– Increases in human services in Seattle.
– Who could have predicted tolling 99 would be a problem?
– How dead is the Romney campaign?
– GIF Parade!
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Increases in human services in Seattle.
– Who could have predicted tolling 99 would be a problem?
– How dead is the Romney campaign?
– GIF Parade!
– I’m voting for whichever candidate like pudding pops!
No protest at all in Benghazi, CBS news reports. Just a planned attack.
Timing is everything:
A newly married couple’s first dance turned out to have a twist:
@ 3
Two thumbs up. Should headline its own thread.
@1 – if you watched Rachel Maddow, the day after the attack, you would have realized it had nothing to do with a protest.
Senate Republicans Kill Veterans’ Jobs Bill
However, Veterans Jobs Corps bill co-sponsor Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) said on the Senate floor today that “this bill is fully paid for and does not violate pay-go rules.” (The New York Times said Murray’s aides say “say the program will be paid for by recovering more money from tax-delinquent Medicare providers and forcing big tax deadbeats to pay up before receiving passports.”)
So much jobs being their highest Priority.
So much supporting the troops.
Serial “It’s fine to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn his respect” Conservative how can you and your party justify this?
Serial Conservative, given your philosophy of “It’s fine to humiliate and degrade any stranger until they earn your respect” I now understand how you can think making fun of the appearance of Obama’s daughter was a great joke. You don’t respect her or her father, so she is fair game.
@ 6
I now understand how you can think making fun of the appearance of Obama’s daughter was a great joke. You don’t respect her or her father, so she is fair game.
Well, that’s quite different from alleging I did it out of racism, isn’t it?
She’s fair game for the same reason Willow Palin was fair game for David Letterman, and Trig Palin was fair game for Louis C.K. People say the most awful things about children of GOP policitian children and HA shrugs its collective shoulders. A Democrat’s kid gets zinged and you guys go apoplectic.
Hawaii Republican Linda Lingle joins the GOP run away from Mitt Romney as fast as you can dash race 2012!
Romney-Ryan-Adelson jobs Plan for Spain & China.
Euro Vegas & Romney-Ryan-Adelson Path to prosperity in Spain!
Here is the Ryan-Romney-Adelson Jobs Plan for American Veterans.
You know, I’m 43 years old and for as long as I can remember there have been people in the middle east screaming about The Great Satan and yellin’ down with America. But, to hear you tell it, you’d think this all started when Obama took office.
The oldest Palin daughter, I forget who’s who, was an adult and a public figure (God only knows why) and so she’s fair game. I thought Letterman’s remarks about the younger kids were terrible. I thought Louis C.K. was a clothing designer. Just Googled that one. I don’t I need to listen to anything he has to say.
Obummer was the first to ever land on Arab land and apologize for the greatness that is America.
Bzzzzzt.. LIE!
Yeah, that didn’t happen. But, nice try.
RE: kids, politics, and public statements…
As a general rule I get pissed off whenever adults intrude on children’s worlds. Let’s let the kids be kids.
Obummer could lose Florida through the Jewish vote. SWEEEEEEEEEEEET! What would the slobbering libtard msm claim then?
Right Michael… Puddy posted his full speech last week. You didn’t read it?
b cs -t puddymoron -b “apology tour” -c
| count |
| 20 |
1 row in set
Here we see a right wing idiot polluting these threads with a vile right wing lie many many times.. “Apology tour” is just one variation of this particular falsehood he has promulgated.
One would think this fool even believes these lies.
@ 12
But, to hear you tell it, you’d think this all started when Obama took office.
That’s actually kind of funny. I kinda remember being promised it would all stop when Obama took office.
I don’t ever recall Obama promising that people in the middle east would stop calling us the great Satan when he took office. Citation please?
“The oldest Palin daughter, I forget who’s who, was an adult and a public figure (God only knows why) and so she’s fair game.”
Somewhere along the time-line she certainly did. I’m not exactly sure when that was but I’m sure there were those who jumped the line early.
The Palins call it hate. I’ve only felt disgust, although that was on many levels. Hindsight tells me that they all got what they wanted, which seem to be gobs of money and never ending lame-stream media attention. It’s a Klown-for-hire act tailor made for the dumbed-down America of the early 21st century.
@ 22
I was being facetious. Hence the ‘kinda’. It’s in the same context of oceans’ rise slowing and the earth beginning to heal now that The One is running things.
Here’s what he said – go to Breitbart if you need the audio:
Barack Obama, November 21, 2007: “Well, I truly believe that the day I’m inaugurated, not only does the country look at itself differently but the world looks at America differently. If I’m reaching out to the Muslim world they understand that I’ve lived in a Muslim country and I may be a Christian but I also understand their point of view… My sister is half Indonesian, I traveled there all the way through my college years and so I’m intimately concerned with what happens in these countries and the cultures and the perspectives these folks have. And those are powerful tools for us to be able to reach out to the world and when you combine that with my work on the Senate Forum Relations Committee on everything from nuclear proliferation to issues of genocide then I think that the world will have confidence that I am listening to them and that our future and our security is tied up with our ability to work with other countries in the world. That will ultimately make us safer, and that’s something that [the Bush] administration has failed to understand.” (Listen to radio interview on Breitbart).
The point was, he intimated that they’d like us because we put someone who better understands Muslims in office. It was why his first phone call to a foreign leader was to Abbas, and why he gave the Cairo speech.
They don’t like us better than they did. They might like us even less. I don’t mind that, if true.
No, he didn’t ‘promise’ it. I was being facetious, or if Doctor Steve were asked about it he’d call it a lie. Sue me. My point stands.
Seems like it depends of who your talking to, some say it’s a little better, some say it’s a little worse. However, when you look at the kind of things that would make it better or worse Romney’s views tend to line up with the worse column. So, there’s no reason to vote for Romney on that front either.
Personally, I think we need rebuild our cities, so that they’re places people will want to live and people can walk and take light rail to work. That way we can stop importing a fuck-load of oil, and tell the whole region to go fuck themselves.
Why try to be friends with someone that’s been calling you The Great Satan and burning your flag for the last 43 years?
Michael Not Moore @ 25
Why try to be friends with someone that’s been calling you The Great Satan and burning your flag for the last 43 years?
Maybe so they don’t try to annihilate your real friends in the area?
But I wouldn’t have my diplomats unguarded in their country. Especially not after I dropped bombs in their country only one year ago.
Did Microsoft dodge $4.5 billion in taxes using offshore tax loopholes? It seems there is a bi-partisan effort in the US Senate to highlight the tax scammers.
Neither would the Obama Admin. A couple ex-navy seals died trying to protect one of our diplomats over there.
You mean these folks?
But, but, but, I thought we’d never run out of oil*.
@ 28
A couple ex-navy seals died trying to protect one of our diplomats over there.
That’s how they died, yes.
That’s not why they were there. They were there to guard the sensitive files.
We had these guys to protect the diplomats:
As Breitbart News reported on Tuesday, Blue Mountain Group is a British security firm hired by the State Department to provide security at the American mission in Benghazi. Blue Mountain Group was chosen by State, in part, because it was willing to accept the State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya that prohibited security guards at Benghazi from carrying weapons that contained bullets.
The State Department has refused to release the document that describes the State Department Rules of Engagement for Libya to Breitbart News. On Friday, Breitbart News filed a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the document.
Butt MSFT will get a pass cuz many of their “leaders” jockstrap Obummer!
And while they buried one of those seals Obummer was on David Letterman and high fiving Beyonce and Jay-Z.
Why are we trying to deal with these people in Muslim countries? Why not just disengage and stay out of their affairs?
Hey GOATBOY, try to spin this one:
Mitt Romney loses Tim Pawlenty as campaign co-chair 45 days before election
Talk about RATS leaving a SINKING SHIP
GOATBOY pukes:
Butt MSFT will get a pass cuz many of their “leaders” jockstrap Obummer!
So GOATBOY, explain why Mitt the Twitt and his lucky sperm club buddies are getting a pass on their taxes.
The campaigns collapsing with 45 days left to go.
Well look at the Obama’s up by +5 in Colorado.
There’s a whole lot of blue and not much red in the column that counts on that RCP page.
By my count that put Obama with 258 electoral votes and Romney at 191.
Bob @31,
Ex seals with small arms can’t do much except die when the other side is shooting at them with heavy machine guns, rocket-propelled grenades and mortars.
Booman nails it with his caption
This is what an ass-kicking looks like
So, how many Republicans are going to wake up winners in WA on November 7th?
Michael @38,
And Obama’s up by +19 in Massachusetts.
It seems they remember when Mitt the Twitt was governor and found him wanting…
Now this is funny:
Romney Apologizes To Nation’s 150 Million ‘Starving, Filthy Beggars’
SALT LAKE CITY—Seeking to limit the fallout from a videotaped speech in which he asserts 47 percent of Americans “pay no taxes” and do not take “personal responsibility and care for their lives,” Mitt Romney hastily called a press conference today to apologize personally to the “150 million starving, filthy beggars [he] might have offended.”
“First and foremost, I would like to offer a heartfelt apology to all the whores, junkies, bums, and grime-covered derelicts out there who make up nearly half our nation,” a visibly contrite and solemn Romney said outside a campaign stop at a local high school. “Let me assure you that I in no way meant to offend any of the putrid-smelling, barefoot masses out there. My campaign is not about dividing this nation, but about bringing all sides together—the rich, elegant members of the upper class, as well as the 47 percent who are covered in flies and eat directly from back-alley dumpsters.”
One or more of our troll idiots was yapping quite frequently about the great gigantic money bomb Slick Willard and his cronies would be able to drop.
I read this in the NYT today
And I saw that over at the GOS that zizi posted about it.
I think the following rings so very true for Slick Willard, King of Bain:
Slick Willard is on his way to annihilation and with our hard work, he’ll take the BS Republican party back to hell with him.
Gekko/Galt is the anvil
We are the HAMMER!
Anybody else notice that Slick Willard seems to have dipped into Boner’s tanning salon before appearing on Univision yesterday?
Gekko/Galt are the testicles
We are the HAMMER!
It could be fecal matter.
He’s got that in large supply.
@43 & 44 – – – LOL
If you have not watched Jon Stewart’s September 19th edition of the Daily Show, you want to. It is a classic!
@ 42
And Obama’s up by +19 in Massachusetts.
It seems they remember when Mitt the Twitt was governor and found him wanting…
As did Tennessee with Al Gore, Jr. I guess after having Al Gore Sr. and Al Gore Jr. represent them they knew not to make him president.
If Gore had carried his home state there would have been no President George W. Bush.
Yeah, that home-state aversion could be a real problem.
Um…your point seemed to be that losing one’s own state is pathetic and lame.
Indeed, I’ve asked a number of times if anyone had ever won the presidency without carrying their home state (for Willard that might be Massachusetts, Michigan, California or New Hampshire).
I think he’s going to lose all of those, and go down in flames.
Was that what you meant?
Hey Cornflake, the useless moron, explain why Obummer is celebrating while families are mourning their dead over Obummer’s sadministration middle east misdeeds!
My new hero.
Thanks, that was a great one.
A new dispatch from puddy’s private Idaho!
Cap’n Crunch sez:
That’s like the whole apology thingy. Fictional.
rightwingers really don’t grok irony, do they?
Sniff, sniff. I smell RIMSHOT, the GOATBOY.
Hey RIMSHOT, still sucking on Mitt’s ass hole?
I note that Cap’n Crunch, above, was repeatedly shilling Breitbart.
Question: Has Breitbart ever been shown to report factually accurate stories?
Breit Bart, Breit Bart, didn’t he drop over dead?
So what do I do, buy an ouija board?
Can you get audio on those things?
That’s the spirit spuddy!
You might get that job sucking the shit out of Rmoney’s ass yet.
Why would anyone believe anything a shit sucking liar like you would post?
I’m speechless.
I wouldn’t go that far.
If GOATBOY said his girlfriend ate tin cans, I’d believe him.
I am, once again, speechless.
Nobody wants to pay the tolls for a tunnel they don’t want and won’t use. Surprise.
This is going to be a boondoggle.
When conservatives rail against unresponsive government, the tunnel is going to be one of their standard bearer for generations, and on this, I will be with them.