– If Cyrus Habib were to unseat Brad Owen as Lt. Governor, it would make him the second Lt. Governor since statehood. I’m pretty sure. Owen has served that position for a lot of useless time.
– Patty Murray’s pro-Planned Parenthood editorial in The Seattle Times is pretty badass, even if it stresses bipartisanship more than I’d like.
– Abortion Is Healthcare, and Healthcare Is a Right
– Federal Court Rules Center for Medical Progress and BioMax Can’t Plead the Fifth
“Patty Murray’s pro-Planned Parenthood editorial in The Seattle Times is pretty badass.”
I’ll take your word for it, but I’m not going to pay Blethen to find out for myself. (The Seattle Times link doesn’t work on my computer because I’ve already used up my quota of free articles on the teacher strike.)
“If Cyrus Habib were to unseat Brad Owen as Lt. Governor, it would make him the second Lt. Governor since statehood.”
Brad Owen has been Lt. Governor since statehood?
“Federal Court Rules Center for Medical Progress and BioMax Can’t Plead the Fifth”
Okay, I’m fine with that, as far as it goes, but this troubles me:
“Orrick issued the temporary restraining order, and ordered expedited discovery so that the National Abortion Federation could gather evidence to support its effort to obtain a preliminary injunction blocking CMP and Daleiden from releasing additional footage or other materials that NAF alleges the anti-choice front group fraudulently acquired. CMP and Daleiden used false identification cards to infiltrate NAF’s annual meetings in 2014 and 2015, according to NAF.”
It this somehow withstands First Amendment scrutiny, livestock producers and meat processing companies could use the same tactic to silence animal rights activists if their ag-gag laws run into serious constitutional problems. Injunctions are appropriate against copyright infringers, but are a very dangerous way to go after political liars.
Rent-gouging is a nationwide problem, and not just for renters; it’s killing the consumer economy.
“The past decade has been devastating for many renters, thanks to stagnating income combined with a tight housing market, which has pushed rents relentlessly upwards. The median rent of a newly constructed apartment in 2013 stood at $1,290, or about half of a typical renter’s monthly income, which underscores the need for more affordable housing across all income levels, the report noted. ‘Something that’s this pervasive is going to affect everybody,’ said Daniel McCue, senior research associate at the Harvard center. Severely burdened renters ‘can’t dedicate their money, time and effort to other means, whether starting a new business or coming up with new innovations. That has an impact of slowing things down in terms of the economy.’ Those renters have to make tough choices on what to spend their money on and are forced to cut back on food, health care and savings, he added.”
So why isn’t this self-correcting under our free-market system? The capitalists promised us it would be. Yet another market failure …
Unfortunately, no relief is in sight from soaring housing costs. The Harvard researchers expect the problem to only get worse. Home ownership has been the traditional American path to freedom from crushing housing costs. It takes time, but eventually mortgages get paid off, and in the interim your monthly shelter payment is a fixed and predictable amount, if you opt for a standard 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (which you can refinance relatively cheaply if interest rates drop).
The Democratic policies that encouraged broader homeownership weren’t wrong; it was the predatory banking practices that were wrong. The villains weren’t in government, they were the private sector vultures, and let’s never lose sight of that fact. Eliminating government oversight of lenders and public affordable housing initiatives doesn’t solve the problem, it’s the cause of the problem. The Republican approach to the housing crisis is all wrong.
So why would you vote for Republicans? You’re shooting off your own balls if you do.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I blame the Death Tax! (Amirite, @fblethen?) https://twitter.com/richgalen/status/645735707156287488 …
See, I’d tend to blame shit like this:
Subject: john edwards
Hey bloggers,
There has been a little buzz surrounding John Edwards and his alleged affair. Because the only source has been the National Enquirer we have decided not to cover the rumors or salacious speculations. So I am asking you all not to blog about this topic until further notified.
If you have any questions or are ever in need of story ideas that would best fit your blog, please don’t hesitate to ask
Keep rockin,
Keep rockin’, Goldy.
Found this interesting discussion on Reddit.
Humans don’t generally turn other bad human drivers in, for every infraction they witness. Self driving cars are chock full of sensors and recorders and would have a full downloadable record of every traffic infraction they “see”. Think of it as red light cameras x1000.
“It is not worth my time to report these drivers, and there may be difficulties in proving the offenses due to the only evidence being eyewitness testimony, which always comes with doubt attached. Most importantly, I don’t want to report my neighbor’s momentary mistake, or some dumb teenagers doing 90 on a long straight road.
Self-driving cars, however, will want to report episodes of bad driving. The manufacturers and insurers behind these vehicles will want bad drivers disqualified and driven into the arms of a self-driving car, because that will mean more sales and less accidents. And they’ll have the evidence to do it through their various sensors, sometimes from multiple vehicles.”
Also “There’s another economic element to this that tends to get overlooked and that’s traffic lights and road signs. We spend billions on those, but self-driving cars don’t need them. So, we’ll be spending big money on those human driver crutches for a smaller and smaller number of drivers. Those remaining human drivers will also be paying progressively higher insurance rates.”
@ 7
Your point would be…
Bob, a post from July 25, 2008? That has nothing to do with the price of the Times Mirror Company? Your “Gotcha” bucket has run dry?
If this your new pattern? Goldy could post the time of day, and you will use it to smear liberals for something using a random off topic link?
@6 Are you one of those people who hoard newspapers in their houses and read them 10 years later?
@8 Why does there have to be a point? Is there something wrong with making a simple factual statement? Human drivers are on the way out. The cost savings for the economy will be enormous — no more accidents, a huge reduction in traffic deaths and injuries (the only casualties will be jaywalkers and stupid cyclists); no need for car insurance, traffic cops, or signs and signals; existing infrastructure could carry several times as much traffic, etc.
@8 Really? You post random links from 2008 and yet my post has you baffled?
I can use smaller and less words.
“Robot Car records could be used to give you tickets.”
@ 12
Honestly, I thought your angle was going to be commercial driving jobs lost to robotic vehicle replacements, Better.
I didn’t know where you were going with your post. So I asked.
@ 9
My post included a link from 2008. Since Goldy’s post included a link that referred to a decline in value of a corporation between purchase in 2000 and now (2015), I don’t think my 2008 reference is random, nor irrelevant.
People increasingly distrust media, and media properties become less valuable in part due to the inherent lost worth.
Of course, your ilk has been slower to distrust the media. Seeing as it has carried water for your candidates, your reluctance is sadly understandable. A more current link:
Trust among Democrats, who have traditionally expressed much higher levels of confidence in the media than Republicans have, dropped to a 14-year low of 54% in 2014. Republicans’ trust in the media is at 27%, one percentage point above their all-time low, while independents held steady at 38% — up one point from 37% in 2013.
No ‘corporate lie’, Better.
I can’t speak for the demographic, but I find I trust the media less and less because it’s being controlled more and more by conservatives. Heck, even National Geographic has been bought by Murdock.
And the link mirrors that view
“Sharp Uptick in Americans Who Think News Media Are “Too Conservative””
It’s a good thing approval of Congress is doing well.
More people trust Organized labor 22% than congress 7%.
At least Organized labor does something beneficial for it’s members.
We sure are lucky to have Patty Murray in the senate. And her statements about bipartisanship are spot on. The reason is Mitch McConnell needs Democrats to prevent a shutdown. There are a few RepubliKKKlans that dread a shutdown because Americans will rightfully blame them. Democrats can make deals when they are this desperate. Besides, it’s useful to look more cooperative than the opposition.
With it being drilled into their heads to distrust the “lamestream” media by the one network they seem to get news from, as well from the right-wing internet/radio echo-chamber, it’s little wonder the Republicans poll lower. But I see this as a propaganda-fueled distrust fed with an awful lot of lies, which isn’t what I’d call a healthy distrust. The Democrats may poll higher, but they seem inclined towards a more healthier distrust.
The Irving, Texas, cops who arrested the clock boy are even dumber than I thought they were. I explain why in this comment I posted on SJ’s blog. http://handbill.us/?p=59353
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you’re planning a road trip to Texas, you might want to drive around Irving, so you don’t get ticketed for running a green light. The cops there aren’t very bright.
@16 Luck has nothing to do with it. Unlike some states, the majority of our voters have enough intelligence to elect people to public office with some talent besides hog-calling.
Consider Ben Carson, a Seventh Day Adventist who doesn’t buy into the idea of a Muslim president, and a man whose own faith informs him that the visiting pope is the Antichrist, the Catholic Church the Whore of Babylon and the Vatican the seven-headed beast of Revelation.
“…several organizations and individuals within the Southern Baptist community publicly expressed their displeasure with having Carson, a Seventh-day Adventist, address the conference.”
“Southern Baptists have classified Seventh-Day Adventists not as a church but as a sect,” Barber wrote. “We have stopped short of anathematizing them, but we have identified aspects of their beliefs that are sub-Christian and harmful.”
Scott Walker*
Forever destined to a an asterisk next to his name*
“Scott Walker Said to Be Quitting Presidential Race”
*At least Roger Maris lost his asterisk, although he had to die first.
@ 21 Steve:
Forever destined to an asterisk next to his name*
What do you think his Secret Service callsign is?
@22 “Asterisk,” of course.
And so it goes. The Donald is sucking up so much oxygen (and donor attention) in his quest to get less than a quarter of the White Male vote and lose everyone else that the Deep Bench the GOP have been trying to delude themselves they have are all ending up on the “Physically Unable to Play” list.
But really, the party is in great shape. I heard it on Hannity. Trump can win. Carly can Win. Dr. Carson is the messiah part deux.
Well, bye-bye Scotty, can’t say I’m gonna miss ya. We always knew you were a not-ready-for-prime-time lightweight.
At this point, it’s lack of money that’s driving them out, and that being so, the next ones to leave probably will be Pataki, Jindal, Santorum, and Graham, not necessarily in that order, although this might well be the order.
Huckabee has enough backing to stay for a while, I don’t know about Fiorina, and Trump obviously isn’t going to run out of money but at some point may decide to cut his losses. That will come when he gets his ass kicked in the early primaries. Jeb! has plenty of money, and Rubio seems adequately funded.
Media commentators are so fixated on how large the GOP field is, they haven’t noticed how bad it is. It’s hard to find a single viable candidate in the whole lot. That’s partly a result of who the GOP’s voters are, of course, but this is an exceptionally unqualified field, and you could argue they have only one plausible candidate. Nate Silver thinks they should nominate Rubio and be done with it.
Fiorina is riding high right now on her undeniable debating skills, but she’s a deeply flawed candidate whose appeal will dissolve under closer scrutiny, and she doesn’t have much financial backing or a campaign organization.
“Pharmaceutical CEO: $750 is a ‘more appropriate’ price for $13 AIDS medicine”
This guy is truly a nasty piece of work. That face is begging to be introduced to a baseball bat.
“her undeniable debating skills”
Given all the lies she told, gotta some credit for her acting skills as well.
I am starting to believe that the Tea Party are sort of the hipsters of the Republican party. No one really likes them at all. They intentionally attack things that are different than their own individual points of view while always using the most extreme of terms and then literally stomping their feet and holding their breath until their faces turn blue when people just laugh at them.
They deliberately dress in odd mixes of mismatched clothing that was taken from cheap dime-novel legends of old, forgotten eras of history while calling it new, and claim it as their own as if they are the first people to think of it.
They attack each other for not being “Conservative” enough and everything they do isn’t for their own benefit but to show others how crazy they can be. They spend exorbitant amounts of psychological energy on acting as crazy as possible in their efforts of trying to outdo each other.
This is the lunatic fringe, and they’re in the henhouse fucking every chicken in sight while loudly complaining about how Rome isn’t burning fast enough for their satisfaction.
I’m OK with a Hispanic Floridian strengthened
by Walker’s departure.
If it’s Bush or Rubio, safe to put a woman on the ticket as well.
Enjoy the Walker-bashing, y’all.
@ 24
I heard it on Hannity.
One of the best things about hanging around this site is I never need to watch Fox, nor listen to AM radio.
I get to have Steely Dan in the background all day while you guys tell me what the conservative talking heads just said.
“Enjoy the Walker-bashing, y’all.”
Such a sad exit, Scott Walker* taking a bullet for the conservative cause.
“Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive conservative message can rise to the top of the field. With that in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately,” Walker said in a Madison press conference.
“I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative to the current front-runner,” Walker continued. “This is fundamentally important to the future of the party and more importantly to the future of our country.”
Team Rubio quick on the draw. His campaign manager:
“People don’t stop running for president because they run out of ideas or they run out of desire,” he said. “They stop running because they run out of money.”
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/.....n-bordelon
Looks kinda like the
bombclock in the picture we saw last week.This video challenges that the clock was homemade by showing a nearly identical package being prepared in about twenty seconds (screws and simple fasteners were excluded for brevity here).
Must’ve taken at least a couple of minutes longer to pull those screws.
“This video challenges that the clock was homemade by showing a nearly identical package”
Are you trying to make the point that it’s okay to arrest Muslim students, put them in handcuffs and take them to jail for cheating in school?
“Looks kinda like the bombclock in the picture we saw last week.”
Love the headline…
“BREAKING: Nerd Hero Teen Didn’t Whittle His Clock From Scratch, Send Him To Gitmo!”
Read more at http://wonkette.com/#YqTO5GZ2BcMVgvmg.99
Roger Rabbit @1…Here’s Sen Murray’s editorial (I stole it from the Times):
Fight over funding Planned Parenthood can’t be allowed to shut down government
Republicans may not like Planned Parenthood, but women have the constitutionally protected right to make decisions about their own bodies.
EXACTLY two years ago, Republicans in Congress faced a choice: They could work with Democrats to avoid a government shutdown and allow more time for negotiations on a budget deal or they could cave to the extreme wing of their party, which wanted to shut down the government in a futile attempt to block health-care reform.
As we all remember, Republicans refused to stand up to their base. And they plunged the country into a shutdown that hurt the economy and didn’t do a thing to stop health-care reform from moving forward.
When the shutdown ended, I was proud to work with Republican budget chairman Paul Ryan to negotiate a two-year budget deal that restored investments in education, health care, research and jobs. We proved that Congress can get results when both sides compromise for the good of the country.
Coming out of that bipartisan deal, I was hopeful that Republicans had learned their lesson and that they wouldn’t put the nation through that again. Two years later, I’m not feeling optimistic. Our bipartisan budget is expiring in less than two weeks and so far Republicans are marching down that same path.
Patty Murray is the senior U.S.
Patty Murray is the senior U.S. senator from Washington state and the top Democrat on the Senate… More
Tea-party Republicans are once again pushing for a shutdown unless they get their way. This time, they are specifically fighting to cut off funding for Planned Parenthood — where millions of men and women in Washington state and across the country go each year for critical care, including cancer screenings, birth control and HIV tests.
Republican leaders say they don’t want to shut down the government, but that’s what they said in 2013. And with days to go, they remain focused on pandering to their base — and they haven’t even started moving on legislation to keep the government open.
So even though I am going to fight this latest tea-party tantrum — and I think I’m going to win — it’s important to point out what would happen and whose care would be cut off if Republicans got their way.
Republicans would be taking away care for people like Shannon, a woman from Tumwater here in Washington state who counted on Planned Parenthood to diagnose her chronic pain as endometriosis, a disease that can keep women from having children if it isn’t treated.
They would be taking away care for people like Brianna, a woman from Seattle whose cancer screening at her local Planned Parenthood caught an abnormal growth just in time.
And they would be taking away care for women and men in communities like Pullman. Its local Planned Parenthood was damaged in an arson attack, but a “pop-up” has been set up to make sure women and families continue to get the care they need until a temporary location is secured and the health center rebuilt.
Republicans may not like that Planned Parenthood helps women across the country exercise their constitutionally protected right to make decisions about their own bodies and their own care, but shutting the government down won’t stop that, just like shutting the government down in 2013 didn’t stop health-care reform.
So here is my message to Republicans: Skip the government shutdown this time and let us go straight to the bipartisan negotiations. Do what you wouldn’t do last time — work with Democrats to pass a clean, short-term extension of funding before you shut down the government and then work with us on a bipartisan budget deal that builds on our last one.
We know a bipartisan budget is possible because we did it before. We rolled back the automatic cuts equally across domestic and defense investments in the last deal — and we can do that again. We didn’t let divisive issues bog us down or push us off track — and we can do that again, too.
Because women like Shannon and Brianna shouldn’t have to worry about Republicans taking away the health care they depend on. And families and small-business owners in Washington state and across the country shouldn’t have to worry that Republicans are once again going to push our county to another completely unnecessary crisis.
@ 34
Yes, Steve, that was exactly the point I was making. Your profound insight in these delicate matters benefits us all.
Maybe the kid is headed to the University of Phoenix instead of MIT.
@2, That was the joke. Was I not over the top enough? Should I have said Owen was the Lt. Gov. in the territorial days?
Lying to the very end, Wisc. Gov. Scott Walker said in his press conference this afternoon he’s leaving the GOP race to help “clear the field” so a conservative candidate can defeat Donald Trump. That’s nonsense, of course; there are still 13 other candidates besides Trump, and the real reason Walker called it quits is because his polling fell off a cliff after two miserable debate performances and he’s just about out of money.
@38 Wasn’t he?
“Maybe the kid is headed to the University of Phoenix instead of MIT.”
Perhaps. Glad you appreciate the insight. Judging by the comments left on the You Tube video, there are plenty on the right would absolutely love to see him put him in Gitmo or worse, no doubt of that at all.
@36 Thanks! Patty is right on. Republicans can’t get at PP’s abortion services, because they’re not federally funded, so for them the next best thing is cutting off the non-abortion health care that PP provides to millions of people, many of them in rural areas where other health care is unavailable, and many of them poor. What a bunch of assholes.
@37 Is that your alma mater?
Pharmaceutical CEO: “if you don’t pay $750 for my $13 AIDS medicine, I will Go Galt and take my factory and go away. “
@44 I wonder why competition isn’t working its magic here? The free-market prophets promised us we’d never have to pay monopoly prices if government got out of the way and let free enterprise do its thing.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) – The falling cost of intelligent robots may help repatriate some car manufacturing work away from low-cost locations like China back to factories in Germany and North America, Donald Walker, Chief Executive of auto supplier Magna told Reuters.
“A bigger issue is how fast do you have intelligent robotics replace manual labor everywhere in the world,” Walker said.
I find the logic fascinating that the US could have American manufacturing, if they just didn’t have to pay for workers. Followed by anyone could have cost effective manufacturing, if they didn’t have pay for workers.
Another reason why Trump shouldn’t be president.
This probably is too subtle for our trolls to grasp, but denying press credentials to a media outlet’s reporters because you don’t like a story they published is the sign of (i) a political amateur, or (ii) a would-be dictator, neither of which is a good thing in a democracy. I won’t vote for someone who’s trying to control what the press says about him, and you shouldn’t either.
Looks like the Koch brothers decided Walker was a bad investment.
“‘Donors have totally dried up for Walker,’ a campaign insider told the New York Times, because ‘the candidate and the campaign just couldn’t inspire confidence.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I figured Walker was toast after the last debate, but I didn’t expect him to be the next candidate to drop out. I expected the invisible candidates — Pataki, Jindal, Santorum, and Graham — to throw in the towel, eventually followed by Huckabee, Cruz, and Paul. The story for Christie, Fiorina, and Carson will be a little different; they’ll get weeded out by the debates. Maybe at some point Trump’s bluster will fail to impress, and then his total lack of qualifications to be president will catch up with him, and his polls will plunge and he’ll decide to cut his financial losses. If Bush doesn’t start getting his act together pretty soon, Rubio will be the nominee.
Huckabee, Cruz, and Paul are cult candidates. Fiorina is a Roman candle. Trump is a traveling carnival. Bush is the establishment’s darling, and the base doesn’t like the establishment. Rubio is the plowhorse of the bunch. Nate Silver is betting on the horse.
Looky here, them illegals cant be trusted. Always murdering someone or rapping.
Man Convicted Of Pushing Wife From Rocky Mountain Cliff On Anniversary http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....73548.html
Wisconsin politics explained. Fascinating article.
LMAO! Too bad that joke of a Floridian is diminishing itself every time it opens its mouth..
Another Rudy Giuliani sans the personal baggage. Nope. Not gonna fly.
Oh yeah! Little low life Scotty Walker GOES DOWN!
F the KOCHS!
The Ninth Circuit issued an order granting CMP’s emergency motion in part. The Ninth Circuit’s order prohibits the district court from issuing “a preliminary injunction or requiring the defendants to produce any discoverable materials or to respond to interrogatories or inquiries, including whether they intend to invoke the Fifth Amendment as to specific questions or document requests.”
And the link the senile old wabbit forgot…http://rhrealitycheck.org/arti.....ead-fifth/
And the Ninth has jurisdiction on this fed judge!
The Navajos have finally figgered out what voting DUMMOCRETIN has meant to them all these years! http://thehill.com/policy/ener.....r-inaction
Were they illegal moooslim imwagrents?
6 found dead in South Dakota house fire were shot: officials http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2369427
No? Carry on.
Scott Walker still WINS against Wisconsin union thugs monomaniacal moronic moonbattic memoryless ABSOLUTELY clueless crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot absolutely neurotic low IQ arschloch!
Of course this is 100% lost in your arschloch!
So now we see Triple S adheres to Sha’ria and also believes what the Southern Baptists believe since they are at odds with Ben Carson…
Who knew this about Triple S!
So let’s clear this up… Some people teach that in the end God is going to save all human beings, regardless of what they believed or even how they lived. Universalism is the conviction that all persons are so related to God that they will be saved, even if they never heard or believed the gospel. After all, John 3:16 says: God so loved the world.
Thus, in this thinking, if He loves everyone, how can anyone be lost, especially if being lost means eternal torment in hell? How could God burn forever someone whom He loves? Hence, we can see how one false doctrine (eternal torment) leads to another (universalism).
Related to universalism is pluralism, the conviction that all religions are equally valid and lead equally to God and salvation. No religion is inherently better than, or superior to any other religion, at least according to this theology. These people believe that Christianity is not superior in any way to other religious beliefs.
For pluralists, the vast range of religious rituals and beliefs, symbols and metaphors, are mere surface differences concealing a similar core of all religions. Pluralists point out, for example, that most religions emphasize love for God and love for fellow human beings, a form of the golden rule, and hope for a blessed future life. According to them, all faiths, at the core, teach the same thing; hence, they are all valid paths to God, and it is very chauvinistic and arrogant to try to push Christian beliefs upon those who are members of non-Christian faiths.
So what do Adventist believe about both universalism and pluralism? Dan. 12:2; Matt. 7:13-14; John 14:6; Rev. 20:14-15; Rev. 21:8; John 3:18; 2 Thess. 2:9-10; Rev. 20:14-15; Rev. 21:8.
Apparently per one of your “blessed” web sites Southern Baptists think Mormonism is weird too
Now we have confirmed that Triple S is also a whackjob! That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
There is no question to Adventists Triple S, both universalism and pluralism are contrary to Scripture. Not everyone will be saved; and all faiths do not lead to salvation.
Sux to be you Triple S. That’s why you are known as Triple S… Triple S has triple the amount of shit between the ears of a normal DUMMOCRETIN!
@58 “Not everyone will be saved; and all faiths do not lead to salvation.”
Ah yes, “my religion is the only true religion,” so let’s start another religious war to settle that once and for all. At least atheists don’t lose sleep worrying about getting stuck with you as a bunkmate in Hell. They only have to temporarily put up with you as an earthly troll.
@53 The link is in Carl’s article, dumbass. In order to help you find it, look for ““Federal Court Rules Center for Medical Progress and BioMax Can’t Plead the Fifth,” then click on that. Sheesh. This is like explaining to a kindergartner how to go to the bathroom.
Senile one… Puddy provided the link for all to see for relevance so they don’t have to navigate back. The big diff between a senile slug such as your self and Puddy who serves mankind with posted links!
Wait for it…
Something stooooooooooooopidly DUMMOCRETIN is about to arrive!
@61 How hard is it to “navigate back” to the article from comment #3? Nobody except you would struggle with that. It’s not necessary to litter the comments with redundant links. No one else, only you, has an issue with that. I’m sorry you’re so stupid you have to be hand-fed every link, but I didn’t create you, so talk to God about that.
@57 “Thus, in this thinking, if He loves everyone, how can anyone be lost, especially if being lost means eternal torment in hell? How could God burn forever someone whom He loves? Hence, we can see how one false doctrine (eternal torment) leads to another (universalism).”
One might think by the writing @57 that the batshit crazy loon dropped his batshit crazy act for one comment. Was it a moment of batshit lucidity? No, it was just one long unattributed cut and paste and yet another violation of the HA commenting policy by the batshit crazy loon.
“Thus, in this thinking, if He loves everyone, how can anyone be lost, especially if being lost means eternal torment in hell? How could God burn forever someone whom He loves? Hence, we can see how one false doctrine (eternal torment) leads to another (universalism).”
This morning Ben Carson made the case that Christians who refuse to reject Biblical law are unqualified to hold office.
Keep digging, Ben.
At least atheists don’t lose sleep worrying about getting stuck with you as a bunkmate in Hell.
There are no atheists in foxholes oh silly senile slug wabbit! President Dwight D. Eisenhower, White House, February 7, 1954
@64 Eh? There’s a double-negative in your comment. Is that intentional? In any case, at one point Scotty Walker was where Carson is today, but had less than 1% in the polls when he left the race yesterday. And his plunge didn’t take very long at all, he was done in less than a month.
Some of these candidates are going to eliminate themselves, and Carson is one of them. He may be a hotshot in an operating room, but he’s a political idiot. Keep shooting off your mouth, Ben, I can’t wait for you to be gone, too.
Walker’s collapse reflects the fact that something very profound is happening within the Republican rank-and-file. I wrote about it yesterday here: http://handbill.us/?p=59427 Walker rose to prominence as an expert practitioner of divisive politics in a highly polarized county and state. That’s not what voters, including GOP voters, want now. People are tired of political dysfunction and, in this cycle, are looking for bridge builders — leaders who can reach across the partisan divide and get things done. Same on the Democratic side.
Carson doesn’t get that. He, like Walker, is trying to build a campaign by appealing to the red-meat instincts of a narrow base. That’s going to be a dead end for him just as it was for Walker. Look at who’s leading in GOP polls: Trump, a former Democrat who, despite his incendiary rhetoric against women and minorities, departs from Republican orthodoxy on many issues and is closer to Democratic policy positions than any other GOP candidate. And selling himself as a guy who can cut deals with anyone and everyone.
Carson is doomed. Huckabee is doomed. Santorum is doomed. They’re all doomed, because they don’t get it; they’re doomed because they’re trying to narrow the political conversation America is having with itself when everyone wants it become broader. They’re staking out places on the margins in a year when voters on all sides want a midfield runner. Been nice knowin’ ya, Ben. Your contribution will be to revalidate the truism that the White House is no place for a political amateur.
@65 Atheists don’t populate foxholes because they don’t start religious wars. It’s no accident that religious fanatics and foxholes go together like ducks and water.
blah, blah, blah, blah one true faith, blah, blah, blah, my pastor is right and yours is wrong, blah, blah, blah I am saved while you go to hell, blah, blah, blah.
See, it can be shorter.
“See, it can be shorter.”
The loon’s comment was cut and paste plagiarism, posted as though they were his own words*, refer to @63. Damned lame behavior, even for the batshit insane.
*That no decoder ring was required to read the comment was a dead give-away.
Hold on could Puddy be an intelligent robot car that must obey the three laws, but has been given instructions to give all traffic violations it sees to Huffington Post and it’s out on I-5 during rush hour. And the Teamsters know this little innocent robot car is out there, and Union members are ready to do a little sabotage to support Union jobs. Wonder if Puddy dreams of electric sheep.
Blah blah blah!