Democrats need to be god damned Democrats.
Running to the middle and adopting a pile of worthless wishy-washy, weasel words to avoid “scaring” suburban white people is a big part of what got us President SpentCondom.
Recall for a moment the “impossible” rise of the Imbecile King, when the coastal corporate media were frantically calling in to the “heartland” of “middle America” to learn what it was that his supporters saw in him. He’s “real”.
He’s a “straight shooter”.
He “tells it like it is”.
Not a single one of these AM Hate radio programmed meatbags could ever say what policies PornSweat stood for. Not because he never told them. But because they didn’t fucking care. It was enough that he told it to them and he said with conviction.
The reason voters self identify as EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE is because they don’t fucking care about the details. Sorting out all that shit is too complicated and far too time consuming for them. They prefer to delegate all that to whichever candidate they “trust”. They did the exact same thing with W – another imbecile. But he was the “down to earth” imbecile “you could hang out with and toss back a (non-alcoholic) beer”.
Policy is immaterial to these people. Trust is everything. The fastest way to lose their trust is to try so hard to avoid offending that you appear to stand for nothing. Democrats can and will win by being Democrats.
So to redefine capitalism, you use a billionaire to do it.
Goldy Retweeted
Greg Epstein✔
Capitalism needs to be redefined. It can’t just be for zillionaires & plutocrats; all humanity must be included. That’s why we @HarvardHumanist @HumanistHub are extremely proud to honor @NickHanauer as our first annual Harvard & MIT Humanist of the Year!
Sep 5, 2018
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Just another quick update:
The CrowdPac campaign to retire Susan Collins if she votes to put a lying degenerate gambler on the Supreme Court is poised to blow through its next stretch goal!
Having exceeded the three previous goals in record time, the latest goal is to match the total on-hand most recently reported by Collins, just a bit over $1.3 million. Today the CrowdPac campaign stands at just over $1.1 million with more than 40,000 donors pledged.
Collins first learned of the campaign over the weekend while huddling with some of her corporate and NRA backers at the Bush family compound in Maine. On Monday her team unveiled a counter strategy focusing on smearing the opposition through extreme right wing media sites normally associated with white supremacy.
She sat down with Newsmax (an alt-right mouthpiece for close Trump adviser Chris Ruddy that relies on white supremacist ad networks for most of its income) for a lengthy exclusive interview and provided call-in back up from dubious outside legal sources to promote laughably absurd false claims, calling the opposition campaign among other things “Attempted bribery”. Among some of the false claims leveled by her outside legal advisers were the demonstrably false claim that the CrowdPac campaign was offering a monetary reward if Collins changes her vote*.
She’s absolutely right to be terrified of this opposition campaign. In barely one week it has raised a sum of money from small individual donations that it has taken her four years to raise pandering to arms merchants, corporate blood-suckers, and militant globalists like the Bush family. Hers is supposed to be a “safe” seat. Good, compliant Democrats are supposed not supposed to oppose her because she always claims to support reproductive healtcare freedom. And the campaign will continue to raise funds until the vote is taken. At this rate her Democratic Party opponent may not have to raise any money at all.
*Huge tell. The Senator’s surrogates and staff are already using the expression “change” indicating that she has made up her mind and decided to vote to confirm. Duh.
Like the “I am Spartacus” confrontation from Senator Booker, the Kasowitz trap set by Senator Harris, and other questions regarding the Lying Degenerate Gambler’s™ prior testimony before the committee, this is of value both politically and legally.
Politically it raises troubling questions about the Lying Degenerate Gambler’s™ fitness and calls attention to the politically partisan and deeply flawed process employed by the PornSweat regime to railroad their preferred nominee ahead of the mid term elections.
Legally, as before, it lays down an important documented marker. Lying Degenerate Gambler™ will almost certainly refuse to respond to these difficult and challenging QFR forms and simply continue to stonewall with the majority Child Molester Party backing. But doing so will deprive him of a later defense – that his appallingly sparse and obviously fraudulent disclosure forms are “merely an oversight”. The QFRs pointedly put the Lying Degenerate Gambler™ on notice that there are substantive omissions and errors in his sworn disclosures to the committee. If he doesn’t fix that now he can be held to account for it later.
@ 2
Running to the middle and adopting a pile of worthless wishy-washy, weasel words to avoid “scaring” suburban white people is a big part of what got us President SpentCondom.
I don’t think “basket of deplorables” was the least bit wishy-washy, Queen of Spades McHillbilly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Tucker Carlson reveals himself as an ideological whore who can’t think:
“If I hated our country, I would open its doors to people who wanted to come in and give nothing in return”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s talking about people who come here to earn money to support their families by working extremely hard in dirty, backbreaking, sometimes dangerous jobs which most Americans won’t do, for low wages that most Americans won’t accept, and they are far more law-abiding than American-born citizens are. They are ultimate givers, and this dipshit calls them takers. Know what a taker is? A fool who does no real work and calls others lazy. That perfectly describes Mr. Pretty Face who gets paid millions to sit in front of a teevee camera spewing misinformation credulous morons. What a hypocritical little liar this man is.
@ 4
What’s the leverage against Collins here? That people who will oppose her in 2020 threaten to oppose her today if she votes to confirm?
Queen of Spades McHillbilly, they will oppose her anyway. At worst she will face $1.1M in opposition funding raised today in addition to whatever is raised when she is opposed in 2020. That’s a far smaller threat to her than having pissed-off Republicans withhold support in 2020 because were she to vote against confirmation.
Oh, and regarding the crowdfunding scheme… That’s what Jill Stein used to fleece several million dollars from liberals, ostensibly to recount the 2016 election in places.
One born every minute.
Proud Deplorable – you stated the following.
I read somewhere this wanted to bet me. I don’t gamble. 53 years ago I made a promise not smoke anymore, not drink,not go out fuck anything in a skirt, and not gamble. lead a good life, if I could get the hell out of a certain shit hole. So far I have kept that promise.”
It doesn’t have to be a bet. How about making a promise, since you say you are so good at keeping them.
Just promise that you will be the first one here to post a comment regarding the overturning of Roe V Wade, since you claim that it is settled law, and that Kavanaugh said it was, you suggesting that it wont happen. And all the other stuff that will begin to happen that Democrats have warned will happen with the inevitable confirmation of guy that potentially has a gambling problem and could be bought to make a decision based on some lucrative helping hand.
You made a comment suggesting that Democrats are getting all worked up over nothing and that they are just playing politics with what they say so that this guy isn’t confirmed. You couldn’t be more wrong (or stupid)
Make a promise – doesn’t have to be a bet. You up for that challenge?
Maybe another promise to yourself should be that you should get a bit of an education and not be so brainwashed and believe the bullshit or performance of Kavanaugh in the questioning.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein a GOP candidate mistreats the environment and then blames Democrats for the state of the environment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This particular Republican banned any mention of climate change from the state government he ran for eight years, in one of the states most vulnerable to rising sea levels, and now he needs somebody to blame for the effects of climate change.
@1 you would think that you wife would keep you off the keyboard….she must not be that good looking.
Oh, by the way is she still being a productive member of society by taking pictures of protesters and texting them to you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 What happened to the oxygen cart I’m supposedly pushing around? I haven’t heard about it for a while. Am I cured of that one in your imagination, doc?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 Here’s a capitalist to warm your heart, doc. As for the patients forced to choose between rent and medicine, fuck ’em. Greed is good. To hell with empathy and compassion; God wants you to be rich. Patients are just cannon fodder and profit centers. Amirite, doc?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m a capitalist too, but I’m for regulated capitalism. Even gangsters have rules. Laissez faire capitalism makes no more sense than any other form of unrestrained absolutism. If you want to live by the law of the jungle, then go find a jungle to live in, and leave civilized people and rabbits alone.
QoS McHillbilly. Has a nice cadence to it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 The whole thing is just a sneaky setup to find out if there are still two Republican senators who give a hoot about moral character. The betting is there are not.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 When did Jimmy Carter say that? The point of #2 is he didn’t say that, and still won’t, and look where he is now – a one-term beloved elder statesman.
Don’t get me wrong – I love Jimmy Carter. The world could use more like him. He’s a kind, gentle, selfless, compassionate, and religious man. Exactly who you don’t need for a knife fight. The time to be gentle with Republicans is after they’ve been kicked to the curb, crawling back into the gutters they crawled out of. Then, it might be nice to send them a small bouquet of flowers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “What’s the leverage against Collins here?”
That women who voted for her in 2014 and previously might change their minds if she breaks her promise to not put a Roe foe on the court and then Roe is overturned? Just thinking out loud, that’s all.
@ 13
I wonder if you would have posted, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, had you read to the bottom of your link:
When he announced his plan, President Donald Trump slammed drug makers, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers and others for profiting off American patients.
“The drug lobby is making an absolute fortune at the expense of American patients,” Trump said.
What am I saying, of COURSE you would post. You post anything. You post everything. It’s either post here or you bother your family.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 I’m sure you know a gait when you see one, given your experience with horses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 What you’re saying is, an unregulated market in pharmaceuticals is so bad even Trump is against it.
@ 17
In two years SCOTUS will overturn Roe? That’s your argument?
’cause after 2020 Collins isn’t up for re-election until 2026.
Silly argument, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Oh, and regarding the crowdfunding scheme…”
And Doctor Dumbfuck once again slithers ever-lower in his efforts to hide from the truth of his dumpster fire. This time fabricating lies about a young father dying of ALS.
How utterly pathetic.
Doctor Dumbfuck studied the links on previous threads demonstrating the impeccable bona fides of Ady Barkan and It Starts Today. Recognizing the danger this kind of true, grass roots movement represents to corporate whores like Susan Collins, he did what comes naturally to all Child Molesters: he made shit up. Tallest building, biggest inauguration, fastest growing economy, most jobs created, biggest landslide, “he isn’t my lawyer”, “I never heard of her”, “NO COLLUSION”, HILLARY IS THE COLLUSION”. It will never end. Until we end them.
By the time the vote is taken near the end of the month my estimation is that the yet-to-be-named Democratic nominee will be looking at a $2 million war chest waiting for them the day after the primary. That will not only draw in lots and lots of additional money it will also draw in the best pool of candidates Susan Collins has ever faced. With Imbecile King Prizinint Poosey Grapber on the ballot 2020 will be a shit storm for Senate Republicans. Collins will be in the eye.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck finally discovered the tattoo hidden on his wife’s taint.
It’s what comes from spending too much time out in the barn, Dumbfuck. The best you can hope for now is she might let you watch… and clean up after.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
This morning in the National Review convicted con artist Conrad Black opened his feature conservative editorial with the following: “The almost unnoticed fact in the latest Democratic assault on the Trump administration…”
He then went on to detail the same old LARP fantasy catalog of DERPSTATE! conspiracy theories and birfer argle bargle we’ve all grown accustomed to from Republican President SpentCondom’s morning routine of constipation-fired rage-Tweets.
And of course it’s all idiotic nonsense. Just what you’d expect from a skeevy hustler. But as always what strikes me, and whatreally almost goes unnoticed, is the opening premise that Democrats are the source and the engine of Roypublican scandal in the age of The Imbecile King.
Democrats are completely out of power, at least with respect to the Executive Branch of the federal government. Democrats can call no hearings, no witnesses, no investigations, nothing. Democrats have been, and at least until Jan 3rd will continue to be, passive bystanders to the dumpster fire.
We may point and laugh. We may frequently find ourselves moved to call limited attention to the important flare ups. We may even smugly warm our hands before the blaze. But we neither started it, nor do we fuel it. This whole show is brought to you by the Roypublican Party from the start.
Never forget that.
Roger rabbitspews:
@21 Watching your tribe salivating over it right now, two years seems like an eternity. I recommend that America’s women immediately stop having sex and plan to terminate any existing unwanted pregnancies no later than June 1 of next year.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 If you gotta live with arsonists moving into your neighborhood, then watch your house burn down, you might as well keep warm.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“New polling shows disastrous warning signs for Republicans ahead of the midterm elections”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would’ve guessed a party of hubris, corruption, and criminality might encounter voter resistance? Apparently some voters can still think and have seen through the endless torrent of bullshit gushing from Republican mouths everywhere (not just Trump’s). Elections have consequences, but so does reckless and irresponsible governance.
P.S., the American public still really likes Roe v. Wade.
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s been said that Supreme Court justices can read election returns. If Kavanaugh gets on the court this month, then sees his party go up in flames in the midterms, he might get the message and go slow on fucking with cherished precedents. While his own job would be relatively safe (although the more that Republicans in Congress, particularly the Senate, get replaced by Democratic hot-to-trot young guns, the less safe it is), if he’s the good and loyalty party man that got him there, he may be loath to throw more gasoline on the fire and burn down even more Republicans. Plus there will be the little problem of getting to work past the riots* outside his place of employment. Whatever Kavanaugh is – ideologue, deadbeat, gambling addict, liar and perjurer – he’s not a dumb guy. He, too, can read election returns and wall writing. It doesn’t do much good to be a Republican judge on the highest court if there’s no Republican Party left to serve and be loyal to. What it boils down to is, if the GOP survives the midterms in halfway decent shape, he and the other conservatives working in the SCOTUS building will feel emboldened; but if their party is savaged in the midterms, their party’s leaders won’t have to tell them to proceed with caution (that’s not kosher, but when have ethical considerations ever stopped Republicans from doing anything), they’ll figure that out all by themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Public Service Message To Eastern Seaboard Evangelical Flocks
“You can call Pat Roberton’s and Jim Baker’s team for really fuckin’ effective prayer. It’s 100% free – only a $15 surcharge and $5 a minute – and our phone concubines are on call 24/7 to provide stress relief to your menfolk. (Honestly you know how pent up and agitated menfolk can get, if ya know what I mean.) Price schedule will be negotiated at time of call. We Trump evangelicals aim to serve. Can I hear an Amen?” – Pastor’s wife
Roger Rabbitspews:
Things are so bad for Republicans they’re asking for assistance from the most popular guy they’ve got.
1. He gets bored easily
2. He blatantly lies
3. He’s charismatic, charming, and can win people over
4. High turnover of friends and associates
5. He loves to create drama
6. He’s reckless
7. Sex is strictly physical
8. Lazy worker; only completes tasks that align with his interests
9. He’s a fast talker with big plans
10. He always puts himself first
11. He manipulates people
12. He explodes with anger
13. He’s emotionally detached
Does that sound like anybody you know, or have read about?
“Pressure Mounts On Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski To Block Brett Kavanaugh”
“The Maine and Alaska Republicans are feeling the heat in their home states … [a]nd the pressure continues to mount ….
“Murkowski … is now facing … pressure from Alaska natives, who … oppose Kavanaugh over his views on fishing rights and environmental protections. Tribal communities were crucial to Murkowski’s re-election … in 2010 ….
“Celinda Lake, a leading pollster … warned that Collins will lose her credibility as a moderate if she votes to confirm Trump’s pick. The president’s popularity is declining in Maine, and … ‘her safety has relied on …strength with independent and Democratic women.’ …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Neither senator is saying how she’ll vote, and they likely are genuinely undecided, although I would guess they’re leaning toward confirmation. Kavanaugh could afford to lose both if even one Democratic senator votes “aye,” so McConnell may release them if he bags one or more Dem votes – we all know the Democrats aren’t necessarily 100% together on this. In any event, McConnell and the Congressional Republicans can afford a Kavanaugh defeat, because if he goes down, he’ll be replaced by another conservative nominee. Kavanaugh is of greatest value to Trump, because of his hostility to the investigations, and isn’t as essential to other Republicans. The conventional wisdom that he’ll be confirmed probably is still true unless further damaging information about Kavanaugh emerges. (Given who he is, I have a feeling such information exists.) Public opinion could play a large role in the outcome; Kavanaugh polls similarly to Robert Bork’s and Harriet Mier, whose nominations failed; but the betting odds – where predictions are backed with cash – still favor Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Manafort wants a plea deal in which he gets reduced charges and sentence and Mueller doesn’t get cooperation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not hard to figure out who his mentor was. #artofthedeal
Roger Rabbitspews:
What violence-laced political blogging actually looks like:
“Reddit banned its largest community focused on the fringe conspiracy theory Qanon on Wednesday …. Threats to kill [Hillary] Clinton pervaded GreatAwakening …. ‘As of September 12, r/greatawakening has been banned due to repeated violations of the terms of our content policy,’ the spokesperson said. ‘We are very clear in our site terms of service that posting content that incites violence, disseminates personal information, or harasses will get users and communities banned from Reddit.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here on HA, we verbally beat up trolls, but we do not violate (or threaten to violate) their anonymity or condone physical violence (which is different from saying we’ll defend ourselves). In fact, we deplore what Puddy’s friends probably did to him. The verbal warfare in HA’s comment threads is done purely as sport, and for good clean fun; whereas the sick, twisted, demented QAnon creeps really mean it, as shown by the armed assault on Comet Pizza’s basement (hindered by the fact Comet Pizza doesn’t have a basement, one of the few times reality has stopped them).
The three lodestones of responsible political posting are:
Don’t incite violence;
Don’t disseminate personal information;
Don’t harass users.
Of course, calling some a dumbfuck when they actually are a dumbfuck isn’t harassing, it’s just reporting facts, so Doctor Dumbfuck has nothing to complain about. And we certainly haven’t incited racist violence against Puddy; to the contrary, we’ve strenously attempted to save him from racist violence. It’s not our fault he didn’t listen to reason.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Second Amendment news, a California well-regulated militia demobilized itself after declaring victory in half a dozen battlefield encounters Wednesday night.
Cops Are Never Wrong According To Their Unions Dep’t
“Seven members of the NYPD, including officers, detectives and sergeants, have been arrested for their involvement in a prostitution and gambling ring in Queens, law enforcement sources said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not to worry, their union lawyers will beat the charges and get them reinstated, and they’ll be back on duty in no time solving serious crimes like bootlegging cigarets on street corners to keep the kids safe.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Always bear in mind the sources of this reporting.
It is either PornSweat’s criminal defense team led by Flood, or it is The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s criminal defense team led by Kevin Downing. And bear in mind also that the two teams are known to be meeting and conferencing together regularly. Both teams have experience with high profile trial work and manipulating modern, lazy-yet-ambitious, careerist, “access journalism” to suit their’s and their client’s purposes.
Bear in mind also that The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager is guaranteed a Presidential pardon. So at minimum this is playing for time. Or alternatively, a coy attempt to accelerate the inevitable in order to save the client’s money while dancing carefully, if clumsily, around obstruction. Mostly I suspect these are periodic probes to try and discover the contours of Muellers evidence. Any cooperation agreement would at some point include a proffer. Mueller knows what he knows. If The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager submits a proffer that the OSC knows to be filled with omissions and falsehoods the OSC can not go forward with it. The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s criminal defense team uses this cat-and-mouse to try to help the Unindicted Coconspiritor-in-Chief.
Think about who has given GJ testimony and who else has entered into cooperation agreements with the OSC recently. Flood is still weighing whether and how much to respond to the OSC’s take-home test and preparing a response to the inevitable subpoena. He’s trying to figure out how much of what The Unindicted Coconspirator tells him is a lie without himself suborning perjury. And he needs to tidy things up and assist whoever takes over for him if he is going to step up to WH Counsel. The con artists who make up the rest of his team are incapable of that and they all know it.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I just wanted to add, re 39,
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will fofeit about $16 million in illegally obtained assets from his EDV conviction. And stands poised to forfeit an additional $30 million in assets including his 5 homes and other real estate.
I’m sure The Unindicted Co-conspirator will be glad to make him whole again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Appaloosa Management’s David Tepper said tax cuts were too steep and likely borrowed economic growth from the future. … Tepper said this could have consequences down the road. … He added ‘we’ll probably have to have some payback at some point.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know who’ll do the paying, but for Republicans, no working class sacrifice is too great for the worthy cause of pampering billionaires. Just sayin’.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 Another consideration to keep in mind is, with clients like that, who needs a jury?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Doubling down on denial:
1. Denying that Hurricane Maria killed lots and lots of people.
2. Denying that his administration’s response to Maria was a disorganized, ineffectual, cartoonish clusterfuck.
Even Paul Ryan and Rick Scott can’t go along with this bullshit.
“But Chris Cox told me, he’s like, ‘We’re going to be in this race.”
I know the NRA has their Russian funded arms up the asses of almost as many Democrats. But I really hope that a new wave of incoming members of Congress, as yet untainted by their politics of death, will begin the long slow process of destroying this organized crime syndicate. Wherever election corruption is uncovered there you will find the NRA.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kavanaugh apparently has a woman problem:
“Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) told BuzzFeed Thursday that the matter had been referred to the FBI.”
“A lawyer who is reportedly representing the woman was spotted leaving the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday evening ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It won’t sink him, though. In fact, it won’t make a dent on Republicans. After all, Trump’s womanizing didn’t. We already know “the party of family values” has none, and nobody in that party gives a damn about sexual harassment or child molesting, either. The only thing they care about is imposing their ideology on the rest of us and gaining the power to do it.
This might make you fell a bit blah too, if you are Kafafuck.
But something tells me this wont matter even if it amounts to anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Remember the plan was Mexico would pay to keep illegals out of the U.S.? Neither does Trump.
“The Trump administration … plans to divert $20 million … to help Mexico … pay for the plane and bus fares of … Central Americans attempting to flee to the U.S. via Mexico ….”
“Data from the Federal Reserve show that over the last decade and a half, the proportion of family income from wages has dropped from nearly 70 percent to just under 61 percent. It’s an extraordinary shift, driven largely by the investment profits of the very wealthy. In short, the people who possess tradable assets, especially stocks, have enjoyed a recovery that Americans dependent on savings or income from their weekly paycheck have yet to see. Ten years after the financial crisis, getting ahead by going to work every day seems quaint, akin to using the phone book to find a number or renting a video at Blockbuster.”
A well regulated militia encountered enemy soldier outside the wire who were unable to present the password of the day. Showing tremendous courage under withering assault he was able to hold off the intruders.
Additional field reports indicate that his declaration under fire “I’m going upstairs to get laid”, have resulted in a permanent loss of conjugal rights and banishment from married officer’s quarters.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Well, don’t forget it was the Democrats who forced them into nominating and eventually voting for this deeply flawed candidate whose past is filled with lies, financial irregularities, disturbing relationships, and violent sexual assault.
We are still talking about Kavanaugh, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@48 I’ve never said it’s a good thing. I’m just being pragmatic.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“We now have a Senate forecast to go with our House forecast … [that] gives Democrats a 1 in 3 chance of flipping the upper chamber. Meanwhile, … our House forecast hasn’t really changed much since yesterday: Democrats still have a 5 in 6 chance of winning control. Across thousands of simulations, Democrats’ average gain was 39 seats.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is a blowhard, liar, and con man. Republicans have defended and protected him. This is their reward. Of course, he still has his loyal fan base, because there will always be damn fools who give a grifter even more money in hopes of recouping their original investment. Privately, the grifter is laughing at them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Another quick update:
The campaign to remove Susan Collins from the Senate if she betrays her constituents and votes to put a lying, raping, degenerate gambler on the Supreme Court is rapidly approaching it’s most recent goal!
The campaign is only $50,000 dollars away from blowing through its $1.3 million goal and surpassing Collins’ re-election bank. That’s fewer than 2500 pledges of $20.20. You too can be one of them while time still lasts!
Suck on it little low-life scotty walker… And those willfully ignorant little trolls out there.
I wonder what thoughtful @ 55 commentary YLB will offer about this storm-related news item:
Brad Pitt built dozens of homes in New Orleans after Katrina. Now they’re falling apart and residents are suing.
But Allen and 11 other residents who spoke to NBC News, 10 of them on the record, say that many of the Make It Right homes are rotting and dangerous. They complain of mold and collapsing structures, electrical fires and gas leaks. They say the houses were built too quickly, with low-quality materials, and that the designs didn’t take into account New Orleans’ humid, rainy climate.
As the problems worsened, the organization has all but disappeared. Make It Right hasn’t built a home, filed tax forms or updated its website since 2015. The downtown New Orleans office has been closed, the staff has been cut to a handful and residents say their calls go unreturned.
Don’t ever forget that by the logic of that very same NTY, this: “Ten years after the financial crisis, getting ahead by going to work every day seems quaint, akin to using the phone book to find a number or renting a video at Blockbuster”
justifies this:
Just another “aggreived” WWCM facing “economic uncertainty”.
Yup. You betcha.
Good intentions gone awry.. At least the heart was in the right place..
Unlike the bait and switch, unhinged greed of klownservatics.. Greed is good, eh boob?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“If it was more than a nothingburger why would Booker not have run with it?”
The Chair and the majority placed strict hearing time limits on each minority member. To the extent that it can be, The Lying Degenerate Gambler’s past history of violent sexual assaults has already been documented for the record, even while being kept hidden by the Chair and the majority.
And of course none of The Lying Degenerate Gambler’s victims wants to become the latest target of the Child Molester Party’s patented “a little bit nutty, and a little bit slutty” interrogation tag team. So it was probably deemed more productive to leave this for the QFRs – a step in the process that normally gets little notice or media coverage. And yet there it is on NBC News, taking up residency in your head, and now everyone else’s too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@53 “votes to put a lying, raping, degenerate gambler and adulterer on the Supreme Court”
@ 59
Why not turn it over to the FBI when she received it 3 months ago, then?
“Gee, I didn’t realize that sexual assault was a crime until just now.”
That’s your answer, QoS Hillbilly?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Why not turn it over to the FBI when she received it 3 months ago, then?”
Because this isn’t a legal process. It’s a political one.
Just now figuring that out?
No wonder it took you so long to notice that tattoo on your wife’s taint and discover he “lifestyle”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@54 “nothingburger”
That’s what your ilk has been calling 35 indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and a conviction on 8 counts, too.
The FBI isn’t interested in consensual teenage sex. It investigates persons suspected of committing federal crimes. Just because the entire Republican Party is indifferent to criminal behavior doesn’t mean our law enforcement agencies are.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@57 I haven’t worked in over 10 years, and I’m doing very well. I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck is doing well, too, now that he doesn’t have to work anymore.
It’s just a matter of time before workers will have to pay employers to work. Our taxes already subsidize employers.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I expect the term to be featured prominently in the 2020 meme-sphere. It has become knee jerk for hapless, gullible, limp Trumptards to mouth it at every new indictment and every new scandal that breaks. Nothing matters to them because nothing can matter to someone like them.
In fact, when pushed they will claim they enjoy all of it. They will claim to enjoy the betrayal and humiliation. They will claim to reject the “conventionality” of “normies” and “straights”. They will insist that it is their “choice” and a “lifestyle”.
Wait. We are still talking about Trumptards, right?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trolls are getting scarce. We’re down to Doctor Dumbfuck now. Maybe we should circulate recruiting posters?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I figure Shortbus just needs time to cool down.
Right now he’s off with his camcorder making something epic like this:
But he’ll eventually talk himself out of posting it after making a few dozen more useless requests to Goldy and Carl to ban you.
Then it will be time to wind him up again!
Roger rabbitspews:
Update: FBI says it’s adding the letter to Kavanaugh’s background fie but has no plans to investigate further, so, no federal crime there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Wherein Willie Nelson endorses Beto O’Rourke. Some of his fans are disappointed. “One angry fan blamed marijuana ‘smoke’ for Nelson’s decision.”
@67 Didn’t need much cooling, so his reactor must not generate much output.
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 RR if I find out who you are through shoe leather or other means I will put your name right on here. You cannot speak for owner or the policies of HA unless the owner or one of his minions. You are not. You should be banned for saying what you are saying. There are clear rules on HA and you can post hem in a post, but admittedly those rules are not applied or applied often. If they were applied you would be out of here, only to return as Daffy Duck.
I do some aspects of the computer crime law are being weakened. There is debate over how responsible owners of blogs, and ISPS are. Currently they are not responsible for what others say.
I have no problem with anonminity except when it is used as a shield and sword, which is what you do on here. When you should be on here as yourself. If you ok with saying some of things you say to people face to face well you go for it. You are a bully on here, and here you are seeking justification for your bullshit actions on here.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“RR if I find out who you are through shoe leather or other means I will put your name right on here. You cannot speak for owner or the policies of HA unless the owner or one of his minions.”
That certainly looks like a threat to me.
Credible? Meh.
However, he does claim to own a “sniffer probe”.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@70 Solution: Ignore Facebook. There are other platforms. This one, for example.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “You should be banned for saying what you are saying.”
What should I be banned for? Be specific. What, exactly, is your complaint against me?
Saying unpleasant things about you? Sorry, my little wilting wallflower, but that’s how we treat trolls here. All of ’em. You’re not being singled out. It’s generic. You volunteered for this by coming here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “RR if I find out who you are through shoe leather or other means I will put your name right on here.”
You have roughly 1 chance in 7 billion of getting it right, and whether you do or not, I’ll just deny it.
Asking for my bar number didn’t work; what’s your next strategy?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “If they were applied you would be out of here, only to return as Daffy Duck.”
Now there’s an idea. I’ll keep it in mind in case Roger Rabbit ever has to go on the lam.
Daffy Duckspews:
How does my disguise look? Anyone recognize me?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Another “nothingburger” located!
Hatch and “The Cruzer” taking time away from their busy lives laughing at the tormented sobbing of Guatemalan toddlers ripped from their desperate mother’s arms to tweet about Sen. Collins peril.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@73 “However, he does claim to own a ‘sniffer probe’.”
Whatever that is.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I think we should double down and give him an even harder time. What do you guys and gals think? We don’t want to give him too rough a time, though, because trolls are hard to come by around here, and this one seems a little fragile.
Mark Adamsspews:
@67 I have never asked Goldie or Carl to ban RR. I have appropriately asked Goldie who RR is and he has not told me. I filled in a box by asking. If I think it important I can find who RR is. A public records request to the King county clerk for names of volunteers and party affiliation for that hmmm 2008 election he claims to have been in the action should get me his name. He has worked for some government office for years, Probably a prosecutors office….so people there know who he is. If he was as big an ass as he is on here someone will tell me something. Certainly if he was an attorney and had clients or worked in a prosecutors office on either the civil or criminal side well he signed documents that had his name and bar number on them, so those folks know who he is, and if they have a beef with him keeping his name in the dark on HA does not provide him one bit of protection. When asked for his bar number and he refuses to give it means either he is a liar or an unethical attorney. And generally every post on here he makes should include a disclaimer. That would be what an ethical and professional attorney would do. An intellectual attorney would insist his friends who are also intellectual would also be on here openly. I do think someone knowledge able about RR activities on here and know who he is should contact the Washington state bar. That would be the right thing for them to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@72 “I have no problem with anonminity except when it is used as a shield and sword, which is what you do on here.”
No, I remain anonymous so people like the Comet Pizza AR-15 guy can’t find my house. And here’s some news for you, Shortbus: Not only won’t I try to find out who you are, but if I somehow obtained that information, far from revealing it, I would protect it, in order to protect you and your family, for the same reason. I don’t expect you to reciprocate; you’ve already told me what kind of stuff you’re made of.
“You are a bully on here”
Not primarily. I’m a liberal propagandist and Democratic party hack. Bullying trolls is just a casual sideline.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 “I … asked Goldie who RR is”
Are you serious? You really did that?
“and he has not told me.”
And you thought he would?
Well, that strategy didn’t work, either. What’s your next act? This is starting to be entertaining.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You know, it might help if you spelled Goldy’s name correctly. People will take you more seriously if you take the trouble to get their names right. If you screw that up, they probably won’t trust you with more important information. Something I learned as a news reporter years ago, before I became a lawyer.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
They can’t make their boat payments expressing themselves freely on a platform like this one.
Phony bastards like the con artist Shortbus links too have absolutely no skin in the game as far as the “expression” itself. They are the exact opposite of civics. They are 100% commerce. They depend on private platforms created, built, and maintained by others for most of their revenues. And it can be quite substantial. Maybe if they had any real talent they could post makeup tutorials or shopping haul videos. But what they may lack in talent they make up for in cynicism which they put to good effect bamboozling thumb suckers like Shortbus.
Facebook’s newest “conservative fact checker” is a site owned by Chris Ruddy who is Trump’s new media version of David Pecker. The site earns about 80% of its revenues from a white supremacy advertising network.
Mostly these guys are just scared to death because they see the trend and they know what may be in store if they don’t stir up the mouthbreathers. Two years ago there was a gold rush on for conservative racist hate. Today Andrew Anglin is a fugitive from justice and Milo Yianopolous is selling his Rolex collection on Ebay.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 “A public records request to the King county clerk for names of volunteers and party affiliation for that hmmm 2008 election he claims to have been in the action should get me his name.”
Yeah, that’ll do it, all right. Ask them for the voter registration lists by party affiliation. I’m not sure what they charge, probably 15 cents a page, first 5 copies free.
As I recall, when Stefan made a similar request, he got 600,000 pages.
@82 ” If he was as big an ass as he is on here someone will tell me something.”
All you need to do is eliminate all of the world’s big asses until there’s only one left, then – bingo! – you’ve got me. Good luck with that one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 “When asked for his bar number and he refuses to give it means either he is a liar or an unethical attorney.”
No, it means I don’t want some unhinged reader of a political blog showing up at my house with a gun and grievances (real or imaginary).
This blog isn’t a legal proceeding, these comments aren’t pleadings, and I’m not required to put my bar number on them. There’s absolutely nothing in the Rules of Professional Responsibility about that.
There’s bbq pork sauce, shortbus and the schizoid glibertarian aka “politically incorrect”..
Absolute bottom of the barrel…
What happened to the babbling butthole? Was it me calling it “bougie” that finally sent it away?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@82 “And generally every post on here he makes should include a disclaimer.”
Seems reasonable.
This is a political blog. Comments here are partisan opinions. We do not recognize neutrality; you are either friend or foe. Enter at your own risk.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 “What happened to the babbling butthole? Was it me calling it “bougie” that finally sent it away?”
Steve may know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@88 He obviously doesn’t understand how we operate.
There’s really no excuse for that. He’s been here a while, and has seen us call other trolls horse fuckers, goatfuckers, traitors, and … worst of all, the ultimate insult … Republicans.
By comparison, we’ve been gentle with him, so I don’t know what has his panties in such a twist. Must be nearly as thin-skinned as Trump. HA is no place for wilting wallflowers. This blog is a saloon brawl. All in good clean fun, of course.
I’ve had little trouble scrolling past 99 percent of shortbus’ drivel.
So yours truly has been “gentle” with it by comparison.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 It seems I hurt his friggin’ feelings.
I didn’t slander him by calling him stupid. That’s just stating a fact.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The political numbers look bad — very bad — for … congressional Republicans less than two months from the midterm elections … the House GOP is already ‘screwed’ … [and] the GOP is in danger of losing its majority in … possibly the Senate ….”
The wages of greed, corruption, and misplaced loyalty. Oh, and the GOP’s assault on one of the most popular SCOTUS precendents of all time and its efforts to railroad through the confirmation of one of the least respected and popular SCOTUS nominees in the last 50 years may have something to do with it, too.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is a president who believes conspiracy websites and doesn’t believe real news. That should be enough to trigger the 25th Amendment.
@72. What’s your middle name Mark?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It really isn’t that those alt-right internet spider holes don’t “believe” in the truth so much as they “believe” in profit.
Ratifying xenophobia, racial resentment, and indifference to the suffering of non-whites has proved surprisingly profitable. So much so that it has caught on.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorat Dingbat Squats On Ice And Pisses Backwards
Gillibrand: I Never Meant Abolish ICE When I Said ‘Abolish ICE’
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York stated Wednesday that her calls to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were misconstrued, claiming that despite saying “we need to abolish ICE,” she believes America still needs an agency that will fulfill the goals that ICE was created to achieve.
Gillibrand received backlash in late June after saying multiple times that ICE needs to be abolished. Her comments came at a time when numerous other congressmen were advocating for the abolishment of the agency as well.
House Democrats introduced a bill in early July to abolish ICE, but after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced he planned to bring the proposed bill to a vote, those same Democrats called it a “political stunt” and vowed to vote against their own proposal.
Sophomore year in college, it was alleged that in a pickup game, Brett Kavanaugh missed a free throw.
It’s a complaint forwarded to the FBI. By Senator Spartacus.
I think Liberal Scientist herniated himself trying to track down my identity.
Roger Dumbfuck’s greatest fear is that people will learn how ordinary and inconsequential he truly is. The louder the braggart, the less there is about which one can brag.
He was a below-mediocre attorney and he’s barely more cerebral than YLB.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“The louder the braggart, the less there is about which one can brag.
Guess that means Dumbfuck’s HNWI account is actually a stack of High Rollers!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@99 Don’t answer that, Mark. It might identify you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roger Rabbit’s Unified Theory of Assholery
There’s no question I’m an asshole, but in order to better understand the phenomenon (who doesn’t want to understand the world we live in? Well, Republicans don’t, but that’s a subject of another comment), I’ve been reviewing certain biopsychometric data in an attempt to get a better handle on its causation and effects, and I have a theory about that (more on this later).
Let’s start by looking at the data, which clearly show I’m not the biggest asshole on the planet; nearly Republican in the universe is an even bigger asshole than I am. So, at worst, I’m a Limited Asshole – or maybe that should be stated as Asshole Ltd. (I really should incorporate myself one of these days, one reason being that corporations are immortal; on the other hand, I’m not convinced I want to stick around on this unhappy little rock that long.)
One theory of my asshole origins is that it takes one to fight one, and I’ve been fighting Republicans for most of my life, so one naturally is tempted to assume that my assholery was born of necessity and evolved to fit the circumstances.
But I have a better theory. Republican assholes clearly don’t evolve; they’re born that way and never learn anything. As I’ve said before on this blog, I was originally a Goldwater conservative, so I must have been born an asshole, which blows away the evolution theory. (That damn evolution stuff has always been suspect, anyway; after all it’s only a theory.)
What works in this situation, though, is reverse evolution; that is, I was born a Republican, but at some point I decoupled from that force field (this can be demonstrated empirically), possibly through some kind of quantum process not yet fully understood, causing my asshole instincts to progressively weaken over time.
According to this theory (and it’s only a theory, I will eventually degrade into a congenial, pleasant, nice rabbit who never bullies or insults anyone. In otherwise, a neutral and harmless presence in the universe. Back-of-envelope calculations indicate this may take a couple thousand more years, plus or minus a few millenia, but it’s hard to say because none of us will be around to empirically verify it.
So, it’s only a theory.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 “Roger Dumbfuck’s greatest fear is that people will learn how ordinary and inconsequential he truly is.”
I’m ordinary and inconsequential, and I’m not afraid who knows it. After all, I couldn’t prevent Trump. Like you – who couldn’t and didn’t cause Trump – I’m just a meaningless speck in the universe, occupying a point in space at a point in time, doing nothing except cycling air in and out of my respiratory organs while collecting rents on capital, and when I’m gone nobody will remember me and my brief existence will have been as pointless and useless as yours was (because by then all of your patients will be dead, if they aren’t already). So go ahead and call me ordinary and inconsequential, and useless and a waste of oxygen, too, if it makes you happy, because that’s what I am; and you should know, because it takes one to know one.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@105 “I think Liberal Scientist herniated himself trying to track down my identity.”
It helps that you don’t post under your real name. In any case, you’re not anybody I know; even the dumbest creatures in the woods have a better grip on the tree bark than you do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@104 “Brett Kavanaugh missed a free throw.”
And you want that guy on the Supreme Court? Next you’ll suggest the basketball team Seattle doesn’t have* should draft him.
* Unless he plays with the girls, and I can’t imagine that turning out well for him.
I’m not saying $52k for curtains in a 6000 sq foot penthouse overlooking midtown Manhattan is too much. Compared to the old digs at The Waldorf, the new place is a savings. And I’m sure they have to be super duper special curtains for “national security reasons”.
I’m just saying that when the Guatemalan Toddler Torturers need extra money for cattle prods and unheated warehouses to store and keep all the sobbing children, there might be better budgets to raid than FEMA right before hurricane season.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will face sentencing of up to 10 years and will forfeit everything he owns.
With the new supersedeing charges and plea agreement, including civil and criminal forfeiture, the OSC has just paid for itself.
“…during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand.”
She wanted it. The bitch.
“What happened to the babbling butthole?”
“Steve may know.”
Having been lynched by his white supremacist friends, the babbling butthole babbles no more. I tried to warn the loon that his friends would eventually get around to lynching him, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. SAD!
They all swear he was “cute” and “fun” and “super popular” and “maybe played lacrosse or something”, and not at all “rapey and stuff”.
What a weird coinkydink that the Chair happened to have this letter just waiting on his desk buried under some Bigfoot Porn and NRA campaign funding agreements. So weird.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It is reported this morning, as the hearing for The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s plea deal and superseding indictment is being held, that he has withdrawn from the gigantic Russian Collusion JDA*.
Someone just put a roach in PornSweat’s “nuthingburger”.
*Joint defense agreement. Somewhere around 30 people associated with the campaign and the administration are understood to have formed such an agreement, wherein individual criminal defense counsel agree to waive privilege among them and share information relevant to the joint defense. Withdrawing from such an agreement is the very first thing a defendant does when they agree to cooperate with prosecutors.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@118 It’s not hard to obtain 65 signatures in 24 hours, given the GOP’s vast network of resources. All Grassley had to do was call this guy:
Now watch how quickly The Republican President pivots (he can when it suits him) to calling his good friend Paul Manafort “a rat”, “a coffee boy”, “a snitch”, “a nobody”, “a loser”, and “a liar”.
Then watch how quickly the troll idiot-army mimics that noise.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@114 “there might be better budgets to raid than FEMA right before hurricane season”
Personally, I think raiding that particular budget right before hurricane season was the entire point, and the curtains were only incidental – they had to find something to spend it on, otherwise the hurricane victims* would get it.
* Don’t forget that whites generally can afford to evacuate, so the worst-impacted victims of hurricanes tend to be poor, brown, and black.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@119 It also means the cooperating witness knows everything his defense attorney learned from the other defense attorneys.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
His attorney does. And upon exiting a properly drafted JDA the atty remains bound. But Downing will face attack for this.
They will have drafted a comprehensive agreement including specifications for the method of withdrawal and the binding terms upon withdrawal. The remaining parties to the JDA will of course freak out and insist that Downing is in violation of some or all of the terms.
And of course, as always, the crime fraud exception still applies.
When it becomes this obvious, and the Trumptards continue to lap it up daily, it’s very clear that it is no longer a matter of an honest dispute over relevant facts. But a willful determination to adopt whatever set of beliefs best support their “in-group” identity.
There is absolutely no purpose to be served in debating with any Republican about this President. They are literally enthralled. This is what I mean by The Orange Event Horizon. Republican voters have been gradually lured into taking such ever more ridiculous positions with respect to this President’s corruption that they no longer have any choice in the matter.
And much the same can be said about many of the extreme positions they now adopt with respect to public policy, whether it is support for catastrophic tax cuts, the willful torture of children and babies along our borders, the abandonment of our global security partnerships, or the persistent rejection of scientific consensus.
Democrats will not make progress by wasting scarce time and resources trying to persuade with facts and evidence those who are immune to facts and evidence.
With his bowling ball-size prostate gland Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit must feel like shit every day.
Doesn’t seem to keep him off the keyboard.
Jimmy Carter is a great humanitarian, a great thinker, a great President, a great intellect, and a great person.
But he has never been a great politician.
Democrats need to be god damned Democrats.
Running to the middle and adopting a pile of worthless wishy-washy, weasel words to avoid “scaring” suburban white people is a big part of what got us President SpentCondom.
Recall for a moment the “impossible” rise of the Imbecile King, when the coastal corporate media were frantically calling in to the “heartland” of “middle America” to learn what it was that his supporters saw in him.
He’s “real”.
He’s a “straight shooter”.
He “tells it like it is”.
Not a single one of these AM Hate radio programmed meatbags could ever say what policies PornSweat stood for. Not because he never told them. But because they didn’t fucking care. It was enough that he told it to them and he said with conviction.
The reason voters self identify as EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE is because they don’t fucking care about the details. Sorting out all that shit is too complicated and far too time consuming for them. They prefer to delegate all that to whichever candidate they “trust”. They did the exact same thing with W – another imbecile. But he was the “down to earth” imbecile “you could hang out with and toss back a (non-alcoholic) beer”.
Policy is immaterial to these people. Trust is everything. The fastest way to lose their trust is to try so hard to avoid offending that you appear to stand for nothing. Democrats can and will win by being Democrats.
So to redefine capitalism, you use a billionaire to do it.
Goldy Retweeted
Greg Epstein✔
Capitalism needs to be redefined. It can’t just be for zillionaires & plutocrats; all humanity must be included. That’s why we @HarvardHumanist @HumanistHub are extremely proud to honor @NickHanauer as our first annual Harvard & MIT Humanist of the Year!
Sep 5, 2018
Just another quick update:
The CrowdPac campaign to retire Susan Collins if she votes to put a lying degenerate gambler on the Supreme Court is poised to blow through its next stretch goal!
Having exceeded the three previous goals in record time, the latest goal is to match the total on-hand most recently reported by Collins, just a bit over $1.3 million. Today the CrowdPac campaign stands at just over $1.1 million with more than 40,000 donors pledged.
Collins first learned of the campaign over the weekend while huddling with some of her corporate and NRA backers at the Bush family compound in Maine. On Monday her team unveiled a counter strategy focusing on smearing the opposition through extreme right wing media sites normally associated with white supremacy.
She sat down with Newsmax (an alt-right mouthpiece for close Trump adviser Chris Ruddy that relies on white supremacist ad networks for most of its income) for a lengthy exclusive interview and provided call-in back up from dubious outside legal sources to promote laughably absurd false claims, calling the opposition campaign among other things “Attempted bribery”. Among some of the false claims leveled by her outside legal advisers were the demonstrably false claim that the CrowdPac campaign was offering a monetary reward if Collins changes her vote*.
She’s absolutely right to be terrified of this opposition campaign. In barely one week it has raised a sum of money from small individual donations that it has taken her four years to raise pandering to arms merchants, corporate blood-suckers, and militant globalists like the Bush family. Hers is supposed to be a “safe” seat. Good, compliant Democrats are supposed not supposed to oppose her because she always claims to support reproductive healtcare freedom. And the campaign will continue to raise funds until the vote is taken. At this rate her Democratic Party opponent may not have to raise any money at all.
Collins is too scared to be a hero.
But you can.
And for as little as $20.20.
*Huge tell. The Senator’s surrogates and staff are already using the expression “change” indicating that she has made up her mind and decided to vote to confirm. Duh.
Following up to the QFRs to the Lying Degenerate Gambler™ submitted by Sen. Whitehouse Monday.
Like the “I am Spartacus” confrontation from Senator Booker, the Kasowitz trap set by Senator Harris, and other questions regarding the Lying Degenerate Gambler’s™ prior testimony before the committee, this is of value both politically and legally.
Politically it raises troubling questions about the Lying Degenerate Gambler’s™ fitness and calls attention to the politically partisan and deeply flawed process employed by the PornSweat regime to railroad their preferred nominee ahead of the mid term elections.
Legally, as before, it lays down an important documented marker. Lying Degenerate Gambler™ will almost certainly refuse to respond to these difficult and challenging QFR forms and simply continue to stonewall with the majority Child Molester Party backing. But doing so will deprive him of a later defense – that his appallingly sparse and obviously fraudulent disclosure forms are “merely an oversight”. The QFRs pointedly put the Lying Degenerate Gambler™ on notice that there are substantive omissions and errors in his sworn disclosures to the committee. If he doesn’t fix that now he can be held to account for it later.
@ 2
Running to the middle and adopting a pile of worthless wishy-washy, weasel words to avoid “scaring” suburban white people is a big part of what got us President SpentCondom.
I don’t think “basket of deplorables” was the least bit wishy-washy, Queen of Spades McHillbilly.
Wherein Tucker Carlson reveals himself as an ideological whore who can’t think:
“If I hated our country, I would open its doors to people who wanted to come in and give nothing in return”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He’s talking about people who come here to earn money to support their families by working extremely hard in dirty, backbreaking, sometimes dangerous jobs which most Americans won’t do, for low wages that most Americans won’t accept, and they are far more law-abiding than American-born citizens are. They are ultimate givers, and this dipshit calls them takers. Know what a taker is? A fool who does no real work and calls others lazy. That perfectly describes Mr. Pretty Face who gets paid millions to sit in front of a teevee camera spewing misinformation credulous morons. What a hypocritical little liar this man is.
@ 4
What’s the leverage against Collins here? That people who will oppose her in 2020 threaten to oppose her today if she votes to confirm?
Queen of Spades McHillbilly, they will oppose her anyway. At worst she will face $1.1M in opposition funding raised today in addition to whatever is raised when she is opposed in 2020. That’s a far smaller threat to her than having pissed-off Republicans withhold support in 2020 because were she to vote against confirmation.
Oh, and regarding the crowdfunding scheme… That’s what Jill Stein used to fleece several million dollars from liberals, ostensibly to recount the 2016 election in places.
One born every minute.
Proud Deplorable – you stated the following.
I read somewhere this wanted to bet me. I don’t gamble. 53 years ago I made a promise not smoke anymore, not drink,not go out fuck anything in a skirt, and not gamble. lead a good life, if I could get the hell out of a certain shit hole. So far I have kept that promise.”
It doesn’t have to be a bet. How about making a promise, since you say you are so good at keeping them.
Just promise that you will be the first one here to post a comment regarding the overturning of Roe V Wade, since you claim that it is settled law, and that Kavanaugh said it was, you suggesting that it wont happen. And all the other stuff that will begin to happen that Democrats have warned will happen with the inevitable confirmation of guy that potentially has a gambling problem and could be bought to make a decision based on some lucrative helping hand.
You made a comment suggesting that Democrats are getting all worked up over nothing and that they are just playing politics with what they say so that this guy isn’t confirmed. You couldn’t be more wrong (or stupid)
Make a promise – doesn’t have to be a bet. You up for that challenge?
Maybe another promise to yourself should be that you should get a bit of an education and not be so brainwashed and believe the bullshit or performance of Kavanaugh in the questioning.
Wherein a GOP candidate mistreats the environment and then blames Democrats for the state of the environment.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This particular Republican banned any mention of climate change from the state government he ran for eight years, in one of the states most vulnerable to rising sea levels, and now he needs somebody to blame for the effects of climate change.
@1 you would think that you wife would keep you off the keyboard….she must not be that good looking.
Oh, by the way is she still being a productive member of society by taking pictures of protesters and texting them to you?
@1 What happened to the oxygen cart I’m supposedly pushing around? I haven’t heard about it for a while. Am I cured of that one in your imagination, doc?
@3 Here’s a capitalist to warm your heart, doc. As for the patients forced to choose between rent and medicine, fuck ’em. Greed is good. To hell with empathy and compassion; God wants you to be rich. Patients are just cannon fodder and profit centers. Amirite, doc?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m a capitalist too, but I’m for regulated capitalism. Even gangsters have rules. Laissez faire capitalism makes no more sense than any other form of unrestrained absolutism. If you want to live by the law of the jungle, then go find a jungle to live in, and leave civilized people and rabbits alone.
QoS McHillbilly. Has a nice cadence to it.
@5 The whole thing is just a sneaky setup to find out if there are still two Republican senators who give a hoot about moral character. The betting is there are not.
@6 When did Jimmy Carter say that? The point of #2 is he didn’t say that, and still won’t, and look where he is now – a one-term beloved elder statesman.
Don’t get me wrong – I love Jimmy Carter. The world could use more like him. He’s a kind, gentle, selfless, compassionate, and religious man. Exactly who you don’t need for a knife fight. The time to be gentle with Republicans is after they’ve been kicked to the curb, crawling back into the gutters they crawled out of. Then, it might be nice to send them a small bouquet of flowers.
@8 “What’s the leverage against Collins here?”
That women who voted for her in 2014 and previously might change their minds if she breaks her promise to not put a Roe foe on the court and then Roe is overturned? Just thinking out loud, that’s all.
@ 13
I wonder if you would have posted, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, had you read to the bottom of your link:
When he announced his plan, President Donald Trump slammed drug makers, health insurers, pharmacy benefit managers and others for profiting off American patients.
“The drug lobby is making an absolute fortune at the expense of American patients,” Trump said.
What am I saying, of COURSE you would post. You post anything. You post everything. It’s either post here or you bother your family.
@14 I’m sure you know a gait when you see one, given your experience with horses.
@18 What you’re saying is, an unregulated market in pharmaceuticals is so bad even Trump is against it.
@ 17
In two years SCOTUS will overturn Roe? That’s your argument?
’cause after 2020 Collins isn’t up for re-election until 2026.
Silly argument, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
And Doctor Dumbfuck once again slithers ever-lower in his efforts to hide from the truth of his dumpster fire. This time fabricating lies about a young father dying of ALS.
How utterly pathetic.
Doctor Dumbfuck studied the links on previous threads demonstrating the impeccable bona fides of Ady Barkan and It Starts Today. Recognizing the danger this kind of true, grass roots movement represents to corporate whores like Susan Collins, he did what comes naturally to all Child Molesters: he made shit up. Tallest building, biggest inauguration, fastest growing economy, most jobs created, biggest landslide, “he isn’t my lawyer”, “I never heard of her”, “NO COLLUSION”, HILLARY IS THE COLLUSION”. It will never end. Until we end them.
By the time the vote is taken near the end of the month my estimation is that the yet-to-be-named Democratic nominee will be looking at a $2 million war chest waiting for them the day after the primary. That will not only draw in lots and lots of additional money it will also draw in the best pool of candidates Susan Collins has ever faced. With Imbecile King Prizinint Poosey Grapber on the ballot 2020 will be a shit storm for Senate Republicans. Collins will be in the eye.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck finally discovered the tattoo hidden on his wife’s taint.
It’s what comes from spending too much time out in the barn, Dumbfuck. The best you can hope for now is she might let you watch… and clean up after.
This morning in the National Review convicted con artist Conrad Black opened his feature conservative editorial with the following:
“The almost unnoticed fact in the latest Democratic assault on the Trump administration…”
He then went on to detail the same old LARP fantasy catalog of DERPSTATE! conspiracy theories and birfer argle bargle we’ve all grown accustomed to from Republican President SpentCondom’s morning routine of constipation-fired rage-Tweets.
And of course it’s all idiotic nonsense. Just what you’d expect from a skeevy hustler. But as always what strikes me, and whatreally almost goes unnoticed, is the opening premise that Democrats are the source and the engine of Roypublican scandal in the age of The Imbecile King.
Democrats are completely out of power, at least with respect to the Executive Branch of the federal government. Democrats can call no hearings, no witnesses, no investigations, nothing. Democrats have been, and at least until Jan 3rd will continue to be, passive bystanders to the dumpster fire.
We may point and laugh. We may frequently find ourselves moved to call limited attention to the important flare ups. We may even smugly warm our hands before the blaze. But we neither started it, nor do we fuel it. This whole show is brought to you by the Roypublican Party from the start.
Never forget that.
@21 Watching your tribe salivating over it right now, two years seems like an eternity. I recommend that America’s women immediately stop having sex and plan to terminate any existing unwanted pregnancies no later than June 1 of next year.
@24 If you gotta live with arsonists moving into your neighborhood, then watch your house burn down, you might as well keep warm.
“New polling shows disastrous warning signs for Republicans ahead of the midterm elections”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Who would’ve guessed a party of hubris, corruption, and criminality might encounter voter resistance? Apparently some voters can still think and have seen through the endless torrent of bullshit gushing from Republican mouths everywhere (not just Trump’s). Elections have consequences, but so does reckless and irresponsible governance.
P.S., the American public still really likes Roe v. Wade.
It’s been said that Supreme Court justices can read election returns. If Kavanaugh gets on the court this month, then sees his party go up in flames in the midterms, he might get the message and go slow on fucking with cherished precedents. While his own job would be relatively safe (although the more that Republicans in Congress, particularly the Senate, get replaced by Democratic hot-to-trot young guns, the less safe it is), if he’s the good and loyalty party man that got him there, he may be loath to throw more gasoline on the fire and burn down even more Republicans. Plus there will be the little problem of getting to work past the riots* outside his place of employment. Whatever Kavanaugh is – ideologue, deadbeat, gambling addict, liar and perjurer – he’s not a dumb guy. He, too, can read election returns and wall writing. It doesn’t do much good to be a Republican judge on the highest court if there’s no Republican Party left to serve and be loyal to. What it boils down to is, if the GOP survives the midterms in halfway decent shape, he and the other conservatives working in the SCOTUS building will feel emboldened; but if their party is savaged in the midterms, their party’s leaders won’t have to tell them to proceed with caution (that’s not kosher, but when have ethical considerations ever stopped Republicans from doing anything), they’ll figure that out all by themselves.
Public Service Message To Eastern Seaboard Evangelical Flocks
“You can call Pat Roberton’s and Jim Baker’s team for really fuckin’ effective prayer. It’s 100% free – only a $15 surcharge and $5 a minute – and our phone concubines are on call 24/7 to provide stress relief to your menfolk. (Honestly you know how pent up and agitated menfolk can get, if ya know what I mean.) Price schedule will be negotiated at time of call. We Trump evangelicals aim to serve. Can I hear an Amen?” – Pastor’s wife
Things are so bad for Republicans they’re asking for assistance from the most popular guy they’ve got.
How To Tell If Someone Is A Sociopath
1. He gets bored easily
2. He blatantly lies
3. He’s charismatic, charming, and can win people over
4. High turnover of friends and associates
5. He loves to create drama
6. He’s reckless
7. Sex is strictly physical
8. Lazy worker; only completes tasks that align with his interests
9. He’s a fast talker with big plans
10. He always puts himself first
11. He manipulates people
12. He explodes with anger
13. He’s emotionally detached
Does that sound like anybody you know, or have read about?
Fantasy: Trump brags about disaster relief.
Reality: 20,000 pallets of undelivered water still sit under tarps on tarmac.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You get what you vote for; and if you vote for a delusional incompetent blowhard, that’s what you’re gonna get.
The GOP Congress, deeply dissatisfied with the current recovery, has taken steps to prevent the next one.
“Pressure Mounts On Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski To Block Brett Kavanaugh”
“The Maine and Alaska Republicans are feeling the heat in their home states … [a]nd the pressure continues to mount ….
“Murkowski … is now facing … pressure from Alaska natives, who … oppose Kavanaugh over his views on fishing rights and environmental protections. Tribal communities were crucial to Murkowski’s re-election … in 2010 ….
“Celinda Lake, a leading pollster … warned that Collins will lose her credibility as a moderate if she votes to confirm Trump’s pick. The president’s popularity is declining in Maine, and … ‘her safety has relied on …strength with independent and Democratic women.’ …”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Neither senator is saying how she’ll vote, and they likely are genuinely undecided, although I would guess they’re leaning toward confirmation. Kavanaugh could afford to lose both if even one Democratic senator votes “aye,” so McConnell may release them if he bags one or more Dem votes – we all know the Democrats aren’t necessarily 100% together on this. In any event, McConnell and the Congressional Republicans can afford a Kavanaugh defeat, because if he goes down, he’ll be replaced by another conservative nominee. Kavanaugh is of greatest value to Trump, because of his hostility to the investigations, and isn’t as essential to other Republicans. The conventional wisdom that he’ll be confirmed probably is still true unless further damaging information about Kavanaugh emerges. (Given who he is, I have a feeling such information exists.) Public opinion could play a large role in the outcome; Kavanaugh polls similarly to Robert Bork’s and Harriet Mier, whose nominations failed; but the betting odds – where predictions are backed with cash – still favor Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
Manafort wants a plea deal in which he gets reduced charges and sentence and Mueller doesn’t get cooperation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not hard to figure out who his mentor was. #artofthedeal
What violence-laced political blogging actually looks like:
“Reddit banned its largest community focused on the fringe conspiracy theory Qanon on Wednesday …. Threats to kill [Hillary] Clinton pervaded GreatAwakening …. ‘As of September 12, r/greatawakening has been banned due to repeated violations of the terms of our content policy,’ the spokesperson said. ‘We are very clear in our site terms of service that posting content that incites violence, disseminates personal information, or harasses will get users and communities banned from Reddit.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Here on HA, we verbally beat up trolls, but we do not violate (or threaten to violate) their anonymity or condone physical violence (which is different from saying we’ll defend ourselves). In fact, we deplore what Puddy’s friends probably did to him. The verbal warfare in HA’s comment threads is done purely as sport, and for good clean fun; whereas the sick, twisted, demented QAnon creeps really mean it, as shown by the armed assault on Comet Pizza’s basement (hindered by the fact Comet Pizza doesn’t have a basement, one of the few times reality has stopped them).
The three lodestones of responsible political posting are:
Don’t incite violence;
Don’t disseminate personal information;
Don’t harass users.
Of course, calling some a dumbfuck when they actually are a dumbfuck isn’t harassing, it’s just reporting facts, so Doctor Dumbfuck has nothing to complain about. And we certainly haven’t incited racist violence against Puddy; to the contrary, we’ve strenously attempted to save him from racist violence. It’s not our fault he didn’t listen to reason.
In Second Amendment news, a California well-regulated militia demobilized itself after declaring victory in half a dozen battlefield encounters Wednesday night.
Cops Are Never Wrong According To Their Unions Dep’t
“Seven members of the NYPD, including officers, detectives and sergeants, have been arrested for their involvement in a prostitution and gambling ring in Queens, law enforcement sources said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Not to worry, their union lawyers will beat the charges and get them reinstated, and they’ll be back on duty in no time solving serious crimes like bootlegging cigarets on street corners to keep the kids safe.
Always bear in mind the sources of this reporting.
It is either PornSweat’s criminal defense team led by Flood, or it is The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s criminal defense team led by Kevin Downing. And bear in mind also that the two teams are known to be meeting and conferencing together regularly. Both teams have experience with high profile trial work and manipulating modern, lazy-yet-ambitious, careerist, “access journalism” to suit their’s and their client’s purposes.
Bear in mind also that The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager is guaranteed a Presidential pardon. So at minimum this is playing for time. Or alternatively, a coy attempt to accelerate the inevitable in order to save the client’s money while dancing carefully, if clumsily, around obstruction. Mostly I suspect these are periodic probes to try and discover the contours of Muellers evidence. Any cooperation agreement would at some point include a proffer. Mueller knows what he knows. If The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager submits a proffer that the OSC knows to be filled with omissions and falsehoods the OSC can not go forward with it. The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s criminal defense team uses this cat-and-mouse to try to help the Unindicted Coconspiritor-in-Chief.
Think about who has given GJ testimony and who else has entered into cooperation agreements with the OSC recently. Flood is still weighing whether and how much to respond to the OSC’s take-home test and preparing a response to the inevitable subpoena. He’s trying to figure out how much of what The Unindicted Coconspirator tells him is a lie without himself suborning perjury. And he needs to tidy things up and assist whoever takes over for him if he is going to step up to WH Counsel. The con artists who make up the rest of his team are incapable of that and they all know it.
I just wanted to add, re 39,
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will fofeit about $16 million in illegally obtained assets from his EDV conviction. And stands poised to forfeit an additional $30 million in assets including his 5 homes and other real estate.
I’m sure The Unindicted Co-conspirator will be glad to make him whole again.
“Appaloosa Management’s David Tepper said tax cuts were too steep and likely borrowed economic growth from the future. … Tepper said this could have consequences down the road. … He added ‘we’ll probably have to have some payback at some point.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We all know who’ll do the paying, but for Republicans, no working class sacrifice is too great for the worthy cause of pampering billionaires. Just sayin’.
@39 Another consideration to keep in mind is, with clients like that, who needs a jury?
Doubling down on denial:
1. Denying that Hurricane Maria killed lots and lots of people.
2. Denying that his administration’s response to Maria was a disorganized, ineffectual, cartoonish clusterfuck.
Even Paul Ryan and Rick Scott can’t go along with this bullshit.
I know the NRA has their Russian funded arms up the asses of almost as many Democrats. But I really hope that a new wave of incoming members of Congress, as yet untainted by their politics of death, will begin the long slow process of destroying this organized crime syndicate. Wherever election corruption is uncovered there you will find the NRA.
Kavanaugh apparently has a woman problem:
“Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) told BuzzFeed Thursday that the matter had been referred to the FBI.”
“A lawyer who is reportedly representing the woman was spotted leaving the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday evening ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It won’t sink him, though. In fact, it won’t make a dent on Republicans. After all, Trump’s womanizing didn’t. We already know “the party of family values” has none, and nobody in that party gives a damn about sexual harassment or child molesting, either. The only thing they care about is imposing their ideology on the rest of us and gaining the power to do it.
This might make you fell a bit blah too, if you are Kafafuck.
But something tells me this wont matter even if it amounts to anything.
Remember the plan was Mexico would pay to keep illegals out of the U.S.? Neither does Trump.
“The Trump administration … plans to divert $20 million … to help Mexico … pay for the plane and bus fares of … Central Americans attempting to flee to the U.S. via Mexico ….”
Roger Rabbit vindicated.
“Data from the Federal Reserve show that over the last decade and a half, the proportion of family income from wages has dropped from nearly 70 percent to just under 61 percent. It’s an extraordinary shift, driven largely by the investment profits of the very wealthy. In short, the people who possess tradable assets, especially stocks, have enjoyed a recovery that Americans dependent on savings or income from their weekly paycheck have yet to see. Ten years after the financial crisis, getting ahead by going to work every day seems quaint, akin to using the phone book to find a number or renting a video at Blockbuster.”
This is the world the HA trolls wanted.
A well regulated militia encountered enemy soldier outside the wire who were unable to present the password of the day. Showing tremendous courage under withering assault he was able to hold off the intruders.
For his uncommon valor he was awarded a Dishonorable Discharge.
Additional field reports indicate that his declaration under fire “I’m going upstairs to get laid”, have resulted in a permanent loss of conjugal rights and banishment from married officer’s quarters.
Well, don’t forget it was the Democrats who forced them into nominating and eventually voting for this deeply flawed candidate whose past is filled with lies, financial irregularities, disturbing relationships, and violent sexual assault.
We are still talking about Kavanaugh, right?
@48 I’ve never said it’s a good thing. I’m just being pragmatic.
“We now have a Senate forecast to go with our House forecast … [that] gives Democrats a 1 in 3 chance of flipping the upper chamber. Meanwhile, … our House forecast hasn’t really changed much since yesterday: Democrats still have a 5 in 6 chance of winning control. Across thousands of simulations, Democrats’ average gain was 39 seats.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Trump is a blowhard, liar, and con man. Republicans have defended and protected him. This is their reward. Of course, he still has his loyal fan base, because there will always be damn fools who give a grifter even more money in hopes of recouping their original investment. Privately, the grifter is laughing at them.
Another quick update:
The campaign to remove Susan Collins from the Senate if she betrays her constituents and votes to put a lying, raping, degenerate gambler on the Supreme Court is rapidly approaching it’s most recent goal!
The campaign is only $50,000 dollars away from blowing through its $1.3 million goal and surpassing Collins’ re-election bank. That’s fewer than 2500 pledges of $20.20. You too can be one of them while time still lasts!
You can be a hero!
What sexual event can happen between two teenagers that makes it a federal issue?
One site I read speculated that they drove across a state line. Transport of a minor across a state line for immoral purposes.
She’s had the letter since summer. She’s already interviewed him in a closed setting.
Suddenly it’s an issue. If it was more than a nothingburger why would Booker not have run with it?
Unless Booker took a girl from NJ to NY before having sex with her, I mean.
“[Human activity caused] Climate change never feels more real than when you’re dragging wet carpet from a flooded basement.”
Suck on it little low-life scotty walker… And those willfully ignorant little trolls out there.
I wonder what thoughtful @ 55 commentary YLB will offer about this storm-related news item:
Brad Pitt built dozens of homes in New Orleans after Katrina. Now they’re falling apart and residents are suing.
But Allen and 11 other residents who spoke to NBC News, 10 of them on the record, say that many of the Make It Right homes are rotting and dangerous. They complain of mold and collapsing structures, electrical fires and gas leaks. They say the houses were built too quickly, with low-quality materials, and that the designs didn’t take into account New Orleans’ humid, rainy climate.
As the problems worsened, the organization has all but disappeared. Make It Right hasn’t built a home, filed tax forms or updated its website since 2015. The downtown New Orleans office has been closed, the staff has been cut to a handful and residents say their calls go unreturned.
Don’t ever forget that by the logic of that very same NTY, this:
“Ten years after the financial crisis, getting ahead by going to work every day seems quaint, akin to using the phone book to find a number or renting a video at Blockbuster”
justifies this:
Just another “aggreived” WWCM facing “economic uncertainty”.
Yup. You betcha.
Big yawn @ bald, limp boob’s latest..
Good intentions gone awry.. At least the heart was in the right place..
Unlike the bait and switch, unhinged greed of klownservatics.. Greed is good, eh boob?
“If it was more than a nothingburger why would Booker not have run with it?”
The Chair and the majority placed strict hearing time limits on each minority member. To the extent that it can be, The Lying Degenerate Gambler’s past history of violent sexual assaults has already been documented for the record, even while being kept hidden by the Chair and the majority.
And of course none of The Lying Degenerate Gambler’s victims wants to become the latest target of the Child Molester Party’s patented “a little bit nutty, and a little bit slutty” interrogation tag team. So it was probably deemed more productive to leave this for the QFRs – a step in the process that normally gets little notice or media coverage. And yet there it is on NBC News, taking up residency in your head, and now everyone else’s too.
@53 “votes to put a lying, raping, degenerate gambler and adulterer on the Supreme Court”
@ 59
Why not turn it over to the FBI when she received it 3 months ago, then?
“Gee, I didn’t realize that sexual assault was a crime until just now.”
That’s your answer, QoS Hillbilly?
“Why not turn it over to the FBI when she received it 3 months ago, then?”
Because this isn’t a legal process. It’s a political one.
Just now figuring that out?
No wonder it took you so long to notice that tattoo on your wife’s taint and discover he “lifestyle”.
@54 “nothingburger”
That’s what your ilk has been calling 35 indictments, 5 guilty pleas, and a conviction on 8 counts, too.
The FBI isn’t interested in consensual teenage sex. It investigates persons suspected of committing federal crimes. Just because the entire Republican Party is indifferent to criminal behavior doesn’t mean our law enforcement agencies are.
@57 I haven’t worked in over 10 years, and I’m doing very well. I’ll bet Doctor Dumbfuck is doing well, too, now that he doesn’t have to work anymore.
It’s just a matter of time before workers will have to pay employers to work. Our taxes already subsidize employers.
I expect the term to be featured prominently in the 2020 meme-sphere. It has become knee jerk for hapless, gullible, limp Trumptards to mouth it at every new indictment and every new scandal that breaks. Nothing matters to them because nothing can matter to someone like them.
In fact, when pushed they will claim they enjoy all of it. They will claim to enjoy the betrayal and humiliation. They will claim to reject the “conventionality” of “normies” and “straights”. They will insist that it is their “choice” and a “lifestyle”.
Wait. We are still talking about Trumptards, right?
Trolls are getting scarce. We’re down to Doctor Dumbfuck now. Maybe we should circulate recruiting posters?
I figure Shortbus just needs time to cool down.
Right now he’s off with his camcorder making something epic like this:
But he’ll eventually talk himself out of posting it after making a few dozen more useless requests to Goldy and Carl to ban you.
Then it will be time to wind him up again!
Update: FBI says it’s adding the letter to Kavanaugh’s background fie but has no plans to investigate further, so, no federal crime there.
Wherein Willie Nelson endorses Beto O’Rourke. Some of his fans are disappointed. “One angry fan blamed marijuana ‘smoke’ for Nelson’s decision.”
Coming down with that Zombie bug going around?
Free speech supports your right to say feeling blah, others may want to prevent you from causing fear in Seattle.
Free speech:
@67 Didn’t need much cooling, so his reactor must not generate much output.
@36 RR if I find out who you are through shoe leather or other means I will put your name right on here. You cannot speak for owner or the policies of HA unless the owner or one of his minions. You are not. You should be banned for saying what you are saying. There are clear rules on HA and you can post hem in a post, but admittedly those rules are not applied or applied often. If they were applied you would be out of here, only to return as Daffy Duck.
I do some aspects of the computer crime law are being weakened. There is debate over how responsible owners of blogs, and ISPS are. Currently they are not responsible for what others say.
I have no problem with anonminity except when it is used as a shield and sword, which is what you do on here. When you should be on here as yourself. If you ok with saying some of things you say to people face to face well you go for it. You are a bully on here, and here you are seeking justification for your bullshit actions on here.
That certainly looks like a threat to me.
Credible? Meh.
However, he does claim to own a “sniffer probe”.
@70 Solution: Ignore Facebook. There are other platforms. This one, for example.
@72 “You should be banned for saying what you are saying.”
What should I be banned for? Be specific. What, exactly, is your complaint against me?
Saying unpleasant things about you? Sorry, my little wilting wallflower, but that’s how we treat trolls here. All of ’em. You’re not being singled out. It’s generic. You volunteered for this by coming here.
@72 “RR if I find out who you are through shoe leather or other means I will put your name right on here.”
You have roughly 1 chance in 7 billion of getting it right, and whether you do or not, I’ll just deny it.
Asking for my bar number didn’t work; what’s your next strategy?
@72 “If they were applied you would be out of here, only to return as Daffy Duck.”
Now there’s an idea. I’ll keep it in mind in case Roger Rabbit ever has to go on the lam.
How does my disguise look? Anyone recognize me?
Another “nothingburger” located!
Hatch and “The Cruzer” taking time away from their busy lives laughing at the tormented sobbing of Guatemalan toddlers ripped from their desperate mother’s arms to tweet about Sen. Collins peril.
@73 “However, he does claim to own a ‘sniffer probe’.”
Whatever that is.
I think we should double down and give him an even harder time. What do you guys and gals think? We don’t want to give him too rough a time, though, because trolls are hard to come by around here, and this one seems a little fragile.
@67 I have never asked Goldie or Carl to ban RR. I have appropriately asked Goldie who RR is and he has not told me. I filled in a box by asking. If I think it important I can find who RR is. A public records request to the King county clerk for names of volunteers and party affiliation for that hmmm 2008 election he claims to have been in the action should get me his name. He has worked for some government office for years, Probably a prosecutors office….so people there know who he is. If he was as big an ass as he is on here someone will tell me something. Certainly if he was an attorney and had clients or worked in a prosecutors office on either the civil or criminal side well he signed documents that had his name and bar number on them, so those folks know who he is, and if they have a beef with him keeping his name in the dark on HA does not provide him one bit of protection. When asked for his bar number and he refuses to give it means either he is a liar or an unethical attorney. And generally every post on here he makes should include a disclaimer. That would be what an ethical and professional attorney would do. An intellectual attorney would insist his friends who are also intellectual would also be on here openly. I do think someone knowledge able about RR activities on here and know who he is should contact the Washington state bar. That would be the right thing for them to do.
@72 “I have no problem with anonminity except when it is used as a shield and sword, which is what you do on here.”
No, I remain anonymous so people like the Comet Pizza AR-15 guy can’t find my house. And here’s some news for you, Shortbus: Not only won’t I try to find out who you are, but if I somehow obtained that information, far from revealing it, I would protect it, in order to protect you and your family, for the same reason. I don’t expect you to reciprocate; you’ve already told me what kind of stuff you’re made of.
“You are a bully on here”
Not primarily. I’m a liberal propagandist and Democratic party hack. Bullying trolls is just a casual sideline.
@82 “I … asked Goldie who RR is”
Are you serious? You really did that?
“and he has not told me.”
And you thought he would?
Well, that strategy didn’t work, either. What’s your next act? This is starting to be entertaining.
You know, it might help if you spelled Goldy’s name correctly. People will take you more seriously if you take the trouble to get their names right. If you screw that up, they probably won’t trust you with more important information. Something I learned as a news reporter years ago, before I became a lawyer.
They can’t make their boat payments expressing themselves freely on a platform like this one.
Phony bastards like the con artist Shortbus links too have absolutely no skin in the game as far as the “expression” itself. They are the exact opposite of civics. They are 100% commerce. They depend on private platforms created, built, and maintained by others for most of their revenues. And it can be quite substantial. Maybe if they had any real talent they could post makeup tutorials or shopping haul videos. But what they may lack in talent they make up for in cynicism which they put to good effect bamboozling thumb suckers like Shortbus.
Facebook’s newest “conservative fact checker” is a site owned by Chris Ruddy who is Trump’s new media version of David Pecker. The site earns about 80% of its revenues from a white supremacy advertising network.
Mostly these guys are just scared to death because they see the trend and they know what may be in store if they don’t stir up the mouthbreathers. Two years ago there was a gold rush on for conservative racist hate. Today Andrew Anglin is a fugitive from justice and Milo Yianopolous is selling his Rolex collection on Ebay.
@82 “A public records request to the King county clerk for names of volunteers and party affiliation for that hmmm 2008 election he claims to have been in the action should get me his name.”
Yeah, that’ll do it, all right. Ask them for the voter registration lists by party affiliation. I’m not sure what they charge, probably 15 cents a page, first 5 copies free.
As I recall, when Stefan made a similar request, he got 600,000 pages.
Kudos to Roger Rabbit…
Making troll heads EXPLODE here at HA since 2004!
Too damn funny the shit @ 82!!!! LMAO!
@82 ” If he was as big an ass as he is on here someone will tell me something.”
All you need to do is eliminate all of the world’s big asses until there’s only one left, then – bingo! – you’ve got me. Good luck with that one.
@82 “When asked for his bar number and he refuses to give it means either he is a liar or an unethical attorney.”
No, it means I don’t want some unhinged reader of a political blog showing up at my house with a gun and grievances (real or imaginary).
This blog isn’t a legal proceeding, these comments aren’t pleadings, and I’m not required to put my bar number on them. There’s absolutely nothing in the Rules of Professional Responsibility about that.
“We’re down to Doctor Dumbfuck now.”
There’s bbq pork sauce, shortbus and the schizoid glibertarian aka “politically incorrect”..
Absolute bottom of the barrel…
What happened to the babbling butthole? Was it me calling it “bougie” that finally sent it away?
@82 “And generally every post on here he makes should include a disclaimer.”
Seems reasonable.
This is a political blog. Comments here are partisan opinions. We do not recognize neutrality; you are either friend or foe. Enter at your own risk.
@91 “What happened to the babbling butthole? Was it me calling it “bougie” that finally sent it away?”
Steve may know.
@88 He obviously doesn’t understand how we operate.
There’s really no excuse for that. He’s been here a while, and has seen us call other trolls horse fuckers, goatfuckers, traitors, and … worst of all, the ultimate insult … Republicans.
By comparison, we’ve been gentle with him, so I don’t know what has his panties in such a twist. Must be nearly as thin-skinned as Trump. HA is no place for wilting wallflowers. This blog is a saloon brawl. All in good clean fun, of course.
(Be sure to turn on the speaker for the music)
“By comparison, we’ve been gentle with him”
I’ve had little trouble scrolling past 99 percent of shortbus’ drivel.
So yours truly has been “gentle” with it by comparison.
@95 It seems I hurt his friggin’ feelings.
I didn’t slander him by calling him stupid. That’s just stating a fact.
“The political numbers look bad — very bad — for … congressional Republicans less than two months from the midterm elections … the House GOP is already ‘screwed’ … [and] the GOP is in danger of losing its majority in … possibly the Senate ….”
The wages of greed, corruption, and misplaced loyalty. Oh, and the GOP’s assault on one of the most popular SCOTUS precendents of all time and its efforts to railroad through the confirmation of one of the least respected and popular SCOTUS nominees in the last 50 years may have something to do with it, too.
Where he gets it from.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is a president who believes conspiracy websites and doesn’t believe real news. That should be enough to trigger the 25th Amendment.
@72. What’s your middle name Mark?
It really isn’t that those alt-right internet spider holes don’t “believe” in the truth so much as they “believe” in profit.
Ratifying xenophobia, racial resentment, and indifference to the suffering of non-whites has proved surprisingly profitable. So much so that it has caught on.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News–Demorat Dingbat Squats On Ice And Pisses Backwards
Gillibrand: I Never Meant Abolish ICE When I Said ‘Abolish ICE’
Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York stated Wednesday that her calls to abolish the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were misconstrued, claiming that despite saying “we need to abolish ICE,” she believes America still needs an agency that will fulfill the goals that ICE was created to achieve.
Gillibrand received backlash in late June after saying multiple times that ICE needs to be abolished. Her comments came at a time when numerous other congressmen were advocating for the abolishment of the agency as well.
House Democrats introduced a bill in early July to abolish ICE, but after House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy announced he planned to bring the proposed bill to a vote, those same Democrats called it a “political stunt” and vowed to vote against their own proposal.
Speaking of “squirt”…
aka bbq pork sauce..
Sophomore year in college, it was alleged that in a pickup game, Brett Kavanaugh missed a free throw.
It’s a complaint forwarded to the FBI. By Senator Spartacus.
I think Liberal Scientist herniated himself trying to track down my identity.
Roger Dumbfuck’s greatest fear is that people will learn how ordinary and inconsequential he truly is. The louder the braggart, the less there is about which one can brag.
He was a below-mediocre attorney and he’s barely more cerebral than YLB.
Guess that means Dumbfuck’s HNWI account is actually a stack of High Rollers!
@99 Don’t answer that, Mark. It might identify you.
Roger Rabbit’s Unified Theory of Assholery
There’s no question I’m an asshole, but in order to better understand the phenomenon (who doesn’t want to understand the world we live in? Well, Republicans don’t, but that’s a subject of another comment), I’ve been reviewing certain biopsychometric data in an attempt to get a better handle on its causation and effects, and I have a theory about that (more on this later).
Let’s start by looking at the data, which clearly show I’m not the biggest asshole on the planet; nearly Republican in the universe is an even bigger asshole than I am. So, at worst, I’m a Limited Asshole – or maybe that should be stated as Asshole Ltd. (I really should incorporate myself one of these days, one reason being that corporations are immortal; on the other hand, I’m not convinced I want to stick around on this unhappy little rock that long.)
One theory of my asshole origins is that it takes one to fight one, and I’ve been fighting Republicans for most of my life, so one naturally is tempted to assume that my assholery was born of necessity and evolved to fit the circumstances.
But I have a better theory. Republican assholes clearly don’t evolve; they’re born that way and never learn anything. As I’ve said before on this blog, I was originally a Goldwater conservative, so I must have been born an asshole, which blows away the evolution theory. (That damn evolution stuff has always been suspect, anyway; after all it’s only a theory.)
What works in this situation, though, is reverse evolution; that is, I was born a Republican, but at some point I decoupled from that force field (this can be demonstrated empirically), possibly through some kind of quantum process not yet fully understood, causing my asshole instincts to progressively weaken over time.
According to this theory (and it’s only a theory, I will eventually degrade into a congenial, pleasant, nice rabbit who never bullies or insults anyone. In otherwise, a neutral and harmless presence in the universe. Back-of-envelope calculations indicate this may take a couple thousand more years, plus or minus a few millenia, but it’s hard to say because none of us will be around to empirically verify it.
So, it’s only a theory.
@105 “Roger Dumbfuck’s greatest fear is that people will learn how ordinary and inconsequential he truly is.”
I’m ordinary and inconsequential, and I’m not afraid who knows it. After all, I couldn’t prevent Trump. Like you – who couldn’t and didn’t cause Trump – I’m just a meaningless speck in the universe, occupying a point in space at a point in time, doing nothing except cycling air in and out of my respiratory organs while collecting rents on capital, and when I’m gone nobody will remember me and my brief existence will have been as pointless and useless as yours was (because by then all of your patients will be dead, if they aren’t already). So go ahead and call me ordinary and inconsequential, and useless and a waste of oxygen, too, if it makes you happy, because that’s what I am; and you should know, because it takes one to know one.
@105 “I think Liberal Scientist herniated himself trying to track down my identity.”
It helps that you don’t post under your real name. In any case, you’re not anybody I know; even the dumbest creatures in the woods have a better grip on the tree bark than you do.
@104 “Brett Kavanaugh missed a free throw.”
And you want that guy on the Supreme Court? Next you’ll suggest the basketball team Seattle doesn’t have* should draft him.
* Unless he plays with the girls, and I can’t imagine that turning out well for him.
LMAO!! It was fun today re-reading the colloquy between boob and Darryl over unions in 2012..
before serial liar dullard rmoney got trounced by the black guy.
“cerebral, serious boob”
too damn funny!
@112 Wha’dya expect? You don’t learn anything about the real world sitting in a basement radiology lab.
Party of personal responsibility.
I’m not saying $52k for curtains in a 6000 sq foot penthouse overlooking midtown Manhattan is too much. Compared to the old digs at The Waldorf, the new place is a savings. And I’m sure they have to be super duper special curtains for “national security reasons”.
I’m just saying that when the Guatemalan Toddler Torturers need extra money for cattle prods and unheated warehouses to store and keep all the sobbing children, there might be better budgets to raid than FEMA right before hurricane season.
The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager will face sentencing of up to 10 years and will forfeit everything he owns.
With the new supersedeing charges and plea agreement, including civil and criminal forfeiture, the OSC has just paid for itself.
Like I said…
a violent sexual predator.
“…during an encounter at a party, Kavanaugh held her down, and that he attempted to force himself on her. She claimed in the letter that Kavanaugh and a classmate of his, both of whom had been drinking, turned up music that was playing in the room to conceal the sound of her protests, and that Kavanaugh covered her mouth with his hand.”
She wanted it. The bitch.
“What happened to the babbling butthole?”
“Steve may know.”
Having been lynched by his white supremacist friends, the babbling butthole babbles no more. I tried to warn the loon that his friends would eventually get around to lynching him, but he just wouldn’t listen to me. SAD!
The Chair holds in his hands…
a letter his staff wrote and got signed by 65 women who knew the Lying, Raping, Degenerate Gambler™ when he was younger.
They all swear he was “cute” and “fun” and “super popular” and “maybe played lacrosse or something”, and not at all “rapey and stuff”.
What a weird coinkydink that the Chair happened to have this letter just waiting on his desk buried under some Bigfoot Porn and NRA campaign funding agreements. So weird.
It is reported this morning, as the hearing for The Republican Presidential Campaign Manager’s plea deal and superseding indictment is being held, that he has withdrawn from the gigantic Russian Collusion JDA*.
Someone just put a roach in PornSweat’s “nuthingburger”.
*Joint defense agreement. Somewhere around 30 people associated with the campaign and the administration are understood to have formed such an agreement, wherein individual criminal defense counsel agree to waive privilege among them and share information relevant to the joint defense. Withdrawing from such an agreement is the very first thing a defendant does when they agree to cooperate with prosecutors.
@118 It’s not hard to obtain 65 signatures in 24 hours, given the GOP’s vast network of resources. All Grassley had to do was call this guy:
Now watch how quickly The Republican President pivots (he can when it suits him) to calling his good friend Paul Manafort “a rat”, “a coffee boy”, “a snitch”, “a nobody”, “a loser”, and “a liar”.
Then watch how quickly the troll idiot-army mimics that noise.
@114 “there might be better budgets to raid than FEMA right before hurricane season”
Personally, I think raiding that particular budget right before hurricane season was the entire point, and the curtains were only incidental – they had to find something to spend it on, otherwise the hurricane victims* would get it.
* Don’t forget that whites generally can afford to evacuate, so the worst-impacted victims of hurricanes tend to be poor, brown, and black.
@119 It also means the cooperating witness knows everything his defense attorney learned from the other defense attorneys.
His attorney does. And upon exiting a properly drafted JDA the atty remains bound. But Downing will face attack for this.
They will have drafted a comprehensive agreement including specifications for the method of withdrawal and the binding terms upon withdrawal. The remaining parties to the JDA will of course freak out and insist that Downing is in violation of some or all of the terms.
And of course, as always, the crime fraud exception still applies.
In re 121:
It has begun.
When it becomes this obvious, and the Trumptards continue to lap it up daily, it’s very clear that it is no longer a matter of an honest dispute over relevant facts. But a willful determination to adopt whatever set of beliefs best support their “in-group” identity.
There is absolutely no purpose to be served in debating with any Republican about this President. They are literally enthralled. This is what I mean by The Orange Event Horizon. Republican voters have been gradually lured into taking such ever more ridiculous positions with respect to this President’s corruption that they no longer have any choice in the matter.
And much the same can be said about many of the extreme positions they now adopt with respect to public policy, whether it is support for catastrophic tax cuts, the willful torture of children and babies along our borders, the abandonment of our global security partnerships, or the persistent rejection of scientific consensus.
Democrats will not make progress by wasting scarce time and resources trying to persuade with facts and evidence those who are immune to facts and evidence.