– It’s going to be a long season if the Seahawks can’t even win with a free timeout from the scab refs.
– It’s Time to Freak Out About Climate Change
– The Battle Cry of Freedom is a Republican song, but maybe it’s time for the Democrats to appropriate it.
– I wouldn’t say it’s time for a new party, but Democrats should embrace their urban ideals.
– A call for help putting up flags at the West Seattle Junction.
– I saw Samsara at Cinerama over the weekend, and it was quite spectacular.
Here’s something to remember:
Hard to believe given the moronic bleats from the trolls about “the religion of peace” that they voted for him twice.
Sam Wang at Princeton Electoral Review observed,
A negative bounce. Too funny!
Obama made him do it!
Heh, Romney had to hide zillions in Switzerland and the Caymans out of fear that Obama would force him to remove “God” from his coins.
One in five Americans (thats 20% for the rubes out there):
Are functionally illiterate.
Believe the sun revolves around the Earth.
Believe Barack Obama is a secret Moslem.
Believe Obama was born in Kenya.
Believe Mitt Romney deserves credit for the Bin Ladin raid.
Cannot locate the United States on a globe or a map.
Do not know who the United States declared independence from.
Believe George W Bush was a great President.
Believe that “weapons of mass destruction” were found in Iraq.
Believe witches, ghosts, angels and demons really exist.
Believe the “Apocalypse” will happen in their lifetimes.
Believe marijuana is more harmful than alcohol.
Believe the moon landings were faked.
Believe alien abductions are real.
There’s more, but that about sums up the ignorance of the modern American. Several years ago in a few of the more backward states like Tennessee and Arkansas, copies of the United States Constitution were sent home with middle-school students for their parents to read, sign and return. In one smaller city in Tennessee, outraged parents demanded the school board be replaced, several people made threats of violence against individual school board members and wrote threatening letters to state legislators demanding that they step down, some calling for imprisonment of the school board and the teachers who had sent home that “communist propaganda” with the children. When it was pointed out where the original source of the assignment came from, these same people flat refused to believe it, even when shown direct photocopies of the original document.
One in five Americans are just too stupid, ignorant and crazy to understand what country they live in.
Rahm Emanuel is a nasty piece of work. Do as I say, not as I do. I was glad when he left the white house and away from the president. I was dismayed that he got elected. The way he’s acting, SerCon and Puddy should love him. I never thought he was a real democrat. DINO applies here.
This comment echoed that
This is for puddle:
TOTAL WHAKADOODLE Mia Love, puddle’s heroine, engaging in shameless up-is-downism in the service of Republican misogyny.
Let’s take a poll: Is Mia Love a) STOOPID, or b) Lying her ass off?
Step up conservatives the free money market has great deals on Mitt today.
Yeah, baby.
I was looking forward to some polling after the convention, but I guess the best polling would be done this week, after the initial “post-convention glow” was over.
I’m glad the electoral strategy looks so good. But I’m dismayed that the popular vote seems so close. Perhaps simply by getting four more years we can see the beneficial effects of the policies?
On the Sunday talk shows, Romney’s already beginning to try to appropriate the health care issues which are most appealing by saying he would do “something” to protect Americans from being unable to get insurance due to pre-existing conditions, and their ability to buy insurance for their children even if they are well into their twenties. But he’s still vague, it appears that he is simply saying he wants to make sure policies are available – at a price. The fact that most Americans could not afford that price is of no consequence to him, doesn’t everybody have a parent who can help out with college expenses, buying a house, or buying insurance? I’m sure they do in his world, but for most Americans – it’s a struggle to do a fraction of any one of those goals.
@7 No thanks. I know a shitty investment when I see one.
Those numbers seem kinda low to me
@10 Mitt killed Bin Laden? The GOP has developed a loyal base that will buy bagged bullshit and swear it smells like a dozen roses.
@12 From your link, “When you look at the numbers exclusively for the GOP the results are 38 percent for Obama, 47 percent for not sure, and 15 percent for Romney.”
My goodness! We’ve got a whole lot of crazy people on our hands! And without crazy people, the GOP really wouldn’t have much of a base left, would they?
# 12. What is so depressing is that I’m not even surprised by that. Heck, probably some 30% of the GOP base believes that the President is a space alien (it says so in the Inquirer, it MUST be true!).
Mitt Romney and his friends at Bain Capital own Clear Channel, the largest radio station proprietor in the nation. They also own Premiere Radio Networks, a national radio production company that produces and distributes approximately 90 syndicated radio programs. Premiere Radio has 5,800 radio station affiliates and approximately 213 million weekly listeners. The programs it hosts include those of Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. It is clear for all to see here on HA the conservatives like puddy tend to obtain 99.9% of their talking points from the Bain-Murdoch Inc. sound machine.
WhatanASS strikes again. ylbuttspigot appears first in this thread.
The problems with buttspigots like this fool is this fool can’t discern between peaceful Muslims and the OWS type Muslims. GW Bush was supporting the peaceful ones. You jockstrap the OWS types. How do we know? You commentary above proved it!
See ya used douchebag nozzle.
Weally? He’s your standard Chicago thug DUMMOCRAPT. A real DUMMOCRAPT hero! The kind Obummer continues to rotate through his whitey house. Richard Daley’s son as chief of staph? Come on!
Awww poor greg mcallister… He upset Bain owns the most profitable radio stations in the nation! Did you want Bain to own Scare America? Maybe they saw that loser from the beginning.
Just like you… loser!
Sucks to be him.
Ohio… two recent polls over-sampled DUMMOCRAPTS again which features skewed results… CBS/NYT/Quinnipiac and Ohio Poll/Univ. of Cinncinati.
Yeah Michael… pollsters still up to their slanted tricks!
Mia Love… U GO GIRL!
…and puddle is the arbiter of who a ‘good’ Muslim is…
Puddle would be funny if he were an act.
@20 We have seen the fruits of media control and politics before. For the people it did not turn out well.
Yup – saw that coming.
Puddle, of course, endorses Utah crazy lady. Not a surprise, she endorses his culture war policies:
OK, no biggie, knew that.
But puddle, please explain how these policies lead to the result crazy lady Mia expects:
How, precisely, does that follow?
After the DUMMOCRAPT convention slobbering libtard msm journalists admit their bias toward the DUMMOCRAPT.
Very interesting indeed. Convention bump help
Yeah, ‘oversampled’, that’s it!! Keep telling yourself that.
*(Bill the Cat reference)
To the HA readership at large:
Does puddle know that no one takes him seriously?
You betcha… the Planned Parenthood premise was/is to abort minority babies. Remember Margaret Sanger? Any black man with a working mind isn’t going to approve killing unborn black children… unless of course you nom de plume is rujax because U R an Idiot and culling the herd is fully supported by that fool!
How do you know you have struck a nerve with Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck… He moans and groans with no links just conjecture.
Puddy gave you the links where polls oversampled DUMMOCRAPTS. Those two polls are easily found and you can view them and their poll sample.
When confronted by truth Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck goes nutzo.
@24 Is is true there have been 79 people arrested so far at the Murdoch Criminal Views Network? Did Rupert’s staff get nailed hacking the news and bribing the police? Do you think Rupert and Silvio feel they are above the rule of law?
To the HA readership… Truth hurts… Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck runs from the hurt!
U Go Mia Love!
And how much do you pay in taxes?
Did Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck listen to the link from the CNN show? Of course not… it would be another painful headache for truth knocking on that thick neanderthal cranial skull.
@12, 14
And how much of obamas base thinks their gonn get “free stuff” if they vote for barack? I mean besides ylb, deathfrog and rujerxoff…
Funny how this year the various right-wing parrots of the GOP party theme have been saying every poll “oversamples” Democrats. You never heard that complaint in prior elections.
So, did pollsters change their sampling practices? No. In areas with more Democrats than Republicans, a fair sampling would, by definition, include more Democrats than Republicans. To only count equal numbers of each would be statistically unsound. Should pollsters include equal numbers of Democrats with Republicans in rural counties in Alabama? of course not.
So why this theme among the wingnuts? And why did they pick 5% as the universal amount of sampling error they claim?
Of course, part of this may be that Republicans tend to “follow the pack”, and you have to prove to them that Republicans have a good chance of winning before they can be relied upon to get out and vote.
The most likely answer, however, is found in the 2004 election, when even the exit polls (the most reliable of all) showed Kerry winning a close race. In most other countries, the U.S. has considered that as very persuasive evidence of probable election fraud. And sure enough, there was election fraud in 2004 – in Ohio, where the Republican Secretary of State juggled voting booths to make Democrats wait for long hours to vote but Republicans precincts had lots of empty machines. Moreover, he engaged in illegal “caging” operations, striking tens of thousands from the polls in reliably Democratic precincts, especially veterans who had address forwarding filed to an A.P.O. (military) address. This was enough to flip Ohio to the Republicans, and with it the 2004 re-election of George W. Bush. And we will never know how many Diabold machines actually recorded votes for Bush which were cast for Kerry, since there were no written records recorded and voters reported that their votes for Kerry suddenly turned to “Bush” when the enter/vote key was pushed.
So this time around, Reporteers are anticipating a hue and cry after they try to steal this election, are setting the seeds to claim that the pre-election polling was biased.
@33 It seems the Tea Party Nutters in the House might bring John Boehner down. 32% is not a winning number.
@ 33
Repeating outrageous lies fed to you by the Murdock Propaganda machine doesn’t help your cause, especially when people know that you know that you’re lying. Trying to debate a liar is pointless, all the liar needs to do is keep repeating the lie, and no amount of factual retort can counter the lie.
I don’t know where the ‘free stuff” meme comes from, probably the liar Limbaugh or the liar Coulter or some such. but the reality is this.
All I ask, and have ever asked for, is being paid enough to live on without having to use credit to buy new tires or a major auto repair or buy decent clothes. Where I can afford to pay my rent, bills and meet the requirements of the law regarding my ownership of an automobile. Where I could buy a small house with a decent yard that I can garden. Thats not too much to ask. Thats what the post-WW2 generation had.
All I have ever asked for is tuition rates that I can afford while working part-time, as after 30 years of working manual labor jobs, my back hurts, my feet hurt, my knees hurt, the foot I broke in High School is now hurting a lot and I just cannot take that abuse to my body anymore. I’ve worked on a large drilling rig with some of the stupidest, most ignorant people you can imagine. I’ve framed a major office building in downtown San Francisco. I’ve built over a thousand houses, and I spent more than 22 years cutting metal on a Lathe and a Mill. I don’t have any kids, don’t have a wife to support and my car is paid for.
All I’ve ever complained about is getting what the post-WW2 generation got, and not more. Inexpensive high-quality Education, a fair shake at the so-called American Dream and maybe knowing the fact that I can call a cop or a fireman when I need to without them sending me a bill or wanting to kick my ass for interrupting their donut break.
When I was working full time, I paid more than 34% of my income in Federal, State and local taxes on less than $36,000/year income, so Mitt Romney can pay close to zero percent on a multi million dollar income garnered from stripping businesses of their assets and shipping the work to slave labor camps in China.
Your “free shit” meme is a lie, it has always been a lie, and by repeating it, you sir, are a liar.
But we knew that already.
Count so far for puddle:
Posts: 10
Links: 1
…and the link goes to a kooky conservative site Media Research Center; the clip there is from CNN, but it’s dominated by the bloviating – the source of pud’s contention – Matt Lewis, notorious right winger from The Daily Caller, the rag founded by the discredited and insufferable Tucker Carlson.
So pud’s “link from the CNN show” is tangential at best, utter dishonest more likely. And it doesn’t demonstrate anything but right-wing “LIB MEDIA” tic.
Puddle is, once again, pwn’d and irrelevant.
My question to puddle still stands, and remains unanswered:
How does:
lead to:
As asserted by Crazy Lady Mia Love.
Eh, puddle?
Lmfao….so much meat there its hard to know where to start.
You want what the ww2 generation got?..fine, then go fight 2 wars like they did….go through rationing like they did….go through a depression like they did……….
Hate to break this to you, but nobody owes you shit…just like nobody owes me anything either.
Good luck.
“just like nobody owes me anything either”
Wrong!!! I owe you a beer.
re 40: “Hate to break this to you, but nobody owes you shit…just like nobody owes me anything either.”
What about driving a car? Do you owe it to your fellow citizens to drive safely? Of course you do. And that’s just one example — hundreds come to mind — but it’s simple enough for even you to understand.
Willard M Romney recently said that the reason Republicans have been obstructing Obama for his entire term was that they had a responsibility to make sure that none of Obama’s failed policies succeeded.
If that reasoning makes sense to you, you just might be a Republican.
“I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want America to succeed,”
~ Willard Mitt Romney, August 30, 2012
“I don’t want his liberal policies to succeed. I want him to fail…”
~ Willard Mitt Romney, March 19, 2009
It turns out, when you read the full 2009 statement to Larry King on CNN, he claims he wants him to succeed as President—but he says explicitly four different times that he wants his policies to fail.
His statement makes no sense. How is it even possible for a man to succeed while his policies fail? Clearly, Romney and the GOP were all rooting for Obama to fail and by their actions and efforts to obstruct and negate his policies they made sure they could make the claim that Obama failed.
Turns out, his policies could not possibly have failed because many haven’t been tried. They were blocked by GOP.
Saturday, September 1st 2012 at 4:23PM
Richard Kigel
# 40: Gee, Kim Jong somehow translated:
* bank regulation and creation of the FDIC;
* creation of the Works Progress Administration (i.e., infrastructure spending on the government dime);
* deficit financing in times of severe financial depression/rescession;
* Selling military hardware to Britain before the U.S. entered the war;
* Huge water projects (infrastructure spending) like TVA and the Columbia River Project which prevented flooding, made rural electricity available, subsidized irrigation for farming vast areas, and created sufficient surplus electricity to power the aluminum plants and create TWO uranium enrichment facilities (Oak Ridge, TN and Richland, WA) which made the atomic bombs possible.
Into an ode to the “Greatist Generation” which he summarizes as:
Talk about being deaf and blind! Without F.D.R. and the infrastructure his programs created we would have entered WWII broke and unready, still searching for the bottom of the market which Romney considers to be the ideal point for any person or business which is in trouble.
LOL! NO Dullard (R-Money) and Randroid idiot hustler Paul Ryan in the White House is the finest “free stuff” I can think of.
But it’s hardly free. It costs rational thought the motivation to register and pull a lever for Barack Obama.
By the way I was chuckling at this filth the other day.
Continuation of # 44: Gee, don’t these guys (right-wing talking parrots) ever study history? Or do they lack the critical reading and analysis skills to understand what they read and apply it to the current world? Or is it that they just don’t care?
You must be a Republican if….
You insist that everyone wear a flag-pin on their lapel and express their love of America, then try your best to make sure America goes straight into the toilet.
46 – They don’t care about objective reality or only those parts that reinforce their narrow views. They’re pathological narcissists.
You know, I always took it with a grain of salt whenever Republicans complained about the deficit. After all, the only time they complain about deficits is when Democrats are in charge (Carter, Clinton, and now Obama). As soon as Republicans are in office, they quickly turn manageable deficits into huge ones, or surpluses into huge deficits, and then blame the Democrats anyway.
I figured it was just election-year sloganeering, and left it at that. But I fear that I have under-estimated it considerably.
Because the most recent attack on deficits seems to have a specific purpose: to cut off funding for any jobs programs which President Obama proposes. With the President’s jobs programs held in limbo, they then claim that the unemployment rate isn’t declining, and somehow that is the President’s fault. It’s all part of their strategy of winning this next Presidential election. The fact that the average American is impacted – if not personally, then some of their friends or family – is just “collateral damage” which they don’t consider relevent.
Well, that’s not entirely correct – unemployed Americans are not “irrelevent” to Republicans. They consider them fuel for the fire, kindling to be turned from potential Obama supporters (if they are put back to work) to Republican voters (if they remain unemployed and are looking for someone to blame).
Personally, I think every Republican in Congress (and a few Republican leaders not in Congress right now) should be brought before a court and tried for treason.
@17 We need more Rahm Emanuels to kick the wingnut vermin back into the sewers they slithered out of.
@19 Right. When polls show R-Money getting his ass kicked it’s gotta be a sampling error or slanted poll because puddy can’t imagine anyone not loving Mittens! Damn pollsters!
@27 “the Planned Parenthood premise was/is to abort minority babies”
Really? PP is a plot to commit black genocide? Tell that to the black woman who goes to PP for cancer screening because she can’t afford health insurance. Take your meds loon!
General Motors Sales UP in August.
Looks like Obama is a hero, right?
But 79% of GM’S sales were to…the government!
We paid for them.
What a joke.
Manipulation and shell-game. Obama’s specialty
@49 Don’t overlook what else a huge pool of unemployed workers means to Republicans — CHEAP LABOR!
The Chicago teachers are taking advantage of the election cycle. They could care less about the kids. Average salary in Chicago? $47,000.
Average teachers salary? $76,000 plus benefits of over 40%! That makes their compensation over $106K.
Where is Obama on this? Quiet. He promised those teachers the world.
And Rahmbo Deadfish?? He was screwing around at the Democrat convention while this was building and the murder rate is at all time highs. No leadership. Deadfish. Look at him.
@53 “But 79% of GM’S sales were to…the government!”
This rightwing fable started life as “there’s a big reason GM experienced an increase in sales last month: ‘government purchases of GM vehicles rose a whopping 79% in June,’ according to the National Legal and Policy Center’s Mark Modica” and spread its wings from there.
@56 Oliver Stone found some of his lost photos from 1968.
“Under the currently binding contract, 2010-11 annual teacher salaries ranged from $47,268 for teachers with bachelor’s degree with a year’s experience or less, to $88,680 for those with doctorates who have at least 16 years of experience. Those in schools with longer school years (42.6 weeks or 52 compared to 38.6) make commensurately more. All told, teachers in Chicago make an average of $74,839 a year.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Given that the pay scale is $47K for a B.A. with no experience to $88K for a Ph.D. with at least 16 years of experience, if the average pay is $75K it appears most Chicago teachers are very experienced people with advanced degrees.
Suppose bankers’ pay was chopped to $75K per year. Now that would be headline news.
@55 What’s the average pay for a Chicago worker with a master’s degree and 16 years of experience?
Or are you suggesting that teachers with Ph.D.s should be paid the same as truck drivers and retail clerks?
Republican Value System
Banker making $500K = good
Teacher making $75K = bad
$75 or even $100K for a person living in an expensive city and entrusted with the intellectual and social development of our children…sounds underpaid, particularly if we’re talking about people with advanced degrees and experience.
What is wrong with these people?
The hate coming from Republicans is unbelievable, pathetic, and sad.
@62 “What is wrong with these people?”
The game they play is to beat down wages of private sector workers to the $40s, $30s, or even $20s, then use those comparisons to claim teachers and other public servants are “overpaid.”
Maybe what we should do is compare teacher salaries with what they make — and then take a hard look at how they make it.
From the land of Murdoch we have the #1 rich bitch thinking hard rock miners are worth $2 a day?
Wow things are sure looking grim for the klown and his idiot dinner buddy Dr. Buttface…
How is that ODS working out for y’all??
No question about it: Obama won the convention war.
Last week, RealClearPolitics showed the popular vote as tied, but today RCP has Obama ahead by 2.9 points. And it’s hard to see how Romney can go up from here, as he’s no match for Obama in the upcoming debates, and he now has less than 60 days to turn the election around. At some point he’ll have to discuss issues and tell people what he would do as president; simply telling voters to “trust me” isn’t going to be good enough.
RCP hasn’t changed its map, which still shows Obama 221 EVs to Romney’s 191.
Huffington Post’s map gives Obama 247 to Romney’s 191 by rating Michigan, Nevada, and New Hampshire as leans Obama instead of tossup.
With 247 EVs locked in, Obama could win with Virgina (13) and Wisconsin (10), or Ohio (18) and Iowa (6), or Florida (29) alone.
Thus Florida, Ohio, and Wisconsin are indispensable for Romney (although those 3 states by themselves wouldn’t enough; he’d still need 22 more, which he could get by winning Virginia and Colorado). This looks so hard he almost has to win Michigan to put the election in play.
rhpee6033 misses the toilet bowl again…
Hmmm… Maybe they didn’t do it? Recent Pew poll…
Sampled Poll Values:
459 Republicans
813 Democrats
599 Independents
U see rhpee6033… Puddy brings facts… you bring BULLSHIT. That’s why the rest of your rant is not worth the pixels you wasted!
Ohio’s Secretary of State backed down Friday after being summoned to federal court for refusing to unblock Ohio’s early voting.
Just weeks before the election, Republican Jon Hustad ordered counties to stop planning for early voting as part of the GOP’s nationwide efforts to make voting more difficult and suppress turnout.
@69 The only fact I see there is not many people are willing to call themselves Republicans these days. Can’t say I blame them. Being a Republican isn’t respectable anymore.
Gee, Democrats support Planned Parenthood because their plan is to abort black babies?
Gee, the black vote for Republicans is miniscule. Blacks overhelmingly support Democrats. So the Democrats plan to decrease the black birthrate??????
Gee, even their attempts to spin lies defies all attempts at logic. Why would they try to depress the numbers of one of their bigger voting blocks?
@72 “Gee, Democrats support Planned Parenthood because their plan is to abort black babies?”
That’s what the loon asserts.
@72 “So the Democrats plan to decrease the black birthrate??????”
No that’s not what the loon said.
The loon said, “the Planned Parenthood premise was/is to abort minority babies.”
The question is whether women should control their own bodies. The answer is no. We all agree that even if a woman is raped, she should be forced to raise the rapist’s child, and the rapist gets visitation. That is, we all agree on that if we’re Republicans and live in one of the 38 states that give rapists visitation rights. So, if you’re a Republican, you believe that women must fulfill two conditions to not have children: Practice abstinence and not get raped. Because you are not permitted to use birth control (that’s “murder”) and you can’t get an abortion under any circumstances, even if you were raped by a horse and the sonogram shows you’re carrying a unicorn. Of course,
if you’re a woman, you don’t believe that and you’re not a Republican; by definition, Republicans are angry white men who don’t abstain from anything. So why should women voters listen to those guys? Shorter answer: They don’t, which is why Republicans will lose.
@72, 73, 74
All based on, I believe, Margaret Sanger’s racism and eugenicism, expressed by her about a hundred years ago.
Were her racist words execrable, by any standard? Yes.
Was her advocacy for women’s autonomy and control of their own bodies, their reproduction, absolutely correct? Yes.
Does the former negate the latter? Absolutely not.
Do Sanger’s century-old words impugn present day Planned Parenthood and its mission to provide all women, regardless of means, access to health care? Never ever, except if you’re an ass, like puddle and Romney.
Super fail….false analogy.
A more correct analogy would have been: is each person owed a car?
answer: no
You lose.
Hey puddle, let’s leave the 1920s and Margaret Sanger, and let’s discuss a guy Mitt Romney just met with.
Pat Robertson said…
So puddle, do you repudiate Pat Robertson?
@77 None for all, and all for none. What a great philosophy to build a civilization on.
How about the rest of you Republicans?
Kim Jong? Max? Bob? Rhett?
Do you guys repudiate Pat Robertson? Mitt Romney for genuflecting to this toad?
Rand Paul is a good man.
Shouldn’t Obama want to help free the man that gave him his biggest and only military point???
@81 I’m sure our troops in Afghanistan will appreciate that. There’s a reason why we buy off the Pakistanis, you know. Actually, several reasons: To get access to Afghanistan through Pakistan; to keep Islamic radicals from taking over that country; and we’re also interested in who controls Pakistan’s nuclear stockpile, and we’d rather have these guys than their potential replacements. But none of that matters if you’re a teabag senator pandering to the nut element of the wingnut party, because it’s going to be a long long time before that bunch has to take responsibility for actual foreign policy decisions.
That’s debatable. He’s certainly s stoopid man, however. Krugman pwn’d him.
Cheap grandstanding by the junior nitwit from Kentucky.
This can’t be good news for Republicans. The “right-leaning” pollster notes, “the change is evidence that convention bumps can have effects beyond the top of the ticket”, which could be really bad news for Republicans. Time will tell, but a trend is a trend and remains so until broken, and the current trend sucks for the GOP.
“Kim Jong? Max?”
The same person.
Previously known as Mr. Cynical, the Klynical Klown.
Go Jay Nixon (D!).
Missouri Governor – Spence vs. Nixon Nixon 46, Spence 37 Nixon +9
re 77: “Super fail….false analogy.
A more correct analogy would have been: is each person owed a car?
answer: no
You lose.”
Is each person owed a grapefruit? or a vintage Papermate retractable? or a glass onion? or a dovetail joint? Your answer to my on point challenge is absolutely ridiculous.
Do people owe you medical attention? I’m betting your thoughtless initial response would be, No. But according to Ronald Reagan, every person deserved free medical attention if they presented themselves for care at the emergency room — and the system could exact payment from you for their free visit through your medical premiums — if you even have any insurance.
@87 Must be the Akin effect.
re 77: “A more correct analogy….”
You do not seem to think about what you are saying. By saying that your analogy is more correct , you tacitly admit that my analogy was correct — yours was merely more correct.
If both statements are correct, how can one be more correct than the other.
You appear to be a Puddin’ Head.
USA to provide $70 million for major improvements on the Pakistan to Afghanistan troop supply road. It will be interesting to see if Tea Party Nutter Rand Paul halts all business in the US Senate over one man who was told by the CIA to leave and he ignored the warning?
Nah, Nixon was ahead before that.
@75 “That is, we all agree on that if we’re Republicans and live in one of the 38 states that give rapists visitation rights.”
Well, that one gave me a WTF? moment. It appears that it’s 31 states, not 38, but still. It seems that this is the article that brought this issue to light following the Todd Akin fiasco. This one will surely make your head spin.
To hell with Todd Akin’s and Paul Ryan’s bullshit. Do these people hate women or something? I knew at a glance that Paul Ryan has a very strange look in his eyes, like he was ready to let loose with a psycho-laugh or something. Is that what it’s about? Good fucking grief! The Vice President’s office? The nation might be better off if Ryan and Akin were both locked up in padded cells.
Wingnut to raped, pregnant women, “You shall be tethered to your rapist for the rest of your life.”
Checked out the thread and it looks like a troll holiday. Must be that Gekko/Galt convention bounce.
@ 40
You mean the War that the Republicans stood so hard against us getting involved in? The War in Europe fought against the people and the countries and the socioeconomic paradigm that the Republicans so ardently wanted the US to support? The only reason WW2 could happen was if their was a major attack on US Soil, something that the Germans weren’t even considering before 1942. But the Japanese were. And the Roosevelt administration knew damn well they were and took some incredible steps to prepare us for it. Feeding people, employing people. Teaching them how to read and write and bust their asses doing some backbreaking work building bridges and damns and highways. Forcing electricity and telephone companies to provide service to remote areas. Building facilities in the National Parks and employing artists to decorate Government buildings. People were starving in the beginnings of the Great Depression. 2.5 million US citizens starved to death between 1928 and 1933.
We need NOW, a new WPA, and CCC. People building things that the People can use free of charge; the National Parks, the maintenance of roads and bridges and everything else that goes with living in a civilized society. Everybody pays in, and everybody benefits.
The difference between so-called “conservatives” and so-called “liberals” is that Conservatives believe in royalty, they believe that by the simple virtue of being wealthy they are automatically endowed by their creator to be intellectually and morally superior to the vast majority of the Citizenry. They believe that a simple accident of birth entitles one to a lifetime of high privilege and the lifestyle of a King, including exemptions from most if not all of the laws of the Nation.
Thats just fuckin wrong man. If hard work and intellect really created wealth, then there would be a lot more moderately wealthy people, and a hell of a lot fewer Billionaires.
The “Liberals” I know, know damn well that the US has no royalty, no generational privilege or birthright. No Master Class. It was never intended to be such a nation. The Constitution and the writings of the people that wrote the Constitution bear this out.
The Billionaires are nothing more than the thieves class. Born into it, having no experience whatsoever with even so much as getting a little dirt under their fingernails and therefore somehow entitled to loot the treasury. Entitled to $100 billion bailouts when their crisscrossing and over lapping scams start tripping all over themselves and each other in their efforts to rob each other blind. Who gets to pay for that? ME and YOU. Not them.
And yet, somehow, you believe them when they tell you that you got fucked and whom while they laugh all the way back to their private office in daddies bank. See, they don’t need us anymore. They don’t need companies full of machinists and welders and sawyers here anymore. They don’t need American Labor to make them rich anymore. All they need is each other. Each others companies, each others banks. Each others Politicians. All they ever do is contract shit out or beg, borrow and steal, they do no real work themselves. Job Creators indeed.
The entirety of the Conservative paradigm is corrupt. The entirety of the philosophy is taking out of the system, and not putting anything back into it. They don’t give a shit about “America”. They only care about the money, and the political power they can derive from that.
THAT is what you are supporting when you claim Mittens and Pauly as your candidates.
re 95 — “The difference between so-called “conservatives” and so-called “liberals” is that Conservatives believe in royalty, they believe that by the simple virtue of being wealthy they are automatically endowed by their creator to be intellectually and morally superior to the vast majority of the Citizenry.”
That’s how we end up with chuckleheads like Bush for president.
@96 phineas j whoopee,
That’s how we end up with chuckleheads like Bush for president.
And Slick Willard Rmoney as the only guy who could defeat a field of other chuckleheads to get the 2012 nomination.
Good news is that the Republican party is giving all the signs of a death rattle.
Unless your last name is Kennedy, then its OK.
Seems the trolls all all over at Chuck E Cheese’s – must be puddle’s birthday or something.
Smells better around here, for the time being.
Can we change the locks?
@98, 99
DANG! Spoke too soon!
Birtherpalooza is canceled:
Crappy ticket sales.. No further commment.
@98 Vercingetorix,
Really? Kennedys have generational privilege and are part of a Master Class?
Name 3 Kennedys who fit this bill.
@98 Washington is not a Swing State. The chance of Romney-Ryan winning is about the same as Honolulu getting two feet of snow on New Years day. The only thing the Rove, Adelson, Murdoch,Koch-suckers can expect in California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii is an ass kicking.
lots of red meat there to tear apart, fortunately for you, I am not that hungry.
you are really really confused, starting with the 1930’s.
You have bought into the lie that the Democrat Party is the little mans party…LOL. not hardly, but you will never be convinced otherwise. You are angry, pissed off, and looking to blame someone because of where you are at – I get that…its human nature to some extent I suppose.
Maybe some day, you will figure out that nothing is “free”…if you want a free college education – just ask Prof Darryl to teach for “free’, or at least take a huge pay cut….but nah, that aint gonna happen, is it.
everybody always wants something for “free”, and that attitude has as much to do with this nations(including state, county, city) problems as anything else. it may not be the only cause, but it sure as hell is a large part.
All I got from you previous post was “I want…I want….I want….I want…..”
Well guess what pal, I want a bunch of shit too, some attainable, some not. so fucking what, you want something, then go earn it, but dont tell others that you “deserve” something like a house or a car or whatever, because you think you deserve it. Those things are earned, and if you make shitty choices, then thats on you, and not the rest of us.
good luck with your studies – hopefully you have chosen a field that will provide you with a job that will help pay for your list of “wants”, just like the rest of us have to do.
google is your friend, isnt it?
can I get a “growl! growl!” for the dear departed liberal lion?
dont you have a church to go vandalize or something? Maybe a nun to spit on perhaps?
@104,105 & 106 Vercingetorix,
You sound bitter and confused.
You know, it is only going to get far worse as November 7th rolls around and the party you support who took us to war for no reason, destroyed the economy and which desperately wants to probe and regulate lady parts goes down to bitter defeat.
Do you need a tissue to wipe your bitter salty tears?
@101 Birtherpalooza Lives! The Queen of the Birthers Orly Taitz draws a huge crowd in Beverly Hills at the Tea Party !
WOW, you are making a lot of ASSumptions there!
Bitter? How so? We are financially doing better than ever before.
Confused? See above.
Pssst, let me give you a little secret: Im probably voting for Obama for President…as bad as he is, I do not trust or think Mitt is the way to go.
so…you were saying something….oops, I mean were you saying something before you made a complete fucktard out of yourself?
ya..thats what I thought.
Im good, thanks….but it looks like you need a tissue to wipe that cum off your chin.
Suggestion: just swallow – its what you lemmings do best.
and that has what? to do with my post? This is atleast the second time you have responded with irrelevant responses.
well done…golf clap.
oh…”washington is not a swing state”: gee, i didnt know Monday was declared Stating the Obvious Day.
FYI…you are hovering in Rujax territory now – not sure you wanna be there, but its where you currently reside.
@109 & 110 Vercingetorix,
Yes. Bitter & confused. That’s ok.
That Obama …as bad as he is brought you the right to health care insurance without a single Republican vote.
You take care of yourself, and rant on! Who knows, the president in 2016 just may be one of those yet to be named Kennedys!
We already had great healthcare – thanks anyway.
Please dont project your weakness my direction.
We will do fine no matter who is president.
oh, and we are all done handing out “free stuff” – please go look elsewhere.
Waiting for my own personal stalker to chime in…..3…2…1….
The bloated whale of batshit insanity and hate predicts the END of the Republicans if Obama is re-elected:
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!
@116 I might be happier if the extremist teabaggers just formed their own damned party. I imagine some Republicans feel that way too.
In an odd way, the Dem convention was kind like old fashioned conservatism and progressivism getting along and doing business. They even yelled at each other about God, but eventually moved on and got things done. The Republican convention had all of the trappings of a major party convention, but something seemed different, sort of like the patients had taken over the mental asylum.
Translation: I GOT MINE!!!
It’s official: Obama’s convention left Rmoney’s in the dust.
“Mitt Romney strengthened his attacks on President Barack Obama on Monday in the face of a new CNN/ORC International poll that indicated the Republican challenger in November is losing ground after last week’s Democratic National Convention.”
Oh, and this —
“‘We know what would happen if he were re-elected,’ Romney shouted. ‘We’d see more years of high unemployment. … We’d see more years of almost no wage growth in this country.'”
Is that an implicit promise that Republicans will raise wages after spending decades trying to push wages down? Somehow I have a feeling that promise won’t be kept if Rmoney wins.
Pat Robertson… been repudiated years ago Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck. Ask HA’s ylbuttspigot for the repudiations! Puddy cares less what he thinks! Butt you care what Bill Maher thinks. Haven’t seen your repudiation of his misogynist comments on Sarah Palin’s daughter!
You know, when you stop to think about it, Rush Limbaugh and Todd Akin did such a great job of alienating the women’s vote that you gotta wonder if they’re on the Democratic payroll.
Romney on Leno’s show, courtesy of the aptly named Crooks & Liars,
A life and death “game”. Who needs death panels when we have that?
Translation: Its not fair that work your ass off and get rewarded, while I am lazy and dont get any “free stuff”.
because bigotry is OK…..as long as you are progressive.
Oh so easy…Ted Chappaquiddick Kennedy
Robert Environmentalist (But I fly private planes spewing high amounts of CO2) Kennedy Jr.
Caroline I’m a Catholic Abortionist Kennedy
Joseph Kennedy III – looks like he’ll replace Bawney Fwank! Hand me down seat!
Oh yeah the Kennedy family has long opposed the 130-turbine wind farm that would be located in Nantucket Sound several miles offshore from the family compound in Hyannisport.
So simple CubScout!
More trouble for Republicans: Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson is polling about 3%. We probably can assume some of those are voters who wouldn’t vote for a major party candidate, and a few might even be conservative Democrats, but if this guy pulls away even 1% from the Romney-Ryan ticket in key swing states that spells big trouble for the Republicans.
@122 Sounds to me like Romney just endorsed the individual mandate.
Hey Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck, do you repudiate this whack-job in the HA favrit e-mag The Gawker, being a pedo is a sexual orientation?
Well you are a self-professed “progressive” Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck; do you agree?
Of course this is great too
No let them swing free in the streets!
Hey Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck, do you repudiate this whack-job Nick Cassavetes?
And later…
Well you are a self-professed “progressive” Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck; do you agree?
Who disturbed the rock under which Puddybud was sleeping?
He will remain dormant for a month or more and all someone has to do is mention his name and he will come forth a-blubbering and a-blabbering to beat the band.
@130 Nothing that a can of RAID can’t fix.
To what comments are you referring? Which daughter?
Why should I give a shit what Nick Casavetes does?
Do you object to his movie and its theme?
Then don’t go see it.
It sounds like the author was struggling with trying to live the unconditional love that Jesus taught, trying to love the least of our brothers. He was standing up and saying that even pedophiles are God’s children.
You have a problem with that?
If slap-happy Pat Roberson is evil, why is your guy Mitt genuflecting to him?
And puddle – don’t forget – I’m still waiting for an explanation of how your heroine, whakadoodle and all-around Crazy Lady Mia Love expects that standard Republican misogyny like this:
will lead to this:
Or, is it just a word salad of platitudes?
In which case she’s either too stoopid to realize its inconsistency, or she’s just another profoundly dishonest prevaricating Republican.
I’m not sure which is worse.
Good article for puddle.
Driven by this:
And they’re doing their damnedest to see that as few black and brown and poor people vote as possible.
Hey puddle, I guess now that we have 100% vote-by-mail here, you’ll never get asked how many bubbles are in a bar of soap before you’re allowed to vote. Lucky for you – you got yours.
It’s OK if black people in Pennsylvania and Florida and Ohio can’t vote – you get to stay on the concierge floor at the shitty Marriott.
When you teach a person to fish they can feed their family for a lifetime. When you give them a handout, they come back for more. Dennis Miller said it best…
Then Lib
More peeps on food stamps than ever before! Dog whistle... only DUMMOCRAPTS hear the code words Toure screams about…
So simple to EXPLODE Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck crying moaning and groaning…
Did y’all notice Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck didn’t repudiate either comment in #128 or #129.
Must be into those deviant lifestyles!
When you have the inattentive blacks listening to the race hustlers who say vote for DUMMOCRAPTS for your freebies… vs. Republicans who say we’ll show you how to be self-sufficient, it’s normal human nature to be lazy. You will take the easy road.
Us blacks and latinos who WANT to be self-sufficient see through the smoke screen of the race hustlers and that’s why Allen West, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Susana Martinez, Marco Rubio and others scare the crap outta DUMMOCRAPS.
Exhibit #1 – ylbuttspigot… this latino on this blog 24×7 weekdays when others are working hard!
Exhibit #2 – rujax… Has this reservation dweller ever said anything intelligent not found on a left wrong site?
Roger SENILE Wabbit once said you only have to provide one example!
What’s to repudiate?
(Do you understand the meaning of the word? We’ve had that problem with you in the past, you’ll remember.)
Nick Cassavetes made a movie about incest. Why is it on me to ‘repudiate’ him? Again, why should I care what he does?
If you don’t like his movie, don’t see it.
Pedophilia is wrong.
That wasn’t the point of your excerpt, however.
It was about a person trying to live Jesus’ example of unconditional love, for the least of his brothers.
Are you saying that’s wrong? Are you saying Jesus’ admonition to love, even a pedophile, is wrong? Are you saying Jesus is wrong, puddle?
Puddle is shown, once again, to be full of shit (and to have challenges with polysyllabic words).
Could you have possibly internalized any more racism, puddle? Come on, ‘fess up – it’s all about the zygotes, isn’t it? And icky lady parts? You’ve sold out on racism to gain the company of the Bibul-thumpers. (Just don’t let them hear your thoughts on Affirmative Action – they’ll call you ‘uppity’.)
Scared? Only for my country.
We’ve been through this before, but often it takes repetition to get through to the simple minded…
Allen West – execrable, torturer, parody of Johnny Iselin and Joe McCarthy, accuses opponents of being communists. Presently sub-50% on reelection polling, hopefully will be sent packing by more sane citizens of FL-18.
Tim Scott – laughable, Bibul-hustler, 10-Commandments poster, hypocrite on government spending (like all Repubs); supports AZ 1070.
<These are you heroes?!>
Mia Love – word salad Crazy Lady. Puddle still hasn’t explained how Republican misogyny will lead to ‘more choices’ for women, as Mia Love claims – once again, we’re confronted with, “Stoopid, or lying?”
Garden-variety Republican nut-case.
Susana Martinez – passed over by Mittens for VP. Anti-gay bigot, anti-choice misogynist. Ho-fucking-hum.
Mario Rubio – Fraudulent biography. Unaccomplished Jr Senator. Lends precious melanin to RNC convention.
This we’re supposed to be impressed with?
*rolls eyes*
Dog Whistle… Can you hear it?
Notice the attacks on Real Americans?
How predictably foul. You don’t get to decide who is a ‘real’ American and who isn’t.
Typical Republican bigot.
See? Puddle apparently believes that he get’s to parse who is a ‘good’ Muslin and a ‘bad’ one, who a ‘real’ American and who isn’t.
Typical Republican – divide, vilify, hate.
It must suck to live with so much fear.
Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck still has progressive issues… These are self described progressives like you schmucko. Conservatives don’t write stuff like this!
Once again Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck lives on left wrong web sites. Peaceful muslims as defined by CAIR
Well when you are a dingleberry such as Lib da winks at DUMMOCRAPT racism schmuck, everything you write smells like manure! Man is must weally suck to be this stupid all the time.
Well said Goatboy, well said!