– Romney said some awful things to his wealthy supporters.
– But of course, both sides do it.
– 4755 Fauntleroy development: 1st look at street-level ‘concepts’
– Don’t throw tomatoes at the Vancouver Education Association.
– Candy corn is a flavor that doesn’t work in candy corn. Maybe don’t add it to Oreos.
You know, with the latest revelation into the soul of Mitt, along with the CRS report about tax cucts, I had this image pop into my head as to the future that the plutocrats envision for us.
The lazy, good-for-nothing moochers, reduced to maximum profitability for the ruling class.
BTW, for the other nerds in the room, THIS is awesome.
The headline writers missed the opportunity to be super nerdy. Should have gone with:
Warp drive may not be improbable
According to Dullard, where “those people” live:
Hint: the deepest red places.
Yes, indeed. What explains that? Those are the deep red states that receive a disproportionate federal tax transfer, and are the most poorly educated, poorest, with highest rates of domestic abuse, teen pregnancy and divorce.
And church attendance, IIRC.
The Republican heartland, Somalia on the Gulf.
Cap’n Crunch and his unique FUD stylings seems to have slept in this morning.
Sucking thumb under covers?
I am an Obama supporter
who pays a higher tax rate than Romney.
I find Romney’s attitude offensive,
so I will enjoy his public humiliation in this election.
How did Romney get elected to Governor? He had to have done something right to get 50% +1 votes.
Jesus…Romney is just fucked.
People tend to wise up to the two faces of Rob Me. Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, is lagging far behind Barack Obama in the presidential race here. Obama (64 percent) is leading Romney (31 percent) by 33 points among likely Massachusetts voters.
@ 8
He was elected in Massachusetts by accusing his opponent of robbing the State Pension fund with the aid of her husband who was a top executive of Enron at the time, while of course hiding his own investments in the company and his own substantial role in lobbying that same pension fund for investing in Bain.
This man is a corporatist pig. A Plutarch. All he is, is a professional thief. Just because he’s been successful at it and become wealthy from his scam do the conservatives offer him any respect. Wealth is all they care about. The man could be a puppy-rapist and be caught on camera cutting the heart out of a little kid for some ritual and they’d still vote for him. Money and the ability to gather and hoard it is the only measure of success the Tealiban recognize.
Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the whole world.
9 of 18 odds-makers pink slip Mitt today. It looks like the two faces of Mitt have been revealed by Mother Jones to be another ugly asshole like Dick Cheney.
I asked this yesterday….what’s Romney ever really accomplished?
He was born rich and entitled and connected.
He went to the right schools.
He took the money of El Salvadoran right wingers, who also ran death squads against poor peasants who wanted better.
With that money he set us a business that preyed on vulnerable companies and put them out of business, gorging on the carcasses. Vultures, parasites.
Work? Nah.
He made a BOATLOAD of money for himself doing that.
This is commendable, respectable? This is President material?
“bob” thinks so…
“maxeeeeeeee” thinks so….
So does the cyniklown and the puddypussypissypants.
Nobody else does.
Not any more.
Being Liberal on Facebook posted an interesting point.
Creationists tell children that the earth is only 6,000 years old
and then
tank up on fossil fuels on way home.
This a great headline about mitt
I ask the same of Trump regularly. Be born rich, make investments with money you never earned to start with, unless popping from the right womb constitutes work. Use incorporation statutes to declare bankruptcy multiple times with multiple companies shifting the losses to someone else, often taxpayers.
It’s all about personal responsibility, right?
“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when nobody is watching” – John Wooden
When nobody is watching Mitt, he expresses an intense contempt for the 47% of Americans who don’t make enough money to pay federal taxes and calls them Freeloaders.
What does that say about his character?
It’s worth pondering the irony of far-right Republican politicians — ostensibly the most anti-tax major political party on the planet — looking at nearly half of the United States and thinking their tax burdens aren’t nearly big enough. –Rachel Maddow
Too funny, it turns out that it was Jimmy Carter’s grandson, James Carter IV, who got his hands on that video. He didn’t like what Mitt was saying about his grandfather. Jimmy is apparently quite pleased with his grandson.
So it was the Carter family which brought down Mitt. Now that is damned funny.
@19. That is a nice bit of symmetry.
I find it interesting that there are some politicians, like romney, who STILL don’t assume that the mike is always on, the that camera is always rolling and some one’s smart phone is recording at all times.
Maybe that is why mckenna always kicks out the press and is selective about who he lets attend, he doesn’t want his true goals and views to leak out.
A third poll, all released in the past two days, shows Warren leading Brown, this one +4, the others +2 and +6.
Being Liberal on FB posted this gem:
Being angry that someone else’s marriage because it’s against the rules of your religion
is like
being angry at someone else eating a doughnut because it’s against the rules of your diet.
@5 He didn’t pander to the Crazy Right back then.
@6 Maybe he got fired. Or maybe he accidentally locked himself inside the goat shed. Or is trapped in an abandoned refrigerator. Or fell off a cruise ship. Or into a crevasse. Who knows? Who cares? He’s easily replaced; obseqious trolls are a dime a dozen.
Reposting the link to David Brook’s post where he tears apart Mittens for not knowing much about America or American’s.
@19 Here are more details about the Romney video.
“The source who took the video has confirmed to NBC News that it was taken at a May 17 $50,000-a-plate fundraiser at the Boca Raton, Fla., home of private-equity mogul Marc Leder, chief executive of Sun Capital Advisors. Leder has given $225,000 to Restore Our Future, the pro-Romney Super PAC, in addition to raising money for Romney’s presidential campaign. He has also been the subject of controversy after a report in the New York Post last year — under the headline ‘Nude Frolic in Tycoon’s Pool’ — about a wild party at his Bridgehampton mansion in which, according to the Post’s account, ‘guests cavorted nude in the pool’ and scantily clad Russian dancers performed on platforms.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A one-percenter’s definition of “personal responsibility”: Your friends cavort nude in your pool while scantily clad Russian dancers perform on platforms.
It’s fucking hilarious (not to mention ironic) that this particular one-percenter’s mansion is where Romney made his “47 percent” remark. I wonder how many of the people in that room were among the pool cavorters?
So, we have a guy running for president who disses on workers paid so little they need food stamps to survive in the home of a rich guy whose friends cavort nude in his poll while being entertained by scantily-clad Russian dancers. That’s quite a visual for a presidential campaign.
I spent the 9-10am hour on the road today so I listened to he-who-takes-so-much-drugs-not-prescribed-to-him. You’re welcome. Poor guy is just losing his shit.
The full hour was like a long angry scream about how Willard being caught saying 47% of the country is on welfare or lazy or dependent on handouts is because Obama is waging class warfare. It’s Obama who doesn’t care about you because he’s at war with success. Blah, blah, blah.
It’s really epic that this one episode is laying bare that Conservative leaders disrespect everyone who hasn’t made obscene amounts of money. This radio jack-ass is desperately, and I’m sure for some dullards successfully, trying to convince the few remaining $50k/year Republican voters that it’s all about the lazy people wanting to take their cash.
And Mother Jones just keeps dripping out more details. By the time this is over, the Republican voter may just be single issue Christian Moral finger wag voters and the truly rich. Drip, Drip, drip. Today it’s Willard’s vision of middle east policy is to do nothing and hope it settles itself out. Dude, you’re truly inspiring. “Mr. Abbas, tear down this paper napkin here and y’all are on your own.” “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what your country can ignore for the world.” “I see this country as a shrouded candle on a hill. A beacon for all those fortunate to be under it.”
Seriously Trolls of HA. What possible world event is going to come along in less than 50 days to get you a victory?
While many people focus on the Obama-Romney race, dramatic changes are occurring to the Senate map.
Although Obama’s re-election is not a given, it’s likely, and made more so by Romney’s stumbling campaign. But Republicans were heavily favored to win the Senate, in part because Democrats had twice as many seats up for re-election (23 vs. 11). That’s now slipping away.
A few days ago, RealClearPolitics’ Senate map projected 52 GOP vs. 48 Democratic senators. RCP’s map now has 48 Democrats vs. 46 Republicans with 6 tossups.
Republicans still might win the Senate, but they need 6 pickups of presently-Democratic seats to do it, and if Tammy Baldwin wins in Wisconsin and Elizabeth Warren wins in Massachusetts, they won’t make it — even if they capture Democrat-held seats in Virginia, Nebraska, Connecticut, North Dakota, and Montana.
Romney’s struggles confront GOP donors with a stark “Sophie’s Choice” dilemma: Do they pour more money into trying to save Romney’s White House bid, or cut their losses on him and spend their remaining resources on crucial Senate races? The GOP’s White House and Senate efforts could cannibalize each other’s resources.
Even worse for GOPers, Romney’s lame performance could hurt them downticket, costing them races they need to win to take over the Senate. Their Senate ambitions may turn out to be the biggest casualty of Romney’s blown presidential campaign.
@27 “What possible world event is going to come along in less than 50 days to get you a victory?”
Israel nukes Iran’s nuke facilities, Putin retaliates, and World War 3 starts. That’s an example of what financial market pundits refer to as a “disruptive event.”
That Fauntleroy thing looks butt-fuggly. Planting a few skinny trees from some low-bid nursery along a concrete and glass canyon doesn’t make a “green street” in my book. It’s like someone’s trying to turn the part of town where the Denny party originally landed into “New York Alki” for real.
@26 If it’s one thing the right is consistent about, it’s hypocrisy, eh?
@29 or what the rest of us would call one hell of an “October Surprise”.
Heh. Trolls pretty silent today..
Speaks volumes.
What the point of being a plutocrat if you can’t cavort naked in pools of champagne and fuck the hired help?
More people would be paying income taxes if Mitt hadn’t shipped their jobs to China. How ironic.
Rabbit @ 28
Actually, RealClearPolitics.com still shows the Senate with expected GOP majority on their no-toss-up map, 51 GOP to 49 Dem:
But you are right. A lot of these races are real close, and if Romney keeps making such ridiculous gaffes, they could easily slip back into a Democratic majority.
GOP reaction to Romney tapes: Hunt down the taper.
30 Years of GOP Economic Policies
Percentage of people dependent on government assistance:
1932: 50%
1982: 19%
1992: 23%
2002: 30%
2010: 41%
2012: 47%
Says volumes about Republican policies, doesn’t it?
(Source: CNBC video)
@36 Glad to see you’re still with us, Richard. How’s your daughter doing? How are you doing?
@ 33
Actually, YLB, not much news. There’s the Romney thing, sure, but the GOP isn’t preparing for their sky to fall.
The people who abhor what Romney said are people who are planning to vote for Obama. Remember all that stuff about very few people with their minds not made up?
Here’s a very unscientific poll:
People who tend to read CNBC and other finance stuff on a daily basis (and who have time to answer a quick question, I guess) didn’t really seem to be bothered.
Obama’s convention bounce is gone:
So we’re back to pretty much even, and Romney has some convincing of the undecideds still ahead of him, I’ll admit.
There are two more months, nearly, of bad economic news. Just today, closings of mines were announced, which will affect VA, WV, and PA:
All of this will weigh on Obama as he tries to make the case for another four years, growing economic evidence to the contrary.
Oh, and then there’s the Middle East.
It’s got Team Obama wee-wee’d up sufficiently that the DOJ won’t promise not to criminalize speech against religion:
Finally, YLB, Romney has not yet begun to spend. Obama has spent very, very heavily for months and he’s minimally ahead right now.
It’s why the only people on my side who were apoplectic about what Romney said were those who had story deadlines immediately afterward.
Have a good day, YLB. If this is the best knockout punch againt Romney that Team Obama has, October will be a very, very long month for you.
@38 If Romney wants to do something about rising government dependency he should tell people to vote for Democrats.
@ 41
Speaking of rising government dependency:
Since the recession ended in June 2009, the number of new enrollees to Social Security’s disability insurance program is twice the job growth figure. (See nearby chart.) In just the first four months of this year, 539,000 joined the disability rolls and more than 725,000 put in applications.
As a result, by April there were a total of 10.8 million people on disability, according to Social Security Administration data released this week. Even after accounting for all those who’ve left the program — about 700,000 drop out each year, mainly because they hit retirement age or died — that’s up 53% from a decade ago.
Wow, look at all those disabled people under Obama. When did work get so dangerous?
@41. Probably a bunch of OWSer lazy fucks.
Enough is enough, time to start cutting people off the dole…sink or swim, bitches.
When dangerous work started paying the minimum wage??
Yeah some of those fools dying on those crap towers made 10 bucks an hour and change.
Some of hus ave jobs, you lazy piece of shit…….somebody has to work to help pay the nations bills, and it sure as fuck isn’t you..leach.
@41. Could there be a correlation between people on disability, who used to have health insurance and jobs, but Bain sent them to China.
What is crap for brains @ 42 doing at home?
Wifi on the dumbphone.. How economic.
Lol…I wish I was home..
How much you wanna bet ylb is on some bullshit disability…I didn’t realize being lazy was now considered a disability
47 – Yep you are, unless you’re gatewayed through your home router. That’s clever stuff for an asshat.
Like you?
Job killing scab motherfucker?
Lol..I’m staring at the 18th green at xxxxx golf course..
Nice try though.
Always nice to have a stalker….
Lmfao…and what union are you in?
@41, 42, 44, 47…
Don’t these fucks know how fucking lame they sound now?
I’m in…you’re a rat-bastard scab motherfucker.
Hope you shank one.
Click the link for the rest. But, please do note that the policy changes referenced above happened when that fucking commie Ronald Reagan was in office and it’s aging baby boomers, not young people that are driving up the disability rate. The jump in people on disability happened prior to Obama taking office and doesn’t have anything to do with him. I’ve schooled Serial on this a couple times before…
For the partisan version of #54
50 – LOL! So you live on a golf course..
Let’s see.. 17 refreshes on the dumbphone.. Asshat is nervous..
Twin Lakes?
Romney is doomed.
You know it.
Give up.
Huh? On the links and wishes he was home.. Whatever…
The nomination process of a major political party is supposed to weed out the incompetent.
The Republican party has failed 3 times in a row on that score … twice with GWB & once with Romney.
3 strikes & you’re out.
@41 It’s not news that unemployed people are turning to disability programs for basic needs. That’s what desperate people do when there are no jobs. I’ve post about this before.
Of course, Bob, it doesn’t occur to you that many people are forced to work in menial jobs for low wages while injuried or suffering chronic pain from old injuries. You don’t get disability benefits simply by saying you’re disabled; there has to be medical evidence, and the people who get these benefits in fact have impairing or disabling medical conditions. The fact so many of them try to work anyway, far from proving they lack a work ethic, says they have a work ethic.
@ 56
Aging baby boomers account for part of it but not all of it. Look at the data I quoted. 539K in four months is around 1.5M per year or around 125,000 per month. That’s about what our natural population growth is, right?
Are you suggesting that for every person born, someone becomes disabled?
People exhaust their unemployment benefits and then need another lifeline. So they become ‘disabled’. If you have sympathetic doctors signing sick notes for teachers on a street corner in Madison so the teachers can protest, you can have physicians signing off on disability that isn’t really there.
I never alleged that there wasn’t a natural increase in disability applications. My point is that it doesn’t account for the 53% increase over a decade.
Here’s my personal experience with people who become disabled from working in dangerous jobs. I had a brother who spent his twenties working for a moving company as a driver and laborer. He suffered back injuries and lived with chronic pain for over 30 years. I say “had” because he’s no longer with us. By his mid-fifties, he couldn’t take it anymore and committed suicide. He had a family to support and kept working right up to the end, and it was physical work, he was a blue-collar guy who never had a desk job. He even owned his own business for a number of years.
Did he get L&I for his never-ending medical expenses? Yeah, at times. So he’s an example of the people Mitt Romney mocked in that tape. And the funny thing is, he always voted Republican.
@61 What do you expect these people to do? Volunteer to starve? You’re a jerk. See #61.
Talk to any veterans representative and they’ll tell you they can’t get Vietnam veterans to apply for benefits. Those people fought loyally and bravely in a horrible war, were discarded by their country upon their return home, and many have struggled to salvage their lives; no one is owed more by the American public, yet they won’t take a damn thing from the government. Baby boomers have their own Greatest Generation, and they aren’t the one-percenters.
@ 64
I don’t think Romney was speaking of former voters, RR.
I have a former brother who died of a drug overdose as well. I don’t use it to score points, although were I to do so I could point out that he was someone who felt the world owed him something, like a spot in medical school because, after all, he had a 3.2 GPA. He probably also was what Romney was talking about – expectations from others above and beyond what he had earned. He was a very unhappy RN. Wasn’t too smart with the drugs he stole from work, either.
How often do you drag your brother out, RR? This is the second time I can recall and I haven’t been around very long.
@64 You’re a turd. Go drown yourself in a toilet.
@ 66
I assume the answer to my question is well over two times. Big surprise.
That tax-hike thing?
Obama tilting at windmills.
Obama loses key Dems on tax hike threat
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R- Ky.) has eager staffers only too willing to highlight a Politico report that “Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois is floating a six-month extension of current rates combined with budget cuts so lawmakers have time to reach a grand bargain deal early next year.” You can count in the mix of Obama non-supporters Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and “other Democrats,” according to the report.
Remember all those people saying what a bad idea it was to raise taxes in a down economy/recession? Did it become a good idea when Obama needed a class warfare weapon?
After the disaster that was Obama’s failure with Grand Bargain I, the next one will be handed to him for signature.
That WaPo piece a couple of weeks ago made that pretty clear.
It begins:
NBC/WSJ poll: Obama’s approval on foreign policy drops
After last week’s political firestorm over attacks on U.S. embassies in Egypt and Libya, the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that President Obama’s approval rating on foreign policy has dropped five points since August.
… in the current NBC/WSJ poll, only 41 percent of independents approve of Obama’s foreign-policy handling, versus 53 percent who did so last month.
Anybody want to guess why the Romney donor dinner video, which has been on the ‘Net for months, made it to the MSM last night?
“I assume the answer to my question is well over two times. Big surprise.”
You assume a lot of things, Bob. Make an assumption, pulling something from your ass, then go off on it. Just one of the things that leads me to conclude that you’re not too terribly bright.
“People exhaust their unemployment benefits and then need another lifeline. So they become ‘disabled’. If you have sympathetic doctors signing sick notes for teachers on a street corner in Madison so the teachers can protest, you can have physicians signing off on disability that isn’t really there.”
You just love to make shit up, don’t you? You kind of remind me another troll we had here awhile back, lostinaseaofblue. For instance, he walked through an apartment building once, saw some hispanics, assumed that they were illegal and on welfare, then went on a tirade about how they dared to own televisions and phones.
Make shit up, and then birth a goat over it. That strikes me as being a rather stressful lifestyle choice, Bob.
“Anybody want to guess why the Romney donor dinner video, which has been on the ‘Net for months, made it to the MSM last night?”
Um, I suggest that you don’t ever mess with Chicago, Bob, as they’ll fuck you up real good. Heh. Just look at Mitt.
Two guys both are telling their sweethearts how beautiful the girls are. The first guy is very poetic and says to his girlfriend, “Honey, when I look at your face, time stands still!” The second guy is not so eloquent and says to his sweetheart, “Baby, you’ve got a face that could stop an eight-day clock!”
Both guys are trying to tell their sweethearts how beautiful each is in his eyes. It’s the way that they say it that may be questionable. What Romey was saying on this video was correct – the 47% who pay no income tax aren’t going to vote for him. Heck, I’ve said exactly the same thing on this blog at least once or twice myself! That’s why Obama is going to win – the takers will vote for him and even some of the makers will vote for him. Romney can’t win against a situation where people receiving monthly government checks are so numerous. Would you vote for your government check to be reduced or be discontinued??
“NBC/WSJ poll: Obama’s approval on foreign policy drops”
Damn, I’ll be an SOB, I didn’t know that a drowning man could post comments here.
“the takers”
God, you’re fucking stupid. Weren’t you going to kill yourself or something? Oh, wait, you were wishing death on Roger. My bad.
@ 72
Would you vote for your government check to be reduced or be discontinued??
Corollary question:
Would you vote for your own taxes to go up?
You might, but it’s a damn sight easier to vote for someone else to dig you out of your mess, isn’t it(, YLB)?
Say what you will, Stevie-boy, but they’re still the takers.
BTW, just kill yourself and put yourself out of your misery, you arrogant fucking cock-sucking asshole.
@ 76
You think Steve is bad now, just wait until he wakes up November 7th knowing he’s facing four years of unrelenting constipation.
SC, the Republicans are no better than the Democrats when it comes to spending. GWB got involved in 2 wars without a plan to win and end the damn things, and he borrowed a butt-load of money to do it. We’ll be paying for those 2 misadventures for years!
No, you’re wrong: the Milk Chocolate Messiah is going to win re-election.
I worry romney could be made to win due to some combination of:
1) Unlimited advertising to low information voters in red states by republicans super pacs.
2) Voter Suppression by republicans.
3) Hacking of electronic voting by republicans.
@76. You mistyped, if romney gets in, the word you wanted was “Corruption”.
Earlier I posted about the mines closing in WV and VA. 1200 job losses.
FedEx piles on Obama:
AP News
FedEx says economy is stalling, cuts outlook
Factories are making fewer items for FedEx to ship and customers are opting for cheaper delivery options to save money.
FedEx on Tuesday cut its outlook for global growth and industrial production while slashing the forecast for company earnings. And CEO Fred Smith suggested trade has slowed to levels seen during the last two significant economic downturns.
Maybe read that bolded last sentence a second time.
Guys, seven more weeks of news like this and you think people will remember what Romney said about the 47%?
It’s about the economy. Nothing else matters.
@ 80
NTfF, do you think that if Romney wins, the economy might have had just a little to do with it?
Or is everything a conspiracy to you?
“You think Steve is bad now, just wait until he wakes up November 7th knowing he’s facing four years of unrelenting constipation.”
Oh, yuck. So you’re going to be constipated for four fucking years? That’s gotta suck.
You guys project too damned much. It’s a Psych 101 thing, in case you didn’t know. Alas, it often reveals things about you fucks that I’d really rather not know, as with the Klynical Klown and his goats.
“just kill yourself and put yourself out of your misery, you arrogant fucking cock-sucking asshole”
Um, I don’t think I’m even going to even bother with running that one through the ol’ Psych 101 Projection Analyzer.
Let me know when you’re ready to kill yourself because I’d like to at least watch, if not provide some assistance.
Hmm…. Who to trust some guy on the internet that posts half-truths or the CBO….
Sorry, gots to go with the CBO on this one.
I’m suggesting that the CBO is a more reliable source of information than you are.
Again, the CBO says that the following reasons account for the growth in disability payments:
Changes in demographics and growth of the labor force,
Changes in federal policy
Changes in opportunities for employment and compensation.
They even have data to backup their claims!
and customers are opting for cheaper delivery options to save money
Obama is responsible for lost jobs because people are looking for cheaper shipping? Of course, FedEx is rubbing its hands with glee just waiting for the iPhone 5 to start shipping since they make lots of money shipping those phones directly from China to customer’s front doors.
And this headline tells you all you ever need to know about Erik Erickson.
@ 86
FedEx is rubbing its hands with glee just waiting for the iPhone 5 to start shipping
And yet the article title is that FedEx is cutting its outlook. Maybe FedEx neglected to notice that there might be a new iPhone soon? You’re suggesting that Apple will save FedEx’s volume?
Eventually the president assumes responsibility for the economy. In Obama’s case, he’s hoping it isn’t until his 47th month in office.
That’s an awfully long mulligan.
Yep! But, there’s nothing he can do about geology, physics, and chemistry. In a world with more expensive oil, people are going to buy fewer things and and fewer of those things are going to be air freighted.
For someone who hangs out here pretending to be smart and reasonable it’s shocking how stupid you can be.
So the right wing ‘balance’ lightly read blog (not the paper) of WaPo OpEds in Right Turns that the Senate minority has a plan. (You can almost hear the cries of Eureka!) What’s the plan? Why it’s trickle down of course.
So it will go like this. Dems propose extending middle class tax cuts NOW. Republicans offer an amendment to add in tax cuts for the wealthy too that everyone has caught on have exploded the deficit. (Fiscal responsibility is a bitch.) Ammendment fails, Republicans filibuster middle class cuts.
How hard, especially now with 47% don’t matter out there, will it be to message, “Republicans are only willing to help you if we help the super wealthy more than they’re willing to help you. Republicans don’t care about cutting the deficit or helping struggling families. They won’t even allow your tax cut an up or down vote.”
BTW, have you figured out yet if you were an idiot or lying about Obama dodging the press?
Joe Klein skewered Romney, btw.
@ 89
Next you’ll tell me he can’t do anything about more expensive oil.
And Romney doesn’t even know the history of his own party. Included in that 47% are poor people who pay no taxes thanks to Reagan and Bush senior. The idea being that by cutting taxes for the poor they would stay off welfare and continue to work.
@ 90
Why not offer across-the-board tax increase?
1. It’s shared sacrifice. You can still make the increase greater at the top end.
2. It’s the only thing that will REALLY raise revenues, if revenue-raising to reduce the deficit is really your goal.
Across-the-board increase and I would support it. What happens at Senate level is out of my control.
Why won’t Dems propose to raise taxes across the board?
You know why.
It must suck to have to grasp.at the short straws too. From your link,
And why is Europe weak? Because they’ve actually dine what Romney wants to do, austerity. And it’s been a disaster.
Good luck getting that one to stick.
You might want to take a look at how much it costs to suck that oil out of the ground.
@ 95
Asian exports, asian exports……
I’ve heard that before.
Oh, yes. Isn’t that where all the iPhones @ 86 are going to come from?
You can look at the cause or the effect. The effect is that there will be fewer Xmas hires and less trickle-down to everyone that gains from FedEx traffic. Since that stuff starts ramping up right around election time, it’s job offers that won’t be there this year.
Now you’re being stupid for stupid’s sake. Raise taxes on low income? Why? Raise the middle class, why?
Raising taxes on thise who can afford it is both politically popular and fiscally responsible. To suggest across-the-board tax increases indicates that the abject failure that is trickle down would work, if only those getting trickled on had less to begin.
Really, I know you’re not serious about that.
Lying or stupid. Still waiting.
Bzzzztt. Sorry… Wrong.. Economic growth is the preferred way..
When everybody’s making money, more taxes are collected, deficit goes down.. See Bill Clinton’s time.
Today? Only some individuals and corporate entities are doing very, very well. If you care about deficit reduction, collect taxes from them.
@40 Yep, the country is divided, and there’s more of us than you:
“President Barack Obama leads Mitt Romney by 5 points among likely voters and now sees his job-approval rating reaching the 50 percent threshold for the first time since March, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.”
@92 Why should he do anything about expensive oil? Why not let the market decide what oil costs? If the market wants expensive oil, then why shouldn’t oil be expensive?
@ 98
Really, I know you’re not serious about that.
Really, I’m VERY serious about that.
What, 70% of the population supports a higher tax on the wealthy?
It’s easier to support pain heaped on someone else. When the pain is spread about, and sacrifice is shared, we’re in it together, and there’s much more interest in making sure the taxes are wisely spent once collected.
You can raise taxes on the million-dollar earners but you’ll gain very, very little. Or you can raise taxes on the highest 80% (most of them have stable jobs, recall) and spread the additional taxation across a very large population of workers, which actually gives you some revenue to work with if you want to pay down the debt.
I’m very serious. By across the board, obviously some at the bottom will be spared. But why spare people making $70K? $100K? $150K? $250K?
We have a problem, we created it together, we should solve it together.
Yes, I was serious. What I find UNserious is a suggestion that soaking the rich will do a damned thing other than feed red meat to the liberal base during election season.
@94 Why should the middle class pay higher taxes when the rich got almost all of the tax cuts that created these deficits?
How about this: Mitt Romney can pay the exact same percentage of tax on his money as I do on mine.
@102 “When the pain is spread about, and sacrifice is shared, we’re in it together”
Tell us what the rich have sacrificed. They’re doing fine. They’re richer than ever. Depressions concentrate wealth, you know.
@102 “We have a problem, we created it together”
Uh no, we didn’t.
@104 I’d go with that. I’ve been advocating a flat-rate tax for years. That’s why GOP dead-enders say they want, but when I offer it to them, it turns out they don’t want it.
We all know what the GOP tax plan is: No taxes on inheritances, capital gains, or dividends. Only wage earners would pay taxes under their plan. The rich would owe nothing.
@ 103
Maybe because the government also went out and spent wildly, and spending far in advance of revenues was a huge part of the problem as well.
Why shouldn’t you pay higher taxes, RR? You’re constantly bragging about how much you make in the stock market. You make that on the back of the American worker. Why shouldn’t that be taxed higher?
So the Republican mantra of lower taxes for all is now, in a bigger reversal since anything by Willard this year, Higher taxes for all.
And yesterday you were saying shrink the military. Hint Willard and Ryan claim defense is off limits for debt reduction.
Are you sure you have the first clue what the party you defend is about?
@ 104
And you can pay the exact same percent on your earnings as I do on mine. My effective rate last year was 29.8%.
I just want to get rid of the deductions. It makes no sense for the government to be helping people go into debt for 30 years.
@ 111
It makes no sense for the government to be helping people go into debt for 30 years.
Then why does it make sense for the banks to do so?
LOL… We’re in the same tax bracket.
@ 113
You did note I said ‘effective rate’? BTW I was wrong. 28.9%.
Nope, I didn’t! I just saw tax rate and skipped over the word effective. I was in the 28% tax bracket last year, but I’m generally in the 25% one. Either way, that would be a big jump in taxes for old Mittens to join me!
Bob is hopelessly dense. Raising taxes on people whose incomes haven’t budged in real terms for over 30 years is the ultimate of non-starters.. Looking at the safety net roles – forget about middle income people’s incomes not increasing – they’re decreasing – more and more people are qualifying for government assistance.
The priority since 2008 shouldn’t have been the deficit, it should have been restarting economic growth. The combination of monetary stimulus from the Fed with a fiscal stimulus from the Government turned out to be too timid by half. A slide into abject depression was averted but the recovery while real has been all too tepid.
Now before Bob gets started on PPACA – that was needed too – Medicare was going broke and PPACA was at least a start on bending the cost curve.
@53 “Don’t these fucks know how fucking lame they sound now?”
Are you kidding? Not a clue.
Konfused Kornflake,
You know, whether or not your proposal has merit is irrelevant. You support and have consistently supported Gekko/Galt whose plan for taxes would lower Slick Willard’s rate from 13.9% to less than 1%.
What the smirking son of a bitch Romney wants is not to lower deficits or any such thing, he wants to drive you to the poor house and reap the profits.
Pity you are too interminably dense to get it.
Blame The Victims, Part 2
We already know what Mitt Romney thinks of the victims of the Great Recession. And we know he’s an idiot on foreign policy, but he reminds us anyway:
“Peace in the Middle East — probably not going to happen, and it’s Palestinians’ fault, according to Mitt Romney.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Let’s pretend for a moment I’m a Palestinian. I don’t have a country. My territory is occupied by foreign troops, and foreign settlers are seizing my land, displacing family into slums and refugee camps. I fight because I have no future and no hope; is Mitt Romney saying I should settle this conflict on terms dictated by my enemy? Sounds like it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Palestinian sympathizer. They’ve done abhorrent things that haven’t help their cause. But you can’t expect anyone to agree to be oppressed in perpetuity. A workable peace must not only satisfy Israel’s legitimate security concerns, but also must address the Palestinians’ legitimate grievances. There are two sides to this conflict, and both sides must be heard for negotiations to be successful.
Once again, Romney demonstrates he lacks the knowledge or judgment to be president. The United States is a key player in Mideast peace negotiations and the U.S. president plays a critical role as an intermediary. Romney just disqualified himself from that role. If I were a Palestinian, I would never trust him now. America needs a president who can work with both sides in this conflict, and Mitt Romney is not that man.
Romney Apologizes To Nation’s 150 Million ‘Starving, Filthy Beggars’
via newly minted USA Today Columnist, Duncan “Atrios” Black
correction @108: “Maybe because the Republican governments of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush also went out and spent wildly, and spending far in advance of revenues was a huge part of the problem as well.”
I think what we have here is a failure to evolve. I swear, my cat has more decent values than Bob. She also doesn’t hyperventilate like Bob.
Oh, the pain. Such sacrifice.
Birth a goat, why don’t you? Um, it’s just a few percent, Bob.
You never frame the question right and you never answer when it is. Why shouldn’t the wealthiest pay a few percent more and now, seeing as how they’re doing just fine? You act like it’s the end of the world and yet your guy Ryan’s plan was to end all taxation on the wealthiest period. Yeah, that’s some plan. If Romney has a plan of any fucking kind and anything at all, it’s probably worse than Ryan’s because Romney’s not talking. Although I’m starting to get the impression that it includes slave labor, barbed wire, guard towers, shabby dorms and factories.
@108 “Why shouldn’t you pay higher taxes, RR?”
What makes you think I don’t? When I make more, I pay more. I don’t get Mitt Romney’s tax breaks.
@110 Is that your marginal rate or aggregate rate? I’m in the 25% bracket, but I don’t pay 25% of my income in taxes. The marginal rate on my personal exemptions and itemized deductions, which account for a significant percentage of my income, is 0%.
@122 Steve,
The “rich” deserve a good soaking. Cleanses the system.
@125 If they can afford to hire scantily-clad Russian dancers to entertain them while they frolic naked in their indoor pools, they can afford to pay more taxes.
Here’s how Joe Klein of Time magazine puts Mitt Romney’s cluelessness into words:
” … Mitt Romney’s bad week just got worse. And the worst of the worse is Romney’s contention that the 47% of the country who support Obama are just looking for handouts. This from a man who pays 14% in taxes – a multi-million dollar handout that Romney receives because he makes his money via a financial scheme that enjoys a major tax break from the government. As Michael Grunwald pointed out last week in his memorable Time cover story, we’re all getting goodies from the government in one way or another. And yes, it might be a good idea to review all these subsidies – sugar? cotton? oil? – but it is sheer … I guess you’d have to call it class warfare to say that only the 47% voting for Obama are on the dole. How embarrassing: Romney keeps on kicking himself in the face.”
There’s a fallacy, very likely a dishonesty, in that kumbaya-laden statement.
Can you find it?
In which part of your Bible did you learn that sentiment?
Who would Jesus cut off?
‘Cause Jimmy Carter’s progeny KICKED YOUR ASS?!
‘Cause our oppo squad is better than yours?
‘Cause there is sometimes justice in the world?
All of the above?
Au contraire, bozo. I’m sure nearly all of the 7000 ‘tax units’ with incomes over $1 million who paid no Federal income tax will vote for Willard.
You are, once again, sadly full of shit.
“scantily-clad Russian dancers”
There’s something fishy about that one. At the very least, if you can entertain your craven, billionaire male friends with scantily-clad Russian, um, dancers, then you can certainly pay a little bit more in taxes.
“All of the above?”
You left out, my athiest friend, “Maybe there really is a God?” Hey, who knows for sure what Jimmy Carter really prays for? Maybe God granted Jimmy this one to make up for a few prayers left unanswered in 1980. Heh.
Good one!
Got a link to back that up or is just like you saying Willard’s three questions from the press are more than Obama’s taken since June? Makin’ stuff up?
@40 Finally, YLB, Romney has not yet begun to spend.
Oh, really? His campaign is now $11 million in debt. This after using some “creative” money manipulation to borrow against money he couldn’t spend until he was nominated. Looks as though he’s not really a businessman after all.
angry bitch dyke and aclu put end to father/daughter school dances..
Progressives at their finest….
@ 136
The debt is because money for the general election couldn’t be used until the conventions were over.
I’m not sure he can move general-election funds to repay that debt, either. It may persist well after the election.
Romney’s not hurting for money. Nice try.