Just a reminder that the best show on television, Real Time with Bill Maher, starts up again this Friday.
Update: Speaking of Bill Maher, here is Part 1 of his HBO special called The Decider:
The rest of the special can be found here — Darryl
by Lee — ,
Michael Vick Pleads Guilty To Animal Cruelty Charges
Hey MTR, another one of your heros is a convicted felon and is going to jail.
sp. heroes
P.S., pay your gambling debt, welsher!
Bill Maher is a national treasurer. No one on the right compares, or is even in the same league, with regard to Maher’s mix of wit, wisdom, and ability to see through horseshit. Of course, I guess I’d be hardpressed to identify anyone on the right who combines those traits even to a minimal degree.
Hey MTR, how’s that Dow Jones average treatin’ you?
The Dow closed up about 50 points (to 13,128) after trading below 13000 much of the day. MSN Money says that: “below average volume during today’s late-day resurgence…offers much less conviction behind what looks more like a short-covering bounce than a substantial shift in sentiment.”
Lookin’ good for Friday, big fella. Will you have a “substantial shift in sentiment?” I’m not holding my breath.
RR – So tell me, WTF is wrong with what Vick did?
The dogs were HIS property. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with them.
So make the case to me that what he did was wrong. Or any of you other fucking moonbats…
DL – My strategy hasn’t changed. It’s really quite simple…
Just dollar cost average into huge no load index funds. That’s it.
No magic.
Now you know…
So tell me how fucking smart you are.
McMINNVILLE, Ore. — Two 13-year-old boys accused of slapping girls’ bottoms and poking or cupping girls’ breasts at school apologized on Monday as a judge dismissed charges against the two, ending a six-month case that drew national attention
A defeat for political weirdness and looney tunes. Good!
I could not believe that case.
An aversion to inflicting unnecessary pain is something that marks us as humans. Gratuitous torture of a living being marks a person as inhuman. If you don’t understand that, you are not part of the human community. That you would seek an explanation for what is wrong with Vick’s conduct suggests you are a sociopath. I feel sorry for you.
I’m with Proud Leftist on this. I don’t know how you can defend someone who is about to plead guilty to running an operation where dogs were known to be tortured. Not just killed – but tortured. You’re truly a sick person.
I’m feeling a bit short in the personal property department, and my accountant says I need to diversify. How much to buy you?
Shouldn’t be much, I’d think. After all, you can’t even pony up a measly hunnert bucks.
Leftist, Lee, Rabbit – They’re just fucking DOGS. And they were HIS property.
WTF is wrong with you sissies. Afraid of a little blood?
Are you actually going to argue against the need for animal cruelty laws?
I must admit, I’m very impressed with that. That may even be more ballsy than defending NAMBLA.
Lee – Why the fuck do we need “animal cruely” laws? Make the moral case to me dumfuckingass…
They’re HIS property. He can do whatever the fuck he wants, and nobody has a fucking right to tell him what to do.
Fucking nazi…
There ought to be a list of people like you that should be posted so that neighbors know someone like you lives amongst them, just like there’s a list for sex offenders. You are not quite right that dogs are just “property.” You will recall that even in the Old West, horse theft could lead to execution. Loss of an animal meant more than mere loss of, for instance, a wallet picked from a pocket. Do you think strangling a dog is no different than kicking a couch? That’s what your “reasoning” would suggest. Animal torture has been against the law for one helluva long time. The laws prohibiting such represent a social consensus. You are outside that consensus. Next time you get a date (I understand how unlikely that event might be), tell her that strangling a dog ain’t no more than ripping up a newspaper, or whatever else someone might want to do with mere “property.” By the way, I’m sorry that your mother’s status as a lady of the night prevented you from having pets as a child.
@ #5 MTR
Creepy! You probably never had a problem with Mitt Romney strapping his dog to the vehicle’s ROOF, traveling on vacation either. Huh? Cause he was too cheap to pay a petsitter and didn’t have space enough inside the car.
Left the caged dog flapping his gums in the wind for heaven knows how many hundreds of miles, scared as all get out and unable to say anything to defend himself. Most likely they couldn’t hear the barks from inside.
I so HOPE & PRAY that you don’t have any pets, MTR, of any kind – if you only see animals as ‘property’ with no feelings. Not so much as a ‘pet rock’ for you, Welcher!
At least he didn’t use an over taxed cigar with his dogs….Yee ha
Lee, Thanks for the “Bill Maher, here is Part 1” videotape.
Bill Maher is absolute pure genius – able to get a laugh while making his point with a heavyweight’s punch. Such timing and wit.
My sister got me onto him just last year (I only have basic cable) by sending me tapes. Gives me “Cable Envy” frankly. So I emailed her the news a few minutes ago (now maybe she will commence taping his shows for me again!)
Why the fuck do we need “animal cruely” laws? Make the moral case to me
Which moral case do you want, the one that relies on invisible cloud guy or the one that doesn’t?
Lee – Why the fuck do we need “animal cruely” laws? Make the moral case to me dumfuckingass…
The moral case? The moral case is easy. Dogs feel pain in much the same way that humans do, therefore inflicting pain for no reason is unnecessarily cruel, therefore we have a moral imperative to stop it.
I don’t completely trust Maher. He’s funny, but anyone associated with PETA (which Maher is) is not completely trustworthy in my opinion.
More about PETA? Look up Penn & Teller’s BULLSHIT! on YouTube, and be concerned.
Sheeeeeeucks, I have to agree with Proud Leftist@!5 on this one Mark The Redneck-ASSie Voice!
Animal cruelty is almost as bad as Moonbat! cruelty.
Jane Fonda’s last radio show was Friday.
Another liberal radio host bites the dust. Maybe KIRO should have had her on to get a better viewership!
Waaaa haaaa haaaa
Why did CNN omit the word “Donk” from the Congressman who threw a fit at Dulles?
They just reported a Congressman. Yep CNN and it’s libtard biases!
Wow: More global warming truths from the Liberal Guardian. But will the Moonbat!s go nutz again?
ABC Newsless this morning covered the Wikipedia attack but magically left out the BBC & NY Times editing of entries of the Pope and GWB. Thank goodness for Tivo!
What would you expect from librul MSM biases?
If a Moonbat! becomes president this type of medical ruling will come to a court near you for your parents or even you:
I love the Guardian. Blows away all Librul myths even though they are librul!
Moron Redneck – Was the dogfighting just for sport and fun, or was there illegal gambling also going on? Not that it would be all right if it was just for sport and fun.
More liberal bias:
Read the stuuuuuuuuupid questions of Bob Schieffer and the truthful answers from John McCain.
I’d snippet the important part but Darryl or Will will do apeshit!
Look for the question above “No. I think–I think,”
For some months now I have wondered why the Repr
obateiclan party had not put some babysitters into the White House to babysit lil Bush .. the way Howard Baker did for senile Ronny.The time has come. Bushie’s playmates are now scattred and James Baker has restaffed the WH. Wonder how much authority the Prexy now has? Wanna bet Chaney will not be invited to Camp David with the Israelis and Palestinians?
I really despise the VP, but… his name is spelled Cheney.
So Moonbat!s, with the execution death by a shot in the back of the head of three young black adults by an illegal immigrant, Newark NJ is a sanctuary city.
I bet the parents of the dead feel really good about how NEW JERSEY Moonbat!s administer justice!!!! After all they gave Robert Torricelli a job in the Senate!
read inthesoup comments!
Pud @ 25- Come on now, did you even read the link? It does not dispute climate change, it challenges one approach currently advocated by many. I expect virtually all intelligent folks (ruling out you, MTR and klake) would agree that conservation is the best first step. ANd this not the first I have read challenging biofuels. Another issue is how much fuel and fertilizer does it take to produce them?
But you are not interested in intelligent discussion.
I forgot about this funny:
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa
Yeah Bill Mahar and assassination attempt of Dick Cheney! Yes, the best in liberal thought!
No K it’s you who rant and rave. I post the different points for fun. Look how I framed it. What didn’t I say K? I did read the link. If found it moe-ron. If you are sooooooooooo smart why didn’t K find it?
I have always believed in Global Warming as it’s the first of the last seven plagues in Revelation of the Bible.
You know the Bible, collecting dust in your house.
Anyone have a Wingnut-to-English dictionary handy?
Wasn’t there a recent thread on Marijuana?
Think about this: Davon Boddie, Michael Vick’s cousin and his personal chef was busted for MJ last April. It was his April MJ bust that led police to Moonlight Road in Surry County, Va where a white house with black buildings was found. The rest is doggie history
See what a little MJ can do to ya? If Davon wasn’t a drug head Michael Vick could be still killing dogs illegally!
Hey Moonbat!s, Jose Padilla admitted he was learning how to make dirty bombs but this tidbit could not be entered into evidence against him. Even CNN posted it.
Why? Tell me what liberal lawyers did to suppress this critical evidence!
Enjoy the crap said by Paul Krugman on the reduction of the income gap.
It’s still around because of cheap labor liberals like the CEO of Mattel Toys!
Who said this:
Republicans think every day is the Fourth of July. Democrats believe every day is April 15th.
Who said these nine wonderful words:
I’m from the government and I’m here to help.
Who said this:
There will be no peace until they love their children more than they hate us.
Who said this:
A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.
Sooooooooooo true!
Who said this:
The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife.
Sean Penn, Ted Danson, and other Moonbat! actors immediately come to mind.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Are you guys really this fucking stoopid?
Are you really this easy to bait?
Who said this:
A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.
Proud Leftist, Lee, Sinner, TJ, Frick…here’s a test for you: Ya ready?
What makes the following sound:
THWACK !!!!!!!!
THWACK !!!!!!!!
THWACK !!!!!!!!
THWACK !!!!!!!!
THWACK !!!!!!!!
Mark The Redneck-ASSis Voice:
This time you stepped in the doggie doo. I can’t defend that comment!
Acts far more heinous than what Vick did happen every fucking day to human children, and rather than condemn it, you sick fuckers celebrate it. You march in the fucking streets defending a woman’s right to commit infanticide, yet you feel less for the murdered baby that you do a dog.
Is what Vick did worse than partial birth abortion? Did he take a live dog and with no anesthesia jam a pair of scissors in its head and suck its brains out? If he did that to a dog, you guys would form a lynch mob and kill him. Yet when a woman does it, it’s called “a right to choose”.
When my side protests, you tell us to keep our hands off. But when an asshole like Vick does something similar, you want to impose your will on him and throw him in jail? How the fuck do you reconcile that?
So the next time we have the abortion argument, I’m going to throw your words right back in your stoopid fucking faces.
Proud Leftist: “An aversion to inflicting unnecessary pain is something that marks us as humans. Gratuitous torture of a living being marks a person as inhuman. If you don’t understand that, you are not part of the human community.”
Great, come join the human community you asshole. Get as worked up about murdered children as you do dogs.
Proud Leftist “There ought to be a list of people like you that should be posted so that neighbors know someone like you lives amongst them, just like there’s a list for sex offenders. You are not quite right that dogs are just “property.”
Really? So human children are “property” that can be murdered at will by the mother, but dogs are not? I guess you’re “not quite right”.
Lee The moral case is easy. Dogs feel pain in much the same way that humans do, therefore inflicting pain for no reason is unnecessarily cruel, therefore we have a moral imperative to stop it.
So let me get this straight. Dogs feel pain, but a full term baby seconds from birth who gets a pair of scissors jammed in its skull and its brains sucked out does not? Yeah, you’re right… we have a moral imperative to stop it.
You fucking people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You get all worked up about dogs being killed, but when a baby is murdered you call it a right and celebrate it. What the fuck is the matter with you.
@5 “Mark The Redneck-Goldstein says: RR – So tell me, WTF is wrong with what Vick did?”
There’s probably no answer I could give that any REPUBLICAN would comprehend, much less you.
“The dogs were HIS property. He can do whatever the fuck he wants with them.”
No. He. Can’t.
“So make the case to me that what he did was wrong.”
After you die and go to Hell, someone will explain to you why you’re there. Lack of morality is one charge, but there are many others.
“Or any of you other fucking moonbats…Dumshits…”
Go ahead. Mistreat a rabbit. Make. My. Day.
@5 (continued)
Democrats treat dogs like people.
Republicans treat people like dogs.
Hey Rabbit – What’s the bruise on your face in the shape of a rake handle?
Sure looks funny…
Pellethead@52: Democrats treat unborn people as refuse.
Over 5,425,000 babies aborted since the start of the Iraq War.
@6 Yes, it’s to your personal advantage to adopt an investing strategy that requires no brains. And nobody will ever be able to say you underperformed the market. Of course, you’ll never be able to say you outperformed the market either.
I do agree with the comments of Mark THe Redneck-ASSie VOice in #50 regarding donkoinfanticide!
@7 Someone should have whupped the vinegar out of ’em and let it go at that.
@12 You sure have a twisted concept of property. No wonder your crack-whore wife died on you.
@14 et al. – How about if YOU make a case that “owning” a dog gives a person a right to torture it?
It’s amazing how humans go all mushy over dogs. I’ve never heard of anyone being lynched for beating his slave, but people have been lynched for beating their own dogs.
Yeah Pellethead – funny how Democrats got away with that with their slaves!
@5, 17 – Thanks, guys, for showing the world what kind of moral stuff Republicans are made of.
@24 I don’t see anything on CNN about it. The news stories I did see stated his party affiliation. No doubt it comes as a gigantic surprise to you, puttybutt, that we have horse’s asses in our party, too. Just not as many of ’em as you guys’ve got.
@25 You’re surprised that cutting down forests is bad for the atmosphere?
@28 Of course there was gambling, that’s the whole point of dogfights. Vick is facing a lifetime ban from pro football. Gambling is a no-no.
@35 Oh gooood … the Rapture’s on the way!!!
@36 Don’t think one exists. The technical problem with creating one is that meanings keep changing when wingnuts use words.
Pud @ 35- Take a serious look at your post and mine and tell me who is ranting.
This blog has been kept open, so you can cast your bait. I do not need to take it.
@48 An obstetrician trying to get you to breathe?
@50 According to Redneck, Roe v. Wade makes torturing dogs okay.
@56 Are you asserting that only Democrats get abortions?
@61 Feel free to remind everyone that slave owners, segregationists, and racists used to be Democrats so I can remind everyone they’re all in your party now.
… and good fucking riddance to the lot of ’em!
A Cat 5 storm is bearing down on Mexico. I think they should name the next one “Mark.”
I hope to see you at DL sometime. You may be able to help me with getting a chair to sit on. Joel Connel;y sat in my lap last week!
Nice little rant, peabrain, but you’re not quite processing two very important facts:
A – A fetus is PART OF ANOTHER HUMAN BEING, whereas none of the dogs tortured in the Michael Vick case had symbiotic relationships
B – Even in the few abortions that occur where the fetus can possibly feel the safe kind of pain as a dog, they are not put through UNNECESSARY pain
By the logical diversion you took (by not quite reading what I wrote correctly), you could then very easy make everything from hunting to eating red meat illegal.
In other words, as we’ve already known, you’re a complete fucking idiot.
I am surprised that we have not heard more about this case. It apears a s if the Gov.of Alabama, a Dem, was offed from office by Karl Rove.
Got rid of my TV years ago and have never missed it or the cable bill.
Sure. We’ll look this Friday at the DJIA trend.
The moral case.
Albert Schweitzer said :
We can’t stop all suffering, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t stop any. In today’s world of virtually unlimited choices, there are plenty of kind, gentle ways for us to feed, clothe, entertain, and educate ourselves that do not involve killing animals.
The opposite side of the coin here is that the pro-lifers all seem to want to kill dogs for some reason.