– Oh no, there might be housing literally in someone’s back yard.
– Ted Cruz doesn’t understand Green Eggs and Ham. That’s over his head. But we should totally take him seriously.
– The Latest Anti-Obamacare Article To Go Viral Is Totally Wrong
– Oh, there’s a sensible treaty that the administration is supporting. Glad the right is freaking the fuck out.
Ted only spoke for 21 hours, pathetic for an [alleged] Texan, then in the end voted to cut himself off. Sounds as crazy as pud. Did you notice, though, that all the while that Ted was speaking there were no posts by pud. Do you suppose…..?
Wow. What’s next. Demands that the president be replaced by anyone white? Just Re-affirming that one does not negotiate with extortionists and blackmailers.
@2 …..and they each want a pony.
I’d love to see the estate of Ted Geisel sue the shit out of Ted Cruz like Bobby McFerrin’s publisher did to Pappy Bush’s campaign when they used “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” without permission or attribution.
Time for BO to shoot the hostage….invoke the 14th, tell Boehner and the gang of half-wits to pound sand and give a map to the nearest courthouse if they don’t like it.
Not that anyone’s missed me, but you’ve not seen much of me here lately because:
1) Been racking up freq flier miles traveling pleasantly in Europe.
2) There’s really nothing more to be argued or said about bat-shit insane teabagging Republicans.
One of two things is going to happen, either this nation is going to slide into the abyss because our citizenry is incapable of self government or we’re going to throw the Republican assholes out wholesale in 2014.
Any “party” whose only legislative governing strategy is to extort the nation into policies that it can’t win at the ballot box is plainly unfit. If an overwhelming number of voters don’t understand that, well ….
Now to the sunny outdoors …while it lasts.
@1 All Cat and no Hattle.
@ 7
You make me sick.
Looks like San Antonio is going to build a streetcar. They are behind other cities in Texas in the rail transit category. Dallas, Houston, and Austin are ahead of them. Also, it will not be serving the Alamo.
Where in the World is
Carmen Sandiego</strike? GOATBOY? (AKA SATAN'S SPAWN)My guess is that GOATBOY’S master has directed him to participate in the RETHUG FOOD FIGHT. But on which side? For the TEAHADISTS or for the CORPORTISTS?
Matt Taibbi on the looting of public pension funds, by the Usual Suspects…read this, it will make your blood boil, again.
I expect mention of “pension fund” will bring some number of illiterate Teahaddist trolls out of the woodwork…
More from Taibbi…
Pitchfork time…
Stay classy, Mississippi.
Do you remember a week or so ago when the pervy puddybigot was braying about ‘leaks’ from the upcoming IPCC report that suggested a softening of the stance that humans are causing ongoing global warming? He also brayed that it was reported in the AP – as if that were a leftist news outlet (it isn’t)?
Here’s this….
Liberal Scientist, I just want to give you fair warning. If you want the title of “Most vile leftist on this blog” you are going to have to fight me for it. And frankly, pal, you haven’t got a chance.
Unless, of course, we could share the title.
Back off, Mooser!
I hold that title – notice it’s in quotes – because the puddybigot called me that the other day.
When you get called that name, you can have the title – and not before!
I was wondering if the title would cause contention – well, suck on it lefties!
Of course, being a socialist, I’m always open to sharing!
@13. There are still 2% of scientists who cannot prove beyond doubt that climate change is real, so we should do nothing till there is a consensus.
@14, @15,
And I’ve been trying real hard myself. I thought calling him a minion of Satan would do it, but nah. No such luck. Did get the title goatmaster though. :-)
Stay ’til the bitter end.
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