Somehow I missed that Park(ing) Day just happened. It looks like many of the locations were pretty fun. And somehow cars still exist. The war on cars is going pretty poorly.
See, he didn’t call The President a “Nigger”. He called him an “Other”. So, you know, not racism. Mmmkay?
Ima Duncespews:
All that retail space going in and no parking. We thought not requiring parking in all these ugly high rises was somehow a smart move. Dumb. All the money moves by cars and who wants to come to the city and not find parking where they want to go? We have designed the entire city around cars and, like it or not, they are here to stay.
Ima Duncespews:
And now for these guys. Republicans are spineless cowards. That’s for sure. But one shows the least bit of backbone and they shoot him down. Good. Because anybody who supported their nominee, win or lose, is going to pay for it for a long time. He’s going to leave a stench:
This ought to warm Bob’s heart.
“Dash cam video shows unarmed black man with hands in air before Tulsa police shoot him dead”
Even though he’s a fascist dictator when it comes to women’s lady parts, Kasich seems to be that rare “conservative” who is not victim to pluralistic ignorance. The party that defined “group think” in the mid 20th century has now finally transcended it with “group ignorance”. Plenty of examples of it in these threads. Behold party stalwarts doggedly defending Trump’s Birfer lies. Even now it is consuming them like fire.
Distant Replayspews:
He was probably involved in a convenience store robbery.
Right Boob? Right?
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
#1 The missus wanted to go see Sully. She is personal friends with a couple people who are DEEEEEEP down in the IMDB credits. We find ourselves talking about “Seth’s” movie where Seth is my cousin who loved an unpublished comic book and gave it to his boss, a screenwriter, who sat on it for a few years and it eventually becomes a Tom Cruise movie. (True story, Oblivion.) To us, that is Seth’s film. But I digress.
I find most of Clint Eastwood directed films to be rote, get to point “C” via point “B” from Point “A” standard three Act formula. This is very much an Eastwood movie and suffers from being so recent an event that there is nothing to build suspense. But I digress again.
Watching the film unfold I was struck that I didn’t remember the NTSB, a bureaucratic nuisance, trying to criticize Cpt. Sullenberger during the investigation. In fact I kept thinking I remembered something about simulations indicating that he might have been able to steer the plane to LaGuardia or Newark and land it but doing a fine job due to the instant decision making process of the day even if he could have taken an alternate course.
Turns out, I was right. In order to dramatize an event where the villain is a wayward bird, Mr. Eastwood decided to rail against an empty chair creating the notion that if the government would just get out of the way we could lionize Cpt. Sullenberger properly. And BTW, Sully didn’t need no stinking Govt. to help him heroically land the plane, unless you count Air Traffic Control scrambling boats, the local police and fire operating those boats….
So there’s your liberal Hollywood right there. In the imaginary world of conservatives, a film like this doesn’t get greenlighted because A) the director is a Republican, B) They would never allow a film critical of a government agency to get made C) they would never, ever, ever let a historical event be rewritten into pure fiction that makes the Government look bad.
Does he really think an ad with Ted Nugent is going to work? More Red Meat to the racists that are voting for him and now his spokespeople are having to deal with questions about:
“(The President is) a subhuman mongrel.”
“You Probably Can’t Use The Term ‘Toxic Cunt’ In Your Magazine, But That’s What (Hillary Clinton) Is.”
“(Americans are) Working Hard, Playing Hard, White Motherfucking Shit Kickers Who Are Independent.”
“Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,”
Teabaggers Againspews:
@12 and @13
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Way to go Obummer! – yours truly, Puffballs.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I don’t go into Seattle anymore because there’s no parking, and if you do find parking, the cost is exorbitant.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 What the hell, you have citizenship, so why not?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Given who sits behind the big desk in Moscow, Toxic Cunt is just who we need, not a golf course developer.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 12
If the film is such a GOP tool then why does Obama-supporting Tom Hanks take the lead role?
You had me at Hello, CZ. Too bad you then applied your brand of logic to something.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Toxic Cunt and honey pot are not the same thing. Although I have yet to meet Mrs. Rabbit, so maybe you have experienced something I have not.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Travis @18,
Dipshittium king checkmate applying logic? Logic? LOGIC? All Puddy sees @12 is BULLSHITTIUM! Sullenberger was masterful from what people said on the plane!
Butt, as we all know, if it’s from a Republican,Dipshittium king checkmate is against it! Imagine what DIPSHITTIUM checkmate will write about Hacksaw Ridge and Desmond Doss!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Travis @18,
Dipshittium king checkmate applying logic? Logic? LOGIC? All Puddy sees @12 is BULLSHITTIUM! Sullenberger was masterful from what people said on the plane!
Butt, as we all know, if it’s from a Republican,Dipshittium king checkmate is against it! Imagine what DIPSHITTIUM checkmate will write about Hacksaw Ridge and Desmond Doss!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Seems another gay hater struck in NYC.
deBlasio (intentional act) like Obummer (explosions) would not call it terrorism while Cuomo called it right! 29 people are injured butt not a terrorist act per libtards!
Libtards also go nutzo when Trump rightly called it bombings.
Rahami traveled to Taliban controlled Afghanistan areas and Pakistan butt due to political correctness not tracked!
It’s not a propaganda tool necessarily but it reflects the worldview of its maker and you are making a really silly point. Actors act and often get paid handsomely to do it. I don’t know Tom Hanks and his politics well enough to know if he would turn down an Oscar Bait role working with an Oscar Bait director purely on ideological reasons. But I guess in your way of looking at film, Robert DeNero is the devil (Angel Heart) as is Pacino (Devil’s Advocate), Morgan Freeman is the creator of heaven and Earth several times or at least the voice of said creator as well as an excellent driver, yeah, slow on the driveway (see what I did there) and Daniel Radcliff believes wizardry is possible. Why would Tom Cruise do War of the Worlds when everybody knows about thetans being the real aliens?
The film is so divorced from the reality of the true event it depicts and that event being so recently occurring that it is hard not to notice and ponder the implications of Clint Eastwood specifically directing had on the small p politic of the work. If it had been a better film I might not have had time to notice.
Kind of like when watching a movie and really being aware of the score. That’s a sign that the music in the background is more interesting that the script.
Yes, of course. Even the NTSB said so at the hearings and in the final report but in this film the attempt to create drama is by the fake NTSB trying to pin it on Sully’s negligence which never, as you so helpfully pointed out, happened. The issue is, short memory people who think like you will see this film and then it is only a matter of maybe the next session of Congress before some dumb as shit Congressman says the NTSB should be defunded because of how they treated Sullenberger using the film as “evidence” of what everybody knows.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Libtards create fake drama to make a movie and checkmate has no issues. A Republican creates fake drama and checkmate has a KOW!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
“Selma” is a much better movie if it takes place a few years earlier, in time to give Mr. and Mrs. Obama the courage to conceive Barack.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
[Message deleted by Hillary Clinton]
Teabaggers Againspews:
Bunch of Neanderthals. And people want some civility in this Country. The NFL should be sued for promoting violence.
That was a gooooooood one!
So waddya think?
Did the good ol’ boys catch this “one” -( – fresh off another convenience store robbery?
Prolly did. “Those people” are always up to no good. Bad genes and small brains according Ted Nugent, the NPI, and your nominee.
Distant Replayspews:
@29, “Selma” is a much better movie if it takes place a few years earlier, in time to give Mr. and Mrs. Obama the courage to conceive Barack during a black mass in a Kenyan Madrasa with The Black Panters in attendance (Choo! Choo!).
Roger Rabbitspews:
Why Trump’s pathologies disqualify him from public office.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Can you imagine entrusting the nuclear codes to someone who lives in a made-up world of conspiracy theories? … Neither can I.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 Self-deleting now? Is old age that bad for you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 I would put people I wouldn’t marry in charge of important things, and I would marry rabbits I wouldn’t put in charge of important things. How about you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 The warbling loon knows about Desmond Doss? I’m impressed. Do you know about Douglas Munro? Have you ever visited his grave?
Distant Replayspews:
Pastor Terrence Crutcher was shot to death by police at 7:40pm Friday. Investigators waited until yesterday morning to take statements.
They were probably too busy searching for convenience store robberies to tie to Crutcher.
Amirite Boob?
Politically Incorrectspews:
1,, 18, 20, 23, 29 & 30
Travis, why are you wasting your time talking to these zipperheads?
Distant Replayspews:
Probably because he’s grown “soft” on the ultra-nationalist, alt-Right, β♂, faux “conservative” ®epublican party you’ve helped create.
Buying into all the lies and bullshit was fun, wasn’t it? Murder conspiracies, faked birth certificates, late night sexy-sexy parties with Bill Clinton doing blow with hookers in the Lincoln bedroom, pallets of cash stolen away in the dark of night, Black Panthers sending secret messages in Planned Parenthood pamphlets, Acorn recruiting teens for local pimps, narco-terrorist ballot stuffing – it was all the stuff of comic book adventure. Wildly entertaining and a particularly amusing way to stir up sensitive liberals and soft hearted hippies. Unfortunately, somewhere in all the fun, “conservative” ideology was permanently mislaid. And now all you have left is a wall, a comb-over, and all the crazy lies.
Politically Incorrectspews:
I’m not a Republican, DR.
Distant Replayspews:
You just play one on TV.
P.S. Neither is Boob. Or as he puts it: What is Aleppo?
Politically Incorrectspews:
No, I don’t “play one on TV.”
You can think what you want, but you’re a small-minded little bigot and a racist homophobe.
Distant Replayspews:
Like I’ve advised Boob, if this shit really bothers you, you need to get off that fucking train. The Bush family, all the Reagan era stalwarts, and any other “wise old conservatives” have been rounded up and euthanized by Team Breitbart and the rest of Milo’s 4chan butt plugs. They’re in the driver’s seat now. It’s their show. And it’s all about Alex Jones, Skittles, the NPI, Birfer Truth, and their full blown, unhinged, lunacy. Whatever tiny shred of “conservatism” was left after “47%” has been surgically removed from the GOP and retired to a secured hippie-proof vault in Kennebunkport. I hear they plan to bring it out for viewing once each year on Richard Nixon’s birthday.
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
Here here. Well said about the Oregon moron! Anyone who doesn’t think like it does it calls a racist!
ThePudMan, identifies the CRAZY everywhere, everydayspews:
ultra-nationalist, alt-Right, β♂, faux “conservative”… lies and bullshit.. Murder conspiracies, faked birth certificates, late night sexy-sexy parties with Bill Clinton doing blow with hookers in the Lincoln bedroom, pallets of cash stolen away in the dark of night, Black Panthers sending secret messages in Planned Parenthood pamphlets, Acorn recruiting teens for local pimps, narco-terrorist ballot stuffing… the stuff of comic book adventure… Wildly entertaining and a particularly amusing way to stir up sensitive liberals and soft hearted hippies… a wall, a comb-over, and all the crazy lies.
I’m not a Republican, DR.
Heh.. Good answer PI!
“It’s called other people’s money,” he said. “There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money.”
One would think a war of narratives would be a war that Obama could actually win.
Looks like Palo Alto has been losing restaurant jobs.
But for some reason, it isn’t because of the minimum wage.
I think we are all very confident in the ability of Republicans to start wars. Winning them? Paying for them?
Not so much.
They continue to feed themselves on their own dead corpse.
But it’s not a thing. ‘Cause Ohio… really not that important.
“The big question about Obama has been– has he considered himself more of a globalist than an American? There is an otherness to this president.”
See, he didn’t call The President a “Nigger”. He called him an “Other”. So, you know, not racism. Mmmkay?
All that retail space going in and no parking. We thought not requiring parking in all these ugly high rises was somehow a smart move. Dumb. All the money moves by cars and who wants to come to the city and not find parking where they want to go? We have designed the entire city around cars and, like it or not, they are here to stay.
And now for these guys. Republicans are spineless cowards. That’s for sure. But one shows the least bit of backbone and they shoot him down. Good. Because anybody who supported their nominee, win or lose, is going to pay for it for a long time. He’s going to leave a stench:
This ought to warm Bob’s heart.
“Dash cam video shows unarmed black man with hands in air before Tulsa police shoot him dead”
Even though he’s a fascist dictator when it comes to women’s lady parts, Kasich seems to be that rare “conservative” who is not victim to pluralistic ignorance. The party that defined “group think” in the mid 20th century has now finally transcended it with “group ignorance”. Plenty of examples of it in these threads. Behold party stalwarts doggedly defending Trump’s Birfer lies. Even now it is consuming them like fire.
He was probably involved in a convenience store robbery.
Right Boob? Right?
Way to go Obummer…–politics.html
I got two things today:
#1 The missus wanted to go see Sully. She is personal friends with a couple people who are DEEEEEEP down in the IMDB credits. We find ourselves talking about “Seth’s” movie where Seth is my cousin who loved an unpublished comic book and gave it to his boss, a screenwriter, who sat on it for a few years and it eventually becomes a Tom Cruise movie. (True story, Oblivion.) To us, that is Seth’s film. But I digress.
I find most of Clint Eastwood directed films to be rote, get to point “C” via point “B” from Point “A” standard three Act formula. This is very much an Eastwood movie and suffers from being so recent an event that there is nothing to build suspense. But I digress again.
Watching the film unfold I was struck that I didn’t remember the NTSB, a bureaucratic nuisance, trying to criticize Cpt. Sullenberger during the investigation. In fact I kept thinking I remembered something about simulations indicating that he might have been able to steer the plane to LaGuardia or Newark and land it but doing a fine job due to the instant decision making process of the day even if he could have taken an alternate course.
Turns out, I was right. In order to dramatize an event where the villain is a wayward bird, Mr. Eastwood decided to rail against an empty chair creating the notion that if the government would just get out of the way we could lionize Cpt. Sullenberger properly. And BTW, Sully didn’t need no stinking Govt. to help him heroically land the plane, unless you count Air Traffic Control scrambling boats, the local police and fire operating those boats….
So there’s your liberal Hollywood right there. In the imaginary world of conservatives, a film like this doesn’t get greenlighted because A) the director is a Republican, B) They would never allow a film critical of a government agency to get made C) they would never, ever, ever let a historical event be rewritten into pure fiction that makes the Government look bad.
Does he really think an ad with Ted Nugent is going to work? More Red Meat to the racists that are voting for him and now his spokespeople are having to deal with questions about:
“(The President is) a subhuman mongrel.”
“You Probably Can’t Use The Term ‘Toxic Cunt’ In Your Magazine, But That’s What (Hillary Clinton) Is.”
“(Americans are) Working Hard, Playing Hard, White Motherfucking Shit Kickers Who Are Independent.”
“Jew York City Mayor Mikey Bloomberg,”
@12 and @13
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Way to go Obummer! – yours truly, Puffballs.
@6 I don’t go into Seattle anymore because there’s no parking, and if you do find parking, the cost is exorbitant.
@11 What the hell, you have citizenship, so why not?
@13 Given who sits behind the big desk in Moscow, Toxic Cunt is just who we need, not a golf course developer.
@ 12
If the film is such a GOP tool then why does Obama-supporting Tom Hanks take the lead role?
You had me at Hello, CZ. Too bad you then applied your brand of logic to something.
Very interesting BleachBit…
Very interesting BleachBit…
@ 17
Toxic Cunt and honey pot are not the same thing. Although I have yet to meet Mrs. Rabbit, so maybe you have experienced something I have not.
Travis @18,
Dipshittium king checkmate applying logic? Logic? LOGIC? All Puddy sees @12 is BULLSHITTIUM! Sullenberger was masterful from what people said on the plane!
Butt, as we all know, if it’s from a Republican,Dipshittium king checkmate is against it! Imagine what DIPSHITTIUM checkmate will write about Hacksaw Ridge and Desmond Doss!
Travis @18,
Dipshittium king checkmate applying logic? Logic? LOGIC? All Puddy sees @12 is BULLSHITTIUM! Sullenberger was masterful from what people said on the plane!
Butt, as we all know, if it’s from a Republican,Dipshittium king checkmate is against it! Imagine what DIPSHITTIUM checkmate will write about Hacksaw Ridge and Desmond Doss!
She may be a toxic cunt to the peso.
Remember, when you are common folk, you get away with NOTHING…
Seems another gay hater struck in NYC.
deBlasio (intentional act) like Obummer (explosions) would not call it terrorism while Cuomo called it right! 29 people are injured butt not a terrorist act per libtards!
Libtards also go nutzo when Trump rightly called it bombings.
Rahami traveled to Taliban controlled Afghanistan areas and Pakistan butt due to political correctness not tracked!
It’s not a propaganda tool necessarily but it reflects the worldview of its maker and you are making a really silly point. Actors act and often get paid handsomely to do it. I don’t know Tom Hanks and his politics well enough to know if he would turn down an Oscar Bait role working with an Oscar Bait director purely on ideological reasons. But I guess in your way of looking at film, Robert DeNero is the devil (Angel Heart) as is Pacino (Devil’s Advocate), Morgan Freeman is the creator of heaven and Earth several times or at least the voice of said creator as well as an excellent driver, yeah, slow on the driveway (see what I did there) and Daniel Radcliff believes wizardry is possible. Why would Tom Cruise do War of the Worlds when everybody knows about thetans being the real aliens?
The film is so divorced from the reality of the true event it depicts and that event being so recently occurring that it is hard not to notice and ponder the implications of Clint Eastwood specifically directing had on the small p politic of the work. If it had been a better film I might not have had time to notice.
Kind of like when watching a movie and really being aware of the score. That’s a sign that the music in the background is more interesting that the script.
Yes, of course. Even the NTSB said so at the hearings and in the final report but in this film the attempt to create drama is by the fake NTSB trying to pin it on Sully’s negligence which never, as you so helpfully pointed out, happened. The issue is, short memory people who think like you will see this film and then it is only a matter of maybe the next session of Congress before some dumb as shit Congressman says the NTSB should be defunded because of how they treated Sullenberger using the film as “evidence” of what everybody knows.
Libtards create fake drama to make a movie and checkmate has no issues. A Republican creates fake drama and checkmate has a KOW!
“Selma” is a much better movie if it takes place a few years earlier, in time to give Mr. and Mrs. Obama the courage to conceive Barack.
[Message deleted by Hillary Clinton]
Bunch of Neanderthals. And people want some civility in this Country. The NFL should be sued for promoting violence.
Long live Ireland!
That was a gooooooood one!
So waddya think?
Did the good ol’ boys catch this “one” -( – fresh off another convenience store robbery?
Prolly did. “Those people” are always up to no good. Bad genes and small brains according Ted Nugent, the NPI, and your nominee.
“Selma” is a much better movie if it takes place a few years earlier, in time to give Mr. and Mrs. Obama the courage to conceive Barack during a black mass in a Kenyan Madrasa with The Black Panters in attendance (Choo! Choo!).
Why Trump’s pathologies disqualify him from public office.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Can you imagine entrusting the nuclear codes to someone who lives in a made-up world of conspiracy theories? … Neither can I.
@30 Self-deleting now? Is old age that bad for you?
@20 I would put people I wouldn’t marry in charge of important things, and I would marry rabbits I wouldn’t put in charge of important things. How about you?
@21 The warbling loon knows about Desmond Doss? I’m impressed. Do you know about Douglas Munro? Have you ever visited his grave?
Pastor Terrence Crutcher was shot to death by police at 7:40pm Friday. Investigators waited until yesterday morning to take statements.
They were probably too busy searching for convenience store robberies to tie to Crutcher.
Amirite Boob?
1,, 18, 20, 23, 29 & 30
Travis, why are you wasting your time talking to these zipperheads?
Probably because he’s grown “soft” on the ultra-nationalist, alt-Right, β♂, faux “conservative” ®epublican party you’ve helped create.
Buying into all the lies and bullshit was fun, wasn’t it? Murder conspiracies, faked birth certificates, late night sexy-sexy parties with Bill Clinton doing blow with hookers in the Lincoln bedroom, pallets of cash stolen away in the dark of night, Black Panthers sending secret messages in Planned Parenthood pamphlets, Acorn recruiting teens for local pimps, narco-terrorist ballot stuffing – it was all the stuff of comic book adventure. Wildly entertaining and a particularly amusing way to stir up sensitive liberals and soft hearted hippies. Unfortunately, somewhere in all the fun, “conservative” ideology was permanently mislaid. And now all you have left is a wall, a comb-over, and all the crazy lies.
I’m not a Republican, DR.
You just play one on TV.
P.S. Neither is Boob. Or as he puts it: What is Aleppo?
No, I don’t “play one on TV.”
You can think what you want, but you’re a small-minded little bigot and a racist homophobe.
Like I’ve advised Boob, if this shit really bothers you, you need to get off that fucking train. The Bush family, all the Reagan era stalwarts, and any other “wise old conservatives” have been rounded up and euthanized by Team Breitbart and the rest of Milo’s 4chan butt plugs. They’re in the driver’s seat now. It’s their show. And it’s all about Alex Jones, Skittles, the NPI, Birfer Truth, and their full blown, unhinged, lunacy. Whatever tiny shred of “conservatism” was left after “47%” has been surgically removed from the GOP and retired to a secured hippie-proof vault in Kennebunkport. I hear they plan to bring it out for viewing once each year on Richard Nixon’s birthday.
Here here. Well said about the Oregon moron! Anyone who doesn’t think like it does it calls a racist!
Heh.. Good answer PI!
“It’s called other people’s money,” he said. “There’s nothing like doing things with other people’s money.”
As in people giving to your charity and then you, supposedly a multi-fucking-billionaire, using their donations to pay off your legal bills.
Bob will show up and lay another “Crooked Hillary” on us.
“1,, 18, 20, 23, 29 & 30”
“Travis, why are you…”
Lies are best told repeatedly. The idea is that dimwits such as yourself will eventually come to believe them.