Is anyone surprised that the Seattle Police are tracking people’s social media, including location? I mean Geofeedia seems like creepsville in general. Add to that people with guns and tasers and the ability to literally arrest you.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Goddamn SPD. I read that a couple of years ago they targeted that angelic Jesse Hagopian and one of them ran up in his face and intentionally pepper-sprayed him.
All I can say is it’s too bad that didn’t get caught on camera.
Wish we had a better world.
I know it’s a tracking poll and what matters is the state results, yada, yada, yada.
Trump’s got 16.9% of the black vote.
Trump’s got 33.8% of the Latino vote.
Fewer than half of the women support #CrookedHillary.
Probably too late to flip-flop Johnson and Weld.
Even so, the Libertarian ticket still managed to snag the Chicago Tribune’s endorsement.
#CrookedHillary was born in Illinois. Barack represented Illinois at the state and national levels.
Didn’t seem to help.
Now as in the primary season, Clinton knows she is proposing orgies of spending, and taxing, that simply will … not … happen. She is promising Americans all manner of things she cannot deliver.
Of course she can’t. But any promise of free shit is a promise YLB is willing to back. He’ll prop it up with his exclamation points.
Hillary Clinton ✔ @HillaryClinton
What kind of man stays up all night to smear a woman with lies and conspiracy theories?
7:53 AM – 30 Sep 2016
A president.
“Well, we just have to win then.”
Helped, of course, in no small part by his wife.
How unpopular is #CrookedHillary?
Check out Maine.
In ’08, Obama won the state by 17.3 points.
In ’12, Obama won by 15.3 points.
This year, she’s up by only 3.8. One of Maine’s electoral votes will very likely go to Trump – that district has undergone a 17 point swing from Obama in ’12 to Trump now.
17 points. And that’s if the polls are averaged. Using the most recent poll it’s a 19 point swing.
She’s a truly awful candidate.
“All I can say is it’s too bad that didn’t get caught on camera.”
As you know, it was caught on camera. And what you see is “an angelic Jesse Hagopian” walking parallel to a police line some distance away, talking on his phone, looking away from the police line, when one of the officers without cause “intentionally pepper-sprayed him”. Blindsided, the pepper spray streamed at his head, getting in his eyes. As the police were behind a line, he mistakenly assumed that an officer must have run up to him to do this.
You repeatedly post about Hagopian, using half-truths and innuendo to tar an innocent black man who was assaulted by a cop as a liar because that’s what racists do.
“Wish we had a better world.”
I wouldn’t be surprised if someone might suggest we start by ridding this world of half-witted, racist radiologists.
@ 6
Walking through an active police action scene, cell phone stuck to his face, blissfully unaware of everything going on around him because the dumbfuck wasn’t paying attention.
He then posted on FB that a cop ran up in his face to pepper-spray him.
Goldy then, on HA, inferred that it was his opinion that Hagopian was specifically targeted.
And I’m the one telling half-truths and relying on innuendo.
Yes, a cop did a stupid thing. That made two of them.
Stupidity should be painful.
“She’s a truly awful candidate.”
So awful that with two sentences she reduced your Mr. Sniffles to babbling about Miss Piggy for a week and his base spinning conspiracy theories about nose scratches.
Lost count of the lies.
Say Boob, you don’t suppose Hagopian might have also been fleeing from his most recent convenience store robbery, do you?
Of course you do.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
@ 9
It could have been a teachable moment. Hagopian’s an educator, right? He could have used the experience to explain to his students that not being fully aware in a situation obviously calling for a greater level of care ended up getting him hurt, if only slightly and temporarily.
But no. Lawsuit instead.
Looks like Boob is having fun and in a good mood, maybe now but what happens in early November? Will he jump off a bridge? Hang himself from one of his prized planted trees? Or step in front of a train?
“And I’m the one telling half-truths and relying on innuendo.”
Yup, right up there @1.
“Stupidity should be painful.”
Such horseshit. If it was a white man you wouldn’t have mentioned it once, let alone umpteen times. But as it was a black man, you just can’t help yourself. With you, it’s all about race.
@ 12
If it was a white man you wouldn’t have mentioned it once, let alone umpteen times.
If it was a white man it wouldn’t have been posted on HA, and I never would have seen it to begin with, Steve. It would have just been some guy doing a dumb thing and realizing he should have been paying attention. End of story.
So you are correct.
The reason I post it repeatedly is because Hagopian made a false and biased assumption, and Goldy compounded it with an equally false and biased assumption of his own. Comedy gold, Steve.
I’ve watched Animal House umpteen times as well. Why? It’s still funny.
Oh good, Trump is being Trump again; this should help Hillary’s polls. Especially since he’s going after a Latina.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Nobody is safe. Not his contractors, not winners of his beauty pageant. Why would you be safe? He’ll vaporize all of us. Then he can buy up all of the real estate on the planet real cheap. In fact, he can just help himself to it. If he survives down in his bunker, that is.
@ 14
He’ll vaporize all of us.
I know one coprophagic fatass rabbit who will sizzle for a long, long time.
@1-@5 And here’s Boob salivating over a possible Drumpf presidency. If Drumpf does win, Boob will be one of the first packing his bags for a long trip to Canada, as soon as he finds out what a Drumpf presidency will really be like.
@3 In other words, vote for Hillary by not voting for Trump, and this way we don’t have to use the “H” word in our endorsement, but you know what we mean, wink-wink. Is that what you’re going to do, Boob?
@ 16
Why would I leave? Under either, income inequality will increase. And I’m on the better side of that disparity.
Depending on who wins I might make some investment adjustments.
Cemex is probably a good investment either way. If #CrookedHillary is successful, it will rise with the relief expressed by the Mexican stock market. If Trump wins, someone’s gonna have to supply some concrete to the border.
@5 What do you expect of a state that elects Paul LePage as its governor? It’s probably all the rubes smoking pine cones in mobile homes on dirt roads in moose country. City folks generally are okay.
@7 “Stupidity should be painful.”
Luckily for you, it usually isn’t.
“It could have been a teachable moment.”
Indeed it was. $100,000 plus fees and costs and a year of shit publicity makes for a powerful lesson. And I have little doubt that the City Attorney, the City Council, and perhaps even a few in the SPD have already gained valuable life lessons about the hiring, training and equipping of LEOs. Similar lessons taught them to drop Stafford Frey just for starters. Much like you, Anne Bremner and Ted Buck can’t stop fuckin’ that chicken either.
And to think it was only a few years ago that SPOG was filing suit to protect their cozy relationship with an outside law firm dedicated to defending their right to taze the shit out of pregnant women. Today they have to hold their noses while a court appointed special master decides which hand they get to scratch with. Oh well. Learning is change. And change is hard.
you’re forgetting about his patients.
The Tribs editorial policy, “The Chicago Tribune believes in the traditional principles of limited government; maximum individual responsibility; minimum restriction of personal liberty, opportunity and enterprise. It believes in free markets, free will and freedom of expression. These principles, while traditionally conservative, are guidelines and not reflexive dogmas.
What is more interesting is they didn’t endorse Trump.
Barack Obama was the first Democrat ever endorsed by The Chicago Tribune.
But if you take comfort in Trib not endorsing Hillary…
@10 I agree Hagopian should teach his black students that being around cops can get them hurt. It’s just a reality that black kids face today.
@ 21
I suspect Baltimore’s recent lesson was far more costly and far more painful.
People really should not be given space to destroy.
@11 Kissing a train is fastest and most painless, but also the messiest. Pity the poor train crew that has to clean him off their locomotive.
Not a bridge, please. If Boob jumped off a bridge, it wouldn’t be high enough, because he’s afraid of heights, and he’d only break both legs (compound), then we’d have to listen to his godawful screaming until the medics arrived, pumped him full of morphine, and hauled his carcass away to the ER.
@ 24
Some kids need to be taught, RR.
@22 You have a point about his patients, but I was addressing the issue of direct effects on the perpetrator of the stupidity.
“The reason I post it repeatedly is because a black man made a false and biased assumption”
Partially fixed.
Biased? And you know this how?
@ 30
“Lester, I think implicit bias is a problem for everyone, not just police.”
Just quoting our future Commander in Chief, Steve.
There’s something rather interesting about Boob’s tirade this morning.
I can’t say I’m surprised. I’m sure the events of the past week have been more than a bit dispiriting for “conservatives” like Boob. I lost count of how many Republican women I talked to who fell off the Trump train. And between the debacle at Hofstra, the late night Twitter melt-downs, the FOX News Latina fat-shaming tour, the disintegration of the campaign team in Florida, the drop off in donation clicks, the sudden poll shift, and the rapidly unfolding Foundation scandal, it’s been a very tough four days. Only 38 more to go.
Nothing like beating up on poor people and minorities to restore a Republican’s spirits. Too bad all the “conservative” shit stains don’t have some happy distraction to take their mind off their troubles like our Boob.
There’s something interesting about my tirade every morning, DR.
Only 38 more to go. Wikileaks must have a target date. Maybe 2-3 days before the Chris Wallace debate?
Friday News Roundup
@28 And some adults are unteachable, Boob.
Sure looks like Boob is already retired. He has a lot of time on his hands.
Wikileaks must have a target date.
No doubt it is precisely the same target date as the indictments.
(It’s just gotta be working)
“Just quoting our future Commander in Chief, Steve.”
So what we have now is a biased assumption made by yourself in an attempt to fault Hagopian for making a biased assumption.
Day 5 of the “Machado Meltdown”, in which Hillary, with only a handful of words, has reduced both Trump and our Doctor to babbling idiots. Trump babbling about Machdo, and Bob babbling about Hagopian. Whatever gets you through the day, Bob!
“The internet has a field day with Trump’s ‘sex tape’ freakout”
There’s some good ones.
“The better angels of our nature” — Abraham Lincoln “I have a dream”– MLK. “Check out sex tape” — Donald J. Trump.
FYI: Trump’s 18 years of fat shaming Alicia Machado is the longest commitment he’s ever made to a woman.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, let us strive to check out sex tape
The guy who is literally coming apart at the seams over former Miss Universe would also have us believe he’s the toughest to take on ISIS.
Yep, certainly not much of a choice this election cycle.
no choice at all for patriotic Americans who put country before partisanship, racism, sexism, and crazy xenophobia.
The “struggle” of “conservatives” this year has been some of the finest live entertainment I’ve seen in a long time. You guys should try to figure out some way to monetize that.
Oh. Right.
Umm, I’m not a conservative, DR, but I’m sure one of those folks will read your post.
Does anyone out there consider the national debt (approaching $20 trillion) an important issue? I hear Hillary and Donald talking about increasing funding for this or that, but not a peep out of either of them about reducing the national debt.
$20 trillion – wow, pretty soon you’re talking about some REAL money!
Simple. Crack down on the Trump family tax and charity fraud industry.
Problem solved.
Latest in the Schneiderman investigation shows that the Trump family charities filed false paperwork with the state to conceal their outside fundraising and avoid audits.
This in addition to the already acknowledged self-dealing and fraudulent transfers. Maybe before we tell kids in Flint to go fuck themselves, we might just consider maybe possibly asking fake billionaire assholes to pay their fair share?
Really, hasn’t that been a sci-fi narrative for the last eighty years? The all seeing, all knowing government?
For the second time in his judicial career, Alabama’s chief justice has been removed from the bench for defying federal court orders.
The first time, voters elected him again. This time they can’t, because state law limits the age of justices. Personally, I think that law should be thrown out for age discrimination. If it is, Roy Moore might have a third shot at removal for unethical conduct, given the stupidity of Republican voters and the effectiveness of suppressing Democratic votes in that state.
For those “independent” minded folks concerned about the national debt, a question:
What size force bearing what kind of equipment and support infrastructure do you think would be required to locate, round-up, and deport 11 million people scattered across three million square miles?
As a follow up: Why are you only thinking about this for the first time right now?
Washington voters make mistakes, too, but at least they eventually woke up and voted Richard Sanders off our Supreme Court.
@43 It wasn’t an issue with Republicans when Bush Jr. was borrowing from China to fund billionaire tax breaks and squandering trillions more on a recreational war in Iraq, so why is it an issue now?
So, Trump might not be a coke fiend after all. His mic was defective.
All I gotta say is if there’s a town hall-style debate and stools are provided, his team had better double-check to make sure there’s no whoopee cushion in his.
You stay classy, Howard Dean.
@40 “Yep, certainly not much of a choice this election cycle.”
I disagree. This may be one of the most consequential choices voters ever make. This year, Americans have a chance to say “no” to a candidate with the mentality of a Mussolini.
@51 That won’t stop us from slipping baked beans into his Whopper.
“Anyone who complains about the microphone is not having a good night.”
Says a woman who complained about 78 degree heat after she collapsed.
Well Boob, I think she had a good point.
Trump’s as yet unabated 96 hour melt-down has focused on just about everything about his deplorable performance other than his deplorable performance.
For a guy who arrogantly promises to “learn” the job once he gets into it, he isn’t demonstrating any capacity to learn at all.
Does anyone out there consider the national debt an important issue?
Yes but republicans only care about it when democrats are in office. So you are in favor of significantly raising taxes on those most able to afford them without hurting them?
Why we troll.
@ 56
Does anyone out there consider the national debt an important issue?
Don’t ask us. Ask your child. You’re just kicking the can to the next generation.
Oh. Tell your kid I appreciate the Social Security (s)he’ll struggle to pay for. Really. I do.
Nope. He had dual redundant LAVs (lapel mic) and a podium mic.
I haven’t worked an audio board live in a decade but one thing you do is test all three. There is a billion to one shot that all three of his mics didn’t work. If some incredible rare thing makes one of them stop working between test and show you kill it and pad up one of the others.
In short if Trump’s mic was bad he would have been aware of it for half his first sentence until the board op fixed it. The technical reputation of a TV network and his job is at stake if he doesn’t fix it.
If Trump is so thin skinned 5-10 seconds of technical difficulty can wreck him…
I could super bore you with routing various mics to AUX Channels and how Shure podium mics like they used are nearly impossible to break and how the AV guy at the Ramada Inn would have known how to fix any problem at the board and how boards have VU lights that can tell you if you’re getting signal off every source before you rout it to output…
Blaming the audio guy is weak ass shit.
Funny. I thought we were supposed to demand our kids get down on their knees and thank us for the enormous tax cuts we bestowed upon “the creator class”.
Is that not working out?
@ 59
“Sully”. If you discount the factual inaccuracies and just focus on the experience, was it a good movie?
@ 60
2015 was the first year I was subject to the AMT. It apparently was triggered by large charitable donations. That’s on top of the NIIT, and the Pease Amendment deduction limitation, which hits me every year.
Tell me again about all of those tax cuts for the wealthy, DR. But this time maybe spin it in such a way so that it sounds like you have any clue as to what the fuck you’re discussing.
Love it when well off takers advocate cutting benefits on other people.
guess you really fucked up then, when young Boob chose years of arduous study for a career working in medicine over four years of C- and a corner suite with a hedge fund.
But think of all the lives you’ve saved.
@ 64
BTW. How do you know Trump is lying? The audio on the broadcast was fine. You send the same mix to the hall as you send to uplink.
@ 66
No idea if he’s lying.
There is, fortunately, a virtually foolproof method used to determine when #CrookedHillary is lying.
@65 Well, that explains a lot.
I’m not sure you guys, and YLB, have the right perspective.
Think how much more interesting HA would be over the next four years if Trump wins. Or if that doesn’t do it for you, think of how unbearable it would be to listen to YLB for the next four years if #CrookedHillary wins. I mean, how many exclamation points can you waste on a tired bitch like her and still try to regain credibility lost after eight years of shameless cheerleading for The One?
And then there’s comedy. Think about this: Would you rather go see a Louis CK concert after a #CrookedHillary win? Or would he be much more interesting, say, a month after a Trump win? I hear he’s supposed to be in Seattle next month.
I’m tellin’ ya. The glass is never, ever fully empty. Unless you’re ‘froggy standing in the unemployment line.
So that’s your pitch.
Think about what this is really costing you. As it stands, with five weeks to go, and everyone except Erick Erickson signed on and pulling for all they’re worth, the GOP nominee is not just blowing up his own chances, and seriously threatening the Republican majority in the Senate, he’s driving a stake through the heart of ideological conservatism. All your cherished ideals gone. Party of Lincoln? Gone. Limited government? Gone. Balanced budgets? Gone. Global security? Gone. Religious liberty? Gone. You’d trade all that for the sake of flipping off some aging hippies?
Don’t kid yourself, Boob. Right now there are more than enough uneducated, aggrieved, eligible but unregistered white racist assholes in the key battleground states to give Cheeto Jesus a walk-off win in the electoral college. He’d actually need to bring out fewer than 20% of them. Maybe as little as 10%. And if that unqualified egomaniac had actually had the presence of mind and judgment to bring in professionals to run his show, he’d already be well on his way by now. And you’d be left with nothing to comfort you but What is Aleppo from now until the day your in-home caregiver finally musters the courage to smother you with a pillow.
@ 51
So, Trump might not be a coke fiend after all. His mic was defective.
All I gotta say is if there’s a town hall-style debate and stools are provided, his team had better double-check to make sure there’s no whoopee cushion in his.
You stay classy, Howard Dean.
Yeah, turns out The Don has been a pretty dedicated amphetamine addict for decades, instead. I guess that’s better, then.
Meanwhile, in Virginia.
“Tell me again about all of those tax cuts for the wealthy?”
Silly sloppy, you just admitted you are not one of the 1%. You are not wealthy enough to take advantage of the tax cuts. You are a wannabe rich person. A poser. That explains why you are such a bitter nasty greed worshiper.
Loved this take on trump
‘Imagine a woman who showed up (to a presidential debate) unprepared, sniffing like a coke addict, and interrupting her opponent 70 times. Let’s further imagine that she’s had 5 kids by 3 men, was a repeated adulterer, had multiple bankruptcies, paid zero federal taxes and rooted for the housing crisis in which many thousands of families lost their homes. Wait……there’s more: she has never held any elected office in her life.” Michelle Vitalione
Poor boob. So obsessed with yours truly and so increasingly not worth bothering with.
Hillary Clinton’s going to win. We long time regulars REMEMBER George Dumbya Bush.. We remember an empty suit in the Oval Office. Been there, done that.. We remember Iraq, Katrina, 800k jobs a month down the shitter.
Nope, not again.
Didn’t support Hillary in the primaries and didn’t plan on hanging out here during her term but perhaps yours truly will make an exception – just for you boob.
Pat yourself on the back for another 4 years.. Again, nice choice there on time well spent during your golden years.;669.jpg
Whatever dude.
I discounted the whole coke thing as a somewhat deliberately lame joke until the early morning tweets. Now I wonder??
Trump likes the fact he’s winning the online polls where you can vote for yourself as many times as you like.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey, if you’re getting your ass kicked in real-life polls, go for the delusional ones! Why make yourself feel any more depressed than you already do, right?
@72 Hillary could be Mother Teresa and the Trumpies would still pile hate on her. If you don’t love guns and SUVs, hate trees, and support forcing Christian Sharia law on first-graders, they’ll hate your guts.
@58 What makes you think she’ll pay off your national debt? If you can kick the can, why can’t she?
Boob thinks there’s something beneficial about paying off the national debt. But what about all the sovereign governments, banks, insurance companies, pension funds, and retirees who need safe U.S. Treasuries to invest in? Where would they go with their money? Invest in Boob’s medical practice? Eliminating the national debt would wreak havoc in the financial markets.
That’s some awfully innovative AP history being taught in your schools up there in Washington. Did somebody grant Marvin Stamm a teaching certificate?
@79 Stamm? Were you really lurking when that troll was active?
Yeah, he’d eat up crap like that. Teach it? Supposedly he had a school teacher girlfriend.
Marvin, JCH, ah the classics!
I really dug JCH’s whole Magnum PI delusion. Truly weird in the way only old school “conservatives” could bring it. We shall not look upon their like again.
This thing with the SPD is clearly corruption. It’s not amazing that a bureaucracy would engage in this kind of behavior. After all the department is involved in politics. It would be interested in ensuring that it’s pet projects like a bunker in north Seattle go through. Or police seizures of property. It would like to know what the opposition is going to do and then react or don’t react when the protestors show up. Of course when your willing to be corrupt like this you aren’t necessarily going to stop at what is public Hey that person on here is a city council member or a mover and shaker so lets go see what else they are saying. Lets open a file on them and put anything dirty on them in it. Mr. Hoover did well with his files on all them Washington politicians. This is a clear case of corruption. Where the police probably should not have these tools, or limited access, and only with watchers watching the watchers to insure peoples rights and the US and State constitutions are held up.
This is a story on corruption, and political power. Police do have real power, and should be kept on a very very short leash. They work for we the people and should not have gone down this road, and the leadership there should be immediately fired. Heads must roll otherwise the corruption will build, and council members will be black mailed by the department to do what it wants.