– Even when Rand Paul is probably right on policy and making fun of John McCain, he’s still such a problem.
– It was pretty nice out last week, but still no surprise that better biking infrastructure brings out more bikes.
– Wait, am I going to have to start reading GQ?
– 70 years is pretty great.
– Random fact that I learned from too much Wikipeding instead of actually writing: Ambrose Bierce’s middle name was Gwinnett.
The Bush-appointed federal judge who presided over the political trial of former Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman (D-Persecuted) is facing DV charges and calls from Congress for his resignation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just impeach the bastard already. Oh wait, he’s a GOPer, and Republicans don’t impeach their own no matter who they beat the stuffing out of.
Carrying a loaded assault weapon into a Wal-Mart is legal under Ohio’s open-carry laws. But if you’re a black man shopping with your family and you pick up a toy BB gun and carry it in the store with the intend of purchasing it, the cops will shoot you dead.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This police shooting was caught on tape by store security cameras, but police are refusing to release the tape. I wouldn’t either, if I were them, if I could get away with withholding it. This one probably will cost Dayton taxpayers around $5 million, but no cop will go to jail or be disciplined.
This Suspect Didn’t Get Shot
“A 19-year-old former high school field hockey star plowed her BMW into three cars, left the scene of the accidents and kicked a police officer in the head before being apprehended in Bensalem, Pennsylvania on Thursday morning.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Because she’s white.
This Suspect Did Get Shot
“Officers shot and killed a man after he allegedly pointed a rifle at them in suburban St. Louis …. Two officers fired a combined 25 shots Wednesday night after a chase in which the 42-year-old man slammed his vehicle into a police car then fled on foot.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Because he’s black.
In Georgia they really, really don’t want any “minority” voters voting in the next election. Of course 25 voter registration applications out of 85,000 is good enough reason to hold them all out of the rolls. Can’t have them darkies gettin’ too uppity. They might vote Democrat!
Yes, U.S. Navy Criminal Investigators Have Searched Your Computer Without A Warrant Looking For Kiddie Porn
Buried in today’s Seattle Times under a small headline and a lede about a kiddie porn distributor walking free after an appeals court threw out his conviction is a story about sensational military and police misconduct.
“The three-judge panel of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals … said … ‘it has become a routine practice for the Navy to conduct surveillance of all the civilian computers in an entire state to see whether any child pornography can be found on them, and then to turn over that information to civilian law enforcement when no military connection exists.’ … Senior 9th Circuit Judge Andrew Kleinfeld found that the case ‘amounts to the military acting as a national police force to investigate civilian law violations by civilians.’”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: U.S. Navy criminal investigators searched every civilian computer in the State of Washington for evidence of civilian crimes to turn over to civilian police? Without probable cause much less search warrants? Yep, that’s what it says.
This is sooo fucking UNCONSTITUTIONAL that a federal appeals court sprung a kiddie pornographer — the scum of the earth –from prison to emphasize that it’s sooo fucking UNCONSTITUTIONAL the Navy and police can’t be allowed to get away with it under any circumstances.
What the fuck were these bozos thinking? But what I want to know is, who’s going to get sacked for this? This sort of shit doesn’t get authorized at the enlisted level; Navy brass had to be involved. And whoever that was, whether Captain or Admiral, should be given walking papers.
Another martyr for the NRA. I’m sure the TeaNuts will just shrug and sigh about how this is just something to be expected, and another example of the natural sacrifices that must be made to insure the Tree of Liberty remains well watered. Or, they’ll scream from their rooftop snipers nests about how this is a false flag operation by the Obama administration and he should be impeached for treason. Or, they’ll deny this ever happened at all and scream from their backyard bunkers about how this is a prime example of the Liberal Press propaganda in support of Obama’s tyrannical lust for absolute power.
I wonder how many Barbie Guns the NRA is going to sell on this?
GOP Suffers Major Setback In Kansas
The 3-way Senate race in Kansas, pitting Sen. Pat Roberts (R) against Chad Taylor (D) and Greg Orman (I), became a 2-way race tonight when the Kansas Supreme Court ordered GOP secretary of state Kris Kobach to remove Taylor from the November ballot.
A Fox News poll earlier this week had Roberts at 40%, Orman at 38%, and Taylor at 11%. With Taylor out, the same poll showed Roberts at 42% and Orman at 48%. In other words, Roberts probably wins with Taylor in the race, and probably loses with Taylor out of the race.
Taylor, who had no chance of winning and would take votes away from Orman, withdrew on Sept. 3. But Kobach said he had to stay on the ballot. Now that he’s been overruled by the state’s highest court, Kobach says he’ll go to court to force the Democrats to nominate a replacement candidate.
Orman hasn’t said which party he’ll caucus with if elected, but has run as a Democrat in the past. Kansas is crucial to the GOP’s efforts to win a Senate majority this year, and Roberts is considered vulnerable.
Polls show Alaska’s minimum wage initiative leading 58% – 33%.
5)Good thing this guy does not run elections in Scotland. In the referendum on Independence, the voting age was 16, and polls were open until 10pm, and turnout in some areas of Scotland was 90+%. The Independence side carried Dundee, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, and West Dunbartonshire local government areas. No carried Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Falkirk, Fife, and the rest. Scotland stays in the UK.
You know you are a Republican when your don’t apply your conservative values to an entity such as the NFL and instead hold them exempt from any accountability and standards.
I guess Obamacare is working. Read the comments by the readers.
GOP = Grand Ole Pussies with Problems
You know your Republican when one day in the future you will forget that there ever was ice in Greenland.
Maine GOP Lies About Lewd Video
The Maine GOP is feigning outrage and demanding an apology from Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mike Michaud for a campaign video featuring lewd rap lyrics about GOP Sen. Susan Collins. But Michaud had nothing to do with the video. It was produced and distributed by a third party.