Acts far more heinous than what Vick did happen every fucking day to human children, and rather than condemn it, you sick fuckers celebrate it. You march in the fucking streets defending a woman’s right to commit infanticide, yet you feel less for the murdered baby that you do a dog.
Is what Vick did worse than partial birth abortion? Did he take a live dog and with no anesthesia jam a pair of scissors in its head and suck its brains out? If he did that to a dog, you guys would form a lynch mob and kill him. Yet when a woman does it, it’s called “a right to choose”.
When my side protests, you tell us to keep our hands off. But when an asshole like Vick does something similar, you want to impose your will on him and throw him in jail? How the fuck do you reconcile that?
So the next time we have the abortion argument, I’m going to throw your words right back in your stoopid fucking faces.
Proud Leftist: “An aversion to inflicting unnecessary pain is something that marks us as humans. Gratuitous torture of a living being marks a person as inhuman. If you don’t understand that, you are not part of the human community.”
Great, come join the human community you asshole. Get as worked up about murdered children as you do dogs.
Proud Leftist “There ought to be a list of people like you that should be posted so that neighbors know someone like you lives amongst them, just like there’s a list for sex offenders. You are not quite right that dogs are just “property.”
Really? So human children are “property” that can be murdered at will by the mother, but dogs are not? I guess you’re “not quite right”.
Lee The moral case is easy. Dogs feel pain in much the same way that humans do, therefore inflicting pain for no reason is unnecessarily cruel, therefore we have a moral imperative to stop it.
So let me get this straight. Dogs feel pain, but a full term baby seconds from birth who gets a pair of scissors jammed in its skull and its brains sucked out does not? Yeah, you’re right… we have a moral imperative to stop it.
You fucking people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You get all worked up about dogs being killed, but when a baby is murdered you call it a right and celebrate it. What the fuck is the matter with you.
Yeah, because we ALL KNOW (you DO have stats, right) that every third abortion is performed on a perfectly healthy full-term baby that the mother just decides to get rid of on a whim (or maybe she lost a bet on the kid).
What? Not true? Get outta here!
Since the mother is clearly a murderer in this case, she should be punished for a criminal offense, right? So just what punishment would you impose on a woman who has abortion?
OneMan is sure curious.
proud leftistspews:
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion. Those of us who are prochoice, however, feel it’s not our place to make a decision for someone else about when life begins. Theologians, philosophers, and physicians disagree about that issue. You, however, apparently have all the answers and have no trouble with imposing your will on others. Congratulations. Being all-knowing must be very comforting.
Mark the bet-welshing Redneck is total fraud. Either Mark or Jeff posts that same bullshit over and over again whether it’s the abortion spiel or the Clinton disbarred spiel.
It’s all bullshit. It’s all crap. It’s all so losing.
Don’t those stupid members of the military know that the democrats support the troops?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#8 Roger Rabbit says:
@1 “Acts far more heinous than what Vick did happen every fucking day to human children” in Iraq.
The difference being the intent.
I believe you said you served in the service, so you might be able to shed light on a few questions. Do only stupid uneducated hicks with no chance for non-government employment sign up for the kilitary? Were you taught to kill civilians with no remorse? If so, how many did you slaughter?
That only seems to apply to Hillary, much more than Obama or Edwards. Not a surprise considering how much Hillary has come to represent modern feminism.
He’s not an abortion doctor either. MTR was commenting about policy, so RR’s reply is in the context of policy either – not referring to the actual person doing the killing. But you’ve actually hit upon why MTR’s analogy is so damn ridiculous in the first place (well, one of the many reasons).
Big surprise. Conservative white male screams about abortion. Must be some kind of primitive reproductive thing going on. Mark the Redneck needs more little Rednecks to carry on his white supremacy.
NO woman ever aborts a late term pregnancy, unless it is life threatening to either or both of them.
Men know nothing.
Interesting, much better health care in canada and they come to ameriKKKa for the births. Buried at the end of the article- “The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births because hospitals in Calgary were at capacity, Key said.”
And the bad news (from the same link) “Typically, partisans view Congress much more positively when their party is in control of the institution, so the fact that Democrats’ ratings are not materially better than Republicans’ is notable.”
Ouch. Not looking good for the democrats. And that’s notable!
18 Yup. Because they haven’t done what the people elected a Dem majority to do: Impeach the Cocksucker-In-Chief and put an end to the World’s Most Stupid War.
Marvin Stamnspews:
More liberal bias. Of course the democrat times of new york know their liberal readers will believe everything they write, but smart people know better.
Why use “allah” when you can use god instead, using allah would only prove the publican talking points there’s a terroist threat from people that believe in allah.
The Guardian newspaper reported Kafeel Ahmed had sent a text message to “a relative” with link to an e-mail and a password to access it, saying he was acting according to God’s will.
9 – Hey Stamn! Things were downright pleasant around here without you.
Glad to hear it. Sorry, those days are over. It’s time for the tolerant left to practice what they preach.
You start off right where you left off – calling military vets stupid.
Sorry, I was paraphrasing john kerry from his speech here in pasadena. Thought I would use the dailykos word, kilitary just for effect.
We all know the left despise the military, it’s the dr laura schlessinger and sean hannitys that organize fund raisers for the families of deceased military service personnel. Of course, feel free to list the democrats/liberals that support the troops with more than empty rhetoric.
“much better health care in canada and they come to ameriKKKa”
Good thing he works for Shell Oil now, otherwise he would not be able to pay that $75,000 rectal rocket. I wonder if Shell provides Canadians with health insurance if they choose to use US medical care.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Let’s not forget, the debate is over-
The Cooling World, Newsweek, April 28, 1975 There are ominous signs that the Earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production – with serious political implications for just about every nation on Earth. The drop in food output could begin quite soon, perhaps only 10 years from now.
The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.
-=-=-=-=-= meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing.
cientists have found other indications of global cooling.
Whatever the cause of the cooling trend, its effects could be extremely serious, if not catastrophic.
Anyone want to explain why many of the same scientists that screwed the pooch so badly 30 years ago are going to be correct this time?
Remember, 30 years ago the experts said global cooling was going to be catastrophic.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The moose is worse than an 8,000 mile car trip for the environment. Gotta love it. In the name of saving the planet, who wants to go on a moose hunt with me?,00.html
The birth of the quadruplets in Great Falls was paid for by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Program. This is the Evil Single-Payer medical system in Alberta.
But don’t let me get in the way of any illusions you have about how things work.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 “Don’t those stupid members of the military know that the democrats support the troops?”
I wouldn’t call our troops “stupid” (but apparently you do). And I’m glad Democrats support them — someone should. Republicans sure don’t.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 (continued) Also, we need to MAKE SURE all our soldiers risking their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq get to VOTE — even if it means putting Karl Rove and Tim Griffin in jail for interfering with their voting rights.
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote. A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website. One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused … requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
@10 “Can ya imagine being too fucking dishonest to be a lawyer?”
I can think of someone who’s both too STOOPID and too DISHONEST to be a lawyer — you. Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 “Do only stupid uneducated hicks with no chance for non-government employment sign up for the kilitary?”
Why do you hate the military? Support our troops, asshole!
“Were you taught to kill civilians with no remorse?”
“If so, how many did you slaughter?”
If you’ve got any more questions about military life, numbnutz, a recruiter will be happy to fill you in — and help you fill in the enlistment forms.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican president lost the war I served in. Looks like a Republican president is going to lose this one, too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
One of the things that wingnut warlovers never want to deal with is the fact that wars kill lots and lots of lots of civilians — including kids. They don’t want to admit it because it makes war look bad, and anything that makes war look bad makes them look bad.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I want to make SURE every soldier who has been held in the service under “stop loss,” has been sent to Iraq for repeated tours of duty, who didn’t get vehicle or body armor from his government, who was shoved into moldy barracks while waiting for medical care … gets to VOTE
Roger Rabbitspews:
in November 2008! Any Republican who interferes with the voting rights of any SOLDIER should be shot on the spot!*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor courtesy of Ann Coulter Jokes, LLP. No royalties paid.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 “Conservative white male screams about abortion. Must be some kind of primitive reproductive thing going on.”
Conservative white males have a lot more enthusiasm for making ’em be born than they have for supporting ’em after they’re born.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 “The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births because hospitals in Calgary were at capacity, Key said.”
Giving their kids dual U.S. – Canadian citizenship probably had more to do with it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “Typically, partisans view Congress much more positively when their party is in control of the institution, so the fact that Democrats’ ratings are not materially better than Republicans’ is notable.”
Their ratings would skyrocket overnight if they started impeaching people! A lot of Democrats (including me) are pissed at the do-nothing cowards of our own party who rolled over on Bush’s surge, rolled over on Bush’s domestic spying, rolled over on Gonzo’s perjury to Congress, in fact have rolled over on just about everything … that’s not what we elected them for. So their lousy polls aren’t surprising to anyone but them. Don’t read these numbers to mean the public supports Republicans, Stamn. You’d better duck when the Blue Tsunami comes next year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I see no difference between people who kill in the name of Allah and people who kill in the name of Christ. As far as I’m concerned they deserve each other.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 “tolerant left”
You went to the wrong blog, baby-raping pigfucker.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Kerry’s an ass. So are you. Next.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Anyone want to explain why many of the same scientists that screwed the pooch so badly 30 years ago are going to be correct this time? Remember, 30 years ago the experts said global cooling was going to be catastrophic.”
Sure — this wingnut talking point is easy to explain: IT’S A LIE. Scientists and experts never predicted global cooling. That was a brainchild of the popular media, who didn’t know what they were talking about it.
“Global cooling … refers to a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. This hypothesis never had significant scientific support, but gained temporary popular attention due to press reports …
“In the 1970s, … [t]he general public had little awareness of carbon dioxide’s effects on climate …. By the time the idea of global cooling reached the public press in the mid-1970s, the temperature trend had stopped going down, and there was concern in the climatological community about carbon dioxide’s effects. …
“Although there was a cooling trend then, it should be realised that climate scientists were perfectly well aware that predictions based on this trend were not possible – because the trend was poorly studied and not understood …. However in the popular press the possibility of cooling was reported generally without the caveats present in the scientific reports.”
Next time, Stamn, do a little research before making a public fool of yourself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 The planet did just fine before cars showed up, moose and all.
Partial birth abortion is a name dreamed up by the anti-choice folks. They’ve done such a good job at inserting their name on things that I can’t seem to google up the real name.
Damn that liberal media always using the lefts names for stuff!
So, whatcha gonna do? If we outlaw abortion are you going to force every woman of childbearing age to take a pregnancy test before going to Canada or some other country where abortions are legal? Sorry hun, you can’t go to France until you pop that bun in your oven out.
Of course I find the real name right after I post. Intact dilation and extraction.
You went to the wrong blog, baby-raping pigfucker.
I wouldn’t expect better from someone living off the taxpayer dime his whole life. Silly rabbit, couldn’t make it on his own, he needed the $$ from publicans to live on.
It’s good to see that although you have health problems you still have an active fantasy life. You go rabbit.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Roger Rabbit says:
@23 “Anyone want to explain why many of the same scientists that screwed the pooch so badly 30 years ago are going to be correct this time? lobal_cooling
Next time, Stamn, do a little research before making a public fool of yourself.
You talk about research yet cite a wikipedia link. Priceless.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Rog @ 41:
Giving their kids dual U.S. – Canadian citizenship probably had more to do with it.
As usual, the wingers start with the germ of truth, and then pile a bunch of pure fecal matter around it.
A woman bearing quadruplets did go into labor in Calgary over the weekend. She went to a hospital in Calgary. There was plenty of room to have a baby, sure. Intensive care and specialized perinatal care for quadruplets? Not so much.
The couple were medivaced (not drove!) to Great Falls, MT, and gave birth in a US hospital.
After the infants were pronounced in good fettle, they went back to Calgary where the mum was reported to be resting in hospital.
The provincial healthcare program picked up the bill for this to the tune of ~$75,000.
The fact that they got expensive health care at taxpayer expense was front-page news coast-to-coast, and the debate comes up (again) whether it’s cheaper to build health-care infrastructure in Canada, or outsource that care to the US and write big checks when that outsourcing happens.
RR get a fucking life!!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@52 “I wouldn’t expect better from someone living off the taxpayer dime his whole life. Silly rabbit, couldn’t make it on his own, he needed the $$ from publicans to live on.”
It’s not my fault you guys are lousy stock market investors.
P.S. – Thanks for buying my gas, sucker! I appreciate the dividend checks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It appears Stamn is attempting to revive the whole wingnut fable that people who make their living in government employment are somehow getting a freebie from taxpayers. Actually, state employees work for less than competitive salaries, and after we retire, we pay for our own retirement (which comes from money that was withheld from our paychecks over the years) and health care (costs full market rate; not one penny of taxpayer subsidy).
Like all wingnuts, Stamn never lets truth get in the way of a talking point that sounds good. Truth is, a jerkoff like Stamn wouldn’t last 1 week in government employment. Sharansky didn’t even make it for 1 day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@55 Are you a fucking social worker? Worry about yourself, and let me worry about me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I have yet to meet a wingnut who isn’t an officious meddler trying to tell other people (and rabbits) how to live. Fuck off, matey!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I have a fucking life … not that it’s any of YOUR business. What are you, an animal voyeur? Here, take a photo, it’ll last longer.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#35 Roger Rabbit says:
If you’ve got any more questions about military life, numbnutz, a recruiter will be happy to fill you in — and help you fill in the enlistment forms.
Isn’t seattle banning recruiters from school campuses? Why is that if not for hate for the military?
Roger Rabbit says:
I want to make SURE every soldier who has been held in the service under “stop loss,” has been sent to Iraq for repeated tours of duty, who didn’t get vehicle or body armor from his government, who was shoved into moldy barracks while waiting for medical care … gets to VOTE
Well Roger we all didn’t get extended tours even if we want to stay longer. Now that would be hard for you to understand, but there is still hope you will catch on what drives us grunts. My vehicle didn’t have any armor nor did I have the latest body armor. Do I sound real concerned about the shorted of equipment, you us what you have and live with the luck of the draw. I didn’t live in a moldy barracks but a nice tent with all my fellow troops. Yep the medical care isn’t the best but it’s better than what you get in Canada. No my vote wasn’t counted every time because I live in King County and the folks in Seattle voted twice nullifying my vote. Yep its great living in Seattle and having someone else doing the heavy lifting while you smoke Mary Jane.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#56 Roger Rabbit says:
P.S. – Thanks for buying my gas, sucker! I appreciate the dividend checks.
You’re welcome. Anything I can do to help the less fortunate out.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#57 Roger Rabbit says:
It appears Stamn is attempting to revive the whole wingnut fable that people who make their living in government employment are somehow getting a freebie from taxpayers.
Revive, when did it go away. Everyone knows the government sector is filled with those that couldn’t survive in the private sector. Name a government agency that could compete with the private sector without the funding of taxpayers?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#58 Roger Rabbit says:
#55 RR get a fucking life!!!
@55 Are you a fucking social worker? Worry about yourself, and let me worry about me.
If everything that has been written about you is true, you’re not doing a very good job taking care of yourself. Don’t be so proud you can’t take some constructive criticism. Maybe a better life awaits you.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Marvin @ 61:
Isn’t seattle banning recruiters from school campuses? Why is that if not for hate for the military?
I dunno. If the staff of the school and the districts get bombarded with demands from parents to keep recruiters off school grounds and nobody stands up and counters that from the parent body, I think it would be negligent of the school to ignore the demands of the vast majority of parents at a school.
Do you think that military recruiters have some sort of a right to be on campus that overrules the wishes of the vast majority of parents at a given school? Where does that right come from?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#60 Roger Rabbit says:
I have a fucking life … not that it’s any of YOUR business. What are you, an animal voyeur? Here, take a photo, it’ll last longer. w.php?id=27346&c=2&s=dd&p=7
Wow, being the last rabbit in a 3 rabbit buttphuck doesn’t sound like much of a life. But if you enjoy it and the other rabbits are of legal age I guess it’s okay.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#66 jsa on commercial drive says:
Do you think that military recruiters have some sort of a right to be on campus that overrules the wishes of the vast majority of parents at a given school? Where does that right come from?
As long as they receive federal funding I do believe so.
Where in the constitution does it give the federal government any control over education? The federal government should not be involved in education, leave it to the states and cities.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
As long as they receive federal funding I do believe so.
I’m not sure I understand you. In one sentence you imply that right exists by dint of the 7% or so of total education funds which are provided by the Fed.
Where in the constitution does it give the federal government any control over education? The federal government should not be involved in education, leave it to the states and cities.
And then in the next sentence you imply that right does not or should not exist.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#68 jsa on commercial drive says:
I’m not sure I understand you. In one sentence you imply that right exists by dint of the 7% or so of total education funds which are provided by the Fed.
And then in the next sentence you imply that right does not or should not exist.
I don’t believe the federal government should be using tax dollars on education, but since the school takes the money they have an obligation.
“The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births”
Betcha their Canadian dollars bought ’em plenty of diapers and baby clothes to take back home. Our brilliant leaders’ economic policies have done our northern neighbors a bit of a favor. I sure hope things turn around before 2010, or not many of us here in the US are going to be able to afford to attend the winter Olympics.
JSA: It’s the law in the Federal Education Bill. You accept Federal Taxpayer’s Money, you allow recruiters on campus.
Now you Moonbat!s can hem and haw about how the Republicans don’t follow the law, so now the shoe is on the other foot…
Whatcha gonna do?
Harvard tried to pull that no recruiters on campus crap too and then when they realized they get $400 MM per year from the US Treasury….
About Face, Forward, March!
proud leftist says:
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion.
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion.
Nobody celebrates abortion? I guess you don’t read news coverage of femenazi’s whenever abortion statistics are published. A decline in the number of abortions in the US is cause for panic, handwringing, and calls for action to reverse the trend. It is summarily described as “bad news” by the dyke looking she men boiling with rage that no man would touch with a 20 foot pole.
Now I don’t equate PBA with dog fighting and dog hanging but what is a human life worth Moonbat!s?
I’ll say it again, with all the Moonbat!s aborted since 1970 John Kerry would have easily won the white house.
Kind of makes you sad right Moonbat!s? Waaaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa
isabelita see post #76 to proud leftist.
Stop drinking the kool-aid and think for yourself.
Roger Rabbit says: @21 Kerry’s an ass.
Pellethead the Pelletmaker:
Now I agree with you twice this month. Arrrrrgh it’s sickening.
#1 was your Sound Transit tax tirade!
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Pud @ 71:
Now you Moonbat!s can hem and haw about how the Republicans don’t follow the law, so now the shoe is on the other foot…
Whatcha gonna do?
I’m going to laugh my fool ass off that conservatism, the movement of individual rights and small government has come down to rehashing the worst excesses of Great Society Liberalism, but with soldiers, Jesus, and tinpot nationalism .
You had the chance to change the country, and you did THIS?
We celebrate freedom, liberty and the greatest good for the greatest number here Puddystupid.
You guys want to keep women in shackles and men over a barrel.
People are catching on to your true nature and that’s why you’re going to lose big time come Nov 2008.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
And a more measured answer to Marvin and Pud:
The “right” of recruiters to be on campus was granted by legislative fiat as part of NCLB.
This right is overwhelmingly unpopular with parents in Seattle schools.
At the same time, the schools want federal funding.
As such, the school crafted a policy to give recruiters access to the schools in order to comply with NCLB, while not allowing recruiters free run of the campus (two visits per school, per year, which seems fine).
If you think the proper reaction is that the school district should ignore input from its students, its parents, and roll over and take the most liberal (* ahem *) interpretation of NCLB possible, I am truly and deeply concerned about your interpretation of the relationship between the government and the governed. Please take remedial reading in the Declaration, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution until it sinks in.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Another stellar example of democrats supporting the troops-
Republicans, by a 58% to 19% margin, believe the U.S. and its allies are winning. Democrats, by a 43% to 24% margin, believe the terrorists are winning.
jsa on commercial drivespews:
Marvin @ 83:
How anyone feels about progress in Iraq has nothing to do with how we feel about the troops that are there, and shame on you for insinuating otherwise.
Now go outside and play. You need some sun.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#82 jsa on commercial drive says:
I am truly and deeply concerned about your interpretation of the relationship between the government and the governed. Please take remedial reading in the Declaration, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution until it sinks in.
Coming from a liberal/democrat this is truly amazing. Where in the constitution does it talk about income tax, or taxing one person for the benefit of another person. Federal funding for education anywhere in the documents you cited?
Let’s be honest here, democrats are for a BIG government, now they want “free” healthcare. I couldn’t find free healthcare in the documents you cited, can you provide a link?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#84 jsa on commercial drive says:
Marvin @ 83:
How anyone feels about progress in Iraq has nothing to do with how we feel about the troops that are there, and shame on you for insinuating otherwise.
I’ll ask you the same question that many on here refuse to answer. Refuse might not be the right word, maybe can’t answer.
Dr laura schlessinger and sean hannity have charities/fundraisers for the families of dead servicemen, are there any well known liberals/democrats that raise money for the families of the troops?
Daddy Lovespews:
Here’s the moral case: obey the fucking law.
Daddy Lovespews:
17 MS
Ouch. Not looking good for the democrats. And that’s notable!
Wrong. Sure, Congressional job approval is very low. Take a thin Democratic majority, add an obstinate, authoritarian administration that does not believe in separation of powers or the legitimacy of other branches of government, shake well.
The numbers to look at are people’s voting preferences. In those questions, for whom is it “not looking good?” I think we all know.
Something like:
CNN/Opinion Research Corporation Poll. June 22-24, 2007. N=907 registered voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.5.
“If the elections for Congress were being held today, which party’s candidate would you vote for in your congressional district?” If unsure: “As of today, who do you lean more toward?”
Democratic Candidate 53%
Republican Candidate 41%
Other 3%
Republicans do not distinguish between “a terroist threat from [some] people [who] believe in Allah,” and thinking that all people who believe in Allah constitute a terrorist threat.
More reasons why the relatively shrinking “white male no college” demographic is a pretty slender thread to which to fasten one’s electoral hopes.
Daddy Lovespews:
67 MS
Federal education legislation is enacted under the “spending clause” of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to tax and spend for the general welfare. Crack a fucking book.
Daddy Lovespews:
85 MS
Where in the constitution does it talk about income tax, or taxing one person for the benefit of another person.
Wow. Your inane questions pile on one another so! Try this:
Amendment 16
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Jesus Christ.
Big Dog Sandyspews:
I’m totally down with my homey Mark in #1, above.
(Did anyone else note this ironic juxtaposition two years ago? While liberals were demanding a right to starve Terry Schiavo to death, liberals in Washington State were demanding enhanced criminal penalties for humans who starved dogs and cats. Underfed dogs in Snohomish County got more respect and compassion than a woman in Florida got.)
Daddy Lovespews:
Another stellar example of democrats supporting the troops–Republicans, by a 58% to 19% margin, believe the U.S. and its allies are winning. Democrats, by a 43% to 24% margin, believe the terrorists are winning.
So, the objection seems to be about this statistic having any bearing in any way on whether anyone “supports the troops.” This is a common Republican propaganda ploy.
If a Democrat thinks a military policy or operation is going well, that is spun as being support for the President’s policies. If a Democrats thinks that a military policy or operation is going badly, that is spun as not “supporting the troops.”
The truth is neither. The so-called “War on Terror[ism]” as conceived, planned, and executed by the Bush administration and their Republican supporters, is an unmititgated disaster in almost every way. Afghanistan is coming apart, Pakistan’s nuclear proliferator A.Q. Khan is back in business, and Osama is living comfortably with the Waziris, as far as we know. Iraq was no threat to us, yet we stupidly and illegally invaded and occupied that nation, an operation that has been going downhill ever since in specatular fashion.
The reason Republicans give the answer cited is because contrary to reality and good sense, (according to your boy Rasmussen, who had Cantwell/McGavick wrong, BTW) “Fifty-three percent (53%) of Republicans say Bush is doing a Good or Excellent job in Iraq.” It boggles the mind.
Daddy Lovespews:
92 BDS
Nope. Terri Schiavo’s wishes were that not to continue life-prolonging measures. That was proved in a seven-year series of legal hearings.
Animals cannot express such a desire, and I kinda doubt they would.
#2 and #3, above: Not 1 in 3 fully formed fetal infants, perhaps, but certainly many more than Big Abortion and the fat-cat Democrat lobby were telling us in the early 1990s when “so-called” partial-birth infanticide became so called.
Maybe Mark remembers the name of the Big Abortion flack and hack who admitted back then that Big Abortion lied. The official position of the abortion industry was that (1) so-called partial-birth abortion was never performed, and (2) that so-called partial-birth abortion was never elective when it was performed, and (3) that non-elective so-called partial-birth abortion was performed only a few times a year when a mother’s life was on the line.
If memory serves, cursory examination of data in only one state (New Jersey?) showed that S-C P-B A was performed, electively, more often in that state than the industry claimed it was being done in the entire nation. Bottom line: Big Abortion lied. And lied. And lied.
About mothers being murderers of fetal tissue, it’s a definite maybe. Remember that there were two counts of murder re the murdered Lacey Peterson: Lacey and her unborn baby. In that jurisdiction, fetal tissue had the legal standing of an actual factual person. Or maybe a dog.
Rad Dadspews:
Help me with this, DL. Wasn’t the import of the SEVEN-YEAR series that only one person belatedly asserted that, en passant, she expressed her desire to be slowly starved and dehydrated to death?
William Jefferson, Democrat, Louisianaspews:
” … (A)dd an obstinate, authoritarian administration that does not believe in separation of powers or the legitimacy of other branches of government …”
My oh my. Time for Dad to tweak down the Koo-Laid and to tweak up the lithium. (But I’m sure you’ve heard that before.)
This obstinate, authoritarian administration was so repectful of separation of powers and Congressional legitimacy that the Justice Dept backed down from its “invasion” of the public space of a Congressional criminal who still represents his scamming constituents from Nigeria.
Daddy Lovespews:
Eighty six anti-abortion groups have committed to opposing all forms of contraception. Among the groups are Right to Life of Kansas, Pro-Life Ohio, the Life League of New Mexico, North Dakota Right to Life, Connecticut Right to Life, California Right to Life, and the Delaware Pro-life Coalition. However, few of these state’s media outlets are covering the groups’ opposition to contraception–no matter how eager the groups are to display their extreme agenda. Thus the public doesn’t know that their elected officials are pandering to anti-birth control forces in order to secure these groups’ support. Yet these groups and their unpopular and dangerous agenda escape notice. Because of this, we’ll wake up one day to discover that almost half the candidates running for president are opposed to contraception. Maybe tomorrow?
A study out of France shows once again that the religious right is wrong in its dire warnings of the impact emergency contraception will have on women’s sexual choices. Instead of the free-for-all sexapalooza we’ve been told to brace ourselves for, researchers have discovered the over-the-counter access to EC in France has not had much impact on the amount of sex women have or the number of partners they’ve have it with. STDs haven’t surged to alarming rates either. The only change was a dip in unintended pregnancy rates. Alors, Christian conservatives, time to come to your senses?
XXX !!!spews:
Looking good at the excellent (Was in a hurry and wandered in there only by accident … honest! But it’s clear that the horsesass knock-off, this one, is dead-end dumpy in comparison.)
Broadway Joespews:
Four names, but clearly one moron. And not even a very good one, at that.
Help me with this, DL. Wasn’t the import of the SEVEN-YEAR series that only one person belatedly asserted that, en passant, she expressed her desire to be slowly starved and dehydrated to death?
The “import” of the seven years of court hearings and appeals was that the only available evidence suggested that the wish of this irreversible brain damaged woman (expressed pre-damage) was not to have extraordinary measures taken to prolong her life, and that ultimately, the decision was her husband’s to make, upholding the sanctity of marriage long respected by legal precedent. The same decision every time in twenty consecutive decisions.
And that her parents were full of shit in their various assertions, but I digress.
5 Names, *******spews:
And this is #6, so far. That means, moron, that you need to pull your other hand away from watever it was doing down there. Just so you can keep counting.
Daddy Lovespews:
97 WJ
Really? Because it doesn’t seem like they’ve returned any of the seized items yet, have they?
Rin Tin Tinspews:
I’ll not quibble about “irreversible” brain damage except to note that, post-Schiavo, irreversibly vegetative patients have reversed. But not often. And not much.
And I’ll not quibble that sanctified marriage and the conveniently recovered memory of Terri’s alleged preference trumped the concerns of Terri’s full-of-shit (the tolerant compassionate liberal way of saying “full of love”) parents.
But I digress.
My focus was on her prolonged death. Starvation is so heinous and inhumane that we prohibit the starvation of Snohomish dogs. Why did tolerant compassionate liberals like you favor the starvation of a Florida woman?
OId Yellerspews:
Even psychokillers on death row are not starved to death. Since you can’t demonstrate that Terri Schiavo expressed a preference for slow death, please tell me what crime she committed that made slow death the acceptable or remedy?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#91 Daddy Love says:
85 MS
Where in the constitution does it talk about income tax, or taxing one person for the benefit of another person.
mendment 16 The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
And this was ratified by 3/4 of the states on what date? (good luck finding this date)
@95: Ah. “Big Abortion.” Because it’s an INDUSTRY. Or are you about to trot out the “Eugenics” argument? That would be awesome.
I’m still waiting for a proposed punishment for those murderin’ moms. C’mon, boys, it’s all about Personal Responsibility, right?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#93 Daddy Love says:
So, the objection seems to be about this statistic having any bearing in any way on whether anyone “supports the troops.” This is a common Republican propaganda ploy.
If a Democrat thinks a military policy or operation is going well, that is spun as being support for the President’s policies. If a Democrats thinks that a military policy or operation is going badly, that is spun as not “supporting the troops.”
Like I have asked many times but liberals can’t answer, hannity and dr laura have fundraisers for the families of servicemen killed in action, are there any prominent liberals/democrats that do the same?
I’m a laker fan. I support the Los Angeles Lakers, I want them to win every game. Do you support the troops? Do you want them to win the war in Iraq?
Please define how you (liberlas/democrats) support the troops.
Daddy Lovespews:
106 MS
Oh, come on. You’re REALLY going to hang your argument on “It was never ratified?”
Well, I did connect the dots between Margaret Sanger’s eugenics crusade and her Big Abortion crusade. Please refer to my awesome posts in the awesome archives.
Meanwhile, apologies for my typos. Hate it when those happen.
Daddy Lovespews:
I’ll not quibble about “irreversible” brain damage except to note that, post-Schiavo, irreversibly vegetative patients have reversed. But not often. And not much.
Of course you won’t. Considerng that she had ZERO brain activity (a flat EEG), that CT scans showed extremely severe atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres, and that on autopsy her brain was about half of its expected size, I would think not.
And I’ll not quibble that sanctified marriage and the conveniently recovered memory of Terri’s alleged preference…
That would be “what the court ruled to be Terri’s wishes based on the evidence presented.”
…trumped the concerns of Terri’s full-of-shit (the tolerant compassionate liberal way of saying “full of love”) parents.
Gee, maybe I should have said that “the plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate a substantial case on the merits of any of their claims.” That’s what the court said.
My focus was on her prolonged death. Starvation is so heinous and inhumane that we prohibit the starvation of Snohomish dogs. Why did tolerant compassionate liberals like you favor the starvation of a Florida woman?
Yes, I’m sure when your grandmother is lying in a hospital bed with a breathing tube down her throat and a feeding tube stuck in through a hole cut in her stomach through her belly, and she asks you to let her die with a little dignity, that you will keep all that stuff in place no matter who much she begs you, even after she goes into a coma and/or a PVS. Have you ever been in that discussion?
And BTW, Terri Schiavo did not starve to death, idiot. Smarter and better prepared propagandists, please.
Faithful Dog Buddyspews:
How & why did you make an illogical leap from Lacey Peterson to murderin’ moms? Because the mom was murdered?
I demonstrated logically that two Peterson persons, Lacey and unborn Connor, were murdered.
Daddy Lovespews:
106 MS
Jesus Christ. Smarter propagandists, please.
On February 25, 1913, Secretary of State
Knox certified that this amendment had become a part of the
Constitution. 37 Stat. 1785.
Source: Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America United States Government Printing Office
Would you buy a used car from this unborn? Can you write it off as a deduction?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#109 Daddy Love says:
106 MS
Oh, come on. You’re REALLY going to hang your argument on “It was never ratified?”
Did you find the link that it was ratified by 3/4 of the states? What are you doing, pulling a bush on me and pretending the law doesn’t matter?
Daddy Lovespews:
Same old propaganda shit, different day.
Daddy Lovespews:
You guys haven’t changed an argument since 1965.
Daddy Lovespews:
115. Too slow, too slow. Look up.
Faithful Dog Falaspews:
You continue to quibble with my reluctance to quibble. I know what the court ruled: a conveniently recovered memory of an undocumented comment or quip was determining, although prolonged vegetative flat lines don’t always stay flat.
If she didn’t starve to death, then she dehydrated to death or renal-shutdowned to death. All part of the same unconscionable and barbaric process that had nothing to do with my grandmothers, both dead by 1964, so leave them out of this.
Daddy Lovespews:
I’m surprised that your grandmothers are not still in your house hooked to tubes.
Daddy Lovespews:
If she didn’t starve to death, then she dehydrated to death or renal-shutdowned to death.
You really don’t know, you KNOW you don’t know, I pointed out that you don’t know, and you won’t look it up. Pretty par for the GOP course. Faith-based argumentation.
Daddy Lovespews:
Barbarity is pretty much in the eye of the beholder. I think it is barbaric to hook people up to tubes they don’t want in their body and have mobs of brain-dead Christian soldiers pray for their living hell to continue.
But it’s true, we DON’T have absolutely foolproof ways to figure this out, which is why we operate under the law and let people present their cases, evidence, and arguments in an impartial court to be settled. Schiavo’s parents LOST in every court they went to, in every ruling ever made. The fact that you don’t like it is irrelevant.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Isn’t it fun watching the democrats use the politics of personal destruction against each other. It’s only going to get worse. Obama had his wife come out with a shot at hillary-
Not to be shown up by a woman, john edwards took a shot at hillary-
“The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale. The Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent,” Edwards said to applause, referencing a Clinton-era controversy in which high-dollar donors were allowed to stay in the White House’s famed bedroom.
Daddy Lovespews:
Judge Greer held a full trial in this case to determine how Terri would choose to exercise her privacy rights. Michael was on one side; Terri’s parents were on the other. Both sides brought witnesses and experts. In the end, the judge ruled that Terri would not wish to continue receiving nurishment and hydration through a surgically implanted tube.
Trials like this, where someone’s life may literally be on the line, are held every day in courtrooms across the state and around the country. Most involve crimes, but not all. In every case, lawyers marshal witnesses, present evidence, and make arguments to further their clients’ interests. The decisions made by the judge or jury may affect whether someone lives or dies, whether someone spends his or her life in prison, or whether someone will have to pay another debilitating sums of money.
Whether as a party, a witness, or a juror, those who have the opportunity to participate in trials should take their roles seriously, offering their best efforts to further the search for truth. At the same time, the public should realize that once a trial is over, the decision is made, and it was made based on the evidence. Appeals are almost always available, but if the judgment is affirmed, only very rarely will there be an opportunity to get a new decision based on evidence not previously presented.
Weird, huh? You’d think they were campaigning against each other or something. Hard to understand. Almost impossible for some.
Daddy Lovespews:
Same old cherry-picked information. You guys will never get more spohisticated. Here’s what Michelle Obama said on Hardball, and it wasn’t about Hillary CLinton at all.
MICHELLE OBAMA (8/17/07): One of the most important things that we need to know about the next President of the United States is, is he somebody that shares our values? Is he somebody that respects family? Is a good and decent person? So our view was that, if you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House. So, so we’ve adjusted our schedules to make sure that our girls are first, so while he’s traveling around, I do day trips. That means I get up in the morning, I get the girls ready, I get them off, I go and do trips, I’m home before bedtime. So the girls know that I was gone somewhere, but they don’t care. They just know that I was at home to tuck them in at night, and it keeps them grounded, and, and children—the children in our country have to know that they come first. And our girls do, and that’s why we’re doing this. We’re in this race for not just our children, but all of our children.
Marvin Stamnspews:
The democrats are turning on themselves all over the place!!
In california there might be a ballot initiative that changes how the electoral votes in presidential campaigns are allocated. Instead of the winner take all, the votes will be by congressional district.
What this means is instead of kerry getting all 55 votes in the last election, they would have been sp[lit 22 votes for bush, 33 for kerry. Of course the democrats take california fro granted, but that’s probably not the reason.
“The Field Poll found that 47 percent of registered voters back a change to California’s system for electoral votes, with 35 percent opposed.”
Considering the state has been voting democrat since 1988 this is strange.
#126 Daddy Love says: 1234
Same old cherry-picked information. You guys will never get more spohisticated. Here’s what Michelle Obama said on Hardball, and it wasn’t about Hillary CLinton at all.
My bad… I never should have quoted a left leaning board. I should have used foxnews as my source for the truth. I apologize for using democraticunderground.
This I know: Refusal to hydrate kills more quickly than the refusal to feed. The court-permitted refusal to hydrate and the court-permitted refusal to feed a post-born human, aka person, caused the prolonged death of that person. I used the word ‘starve’ because of its emotive power and because it’s the word that prompted outrage about the mistreatment of dogs in Snohomish County.
You keep flipping arguments on their heads, spinning your focus back to the court’s prerogatives. I keep encouraging you to focus on the death (barbaric in this beholder’s eye) itself. You suggest that a slow barbaric death is preferred to an intubated life, then suggest that we have no definitive understanding of the condemned person’s sentience. Did she needlessly suffer? You imply that we can’t know. I infer that you don’t care, perhaps because, to you, an intubated human is like an unborn human, less than a person with legal rights to life.
Daddy Lovespews:
Of course you think that. Or of course you want to say that. Because your purpose here is to allege an nonexistent equivalence between the Schiavo case and abortion.
But I don’t fall for that. Terri Schiavo’s case was (a) not an abortion, (b) legally litigated to the nth degree with all sides having ample opportunioty to make their csase, and finally settled.
Abortion and end-of-life issues are changing ground due to advances in both knowledge and technology. But I don’t expect your side to win anytime soon.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Maybe it’s just because I live in los angeles and there is such diversity here that seeing pictures of functions with so many white faces seem strange.
You suggest that a slow barbaric death is preferred to an intubated life…
Yes, I am noting the “emotive power” of your insistence on using “slow barbaric death.” Whatever. You know a better way? You think she should have had lethal injection maybe? She died because without extraordinary measures, she could not live. You know, people die. Maybe death itself is “barbaric,” but I don’t regard it so. She had almost no brain. She could not see. It was clear to the doctors who testified that she would suffer little to no discomfort during the process. You got an MD?
…then suggest that we have no definitive understanding of the condemned person’s sentience.
Never did I suggest such a thing. What I do suggest is that you address my actual words and not draw your own conclusions and then inject them into my mouth. I’m a writer, and a good one. I say what I mean. What I didn’t say, don’t assume. A little fucking courtesy, please. We had an extremely good notion of Terri Schiavo’s sentience. Nonexistent.
Did she needlessly suffer? You imply that we can’t know.
I think the court could, based on the best testimony available. Just like in Dino Rossi’s little post-election farce, you guys had your chance to prove your nonsense, and it didn’t fly. Live with that.
I infer that you don’t care, perhaps because, to you, an intubated human is like an unborn human, less than a person with legal rights to life.
There’s sure a lot of “emotive power” in accusing someone of whatever the fuck kind of sleazy shit you want without evidence, isn’t there?
Marvin Stamnspews:
The democrats/liberals make fun of the publicans for having bumper-sticker type slogans. It appears that they figured out democrat voters are just as simple minded and want help figuring out a slogan.
How about-
“It’s not your money, it’s America’s money”
“We have a Plan, Elect us and we will show you”
“If it’s bad for us, it’s good for America.”
“Annoy a liberal…work hard, be happy.”
“You’re just too stupid to make your own decisions – Trust us to make them for you!
Daddy Lovespews:
130 MS
Maybe only the white people can fuck around and not work for a weekend.
Daddy Lovespews:
Hey, that would make a good sticker!
“(Y)our purpose here is to allege an nonexistent equivalence between the Schiavo case and abortion.” No, my purpose here, since this is a thread about dogs, is to posit an equivalence between the rights of starved persons and starved dogs.
Let’s address your exact words: “But it’s true, we DON’T have absolutely foolproof ways to figure this out …” Since you were too incoherent to spell out the antecedent of “this,” I tried to figure out your meaning without your help. Although you were at Hempfest too long, you still have an obligation to get a grip and to take responsibility for your words and their meanings. Don’t flip your feces at me if I take an occasional wrong turn on your long and winding stoner agenda.
More bad brownies from de white man’s Hempfest: “It was clear to the doctors who testified that she would suffer little to no discomfort during the process.” But of course you and they DO have an absolutely foolproof way to figure something like slow death out.
And late-term fetal tissue feels no pain when it’s sucked out thru a straw.
But that’s almost like suggesting an equivalence between post-birth abortion (Schiavo’s) and so-called-partial-birth abortion. Better not go there, particularly since nine of ten DRs (with MDs!) agree that Big Daddy is still at Hempfest and is for sure feeling no pain.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Even you democrats/liberals have to give fox news credit, they were so powerful they forced all the other news shows to jump on the war bandwagon.
“…Fox — which commands a much smaller audience than the network news shows do — intimidated other TV networks into following its pro-war lead.”
And late-term fetal tissue feels no pain when it’s sucked out thru a straw.
I’m pretty sure nobody said that. However, this procedure doesn’t happen except in extreme conditions, where either the fetus is irreparably damaged or the mother’s health is in danger. Not that I expect you to acknowledge that.
Anyway, I find it interesting that you support euthanasia in the Schiavo case. Oh well, chalk it up to those puzzling Republican instincts.
Marvin Stamnspews:
I guess it’s legal. Sue the people (taxpayers) you want to elect you. Only a democrat would be stupid enough to elect someone that just won a case at taxpayer’s expense.
“The Minneapolis law firm responsible for winning a record settlement against Big Tobacco almost a decade ago is among a consortium of Twin Cities firms offering free legal services to the victims of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse.”
“…Mike Ciresi, who led the tobacco litigation team and is now seeking the DFL endorsement in the 2008 U.S. Senate race against GOP incumbent Norm Coleman.”
N in Seattle:
When I said they lived near City Line Ave, I didn’t say they lived on City Line Ave. Go review the tape. But you called me a liar so I entered their address into Google and they lived 2670 feet from the Move Fire. The closest point of City Line Avenue is approximately 10,400 ft away. That’s near City line Avenue.
I am from West Philly!
N in Seattle – You could see the flames, 20, 30 feet above the rooftops it was reported. Now how high were those row houses N?
You can check it out.
Daddy Lovespews:
136 U
Then you should bring up a starved person instead of dredging up old, settled cases of private family euthansia that don’t involve starvation.
C’mon, I’ve read of many cases where a mother starved her children to death. Why don’t you use them? Somehow it seems s much more apropops: criminal bahavior, plenty of “emotive” value, everything you cold want. Just no one oon the other side of the line supporting them.
But no; one family’s private, legal medical decisions are what you want to liken to Michael Vick electrocuting dogs.
You’re a pip.
Daddy Lovespews:
141 ms
Wow, I guess you’ll just take off with no evidence or logic to make one of your propaganda points. Ciresi’s name is on the firm, the firm is offering unspecified contigency-based legal services to victims of the bridge crash (enabling the injured to mount an expensive legal challenge if need be); therefore, Ciresi is suing Minnesota!
You should be a professor, man.
Daddy Lovespews:
You don’t know shit about it, yet stuff still comes out your mouth.
Daddy Lovespews:
139 MS
I thought I schooled your dumb ass about cherry-picking information already. The quote (as you know very well) was “The filmmaker says Fox — which commands a much smaller audience than the network news shows do — intimidated other TV networks into following its pro-war lead.”
So you’re quoting Robert Greenwald now? Tell me, on how many issues do you agree with his opinion?
Puppy Lovespews:
“Somehow it seems s much more apropops: criminal bahavior, plenty of “emotive” value, everything you cold want. Just no one oon the other side …”
s much more cold want oon the other side
You win, Dad. Once again your impeccable logic and nuanced enunciation of a compelling argument rule. Debate’s over.
Acts far more heinous than what Vick did happen every fucking day to human children, and rather than condemn it, you sick fuckers celebrate it. You march in the fucking streets defending a woman’s right to commit infanticide, yet you feel less for the murdered baby that you do a dog.
Is what Vick did worse than partial birth abortion? Did he take a live dog and with no anesthesia jam a pair of scissors in its head and suck its brains out? If he did that to a dog, you guys would form a lynch mob and kill him. Yet when a woman does it, it’s called “a right to choose”.
When my side protests, you tell us to keep our hands off. But when an asshole like Vick does something similar, you want to impose your will on him and throw him in jail? How the fuck do you reconcile that?
So the next time we have the abortion argument, I’m going to throw your words right back in your stoopid fucking faces.
Proud Leftist: “An aversion to inflicting unnecessary pain is something that marks us as humans. Gratuitous torture of a living being marks a person as inhuman. If you don’t understand that, you are not part of the human community.”
Great, come join the human community you asshole. Get as worked up about murdered children as you do dogs.
Proud Leftist “There ought to be a list of people like you that should be posted so that neighbors know someone like you lives amongst them, just like there’s a list for sex offenders. You are not quite right that dogs are just “property.”
Really? So human children are “property” that can be murdered at will by the mother, but dogs are not? I guess you’re “not quite right”.
Lee The moral case is easy. Dogs feel pain in much the same way that humans do, therefore inflicting pain for no reason is unnecessarily cruel, therefore we have a moral imperative to stop it.
So let me get this straight. Dogs feel pain, but a full term baby seconds from birth who gets a pair of scissors jammed in its skull and its brains sucked out does not? Yeah, you’re right… we have a moral imperative to stop it.
You fucking people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You get all worked up about dogs being killed, but when a baby is murdered you call it a right and celebrate it. What the fuck is the matter with you.
Yeah, because we ALL KNOW (you DO have stats, right) that every third abortion is performed on a perfectly healthy full-term baby that the mother just decides to get rid of on a whim (or maybe she lost a bet on the kid).
What? Not true? Get outta here!
Since the mother is clearly a murderer in this case, she should be punished for a criminal offense, right? So just what punishment would you impose on a woman who has abortion?
OneMan is sure curious.
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion. Those of us who are prochoice, however, feel it’s not our place to make a decision for someone else about when life begins. Theologians, philosophers, and physicians disagree about that issue. You, however, apparently have all the answers and have no trouble with imposing your will on others. Congratulations. Being all-knowing must be very comforting.
Mark the bet-welshing Redneck is total fraud. Either Mark or Jeff posts that same bullshit over and over again whether it’s the abortion spiel or the Clinton disbarred spiel.
It’s all bullshit. It’s all crap. It’s all so losing.
Can’t settle a louse $100 bet. What a moron.
I thought I already humiliated you on this in another thread? Are you still trying to convince me that hunting and eating meat should be illegal?
Anyway, my birds eye view contest is posted:
@1 Hey MTR, you were WRONG about construction equipment causing the bridge collapse. PIGEON SHIT did it!
This is a serious blog! Unserious editorial writers shouldn’t read it. HA is too deep for them.
@1 “Acts far more heinous than what Vick did happen every fucking day to human children” in Iraq.
The democrat presidential leader hillary has an 59% unfavorable rating from military veterans.
Don’t those stupid members of the military know that the democrats support the troops?
#8 Roger Rabbit says:
The difference being the intent.
I believe you said you served in the service, so you might be able to shed light on a few questions. Do only stupid uneducated hicks with no chance for non-government employment sign up for the kilitary? Were you taught to kill civilians with no remorse? If so, how many did you slaughter?
9 – Hey Stamn! Things were downright pleasant around here without you.
You start off right where you left off – calling military vets stupid.
What a guy!
How about repeating those fossil fuel lobby talking points for all of us who “missed” you. That one about Mars warming is a real knee slapper.
That only seems to apply to Hillary, much more than Obama or Edwards. Not a surprise considering how much Hillary has come to represent modern feminism.
He’s not an abortion doctor either. MTR was commenting about policy, so RR’s reply is in the context of policy either – not referring to the actual person doing the killing. But you’ve actually hit upon why MTR’s analogy is so damn ridiculous in the first place (well, one of the many reasons).
Big surprise. Conservative white male screams about abortion. Must be some kind of primitive reproductive thing going on. Mark the Redneck needs more little Rednecks to carry on his white supremacy.
NO woman ever aborts a late term pregnancy, unless it is life threatening to either or both of them.
Men know nothing.
Agreed. That really was funny.
“A 35-year-old Canadian woman has given birth to rare identical quadruplets…”
Interesting, much better health care in canada and they come to ameriKKKa for the births. Buried at the end of the article-
“The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births because hospitals in Calgary were at capacity, Key said.”
Again, polling numbers for congress are down.
Just 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, while 76% disapprove…”
And the bad news (from the same link)
“Typically, partisans view Congress much more positively when their party is in control of the institution, so the fact that Democrats’ ratings are not materially better than Republicans’ is notable.”
Ouch. Not looking good for the democrats. And that’s notable!
18 Yup. Because they haven’t done what the people elected a Dem majority to do: Impeach the Cocksucker-In-Chief and put an end to the World’s Most Stupid War.
More liberal bias. Of course the democrat times of new york know their liberal readers will believe everything they write, but smart people know better.
Why use “allah” when you can use god instead, using allah would only prove the publican talking points there’s a terroist threat from people that believe in allah.
The Guardian newspaper reported Kafeel Ahmed had sent a text message to “a relative” with link to an e-mail and a password to access it, saying he was acting according to God’s will.
“Ahmed says his actions were carried out in the name of Allah.,,2152282,00.html
#12 YLB says:
Glad to hear it. Sorry, those days are over. It’s time for the tolerant left to practice what they preach.
Sorry, I was paraphrasing john kerry from his speech here in pasadena. Thought I would use the dailykos word, kilitary just for effect.
We all know the left despise the military, it’s the dr laura schlessinger and sean hannitys that organize fund raisers for the families of deceased military service personnel. Of course, feel free to list the democrats/liberals that support the troops with more than empty rhetoric.
“much better health care in canada and they come to ameriKKKa”
Good thing he works for Shell Oil now, otherwise he would not be able to pay that $75,000 rectal rocket. I wonder if Shell provides Canadians with health insurance if they choose to use US medical care.
Let’s not forget, the debate is over-
The Cooling World, Newsweek, April 28, 1975
There are ominous signs that the Earth’s weather patterns have begun to change dramatically and that these changes may portend a drastic decline in food production – with serious political implications for just about every nation on Earth. The drop in food output could begin quite soon, perhaps only 10 years from now.
The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.
meteorologists take an average of temperatures around the globe they find that the atmosphere has been growing gradually cooler for the past three decades. The trend shows no indication of reversing.
cientists have found other indications of global cooling.
Whatever the cause of the cooling trend, its effects could be extremely serious, if not catastrophic.,00.html
Anyone want to explain why many of the same scientists that screwed the pooch so badly 30 years ago are going to be correct this time?
Remember, 30 years ago the experts said global cooling was going to be catastrophic.
The moose is worse than an 8,000 mile car trip for the environment. Gotta love it. In the name of saving the planet, who wants to go on a moose hunt with me?,00.html
list the democrats/liberals that support the troops with more than empty rhetoric.
Easy. All the ones who voted to begin redeployment out of the middle of a civil war.
It’s time for the tolerant left to practice what they preach.
Only suicidal people would tolerate the intolerant.
We all know the left despise the military.
Oh. Do Roger Rabbit, My Left Foot and GBS count in your stupid little smear?
Just 18% of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing,
What’s the highest it’s ever been Stamn?
In the name of saving the planet, who wants to go on a moose hunt with me?
You can count me out but feel free to go it alone Stamn. They say only the stupid poachers get caught. They ought to find you in a split second.
23 – yet another fossil fuel lobby talking point?
What was that about Mars warming again Stamn?
Marvin et. al.
The birth of the quadruplets in Great Falls was paid for by the Alberta Health Care Insurance Program. This is the Evil Single-Payer medical system in Alberta.
But don’t let me get in the way of any illusions you have about how things work.
@9 “Don’t those stupid members of the military know that the democrats support the troops?”
I wouldn’t call our troops “stupid” (but apparently you do). And I’m glad Democrats support them — someone should. Republicans sure don’t.
@9 (continued) Also, we need to MAKE SURE all our soldiers risking their lives in Afghanistan and Iraq get to VOTE — even if it means putting Karl Rove and Tim Griffin in jail for interfering with their voting rights.
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote. A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website. One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused … requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
@10 “Can ya imagine being too fucking dishonest to be a lawyer?”
I can think of someone who’s both too STOOPID and too DISHONEST to be a lawyer — you. Pay your fucking gambling debt, welsher!
@11 “Do only stupid uneducated hicks with no chance for non-government employment sign up for the kilitary?”
Why do you hate the military? Support our troops, asshole!
“Were you taught to kill civilians with no remorse?”
“If so, how many did you slaughter?”
If you’ve got any more questions about military life, numbnutz, a recruiter will be happy to fill you in — and help you fill in the enlistment forms.
A Republican president lost the war I served in. Looks like a Republican president is going to lose this one, too.
One of the things that wingnut warlovers never want to deal with is the fact that wars kill lots and lots of lots of civilians — including kids. They don’t want to admit it because it makes war look bad, and anything that makes war look bad makes them look bad.
I want to make SURE every soldier who has been held in the service under “stop loss,” has been sent to Iraq for repeated tours of duty, who didn’t get vehicle or body armor from his government, who was shoved into moldy barracks while waiting for medical care … gets to VOTE
in November 2008! Any Republican who interferes with the voting rights of any SOLDIER should be shot on the spot!*
* Just kidding! Wingnut humor courtesy of Ann Coulter Jokes, LLP. No royalties paid.
@15 “Conservative white male screams about abortion. Must be some kind of primitive reproductive thing going on.”
Conservative white males have a lot more enthusiasm for making ’em be born than they have for supporting ’em after they’re born.
@17 “The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births because hospitals in Calgary were at capacity, Key said.”
Giving their kids dual U.S. – Canadian citizenship probably had more to do with it.
@18 “Typically, partisans view Congress much more positively when their party is in control of the institution, so the fact that Democrats’ ratings are not materially better than Republicans’ is notable.”
Their ratings would skyrocket overnight if they started impeaching people! A lot of Democrats (including me) are pissed at the do-nothing cowards of our own party who rolled over on Bush’s surge, rolled over on Bush’s domestic spying, rolled over on Gonzo’s perjury to Congress, in fact have rolled over on just about everything … that’s not what we elected them for. So their lousy polls aren’t surprising to anyone but them. Don’t read these numbers to mean the public supports Republicans, Stamn. You’d better duck when the Blue Tsunami comes next year.
@20 I see no difference between people who kill in the name of Allah and people who kill in the name of Christ. As far as I’m concerned they deserve each other.
@21 “tolerant left”
You went to the wrong blog, baby-raping pigfucker.
@21 Kerry’s an ass. So are you. Next.
@23 “Anyone want to explain why many of the same scientists that screwed the pooch so badly 30 years ago are going to be correct this time? Remember, 30 years ago the experts said global cooling was going to be catastrophic.”
Sure — this wingnut talking point is easy to explain: IT’S A LIE. Scientists and experts never predicted global cooling. That was a brainchild of the popular media, who didn’t know what they were talking about it.
“Global cooling … refers to a conjecture during the 1970s of imminent cooling of the Earth’s surface and atmosphere along with a posited commencement of glaciation. This hypothesis never had significant scientific support, but gained temporary popular attention due to press reports …
“In the 1970s, … [t]he general public had little awareness of carbon dioxide’s effects on climate …. By the time the idea of global cooling reached the public press in the mid-1970s, the temperature trend had stopped going down, and there was concern in the climatological community about carbon dioxide’s effects. …
“Although there was a cooling trend then, it should be realised that climate scientists were perfectly well aware that predictions based on this trend were not possible – because the trend was poorly studied and not understood …. However in the popular press the possibility of cooling was reported generally without the caveats present in the scientific reports.”
Next time, Stamn, do a little research before making a public fool of yourself.
@24 The planet did just fine before cars showed up, moose and all.
Partial birth abortion is a name dreamed up by the anti-choice folks. They’ve done such a good job at inserting their name on things that I can’t seem to google up the real name.
Damn that liberal media always using the lefts names for stuff!
So, whatcha gonna do? If we outlaw abortion are you going to force every woman of childbearing age to take a pregnancy test before going to Canada or some other country where abortions are legal? Sorry hun, you can’t go to France until you pop that bun in your oven out.
Of course I find the real name right after I post. Intact dilation and extraction.
The procedure has had a low rate of usage, representing 0.17% (2,232 of 1,313,000) of all abortions in the United States in 2000
There’s always the iPhone Alternative.
#44 Roger Rabbit says:
I wouldn’t expect better from someone living off the taxpayer dime his whole life. Silly rabbit, couldn’t make it on his own, he needed the $$ from publicans to live on.
It’s good to see that although you have health problems you still have an active fantasy life. You go rabbit.
Roger Rabbit says:
You talk about research yet cite a wikipedia link. Priceless.
Rog @ 41:
Giving their kids dual U.S. – Canadian citizenship probably had more to do with it.
As usual, the wingers start with the germ of truth, and then pile a bunch of pure fecal matter around it.
A woman bearing quadruplets did go into labor in Calgary over the weekend. She went to a hospital in Calgary. There was plenty of room to have a baby, sure. Intensive care and specialized perinatal care for quadruplets? Not so much.
The couple were medivaced (not drove!) to Great Falls, MT, and gave birth in a US hospital.
After the infants were pronounced in good fettle, they went back to Calgary where the mum was reported to be resting in hospital.
The provincial healthcare program picked up the bill for this to the tune of ~$75,000.
The fact that they got expensive health care at taxpayer expense was front-page news coast-to-coast, and the debate comes up (again) whether it’s cheaper to build health-care infrastructure in Canada, or outsource that care to the US and write big checks when that outsourcing happens.
RR get a fucking life!!!
@52 “I wouldn’t expect better from someone living off the taxpayer dime his whole life. Silly rabbit, couldn’t make it on his own, he needed the $$ from publicans to live on.”
It’s not my fault you guys are lousy stock market investors.
P.S. – Thanks for buying my gas, sucker! I appreciate the dividend checks.
It appears Stamn is attempting to revive the whole wingnut fable that people who make their living in government employment are somehow getting a freebie from taxpayers. Actually, state employees work for less than competitive salaries, and after we retire, we pay for our own retirement (which comes from money that was withheld from our paychecks over the years) and health care (costs full market rate; not one penny of taxpayer subsidy).
Like all wingnuts, Stamn never lets truth get in the way of a talking point that sounds good. Truth is, a jerkoff like Stamn wouldn’t last 1 week in government employment. Sharansky didn’t even make it for 1 day.
@55 Are you a fucking social worker? Worry about yourself, and let me worry about me.
I have yet to meet a wingnut who isn’t an officious meddler trying to tell other people (and rabbits) how to live. Fuck off, matey!
I have a fucking life … not that it’s any of YOUR business. What are you, an animal voyeur? Here, take a photo, it’ll last longer.
#35 Roger Rabbit says:
Isn’t seattle banning recruiters from school campuses? Why is that if not for hate for the military?
Roger Rabbit says:
I want to make SURE every soldier who has been held in the service under “stop loss,” has been sent to Iraq for repeated tours of duty, who didn’t get vehicle or body armor from his government, who was shoved into moldy barracks while waiting for medical care … gets to VOTE
Well Roger we all didn’t get extended tours even if we want to stay longer. Now that would be hard for you to understand, but there is still hope you will catch on what drives us grunts. My vehicle didn’t have any armor nor did I have the latest body armor. Do I sound real concerned about the shorted of equipment, you us what you have and live with the luck of the draw. I didn’t live in a moldy barracks but a nice tent with all my fellow troops. Yep the medical care isn’t the best but it’s better than what you get in Canada. No my vote wasn’t counted every time because I live in King County and the folks in Seattle voted twice nullifying my vote. Yep its great living in Seattle and having someone else doing the heavy lifting while you smoke Mary Jane.
#56 Roger Rabbit says:
You’re welcome. Anything I can do to help the less fortunate out.
#57 Roger Rabbit says:
Revive, when did it go away. Everyone knows the government sector is filled with those that couldn’t survive in the private sector. Name a government agency that could compete with the private sector without the funding of taxpayers?
#58 Roger Rabbit says:
If everything that has been written about you is true, you’re not doing a very good job taking care of yourself. Don’t be so proud you can’t take some constructive criticism. Maybe a better life awaits you.
Marvin @ 61:
Isn’t seattle banning recruiters from school campuses? Why is that if not for hate for the military?
I dunno. If the staff of the school and the districts get bombarded with demands from parents to keep recruiters off school grounds and nobody stands up and counters that from the parent body, I think it would be negligent of the school to ignore the demands of the vast majority of parents at a school.
Do you think that military recruiters have some sort of a right to be on campus that overrules the wishes of the vast majority of parents at a given school? Where does that right come from?
#60 Roger Rabbit says:
Wow, being the last rabbit in a 3 rabbit buttphuck doesn’t sound like much of a life. But if you enjoy it and the other rabbits are of legal age I guess it’s okay.
#66 jsa on commercial drive says:
As long as they receive federal funding I do believe so.
Where in the constitution does it give the federal government any control over education? The federal government should not be involved in education, leave it to the states and cities.
As long as they receive federal funding I do believe so.
I’m not sure I understand you. In one sentence you imply that right exists by dint of the 7% or so of total education funds which are provided by the Fed.
Where in the constitution does it give the federal government any control over education? The federal government should not be involved in education, leave it to the states and cities.
And then in the next sentence you imply that right does not or should not exist.
#68 jsa on commercial drive says:
I don’t believe the federal government should be using tax dollars on education, but since the school takes the money they have an obligation.
“The Jepps drove 325 miles to Great Falls for the births”
Betcha their Canadian dollars bought ’em plenty of diapers and baby clothes to take back home. Our brilliant leaders’ economic policies have done our northern neighbors a bit of a favor. I sure hope things turn around before 2010, or not many of us here in the US are going to be able to afford to attend the winter Olympics.
JSA: It’s the law in the Federal Education Bill. You accept Federal Taxpayer’s Money, you allow recruiters on campus.
Now you Moonbat!s can hem and haw about how the Republicans don’t follow the law, so now the shoe is on the other foot…
Whatcha gonna do?
Harvard tried to pull that no recruiters on campus crap too and then when they realized they get $400 MM per year from the US Treasury….
About Face, Forward, March!
proud leftist says:
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion.
Now this is a real crock of hooey on ASSWipers!
I remember when Mahndisa posted this:
Puddybud says:
proud leftist says:
Partial birth abortion is available in very rare circumstances–when the mother’s life is in danger or the fetus is unlikely to make it anyway. No one celebrates abortion.
Nobody celebrates abortion? I guess you don’t read news coverage of femenazi’s whenever abortion statistics are published. A decline in the number of abortions in the US is cause for panic, handwringing, and calls for action to reverse the trend. It is summarily described as “bad news” by the dyke looking she men boiling with rage that no man would touch with a 20 foot pole.
Proud Leftist:
Yeah right. Do you get your facts from Pellethead the Pelletizer?
Read the info in the first box regarding the lie perped by the faminazi Moonbats on anesthesia!;gl=us
Now I don’t equate PBA with dog fighting and dog hanging but what is a human life worth Moonbat!s?
I’ll say it again, with all the Moonbat!s aborted since 1970 John Kerry would have easily won the white house.
Kind of makes you sad right Moonbat!s? Waaaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa haaa haaa haaahaaa haaahaaa haaa
isabelita see post #76 to proud leftist.
Stop drinking the kool-aid and think for yourself.
Roger Rabbit says: @21 Kerry’s an ass.
Pellethead the Pelletmaker:
Now I agree with you twice this month. Arrrrrgh it’s sickening.
#1 was your Sound Transit tax tirade!
Pud @ 71:
Now you Moonbat!s can hem and haw about how the Republicans don’t follow the law, so now the shoe is on the other foot…
Whatcha gonna do?
I’m going to laugh my fool ass off that conservatism, the movement of individual rights and small government has come down to rehashing the worst excesses of Great Society Liberalism, but with soldiers, Jesus, and tinpot nationalism .
You had the chance to change the country, and you did THIS?
Now this is a real crock of hooey on ASSWipers!
We celebrate freedom, liberty and the greatest good for the greatest number here Puddystupid.
You guys want to keep women in shackles and men over a barrel.
People are catching on to your true nature and that’s why you’re going to lose big time come Nov 2008.
And a more measured answer to Marvin and Pud:
The “right” of recruiters to be on campus was granted by legislative fiat as part of NCLB.
This right is overwhelmingly unpopular with parents in Seattle schools.
At the same time, the schools want federal funding.
As such, the school crafted a policy to give recruiters access to the schools in order to comply with NCLB, while not allowing recruiters free run of the campus (two visits per school, per year, which seems fine).
If you think the proper reaction is that the school district should ignore input from its students, its parents, and roll over and take the most liberal (* ahem *) interpretation of NCLB possible, I am truly and deeply concerned about your interpretation of the relationship between the government and the governed. Please take remedial reading in the Declaration, the Federalist Papers, and the Constitution until it sinks in.
Another stellar example of democrats supporting the troops-
Republicans, by a 58% to 19% margin, believe the U.S. and its allies are winning. Democrats, by a 43% to 24% margin, believe the terrorists are winning.
Marvin @ 83:
How anyone feels about progress in Iraq has nothing to do with how we feel about the troops that are there, and shame on you for insinuating otherwise.
Now go outside and play. You need some sun.
#82 jsa on commercial drive says:
Coming from a liberal/democrat this is truly amazing. Where in the constitution does it talk about income tax, or taxing one person for the benefit of another person. Federal funding for education anywhere in the documents you cited?
Let’s be honest here, democrats are for a BIG government, now they want “free” healthcare. I couldn’t find free healthcare in the documents you cited, can you provide a link?
#84 jsa on commercial drive says:
I’ll ask you the same question that many on here refuse to answer. Refuse might not be the right word, maybe can’t answer.
Dr laura schlessinger and sean hannity have charities/fundraisers for the families of dead servicemen, are there any well known liberals/democrats that raise money for the families of the troops?
Here’s the moral case: obey the fucking law.
17 MS
Wrong. Sure, Congressional job approval is very low. Take a thin Democratic majority, add an obstinate, authoritarian administration that does not believe in separation of powers or the legitimacy of other branches of government, shake well.
The numbers to look at are people’s voting preferences. In those questions, for whom is it “not looking good?” I think we all know.
Something like:
Yeah, it doesn’t look good for someone, all right.
Republicans do not distinguish between “a terroist threat from [some] people [who] believe in Allah,” and thinking that all people who believe in Allah constitute a terrorist threat.
More reasons why the relatively shrinking “white male no college” demographic is a pretty slender thread to which to fasten one’s electoral hopes.
67 MS
Federal education legislation is enacted under the “spending clause” of the Constitution, which gives Congress the authority to tax and spend for the general welfare. Crack a fucking book.
85 MS
Wow. Your inane questions pile on one another so! Try this:
Amendment 16
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
Jesus Christ.
I’m totally down with my homey Mark in #1, above.
(Did anyone else note this ironic juxtaposition two years ago? While liberals were demanding a right to starve Terry Schiavo to death, liberals in Washington State were demanding enhanced criminal penalties for humans who starved dogs and cats. Underfed dogs in Snohomish County got more respect and compassion than a woman in Florida got.)
So, the objection seems to be about this statistic having any bearing in any way on whether anyone “supports the troops.” This is a common Republican propaganda ploy.
If a Democrat thinks a military policy or operation is going well, that is spun as being support for the President’s policies. If a Democrats thinks that a military policy or operation is going badly, that is spun as not “supporting the troops.”
The truth is neither. The so-called “War on Terror[ism]” as conceived, planned, and executed by the Bush administration and their Republican supporters, is an unmititgated disaster in almost every way. Afghanistan is coming apart, Pakistan’s nuclear proliferator A.Q. Khan is back in business, and Osama is living comfortably with the Waziris, as far as we know. Iraq was no threat to us, yet we stupidly and illegally invaded and occupied that nation, an operation that has been going downhill ever since in specatular fashion.
The reason Republicans give the answer cited is because contrary to reality and good sense, (according to your boy Rasmussen, who had Cantwell/McGavick wrong, BTW) “Fifty-three percent (53%) of Republicans say Bush is doing a Good or Excellent job in Iraq.” It boggles the mind.
92 BDS
Nope. Terri Schiavo’s wishes were that not to continue life-prolonging measures. That was proved in a seven-year series of legal hearings.
Animals cannot express such a desire, and I kinda doubt they would.
#2 and #3, above: Not 1 in 3 fully formed fetal infants, perhaps, but certainly many more than Big Abortion and the fat-cat Democrat lobby were telling us in the early 1990s when “so-called” partial-birth infanticide became so called.
Maybe Mark remembers the name of the Big Abortion flack and hack who admitted back then that Big Abortion lied. The official position of the abortion industry was that (1) so-called partial-birth abortion was never performed, and (2) that so-called partial-birth abortion was never elective when it was performed, and (3) that non-elective so-called partial-birth abortion was performed only a few times a year when a mother’s life was on the line.
If memory serves, cursory examination of data in only one state (New Jersey?) showed that S-C P-B A was performed, electively, more often in that state than the industry claimed it was being done in the entire nation. Bottom line: Big Abortion lied. And lied. And lied.
About mothers being murderers of fetal tissue, it’s a definite maybe. Remember that there were two counts of murder re the murdered Lacey Peterson: Lacey and her unborn baby. In that jurisdiction, fetal tissue had the legal standing of an actual factual person. Or maybe a dog.
Help me with this, DL. Wasn’t the import of the SEVEN-YEAR series that only one person belatedly asserted that, en passant, she expressed her desire to be slowly starved and dehydrated to death?
” … (A)dd an obstinate, authoritarian administration that does not believe in separation of powers or the legitimacy of other branches of government …”
My oh my. Time for Dad to tweak down the Koo-Laid and to tweak up the lithium. (But I’m sure you’ve heard that before.)
This obstinate, authoritarian administration was so repectful of separation of powers and Congressional legitimacy that the Justice Dept backed down from its “invasion” of the public space of a Congressional criminal who still represents his scamming constituents from Nigeria.
Eighty six anti-abortion groups have committed to opposing all forms of contraception. Among the groups are Right to Life of Kansas, Pro-Life Ohio, the Life League of New Mexico, North Dakota Right to Life, Connecticut Right to Life, California Right to Life, and the Delaware Pro-life Coalition. However, few of these state’s media outlets are covering the groups’ opposition to contraception–no matter how eager the groups are to display their extreme agenda. Thus the public doesn’t know that their elected officials are pandering to anti-birth control forces in order to secure these groups’ support. Yet these groups and their unpopular and dangerous agenda escape notice. Because of this, we’ll wake up one day to discover that almost half the candidates running for president are opposed to contraception. Maybe tomorrow?
A study out of France shows once again that the religious right is wrong in its dire warnings of the impact emergency contraception will have on women’s sexual choices. Instead of the free-for-all sexapalooza we’ve been told to brace ourselves for, researchers have discovered the over-the-counter access to EC in France has not had much impact on the amount of sex women have or the number of partners they’ve have it with. STDs haven’t surged to alarming rates either. The only change was a dip in unintended pregnancy rates. Alors, Christian conservatives, time to come to your senses?
Looking good at the excellent (Was in a hurry and wandered in there only by accident … honest! But it’s clear that the horsesass knock-off, this one, is dead-end dumpy in comparison.)
Four names, but clearly one moron. And not even a very good one, at that.
Bring on the A-list!
96 BD
The “import” of the seven years of court hearings and appeals was that the only available evidence suggested that the wish of this irreversible brain damaged woman (expressed pre-damage) was not to have extraordinary measures taken to prolong her life, and that ultimately, the decision was her husband’s to make, upholding the sanctity of marriage long respected by legal precedent. The same decision every time in twenty consecutive decisions.
And that her parents were full of shit in their various assertions, but I digress.
And this is #6, so far. That means, moron, that you need to pull your other hand away from watever it was doing down there. Just so you can keep counting.
97 WJ
Really? Because it doesn’t seem like they’ve returned any of the seized items yet, have they?
I’ll not quibble about “irreversible” brain damage except to note that, post-Schiavo, irreversibly vegetative patients have reversed. But not often. And not much.
And I’ll not quibble that sanctified marriage and the conveniently recovered memory of Terri’s alleged preference trumped the concerns of Terri’s full-of-shit (the tolerant compassionate liberal way of saying “full of love”) parents.
But I digress.
My focus was on her prolonged death. Starvation is so heinous and inhumane that we prohibit the starvation of Snohomish dogs. Why did tolerant compassionate liberals like you favor the starvation of a Florida woman?
Even psychokillers on death row are not starved to death. Since you can’t demonstrate that Terri Schiavo expressed a preference for slow death, please tell me what crime she committed that made slow death the acceptable or remedy?
#91 Daddy Love says:
85 MS
And this was ratified by 3/4 of the states on what date? (good luck finding this date)
@95: Ah. “Big Abortion.” Because it’s an INDUSTRY. Or are you about to trot out the “Eugenics” argument? That would be awesome.
I’m still waiting for a proposed punishment for those murderin’ moms. C’mon, boys, it’s all about Personal Responsibility, right?
#93 Daddy Love says:
Like I have asked many times but liberals can’t answer, hannity and dr laura have fundraisers for the families of servicemen killed in action, are there any prominent liberals/democrats that do the same?
I’m a laker fan. I support the Los Angeles Lakers, I want them to win every game. Do you support the troops? Do you want them to win the war in Iraq?
Please define how you (liberlas/democrats) support the troops.
106 MS
Oh, come on. You’re REALLY going to hang your argument on “It was never ratified?”
Well, I did connect the dots between Margaret Sanger’s eugenics crusade and her Big Abortion crusade. Please refer to my awesome posts in the awesome archives.
Meanwhile, apologies for my typos. Hate it when those happen.
Of course you won’t. Considerng that she had ZERO brain activity (a flat EEG), that CT scans showed extremely severe atrophy of the cerebral hemispheres, and that on autopsy her brain was about half of its expected size, I would think not.
That would be “what the court ruled to be Terri’s wishes based on the evidence presented.”
Gee, maybe I should have said that “the plaintiffs have failed to demonstrate a substantial case on the merits of any of their claims.” That’s what the court said.
Yes, I’m sure when your grandmother is lying in a hospital bed with a breathing tube down her throat and a feeding tube stuck in through a hole cut in her stomach through her belly, and she asks you to let her die with a little dignity, that you will keep all that stuff in place no matter who much she begs you, even after she goes into a coma and/or a PVS. Have you ever been in that discussion?
And BTW, Terri Schiavo did not starve to death, idiot. Smarter and better prepared propagandists, please.
How & why did you make an illogical leap from Lacey Peterson to murderin’ moms? Because the mom was murdered?
I demonstrated logically that two Peterson persons, Lacey and unborn Connor, were murdered.
106 MS
Jesus Christ. Smarter propagandists, please.
Source: Amendments to the Constitution of the United States of America United States Government Printing Office
Unborn humans are not persons in the legal sense.
Would you buy a used car from this unborn? Can you write it off as a deduction?
#109 Daddy Love says:
Did you find the link that it was ratified by 3/4 of the states? What are you doing, pulling a bush on me and pretending the law doesn’t matter?
Same old propaganda shit, different day.
You guys haven’t changed an argument since 1965.
115. Too slow, too slow. Look up.
You continue to quibble with my reluctance to quibble. I know what the court ruled: a conveniently recovered memory of an undocumented comment or quip was determining, although prolonged vegetative flat lines don’t always stay flat.
If she didn’t starve to death, then she dehydrated to death or renal-shutdowned to death. All part of the same unconscionable and barbaric process that had nothing to do with my grandmothers, both dead by 1964, so leave them out of this.
I’m surprised that your grandmothers are not still in your house hooked to tubes.
You really don’t know, you KNOW you don’t know, I pointed out that you don’t know, and you won’t look it up. Pretty par for the GOP course. Faith-based argumentation.
Barbarity is pretty much in the eye of the beholder. I think it is barbaric to hook people up to tubes they don’t want in their body and have mobs of brain-dead Christian soldiers pray for their living hell to continue.
But it’s true, we DON’T have absolutely foolproof ways to figure this out, which is why we operate under the law and let people present their cases, evidence, and arguments in an impartial court to be settled. Schiavo’s parents LOST in every court they went to, in every ruling ever made. The fact that you don’t like it is irrelevant.
Isn’t it fun watching the democrats use the politics of personal destruction against each other. It’s only going to get worse. Obama had his wife come out with a shot at hillary-
“If you can’t run your own house, you certainly can’t run the White House,”
Not to be shown up by a woman, john edwards took a shot at hillary-
“The American people deserve to know that their presidency is not for sale. The Lincoln Bedroom is not for rent,” Edwards said to applause, referencing a Clinton-era controversy in which high-dollar donors were allowed to stay in the White House’s famed bedroom.
123 MS
Weird, huh? You’d think they were campaigning against each other or something. Hard to understand. Almost impossible for some.
Same old cherry-picked information. You guys will never get more spohisticated. Here’s what Michelle Obama said on Hardball, and it wasn’t about Hillary CLinton at all.
The democrats are turning on themselves all over the place!!
In california there might be a ballot initiative that changes how the electoral votes in presidential campaigns are allocated. Instead of the winner take all, the votes will be by congressional district.
What this means is instead of kerry getting all 55 votes in the last election, they would have been sp[lit 22 votes for bush, 33 for kerry. Of course the democrats take california fro granted, but that’s probably not the reason.
“The Field Poll found that 47 percent of registered voters back a change to California’s system for electoral votes, with 35 percent opposed.”
Considering the state has been voting democrat since 1988 this is strange.
“Rudy Giuliani said last night that he is the only candidate who can put California in play for the Republican Party.”
#126 Daddy Love says:
Same old cherry-picked information. You guys will never get more spohisticated. Here’s what Michelle Obama said on Hardball, and it wasn’t about Hillary CLinton at all.
My bad… I never should have quoted a left leaning board. I should have used foxnews as my source for the truth. I apologize for using democraticunderground.
This I know: Refusal to hydrate kills more quickly than the refusal to feed. The court-permitted refusal to hydrate and the court-permitted refusal to feed a post-born human, aka person, caused the prolonged death of that person. I used the word ‘starve’ because of its emotive power and because it’s the word that prompted outrage about the mistreatment of dogs in Snohomish County.
You keep flipping arguments on their heads, spinning your focus back to the court’s prerogatives. I keep encouraging you to focus on the death (barbaric in this beholder’s eye) itself. You suggest that a slow barbaric death is preferred to an intubated life, then suggest that we have no definitive understanding of the condemned person’s sentience. Did she needlessly suffer? You imply that we can’t know. I infer that you don’t care, perhaps because, to you, an intubated human is like an unborn human, less than a person with legal rights to life.
Of course you think that. Or of course you want to say that. Because your purpose here is to allege an nonexistent equivalence between the Schiavo case and abortion.
But I don’t fall for that. Terri Schiavo’s case was (a) not an abortion, (b) legally litigated to the nth degree with all sides having ample opportunioty to make their csase, and finally settled.
Abortion and end-of-life issues are changing ground due to advances in both knowledge and technology. But I don’t expect your side to win anytime soon.
Maybe it’s just because I live in los angeles and there is such diversity here that seeing pictures of functions with so many white faces seem strange.
Seattle hempfest last weekend
Yes, I am noting the “emotive power” of your insistence on using “slow barbaric death.” Whatever. You know a better way? You think she should have had lethal injection maybe? She died because without extraordinary measures, she could not live. You know, people die. Maybe death itself is “barbaric,” but I don’t regard it so. She had almost no brain. She could not see. It was clear to the doctors who testified that she would suffer little to no discomfort during the process. You got an MD?
Never did I suggest such a thing. What I do suggest is that you address my actual words and not draw your own conclusions and then inject them into my mouth. I’m a writer, and a good one. I say what I mean. What I didn’t say, don’t assume. A little fucking courtesy, please. We had an extremely good notion of Terri Schiavo’s sentience. Nonexistent.
I think the court could, based on the best testimony available. Just like in Dino Rossi’s little post-election farce, you guys had your chance to prove your nonsense, and it didn’t fly. Live with that.
There’s sure a lot of “emotive power” in accusing someone of whatever the fuck kind of sleazy shit you want without evidence, isn’t there?
The democrats/liberals make fun of the publicans for having bumper-sticker type slogans. It appears that they figured out democrat voters are just as simple minded and want help figuring out a slogan.
How about-
“It’s not your money, it’s America’s money”
“We have a Plan, Elect us and we will show you”
“If it’s bad for us, it’s good for America.”
“Annoy a liberal…work hard, be happy.”
“You’re just too stupid to make your own decisions – Trust us to make them for you!
130 MS
Maybe only the white people can fuck around and not work for a weekend.
Hey, that would make a good sticker!
“(Y)our purpose here is to allege an nonexistent equivalence between the Schiavo case and abortion.” No, my purpose here, since this is a thread about dogs, is to posit an equivalence between the rights of starved persons and starved dogs.
Let’s address your exact words: “But it’s true, we DON’T have absolutely foolproof ways to figure this out …” Since you were too incoherent to spell out the antecedent of “this,” I tried to figure out your meaning without your help. Although you were at Hempfest too long, you still have an obligation to get a grip and to take responsibility for your words and their meanings. Don’t flip your feces at me if I take an occasional wrong turn on your long and winding stoner agenda.
Dino Rossi? Tying Granny’s tubes? You’re tweaking, Dad.
More bad brownies from de white man’s Hempfest: “It was clear to the doctors who testified that she would suffer little to no discomfort during the process.” But of course you and they DO have an absolutely foolproof way to figure something like slow death out.
And late-term fetal tissue feels no pain when it’s sucked out thru a straw.
But that’s almost like suggesting an equivalence between post-birth abortion (Schiavo’s) and so-called-partial-birth abortion. Better not go there, particularly since nine of ten DRs (with MDs!) agree that Big Daddy is still at Hempfest and is for sure feeling no pain.
Even you democrats/liberals have to give fox news credit, they were so powerful they forced all the other news shows to jump on the war bandwagon.
“…Fox — which commands a much smaller audience than the network news shows do — intimidated other TV networks into following its pro-war lead.”
I’m pretty sure nobody said that. However, this procedure doesn’t happen except in extreme conditions, where either the fetus is irreparably damaged or the mother’s health is in danger. Not that I expect you to acknowledge that.
Anyway, I find it interesting that you support euthanasia in the Schiavo case. Oh well, chalk it up to those puzzling Republican instincts.
I guess it’s legal. Sue the people (taxpayers) you want to elect you. Only a democrat would be stupid enough to elect someone that just won a case at taxpayer’s expense.
“The Minneapolis law firm responsible for winning a record settlement against Big Tobacco almost a decade ago is among a consortium of Twin Cities firms offering free legal services to the victims of the Interstate 35W bridge collapse.”
“…Mike Ciresi, who led the tobacco litigation team and is now seeking the DFL endorsement in the 2008 U.S. Senate race against GOP incumbent Norm Coleman.”
N in Seattle:
When I said they lived near City Line Ave, I didn’t say they lived on City Line Ave. Go review the tape. But you called me a liar so I entered their address into Google and they lived 2670 feet from the Move Fire. The closest point of City Line Avenue is approximately 10,400 ft away. That’s near City line Avenue.
I am from West Philly!
N in Seattle – You could see the flames, 20, 30 feet above the rooftops it was reported. Now how high were those row houses N?
You can check it out.
136 U
Then you should bring up a starved person instead of dredging up old, settled cases of private family euthansia that don’t involve starvation.
C’mon, I’ve read of many cases where a mother starved her children to death. Why don’t you use them? Somehow it seems s much more apropops: criminal bahavior, plenty of “emotive” value, everything you cold want. Just no one oon the other side of the line supporting them.
But no; one family’s private, legal medical decisions are what you want to liken to Michael Vick electrocuting dogs.
You’re a pip.
141 ms
Wow, I guess you’ll just take off with no evidence or logic to make one of your propaganda points. Ciresi’s name is on the firm, the firm is offering unspecified contigency-based legal services to victims of the bridge crash (enabling the injured to mount an expensive legal challenge if need be); therefore, Ciresi is suing Minnesota!
You should be a professor, man.
You don’t know shit about it, yet stuff still comes out your mouth.
139 MS
I thought I schooled your dumb ass about cherry-picking information already. The quote (as you know very well) was “The filmmaker says Fox — which commands a much smaller audience than the network news shows do — intimidated other TV networks into following its pro-war lead.”
So you’re quoting Robert Greenwald now? Tell me, on how many issues do you agree with his opinion?
“Somehow it seems s much more apropops: criminal bahavior, plenty of “emotive” value, everything you cold want. Just no one oon the other side …”
s much more cold want oon the other side
You win, Dad. Once again your impeccable logic and nuanced enunciation of a compelling argument rule. Debate’s over.