Just something for Stefan to look at. He has has gone national. Good job keeping it quiet. Nothing like your own ego bringing you down.
Proud To Be An Assspews:
Yeah, but the dog earned that money. Of course MTR would just shoot the dog and take the dough. After all, he is a ‘producer’ and the dog is ‘property’.
However, even in his fucking twisted sick world, the dog is somebody’s property. I wonder whose?
Solving Seattle’s traffic probelm in one fell swoop …swoop
Roger Rabbitspews:
The dog is worth every cent of that $12 million. The dog created Leona’s business model. From the moment the dog bit a member of her housekeeping staff, she knew exactly how to run her business. It was her epiphany.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now all the drooling young male College Republicans want to marry that dog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Flying saucers involve too many technical complexities. There’s an easier way to solve Seattle’s traffic problems. Just run out of oil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Was Karl Rove Fired?
After reading a longish article in this month’s Atlantic Magazine (available on-line to subscribers only; otherwise you’ll have to buy the magazine or read it in a library), I’m persuaded the answer to that question is yes.
The article explains how Rove engineered political catastrophe for his president and party. After reading it, you’ll agree Bush would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to fire Rove. But he waited too long and it’s now too late to save either his legacy or his party’s electoral prospects.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Telling the press you bought an NBA team to move it ($250,000 fine) is as serious as committing treason ($250,000 fine).
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 What everyone seems to miss in the Stefan/waitress story is that tipping 10% used to be the norm but 20% tips are now expected.
Why has the standard tip increased from 10% to 20%?
I’ll bet it has something to do with restaurant owners paying low wages.
We can repeal the estate tax, so the non multi millionaires can pay more to make up the shortfall. We need a system where a few families control 99% of the money, and the rest of us live like serfs right? Those families can choose which politicians we vote for too, by buying all the tv stations, and networks. That is if the corporations want to sell…..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 Any political ideology devoted to promoting economic inequality and concentration of wealth, as conservatism is, carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Instead of trying to make capitalism work, as liberals too, Republicans seek to hasten its destruction by encouraging its worst tendencies.
Luigi Giovannispews:
David, you’re gaining a reputation as somebody who doesn’t fulfill their commitments. As you know, on 08/22/07, you committed to posting your post-primary endorsements and predictions that afternoon, nine days ago now.
Talk is cheap; execution is golden.
Roger @ 11,
Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.
If you haven’t already, you should read this story from Newsweek about the hunt for Bin Laden. It truly exposes the price we’ve paid (and will pay) for our stupid, stupid war-of-choice in Iraq.
This passage especially sets me off:
When Franks refused to send Army Rangers into the mountains at Tora Bora, he was already in the early stages of planning for the next war. By early 2002, new Predators—aerial drones that might have helped the search for bin Laden—were instead being diverted off the assembly line for possible use in Iraq. The military’s most elite commando unit, Delta Force, was transferred from Afghanistan to prep for the invasion of Iraq. The Fifth Special Forces Group, including the best Arabic speakers, was sent home to retool for Iraq, replaced by the Seventh Special Forces Group—Spanish speakers with mostly Latin American experience. The most knowledgeable CIA case officers, the ones with tribal contacts, were rotated out.
Great. Thanks, W, for fucking the Afghanistan campaign right in the ass.
This also makes me crazy:
In late 2005, the CIA and the Pentagon’s Joint Special Operations Command came up with intelligence that gave them “80 percent confidence” that either Zawahiri…or another of bin Laden’s highest-ranking lieutenants would be attending a meeting in a small compound just inside Pakistan … “This was the best intelligence picture we had ever seen”…
The spooks and Special Operations Forces planned an airborne commando raid that could have been produced by Jerry Bruckheimer. Some 30 U.S. Navy SEALs were to be flown by C-130 transport planes, under cover of darkness, to a spot high above the Afghan side of the Pakistan border, about 30 to 40 miles away from the target. The SEALs would jump from the plane and use parasails—motorized hang gliders—to fly through the night sky, across the mountains, to a secret staging point close to the compound. They would attack the target and capture Zawahiri or whatever other HVTs were on the premises, killing them only if necessary.
The plan was enthusiastically endorsed by the then CIA Director Porter Goss… But when the Pentagon’s civilian leadership, including Rumsfeld and his principal intelligence adviser, Under Secretary Steve Cambone, pored over the plan, they began raising questions…”Can’t you get the confidence up to 100 percent?” Pentagon officials asked their CIA counterparts…
What if one [of the helicopters] was shot down or had mechanical problems? Images of the failed 1980 Iranian hostage-rescue mission came to mind. Or Rangers fighting their way through Mogadishu to rescue trapped commandos in the 1993 fiasco known as Blackhawk Down…As discussions continued, the size of the Ranger team grew to 150, about five times the size of the initial commando force.
But time was of the essence. The C-130s were circling over the border, the SEALs were ready to jump, while Rumsfeld was still deliberating with the top brass. CIA Director Goss went to the Pentagon to implore him to go ahead. At the last minute Rumsfeld called off the raid.
So once again, the chickenhawks pussy out when the chips are down. Carter and Clinton’s missions might have failed but at least they had the balls to fucking TRY. This bunch of chickenshits are afraid to even do that.
Seriously, go read the whole article. It’s long but well worth it.
One(very pissed)Man
After reading it, you’ll agree Bush would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to fire Rove.
I find that I don’t have any particular problem believing that Bush is, in fact, deaf dumb and blind. He appears to value loyalty above all else, to the point that he is oblivious to the failings of those around him as long as they have ‘proved’ themselves loyal. There just isn’t any other logical reason for Rummy, Turdblossom, or Abu to hang around as long as they did.
13 Why not give everybody a billion dollars. As it is, the Fed is printing money as fast as it can and handing it all to the Wall Street shysters. Why not give some to the rest of us? Why should we be expected to fuck up as badly as they did?
There’s widespread belief amongst media types that Larry Craig will resign, perhaps today.
Pray that they are wrong, and that he will remain the reactionary asshole he always has been.
He’s the greatest current example of flaming (!) conservative
hypocrisy, and will provide lots of pre-election joy for all concerned.
We should enjoy this to the fullest….
@13 Libertarian
Nahhh. Following your logic we should ONLY allow capital accretion and have no pay to anyone.
Jobs will then consist of company paid housing, food, and healthcare. Anything else, e.g. procreation, will be used as a bonus.
In this Utopia, all workers will have an equal chance to acquire capital.
BTW have you read the news about the Helmsley Cat?
(SJ News, Dubai, April 1, 3500)
Managers of the Helmsley Cat Fund met today to honor the Owner, Felix XXIV. Having accrued interest for the last 1500 years, HCF has recently become the controlling interest in all the world’s capital.
The Managers are faced with serious political issues growing out of the success of HCF. Some have suggested that having a cat own 51% of the World’s capital is not democratic. The Managers are very sensitive to this issue and have assured the governments that HCF will not intervene directly in the rights of workers to free speech, choice of mass media entertainment, or choices between Soylent Green and Human-free nutrition.
I suspect that Google is going to release its rumored phone in eatly 08. The impact on the world, in light of the recent days of August blog campaign, may eb frightening or wonderful.
Imagine a $100 device with nearly free access to the web and to personal communications. Unimaginable? Hardly. This is not far from the price point expected when low end PCs .. full PCs .. enter the market next year in developing countries. Free service? Even this is imaginable. There are some places that now offer blanket wifi as a civic service. Wireless net in seattle, wi unlimited telephoney, is only ~$30/month.
A technology like this would transform the world as much as .. or maybe more than .. TV.
19 Oh, for Gawd’s sake…the Internet isn’t going to solve the world’s problems. Look at all of us idiots, whose degree of social conscience might otherwise have us out on the streets and in the halls of power doing real work to effect change, who are instead sitting in front of our computers typing shit and basking in our own self-perceived importance.
Nice try Roger, except the state minimum wage, the highest in the country, is not reduced for wait staff like other states.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.”
If that’s what you want, talk to the Trotyskite neocons about it. They believe in that stuff. They’re all a bunch of recycled commies.
Marvin Stamnspews:
But one of Norman Hsu’s biggest beneficiaries in the state, Gov. Rendell, said yesterday that he would keep the money – and stand by his friend – unless he learned more damaging information about the case.
“I want to hear him out; I don’t want to be one of the guys to pile on,” Rendell said. “Norman Hsu’s one of the best 10 people I’ve met… http://www.philly.com/inquirer.....ation.html
marvs words – One can only wonder about the other 9 people on renells list of the 10 best are. The long list of other democrats that took money are contributing some of it to charity. Quite the philanthropists those democrats are with ill gotten money. (hillary received $92.100, she’s giving $23,000 to charity)
(for what it’s worth, Gov. Rendell never gets labeled as a democrat in the article)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 GOP = admit no fault, take no responsibility party
Marvin Stamnspews:
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said he is now willing to compromise with Republicans to find ways to limit troop deployments in Iraq.
“I don’t think we have to think that our way is the only way,” Reid said of specific dates during an interview in his office here.
Reid’s unwavering stance this summer earned him critics who said he was playing politics by refusing to bargain with antiwar Republicans. http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....s_politics
Those funny daily kos kids see the writing on the wall- It sounds like the Democratic leadership isn’t bothering to wait for the Petraeus White House report on all that so-called progress in Iraq before caving to George Bush: http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....0435/53025
marvs words – Fear of the upcoming petraeus report has reid backtracking. Cut and run on their own principles. Makes you wonder why reid wants to keep troops in a war that is already lost.
I wonder if this has anything to do with reid suddenly wanting to compromise-
U.S. Troops Given Misleading, Inaccurate Bios Of Democratic Lawmakers Visiting Iraq
The sheets of papers were short, thumbnail biographies of the two lawmakers. ThinkProgress has obtained copies of the bios for Moran and Tauscher. Instead of receiving the official bios readily available on the congressional websites, the U.S. troops were given new ones that cherry-pick the representatives’ “most incendiary” statements: http://thinkprogress.org/2007/.....bios-iraq/
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “Nice try Roger, except the state minimum wage, the highest in the country, is not reduced for wait staff like other states.”
That’s true, despite the best efforts of wingnuts like Roadkill McGavick, who thinks waitresses deserve $2.13 an hour (so he can stretch his $15 million-a-month paycheck for part-time consulting work farther). Waitresses can thank Democrats for the fact Washington doesn’t have a separate, lower, minimum wage for their occupational class. And I’m sure they will, in every election from now on.
Buuuuut … the fact Washington waitresses get the same minimum wage as everyone else doesn’t mean their incomes have gone up. If you compare the earnings of Washington waitresses today to those of 10 or 20 years ago, in real terms, I think you’ll find their incomes have gone down. The minimum wage is not keeping up with the rising cost-of-living.
On the record on KCTS
Marvin Stamnspews:
#17 chadt says:
He’s the greatest current example of flaming (!) conservative hypocrisy, and will provide lots of pre-election joy for all concerned.
larry craig appears to be a big hypocrite. Fortunately the democrats never talk about morals or family values so their sex scandals don’t do the same damage to the party that publican sex scandals do.
@25 Marvin
can you spell Patriotism?
Just imagine, for the moment, the Harry Reid and GWB both mean well. Imagine that Reid knows Bush is wrong and the “war” is lost and wants to minimize damage to our troops. Would WE be better off if he has an OG corral style shoot out or actually gets the doable done?
While you are at it, imagine that GWB is also a patriot and he really believes that if we stay in Iraq long enough we cna pull it off. Wouldn’t he, in OUR interest, be trying to keep enough forces there as long as he can?
I actually believe these things. Bush is likely the least competent President in history, an embarrassment at best, a tool of truly evil people at worst. BUT, I believe he does not see himself in this way and really wants to do the right thing irrespective of his personal gain. Reid has played his role in amazingly statesman like manner. he needs to deal with peacehawks who threaten him with Lamont II. (Can you spell Brian Baird?). Lets assume that Harry, like Brain, has a view that we have lost but that we should get as much as we can out of what is left. What should he do?
Call me naive but a major reason I don’t like the merda ad hominem of a lot of what we read here. I think you in particular diminish your arguments by turning everything into such personal terms. What is far more important, in my preacherly like opinion is our country’s future. You might look at the NPR site for a recent interview of Bob Kerry where he, along with Pollack and Baird,m argues for a rational course that maximizes what we can still get out of this mess.
@28 I am no lover of hypocrisy but given the immense power of the Rovian conspiracy to spread lies, I would guess that for some reason there are far less issues with Demo sex than with Reprican sex.
I have no honest idea why this would be. However, while both parties seem to get caught with their fingers in the public till, it seems that fingers in pubic hair are usually stained with Reprican colors.
Roger Rabbit says:
@13 “Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.”
If that’s what you want, talk to the Trotyskite neocons about it. They believe in that stuff. They’re all a bunch of recycled commies.
08/31/2007 at 12:23 pm
I was being facetious, Rog.
So, you agree with me that wealth re-distribution done through the tax code is wrong. Good to hear it!
@31 no we should redistrribute wealth the way the Diewty meant us to. We should remove all social service, inlcuding sewage, and let epidemic disease wipe most of us out independently of our wealth.
or not???
Marvin Stamnspews:
Arthur Miller, the American playwright and former husband of Marilyn Monroe, hid the existence of a son born with Down’s syndrome for nearly four decades, it has emerged.
Miller apparently called his son “a mongoloid” and told a friend: “I’m going to have to put the baby away.” The revelation is at odds with Miller’s reputation as a champion of the downtrodden and a hero of the Left.
Marvs words – It’s only strange if one is ignorant enough to believe that liberals believe as they preach.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#29 SeattleJew says:
@25 Marvin
can you spell Patriotism?
Patriotisem. Damn, I guess not. Stoopid spellcheker.
Just imagine, for the moment, the Harry Reid and GWB both mean well. Imagine that Reid knows Bush is wrong and the “war” is lost and wants to minimize damage to our troops. Would WE be better off if he has an OG corral style shoot out or actually gets the doable done?
If reid believes what he says, he should be fighting hard as hell for what he believes in. Right or wrong, I believe bush believes what he’s selling us and is ruining his career for what he believes in.
Politics aside, reid should be on the tv/radio/press daily repeating over and over the war is lost and doing EVERYTHING within his power to get us the hell out. If he can’t get it done, oh well, but he shouldn’t surrender his beliefs even if it comes at the expense of his career.
Patriotisim. Damn it, damn it all to hell.
SeattleJew says:
@31 no we should redistrribute wealth the way the Diewty meant us to. We should remove all social service, inlcuding sewage, and let epidemic disease wipe most of us out independently of our wealth.
or not???
Or we can allow people to succeed or fail based on thier own motivation and talents.
SJ, the fact that people have accumulated wealth over their lives is not an invitation for government to seize it. Sorry, but there’ll always be poor people. We can contribute to charity and do other things to help the them, but let’s not have government act as Robin Hood. Re-disrtibution of wealth is not government’s responsibility.
@35 SJ, the fact that people have accumulated wealth over their lives is not an invitation for government to seize it. Sorry, but there’ll always be poor people.
But the overwhelming majority of people in this country who have wealth were born with it (or had a much easier path to achieve it). No one’s saying that there won’t be poor people. What many of us are saying is that by allowing for the free market to exist without government interference, you end up with a system where the primary determinant of wealth is not hard work, but heredity.
We can contribute to charity and do other things to help the them, but let’s not have government act as Robin Hood. Re-disrtibution of wealth is not government’s responsibility.
At the very least, I hope you’re not one of the people who believes that the founding fathers of this country agreed with that statement.
Politics aside, reid should be on the tv/radio/press daily repeating over and over the war is lost and doing EVERYTHING within his power to get us the hell out.
Or he could, y’know, try to achieve what is possible with a very slim majority, particularly since it won’t make any difference in six months because we will have to start bringing the troops home anyway.
And I bet you were cheering on the talking heads that were yelling “defeatocrat” when Reid first made that statement.
This insistence that only by not bending at all can one show one’s principle is what has gotten us into the mess we’re in politically now.
@34 errr … so you think lil Bush does what he does because he is a well meaning incompetent and Harry Reid does what he does because he is a highly competent faker?
Seems like you are a bit … errr ahhh simplistic here.
I have not said a word about redistibuitng wealth, rather I am suggesting you wake up and realize that “wealth” ain’t gold. You can not accumulate wealth by digging it out of the ground. Wealth comes from our utilization of a Governement that creates a system.
Your dollar bills or bank accounts are counters the govt issues to measure your ability to accumulate capital. That capital decreases wiht time if it is not used productively and that use depends on roads, schools, consumers, an army,… lots stuff that you and I both apy for. W/o all that your wealth would be .. well, useless?
All today’s wealthy societies are either small parasites sucking osme blood of the larger animal .. Switzerland, Monaco, OR state economies supported by TAXES.
Tell you what. Lets both take all of our current wealth. I am certain I am poorer than you. I will continue tpo use my wealth to live in our society. You dig yours up, convert it into gold, and bury it. Come see me when you get hungry and I’ll drive you in my car (paid for from my govt provided salary), on roads (built with taxes), over to McD’s. We will order whatever you like, but probably beef grown on farms supported by the Dept of Agriculture, and pay for it all with an internet based credit card backed up by the Federal Reserve and the gov’t created internet.
This offer is limited to one burger but I will throw in freedom fries and a Coke. Oh, the Coke is made with water from our socialist City Light reservoir and the fires were transported form Idaho on the interstate highway system.
Enjoy your gold.
33 So, Marvin, let me see if I get this straight…you’re judging all “liberals” in 2007 based in the bad judgement of the private actions and words, half a century ago, of an individual whose political leanings may have been left of center but who also had a reputation as a rather cynical curmudgeon. (By the way, what you you basing your assumptions of Miller’s politics on other than the McCarthy witch hunts?)
I’d like to think a lot of us have gained a degree of enlightenment in the last 50 years. I’m also willing to allow for peoples’ past prejudices and indiscretions if they’ve done other worthwhile things. I don’t think Miller’s own family life would make me appreciate “A View From The Bridge” of “Death of A Salesman” any less after reading your citation above. In the same way, I still listen to recordings of Harry James, even after reading the account of his refusing to go on in a club when he learned the audience was predominently Black, saying “I’m not playing for a bunch of jigs”.
Can anyone ‘splain to me why gay dems are all out of the closet and we do not seem to have our fair share of sexual perverts?
This is very unfair. We need an affirmative action program. I suggest that 10% of next years delegates to the antional convention be closet gays and and anouther 10% be equal parts pedophiles, Lotharioes, and Lolitas! of course these must also be closeted.
All in favor?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#41 SeattleJew says:
Can anyone ’splain to me why gay dems are all out of the closet and we do not seem to have our fair share of sexual perverts?
Was mcgreevy (d) out when he was caught having a gay affair while in a heterosexual marriage? Didn’t he admit in his book he frequented truck stops and bathrooms for anonymous gay sex?
I have a good question… Name the leading democrat presidential candidate that supports gay marriage. Hillary? Obama? John Edwards?
Marvin ..
You get a point. Boy am I relieved! I was worried that there was somthin really wrong that dems didn’t have any closeted gays. THANK YOU. I guess the issue is why don’t dems have an HYPOCRITICAL CLOSETED people?
As for gay marriage, AFIK the three people you mention are all in monogamous,monoandrous relations .. aka marriage. ALL the publicans in one way or ‘nother seem confused about monogamy … unless it is serial. Romney, oddly is the exception … maybe being a reformed polygamist is helpful if you have whatever it is that makes Publicans have such issues with sexual identity?
This raises a common issueabout being gay. Is being gay genetic? I dunno, but looking at the clear dichotomy between the parties, it seems as if there might be some genetics associated with sexual deviance and Publicanism.
I propose a study to determine if sexual deviancy amongst republicans is genetic.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#43 SeattleJew says:
Marvin .. You get a point. Boy am I relieved! I was worried that there was somthin really wrong that dems didn’t have any closeted gays. THANK YOU. I guess the issue is why don’t dems have an HYPOCRITICAL CLOSETED people?
Do you think that mcgreevy was pro gay marriage?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#43 SeattleJew says:
As for gay marriage, AFIK the three people you mention are all in monogamous,monoandrous relations .. aka marriage
I’m not calling anyone of the 3 gay, I feel you missed the point of the question. The perception is that publicans are homophobic and against gay marriage. Which leading democrat presidential candidate is in favor of gay marriage? Hillary? Obama? John Edwards? Why are the democrat leaders AGAINST gay marriage?
The issue of gay marriage is entirely different from gay bashing. For example, I oppose gay marriage but favor NOK laws, next of kin laws, that allow each of us to select one pair as our next of kin. I also think we should allow all othe rkinds of dmoiestic living arrangements .. bigamy , biandry, polywhatever, nunnery, all the same to me.
Do you think this makes me a bigot like … Craig, Chaney, etc. etc?
BTW, as I remember I read here that you are yourself a clost gay, at least you deny being gay, right?
So where do you stand on gay sex? Should it be legal to find a date in the rest room?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#46 SeattleJew says:
@44 Marvin
For example, I oppose gay marriage…
I applaud you, not many on this blog would be so honest.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#47 SeattleJew says:
BTW, as I remember I read here that you are yourself a clost gay, at least you deny being gay, right?
You read your own posts? Quite vain of you isn’t it.
So where do you stand on gay sex? Should it be legal to find a date in the rest room?
Damn, do you have a reading problem. I’ve already said I am not interested in hooking up with you. You’re lucky we are not in a bathroom or you would be arrested.
You know Stephen, in all honestly you appear to be too old to be playing this little gay baiting game. I expected better from someone of your position.
@49 Damn, do you have a reading problem. I’ve already said I am not interested in hooking up with you. You’re lucky we are not in a bathroom or you would be arrested.
That’s totally not what he was asking. Why did you all of a sudden think he was hitting on you? Isn’t that a little revealing?
You know Stephen, in all honestly you appear to be too old to be playing this little gay baiting game. I expected better from someone of your position.
I think one doth protest too much. And I’m positive you told us in an earlier thread you were flying to Minneapolis. Any run-ins with powerful people in the GOP?
Well, golly gee whiz, Marv…I thought you blew a trumpet!
@51 I’ve always been convinced he blows goats….
Marvin Stamnspews:
#52 chadt says:
@51 I’ve always been convinced he blows goats….
The term you are missing is transference. Even I learned about that in college, how did you miss it?
@53 The term you are missing is transference. Even I learned about that in college, how did you miss it?
Ah, yes. It’s why you followed up a legitimate question about the legality of homosexuality with an inquiry about whether SeattleJew was hitting on you. Transference, eh?
I* don;t think I was the first one to ask about your identity although I do believe I was the first one to find out you were an imposter POSING as someone else.
Look, if you want to be takem seriously, why not just make serious comments? Or is your only purpose here to pretend you are a cool musician?
BTW the CDs are great! Any other interesting Jazz artists to recommend?
Marvin Stamnspews:
SeattleJew says:
@47 Marvin ..
I* don;t think I was the first one to ask about your identity although I do believe I was the first one to find out you were an imposter POSING as someone else.
Look, if you want to be takem seriously, why not just make serious comments? Or is your only purpose here to pretend you are a cool musician?
BTW the CDs are great! Any other interesting Jazz artists to recommend?
How am I posing as someone else when I intentionally spelled his name wrong? Anything I said about my gigs (tom jones, temptations, etc.) are all true and not off Stamm’s bio.
I have made serious comments, admittedly in a sarcastic tone (john edwards hypocrisy, gore’s hypocrisy, hillary’s fundraising scandals), but it seems no one wants to talk about any of that stuff. Considering if hillary and obama drop out of the race john edwards could end up being president, isn’t understanding why he talks about 2 americas while foreclosing on the homes of poor blacks in new orleans important.
I am a cool musician. My playing has taken me all across the globe, I’ve even flown to paris france to play a bar mitzvah. How does that not make me a cool musician.
As far as other jazz artists… saxes? 2 of my fav modern day jazzers are http://www.petechristlieb.com/ (the soloist from the tonight show and MUCH more) and the fiery don menza.
@56 I have made serious comments, admittedly in a sarcastic tone (john edwards hypocrisy, gore’s hypocrisy, hillary’s fundraising scandals), but it seems no one wants to talk about any of that stuff.
I’ve talked about Hillary’s fundraising scandals. I’ve pointed out that things like that are commonplace in politics, and that the Normal Hsu scandal pales in comparison to the fact that Mitt Romney has a child torturer as his national finance co-chair and the fact that Rudy Giuliani has had a number of known criminals working for his campaign.
I’m not sure what your point is here, other than to reinforce the fact that you’re very capable of ignoring Republicans wrong-doing while being obsessed with minor inconsistencies in what the Democrats do.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#57 Lee says:
I’m not sure what your point is here, other than to reinforce the fact that you’re very capable of ignoring Republicans wrong-doing while being obsessed with minor inconsistencies in what the Democrats do.
I’m on a left-leaning board, I don’t need to point out publican crimes, scandals & hypocrisy, everyone else will and does. I’m filling the void of democrat crimes, scandals and hypocrisy. That’s my point. So simple even a rabbit can figure it out.
Still haven’t seen a reply from you about john edwards talking about 2 americas while he’s profiting of the foreclosure of the homes of the poor.
Want to opine about john edwards talking about growing up poor while the truth says –
“The Edwardses were solidly middle class” when Johnny was growing up, according to a four-part profile of the North Carolina senator in his home state’s most prestigious daily, the Raleigh News and Observer. It’s true that for a few years as a young man Edwards’ father worked on the floor of a Roger Milliken textile mill. But Edwards père (a lifelong Republican, like his reactionary boss) quickly climbed upward, becoming a monitor of worker productivity as a “time-study” man — which any labor organizer in the South will tell you is a polite term for a stoolie who spies on the proletarian mill hands to get them to speed up production for the same low wages. Daddy Edwards’ grassing got him promoted to supervisor, then to plant manager — and he finally resigned to start his own business as a consultant to the textile industry. As a Boston Globe profile of Edwards put it last year, the senator never “notes that his father was part of management . . . ‘John was more middle class than most of us,’” says Bill Garner, a high school friend and college roommate. http://www.laweekly.com/news/n.....over/2034/
The silence in here about democrat hypocrisy is deafening.
@58 I’m on a left-leaning board, I don’t need to point out publican crimes, scandals & hypocrisy, everyone else will and does. I’m filling the void of democrat crimes, scandals and hypocrisy. That’s my point. So simple even a rabbit can figure it out.
I don’t think you grasp something here. We’re not as stupid as you. We KNOW that there are going to be scandals in the Democratic Party.
Still haven’t seen a reply from you about john edwards talking about 2 americas while he’s profiting of the foreclosure of the homes of the poor.
I haven’t seen any news stories about this. If that’s happening, then Edwards is a massive hypocrite. Do you have a point? Do you actually believe that by coming in here and pointing out instances where Democrats are hypocritical that you’re somehow telling people here something they already didn’t know? Exactly which commenter has said that Democrats can’t be hypocrites? Please link to the comment. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and stop making an ass of yourself.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#59 Lee says:
Still haven’t seen a reply from you about john edwards talking about 2 americas while he’s profiting of the foreclosure of the homes of the poor.
I haven’t seen any news stories about this.
My god, are you the dumbest fucking person on the planet? People who have stock portfolios can’t possibly know what all of the companies they’re invested in are doing. As soon as he found out that a company in his portfolio was involved in sub-prime lending, he said he’d divest. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, man, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
This just made the highlight reel. Holy fucking shit, you’re a retard.
Just something for Stefan to look at. He has has gone national. Good job keeping it quiet. Nothing like your own ego bringing you down.
Yeah, but the dog earned that money. Of course MTR would just shoot the dog and take the dough. After all, he is a ‘producer’ and the dog is ‘property’.
However, even in his fucking twisted sick world, the dog is somebody’s property. I wonder whose?
Solving Seattle’s traffic probelm in one fell swoop …swoop
The dog is worth every cent of that $12 million. The dog created Leona’s business model. From the moment the dog bit a member of her housekeeping staff, she knew exactly how to run her business. It was her epiphany.
Now all the drooling young male College Republicans want to marry that dog.
@3 Flying saucers involve too many technical complexities. There’s an easier way to solve Seattle’s traffic problems. Just run out of oil.
Was Karl Rove Fired?
After reading a longish article in this month’s Atlantic Magazine (available on-line to subscribers only; otherwise you’ll have to buy the magazine or read it in a library), I’m persuaded the answer to that question is yes.
The article explains how Rove engineered political catastrophe for his president and party. After reading it, you’ll agree Bush would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to fire Rove. But he waited too long and it’s now too late to save either his legacy or his party’s electoral prospects.
Factoid: Telling the press you bought an NBA team to move it ($250,000 fine) is as serious as committing treason ($250,000 fine).
@1 What everyone seems to miss in the Stefan/waitress story is that tipping 10% used to be the norm but 20% tips are now expected.
Why has the standard tip increased from 10% to 20%?
I’ll bet it has something to do with restaurant owners paying low wages.
We can repeal the estate tax, so the non multi millionaires can pay more to make up the shortfall. We need a system where a few families control 99% of the money, and the rest of us live like serfs right? Those families can choose which politicians we vote for too, by buying all the tv stations, and networks. That is if the corporations want to sell…..
@10 Any political ideology devoted to promoting economic inequality and concentration of wealth, as conservatism is, carries within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Instead of trying to make capitalism work, as liberals too, Republicans seek to hasten its destruction by encouraging its worst tendencies.
David, you’re gaining a reputation as somebody who doesn’t fulfill their commitments. As you know, on 08/22/07, you committed to posting your post-primary endorsements and predictions that afternoon, nine days ago now.
Talk is cheap; execution is golden.
Roger @ 11,
Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.
If you haven’t already, you should read this story from Newsweek about the hunt for Bin Laden. It truly exposes the price we’ve paid (and will pay) for our stupid, stupid war-of-choice in Iraq.
This passage especially sets me off:
Great. Thanks, W, for fucking the Afghanistan campaign right in the ass.
This also makes me crazy:
So once again, the chickenhawks pussy out when the chips are down. Carter and Clinton’s missions might have failed but at least they had the balls to fucking TRY. This bunch of chickenshits are afraid to even do that.
Seriously, go read the whole article. It’s long but well worth it.
One(very pissed)Man
After reading it, you’ll agree Bush would have to be deaf, dumb, and blind not to fire Rove.
I find that I don’t have any particular problem believing that Bush is, in fact, deaf dumb and blind. He appears to value loyalty above all else, to the point that he is oblivious to the failings of those around him as long as they have ‘proved’ themselves loyal. There just isn’t any other logical reason for Rummy, Turdblossom, or Abu to hang around as long as they did.
13 Why not give everybody a billion dollars. As it is, the Fed is printing money as fast as it can and handing it all to the Wall Street shysters. Why not give some to the rest of us? Why should we be expected to fuck up as badly as they did?
There’s widespread belief amongst media types that Larry Craig will resign, perhaps today.
Pray that they are wrong, and that he will remain the reactionary asshole he always has been.
He’s the greatest current example of flaming (!) conservative
hypocrisy, and will provide lots of pre-election joy for all concerned.
We should enjoy this to the fullest….
@13 Libertarian
Nahhh. Following your logic we should ONLY allow capital accretion and have no pay to anyone.
Jobs will then consist of company paid housing, food, and healthcare. Anything else, e.g. procreation, will be used as a bonus.
In this Utopia, all workers will have an equal chance to acquire capital.
BTW have you read the news about the Helmsley Cat?
(SJ News, Dubai, April 1, 3500)
Managers of the Helmsley Cat Fund met today to honor the Owner, Felix XXIV. Having accrued interest for the last 1500 years, HCF has recently become the controlling interest in all the world’s capital.
The Managers are faced with serious political issues growing out of the success of HCF. Some have suggested that having a cat own 51% of the World’s capital is not democratic. The Managers are very sensitive to this issue and have assured the governments that HCF will not intervene directly in the rights of workers to free speech, choice of mass media entertainment, or choices between Soylent Green and Human-free nutrition.
Of Darcy, the Blogs and GOOGLE
I suspect that Google is going to release its rumored phone in eatly 08. The impact on the world, in light of the recent days of August blog campaign, may eb frightening or wonderful.
Imagine a $100 device with nearly free access to the web and to personal communications. Unimaginable? Hardly. This is not far from the price point expected when low end PCs .. full PCs .. enter the market next year in developing countries. Free service? Even this is imaginable. There are some places that now offer blanket wifi as a civic service. Wireless net in seattle, wi unlimited telephoney, is only ~$30/month.
A technology like this would transform the world as much as .. or maybe more than .. TV.
19 Oh, for Gawd’s sake…the Internet isn’t going to solve the world’s problems. Look at all of us idiots, whose degree of social conscience might otherwise have us out on the streets and in the halls of power doing real work to effect change, who are instead sitting in front of our computers typing shit and basking in our own self-perceived importance.
Nice try Roger, except the state minimum wage, the highest in the country, is not reduced for wait staff like other states.
@13 “Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.”
If that’s what you want, talk to the Trotyskite neocons about it. They believe in that stuff. They’re all a bunch of recycled commies.
But one of Norman Hsu’s biggest beneficiaries in the state, Gov. Rendell, said yesterday that he would keep the money – and stand by his friend – unless he learned more damaging information about the case.
“I want to hear him out; I don’t want to be one of the guys to pile on,” Rendell said. “Norman Hsu’s one of the best 10 people I’ve met…
marvs words – One can only wonder about the other 9 people on renells list of the 10 best are. The long list of other democrats that took money are contributing some of it to charity. Quite the philanthropists those democrats are with ill gotten money. (hillary received $92.100, she’s giving $23,000 to charity)
(for what it’s worth, Gov. Rendell never gets labeled as a democrat in the article)
@14 GOP = admit no fault, take no responsibility party
Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) said he is now willing to compromise with Republicans to find ways to limit troop deployments in Iraq.
“I don’t think we have to think that our way is the only way,” Reid said of specific dates during an interview in his office here.
Reid’s unwavering stance this summer earned him critics who said he was playing politics by refusing to bargain with antiwar Republicans.
Those funny daily kos kids see the writing on the wall-
It sounds like the Democratic leadership isn’t bothering to wait for the
PetraeusWhite House report on all that so-called progress in Iraq before caving to George Bush:http://www.dailykos.com/storyo.....0435/53025
marvs words – Fear of the upcoming petraeus report has reid backtracking. Cut and run on their own principles. Makes you wonder why reid wants to keep troops in a war that is already lost.
I wonder if this has anything to do with reid suddenly wanting to compromise-
U.S. Troops Given Misleading, Inaccurate Bios Of Democratic Lawmakers Visiting Iraq
The sheets of papers were short, thumbnail biographies of the two lawmakers. ThinkProgress has obtained copies of the bios for Moran and Tauscher. Instead of receiving the official bios readily available on the congressional websites, the U.S. troops were given new ones that cherry-pick the representatives’ “most incendiary” statements:
@21 “Nice try Roger, except the state minimum wage, the highest in the country, is not reduced for wait staff like other states.”
That’s true, despite the best efforts of wingnuts like Roadkill McGavick, who thinks waitresses deserve $2.13 an hour (so he can stretch his $15 million-a-month paycheck for part-time consulting work farther). Waitresses can thank Democrats for the fact Washington doesn’t have a separate, lower, minimum wage for their occupational class. And I’m sure they will, in every election from now on.
Buuuuut … the fact Washington waitresses get the same minimum wage as everyone else doesn’t mean their incomes have gone up. If you compare the earnings of Washington waitresses today to those of 10 or 20 years ago, in real terms, I think you’ll find their incomes have gone down. The minimum wage is not keeping up with the rising cost-of-living.
On the record on KCTS
#17 chadt says:
larry craig appears to be a big hypocrite. Fortunately the democrats never talk about morals or family values so their sex scandals don’t do the same damage to the party that publican sex scandals do.
@25 Marvin
can you spell Patriotism?
Just imagine, for the moment, the Harry Reid and GWB both mean well. Imagine that Reid knows Bush is wrong and the “war” is lost and wants to minimize damage to our troops. Would WE be better off if he has an OG corral style shoot out or actually gets the doable done?
While you are at it, imagine that GWB is also a patriot and he really believes that if we stay in Iraq long enough we cna pull it off. Wouldn’t he, in OUR interest, be trying to keep enough forces there as long as he can?
I actually believe these things. Bush is likely the least competent President in history, an embarrassment at best, a tool of truly evil people at worst. BUT, I believe he does not see himself in this way and really wants to do the right thing irrespective of his personal gain. Reid has played his role in amazingly statesman like manner. he needs to deal with peacehawks who threaten him with Lamont II. (Can you spell Brian Baird?). Lets assume that Harry, like Brain, has a view that we have lost but that we should get as much as we can out of what is left. What should he do?
Call me naive but a major reason I don’t like the merda ad hominem of a lot of what we read here. I think you in particular diminish your arguments by turning everything into such personal terms. What is far more important, in my preacherly like opinion is our country’s future. You might look at the NPR site for a recent interview of Bob Kerry where he, along with Pollack and Baird,m argues for a rational course that maximizes what we can still get out of this mess.
@28 I am no lover of hypocrisy but given the immense power of the Rovian conspiracy to spread lies, I would guess that for some reason there are far less issues with Demo sex than with Reprican sex.
I have no honest idea why this would be. However, while both parties seem to get caught with their fingers in the public till, it seems that fingers in pubic hair are usually stained with Reprican colors.
Roger Rabbit says:
@13 “Sounds like what we need to do is to seize all wealth and divide it equally amogst all people. Let’s give everybody a billion dollars. Yeah, that should work.”
If that’s what you want, talk to the Trotyskite neocons about it. They believe in that stuff. They’re all a bunch of recycled commies.
08/31/2007 at 12:23 pm
I was being facetious, Rog.
So, you agree with me that wealth re-distribution done through the tax code is wrong. Good to hear it!
@31 no we should redistrribute wealth the way the Diewty meant us to. We should remove all social service, inlcuding sewage, and let epidemic disease wipe most of us out independently of our wealth.
or not???
Arthur Miller, the American playwright and former husband of Marilyn Monroe, hid the existence of a son born with Down’s syndrome for nearly four decades, it has emerged.
Miller apparently called his son “a mongoloid” and told a friend: “I’m going to have to put the baby away.”
The revelation is at odds with Miller’s reputation as a champion of the downtrodden and a hero of the Left.
Marvs words – It’s only strange if one is ignorant enough to believe that liberals believe as they preach.
#29 SeattleJew says:
Patriotisem. Damn, I guess not. Stoopid spellcheker.
If reid believes what he says, he should be fighting hard as hell for what he believes in. Right or wrong, I believe bush believes what he’s selling us and is ruining his career for what he believes in.
Politics aside, reid should be on the tv/radio/press daily repeating over and over the war is lost and doing EVERYTHING within his power to get us the hell out. If he can’t get it done, oh well, but he shouldn’t surrender his beliefs even if it comes at the expense of his career.
Patriotisim. Damn it, damn it all to hell.
SeattleJew says:
@31 no we should redistrribute wealth the way the Diewty meant us to. We should remove all social service, inlcuding sewage, and let epidemic disease wipe most of us out independently of our wealth.
or not???
Or we can allow people to succeed or fail based on thier own motivation and talents.
SJ, the fact that people have accumulated wealth over their lives is not an invitation for government to seize it. Sorry, but there’ll always be poor people. We can contribute to charity and do other things to help the them, but let’s not have government act as Robin Hood. Re-disrtibution of wealth is not government’s responsibility.
SJ, the fact that people have accumulated wealth over their lives is not an invitation for government to seize it. Sorry, but there’ll always be poor people.
But the overwhelming majority of people in this country who have wealth were born with it (or had a much easier path to achieve it). No one’s saying that there won’t be poor people. What many of us are saying is that by allowing for the free market to exist without government interference, you end up with a system where the primary determinant of wealth is not hard work, but heredity.
We can contribute to charity and do other things to help the them, but let’s not have government act as Robin Hood. Re-disrtibution of wealth is not government’s responsibility.
At the very least, I hope you’re not one of the people who believes that the founding fathers of this country agreed with that statement.
Or he could, y’know, try to achieve what is possible with a very slim majority, particularly since it won’t make any difference in six months because we will have to start bringing the troops home anyway.
And I bet you were cheering on the talking heads that were yelling “defeatocrat” when Reid first made that statement.
This insistence that only by not bending at all can one show one’s principle is what has gotten us into the mess we’re in politically now.
@34 errr … so you think lil Bush does what he does because he is a well meaning incompetent and Harry Reid does what he does because he is a highly competent faker?
Seems like you are a bit … errr ahhh simplistic here.
I have not said a word about redistibuitng wealth, rather I am suggesting you wake up and realize that “wealth” ain’t gold. You can not accumulate wealth by digging it out of the ground. Wealth comes from our utilization of a Governement that creates a system.
Your dollar bills or bank accounts are counters the govt issues to measure your ability to accumulate capital. That capital decreases wiht time if it is not used productively and that use depends on roads, schools, consumers, an army,… lots stuff that you and I both apy for. W/o all that your wealth would be .. well, useless?
All today’s wealthy societies are either small parasites sucking osme blood of the larger animal .. Switzerland, Monaco, OR state economies supported by TAXES.
Tell you what. Lets both take all of our current wealth. I am certain I am poorer than you. I will continue tpo use my wealth to live in our society. You dig yours up, convert it into gold, and bury it. Come see me when you get hungry and I’ll drive you in my car (paid for from my govt provided salary), on roads (built with taxes), over to McD’s. We will order whatever you like, but probably beef grown on farms supported by the Dept of Agriculture, and pay for it all with an internet based credit card backed up by the Federal Reserve and the gov’t created internet.
This offer is limited to one burger but I will throw in freedom fries and a Coke. Oh, the Coke is made with water from our socialist City Light reservoir and the fires were transported form Idaho on the interstate highway system.
Enjoy your gold.
33 So, Marvin, let me see if I get this straight…you’re judging all “liberals” in 2007 based in the bad judgement of the private actions and words, half a century ago, of an individual whose political leanings may have been left of center but who also had a reputation as a rather cynical curmudgeon. (By the way, what you you basing your assumptions of Miller’s politics on other than the McCarthy witch hunts?)
I’d like to think a lot of us have gained a degree of enlightenment in the last 50 years. I’m also willing to allow for peoples’ past prejudices and indiscretions if they’ve done other worthwhile things. I don’t think Miller’s own family life would make me appreciate “A View From The Bridge” of “Death of A Salesman” any less after reading your citation above. In the same way, I still listen to recordings of Harry James, even after reading the account of his refusing to go on in a club when he learned the audience was predominently Black, saying “I’m not playing for a bunch of jigs”.
Can anyone ‘splain to me why gay dems are all out of the closet and we do not seem to have our fair share of sexual perverts?
This is very unfair. We need an affirmative action program. I suggest that 10% of next years delegates to the antional convention be closet gays and and anouther 10% be equal parts pedophiles, Lotharioes, and Lolitas! of course these must also be closeted.
All in favor?
#41 SeattleJew says:
Was mcgreevy (d) out when he was caught having a gay affair while in a heterosexual marriage? Didn’t he admit in his book he frequented truck stops and bathrooms for anonymous gay sex?
I have a good question… Name the leading democrat presidential candidate that supports gay marriage. Hillary? Obama? John Edwards?
Marvin ..
You get a point. Boy am I relieved! I was worried that there was somthin really wrong that dems didn’t have any closeted gays. THANK YOU. I guess the issue is why don’t dems have an HYPOCRITICAL CLOSETED people?
As for gay marriage, AFIK the three people you mention are all in monogamous,monoandrous relations .. aka marriage. ALL the publicans in one way or ‘nother seem confused about monogamy … unless it is serial. Romney, oddly is the exception … maybe being a reformed polygamist is helpful if you have whatever it is that makes Publicans have such issues with sexual identity?
This raises a common issueabout being gay. Is being gay genetic? I dunno, but looking at the clear dichotomy between the parties, it seems as if there might be some genetics associated with sexual deviance and Publicanism.
I propose a study to determine if sexual deviancy amongst republicans is genetic.
#43 SeattleJew says:
Do you think that mcgreevy was pro gay marriage?
#43 SeattleJew says:
I’m not calling anyone of the 3 gay, I feel you missed the point of the question. The perception is that publicans are homophobic and against gay marriage. Which leading democrat presidential candidate is in favor of gay marriage? Hillary? Obama? John Edwards? Why are the democrat leaders AGAINST gay marriage?
@44 Marvin
I did not miss your point you missed mine.
The issue of gay marriage is entirely different from gay bashing. For example, I oppose gay marriage but favor NOK laws, next of kin laws, that allow each of us to select one pair as our next of kin. I also think we should allow all othe rkinds of dmoiestic living arrangements .. bigamy , biandry, polywhatever, nunnery, all the same to me.
Do you think this makes me a bigot like … Craig, Chaney, etc. etc?
BTW, as I remember I read here that you are yourself a clost gay, at least you deny being gay, right?
So where do you stand on gay sex? Should it be legal to find a date in the rest room?
#46 SeattleJew says:
I applaud you, not many on this blog would be so honest.
#47 SeattleJew says:
You read your own posts? Quite vain of you isn’t it.
Damn, do you have a reading problem. I’ve already said I am not interested in hooking up with you. You’re lucky we are not in a bathroom or you would be arrested.
You know Stephen, in all honestly you appear to be too old to be playing this little gay baiting game. I expected better from someone of your position.
Damn, do you have a reading problem. I’ve already said I am not interested in hooking up with you. You’re lucky we are not in a bathroom or you would be arrested.
That’s totally not what he was asking. Why did you all of a sudden think he was hitting on you? Isn’t that a little revealing?
You know Stephen, in all honestly you appear to be too old to be playing this little gay baiting game. I expected better from someone of your position.
I think one doth protest too much. And I’m positive you told us in an earlier thread you were flying to Minneapolis. Any run-ins with powerful people in the GOP?
Well, golly gee whiz, Marv…I thought you blew a trumpet!
@51 I’ve always been convinced he blows goats….
#52 chadt says:
The term you are missing is transference. Even I learned about that in college, how did you miss it?
The term you are missing is transference. Even I learned about that in college, how did you miss it?
Ah, yes. It’s why you followed up a legitimate question about the legality of homosexuality with an inquiry about whether SeattleJew was hitting on you. Transference, eh?
@47 Marvin ..
I* don;t think I was the first one to ask about your identity although I do believe I was the first one to find out you were an imposter POSING as someone else.
Look, if you want to be takem seriously, why not just make serious comments? Or is your only purpose here to pretend you are a cool musician?
BTW the CDs are great! Any other interesting Jazz artists to recommend?
SeattleJew says:
How am I posing as someone else when I intentionally spelled his name wrong? Anything I said about my gigs (tom jones, temptations, etc.) are all true and not off Stamm’s bio.
I have made serious comments, admittedly in a sarcastic tone (john edwards hypocrisy, gore’s hypocrisy, hillary’s fundraising scandals), but it seems no one wants to talk about any of that stuff. Considering if hillary and obama drop out of the race john edwards could end up being president, isn’t understanding why he talks about 2 americas while foreclosing on the homes of poor blacks in new orleans important.
I am a cool musician. My playing has taken me all across the globe, I’ve even flown to paris france to play a bar mitzvah. How does that not make me a cool musician.
As far as other jazz artists… saxes? 2 of my fav modern day jazzers are http://www.petechristlieb.com/ (the soloist from the tonight show and MUCH more) and the fiery don menza.
I have made serious comments, admittedly in a sarcastic tone (john edwards hypocrisy, gore’s hypocrisy, hillary’s fundraising scandals), but it seems no one wants to talk about any of that stuff.
I’ve talked about Hillary’s fundraising scandals. I’ve pointed out that things like that are commonplace in politics, and that the Normal Hsu scandal pales in comparison to the fact that Mitt Romney has a child torturer as his national finance co-chair and the fact that Rudy Giuliani has had a number of known criminals working for his campaign.
I’m not sure what your point is here, other than to reinforce the fact that you’re very capable of ignoring Republicans wrong-doing while being obsessed with minor inconsistencies in what the Democrats do.
#57 Lee says:
I’m on a left-leaning board, I don’t need to point out publican crimes, scandals & hypocrisy, everyone else will and does. I’m filling the void of democrat crimes, scandals and hypocrisy. That’s my point. So simple even a rabbit can figure it out.
Still haven’t seen a reply from you about john edwards talking about 2 americas while he’s profiting of the foreclosure of the homes of the poor.
Want to opine about john edwards talking about growing up poor while the truth says –
“The Edwardses were solidly middle class” when Johnny was growing up, according to a four-part profile of the North Carolina senator in his home state’s most prestigious daily, the Raleigh News and Observer. It’s true that for a few years as a young man Edwards’ father worked on the floor of a Roger Milliken textile mill. But Edwards père (a lifelong Republican, like his reactionary boss) quickly climbed upward, becoming a monitor of worker productivity as a “time-study” man — which any labor organizer in the South will tell you is a polite term for a stoolie who spies on the proletarian mill hands to get them to speed up production for the same low wages. Daddy Edwards’ grassing got him promoted to supervisor, then to plant manager — and he finally resigned to start his own business as a consultant to the textile industry. As a Boston Globe profile of Edwards put it last year, the senator never “notes that his father was part of management . . . ‘John was more middle class than most of us,’” says Bill Garner, a high school friend and college roommate.
The silence in here about democrat hypocrisy is deafening.
I’m on a left-leaning board, I don’t need to point out publican crimes, scandals & hypocrisy, everyone else will and does. I’m filling the void of democrat crimes, scandals and hypocrisy. That’s my point. So simple even a rabbit can figure it out.
I don’t think you grasp something here. We’re not as stupid as you. We KNOW that there are going to be scandals in the Democratic Party.
Still haven’t seen a reply from you about john edwards talking about 2 americas while he’s profiting of the foreclosure of the homes of the poor.
I haven’t seen any news stories about this. If that’s happening, then Edwards is a massive hypocrite. Do you have a point? Do you actually believe that by coming in here and pointing out instances where Democrats are hypocritical that you’re somehow telling people here something they already didn’t know? Exactly which commenter has said that Democrats can’t be hypocrites? Please link to the comment. Otherwise, shut the fuck up and stop making an ass of yourself.
#59 Lee says:
How convenient you missed the links I posted.
See, exactly why I’m filling a void.
Oh my god!! Are you retarded?!?!
According to this, he just had those investments in his stock portfolio:
My god, are you the dumbest fucking person on the planet? People who have stock portfolios can’t possibly know what all of the companies they’re invested in are doing. As soon as he found out that a company in his portfolio was involved in sub-prime lending, he said he’d divest. What the fuck is wrong with you? Seriously, man, were you dropped on your head as a child or something?
This just made the highlight reel. Holy fucking shit, you’re a retard.