It is the anniversary of 9/11. 18 years ago an unprepared President who hadn’t done the basic work of protecting America ran scared from place to place as thousands of people died in a city he hated. Then everyone pretended that he was brilliant.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Then Hillary and Joe voted to go to war against Iraq.
And John Kerry was for it until he was against it.
And Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger stuffed classified intel pertaining to 9/11 into his pant legs, costing him his job as policy consultant to above-named flip-flopper.
@1 Take your treasonous snide to 8chan, dumbfuck.
Today we commemorate 9/11, when a violent, anti-fascist mob of DemonRats took down the twin towers.
“Rudy Giuliani gets ripped to shreds for sharing ominous ‘ode to fascism’ video on 9/11”
God bless our Dear Fearless leader for being there.
“It was a day filled with shock, horror, sorrow, and righteous fury. I vividly remembered when I first heard the news. I was sitting at home watching a major business television show early that morning. Jack Welch, the legendary head of General Electric, was about to be interviewed when all of a sudden they cut away.”
“At first there were different reports, it was a boiler fire. But I knew that boilers aren’t at the top of a building. It was a kitchen explosion… Nobody really knew what happened. There was great confusion.”
“I was looking out of a window from a building in midtown Manhattan directly at the World Trade Center when I saw a second plane at a tremendous speed go into the second tower. It was then that I realized the world was going to change.
“I was no longer going to be, and it could never ever be, that innocent place that I thought it was. Soon after, I went down to ground zero with men who work for me to try to help in any little way that we could.”
To commemorate 9/11, our Dear Fearless leader knows what to say and when to say it.
“In a hypothetical poll, done by one of the worst pollsters of them all, the Amazon Washington Post/ABC, which predicted I would lose to Crooked Hillary by 15 points (how did that work out?), Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas and virtually all others would beat me in the General Election….”
“…This is a phony suppression poll, meant to build up their Democrat partners. I haven’t even started campaigning yet, and am constantly fighting Fake News like Russia, Russia, Russia. Look at North Carolina last night. Dan Bishop, down big in the Polls, WINS. Easier than 2016!”
God bless our Dear Fearless Leader!
You sniffed him out, Dumbfuck. You must have a nose for antifascist commie leftist DemonRats.
“If you’re wondering why so many progressives are mourning Bolton’s firing tonight, it’s because Bolton himself fundamentally was a man of the left.”
@1 “Then Hillary and Joe voted to go to war against Iraq.”
And Doctor Dumbfuck conveniently overlooks who talked them into it, aided, in no small part, by a pack of lies.
And when an official with a conscience called them out on it, they retaliated against his wife, a covert CIA agent rendering valuable service to our country.
Now the former CIA agent is running for Congress. Who do you want representing you, her or them?
Dumbfuck keeps getting dumber and dumber with every new posting.
Dear consumer products companies of America.
Stop using 9/11 Anniversaries to sell product.
It’s not honoring the fallen to remind people that Dasani Water will never forget.
@3 I can hardly wait until Tucker calls Trump a “Democrat in disguise.”
Probably all he’d have to do to earn that honor is let a toddler out of a rape cage. Or send a roll of paper towels to the Bahamians who are still alive. Or look out the window on a rainy day and say, “It’s raining outside.”
After all, it’s not very hard to become a Democrat. You don’t have to do much more than stop being a Republican.
@ 3
…it’s because Bolton himself fundamentally was a man of the left.”
Yes, of course. Steve, everyone on HA made this so clear in the support provided to Bolton over the years.
Steve, you’re fundamentally a fucking hypocrite. And your 10 minutes to scrub what you wrote are up.
Your revisionism of Bolton was predicted:
J.P. Freire
Press is about to go from “John Bolton is a radical warmonger who never should be permitted near the Oval Office” to “This is a story of how a reasonable, respected expert was dismissed by a chaotic, megalomaniacal Administration, and whatever his critique is, we agree!”
9:12 AM – 10 Sep 2019
Do you want to end Islamo-terrorism? Just get the fuck out of the Middle East and stop pretending Israel is an American state.
Islam can only be changed by Muslims, and the only thing the rest of the world can do is get out of Islamo-crazyland and let the damn Muslims get on with it!
@7 “Steve, you’re fundamentally a fucking hypocrite.”
@8 How did isolationism work on Dec. 7, 1941?
And that was before ICBMs with nuclear warheads, or the possibility of ticking A-bombs hidden in cargo containers.
You’re a fucking idiot. Unfuck yourself.
Maybe I’m not following something correctly. Bu I always thought that The Hump was behind the hardened stance against Iran. Although not clean of being more hardened it appears that The Hump was trying to negotiate with Iran to some type of resolution, and Bolton was the Hawk in all this. To me it does look like The Hump can appear to be the middle man, aside from his harsh comments towards Iran. Maybe he’s trying come across as not the bad guy now that Iran is going nuclear again…like it wasn’t his fault. To me it makes The Hump look like a man of the left more so than Bolton.
@11 The explanation is very simple. It came from Rich Lowry, editor of the National Review, within days of Trump’s inauguration. As Lowry wrote then,
“The good news is that Trump’s a coward. The bad news is he’s a fool.”
In other words, Trump was fool enough to hire Bolton, but too yellow to act on his advice. In this case, good news triumphed over bad news.
This is one of the few times in our history that America is best served by having a coward in the White House — in view of how bad his judgment is.
@12 I agree on the point that The Hump has to be to blame for hiring Bolton. You should know what you’re getting and stupid if you don’t or stupid if you overlook it, especially when it comes to that instance/position.
And it shows that The Hump is completely non Presidential material; as if we needed that to prove it (eyes rolling).
But in the end, aside from all that, I think some will take this as The Hump isn’t to blame, solely, for Iran being on the brink of nuclear armament. He’s to blame all right, for being the accountable one, or unaccountable as he loves to play both sides, but some will think it was all Bolton’s lead.
I think he’ll play it as it gives him cover
To see someone miss the point or not get the reference this badly is …. well… truly spectacular.
“Your revisionism of Bolton was predicted”
Looks like someone pushed the doctor’s button.
“And your 10 minutes to scrub what you wrote are up.”
Oh, looks like it was me.
I think I’ll bookmark this thread.
That leftist commie Bolton had no place in the formation of America’s new alliances.
“Mohammed bin Salman shared an impish grin with Putin and Trump praised him as his “friend.”
Actually, Doctor, you fascist traitors make the Bush Doctrine look pretty fucking good. At least it included the “spread of democracy”, something you no doubt now find absolutely fucking abhorrent given your present embrace of fascist totalitarianism.
“Amazon is on the way out of Seattle” Dori & Dumbfuck
Amazon signs lease on 500,000 square feet of office space for a fulfillment center in ….Seattle.
Since he passed beyond Teh Orange Event Horizon he’s done that more and more.
Which was predicted.
He was warned. Still he persisted.
Only Tuck, The American Spectator, and Teh Dumbfuck could possibly imagine Dems mourning the demise of
Doctor StrageloveBolton.But it’s only fair to admit that, for the sake of goading the bitch slapping frenzy, we wouldn’t be above pretending to side with Bolton. Since we can safely count on FOX to side with #PresidentPussyAssBitch.
If we have to suffer through four years of this incompetent clown show the very least we deserve is to enjoy the pie fights.
Tucker Carlson: John Bolton Is a ‘Man of the Left’ and One of Trump Admin’s ‘Most Progressive People’
A Facebook trumper i spar with, he posts lies, i counter with truth and it drives him to swearing at me, has a pattern of declaring any republican who make republicans look bad was secretly a Democrat all along. Now i know where he gets it from.
“Maybe I’m not following something correctly. Bu I always thought that The Hump was behind the hardened stance against Iran.”
I suppose it’s complicated.
“American evangelicals hold human rights meeting with Saudi crown prince”
“The visit comes on the eve of the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks in the United States, in which most of the hijackers who crashed jetliners into the twin towers in New York were identified as Saudi nationals.”
Or perhaps money talks and the Arab Sunnis simply have a lot more money leaving Iran’s Shi’as holding the short end of the Middle East Islam money stick. And with that sad misfortune, Prince Bonesaw and Arab Sunni Islam are good, and the Ayatollah’s Persian Shi’a Islam is bad. Sub-Saharan Islam is always bad. They’re not only black and Muslim, they have no fucking money.
But thanks to Doctor Dumbfuck’s dumbfuckery, the whole world’s coming to an end, so who the fuck cares anymore?
@20 Next they’ll claim Ted Bundy was a Democrat, too.
Honestly, these people are so detached from reality you wonder what planet they’re living on. Not this one.
I used to think — or at least hope — that doc, whatever his other faults, wasn’t totally delusional like the rest of them. Unfortunately, this morning’s thread destroyed that.
@22 If they’re in the process of devouring themselves, perhaps we shouldn’t stop them. Rather, let them continue to believe that Republicans devouring themselves “triggers the libs” as Doctor Dumbfuck seems to believe.
As for the “leftist” jibes, those will destroy Bolton’s employment prospects in his tribe, and he certainly won’t get work in ours. He may have to live on food stamps and panhandling proceeds from now on. But I won’t shed a tear for him.
T. Boone Pickens, the Texass oilman and corporate raider who tried to break up Boeing, is dead at age 91.
@23 There is now evidence that Doctor Dumbfuck may well be caught in a tug-of-war between the gravitational power of the orange singularity that lays beyond the orange event horizon and a tremendous suction force coming from a void within the realm of batshit insanity that was created when the loon went and got himself lynched.
@27 Sounds plausible.
Today is 9/11 anniversary and many public officials are attending commemorations. North Carolina Republicans told Democrats there would be no legislative votes before this afternoon. Then, this morning, with most of the Democratic representatives absent, they held an unannounced vote to override the Democratic governor’s veto of their budget.
“Sorry. We lied.”
Lie to me once, shame on you. If I fall for it twice, shame on me. Seems pretty certain that NC Democrats will never, ever again trust their GOP counterparts or take their word for anything.
Huh! Even Pat Robertson isn’t as big a dumbfuck as Doctor Dumbfuck.
“Pat Robertson Sides With Bolton; Compares Trump To Neville Chamberlain”
“Is the departure of Bolton, yes, THAT John Bolton, a bridge too far for Pat Robertson and his viewers?”
“I was reminded of Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of England who traveled to Munich and met with a man named Adolf Hitler. It led to World War II, because that’s what happens when you deal with dictators.”
“The Taliban are terrible people. Maduro is a terrible person. And somehow the president thinks that he can’t get to be a buddy of Kim Jong-un. He can get to be a buddy with Taliban.”
“Do not sit down with a dictator and think your gonna come out with anything good. We cannot sit at the table with the Taliban. They are a bunch of thugs, what are you ever going to get from them? You can’t trust one word they say.”
I need an aspirin. My head hurts from keeping this all straight. A gay guy….trying to keep things straight – fucking crazy.
I need to get back to work.
Of course, to show he isn’t the biggest dumfuck in the world of far-right dumbfuckery, the doctor might rebut with this recent gem.
“Pat Robertson Suggests Abortionists Might Get Leprosy”
“Because …why not?”
But even with that, the best our doctor can hope for is a tie with Pat Robertson for the title of “the far-right’s biggest dumbfuck”.
@30 Robertson and Bolton are two peas of a pod. Both served in the military, but pulled strings to avoid combat duty. Bolton joined the National Guard to avoid the Vietnam draft; Robertson joined the Marines to avoid the Korean War draft, and later bragged about serving in the front lines, when in fact his U.S. Senator father used his influence to get him a desk job in Japan. And both grew up to become warmongers.
It’s very easy to be a warmonger when you’re sending other people to bleed and die in foreign shitholes. But as far as I’m concerned, I count chickenhawks like these among the lowest slime lifeforms on earth.
I guess being a lowlife just goes hand-in-hand with being politically conservative. Real heroes aren’t Republicans.
There’s nobody a Trumpublican won’t turn on if the boss gives the nod.
Days like this, I imagine Mike Pence cuts his phone cord and crawls under his bed. I’m sure by now Pence must have noticed Parscale, McDaniel, and Hannity all promoting Don Jr. as the next Republican in line. The question is whether they’ve noticed him noticing.
@32 “the best our doctor can hope for is a tie with Pat Robertson for the title of ‘the far-right’s biggest dumbfuck’.”
Not a chance. Those guys are pros; he’s an amateur. His dumbfuckery is no more skillful than his armchair lawyering.
Every rightwinger secretly yearns for dictatorship.
Including our rightwingers.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Conservatives hate democracy because they know they’re wrong and can’t win fair elections. They’re like a burglar who wants a key to your house.
September 11, 2001 – 8:12AM Eastern
The day Donald J. Trump’s world changed FOREVER bacause he had the tallest building in Manhattan now (wasn’t true).
We were living in Bremerton at 9/11. as we got ready for work, we turned the news coverage of the first tower. I was sure it was some sort of computer glitch or cyber hack. i couldn’t imagine that anyone would do that on purpose. We saw the second plane hit the second tower and on our way to work, we heard the news reports of the towers collapsing. At the office, we were stunned, just sat there listening to news. A co worker was shocked, because she had avoided all news that morning, listened to CDs on the way in and didn’t know what had happened.
A family member of a friend worked in 2nd tower. His boss said they should all shelter in place. He decided to take the stairs and leave. he had just reached the 2nd floor when the 2nd plane hit his tower. He made it out, the rest of his office died.
I remember the world wide support america got while air traffic was grounded for 5 days.
I remember my growing horror as scared people started to blame anyone even vaguely Arabic. I thought we were better than that.
I have learned that too many of us are not.
State Senator Wiley Nickel:
Republican voters love this kind of corruption. In their minds, Democrats are the enemy, and this is a Culture War, anything is justified to stick it to the Democrats. Anything is justified to maintain power. Might makes right.
“In their minds, Democrats are the enemy”
In a word, yes.
“Republican says they had to lie about vote to Democrats at 9/11 ceremonies — or ‘the terrorists win’”
“When we stop being a beacon of freedom, hope and democracy, then the terrorists win.”
Repukes are scum. They can’t play by any rules or fairness.
Looks like Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron have a Texas-sized problem on their hands.
Orange moron approval
Better start suppressing the vote, Dumbfuck. You’ve got an awful lot to lose if you don’t.
“Trump is facing ‘very unpleasant’ jail sentence in New York after Michael Cohen flipped again: Joyce Vance”
Recommended for all Republicans
“Trump-loving conspiracy nut recommends drinking turpentine to kill intestinal parasites”
One can hope.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & “Some people did something” News- 9/11 Memorial Speaker Rebuts Demorat Claims That Catholic Nuns Or Fundamentalist Protestants Flew Planes Into Twin Towers.
A 9/11 memorial speaker addressed the callousness of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-[Somalia]) “some people did something” remarks and told the “Squad” to show respect by honoring 9/11 victims, their friends, and families.
“Some people did something’ said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota to support and justify the creation of CAIR. Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom,” he said.
“Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that,” he said, questioning her confusion.
“On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda, killed over 3,000 people and caused billions in dollars of economic damage. Is that clear?” he asked.
“On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists”
Nearly all of them were Saudis. You know, the same people your orange moron is sucking up to? You know, like Prince Bonesaw? You know him, don’t you? Aren’t you two best buds?
Why do you hate America so much? Did you get beat up after school a lot by black kids? You know, like what happened to Doctor Dumbfuck?
@ 42
Steve, now look back on the Trump/Hillary matchups.
In what percent of them did Hillary come out on top?
What happened when the election was finally held?
Yeah. That.
Steve @ 30:
Pat Robertson is a sage man.
Steve @ 32, eight minutes later:
Pat Robertson is an idiot.
DJIA above 27,000 again. Well above.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Rape Sanctuary News-Demorat Medicare For All Illegals Program Suffers Another Setback, Gynecologist Loses Documents, Is Arrested.
The eighth illegal alien charged with rape or sexual assault in Montgomery County, Maryland in less than two months was freed a year ago from police custody due to the county’s sanctuary policy.
Oluwakayode Adewole Adebusuyi, a 26-year-old illegal alien, was arrested last week by the Montgomery County Police Department after he allegedly raped an intoxicated woman in his car, according to police.
Adebusuyi was arrested in August 2018 in Montgomery County on assault, sexual contact, and false imprisonment charges but was released by the county’s sanctuary city policy that shields criminal illegal aliens from deportation because the charges against him were dropped by the victim.
The case is now the eighth in which an illegal alien in Montgomery County accused of rape or sexual assault since July 25. The most recent cases in the sanctuary jurisdiction involve a 21-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador who has been accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl and her younger brother, as well as a 46-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador accused of raping a 16-year-old girl at knifepoint.
Oh no…the cheering begins. Skirts out.
Love this guy!
Go Pete!
not no #presidentPussyAssBitch
A real brave man…unlike many! Gonna have to throw him another C note soon!
Probably played football without the helmet.
Fucking Cocksucker!
Small government – fuck you Teabaggers!
Wasteful Spending – fuck you Teabaggers!
Deficit Spending – fuck you Teabaggers!
Fiscal Conservatives – fuck you Teabaggers!
But, but, but, bu, bu, Jinas ripped us off all these years!
Bailout!? Fuck you Teabaggers! Too fucking funny.
Gooooooooo Mayor Pete!
I got 4 solicitations in the mail today, just the many that I get. I decided that I will return those slips with a small donation. On the slip I will doodle Mayor Pete’s logo and the words “Go Mayor Pete!”. Mine as well give him some play and advertisement. They don’t have to cash my check.
Not being as dumb as you is nowhere close to being “sage”.
After all, there are very good reasons you are called Teh Dumbfuck. Perhaps Robertson has managed to resist the gravitational pull of the Qanon/DERPSTATE!/PIZZACANNIBAL! lunacy to which you and most of the GOP have succumbed. As a lifelong Cold Warrior and Kremlin baiter, Robertson has a long way to go before he could ever snort Putin’s dingleberries like you and #PresidentPussyAssBitch.
But let’s get real. The man really believes his invisible sky buddy sends deadly hurricanes as punishment for watching Queer Eye, and that prayer (along with tithing) cures cancer. He’s dumb as fuck.
But owing to the Trump nomination, now you’re dumber.
You were warned. Still you persisted.
#presidentBitchAssPussy is getting bitch slapped! By China and Iran!
Supreme Court ended all injunctions blocking the asylum ban.
Only two dissents, y’all.
Or, as Valerie Plame would say, those Jews Breyer and Kagan let y’all down, libbies.
@47 “Steve @ 30: Pat Robertson is a sage man.”
That’s not how I read #30. To me, it says “you’re even dumber than Robertson.” That’s a considerable distance from sage.
“Yeah. That.”
Fuck you, Doctor. Fuck your pal Putin, too.
“DJIA above 27,000 again. Well above.”
What, celebrating again? How many times is that?
So how many times did black kids beat the fuck out of you after school? And how many of those ass-kickings were by girls? Wanna talk about it? I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t. Especially if it was the black girls who were beating you up.
@52 No, he was the football.
“That’s not how I read #30.”
As our doctor isn’t terribly bright, I don’t have much in the way of expectations for the poor sap displaying reading comprehension, wit or cleverness.
@57 Jew-baiting is all he has left. See #57.
@59 so maybe the apes can rejoice, but it probably doesn’t go over that well with the rest of the monkeys.
@61 These market gyrations don’t make sense. I thought the Wall Street guys were smart. Haven’t they figured out by now that Trump is a coward, and will always back down, if there’s even the slightest chance of getting himself hurt? A nimble daytrader could have a field day with his on-again off-again tariff threats.
Stock futures jump triple digits after Trump postpones tariffs.
He’s whining about antisemitism, when the Proud Boys, fans of The Hump and The Hump’s Chumps, are a bunch of antisemitic individuals. Again, no credibility to stand on. The Hump has been compromising Bob’s credibility. Hang in there Bob.
Must be hard for Bob to get up in the morning. A visit to the Barn probably isn’t even that gratifying and satisfying anymore.
who would want to invest if the market sat idle without the ploy of enticement of investing so as not to miss the boat. The markets are all fixed.
Another Slug and family of Thugs.
@ 68
…who would want to invest if the market sat idle…
That’s what selling covered calls and naked puts are for.
The market never sits idle.
Bob, if you had to choose, because if you didn’t choose you would have to give up ll your wealth (third choice), who would you vote for if it came down to two people, The Hump or Mayor Pete? Maybe you can vindicate yourself depending on your choice.
“you would have to give up ll your wealth”
Warren has a plan for that! A 100% wealth tax on radiologists! Take everything they’ve got!
Nobody on the left or right objects to the plan for the simple reason that there isn’t anybody in America who likes their radiologist.
@ 71
It doesn’t come down to two people.
I won’t vote for Trump in 2020. Very much doubt I’d vote for Buttfuck. From what I read some of the DNC types are afraid that Tulsi Gabbard is setting herself up to run third-party. As a Washingtonian whose vote in a presidential election will never be crucial, I have the complete freedom to vote my conscience. I’d probably vote for her.
Make it Klobuchar as the Dem alternative and it’s a much, much tougher answer. Slightly tougher if you make it Delaney.
I’m not here to support Trump. I’m here to rub your fucking noses in your incredibly bad choice of a standard-bearer in 2016, and to luxuriate in the joy of a 5-4 SCOTUS advantage that y’all libbies could have prevented had y’all not gone all Steve with your support for Hillary.
Think on yer sins. Especially Steve.
“I’m not here to support…”
You’re here to atone for your 4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags.
Live in shame.
“…that y’all libbies could have prevented had y’all not gone all Steve with your support for Hillary”
Laughable. I haven’t said anything nice about a Democrat since 1968. Well, except for the fact they’re not Republicans. They do have that going for them.
I don’t come here to praise Democrats. I came here to let the world know that Republicans fuck farm animals and children. Now they’ve become Putin-lovin’ fascists who fuck farm animals, children and caged toddlers. I don’t know about you, doctor, but I find that to be an unfortunate turn for the worse. And in spite of whatever lame excuse you pull out of your ass for doing what you do, you’re still on their fucking side.
Live in fucking shame.
@72 People have radiologists? I never met one. I assumed they’re all in India. Or replaced by computers that do the same work better and faster.
I wonder how many people would bother to get scans or x-rays if they knew the radiologist who’s reading them fucks horses on the side?
@73 “I won’t vote for Trump in 2020.”
Neither will I. We have more in common than I thought, besides being major assholes. But we’re not completely alike; I don’t fuck horses.
P.S., we’re gonna hold you to that.
@73 “your incredibly bad choice of a standard-bearer in 2016”
That’s an interesting rant considering that Washington Democrats voted 73% for Sanders and only 27% for Clinton in their 2016 caucuses.
And then they’ll be Incredibly wealthy even by Carnegie standards and none of them are trying to put a public library in towns they have never and will never visit.
Oh Bob, don’t be such a Pussyboy.
Could not have done this without you, Hillary. Bless you.
‘Historic milestone’: Senate confirms 150th Trump judicial nominee
Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president’s total number of appointed judges to the lower federal courts to 105. Mr. Trump has also appointed 43 circuit court nominees and two Supreme Court justices since taking office.
The pace has far outdone President Obama, who only saw 20 circuit court nominees and 74 district court judges confirmed during the same period of time.
Well, yeah, but Obama had Solyndra.
When gman says “He’s a candidate I can really get behind.”…
GOP Gay Club Owner to Challenge Congressman Castro in 2020
U.S. Rep Joaquin Castro, who recently sparked nationwide controversy by tweeting the names of prominent San Antonians who contribute to President Trump’s re-election campaign, has picked up a Republican opponent in his expected bid for re-election next year, News Radio 1200 WOAI reports.
A most unconventional Republican, to say the least.
Mauro Garza is openly gay and an LGBTQ rights advocate, he is Hispanic, he is a huge supporter of President Trump, and he is the owner of Pegasus, a prominent gay nightclub on North Main, which is routinely rated one of the top LGBT establishments in the country.
gman, does GOP fudge pack differently than Dem fudge? A little more to the right, maybe?
Confidential to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit:
Varian Medical Systems (VAR) won’t be subject to Chinese tariffs.
Stock share price up 5.9% on the news today.
Sadly, unlike GE this company still does not pay a stock dividend. Of course, GE dividends will have to accumulate for decades before they exceed the share price loss since you recommended GE to investors with an intermediate-term investment interest.
The racist incel hates women hates liberals especially hates blacks hates lgbtq and he would let trump shit in his mouth if the smell annoyed liberals yeah that pretty much sums hin up
Not to be outdone, Baltimore announced free Uber trips to the inner city neighborhoods for pregnant women.
Under the Baltimore plan, women at least three months pregnant can be dropped off, provided with a free random gunshot wound to the inferior abdomen by some gang member or drug dealer, and then taken by ambulance to any in-city hospital with available space so that the dead fetus may be expelled and then sold off in dismembered pieces to local Johns Hopkins and NIH research laboratories.
Approved by Friends of Margaret Sanger.
Texas told cities they couldn’t fund abortion providers. So Austin is funding abortion access instead.
Bad news: The DNC denied the Biden campaign’s request for a mid-debate
Visine break.
Seems like it was only the other day a cult obsessed racist incel was lecturing the comment thrads about getting up too early.
First post at 6:16 am. Classic.
I see our dumbfuck is giddy in hopes that Brown v. Board of Education will be overturned by his incompetent, racist judges. All because some black girl used to beat our dumbfuck up after school.
Live in shame, traitor.
“First post at 6:16 am. Classic.”
Apparently he woke up with a strong desire to share his dumbfuckery with us
@83 Congratulations! Your 1-stock portfolio is back to where it was on Nov. 1, 2018, and only 15.7% below its 52-week high.
That would feel like driving a school bus across sand dunes to me, but to each his own.
@87 Well, if you’re rejected at the barn, there’s always HA to get your morning started.
Rules for surviving what’s coming:
1. “Good enough” gear and supplies – and plenty of it!
2. Stay away from crowds.
A federal judge has blocked a Tennessee law that seeks to criminalize voter registration drives.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republicans don’t believe in democracy. They think voting should be a felony. In Texas, voting while black can get you five years.
@92 I’ve got an underground shelter I’ll sell you dirt cheap.
@85. Incel, Don’t like abortion? Don’t have one.
Personally, I think forced births are abhorrent. Women are not some sort of slave breeding property.
@94 – No thanks, I’ve got it covered.
@96 A Purple Cross plan?
92, 96,
What it looks like when the prospect of having to share a civil society on an equal footing with people who are ever-so-slightly different drives old white males under the floorboards bear-hugging their amonium nitrate, MREs, and Krugerrands.
They are their own greatest threat. Randy Weaver learned.
And all it cost him were his wife, his oldest son, and eighteen months in Super-Max.
“I’m here to rub your fucking noses in your incredibly bad choice of a standard-bearer in 2016”
This is why you’re a dumbfuck. The people who post here are first and foremost, loyal, patriotic Americans. In 2016 our nation was attacked by our greatest foreign adversary. The attacks on our nation continue. For going on three years your party has at all levels catered to every whim of the enemy who attacks us. Your party has blocked all attempts to protect our country from further attacks.
You’re not rubbing anybody’s nose in their choice of a candidate. That’s a fucking lie. You’re rubbing the noses of Americans in Putin’s victories and your treason. I call you a traitor because you’re not some unwitting foot soldier for Putin. You know damned well what you’re doing.
Live in fucking shame.
Behold an imbecile on the world stage.
So Iran was in compliance and everyone agreed but Donald, needing to toss aside anything the Kenyan had done, blew up the Iran Nuclear Deal.
Everyone said Europe wasn’t on board.
But Donald wanted to play tough guy and blew up the deal and Iran pulled out shortly after and started violating the terms of the deal and enriching Uranium again.
Now Donald is entertaining the idea of giving Iran a $15B loan, and not just giving Iran their own money seized 40 years ago back that the Fox news and the Republican screamed was giving taxpayer money to Iran, of taxpayer money just to come back into compliance with what Iran was in compliance with before Donald blew it up.
if you’re scoring at home, Donald is seriously contemplating giving Iran $15B to end up EXACTLY where we were before he had a temper flare up over Obama being smarter and more popular than he.
@98 I guess you don’t need an underground shelter if you’re in Supermax. Bombers’ Row is one of the safest places in the world. Ted Kaczynki’s cell probably could survive a direct hit.
@100 How much of our taxpayer money will he pay to China to restore the trade status quo ante?
Aside from the backlash from the LGBTQ+ community, Garza may face an uphill battle in his campaign. In District 21’s 2018 Republican primary, he picked up just over 600 votes, compared to nearly 20,000 for the frontrunner in that race.
Republicans don’t have a track record of voting for the gays
Anything to discredit a Trump appointee.
Ralph Blasey, Ford’s father, went out of his way to offer to Ed Kavanaugh his support of Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, according to multiple people familiar with the conversation that took place at Burning Tree Club in Bethesda, Maryland. “I’m glad Brett was confirmed,” Ralph Blasey told Ed Kavanaugh, shaking his hand. Blasey added that the ordeal had been tough for both families.
The encounter immediately caused a stir at the close-knit private golf club as staff and members shared the news. The conversation between the two men echoed a letter that Blasey had previously sent to the elder Kavanaugh. Neither man returned requests for comment about the exchanges.
Blasey never explicitly addressed the credibility of his daughter’s allegations, but he presumably wouldn’t have supported the nomination of a man he believed tried to rape his daughter.
Even if it makes your father realize he has a piece of shit for a daughter.
McCabe’s headlining a Democrat fundraiser in PA later this month. Which is to say, right now he’s headlining it.
McCabe Appeal to Avoid Indictment Rejected by Justice Department
The Justice Department on Thursday notified lawyers for former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe that they have rejected his appeal to avoid being criminally charged, according to a person close to his legal team. The move likely clears the way for him to be indicted for lying to federal agents.
Lying to the feds. That’s what they got Flynn for doing, right?
I’m glad your son was confirmed
I’m sorry my daughter is a piece of shit.
@104 First off, it’s an old story. All the Federalist has done is put a new spin on it. Consider the sources for who are amplifying their spin: Daily Wire. Washington Times, etc.
Second, consider what Ford’s father said at the time: “Reached by phone on Tuesday, Ford’s father, Ralph Blasey Jr., offered a brief endorsement of his daughter. ‘I think all of the Blasey family would support her. I think her record stands for itself. Her schooling, her jobs and so on,’ he said before hanging up. Moments later, after picking up the phone a second time, he added: ‘I think any father would have love for his daughter.'”
Contrary to the Federalist’s silly presumption, neither the elder Ford nor any other member of her immediate family has ever repudiated her or disputed her allegations.
Third, consider his circle of friends, neighbors, and acquaintances: “Ford’s parents raised their children in the same affluent Maryland suburbs as the Kavanaugh family. Her father belongs to the same exclusive all-male golf club as Kavanaugh’s father. And like the Kavanaughs, Paula and Ralph Blasey are registered Republicans. Not only is their party taking Kavanaugh’s side; many of their neighbors are, too.”
If you’re gonna make assumptions, then it’s a fair assumption that the Fords have kept a low profile because they don’t want to rock boats in their social circle.
Nothing supports the Federalist’s presumption. Ford did not say his daughter lied, or dispute her allegations. (How could he? He wasn’t there. He doesn’t know what happened.)
Rather, he supports Kavanaugh’s confirmation anyway — perhaps because of his partisan loyalties, out of friendship with Kavanaugh’s family, and the fact she wasn’t actually raped may factor into this, too (college parties, kids will be kids, etc.).
Whatever his reasons, this much is certain: You don’t speak for him, and don’t know any more about what’s in his mind than has already been reported — and, as explained above, that reporting doesn’t support the Federalist’s presumption and your mindless knee-jerk embrace of it.
But that’s what dumbfucks do …
No need to ask.
Tulsi CultSlave approves of the big wet French Kiss for Iran.
Therefore so does Teh Dumbfuck.
He settled on Tulsi without bothering to do much research beyond a careful study of the swimsuit images for traces of camel toe. So he’ll just have to live with the fact that her foreign policy positions mock his eight years of reactionary criticism of Obama.
Oh yes. That definitely makes him a flaming hypocrite.
But he’s doing it for the pussy. For a modern klownsurvaturd that makes it okay.
Let’s run a campaign ad featuring Doctor Dumbfuck and directed at America’s women voters. It goes like this:
“Your daughter claimed a drunken frat boy tried to rape her? That makes her a piece of shit. I’m a Republican and proud of it! Now, who you gonna vote for?”
No. That’s what they traded Flynn down to. And in case you missed it (yes, you obviously did) not only did Judge Sullivan question on the record why Flynn wasn’t charged with a half dozen other crimes, including treason, but now thanks to the capable efforts of Flynn’s latest defense hack, his deal is circling the drain and the prosecutor is considering re-filing.
Flynn wasn’t “less than fully candid” whateverthefuck that means.
Like every other senior member of the campaign and the administration, he lied materially, repeatedly and often, even after having been issued multiple cautions, and having been given multiple opportunities to fix his falsified testimony.
All of which made a big difference.
And still does.
Trump repeatedly pressed for the firing of McCabe, accusing him of being biased in favor of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
Don’t worry they’ll get him for somethin, just you wait.
Reminds me of absolutely fabulous
Eddy:I’ve started repressed false memory therapy; I’ll get something on you yet.
But I have black friends…
“The U.S. government’s red ink for fiscal 2019 swelled past the $1 trillion mark in August, the first time that level has been eclipsed in seven years, the Treasury Department reported Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And the reason it did was because the GOP borrowed to give huge tax cuts to the people who need them least — billionaires and multimillionaires.
The GOP has no credibility on deficits anymore. To them, deficits are just a weapon to use against Social Security and Medicare. If you want to be destitute in your old age, so the rich can be even richer, vote Republican.
“But I have black friends…”
He’ll always have Diamond and Silk. Maybe. SAD!
I like this. Must see TV.
“Ohio lawmaker wants to force Jim Jordan to testify in OSU sex abuse case: ‘He’s been accused of failing to act’”
Got anger issues much? I’d bet his head explodes.
Perhaps because Ralph Blasey thinks pretty much like every other 80 year old Republican man (and quite a few Democrats) that “boys will be boys”, especially after shotgunning a dozen beers at a pool party with Timmy, Squee and Bernie and a bunch of dumb “hosebags”.
No doubt Ralph Blasey loves his daughter in his own way. But it would be hard to imagine that he, like “Bart”, is anything but a man of his generation and his upbringing. So it makes sense to assume that he believes that a “good girl” needs to be careful around aggressive boys and kegs and beer bongs. And while he undoubtedly feels terrible that his daughter was traumatized by an attempted gang rape, 1) he would not charaterize it that way, 2) “nothing really happened” (because he needs to believe that, and 3) since he was drunk, it wasn’t the boy’s fault.
Teh Dumbfuck probably agrees. And both he and Moscow Mitch concluded that most people agree. But it seems a few million college educated white women in suburban Congressional districts do not.
You know (thinking), I am not really sure. But if you and your ilk didn’t kill the looney ape then maybe we could ask him and see if he read anything about that in the dictionary. But nooooooo, you had to fucking kill him.
@ 107
I think any father would have love for his daughter, no matter how big a piece of shit she has become.
Take the Bunker. I just purchased a season ticket to the Yankees for next Season. I’m not a huge Yankees fan, I actually had a dislike for them, but hey It’s something to do – watching a baseball game is fun. I think I got me some good seats too.
I wonder if I can plug in there and get some of PI’s stock tips!
@112 you don’t suppose that that is Puff Balls?
@118 are you speaking from experience? Bob, this isn’t a therapist’s office.
Why the man Trump once called ‘my African American’ is leaving the GOP
Now, the 62-year-old real estate broker, who supported the Republican approach to the economy, said he sees the party as pursuing a “pro-white” agenda and using black people like him as “political pawns.”
“President Trump is a rich guy who is mired in white privilege to the extreme,” said Cheadle, of Redding, Calif., […] “Republicans are too sheepish to call him out on anything and they are afraid of losing their positions and losing any power themselves.”
>> That’s so sad, first puddy vanishes, now this.
>> And you could look at it this way Until now, he thought he had more to gain from republican tax cuts than he lost in racism. Now that he already has the tax cuts and the party is accelerating white supremacy, he’s cutting his ties. This guy was ok with discrimination against Mexicans and Muslims, but when Trump finally turned around and stabbed him in the back, that’s just too much!
Speaking for yourself boobitude? Yours truly has doubts the kid is yours.
Every check, every single check.. damn that must sting…
Hysterical. Yours truly fondly recalls the babbling butthole babbling about the lack of diversity in the Clinton and even Obama administrations.
The fool don’t babble here no more..
Update on Nunes v. Cow…
“Twitter refuses to tell Devin Nunes who is behind the parody accounts causing him ‘extreme pain’”
Twitter war update: Devin Nunes’ cow now has nearly 50,000 more followers than Devin, and over 150,000 more “Likes”.
This is so…SAD!
“The fool don’t babble here no more..”
Not since the fool went and got himself lynched. I tried to warn the loon not to hang out with those white nationalists, that no good would ever come of it, but the loon just wouldn’t listen to me.