– Whatever you were doing, stop doing that because Orcinus is back! You should go read it is what I’m saying. Also coincidentally, I just finished a book last night, and Neiwert’s is the next on the list.
– People who passed stopped school buses on the right are incredibly problematic. I literally can’t even fathom how anyone could think it was even in the same state as OK. Randy Dorn wants cameras on more (I couldn’t tell from the article if it’s all) buses, and says that’s part of the reason why.
– I would have thought similar reasoning would have prevented Syria from using chemical weapons in the first place.
– But I do think that diplomacy can win out.
– Top Ten things Americans need to Know about Syria if they’re going to Threaten to Bomb It
TOTALLY exciting that Orcinus is back!
Apropos that, this article by Amanda Marcotte regarding why we need to pay attention to, hold up, spotlight, ridicule crazy-ass Christianist right-wing paranoia/fetishes/conspiracy theories is so important.
For example…
The links in the third, and the first half of the fourth, points above don’t work.
Thanks. Forgot to close a tag. It should be working now.
If you have bandwidth issues in downtown Seattle, it might be due to Comcast not upgrading equipment.
From what I was told be a Comcast tech, there is a switch that is the bottleneck. It has some 6000 nodes on it, rather than the 1500 max it should have.
But you know, upgrades are expensive. So customers complain when their VOIP doesn’t work well and Comcast sends out a tech, who spends 45 minutes finding a parking spot and another 45 listening to the customer rightly complain about the lousy QOS he has to put up with.
So if you are one of those companies with poor QOS, don’t complain to Comcast. They don’t care or they would have done something about it a long time ago. Instead go to the city council meetings and bitch there. Request a review of the Comcast contract.
Or maybe you are big enough to look at one of those “dark fiber” deals and bypass Comcast on your own.
Me? I have Comcast Business Class but we are located down Tukwila way. No bandwidth issues here yet.
I wonder if Puffy will be whistling Dixie with Ted Cruz.
Wow it seems Puddy is now in gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeman’s leetle mind 24×7.
From one of George Lucas’ movies… It’s working… IT’S Working!
How come no discussion over the arraignment of the dude in Seattle who killed a 44 year bicyclist while high on prescription drugs and marijuana?
You’re welcome to discuss it amongst your various personalities.
ekimgoatmaster… stop projecting… Everyone knows it’s an animal house at your hovel. Psych 101!
This is news, GOATBOY?
Detroit and Kansas City are looking to piggyback on Cincinnati’s Streetcar order. The Detroit line is a private project, been in the planning for years.
Since placing our streetcar vehicle order with CAF, both Kansas City and now Detroit have announced that they would like to get in on the same order. This will help all parties save money and ensure that riders in Detroit and KC have equally impressive operating systems.
Voyager 1 has now left the Solar System. Since it is still sending back data, I think we got our money’s worth out of it, and then some.
In the discussion of Syria, you left out Brada Beer, not a great beer, but not awful either.
Boehner Seeking Democrats’ Help on Fiscal Talks
WASHINGTON — With Congress momentarily freed from the Syrian crisis, lawmakers plunged back into their bitter fiscal standoff on Thursday as Speaker John A. Boehner appealed to the Obama administration and Democratic leaders to help him resolve divisions in the Republican ranks that could lead to a government shutdown by month’s end.
Democrats said no, you’re on your own
Mr. Lew and Congressional Democrats held firm that they would no longer negotiate on raising the debt ceiling, which they see as the duty of the party in power in the House. And they made it clear to the speaker that they would never accept Republican demands to repeal, defund or delay Mr. Obama’s signature health care law. White House officials dismissed it as “a nonstarter.”
“I had to be very candid with him and I told him directly, all these things they’re doing on Obamacare are just a waste of their time,” said Senator Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada and the Senate majority leader. “Their direction is the direction toward shutting down the government.”
New Your Times
Boner needs a helping hand. Maybe GOATBOY will grab hold.