New Seattle mayor. It’s a crappy gig, and I don’t know who on the Council would want it. Maybe Tim Burgess who is retiring anyway?
Then somewhat less bad is temporarily replacing that Council Member. The City Council can pick anyone for that. It seems like they’d elevate a staff member or find some city notable.
@godwinha spews:
Vulnerable Dems not willing to vote to hit the iceberg.
Sanders’ single-payer push splits Democrats
@godwinha spews:
I was so excited to see #CrookedHillary finally own up to her loss, instead of blaming everyone else, that I missed this news item last week:
The Atlanta Braves have been criticized for demonstrating very poor song choice on Thursday night when The Scorpions’ 1984 hit “Rock You Like a Hurricane” blasted out over the loudspeaker while they played the Miami Marlins at SunTrust Park in Georgia.
Many deem it a tone deaf move considering that Hurricane Irma is currently barreling towards Southern Florida from the Caribbean and sparking widespread evacuations.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Could Hillbillies mount an opposition media campaign targeting single payer without Russian assistance?
Hillbillies have been without Russian aid since inauguration and look how much they’ve accomplished.
Obamacare repeal…
Meskin roundups…
Muslim ban…
Giant tax cut for Doctor Dumbfuck…
Public school prayer…
Outlaw abortion…
Defund PP…
Ban same sex marriage…
Yertle and Googly-Eyed Granny-Starver hoisted victorious on the shoulders of their members and carried down the mall before cheering masses…
On his own all Fuckface seems capable of is wrecking his own party’s incumbents or triggering their retirements.
Little wonder then that Doctor Dumbfuck agrees Clinton was the better candidate.
I guess progressives are supposed to be afraid of these people. But I’ll be damned if I can say why.
@godwinha spews:
“Or visited Wisconsin!” added Piglet.
@godwinha spews:
@ 3
1. Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch
2. S&P 500 index, 11/8/16: 2,139.56
Same index, today: 2,497.19
3. #CrookedHillary still blaming everyone but herself.
I could die from happiness, but I’d still be dead. Better if it’s stepwise.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Pretty sure Yertle owns (1) and is still paying for it.
(2) I gotta give you. 350 points and 8 million ignorant, sister-fucking, beer drunk Hillbilly Fuckface voters surfing Craigslist for mythical coal mining jobs while they wait for their uniform to come out of the dryer is something to celebrate indeed. I’m just not sure how that’s supposed to be a problem.
(3)She blames you. She told me so.
@godwinha spews:
@ 6
Steve blames me. He told me so.
I must have hidden her road map to Wisconsin and substituted the one to Arizona. After I hacked the DNC’s server, shot Seth Rich, and put those emails on Weiner’s laptop next to his kiddie porn.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@5(2) You’re forgetting something:
S&P 500 on 1/20/2009: 805.22
S&P 500 on 1/19/2017: 2,263.69
What do you think the chances are of the S&P 500 being 6,361.03 on 1/20/2025, assuming (only for the purposes of this thought experiment) that Trump serves two full terms?
That’s what it would take for Trump to equal (not exceed, but merely equal) the S&P 500’s performance during President Obama’s two terms.
@godwinha spews:
@ 8
On 1/20/2025 you’ll be dead – metastatic prostatic carcinoma is an awful way to go. Your “million” dollars won’t go nearly as far as your family needs it to when it turns out you counted your residential equity on top of that pitifully small brokerage account to get to 7 figures, and they had to tap the equity, heavily, when the roof failed completely and the rot couldn’t be ignored anymore.
I don’t think the chances of S&P 500 being anywhere close to 2,500 right now would have been very good at all in a #CrookedHillary presidency, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Although we’ll never know. Which is more than good enough for me.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
I’m amazed you can see anything in your financial crystal ball through that thick glaze of dried hooker pee.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
A/V intern pushing preprogrammed buttons, middle 4th inning press the soundboard 4 on that iPad there.
As a really young kid I remember the clock radio waking me to the news John Lennon was dead. After a 4-5 minute discussion the next song on the list started.
Dododo – do- do
And then an actual needle scratch as Dr. Don realized “Another One Bites the Dust” was not OK.
Related, do people who see Islam in every crescent shape need monthly trigger warnings for waxing and waning?
Steve spews:
“Steve blames me. He told me so.”
Of course I blame you. And why not? I don’t believe I’m being overly generous here. You deserve some credit for all the effort you put into pleasing Vladimir with your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@9 And here we have the deflecting doctor answering every question except the one I asked. I’m surprised he didn’t throw in something about the odds of intelligent life in outer space, too. (There sure isn’t any on his little island.)
Roger Rabbit spews:
@10 He probably knows a losing options trade when he sees one on his monthly brokerage statement. You know, the sort of knowledge that accrues from familiarity.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@11 Hell, they don’t even know the difference between a Muslim and a Sikh when THEY pull the trigger.
Roger Rabbit spews:
According to a CNBC headline, Munchkin says a 15% corporate tax rate is feasible. But reading the story, he didn’t explain which program for the poor the GOP plans to raid this time to pay for it. My money is on food stamps.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
If the “Globalist Cuck” plans to massively inflate the debt in order to finance tax cuts for the wealthy, Senate Democrats may be the least of his worries.
@godwinha spews:
@ 2
Good story. Probably even true. The dates match up.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Depends on how one wants to spin the story, eh
Newt Hoenikker spews:
@2 “Many deem it a tone deaf move ”
You want tone-deaf, how about Apple releasing a new iPhone for $999 while a third of the country is suffering through devastating losses due to natural disasters.
Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, want Apple to be, “More socially responsible, less visionary”.
Yikes that almost seems on par with Republicans mantra.
Apple also showed off their new headquarters, reportedly costing $3B-$5. A drop in the bucket for them as they have a reported $245B in cash. The must of searched one of their sofas for that pocket change to build a new building. I’m sure that really comforts people in the Florida Keys or the 6 elderly people in Florida that died today due to lack of power. One could say the Republican controlled state of Florida essentially murdered those elderly people because of their constant cutting of funds for infrastructure and failure to be prepared for natural disasters, given the are the most likely state to get hit with a hurricane.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Addendum to @19
In 1997 27% of American’s thought Same Sex Marriage should be legal. In 2017 that number is 64%.
In 2014, 1% of Senators were in support of single payer. In 2017, 16%. According to Pew, in 2014 21% of Americans polled supported single payer. In 2017 it’s 33%. At that rate of change by 2018 elections, 37% will support and by 2020 45%. That number is likely to jump if the GOP gets their wet dream and kills ACA leaving millions without coverage including many in their base.
The writing is on the wall so which party is going to cling to their current position long enough to get steamrolled by history? Again.
@godwinha spews:
@ 19
When Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) last introduced a single payer health care bill, in 2013, not a single senator came on board.
Who was Senate Majority Leader in 2013?
Introducing a bill, now, allows every liberal not at risk of losing his/her seat to sign on, knowing there’s no chance it will go anywhere and ultimately be tied to them when the law fails.
I got your spin right here.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Understanding Trump’s tax reform proposal is simple. It’s a petty, vindictive, partisan attack on taxpayers living in states that didn’t vote for him. The details are explained here:
Roger Rabbit spews:
@21 The GOP is painted into a corner. They can’t embrace popular positions because that would mean abandoning their 19th century agenda.
@godwinha spews:
@ 21
In 1997 27% of American’s thought Same Sex Marriage should be legal. In 2017 that number is 64%.
In 1998 #CrookedHillary’s approval rating was 67%. It’s now 30%.
In your example and in mine, the difference over time is 37%. Coincidence? I think not.
@godwinha spews:
Burger-Flipping Robot Taking Over In 50 Fast Food Restaurants
Ironically, the futuristic short-order cook has been developed to replace workers in one of the most progressive states in America. Several California cities have already raised the minimum wage as the state plans to push the rate to $15 by 2022.
Ironically? Try predictably.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
If Trump had any balls about real tax reform, he would go after eliminating any tax deduction for charitable contributions to say, 501-c(3) organizations.
Now I can see how that would be wildly unpopular so rather than attack all 501-c(3) organizations, just declare the religious institutions are what they really are, a business, and tax them like any other business. Make ’em pay property taxes too.
That Catholic church in the US has some pretty nice properties that could bring in some great tax revenue. Why should the likes of Joel Osteen get a free pass for his lavish lifestyle just because he preaches the word of a god?
DeathFrogg spews:
In other news, “It appears that General Flynn violated federal law by omitting this trip and these foreign contacts from his security clearance renewal application in 2016 and concealing them from security clearance investigators who interviewed him as part of the background check process.”
Oopsie-Daisey. An oversight, I’m sure.
@godwinha spews:
@ 27
If Obama had had any balls about tax reform…
The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
Although some things take care of themselves. Doubt there will be much in the way of future donations now that she’s got no influence to peddle.
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
Takes five people to come forward and level charges to remove a libtard gay pedophile mayor from office in blue town in a blue county in a blue state.
If da mayor was a Republican there would be screaming and teeth gnashing.
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
Gnute @20,
Apple is a libtard loving company, whom blatantly supports libtards. Of course they are TONE deaf! Gotta line those libtard coffers! Apple removes apps from iTunes store that allow Chinese peeps to get around the great firewall.
The iBooks description for Moby-Dick censored sperm whale as of April 2010
Apple uses Foxconn to build their phones. People dying and does Apple care?
And yet HA DUMMOCRETIN libtards use iStuff all the time.
Wait for the crazed clueless cretin to interject something totally useless as always.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
Breaking news: Obama is not the POTUS. Focus Dr. Dumbfuck, focus.
I have no issue with taxing the hell out of Clinton foundation, as well as Soros and the Koch brothers. Tax ’em all.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
@30, 31 Just like a bad rash, Piddles is back.
“Wait for the crazed clueless cretin to interject something totally useless as always.” OMG, you are talking about yourself again.
Hey Piddles, I can’t stand Apple products. Nifty, sure, but overpriced. Talk about a cult of personality in Jobs. Their fan-boy base is really a bunch of sycophants.
How they get people to shell out tons of money for an operating system that was essentially free and Apple slapped on some fancy GUI crap and called it their own, is beyond me.
I advocate for open source. I long ago shunned Microsoft products due to their price gouging. My Ubuntu linux machine works just fine for 99% of my applications and software development needs. I will hopefully never purchase another Apple product.
I have an Android phone and my work forces me to use an iPhone. I would just as soon use the iPhone as a door stop as my Android phone is far superior and it allows me to write my own apps and not have to go through some Apple nazi-like approval process.
Apple likes to present they are “liberal”, but in reality they are very much a Capitalistic company and therefore must be conservative. Based on your shrill screed, I thought you couldn’t be a capitalist and be liberal….
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
What party was
Bernie Sanders in 2013?
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Just enough time has passed since his fellow supporters of the current president marched for White Pride and killed someone that he thinks we won’t notice.
So Piddles, was it both sides or was it the guys who want your skin tone dead? Still support the paety that is happy to have the votes of White Supremacists?
Any thoughts on confederate monuments? Any thoughts on members of your party wearing Hitler shirts and talking about heritage?
Any thoughts on your President and “both sides” you know racists/Nazis and NOT Nazis as if they’re equal?
How does it make you feel that the President can’t condemn people who would like you dead simply for your melanin?
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
I have lots of first hand dealings with James Woods, I don’t really care if you believe me.
Anywho, the first time he walked into my workplace he made a beeline for our 19 year old receptionist. To be fair, she was really attractive. At each 10
minute break from filming he was back in the reception area instead of the green room where non-Pervy gross celebs passed time.
When he left for the day he said, in front of at least 3 people to our receptionist, “What do you make here? I’ll pay you a years work to have dinner with me tonight?”
I 100% believe Amber Tamblyn
Roger Rabbit spews:
@26 And here’s Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating more low-wage workers losing their jobs. (In the NFL, that’s considered bad behavior, and you get penalized for it.) His purpose in posting this, of course, is to argue that workers should work for even lower wages. I think I know where he’s going with this. Someday he’ll argue that workers should pay bosses for the privilege of working.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@29 At least Hillary doesn’t use her tax-exempt foundation to pay her personal legal expenses.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@30 No, if Seattle had a Republican mayor, it would also have a Republican city council, and they’d be covering up for him and defending him and making excuses for him, like Republicans always do when one of them is caught with his hand in the cookie jar or his zipper down.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@36 And if she said yes, he would have come back with, well how about ten dollars, and she would have been outraged and shouted at him, what do you take me for?, and he would have replied, we’ve already established that and now we’re haggling over the price.
@godwinha spews:
@ 38
At least Hillary doesn’t use her tax-exempt foundation to pay her personal legal expenses.
No, she used it to pay for her daughter’s wedding, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
“Wait for the crazed clueless cretin to interject something totally useless as always.” OMG, you are talking about yourself again.
Everyone except you knows who the crazed clueless cretin is. Ask around, you’ll get an education!
Seems FACTS never support your positions Gnute…
Apple and those other companies… – More contemporary American brands like Apple, Starbucks, Ben & Jerry’s, and the three largest search engines in the world, Google, Yahoo, and MSN openly embrace the “change” agenda of the Democratic Party. These companies are “buck the status quo” organizations. If they didn’t vote “green” with the democrats, they would likely suffer a loss of reputation with their most fanatically loyal customers who are renegades themselves. –
It really sux when your position is NEVER supported by FACTS!
Till next time!
Puffy's Vagina Smells like a Clam spews:
Not sure if graphs work this way but If you take a graph of the DJIA and draw a straight line from the start of its ascent after the Repukes managed to crash the economy (2008) and to where we are today then you will find its pretty much a straight line and where one would expect the Dow to be today. The current Status of the Dow is the only thing Repukes can celebrate today, you know because everything is always about money, and also never about where it will be in the future, say like after an H Bomb is dropped on Abigail.
Puffy's Vagina Smells like a Clam spews:
@30. If the mayor were a Republican then you would have stayed in your cage and kept to peeling Bananas with the look of bewilderment on your face.
Puffy's Vagina Smells like a Clam spews:
The only reason why a straight Repukes gets so upset about a gay pedophile and that’s because they don’t like anyone moving in on there territory – they don’t like “stiff” competition – the guys in first place never do.
You have to wonder about how many pedophile fantasies that go through Doctor Dumbfuck’s and the Ape’s ass. Oh those poor baby goats!
@godwinha spews:
The only reason why a straight Repukes gets so upset about a gay pedophile…
The only reason why a Dem gets so upset about a gay pedophile…
Oh, wait. My bad.
He wouldn’t get upset. He’d just create a new pronoun to describe it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Are you sure?
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Pardon me for saying so, but a rising Dow and starving Hillbilly/Traitor/Klansmen are unassailably good things.
@godwinha spews:
Something tells me he’s nowhere near the bottom.
“He responded as a weak man, at the bottom of a self-destructive spiral, and with an addict’s self-serving delusion that the communications were all just internet fantasy.”
The lawyers said that Weiner is in recovery and asked for a sentence of probation.
Neither is #CrookedHillary.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Aaaand… she’s still not running.
Meanwhile single most popular and successful Republican Presidential Primary Candidate in the History of the Universe, who crushed all of his opponents, swamped the most professional and most well financed Republican campaigns in history, won 41 states by record margins, and guaranteed winner of the 2020 Republican Presidential Primary is considering naming this guy as his new HUD sec.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Good news! Looks like WA (Hillbilly) Newhouse has volunteered to stick his neck in Bannon’s noose.
Maybe angry racist WA Hillbilly/Traitors can hold a satanic mass over Ellen Craswell’s grave and recruit her rotting corpse to primary him.
Or the next best thing.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Sean Hannity ✔ @seanhannity
And if @POTUS doesn’t keep that promise, and goes for amnesty, it will be the political equivalent or “read my lips, no new taxes”
8:42 PM – Sep 13, 2017
But Fuckface has himself an army of between 15 and 20 million glassy-eyed beer-guts loaded on Oxy who will back him regardless. Is there some other Hillbilly who can say that? Even Hannity will figure it out eventually, and go after the House moderates instead. Not ’cause it’s “right” but because it’s easier and it plays to the base.
@godwinha spews:
Annnd she’s still not running, we’re to believe @ 50.
’cause she said she isn’t. And if there’s one thing we know about #CrookedHillary, it’s that we can take her at her word.
Hillary Clinton Rules Out 2012, 2016 Presidential Runs
Clinton has said repeatedly she has no intention of running for president again, but that has not stopped speculation or interest in the idea.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Aaaand once again Врач немой ебать displays for all how his life ceased to have meaning on Nov. 9th 2016. I’m sure if he challenged himself he could summon the inner courage to experience joy in the tears of hippies, even in the age of Klan/Nazi/GOP unity.
After all, anyone with the discipline to derive meaning from a professional life preoccupied by the a comparative study of hobo dick-cheese aromas and marveling at the variety of objects he removed from patient’s rectums, can find meaning in anything.
Roger Rabbit spews:
The more we learn about Equifax, the more incredibly careless with sensitive personal data we learn they are. I mean, using “admin” for a user name and password? To people’s personal employment files? You gotta be kidding.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I hope this company gets sued into oblivion. They need to go the way of Arthur Andersen and other rogue companies.
Disclosure: Roger Rabbit does not own stock in this piece of shit company, and if I had, I wouldn’t own it anymore. I know a failing business when I see one.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@41 You sure are gullible.
And you call ME a dumbfuck?
Roger Rabbit spews:
@42 And here’s Puffybutt, a black supporter of white supremacists, calling Real Americans “renegades” … the laughs never stop on this blog.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@49 What’s really amazing about Weiner is that Democrats like him hardly ever get elected to anything. With Republicans, it happens every day. In fact, if a principled conservative came along, GOP voters would run him/her out of town on a rail. And Doctor Dumbfuck would be carrying the pail of tar, and Puffybutt would be brandishing a bag of feathers.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@50 Or at least considering him for a pardon.
Roger Rabbit spews:
These folks have an immigration control plan …
Roger Rabbit spews:
Didn’t take long for the master dealmaker to renege on his latest deal.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Well, waddya know, here’s some actual real-life Washington D.C. corruption:
“President Donald Trump’s nominee for the No. 2 spot at the Federal Emergency Management Agency withdrew from consideration on Wednesday after NBC News raised questions about a federal investigation that found he had falsified government travel and timekeeping records when he served in the Bush administration in 2005.”
And then there’s this, too:
“Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin asked to use a government plane to travel overseas during his honeymoon …. ABC News said Mnuchin had requested the government jet for his European honeymoon earlier this summer — touching off an ‘inquiry’ by the Treasury Department’s Office of Inspector General. Officials told ABC News that Mnuchin’s request was unusual and could have cost about $25,000 an hour.”
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Volunteers? Seriously? Jeeeesus Fucking Christ on a Bicycle. That may be that saddest thing I’ve ever read. Volunteers for your daughter’s wedding? What else? How ’bout stamp out your own wedding announcements with home made wood blocks on recycled gift wrap? Have one of your nieces play her oboe during the ceremony? Gather wildflowers for the bride’s bouquet? Why not hold it in your backyard and ask guests to bring their own folding sideline chairs?
I shouldn’t be surprised that poor, sad, ignorant, penniless (did I mention toothless?) Hillbilly/Traitors believed such nonsense. Probably sounds entirely reasonable to them. Maybe even clever.
Neither the Clintons nor their daughter are are anything like the kind of people who “put together” their own wedding “on a shoestring” or any part thereof. For such people it would be an appalling embarrassment to accept any “donation” from anyone other than gifts for the bride and groom. Moreover, to have relied on amateurs for even the tiniest of details would loudly proclaim a huge concession to every single guest. It just isn’t done.
Whenever such people want to put on a show of their “enlightenment” they would hire professionals to make delightful announcements out of recycled produce wrap and floral arrangements out of re-purposed neckties or whatever. They hire and overpay homeless musicians to play and recovering drug addicts to cater. They may even request that guests donate to charity in lieu of gifts.
It says quite a lot about somebody that they would not be able to see this claim for such an obvious lie.
Doctor Dumbfuck’s groomsmen gift. Took him an entire weekday morning to drink enough cans!
Mark Adams spews:
@8 Sure why not.
Now if the S&P reflects some real world reality, and that seems to be your theory then maybe not, although it should not be as high as it is. In any case the S&P historically does a poor job of reflecting Main Street, and often does not reflect the real value of said stocks on the exchange. Economists spend hours debating these themes. Yawn!!!
Mark Adams spews:
@9 He lives in a rabbit hole somewhere off Green Lake. You are actually suggesting he is doing rather well for a rabbit.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@64 The S&P 500 reflects what its component stocks traded for today. These trades reflect real sales in which real money changed hands. Is that real enough for you?
Mark Adams spews:
@15 Well maybe you should. I’m not sure if the rule applies to guns but when a member of one of the above faiths pull a bladed weapon, the weapon must have blood before it can be placed back in its scabbard.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@65 Frankly I don’t give a shit what Doctor Dumbfuck thinks. No doubt he’s richer than me. After all, he was a Medicare teat-sucking doctor, whereas I was an honest public servant. If he thinks having more money than a rabbit living in a hole under a tree in Green Lake Park gives him a bigger dick than anyone else, far be it from me to deprive him of that fantasy. Everyone needs something to keep them going.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@67 Now tell us how peaceful Christians have been historically.
Mark Adams spews:
@16 Food stamps are probably safe. A lot of Republican’s are farmers, and big agriculture benefits from food stamps indirectly. Big Agra likes surpluses, and those surpluses cannot be allowed to adversely affect the market. Of course that could be the same reason agriculture jobs don’t pay the same minimum wage, and the work is done by people from another country, rather than by Americans who would demand a living wage. Of course food prices would go up. And we might have to stop farming some marginal lands. At least the Department of Agriculture has not made it to the Republican chopping black, as some like it and some Democrats like it.
Mark Adams spews:
@22 But the Republican secret fear is if it were to pass then the President would sign it. Bernie has a bud in the White House on this issue.
Mark Adams spews:
@30 Is there some magical number you suggest the number of accusers should be? Also the man resigned so the city council did not remove…maybe 5 would have done it, maybe 6 or 7, or maybe an actual criminal conviction.
Remember it is three licks for a tootsie pop.
Roger Rabbit spews:
Trump is a hard guy to work for.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
Hey dipfuck, your first link talked about “top 10 companies loved by liberals” and sure, Apple was there, but if you go a bit further down there is a link to shows the top 10 companies loved by conservatives. What company was #3 on the Conservative list? Apple, the same spot as on the Liberal list. Your information is useless as usual.
What is interesting about the Conservative list is what is their most admired company? Walt Disney. Conservatives love a mouse, they ought to, they sure support a rat as the POTUS.
Conservatives love their Wal-Mart too.
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
Everyone can see that Gnute is as dum as they cum. Just plain BULLSHITTIUM spewed! Did Gnute figger out who the crazed clueless cretin is yet? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Puddy wrote in @21.
Apple is a libtard loving company, whom blatantly supports libtards.
Has Gnute proved otherwise? NOPE! Still waiting for that article that proves the “capitalist Apple” (Gnute’s words above) supports Trump and conservative causes.
Apple is liked by both BUTT, where does Apple give to conservative causes Gnute? Did you already forget that Apple recently gave $1 million to the SPLC and we know that’s a big time FRAUD group!
Gnute forgot DemocRATS!
Stooooooooooooooooopid as evah! Gnute… staying stoooooooooopid and built that way.
Till next time!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@75 “Did Gnute figger out who the crazed clueless cretin is yet?”
Any newcomer to this blog would figure it out in under 10 seconds. And it’s not who you think.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Just promise you’ll start with that Saturday goat cult.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
@75 See 76, I’m not the only one that who knows who the “crazed clueless cretin” really is.
“Apple is a libtard loving company, whom blatantly supports libtards.” I didn’t say they didn’t support liberals, of course they do. So what, they pander to the idiots that will buy their shit. Design a computer that an idiot can use and only an idiot will use it. Piddles, how many Apple products do you own and use?
Anyway, Apple may support liberal politicians more the conservative, but as a company, they sure run it like any other conservative company. They use cheap foreign labor, by a company that is notorious for human labor issues and terrible working conditions. Apple hoards money offshore. If they were truly liberal, the would demand unions at Foxconn and bring their money back onshore so they could share the wealth.
You must be one of those smug fan-boys. A fool and his money are easily separated.
@godwinha spews:
“Berkeley succeded in building a wall before Donald Trump did.”
Ben Shapiro, tonite.
Newt Hoenikker spews:
That’s as good as any place to start.
You know, that got me thinking about the Donald Trump Presidential Library. Every POTUS since Hoover has created one. Trump’s will probably only have one book in it, his ghost-written, “Art of the Deal.” My guess is he will have some video display of his tweets and best news conferences. Unfortunately, it will probably become a shrine to the white nationalists. That is if Trump doesn’t sell out on DACA. That will be fun to watch, a jumbo size bowl of popcorn is in order.
I'llHaveAPilsner spews:
Still nothing on your dear leader on Charlottesville?
They want you dead. Trump is happy to stick up for them and say “both sides” were at fault. Your party is happy to have the White Supremacists with them. They want you dead Piddles and your president provides them inspiration and cover for their misdeeds because, both sides.
“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”
Nothing? Disappear right after Charlottesville and pretend it was a coincidence?
Damn, you really love the whitey that hate you don’t you Piddles?
YLB spews:
Actually it starts Friday after sunset.. And the idiot has been known to put HA FIRST at that crucial moment…
Too dammmn funny!
The report will come one day. oh yes!
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
Piddles, how many Apple products do you own and use?
Puddy PWNS none Gnute! Puddy used one for a job once butt no more. One Asus Android tablet and 5 Samsung Android phones (one more next month) in da house. Used a MAC when in Korea because of whom Puddy was visiting for work at the time. The crazed clueless cretin @82 wrote about it from the crazed databaze living vicariously through Puddy’s travels.
BTW the crazed clueless cretin @82 is writing about sunset times again! Right on time it appears.
So roger senile wabbit wants to claim the crazed clueless cretin title now?
Butt back to the real commentary above. You wrote this BULLSHITTIUM above…
Apple likes to present they are “liberal”, but in reality they are very much a Capitalistic company and therefore must be conservative.
Still haven’t proved their conservative bone fides. EPIC FAYLE FOOL!
Till next time!
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
British police classified an explosion in a subway car Friday as a terrorist incident – Wa Post
And so another day begins with people whom hate Israel (like most HA DUMMOCRETINS) striking out through terrorism!
Libtard Hate… aptly demonstrated every moment on this blog!
Till next time!
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Aaaand… we still aren’t registering White Supremacist Groups who wave Tiki torches and mow down pedestrians. “Something, something”, not really “terizm”.
‘Cause “both sides” doncha know. And also Free Speech!
I guess white people really are better. Fuckface says so. Loves them very, very much. Wont even make eye contact with Cohen bcuz Cohen said mean things about The Klan.
That must hurt some.
Oh well. So much winning!
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
Those who hadnt left earlier flew home to the districts last night having spent the week not calendering meetings on tax reform but sorting through hate mail on DACA amnesty.
Over the weekend their schedules have been tossed and theyll spend it shoring up wavering TeaBagger support and rescheduling with local chambers and corporate honchos for “some other time”. While the majority leadership suspends tax reform whip counting to begin brokering angry taco truck food fights within their caucus. Breitbart trumpets “Amnesty Don!” and begins to make “the lists”. And the “alt-wrong” are burning MAGA hats on Twitter and “meming” the House and Senate “cucks”.
But I suppose “Assoc. Justice Neil Gorsuch” was worth it.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@83 “So roger senile wabbit wants to claim the crazed clueless cretin title now?”
Help is available for your reading comprehension problem.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@84 Here’s a prime example of Puddy Logic in action: Terrorists attack London because they hate Israel.
I suppose it’s possible, given dumb terrorists who can’t read a map.
Puddybud is just visiting spews:
FOOL @88,
Where did Puddy say that you senile moron? It’s well known these morons hate Israel as much as most HA DUMMOCRETINS! Butt since England supports Israel they continue to attack London! See how simple that was senile idiot wabbit?
Sooooooooooooo, keep twisting what people say roger senile idiot wabbit. Those minds tricks are FOOLS gold because the HA DUMMOCRETINS that dwell on your comments are the real FOOLS!
Roger Rabbit spews:
@89 “British police … explosion … people whom hate Israel … striking out through terrorism!”
What we have here is a dumbass who can’t even read his own spew. Not so good with “whom” and “who,” either.
Elijah Dominic McDotcom spews:
He knows exactly every fucking word of that idiot spew he posts.
He’s just very very comfortable lying about it all the time.
Classic troll behavior. Post bullshit to upset the thread. Then lie about it to throw people off the scent. Then utterly ignore it when caught. Then post more bullshit. Then lie some more. Then run away again. Continue forever.
Why bother debating that? Just mock it.