– Happy probably a US Government shutdown because the GOP are horrible day!
– How was your storm experience? Did you see any lightning?
– A lot of ST alerts because of the storm.
– Georgetown and South Park are the Seattle neighborhoods with the worst air.
– (a) Don’t cross the grocery store picket lines. (b) I think we might be able to declare My Northwest’s trolls worse than HA’s. Step it up, you guys.
– Riding a bike (and unmentioned in the piece, but also walking) where there’s Viaduct/Tunnel construction is kind of scary.
– That’s not an education. That’s carefully nurtured stupidity.
The GOP is desperately trying to deflect blame for the disaster it is bringing upon the nation. I saw some Tea Party GOP Congressmen speaking to the cameras, claiming that “they provided the compromise”, so any government shutdown is the Democrat’s fault. Of course, what he meant is that they would allow the government to pay the bills they already owe if everyone else agrees to erase the progress the President has made over the past four + years.
The three conservative (and only) AM talk stations were in high gear this morning, blaming everything on the democrats and threatening to destroy any republican who was reasonable.
We need to re instate the fairness doctrine, so stations loose their licenses if they lie repeatedly
Wow the truth comes out…
We also learned that libtards weren’t too happy that CNN was doing a Clinton Mockumentary either! Amazing when the light appears and the cockroaches scatter!
No more free health care through ObummerCare?
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! How sad DUMMOCRAPTS just walk jackboot goose lock stepping in their brownshirts.
Wow… libtard led big mouth newspapers have caused channels to go quiet on Al Qaeda monitoring…
Oops… Halperin expressed the truth! The press is libtard!
From Derek Kilmer’s FB page
Uh oh….pervy puddybigot is back for more flagellation…
Notice he has not one word to say about the IPCC he was braying about last week, now that it is released and says none of what he was predicting it would say.
Instead, we’re treated to a Breitbart quote of Mark Halperin (perhaps the hackiest hack of unmitigated wrongness inside the beltway) – that’s just a cheap hook up of wrong.
Of course, that’s what passes for ‘proof’ in puddyworld.
And here I thought the Mo. Synod Lutherans were the “conservative” ones…
This is why democrats cannot give into the blackmail of one faction of one party in one House of Congress in one branch of government.
Standard reactionary asininity from SCHMUCKO-MORON! That’s because Puddy was busy last week SCHMUCKO-MORON! Doing a intense job. In another city right now SCHMUCKO-MORON, but this job is not so intense for the moment. Puddy loves driving 8 speed Hyundai Genesis sedans! Ever driven one SCHMUCKO-MORON?
Now we see the IPCC decided to spout off with the standard variability argument when the temperature drop previously predicted hasn’t been seen with East Anglia’s famous hockey stick! Oh no let’s rewrite the report so this is somehow massaged over.
Food poverty is worse in the red areas of the country. For all of the talk of some so called Christians on this board about the rate charitable giving, liberal areas are more likely to take care of the poor amongst them, because liberal areas are more likely to have living wage JOBS.
Chris Matthews got the smackdown!!!!
He’s a libtard SCHMUCKO-MORON! Deal with your kind dude!
While GOATBOY bleats away and amuses the voices in his head…
Washington health insurance exchange gets ready for prime time
It’s been two years and approaching $160 million in the making, but on Tuesday, Washington state’s online insurance marketplace will be up and running.
President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in March 2010. Since then, Washington state has been a leader among states when it comes to preparing for the law: establishing an exchange board, winning large federal grants (nearly $160 million through 2014) and eventually expanding Medicaid to offer free and subsidized care to more people.
Puget Sound Business Journal
In spite of everything the RETHUG “jackboot goose lock stepping in their brownshirts” have tried, our state is moving forward. Even the RETHUG GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN won’t stop it.
Eat your heart out GOATBOY.
goat loving ekimgoatmaster easily proved…
His own words you jackASS!
Damn, another day of sucking to be you ekimgoatmaster!
This is priceless”
I’m partially stunned that a politician is make a “16 candles” reference.
Once again all can see ekimgoatmaster has taken over the re-run mantle from HA’s gone but not forgotten unemployed idioto with the crazed databaze! ekimgoatmaster can’t think for itself!
Oh by the way, you think the CR is fun, just wait for the debt ceiling.
Hey Fascist Pigsty… At least in the Republican Party there is disagreement. In the DUMMOCRAPT Pary we see what happens when you dissent…
Just ask Zell Miller!
Just ask Joe Lieberman!
Just ask Harold Ford, Jr.! For example here’s one of your favrit sites… Salon
Now if a conservative site said that… Al NoSoSharpton and Jesse Hi-Jackson would be crying racist to the high heavens!
The lunacy is strong in this one!
Love it!
Be sure to tune in to C-SPAN to watch the teabagging Republican “party” march off the cliff.
And this proves…what?
GOATBOY, you dumb fuck.
Your link goes to a Drudge 404 – Not Found page.
Time after time GOATBOY proves he is such a putz!
The Seattle PI this morning was reporting on a Seattle sub-contractor that was charging kick-backs from it’s employees to the sum of $150 per week for the privilege of working on the job. If they complained, they were threated with being reported to “La Migra”. But some of them went to the general contractor for the building, who called in the police. Extortion charges won’t be far behind.
We don’t know what party the perpetrators belong to, but we recognize the tactics: extort money for the priviledge of working. It’s a capitalist vison of heaven. Luckily, the general contractor and the police had enough sense not to haul off the complaining workers for deportation.
Oh no… NBC canceled the Clinton mini-series… Puddy guesses the truth about Clinton
Oh no gotta bury the truth!
The truth…
And who were the players
President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, November 1999:
Richard Rubin started it at Treasury
Lawrence Summers, Treasury
Alan Greenspan, Fed
Arthur Levitt, SEC
Brooksley Born, CFTC Chair started it
William J Rainer, CFTC
Interesting take on the “Enron loophole”!
Over at (un)SP dead ender pudge has made a prediction
COMMENTER: The House can play back and forth all they want, they won’t get ACA delayed or defunded.
pudge: I think you’re wrong. I think most likely there will be a delay of many key provisions, especially the individual and business mandates, which are currently unpopular even among many Democrats, and Obama has almost no leg to stand on even in public speeches since he arbitrarily (some say illegally) temporarily waived mandates for others.
Damn that legless Obama!
Oh really?
Can’t copy the whole thing ekimgoatmaster because Da Perfessa will remove it!
Sux to be you another day….
# 12: That reminds me of the days during the Great Depression when large farmers and distributors would hire thugs to run off aid workers and destroy their inventory. If they aren’t starving, they reasoned, then why would the work for pennies a day? That’s why the lack of funding for meals-on-wheels in red states makes sense (to them). In farm areas where there is plenty of produce, even the disabled and inventory must be made an example: work for us for whatever we decide to pay, or starve.
Hey ekimgoatmaster, direct to King 5 TVHmmm…? King 5 TV bunch of libtards too!
Got link?
While RETHUGS take it in the shorts over Obamacare and need all the support they can get from GOATBAY.
And what does GOATBOY do? GOATBOY goes after the 2000 CFMA.
Way to go GOATBOY! Your KOCH MASTERS are proud of you.
Poor ekimgoatmaster… can’t figger out how to view links and is as stupid as a wheelbarrow full of bricks! And we all know the elevator doesn’t make it to the top!
CFMA is something the Clinton’s don’t want you to know about you moron. It was a prime part of why the 2009 recession happened. Butt, stay stupid abusing the animal appendages ekimgoatmaster!
CBS News libtard ANALyst Jill Schlesinger:
Yeah, butt you’ll never hear that cacophony from the libtard press.
How come Puddy can copy direct from the captured page you fool?
Must be you are as stoooooooooooopid as a truckload of cinder blocks!
Aviation Daily is reporting that if we have a government shutdown, the FAA will lay off 1/3 of it’s staff.
And you thought your last trip was bad?
GOATBOY the GOAT HUMPER @35 quotes a reporter who he claims is a “CBS News libtard” and then claims it is not being reported by the “libtard press”.
Oh my a leftist moron in a leftist rag
and the best one is
So if a British libtard in a libtard rag can spot it over the ocean… why can’t HA libtards who live in America? Prolly cuz they jackboot goosestep in their brownshirts to their daily morning marching libtard twitter receipts!
Wow. Think this would destroy the internet age?
@38. Talk about a shared pain! That might even effect congressmen and the rich.
Once again ekim goatmaster proves he’s as stooooooooooooooooopid as a hurricane blown house.
cacophony… Try again you idiot!
Man this ekimgoatmaster is one moronic twit. The 404 is the headline link you idiot. More from the same page…
Golly HA libtards your animal appendage lover ekimgoatmaster has taken the mantle of abject lunacy from the unemployed idiot!
Delusions grandeur! Could ekimgoatmaster be HA’s unemployed idiot? Starting to see similar cadence and writing patterns. Or could it be libtarditis?
Say it ain’t so.
Hokay. Try this.
ca·coph·o·ny [kuh-kof-uh-nee]
Harsh discordance of sound; dissonance: a cacophony of hoots, cackles, and wails. AKA the normal discourse coming from TEAHADIST IDIOTS like GOATBOY.
This really sleazy scammer stole $100 million by posing as a charity for veterans. Here’s the money quote:
“Hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations went to political contributions instead of to veterans, giving the fugitive access to the top echelons of power. While wanted by the FBI, Cody, aka Thompson, had his photo taken twice with President George W. Bush.”
A super-sleazy scammer stole $100 million by posing as a charity for veterans. Here’s the “money quote”:
“Hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations went to political contributions instead of to veterans, giving the fugitive access to the top echelons of power. While wanted by the FBI, Cody, aka Thompson, had his photo taken twice with President George W. Bush.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wonder if this scumbag is a Democrat? That doesn’t seem likely. I wonder what our friend Piddly will say about this? Probably nothing intelligible, because he usually writes his comments in some sort of weird unique code.
Sorry GOAT SEMEN BREATH, your links are broken so often that when I see a 404 at the top of the page I don’t bother to read any farther. In any event I don’t consider Drudge any more credible than you.
Yes GOATBOY. You have a question?
Which means ekimgoatmaster is just another dummy!
AKA regular RETHUG FUNDRAISER. Nothing new here. Only thing of note is how little he stole. Now if he was a RETHUG BANKER it would have been in the billions.
So you love male goats. We know that already.
Pelz Quits Post as WA Democratic Chairman
“The Washington State Democratic Party will be in search of a new leader soon, as chairman Dwight Pelz says he’s stepping down from the post he’s held since 2006.
“Pelz, 62, informed top elected Democrats and other party leaders of his decision this afternoon and said he’ll leave the position effective Feb. 1.”
Funny how Psych 101 Projection works in ekimgoatmaster!
So ylb, why did you claim you were leaving? Apparently you didn’t!
Probably Pelz has to deal with Michael King…
Uncle Puddles, glad you are back spewing your nonsense!
Hey, if what you and your side is so …. true? then why the Fk weren’t you able to convince a majority of voters to oust Obama, the Democratic majority in the Senate and expand your gerrymandered majority in the House?
Nevermind. I see those Obamacare chickens coming home to roost.
Oh noze! The Senate is doing exactly what the Majority Leader said it would do if presented with an ammended (unclean, extortionate) continuing resolution from the House (again!!). Nobody could have predicted!
FlubScout… Well lessee…
1) IRS Tea Party Scandal suppressed the conservative vote. Lois Lerner did DUMMOCRAPT bidding very well
2) Romney wasn’t a great candidate… establishment failure like McCain in 2008
3) Obummer defined Romney and he never answered back… DUMMOCRAPT LIES
4) Obummer loving msm media promulgated anything said from Obummer’s gang as gospel.
@59 Excuses are like buttholes: everybody’s got one. Or two, or three, or four …
@59(3) Actually, Romney defined himself, in case you’ve forgotten. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2gvY2wqI7M
This is what Stoopid looks like.
Surprise! Republican shutdown
Breaking news
RETHUGS are nervous and bleating in fear.
Could this be their end?
Serious question
Who will run against Reichert?
Who wants my money and that of my friends to defeat this Republican A-hole?
He was the best of your pack of RETHUG LOSERS.
And now you’ve got that CRUZ idiot who is causing a RETHUG meltdown. Good luck with that loser GOATBOY.
RETHUGS own this shutdown
The longer it goes on the worse it will be for them.
And 2014 is going to be a good year for Dems.
Wait. What?
Republicans are asking after they’ve shut down the government for a “conference” on the budget after refusing to appoint conferees to a budget bill since April?
Republicans need special help.
@68. Baby steps.
I’d say too soon to say. But if the RETHUG SHUTDOWN goes on for too long, HAIRSPRAY(tm) won’t be able beat “none of the above” even if he were the only candidate on the ballot.
Yep, it’s official, the gummint is SHUT DOWN! Why are Rethugs so desperate to stall Obamacare? Because they realize if it’s ever implemented, it will be impossible to get rid of it because the majority of Americans will like it too much, just like Social Security and Medicare.
Just a couple years ago, the Greedy Old Plutocrats’ party thought they were riding high — so high they even had Social Security and Medicare in their sights. Then the market crash and wholesale destruction of 401(k)s threw a pail of cold water on their overheated dream of replacing Social Security with “personal accounts” entrusted to the tender mercies of Wall Street banksters. Romney’s “47 percent” remark provided the final nail in the coffin lid.
The conservative wet dream of reversing the New Deal and Great Society, if not in one fell swoop then with a hundred or thousand small cuts, is in its death throes. Never mind that Obamacare is a conservative invention; once the Wingnut Noise Machine pasted the “socialism” label on it, it inevitably became a test of whether the conservative movement had the cojones to finally un-horse Big Government.
That joust was, in fact, decided ages ago.
Meanwhile, right now in the real world, WAHBEX has a “Calculate Your Costs” page.
Oh my! It looks like I will be able to save around $6,000 a year.
And the Health Insurance Marketplace is Open!
Now what are the RETHUGS to do?
What is next?
The Washington Healthplanfinder
Scheduled to go live at midnight.
The EPA Tier 4 mandate is just around the corner, but companies supplying railroads seem to be getting closer to meet it. Cummins is got an upgrade package for the biggest locomotives ready, a company in Washington State will be doing the conversion work on the prototype.
Isn’t it funny – the Teahaddists blew up the US Government over “Obamacare”, yet “Obamacare” goes live nonetheless on Oct 1. Websites are up, state exchanges are operative.
It’s a lesson about infrastructure, and economics in general – decentralized, distributed sources of power or things of value are hard to destroy, hard to damage, hard to hoard – they’re robust.
Suck on it, Teahaddists!