– On the one hand, you have to admire the audacity of street dealers trying to poach pot shops. On the other hand, I’d think that would be the worst place to sell. Maybe it’s like when there’s a Wendy’s next to a Burger King? Also, don’t threaten people.
– A couple different takes on Danny Westneat not having a car for a little while. You can read the column here, but there isn’t much to add.
– I’m glad that Maria Cantwell is leading the charge to get the Washington NFL team to change their name.
– Waiting periods for abortion really are just calling women uninformed about their own bodies.
It’s DA JOOZ keeping Christians out of Hollywood!
No, schmuck, it’s the fact that you’re a fucking has-never-been C rate actor who doesn’t have the basic talent required to actually make money for the studios. Not to mention the fact that, aside from a couple of big-budget films from the early 1960s, the whole “christian” thing just doesn’t sell well. It doesn’t put butts in the seats. For one thing, the stories are basically crap. Hell, I liked Ben Hur. But that doesn’t mean that it can be remade 20 different ways by 20 different directors and be anything new or interesting.
Fucking putz.
First off, there maybe 21 licenses to sell pot in Seattle, but Cannabis City is still the only one operating in Seattle because there is NO FUCKING LEGAL PRODUCT TO SELL. As a result, Seattle’s one store for 700,000 people is usually out of product. So good on the entrepreneur sitting outside with product to sell. Now that I know he’s there, maybe I’ll drive down and give him some business.
Second, I don’t mind paying a little more for pot now that its legal, but they’ve overtaxed it so much its $20.00 A FUCKING GRAM. Anyone who pays $20.00 a gram for pot is probably too stoned to make purchasing decisions.
In closing, fuck the WSLCB in the ass with a broken bottle.
There are a couple of marijuana shops in Pierce County that seem to have product. You might pass that on to your friends in Seattle. It’s not too far to drive for legal marijuana.
@3- yes, that is too far. If I drive 1-2 hours round trip from Seattle to Tacoma, you can add the cost of gas, (say $6.50), and the cost of my time, (call it $25.00/hr) to the overtaxed $20.00/gr.
Quite frankly, I wish I had voted against legalization, and if the option came along to repeal it and go back to the old status quo, I would vote to do that.
The WSLCB has completely, irrevocably destroyed any possibility of a normal market place.
I let my green card lapse after legalization, but I got a new one last month. There’s a dispensary 1/2 a block from my house with better hours than Cannabis City, with better prices and most likely far better product.
Colorado had far fewer problems and they started selling in January. The WSLCB had an extra six months to get it rolling and they quite deliberately, IMO, fucked it up because they’re a bunch of fundamentalist fucksticks with too much power.
Yippee for drug dealers and users!!!!! 0_o
After reading this article you’ll likely agree with me that vulture capitalism is dishonest to the bone, and is at its most profitable when married to socialism — as in “the capitalists get the profits and taxpayers get the risks and losses.”
Libtards hate the truth about the slobbering libtard media…http://twitter.com/NumbersMunc.....20/photo/1
Libtard slobbering msm repeated Bush over and over. Yet with Obummer at 38% hardly a peep! Gravitas anyone?
Republicans badly want to win Sen. Kay Hagan’s seat — it may be crucial to their hopes of winning a Senate majority. But her opponent voted AGAINST a legislative resolution to apologize for an 1898 racial massacre.
It was one of the worst episodes of election violence in American history:
“In 1898, furious that a mixed-race coalition had swept the city’s municipal elections, white supremacists burned down a black-owned newspaper in Wilmington, North Carolina; overthrew the local government; and killed at least 25 black residents in a week of rioting.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hagan’s race was considered one of the toughest for incumbent Democrats up for re-election this year. But polls show her ahead, so we can hope this GOP douche never sees the inside of the U.S. Senate Chamber — except as a tourist.
More evidence that Ferguson’s municipal court system is a cash scam preying on poor residents, and not legitimate law enforcement.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Ferguson reminds me of old-fashioned company towns where miners worked for essentially nothing after the company took back what it paid them in wages.
Heading into last Sunday’s Swedish Election, a radical Muslim group was trying to get Muslims in Sweden to boycott the election. Saying that they cannot support a system counter to their beliefs. The leader of the mainstream Muslim group in the Stockholm area, countered by saying that it was their responsibility to vote. Many are refugees from Iraq and Somalia.
One of the issues that the reactionaries have, is they believe that women and non-Muslims should be excluded from power. In Sweden, the proportional representation system they use, allows for women to be elected at a higher rate than our winner take all system
Also, the Scandinavian countries tend to have every other candidate on their party list be female.
In Sweden, it is voluntary party quotas that determines how many female candidates are run, with the Social Democrats setting theirs at 50%.
The tough part in Sweden has only just begun. While the Social Democrats won the most seats,no party won a clear majority. Forming a government will be tricky.
@ 10, 11 & 12,
If radical Muslims don’t like the way the Swedes do things, then why are those radical Muslims living in Sweden? Anyone with two-cents-worth of gray matter would move somewhere else where his or her values are more the norm. It makes no sense to immigrate to Sweden and then complain about the Swedes.
Poverty has migrated to the suburbs. Over the last decade, suburban poverty has grown 5 times as fast as inner city poverty. And, of course, poverty is most highly concentrated in the South, where Republican economic policies and anti-union laws hold sway.
Waiving Student Debt The Capitalist Way
An activist group born of the OWS movement has figured out an innovative way to bail out student debts that doesn’t require taxpayer subsidies and can’t be obstructed by stonewalling GOP congress critters.
” … Rolling Jubilee, a project of Strike Debt, which itself sprung out of Occupy Wall Street … has raised money to buy portfolios of … debt on the secondary market for pennies on the dollar—and then has forgiven it rather than collect from its debtors. …
” … Rolling Jubilee has announced its purchase of $3.85 million worth of student debt from Everest Colleges, a portfolio they bought for only $100,000″ — and has erased the debts of 2,700 former Everest Colleges students.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now wait for rightwingers to claim that writing off debts undermines the moral fabric of society. What they’re really whining about, of course, is being deprived of a business opportunity to buy debt for 5 cents on the dollar and triple their investment by collecting 15% of it. There’s a whole industry out there that buys up and collects distressed debt whose moral compass is on a par with payday lenders and loan sharks.
I like Chris Hayes on a personal level. He’s a 10. When he’s been on podcasts I catch he seems quite funny, likable and intelligent. I’ve seen his show maybe five times. But there’s something satisfying in people so thoroughly missing the reference.
Right winger calls Chris Hayes sexist.
Here’s some Girl Talk if you’ve never heard it. Good for a discussion on if a guy is exclusively using items that already exist and remaking them, is it art?
Girl Talk
Reminds me of the outrage about five years ago about how the 20 year old song “911 is a Joke” is disrespectful to the victims. Never mind that it was release LOOOONG before 9-11 and they were talking about how in some neighborhoods calling 911 is not helpful, response times, white cops/black neighborhoods….
It’s the little things that amuse me.
@17 “Never mind that it was release LOOOONG before 9-11 and they were talking about how in some neighborhoods calling 911 is not helpful, response times, white cops/black neighborhoods….”
There’s an ignoramus behind every rightwinger’s desk.
Puddy calls us “libtards.” What should we liberals call people (who think like him) who put stupidity on a pedestal and worship it?
Personally it should also be real words, not made up and misspelled. I like “The Willfully Ignorant”
@14 “Slumburbia”, as one writer referred to it. That whole thing really got a boost from the sucker-mortgage meltdown, with whole new subdivisions of unsold and repossessed houses becoming rentals or taken over by squatters.
In fact, there’s a component of this in play in Furguson, where a lot of houses got snapped up by remote corporate entities who charge hefty rents while letting the properties fall apart around their tenants.
@18 how about ass wipes?
Wingnut Whack-O-Nomics Strikes Out
“Let’s ponder for a moment those many [conservative] critics of the Federal Reserve who have argued with great certainty for several years that low interest rates and gargantuan central bank bond-buying programs would lead to a collapse of the dollar. Boy, have those predictions been wrong.” — Wall Street Journal
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, it matters whether you’re right or wrong, because being wrong has consequences. Wingnuts are wrong about inflation. They’re wrong about austerity. They’re wrong about climate change. They were wrong about WMDs in Iraq. In fact, they’re wrong about damn near everything. So why does anyone still listen to these lemmings?
@21 No, that’s too generous. Let’s not be kind to these scumbags.
@19 Willfully ignorant is good, but merely descriptive, and I’m looking for a fitting pejorative.
Anyone remember that “sky is falling” troll LD/GS/whatever he was who boasted that he’ll escape to Canada when things go to shit here?
Who the hell needs such a delusional idiot around here anyway?
Please go already!
Meanwhile one of Obummer BIG TIME jock straps being the fool again… http://www.thedailybeast.com/a.....e=facebook
PuddyCommentary: Nuthin more to say about this moron!
Oh gosh! Republican boys will be boys..
Our local village idiot troll would vote for this guy in a heartbeat!
Here’s a bombshell:
LOL! Damn that’s a twofer..
Not only is the country that does no wrong is doing something “verboten”.
We find out some veteran snoops of that country are protesting, claiming the country that does no wrong is doing wrong against the Palestinians!
Whatever it is, it’s gotta be pretty damn bad!
13) In the report, Swedish Radio tried to reach the group, but were directed to an office in Denmark. In the posting, I used Mainstream instead of Moderate, to avoid confusion with one of the political parties in the election, the Moderate Party.
Yeah, but does it make sense to move to Sweden and then complain about Sweden’s culture and political system? Just doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. If they don’t like Sweden, then why stay?
Then why don’t libertarians and conservatives move to Somalia?
@ 30
Too many blah people and Moslems.
Well, why don’t you move to Cuba or North Korea then?
This is totally unexpected today:
“BELL — Two adults and six children are dead as a result of shootings Thursday at a home in northern Gilchrist County.”
I guess those 6 children should have had guns.