I am very uncomfortable with Pac 12 football starting again. The expanded testing is good, but geez so many of the programs that have started playing games have met with pretty serious problems. I can’t imagine there not being a major outbreak in one, and probably several, of the teams.
I certainly don’t want to blame individual players who want to play. To lose a whole year is awful. But it’s got to be up to governments and institutions to step in for public health.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Senior prosecutors in the LA District Attorney’s Office, having reviewed multiple video recordings taken from multiple angles have reached the conclusion that LA Sheriff’s Deputies lied when they arrested and charged Josie Huang, NPR reporter on the early morning of Sept. 13th.
Having filed sworn arrest affidavits indicating that Ms. Huang never identified herself as a reporter, LADAO prosecutors have determined that LASD Deps saw her press id and heard her identify herself to them. LADAO prosecutors have determined that Ms. Huang was legally present in a public place carrying out a constitutionally protected activity. They have also determined that she was given zero opportunity to comply with commands to back up before her arrest, although they also conclude that she was attempting to do so when she was violently thrown to the ground.
Because of the multiple sworn falsehoods in the arrest affidavit the LADAO has declined the affidavit and refused to bring charges based upon it.
Looks like Donnie Deutsch stepped in the assesHorse manure again!
What do you expect from MSDNC? Smiles and accolades for positive thinking? NOPE!
That’s the dummocretin playbook. Call someone what you really are to deflect how you really think. Dead&deformed did that in the Wednesday thread. In reality it’s the dummocretin who want to perform those tasks outline in that sentence from dead&deformed. dummocrertins use government to hurt Real Americans by threatening to take away your write to free speech and your right to bear arms. dummocretins brag they will nominate and approve appeals court and supreme court justices that will legislate from the bench. Puddy gave your DiFi’s comments on Sotomayor’s nomination. Yet dead&deformed skipped right over that! dummocretins want to change the US Constitution. We saw the latest example with Chairman Nadler during the last impeachment attempt. Puddy has all of these sites catalogued for future reference because the dummocretin give Puddy plenty of ammunition for later entries.
And last but not least, did you assesHorse dummocretin catch the senile idiot wabbit calling a BLACK Republican an Nazi? WHy didn’t he claim what the attorney general wrote was squid ink? It’s just as racially motivated an attack as one can level!!!!
dummocretin are scum!
So now we know John Brennan lied about Putin being the puppet master of Trump. From this Obummer’s sadministration lies about Russia Russia Russia got started.
P.S. – Now we really see how much dummocretins really care about their country. It’s all about getting and keeping power. Puddy gave you the FBI ANALysis of Anthony Weiner’s laptop and all the Clinton emails found on them with the sexting! Then we learned the FBI guy would be attacked within his own department if he went public with the findings so much they told him to delete everything from the public view. dummocretins never care about the truth. It is always about power!
Trump – unpredictable wild card
Clinton – known entity, Russia reset, predictable
Oh how the assesHorse dummocretin heads will go
All these October surprises happening in September!
Interesting take on the CDC data that is over six months old and people are starting to dig into the use of old data to make today’s predictions.
On June 29th, following the murder of Breonna Taylor, Louisville city council voted 24-1 to INCREASE the police budget by $750,000 and to cut $775,000 from local libraries.
Brennan, Clapper and Hayden all should be doing time for their actions against the Constitution and our country. They are what is meant when people refer to the Deep State.
An independent audit of search warrant affidavits filed by the Metropolitan Police Department of Washington DC over a two year period found that 14% of the affidavits had no foundation in probable cause and cited no connection to or evidence of any specified criminal activity or violations. 99.2% of these illegal warrant raids targeted the homes of African Americans.
When DC learned of this… they increased the police budget.
Do you think Soros hired them?
How long ago do you think they were planted?
Do you think the Bilderbergs got to them all the way back in college?
What kinds of steps did they take to keep their identities secret?
What’s their involvement in the baby trafficking?
Do you think they also use the adrenochrome? Or do they just take part in the harvesting?
Bonus Question: For all those other technologically advanced states who are lying about their TrumpClap Death Plague statistics, where do you suppose they are hiding the 50 million dead bodies?
Ballots, these aren’t the ballots you were looking for.
Pictures included.
Yesterday the white house presser Kayleigh McEnany told the dummocretin press ballots were “lost” in PA. They didn’t believe her. Then the proof comes in and they continue to scoff just like dot bombed did yesterday.
It has to be due to adrenochrome it says!
More Ballots? These aren’t the ballots you were looking for.
Maybe why Axios is saying dummocretin should vote in person now! Gotta read those left leaning erags!
Remember George Kent, Adam Shifty Schiff stooge last fall? That late January impeachment scam was just more dummocretin base cannon fodder. Kent knew way more than he was telling the public. Now under oath and behind closed doors the truth comes out. BiteME! was warned about his son’s nefarious activities and ignored it. Yet that lack of candor and the fact Molly Hemingway mentioned it [oh noes] was due to adrenochrome again!
They were ignored. Partisanship won.
Have some ice cream, then come back and try harder.
Overall, we rate RealClearInvestigations Right-Center Biased based on story selection that moderately favors the Right. We also rate them Mostly Factual rather than High due to sometimes utilizing sources that have Mixed records with facts.
Generally, story selection moderately favors the Right and RealClearInvestigations takes a Pro-Trump stance.
These media sources are slightly to moderately conservative in bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor conservative causes.
Conservatives repeat the big lie that there was no evidence of Russian collusion when what the Mueller report said given what he was allowed to investigate he could not find enough to bring an indictment.
The modern day most terrifying words in the English language are: “I am from the Republicans and I am here to make sure the government hurts you.” – Every Trump Voter
Imagine if the dummocretin “stars” did what they claimed back in 2016.
No Meathead screams
No Streisand The Way We Are
No Legend Antifa Felon Bail Money
etc. etc. etc.
Let’s start a GoFundMe page to “assist” them!
Because there was no real evidence. Weissmann hated Trump and was in the Clinton War Room at the hotel during the November 2016 “victory” party. The 13 Merry Mueller Moronic Minions were trying to find collusion and didn’t. The FBI didn’t find any so they made it up. So the dummocretin hate mantra is in full gear.
“We’re the dummocretin. If you don’t pass our laws we’ll legislate from the bench!”
It was long ago established that John Solomon, aside from routinely trafficking in absurdly impossible* debunked conspiracy theories, is also in the pay of adversarial foreign states and terrorism organizations. He got his start peddling promotional stories to potential advertisers in exchange for pay without his publisher’s knowledge or consent. It’s perfectly safe and reasonable to dismiss and ignore out of hand without further comment. None of us pay him any attention whatever he reports.
*One example I reference briefly above in “The Bonus Question”.
It would clearly be impossible for other advanced nation states to fake their COVID death stats to the extent alleged by conspiracy theorists like Solomon. It’s far more rational to conclude that Trump is an appalling failure. But rationality has nothing to do with people like Solomon and his devoted readers.
Chief judge sitting on the panel hearing oral today to Trump lawyer William Consovoy.
Another key highlight: when asked if there was any document request that Trump would not consider overbroad Consovoy quietly answered “no”.
“That’s going to be a problem.” replied US Circuit Judge Raymond Lohier.
In other questions to Trump’s lawyer the panel judges referred to the Trump complaint as “contrived” and “irrelevant”.
What a sorry sack of BULLSH^TTIUM dot_bombed@17 offered as a reBUTTal to real facts. Even the Politico can’t dispute this FBI agent’s story, so they try and slant the “coverage” the best they can. John Solomon uncovered these FACTS way before the lamestream media covers them and Solomon is on adrenochrome right?
That interaction happened 2/7/2017, way before Mueller came in to investigate. And the investigation did happen and we read the results December 2019. Wow this guy was prescient! You need to read Barnett’s assessment as the Politico skipped over Barnett’s interactions with the SCO dummocretin prosecutors!
Oh Steve@13
There are 135 synagogues in the National Council of Young Israel Steve 22/135 is what again? 16%
Steve you need to pay for our next lunch with those percentages!
Seems Scary Harry Land Deal Reid is having buyers remorse.
Senator Harry Reid
Thanks to all of you who encouraged me to consider filibuster reform. It had to be done.
12:08 PM · Nov 21, 2013·TweetDeck
Seems Land Deal is suffering that buyer’s remorse acute migraine due to adrenochrome? Now that “He’s made himself clear to some of his former colleagues.” we’re sure McConnell and all those Republican senators except Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski will seriously consider what he has to say.
No matter what demented Chucky Schumer says today, he was there in 2013 as senate whip! McConnell said he’d regret that decision. 2020 has arrived
Burning down buildings is good because “you can employ a bunch of people to build it back up.” This is your brain on Antifa. Adrenochrome anyone?
Good point about VOX! It is the dummocretin slime machine!
From the Troll4Trump who introduced HA to his 4Chan GFs and Q Drops way back in the before time when he first lectured us about Tony Podesta’s art collection. I remember. We all remember.
Headline “Lindsey Graham Is Pleading for Cash Like a Televangelist Peddling Miracle Spring Water”
Cook has now swung CO Senate to Hickenlooper citing Gardner’s support for a lame duck nom.
Which means only 16% of member synagogues are non-partisan. The other 84% are partisan fascists, which seems an unfortunate choice for a synagogue given that tiki torch-bearing fascists like to go around chanting “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!!” Go figure.
HA!! You lose. You pay for lunch!
Tillis is next.
Adrenochrome anyone?
Oleandrin anyone? Karsen koo-koo bird and mypillow shill approved..
dear orange leader loves it too.
Sunset in Everett on Friday… You gotta love it here in the threads..
And the calm extends straight through to Sun Morn..
Yours truly takes credit.
Good old PortaPotty@29,
As Pavlov called it, right on time!
See ya!
DeJoy Says Mail Sorting Machines Were Stripped For Parts And Can’t Be Reinstalled; The postmaster general and the U.S. Postal Service argue they can’t comply with a judge’s order to return 700 high-speed mail processors to service.
But witnesses reported that many of the expensive machines were quickly dismantled and tossed into dumpsters as scrap. The injunction noted that 72% of the ripped out machines were in counties Hillary Clinton won in the 2016 presidential election.
If we win i hope we put these traitors on trial.
Ahhh yes Tony Podesta’s Art Collection
Some people think it’s weird.
Thanks for the reminder dot bombed.
Oh PortaPotty@28,
Your wires are crossed as always. Your hatred of Dr. Ben Carson is well noted on this blog. He didn’t approve Oleandrin for use.
You can’t stand a black man being hailed as one of the best neurosurgeon doctors in the world and a true man of God who gives all his skill and glory to Jesus. It just torques that Planck space mind knowing a black man was given that talent and you are what you are… assesHorse’s basement dwelling PortaPotty!
Coming out of the conventions in 2016 the RCP Average for Michigan was +3.6 Clinton. By September 25 the RCP Average was +3.6 for Clinton (45%)
Coming out of the virtual conventions in 2020 the RCP average for Michigan was +2.6 Biden. On September 25th it’s +5.2 Biden (49%)
Con +5.3 Clinton / Sept +4.7 Clinton (44%)
Con +6.5 Biden / Sept +6.6 Biden (50%)
Con +8 Clinton / Sept. +2.4 Clinton (45%)
Con Biden +4.7 / Sept +4.3 Biden (49%)
Con +.5% Clinton / Sept +2.5% Trump 43%
Con 2.2% Biden / Sept3.2% Biden (48%)
Con +1% Clinton / Sept +0.6 Clinton (45%)
Con +3.5% Biden / Sept 1.3% Biden (49%)
The problem for team Donald in these isn’t really that they haven’t moved the needle much in months it’s the levels of support for Joe Biden. A basic split of the undecideds (who are these people?) pushes Biden near or over 50%.
It’s why the campaign has nearly dropped talking about the opponent and started hammering on the unfair process.
Law and Order didn’t work and Breonna’s killers are going free which moves that issue even further from Team Law and Order
Socialism didn’t work
SCOTUS pick seems to be working better for the Democrats at least in terms of money.
Only low turnout models have Donald getting close in AZ and PA. MI and WI no models are looking reasonable for a Donald comeback.
It’s either that or Joe Biden peeing himself in the debate.
Camerota’s face is priceless here. Oh no minorities voting for Trump. What is this country coming to?
Gooooooooolly, this doesn’t sound at all like the negative RACIST divisive, hateful, spiteful words, phrases and sentences PBS, CNN, MSDNC, ABC, CBS, NBC, and others accusing Trump over and over and over again. Many of those phrases and sentences taken out of context that the BBC had to factcheck BiteME! and call him a liar on at the DNC “party in August! Puddy put that out before. Did you miss it?
It’s almost as if the lamestream media isn’t being completely honest with Real Americans. CNN must have had a programming error or sumtin. Wait, the dummocretin media is FAKE NEWS!
Not a single one of us think it’s a problem that he’s a talented Neurosurgeon.
Now do “Shut up and dribble.”
The problem is he is uniquely unqualified for HUD. He spent some time very publicly disputing Virologists and Epidemiologists about their area of specialty as if he would have been fine if one of them told him how to remove a brain aneurysm.
Let’s check the way back machine for Piddles accusing people of playing the race card.
FWIW: The only poll counts is November 3, 2020 BeerPong. They were way wrong in 2016 and many think will be just as wrong in 2020.
See ya!
Hope should have nothing to do with it.
It is the lawful sworn duty of any incoming new administration to pursue criminal prosecutions in these cases. It is a promise they will make in the oath they will be swearing when they take office.
There’s no good argument to be made in favor of some idiotic “let bygones be bygones” attitude. This is a campaign to attack and destroy the constitution by senior ranking members of the GOP and the Trump administration. It will be the sworn duty of the next AG and all her subordinates to investigate this sweeping criminal conspiracy and bring appropriate criminal indictments as indicated by the evidence.
Article VI requires it.
5 U.S. Code § 3331 defines it thusly:
“An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”
It’s in their oath of office.
We are all perfectly entitled to the expectation, not the hope, that they will fulfill that sworn oath.
Wrong again BeerPong! Here are the questions Puddy asked PortaPotty years ago. Do you remember any answers to them?
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
6) Why do you support the La reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
When Jemiel Shaw Jr was killed by his panics in LA while his mother was stationed in Afghanistan, PortaPotty had nothing to say except that he supported those causes.
So BeerPong, your memory is sadly mistaken AGAIN! PortaPotty hates black men whom think for themselves. We don’t live on the dummocretin reservation. This is why PortaPotty has a hard on for little old Puddy! Maybe you need another dose of Fukitol!
Like Puddy wrote earlier, Puddy has these catalogued for specific use!
Thanks again BeerPong!
Some Kanye here…
Th-th-th-that don’t kill me
Can only Make me Stronger
I need to hurry up now
Cause I can’t wait much longer
You know I got to be right now,
Cause polls that were not that far wrong and mostly within the MOE can’t get much wronger except four years later whey they definitely will be wronger.
Vote for me!
harder, better, faster, stronger
1) straw man
2) Straw Man
3) “Debate ME!”
4) Straw man
5) accusatory and facts not in evidence and Straw man
6) Straw man
7) Straw Man
You went back several years to find THAT?
But thanks for not addressing any of what I pointed out about “Shut up and Dribble.” And responding to accusations of playing the race card by…..playing the race card.
Pudiot didn’t just “think it was weird”.
Pudiot declared it to prove that Tony Podesta and his ex-wife hosted freaky-sexy kid-fucking cannibalism parties attended by Soros, Prince Charles, Tom Hanks, Tony’s brother John, and the Clinton 2016 campaign.
Yowza! Pudiot was in peak freak form that day!
He lost his shit and so far as I can see he’s never going to get it back. His game is weak as fuck now. About all I ever do is hover my cursor over the hyperLEEEENKS to display the URL and confirm why it’s pointless to click.
Over hydroxychloroquine, right; which many other doctors have said works as a prophylactic? Like the Henry Ford study? Or are you still leaning on that withdrawn Lancet study that was truly garbage? Or the arguments by your favorite doctor Sanjay Gupta referenced heart conditions in levels of hydroxy that were way higher than doses given during the studies?
Keep trying BeerPong!
Trump Lake
Really? Post the link dot bombed.
@1 Now bring charges against the cops. In police work, lying should be a firing offense, that should go without saying. And when the lying results in criminal charges against an innocent person, the lying cops should go to prison.
And that’s why dot bombed went nutzo when Puddy identified his rewritten The Atlantic article where those five paragraphs came from. Puddy reads when dot bombed rewrites and that’s how Puddy knows the sources.
Stay stoooooooooooooooooooopid cuz that’s all you got dot bombed.
Weird that you think a different Neurologist is my favorite Doctor.
I would no more consult him on say, Sarcoma, than I would consult Dr. Jennifer Gunter on Cardiac Bypass or my kids’ pediatrician on Dementia. However if, say Dr. Gunter has something to say about the efficacy of Gardasil I’ll give it full weight. If Drs. Gupta and Carson want to weigh in on CTE I’d say, they should be listened to.
Maybe I should just find a Pastor who know everything.
Thanks for trying though. It’s cute how you imagine I just rely on TV doctors.
Where did Puddy write that BeerPong?
That’s train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,154
That’s train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,155 BeerPong?
Go for the Trifecta NOW!
Waiting for his edit time to time out……
You might want to Google what branch of medicine “Your Favorite” CNN’s Dr Sanjay Gupta specialized and practiced before he became a TV personality. It would have kept you from looking monumentally stupid. The CTE reference should have tipped you off if you actually ever thought about things.
Here’s Pudidiot trying to pimp it with a Medium link:
The page was suspended.
But it’s archived. You bet!
There are more. Shall I go on?
For fun, here’s Pudidiot pimping for an admitted child rapist:
It would have kept you from looking monumentally stupid.
Nope. Would not have. Far too late.
Honestly, at this point I feel a little dirty exposing the Pudidiot like this. It seems pretty obvious he’s a little fucked in the head, right?
It’s almost impossible to pin that kind of stuff down just by reading what some person posts on the internet. But there’s obviously a lot of shit wrong with the way he thinks and expresses his thoughts, even in writing at a distance, anonymously.
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Only spews:
Monday, 3/13/17 at 4:09 pm
Here’s the link you could not open
Russian Ambassador sitting in Trump’s state of the union surrounded by DUMMOCRETINS?
Podesta’s brother? https://milo.yiannopoulos.net/2017/03/podesta-bribe-russia/
Nuthin from the hillbilly loving Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom!
Pizzagate? Good try! Link — went to here. https://theblacksphere.net/2017/03/podesta-took-170000-bribe-russian-bank/
Puddy doesn’t trust Gupta as anything butt a medical shill for the dummocretin. After the Lancet study was discredited what did Gupta say BeerPong? Called it highly questioned study! Could not even claim it was discredited.
Puddy has no clue who will inspect that “mind” you possess BeerPong! So literal nowadays
Butt since you brought up “pizzagate”, here is one of Tony Podesta’s women buds
Now go and see her “performance art. Right up dot bombed’s alley!
Is it “possible” that Pudidiot is lying again?
Here the comment:
Since the above post was called spam… Google Podesta and Pizzagate!
And Mueller gave this guy a walking pass because he’s DUMMOCRETIN and lobbied for foreign governments but was for #CrookedHillary!
Till Next Time!
Count down tonight could be interesting.
He’ll have to do some extra duty trying to bury this shame and humiliation. Tick tock.
Don’t let Me down again, Puddy!
-God Almighty
Now, “like magic” the Pudidiot is merely “Q adjacent”.
His posting history tells a different story.
Dot bombed claimed
Yet the link offered twice now has nothing in there of children being used as sex objects dot bombed.
The cannibalism is documented in the link. Puddy didn’t lie, it seems you did for the umteenth million time!
Looks like you failed once again!
Here’s the Pudiot linking to r/conspiracy (telling, no?) with more Pizzagate idiocy calling it “TRUTH”:
Were the art pieces on display at Tony Podesta’s house dot bombed? No one denies that they were there!
Even the Washington Post had an article on his “art” collection dot bomb — Check this WaPo article they deleted from 2004 on Tony’s art collection. https://archive.fo/vddrO
Seems reddit is used by the dummocretin on this blog all the time. When Puddy used reddit, it’s no longer truth?
Keep grasping for those krypton gas atoms! It really sux to be you today, like every day!
The reddit commenters have an interesting take on Tony Podesta. Thanks for bringing this back to life dot bomb. It reminds all of us how the rich politically connected dummocretin skate while people like Paul Manafort are pilloried in solitary confinement!
And still more “TRUTH” from the Pudiot:
Here he’s pimping more Pizzagate with direct links to the whole Magilla, pizza, adrenochrome, coded emails that refer to child porn as “cheese pizza”, targeting Comet Ping Pong, targeting and doxxing the owner of Comet Ping Pong, linking the owner to Podesta, etc, etc:
Truly insane and delusional stuff. Destroyed a few people’s lives with this stuff, Pudiot did. Shameful, really.
But also clearly straight BugFuck.
Which is pretty much Every Rapepublican You Know, these days at least.
Count down to Pudiot claims that he’s “just asking questions” in three… two… one…
Still waiting for the
proof dot bombed. Your claim still hasn’t been delivered.
Still waiting,
Regarding Moloch – you can find more about the god you worship here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moloch
Till Next Time!
Shall I break the suspense?
Let’s seal this deal. Here’s the Pudiot declaring that:
““Pizzagate” is now in the mainstream of Republican ideology.”
Internet is forever.
Trump is just for another 117 days.
Puddy doesn’t need to do the linking dot bombed. The Washington Post did the linking for Puddy to Tony Podesta’s strange art collection…
Butt keep trying to float that lead boat!
http://horsesass.org/friday-ni.....nt-1368380 Notice 380 comes before 384
Ummm not true again! You did dot bombed. All Puddy did was to repeat your stoooooooooopidity!
YES, the Internet is forever. Delivering hos stoooooooooooopid you really are!
Shall we dance some more dot bombed?
I haven’t read any of the comments above – I don’t have the time.
But I’m wondering if anyone can tell me the cliff notes of factual information on the 9 ballots that were tossed out (hump votes).
I heard it on the news while having dinner with my parents. And I’m not interested listening to news that doesn’t give all the answers.
What I want to know is have the investigated the motive of the person that tossed them out (stated as an accident)?
I mean the hump wants to call it fraud, but why could the reality be that The Hump orchestrated it so that he could give the illusion of there being fraud and mis trust in the system? Has this be proven to not be the humps doing?
Cliff’s 1: They were not “tossed”.
Cliffs Notes 2: Way back during their primary PA elections discovered that the return envelopes for overseas ballots, absentee ballots, military ballots, and applications for mail-in ballots for the general were all essentially identical. Because they could not tell if the incoming envelopes contained ballots or applications, and in order to prevent applications from being set aside, the elections board decided back during the primary to open all the similar envelopes in order to be able to process the applications for mail-in ballots in time for the election.
Some “possibly” military ballots received in the identical envelopes and therefor opened, were missing their inner “ballot security envelope” leaving the ballot information exposed. PA has a law that requires ballots lacking their inner “ballot security envelope” to be declared “spoiled” and not included in the canvass. In Luzerne County nine of the mil ballots lacked the “inner security envelope” and so were set aside pending review without first checking with the Dir of Elections. The Dir of Elections in consultation with the Couunty Council and the County Mgr. decided to notify the FBI to cover their asses, given all the threats of violence, threats toward elections officials, and general Trumpiness. The US Atty for the Middle District of PA decided it would be cool to issue a weird scary sounding press release.
No criminal wrongdoing of any kind has been uncovered so far.
Just bureaucratic incompetence of the sort we get when Republicans deprive elections offices of adequate resources.
I wish the Pudiot didn’t agree with me on this one.
I really wish the majority of Rapepublicans had not decided to embrace delusional conspiracy theories that destroy people’s lives. But as I pointed out two years ago when first responding to the Pudiot’s promotion of Pizzagate, I don’t think they have any other options.
“They’ve thrown everything they ever were behind a mob of incompetent, Nazi loving, Russian puppets. To avoid looking at that they’ll do whatever it takes. Why do you suppose Dumbfuck’s little Loon sidekick is suddenly experiencing “The Rapture” and discovering coded messages from Satan on every bus bench ad? The only way for loyal Roypublicans to get through this is for them to get really weird really fast. If Dumbfuck can adjust to finding out he married a lesbian, I’m confident he can adjust to this. Their chicken dancing is just getting started.”
Landing on delusion is easier than landing on the truth, that they’ve all betrayed their own country and embraced an authoritarian who want’s to destroy the constitution.
Even the Dumbfuck got on board the Q Train eventually, and become The Q Clearance Cat Lady.
Trump won!
Elections have consequences!
This is who they are now.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Race War & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Payback Is A Bitch You Stupid Bastards – Non-Demented Joe Biden-Einstein Denies Calling Troops Stupid Bastards; “I never said it, it must be one of those disgusting anonymous quotes that no decent person would ever repeat, much less use in advertising.”
A video surfaced on social media Friday of presidential candidate Joe Biden speaking in front of U.S. service members and appearing to call them “stupid bastards.”
“I have incredibly good judgment,” Biden says in the video. “One, I married Jill, and two, I appointed Johnson to the academy. I just want you to know that. Clap for that, you stupid bastards,” in a seemingly sarcastic tone.
Biden then appeared to say that the soldiers “must be slow” and called them “a dull bunch.”
During the same speech, Biden praised the troops, saying, “You’re the finest generation of warriors the world has ever, ever known. Thank you very, very, very much.”
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQzQhq4YSeM&feature=youtu.be
“Hail Hitler!!” “White power!!”
Definitely a Republican.
‘Hail Hitler’ messages found on phone of suspect accused of gunning down Black man: court records
I own some Wagner records…..I have seen the Ring Cycle…
That makes me Anti-Semitic.
“The Wikipedia alludes to…”
But what’s weird is you can look at the Wikipedia page itself an then ctl-f it.
illuminati (no match)
cannibal (no match)
Cannibalistic (no match)
Satanic or Satanism (3 matches)
“Among a tranche of emails leaked from John Podesta and published by WikiLeaks in the run-up to the 2016 US presidential election was a message from Abramović to Podesta’s brother discussing an invitation to a spirit cooking(*), which was interpreted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones as an invitation to a satanic ritual, and presented by Jones and others as proof that Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton had links with the occult.
“Sculptor Nikola Pešić says that Abramović has a lifelong interest in esotericism and Spiritualism, but this should not be confused with Satanism, which is a different system of occult beliefs.”
“On April 10, 2020, Microsoft released a promotional video for HoloLens 2, which featured Abramović. However, due to accusations by right-wing conspiracy theorists of her having ties to Satanism, Microsoft eventually pulled the advertisement.”
So in other words, Piddles entire knowledge of the Artist Marina Abromovitz boils down to what he was spoon fed by Alex Jones. Good sleuthing.
Check out “The Artist is Present”. There’s a documentary about her “confronting pain, blood, and physical limits of the body” as the work consisted of her sitting motionless on a chair for 736 hours while any visitor could sit opposite her including her long time partner and collaborator with whom she had a very public break up who showed up. There is some dispute/controversy if she knew he was coming and if this (Googleable and on YouTube) part of the performance was staged.
To be sure, her art is out there and not for me but unlike Piddles, I do know about her and her work from something other than Alex Jones.
(* Spirit Cooking is also the name of one of her installations, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about it:
Spirit Cooking, 1996
Abramović worked with Jacob Samuel to produce a cookbook of “aphrodisiac recipes” called Spirit Cooking in 1996. These “recipes” were meant to be “evocative instructions for actions or for thoughts”.[39] For example, one of the recipes calls for “13,000 grams of jealousy,” while another says to “mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk.”[40] The work was inspired by the popular belief that ghosts feed off intangible things like light, sound, and emotions.[41]
In 1997, Abramović created a multimedia Spirit Cooking installation. This was originally installed in the Zerynthia Associazione per l’Arte Contemporanea in Rome, Italy and included white gallery walls with “enigmatically violent recipe instructions” painted in pig’s blood.[42] According to Alexxa Gotthardt, the work is “a comment on humanity’s reliance on ritual to organize and legitimize our lives and contain our bodies”.[43]
Abramovic also published a Spirit Cooking cookbook, containing comico-mystical, self-help instructions that are meant to be just poetry. Spirit Cooking later evolved into a form of dinner party entertainment that Abramovic occasionally lays on for collectors, donors, and friends.[44] )
A farce in One Act
Anton LaVey – “Would you like to come hear “Houses of the Holy”
Alastair Crowley – “That is a really good album. Sure, I’ll bring snacks. Wine and maybe some wafers.”
Piddles – “See they believe in Jesus and take communion.”
I think Trump will have his SCOTUS nominee approved by the Senate before the end of October. It’s highly likely.
The BeerPong/dot bombed duet of #73J, a one day play that opened and closed the same day.
First we have the BULLSH^TTIUM of dot bombed
First off Marina was in the post. It wasn’t by Alex Jones. Everyone can see who posted the link with pictures from Tony Podesta’s own art collection.
Was Alex Jones ever mentioned in any of Puddy’s links regurgitated by dot bombed today? NOPE! So one has to wonder after being so EMBARASSED above, why would he add Alex Jones? Because that’s all that is left your honor. You see dot bombed spent all that time this evening scouring the nets for something that could resemble child activities because as we know above he still hasn’t proven
from any PuddyEntry provided so far. It must be something in his head that he dreams about at night coming to the forethought tonight!
We know dot bombed worships at the throne of Moloch from that freaky mess posted above! And in the next post we see BeerPong quoting from his high priest Alastair Crowley.
They are a matched set! Bookends even! Can anything be more frightening than meeting those two on Halloween night?
Meanwhile CBS blows apart Russia Russia Russia
Who was the FBI director then? SCO head Robert Mueller. Andrew Weissmann hid this information too. Not in the recent book touted on all the dummocretin cable teevee channels either. So sad to see the Russia Russia Russia dummocretin narrative continue to unravel!
Missing the point again.
Does enjoying an artist mean you endorse everything they do? Also, your problem seems to be what you allege is “ freaky-sexy kid-fucking cannibalism parties” and you aver, good word, that Abromowitz is engaged in such things. There is no evidence for that, just the theory hat a phrase, the title of an artwork, in an email is proof of something according to Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the originating and SOLE original source for your opinion of Abromowitz and her work.
Sorry pal. You quoted it.
The other things you said Abromowitz’s Wikipedia entry allude to are not there. You were lying. You are a proven liar. Again.
Your issue with Podesta’s art collection REQUIRES Abromowitz to be a satanist or a cannibal otherwise it’s just art by a famous artist who isn’t a cannibal. And then your only issue is Podesta owns art you don’t understand or care for.
The Actor Eric LaSalle is a collector of 18th and 19th century American black slave and black advertising figurines. Does that make him a racist?
I own a family heirloom table that I can document was built from a tree cut from the grounds of Iolani Palace. Weird that I find the colonial action and stamping out of Hawaiian culture so wrong. I have the table. I love the invaders obviously.
Now would be a good time to investigate the artistic or linguistic concept or reappropriation.
The above two examples don’t matter because in the case of Abromowitz, because EVERYTHING YOU ALLEGE ABOUT HER BELIEFS IS NOT TRUE! And is 109% attributable to Alex Jones. Five minutes of of money Alex Jones, or third tier bloggers quoting Jones would tell you that.
Lying is a sin Piddles
A farce on one act:
Comedian, to girlfriend you attended a show where he bombed via email.
“Thanks for coming to my wake.”
Piddles: “That guy is dead!”
@31 I have a better idea.
@68 “I haven’t read any of the comments above – I don’t have the time.”
Same here. I’ve been busy posting on SJ’s blog that a federal judge just sacked the arsonist Trump put in charge of the Bureau of Land Management.
@ 80, 81
So pathetic. It’s embarrassing enough to make SeattleJew vote Republican.
@75 I think Democrats will respond by packing the court. It’s highly likely.
@82 You obviously never met Seattle Jew. Even more obviously, any link to his blog I post here REALLY gets under your saddle, so here’s some more burrs to tickle your ass:
You don’t have a blog. All you have is the HA cesspool to swim in.
Didn’t “allege” that in 2018 and still haven’t alleged that in 2020. This just proves how sinful the dummocretin mind, thinking those thoughts about children. You are one sick bozo and that’s no offence to Bozo the Clown.
Puddy skipped the rest of that stoooooooooooooopidity because it dwelled on your “alleged plot”.
Good to see dot bombed changes its name as often as mothers change their babies soiled diapers.
Wait for it PortaPotty will make an evening appearance to rail that Puddy is here!
You’re all alone…
all alone….
Close the window
Calm the light….
It will never be all right.
Too late for that now.