– Oh, hey. Diplomacy actually works, maybe.
– There was a shooting at the Washington Naval Yard.
– The rise and decline and possible rise again of the Olympia oyster.
– Larry Summers won’t be Fed chair.
– Congrats to Seahawks fans for being loud.
– That’s a lot of ice.
I posted this in the Friday Night thing, but everyone should read this. Privatize the grid and sell it to our financiers, or we’ll shut it down.
These people need to be lined up against the wall. This is the future of America under the GOP.
Yes, I read your link and was stunned and disgusted.
Utterly contemptuous ‘reign’ of the ’emergency manager’ rather than good governance.
He laughed about stranding people in 90+ degree heat without electricity to ‘teach them a lesson’.
There needs to be criminal charges.
These people are monsters, and see themselves no doubt as ‘paternalistic’ toward their charges, whom they content cannot govern themselves. It’s utterly racist and utterly feudalistic – the sine qua none of the modern Republican party, better known as the remnant Klan.
@1 Completely disgusting. And not very surprising.
# 1: They should be reminded that sovereign immunity can take it from them, with lawsuits about the amount of compensation taking years in the courts to resolve. Or, since we are technically at war, we could try Roosevelt and Truman’s resolution of labor issues – just take over the industry or threaten to put the national guard or army engineers in charge.
The Seahawk fans broke a couple of noise records yesterday. But Seahawk fans are smart, they only raise the decible level when the other side has the ball. That way, the opposing offensive linemen can’t hear the snap count or any audibles. In the past teams have sought to compensate by having the quarterpack tab the inside thigh of the center when he wanted the snap, and the line had to watch for the snap. the bad side of this was that the offense looses the advantage of knowing in advance when the play is to begin, and the quarterback can’t call audibles. (I have some knowledge of this, having played center in high school).
But the national anouncers and commentators often don’t understand who sophistictad the Seahawk fans are, and express dissapointment when they don’t hear the roar of the fans when the Seahawks have the ball. When the Seahawks are on office, the crowd quietens down considerable until the ball is snapped.
@5 The special edition of the Columns, the UW alumni magazine heralding the inauguration of the newly rebuilt Husky Stadium, points out that in college football it “excessive” noise” was prohibited, and in fact it was not uncommon for refs to stop the clock and delay a play until the fans quieted down. That’s not the case any more, and the article brags about how Husky Stadium has always been notable for concentrating crowd noise, and how the rebuild does so even more effectively by design. I’m not sure what I think of this, as to whether it’s a little analogous to playing ping-pong with a bunch of ping-pong balls sewn onto the front of your shirt. On the other hand, I don’t care all that much because I don’t like football anyway.
We have idiots like Puffy, then you have real men like Steve Young and Ben Cohen, who aren’t afraid to Stand-up.
Hey OWS Racist Fraggy… You need to stop reading LEFT WRONG web sites. Kevyn Orr, the one who ordered the blackout, worked in the Clinton Sadministration.
So this guy was trained in the Clinton system of “governance”! Cause a blackout and blame Republicans! Puddy already discussed Kevyn Orr’s pedigree. Butt you, being the moron you are, didn’t comprehend this.
Puddy would suggest the unemployed moronic twit with the crazed databaze but he’s prolly just screen scraping until it’s “return” next year!
Where is the obligatory Republicans are the cause of the shooting at the Washington Navy Yards from Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit?
Butt butt butt it’s Republicans who want to know about your sex life… .NOT.
Golly can you imagine the churn of some HA libtards having to answer those questions?
Larry Summers won’t be fed chief…and the stock market roared that another Owebamma goon was defeated. Like I said, defund Owebummercare, and we will see Dow 20k overnight.
gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeman, so full of hatred!
@1 Two words fit here: Domestic terrorism.
I’ll skip over today’s mass murder of 12 innocent people by a madman with a gun he shouldn’t have been able to get and go straight to other news:
1. A man was arrested today for throwing firecrackers over the White House fence. I’ll bet he’s a rightwing nut. He’s lucky a Secret Service sniper didn’t pick him off.
2. A retired Army captain who lives in Seattle will be awarded the Medal of Honor for heroism in Afghanistan.
3. Apple’s stock, which I don’t own, plunged nearly $15 today.
4. After a non-white won the Miss America contest last night, redneck jackasses flooded Twitter with racist tweets decrying the new “Arab” and “Muslim” Miss America. She’s neither. She’s an Indian-American, and Hindu. Those morons couldn’t tell a Muslim from a Martian. They’re not very smart about anything else, either.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, the madman who shot 26 people today in Washington D.C. with an AR-15 assault rifle was kicked out of the Navy for misconduct and, here in Seattle in 2004, shot the tires out of a construction worker’s vehicle in a fit of rage. Why was someone like that able to get a weapon designed for war? I don’t know, ask the NRA, maybe they can explain this.
5. The UN has verified that chemical weapons were used in Syria.
6. J.D. Salinger allegedly was a pedophile.
7. Two JP Morgan Chase bankers involved in the “London Whale” scandal have been indicted. What??? You mean Obama’s Justice Department is actually going to put a banker in jail? Who wudda ever thought??!!
8. A Brazilian ex-billionaire who lost his ass in oil schemes is whining about having to live as a mere millionaire. Hey, risky investments are, you know, risky.
9. President Obama reiterated he won’t negotiate with Republicans about raising the debt ceiling to pay for money they’ve already borrowed-and-spent. I hope they shut down the government! I came into some cash recently and want to buy some cheap stocks.
10. The rich not only monopolize America’s wealth, they also take all the jobs. Unemployment in households with $150,000+ income is only 3.2% while in households with less than $20,000 of income it’s 21%. Meanwhile, “middle-income workers … pushed into lower-wage jobs … are displacing lower-skilled … workers.”
As we mourn the 12 victims killed and pray for the 14 wounded in today’s shooting spree by a madman with an AR-15 military assault rifle, I want to remind everyone that Republicans think anyone should be able to get a gun without a background check and carry it anywhere without a permit — including bars, schools, daycares, churches, and courthouses. They’re also in favor of legalizing bayonets on civilian versions of these weapons. I won’t vote for people that stupid and I hope you don’t either. If you vote Republican, you have serious issues, and should seek professional help.
Support the right of 3 year olds to shoot themselves in the head! Give to the NRA!
Lock your guns up, people!
The man that did the shooting had been cited previously for being dumb with a gun. He shouldn’t have had a second chance.
Ahhh yes the obligatory blame Republicans for the Navy Shootings from ROGER SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. Pavlov called it.
Why was this Obummer voter in 2008 and 2012 able to get a security clearance with his criminal record? Puddy guesses due to libtard political correctness. If you continue to vote for DUMMOCRAPT political correctness, it will destroy America!
And another TeaPottist 2nd Amendment fanatic plays with his little poppygun.
And SpittlePuddles? Why don’t you move to Texas or North Carolina and be “black” there? You’d fit right in.
Fuckin lunatic.
@18 He shouldn’t have had a first chance. I don’t know about you, but I’m fed up with our country’s out-of-control gun control. It has to end somewhere. If we can’t change the composition of the Supreme Court, then we’ll have to change the wording of the Second Amendment. Making it easy to get guns and hard to vote is crazy. It should be the other way around.
According to earlier reports I heard, the gunman only had a shotgun when entering the building. He supposedly shot a security guard, then grabbed his service revolver. He then waited in hiding for responders to arrive and shot the first guy through the door and grabbed his AR-15.
@20 Ah yes. Another “responsible gun owner” who killed a 3-year-old by playing with an “unloaded” gun. He should be the NRA poster boy.
@20 “And SpittlePuddles? Why don’t you move to Texas or North Carolina and be “black” there?”
Because he doesn’t want to get shot. That’s what they do to his kind in those places, you know.
Which brings me to that North Carolina cop, who’s showing us what George Zimmerman would look like in a police uniform with a gun and badge. It’s noteworthy that of the three cops responding to the scene, only one — the guy who was a dogcatcher until he got promoted to the police force a couple years ago — thought it was necessary to fire his weapon.
And he shot at the innocent unarmed black guy TWELVE TIMES. (He missed twice, so the innocent unarmed black guy ate only ten bullets.) What’s with this new police practice of emptying their guns into citizens? If a cop has to shoot to stop a citizen, why not shoot him just once, and give him a chance to survive? The only logical conclusion here is the reason cops pump a dozen or more slugs into a citizen is to make sure he doesn’t survive, doesn’t talk, and doesn’t sue.
Someone needs to tell America’s cops they’re not soldiers and we’re not Taliban. They’re support to serve and protect us, not kill us. If they wanna do that, they should re-enlist and go back to Afghanistan, where their peculiar talents are halfway useful. (I say that only because of the Taliban’s bad attitude toward women. I’d be willing to cut them some slack if they treated women better than cutting off their noses, throwing acid in their faces, and/or shooting them in the head. And beating them to death for getting raped — they do that, too. They’re worse than Republicans.)
Everything You Need To Know About The Stock Market
“New data from … the University of California Berkeley found that the top 1 percent captured 95 percent of the gains during the recovery.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The frustrating thing about the huge stock market rally that’s been going on since March 2009 is most of it is fake. That means you can’t trust stock prices, because they’ve been inflated by government money-printing, and when the Fed lets the air out of the balloon — which could happen without warning, just like when Republicans turned off Detroit’s electricity (see @1 above) — stocks will fall back to earth.
Mom and Pop investors are rightly scared to buy stocks. They haven’t gotten one cent of the $3 trillion the Fed has printed in the name of economic recovery. That money goes to financiers who pump it into the stock market, then when Main Street investors try to get in on the action, the financiers will unload their high-priced stocks on the rubes and pull the rug out from under them. It’s just another variation of selling watered railroad stock to gullible farmers in the 1880s, only this time it’s being done with engineered money supply and interest rates, which is called “quantitative easing” to confuse the masses.
@19 Why shouldn’t I blame shootings on Republicans? They’ve wallpapered America with guns. This guy isn’t a Democrat …
Interesting, the latest polling in Sunday’s Federal Election in Germany. Merkel’s Christian Democrats are in first, the bad news is that her liberal Free Democrats allies, are only at 4%, not good, they need 5 to keep any seats. Sounds like a repeat of Lower Saxony could be happening. In that election, Christian Democrats in safe seats were asked to give their party vote to the FDP. It worked but it led to the Social Democrats and Greens winning by one vote. It’s an interesting system that they use, combines our winner take all districts with proportional representation.
24) Perhaps the cop in question should have stayed a dog catcher.
@29 Gawd…if he treats people like that I’d hate to think about what he was doing to the poor dogs.
And if this idiot voted for Obummer you’d say OWS Racist Fraggy? Michigan City Mayor is a DUMMOCRAPT… Butt like Kevyn Orr above.. OWS Racist Fraggy reads his left wrong puke sites without any research into the truth!
Now where is Jon Matheson on this one?
IDOT Roger SENILE DUMBASS and LUNATIC Wabbit. Puddy works in the south all the time you jackASS! It’s what’s between the ears that counts. Going down south next month for two weeks.
Sux to be you!
Do you know why Apple’s stock “plunged”. It’s because of “analysts” who make shit up about what a little birdy told them that Apple will release, and then downgrade the stock when their source got it wrong.
Investors dumped their stock yesterday because Apple didn’t announce pre-order numbers from the weekend. Apple never announces those numbers. What Apple will do is announce sales next week after the phones go on sale Friday.
After last weeks’ product announcement, the stock price fell because investors didn’t like the fact that Apple wasn’t going to sell a cheap phone like the analysts all told them Apple HAD to do to survive. Investors totally missed the news that Apple will now have access to 700M subscribers in China and 53M in Japan.
If you really want to make a killing in the stock market, short Apple on the day after a product announcement, you’ll be richer than Gates.