– Desmond Tutu says Bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes.
– The terrible thing is that he’s right.
– Sure, Paul Ryan’s marathon time should be the lie that proves he’s a liar.
– What to do with the missing link if there’s still an EIS to do?
Paul Ryan spins lies about lies. “What they are trying to suggest is that I said Barack Obama was responsible for the plant shutdown in Janesville. That is not what I was saying, read the speech,” he told NBC’s “Today.”
A Republican can’t open their mouth without spewing lies. Hell, they’ll even lie about lying.
With each passing day the question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago”, should be more and more an embarrassing question for the Republican party who drove this nation off the cliff four years ago to ask. But Republicans know no shame and will continue lying their asses off and tell the nation that it was all the Kenyan Commie-Jihadist’s fault.
Republicans redefine the meaning of Labor Day. It’s to celebrate the Glorious Job Creators, not the American worker.
“Today, we celebrate those who have taken a risk, worked hard, built a business and earned their own success”, sez wingnut Eric Cantor
And what of the American worker? As Mises wrote to Rand, they are “inferior”.
I also wondered why Ryan said he’d run a sub-3 marathon. Turned out he didn’t even get the year correct. Of course, if he was wrong on the year it probably wasn’t a lie. Just incorrect recollection.
He’s a smart enough sportsman to know that a sub-3 is different from what he did, even so many years ago, so yeah, I think he misspoke intentionally, which is a lie.
He wasn’t even original about it. Seems like John Kerry lied about doing the Boston Marathon (linked from the Salon piece):
Ryan isn’t the first aspirant for national office to make a hard-to-verify claim about having run a marathon. John Kerry came under scrutiny when he ran for president in 2004 for saying that he’d run the Boston Marathon.
The November 2004 issue of Runner’s World reported that Kerry had run Boston in the 1970s but gave no supporting details. ESPN looked into the claim and wound up concluding “there’s no official record of his feat, and his campaign did not provide further details despite repeated inquiries.”
In an e-mail to Runner’s World last night, Tom Derderian, author of Boston Marathon, said, “It is very hard to prove a negative, but in doing my research I read every account in every newspaper about the Boston Marathon. I would have seen and noted that a US Senator ran.”
We know that Kerry covets SoS should Obama be re-elected. Do we really want a liar as our top diplomat? Doctor Steve?
This really has to be one of the strangest lies uttered during this campaign season.
Ryan ran only one marathon in his entire life and it took him over four hours. The guy is a pathological liar. But that comes with being a Republican.
Doctor Steve is grasping at straws. Anything but focus on jobs & the economy and Obama’s pathetic failure. Blame Bush..even though Obama gives himself an incomplete on the economy and many other Democrats are saying they are worse off today. Doctor Steve actually believes his posts here filled with obscenity will somehow changve someones vote. Either that or he is venting because he knows his guy is going to lose.
Fun to watch Doctor Steve meltdown, isn’t it?
“Just a incorrect recollection.”
@6 You seem invigorated, Klown. That’s likely very bad news for the goat, huh?
@ 7
Read it again, Doctor Steve. The Ryan camp followed up that the marathon he ran was in 1991, while it actually was in 1990. That was the incorrect recollection to which I referred.
@ 6
Fun to watch Doctor Steve meltdown, isn’t it?
Ah, the fun hasn’t begun yet. Just wait until Doctor Steve logs on Wednesday, November 7th.
I think it’s funny that all Cereal has this morning for his tiresome FUD is John effing Kerry.
What next? Jimmy Carter?
And the rightards complain about our discussion of Shrub.
@9 Gawd, that’s pathetic. Please do try to stay relevant, Bob. It’s one thing to get the year wrong. That could be a mistake. To shave 25% off the time of the only marathon one has ever run and take it from over four hours to the “high twos” is a bald-faced and very pathetic lie.
It’s obvious that the man will lie about anything and everything. But then, he’s a Republican, so what else could one expect to come out of him but lies?
@ 12
Doctor Steve, I did call it a lie @ 4.
@ 11
I am looking forward to Jimmy Carter’s address this week. Bill Clinton’s address, as well.
“John effing Kerry”
Yeah, but try to discuss the failed Republican record, one point of which is the failure of the Bush presidency, and they who are fixated on Reagan will inform you that you have a form of “derangement syndrome”.
Oh, and right on time there’s the Klown @6 with a “Blame Bush..” whine.
With the polling on ‘right track/wrong track’ underwater, why can’t Romney take the lead?
Why isn’t he crushing Obama?
Where’s the Republicans’ A-team?
Just in time for the DNC:
Fort Bragg, NC – The White House Press Office announced today that President Obama will soon be inducted into the Special Forces Association and receive an honorary Green Beret./sarc
Read more: http://www.duffelblog.com/2012.....z25WESY580
I just hope he salutes like wannabe future SoS John Kerry did.
Klown @6 had some bizarre and misinformed ranting over at the latest polling thread.
Profoundly dumb.
@ 15
With the polling on ‘right track/wrong track’ underwater, why can’t Romney take the lead?
Er, D/R/I should give you a pretty big hint, Lib Despair.
@4 “Kerry blah, blah, blah…”
Hmm, you seem to have an acute case of Kerry Derangement Syndrome. So does the Klown.
@ 15
Liberal Scientist is a a dirty fucking hippie, and THE SPAWN OF SATAN (according to resident Bibul-thumper puddles) spews:
With the polling on ‘right track/wrong track’ underwater, why can’t Romney take the lead?
A majority of voters believe the country is worse off today than it was four years ago and that President Obama does not deserve reelection, according to a new poll for The Hill.
Fifty-two percent of likely voters say the nation is in “worse condition” now than in September 2008, while 54 percent say Obama does not deserve reelection based solely on his job performance.
Why, indeed, Lib Despair.
@ 19
Actually, Doctor Steve, John Kerry is the gift that keeps on giving. Sort of a less popular version of Joe Biden.
May John Kerry live long and prosper.
Come to think of it, I fondly recall his wife’s DNC convention address in 2004. Remember how well she was received, Doctor Steve? Think for a minute. It was back when rich people in the White House were OK with Democrats. You know, back before you all realized that they were the 1%.
Remember when Obama crushed McCain amongst younger voters, 66/32?
Maybe not so much this time around (link in @ 20):
Among those aged 18-39 — a voting bloc that helped push Obama to victory in 2008 — 51 percent said the president does not deserve reelection, while 40 percent said he does.
iPads aren’t nearly as cool if you have to recharge them in your parents’ basement. Go figure.
Oh, right! *slaps forehead*
Nefarious plot by pollsters to prop up Obama numbers!
Hatched from their under-the-volcano high-tech lair, no doubt!
No, really, would the Republicans be polling better if they had nominated Christie? Or Jeb? Or Haley?
Is Rmoney dragging down the party? Along with Todd Akin, of course.
@21 I can see why you wingnuts birth a goat when we discuss the failed record of the last Republican to hold office. Invading the wrong country with an unfunded war even as you lavished tax cuts on the rich, failure to go after Bin Laden, unfunded big-government programs, soaring deficit and debt, economic catastrophe and a crashed economy, a war on women and minorities.
There’s no flippant comment to made of the Bush disaster. Republicans nearly brought the nation to ruin and that’s not one bit humerous and neither are your pathetic lies and your Kerry Derangement Syndrome.
That’s your record and it truly sucks.
@ 23
I am not saying it was a plot of any sort. I’m saying that the D/R/I frequently is very close the turnout stats in 2008.
This election turnout will not be similar to that seen in 2008.
You asked why Romney isn’t clearly on top of Obama given Obama’s troubles and a growing national sentiment @ 20, 22 that he deserves to be removed from office by the voters.
I provided one explanation.
We haven’t seen Romney’s fall TV money unleashed yet, Lib Despair. We have three more months of unemployment data to see before the election. We have harbingers such as today’s ISM report.
Go change your shorts.
@ 24
None of them ran for president, Lib Despair.
Lib Despair, let me ask the question to you with a couple of words switched:
Would the Democrats be polling better if they had nominated Hillary?
It was only a year ago that a bunch of them got together and tried to convince her to run against Obama in the primary. Bill Clinton was one of them. The same Bill Clinton who will be speaking this week and won’t give the party his speech for vetting.
Lib Despair? Are you out of shorts already?
AHA! Ze Secret Veapon!!
Another volcano lair!
A “La-Zer” no doubt *fingers making quotation marks*
You really do flatter yourself.
I think Hillary would be great. And in 2016, a Hillary v. Jeb, or v. Christie would be fantastic, IMHO.
Chuck Norris: “1,000 years of darkness” if Obama wins.
Hank Williams Jr., “We hate Obama”.
Hmm, makes the angry old white man actor and his prime-time empty chair routine seem rather sophisticated.
Slobbering libtard media doesn’t cover relevant facts. Like Obummer’s three time votes to allow doctors to kill babies who survive an abortion. They focus on Todd Akin and that’s the relevant story for two weeks.
That’s A-OK with DUMMOCRAPTS like Lib da schmuck!
@ 24
Christie – If he ran now he’d be accused of having no credentials. He’s young. He has kids still in school. Plenty of time.
Barbour – This could have been his year. He was very aware of the visual that would be created by a white man from the South trying to bump off the first black president. I don’t think he will have another shot at it. He stepped back for the well-being of the party. IOW he did exactly the opposite of what Newt Gingrich did.
Bush – Jesus H., he’s not in the race and the Dems are running against a Bush as it is. He’s young enough, there’s 2016 if he wants to run then, and there is the drug thing his daughter went through in 2002. His wife is Hispanic, which may help him in the future.
You mentioned 2016: The GOP will have a very, very, very deep bench if Romney isn’t elected this Fall. Are the Dems more than a one-trick pony in 69 year-old Hillary in 2016?
I’m tired of arguing over whether Ryan’s mis-statements are intentional lying or accidental. The problem is that he is a HABITUAL liar, one who is accostomed to making himself look good by any means necessary. This means he drinks the kool-aid when the Tea Party is in charge, and he bragg’s about running a sub-three marathon when his time was considerably higher (4+).
The problem is, habitual liars eventually lose track of what they told people, and for politicians that becomes part of the record. He’s probably bragged before, to people close to him, that he ran many marathons with a sub-three time, and now when asked a rather innocuous qustion by a sports interviewer he’s quickly trying to deflect the question by avoiding too much detail under the pretext of appearing modest. But he got pinned down on the time issue, and he had to lie to the journalist or admit to others closer to him that he had previously lied to them.
I’ve worked with habitual liars in the past – it always catches up to them. They believe that people HAVE to take their word at it and give them the benefit of the doubt, when in fact we don’t have to believe anything they say, especially once they are proven to be liars.
One guy I worked with, who turned out to be an habitual liar, bragged about his undergraduate and masters degree work, but his stories were inconsistent and their were big gaps in his knowledge base. I asked the boss to check into his college degrees he claimed on his resume, and shortly thereafter he found a job with another company, before the responses came back from the colleges. He left his resume on the copier – under “responsibilities” he claimed the entire scope of work description for our entire office. Once in his new job he called back for advice, and it turned out he didn’t know the difference between cash and accrual bookkeeping – even though he claimed to have an M.B.A.
@ 31
Abortion is not a major issue. It will keep some women from voting for Romney but likely won’t sway many. Late-term abortion is even more minor.
It’s the economy. The economy is losing steam and the numbers are working against Obama. No good news is expected between now and November.
It’s the economy. Talking about abortion means you are not talking about the economy.
They WANT you to talk about abortion.
It’s the economy. Stupid.
@ 33
You’re RIGHT!
Ryan claims to be a 7-term Congressman from Wisconsin. Do some checking on that. You might find out he’s from the Bronx.
More tales of woe from the fever swamp, er, volcano lair!
You keep telling yourself that.
It may not be with you greed-motivated Republicans, but it is with the Dominionist theocrats like puddle – and you need them.
It’s also an issue with citizens with uteri who like to make their own decisions, and not have guys like puddle up their uteri.
Over in the latest poll analysis thread, the gatorgrad troll, bleated an old red baiting drumbeat:
“from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”..
We all know who the gatorgrad is.. It’s Mr. Non-Cynical, the Wyoming harlequin who has has quoted that phrase in at least 26 comments over the years.
“Ryan claims to be a 7-term Congressman from Wisconsin”
Outstanding, Bob. You just might have unearthed the only thing your habitual liar of a candidate hasn’t lied about yet.
@ 37
It’s also an issue with citizens with uteri who like to make their own decisions,
It is, but not a major issue. Except with the one-issue types out there.
We’ll see plenty of pro-choice speakers at the DNC. Red meat for their base, attempts to sway the few independents who are uncommitted. Yawn.
It’s the economy.
“It’s the economy.”
And how your party brought it to ruin, how your party refuses to accept responsibility for it’s mistakes, how your party never learns from it’s failures, how your party repeatedly put itself before country these past four years, and how your party’s candidates habitually lie about everything because the truth damns them.
Regarding abortion:
As in recent campaigns, social issues rank relatively low in importance. About four-in-ten (39%) say that abortion will be very important to their vote, 34% rate birth control as very important, and just 28% say the same about gay marriage – the lowest percentage for any issue.
Check out the first chart: Only 29% of independents find abortion ‘very important’ to their vote.
One final thing to keep in mind – abortion is also important to Catholics and evangelicals. The harder you push pro-choice, the more ingrained they become against it. The poles become more firmly planted on each side, and there’s relatively little effect on the people whose votes you are trying to sway. Money spent on a minor issue.
Meanwhile, there’s the economy.
Regarding abortion:
Democrats hold the advantage on the issue, so of course it’s a “minor issue” to Bob. He has an old poll as proof. Here’s a newer one from Pew.
Your poll, Bob, from April, was taken before your party escalated it’s War on Women to new heights of wingnut depravity. Keep telling yourself that the GOP declaring war on women doesn’t matter.
The GOP redefines Labor Day as Job Creator Day. I can’t wait to see what they do with Memorial Day. It’ll probably become “National Defense Contractor Day”, and we’ll all take the day off to celebrate Halliburton and Dick Cheney, and the monumental sacrifices they’ve made for this great nation.
I’m still waiting for one of the rightards, or anyone, really, to explain to me the moral inadequacy of this phrase. Anyone?
It seems very Christian, in the best sense of the word, to me.
@1 Paul Ryan supposedly came to the ticket as an idea person, but he is the issue. If the guy is a habitual liar, and it’s looking that way, how much can we trust his ideas? We already know his math is fuzzy. Is he just another snake-oil peddler of the same old shopworn GOP agenda of gutting entitlements to enslave the middle class and using the money to ramp up the military-industrial complex to even more stratospheric levels and relieve the filthy-rich from the burden of paying any taxes at all? Is the only thing different about him just a newer and slicker pitch? It increasingly looks that way. This guy, in his own way, is even more dangerous than Palin — because he’s just as radical, if not more so, but comes across as smarter and more credible. Voters had better see through this man and the poison he’s purveying before it’s too late.
Lookee here!
Kiss Virginia bye-bye, Mittens!
This was another episode of simple answers to simple questions.
Evidence that Romney’s convention speech fell flat continues to pile up, and not just in polls showing an absence of a “bounce.” People contacted by Gallup rate Romney’s speech as the worst in the polling organization’s history, with barely more than a third of respondents reacting to it positively.
Meanwhile, even the Koch brothers’ mouthpiece says Romney’s toast if he loses North Carolina.
“If Romney doesn’t win North Carolina, he’s not going to be the president,” said Dallas Woodhouse, the state director for Americans for Prosperity, the economically conservative group associated with billionaire brothers, David and Charles Koch.
Poor Bob,
I wonder if they bothered to ask who do you hold more responsible for the current state of things caused by the Bush Depression, President Obama or the Republican Idiots in Congress???
Looking at the approval rating of the right wing idiots in Congress – imho, Rove has his work cut out for him.
Look it’s almost impossible to like Dullard and Ryan is perhaps more photogenic but lies his ass off.
So who in their right mind would trust these right wing idiots to fix things?
@ 43
Noted that it’s a more recent poll, Doctor Steve, but it asks different questions. There’s no D/R breakdown on how many feel that the abortion issue is ‘very important’ to their vote.
There IS this, however:
At the same time, however, abortion is viewed as a much more important issue by voters opposed to legal abortion than by its supporters.
That’s different than calling it a minor issue to pro-life individuals, as you insinuated, Doctor Steve. Isn’t it?
Nice goin’, Doctor Steve. Another own goal for ya.
@ 47
Good one.
I wonder how much Dem money was funneled through the Greens to help him reach the signature goal. No matter. Qualified for the ballot is qualified for the ballot.
Math is Fuzzy?? You’re TOOO kind.. Paul Krugman calls this asshole for what he is..
a fraud..
If the guy is a habitual liar??? Oh my! I’ll be kind this time and say no one in their right mind should trust this snake oil salesman.
@53 Yep, that’s how it works. Politics isn’t a T-ball game.
I wonder if puddy is going to commit suicide on Nov. 7 or just cry his little eyes out?
@52 Own goal? That’s rich, coming from the ding-a-ling who repeatedly spikes the ball on the fifty yard-line like he actually fucking won something. God, you must be a real fucking loser, Bob.
Your poll is outdated. But clutch it close and keep telling yourself that the ever escalating Republican War on Women will have no consequences in this election. Idiot.
@54 I was trying to be diplomatic. Not because of the kind of person he is, but because of the kind of rabbit I am.
@58 When did Cereal ever make it to the 50-yard line? The only time I ever saw him get to his own 20 was when the kickoff went into the end zone. He plays for the only team that has negative season rushing yardage — the GOP.
“I wonder if puddy is going to commit suicide on Nov. 7 or just cry his little eyes out?”
From past experience we know what Bob will do. Just like SCOTUS ACA, there will be some lame excuse about how his dog died or something and so Bob won’t be able to comment here until 2014 or maybe even 2016.
“When did Cereal ever make it to the 50-yard line?”
Good point, Roger. I stand corrected.
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
“bob” is a racist too!
YAY! Now we know…
@ 63
Once upon a time, ‘All the way with a red-hot poker’ was just a line.
When did Robby Benson become black?
I’ll try this again.
““bob” is a racist too! YAY! Now we know…”
Bob outed himself as a racist with this dandy comment back in May,
Then there was the time Bob concluded that Trayvon Martin was a “thug” who got what was coming to him. And how did Bob reach this conclusion? From a right-wing site that posted fake photos and tweets.
Bob is a racist.
How is this election not like 2008?
This is how:
Democrats set to move Obama’s big speech from 74,000-seater outdoor stadium to 20,000-seater indoor arena
I guess there weren’t enough bars in the South in which the Dems could give away 74000 tickets.
@67 The bars are full. The problem is there wasn’t any room for Democrats to get in.
GOP Candidate Postma Injured
The Seattle Times reports the GOP’s candidate for Adam Smith’s congressional seat, Jim Postma, is “conscious and alert” after being injured in a crash landing of his private plane last night. The Times reports Postma forgot to lower the landing gear.
@38 So has every other Republican on the planet, so it really doesn’t identify anyone beyond being a Republican.
Eric Cantor’s Labor Day tweet
“Today, we celebrate those who have taken a risk, worked hard, built a business and earned their own success.”
No mention of the American worker. None. On Labor Day, of all days, Eric Cantor chose to give the 1% yet another blow job.
“The Times reports Postma forgot to lower the landing gear.”
Wingnuts never use landing gear. Just look at the economy.
WOW “bob”…
…great news huh!!!
I think this ends that campaign.
Serial “Ridicule the appearance of an African American girl to score political brownie points” Conservative’s logic is to vote against Obama on the off change that John Kerry might get the Secretary of State position? Really?
I despise these right wing tools.. I can only hope they’re turned out this November and turned out for good.
@75 Kerry Derangement Syndrome has evidently claimed yet another victim in Bob. You remember Bob, I’m sure. He’s the one who let loose with an epic whine the other day because his “inferior” employees dared to take Labor Day off. That brazen act of employee disloyalty obviously yanked Bob the Job Creator’s chain.
It’s the economy. Stupid.
Republicans filibustered a bill (S.3816) to stop tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas and consequently keeping jobs in the U.S.
Seattle Times Calls Josh Feit and PubliCola Liars
Back in March, when GOP state senators passed a budget slashing K-12 funding by $74 million with help from three rogue Democrats, Rob McKenna’s spokesman praised them for “reaching across the aisle, finding areas of consensus and passing a budget.”
Josh Feit, writing in PubliCola at the time, criticized the education cuts in the GOP budget. McKenna later backpedaled and called for a “compromise budget” giving priority to education and has since claimed he disagreed with the education cuts.
The Seattle Times admits “McKenna did not make it immediately known he opposed education cuts at the time the Senate GOP budget was approved, which raised questions about his position. And the Attorney General Office’s statement on the budget is murky …. However, we can find no evidence that McKenna specifically supported the proposed cuts to education.”
Based on that alone, the Times rates Feit’s charge that McKenna’s initial support of the GOP budget is at odds with his campaign promises to support education funding as “mostly false.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It seems to me it’s the Seattle Times rating that should be rated “mostly false.” Passing the GOP budget that slashed $74 million from K-12 required every single GOP senator’s vote plus 3 more they cadged from Democrats. This was a deeply partisan budget rammed through by stealth tactics without any debate by McKenna’s party. Feit made a good-faith effort to find out what McKenna’s position was on this budget, and the answer he got praised the legislators who passed it and didn’t take issue with any of its provisions. Feit was entitled to construe that as an endorsement of the budget. Just days later, McKenna began to engage in double talk, and after passage of some more time, he finally came out and explicitly made education funding a theme of his campaign. If that was his position all along, which is debatable, it is his fault and not Feit’s fault that he confused his message at the beginning — when it mattered most. Once again, the Seattle Times comes across as a partisan publication stretching things in an effort to cover a waffling GOP politician’s tracks for him.
It’s the economy. Stupid.
Republicans filibustered a bill to put thousands of public school teachers, firefights, and police back to work. (S. 1723)
It’s the economy. Stupid.
Republicans filibustered the Rebuild America Jobs Act that would have put 2-3 million people back to work. (S. 1769)
It’s the economy. Stupid.
Republicans filibustered the Paycheck Fairness Act that would have allowed women doing the same work as men be paid the same as men. (S. 3220).
For a reality check, I turn to Ian Welsh. Some “highlights” of his grim view on the U.S. and the world economy:
“I despise these right wing tools..”
Their contempt for the American worker is truly disgusting, but understandable when one realizes that they worship Ayn Rand. As Mises wrote to Rand,
@ 80, 81
Expanding school systems for two years and then contracting again when the money runs out and the temporary work force is laid off again makes little sense. It didn’t do much the first time and cost a hell of a lot of money.
You neglect that on the same day the @ 81 Act failed, the Democrats voted down a job-creation bill:
The GOP alternative bill, an extension of funding for federal highways and transportation programs, also went down in defeat, blocked by Democrats on a 47-53 vote. Freshman Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans, while Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) voted with Democrats.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/s.....z25WwK2MZY
Strangely enough, you also neglected to mention that Democrats tried to raise taxes, but not across the board.
Why do Democrats always expect something for nothing?
@83 China’s economy isn’t the main engine of the world economy. It’s a fraction of ours. We’re the world’s largest economic engine. The Chinese economy is considered a key engine of the global recovery because a slowdown there will hurt demand for commodities like iron ore, metallurgical coal, copper, and other materials exported by countries like Australia and countries in South America and Africa — even the U.S. exports coal to China (and the U.S. coal mining industry is hurting right now). A slowdown in China makes the sluggish global economy even more sluggish. But make no mistake, the United States is still the gorilla in the room, and fortunately for the rest of the world we’re doing better than most other economies right now.
@85. Exactly! It’s not like the kids could have used two years of a better education to accomplish anything. They were PUBLIC school kids, so who cares? Serial Conservative you are so right. Do NOTHING.
@85 “Why do Democrats always expect something for nothing?”
Beyond stupid. Taxes buy something, not nothing, including things Republicans want such as the military and research funding that benefits corporations.
What’s even stupider is that people like you expect government to cost nothing even as you demand spending trillions on armaments and questionable wars.
@87 You wanted to see more of US Army Captain Tulsi Gabbard? Here she is live on CNN today. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0VXxaWepfo
@73 New car sales are the U.S. economy’s overlooked secret. They’re booming. Why? Because people put off car purchases during the Great Recession and the U.S. private vehicle fleet is now older than it’s ever been — the average car on the road is more than 10 years old. At some point it costs more to keep an old one going than to make payments on a new one, so even cash-strapped consumers find they come out ahead by going to the dealership and buying new wheels. A lot of those wheels are being made by U.S. auto companies that Republicans bashed Obama for saving. They think we should have let Detroit go under. If they’d been in charge, these customers would be buying from Honda and Toyota instead of from Ford and GM. Waytago winfucks! You get stupider every day. How can anyone in their right mind vote for these numbskulls?
This is too, too funny.
Who was slinging the ‘communist’ epithet?
I still haven’t heard from any of our rightards and explanation of the moral inadequacy of the iconic phrase:
@87 Absolutely right! We should’ve given those kids a two-year school holiday so they could fall even farther behind the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Indian kids they’ll be competing against some day. Home schooling will fill the gap! Globalization will be complete when most American kids grow up believing the Earth is 6,000 years old and prayer is the best cure for every disease.
@85, Serial “Ridicule the appearance of an African American girl to score political brownie points” Conservative, if you had done a little digging, you would have found that the ” The Long-Term Surface Transportation Extension Act of 2011″ was a poison pill bill, while framed as a transportation bill, this legislation includes the radical REINS Act (S. 299), which would undermine bedrock environmental laws, including the Clean Air Act and the National Environmental Protection Act. This legislation stops the EPA from cleaning up harmful pollution, such as mercury, soot, smog, arsenic, lead, and carbon pollution from some of our nation’s biggest polluters, including power plants, cement plants, and industrial boilers and incinerators.
But of course you don’t mention that tiny detail. So repubs kill a bill that would have put Americans back to work, and dems kill a bill that would have poisoned Americans.
“So repubs kill a bill that would have put Americans back to work”
We can’t have Americans going back to work, at least not until wingnuts take the country back from that uppity Kenyan, commie-fascist-jihadist. After that, Americans will have plenty of minimum wage jobs. Well, at least until wingnuts get rid of the minimum wage and child labor laws. The wingnut vision of an American utopia is when American fathers and mothers compete with their sons and daughters for low-paying jobs that service the rich.
Strangely enough, you also neglected to mention that Democrats tried to raise taxes, but not across the board.
Only because I missed it. I’m strongly in favor of progressive taxes. It would do the country good to roll back the Reagan tax cuts.
There was that bible verse Luke 12:48
“but he who didn’t know, and did things worthy of stripes, will be beaten with few stripes. To whoever much is given, of him will much be required; and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.”
In AynRandLand, where the Republicans want to take us, ‘work’ will be redefined as a term to describe what the plebes do: each plebe will have multiple jobs to fill their waking hours, these ‘jobs’ will pay less than what was formally called ‘minimum wage’, a quaint notion from the 20th century.
There will be no income security, no food security, no shelter security.
Plebes will be too exhausted and desperate to pay attention or fight back. Children will go back to work. Environmental laws will no longer exist, except as far as plebes will not be allowed near, much less pollute, protected enclaves for the wealthy. Workplace safety regulation will be a forgotten, unrecognizable term. Using the term ‘union’ will be a capital offense.
Bob will of course call this hyperbole, but who cares, cause ‘bob’ is some Republican’s idiot nephew given the task of blogging to keep him from fucking up something important at the wingnut mothership.
These people are playing for keeps, and the goal is a neofeudal oligarchy right out of the 16th century, armed with 21st century surveillance and enforcement tools.
@96. Sounds like Somalia. Why is that conservatives seem hellbent on recreating that here?
It’s where angry, suspicious, fearful greed takes you.
# 79: I think it goes beyond the Seattle Times trying to appear “neutral” while campaigning for the GOP candidate. I think as a business decision, they’ve decided to devote a good portion of their campaign coverage to arguing that internet sites and bloggers are wrong in any discussion of the candidates. Their hope is that after they cut down the competition to size by discrediting them, by fair means or foul, they will be back to their former position as the advisor as the main endorser of candidates, without those pesky bloggers pointing out how much nonsense their endorsements may be.
They hope to leverage those endorsements into political power for themselves, getting Craigslist and other competitors shot down. But more importantly, the publishers JUST LOVE seeing the string of candidates lining up and marching hat-in-hand, begging for the endorsement. It just makes them feel all warm and cozy inside.
Lessee standard cognitive dissonance from Lib da wink to racism schmuck? Yessireeee!
There will be no income security Just like Obummer told Putin and Medvedev he’d have more flexibility in his “second term”, so will he foist more taxes on the middle class in his “second term”.
No food security – Do you remember reading this in the slobbering libtard msm? Yet is was the bellicose one who made the apology.
no shelter security. – Bawney Fwank stopped the Fannie and Freddie fix. Admits later he was wrong. Franklin Raines pays a big fine for screwing up da books. And with Obummer suing to have sub prime loans in Chicago… will da slobbering libtard press actually print this or will another slobbering libtard msm coverup happen?
Wait for it… Lib da wink to racism schmuck will denigrate the source. Well schmucko, when the slobbering press won’t do it’s job others have to. Otherwise how would we have known about John Deadwards affair when it was determined the NY Slimes sat on the story?
Okay, I finally found out what was fueling those right-wing whackos who thought the Social Security Administration was going to arm itself to kill citizens in a civil war aimed at taking Obama out of office.
It seems the Social Security Administration DOES have a law enforcement division, albeit a small one. That is the the Social Security Administration’s Inspector General division, which investigates and arrests people for things like social security fraud, theft or forgery of social security checks, etc. Like virtually all U.S. law enforcement agencies, it is armed and uses hollow-point bullets because (a) sometimes the suspects are wearing armored vests, and (b) a hollow-point bullet is much less likely to exit the target and take out a civilian behind them.
So the Inspector General’s division published a request for bids to supply the Soc. Sec. Administration with enough hollow-point bullets for the next fiscal year. Virtually all would be expended on the practice range, but that’s a necessary cost if you are going to have an armed law enforcement body as part of any organization.
It’s the right-wing nutjobs that see “black helicopters” and the Soc. Sec. Admin. as a key element in keeping the Obama administration in power. Of course, Republicans are just fine with them believing this – not one has pointed out that it’s all crazy talk.
Rahmbo DeadFish Emanuel successfully created Somalia in Chicago… Chicago, been run by DUMMOCRAPTS for so long crime is standard just like Somalia. Mayor Emanuel has perfected it. Chicago where the average citizen has to jump through hoops to get a gun. Chicago where criminals go down the street for the easy sadday night speshul. Chicago, where the teacher’s union president calls Rahm ‘A Liar And A Bully’. Did he just get the message? Rahm was a bully and a liar in the House and as Obummer’s chief of staph, so Valerie Jarrett chased him back to Chicago!
Case closed. Answer delivered!
Ahhh black helicopters again!
China’s economy may indeed be slowing down. It’s a combination of (a) their customers in the U.S. and Europe cutting back on orders; (b) a hyper-inflated economy where there is wild speculation in real estate; and (c) their wages for unskilled labor rising to the point where Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and in the future Mynamar, are lower.
But they still have a strong economy, and they’ve been hoarding scrap metals over the past decade for use in their factories. They have an active manned space program – something that Republicans say we can’t afford. They have substantial infrastructure spending on transportation, including road & rail. They continue to invest in aviation, with at least two huge companies developing both a regional get and a single-aisle jet.
Teabagging Amy Cremer, a CNN contributer.
Yeah, Mitt “luvs” America, Obama hates it.
Is Amy Cremer like twelve or something?
God, you people are so damned stupid and filled with hate. How do you live with yourselves?
FRom Huffpo,
“Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Tuesday that the state would not comply with a court ruling and restore early voting in the final weekend before the election until an appellate court rules on the matter.”
Fuck the courts? Damn, the desire to scream in a little old black lady’s face, “You can’t vote!”, must be very strong in this one.
“We need a president that luvs this country”
Yeah, Mitt “luvs America”. Too bad that Mitt and the GOP hate the American worker. It explains why they saluted the Job Creators on Labor Day and said nothing whatsoever about American working stiffs.
Mitt will luv the American worker when they’ve finally been broken and are begging their Galtian Lords for low wage service jobs.
Without job creators how would Americans find work Steve? Did you create your job?
@108 In fact, yes, I did create my job.
Why does Mitt Romney and the National Review luv Stalin and the Soviet Union so much?
Normally I just skip over anything with your little round head in it. Your posts are like the crazy druggie raving by the pay phone at 7-11, not even amusing. But I accidentally read one of your posts while scrolling.
Lack of access to guns created Somalia in Chicago? Really?
@109 I created my job, too.
I created part of a job that employs my grocer, my car maker, my satellite provider, my computer maker, my clothing maker, my park maintainer, my bus driver, my road maintainer, my kid’s teacher.
I’m a job creator, where’s my .0008% income tax rate like romney got?
@112 and 113 On the plus side, as Job Creators, Republicans were celebrating our endeavors on Labor Day instead of lauding the American worker. So we’ve got that going for us.
Humorous that the National Debt hit $16 Trillion today. Will remind everyone that Obama PROMISED to cut the $10 Trillion debt in 2008 in half!!
Did Obama succeed?
Fuck NO!
Obama was off by $11 Trillion.
But it’s all the R’s fault.
Obama’s shit stinks. He cannot avoid his promises. Romney/Ryan have the money where he must address his miscalculation/LIE about the National Debt, Unemployment, ObamaCare etc.
Obama is a lying douchebag.
“Obama is a lying douchebag”
yo mama
Rightwing Jackassery
We don’t live in a closed society with a secretive government like North Korea’s. So, when the Social Security Administration requested bids for 174,000 hollowpoint bullets for use by its 295 police officers, it was public knowledge.
Police agencies buy bullets — doh!
But that didn’t stop jackasses from jumping on it to propound absurd conspiracy theories.
(What does stop their jackassery? Nothing. See, First Amendment, which allows any jackass to say any stupid jackass thing he wants to. Note, however, the First Amendment merely guarantees the right to speak; it doesn’t make anything true.)
“Infowars, a website operated by right-wing talk show host Alex Jones, wanted to know if the agency was preparing for ‘civil unrest.’ ‘Social Security welfare is estimated to keep around 40 per cent of senior citizens out of poverty. Should the tap run dry in the aftermath of an economic collapse which the Federal Reserve has already told top banks to prepare for, domestic disorder could ensue if people are refused their benefits,’ it said in a post.”
“Each bullet potentially ‘represents a dead American,’ wrote retired Maj. Gen. Jerry Curry, an Army vet. ‘If so, why would the U.S. government want the SSA to kill 174,000 of our citizens, even during a time of civil unrest?’ Curry wrote on the conservative website The Daily Caller, founded by commentator Tucker Carlson.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: First of all, Social Security isn’t “welfare” and a retired Army general ought to know better than to claim 174,000 can kill 174,000 people (it’s more like 3 people in the average war), but I don’t want to get bogged down in that. These two guys have axes to grind and they’re exploiting a routine supplies purchase to grind them. Curry is running for president as a minor third-party candidate so he’s allowed to talk like a jackass; we expect that of minor third-party candidates who have no chance of getting any media attention or more than a scattered handful of votes. We expect rightwing talk hosts to be jackasses, too; it’s their job to be jackasses.
What’s sad about this is not that these jackasses get airtime (even a little) for their jackassery, but that they have audiences (even tiny ones). What’s sad is that anyone listens to this jackassery and takes these jackasses seriously. Unfortunately, some people do, because their paranoid fantasies are hungry and want to be fed, and as long as such people exist there will be jackasses willing to pander to their needs.
Sheesh. Some day some poor SSA security guard will get shot because some paranoid maniac listened to this jackassery and took it seriously.
No wonder you R an idiot!
Lack? Lack of guns? You are a moron too. Puddy said the average citizen has issues getting guns while the Fraggy-OWS types can get their easy sadday night speshul. That’s why Chicago is the Somalia of the US right now.
Fascist… oh so stupid! TEH Stoooooooooooopid! It Burns!
@115. You are so right. Obama was stupid. He put the cost of the two wars ON the books, if debt reduction was his goal, he should have kept that hidden, like Bush did.
As for the so called obstructionist true blooded Republicans, if Obama had just ask nicely, the republicans would have given him everything he wanted, and Obama could have halved the debt, like he promised.
I see that the stupid goatfucker @115 has another new screen name. The dumbfuck Klown can change his screen name all he wants, but he’ll never, ever be able to hide teh stupid.
174,000 bullets to kill 3 people? Apparently Roger SENILE Wabbit is accusing the finest military in the world as the gang thatcan’t shoot straight.
Hmmm… SENILE Wabbit may have a point… Those NY City Finest sure hit the wrong targets at the Empire State Building the other week!
“But that didn’t stop jackasses from jumping on it to propound absurd conspiracy theories.”
The dumbfuck Klynical Klown led the charge on that one. Too damned funny! He’s such a fucking idiot.
174,000 divided by 295 is 590 bullets per cop. Given how many loonies want to start a war against our own government, that’s not a lot. In real combat, you can burn through that many in a day or less, even making aimed shots. And they’ll probably use half of them for training and recertification.
What is it with you HA leftists and a n i m a l s e x?
Wait a minute… y’all hang with a SENILE crusty Wabbit who created his own job, didn’t work for a law firm or prosecutor’s office. I guess having those rich contacts in white Bloomfield Hills, Michigan must of helped.
“- Desmond Tutu says Bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes.”
So should most of the “world leaders” out there. They’re all a bunch of arrogant fucking jerks.
Tutu doesn’t have to go far to find tyrants. The whole of Africa has plenty. Maybe Tutu should start complaining about his neighbor in Zimbabweh. That guy’s a real piece of work!
“…how many loonies want to start a war against our own government…”
Why not? The government’s got a nice war of its own going on against individual liberty and individual responsibility.
@121 “174,000 bullets to kill 3 people? Apparently Roger SENILE Wabbit is accusing the finest military in the world as the gang thatcan’t shoot straight.”
Bet you didn’t know the burn rate of ammo in Vietnam was something like 50,000 rounds per enemy KIA — and most of the enemy were killed by artillery and airstrikes. That army general is probably well aware that military logistical planners have to figure on getting about 100,000 rounds of small arms and machinegun ammo to the frontlines for every enemy soldier they calculate must be killed.
Should I tell you why? First of all, there’s H&I. And then you have recon-by-fire. And LZ prep fires. Not to mention Spooky spitting out 6,000 rounds per minute in the dark at targets the aircrew can’t see. Have you ever watched video of Marines in a firefight? They don’t stick their heads up and look around; they stick their weapons up and spray all around themselves. In a modern war, you don’t know whether you hit anything, and it isn’t your job to know; your job is to lay down a base of fire in front of your squad or platoon. That’s all. (And if you get killed in the process, tough shit, that’s part of your job, too.) And then there’s the little fact that in modern warfare, in which nobody except snipers makes aimed shots — and aren’t trained to — the commonly used assault weapons all have recoil and the soldier isn’t made yet who can keep those weapons on a target after the first two or three rounds. I guess they’ve modified the M-16 so it fires in three-round bursts now; the ones we had in ‘Nam were full automatic and if you were really quick and light on the trigger you could pop them off only three at a time. I was never able to fire a two-round burst and never met anyone who did. Three rounds was minimum and most people, most times, couldn’t get off less than four or five. You could empty a 20-round magazine in less time than it takes to exhale (although most of us stripped off the top round and loaded our weapons with 19-round magazines to reduce jamming caused by the second-rate springs used in the M-16 magazines of that era).
Puddy, you’ve never been in military service — it shows — and you don’t know a damn thing about anything having to do with war or military operations. So please just quit popping off about things you know nothing about. Just shut up and pay taxes so the government can afford to buy the 50,000 bullets it takes to kill an Iraqi or Taliban. As a fucking civilian, your job is to pay for it, not tell the military how to do their job or make ignorant comments about them.
Gina Norris, Chuck’s wife, “will preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into 1,000 years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.”
Since you’re gonna lose the election, what will you freaks do then? How are you gonna take the country back? Start shooting anybody who isn’t white? Are you gonna start a revolution? What’s the plan, teabaggers? Are you gonna sit on your fat asses polishing your guns for another four years as America heads into 1,000 years of black, er, darkness? Or are you gonna get off your fat asses and do something about it? What’s the matter with you? Don’t you “luv” your fucking country, assholes?
Never mind
“If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here.”
Heh. Of course you’ll fail. We have Alinsky on our side, you fools. And when you do fail, as you always do, we’re gonna public-school-educate your spawn into becoming good little commie-fascist-jihadists who will vote Democratic for generations to come.
@128 Holy shit, this guy is an actor and his wife was a model and these people have been playing pretend all their lives.
Before you wingies jump on me, yes I know Chuck Norris served in the Air Force. He was an MP from 1958-1962, on bases in South Korea and California, so he didn’t go to Vietnam and hasn’t been in a war. Not quite the same thing as landing on Omaha Beach. His wife was born in 1963, so she wasn’t in Vietnam either, but she talks like somebody who landed at Normandy, even though she hasn’t earned any stripes to talk like that.
I knew a guy who landed at Normandy. Or I should say, he tried to. Because he never made it ashore. His LST was hit before getting to the beach. He did make it onto a destroyer and to an Army hospital alive, but just barely. Two years in Army hospitals. Now there’s a guy who earned the right to talk about God, country, patriotism, and that kind of stuff. Except he didn’t. I knew him when I was a kid and he was a Boy Scout leader. He talked about things like honesty and character. He’s dead now, but sixty years later his son remains one of my best friends. His son happens to be a Republican, but I don’t hold that against him. His dad earned that right for him.
As for me, I’m just a 30-inch-tall rabbit with pink ears and sporting a fluffy cottontail on my behind, but I’ve seen more war than Chuck Norris has. Or his wife. So if they want to talk with someone about patriotism, they should talk to me. I’m one of those who earned the right to talk about it.
These people — the Norrises — filmed a political ad that tells Americans that Obama’s re-election will mean “1,000 years of darkness.” Pass the tinfoil hats, please. Obama has been president for 3 1/2 years already, and nobody has come for the Norrises or marched them off in chains to a re-education camp. They’re actors. They live in a make-believe world. Remember that when you listen to their tropes.
One more thing. Chuck Norris makes shitty movies. You have to be brain-dead to sit through them.
Hey SENILE Wabbit… I too can go to Answers.com and make myself look intelligent about kill rates in Vietnam. But Answers.com sez between 3000-30,000 so KABLAMMO you are WRONG AGAIN.
And another post had an average of 2200 bullets per KIA in Vietnam.
So much for your war knowledge and prowess eh SENILE one? So take your own advice…
Norris will get the “Missing In Action” crowd. People who wouldn’t vote for Obama anyway. Folks who believe our government left behind 2,100 American prisoners in Southeast Asia and lied to us about it. I guess the popular theory is the Vietnamese wanted ransom money and our evul politicians didn’t want to pay it, so they left them behind. For what it’s worth, Nixon and Ford, Republicans, were in office back then. And if there were any American POWs still behind held in SE Asia as of 1981 why didn’t Reagan get them out? If they really existed and he didn’t get them out, it seems to me that’s some sort of epic failure that Reagan fans will have to explain. MIA conspiracy theories make good action-movie themes and sell movie tickets that make guys like Norris rich, but like everything else Norris says, they’re fantasies.
@132 Oh, go fuck yourself, you shitass civilian. Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit I never had to be in a foxhole with you!
But you claimed otherwise above. You claimed to be an EXPERT! Then you take back all the vitriol previously posted in 127?
Puddy will wait…
The number I read in Stars and Stripes while I was over there was 114,000.
@135 See my revised comment @134. That will answer all your questions.
I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one posting on HA who went to Vietnam. Ask them how much shooting there was if you’re interested. I’m not going to waste my time trying to educate a fool.
WTF is “suspicious greed”????
@138. But. But. But. In the movies the good guys always hit with every bullet they shoot and the bad guys can never do more than a shoulder graze.
You mean the movies lie? Chuck Norris isn’t a real soldier hero? Get behind me Satan. I will go to Conservepida to find truthyness facts that fit my world view, not some independent fact checker’s numbers that reflect “reality”.
That seems to be the every day words of libtards when they run out of ideas. That usually happens in 3-5 nanoseconds of their first post.
# 27: I still laugh when I think about the comment made by a weapons expert, in discussing the M-14:
“The first round could be more or less on-target. the second round would be somewhere in the treetops. After that, it was only good as an anti-aircraft weapon”.
If my memory serves me correct, there were still a lot of M-14’s in service in Vietnam as late as 1968 – I recall something about some stories I read about Marines with M-14’s at Khe Sahn.
That was the first automatic weapon I learned to strip, clean, and fire, although by the time it was in ROTC hands it had been converted to a semi-automatic rifle. It did okay on the firing range, where on single shot mode you only had to worry about the recoil and the weight of the piece.
suspicious: “Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something, especially inclined to suspect evil;”
greed: Greed is the inordinate desire to possess wealth, goods, or objects of abstract value with the intention to keep it for one’s self, far beyond the dictates of basic survival and comfort. It is applied to a markedly high desire for and pursuit of wealth, status, and power.
So suspicious greed not only wants way more than survival and comfort, they also see everyone else as evil and untrustworthy.
Seems obvious. What were you thinking?
# 138: I remember watching TV about the Tet offisive when I was young. It showed some Marines lifting their rifles over a stone wall and spraying a clip, without looking or aiming. That surprised me at the time.
Later, when I was at college, a veteran told me that when a firefight opened there was lots of wild shooting where nobody on either side could see their targets. After a couple of minutes, one side or the other would realize that the other side was dug in, and withdraw. For the V.C., that meant heading back to their tunnells. For the Americans, that meant getting out of the kill zone and calling in artillary or an air strike. Nobody ever charged an enemy position.
M-14s are still used by US special forces…the weapon has made a popular comeback because of its accuracy and hitting power.
uhhhh, not.
You would have failed English 101 with made up shit like that.
I think someone who makes up a term like “suspicious greed” is the one who is living in fear, not the other way around.
It’ll be like when Jesus didn’t arrive October 22, 1844. One would think that that might lead to soul-searching and reevaluation – nah – they’ll just go on with their LOONY LOONY ravings.
and quite frankly, how much another person makes is none of your fucking business.
If Liberal Scientist’s ravings were about Islam, would it be considered racism from the HA usual suspects from lefty PC land?
Survey Says: YES
Square gets a circle.
puddle has yet to demonstrate how anything I’ve written is racist.
puddle is pissed that his screaming about alleged Democratic Party racism was nothing more than the cribbed and reposted (unattributed) rantings of discredited, narcissistic turncoat Artur Davis, as uncovered by me.
puddle is unhinged, and unfunny.
puddle seems to care about one thing, and that’s shilling for ANYONE who pays lip service to his crazy-ass Dominionism, science-denying YECism, and feverish dreams of apocalyptic revenge against his enemies, when Jay-Zus come back in his ‘clouds o’glory(tm)’
@144 “Nobody ever charged an enemy position.”
Lewis Albanese did. Singlehandly took out an enemy trench position, saved his platoon. He’s buried in one of the front rows of the military section at Evergreen-Washelli Cemetery. Medal of Honor.
@150 “unhinged” covers most of it
Racism? Nah.
Skewering of irrational myth-belief? Absolutely, whether you’re a Christianist grifter in a robe, or an Imam bleating about paradise and murder, or any other myth-peddler appealing to the worst in people who’ve trusted you.
I’ve said many times, if your god-belief, whatever flavor, leads you to love and kindness and peace, to acceptance of all humans as family, to making the world a better place than when you found it – well, good on you, keep it up.
What I rail against is tribalism and god-belief in the service of violence and hatred and exclusion and stupidity.
I saw a bumper sticker recently:
and quite frankly, how much another person makes is none of your fucking business.
Idiot @ 141
Isn’t it almost 10 am where you are right now?
Pull a night shift? Or blogging on your client’s time?
I love that Maxie, or whoever it is now under the name Vercingetorix, has his name link to a webpage “How to be a cholo”, is accusing me of racism.
Just like puddle, when I decry the tired Republican Southern Strategy redux, calls me a racist (before folding under a withering fire of reason and fact).
They’re like fictional characters, parodies of actual bad people taken to cartoonish extreme.
Can they actually be this stupid and malignant?
Alas, I think yes.
just proving which one of us is a “moron”..put up or shut up, mediocre boy.
Yep, your a real “smart one” arent ya..
you lost a long long time ago.
1. you missed the point of my original post..im not surprised at that. I didnt call you a racist, I was exposing the liberal lefts double standards.
2. How to be a Cholo is some funny shit. I poke fun at everyone, including limp wristed white-bread types like you.
Nothing “mediocre” on that score..
ahhh, the poor tool YLB speaks up…lol
hows paying your “fair share” going? you up to $5 yet?
how come its always the tools that are the ones who never kick in any money to the system?
1000+ hp Shelby Mustang, from the factory. I may have to trade mine in and upgrade..
…and probably gets better gas mileage than YLB’s hunk of shit hooptie.
Not a single comment about Desmond Tutu says Bush and Blair should be tried for war crimes?
Is this because progressives agree but shrug cause there is no way in hell it’s gonna happen so why comment?
I thought it might be because Tutu and Eastwood look to be about the same age.
How do you think Jimmy Carter would respond if someone asked him if Obama is a war criminal? Best not to go there.