– In a previous open thread, I had mentioned that Tim Eyman was probably just looking to part suckers from their money by opposing the local minimum wages. Andrew at NPI has more.
– It is really awful that a woman was killed biking on 2nd Ave. And yeah, what Seattlish said about comments for these types of stories.
– On The Public Shaming of Private Individuals
– Your semi-regular reminder that Miranda July is brilliant.
So Timmeh Lieman wants businesses to pony up $2.2 million to roll back the $15 wage? For that money they could hire 10 full-time employees and pay them $15 an hour for 7-1/2 years.
According to this source, the amount of money the rich have stashed in offshore tax havens to avoid paying U.S. taxes exceeds the combined annual GDPs of the U.S. and Japan.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I posted this so you’ll realize that aggregate tax-dodging by the “overtaxed” rich isn’t trivial or minor. We’re talking very big bucks, enough to wipe out federal deficits for years to come.
@ 1 RR
Or, he could get himself a new speedboat.
Hell, he’d have enough left over to gas it up a few times.
News Flash! Roger Rabbit Agrees With Glenn Beck!!
Glenn Beck thinks Hillary is unbeatable. I think so, too. It’s the only time I’ve ever agreed with Beck about anything.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hillary will be a stronger president than Obama, because she will come to the office with more gravitas. She’s just what we need, too, to kick GOP asses six ways to Sunday.
“In her bid for Senate, Oregon GOP candidate Monica Wehby has received the support of a super-PAC primarily funded by two people: a Las Vegas sex hypnotherapist and her ex-boyfriend.”
Meanwhile, a California subprime mortgage entrepreneur is trying to buy himself a seat in Congress — in New Hampshire.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: GOP candidates attract some interesting sponsors nowadays.
Meanwhile when you lose Richard Clarke… http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/po.....s-dangers/ Butt nuthin new here! More and more people are recognizing Obummer is an empty suit.
How much you wanna bet this school district is run by DUMMOCRETINS…? http://abcnews.go.com/US/schoo.....d=25144826 Notice they blame this or that… That’s the DUMMOCRETIN way… never accept blame… until the pressure becomes too great. Then say oopsie! That’s what Obummer has been doing sice 2009.
Wow do good, feel good, has left this poor guy in shock. And does he have parental rights since he’s paying child support? http://www.usatoday.com/story/...../14953965/
Puddy, what would be your end state for the Islamic State? Every last member incarcerated in Guantanamo? Dead?
You are now the president, what concrete, real steps, in what order, would you take, from right now, to attain that state?
On the child support case, how is the law written? Does the court have any legal wiggle room to adjust payments?
“Arizona also has no exemption for children born to children, although the state cannot get a court order for child support against the non-custodial parent until that parent becomes an adult.
It also doesn’t matter to the state whether the non-custodial parent knows about the child or not. Child support is a separate legal issue from custody.”
It seems that the law is badly written. Why isn’t the republican Governor and republican controlled house and senate of Arizona doing something to change the law to help him?
@ 7 The Schizo
That kid lucked out. Stanford is notoriously right-wing and the area around it is so tremendously expensive he’d be lucky to afford the rent on a phone booth. He also lucked out by ending up at a much more liberal school. UCLA is nothing to sneeze at. They have a top-notch medical school and they physics and mathematics departments are some of the best in the country.
Stanford is pretty much a $45,000/year babysitting service for rich kids who couldn’t get into Harvard or Princeton.
Oh, and San Diego County is also notoriously Conservative. He could probably end up as your boss someday. Good luck with that.
So, that being said. Lets take a look at Sierra High school where he graduated.
Hm, mostly positive reviews. Seems to be a bit of a party school in the rather affluent area of Tierrasanta. Mostly Military, its right next to Miramar AFB. Just couple of miles north of the UCSD campus, wonder why he didn’t go there. I’ll bet he picked Stanford for something that would look good on a resume’.
If he was a real brainiac he’d have gone to Cal-Tech.
@7. if you want to just throw out baseless accusations, it’s just as likely that the clerk typist in charge of sending the forms was a racist republican and didn’t send the forms on purpose because Mr To was non white.
I noticed a theme, The school should bend the rules for the late applications, the state should bend the rules for child support, and give that person special treatment. Puddy wants the rules bent when it suits him.
Now THIS is a REAL crisis!!!
Who fucking KNEW!
Not that I necessarily miss him but I wonder where Travis, the Sloppy Solipsist got to?
The only odious troll we haven’t run off over the years is the nihilist idiot uncle tom puddypussypissypants…too stupid to realize how stupid he really is I guess.
Someone please explain to me, how Israel is any different from 1942 Germany? Because I see no real difference. The general goals are nearly identical, the methods are identical, and the people running the show are pretty much parroting the rhetoric of that period as well.
Shit…put ’em on a plane!
Maybe the Westboro assholes want to tag along!
A slight correction for the post at 11: Mirimar is a Naval Air Station, not an Air Force base.
deathfrog @15: I’ve been asking around same question myself. How are the genocidal, nazi policies of the state of Israel (backed by the US) any different from the genocidal, nazi policies of the state of 1942 Germany? The responses I get are either that the policies are the same, OR that I am insane to be asking this question and the policies are different because they are. Sort of like the genocide against Palestinians is not really genocide.
@ 17
Yeah, you’re right. I realized that about 20 minutes after I posted that. My uncle lived for years about 2 miles off the west end of the runway in Torrey Hills, and the Phantoms and F-14’s would fly through the valley to the south at 500 feet at about 650 mph headed out to the ocean. Seeing an F-14 blow past the kitchen window about 500 feet away was really something when I was a kid. They’d regularly blow the sound barrier through there as it was right at the coastline.
Now it’s all tract housing and strip malls.
Lol @ Lord Monckton
Nuttier than a squirrel turd.
@9 – he is busy eating a banana.
@6 When did the wingbats ever listen to Richard Clarke? Certainly not when it might have done some good.
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on [terrorism] for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. … Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ … Richard Clarke, head of counterterrorism in the NSC, the single most knowledgeable expert in the government, gave them a complete tutorial on the subject. In yet another briefing, CIA officials were brought in to go over all the intelligence available on terrorism.
“Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, … submitted a memo for the new National Security Council warning of the danger of terrorism. ‘We are going to be struck again,’ he wrote. But as Kerrick explained to me, he received no answer to his memo. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything. They were not focusing. They didn’t see terrorism as the big megaissue that the Clinton administration saw it as. They were concentrated on what they thought were higher priorities than terrorism.’ The Principals meeting of national security officials took up terrorism only once, after constant pressure from Clarke, on September 4, 2001, and at that meeting they discussed using unmanned Predator drone spy aircraft, but no decision was made. ‘Unfortunately,’ said Kerrick, ‘September 11 gave them something to focus on.’”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
On the other hand, Clarke is not without his own issues:
“Clarke’s dual personality makes no sense—unless you work in Washington. Aides passionately defend their boss one day, and after they resign, recall a very different story. Bob Kerrey, a 9/11 panel member and former Democratic Senator, says with a dose of sarcasm, ‘He’s got everybody in positions of power trying to undermine him—by saying what? That when he was sent by his boss to say nice things about him, he did? Yeah, God, there’s a crime. That’s unusual in Washington.'” — Time Magazine, April 5, 2004 issue
So now, 13 years later, puddypissypants wants to use Clarke as an authoritative source. [eye roll] Whatever, better late than never.
Once again OWS Racist deadtoad talks out of his ASS. Hoover Institution is not Stanford and Stanford is not Hoover Institution. Just because you searched the DUMMOCRETIN Underground and they claimed it was conservative doesn’t mean they are right? Do you ever check out anything but left wrong sites? http://stanfordreview.org/old_.....ews1.shtml You actually think Stanford has changed over the last 8 years deadtoad?
Sure Palo Alto is a pricey area. Puddy still has friends there. Puddy’s sister takes Puddy to the nice restaurants there and Los Altos when Puddy works in the area. Two coworkers of Puddy’s just left to get their MBAs there because they hit the glass ceiling with their bachelor degrees. A high school classmate who happened to be at a startup that made it big lives in the area. Puddy’s ex-boss used to live there before she died in a tragic accident. Very nice lady and her husband still is dayum funny. Butt as always deadtoad forgets the environment. Just down the road a few miles from the biggest LBGBT community in the world. And this insipid wrongASS rant of yours about Stanford being conservative (it’s not) still didn’t excuse the school from making stupid excuses over their stoooooooooopidity!
Sheeeeesh this deadtoad lives on left wrong sites all the time read the BULLSHITTIUM and drinking the kook-aid freely!
Dayum, that OWS Racist deadtoad is stoooooooooooooooopid!
@8 Wow, “this poor guy” is shocked to find out that sex can cause children? Anyway, putz, you completely misunderstand the purpose of child support. So I’ll explain it to you: It’s to support the child.
Now, I know that’s a complex concept, so let me go into more detail to aid your understanding. Every child has certain needs: Shelter, food, clothing, medical care. These needs must be satisfied regardless of how the child came into the world. Therefore, the circumstances of conception are irrelevant.
What’s relevant is whether you’re the child’s parent. You either are or aren’t, there’s no in-between, like being pregnant. This needn’t be left to chance; DNA tests are 99.99% accurate.
If you are, the law imposes on you a legal duty to support your child during its dependency. If the mother obtained your DNA by criminal means, that may subject her to prosecution for statutory rape, but that doesn’t change the child’s paternity.
Society has an interest in this. If the parents don’t support the child, who will? Short answer: Probably taxpayers.
And many taxpayers are fed up with that. That’s why Congress and all 50 state legislatures began enacting mandatory child support laws and setting up state enforcement agencies in the late ’70s and early ’80s. Because the honor system didn’t work. Too many parents, viz. nearly all of them, shirked their parental responsibilities to their noncustodial children when given the chance to fulfill those responsibilities voluntarily. So now child support is extracted from parents by government support collectors. The taxpayers insisted on it.
To answer your question about parental rights, the law makes no connection between the duty to support children and parental rights, visitation privileges, etc. That’s because children have to be supported regardless of whether the parents have parental rights or are able to exercise them. If you’re a parent, you must support your children, period, and your parental rights are a completely separate issue which you must pursue in the courts as a separate matter.
That’s how it works in real life, puddypissypants. If you don’t want to get caught up in this system, then keep your pants zipped and don’t dip your wick. That’s something every parent should explain to their children when they turn 12.
Oh NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Puddy knew you’d go there with Richard Clarke. This is 2014 not 2001. Still living in the past. So sad and so typical for NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. Obummer is not what NoBalls expected so NoBalls needs to revisit old history to feel good!
And you can’t draw any parallel with Obummer cutting and running from Iraq to your BULLSHITTIUM response above. This is about ISIS. Now! 2014!
Oh… wait a minute… You have some new information you want to share with everyone. You are equating 9-11 with Saddam Hussein! Really? Osama Bin Ladin and Saddam Hussein were best buds? Thanks for clarifying that NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. Who knew ISIS was a Hussein thought?
Then you claim Clarke has a persecution complex? So Clarke didn’t have that in 2001 when he claimed to have briefed Bush and Rice and others. Man you are a real IDIOT NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. Meandering all over the place today! Wait for it… Wait for it…
Well you brought it up ya NoBalls IDIOT!
You are definitely losing it to senility. Mrs Wabbit needs to get you medical attention ASAP.
Bananas are good for you Potassium and other minerals. At least Puddy doesn’t have that puffed butt you possess. Does your chair vibrate too?
Oh Racist deadtoad… We’re talking about the City of San Diego… Not San Diego County… Sister is retired military along with her late husband. The north county is way conservative but the city is libtard libtard libtard! DUMMOCRETINS have a 14-point registration overhead against Republicans in San Diego. Obummer won more than 60% of the 2012 electorate deadtoad. Do you ever research anything from useful sites versus spouting off from left wrong BULLSHITTIUM sites?
Did you forget Robert Filner… disgraced DUMMOCRETIN ex-mayor of San Diego racist deadtoad? He thinks like other DUMMOCRETINS. It’s just he got caught!
Ahhh OWS racist deadtoad’s namesake ruPRICK visiting another of his bookmarked left wrong sites. Just like clockwork!
Per the law the child was raped NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. So as he mentioned if the shoe was on the other foot and he was a she, all hell would break lose and the “father” would be in jail! You can’t seem to fathom that NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… This is why Mrs Wabbit needs to get you to a hospital, preferably a mental institution STAT!
For the OWS Racist deadtoad to ask this proves deadtoad is a real ASSHole! This is deadtoad’s followup to schmuckosmegma claiming Hamas didn’t kill those three Israeli teenagers when they really did!
Alternet… another of those left wrong sites deadtoad probably got all deadtoad’s San Diego information from!
@26 “Still living in the past.”
And you don’t? Ben-GAH-zi! Ben-GAH-zi! Ben-GAH-zi!
@26 “Obummer cutting and running from Iraq”
That’s funny! Your organ grinder monkey left Obama with a bankrupt war to clean up. Now you’re blaming the bankruptcy lawyer for your mess? Toooo fun-neeeeee … !!! And you call ME an “idiot” … !!!
@28 “Sister is retired military along with her late husband.”
“Late”? You mean dead? How can he be retired military if he’s dead? She was supposed to report his death and stop his military retirement benefits after he died.
@30 “Per the law the child was raped NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit.”
How does this make him not the father? Don’t try to answer; you’ll only muck up even more.
Deadly Cobra On Loose In L.A.
Some libertarian reptile fancier who thinks laws prohibiting private ownership of cobras don’t apply to him lost his snake.
The cobra was spotted, but got away, after sinking its fangs into a dog in a suburban L.A. neighborhood. The dog was rescued but is in critical condition. My guess is the snake attacked it looking for a meal.
So the question is, will someone’s leg be next? That smells like meat to a hungry snake, too.
Meanwhile, for government-haters who despise all regulations as interfering with their FREEDOMZ, I offer these sentiments: I hope someone catches your snake, and in the act of returning it to you, shoves it up your ass.
Senile NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… Benghazi is still relevant because Obummer is still in da whitey house!
Sux to be you with that failing brain! Get some help!
That Richard Clarke rant is saved for another day NoBalls!
Again senility makes you miss the relevant part of his commentary. If the sexes were reversed there would be holy hell to pay! Since the perp is a woman she skates the rape charge!
Sheeeesh you are getting less and less relevant!
America was bankrupt when Obummer took office NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit. It seemed S&P downgraded USA to http://www.standardandpoors.co.....5316529563 ObamAA+ way after Obummer declared the recession over and Obummer and BiteME would generate 500,000 jobs a month. http://voices.washingtonpost.c.....ll-cr.html
FACTS Senile NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit… FACTS!
Really stooooooooooooopid retort there NoBalls. Even dead, William was honored as retired military at the military funeral NoBalls. Double lifer! Figger that out NoBalls!
Puddy, again I ask, what would be your end state for the Islamic State? Every last member incarcerated in Guantanamo? Dead?
You are now the president, what concrete, real steps, in what order, would you take, from right now, to attain that state?
@37 “Benghazi is still relevant because Obummer is still in da whitey house!”
And your organ grinder monkey’s willful deafness to Clarke’s terrorism warnings is still relevant because 9/11/01’s victims are still dead.
@38 Let me know when men turn into women and women turn into men, and then we’ll discuss this some more.
@39 “America was bankrupt when Obummer took office”
It sure was, but now the economy is creating 200,000+ new jobs a month!
@40 It wasn’t me who called a dead person “retired military.” Don’t blame your 3rd grade grammar on me.
@41 “Puddy, … You are now the president, …”
God help us.
U.S. Attorney Durkan Leaving Office
Jenny Durkan, appointed by President Obama as U.S. Attorney for Western Washington, announced today she will leave office at the end of this month.
I met Durkan at an invitation-only victory party at the governor’s mansion shortly after Governor Christine Gregoire’s first inauguration in 2005. (Of course, I knew Gregoire long before that, and my invitation came from her staff.) Durkan had headed the Democrats’ legal team in defeated candidate Dino Rossi’s futile election contest lawsuit.
But I also met Durkan’s father — before she was born. That occurred in the 1960s when he was running for governor and I was a young newspaper reporter. He passed a few years ago.
And I’ve heard her sister, T. Ryan Durkin, give presentations at environmental law seminars. The Durkans — father and daughters — are a family of lawyers.
I didn’t know the Durkans well. In fact, I only encountered them a few times and didn’t know them personally. My connections to the Durkan family are like the Mississippi River — a mile wide and an inch deep. But I know enough about Jenny Durkan to respect her character and work.
She has been a more than worthy successor to the man President Bush tried to fired for refusing to obey his underlings’ orders to bring a bullshit prosecution against Dean Logan, the former King County Elections Director who did nothing more than his job.
Now that some PRIVATE person’s deadly cobra has escaped GOVERNMENT workers are trying to find it before some other PRIVATE person gets killed.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This public service is sponsored by your local tyranny and brought to you by lazy overpaid public employees.
Scalia’s ‘Oops’ Moment
“In 1994 the Supreme Court turned down a request to hear the appeal in Mr. McCollum’s case. … Justice Antonin Scalia … maintained that society had a need for the death penalty … [for] the brutal rape and murder of 11-year-old Sabrina Buie ….”
Henry McCollum walked out of prison yesterday after DNA evidence exonerated him of Buie’s murder. It turns out Scalia wanted to execute an innocent man.
Full Disclosure: This jackass was appointed to the Supreme Court by Reagan. You know, Saint Ronnie, the same dude who traded guns for hostages and armed Central American death squads.
Second Amendment Report (TM)
An Idaho college professor accidentally shot himself in the foot with his own gun while teaching a class yesterday.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: B-b-but the NRA assured us guns make classrooms safer! At least he wasn’t an elementary teacher and didn’t blow a kindergartner’s head off.
College Costs Soared 1,122% In 35 Years
When you argue that no one can live on $7.25 an hour, the standard conservative response is, “go to school to qualify for a better job!”
Well, that’s what millions of young Americans have done, but with stingy conservative legislators shifting more college costs on to students, many go deep in debt to do it.
So what happens? Conservatives criticize these indebted students for being “financially irresponsible.”
You just can’t win with these people.
Whelp, in a totally expected turn of events, Mark Driscoll is out as the Dear Leader at Mars Hill. On to bigger and better things. He’s a professional grifter and a sociopath, so he should be able to find another lucrative church somewhere else easily enough.
Whatever did happen to that $3.2 Million you raised for your “Jesus” festival Mark?
@52 Another high-profile sacking this week is that of Desmond Hague, who resigned Tuesday as CEO of stadium-catering company Centerplate, after a You Tube video of Hague repeatedly kicking a dog in an elevator went viral on the internet. More than 180,000 people signed an online petition to Centerplate’s board of directors demanding Hague’s ouster.
Meanwhile, in police news, the city of Seattle has agreed to pay $45,000 to a pregnant black woman who was tased 3 times by cops during a minor traffic stop because she refused to sign the ticket because she asserted another driver was the speeder. When legal defense expenses are added in her lawsuit cost the city nearly half a million dollars.
Remember that meandering of focus commentary of Richard Clarke proves you are going senile. Saddam and Osama bin Ladin. Who knew? Only the NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit knew! Saddam was the catalyst for ISIS? Who knew? Only the NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit knew!
ISIS is a result of Obummer cutting and running NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit.
Sux to be you!
DUMMOCRETIN Seattle Cops hate mouthy black wimens! Another case of DUMMOCRETIN City Police actions NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit! When DUMMOCRETINS lead a big city shit runs amok!
@56 – Great correlation. Cities are mostly democratic….so any police brutality in cities is by democrats. You are an absoulute moron.
@56 – I suppose because Kansas and Mississippi are Red States (Republican) then most of the abortions committed there are by Republicans.
I’ve had, or tried to (when I believed there was an actual earnest human behind the puddibigot performance art – there isn’t) have that discussion with the puddibigot.
Rates of all sorts of social ills – divorce, violence, teen pregnancy, illiteracy, domestic violence – are much higher in parts of the old Confederacy and other Republican-ruled locales around the US.
His retort, mindless as usual, is that it’s the cities in those parts (full of poor black people ruled by ‘Dummocretin’ mayors) that are responsible for those damning statistics.
No, to those brave souls above on this thread trying to get a straight answer from the puddibigot, or an honest debate – give it up. The person behind the persona is likely only a little less twisted than the character, and certainly no more honest – which is to say not at all.
He’s here to blow and spin and quote Breitbart and Beck, squirt squid ink when cornered, change subjects, lie….but mostly fill the space with sputtering insults and neologisms and broken English to the point of unreadability.
The glimpses one gets of whom he actually is….a literal Bibul-thumping Fundie, beliving in a 6000-year-old Universe, denying of evolution or the Big Bang, hateful towards those different – nasty to gay people, bloodthirsty toward MOOSLUUUUMS – pathetically proud of the petty indulgences his employer allows him (he actually brags about his car rentals and the ‘concierge floor’ of the Marriott)…he’s one nasty piece of work….part Allen West, part Gomer Pyle (sorry Jim Neighbors), worshipful of Michelle Bachmann, in thrall of the intellectual power and ethical authority of Sarah Palin, informed through the relentless teachings of Breitbart and Drudge and the Moonie Times.
In other words, a marginally literate, hate-filled buffoon.
Well put.
@ 59
I’ve been saying it for a couple of years. SchizoPudds is a deeply psychotic individual. He has no real grasp of the basic mechanics of debate, nor does he care to research anything he posts. He is an inveterate liar and is apparently proud of that. He revels in it.
He’s hardly the first black man I’ve come across that is profoundly racist against his own race. I believe he either never attended any sort of real school in his life, or he was the kid that somehow managed to pass from grade to grade without learning anything and was so crazy the teachers just didn’t want to deal with it. Frankly, I’m always a little surprised when he completes a sentence.
Then again, maybe he was homeschooled by an illiterate parent who would beat his ass black and blue if he tried to read a newspaper or anything other than the Bible.
He is a complete, fucking, lunatic.
@56 “DUMMOCRETIN Seattle Cops hate mouthy black wimens!”
Better be careful next time you’re stopped.
@59 “squirt squid ink when cornered”
This single phrase nicely captures the essence of puddyidiot.
Hey butt bagger or is it butt burger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman with the vibrating chair farted
You are just like the OWS Racist deadtoad, whom speaks from his ASShole without prevailing facts to do damage! The CDC cold hard FACTS http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/previe.....ss6208a1_w demonstrate how worthless you are to abortion knowledge in RED STATES ya moron. The abortion providers are usually in cities where DUMMOCRETINS reign supreme.
Per the CDC Nov 2013 summaries libtard led states like Maryland and California don’t provide abortion facts. In fact they hide them on purpose because there are so many per 1000 wimens! Butt you can find this out from other locations on the Internet butt
baggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeman! Others figure out what Planned Parenthood brags about and uses their numbers empirically! California leads the way with almost 190,000 abortions a year. New York was second with almost 140,000 abortions. California has over 500 abortion providers all over the state! NY lead with the most abortions per 1000 people while California was ranked 7th behind NY! NY has over 220 abortion providers all over the state. Maryland had almost 35,000 abortions with close to 35 abortion providers in that little tiny state. Maryland is ranked second behind NY with the next most abortions per 1000 people.Where the fewest abortions butt
baggerburger gleeeeeeeeeman? Wyoming with just over 100 abortions and South Dakota around 600. Wyoming had fewer than 5 abortion providers. Again in the cities! Wyoming is dead last with the fewest abortions in America buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeman. You can figger out where Kansas is buttbaggerburger! Search Todo Search! Hint: It was between 5000 and 8000. Mississippi had a little over 2200 abortions. They were ranked 44 out of 50 states butt bagger! There are less than 5 abortion providers in Mississippi buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeman. And you’ll notice per the CDC most abortions happen in the cities where DUMMOCRETINS are in charge.The latest figgers had over 1700 abortion providers in the US. Add California Maryland and NY and there are over 750 of those abortion providers in just these three states. That really sux to be an unborn baby in those states. donkoinfanticide runs high in DUMMOCRETIN led states. These COLD HARD FACTS are delivered by Obummer’s CDC morons! It’s really tough getting your butt
baggerburger banged all the time by Obummer facts!If schmuckosmegma and OWS Racist deadtoad paid attention they would have known this and not rant about worthless BULLDHITTIUM like they always do butt
baggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman!What was the clip in context?
CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Also, things took a turn for the political yesterday when President Obama and his family attended Easter service across Lafayette Park in St. John’s Church. The pastor, Dr. Luis Leon, called out some on the religious right who he says are standing in the way of progress.
“It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling people back. For blacks to be back on the back of the bus, for women to be back in the kitchen, for gays to be in the closet, and for immigrants to be on their side of the border.”
Now the response from Rushbo, Rush Limbaugh in reaction to a caller who said President Obama inspired a racist attack from that pastor.
RUSH LIMBAUGH: That’s an interesting take that the President inspires it, inspires racism. It may well be the case. So Obama’s presence inspires this guy to go all divisive, all racist and start jamming on the Republicans for wanting blacks in the back of the bus and women back in the kitchen when he can’t name a single person who does. But the President of the United States, you may be right, may have inspired that in this preacher.
MATTHEWS: Well actually, Rushbo, racism is the belief that one race – whites – should rule all others. Get your definitions straight.
I can imagine what happened. Matthews was furious that Rush, in his usual style, was pandering to the racist base, used weasel words to agree with the caller that President Obama inspired a racist attack from that pastor and Matthews spoke badly.
Any body can be racist, but we don’t have to give in to our worse impulses. If want to see examples of racists, look at the comments about the new Miss America, or Cheep Shot Bob making fun of the looks of the President daughters, or the comments in support of the cop in Ferguson or the comments about the Normandy school district or the protestors of the undocumented Guatemalan kids or the Clown fired from Tennessee fair after taunting black family with racist comments or the litany of comments about President Obama like he’s not a real American because he’s black.
Puddy is a complete, fucking, lunatic OWS Racist deadtoad? It’s Racist deadtoad directly plagiarizing Daily Kooks material and then tries to pawn it off as deadtoad’s own paragraphs. OWS Racist deadtoad is just like the monomaniacal crazed clueless HAMAS loving arschloch cretin with the crazed databaze, who used to plagiarize from the same Daily Kooks source. That’s being a complete, fucking, lunatic. Rewriting paragraphs trying to look smart when you are the dumbest MOFO in the thread!
More Psych 101 Projections by a complete, fucking, lunatic, OWS Racist deadtoad. Thanks for playing… The Prosecution Rests Your Honor OWS Racist deadtoad is a complete, fucking, lunatic; projecting racist thoughts on others!
Your San Diego City is conservative from left wrong sites will become another infamous rant on HA DUMMOCRETINS. So long so wrong with those DUMMOCRETIN left wrong sites!
Sux to be you!
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, Puddy usually takes public transportation when coming to Seattle. So Driving While Black in Seattle is few and far between these days. Butt, thanks for caring in your senile old age!
it’s fun to watch Puddy froth in 64. Doesn’t make a bit of sense and he has no point and he’s willfully misunderstanding your point but it’s fun to read the word salad. it’s like non stop palinisms with swear words.
I am for women having the ability and tools to control their bodies. No woman should be forced to make a baby if she doesn’t want it. Every child should be a wanted child.
The only bright spot is that more unwanted pregnancies means more kids up for adoption and foster to adoption so gay couples can be parents, so that unwanted child becomes their wanted child.
I’m sure puddy can agree that’s a good outcome at least.
Puddy left the worst for last schmuckosmegma… You know the slime you find on uncut male appendages. Well schmuckosmegma oozes it from all over in every thread.
Let’s remember his latest wrong headed attack. When all facts pointed to Hamas kidnapping those three Israeli teenagers, schmuckosmegma visits schmuckosmegma’s favorite left wrong sites and regurgitates their reportage! When that reportage explodes, KAAAABLAAAAMMMOOOO, does schmuckosmegma return and say schmuckosmegma was wrong. Nooooooooooo! schmuckosmegma disappears for a few day hoping it will blow over. Now we view more of schmuckosmegma bloviating @59.
Well Puddy just blew apart the abortion rates apart proving through Obummer numbers libtard states lead the way!
schmuckosmegma loves to place the red states with high teen pregnancy rates as schmuckosmegma’s call to listen and look to schmuckosmegma for more wrong facts! What schmuckosmegma skips over are those poor states have the highest rate of minority teen pregnancies. Don’t take Puddy’s word… use HuffPo, a libtard site… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....69203.html
So those red states are buoyed by black and his panic teen pregnancy rates and schmuckosmegma tries to use this as schmuckosmegma’s argument above. Another of schmuckosmegma’s worthless canards exploded KAAAABLAAAAMMMOOOO!
With another factless argument from schmuckosmegma, rant #59 goes down in the pantheon of worthless wasted pixels as another of schmuckosmegma’s worthless attempts to get other HA DUMMOCRETINS to look at schmuckosmegma! schmuckosmegma is starved for attention so schmuckosmegma will use any device to get the spotlight on schmuckosmegma as much as possible!
Corrected! Back to using that again eh schmuckosmegma! Don’t like Puddy’s neologisms because they correctly explain DUMMOCRETINS? Google schmuckosmegma and neologism and Google will count that word abuse!
So HA DUMMOCRETINS, why do you trust anything from schmuckosmegma? schmuckosmegma has been so wrong for so long and was proven wrong again today!
Sux to be schmuckosmegma!
Once again worser misses the point @68. worser is 1.000 at missing the point on HA DUMMOCRETINS. So let Puddy help out worser here… butt
baggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman tried to use abortions in two red states as a worthless come back to police brutality in DUMMOCRETIN led cities! Well it was Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit who threw up that fact. When caught buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman tried to make a worthless statement about something buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman knew nothing about it exploded in it’s face. Same thing OWS Racist deadtoad does with his plagiaring of Daily Kooks at least once a week. So Puddy systematically took apart another of buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s worthless rants because, well, it was worthless as almost every rant buttbaggerburger gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman delivers!So worser, call it what you want butt COLD HARD FACTS always speak for themselves. Glad to see you are as frothy as ever!
Sux to be worser! Getting worse by the day!
teen pregnancy rate
From your link about pregnancy rates.
“Among the states, New Mexico had the highest teen pregnancy rate, in 2010, with 80 pregnancies per 1,000 women in the age group, followed by Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma.
New Hampshire had the lowest rate, with 28 pregnancies per 1,000, followed by New Hampshire, Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts and Maine.”
He was right about teen pregnancy rate, it’s higher in mostly red states
“Best educated states Minnesota, New York, New Hampshire, Virginia, New Jersey, Vermont, Colorado, Maryland, Massachusetts
Worst: Oklahoma, Tennessee, Indiana, Nevada, Alabama, Louisiana, Kentucky, Arkansas, Mississippi, West Virginia.”
He was right about education, it’s the worst in red states.
States with highest Divorce rates
Oklahoma, Alaska, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Red States. Medford Oregon, One of the most red part of Oregon.
He was right about divorce, it’s the worst in red states.
domestic violence
Top Ten Most Murderous States for Women Killed by Men
According to this year’s analysis, in 2008 (the most recent year available) Nevada, with a rate of 2.96 per 100,000, had the highest rate of females killed by males in the nation. Ranked behind Nevada were: Vermont at 2 with a rate of 2.54 per 100,000; Alabama at 3 with a rate of 2.07 per 100,000; North Carolina at 4 with a rate of 2.05 per 100,000; Tennessee at 5 with a rate of 1.97 per 100,000; Texas at 6 with a rate of 1.72 per 100,000; Arkansas at 7 (tie) with a rate of 1.71 per 100,000; Missouri at 7 (tie) with a rate of 1.71 per 100,000; South Carolina at 9 with a rate of 1.69 per 100,000; and, Georgia at 10 with a rate of 1.66 per 100,000.
He was right about domestic violence it’s worst in red states.
Do you care that cold hard facts prove you wrong all the time?
Man worser you are more stoooooooooopid than Puddy gave you credit for. The higher rates are due to minority populations in those states you moron! Even HuffPo acknowledges that!
Sux to be worser!
What does minority populations have to do with counting pregnancy rates? How is that even a factor? Are you implying that stats should only count if they apply to white people? That’s disturbing at best.
Typical TeaBagginista @ 77, blaming the “colored folks” for the problems. I’m sure it has some sort of solution it could suggest.
Puddy, you are ignoring all other true factoids about red states. Red states are messing people up or messed up people go there to live.
I suppose now is when you will soon squirt some squid ink and change the subject to some new imagined outrage.
@79 is Puddy proof that Chris Matthews was wrong?
worser, do you take statistics as a whole or do you break them down? Do you even think where the largest population resides in those red states, where does violence happens… Big cities.. who runs big cities DUMMOCRETINS. So here is more FACTS delivered as squid ink.
From Wikipedia
Well since you worser and schmuckosmegma went there allow Puddy clarify it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.....crime_rate – Almost every one of these cities is run by DUMMOCRETINS and that skews the state crime statistic. Butt don’t let a dumb argument get in the way of facts worser!
1) Little Rock, Ark. – Mark Stodola – DUMMOCRETIN population 196,537 state 2,949,000 the bulk of the violence is in this one city worser.
2) Philadelphia, PA – Michael Nutter – DUMMOCRETIN
3) Newark, NJ – Recently Cory Booker – DUMMOCRETIN and big time Obummer ASSkisser
4) Jackson, MS – Tony Yarber – DUMMOCRETIN population 175,432 state 2,985,000 the bulk of the violence is in this one city worser.
5) Milwaukee, WS – Thomas Barrett – DUMMOCRETIN
6) Atlanta, GA – Kasim Reed – DUMMOCRETIN
7) Cleveland, OH – Frank G. Jackson – DUMMOCRETIN
8) Baltimore, MD – Stephanie Rawlings-Blake – DUMMOCRETIN
9) Birmingham Alabama – William A. Bell – DUMMOCRETIN population 212,038 state 2991,000 the bulk of the violence is in this one city worser.
10) Stockton, CA – Just went Republican Anthony Silva because the DUMMOCRETIN predecessors left the state in a wreck! Worst bankrupt city in America.
11) Memphis, TN – A C Wharton – DUMMOCRETIN population 655,155 state 6,454,000 the bulk of the violence is in this one city worser.
You can read the rest worser. Killings, Domestic Violence, Rape, Robbery, Aggravated Assault, Burglary… just about every category listed; run by DUMMOCRETINS!
Well there goes that rant eh worser? While the state is high, it’s due to the crime in DUMMOCRETIN cities not the rural areas you moron!
The American Talibangelist is you racist deadtoad. Always wanting to shut up someone. Butt, there is no blame of minority rates from Puddy… Puddy delivered it from HuffPo, a left wrong rag. They brought it up racist deadtoad. It’s just too bad you are too stooooooooooooooopid to figger it out!
So it seems COLD HARD FACTS prove worser wrong again!
Where’s da proof worser? Gotr link. Puddy provided many links. Puddy hasn’t changed any topic. Puddy ran with schmuckosmegma’s rant. You just dug your hole deeper!
HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR! Still batting 1.000 in being wrong!
Sux to be worser!
Now here’s Forbes list of worst American cities…
1. Detroit, Michigan — Dave Bing, DUMMOCRETIN
2. Flint, Michigan — Dayne Walling, “nonpartisan,” worked a Democrat DUMMOCRETIN Congresscritter
3. Rockford, Illinois — Larry Morrissey, Independent
4. Chicago, Illinois — Rahm Emanuel, DUMMOCRETIN
5. Modesto, California — Garrad Marsh, “non-partisan,” butt leans way DUMMOCRETIN
6. Vallejo, California — Osby Davis, Not determinable
7. Warren, Michigan — James Fouts, Republican
8. Stockton, California — Anthony Silva, a Republican just elected in 2013
9. Waukegan, Illinois — Robert G. Sabonjian, DUMMOCRETIN
10. New York, New York — Bill DiBlasio DUMMOCRETIN
11. Toledo, Ohio — Michael Bell, Independent but is a lifelong DUMMOCRETIN
12. St. Louis, Missouri — Francis Slay, DUMMOCRETIN
13. Camden, New Jersey — Dana Redd, DUMMOCRETIN
14. Milwaukee, Wisconsin — Tom Barrett, DUMMOCRETIN
15. Atlantic City, New Jersey — Lorenzo Langford, DUMMOCRETIN
16. Atlanta, Georgia — Kasim Reed, DUMMOCRETIN
17. Cleveland, Ohio — Frank Jackson, DUMMOCRETIN
18. Poughkeepsie, New York — John C. Tkazyik, Republican
19. Gary, Indiana — Karen Freeman-Wilson, DUMMOCRETIN
20. Youngstown, Ohio — Charles P. Sammarone, DUMMOCRETIN
Stockton was a DUMMOCRETIN mess. Now a Republican has improved that city. http://time.com/23514/americas.....ankruptcy/
Still waiting for that link worser! Squid ink… black and beautiful!
@67 Thanks, putz. I feel better knowing you’re not behind the wheel. We already have more than enough insane drivers in this town.
Insane DUMMOCRETIN drivers… Improved and corrected
85. See the links in 72, 73, 74, and 75.
Wife-beating. Teen pregnancy. Illiteracy. Poverty. Divorce….on and on and on….
OBVIOUSLY rampant in places where Republican ‘small-government’ idiocy reigns….
The puddibigot?
It’s not even funny anymore.
Better….thank you
Any list of “Worst American Cities”…whatever that means…that includes Chicago and New York is facially ludicrous.
Try again, puddibigot.
puddibigot @82 thinks he’s making some sort of slam-dunk.
He’s not.
We’ve been through this exhaustively in the past. The sociologic and crime and demographic data, from a variety of sources, is quite clear.
Social ill, usually following poverty and wealth disparity, in turn tend to follow Republican policy and rule…most prominently in the old Confederacy. There’s really no argument to be made about this. It’s in fact the whole point – have a slave class to exploit and keep in bondage.
I wonder if the dude who posts the puddibigot posts hums “Dixie” as he’s falling asleep at night?
“Where’s da proof worser? ”
the puddibigot character’s typical response to facts.
This format allows such behavior…he can blithely dance around the fact that he/his character has been shown to be full of shit….and he dances merrily along…to post more Breitbart tomorrow.
“….the land of cotton….”
Here’s a timely little list of some red-state atrocities, the kinds of laws that fuel the social ills we’ve been discussing above.
I really really wonder sometimes, what would the USA be like, had Lincoln let the Confederacy go? If we could have walled off the cancer and let them go their own way?
We’d of course be wrestling with the consequences of a failed state, a la Somalia, on our southern border, so it’s probably best that we’ve brought the knuckle-draggers along with us…but still, there must be a way to get all the freedomz lovin’ uterus police and the glibertarians and the loons like the puddibigot to move to the paradise of Wyoming or something.
Isn’t there?
96. My first thought is education. Flood their education system with money, facts and data and change the hearts and minds of the young. Teach them the truth. Teach them to think for themselves. Teach them to think critically. Teach them to question authority. The grown ups are lost. They know that and that is why even the smallest improvement to education is resisted as if it was gun regulations.
Indeed. Underlies the epidemic disdain for learning, for sneering at “eggheads”, for dismissal of the scientific method and scientists, the strangulation of schools by underfunding and the poisoning of same with creationism/ID and other religious tropes.
Unfortunately, one of the ‘successes’ of the right has been sowing distrust and outright hatred of government, particularly the Federal government….it’s a giant lie, because ‘Government-is-Us’ in a democracy, and by shrinking it, we shrink our own ability to do collective good – like the TVA, fighting the Civil War, men on the moon, Federal civil rights laws aimed at discrimination, particularly in the South.
Over at slactivist I found this passage that I though was appropriate.
“Culture-war Christians are convinced that staying true to their beliefs requires them to “be a jerk about it,” lest they begin to waver in their commitment. And they are convinced that staying true to their beliefs requires them “to make our secular government impose” those beliefs on everyone else.
As long as they are convinced of those two things, they can never be good neighbors. As long as they are convinced of those two things, they will always end up standing in the way of love and justice. That’s a bad place to be standing if you’re trying to follow Jesus.”
well said
holding on to those beliefs with white-knuckle intensity, veins bulging in forehead, DEMANDING we all do the same