– For serious, don’t text and drive.
– Usually a primary election moves people away from the center (or at least the conventional wisdom of what the center is), and a general moves them toward it. I love that that’s not really the case in the Seattle mayoral election.
– It’s surprising to me that local TV news didn’t start in King County until this date in 1951.
So, I found what our resident troll’s long lost brother has been up to.
This guy has obviously never met a Central Manhattan Jew.
Colorado Recall Election Today
We’ll find out tonight whether Colorado gun nuts succeed or fail in their efforts to recall two Democratic state senators for supporting a background checks bill.
Second Amendment Report (TM)
Everett police arrested a man last night for spraying his neighborhood with rifle file.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Do you ever get the feeling that some people shouldn’t have guns and our gun laws are too permissive?
Today is also the anniversary of the day when a handful of black children in Birmingham, escorted by U.S. Marshals, endured the hatred of an angry crowd and walked into school for their first day of class.
What a Physco.
The NRA’s, Puffy’s and every conservatives hero.
I hope they can recover the lost data. That would be pretty funny.
Puffy you lose!
The AP reported today (re-posted in the Seattle Times website) that income disparity was greater last year than all previous years since 1928.
“The gulf between the richest 1 percent and the rest of America is the widest it’s been since the Roaring ’20s.
The very wealthiest Americans earned more than 19 percent of the country’s household income last year – their biggest share since 1928, the year before the stock market crash. And the top 10 percent captured a record 48.2 percent of total earnings last year….”
Richest 1% earn biggest share since 20’s
Of course, the policies of the Republicans in Congress are intent on making the gap even greater, through cutting taxes on the wealthy and letting the middle class and poor pay even more for government services.
@1 after all said and done, I bet the biggest problem that that guy is concerned about is legalizing gay marriage, you know that freedom thingy.
@7 that freedom thingy
You mean “stand your ground?”
i.e. Shooting black kids just because…
Much better to worship me.
For I am your Flying Spaghetti Monster.
@8 call me brain dead, but I do not compute.
Dear NSA,
My next door neighbor is an avid trout fisherman who releases the trout he catches after taking a photo. Unfortunately his wife deleted some of his prize photos.
Could you please restore the photos for him?
He would appreciate it.
Thanks in advance…