– Mitt Romney is a despicable person.
– And some of his supporters are even more out of touch than he is.
– I, for one, welcome our new rodent overloads.
– You take an anti-choice vote, you get opposition from NARAL. Not sure why anyone would be surprised by that.
– Drug Dealers (Not Just Users) Are Testing Their Cocaine for Levamisole
– I know Bible Study is the way HA generally deals with taking a verse out of context. But Fred Clark does a great job addressing the anti-gay clobber verses in these two posts.
You Didn’t Build That Dep’t
It turns out most high earners buy their subsidized million-dollar homes with government loan guarantees.
We’re sorta running out of allies there, aren’t we?
Engel reminds Todd that the US had two major Arab allies in the region when Obama took office, on which it spent a significant amount of foreign aid to keep it that way — Egypt and Saudi Arabia. If we’ve lost Egypt as an ally, Engel asks, wasn’t supporting the effort to overthrow Hosni Mubarak a huge mistake?
Maybe he just needs Hillary to give him a crib sheet of good guys vs bad guys there. He already knows Israel’s a bad guy, at least to him. Bibi seems to know it, too.
The basic theory of the Obama push for electric vehicles — if you build them, customers will come — was a myth. And an expensive one, at that.
Of course, the basic theory of the whole Obama presidency is a myth, so this is one unsurprising manifestation.
By now everybody in America is wondering what disaster Bob’s candidate’s incompetence will lead us to next. He’s fucking things up and he’s not even in the White House. Thank God he never will be.
They Slandered Israel, Too
“The Associated Press late Tuesday reported … the film maker … was a 56-year-old Israeli American real estate developer from California who had made the movie by raising $5 million from wealthy Jewish donors.
“However, there were strong indications on Thursday that ‘Sam Bacile’ is an alias and that the film, tied to U.S.-based Christians with extreme anti-Islamic views, was produced on a low budget in southern California using actors apparently unaware of the film’s ultimate purpose.
“The Atlantic quoted a man reported by the AP to be a consultant on the film, Steve Klein, as saying that ‘Bacile’ is a pseudonym and that the filmmaker ‘is not Israeli and most likely not Jewish.’
“Klein, a self-described militant Christian activist in Riverside, Calif., told the Atlantic he doesn’t know the man’s real name and indicated that the film maker contacted him because Klein leads anti-Islam protests outside mosques and schools.
“The New York Times said Klein, whom it described as a Vietnam veteran whose son was severely wounded in Iraq, is ‘notorious across California for his involvement with anti-Muslim actions, from the courts to schoolyards to a weekly show broadcast on Christian radio in the Middle East.’
“A source close to the cast and crew of the film told NBC News that ‘Bacile’ misled the actors and production crew. ‘The entire crew and cast are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer,’ the source said. ‘We are 100 percent not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose. We are shocked by the drastic rewrites of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Are the people behind this fake movie trying to ignite another Mideast war? It sure looks like they have an agenda. Think about it: They pretend to be Jews and insult Muslims, resulting in attacks against U.S. embassies. Who would do that? Who would want such a result? This has to be the work of depraved rightwing Christianists.
Apologizing for America, appeasing our enemies, abandoning our allies and slashing our military are the hallmarks of Mr. Obama’s foreign policy. The Obama economy, with its high unemployment, massive debt and out-of-control spending, has rightly demanded our attention. As we head to the polls in November, we cannot ignore what is an even more dismal national-security record. An America already weakened by four years of an Obama presidency will be unrecognizable after eight.
@2 So you’re in favor of our government helping corrupt dictators who brutalize their own people stay in power? Republican administrations have a long history of that.
@6 “Apologizing for America, appeasing our enemies, abandoning our allies and slashing our military are the hallmarks of Mr. Obama’s foreign policy.”
Four absurb lies packed into one sentence. The only thing that’s missing is the Kenyan birth and Indonesian indoctrination in radical Muslim ideology. Is that in the next paragraph? Brought to you by the Murdoch-owned mouthpiece for Wall Street banksters trying to put one of their own in the White House.
@ 4
What was the disaster, Steve? Did Romney’s words kill those four Americans?
Why, in a country that had seen its leader shot in the head by an unruly mob only one year before, was our ambassador not protected on the 9/11 anniversary?
Isn’t THAT the disaster we observed this week?
Try to regain some perspective. At least look up the definition of the word disaster. I’m thinking four American deaths comes closer to it than some pointed words in response.
The GOP’s longstanding policy of propping up tinpot fascists has done a pretty good job of persuading two-thirds of the world’s peoples to hate us.
@ 7
I’m in favor of my president having some clue as to whom the replacement will be when he calls for the ouster of a head of state.
It really was no surprise that the Muslim Brotherhood filled the void. It’s what was repeatedly warned would occur if an orderly transition did not take place.
@9 “in a country that had seen its leader shot in the head by an unruly mob”
Cereal Bob is grief-stricken that one of his tinpot fascist buddies got it.
It looks like Bob is reduced to posting Klown comments as he flames out along with his candidate.
All this right-wing hand-wringing over the ‘not an ally’ statement is, yet again, a massive oversimplification and deliberate obscuring of what Obama said, and was telegraphing, to Egypt.
He went on to state that the new Egyptian government was finding its way, and that our relationship, ally or foe, would depend on their actions.
That is a clear-eyed, rational assessment of the situation as it really is, and puts an obligation on Egypt to maintain its relationship with the US through constructive action.
Obama is telegraphing, through measured, careful statements, to the Egyptian government, that their very lucrative and essential relationship with the US is on the line.
Criticism coming from rightards like bob and puddl is utterly hypocritical, as usual. Simultaneous screeching about Obama being weak, about violent retribution, while squawking about him dis’ing Egypt as ‘not an ally’ are utterly disingenuous and not to be taken seriously.
Just like when the Poles attacked Germany in 1939.
Speaking of unruly mobs shooting leaders in the head —
“I’m in favor of my president having some clue”
LMFAO!! Good grief. And so you nominate Romney??
I’m curious, just which of the brutal Middle-East dictators are you mourning today? And what other issues are there in which you’re siding with Russia against America?
@11 “I’m in favor of my president having some clue as to whom the replacement will be when he calls for the ouster of a head of state.”
In other words, you think our presidents should choose other countries’ leaders, and the citizens of those countries should have no say in it.
Sorta like his attitude toward Detroit.
Just sayin’.
@ 14
You guzzled the Kool-Aide on that one, Lib Despair.
We have State to do our telegraphing when subtle messages need to be sent.
There are two Arab allies of the US right now. Obama just laid a major diss on one of them. Unless he was trying to demonstrate to Jewish voters in Florida that he has equal distain for Egypt as he does for Israel, his statement was amateur hour, not any careful and measured response.
Can anyone possibly be more clueless than Cereal Bob? I mean, is this troll a joke? An act? A put-on? Or is he merely caught in some time warp and trapped in the colonialist mindset of 100 years ago?
“What was the disaster, Steve?”
Gawd, now we have two Klowns. One really was enough.
@20 “You guzzled the Kool-Aide on that one, Lib Despair.”
Nope. That would be you.
@ 22
Answer the question. What was Romney’s disaster? Wasn’t the disaster the American deaths?
@9 “What was the disaster, Steve? Did Romney’s words kill those four Americans?”
I’d just like to remind everyone, before it’s too late, that our last Republican president killed over 7,000 Americans by ignoring terrorist threats and then invading the wrong country after the threats morphed into attacks. Does that qualify as a “disaster”? Or are we required to lose at least a million of our own before we’re allowed to call Republican stupidity a “disaster”?
“his statement was amateur hour, not any careful and measured response.”
You do know, don’t you, that you’ve just described your own incompetent candidate? Project much, Bob? Like our other Klown, you’ve been reduced to being nothing but a Psych 101 punching bag.
@24 Our focus is on preventing the next Republican disaster. You know, taking matches away from a child.
“Answer the question. What was Romney’s disaster?”
Your transformation into a Klown is now complete.
Obama’s up in Michigan.
And the Bush era failure monkeys are coming of the wood work. Liz Cheney is in today’s Wall Street Journal. Looks like Mitten’s doesn’t have a chance.
@29 Romney doesn’t absolutely have to win Michigan, but he does absolutely have to win Florida, Ohio, and Wisconin if he doesn’t win Michigan.
Speaking of which, RealClearPolitics moved Michigan from tossup back to “leans Obama” today. That gives Obama 237 EVs on the RCP map. He needs 33 more and FL + NH would do it even if Romney won all the rest. RCP also has Obama +3.5% in national popular vote — that rating was tied at 0.0% just a week or so ago.
Looks like the only “bump” Romney got from the conventions was that goose egg on his head right above the shiner.
How much does it cost to hire someone to demonstrate this level of intentional, deliberate, affirmative idiocy?
@ 28
Doctor Steve, when you say something unsupportable and are called on it, have the decency to backtrack.
On a day in which we lose 4 Americans overseas, to you the ‘disaster’ is a Romney statement you didn’t like. How warped is that?
You’ve moved from the usual Republican tactic of hiding behind service people, to hiding behind dead diplomats.
Stay classy, ‘bob’.
@ 30
Romney doesn’t absolutely have to win Michigan, but he does absolutely have to win Florida, Ohio, and Wiscon(s)in if he doesn’t win Michigan.
Where did you get this?
If Romney takes FL and OH, he doesn’t need MI or WI. Assumptions are that VA and NC are Romney’s as well but those are pretty safe assumptions if he bags OH.
I take it no one wants to address reasons why we didn’t have better protection of our State employees in the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11.
Maybe we figured that Libya was a calm, stable nation. Could that be it?
“What was Romney’s disaster?”
I’ll let Republicans explain it to you, Bob. Maybe they can reach you.
“It’s bad,” said a former aide to Senator John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign. “Just on a factual level that the statement was not a response but preceding, or one could make the case precipitating. And just calling it a ‘disgrace’ doesn’t really cut it. Not ready for prime time.”
“I guess we see now that it is because they’re incompetent at talking effectively about foreign policy,” said the Republican. “This is just unbelievable — when they decide to play on it they completely bungle it.”
A third Republican, a former Bush State Department official, told BuzzFeed, “It wasn’t presidential of Romney to go political immediately — a tragedy of this magnitude should be something the nation collectively grieves before politics enters the conversation.”
“They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it’s just completely blown up,” said a very senior Republican foreign policy hand, who called the statement an “utter disaster” and a “Lehman moment” — a parallel to the moment when John McCain, amid the 2008 financial crisis, failed to come across as a steady leader.
Yesterday we commemorated the anniversary of the attacks of September the 11th, and today we are reminded that brave Americans serve us every day at the risk of their own lives,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said in a statement. “We honor the Americans we lost in Libya and we will stand united in our response.”
Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced plans for a moment of silence in the House and ordered flags at half staff.
“We mourn for the families of our countrymen in Benghazi, and condemn this horrific attack,” he said in a statement. “Eleven years after September 11, this is a jolting reminder that freedom remains under siege by forces around the globe who relish violence over free expression, and terror over democracy — and that America and free people everywhere must remain vigilant in defense of our liberties.”
A joint statement from three of the Senate’s most prominent foreign policy hawks, Sens. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Joe Lieberman (I-CT), took a similarly measured response that acknowledged that the full story of what happened on Tuesday had not yet emerged.
“There is still much we do not know about what happened in Benghazi yesterday,” the statement read. “What is clear, however, is that the attackers must be apprehended and punished. We appreciate that senior Libyan leaders have condemned these cowardly attacks, and we now look to the Libyan government to ensure that the perpetrators are swiftly brought to justice, and that U.S. diplomats are protected. We have confidence that our own government will provide all necessary assistance to this end.”
McCain said later on Twitter that Clinton’s statement Wednesday morning condemning the attack, was “excellent and moving.” Graham, while critical of Obama’s broader foreign policy on FOX News Wednesday, reiterated that he sided with Clinton’s efforts to transition the government to democracy.
“Under Gaddafi it was the policy of the government to kill Americans,” he said. “This is an outrage and I think Hillary is right.”
Here’s the unpleasant bottom line for Cereal Bob, goatfucker, and their ilk:
“‘They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it’s just completely blown up,’ a source described as a ‘very senior Republican foreign policy hand,’ told BuzzFeed’s Ben Smith in an article in which the Romney campaign’s strategy was described variously as a ‘bungle’ and an ‘utter disaster.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now they have to defend an inept candidate they didn’t want and don’t trust. Sucks to be a conservative.
“How warped is that?”
Now you’re calling members of your own party “warped”. You’re a real Klown now, Bob. Congatulations are in order, maybe even a Golden Goat Award.
@30 “How much does it cost to hire someone to demonstrate this level of intentional, deliberate, affirmative idiocy?”
Are you insinuating that Cereal Bob is an unpaid troll? That he works for free?
re 2: So much for your dedication to the principles of freedom and democracy. What if we’d supported Mubarak and he was overthrown anyway?
Then your talking point would be that Obama should have supported the revolution.
It’s just nonstop BS with you night and day. But at least you can be contained on this blog. You have no time to spread your garbage elsewhere.
@ 36
Ah, I see. It’s sort of a PR disaster for Romney, then. I suppose it was a different type of disaster when the US Department of State failed to protect its own on the anniversary of 9/11, and we lost 4 Americans because of it.
Two disasters that day, then. One that Doctor Steve chooses to acknowledge because he thinks it’s damaging to Romney. The other, no acknowledgement because it’s pretty damaging to the Obama administration.
Got it.
A Klown like Bob mourns Gaddafi. Real Americans feel otherwise.
John McCain, “Under Gaddafi it was the policy of the government to kill Americans,”
@34 “If Romney takes FL and OH, he doesn’t need MI or WI.”
In which case he does need NH, IA, NV, or CO, because FL + OH doesn’t do it — and this assumes he also carries VA. If he loses VA, then he needs FL + OH + CO + NH, IA, or NV.
“The other, no acknowledgement because it’s pretty damaging to the Obama administration.
Got it.”
I acknowledge the dead in my private prayers, which are none of your damned business. I will definitely not put on a display of my grief for the dead for the benefit of a Klown. However, I will address the incompetence of your candidate on this blog.
Get it?
If Al Queda’s leader posts a video on 9/10 urging Libyans to attack, don’t you think that someone in the Obama administration should have figured that US interests in Libya on 9/11 might be targeted?
AP article:
In a video posted late Monday on militant websites, al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahri described his late lieutenant Abu Yahya al-Libi as a “lion of jihad and knowledge.”
The killing of al-Libi, who was Libyan by birth, was the biggest setback to al-Qaida since the death of Osama bin Laden.
Al-Zawahri also urged Libyans — al-Libi was born in the north African country — to attack Americans to avenge the late militant’s death, saying his “blood is calling, urging and inciting you to fight and kill the Crusaders.”
Anyone? Bueller?
@ 44
Get it?
Got it. It’s the RR response when he gets called on his hypocrisy. Something to the effect that this is a liberal blog and that if I don’t like it I can go somewhere else.
You’re just a less verbose version of RR, Doctor Steve.
” … [T]he 2012 presidential election will be decided in eight battleground states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Florida.
“The current state of the electoral college map must be a difficult one for Romney to look at — all eight of those swing states voted for Obama four years ago.
” … If Ohio’s 18 electoral votes go to Obama, it would be almost impossible for Romney to win; if he lost Ohio, the Republican candidate would have to take just about every other battleground state to get to the White House. …
“But in a recent ABC News/Washington Post poll, … more respondents … trust the president is better at handling the economy than Romney would be. And you can’t win these swing states … if voters don’t think you can do a better job on the economy.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We’re still several weeks from the election, and a lot could happen, but Romney needs much more than a Black Swan. Actually, he doesn’t need any more Black Swan’s; yesterday’s has already hurt him more than enough. What he needs is a miracle. But I’m just not sure that God is on his side.
“Ah, I see. It’s sort of a PR disaster for Romney, then.”
According to Republicans, yes, it was. I’m simply agreeing with them, Bob. Got a problem with that? Take it up with them.
Serial Bob @ 11:
Gee, like George W. Bush had when he had the U.S. military take out Saddam Hussein in Irag????
Get a clue.
“You’re just a less verbose version of RR, Doctor Steve.”
Knowing Roger and the kind of man he is, I’m truly flattered. Thanks.
@5 It looks like the convicted felon AKA Sam Bacile is looking for police protection now that his home address has been published on the internet. Why does he go to the police when Steve Klein’s Christian Militia have a 22 acre compound and seem to be very well armed?
“if I don’t like it I can go somewhere else”
It wouldn’t bother me in the slightest. Do me a favor and let me know when your leaving so that, unlike lostinaseaofblue, I can bid good fucking riddance to you.
Breaking — Federal Reserve Launches QE3; Stocks Jump
The DJIA leaped 100 points a few minutes ago after the Federal Reserve announced it is launching QE3, its third round of quantitative easing following the 2008 crash.
“The Federal Reserve fulfilled expectations of more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim now at driving down mortgage rates.
“The Fed said it will buy $40 billion of mortgages per month in an attempt to foster a nascent recovery in the real estate market. The purchases will be open-ended, meaning that they will continue until the Fed is satisifed that economic conditions, primarily in unemployment, improve.
“In addition, the Fed said it will continue its program of selling shorter-dated government debt and buying longer-term securities … known as Operation Twist … [and its policy of reinvesting principal payments from agency debt and mortgage-backed securities back into mortgages.
“‘These actions, which together will increase the Committee’s holdings of longer-term securities by about $85 billion each month through the end of the year, should put downward pressure on longer-term interest rates, support mortgage markets, and help to make broader financial conditions more accommodative,’ the Fed statement said.
“With a summertime [stock] rally pinned on hopes for aggressive central bank intervention — both in the U.S. and Europe — the Fed instead split the difference Thursday, offering a quantitative easing program the aggressiveness of which will depend on the strength of the recovery.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My stocks are up $1,200 this morning, so far. Sure beats commuting and working! I (HEART) government-subsidized capitalism! I’m not sure what we should call it, maybe communo-capitalism or socialitism …
@ 49
Exactly like that, now that you bring it up. There was no plan to fill the vacuum when Hussein was taken out.
Obama should have learned from that.
It’s clear he did not.
Thanks for bring that up. I was hoping not to be the one to do it.
Here’s the point, rhp: If Obama had GWB43’s experience (bad experience) from which to learn, why did he call for Mubarak’s ouster without a plan for his succession?
@ 53
How many times, in previous posts, RR, did you say you didn’t want to see QE3 happen?
Now you’re bending over and gladly taking it because you made a little money in the short term?
correction @50: “Knowing Roger and the kind of rabbit he is, I’m truly flattered. Thanks.”
@ 47
Still waiting for your explanation of why Romney HAS to win WI, as you stated in @ 30
If Romney wins OH and FL (pretty much must-wins, I’ll agree) he has multiple paths to victory without WI.
I think your @ 30 statement is incorrect. Please explain why I am wrong.
@54 OK, let’s see if I follow your “reasoning.” When Egyptian citizens revolted against their dictator, Obama should have been prepared to install a U.S.-picked successor in case Mubarak was overthrown. Is that what you’re saying?
@55 I think QE is bad policy, for reasons I’ve explained previously. I have to go now — more important things to do. Having to do with stocks.
Libyan attack was a 2-parter using the protests to cover for 9-11 attack. Obama and the Democrats inflamed the terrorists by bragging about killing Bin Laden over 20 times at the recent Convention.
The Democrats hurt the terrorists feelings.
Shame on you all.
Take your pathetic whining to these Republicans, Bob, not me.
Gawd, even AP.
@ 58
When Egyptian citizens revolted against their dictator, Obama should have been prepared to install a U.S.-picked successor in case Mubarak was overthrown. Is that what you’re saying?
Not quite. If Obama was going to call for Mubarak’s ouster he should have known who the likely successor was going to be, and the only group with an established ground game in Egypt was the Muslim Brotherhood. It’s reasonable to believe that Obama didn’t want MB in there and there really wasn’t anybody or anything else with the ability to step in. I said nothing about the US hand-picking the successor. I am saying that the succession was totally up for grabs, unless it was going to go to the MB, which I doubt Obama wanted.
Why call for the ouster of a head of state if you have no reason to believe that the successor would be an improvement?
Case in point – Obama hasn’t been very vocal in the Syria thing. Pretty much for good reason. If Assad is taken down, would the successor government be better or worse?
@9 – Cereal
“Did Romney’s words kill those four Americans?”
No, Romney’s words only tried to score political points from 4 dead Americans before they’ve even been buried, that’s all. Classy.
“… appeasing our enemies …”
Like Obama appeased OBL, you mean?
“Make no mistake. We will work with the Libyan government to bring to justice the killers who attacked our people” When Obama says this, jihadis have to take it seriously.
By way of contrast, here is our last Repub President GWB on OBL: “So I don’t know where he is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him.”
Repubs cannot win this election on foreign policy, but hey … let them keep trying.
@ 59
If you think QE3 is bad policy, why respond to its implementation like this:
I (HEART) government-subsidized capitalism!
@5 CNN has video of the cast who are planning on taking legal action. Do you think the reason the Christian Militia folks with the 22 acre compound don’t want AKA Sam around is they fear a search because of the investigation?
There’s your fellow Klown @60, Bob. Two klowns riding in the Romney Klown car. Two Psych 101 punching bags. How fucking pathetic.
@ 63
When Obama says this, jihadis have to take it seriously.
Like they took him seriously when he said he would close Gitmo?
Do you think Saudi Arabia is more trusting of Obama, or less trusting, as a result of the events of the past two days?
The jihadis are biding their time until we’re out of Iraq and out of Afghanistan, and meanwhile they’re learning how to spot drones. So far their best best is to stay away from civilian weddings.
BTW … since this is an open thread … a suggestion for HA Bible study …
Matthew 5:46,47 the words of Jesus :
“For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if you salute your brothers only, what do you more than others? do not even the publicans so?”
Publicans here, meaning the Romans, the Republicans, the occupiers of Israel, the worst people in the world … so sayeth the Lord.
@ 66
No idea who that guy is. I do know I heard on NPR that the Libya attack was described as too accurate to be just a protestor with a shoulder-mounted RPG.
I suspect it will be a week to a month before we know what really happened.
OTOH the photos of the Ambassador being carried through the streets might not be as bad as it originally appeared. Someone might have been carrying him to a hospital if they thought he was alive.
You would prefer a dictator put into power and propped up by the US government? Wouldn’t we have needed to demand that Obama have invaded the country first to implement that policy?
@ 70
Don’t twist my words.
I prefer my president STFU until he knows what the likely succession will be.
I am unwilling to believe that Obama knew and wanted the succession to be Muslim Brotherhood.
See my response @ 54.
@67 – Like they took him seriously when he said he would close Gitmo?
You are grasping at straws. If he had closed Gitmo you would be the first to say that he was being too soft on the jihadis.
Come on over to the foreign policy deep end, Repubs. Really, it’s safe & fun, you’ll like it over here. Embrace the multicultural multiethnic diversity of the whole world. You’re so good at that …
Roger Rabbit says “The 2012 presidential election will be decided in eight battleground states: Nevada, Colorado, Iowa, Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia, New Hampshire, and Florida.”
I agree–
Obama is up 237-206 without these states
Colorado (9)
Florida (29)
Iowa (6)
Nevada (6)
New Hampshire (4)
Ohio (18)
Virginia (13)
Wisconsin (10)
IF Romney can pull off Florida, Ohio & Va., he is still only at 266 and needs 1 of these other 5 states. It doesn’t have to be Wisconsin under this scenario. However if Romney doesn’t take Virginia, then I agree, Wisconsin is a must. The focus is narrowing down, isn’t it?
I think Romney has done a poor job of drowning out the Democrat Convention. He should have run more intense counter-ads during the Convention. He is now in the unnecessary position of trying to re-convince or change the mind of some Independents that have swung Obama’s way…a much more difficult task at this date. If Romney loses in a tight election, I think the Democrat Convention strategy will be the pivotal point on the timeline. If Romney wins, his campaign is either geniuses or has polling information quite different from what we are all looking at. Less that 2 months to go, Thank God.
Using bad QE Policy to pump up the economy short-term will almost certainly making the Long-term outlook more dubious will help Obama. So will using strategic oil reserves to lower gas prices short-term, but doing nothing long-term.
Most Americans are thinking short-term. As a friend told me the other day, he & his wife are worried about bills due next week.
I also think focus is coming down to who is best equipped to make policy that will benefit the economy and national debt long-term. Obama has a record. You either approve or disapprove. Those who approve will vote for Obama. Those who disapprove MAY vote for Romney. Romney has to close the sale. Romney/Ryan have put out some very specific policies to lower energy costs…a key component and eliminate ObamaCare, although keep some of the favorable components. They need to relate to the average working person who doesn’t have much time to study this stuff. That is the challenge.
There is 52 days to election. Actually in many states, ballots go out long before that. Time is getting short. I think Romney has 3 weeks to close the sale and then hang on. Can he do it? I have $2500 on him at odds from 3-1 to 5-1 from my brimming with confidence rich Democrat government employee friends. Echo Chamber types that are very emotional. I won the $2500 in the Scott Walker recall election and I’m letting the winnings ride baby.
If Romney wins, I win another $8300 on top of the $2500 in the Walker recall. If Romney loses..back to zero and have to listen to this guys ride me for 4 more years. But we are still friends who hunt, fish & hike together. Politics don’t change that!
If we’ve lost Egypt as an ally, Engel asks, wasn’t supporting the effort to overthrow Hosni Mubarak a huge mistake?
Does America encourage democracy and self rule for everyone or do they only support democracy and self rule for other countries if they choose leaders and regimes we approve of?
Typical republican mindset, I want you to think for yourself, but only if you think in ways that are beneficial to me.
Why Obama Can’t Close Guantanamo
National Security Policy Is Foiled by Congressional Politics and Bureaucratic Infighting
So basically, the republicans, your party, made it impossible to close Gitmo, just so YOU could have talking point. Doesn’t that make you proud to be a republican?
@73 Nate Silver at NYT 538 put the odds on Romney at 8.6%. Intrade is 63.5% Obama, 36.5% Romney. 16 of 16 professional odds-makers have long odds on Mitt. It is clear to see that you are long on bullshit just like Mitt!
“I suspect it will be a week to a month before we know what really happened.”
And your candidate ran off at the mouth in a crass attempt to resurrect his failed campaign before he even had a fucking clue as to what was happening. When Romney attacked our nation’s President and an American Ambassador even as his embassy was being attacked during a international crisis, was that before another American Ambassador was killed, during, or after he was dead?
Keep digging that hole, wingnuts.
@ 77
Libyan Official Says Consulate Attack Timed to 9/11
Senior Libyan security official says attack on US Consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 other Americans was a precisely timed raid by militants who used civilian protests as cover. (FoxNews)
Why didn’t we have people protected in our Middle East embassies on 9/11, Doctor Steve?
(Anticipated answer: “Because Mitt Romney, that’s why.”)
I was going to respond to one of (the many) inane things ‘bob’ has written this morning, but reading the whole thread, it’s completely trasparent that he’s 1)totally disingenuous, and 2)throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
There’s really no point in engaging with such sliminess.
@ 80
Bob the Klown, “Why didn’t we have people protected in our Middle East embassies on 9/11, Doctor Steve?”
LIb Sci, “I was going to respond to one of (the many) inane things ‘bob’ has written this morning, but reading the whole thread, it’s completely trasparent that he’s 1)totally disingenuous, and 2)throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.
There’s really no point in engaging with such sliminess.”
Project much?
Ya think?
Obama asks Libya for help with security
By Amie Parnes – 09/13/12 06:13 AM ET
This is serious stuff. It’s already going to affect his golf game. Next thing you know it will start affecting his campaign:
Obama reached out to the leaders Wednesday evening after spending the latter part of the day campaigning in Las Vegas before traveling to Colorado for an event on Thursday.
But fortunately, not yet.
Klown Bob, “Obama asks Libya for help with security”
Lib Sci, “throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks.”
Your one comment, Lib Sci, will likely suffice to address our trolls for the remainder of Romney’s political career, which ends in November.
Obama doesn’t need to hand Romney’s ass to him. The incompetent disaster named Mitt offered it up on a silver platter.
22 January 2002 Calcutta Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami gunmen attack Consulate
14 June 2002 Karachi al-Qaeda truck bomb detonates outside Consulate
12 October 2002 Denpasar Consular Office bombed by Jemaah Islamiyah as part of the Bali bombings
28 February 2003 Islamabad Unknown gunmen attack Embassy
30 June 2004 Tashkent Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan suicide bomber attacks Embassy
6 December 2004 Jeddah al-Qaeda gunmen raid diplomatic compound
2 March 2006 Karachi Car bomb explodes outside Embassy
12 September 2006 Damascus Gunmen raid US Embassy
12 January 2007 Athens RPG Fired at Embassy by Revolutionary Struggle
18 March 2008 Sana’a Mortar attack against US Embassy
9 July 2008 Istanbul Armed attack against Consulate
17 September 2008 Sana’a Two car bombs outside US embassy in Yemeni capital
Tea Baggers, Christian Militia, Convicted Criminals, & AKA Sam Basile uncovered.
“which ends in November”
Well, to be a little more accurate, Mitt’s political career ended yesterday. It’s the formal end of his career that takes place in November.
And now for something completely different:
Want to freak out your neighbors?
Change your WiFi’s name to
“FBI Surveillance Van”
@ 89
@ 86
Exactly my point, YLB. Thank you.
It’s not as if there isn’t precedent. It was the 9/11 anniversary.
And we had no Marines guarding that consulate in Libya? None?
That’s the real crisis. This Romney thing is just the misdirection by the media.
Which should have been the leading piece? We lost 4 Americans on 9/11, or Romney criticized the president because of it?
“This Romney thing is just the misdirection by the media.”
That makes all of the Republicans who have expressed dismay with Romney a bunch of media dupes.
Nice “own goal”, Bob.
Don’t you wish.
No, the embassy attacks, per se, are distinct from Romeny’s handling of the situation for naked political gain, and not done that well.
While indeed there is a crisis going on diplomatically in the MidEast, and it’s not yet clear entirely what happened, there is a completely independent series of events that shed a very harsh and telling light on a man who aspires to be President.
We all learned a great deal about Mitt Romney yesterday, and there were attacks and crises that need to be addressed.
They not mutually exclusive, no matter how much you wish so.
Mitt Romney may well have put the nail in his campaign coffin yesterday. I guess I can’t blame you for yelling OBAMA FAILED!! at the top of your lungs.
You just end up looking really really stupid.
Nope, you just give me hives.
@ 93
I can’t blame you for yelling OBAMA FAILED!!
Actually, I haven’t claimed that.
I’m just asking, without response, why our guys weren’t protected on the anniversary of 9/11, in the Middle East, which has a history @ 86 of numerous attacks on embassies and consulates, a day after the # 1 Al Queda leader urged @ 45 Libyans to attack American interests.
Don’t you think that’s a good question to ask, Lib Despair?
@91 When you throw shit on the wall to see what sticks and nothing does, all you have to show for it when done is the shit that’s all over your hands. Try to remember to wash up before lunch, Bob.
The smirking Dullard (R-Money) gaffe was shoot first, aim later.. Even derided by Republicans..
Just the guy you want in the White House Bob.
A lot of Republicans don’t care for the guy Bob. The rest of the country remembers Bush well and doesn’t want another 4 years of that.
No thanks.
@97 “The smirking Romney”
Americans die, Romney smirks, and Bob throws shit on the wall.
Oh my the klown is hysterical this morning..
All of this is about bets with emotional D’s..
“keep the good parts” of PPACA.. Oh my! That’s a knee slapper! He ought to bring that one up with his teabagger buddies.
And this is funny:
Translation: Dullard needs to send out the right dog whistles and grunts to get the fear up in the low-information voters. You can’t make this stuff up.
# 95: Physical security proceedures at embassies were beefed up first in response to the attacks in Africa during the Clinton administration, and some more in the year following 9/11. Since then, most of the beefed-up security was in the form of message survellance via the NSA/CIA and Homeland Security. Priority was given to any messages related to potential threats in Afganistan and the U.S., but otherwise there was increased survellance of phone/radio traffic regarding embassies around the world. They reported there was no evidence of a threat against any embassy or consulate related to the anniversary of 9/11.
Quite a few years ago the decision was made to have the interior of embassies and consulates protected by U.S. Marines and U.S. contractors, but for the most part (some exceptions) security at the gates, fences, and outside grounds are provided by locally hired security agents. The idea was that a Marine on guard duty at an embassy or consulate provided to much of a visable target for a terrorist group, whereas a local security guard was less likely to be targeted just for being there. Moreover, Marines are generally trained to take the initiative and respond with firepower in any assault, which might not be the best foreign policy – lots of dead people who were merely protesting (i.e., not the ones who were instigating the attack) would make terrible graphics on the internet and local TV news, making the U.S. position more untenable.
But shortly after the attackes in Libya the President dispatched additional Marine guards to middle-east embassies, presumably just as a show of force.
Hmmm, headlines today say Romney is taking a “softer” aproach to the situation in Egypt and Libya, but Ryan is doubling down. Sounds like Romney got a talking-to by the GOP politicos who told him to be smart or shut his trap altogether (preferably both). And Ryan is serving as the Agnew/Palin inciter, feeding raw meet to the wingnuts in the party.
All this shit in Libya and Egypt are just other good reasons to get the hell out of the Middle East and stop trying to change Islam and Muslims. They don’t want to change, and we can’t force them to be freedom-loving and peaceful democracies. It just ain’t in their cultures and in their religion, Islam, to be like us.
I propose we withdraw entirely from the Middle East and declare neutrality in the war between Jews and Muslims. It’s a no-win war as far as America is concerned.
Islam is stuck in the Middle Ages and can’t get out of it unless the peoples and nations of the Middle East choose to get out of it. It’s time for the equivalent of a Protestant Reformation in the Middle East. Unfortunately, we can’t force them down that path. It’s one they’ll have to take themselves.
OK, I’m back. I’ve been taking care of business the last 3 hours. I’m not gonna waste time reading the backlog of Bob’s inane dribblings that have accumulated this morning; I don’t need to, because he never says anything new or original, he’s a broken record spewing the same recycled crapola every day.
Let’s move on to something that’s actually important. The Federal Reserve printed more money this morning. I don’t yet know how much. They keep getting more creative, like a doctor trying to revive a nonresponsive patient, and this time they targeted mortgages.
You know what to do. That is, if you own instead of rent, and owe instead of own. If you’re already in the process of refinancing, I suggest not closing just yet, because this is designed to push mortgage rates lower and probably will. The 30-year fixed rate currently is about 3.6%, and that could go under 2%, maybe to 1.5%, so you may have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in the next few weeks to lock in a long-term mortgage rate at below the rate of inflation. If we do see rates like that, and you don’t refinance to capture them, you’re either crazy or not creditworthy. I strongly suggest pulling out your mortgage paperwork reviewing it now, and contacting your loan officer NOW because there’s going to be a gigantic crush at the lending window. So get started NOW. Usually the best deal is to refinance through your existing lender; that keeps the loan fees down.
As I’ve posted before, I have misgivings about the Fed mucking with markets in the way that it is, but when they print money, a lot of it goes straight into stocks, and I make money that way. I’ve made over $12,000 since last Thursday including the $4,500 I’m making today. It’s insane but I’ll take it. Free money. Gift of the gummint at our rich troll friends’ expense. Sorry trolls, it’s a cold cruel world — HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!! Yes, I know you hate the Federal Reserve, because they take money from you and give it to me; what can I say besides HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!!!
I bought stock today. I won’t bore you with details. If anyone wants to know, ask, and I’ll post what I bought and how much I paid for it and why I did it.
This whole thing is a house of cards. The stock market is being propped up by government interference with financial markets. This can’t possibly have a good end down the road.
The people of Egypt and Libya have the same right of self determination as we do. Their previous leaders were brutal and despised and we had no right to prop them up.
I’m just asking, without response, why our guys in the twin towers and the Pentagon weren’t protected on 9/11 when the “My Pet Goat” boy was occupying the White House.
Survey says: Obama up by +5 in Colorado! But, we knew that was coming. It’s that +10 result in Michigan that’s the juicy bit. We’ve still got a bit of split decision going on in Florida, at this point, if that flips nicely to Obama’s side it really is game over for Romney.
O’ and Romney’s only up by +3 in Missouri, looks like he might have to fight for it after all.
Mitt Romney has taken more positions on Libya than his porn star backer Jenna Jameson does in her films.
Jenna Jameson is a Romney backer.
Yeah – she said rich people have to stick together.
It’s now being reported that Clint Eastwood was Mitt’s idea. No wonder nobody in the Romney campaign was fired.
Anti-Islam Video Maker ID’d
Egyptian Coptics, a Christian sect, appear to be behind the anti-Islam video that sparked the attacks that killed four U.S. diplomats this week.
NBC says federal authorities identified filmmaker “Sam Bacile” as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, an ex-convict living in the Los Angeles area who has been convicted for financial crimes, fraud, and intent to manufacture methamphetamines. Another Egyptian Copt was involved in distributing the video.
Authorities are investigating Nakoula violated his probation by distributing the video through the internet. His probation conditions prohibit him from internet use.
According to NBC, “Copts make up a minority in Egypt where they have been victims of discrimination and sometimes attacks by Islamic extremists.”
‘The Most Interesting Man In The World,’ hosts Obama fundraiser.
Heh. “I don’t often endorse a presidential candidate, but when I do…”
It’s a good question and one that I hope gets answered soon. As of right now we don’t know what went on and any answer would be of the ready-fire-aim variety.
Looking back, we can see that a bunch of folks got killed under Reagan, a few folks got killed under Bush#1, a few folks got killed under Clinton, a fuck-ton of people got killed under Bush #2, and a few people got killed under Obama.
The best we can do is deal with what happened out in the open and avoid ready-fire-aim responses. It looks like Obama’s the better of the two guys running for president to do this.
If You’re Married, You’re A Communist
Hate to break it to you righties, but this is how a healthy marriage works:
“From each according to his/her ability; to each according to his/her needs.”
So if you’re married, you’re a commie — and so’s your wife/husband/hermaphrodite.
# 107, 108. Jenna Jameson presumably got paid a lot of money for getting the same treatment which Romney and his ilk prefer that we “perform” to them for free (or better yet, in their eyes, we “pay them for the priviledge”).
@113 The fact they were killed doesn’t mean they weren’t protected. There’s no such thing as impenetrable security. You can get killed in a pillbox, tank, battleship, police station, or Fort Knox. You can even get killed in the Pentagon.
Report: Romney needed to see ten years of tax returns to choose a VP. He tells America that we only need two years of returns to choose a president.
What is Romney hiding from the American voter??
@117 He wanted to make sure his veep didn’t do whatever he did so they don’t both get tossed, especially if Nancy Pelosi is next in line, which would be the case if the Democrats win the House.
That’s the point I was trying to make. It looks like somewhere between my brain and my fingers I left off a couple of sentences.
What happened was horrible, but these things happen. They happen under presidents of both parties, always have and always will.
@119 In Vietnam, we rode on top of armored personnel carriers, not inside them. If you were ambushed or hit a mine, your odds were still lousy, but inside the vehicle they were none.
And as a general principle, mobility is better than fortification almost every time. That’s why we don’t build castles or Maginot Lines anymore. That’s also why the president’s command post in event of nuclear war is a 747 instead of an underground bunker.
Hopenchange, baby.
Your datapoint of the day:
The 45- to 64-year-old age group was least affected by the recession, according to U.S. Census data. That group’s 2010 median annual income of $60,700 was 2.1 percent lower than before the crisis. Those under 25 suffered a 9.7 percent decline, to $24,140.
I believe that is the answer to the question “Why isn’t Obama a rock star anymore?”.
Nothing, we all know he’s a dickhead.
A lot has been made of the Republican attempt to corral the Evangelicals and deflect any criticism of Romney’s Mormonism. If the Evangelicals don’t turn out an vote for Romney because he is a Mormon, then Romney loses – the Evangelicals just make up too much of the G.O.P. base, and has since the 1980’s.
So you can see the hand of Karl Rove and/or his protoges in attempting to deflect attention from Romney’s Mormon religion, and instead get the Evangelicals focused on protection of Israel. Every event they can possible spin turns into an “Obama attack on Israel”, or “Obama supports Muslims over Jews or Christians”. To a religion which believes that Israel will be the last bastion against the Anti-Christ until Armeggedon, when Christ returns to earth, it’s support for Israel is loaded subject.
So it didn’t surprise me a bit that after a week of bad news for Republicans showing that Americans trust Obama over Romney on foreign policy issues, that the attacks came on 9/11, and there are shadowey people behind the making, dubbing, and distribution of the film to Egyption news people.
Of course, the Evangelical anti-Democratic base are still taking Republican claims at face value, if Facebook posts are any indication. But it appears that a majority of Americans have heard the dog whistle so many times before, that now it is just an irritant.
1. Were those APC’s made by Papa Romney’s company?
2. Mitt’s tested in battle, he was in France in the 60’s after all!
@113 “I’m just asking, without response, why our guys weren’t protected …”
They were. That’s your response. And it’s a stupid question, like asking, “Does it rain in Seattle?”
@ 100
“But shortly after the attackes in Libya the President dispatched additional Marine guards to middle-east embassies, presumably just as a show of force.”
Actually, as the embassy in Egypt was breached, we lost four Americans in one day in Libya, and we know that the protests are spreading (Yemen, today), presumably the additional Marine guards are being dispatched so we don’t end up losing five or more Americans overall.
It’s a show of force if they’re dispatched BEFORE the attacks. If it’s done AFTER the attacks, it’s a belated response, and it raises the question @ 95 @ 113 as to why it wasn’t done as a show of force BEFORE the attacks.
Show of force my ass. We’re trying to prevent another disaster by putting people where they probably should have already been. Disaster, as defined in the Doctor Steve dictionary, is Mitt Romney criticizing Obama.
It’s like Captain Quint of “Jaws” describing shark eyes.
“Actually, as the embassy in Egypt was breached” Romney was attacking the Ambassador and the nation’s president.
Say, Bob, I’m curious about something. Was Romney’s attack on an American Ambassador before, during or after an American Ambassador was killed?
“@113” in @125 should be “@105”
“Disaster, as defined in the Doctor Steve dictionary, is Mitt Romney criticizing Obama.”
God, you’re pathetic, Bob. I’m using the Republican dictionary, which must truly suck for you. And it’s not “disaster”, dumbfuck, it’s “utter disaster”. Please try to keep up with what Republicans are saying about your “utter disaster” of a candidate.
“They were just trying to score a cheap news cycle hit based on the embassy statement and now it’s just completely blown up,” said a very senior Republican foreign policy hand, who called the statement an “utter disaster” and a “Lehman moment” — a parallel to the moment when John McCain, amid the 2008 financial crisis, failed to come across as a steady leader.
@ 128
Steve, Romney issued his statement after learning that a death occurred, and according to my reading of the following, also after Stevens died.:
By about 8 p.m. Eastern time, when Romney aides heard about the first U.S. casualty in Libya, they recommended to the candidate that he issue a statement, according to a senior campaign official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.
“We were all in agreement that it was appropriate for the governor to say something, and we were all in agreement in terms of what he should say,” the official said.
At the time, aides said, they did not know that J. Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, had been killed in Benghazi.
I believe he was criticizing the statement issued out of Egypt on behalf of the State Department, which represents the Obama administration. The Egyptian ambassador was not in Egypt and I saw no criticism by Romney directed at that specific individual.
Here is more proof the #1 mission of the Republicans is making sure President Obama serves one term. Rand Paul makes sure jobs for veterans will be filibustered. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US.....347548592/
Well, at least Obama’s not doing a Reagan and invading Grenada to avenge the deaths of Marines in Lebanon or a Bush2 and invading Iraq for 9/11. It’s not like these things don’t happen while Republicans are president. It’s a question of who’s better of dealing with the aftermath and learning from it. That’s pretty obviously Obama.
Romney didn’t even have his timeline straight and attacked Obama saying that he’s sympathizing with the attackers when the statement he was talking about was put out BEFORE the attack.
Fox News, keeping it classy. Like Bob and his “utter disaster” of a candidate.
Headline: Obama Calls Libyan President to Thank Him After US Ambassador Murdered
@ 133
Romney didn’t even have his timeline straight and attacked Obama saying that he’s sympathizing with the attackers when the statement he was talking about was put out BEFORE the attack.
Michael, you sure that timeline is correct? See timeline as reported in link @ 131.
By about 8 p.m. Eastern time, when Romney aides heard about the first U.S. casualty in Libya, they recommended to the candidate that he issue a statement, according to a senior campaign official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.
This suggests that a death in Libya occurred before the Romney campaign began construction of a statement.
@131 Get your facts straight. Your claim that the statement was issued “on behalf” of the State Department “representing” the Obama administration is FALSE. It was issued by embassy staff in Egypt in an effort to calm a tense local situation without clearance from Washington. Romney then characterized that statement as an “apology” — which it wasn’t — to the Libyan attackers for an attack that occurred AFTER the statement was issued. As Obama said later, Romney shot first and aimed later.
Spin this any way you want, Cereal. It’s a disaster for the Romney ticket. Romney knows it, top Republicans know it, hell even McCain is defending Obama, and GOP damage control is swinging into full mode. So keep deluding yourself that this didn’t show Romney to be the bumbling amateur he is, because everyone else knows he is.
Romney was criticizing a statement put out by the Egyptian embassy. A statement that was made PRIOR to the attacks and he said that the Obama Admin was being sympathetic with the attackers. How can you be sympathetic with the attackers when the attacks haven’t taken place yet?
“Steve, Romney issued his statement after learning that a death occurred, and according to my reading of the following, also after Stevens died”
You’re saying that, after an American Ambassador had been killed in an attack, your “utter disaster” of a candidate, Mitt Romney, decided to emulate the the terrorists and start attacking an American Ambassador himself.
No wonder that when looks up “disaster” in the Republican dictionary, one sees a picture of a true “utter disaster”, Mitt Romney.
You really ought to get your own wingnut dictionary, Bob, before you offer up your dumb ass to have it handed to you again.
What “American Value” is being represented by portraying Mohammed as a pedophile? Surely not our secular state where everyone is to free to worship or not worship as they see fit.
Wow, these latest state polls that coming out really suck for Dumbfuck Bob and his “utter disaster” of a candidate.
Down ten in Michigan? Damn. No wonder Romney gave up there. Down five in Florida? I wonder if he’ll throw in the towel there as well?
@120 The USMC took the Army APC frame and put 6 one o six millimeter recoilless rifles on top and filled it with three people plus 50 cal & 106 ammo. The brass called them Ontos. We called them pigs. With the Hemi V-8 they hauled ass!
“This suggests that a death in Libya occurred before the Romney campaign began construction of a statement.”
And that means what to you, that all of the Republicans who have piled on Romney’s “utter disaster” got it wrong?
Your candidate is “weak” on national defense, Bob. I got that one out of the Republican dictionary as well. It’s not a Democrat comparing your “utter disaster” of a candidate to the worst president in American history, it’s the woman who wrote the Republican dictionary.
Wow, that’s really dumb. Yes, Romney’s statement was issued after a death had been reported. But, the statement that Romney was attacking as “apologizing for America” and “in sympathy with the attackers” was put out BEFORE the attack had taken place.
Ready-Fire-Aim. Obama got that part right.
Advisor to Romney, “You stupid SOB, get your “utter disaster” ass out there and acknowledge the victims before it’s too goddamned late to salvage your fucking campaign!”
“I know that we’ve had heavy hearts across America today, and I want you to know things are going to get a lot better. But I also recognize that we’re in mourning. We’ve lost four of our diplomats across the world. We’re thinking about their families and those that they’ve left behind,” Romney said, at the beginning of a rally with roughly 2,700 supporters here in Northern Virginia.
Oops! Too late!
Geez, this has gotta suck for you, Bob. Maybe you can find a glimmer of hope in the crosstabs.
Florida: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
Ohio : NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +7
Michigan: EPIC-MRA Obama +10
Virginia: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
New Hampshire: WMUR/UNH Obama +5
Repeat after me, Bob, “utter disaster”.
Look it up in your wingnut dictionary, Bob. You’ll find a picture of your “utter disaster” of a candidate.
@128 Kornflake Konservative said
Dipshit, the US embassy to Egypt in Cairo represents the USA. It does not represent any person from the USA.
How did you turn out so fking stupid?
Geez, Bob, do you think that maybe if Romney was to bail on Ohio, Virginia, Michigan, Florida and New Hampshire, that he could throw all that money at…, um, wait, there’s no place left to go, is there, Bob?
Your candidate lost the election yesterday, Bob. And he has no one to blame but himself. Odd, that it never occured to you that that might be why Republican Peggy Noonan called your candidate an “utter disaster” today. You’re obviously slipping into an even deeper state of denial, Bob. Sad, that there’s no pill for that.
Look on the bright side, Bob. It almost bedtime wherever Mitt’s at and he’s not known to fuck up while he’s sleeping. So you’ll probably not have to witness another Romney fuckup until morning. Well, unless he stays up late, of course. And he’s probably not sleeping well these last few weeks, especially tonight as it hits him that he blew the election yesterday all by himself. The ultimate “own goal”.
“Own goal”. That’s the phrase you like to use, isn’t it, Bob?
You’ve probably got a lot more bad news coming your way, Bob. Romney probably fucked you over down ballot as well. That’d really suck for you, wouldn’t it? You’d lose everything.
Which candidate’s campaign was quoted as saying “We’re not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact-checkers.”
Oh yeah.
FACT CHECK: Romney misstates facts on attacks
Rmoney/RyanGekko/Galt – Craven Bastards trying to lie their way to the White HouseBob, who is incapable of thinking for himself, is simply following the hastily revised Romney playbook.
Today’s media mission: Rehabilitate Mitt Romney’s amazing set of gaffes with regard to the Libya and Egypt protests by reinforcing a false narrative and timeline while allowing his surrogates to claim the president was “apologizing” for America.
As criticism mounted from all quarters, including Senator John McCain, journalists around the nation on TV and in print, and others, Romney’s campaign advisors were looking at a way to mitigate the damage. Breitbartians jumped right into the fray by making a huge, irrelevant fuss about the fact that Marines were not guarding the “embassy” in Benghazi, while conveniently forgetting to actually find out that it wasn’t an embassy. It was a consulate, and consulates do not typically have Marine guards. It was easy enough to find out.
When does the carpet bombing start?
@150 Steve,
Like any of the people that continue to support the election of Slick Willard/Lying Ryan at this point, Bumbling Bob is incapable of the low level of thinking required to participate in a democracy.
I have no idea what the hell Slick Willard was thinking when he issued the absurd bullshit statement he did on September 11th or why the hell he continued to cling to it at his presser on September 12, but he was not thinking about those who serve overseas in dangerous circumstances and he was not thinking about the interests of the USA.
Bob chooses to ignore that. Maybe Bob has never served our nation. Maybe Bob lives somewhere in WA where there are no active duty military or vets. Or maybe all of those who serve or have served ignore the ignoramus.
Obama Leads Romney By 7 Points
The new Reuters/Ipsos poll is awful for the Romney camp:
“President Barack Obama widened his lead over Republican challenger Mitt Romney to 7 percentage points in a Reuters/Ipsos poll of likely voters on Thursday ….
“The gap has been widening since Obama grabbed the lead in the rolling poll on Sept. 7 when he scooped up 46 percent of likely voters to Romney’s 44 percent after the Democratic convention. ‘What that really means is that Obama is in good shape,’ said Ipsos pollster Julia Clark ….
“[F]ar more registered voters preferred the incumbent’s policies and approach on taxes (41 percent picked Obama, 30 percent Romney), healthcare (44 percent Obama, 28 percent Romney) and Social Security (39 percent Obama, 27 percent Romney) … [and] the war on terrorism, … Obama 39 percent to Romney’s 25 percent.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe we’re watching the death throes of another bungled GOP campaign. The Kenyan communist is looking more and more like a shoo-in.
@153 Roger,
Yes we are, and now is the time to press the advantage, hold the Senate and retake the House.
Put a craven idiot at the top of your ticket, suffer the consequences.
My August scrape shows 5,629 comments, a little over 1800 of which were from trolls.
IIRC, most months in the post-Goldy era we hit around the high 2000’s with slow months dipping into the higher 1000 range..
So these days, with most open threads seeing 200, 300 comments and more, we are definitely in the busy season here.
When the GOP can’t beat a black Kenyan communist with a forged birth certificate who was indoctrinated by radical imams in Indonesian madrassas and pals around with terrorists, maybe it’s time for them to go out of business.
So QE3 – the Fed will buy 40 billions worth of mortgage-backed debt each month until things improve..
QE2 was around 75 billion/month for 8 months?
Well, the printing press run rate seems lower. So do we have less to fear this time from oil and food prices rising?
I have no doubt prices will rise. It just seems to me the Fed might be more cautious this time about provoking shocks..
According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and “lockdown”, under which movement is severely restricted.
Why again, on the anniversary of 9/11, after Obama has mentioned Osama bin Laden’s killing repeatedly in speeches during his campaign, were we not trying to keep diplomats safe in the Middle East?
@157 “So do we have less to fear this time from oil and food prices rising?”
@158 See #156.
@158 “Blah, blah, blah…”
Florida: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
Ohio: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +7
Michigan: EPIC-MRA Obama +10
Virginia: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
New Hampshire: WMUR/UNH Obama +5
Hell, why not add a little salt to Bob’s wounds?
Missouri Senate – Akin vs. McCaskill Rasmussen Reports McCaskill 49, Akin 43 McCaskill +6
You are so talking out your ass again.
Come on, ‘bob’, fess up – you have NO IDEA what was or was not done in the way of security for US embassies or consulates on 9/11/12 – none of us does at this point. As Roger pointed out to you above, any security can be breached, anywhere.
I’m quite sure the State Department and the DOD have not shared their contingency plans with you.
Your efforts here, moreover, are a transparent, flailing attempt at more FUD – your trademark schtick, though I must say it grows more tedious and shrill by the day, and therefore ineffective.
Yes, a series of terrible events occurred yesterday, but so did crowds of Libyans protesting against violence – HOPE AND CHANGE, BABY!
Certainly we need to get to the bottom of what did and did not work in protecting our people, our assets overseas, but that will take time and an objective eye.
What also occurred was the craptastic attempt at a Hail Mary by your guy mittens, in a, similar to you, shrill and transparent attempt to hurt the President while he was engaged in dealing with a foreign attack on American citizens and representatives of our government.
Sleazy and low, ‘bob’, sleazy and low. And EVERYBODY saw it – there was no hiding what an intemperate dick Willard Mitt Romney is, at his core.
Stay classy, ‘bob’.
But…but…they must have oversampled Democrats!! They always do! I heard Rash say so yesterday – the lamestream pollsters!!
@157 QE1 made sense. When the credit crisis hit in 2007, everyone from giant corporations to widows and orphans began hoarding money — for all they knew Armageddon was at hand. Something like two to three trillion dollars was sucked out of circulation by mattress stuffers. So the Fed printed several hundred billion electronic dollars to prevent deflation — kind of like grabbing the compressor hose when a gorilla comes along and sucks all the air out of your tires. The amount of “new” money was considerably less than the amount of money hoarders had taken out of circulation, ergo no inflation. But it was enough, apparently, to act as a deflation circuit breaker. In this scenario, what you want to do is pull that “new” money back out of circulation when the “old” money comes out of the mattresses and goes back into circulation. Timing is everything.
But QE2 and QE3 are a different proposition. The target now is not monetary deflation but stagnation in the real economy. So the QE doesn’t work the same way. Think about how it does work. To get this newly conjured money into circulation the Fed buys massive quantities — far more than any individual or company has — of bonds or other debt securities from, you guessed it, banks. So the banks take their skim off the top. From the Fed’s point of view, this is good, because it helps to recapitalize the banks, which strengthens the banks. From a moral hazard POV, it rewards bankers for being pricks who brought the financial system down with their prickish behavior in the first place.
The theory is the recapitalized banks will leverage that money and lend it to businesses and individuals, revitalizing the economy. Except they dont’, and it hasn’t. Instead, it gets invested in stocks, oil coppper, corn, and anything else that can be used to convert cash of questionable provenance into what are euphemistically called “hard assets,” i.e., something useful. Corn works fine as money when money itself doesn’t work so great as money anymore. And corn has two huge advantages that money lacks: The Fed can’t make more of it, and if it ceases to work as money you can eat it.
Here’s the problem with QE now. First, as I’ve already mentioned, it isn’t needed to head off deflation and doesn’t work for that purpose anymore. Second, by forcing down interest rates, profligate and irresponsible borrowers are rewarded and prudent and careful savers are punished. On top of that, QE robs people who work and produce something by devaluing the worth of their wages and gives that money to lazy unproductive rabbits who do nothing all day long except flip stocks.
Next, the object of all this is the Fed is trying to force us to SPEND. If your savings earn nothing and lose value sitting in the bank, the Fed hopes, you’ll spend it while it still buys something. This is the theory. Apart from the fact iit’s not working because individuals are paying off debts instead, and corporations are borrowing cheap money to buy out their competitors, it’s irritating to have the government telling you what to do with your money.
Finally, this whole system robs the citizenry in order to pay off government debts. As I’ve said before, government deb is NOT the big problem Tea Partiers and Republicans claim it is, because it’s actually EASY to pay off government debt. The government gets a triple shot of debt reduction under QE. First, it’s able to borrow money for free, Second, it can pay off that debt with free money it prints itself. And third, by debasing the currency, it gets to discount the real value of that debt. This strategy comes with a ton of moral hazard but who cares about that.
Now you know why I’m skeptical of QE3.
Huffpo headline,
“Mitt Decides to Mourn”
About time. Too bad it’s contrived and will only serve to turn off even more voters.
Now the story comes out and Mitt IS RIGHT!
HorsesASS Batman… seems Obummer was out-of-touch campaigning!
@163, couldn’t have said it better. :-)
It won’t be long before Big Money abandons Romney and focuses on saving the House, which might not be so easy after the “utter disaster”, as Peggy Noonan calls Mitt’s, um, performance. It’s not like those billionaires got that way by throwing their money down a rathole.
If Mitt was a company, Bain would load him with debt, grab some cash, lay off the campaign staff and then let Mitt go bankrupt.
I’m not skeptical about it, I’m flat out against it.
Giving workers a raise will raise spending, raise savings, and generally make things better for everyone. I’m not talking about “free stuffs” I’m talking about making it viable for people to go back to school so they can retrain for a better paying job. I’m talking about zero-interest loans for new windows and water heaters so people can save money on their heating bills and people can make a good wage installing the stuff. People that work at good paying jobs don’t need government support and pay more in taxes, both of which will help us pay down the debt. So on and Etc…
@167 “HorsesASS Batman…”
Yeah, no shit.
Florida: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
Ohio: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +7
Michigan: EPIC-MRA Obama +10
Virginia: NBC/WSJ/Marist Obama +5
New Hampshire: WMUR/UNH Obama +5
Puddy said the other day this was in revenge for the drone strike in June BEFORE any of this came out. Lib da idiot called me every name in the book. Well it seems Puddy was prescient.
You can’t get truth reading those left wrong web site HA leftist fools! Mitt is dead right on this one!
Yeah baby… the bombs are a falling…
As the Romney ship is fast sinking, the (un)SP band plays on,
Whoa, Nelly, no one has won a Golden Goat for a long time around here, but we’ve got somebody screaming for the honor.
Interesting read here…
Having Marines in the family they tell it like it is! Semper Fi!
@175 As ranking member of the nominating committee, I hereby nominate Cereal Bob for the HA Golden Goat.
You know if the evidence comes in that Obummer was more intent in campaigning than listening to the daily briefings and the embassy evidence was front and center… this will be very damning. Even the slobbering libtard msm can’t cover this up in the internet age!
@176 Here we have another case of puddy eating his fill of right wingnut bullshit on the blogs and telling us it has the flavor of prime rib! I fact-checked you again and the USMC seems to prove you swallowed a big load shit and liked it enough to try to sell here!
@167 The U.S. has great intelligence resources, but not so great that we know what mobs will do 48 hours before the mobs exist.
Really. Stop and think about this. Any intel we had about potential threats to our embassies and consulates couldn’t have been about this particular mob, because it didn’t exist yet. Another question is how often such warnings are issued and would any diplomatic work ever get done if our foreign embassies went on lockdown every time our intel picked up noise about a potential threat. In those countries, it takes someone only 5 seconds to pick up a rock and throw it.
@178 Puddles,
You are more pathetic than Kornflake.
Hey greg… ever heard of coverup? Like Puddy said in #178, if the evidence shows… man it will be like swatting flies on stickum paper!
Puddy was already right about the embassy and consulate attacks being a response for the drone attack when Al Zawahiri’s latest video tape was played.
Stay stupid leftist drone morons. Keep reading those left wrong sites.
If the term ‘moral hazard’ were renamed ‘moral hazard of inadvertently rewarding rich banker pricks’ people might understand it better and make more of a ruckus when it occurs.
Right now, I think it becomes a magical-sounding justification for blaming poor people (inherently immoral in our Calvin-saturated culture) for what rich pricks actually did.
@170 You’re right, if you want more consumer spending, raising wages makes more sense than devaluing the wages workers receive now. Plus QE2 is empirical evidence that QE doesn’t boost consumer spending or reduce unemployment.
I think the hope is that targeting mortgage rates will lead to more housing construction, which is an important job generator. I’m willing to keep an open mind for now to see if this has some effect on housing values and employment. So, I’m skeptical about whether it will work, but willing to give it a look-see. QE3 is somewhat different from QE2 so you can argue it might have a different result.
I’m not an enthusiastic fan, though. I’m curious what would happen if the Fed backed off, let interest rates rise to normal levels, and gave the market its head. That’s the only way to really find out if Fed policy is actually holding back recovery at this point. But yo’ve gotta remember that America spent the last 60 years leveraging up and deleraging will take time. There’s just no way we go back to the credit-fueled consumer economy we had before, regardless of whether Fed policy is hands-on or hands-off.
Puddy, Thank you for showing us all once again how stupid you are. Semper Fucking Fi sweetheart you are are shining example of what the DIs in San Diego told us long ago about that 10% that have heads up their ass.
It seems to me that selling lots and lots of treasury securities that pay less than the inflation rate, which we can do, and which is essentially charging the world to hold their money safely in the form of US GOVERNMENT backed bonds, is a better way to fix both the demand side of the economy – because we can hire lots of people to build lots of cool and valuable and wealth-creating infrastructure, and address at least part of our budget shortfalls because the process essentially earns a profit for us by borrowing – counterintuitive, but true.
@184 You’re so goddam fucking right the Romney campaign needs you! They’re fucking this up big time. Mitt needs to fire his foreign policy adviser and hire you. What are you waiting for? Get on the phone and call him right now! You’re not doing Mitt any good sitting here posting on HA.
Oh greg… this isn’t the first time the news was “positive” only to be negative later… Puddy will wait until next week when someone will interview some of the marines. Then we’ll see.
Mitt claims that the “White House sides with me!”
Gawd, it’s like we have an HA troll running for the highest office in the land.
Steve, Mitt criticized the embassy response. After 10 hours the state department and Obummer disagreed with the embassy response. It was taken down.
Seems you are wrong again Steve!
Doctor Steve
Here are some more recent State Polls you overlooked on purpose.
Ohio (Rasmussen): Obama +1
Florida (McLaughlin): Romney +3
Florida (Rasmussen): Obama +2
Cherry-picking a few polls is sophomoric Steve.
Although you have no credibility to lose in your drunken stupor.
Why not just list them all like I do??
Trying to convince yourself of something?
puddy, Are you calling USMC Major Alex Cross a liar? Are you claiming his official report of what happened in Cairo is untrue?
-The Ambassador did not impose restrictions on weapons or weapons status on the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) detachment. The MCESG Marines in Cairo were allowed to have live ammunition in their weapons. The Ambassador and Regional Security Officer have been completely and appropriately engaged with the security situation. Reports of Marines not being able to have their weapons loaded per direction from the Ambassador are not accurate.
– The Marine Corps does not establish Rules of Engagement (ROE). Nonetheless, ROE is classified and release of that information would jeopardize the Marines and U.S. interests. Any further inquiry should be directed to the State Department, since Marine security guards report to the ambassador not to a military commander.
-As reported in open sources, approximately 2000 personnel were protesting outside the U.S. Embassy and six individuals entered Embassy grounds. The Marines quickly took control of these six individuals and subsequently turned them over to local security officials.
-There were no Marines injured in this, or other actions in Cairo.
-There are no Marine dependents in Cairo.”
Thank you for proving once again what a slimy civilian keyboard commando asshole you are for all to see here on HA puddy.
Also Steve, NBC poll in Ohio used
LIKELY VOTERS September 2012
Democrat 38
Republican 28
Independent 32
Other 1
Total 100
They polled Democrats by +10.
If you believe that then I guess you can believe Obama is +5
I don’t We’ll see
Look at all the underlying assumptions in these polls. Huge differences in likely voter assumptions. This is the biggest spread.
Here is the link to the NBC Poll detail in Ohio-
you are such a bore steve.
“Mitt criticized the embassy response.”
You’re damned right he did. As our diplomats were under attack by terrorists and dying, Romney desperately and falsely accuses them of apologizing to their attackers, attacking them himself, and for good measure, he lied again, accusing our nation’s president of sympathizing with those who were killing them.
Your candidate’s behaviour has caused Peggy Noonan to call Mitt Romney an “utter disaster”. I appeal to you, Puddy, to try to understand. When Reagan’s beloved and loyal speech writer turns on the Republican presidential candidate and calls him an “utter disaster”, you on the right should at least give consideration to the thought that something has gone terribly wrong.
Mitt criticized the Egyptian embassy’s response to the anti-muslim video and mobs outside it’s gate as if it were the Obama admins. response to the violence in Libya. Violence that hadn’t even taken place yet. Mitt’s dazed and confused and tripped on his own dick.
Mention goats and look who the fuck shows up.
Have you noticed that Bob has disowned you? My guess is that he thinks you’re dumber than a stump as I do, and that to associate with you in any way, even to acknowledge your fucking existence, hurts his cause. I mean, who on earth wants a dumbfuck Klown goatfucker like you on their side? Not me, and it looks like Bob doesn’t either. That’s a redeeming quality I see in him, that he doesn’t respect you.
“Republican 28, Democrat 38”
That’s a good number, Klown. Haven’t you been paying attention? You need to get out of the barn now and then, asswipe. There’s been news breaking and it doesn’t look good for your fucked up, lying candidate. So I’d say that reflects just how excited Democrats are about their candidate and how discouraged you Klown fucks have become having to witness your candidate’s campaign go down in flames. And he did it to himself.
That’s the nice thing about being conservative. When you are a DUMMOCRAPT y’all circle the wagons… Joe Soptic comes to mind! And Mark Levin disagreed with Peggy Noonan. Conservatives check each other.
Ohio polling results:
Rasmussen Reports 9/13 Obama +1
NBC 9/13 +7
Gravis Marketing 9/11 Obama +4
PPP 9/10 Obama +5
Gravis Marketing 9/4 Romney +3
Gravis Marketing 8/28 Obama +1
Columbus Dispatch 8/26 Tie
I’d give the advantage to Obama, but that NBC poll is both too high and too small to count for much.
And this right wing bullshit…
Convinces some voters to vote for Dullard (R-Money) how?
@174 Yeah, I saw that. It’s hilarious. Someone is rifling purses and wallets belonging to workers in the Justice Building in D.C. so Jim Miller gins it up into a thread on a Seattle political thread! Says you don’t see theft like that in a “normal” law office. Yeah, right, if it’s a corporate law firm they don’t even bother with anything smaller than eight figures.
You’re circling the wagons for a guy who can’t even get a basic timeline right.
@177 Nah, he’s too small time.
“your drunken stupor”
A drunken Klown and his Psych 101 projection.
Your dumbfuck Klown act grew old a long time ago, Klynical.
Like Puddy said above… if it is true from other sources the US was warned and it was ignored.. it will be interesting… Must be something there because of the full frontal assault on Romney by the slobbering libtard media!
@179 “The Marines said late Thursday that any reports “of Marines not being able to have their weapons loaded per direction from the ambassador are not accurate.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just goes to show puddy will swallow a load without checking to see what’s in it. Maybe that explains why his kids are white.
@205 Too late, Roger. We’ll have to let the nominating committee decide now. Of course, you could always nominate the Klynical Klown. A few more posts out of the Klown tonight and I might vote for him again myself.
@188 You’ll never get it through a GOP congress, because it makes too much sense.
@201 “Rasmussen Reports 9/13 Obama +1”
They also have Romney ahead nationally. They’re a joke. At this point they’re just trying to keep the Klowns from jumping out of high windows and off of tall bridges.
@190 “Puddy will wait until next week when someone will interview some of the marines.”
The State Department already did.
Dr. Buttface calling this guy a “lefty” in 3..2..1..
@192 What the embassy should have said is this: “America had nothing to do with that scurrilous video. Some Egyptian assholes are responsible.”
Meanwhile, I’ll bet what those Egyptian assholes did will go over real big among Egyptian Christians as they watch their houses burn.
@209 Obama 64.8% Romney 35.2% Intrade today. This is real money on the line in a true free market. People with nothing invested can mislead the pollsters. Here is an interesting take from The Atlantic.
@193, 195 – see #156.
Why didn’t Obummer stay at the whitey house?
Why did Obummer run to Las Vegas when a crisis was brewing?
Why did Obummer have his press surrogates attack Romney?
Where were the Marines in Libya knowing it was 9/11?
Maybe they are formulating a response if the US was warned.
@193, 211
I just saw a clip of Billo interviewing Jabba the Hutt (Dick Morris) as to why the Fox poll, showing Obama surging, was wrong, and Rasmussen was correct. dis’ing Rupert’s poll on Rupert’s network – ruh-roh!
You’ve got Dick Morris, we’ve got arithmetic.
Puddybud – would you be in favor of the death penalty for the Libyans or Egyptians who attacked our people?
Would you approve of torturing them if captured, to allow capture of others?
Steve @ 177,
Man, I don’t want to give anything away, but . . . Of course, Puddy, winner of two Golden Goats and a Lifetime Achievement Award, still appears here, still spewing nonsense that makes my head hurt. So, it’s not like there isn’t some competition going on among our trolls.
Oh, this is just precious…
The state of Kansas is run by lunatics.
Not sure how to link directly to a part of a Youtube clip, but at about the 45 second mark one of the heads of the Mormon Church screws up and calls Obama Osama. Nice.
@220 Good point.
The nominations so far are Bob and my old friend, Puddy.
Geez, I just realized that I’ve voted for the Klown every damned time. I’d hate to see him left out. Can I nominate two trolls?
Oh, wait. Forget it. I just remembered what the Klown did to the goat award last time he won it. Didn’t we leave it with him because nobody in their right mind would touch it?
Who would live in Kansas, unless afflicted by insanity?
“Oh, this is just precious…”
Those people are so damned blinded and crazed by hatred, I just don’t know what to say at times. I thought 1968 was something, but what I see today is beyond words.
To be fair to Mittens it looks like he’s not the only Republican that can’t follow a timeline.
I’ve previously criticized 401(k)s in these comment threads. This CNBC article provides a more in-depth discussion from a macro viewpoint if you’re interested in this topic.
Steve @ 223,
We have such a rich trove of material. How to choose among such skilled trolls? And, of course, we could give a posthumous award to Mitt Romney for being incredibly unpatriotic and stupid for his Middle East remarks.
I think this applies quite nicely to our trolls around here, not just to their fearless leader, the Mittster…
Who would live in urban Seattle, unless afflicted by narcissism and insanity?
The title of Bob Cesca’s article…
Makes me think of this, paraphrased here:
It’s ‘narcissistic’ to live in urban Seattle? Do tell, you who goes by the name of a Gallic chieftain.
It seems all Romney has remaining is to yell, at the top of his lungs, “JIMMY CARTER!!!!!!”
Almost sad. Almost, but not quite. I’m not going to miss this putz one bit.
Even though we have Nobel Peace Prize phony as our President, the world has erupted into a real mess under has appeasement strategy.
Most American voters seem to care little about what is happening in the rest of the world, until it directly affects them. They cannot see the writing on the wall and the undesirable consequences of a President who is afraid to call Muslim Extremist acts of terrorism precisely what the are,,terrorism.
Judging from results, it ain’t workin’ Mr. President. Israel is about ready to launch on Iran. You are looking more & more like Jimmy Carter every day.
217. Puddybud spews:
These are all excellent questions with a common answer..POLITICS. All Obama worries about is himself and his place in history. He could have cared less about that dead Ambassador.
They are all means to his end…lower America’s standing in the world. Level the playing field. Redistribute wealth.
Obama thinks he is President of the world, doesn’t he?
The next White House cover-up will be about when they had credible information warning of the Embassy attack. Was it 2 days in advance? The White House is denying, but.
From a UK source.
The cover-up scramble is on again.
There should be a corollary to Godwin’s law regarding desperation, Republicans, and Jimmy Carter.
So it turns out that Christopher Stevens died from suffocation and carbon monoxide poisoning. Rocket propelled grenades fired from outside the compound he was in set the compound on fire.
You know that anti-muslim film that was denounced by our embassy in Cairo? The denouncement that was then denounced by Mitt Romney as apologizing for America and all that? Mitt Romney has now denounced that film.
You couldn’t make this shit up if you tried.
Pop Quiz:
Terry Jones is a:
A. Liberal
B. Conservative
Michael @ 239
Unbelievable. Mitt is just starting to look silly. He is becoming a parody of himself. He can take any position at any time and then shift positions without even recognizing how unprincipled he looks.
238. Michael spews:
So Michael, how can you look at this and not say the attack was pre-planned? Using a movie that virtually no one has seen in it’s entirety is ludicrous.
Have you seen the whole movie Obama is blaming for the outbreak?
Has Obama seen it?
It’s a bunch of crap.
Obama had intelligence before the attack and ignored it DESPITE it being 9-11.
Obama was busy campaigning and rubbing shoulders with the Hollywood elite.
So you guys haven’t even seen the movie yourself?
10 people saw the preview. That’s it.
What a joke.
I never said the attack wasn’t pre-planned. In fact, everyone’s saying it was pre-planned.
At this point we don’t know who had what and what was done about anything.
We do, however, know that people doing dangerous work in dangerous places sometimes get killed. It doesn’t matter who the president is or what party they belong to, sometimes people get killed. We also know that when these things happen to go all ready-fire-aim which Romney, Newt G., & Sen. Jon Kyl among others, did takes a bad situation and makes it worse.
Electing people to office that can’t behave like adults or follow a basic timeline would not make this situation any better or prevent people from getting killed in the future.
Also please see #239.
She raises a good point. Is this just more Obama Derangement Syndrome?
Fuck the fucking fossil fuel industry:
The #1 industry destroying my kids’ future.. The sooner they go the way of buggy whips, the better.
let us know how living in a cave by candlelight goes for ya….
with you as a parent, your kids dont have much of a future anyway….not to worry though, I am sure my kids can hire them for some sort of menial duty…
Did you see this bullshit from The Mariners?
246 – LMAO!!! With a racist, misogynist ignorant asswipe for a dad, I don’t care to even think of your kids future..
Nausea tends to ruin my day..
Now you see it!
Cobain has left the building!
Why do Republicans hate working class people and the rule of law?
4 more years for the Dems!
..in WA State..
It isn’t just the Fox viewers that are misinformed: