hammer to propel the bullet.
You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right? The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than his predecessor.
The vomit producer makes these WILD ASS claims with no links to back it up! More StormFront trolling vomit producer? Or maybe Reddit? Maybe 4Chan? Hmmm…?
And the vomit producer calls Puddy pathetic with posts like that?
Call Puddy a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahambulance
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Let’s see what we have for headlines this morning.
“Pastor Jim Bakker blames Obama’s Iran deal for California’s drought and the Second Coming of Christ”
Our nation’s president delivers the second coming of Christ to you and you fuckers still can’t show any gratitude? What’s the guy gotta do?
“Off-grid ‘Rambo’ plotted to spark violence against Ferguson protesters by gluing gun to black man’s hand”
Now that’s a plan! I’m only surprised that our batshit crazy loon didn’t think of it first.
“Arizona cops illegally barge into home of showering woman and handcuff her while she’s naked”
“Sheriff of Texas town where Sandra Bland died was fired from previous job for racism”
Amazing. All we need is the voting record of the cities, counties and states, and we can identify the political affiliation of those cops and the sheriff. Let’s see, Texas and Arizona. Hmm.
“Kentucky Republicans push bill to let county clerks deny marriage licenses to same-sex couples”
I’m waiting to see if wingnuts can add two and two together, voter suppression and religion, and next come up with denying letting cities and county clerks to birth certificates to minorities based on religious grounds. Although wingnuts are all dumber that a box of rocks, when it comes to denying civil rights to others, they really can be kind of clever.
“Historic South Carolina paper rips pro-Confederate lawmakers: It’s ‘chilling’ how much they sound like KKK”
Um, they ARE the KKK.
Meanwhile the shits keep coming for ObummerCare…
Sarah Palin is right again!
Ahhh Puddy notices how Stupid Solution Steve@81 changes the topic!
Well FACT delivering ASS kickings do that to you!
“those confederate flag waving people were organized by a black person”
My goodness! America has got two black batshit crazy loons? I was hoping there was only one.
“Steve@81 changes the topic!”
Thanks to the batshit crazy loon, the topic of every HA thread these days is “How batshit crazy will the batshit crazy loon be today?” Simple answer, “Even more batshit crazy than yesterday.”
Oh no… more DUMMOCRETIN heads will explode…
“You realize of course that Greg Abbot is a pretty hardline White Supremacist, right?”
Of course. He’s a wingnut.
“The guy is even crazier and stupider (and likely more corrupt) than…”
For a moment there I thought you were going to say that he’s crazier and stupider than our than our batshit crazy loon. But that was my bad. We all know that isn’t possible.
And Major Garrett drops a bomb on Obummer and the petulance appears loud and clear… http://www.washingtonexaminer......le/2568343
@ The Schitzo @ 88
Major Garrett is a fucking imbecile, and has built his entire career on being the biggest jackass in the room. He was well put in his place and rightfully so. He’s a professional asshole, and a Teabaggist neofascist fucktard of the highest order.
Of course you’d love him.
Stupid Solution Steve @84,
Who knows what evil lurks in mens’ hearts like James Holmes? Or that moronic twit Markos Moulitsas for blaming Sarah Palin for the attack. What about Jared Loughner who met Gabby Giffords previously and claimed she was stupid and unintelligent? What about Adam Lanza and his rampage?
Did Holmes secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 12?
Did Loughner secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 6?
Did Lanza secretly worship the confederate flag before killing 20?
Hillary now claims she wanted to be an astronaut when she was a teenager.
Puddy thought she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary. Wait… he climbed Everest after she was born? Darn!
Didn’t she try to join the marines? Wait… Hillary was a law professor then.
She was fired at while visiting the Balkans? Wait… the video shows Hillary and Chelsea walking normally.
Where is that link by the vomit producer link for Greg Abbott white supremacist again?
Wait… he attacks Major Garrett instead… Major Garrett went to CBS news you moron. You don’t arrive at CBS News as a CONSERVATIVE vomit producer!
“Jade Helm 15 watchdog writes off liberals as ‘useless’: ‘I can’t wait to kill thousands of these f*cks’”
“Death to fascist DUMMONCRETIN scum!!”
It looks like our batshit crazy loon has found himself a kindred spirit.
So I’ll stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb.
Which can only mean one thing…
But being dumb might not be your fault. Perhaps you were born that way. Perhaps years of substance abuse brought it on (more on that below). Whatever. So wtf, what’s wrong with me doing my part to try to make the world a little less dumb?
“Butt… What does that have to do with aborted babies and selling body parts?”
I guess we’ll begin by bifurcating your ignorance into two parts:
1) human tissue;
2) preparation and distribution of same.
1) So I suppose you make some orthodox, non-scientific distinction between certain sources for donated human tissue. However in the world not governed by your invisible sky buddy, an aborted fetus, a liver, blood, a brain (zombie research) the remains of a recently deceased 19 month old infant, eyeballs, sperm, and even a face are all examples of human tissue that can and have been legally donated for various uses in medicine and research. So if you are reading this then part of your ignorance is now answered. Aborted human fetal tissue can be and is donated just like a liver or blood. Glad that’s settled.
2) It is illegal to sell human tissue for profit. Commercial trading in human tissue for profit by donors and/or their doctors is illegal. But there is a commercial market for human tissue. How is this? When someone dies, when a fetus is aborted, when part of a person is removed from them, these tissues are seldom in a condition immediately suitable for use in medicine or medical research. Sometimes a bunch of processing and extraction takes place first. Blood is separated into component tissues, etc. And business have been established to carry out this important work. You may have come across a plasma center or two during your years living on the street abusing Sterno. Well, many of these are for-profit businesses that actually pay(!) the donors for their plasma. The government has decide that this is okay since the payments are so small (but enough to afford you the next can of squeeze, am I right?). And these plasma center businesses sell the blood products they collect from Sterno abusers to other business for profit. The government says this is okay too. So abortion providers can at the direction of a mother donate fetal tissue and may be compensated for doing so in order to cover costs associated with the donation, etc. And some of the businesses they provide fetal tissue to are for-profit businesses that manufacture tissue products and medical research products from donated tissue and sell them. The government says this is okay.
Now, you and John Boehner can clutch your pearls and run to your fainting couch if that’s what you need to do. But neither you, nor John Boehner is going to shut down the human tissue industry. Lots of people, including babies, would die if you did that.
It really shocks me that you didn’t know any of this. Seems kind of weird. Are you sure you didn’t?
Oh. Right. We already agreed to stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb. Which can only mean…
your invisible sky buddy
– The tell tale sign you are Lib Unscientist!
– You are being stooooopid and derailing the argument… Your niece was born alive and unfortunately died. My condolences. She was ALIVE. These aborted babies never were alive. They were removed on purpose and aborted. And their organs are what…? Tissue? This is the new gravitas term of the pro abortion crowd now?
There is no comparison between your dead niece born alive and aborted babied harvested for their tissue! The rest of your rant is just wasted pixels and DUMMOCRETIN cannon fodder!
So what is the difference between the remains of my deceased niece and the remains of an aborted fetus? Assume that I can’t read your mind and don’t agree with you about anything.
“Oh. Right. We already agreed to stipulate that you aren’t playing dumb. Which can only mean…”
Way to to hand the batshit crazy loon’s ass to him, Liberal Scientist.
“– You are being stooooopid and derailing the argument…”
Forgive me. I was unaware that I was obligated to help you to support your arguments. I’m not sure I agree with that.
Nope. I’m certain. I don’t agree with that. I am not responsible for helping you support your arguments. Please go now and fuck yourself. And when you are done offer us a better argument. Perhaps one that can’t be so easily derailed?
“The tell tale sign you are Lib Unscientist!”
Let me guess. Having your ass so deftly handed to you was your first clue. It certainly was mine.
Hey, Lib Sci!
Been busy…
First… Even Stupid Solution Steve admits CloseForeplay is really Lib UnScientist! Thanks Stupid Solution Steve for the corroboration! Puddy can smell the libtard stench through the monitor and Lib the UnScientist is one of the most putrid!
Second… So what is the difference between the remains of my deceased niece and the remains of an aborted fetus?
Aborted Baby Lib UnScientist. Call it what it is. Four fingers and a thumb on each hand and five toes on each foot. Two arms and two legs. Not a baby chimpanzee or gorilla or spider monkey.
One has had life while the other never never did. The latter was a aborted human! Sad isn’t it. The dead niece was talked to while in the womb. The dead niece was sang to in the womb. The parents enjoyed their child for that short amount of time. They took pictures of her. They fed her. They sang to her. They talked to her. You may have taken pictures of her. The dead niece had a funeral.
The unwanted aborted baby parts probably met a garbage pail! The wanted baby parts went off somewhere to the highest bidder! There was no funeral! No one talked to the aborted dead baby! No one cuddled the aborted dead baby! The father probably never knew his unborn child.
Soooooooooooo if there isn’t any difference as Lib UnScientist claims why did the PP CEO Cecile has apologized for being exposed for what they are doing with aborted dead baby parts? Hmmm…? Seems Cecile was only worried about the “tone and statements” butt not the practice. If nothing is wrong why attempt to save PP face? That’s A-OK!
You are a laughably sad human biomass Lib UnScientist! Comparing your dead niece to an aborted baby! At least your niece got to meet her parents, smile, laugh, giggle, feel comforted, etc. The aborted baby experienced pain. it’s brains being sucked out, or stabbed in the back of the next Kermit Gosnell style, etc.
Seems Lib the UnScientist cares more about an aborted baby then Kate Steinle killed by a five time deported illegal alien. Butt to a DUMMOCRETIN with mixed up priorities like Lib UnScientist and his ASSkissing sycophant Stupid Solution Steve… that’s A-OK too!
“Puddy can smell the libtard stench through the monitor and Lib the UnScientist is one of the most putrid!”
The internet tubes don’t work that way. It’s obviously yourself that you smell. Consider showering more than once a month. I’m sure that’ll help considerably with the putrid body stench. Not so much with the putrid stench of the mindless hate you spew.
Decide yet which 1,000 liberals you’re gonna kill?
“One has had life while the other never never did.”
Whoa! Are you sure about that?
Settles it then. Abortion is legal. And Puddy agrees. ‘Cause whatever never had life, can’t have it taken away.
You put it in writing, Pud. Own it.
“The dead niece had a funeral”
A memorial only. Before which, her remains were donated at the direction of her parents. They were prepared in various ways, processed in various solutions, and placed into various containers. Some might have been used to help train pediatric vascular surgeons. Some might have been used to study disease in cells. And some undoubtedly wound up in buckets. Donated human tissue is often used many times in different ways. Whole bodies may be mass dissected by first year med students. Then the resulting parts might be used for study by undergrad anatomy students. It varies. But it is all very important. Like I wrote earlier, without tissue donations, lots and lots of babies would die needlessly. Is that really what you want? That is sad.
“Seems Cecile was only worried about the “tone and statements” butt not the practice”
Instead of ranting on and asking rhetorical questions, why not share with us precisely what it is about PP practices you find objectionable? But do stick to facts. There is no bidding. There is no profit. There is no organ harvesting. All of this you know by now. All mothers are offered the option of donating. Mothers whose fetuses die in the womb. Mothers who terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Mothers whose babies die in infancy. Whatever the origin, once dead, they are dead. I’m sorry you are disturbed by the use of human tissue to study and fight disease and train scientists. But you wont get anywhere trying to convince the rest of us to return with you to the suffering of the middle ages.
And let me get this straight: You object to the medical use of the remains of an unwanted fetus. But you are perfectly fine with the medical use of the remains of a loved and wanted child. Frankly, I think the only way that makes sense is if you really don’t care at all about medical uses of human remains. But instead you object simply to abortion and you want to exploit squeamishness about human remains to push your agenda of female oppression. Fuck you.
And remember this: half the women you know have experienced an unwanted pregnancy.
Stupid Solution Steve… It’s metaphysical… and Puddy realizes you are tooooooooooo stooooooooooopid to comprehend!
“Comparing your dead niece to an aborted baby!”
Again, this kind of reasoning strongly suggest that you are completely insincere in your “defense” of human “life”.
I was comparing remains. That was unmistakable. And if those remains are put to use saving lives and reducing human suffering, then the comparison is very favorable.
Buy you clearly find the value of “an aborted baby” to be less than the remains of a “wanted baby”. Your post articulates a marked bias against the value of “an aborted baby”. That runs contrary to your claims of revering the “life of the unborn”. This only makes sense if your claims of reverence for life are insincere.
You support war. You support drone strikes against civilian targets. You support the death penalty. You support police killings of unarmed suspects. You oppose access to birth control and family planning services. And you hate aborted fetuses.
You just want to oppress women. QED.
Settles it then. Abortion is legal. And Puddy agrees.
– Really Lib UnScientist? Puddy doesn’t agree at all!
Is that really what you want?
– Your niece had life, The aborted baby never did. What part of that don’t you understand?
Dr Nucatola expressly said at lunch on the video in so many words Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts. Hmmm…? That’s why the VP of PP cnaged the dynamic to “tissue” because intact hearts and livers and other organs are available to the highest bidder! Anywhere from #30 to $100 per part! Her own words from the video
Did you watch the video Lib Unscientist?
You object to the medical use of the remains of an unwanted fetus. But you are perfectly fine with the medical use of the remains of a loved and wanted child.
– Ever heard of the law? Of course not. To left wrong libtards like Lib UnScientist, they don’t want you to know Federal law prohibits the sale of body parts of aborted babies. In fact, the sale or purchase of human fetal tissue a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2).
So the rest of you rant is vacuous words full of empty blather!
I was comparing remains. That was unmistakable. And if those remains are put to use saving lives and reducing human suffering, then the comparison is very favorable.
And Puddy was referring to the law…
And Puddy was referring to the life of a child to the life of the unborn child sucked out or forceptted out!
Buy you clearly find the value of “an aborted baby” to be less than the remains of a “wanted baby”.
– a) Purchase of tissue
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.
Laws anyone? And you consider the value of an aborted baby more valuable than a human life snuffed out by a five time deported illegal alien in a sanctuary city! That’s why you skip right over that!
Laws do not matter to DUMMOCRETINS like Lib UnScientist! Never have and never will!
See ya…
Lying fuckwad is still a lying fuckwad…
…and water is still wet.
You can’t stop your goddamned lying for even one fucking comment.
You want to kill 1,000 liberals like the other deranged fucking wingnut? Try starting with me, you SOB. I assure you, you motherfucking asshole, that you’ll never tell another goddamned fucking lie again.
Well, it really is just plain awful lying.
And pointedly refusing to face his own truth.
He carries alot of anger toward women.
Look, Puddy I can understand this somewhat. You had a difficult adolescence. Many people do. Lots of changes. Lots of feelings. And the church and family didn’t help. Left you feeling like an outsider. But don’t take it out on the girls who ignored you or eye rolled you. They had fun. Others had fun. They were truly happy. You wished you could have had fun. You wished you could have been happy. But you couldn’t crack that code.
But it isn’t too late. You can have fun. You can be happy. You can turn away from the self loathing and hate. Women who own themselves are wonderful. They really are more fun. So much better you probably can’t even imagine it. Letting go of all the shame, and doubt, and hate, and guilt, and fear will make you happy for the first time. You can still find out what it means to be happy. To be one of the happy people. You can even keep you invisible sky buddy. But your going to have to stop carrying around all the resentment toward the other happy people. And stop trying to control their bodies. That won’t make you happy.
Apparently Post #102 scares certain DUMMOCRETINS!
Difficult adolescence? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy chose to be working and making money at 14. Bought my first multi-speed bike with my own money at 14! Just another train wreck comment attempt by Lib UnScientist! It’s all about Lib UnScientist and his unscientific diagnoses! Puddy loves wimens: my wife, all six of my sisters, and my dead momma!
Once again you won’t deal with the law Lib UnScientist. Why is that? You won’t deal with Dr. Nucatola’s own words which Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards ran to video cover up.
And to rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve, where did Puddy lie? Is this the law or not rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve?
Did Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards make the cover-up video rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve? Did Dr. Nucatola say those things on the video rujaxmeoff and Stupid Solution Steve? The whole 2 hour video is out in the public domain now and people can view it in it’s entirety to see if it was doctored or edited!
So come on delineate where Puddy lied. Come on and grow some brass maubuls
Lib UnScientist has fallen off the deep end. Where there is a law Lib UnScientist hates, it’s ignore time! No use discussing the law with that libtard moron!
Hello everybody.
I obviously haven’t been around, but I was perusing this thread, something I haven’t done in a long, LONG time, and quite gratifyingly saw that my persona was being invoked because of a different participant’s deft evisceration of the Puddibigot….nice. Keep up the good work.
No, DistantReply is not me. Just wanted to clarify that.
I’ve missed you all…well, almost all of you.
It’s been a really bad year in the Liberal Scientist house…I lost Mrs. Scientist, the most loving, humble, gentle, luminous being I’ve ever known.
A horrible 16 weeks last Fall between being fine, then starting to suddenly lose her balance, to exiting this world in January, taken far far too soon by a horrifically nasty brain tumor.
I’ve thought of this place as community, and it is, but simply have not had the time/inclination/fire to attend to it as it deserves. Moving my boys (two teenagers) through tragedy, keeping a grip on the house and the pets and the bills and the job…just no time to joust with imbeciles like Puddibigot or that idiot Travis.
I don’t know how much I’ll be around going forward…hopefully more. In the midst of this awfulness is a gift…the ability and means and inclination to reevaluate *everything* in one’s life…work and home and activities and friends and community…stepping back, with mindfulness and intention…asking what actually brings bliss.
Peace to you all.
Peace to you, Liberal Scientist. I am so sorry for your loss.
Well Lib Scientist…
Sorry to read your loss of Mrs Scientist. Unlike left wrong SCUM Puddy does care.
Evisceration? Notice no one responded to the law questions.
God Speed even though you hate God!
“Well Lib Scientist…”
Truly a disgusting fucking comment.