– King County Metro: Prepare For Bus Cuts This Weekend
– Poor Clint Didier can’t even get the murder weapon fetishists on his side (second story).
– What the everloving fuck, Fox News?
– I’m not happy about people with all of the money jumping into campaigns, but at least when it’s environmentalists taking back the State Senate for Democrats, it’s better than if it was only Republicans doing it.
– More of Hillary Clinton’s dastardly childhood letters emerge.
Bad Cop Beat
(1) Ferguson police chief Tom Jackson publicly apologized today to Michael Brown’s family and to peaceful demonstrators whose constitutional rights were violated by police in the aftermath of Brown’s shooting.
(2) Over 300 people filled a community college hall last night to complain to federal investigators about police harassment in Ferguson.
(3) The California Highway Patrol has agreed to pay $1.5 million to a black woman beaten up on a freeway shoulder by a CHP officer and announced the officer will resign.
(4) A South Carolina state trooper who shot an unarmed motorist last month has been charged with aggravated felony assault and battery.
Breaking News — Eric Holder Resigns
Attorney General Eric Holder announced his resignation this morning. He will leave as soon as a replacement is named. Holder is America’s first black AG and one of the longest serving.
“What the everloving fuck, Fox News?”
What do you expect from a TV network whose entire audience is comprised of mysogynistic frat-boy types who never grew up?
No village idiot troll today? Not that I miss him — I don’t — I’m merely wondering if he finally turned himself in for voluntary commitment.
Rich white guys get special privileges from the police.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Although this article doesn’t say so, other sources indicate this guy is a general contractor.
Ever the class act, Republicans are using the occasion of Eric Holder’s resignation to tell the world what they think of his public service.
If she’s an accomplished black woman who graduated from law school and manages a New York fashion organization, and he’s a low-wage white-guy security guard, and she’s having a drink in a swanky bar with friends, then HE thinks SHE must be a prostitute.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If she had leveled this bozo, and I were on the jury for her assault trial, I’d give the idea of jury nullification some serious consideration no matter what his injuries were.
When you call 9-1-1 and tell lies that result in an innocent person’s death, you should spend a significant portion of the remainder of your own life in prison.
@ 7
Thats just it. Somehow, if a black-skinned female is out on a nice evening and dressed up, she’s automatically presumed to be a hooker. Even SpittlePuddles would probably agree that this is an perfectly reasonable assumption. After all, there’s no such thing as an educated, professional black female in the United States, right?
The last time I was in Seattle, I had occasion to hire a cab from the 5-Point Cafe to Pioneer Square. I was with four other people, one of whom was black and the drummer for a band that’s been playing the clubs in Seattle and such for almost three decades. We had the bartender call the cab company and the cab came within about ten minutes.
When the cab showed up, we all went to pile in and the cabbie made a rather nasty remark about how he could only take three of us in the car. We told him then to call us a larger cab, and he said something about how the law stated that only three people could ride in a cab at one time and looking at the Drummer dude, told us that he could take us, but not him. It was obvious why, he was perfectly willing to take us three honkies, but not the dude who was blessed with a greater level of melanin in his skin. We told the cabbie to fuck off and walked up to 5th avenue and hopped a bus. It took us right to the club we were headed to and only cost us a couple bucks apiece. It was cheaper than that damn cab would have been anyway and the bus driver never even glanced at the guitar cases my buddies were carrying.
This wasn’t the first time, and it won’t be the last for that guy. He was born and raised in South Carolina, and he knows the score.
It’s getting old seeing this shit happen day after day. Really old.
Now, this Cop who shot that guy down in Columbia SC is being prosecuted. He’ll be acquitted of course, the purpose of this prosecution is to provide the illusion of Justice for the paper and the Television networks, but the prosecutor is under no obligation to do anything in the way of actually prosecuting the guy. He’ll be acquitted, and then the trooper will sue to get his job back, with back pay. It’s just a dog and pony show for the press.
Murder is perfectly legal if one wears a badge in this country, just as it is in most of South America and South Asia. One can always easily vilify the dead guy in the press if he’s got black skin. The TeaFascists eat it up and they all nod their heads at the awful filthy negroes that are such awful criminals. The only person they’ll feel sorry for is the cop who was put into such a horribly dangerous situation by another member of the criminal class.
I don’t recommend it, but go to Free Republic and the posters on the forums there are all rallying to the defense of the cop, as are all the cops on the cop forums.
Something is gonna break, and it isn’t going to be pretty.
“These guys did what they were told to do”
So did these guys.
“When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion. If you doubt that, read William Shirer’s Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. The German Officer Corps were brought up in the most rigorous code of obedience. . . in the name of obedience they were party to, and assisted in, the most wicked large scale actions in the history of the world.”
– Stanley Milgram
Obedience to Authority, 1974
And a Link to the link to the powerpoint manual the Cops were shown during this instruction.
Pirates being pirates.
Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@4,
You can’t be talking about Puddy. The only village idiot here is the unemployed jackASS monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin.
Puddy works for a living and Puddy was having a lot of fun with this account. It was a very long fulfilling week. Now looking at some ferry rides this weekend to photograph some fjords since the monomaniacal crazed databaze cretin told everyone where Puddy was earlier in the week.
Sux to be a “person” claiming to worship a wabbit. Such loonacy from a libtard!
The American Taliban cometh
@13 “Puddy works for a living”
That, by itself, proves you’re insane.
Don’t get me wrong. America was built with hard work. There was even a time when America honored, respected, and paid well for hard work. But things have changed.
Employers have made employment so difficult, unpleasant, and unrewarding for workers that people are leaving the workforce in droves. America’s plunging labor participation has nothing to do with “work ethic.” It’s all about the impossibility of working and lack of incentives for working.
Conservatives claim minimum wage workers are stuck in low-paying dead-end jobs because they’re “lazy.” Here’s the reality:
Bottom line: If you treat workers with disrespect, make it difficult and expensive for them to work, and don’t pay much of anything for their work — guess what people won’t work.
Hey Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit@7,
What do you expect from a NYC Hotel in the meat packing district. The security guard thought them black wimens were looking to pack some meat so he hurried off the black gentleman.
Well the standard laziness from Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit is very evident.here in the story posted in #7. Or maybe NoBalls actually investigated Standard Hotel? Naaaah NoBalls IDIOT is too senile!
Andre Balazs is the owner of the Standard Hotel. Puddy been telling you moronic leftist fools northern libtards are the biggest RACISTS on the planet. They hire their own kind to keep the places pure. So who is Andre Balazs… Just a 100% giver to the DUMMOCRETIN. Absolutely Zero $$$ to Republicans.
For example some of Andre’s MISgivings: http://www.fec.gov/finance/dis.....info.shtml You can figger it out NoBalls IDIOT! Just navigate around. And you call Puddy the village IDIOT eh numbskull? Puddy does this all the time for the PuddyJob!
Joseph E Driscoll (D) $4,000
John Kerry (D) $2,000
Wesley K Clark (D) $2,000
Chuck Schumer (D) $2,000
Bill Clinton (D) $1,000
Al Franken (D) $500
Democratic National Committee…$40,400
Democratic White House Victory Fund… $20,000
Democratic Senatorial Campaign…$10,000
Sux to be an IDIOT Wabbit! Interesting story on how DUMMOCRETINS treat black people though. Puddy filed it away NEVER to stay at a Standard Hotel. Will put this on the company “black list”!
Conservatives opposed to raising the $7.25 minimum wage say “get an education.” How can you attend classes if you have to work a different shift every day? And how can you work if your employer’s scheduling makes it impossible to arrange for child care? Conservatives, pull your heads out of your asses, the problem is employers not workers.
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit, do you think Puddy just up and flies everywhere on Puddy’s own dime? Almost 190,000 miles this year and it’s just entering October.
Man you are one dumb senile old man! Stooooooooooopid doesn’t even cover it!
The American Taliban is already here. Puddy wonders if this moron voted for Obummer? https://news.yahoo.com/police-woman-beheaded-oklahoma-workplace-144459291.html
What King County Metro’s bus service cuts really mean is that low-wage workers who can’t afford cars will be less able to get to jobs. This is aggravated by the fact many jobs are moving out to the suburbs where public transportation is scant or nonexistent.
@20 And I wonder if he’s a relative of yours?
@19 Zero miles of work-related travel here, and I’ll bet my income is bigger than yours. I get paid while sitting on my ass doing nothing. The timeless beauty of capitalism is that you do the traveling and working, and I get the profits.
And the stupid troll believes I’m a socialist …
Meanwhile looks like Obummer’s NY FED is about to explode. http://nypost.com/2014/09/26/t.....ll-street/
Puddy been telling you libtards the fix was in with Obummer and Wall Street! Puddy been telling you the worst of the financial worst are libtards. Yet fools like OWS Racist deadtoad never attacks libtard malfeasance. This is gonna be juicy!
So will Da Perfessa even cover this on tonights Friday Night Comix? http://www.propublica.org/arti.....w-york-fed
Isn’t ProPublica libtard? Yes it is!
Nope NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit! Could be a spawn of some white slave owner relative of yours!
@23, So we’re down to measuring dicks eh NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? It was your standard loonatic claim above. Now you have to eat your own wabbit ASSdroppings and it’s not too tasty eh?
Sux to be NoBalls the IDIOT!
@26 My ancestors came to America after the Civil War, so I’m pretty confident they didn’t own slaves.
@27 “So we’re down to measuring dicks eh NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit?”
Trust me, you don’t want to go there.
It’s interesting that a peacetime Navy swabbie calls a Vietnam combat veteran “No Balls.” That’s quite a puffed chest and swelled head you’ve got there, pardner.
So Eric Holder resigns…
Puddy guesses Obummer worried about a Republican senate happening after all. How many days till November erections? Around 40 or so? Yet Da Perfessa linked Rachel MadCow’s brag on the DUMMOCRETINS keeping the Senate. Hmmm… Seems maybe Obummer’s polling know more than MadCow? Ya THINK?
Puddy has links to each of the following… butt, the system will call it spam so y’all can search the interwebs and find it yourselves! Puddy previously PuddyPosted about these activities by Eric Holder.
So Puddy wonders if Obummer’s sadministration is getting a whiff of the potential fed judges forcing Holder to fess up some Fast and Furious Documents over his own political malfeasance in the case. Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Google “Holder withholds Fast and Furious documents” Dayum good reads there!
Wait for the silliness of schmuckosmegma… It’s soon to come…
Remember how Holder and Obummer targeted conservative reporters like James Rosen of Fox News. Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Google “Holder targets James Rosen of Fox News” Dayum good reads there!
Remember how Holder and Obummer acquired those AP Phone records? Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Google “Holder AP phone records” Dayum good reads there!
Maybe we’ll finally see Lois Lerner’s emails? Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Google “Holder holds back Lois Lerner emails” Dayum good reads there!
How about Holder and Obummer suing Wall Street because they didn’t give the expected amount to 2012 campaign? Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Just Google “Justice sues Wall Street over lack of Obama campaign donations” Dayum good reads there!
Holder and Obummer suing states with selective lawsuits while ignoring other malfeasance! Oh no the truth could come out. Get Holder out now! Dayum good reads there! Google “Holder sues states over voter ID” and “Holder sues states Immigration laws” Dayum good reads there!
Puddy thinks the heat was too much so time for Holder to take the fall for Obummer being a good jack booted thug Holder is. Butt will Holder retaliate now that Obummer has thrown Holder under de bus?
Oh Puddy has no problem going there NoBalls. God gifts black men for all the horse manure we endure from northern white racist libtards! That’s why you see some not so handsome black men with a white woman on their arms all the time. Makes other white guys upset. Puddy chuckles at it all the time.
Hey NoBalls@30 what rear echelon job did you perform in Vietnam? Come on fess up! Puddy wasn’t drafted. Puddy enlisted, got the Navy Scholarship!
Brains…, NoBalls. Brains! Just because Puddy rejects your way of thinking and living it really hurts you so ad hominem attacks. It’s ok senile one! Puddy understands.
So for all you libtard Apple iPhone users how was the iOS 8. update treating you?
How do you know someone from that vertical line family tree escaped earlier and came to America long before the Civil War?
Wow, Two libtard senators want to investigate the NY Fed… http://www.bloomberg.com/news/.....lapse.html So who is U.S. District Judge Ronnie Abrams? An Obummer appointee seems to be covering for Obummer’s FED!
Holy Cow… A libtard who hated the Iraq war is now saying what about Obummer’s cut and run from Iraq in 2011…? http://www.hughhewitt.com/dext.....urds-isis/
If you have issues with FACTS, Filkins wrote this back in April about Obummer and Iraq.http://www.newyorker.com/magaz.....eft-behind
Of course facts like these never see the light of day in the Friday Night Comix!
Look at all these Hollyweird libtards wasting money in Italy. Surely they know America is broke? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvs.....enice.html
BTW where is the libtard hatred over these wimens being sex objects? http://www.businessweek.com/ar.....hain#r=rss
Obummer going to replace Holder with someone he threw under the bus? http://minx.cc:1080/?post=352056
Looks like she’s being rewarded for being Obummer’s scapegoat for “hiding” information from Obummer. Good jack boot thug!
Very interesting times! http://www.businessinsider.com.....ral-2014-9
Hey NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit,
Your favorite relative is having issues… http://www.theguardian.com/wor.....ill-health Maybe you can send him some “tips”?
Wow, the things one misses when they are working overseas… http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....OnTownhall
Meanwhile another great cartoon http://townhall.com/political-...../26/122655
Good for them too. http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....wsCarousel
When libtards run a city into hell this is what happens to services… http://detroit.cbslocal.com/20.....ambulance/
Detroit – a cesspool of DUMMOCRETIN political malfeasance since forever!
@32 “not so handsome black men”
This might be you.
“with a white woman on their arms all the time”
This certainly is not you, unless you’re cheating on your wife.
Now that oil prices are falling, I wonder if the conservatives who tried to blame Obama for high gas prices will give him the credit for cheaper gas? Nah.
Fucking christians.
Goddamn book-burning assholes. Fuck your bullshit deathcult. If there really is a hell, you’re all headed for it.
So much babbling in this thread. Let’s have some fun..
LMAO!!! @ 13 – The village idiot troll answers to his name: “the village idiot troll”.. Thanks for playing dumbass!
@ 17,19 zzzzZZZZZzzzzzzz.. Putting me to sleep so soon…
@ 20 The American Taliban are the teahadists, no ifs, ands or “butts” – oooh did that last word get a “rise” out of the village idiot fiend?
@ 25 Yawwwwn. What a dope. The NY Fed is NOT part of the Executive Branch.. http://www.businessinsider.com.....ve-2013-10
@ 26 @27 “So we’re down to measuring dicks” LMAO!!! A pissing contest is a klownservative’s favorite.. This moron is so desperate to whip out his meat, he fantasized to his own sock puppet about it.
@31 zzzZZZZzzzzzzZzzz Boooring… Yet more klownservative konspiracy mongering .. “Maybe we’ll finally see Lois Lerner’s emails? ” Who dat? Oh! That’s the lawyer lady the klownservatives call “dirty Jew”..
@32 Booooring….
@33 “Puddy enlisted, got the Navy Scholarship! ”
Free stuff eh klownservative? Piggy Bank couldn’t cover the tuition? Imagine that.
@34 LMAO!!! Your love for apple products is well documented here butthole. No higher love from you can be expressed than your lonely ass trolling HA with an Apple product.
@35 stupid @36 shrug, already addressed it. @ 37 Hewitt? Hilarious right wing bullshit.. @ 38 yawwwn. Now the idiot’s looking down his nose at how well to do people spend their money.
@39 LMAO!!! This black klownservative LOVES “breastaraunts”.
@40 the braindead dance continues..
@41 ZzzzzzZZZZ…. AFAIK, RR is not Korean.. You blind as well as too stupid to live?
All the rest is just more link spam.. A miracle this idiot hasn’t been banned like Marvin Stamm the link happy troll.
Did libtards give Bush credit for falling gas prices?
– – – – – NOPE! – – – – –
Will Da Perfessa add this to his Friday Night Comix…? http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09......html?_r=0 – Because it was a lie!
Butt HA DUMMOCRETINS, The NY Times lied. In fact when a libtard speaks or digitally creates newspaper copy you can bet it’s a lie. The author, Mark Landler decided to skip fact checking… Something very evident with HA DUMMOCRETINS… http://www.nytimes.com/cfr/int.....elbias%3As
And we know what France was doing right libtards.
So the NY Slimes takes 12 days to determine it wrote an article about the President GW Bush’s coalition. Amazing… 12 days later. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09.....&_r=2
So is France supporting Obummer? Hollande thinks just like Obummer with taxes!
So HA’s racist deadtoad is A-OK with anything a parent dislikes for their children. Who’s responsibility is it to ensure their children are brought up in an environment the parent chooses deadtoad? The state or the parents?
If the minor child gets in trouble you don’t believe the parents should be held responsible? You approve s e x t i n g between 13 year old boys and girls deadtoad? When a teen commits adult crimes you don’t think the parents should be involved in restitution to the affected part(y/ies)?
Wait and watch for the very weak answer to appear! BTW racist deadtoad… where was the bonfire? Seems Puddy missed it in the article!
Meanwhile… At the beheading news conference in Oklahoma this was heard… http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....beheading/ PuddyCommentary: Seems the friends of the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt were there in force. Yes, peeps who think like the empty tea bag are massing in cities all over America!
Will this make the Friday Night Comix?
Now this is a curious comment…
Puddy glad the PuddyFamily is not choosing that phone of choice.
If those peeps are worried about encryption then they are way smarter than the average low information voting DUMMOCRETIN! Wouldn’t they already be encrypting their conversations and picture taking?
So HA DUMMOCRETINS, Puddy has a question. Are you for encryption or against encryption? When you bank online isn’t that https website using encryption? When you send your photos to the iCloud, aren’t those great photos posted to storage using encryption? Unless you are some Hollyweird person whose iPhone is hacked!
Seems the libtards of law enforcement seem to be against encryption! Seems libtards really like the NSA after all!
Dayum funny stuff… http://youtu.be/7F6RhllBZFM An American Talibangelist hard at work! Gotta deny the protestors their free right to protest! “Who let these @#Q*&@#)(@&# on campus?” Standard DUMMOCRETIN in action!
Your friends at work empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt. http://youtu.be/sxefcCwgKNU
Hmmm… When libtards go on strike the libtard bosses react very negatively… http://www.hollywoodreporter.c.....ons-736002
So sad and so typical!
Puffy playing the race card again – ” I am black so the world owes me everything”.
@54 – so happy the Ape is always thinking of me. He says the YLB is always preoccupied with him, and you are always preoccupied with me. Proves you always have gays on your mind. Wake up idiot. Your sexual orientation is in a downward spiral, destroying the very fabric of this world.
@47, @50 The funny thing about these parents objecting to a book depicting “fornication” is they all fornicated. They wouldn’t be parents if they didn’t. And I’ll bet no small number of them did it in back seats of cars when they were high school kids.
Just the reaction Puddy was expecting from the empty tea bag with the chafed puffed butt!
Sex during marriage is fornication Roger NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit? From the libtards at WikiPedia NoBalls…
Fornication is generally consensual sexual intercourse between two people not married to each other.[1][2] For many people, the term carries an overtone of moral or religious disapproval, but the significance of sexual acts to which the term is applied varies between religions, societies and cultures. The definition is often disputed. In modern usage, the term is often replaced with a more judgment-neutral term like extramarital sex.
Standard lawyerese garbage from the IDIOT Wabbit!