– Does anyone buy the Cheneys’ books?
– I still support Seattle teachers.
– Being pro-a-war-that-won’t-happen probably isn’t a terrible political position: You don’t get the down side of actually having to deal with the consequences of a war, and if something does go bad (I don’t think it will) you get to I told you so everyone. But wanting to go to war with Iran kind of makes the people advocating for it seem like the worst.
– Move Seattle seems pretty good.
– Does anyone buy the Cheneys’ books?
Probably. Hell, I bought Inslee’s book.
One of the funniest things said on Stephen Colbert’s big night was when he called Trump an “Oompa Loompa American”! I laughed until I cried. He hasn’t lost his touch.
Never mind.
It’s written pretty densely with industry specific jargon but it has some noticeable elements
“Lakeland Dairies new €10m distribution facility will have a pay-back of less than five years due to savings in warehousing rents and staffing requirements.”
“The automation saves the company up to 15 ‘labour units’, and will operate day and night handling up to 100,000t of product annually.”
Jobs go away, Drip drip drip….
@ 5
Take the bad with the good. A hundred years ago a dairy farmer’s children were on stools, milking cows.
Now they’re in school.
Drip, drip, drip is off the milking machines, not cow manure hitting the kids in the face every time the tail swishes.
@4 There’s an excellent Vice News documentary about the dairy industry in upstate New York. The workers at the dairies there are almost all undocumented.
Almost no american citizens are interested in the doing that dirty job. Yes, shit flies everywhere. And the animals kick.
And the local immigration office based in Buffalo, at the time the doc was produced was waging all out war on the workers. Rounding them up mostly as they shopped for groceries.
What did some of the dairy farmers do in response to their workers being rounded up? There’s a robot that moves under the cow, finds the udders and milks it..
This ungainly looking thing was a surprise to me that a cow would let that machine anywhere near it.
Cost a fortune this robot. I remember some ridiculous figure like 2 million bucks but I certainly could be wrong about that.
Hard to believe but you can see it work in the documentary.
So little small-minded Bickle, the robots are coming for ALL workers not just those getting minimum wage. Corporations offshored because if their various competitors were doing it, they had to do it as well.
The same will be true of robots. The only solution is governments that charter corporations force them to share their profits with the societies that make their profits possible. Period.
Prototypes are always expensive
Not sure what the fucking deal is but here in NYC I have yet to buy a half gallon of milk without it spoiling in a weeks time. I don’t dare buy a gallon, I’d end up pouring it down the drain. I thought it might be my fridge but it is cold in the fridge, any colder it will turn to ice.
Weekly I am pouring about a cups worth of a half gallon down the drain along with the freshly made cup of coffee that I just poured the spoiled milk into. I really don’t get what they do with their milk here.
Ooooh, look! Goldy’s boss gets mentioned!
Another example of what untreated mental illness looks like. I’m convinced that the only difference between this woman, and ol’ Alice down in the U-District, is money.
Alice has a shopping cart full of trash bags that she’s spent decades filling up with some pretty esoteric shit, a lot of which smells like hospital waste.
Bachmann has enough money so that she can just buy all the esoteric shit she wants.
Alice is crazy as a rat in a shithouse, but at least she can speak her native language.
Oop, spaced on the link.
Are there any Conservatives who aren’t just fucking insane?
A product of our educational system:
@10 there are some homeless people here in NYC that have more class and cause less problems than the ordinary citizen. There is this one guy who spends his whole day in Central Park, pretty much in the same spot. He’s a young guy, he’s typically walking in a pattern and every once in a while throws up his hands and mumbles something. He obviously has some mental health issues. I feel sorry for him. Many times I wanted to help him, but I think the help he needs is more than I could provide. I’m sure he doesn’t want any help – it is part of his illness. But I really don’t understand why he isn’t some how helped by the city officials. I wish I could do more, but there really isn’t anything I could really do to help him directly – he probably doesn’t want to be approached by anyone.
Sadly, I’ve kind of gotten use to him and his condition as something that just is – but I was thinking the other day that this guy, as much as don’t want to see him in these circumstance, is causing less problems than the many of the hundred of thousand of people that roam this city.
@12 – PI not sure if I watched to right video that you linked to – was it the LGBT one? Why don’t you state which of the speakers you had issues with? Are you hiding in the closet as a closet bigot, or are you gay and or a gay cheer leader?
To me, the only one that seemed like an uneducated nut was the religious Indian woman, who was warning everyone of God’s wrath. She liked to say that this Country was founded as “One Nation, Under God”, but she so conveniently left out the portion that follows that says “indivisible with Liberty and Justice FOR ALL” All – doesn’t just mean the Religious. And, the Religious will be devised – just refer to the Great Middle East Region!
That religious nut lady kind of sounded like some of the conservative Republican Presidential Candidates – I’d point out that those Nazi like nuts were also products of our education system, but most likely an education structured around brainwashing Christian Neo-Nazis.
Long Live Ireland – Home of The Free and The Brave – probably no cowards afraid of God’s wrath.
@ 6
The only solution is governments that charter corporations force them to share their profits with the societies that make their profits possible. Period.
I think you left out three words, YLB.
‘even more of’
@6 “The same will be true of robots. The only solution is governments that charter corporations force them to share their profits with the societies that make their profits possible.”
Even Barrons magazine’s very conservative editorial writer endorsed that idea last weekend.
@11 No.
Look, one of God’s disciples tells Ted Cruz to get lost. No fun for You!
@15 Big corporations are net takers. Some pay no income taxes at all.
@6 if you want to know who picks all the Tobacco in Connecticut Tobacco fields – you’ll find out that it’s all illegal immigrants, employed mostly by Republicans.
And do you want to know who buys most of the Connecticut grown tobacco – it’s not American companies.
– Does anyone buy the Cheneys’ books? Well…
Why police unions have no credibility.
Another blowhard pretending to be a veteran.
Another Texas county, another gang of Bible thumpers squandering taxpayers’ money on legal judgments for their illegal behavior.
@18 There can only be One God running for President, God Damn it!
Cops don’t help themselves by being overt racists.
@ 26
Oregon was originally founded as a whites-only State. That law was on the books until the mid 1930s.
Watching part of Lester Holts interview with two survivors of the SC church mass shooting.
I find it weird that religious bigots who are always warning of Gods wrath and that he’s coming to judge us and punish us, especially for and because the gays and gay friendly. But yet they really don’t acknowledge the violence and wrath that exists today, and they act like it is completely out o their control.
Why police unions have credibility. Strange… Puddy didn’t read anything in Daily Kooks where Obummer called a press conference and said this policeman could have been my half-brother or my uncle or my nephew as Obummer did calling Trayvon the son he could have had.
Strange early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! It seems your senility has impacted your reasoning skillz and you accept horsesASS manure from any source all the time now!
Another blowhard pretending to be a veteran.
Supported by veterans all over America…
And in this article they were wrong… Trump’s McCain comments helped him gain traction, not lose momentum… http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/.....-war-hero/
Once again the kooks at Daily Kooks never tell the full story and HA’s schismatic senile one… the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit eats up their horsesASS manure.
Gotta feel sorry for one whom has fallen so far so fast before our eyes!
The Syrian refugees problem is Obummer’s making… Can’t use the military to destroy ISIS! Nosiree!
Notice the countries are not taking these refugees…
China – NO
Russia – NO
Arab countries – NO http://www.newsweek.com/why-ar.....ees-370189
FACTS, something Obummer sadministration wants their LIVs to keep voting DUMMOCRETIN!
@31 part of the issue might be that no one, in their right mind, would want to go to China, Russia, or any Arab Country (or Isreal, or any African Country). Pretty leaves only North America or Europe.
Long Live Ireland – home of the Free and The Brave. No cowards fooled by Religious Freedom Nuts!
@31 speaking of which, why aren’t African Nations welcoming any refugees, you would think it would be the religious and human thing to do.
Oh maybe they aren’t really religious or humane places. Hello Uganda.
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and The Brave – land on no Cowards.
Africa could be the ideal place to take in numbers of the refugees. Who knows, maybe even all them terrorists will eventually succomb to disease and famine. It’s the easiest solution.
Right wing religious nuts like to put in you the fear of God, he’s coming to teach us all one big lesson, but then they are against terrorists. Did they ever think that those terrorists are being sent by God, giving us that lesson. You think they wouldn’t fight terrorism so hard and welcome God, after all they can’t wait for Hod to get here to teach us that lesson, because they live destruction, if nothing else just to say, “we told you so”
Like Hurricane Kateina wasn’t enough. Those pesky gays are a problem causing all of gods wrath.
@27. You got links for that about Oregon?
Read this carefully, Fuckwad.
I think I can safely say that most of us here would be eager to help financially when you decide you are ready. Just give us your departure date and we’ll get you to Gaziantep. I’ll even pitch in a few Quick Clots.
“China, Russia, or any Arab Country”
The batshit crazy loon didn’t bother to mention that neighboring nations have been taking in Syrian refugees since 2011. In Lebanon, one of six people is a refugee. Nearly two million refugees have fled to Turkey. Over a half million to Jordan. A quarter million are in Iraq.
Democrats are 3-0 in recent special elections for state legislative seats. Could voters be trying to tell the Republican Clowns something?
Police blotter from a racist town.
@29 Piddles isn’t even competent at simple copy-and-paste.
Original post: “Why police unions have no credibility.”
Puddy’s copy-and-paste: “Why police unions have credibility.”
Maybe you should hire a secretary to clean up your correspondence for you, Puffybutt. Your posts need work.
“Ben Carson Attacks Donald Trump’s Faith”
This is so cool. Carson, who as a Seventh Day Adventist (same as our batshit crazy loon) believes that Pope Francis is the Antichrist and that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon, wants to duke it out with Trump over their religious faiths.
The end of National Geographic as we know it. A Fox subsidiary yesterday acquired controlling interest of the National Geographic Society’s media and print operations, including National Geographic magazine, and will turn them them into for-profit ventures.
Proof it’s about bigotry, not religious freedom.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: At this point, no one is forcing Kim Davis to personally issue same-sex marriage licenses. As long as her office issues those licenses, she’s in compliance with the court orders, as far as the federal judge who jailed her for contempt last week is concerned. But Davis’ supporters want the deputy clerks issuing those licenses fired. That’s all the proof anyone needs that their campaign isn’t about protecting Davis’ religious beliefs, it’s about discriminating against people they don’t like.
@43 May not change much. The Society may be non-profit but the magazine has long carried advertising. For decades it’s not been at all unusual to see articles documenting the industrial trashing of the planet in issues that also had full-page ads for Cadillacs.
Supposedly Puddy didn’t bother to mention that neighboring nations have been taking in Syrian refugees since 2011.
Triple S – AKA Stupid Solution Steve didn’t read the article. That’s Par for the course for Triple S. That’s why Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
@29 Puddy is very competent at simple copy-and-paste.
Because the early onset senility could not comprehend the issue of Obummer still not calling a presser and decrying the police killings as Obummer did with Michael The Gentle Giant Brown or Trayvon Just Bashing in a Head Martin.
Sad the mental deterioration of the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
@40 farted… Police blotter from a racist town.
Marblehead MA, located northeast of Boston in a very blue state
2008 Obummer landslide…
2012 Obummer landslide…
Another northern racist town… Once again the senile one; the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit proves Puddy RIGHT AGAIN!
Thanks for playing early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Looks like Heilary said something Puddy can agree with… ‘They need a leader who cares about them again’. Unfortunately for Heilary more and more peeps don’t think she fits that billing either.
Meanwhile Blabbermouth Schultzie is speaking some truths about the Obummer sadministration…
. http://www.weeklystandard.com/.....28221.html
Now that Obummer is waning… let’s tell the truth, butt not the whole truth!
Meanwhile Obummer wants access http://thehill.com/policy/cybe.....t-deserves
This preznit is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay worse than Booosh!
Sooooooooooooo David Turncoat Brock is upset the NY Times spilled the story about Heilary’s private email server. That was to remain private so the low information voter whom resides on the DUMMOCRETIN side of HA DUMMOCRETINS would have been very low information to this day! http://www.politico.com/story/.....ell-213484
Downright amazing!
Another reason Puddy always sez don’t do drugs while HA DUMMOCRETINS think otherwise… http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/ho.....rning.html
“Donald Trump Lashes Out At Ben Carson: ‘I Don’t Know About His Faith'”
A new feud is brewing. The Donald versus Carson. America’s favorite reality-show billionaire versus a doctor who conducts experiments on fetal tissue and who believes the pope is the Antichrist. Hmm, could this one decide the nomination?
The doctor who experiments on fetal tissue and who believes the pope to be the Antichrist bows down before the Donald, begs forgiveness.
“Ben Carson Backs Down Against Donald Trump – Apologizes”
That didn’t take long.
Hey, it’s in the Daily Beast… accepted e-rag of the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....ooked.html
PuddyCommentary: Puddy placed many links and fired general facts from Obummer purging the military of generals whom either stood up to him or told the truth which Ben Rhodes and his cadre of moronic twits didn’t like. We all know all too well how DUMMOCRETINS hate the military! Now we see this in spades with the JV team causing this mass migration of peeps from the Middle East to Europe!
For those low information DUMMOCRETINS, US guvmint rules state that all assessments from intelligence agencies “must not be distorted” by agendas or policy views. Butt, DUMMOCRETINS can water down their opinions in addendums because that’s what DUMMOCRETINS do. So what did the Obummer sadministration ask the whistle blowers to do? Retire or leave the intelligence community! Wow! Hide the truth!
A very damning article!
Ben didn’t back down. That’s Ben. He doesn’t get into gutter politics like Trump does! Ben compared his fear of the Lord vs. Trump’s answer to his favorite Bible verse! Only a moron like you whom lives on
We love our DUMMOCRETIN crooks
We ignore our DUMMOCRETIN liars
would eat their triple concentrated shit! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
The doctor who experiments on fetal tissue
got proof? From a reputable site?
A cadaver was present and Carson SENT live human tumors for comparison to a pathologist – FACT! The pathologist touched the “fetal material” Triple S.
Or are you running to OB/GYN Dr Jen Gunter. Dr Gunter is one of those radical pro-abortion doctors who would be very much at home dissecting products of conception (human children) for Planned Parenthood abortion clinic for STEMExpress and other agencies.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Meanwhile illegal aliens in America strike and kill another… http://dailycaller.com/2015/09.....-schooler/
No big deal for HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Here is what happens when libtards run amok on the skuul bored… http://pjmedia.com/tatler/2015.....lazy-lucy/
Question for Triple S… Is this company associated with your faith? http://www.readinghorizons.com/company/employees
@56 “More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports on ISIS and al Qaeda’s branch in Syria were being inappropriately altered by senior officials, The Daily Beast has learned.”
Like Bush officials altered EPA climate change reports? Isn’t that a standard prerogative of the politicians we elect to run our government? After all, these people are just employees, and don’t employees normally have to do as they’re told by their superiors? At least, that’s what Kim Davis expects of her deputy clerks.
@57 I like our crooks and liars better than yours. Fwiw, we have fewer of them, and ours are less grasping and deceitful than yours.
@59 Where are your racist rightwing cops when you need them? Why aren’t they on top of this?
Looks like there will soon be a couple of vacancies in the Michigan legislature.
“The disciplinary committee voted 4-0 Thursday to urge the expulsion of tea party Republicans Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat.”
And the Tea Party is making history.
“Just three legislators have been expelled in Michigan history.”
The Tea Partiers are about to increase that number by two-thirds in one fell swoop.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have you ever noticed that the loudest moralizers almost always turn out to be the biggest hypocrites?
I’m a fan of Hillary. I think she is a great. And I was an enthusiastic supporter. That is, until she started sounding like the interventionist of old. She always makes her biggest mistakes with her aggressive stance on invading and/or bombing other countries. I think her latest get tough proclamations are a mistake when Bernie is starting to pull ahead of her. I think it is bad news for our country if she’s elected. But the alternatives are worse, of course, unless Sanders can win. And I’m not yet convinced he can. But I doubted Obama, so what do I know?
“Oath Keepers put ‘boots on the ground’ to guard oath-breaking Kim Davis from ‘dictator’ judge”
Fucking hypocritical wingnuts. After months of pretending to be horrified by the killing of police officers, they now threaten to do it themselves.
Anyways, thrice-divorced Kim Davis has issues with processing gay marriage paperwork because she’s enabling the act of sinning, not so much with processing the paperwork to enable the married couples of Rowan County in the no-fault divorce State of Kentucky to commit sin.
“Application for Marriage/Divorce Certificate (Form: VS-230)”
“I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
Matthew 19:9
Fucking hypocritical wingnuts.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Have you ever noticed that the loudest moralizers almost always turn out to be the biggest hypocrites?
This has always been the way. The Fascists will always believe that there is no subject that can be discussed, nor is there any controversy or debate that cannot be won merely by over-shouting the opposition. They do not recognize factual information as being relevant in that context. There is nothing that can be said in dispute of their constituent ideal, which can always somehow magically morph itself around phraseology tuned to any particular audience as needed.
Basically, they’re so full of shit, their ears are dripping. They know this full well, and have absolutely no ethical problem with it. They are sociopaths.
This is also why they continue to redouble their colonic yodelings when actual people, with actual knowledge of a subject, take those steps from trying to reason with them, to ignoring them and talking around them, and thence to putting their heads down in their hands and start to giggle and cry.
It isn’t just that they lie, openly, it ‘s that they cannot, under any circumstances admit they were ever, or could be ever wrong about anything, no matter how hard you shove their noses into it.
Thats why they need their pedarastic death cults to make them feel better about being pederasts, thieves, charlatans and murderers. Without that, they would be obligated to obey the Law, and they really, really don’t want to do that.
I’m not real familiar with the details of the Seattle school strike, now in its second day. Seattle teachers haven’t struck in 30 years, so you can’t accuse them of being strike-happy. Their spokesperson says it’s “about respect.” But it looks to me like it’s mostly about money.
As I understand it, teacher pay in the Seattle school district from about $44k to $88k, and although teachers statewide haven’t received a state-funded COLA for 6 years, Seattle teachers got district-funded COLAs in each of the last two years.
According to West Seattle Blog, the teachers demanded 25.8% over 3 years, including the 4.8% COLA approved by the state legislature earlier this year. According to KIRO 7 News, the parties’ latest “offers” were teachers, 15.3% over 2 years, and district, 18.8% over 3 years (including the 4.8% state COLA).
Keep in mind that teachers, like other public employees, haven’t received regular raises since the 2008 recession. There were no state-funded COLAs between 2008 and 2014, although Seattle teachers did get district-funded COLAs in the last two years. The legislature approved 4.8% COLAs for teachers and state employees for the 2016-2017 biennium, which means state employees effectively will get 4.8% cost-of-living for 8 years, or 0.6% a year. Under the district’s latest proposal, Seattle teachers would get 18.8% over 9 years, or about 2.1% a year, plus whatever the district-funded COLAs were.
State employees have always gotten the short end of the stick, and they’re being shorted once again. While there’s not a direct connection between state worker pay and teacher pay, the teachers unions have aggressively lobbied the legislature for their own raises, and because there’s only one pot of money, giving more to teachers often results in taking from state workers, who generally speaking are more severely underpaid to begin with.
I’m not saying teacher pay is unreasonable. Although official government inflation figures indicate very low inflation since 2009, we all know those numbers are bullshit, and in fact ordinary working families have faced rampant inflation in food and housing costs over the last several years. Assuming a typical Seattle teacher earns around $60,000 to $70,000 a year, and thinking of that person as a middle aged and mid-career professional, that’s not a lot of money in this town. In this day and age, though, most married couples have two incomes, and two mid-career Seattle teachers married to each other are likely earning somewhere between $120,000 and $150,000 a year. In this town, that’s not rich, and doesn’t support a rich lifestyle. But it isn’t poverty, either.
In Seattle, $15/hr. is a poverty wage, and many of Seattle’s minimum-wage workers (those working for small businesses) have to wait 7 years for that wage to phase in, by which time inflation likely will have wiped out the entire increase and then some. Despite all the whining from the right wing, Seattle’s $15 minimum wage ordinance isn’t a windfall for overpaid no-skill workers, as they portray them.
Getting back to the teachers, if the ultimate settlement of this strike results in them getting COLAs averaging around 2.5% over the 2009 – 2018 period, nobody should resent that; it’s not a bloody fortune. But with state employees getting only 0.48% a year over the same period, there ought to be a real public concern for how we’re treating state workers.
The Republican response to this, in the 2015 legislative session, was to try to cut or eliminate altogether the governor’s proposed pay raises for state workers. They point out that state jobs pay better than average, when you look at the state’s entire workforce, but that’s apples and oranges. Virtually all state jobs require at least a college degree, and many require advanced degrees. The state government payroll predominately consists of professional employees — doctors, lawyers, accountants, geologists, biologists, health professionals, finance specialists, and so on. You can’t expect these people to work for truck driver or retail clerk wages, but that’s exactly what many of our Republican legislators do expect.
I’m not against the teachers, although their strike tactics grate, and over the years they’ve been treated far better by the legislature than state workers have. I would like to see some of the people wringing their hands over the teachers redirect some of their concern to state employees, who are equally deserving and have a far greater need for public support.
@66 Are they the guys who went down south to “guard” our border and got arrested for drug smuggling?
@66 America’s version of Brownshirts. It’ll be interesting to see what happens if Davis returns to work, orders her deputies to stop issuing marriage licenses, and Judge Bunning summons her back to court. If she doesn’t appear, the federal marshals have a duty to arrest her. If the Oath Keepers interfere, they can (and should) be arrested for obstructing. If they then do what they did at Bundy Ranch, it’ll be time for Gov. Brashears (a Democrat) to deploy the National Guard to maintain law and order. The biggest mistake this country can make is letting a private Brownshirt group take over, even if only a little bit in one place for a short time, because that would open the floodgates to the kind of anarchy in our own country that brought Hitler to power in 1930s Germany. It was as much the weakness of the Weimar government, as it was the ambition of the fascists, that led to the Nazi nightmare in Europe. I don’t want that to happen here.
“The doctor who experiments on fetal tissue”
“got proof? From a reputable site?”
I already posted proof. It left you babbling like a delirious batshit crazy fucking loon, But if you truly desire to self-humiliate yourself, and it wouldn’t be the first time, I’m sure YLB and his very fine database will be there for you again.
Not only did Carson experiment with fetal tissue, StemExpress brags on their website about how Johns Hopkins is a client. Geez, I wonder where StemExpress got their tissue? Heh.
“Are they the guys who went down south to “guard” our border and got arrested for drug smuggling?”
They were the armed defenders of the wingnut hero, black slavery sympathizer and all-around freeloader, Clyde Bundy.
Update: Seattle teachers received district-funded COLAs of 2% in each of the last 2 years, totaling 4%, so under the district’s current offer they would get 22.8% over 8 years, an average of 2.85% a year, nearly 5 times what state employees will get over the same period. Teachers, with their strong unions and ability to strike, can take care of themselves; the next legislature should focus on helping the state employees.
Another Responsible Gun Owner (TM).
@45 Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and The Brave.
Roger, are you sure you aren’t from Ireland?
@54 Religion (via radicals) is divisive and cause strife and wars. That why they believe God is coming to get us all. Like he has the fucking time!
@75 Dunno. Maybe I’m an Irish rabbit … http://tinyurl.com/q9k8jwv
I’ve read some very good comments here, but don’t you guys get it! Hillary! Emails! Benghazzi! Benghazi! Benghazi! Hillary! Emails! Get with it! Snap, snap.
@70 get ready for the Nazis. We need to stay united, and brave.
The early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit is
Like Bush officials altered EPA climate change reports?
And early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit, people died from this? They were called the JV?
DAYUM U B Weal Stooooooooopid!
Fwiw, we have fewer of them, and ours are less grasping and deceitful than yours.
Just one name rings a bell!
Heilary Clinton
Carson DID NOT experiment on fetal material. The pathologist did! That’s the lie propagated by your leftist pinheads.
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Keep up da lie though!
Let’s put Kim Davis’ Christianity to rest HA DUMMOCRETINS…
She re-married Joe Davis in 2009.
Kim Davis became a Christian in 2011.
Before that she was a card carrying heathen gentile DUMMOCRETIN, just like the rest of y’all!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
So what is your real beef here? She doesn’t kiss libtard ASS even though she’s a DUMMOCRETIN!
Now these are the crazy lunatic rantings of the same moron Triple S whom won’t answer #60! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
And it’s the same crazy lunatic rantings of all other HA DUMMOCRETINS whom roam the threads here!
Ahhhhh yes Raw Story… The same e-rag that delivered the fake KKK story eaten by Triple S.
Well here is one Triple S won’t touch! http://www.rawstory.com/2015/0.....ereotypes/ Go back to #60 for more information!
Fake News – That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Here is another story not touched by HA’s own Triple S. Libtard PO-PO 5-0 take down retired black tennis player. Oopsie… https://www.rawstory.com/2015/09/n-y-police-chief-criticizes-use-of-force-in-ex-tennis-stars-arrest/
DUMMOCRETIN police cover-up!
That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
Yeah to DUMMOCRETIN led city police blacks all look alike… http://www.telegraph.co.uk/new.....hotel.html
Butt be sure to look out for Mayor DeBlasio’s son. He’s the one with the big afro. Don’t want a racial incident!
And… the garbage taught a libtard led universities… http://www.thecollegefix.com/post/23978/
PuddyCommentary… The UNC course represents virtually everything wrong with American libtard led academia today. More left wrong libtard indoctrination!!! Starts with climate change agenda in kindergarten and gets more gross as they get older!
This required reading list is all libtard left wrong morons and their view on the War on Terror as a massive exercise in American imperialism and brown skin racism. Yet you know nothing will be discussed about Obummer and those “drone strikes” killing Alwaki! That was gooooood because Obummer did it even though Obummer has brown skin!
Jesus Christ, puddywhatever. What the fuck is wrong with you?
@83 In my view, Kim Davis’s past is a non-issue, because her religious conversion occurred after her divorces and she’s acknowledged making past mistakes.
The only issue that matters here is rule of law. Bigotry isn’t nice, but there’s no law against it. However, no one in this country, least of all elected officials with public duties, can pick and choose which laws to obey, or ignore court orders.
Anyone who thinks this is about Kim Davis’s religious beliefs is mistaken. Davis wasn’t denied a marriage license. Other people were; and it is they, not her, whose rights have been compromised. This tweet captures it perfectly:
“No one’s being jailed for practicing her religion. Someone’s being jailed for using the government to force others to practice her religion.”
That’s not permissible in the United States of America, and thank God it’s not. To keep it that way, Kim Davis must be compelled to obey the law. Alternatively, she has the option of resigning her office, if her conscience won’t allow her to perform its duties.
Davis may not be a hypocrite; but some of her supporters are. They want any deputy clerk in her office who issues same-sex marriage licenses fired. That’s not about Davis’s religious freedom; the purpose it serves is perpetuating a form of discrimination that’s now illegal in this country.
At least one of Davis’s deputy clerks has announced he will comply with the court orders even if Davis orders him not to. If she interferes, she’ll be in contempt again, and may go back to jail. If she fires him, there’s not a shred of doubt that he will prevail in a wrongful termination lawsuit.
While I’m not sure about this, I suspect that at some point a judge could put the Rowan County Clerk’s Office in receivership and effectively remove Davis from management to ensure its staff complies with court orders.
At the end of the day, Davis is trying to paddle a canoe up a waterfall, and the only thing she stands any chance of winning is a huge fan base among her fellow bigots.
@88 He was diagnosed with insanity by other posters here long ago.
@87 If I were an American general fighting ISIS, I’d certainly be reading that stuff. Know your enemy …
As for climate change, climate deniers should be deemed incompetent to teach at any level from kindergarten to university. Given the current state of the science, and the reality of what’s occurring all around us, denying climate change is professional incompetence. What, if anything, to do about it is a separate and debatable issue.
He needs to be referred for services.
@92 He would not benefit from services. He should be reviewed for involuntary commitment on the grounds he’s a danger to himself and others.
Religion is so divisive you can see it in this brew haha between trump and Carson and now jindhal. As much as jindhal is a fucking hypocrite himself he evicerated trump.
Religious radicals are going to destroy this world. They know it and that’s why the say Hod is coming. They have sent invitation months ago.
@93 — that works too.
Look – we have members of ISIS right here in this Country and they didn’t even have to cross the Mexican or Canadian borders.
“Jesus Christ, puddywhatever. What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Batshit insane.
A stopped clock…
“I’m going to say it,” Beck declared, “I don’t care what Sarah Palin says any more. Sarah Palin has become a clown. I’m embarrassed that I was once for Sarah Palin. Honestly, I’m embarrassed.”
In case nobody else noticed, the GOP resolution disapproving Obama’s Iran deal failed in the Senate today. Of course, we knew a weeks ago that GOPers didn’t have veto-proof supermajorities in either house, and at least two weeks ago that they didn’t have 60 Senate votes. The final tally: 58-42. And I’m guessing several more Democratic “no” votes were available if needed.
The wrong thing to say to a cop who tickets you for doing 51 in a school zone posted for 20.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She must be white. The cop walked away.
The recent discovery of c. 2.5 million-year-old human-like fossils in a South African cave is a big deal.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: B-b-b-u-t how can this be? I was told the earth is only 6,000 years old!
When terrorists behave like Republicans.
It looks like Biden took himself out of the running tonight.
@88 He was diagnosed with insanity by other posters here long ago.
DUMMOCRETIN fools diagnosing sane people…
Use the Harry Reid nuclear option!
FACTS – Always a massive headache and delivering traumatic brain injuries to DUMMOCRETINS each day!
Nothing above can be disproven so …. DUMMOCRETIN heads go:
Triple S is missing in action over those special ordered books! Typical… That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Notice how quiet Triple S became?
Truth slices horsesASS manure like a hot knife through butter!
It was placed there and made to look old by Cthulhu exactly 6200 years ago so as to trick the unbelievers. Only the true keepers of the faith (Oath Keepers?) can spot the forgery.
It appears the batshit crazy loon is trying to say something but my decoder ring is giving me fits again. Anybody got a clue WTF our resident psycho is babbling about now?
The report identified 30 companies — the “Dirty Thirty” — that were particularly crafty at dodging taxes, including 29 firms that had a negative tax rate over the three-year period, while spending a combined half a billion dollars to lobby Congress.
Translation: “even more of” a negative rate?
Well played Bobby.
Seems it’s about the money. Though in talking to teachers it’s also about being forced to teach to the tests so they get bettet scores.
Triple S – there is no try. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN! Facts at #60 slap you silly!
reading horizons is promoted by homeschooling christians
Maybe this is considered acceptable subject matter for home school kids.
“Example: A book called “Lazy Lucy” features a 6-year-old girl in an unspecified part of Africa. She is lazy and needs to get better about cleaning out her hut.
Then, in another book called “An African Fable,” a man dressed in Western-looking clothing is trying to put a belt and buckle on a dog named “Uncle Chuckle.” It’s hard to tell what makes the story an African fable.
There’s more. Berger noticed that, out of 54 books, “only one had an Asian character, who appeared to have been adopted by a white family.” ”
Reading Horizons was a proudly faith based organization as you can see from their web site, until this controversy hit, and they erased their core values page.
I don’t have a decoder ring but I think puddy is upset that a christian based education company has no clue on cultural sensitivity? Do you think he’s upset that it’s in Utah and is making assumptions about that?
Have you selected a departure date yet? The money is piling up.
closet foreplay is farting again… Someone get a fan!
Since you thought of it… Take the next flight out! PLEASE!
So now Triple S is a Glenn Beck fan? Who knew.
Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
These Republicans are so bad even the Republicans sacked them. (But, needless to say, they fired the whistleblower, too.)
@104 A person with a problem usually is the last to realize it.
@107 Amazing what they can do with a little paint from Hobby Lobby.
@108 Not really.
“a Glenn Beck fan?”
No, but Glenn Beck is clearly no longer a fan of your beloved Wasilla hillbilly. He said he regrets ever supporting her. Too fucking bad if that makes your head explode.
So true about you and your early onset schismatic senility!
On his radio show this morning Beck apologized for calling Sarah Palin a clown, but added that he just can’t understand her apparent support for Donald Trump, a candidate he passionately opposes.
SUX to be Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
@110 The Gawker article isn’t accurate. Seattle teachers went 4 years without a pay increase, then received 2% in each of the last 2 years. State employees went 6 years without a cost-of-living raise, then got 4.8% for the next 2 years, which is effectively their COLA for 8 years. By comparison, under the district’s latest offer, Seattle teachers would end up with 22.8% over the same period. I’m not saying the teachers are greedy or overpaid, but state employees got a much shorter straw, and I think any available state money at this point should be used to shore up state employee salaries, because they’re underpaid the most and it’s their turn. Also, an unanswered question is where the district would get the money the teachers are demanding, as their state funding has already been set in stone and the district can’t raise taxes by itself. It seems to me that money would either have to come from reducing staffing or taking it out of building upkeep, instructional materials, and programs.
“Puddy has had 19 direct attacks (that Puddy remembers reading) from Triple S on Puddy’s religion.”
SDA is no religion. It’s an extremist cult. Carson had to apologize to Trump before he exposed Carson for what he is, a Catholic hater who belongs to a whack cult which believes the pope is the Antichrist and that the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon. Sucks to be you.
@122, @123 Snappy comebacks … (not)
your beloved Wasilla hillbilly.
Wrong again Triple S. Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
The truth is not snappy early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!