– No matter what, the GOP will complain about welfare.
– Half of Seattle residents don’t drive alone to work. So, you know, let’s cut Metro or whatever.
– A Rising Tide Lifts Mostly Yachts
– If you invite NRA spokespeople on your air, you are responsible for the bullshit they spew.
– “Oh hey, there are a lot of open seats in the back of the bus. Why don’t I just stop here in the first third and stand here blocking the aisle.” ~ The guy in front of me, apparently.
– Private hospitals offer better service to people who can afford it therefore something something Obama!
Well, in TeaBagger paradise Pennsyltucky, the local school Superintendent and athletics director think that all the black folks’ last name should be Nigger.
Thats some fine education system you got there Lou.
Regarding the last item cited…it might be noted that the practice of forcing caregivers and other staff (particularly nurses) to just under the half-time threshold so they’re not eligible for benefits is just as common at present in the US health care industry as it is anywhere else. This applies to all for-profit and most “non-profit” institutions–“non-for-profit” seeming kind of a joke when you see the executives wheeling their new Benzes into their private parking spaces in the morning and taking off to play golf after lunch.
@1 – Friends of Puffy. They should be strung up by their ball sack.
I really, seriously hope this guy runs for President. The Democrats could put up a Jew with Tourettes up against him and win.
wow those texts were nasty
Meanwhile, in Japan.
@1 These are adults?