Congratulations on the Brown scoop. You changed the world, for the better, in less than a week (as in, they finally have someone with experience and competence as the FEMA director for managing the hurricane). The long term implications of your scoop for exposing the Bush administration as the bunch of clowns they are, is likely to be huge.
You, sir, are a patriot.
you are an asshole.
I-912 will repeal a gas tax that is designed to help maintain and improve the safety of our roads. In the lst two days, we have had two fatality accidents that may have been prevented with safety improvments:
Vote for the anti-roads initiaitve, and continue the butcher’s bill.
Because it fits better here:
1. I awoke in a fever from a dream. Like all dreams, as soon as I was awake, it seemed silly and unreal, and, yet, there was something about it. A hope for the future that I have to pass on.
In my dream, George Bush came forward and spoke. For once, the words flowed, for it was the truth he was speaking, and he was speaking for the good of the country.
“We must pull together,” the president said, “We must stop the divisions that cut us, as a country, too deep. I have been as much a part of this as anyone else. I have made mistakes, like any man, but then I have had my operatives slander and lie to cover and distract from my mistakes. This will stop. I will no longer lead by fear and only on behalf of a part of the people. I will take my oath of office seriously, and lead for all the people.
The President continued, “Running the country should not be a game of winner takes all. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. As such, as my first act of contrition, I announce that I have asked Joseph Lieberman to become the next associate justice of the Supreme Court. I believe his life of public service, and his moderating influence will greatly help a court that has been sadly divided by ideologues.
“I further promise to approach or long standing allies to help provide security for the Iraqi people as we pull our troops out. We truly thought that this war would be easy, and that a flower of democracy would bloom in the desert. We thought we were so right, we were willing to lie to get our way. I am sorry that I took the trust that was put in me after 9/11 and used it to launch this war of choice that had nothing to do with the wounds of 9/11. I am sorry that I let it distract me from Osama Bin Laden, so that he still walks the Earth a free man. This is my fault and my greatest sin. We cannot ignore the liability we owe the Iraqi people now; Colin Powell was right, if you break it, you own it. So we cannot bring all our troops home. But we also have to admit that we made a mistake, and that we cannot go it alone. I hope that both our allies and the American people can forgive me and work with me to make right that which we have set asunder.
“Lastly, I want to personally apologies to John McCain and John Kerry, noble men who, unlike me, gave selflessly to this country. I and my surrogates have slandered you and others all in the name of power. I am sorry that I let my own selfishness, which was bought by yours and those you served with blood, override the great service you have done to this country.
“I now ask that we rise up as a people and work to make things better in this country. We will need to raise taxes on the wealthy to help pay for the recovery we need, the war I started, and the short changing of vital government programs that has occurred over the last few years. But it is better to ask those that have achieved the most from our society than force our children to pay for our follies.
And then the President call up his daughter and Dick Cheney’s daughter, and announced they would be wed in the morning, and that his other daughter had joined the Marines, and that he hoped she would see combat duty soon. As he wept openly, and hugged Mrs. Sheehan, asking for forgiveness, I awoke with a start.
It was only a dream. And the idea that Bush might try, just once, to be an uniter, not a divider, began to fade as I switched the channel onto FOX. But the hope is alive, even if, sadly, it will take three years until we get someone who cares about the country, not just himself, to be president.
They need to do something quick!!! They need to close down I-5! Ah shit the donks run this state. Well I quess nothing will happen just like Louisiana.
Want to see what happens when a good leader takes charge:
“Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president’s son.
Gore criticized the Bush administration’s slow response to Katrina in a speech Friday in San Francisco, but refused to be interviewed about the mercy missions he financed and flew on September 3 and 4.
However, Dr. Anderson Spickard, who is Gore’s personal physician and accompanied him on the flights, said: “Gore told me he wanted to do this because like all of us he wanted to seize the opportunity to do what one guy can do, given the assets that he has.””
What a shame the winner in 2000 did not become president.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
When Goldy’s a celebrity..
It’s adios reality.
Goldy acts just like a fool
And LEFTIST PINHEADS think he’s cool
Just cuz he’s on a BLOG..
Bein’ a celebrity.
Is disclosing distortions what a real patriot is??
NOLA got money to maintain leevees and diverted some to building casinos. Maybe something like that goes on here and thats why nearly ten billion a year in gas taxes already being collected doesn’t show for much.
Yes, Ms. Chickenhawk. You do know not.
Right, dj, Goldy changed the world. By doing what, “cross posting to daily Kos”?
So Brown is demoted or re-assigned or whatever, maybe that changes your world. While you bask in the glory, the grown ups are still dealing with more urgent things like pumping the flood out of NO, feeding and housing hundreds of thousands of evacuees, and figuring out how to rebuild the city. Naturally you and “your ilk” will give Bush and FEMA zero credit for successfully completing these tasks.
So to capsulize the last week or so on this site, lets’s cheer because Brown is run out of town. Let’s not acknowledge the fact that the city of NO and the LA governor screwed up badly, just blame everything on Bush. The feds are now doing what they are supposed to do, let’s leave this un-remarked and un-noticed.
WTF Goldy with holding my posts? Maybe I should “cross post on daily Kos” to get my commenting privileges back.
Mr. Cynical @ 7,
“Is disclosing distortions what a real patriot is??”
Sure, pointing out distortions in Brown’s resume counts as a patriotic act. (Although, Time magazine get credit for much of this, too).
Second WTF Goldy: Check out the findings of Stefan at SP regarding absentee ballots. Even you who seem to love to fling crap at him should acknowledge that he is doing the “heavy lifting” required to bring some accountability to King County elections. He is doing the work that the “blue ribbon commission” was supposed to do.
zip @ 9
Don’t be an asshole cry baby. You know that we all get our posts held on occasion (I have one in the queue right now, too). It’s not about you, asshole.
Just whining. Asshole.
Jerry Springer Jr.spews:
Friday’s JERRY SPRINGER AWARD goes to Baynative @ 8 for making a significant charge against Washington’s transportation agencies without providing a shred of proof.
Following Baynative’s train of thought, “maybe” he is actually a triple axe murderer. He kind of sounds like one, don’t you think?
headless lucyspews:
“I could hide ‘neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o’clock alarm would never ring.
But it rings and I rise, wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
The razor blade is cold and it stings!!
Cheer up sleepy Jean!
Oh! What can it mean? To a—-Daydream Believer, and a
Homecoming Queen.”
There—Don’t say I never gave ya’ nothin’!
So he says “nearly ten billion a year in gas taxes already being collected doesn’t show for much”. Got a shred of proof that it DOES show for much? If you do you should provide it to the clone now running the “no on 912” campaign. http://www.washingtondefense.o.....onate.html
Just got back from Iraq – and it’s a shithole. Now I know what my dad said about his time in Nam in 67, people here don’t have a friggin’ clue about the crap we’re doing over there. Ever wonder why we don’t do body counts ? Cause half the bastards we kill are noncoms. Here’s another truth, we ain’t winnin the “hearts and minds” of these people, right now your average Iraqi citizen would be happy if Bush was strung up next to Sadam.
Last lie to debunk….”we’re winning”, bullshit ! Every “terrorist”, ( another lie, so is calling them religious nuts…most have no use for any god ), anyway, every so called “terrorist” we kill, we make two more new ones, I’ve seen kids pick up guns to shoot American “liberators” who killed their old man.
Tell me, if we “liberated” these people, why the hell our we still there trying to set up a “puppet goverment” for them.
Last bit…Got a letter from a civilian security company offering $1,000 per week to go back to Iraq to work guarding pipelines and bullshit like that….funny how they pay more for guarding oil wells then grunts who shoot the “bad natives”, ( hopefully ), hiding in the wreckage we made out of their country.
Pissed ? You Bet ! Screw Bush, if they try to send my ass back I’m history in this screwed up country..hello Canada, I’m out of here.
This is a rant, not a news item…I’ve always liked your site…keep up the good work.
dog @19,
Welcome home. Thank you for doing what you could.
19…..B 52 air strikes, long enough and hard enough, will kill the enemy. And their families, and their children. Let’s finish this. JCH [LT, USN 77-84]
dj @ 1: “Congratulations on the Brown scoop.”
Yes, claiming (or having your surrogates claim) that one “breaks” a news story available elsewhere is a “brown scoop,” just like what one cleans up behind a bull.
Here’s another scam. I knew I guy that had his spine blasted away by a AK, he was lifted to Spain where after a few weeks he died..HIS DEATH WAS NEVER LISTED AS A CASUALY ! HE RECEIVED HIS WOUND IN IRAQ, BUT BECAUSE HE DIED IN SPAIN HE’S NOT LISTED AS A COMBAT DEATH !
No shit………And he wasn’t the only one I hear. Happens alot anymore..fuck’n games to fool the press & you guys !
You made a choice to join, dog. When you joined they didn’t tell you you’d be spending your time picking daffodils on a hillside. You knew the risks and you still made your choice to join.
headless lucyspews:
re 19: Just remember the people that you know who voted for these dumb bastards and ask them why?
I joinrd because of the bullshit I was told, not for what reality is. I was a dumb stupid asshole yeah, but your still getting a shit sandwich here, I watch the news, they don’t tell you what the hell is going on.
Hell, live in a made for tv fantasyland where we’re doing something really good over there…the natives don’t think so, none of my buds thought so, only Bush seems to think so…
Fuck this…live in your fantasy land…I’ve been there, I know better…adios , thanks, and goodbye.
headless lucyspews:
ZIP: You too need to experience the conservative Nirvana of going in your closet, wrapping a towel around your neck, and beating the big Kosher salaamii for awhile. But , before you do–don’t forget to call me a racist for saying Salaami!!
Mark @ 21
“Yes, claiming (or having your surrogates claim) that one “breaks” a news story available elsewhere is a “brown scoop,” just like what one cleans up behind a bull. “
Nope, Mark, a “scoop” is being the first person to take that disconnected information and putting it together into a story that is picked up by other media outlets.
Goldy broke the “Michael Brown is an incompetent idiot who got fired or resigned under pressure from the IAHA and didn’t have shit for qualifications” story, and now it is everywhere!
Outstanding job, Goldy!
headless lucyspews:
“I hate Republicans!”
Howard Dean
Me too, Howard. Don’t let the “pussifiers” change your ‘tude…
headless lucyspews:
re 5: Why don’t you shove a “Donk” up your willing and well-greased ass?
Well, Bush seems to thinks so and so does my oldest stepson.
He SERVED his time after he joined up right out of high school. He served in Sicily and Germany with the Air Force. His time was up and he got out of the service in late 1990 just before Bush the Elder took us into Desert Storm. He came home, stayed in the reserves, got his education, a wife, a child and a great job and yet, today, this very moment, at age 36 he is in Iraq with his reserve unit that was called up last January. He left his wife, he left his toddler, he left his job, his family and he doesn’t say any of the “stuff” you are saying.
Kiss my ass you lame piece of shit.I will meet you anywhere , anytime. POSER!!! -Comment by headless lucy— 9/9/05 @ 10:09 pm
“I hate Republicans!”
Howard Dean
Me too, Howard. Don’t let the “pussifiers” change your ‘tude… -Comment by headless lucy— 9/10/05 @ 12:01 am
re 5: Why don’t you shove a “Donk” up your willing and well-greased ass? -Comment by headless lucy— 9/10/05 @ 12:03 am
I call BULLSHIT on you, Ballsless Looney.
You don’t even have the testicles to answer a question HERE, little girlie man.
HeadlessLucy: all mouth and ASS, no brains or balls.
Okay I need all you donks to weigh in on something.
i have been approached by a community group for donations to their cause. They are against a certain Big Box retailer coming into our community.
While they have a bunch of really stupid reasons for opposing this BBR the one they are screaming the loudest about is the low wages. My initial reactions was to tell them to fuck themselves because the State already has the highest “learning wage” in the US.
Being a businessman I feel that to get a higher wage you need a good education and you need to work hard. I have seen some of the people that work in this BBR and I can tell you that they seem to be well paid for what they do. (just a degree above a worker at the DMV) But I could be wrong on this…(since it doesn’t effect me I can be uncaring in my views) I don’t need anyone to quote stats..because stats can be made to prove any point.
anyway I need some feedback…i will make a contribution to this group if i can see a valid reason to do so.
dog @ various
And we should believe that you were really over there why???
For all anyone knows, this is just another case of MPD by Roger or Donna or Lucy-Goosey…
Commander Oggspews:
EOTB @ 30. I am not a bidness man. I am a Capitalist. I am not a Farrengi.
I oppose the BBR for the same reason I oppose Enron and WorldCom, crony capitalism that succeeds not by service or market strategy but by cheating. If BBR’s, and I presume you mean Wal-Mart, did not cheat, they would be bankrupt in a New York Minute.
Ah, but what do I mean by cheating. Good question. How can BBR maintain a profit while charging such low, low prices? First off, pay your employees as little as possible, preferably nothing at all if you can get away with it. This is accomplished by forcing them to work off the clock ( When questioned by the press, tell them that your Corporate Headquarters has never had a policy like this. Do not tell the press that you give each store manager only a limited amount of money for payroll while demanding that the managers fill so many positions at so many hours.
So much for allowing the market forces to dictate the way things are. The last thing these thieving bastards want is reliance on the Market. They make Carnage and Rockefeller look like amatures when it comes to screwing the workers.
headless lucyspews:
If you say “Headless Lucy” in your post, it gets a really prominent spot on the internet and you can advertise yourself that way. I thought you guys understood business.
I guess not.
No to gas taxes
I want the infrastructure
to fall on my head
More I-912 Haiku
Mr Cynical
Full of shit and vinegar
He hates the US
I-912 Limerick
There once was a boy named Puddy
He claimed he was no nutty
He said I love Jesus
But fell on his knees’s
And became Satan Rove’s very best Buddy
I-912 Limerick
A hopeful young Poly called Pope
Who said to new gas taxes “Hell Nope!”
The people responded
And he was despondent
When they told him that he was a dope!
Goldy’s HorsesAss
Populated by lefties
dissension yelled down
headless lucyspews:
How can I be Proud to be an Ass? How can you be proud to be a pathetic tool? How can you be proud to be old and in the way?
After you sober up, why don’t you explain to all your friends here exactly what you have against Jews? The remarks you posted on SP are now in the public domain you fool.
Zip, you are an idiot, as usual.
headless lucyspews:
re 23: Fuck you HARD in the ass! That’s my choice.
Jerry Springer –
Actually, it is the State of Washington and “keep Washington Rolling” (in taxes) that displays a chart proudly proclaiming projects brought in on time and below budget – such as a turn lane for a park entrance at $176 MILLION DOLLARS.
The only trouble is that the annual project budget they give comes no where close to accounting for the BILLIONS they collect nor does it acknowledge the interest they must be making on the funds sitting in an account somewhere. Unless, of coursse,it IS being used on something other than roads…
headless lucyspews:
re 30: Why don’t you go fist Bush’s mother. Maybe then I’ll give you a donation.
headless lucyspews:
re 39: You’re an idiot.
BERKELEY, Calif. — The incoming class of 4,000 students at the University of California, Berkeley, is expected to include just 129 black freshmen, a disturbing trend to leaders of the socially progressive and academically elite school. [UC Berkeley, run by “progressives”, hates blacks. All white students must be removed so that blacks can take every incoming spot.
If you got something to say, do it in an e-mail to Goldy or something. These open threads are populated by alot of spew.
You know, I wouln’t even call you guys right wing, or republicans, or conservatives. You are something else and I am not sure what it is, but it sure seems to be foaming at the mouth.
headless lucyspews:
re 43, Zip: Pointing out that Stefan Sharansky’s parents are Eastern European Jews is not anti-Semitic—- any more than wanting to shoot black looters truckin’ down the road with plasma TV’s— before sending in the Red Cross— is an anti-black racist attitude. Sophisticates in “Hymietown” understand where I’m coming from.
Looks like our very own FEMA flunky, John Pennington, is taking some flak from none other than the Seattle Times:
There are a lot of reasons to oppose a BBR in one’s neighborhood, depending on the economics of the community. It’s not just the low wages and minimal benefits that a Wal-Mart-like store pays its employees… it’s the way this trickles down to the rest of the community. These BBR’s put other local businesses out of business. That’s a fact. And yes, that’s capitalism. So pretty soon you have a small local retailer who used to sell childrens shoes, working in the shoe department at Wal-Mart.
Just so you all have a little personal history on this, my grandparents (and their parents before them) owned a small store that sold toys, bicycles and baby furniture, in a not so great neighborhood in SW Philadelphia. The family stuck with that neighborhood store through all the economic downturns. They knew all the families, and provided “lay-away”… you’d buy a bicycle in July to give as a Christmas present in December, and you could pay it off at a few bucks a month, with no interest. And on Christmas Day, because they were Jewish, my grandparents kept the store open in case there were any defective toys that needed to be replaced, or bicycles that needed help being assembled.
In the early 70’s a big strip mall went into the neighborhood, and in it was a predecessor of the Toys R Us format (Kiddy City), and the family store suffered. Customers would come in and complain to my grandmother that she was trying to rip them off, because her prices were higher. They even accused her of being racist. Within a few years, the store was closed, as were most of the old specialized shops in what used to be the neighborhood shopping district.
Now call that progress if you want, but many communities have seen this progress elsewhere, and don’t want it in their community. Just like a Wal-Mart has the right to use its buying power to out-compete the competition, the local business community has the right to band together and use their collective clout to try to keep out Wal-Mart.
Anybody hear Queen Christine say on Thursday, in reference to a temporary halt on the new gas tax collections, something to the effect of “I have no interest in further lining the pockets of the oil barons”? I did a double-take. How would THAT line the oil barrons pockets, unless “I” am an oil baron and don’t know it? A halt, permanent or temporary leaves money in OUR pockets.
headless lucyspews:
re 33: Owning a mobile aluminum hot-dog stand does not really place you in the ranks of “independent” businessmen.
headless lucyspews:
re 53: Hear! Hear! Goldy! A prouder heritage you couldn’t have! You’re the best. I love your site!
headless lucyspews:
re 43: Like what?
headless lucyspews:
I’ve been “banned” again from uSP. They sure are sensitive. Just like Eastern European Jews always are!
Your SP comment was meant to be denigrating and you can’t put a happy face on it now that it is “out”. Bigot
Trust me Rae @ 54. If the gov were to suspend the gas tax the oil companies would quickly fill that price gap and that money would go directly to them and not Washington State. Make no mistake about it, we are being gouged.
Think about this. A power shortage in cal pushed prices up because there was not enough capacity. Power companies used existing circumstances to ensure that supply was tight in the face of demand to drive up prices. They claimed they did not build the generation capabilities needed. Knowing well that planning for capacity is something corporations have been doing for well over 100 years.
Oil, which is not far from electricity generation has followed suit, blamed air quality restrictions and everything else under the sun for not upgrading refining capacity. Knowing full well that this would tighten supply and drive up prices. Their big break was China’s increase in oil imports. Something they have been planning for during the last 25 years or so. Now with import resources stretching thinner, and refining capacity here at home strapped, the opportunity for incredible profits has come.
You hear alot of excuses and explanations on TV but just like the spin that comes out of the White House and their operatives, it is all a smoke screen.
Question: Marx, Hillary, “progressive” Democrats, Communists……Is there a difference?
Question: If Republicans doen’t turn over 40% of their income, would all Democrats starve?
Question: Why do Democrats love the corrupt UN? Are Democrats traitors to the USA?
Question: Would democrats let 11 million Mexican illegal aliens in the USA if they voted Republican?
Question: What do these “vacation” cities have in common: Detroit, Harlem, New Orleans, and Harare, Zimbabwe?
Question: Parasites are to hosts like Democrats are to…………..??
Question: Democrats hate drilling in ANWR, off California, Florida, and off the Gulf. No nukes, no “war for oil”, no wind power of Kennedyland, and no mining! Democrats want another 50 cent a gallon gas tax. OK……..Now Democrats are bitching that gas is expensive. DUH? OK, the question is: Do Democrats want high or low prices for gasoline?
Question: Who hired Sandy Berger? [hehe]
Question: Out of the 500 lawyers who headed for Florida [Gore 2000] to kick out military votes, how many were named Goldenstein, Loed, or Goodmanstein?
headless lucyspews:
The politics of personal destruction is so OUT. I can say whatever I want and as long as my heart is true , I will be forgiven and brought back into the fold. So, REPUBLIKAN COCKSUCKER, to try to use my own values against me is a useless exercise. You will say whatever lie you need to to neutralize( or try to) someone.
As Frank Burns would say (and my mental visual of a Republican is just that): “Put a lid on it, Jacko!”
Voting against I-912 will idiot proof our highways?
Headless Lucy the cowardly bastard – I call BULLSHIT on you ballsless I further call you deranged and a proven example of a doped up liberal brain gone horrible wrong.
He did it for the free tax deductable notoriety, he doesnt care about a bunch of blacks in New Orleans.
You have no idea what you are talking about, no gap can exist taxes or not. You will pay whatever is charged for gas period. That is why the “governor” should suspend them. The money is there for emergency, well for many families the emergency is here!
Nice job Fuckheads, smearing a vet. Just because that stupid reality thing intrudes on your little fantasy world…well let just not let that BOTHER you. After all, Babs says that flood thing is “workig out” for those po’ folk.
Yeah PissAss that war thing is goin’ REAL GOOD until someone you know comes back in a box. It’s a clusterfuck…JUST LIKE anything these morons touch. But that’s OK ’cause they pretend they’re godly.
Gosh PissAss, that’s a terrific self-portrait. Love what you did to your hair!
headless lucyspews:
re 60: Mark Twain described the situation you describe as it related to a PILOT’S STRIKE on the Miss. River in the 19th century. Our problem (Dems.) is in always preaching to the choir. We need to somehow motivate uninformed bigots ( the Republican “base”) to start seeing things our way. That involves “demonizing” the Right. Every ignorant Redneck you run in to with money problems needs a brief description of the new Rep. bankruptcy bill. This hits them where they live and there is nothing any Rep. can do or say to counter that move. I’ve converted two old farts, myself. And you know what! They’re not the quiet sort!
Yeah, Right!!! These dumb Reps. They’re going to tell the crackers they need to show more “personal responsibility…..” That’ll work!!!
We can beat these Conservative MF’ers. But it is a very grass roots personal battle.
Hey, CONSERVATIVE DICKHEAD, who are you going to convert with your empty rhetoric. All we need to do is make the rednecks realize they’ve been used. And you make it easier to do that with every day that passes.
Yeah, ri
Yo YO-
Hey…you learned any spelling or grammar yet?
Oh, that’s right spending money on education is “wasteful”.
dj @ 28: “…a “scoop” is being the first person to take that disconnected information and putting it together into a story that is picked up by other media outlets.”
And was he cited EVEN ONCE by the MSM (and Daily Kos is not news) as the one who broke the story?
All Goldy did in his original story is take an anonymous source that said that Brown was the head of the IAHA (which is not new news since Goldy admits it was in a WH press release) and that the anonymous source felt Brown was incompetent. Did Goldy fact-check? Nope. Did Goldy get a second source? Nope.
As someone that has worked in the media, I can tell you that this isn’t a “scoop.” It is called a “rumor.” Some rumors turn out to be true, but only after a journalist does their job of investigation. Goldy gets credit for pushing a rumor that appears to have some truth to it. Yay, Goldy. Happy now?
@3 JDB:
It is not the “anti-roads” initiative. That’s a scare-tactic name you tree-huggin’ liberal douche-bags have given it. It’s about keeping Queen Crissy and Co. in check and shoving her ignorance and arrogance right back down her fucking throat. If you think that more $$$$ could have somehow prevented those accidents you were talking about; then you’re far dumber than you look you moron. See ya at the polls.
It IS the anti-roads initiative!
I know you arew really really stupid…so I’ll break it down for you:
If you want to build and maintain things, you have to PAY for them. Got it? I can go over this again if you need it, just let me know. Happy to help.
I just want to be on the record, Lucy..You are a pathetic, miserable failure with such an “open mind” your little, tiny, dysfuctional brain fell out years ago. It boggles my mind that you even have the sense to somehow actually cash that “benefits” check. As for your earlier “toughguy” antics. Give it up. Besides knowing that you’re a cowardly little pussy, myself and everyone else on my hockey team could drop you like a bad habit in about 10 seconds without breaking a sweat.
Dear God, I sincerely thank You that the likes of lucy are NOT on my side. Please God, please, let him/her/it continue to rant his/her/its lunatic spew loudly and often and PLEASE let it be heard far and wide, throughout this sad little city, this corrupt little county, this third rate little state and throughout the country so that plain, ordinary folks can decide whether they want to be known associates of something like THAT or folks like this.
Mark1-It IS the anti-roads initiative! -Comment by rujax206— 9/10/05 @ 11:24 am
And, most importantly, it’s The GOING TO PASS BY HUGE MARGINS Initiative
Ok let me break it down for you…we already pay plenty that if used efficiently can build AND repair every fucking road in this state…EFFICIENTLY…as well as CONSEVATIVLY
No just build the fucking road for the same price of other states and use the same efficiency and quality as them.
hey that’s GREAT!
Now we’re going to watch our fabulous ooober-patriotic trolls SPIT on a vet coming back from Iraq with the truth about the chickenshit-in-chief’s deadly fucked-up imperial adventure.
Good goin’ PissAss! Wait ’till somebody you know comes home in a box…dead from a war built on a lie.
OK jch…you da’ man!!! We had to destroy the country to save it. We’ll kill ’em all before they kill us.
Makes me real proud to live on the same planet with scum like you.
912 Dipshits…
MOVE to fucking IDAHO will ya…or take Eastern Washington amd make it Mississippi. Just quit fucking with folks who wat to make this a BETTER place to live.
You and your ilk fucked up Europe and Canada. We are not going to let you fuck up this country. If you dont like move to Canada asshole.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Bechtel took Massachusetts to the CLEANERS on the Big Dig…YOU don’t understand…ALL that MONEY, and NO TAXES?
C’mon Chuck…lat’s GO! We can bust a couple unions while we’re at it.
Dang it…ya caught me. Man you are just too quick. I was just about ready to put a health system in place where EVERYBODY got basic coverage. But you are JUST TOO SMART to let me get away with it. Oh and old people…I was going to make sure OLD People could pay for the medicine they need. But I see what you mean…they are OLD. WHO NEEDS ‘EM. They’re just gonna die anyway. And schools. crap…if you can’t learn by yourself…what good ARE you.
Boy…I am SOOO glad you are SOOO smart and Caught me before I got to doin’ something REALLY DUMB like securing our future, taking care of our parents and grandparents and making sure our kids are ready for global competition. Man I really NEED that $600. Go roooofaaasss.
Fuck…don’t fix the fucking roads. Everybody will have slow down so they don’t ruin thier cars…then we can chop off the traffic division at the police department and lower taxes again. boooyah!!!!
Shouldn’t all the homeless New Orleans black gang members stay at the kennedy Compond in Cape Cod? Maybe if it gets crowded the Kerry/Heinz crowd will take in a few thousand. Democrats all!!
Hi dog,
Thanks for letting us know. What is a ‘noncom’? Non-commissioned, like an NCO? Or non-combattant, like a civilian?
I have heard other people say that ‘gravely’ injured soldiers are being airlifted to Ramstein for the purpose of accounting for in-theater deaths.
I talked to some mercs who worked for a ‘civilian security company.’ They were upper-level types, the kind who have stayed in there making that money for years. It was sick but educational. I heard that this invasion was the first to deploy oil facilities engineers into hazardous duty areas.
For the Cluelessspews:
I hope you come back and help us debate these braindead right wingers. They’ll slam a vet no questions asked if means their precious worldview is going to collapse.
lmao… check out the pic properties:… what could possibly be more appropriate for the numb nuts and brain dead libs! (Hello, lucy…that would indeed be YOU)
Mark @ 79
“And was he cited EVEN ONCE by the MSM (and Daily Kos is not news) as the one who broke the story?”
I don’t know. But, the press is notoriously bad at citing quasi-media sources like blogs.
“All Goldy did in his original story is take an anonymous source that said that Brown was the head of the IAHA (which is not new news since Goldy admits it was in a WH press release) and that the anonymous source felt Brown was incompetent. Did Goldy fact-check? Nope. Did Goldy get a second source? Nope.”
I guess you didn’t read Goldy’s original post. He did do fact checking.
“As someone that has worked in the media, I can tell you that this isn’t a “scoop.” It is called a “rumor.” Some rumors turn out to be true, but only after a journalist does their job of investigation. Goldy gets credit for pushing a rumor that appears to have some truth to it. Yay, Goldy. Happy now? “
For someone who claims to have worked in the media and posts comments on blogs, you sure don’t seem to have much of an understanding of how the press works in 2005, particularly on the influence of blogs on the press.
Sure, lots of stuff on blogs is rumor and opinion. Goldy’s post was clearly fact-checked to the point where there was plenty of corroborating documents. In may ways, Goldy did a better job of reporting than did Brett Arends at the Boston Herald (which I believe is the original MSM source of the story). Arends starts out claiming Brown was fired (Goldy had it right as “forced to resign”) and then later in the article gets it right as “forced out of the position”.
It seems almost certain that Arends saw Goldy’s post on the Daily Kos. Yes, it certainly doesn’t violate the laws of physics to imagine that the Boston Herald independently investigated this story. But, that seems unlikely as the story had been bounding around in the blogosphere (based on Goldy’s post) for more than 20 hours before it hit the MSM.
Goldy posts 1 am Friday
Kos points to Goldy’s post 9 am Friday
Boston Herald has similar story Saturday morning.
This isn’t the first time the press has picked up on Goldy’s stories—during the election contest, for instance, there were several time when I found myself reading the Times or PI and the content of an article closely followed a post from the previous day on HorsesAss (one article even seemed to pick up content from the comment thread).
This time, however, Goldy’s humble post had an international reach! Cool!
DADDY Ospews:
@81 Rujaz 206:
It’s YOUR fucking problem, you pay for it. Maybe a toll road?? The rest of the State will not tolerate such BS. It’s obvious to me what a self-centered, selfish, unitelligent lil heathen you are. Contrary to your beliefs, King County is not the center of the fucking universe. And no, I do not need for you to go over it; I’ll take an I.Q. test against you anyday my friend.
@84 howcanyoubeproudtobeanass:
Well said man! The truth hurts these leftist morons huh?
I’m sorry…it’s not fair for me to get in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. You understand…it’s for your own good.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Moonbats – Yea or nay?
Initiative 900
This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local government agencies and entities, including executive, legislative, and judicial agencies. The audits would include reviews of the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of each agency’s policies, management, fiscal affairs, and operations. To fund the audits, 0.16% of the state’s portion of sales and use tax collections would be placed in a new state treasury account and used only for performance audits.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Harvey The Invisible Rabbit is on the job:
Unleaded gasoline supplies are down 8% from a year ago and demand over the past four weeks was up .1% from a year ago. As of September 2nd, the nation’s refineries were operating at 86.8% of capacity (post-Katrina). Several refineries are down due to the hurricane and the U.S. Department of Energy said that they may not be running again for several months. On September 7, 2005, the DOE predicted that retail unleaded will average $2.58 per gallon in the fourth quarter of 2005, up from $1.94 a year ago.
Back in the 1970’s the Army Corps of Engineers wanted to create floodgates and strengthen the levees, however far left ultra environmental nuts successfully sued to stop the development. Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.
re 105: How do we know that the person doing the auditing is qualified?
headless lucyspews:
re 82: I remember reading years ago that WF Buckley, Jr. said that: “An open mind is an empty mind.” His mind is filled with little cliches like that. So is yours.
Mark The Redneckspews:
Lucy @ 107 – It isn’t a person, it’s an organization. An organization that processes and procedures and standards.
Please answer the question. Will you vote yes or no to know if government is operating efficiently?
Roger Rabbitspews:
The enemy of my friends is my enemy … so fuck you, fascist troll!
Mark The Redneckspews:
Hey Wabbit – Glad you’re back. Have you seen what Harvey’s been up to? Unleaded futures @ 1.96. Fucking miracle ! ! !
DADDY Ospews:
You dont have any fuck off and die
Roger Rabbitspews:
$1000 a WEEK?!! The going rate for private security contractors in Iraq is $1000 a DAY!!! You can bet your ass they’re charging the taxpayers $1000 a day, they just don’t want to share it with YOU!!! Fucking cheap labor conservatives … !!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
I hope you’re shorting gas futures, Mark the Red, because oil prices will crash after everybody trades in their SUVs for Vespa scooters.
Roger Rabbitspews:
But Mark … the “invisible hand” can’t put more oil in the ground!
A. U.S. consumption – 7.66 billion bbl/year
B. World consumption – 30.33 billion bbl/year
C. Estimated world reserves – 900 to 1100 billion bbl
D. ( C) divided by (B) = 29.66 to 36.25 years – then }poof!{ all gone …
Roger Rabbitspews:
There’s already plenty of audits. Who’s going to pay for this new layer of audits, Mark? Not you — you’re against higher taxes. I think this is something you want to spend OPM* on.
* Other people’s money
dj @ 98
Regardless of “how the press works in 2005,” what Goldy posted is still rumor, not a real “scoop” or actual news item. Goldy’s “fact checking” consists of three items sourced from the Internet — none of which support his headline of “total fucking disaster.” If his quote had been from an IAHA executive with inside information and hard facts, there MIGHT be some “scoop”-ness to the story. Instead, it is just some IAHA member perpetuating opinion. Do you call everything on Drudge a “scoop” and “news?”
The first ‘net doc only supports the statement that he was asked to resign. The second is a publication of the separation agreement between Brown and the IAHA. However, Goldy conveniently ignores some of the language, such as “IAHA specifically acknowledges, however, that no cause exists to terminate Brown’s contract with IAHA” and “IAHA will, without limitation and to the fullest extent allowed by law, continue to indemnify Mr. Brown” (something they wouldn’t do if he was negligent or if the allegations of malfeasance were true).
The third document outlines a few court cases involving the IAHA and, necessarily, Mike Brown, but nothing in the text indicates that he was found particularly responsible. In fact, the cases all seem to be about people who were fighting IAHA rulings, not alleging malfeasance. Again, Goldy ignores comments like, “and it now appears that Boggs will dismiss Michael Brown from the case before trial.” There is even a countersuit by the IAHA in one of the cases.
Later in the post, Goldy writes: “I can’t even begin to fact check the dates or IAHA’s alleged relationship to the [USOC]…”
A real journalist would have tracked down the parties by phone, pulled court records (which can be done by Internet in many cases), etc., etc.
Goldy’s only real contribution was the comment: “But it begs the question… how the hell did his prior job experience prepare Brown to head FEMA?” Fair question, but he’s not the first to question Brown’s competence for the job.
The entire post consisted of an anonymous rumor, a couple of Internet documents indicating Brown was a party to some extent and Goldy’s question about Brown’s work-related experience.
You donk know nothing about audits. There is no fucking audit being performed in this State. There hasnt been an audit for years. Of course I could understand why you donk dont know this. It is hard enough for you guys to count right.
Somebody pass the hat to Doofus. He wants to contribute to the audit fund, too.
Dr. Espews:
michael @ 106
“Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.”
By “left wing nuts” I take it you mean “Save Our Wetlands.” Are these same people (i.e. those that sued in 1974) the same as who are now, according to you, “[blaming] Bush”?
Dr. Espews:
And exactly how do you define “far left ultra environmental nuts”?
Dr. Espews:
mtr @ 105
I like to read the complete wording of an initiative before deciding how to vote on it. Do you have a link?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
These LEFTIST PINHEADS hear the word “audit” and feel good all over. JLARC Audits are an ILLUSION. LEFTIST PINHEADS know absolutely nothing about the “S-C-O-P-E” of these so-called audits. It’s pathetic. No one in their right mind would believe for even a heartbeat that these JLARC Audits are designed to find or disclose significant deficiencies. They are an illusion,,,a mirage. NOTHING MORE>
LEFTIST PINHEADS are gullible, dishonest or both!!
“Four years later, Americans remember the fears and uncertainty and confusion of that terrible morning. But above all, we remember the resolve of our nation to defend our freedom, rebuild a wounded city, and care for our neighbors in need.
Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind.”
President’s Radio Address, today (9/10/05)
@ 103 rujax206:
Typical liberal assumptions. Nope; I live in a $420K house thank you very much. And, I don’t live in any of the places you listed. Meet ya sometime anywhere big man. See ya!
P.S. I’ll be thinking about ya come the results after election day you worthless troll.
TypicalLeftyDipshit: Who approved the Bechtel Big Dig? Teddy Kennedy and Johnny Kerry. Look it up lefties. They helped Bechtel get the contract. Again Dipshit you are Clueless. Talk to Bostoners and they will tell you it was a big boondoggle. And guess what, it leaks.
Wabbit– Man you’re telling me sometime between 2035 and 2041 we will run out of oil. Holy shit that is frightening. Wait a minute… social security is going to run dry about the same time and that is a donk eternity. Well what is your beef rabbit we have forever to solve the problem?
Well, clearly the elephant-sized asshole, RUFUS, hasn’t really thought this one out. 30-40 years is plenty of time to fix Social Security, but I’d like to see even you deluded freaks try to legislate more oil out of the ground.
Holy shit that is frightening.
What’s frightening is RR only gave estimated levels. Consumption is not a constant so neither are the estimates, which means we may have even less time to find an alternative solution.
headless lucyspews:
re 5: The “donks”? Is that the Republican equivalent of “New Orleans Niggs”? Sure seems like it. Stefan Sharansky is an Eastern European JEWISH name. Word to the wise….. What goes around comes around.
headless lucyspews:
Pac-man is not black. He doesn’t exist. He’s a real No Where man.
“You made a choice to join, dog. When you joined they didn’t tell you you’d be spending your time picking daffodils on a hillside. You knew the risks and you still made your choice to join.”
Hey ASS — how about supporting the troops instead of being a prick? Take a vacation — you don’t have to be a prick EVERY day of your life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey ASS how come YOU aren’t over there serving your country instead of flapping your jaw on HorsesAss?
Roger Rabbitspews:
bullshitter @ 33
I don’t think the DMV workers are overpaid. Every day they have to put up with jerks like you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
33 (continued)
No, don’t contribute. Let the BBR come in, and put you out of business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hmmm, that’s an interesting link. Here’s a couple quotes:
“Wal-Mart’s blowing people out of the water and if they’re doing that by having the public sector subsidize their health care, that’s wrong…That’s really wrong.” — Idaho Speaker of the House, Bruce Newcomb (R)
“Who pays for Wal-Mart workers’ health care? Wal-Mart, right? No, we all do. Despite Wal-Mart’s mammoth profits, the company actually burdens us — taxpayers — with its workers’ health care costs. In a disturbing nationwide trend, more state studies are revealing that Wal-Mart employees are the top recipients of taxpayer-paid health care. The scope of this corporate failure is massive: Wal-Mart is the largest private employer in the United States, with over 1.2 million associates, yet they fail to give health insurance to 53 percent of its employees.
“So here’s how it works: Wal-Mart offers insurance, but aggressively shifts the cost onto its employees. The low-wage workers then pass up the unaffordable coverage and turn to the states. If this isn’t exactly company policy, it is at least company philosophy. CEO Lee Scott, at the company’s recent ‘summit’ for the media, even described it. He said some state health programs are ‘so lucrative that, in fact, it’s hard to be competitive with them and certainly extraordinarily expensive to be competitive with them.'” — Editorial, Miami Herald 6/11/05
Say — isn’t subsidizing Wal-Mart with taxpayer dollars, er, socialism?
Roger Rabbitspews:
zip @ 41
Who the fuck are you kidding? You post every fucking day on HorsesAss. When were you ever censored here? You can “dissent” from the prevailing liberal view on HorsesAss all you want. Of course … that doesn’t change the fact your a stupid, mindless, unthinking troll ….
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 54
“Anybody hear Queen Christine say on Thursday, in reference to a temporary halt on the new gas tax collections, something to the effect of “I have no interest in further lining the pockets of the oil barons”? I did a double-take. How would THAT line the oil barrons pockets, unless “I” am an oil baron and don’t know it? A halt, permanent or temporary leaves money in OUR pockets.”
Here’s how it works, Rae. Gas prices are set by the market based on supply and demand. The problem is that demand grew beyond what oil producers and refineries can deliver, so prices had to rise until higher prices forced consumers to reduce consumption to where demand and supply were in equilibrium.
Let’s assume the equilibrium price for a gallon of regular gasoline is $2.89 at the pump, including 31 cents of state taxes. If you suspend the state gas tax and the price falls to $2.58, demand will increase, outstripping supply, and the price will rise until it again reaches $2.89. However, the 31 cents now will be going to oil company profits instead of to the state for investing in roads and bridges.
Another problem with suspending the gas tax — apart from the fact it will save consumers nothing and only put another 31 cents a gallon of profit into oil company coffers — is that our state’s roads and bridges already are underfunded. This money will either have to be made up in the future — which means higher taxes — or transportation projects won’t be built.
There’s no free lunch, Rae. If you don’t pay for roads now, you will pay even more later, or there will be no roads to drive on. Do you know how to ride a horse?
dj @ 98
I wrote a long post explaining why Goldy’s “fact-checking” wasn’t up to real journalistic standards, but not only did it get held, but it seems to have been suppressed.
In a nutshell… Go read Goldy’s alleged “proof.” It does nothing to support his headline and Goldy conveniently leaves out a number of items that defend Brown. At best, Goldy gets credit for putting a little meat into the pre-existing question of “was this guy really qualified for the job?” What he wrote is not news. It is an opinion piece that asks questions based on a rumor.
Guess I’m in Permanent Filter Land for challenging the journalistic credentials of Fearless Leader.
Mr. Sharkansky, meet your long-lost brother Mr. Goldstein.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Oil, which is not far from electricity generation has followed suit, blamed air quality restrictions and everything else under the sun for not upgrading refining capacity.’
Actually, U.S. refinery capacity has been growing in the last 10 years. Although the number of refineries has decreased capacity has expanded through expansion of very large refineries. Economics, not environmental regulation, is driving smaller and less efficient refineries out of the business.
Me @ 141
Wow! A post got through unfiltered!
So, Goldy, wanna tell me what magic words in my journalism critique posts got them filtered??!! I didn’t call you a So*ia1ist even once!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Question: Would democrats let 11 million Mexican illegal aliens in the USA if they voted Republican?”
Normally I don’t bother to read, much less answer, JCH’s tripe but I can’t let this one go by without a response.
The BUSH ADMINISTRATION is allowing rivers of illegals to flow into the U.S. from Mexico because they are CHEAP LABOR.
Roger @ 142
You do realize that if the global price of fuel rises sufficiently, there will be great incentive to return production of goods to areas closer to the point of consumption.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“It is not the ‘anti-roads’ initiative.”
Really? How so? If I-912 fails, roads get built; if I-912 passes, roads don’t get built. Roads cost $$$, no $$$ = no roads. If you vote for I-912 you are voting against building roads. So how is I-912 not an anti-roads initiative? Dork.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who the fuck are YOU praying to? God is not on YOUR side!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Ok let me break it down for you…we already pay plenty that if used efficiently can build AND repair every fucking road in this state…EFFICIENTLY…as well as CONSEVATIVLY”
That’s true. All we have to do is stop sending $127,000,000 a year of gas tax revenue collected in King County to redneck counties, and spend it in King County. Then we don’t need a gas tax hike, and you redneck fuckers can get ride bicycles on cowpaths instead of driving pickups on nice clean asphalt.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Support the troops, you fucking anti-American unpatriotic communist piece of shit!!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 100
Hey Mark1, what county do you live in? I want to look up how much of my gas tax money is supporting your county’s roads. If you don’t live in King County you’re a
Roger Rabbitspews:
I-900 only if you agree to pay for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Back in the 1970’s the Army Corps of Engineers wanted to create floodgates and strengthen the levees, however far left ultra environmental nuts successfully sued to stop the development. Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.”
Did you bother to read your own link before posting this bullshit? This was a lawsuit to block the draining of a wetland, and had NOTHING to do with the floodgates and levees protecting the city of New Orleans, you fucking liar!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Absolutely! Given that the oil supply is finite and nonrenewable, it’s foolish to waste it shipping farm produce halfway around the world. If Taiwan is the only country producing transistors, and you need transistors, then it makes sense to ship transistors from Taiwan to the U.S. But it makes no damn sense to ship apples from China to Washington state! The only reason people did it is because fuel was cheap. When oil is cheap, people waste it. Expensive oil is not altogether a bad thing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Did you exceed the word count? Long posts go into the filter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Reply to 133
“Fair,” huh?
“Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has and will continue to take the biggest hit in the blame game … the marketing and actions of President Bush and his administration will dog him for the next three and a half years … let’s get some more high profile administration officials, including the president, on the ground in New Orleans to counter this public relations disaster. Hopefully Louisiana residents will have enough common sense not to re-elect Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco.”
How very Republican! The writer is more worried about Bush’s image than the Katrina victims; his solution to the fiasco is better public relations not better federal disaster response next time; his objective is defeating the Democratic mayor and governor in the next election, not caring for the disaster victims.
This article illustrates why conservatives are irrelevant — they are focused totally on politics, to the exclusion of policy. All they care about is whether their side looks good; they could care less whether people are hurting.
Good job, little boys!
Chuck the Schmuck @ 71 The only way to ‘idiotproof’ our highways is to take the driver’s licenses from ‘idiot neo nuts’ like yourself, cynicalembarassment, jch, horsesscrotum, etc.
RR @ 118, better to pass the hat for Doof ASS, so he can finish his 6th grade education…….
JC Bobspews:
Do YOU hate President Bush more than you hate terrorism?
headless lucyspews:
Conservatives are congenital liars. You have to fact check everything they post.
Funny, I was thinking the same about you. Try using the name Billy-Bob; it’s more fitting. I’d still love to take that IQ test with you sometime….
@146 & 150 (and generally all posts) Roger Rabbit:
I’m done with your ignorance. You’re far too unintelligent to be worthy of discussion. Like I said before, get a life. It’s obvious to me you don’t have one; you’re on here FAR too much. Loser.
Mark @118,
You seem to be under the delusion that I have ever claimed to be a real journalist. I haven’t. And I repeatedly make that clear.
I have also, very honestly and bluntly stated again and again (for example, on the Robert Mak interview for all to see) that I write for myself. After that, my primary goal is to influence the MSM… to try to get them to cover the stuff I think they are ignoring.
The fact is, whether you like or not, and however crappy a journalistic effort you may think it was, my original post to Daily Kos sparked a wave of investigation and criticism, first on the blogosphere and then in the MSM, that eventually forced the Bush administration to pull Brown out of the Katrina relief efforts. Yes, the information was out there for anybody interested in looking for it, and yes, I only recapitulated the contents of an unsolicited email… but I framed the story in such a way that due to luck and timing captured the imagination of others, and gave the MSM the angle they needed to cover the cronyism story.
I know it must gnaw at some of the trolls here that it was me, the irreverent horse’s ass guy, and not their hard working hero Stefan, who set in motion a story that changed headlines and forced changes at the top of FEMA. But in all humility, all I did was set it in motion… this is above all, and illustration of the power of the blogosphere, of which, I am just one tiny cog.
headless lucyspews:
You’re the loser , Mark 1. Check out the top search on Technorati.
Kill the head and the body will follow.
Headless Lucite: Why lucite? One can look through it because there is no apparent depth or content. So I am imaginary, interesting… So that makes you fictitious? Well let’s take inventory.
1.) Friends say headless lucite is a way of thinking. Yess, if you are an asshole and you spew epithets like dj – sure I can believe it.
2.) Nothing written have ever made sense. Review lucite commentary of past few days.
3.) Claimed to be a wrestling coach. Seriously HA people would you want someone threatening to screw anyone in the ass as your son’s wrestling coach?
4.) Just a jerk. Everyone can view that by the wasted pixels.
5.) Abuses school property. Posting specific material is prohibited by Seattle School Interet rules.
There you be!
Rabbit quotes from a left wing NY TImes article and doesn’t give it’s props. And you lefties go overboard when a righty doesn’t give due?
“Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has and will continue to take the biggest hit in the blame game. The media will continue to highlight the true heroics and valor of actor Sean Penn rescuing stranded citizens in New Orleans and focus on federal officials standing on safe ground.” From Intellectual Conservative.
“Democratic and Republican liberals are loudly declaiming that the Federal government should have anticipated and prevented the lawless thuggery and inept evacuation efforts in New Orleans. What is not sufficiently recognized is that, to have that power, the Federal government must be able to impose martial law on a state instantly, whether the state desires such attention or not.
Is that what we really want? The Governor of Louisiana flatly refused it when, two days before Katrina hit, President Bush urged her to permit federalizing the evacuation and relief program.
Liberals argue out of both sides of their mouths. On the one side, they shriek that the Patriot Act grants too much power to the Federal government to scrutinize individuals’ personal lives, but on the other side demand that the Federal government deal with a Katrina situation, exercising the unilateral and concentrated power of an Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.
Katrina gave us only a couple of days’ forewarning. If the Federal government is to be expected, on such short notice, to shoulder the responsibility of evacuating people and providing food, water, shelter, and protection from looters and armed bands of marauding thugs, then the President must be given the power to order the Department of Defense to move instantly into a state or a city and to take complete control of its affairs.
Giving that power to any President is opening the door to totalitarian dictatorship. It is in complete opposition to the basic principles of the Constitution.
If a President, citing emergency conditions, can unilaterally order Federal troops into any city or state, we will have given him the power that Hitler used in the Austrian Anschluss, the annexation of the Czech Sudetenland, and the occupation of the Danzig corridor.
The Constitution was intended to create a Federal government that would regulate and adjudicate activities among the states, to provide for functions that affected all states equally (such as coining money), and to maintain unified diplomatic and military relations with other nations. All other functions of government were expressly reserved to the states and to the people.
At the other end of the spectrum, liberal-socialists in both political parties have championed the socialist theory that individuals, left to their own devices, are incapable of managing their own lives, that only a collectivized government, wielding unlimited regulatory power, can provide the needs of the people.” – Intellectual Conservative
Why not read Federalist papers 45 & 51? Because they refute HA Lefty Donk Thought!
Another post in the Goldy sandbox. Refers to the Federalist Papers 45 & 51, on why the Feds didn’t overrun LA as you all wanted.
Goldy, you make a point about the blogosphere. So when the same machinations occur for something you disagree with like the blogosphere support for John Roberts as CSCOTUS, you’ll support that also? Just trying to measure the man.
Question: Why do lefty posts get approved faster than righty posts? Seems that you review and approve lefty thought much faster. It’s your blog, but since you liberal lefties mention you all are so progressive; I would think being progressive would be to give your opponents first rights.
jsa on beacon hillspews:
A few quick pot-shots before I go on with my day.
I’m amused that in this war, it’s the righties, not the lefties who are attacking the troops. Way to go guys!
Pud @ 172:
Bitching about the filter is old. Everyone’s posts get filtered now and then, and Goldy, damn him, doesn’t hover over his blog waiting to approve filtered posts. Goldy! Stop having a life! Your blog should be your life! Quit your day job! Abandon your daughter! It’s all about US damnit!!!!
I LOOOOOVE righty posts…they are so fucking funny! What a batch of ridiculous morons show up here touting the latest lies fron the cheney/bush cabal.
Fact is kids…Goldy DID get the ball rolling against the incompetent FEMA administrator. A BushCo political patronage appointee.
Fact is the Korruption Konservative Kristians don’t give a fuck whether an appointee can do a job. The EVIDENCE shows they just don’t. The RESULTS show they don’t.
I am delighted that the failures of this incompetent, greedy, bunch of liars, thieves, and megolomaniacs (got a definition for that MARK1??????) are finally getting through to the regular citizens who were sucked in by the greatest PR machine ever seen in American Politics (boy…they could sure do THAT right).
I am heartsick and fucking enraged that real American Citizens…good, hard working, “we’re all in this together so let’s get going” kind of folks, are PAYING THE PRICE for the misadventures, miscalcuations, fantasies, and corruption opportunities of these Elitist pukes. Remember how GHWB didn’t know how a supermarket price scanner worked? What’s changed?
So fume away trolls! This game is pretty much over. chimpy’s at 38% and can’t use 9/11 anymore. They burned that out. Can you imagine that…all that sadness, all that outrage…the tragedy that united the World behide us…all that is GONE. Now our best ally, the UK wants us to muzzle Bolton and the rest of the world sees us as arrogant thugs.
Rant…rave…lie…spin…that’s all that’s left for you. When the whole story comes out…Cheney/Bush might have to take over Cuba so they have somewhere to live ’cause they’ll no longer welcome HERE.
Wow. What a four years. What a legacy. What a tragedy.
Hey ASS how come YOU aren’t over there serving your country instead of flapping your jaw on HorsesAss? -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 9/11/05 @ 2:51 am
The very same reason you aren’t, you miserable, old fart.
Hey Wingnuts,
Get your Freedom Walk Dog-tags, you curs! -Comment by For the Clueless— 9/11/05 @ 8:50 am
That’s such a typical bullshit liberal solution to every single problem – ‘Let’s have an awareness concert’; ‘Let’s all wear cute little pink bracelets to cure cancer’; ‘Let’s all sit on the corner and sing “Kumbaya” for Aids’
If the little “artists” giving their cute little awareness concerts would donate COLD HARD CASH, which they could readily afford, perhaps they could do some actual good.
You liberals need to educate yourselves on the difference between good intentions and good works, because, quite frankly I’m pretty damned sure the hurricane victims, the aids victims, the cancer victims, while they appreciate you “feeling their pain’ would rather have you get up off your ASS and actually contribute something tangible to their well being.
From Time Magazine…via Daily Kos via Political Animal:
“The day the storm hit, [Blanco] asked President Bush for “everything you’ve got.” But almost nothing arrived, and she couldn’t wait any longer. So she called the White House and demanded to speak to the President. George Bush could not be located, two Louisiana officials told Time, so she asked for chief of staff Andrew Card, who was also unavailable. Finally, after being passed to another office or two, she left a message with DHS adviser Frances Frago Townsend. She waited hours but had to make another call herself before she finally got Bush on the line. “Help is on the way,” he told her.”
Wow, ruj, you deserve a lot more pity than I ever expected if your “great week” is dependant on a couple failing magazines dumping on the President.
My GREAT WEEK will come via my children, my spouse, time spent with my family and my friends, the good I contribute to my volunteer organizations, the remodeling we’re doing on our home, the terrific books I’m reading….
I READ your comments. You got a pretty funny idea of “pity” if that’s what you mean.
Bitter old Shrew…in the Barbara Bush tradition.
@169 Lucy:
Why? Because I’m not a liberal, tofu-eating, tree huggin be-atch like you? Actually, I am very successfull in life, thank you very much. Let me know if you ever do manage to find that head of yours……..try looking in your ass.
You may “READ” comments rugrat, but you SEE what you want to see a la the ballsless looney.
YOU want to see reasons to hate Conservatives, you want to see reasons to hate Bush, you want to see reasons to blame Bush, you want to see reasons to denigrate anyone with whom you disagree, you want to see reasons to be vile, you want to see reasons to be nothing more than an agitator of unrest.
What you don’t want is a country united around anycause wchich is not YOUR cause.
That you are an intolerant, ignorant, closed minded FREAK?
Sure. No problem.
You want to see reasons to denigrate anyone with whom you disagree, you want to see reasons to be vile, you want to see reasons to be nothing more than an agitator of unrest.
What you don’t want is a country united around anycause which is not YOUR cause.
At least have the balls to admit it, coward.
Zips A Dipspews:
Mark1 It looks like your idea of an IQ test would be to try and say all the letters between I and Q (you’d probably flunk the test). And to state them in order for you and your neocon brothers would be an impossibility
Zips A Dipspews:
Ass @ all, It is not very difficult to look around and find cause to disagree with the present ‘regime’ or its ‘blind followers’. Just read any newspaper, watch any television channel, or, read any of YOUR posts and the reasons are abundant to be against anything this current neonut administration is for. The only thing they have accomplished is to divide this country like never before and literally STEP DOWN ON anyone who is not in their ‘income bracket’ or in their ‘back pockets’. If the truth hurts you, you blind lemming, who gives a ……….
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now Rog Rabbit is “Zips a Dip”??
We have one LEFTIST PINHEAD who pretends to be 93 different LEFTIST PINHEADS. Good Grief Charlie Brown!!
We have one LEFTIST PINHEAD who pretends to be 93 different LEFTIST PINHEADS. -Comment by Mr. Cynical— 9/11/05 @ 5:42 pm
Who posts in one sentence comments and then has the audacity to brag how much traffic there is here!
I’ve laid out plenty of posts here about I believe and what I think needs to happen to address the problems we face now, and in the future. Look aroud on old posts and find ’em…or probably not. You’re too closed-minded. Cranially calcified.
You and your intolerant right-wing simplton buddies seem to be more interested in trashing anyone who disagrees with you to ever consider that the current administration is incapable of doing what they were elected to do.
If I were a completely hopeless idealogue of the “too bad Ellen Craswell wasn’t elected governor variety…I guess I’d be that way too. But I’m not. I like facts. The facts are that by any accepted measure this government under george bush and dick cheney has failed in every single instance to do anything they said they were going to do…with the possible exception of trashing labor regulations, environmental regulations, and personal liberties…and…appointing unqualified idealogues like them to important judicial, regulatory, military, diplomatic and governmental posts.
Did I expect anything different in 2000? Yes. I did. I expected at least that they would be competent…based on the number of BushI veterans. I also expected (materialistically) that I’d pay less for gas for the next four years…oilmen and all that (boy, was I wrong on THAT one). Did I expect something different after 9/11 (moment of silence, please)? Yes, I did. I expected the capture of the perpetrator(s). I expected better security for our Nation. Did I expect this government to LIE about going to war with Iraq? Nope. Did it surprise me when they did? Nope. Do I trust ANY of them…not on YOUR life.
Do I understand why…in the face of all the stupid, dangerous, callous, greedy, self-serving things this bunch does on a routine basis…do I understand WHY they get support from people like you? Never in a million years.
But you don’t give a fuck what I think. All you know and care about is “I don’t think like you.” We will probably never agree on much beside the sun comes up every day and that this IS the greatest country on earth.
Soooo, I actually like reading what you nattering nabobs come up with. It IS very entertaining you know. Ta-Ta.
We will probably never agree on much beside the sun comes up every day and that this IS the greatest country on earth.
Soooo, I actually like reading what you nattering nabobs come up with. It IS very entertaining you know. Ta-Ta. -Comment by rujax206— 9/11/05 @ 6:01 pm
Well, we could possibly agree on THAT if I could actually believe you mean it. But as long as your side holds up someone like Castro to emulate and heralds folks like those pipsqueaks in France and Germany, as long as your side continues to bash America in every single way you perceive her as doing wrong and never once credit her for the great things she does right, you’ll be hard pressed to convince anyone you think America is the greatest country on earth.
You’re really going to town with donna…can you really fight a war on two fronts? KIDDING! Kidding.
Look…just relax tonight I’m worried about your blood pressure.
We just disagree.
Sorry sweetcheeks – the blood pressure is just fine. Fringies like you and tweedledum aren’t important enough in my life to cause a blip in the radar.
Nice try, attempting some self flattery though.
Fringies like you and tweedledum aren’t important enough in my life to cause a blip in the radar.
And yet at least 14 of your 17+ posts on this thread were replies. Way to go, ASS, you show them fringies how you don’t care!
Ass aka Bennedict Arnoldspews:
once again, Ass shows his true self. Only talking points, only personal attacks, only idiotic rantings….he must be a relative of that cynicalidiot….they both seem like….well….I guess I should not say such things in public…..
Goldy, how many of your posters are just name changes to the same IP Address? Come on be truthful. You pat yourself on the ass when you “dethrone” a righty. Well now that you cross reference to the DailyKos I expect some new flamers to appear on your side. At least you know my new IP Address because I will always post as Puddybud from whatever state I happen to visit!
I have to admit you side is getting better at creating new names for this blog.
Hey Lucite, I know it’s a movement, not a real person. So your lefty friends really are calling you a bowel movement after all. Yes and we on the right knew all along you were just a pile of shit!!! Now your side confirmed it for us!!
Thank you lefties for proving our point about Headlice Lucite!
Here’s the next fiasco associated with Katrina that you can blame on Bush.
“Jim Brown, Louisiana’s insurance commissioner from 1992 until 2004, estimates that only a quarter of houses in the poorest areas affected by Hurricane Katrina had flood insurance.”
Living below sea level surrounded by levees and not carrying flood insurance? Unbelievable.
To be fair zip, I would expect that not many could have actually gotten flood insurance. A short time after Hurrican Andrew we were transferred to Miami… we eventually turned down that transfer, but during our house hunting adventure we found out that NO ONE was writing private homeowner insurance policies. It was only available through something called the Florida Joint Pool and the costs were outrageous.
Because NO New Orleans homeless are headed for MASS and CONN, this proves that, like DON and Goldy, Democrats hate blacks.
ProudAss is 100% on the money zip. The wife has five siblings in the Ft. Lauderdale to Miami zone and they can’t afford total coverage because it’s sky high. So even right leaning types can’t afford it.
I will ask this on the open thread too.
Lefties: Another serious question for you. Whom is helping these Hurricane Katrina victims get back on their feet. Since JustDumbBozo says it’s not FEMA, and we know Nagin and Blanco can’t buy a clue, who is it? Evangelical Christians!
So Goldy, I would dare you, but dj would scramble up some nasty epithet, why not thank your Evangelical enemies for them living their religion and spending their own money? Not like moonbat donk congressional people who love spending our money to help. My wife asked me the other night how much are donks spending? We Googled the Internet. Maybe I put moonbat or donk as part of my search stem and that’s why it didn’t display much!!! I see them creating benefit concerts, but we asked each other besides Celine Dion, whom else on the moonbat is coughing up the big bucks?
I don’t know JCH but you may have a point. Maybe they recognize that more votes in a blue state for a blue state is a worthless cause.
JustDumbBozo, on Sunday night before the hurricane struck, Mayur Nagin was interviewed and he said that just about everyone heeded his call and left the city. The audio is on the Internet. I know you can find it to listen. I heard it tonight for the first time. Well, later in the week he complains he can’t cope and he says he has 10s of thousands are still in the city. Which is it JustDumbBozo? What can we believe of this mayur?
I watched Rita Cosby on MSNBC and she interviews some of NY City’s finest who arrived to give the NO Police Force a break, and they mention that they took down a car of five democratic voting types who were looting and pillaging stores in a car full of guns? But they didn’t shoot a shot JustDumbBozo claimed in an earlier thread.
210……..Puddybud………No blacks from New Orleans are headed for Cambridge or Cape Cod, or the Hamptons. Like Goldy and DON, the Democrats in these areas hate blacks. They are Democrat racists. The Kennedys and Kerrys and Goldy and DON are racists. They need to change and must be charged with hate crimes.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Goldy will never ever truthfully tell you how many of his posts come from the same IP address….but you can tell that many, many new “names” eventually DEvolve into the same writing style, slogans etc.
It’s to Goldy’s benefit to allow this illusion to continue…deluding himself and a few others that there is a lot of traffic on his BLOG.
If Goldy were to summarize the number of posts by IP address, we would all be UNDERWHELMED!!
Goldy is the “David Copperfield” of BLOGGERS!
Ass aka Bennedict Arnoldspews:
and cynicalidiot is the ‘david copperfield’ of money launderers, thanks to his butt buddies at BIAW
Benedict Arnold, Clueless, et al. Please continue with the perfectly chosen pithy names. You continue to choose names that prove to us righties just how stoopid you are. God does work in mysterious wayz!!!
poor poor puddy… an’ all the others, it must be sad to be so irony-impaired.
No one said there were no shots. Good to show that you are a fool to claim that. What I did was quote Gen. Honore who stated there were no snipers. Boy, how bad is it that you have to lie to be wrong?
Again, in the Hurricane Pam simulation, they predicted an evacuation rate of only 64%. Hailey Barbur, the republican Govenor who stated he was “caught by surprise” by Katrina, said he was worried about evacuation fatigue from always telling people to leave, and then nothing happening. Despite this, Nagin got 80% of his city evacuated. And you, Wrongboy, are lucky to evacuate 80% of your intestine when you write here.
Again, I highly recomend that you read the truth, not some bad spin from fellow Freepers:
If you have to constantly be wrong, please explain why Bush is worth all the drivels and lies? Also, since half the time you contradict yourself, please explain how you are able to keep posting without having a breakdown? Hell, your pitiful attempts would be like me insisiting that Bush was giving Monica Lewinsky Bible lessons. But, unlike you, I don’t post foolish things that are just wrong.
So it is Bush’s fault for not getting out the last 20% who refused to leave despite the orders?
Michael, see post #169 under the topic Surprise! NW region FEMA chief inexperienced too
Michael @ 219:
Nope, everyone knew it was impossible to clear out an entire city. No one even suggest they try.
But as they prepared for these sort of disasters, local government in Mississippi and Louisiana were told they only had to keep people safe for a few days, that the cavalry would come. And yet, the Bush administration showed no interest in doing their job:
“Monday, after the Hurricane had hit, “The federal interagency team seemed to recognize the urgency of the crisis at a meeting that morning, discussing the potential for six months of flooding in New Orleans, and a preliminary Department of Energy conclusion that as many as 2,000 of 6,500 oil and gas platforms in the Gulf could be affected. But before noon, FEMA’s Brown sent a remarkably mild memo to Chertoff, politely requesting 1,000 employees to be ready to head south “within 48 hours.” Brown’s memo suggested that recruits bring mosquito repellent, sunscreen and cash, because “ATMs may not be working.””
I contradict myself JustDumbBoy? You selectively quote a paragraph or two when the rest of the paragraph totally discredits your position. Kos on JustDumbBoy. I hope all the lefties did read your article. They should have left scratching their heads at you selective use of partial paragraphs.
JustBumbBozo: FEMA told them 72-90 hours for their arrival. Sorry if Terry Ebbert can’t figure it out. Again I call Bullshit to your stoopidity JustDumbBozo. Here is what JustDumbBozo left out in all of his wonderful posts in the same Washington Post article he posted but chose to leave out.
“Even the gloomy Hurricane Pam drill had optimistically assumed the levees would hold, but they were designed to withstand only a Category 3 storm, and Katrina created at least five breaches at three locations. Now the waters were rising.”
“At the Superdome, city officials reckoned that 9,000 people had arrived by evening to ride out the storm. FEMA had sent seven trailers full of food and water — enough, it estimated, to supply two days of food for as many as 22,000 people and three days of water for 30,000.”
In St. Bernard Parish, a hardscrabble industrial zone just outside New Orleans, emergency manager Ingargiola realized that his entire community was marooned. He did not even have contact with his own emergency shelter, so he didn’t know its roof had blown off. But local officials immediately launched rescue efforts with boats they had prepared in advance. They figured help was on the way. – What did I say JustDumbBozo? Other parishes just as hard hit had boats. But not Orleans Parish..
“As water poured into the city, as many as 20,000 more residents poured into the Superdome. “People started coming out of the woodwork,” Ebbert said. The stadium was hot and fetid, and tempers were flaring. Ebbert said he told FEMA that night that the city would need buses to evacuate 30,000 people. “It just took a long time,” he said.” – JustDumbBozo why is that? Even Tim Russert asked the Mayor why didn’t he use the buses. He had no answer. See the Meet the Press transcript.
“As systems either were not followed or broke down, people just went to what they believed they could handle. Every man for himself,” said Ghilarducci, Blanco’s adviser. “You don’t use the system, you don’t use resources effectively and it breaks down.” – What you say? Don’t use your system Govnur?
My post is under scrutiny.
JustDumbBozo, I don’t implement selective chopping of paragraphs to try and make your silly points like you did in the Wa Po article.
Pud and How Proud
Pud and How Proud
Thanks for the correction, guess I never understood how flood insurance works. They’ll still blame it on Bush.
Notice when called on his bullshit, JustDumbBozo went quiet. I can selectively cut and paste an article too. But when called on it does he say sorry you’re right? Hell no! A lefty NEVER says anything bad against another lefty or admits being wrong. The follow their leader Bile of Seattle, HorsesAss Blog Master David Goldstein
@191 Zips:
OK then; I have an idea, why don’t you and I have a spelling contest? Let me guess, you are a “sanitational engineer” by trade. How fitting.
Congratulations on the Brown scoop. You changed the world, for the better, in less than a week (as in, they finally have someone with experience and competence as the FEMA director for managing the hurricane). The long term implications of your scoop for exposing the Bush administration as the bunch of clowns they are, is likely to be huge.
You, sir, are a patriot.
you are an asshole.
I-912 will repeal a gas tax that is designed to help maintain and improve the safety of our roads. In the lst two days, we have had two fatality accidents that may have been prevented with safety improvments:
Vote for the anti-roads initiaitve, and continue the butcher’s bill.
Because it fits better here:
1. I awoke in a fever from a dream. Like all dreams, as soon as I was awake, it seemed silly and unreal, and, yet, there was something about it. A hope for the future that I have to pass on.
In my dream, George Bush came forward and spoke. For once, the words flowed, for it was the truth he was speaking, and he was speaking for the good of the country.
“We must pull together,” the president said, “We must stop the divisions that cut us, as a country, too deep. I have been as much a part of this as anyone else. I have made mistakes, like any man, but then I have had my operatives slander and lie to cover and distract from my mistakes. This will stop. I will no longer lead by fear and only on behalf of a part of the people. I will take my oath of office seriously, and lead for all the people.
The President continued, “Running the country should not be a game of winner takes all. Everyone deserves a seat at the table. As such, as my first act of contrition, I announce that I have asked Joseph Lieberman to become the next associate justice of the Supreme Court. I believe his life of public service, and his moderating influence will greatly help a court that has been sadly divided by ideologues.
“I further promise to approach or long standing allies to help provide security for the Iraqi people as we pull our troops out. We truly thought that this war would be easy, and that a flower of democracy would bloom in the desert. We thought we were so right, we were willing to lie to get our way. I am sorry that I took the trust that was put in me after 9/11 and used it to launch this war of choice that had nothing to do with the wounds of 9/11. I am sorry that I let it distract me from Osama Bin Laden, so that he still walks the Earth a free man. This is my fault and my greatest sin. We cannot ignore the liability we owe the Iraqi people now; Colin Powell was right, if you break it, you own it. So we cannot bring all our troops home. But we also have to admit that we made a mistake, and that we cannot go it alone. I hope that both our allies and the American people can forgive me and work with me to make right that which we have set asunder.
“Lastly, I want to personally apologies to John McCain and John Kerry, noble men who, unlike me, gave selflessly to this country. I and my surrogates have slandered you and others all in the name of power. I am sorry that I let my own selfishness, which was bought by yours and those you served with blood, override the great service you have done to this country.
“I now ask that we rise up as a people and work to make things better in this country. We will need to raise taxes on the wealthy to help pay for the recovery we need, the war I started, and the short changing of vital government programs that has occurred over the last few years. But it is better to ask those that have achieved the most from our society than force our children to pay for our follies.
And then the President call up his daughter and Dick Cheney’s daughter, and announced they would be wed in the morning, and that his other daughter had joined the Marines, and that he hoped she would see combat duty soon. As he wept openly, and hugged Mrs. Sheehan, asking for forgiveness, I awoke with a start.
It was only a dream. And the idea that Bush might try, just once, to be an uniter, not a divider, began to fade as I switched the channel onto FOX. But the hope is alive, even if, sadly, it will take three years until we get someone who cares about the country, not just himself, to be president.
They need to do something quick!!! They need to close down I-5! Ah shit the donks run this state. Well I quess nothing will happen just like Louisiana.
Want to see what happens when a good leader takes charge:
“Al Gore helped airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans, acting at the urging of a doctor who saved the life of the former vice president’s son.
Gore criticized the Bush administration’s slow response to Katrina in a speech Friday in San Francisco, but refused to be interviewed about the mercy missions he financed and flew on September 3 and 4.
However, Dr. Anderson Spickard, who is Gore’s personal physician and accompanied him on the flights, said: “Gore told me he wanted to do this because like all of us he wanted to seize the opportunity to do what one guy can do, given the assets that he has.””
What a shame the winner in 2000 did not become president.
When Goldy’s a celebrity..
It’s adios reality.
Goldy acts just like a fool
And LEFTIST PINHEADS think he’s cool
Just cuz he’s on a BLOG..
Bein’ a celebrity.
Is disclosing distortions what a real patriot is??
NOLA got money to maintain leevees and diverted some to building casinos. Maybe something like that goes on here and thats why nearly ten billion a year in gas taxes already being collected doesn’t show for much.
Yes, Ms. Chickenhawk. You do know not.
Right, dj, Goldy changed the world. By doing what, “cross posting to daily Kos”?
So Brown is demoted or re-assigned or whatever, maybe that changes your world. While you bask in the glory, the grown ups are still dealing with more urgent things like pumping the flood out of NO, feeding and housing hundreds of thousands of evacuees, and figuring out how to rebuild the city. Naturally you and “your ilk” will give Bush and FEMA zero credit for successfully completing these tasks.
So to capsulize the last week or so on this site, lets’s cheer because Brown is run out of town. Let’s not acknowledge the fact that the city of NO and the LA governor screwed up badly, just blame everything on Bush. The feds are now doing what they are supposed to do, let’s leave this un-remarked and un-noticed.
WTF Goldy with holding my posts? Maybe I should “cross post on daily Kos” to get my commenting privileges back.
Mr. Cynical @ 7,
“Is disclosing distortions what a real patriot is??”
Sure, pointing out distortions in Brown’s resume counts as a patriotic act. (Although, Time magazine get credit for much of this, too).
Second WTF Goldy: Check out the findings of Stefan at SP regarding absentee ballots. Even you who seem to love to fling crap at him should acknowledge that he is doing the “heavy lifting” required to bring some accountability to King County elections. He is doing the work that the “blue ribbon commission” was supposed to do.
zip @ 9
Don’t be an asshole cry baby. You know that we all get our posts held on occasion (I have one in the queue right now, too). It’s not about you, asshole.
Just whining. Asshole.
Friday’s JERRY SPRINGER AWARD goes to Baynative @ 8 for making a significant charge against Washington’s transportation agencies without providing a shred of proof.
Following Baynative’s train of thought, “maybe” he is actually a triple axe murderer. He kind of sounds like one, don’t you think?
“I could hide ‘neath the wings of the bluebird as she sings.
The six o’clock alarm would never ring.
But it rings and I rise, wipe the sleep out of my eyes.
The razor blade is cold and it stings!!
Cheer up sleepy Jean!
Oh! What can it mean? To a—-Daydream Believer, and a
Homecoming Queen.”
There—Don’t say I never gave ya’ nothin’!
So he says “nearly ten billion a year in gas taxes already being collected doesn’t show for much”. Got a shred of proof that it DOES show for much? If you do you should provide it to the clone now running the “no on 912” campaign.
Just got back from Iraq – and it’s a shithole. Now I know what my dad said about his time in Nam in 67, people here don’t have a friggin’ clue about the crap we’re doing over there. Ever wonder why we don’t do body counts ? Cause half the bastards we kill are noncoms. Here’s another truth, we ain’t winnin the “hearts and minds” of these people, right now your average Iraqi citizen would be happy if Bush was strung up next to Sadam.
Last lie to debunk….”we’re winning”, bullshit ! Every “terrorist”, ( another lie, so is calling them religious nuts…most have no use for any god ), anyway, every so called “terrorist” we kill, we make two more new ones, I’ve seen kids pick up guns to shoot American “liberators” who killed their old man.
Tell me, if we “liberated” these people, why the hell our we still there trying to set up a “puppet goverment” for them.
Last bit…Got a letter from a civilian security company offering $1,000 per week to go back to Iraq to work guarding pipelines and bullshit like that….funny how they pay more for guarding oil wells then grunts who shoot the “bad natives”, ( hopefully ), hiding in the wreckage we made out of their country.
Pissed ? You Bet ! Screw Bush, if they try to send my ass back I’m history in this screwed up country..hello Canada, I’m out of here.
This is a rant, not a news item…I’ve always liked your site…keep up the good work.
dog @19,
Welcome home. Thank you for doing what you could.
19…..B 52 air strikes, long enough and hard enough, will kill the enemy. And their families, and their children. Let’s finish this. JCH [LT, USN 77-84]
dj @ 1: “Congratulations on the Brown scoop.”
Yes, claiming (or having your surrogates claim) that one “breaks” a news story available elsewhere is a “brown scoop,” just like what one cleans up behind a bull.
Here’s another scam. I knew I guy that had his spine blasted away by a AK, he was lifted to Spain where after a few weeks he died..HIS DEATH WAS NEVER LISTED AS A CASUALY ! HE RECEIVED HIS WOUND IN IRAQ, BUT BECAUSE HE DIED IN SPAIN HE’S NOT LISTED AS A COMBAT DEATH !
No shit………And he wasn’t the only one I hear. Happens alot anymore..fuck’n games to fool the press & you guys !
You made a choice to join, dog. When you joined they didn’t tell you you’d be spending your time picking daffodils on a hillside. You knew the risks and you still made your choice to join.
re 19: Just remember the people that you know who voted for these dumb bastards and ask them why?
I joinrd because of the bullshit I was told, not for what reality is. I was a dumb stupid asshole yeah, but your still getting a shit sandwich here, I watch the news, they don’t tell you what the hell is going on.
Hell, live in a made for tv fantasyland where we’re doing something really good over there…the natives don’t think so, none of my buds thought so, only Bush seems to think so…
Fuck this…live in your fantasy land…I’ve been there, I know better…adios , thanks, and goodbye.
ZIP: You too need to experience the conservative Nirvana of going in your closet, wrapping a towel around your neck, and beating the big Kosher salaamii for awhile. But , before you do–don’t forget to call me a racist for saying Salaami!!
Mark @ 21
“Yes, claiming (or having your surrogates claim) that one “breaks” a news story available elsewhere is a “brown scoop,” just like what one cleans up behind a bull. “
Nope, Mark, a “scoop” is being the first person to take that disconnected information and putting it together into a story that is picked up by other media outlets.
Goldy broke the “Michael Brown is an incompetent idiot who got fired or resigned under pressure from the IAHA and didn’t have shit for qualifications” story, and now it is everywhere!
Outstanding job, Goldy!
“I hate Republicans!”
Howard Dean
Me too, Howard. Don’t let the “pussifiers” change your ‘tude…
re 5: Why don’t you shove a “Donk” up your willing and well-greased ass?
Well, Bush seems to thinks so and so does my oldest stepson.
He SERVED his time after he joined up right out of high school. He served in Sicily and Germany with the Air Force. His time was up and he got out of the service in late 1990 just before Bush the Elder took us into Desert Storm. He came home, stayed in the reserves, got his education, a wife, a child and a great job and yet, today, this very moment, at age 36 he is in Iraq with his reserve unit that was called up last January. He left his wife, he left his toddler, he left his job, his family and he doesn’t say any of the “stuff” you are saying.
Kiss my ass you lame piece of shit.I will meet you anywhere , anytime. POSER!!! -Comment by headless lucy— 9/9/05 @ 10:09 pm
“I hate Republicans!”
Howard Dean
Me too, Howard. Don’t let the “pussifiers” change your ‘tude… -Comment by headless lucy— 9/10/05 @ 12:01 am
re 5: Why don’t you shove a “Donk” up your willing and well-greased ass? -Comment by headless lucy— 9/10/05 @ 12:03 am
I call BULLSHIT on you, Ballsless Looney.
You don’t even have the testicles to answer a question HERE, little girlie man.
HeadlessLucy: all mouth and ASS, no brains or balls.
Okay I need all you donks to weigh in on something.
i have been approached by a community group for donations to their cause. They are against a certain Big Box retailer coming into our community.
While they have a bunch of really stupid reasons for opposing this BBR the one they are screaming the loudest about is the low wages. My initial reactions was to tell them to fuck themselves because the State already has the highest “learning wage” in the US.
Being a businessman I feel that to get a higher wage you need a good education and you need to work hard. I have seen some of the people that work in this BBR and I can tell you that they seem to be well paid for what they do. (just a degree above a worker at the DMV) But I could be wrong on this…(since it doesn’t effect me I can be uncaring in my views) I don’t need anyone to quote stats..because stats can be made to prove any point.
anyway I need some feedback…i will make a contribution to this group if i can see a valid reason to do so.
dog @ various
And we should believe that you were really over there why???
For all anyone knows, this is just another case of MPD by Roger or Donna or Lucy-Goosey…
EOTB @ 30. I am not a bidness man. I am a Capitalist. I am not a Farrengi.
I oppose the BBR for the same reason I oppose Enron and WorldCom, crony capitalism that succeeds not by service or market strategy but by cheating. If BBR’s, and I presume you mean Wal-Mart, did not cheat, they would be bankrupt in a New York Minute.
Ah, but what do I mean by cheating. Good question. How can BBR maintain a profit while charging such low, low prices? First off, pay your employees as little as possible, preferably nothing at all if you can get away with it. This is accomplished by forcing them to work off the clock ( When questioned by the press, tell them that your Corporate Headquarters has never had a policy like this. Do not tell the press that you give each store manager only a limited amount of money for payroll while demanding that the managers fill so many positions at so many hours.
Next, make sure that employee pay is less then 10 dollars an hour average (Workers pay only. Executives pay must be limited only by your imagination) . Make sure that pay for foreign workers are less then 1 dollar per hour ( Rely heavily on Government social programs (taxpayer dollars) to make up the difference ( Higher undocumented workers if you can get away with it. (
Above all, NO UNIONS (
So much for allowing the market forces to dictate the way things are. The last thing these thieving bastards want is reliance on the Market. They make Carnage and Rockefeller look like amatures when it comes to screwing the workers.
If you say “Headless Lucy” in your post, it gets a really prominent spot on the internet and you can advertise yourself that way. I thought you guys understood business.
I guess not.
No to gas taxes
I want the infrastructure
to fall on my head
More I-912 Haiku
Mr Cynical
Full of shit and vinegar
He hates the US
I-912 Limerick
There once was a boy named Puddy
He claimed he was no nutty
He said I love Jesus
But fell on his knees’s
And became Satan Rove’s very best Buddy
I-912 Limerick
A hopeful young Poly called Pope
Who said to new gas taxes “Hell Nope!”
The people responded
And he was despondent
When they told him that he was a dope!
Goldy’s HorsesAss
Populated by lefties
dissension yelled down
How can I be Proud to be an Ass? How can you be proud to be a pathetic tool? How can you be proud to be old and in the way?
After you sober up, why don’t you explain to all your friends here exactly what you have against Jews? The remarks you posted on SP are now in the public domain you fool.
Zip, you are an idiot, as usual.
re 23: Fuck you HARD in the ass! That’s my choice.
Jerry Springer –
Actually, it is the State of Washington and “keep Washington Rolling” (in taxes) that displays a chart proudly proclaiming projects brought in on time and below budget – such as a turn lane for a park entrance at $176 MILLION DOLLARS.
The only trouble is that the annual project budget they give comes no where close to accounting for the BILLIONS they collect nor does it acknowledge the interest they must be making on the funds sitting in an account somewhere. Unless, of coursse,it IS being used on something other than roads…
re 30: Why don’t you go fist Bush’s mother. Maybe then I’ll give you a donation.
re 39: You’re an idiot.
BERKELEY, Calif. — The incoming class of 4,000 students at the University of California, Berkeley, is expected to include just 129 black freshmen, a disturbing trend to leaders of the socially progressive and academically elite school. [UC Berkeley, run by “progressives”, hates blacks. All white students must be removed so that blacks can take every incoming spot.
If you got something to say, do it in an e-mail to Goldy or something. These open threads are populated by alot of spew.
You know, I wouln’t even call you guys right wing, or republicans, or conservatives. You are something else and I am not sure what it is, but it sure seems to be foaming at the mouth.
re 43, Zip: Pointing out that Stefan Sharansky’s parents are Eastern European Jews is not anti-Semitic—- any more than wanting to shoot black looters truckin’ down the road with plasma TV’s— before sending in the Red Cross— is an anti-black racist attitude. Sophisticates in “Hymietown” understand where I’m coming from.
Looks like our very own FEMA flunky, John Pennington, is taking some flak from none other than the Seattle Times:
Enough Bullshit @33,
There are a lot of reasons to oppose a BBR in one’s neighborhood, depending on the economics of the community. It’s not just the low wages and minimal benefits that a Wal-Mart-like store pays its employees… it’s the way this trickles down to the rest of the community. These BBR’s put other local businesses out of business. That’s a fact. And yes, that’s capitalism. So pretty soon you have a small local retailer who used to sell childrens shoes, working in the shoe department at Wal-Mart.
Just so you all have a little personal history on this, my grandparents (and their parents before them) owned a small store that sold toys, bicycles and baby furniture, in a not so great neighborhood in SW Philadelphia. The family stuck with that neighborhood store through all the economic downturns. They knew all the families, and provided “lay-away”… you’d buy a bicycle in July to give as a Christmas present in December, and you could pay it off at a few bucks a month, with no interest. And on Christmas Day, because they were Jewish, my grandparents kept the store open in case there were any defective toys that needed to be replaced, or bicycles that needed help being assembled.
In the early 70’s a big strip mall went into the neighborhood, and in it was a predecessor of the Toys R Us format (Kiddy City), and the family store suffered. Customers would come in and complain to my grandmother that she was trying to rip them off, because her prices were higher. They even accused her of being racist. Within a few years, the store was closed, as were most of the old specialized shops in what used to be the neighborhood shopping district.
Now call that progress if you want, but many communities have seen this progress elsewhere, and don’t want it in their community. Just like a Wal-Mart has the right to use its buying power to out-compete the competition, the local business community has the right to band together and use their collective clout to try to keep out Wal-Mart.
Anybody hear Queen Christine say on Thursday, in reference to a temporary halt on the new gas tax collections, something to the effect of “I have no interest in further lining the pockets of the oil barons”? I did a double-take. How would THAT line the oil barrons pockets, unless “I” am an oil baron and don’t know it? A halt, permanent or temporary leaves money in OUR pockets.
re 33: Owning a mobile aluminum hot-dog stand does not really place you in the ranks of “independent” businessmen.
re 53: Hear! Hear! Goldy! A prouder heritage you couldn’t have! You’re the best. I love your site!
re 43: Like what?
I’ve been “banned” again from uSP. They sure are sensitive. Just like Eastern European Jews always are!
Your SP comment was meant to be denigrating and you can’t put a happy face on it now that it is “out”. Bigot
Trust me Rae @ 54. If the gov were to suspend the gas tax the oil companies would quickly fill that price gap and that money would go directly to them and not Washington State. Make no mistake about it, we are being gouged.
Think about this. A power shortage in cal pushed prices up because there was not enough capacity. Power companies used existing circumstances to ensure that supply was tight in the face of demand to drive up prices. They claimed they did not build the generation capabilities needed. Knowing well that planning for capacity is something corporations have been doing for well over 100 years.
Oil, which is not far from electricity generation has followed suit, blamed air quality restrictions and everything else under the sun for not upgrading refining capacity. Knowing full well that this would tighten supply and drive up prices. Their big break was China’s increase in oil imports. Something they have been planning for during the last 25 years or so. Now with import resources stretching thinner, and refining capacity here at home strapped, the opportunity for incredible profits has come.
You hear alot of excuses and explanations on TV but just like the spin that comes out of the White House and their operatives, it is all a smoke screen.
Question: Marx, Hillary, “progressive” Democrats, Communists……Is there a difference?
Question: If Republicans doen’t turn over 40% of their income, would all Democrats starve?
Question: Why do Democrats love the corrupt UN? Are Democrats traitors to the USA?
Question: Would democrats let 11 million Mexican illegal aliens in the USA if they voted Republican?
Question: What do these “vacation” cities have in common: Detroit, Harlem, New Orleans, and Harare, Zimbabwe?
Question: Parasites are to hosts like Democrats are to…………..??
Question: Democrats hate drilling in ANWR, off California, Florida, and off the Gulf. No nukes, no “war for oil”, no wind power of Kennedyland, and no mining! Democrats want another 50 cent a gallon gas tax. OK……..Now Democrats are bitching that gas is expensive. DUH? OK, the question is: Do Democrats want high or low prices for gasoline?
Question: Who hired Sandy Berger? [hehe]
Question: Out of the 500 lawyers who headed for Florida [Gore 2000] to kick out military votes, how many were named Goldenstein, Loed, or Goodmanstein?
The politics of personal destruction is so OUT. I can say whatever I want and as long as my heart is true , I will be forgiven and brought back into the fold. So, REPUBLIKAN COCKSUCKER, to try to use my own values against me is a useless exercise. You will say whatever lie you need to to neutralize( or try to) someone.
As Frank Burns would say (and my mental visual of a Republican is just that): “Put a lid on it, Jacko!”
Voting against I-912 will idiot proof our highways?
Headless Lucy the cowardly bastard – I call BULLSHIT on you ballsless I further call you deranged and a proven example of a doped up liberal brain gone horrible wrong.
He did it for the free tax deductable notoriety, he doesnt care about a bunch of blacks in New Orleans.
You have no idea what you are talking about, no gap can exist taxes or not. You will pay whatever is charged for gas period. That is why the “governor” should suspend them. The money is there for emergency, well for many families the emergency is here!
Nice job Fuckheads, smearing a vet. Just because that stupid reality thing intrudes on your little fantasy world…well let just not let that BOTHER you. After all, Babs says that flood thing is “workig out” for those po’ folk.
Yeah PissAss that war thing is goin’ REAL GOOD until someone you know comes back in a box. It’s a clusterfuck…JUST LIKE anything these morons touch. But that’s OK ’cause they pretend they’re godly.
Gosh PissAss, that’s a terrific self-portrait. Love what you did to your hair!
re 60: Mark Twain described the situation you describe as it related to a PILOT’S STRIKE on the Miss. River in the 19th century. Our problem (Dems.) is in always preaching to the choir. We need to somehow motivate uninformed bigots ( the Republican “base”) to start seeing things our way. That involves “demonizing” the Right. Every ignorant Redneck you run in to with money problems needs a brief description of the new Rep. bankruptcy bill. This hits them where they live and there is nothing any Rep. can do or say to counter that move. I’ve converted two old farts, myself. And you know what! They’re not the quiet sort!
Yeah, Right!!! These dumb Reps. They’re going to tell the crackers they need to show more “personal responsibility…..” That’ll work!!!
We can beat these Conservative MF’ers. But it is a very grass roots personal battle.
Hey, CONSERVATIVE DICKHEAD, who are you going to convert with your empty rhetoric. All we need to do is make the rednecks realize they’ve been used. And you make it easier to do that with every day that passes.
Yeah, ri
Yo YO-
Hey…you learned any spelling or grammar yet?
Oh, that’s right spending money on education is “wasteful”.
dj @ 28: “…a “scoop” is being the first person to take that disconnected information and putting it together into a story that is picked up by other media outlets.”
And was he cited EVEN ONCE by the MSM (and Daily Kos is not news) as the one who broke the story?
All Goldy did in his original story is take an anonymous source that said that Brown was the head of the IAHA (which is not new news since Goldy admits it was in a WH press release) and that the anonymous source felt Brown was incompetent. Did Goldy fact-check? Nope. Did Goldy get a second source? Nope.
As someone that has worked in the media, I can tell you that this isn’t a “scoop.” It is called a “rumor.” Some rumors turn out to be true, but only after a journalist does their job of investigation. Goldy gets credit for pushing a rumor that appears to have some truth to it. Yay, Goldy. Happy now?
@3 JDB:
It is not the “anti-roads” initiative. That’s a scare-tactic name you tree-huggin’ liberal douche-bags have given it. It’s about keeping Queen Crissy and Co. in check and shoving her ignorance and arrogance right back down her fucking throat. If you think that more $$$$ could have somehow prevented those accidents you were talking about; then you’re far dumber than you look you moron. See ya at the polls.
It IS the anti-roads initiative!
I know you arew really really stupid…so I’ll break it down for you:
If you want to build and maintain things, you have to PAY for them. Got it? I can go over this again if you need it, just let me know. Happy to help.
I just want to be on the record, Lucy..You are a pathetic, miserable failure with such an “open mind” your little, tiny, dysfuctional brain fell out years ago. It boggles my mind that you even have the sense to somehow actually cash that “benefits” check. As for your earlier “toughguy” antics. Give it up. Besides knowing that you’re a cowardly little pussy, myself and everyone else on my hockey team could drop you like a bad habit in about 10 seconds without breaking a sweat.
Dear God, I sincerely thank You that the likes of lucy are NOT on my side. Please God, please, let him/her/it continue to rant his/her/its lunatic spew loudly and often and PLEASE let it be heard far and wide, throughout this sad little city, this corrupt little county, this third rate little state and throughout the country so that plain, ordinary folks can decide whether they want to be known associates of something like THAT or folks like this.
Mark1-It IS the anti-roads initiative! -Comment by rujax206— 9/10/05 @ 11:24 am
And, most importantly, it’s The GOING TO PASS BY HUGE MARGINS Initiative
Ok let me break it down for you…we already pay plenty that if used efficiently can build AND repair every fucking road in this state…EFFICIENTLY…as well as CONSEVATIVLY
No just build the fucking road for the same price of other states and use the same efficiency and quality as them.
hey that’s GREAT!
Now we’re going to watch our fabulous ooober-patriotic trolls SPIT on a vet coming back from Iraq with the truth about the chickenshit-in-chief’s deadly fucked-up imperial adventure.
Good goin’ PissAss! Wait ’till somebody you know comes home in a box…dead from a war built on a lie.
OK jch…you da’ man!!! We had to destroy the country to save it. We’ll kill ’em all before they kill us.
Makes me real proud to live on the same planet with scum like you.
912 Dipshits…
MOVE to fucking IDAHO will ya…or take Eastern Washington amd make it Mississippi. Just quit fucking with folks who wat to make this a BETTER place to live.
You and your ilk fucked up Europe and Canada. We are not going to let you fuck up this country. If you dont like move to Canada asshole.
That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Bechtel took Massachusetts to the CLEANERS on the Big Dig…YOU don’t understand…ALL that MONEY, and NO TAXES?
C’mon Chuck…lat’s GO! We can bust a couple unions while we’re at it.
Dang it…ya caught me. Man you are just too quick. I was just about ready to put a health system in place where EVERYBODY got basic coverage. But you are JUST TOO SMART to let me get away with it. Oh and old people…I was going to make sure OLD People could pay for the medicine they need. But I see what you mean…they are OLD. WHO NEEDS ‘EM. They’re just gonna die anyway. And schools. crap…if you can’t learn by yourself…what good ARE you.
Boy…I am SOOO glad you are SOOO smart and Caught me before I got to doin’ something REALLY DUMB like securing our future, taking care of our parents and grandparents and making sure our kids are ready for global competition. Man I really NEED that $600. Go roooofaaasss.
Fuck…don’t fix the fucking roads. Everybody will have slow down so they don’t ruin thier cars…then we can chop off the traffic division at the police department and lower taxes again. boooyah!!!!
Shouldn’t all the homeless New Orleans black gang members stay at the kennedy Compond in Cape Cod? Maybe if it gets crowded the Kerry/Heinz crowd will take in a few thousand. Democrats all!!
Hi dog,
Thanks for letting us know. What is a ‘noncom’? Non-commissioned, like an NCO? Or non-combattant, like a civilian?
I have heard other people say that ‘gravely’ injured soldiers are being airlifted to Ramstein for the purpose of accounting for in-theater deaths.
I talked to some mercs who worked for a ‘civilian security company.’ They were upper-level types, the kind who have stayed in there making that money for years. It was sick but educational. I heard that this invasion was the first to deploy oil facilities engineers into hazardous duty areas.
I hope you come back and help us debate these braindead right wingers. They’ll slam a vet no questions asked if means their precious worldview is going to collapse.
Welcome home soldier!
Non com in liberal speak = non compos mentis
lmao… check out the pic properties:… what could possibly be more appropriate for the numb nuts and brain dead libs! (Hello, lucy…that would indeed be YOU)
Mark @ 79
“And was he cited EVEN ONCE by the MSM (and Daily Kos is not news) as the one who broke the story?”
I don’t know. But, the press is notoriously bad at citing quasi-media sources like blogs.
“All Goldy did in his original story is take an anonymous source that said that Brown was the head of the IAHA (which is not new news since Goldy admits it was in a WH press release) and that the anonymous source felt Brown was incompetent. Did Goldy fact-check? Nope. Did Goldy get a second source? Nope.”
I guess you didn’t read Goldy’s original post. He did do fact checking.
“As someone that has worked in the media, I can tell you that this isn’t a “scoop.” It is called a “rumor.” Some rumors turn out to be true, but only after a journalist does their job of investigation. Goldy gets credit for pushing a rumor that appears to have some truth to it. Yay, Goldy. Happy now? “
For someone who claims to have worked in the media and posts comments on blogs, you sure don’t seem to have much of an understanding of how the press works in 2005, particularly on the influence of blogs on the press.
Sure, lots of stuff on blogs is rumor and opinion. Goldy’s post was clearly fact-checked to the point where there was plenty of corroborating documents. In may ways, Goldy did a better job of reporting than did Brett Arends at the Boston Herald (which I believe is the original MSM source of the story). Arends starts out claiming Brown was fired (Goldy had it right as “forced to resign”) and then later in the article gets it right as “forced out of the position”.
It seems almost certain that Arends saw Goldy’s post on the Daily Kos. Yes, it certainly doesn’t violate the laws of physics to imagine that the Boston Herald independently investigated this story. But, that seems unlikely as the story had been bounding around in the blogosphere (based on Goldy’s post) for more than 20 hours before it hit the MSM.
Goldy posts 1 am Friday
Kos points to Goldy’s post 9 am Friday
Boston Herald has similar story Saturday morning.
This isn’t the first time the press has picked up on Goldy’s stories—during the election contest, for instance, there were several time when I found myself reading the Times or PI and the content of an article closely followed a post from the previous day on HorsesAss (one article even seemed to pick up content from the comment thread).
This time, however, Goldy’s humble post had an international reach! Cool!
@81 Rujaz 206:
It’s YOUR fucking problem, you pay for it. Maybe a toll road?? The rest of the State will not tolerate such BS. It’s obvious to me what a self-centered, selfish, unitelligent lil heathen you are. Contrary to your beliefs, King County is not the center of the fucking universe. And no, I do not need for you to go over it; I’ll take an I.Q. test against you anyday my friend.
@84 howcanyoubeproudtobeanass:
Well said man! The truth hurts these leftist morons huh?
Spit on a vet, daddy o.
What a patriot. You assholes are really showing your true colors.
This is further proof of Roger Rabbit’s idea that the Spit-on-a-veteran Hippies grew up to be Spit-on-a-veteran Neo-Cons.
They are just more efficient now at killing the soldiers by sending them to do the difficult part of the oil bidness.
Sooo selfish pig that YOU are…give ME back ALL the tax dollars I sent to whatever gawd forsaken shithole corner of the state you live in.
So let me guess…you live in a fucking TRAILER in Roy…or Graham…or Spanaway. Shitass. Clean yourself up…you’re disgusting.
I’m sorry…it’s not fair for me to get in a battle of wits with an unarmed man. You understand…it’s for your own good.
Moonbats – Yea or nay?
Initiative 900
This measure would direct the state auditor to conduct performance audits of state and local government agencies and entities, including executive, legislative, and judicial agencies. The audits would include reviews of the economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of each agency’s policies, management, fiscal affairs, and operations. To fund the audits, 0.16% of the state’s portion of sales and use tax collections would be placed in a new state treasury account and used only for performance audits.
Harvey The Invisible Rabbit is on the job:
Unleaded gasoline supplies are down 8% from a year ago and demand over the past four weeks was up .1% from a year ago. As of September 2nd, the nation’s refineries were operating at 86.8% of capacity (post-Katrina). Several refineries are down due to the hurricane and the U.S. Department of Energy said that they may not be running again for several months. On September 7, 2005, the DOE predicted that retail unleaded will average $2.58 per gallon in the fourth quarter of 2005, up from $1.94 a year ago.
Back in the 1970’s the Army Corps of Engineers wanted to create floodgates and strengthen the levees, however far left ultra environmental nuts successfully sued to stop the development. Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.
re 105: How do we know that the person doing the auditing is qualified?
re 82: I remember reading years ago that WF Buckley, Jr. said that: “An open mind is an empty mind.” His mind is filled with little cliches like that. So is yours.
Lucy @ 107 – It isn’t a person, it’s an organization. An organization that processes and procedures and standards.
Please answer the question. Will you vote yes or no to know if government is operating efficiently?
The enemy of my friends is my enemy … so fuck you, fascist troll!
Hey Wabbit – Glad you’re back. Have you seen what Harvey’s been up to? Unleaded futures @ 1.96. Fucking miracle ! ! !
You dont have any fuck off and die
$1000 a WEEK?!! The going rate for private security contractors in Iraq is $1000 a DAY!!! You can bet your ass they’re charging the taxpayers $1000 a day, they just don’t want to share it with YOU!!! Fucking cheap labor conservatives … !!!
I hope you’re shorting gas futures, Mark the Red, because oil prices will crash after everybody trades in their SUVs for Vespa scooters.
But Mark … the “invisible hand” can’t put more oil in the ground!
A. U.S. consumption – 7.66 billion bbl/year
B. World consumption – 30.33 billion bbl/year
C. Estimated world reserves – 900 to 1100 billion bbl
D. ( C) divided by (B) = 29.66 to 36.25 years – then }poof!{ all gone …
There’s already plenty of audits. Who’s going to pay for this new layer of audits, Mark? Not you — you’re against higher taxes. I think this is something you want to spend OPM* on.
* Other people’s money
dj @ 98
Regardless of “how the press works in 2005,” what Goldy posted is still rumor, not a real “scoop” or actual news item. Goldy’s “fact checking” consists of three items sourced from the Internet — none of which support his headline of “total fucking disaster.” If his quote had been from an IAHA executive with inside information and hard facts, there MIGHT be some “scoop”-ness to the story. Instead, it is just some IAHA member perpetuating opinion. Do you call everything on Drudge a “scoop” and “news?”
The first ‘net doc only supports the statement that he was asked to resign. The second is a publication of the separation agreement between Brown and the IAHA. However, Goldy conveniently ignores some of the language, such as “IAHA specifically acknowledges, however, that no cause exists to terminate Brown’s contract with IAHA” and “IAHA will, without limitation and to the fullest extent allowed by law, continue to indemnify Mr. Brown” (something they wouldn’t do if he was negligent or if the allegations of malfeasance were true).
The third document outlines a few court cases involving the IAHA and, necessarily, Mike Brown, but nothing in the text indicates that he was found particularly responsible. In fact, the cases all seem to be about people who were fighting IAHA rulings, not alleging malfeasance. Again, Goldy ignores comments like, “and it now appears that Boggs will dismiss Michael Brown from the case before trial.” There is even a countersuit by the IAHA in one of the cases.
Later in the post, Goldy writes: “I can’t even begin to fact check the dates or IAHA’s alleged relationship to the [USOC]…”
A real journalist would have tracked down the parties by phone, pulled court records (which can be done by Internet in many cases), etc., etc.
Goldy’s only real contribution was the comment: “But it begs the question… how the hell did his prior job experience prepare Brown to head FEMA?” Fair question, but he’s not the first to question Brown’s competence for the job.
The entire post consisted of an anonymous rumor, a couple of Internet documents indicating Brown was a party to some extent and Goldy’s question about Brown’s work-related experience.
You donk know nothing about audits. There is no fucking audit being performed in this State. There hasnt been an audit for years. Of course I could understand why you donk dont know this. It is hard enough for you guys to count right.
Somebody pass the hat to Doofus. He wants to contribute to the audit fund, too.
michael @ 106
“Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.”
By “left wing nuts” I take it you mean “Save Our Wetlands.” Are these same people (i.e. those that sued in 1974) the same as who are now, according to you, “[blaming] Bush”?
And exactly how do you define “far left ultra environmental nuts”?
mtr @ 105
I like to read the complete wording of an initiative before deciding how to vote on it. Do you have a link?
These LEFTIST PINHEADS hear the word “audit” and feel good all over. JLARC Audits are an ILLUSION. LEFTIST PINHEADS know absolutely nothing about the “S-C-O-P-E” of these so-called audits. It’s pathetic. No one in their right mind would believe for even a heartbeat that these JLARC Audits are designed to find or disclose significant deficiencies. They are an illusion,,,a mirage. NOTHING MORE>
LEFTIST PINHEADS are gullible, dishonest or both!!
Judge for yourself:
“Four years later, Americans remember the fears and uncertainty and confusion of that terrible morning. But above all, we remember the resolve of our nation to defend our freedom, rebuild a wounded city, and care for our neighbors in need.
Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind.”
President’s Radio Address, today (9/10/05)
@ 103 rujax206:
Typical liberal assumptions. Nope; I live in a $420K house thank you very much. And, I don’t live in any of the places you listed. Meet ya sometime anywhere big man. See ya!
P.S. I’ll be thinking about ya come the results after election day you worthless troll.
TypicalLeftyDipshit: Who approved the Bechtel Big Dig? Teddy Kennedy and Johnny Kerry. Look it up lefties. They helped Bechtel get the contract. Again Dipshit you are Clueless. Talk to Bostoners and they will tell you it was a big boondoggle. And guess what, it leaks.
Wabbit– Man you’re telling me sometime between 2035 and 2041 we will run out of oil. Holy shit that is frightening. Wait a minute… social security is going to run dry about the same time and that is a donk eternity. Well what is your beef rabbit we have forever to solve the problem?
Well, clearly the elephant-sized asshole, RUFUS, hasn’t really thought this one out. 30-40 years is plenty of time to fix Social Security, but I’d like to see even you deluded freaks try to legislate more oil out of the ground.
Holy shit that is frightening.
What’s frightening is RR only gave estimated levels. Consumption is not a constant so neither are the estimates, which means we may have even less time to find an alternative solution.
re 5: The “donks”? Is that the Republican equivalent of “New Orleans Niggs”? Sure seems like it. Stefan Sharansky is an Eastern European JEWISH name. Word to the wise….. What goes around comes around.
Pac-man is not black. He doesn’t exist. He’s a real No Where man.
Is this what you lefties want?
This is a fair article:
That’s funny…you sound like trailer trash to me.
“You made a choice to join, dog. When you joined they didn’t tell you you’d be spending your time picking daffodils on a hillside. You knew the risks and you still made your choice to join.”
Hey ASS — how about supporting the troops instead of being a prick? Take a vacation — you don’t have to be a prick EVERY day of your life.
Hey ASS how come YOU aren’t over there serving your country instead of flapping your jaw on HorsesAss?
bullshitter @ 33
I don’t think the DMV workers are overpaid. Every day they have to put up with jerks like you.
33 (continued)
No, don’t contribute. Let the BBR come in, and put you out of business.
Hmmm, that’s an interesting link. Here’s a couple quotes:
“Wal-Mart’s blowing people out of the water and if they’re doing that by having the public sector subsidize their health care, that’s wrong…That’s really wrong.” — Idaho Speaker of the House, Bruce Newcomb (R)
“Who pays for Wal-Mart workers’ health care? Wal-Mart, right? No, we all do. Despite Wal-Mart’s mammoth profits, the company actually burdens us — taxpayers — with its workers’ health care costs. In a disturbing nationwide trend, more state studies are revealing that Wal-Mart employees are the top recipients of taxpayer-paid health care. The scope of this corporate failure is massive: Wal-Mart is the largest private employer in the United States, with over 1.2 million associates, yet they fail to give health insurance to 53 percent of its employees.
“So here’s how it works: Wal-Mart offers insurance, but aggressively shifts the cost onto its employees. The low-wage workers then pass up the unaffordable coverage and turn to the states. If this isn’t exactly company policy, it is at least company philosophy. CEO Lee Scott, at the company’s recent ‘summit’ for the media, even described it. He said some state health programs are ‘so lucrative that, in fact, it’s hard to be competitive with them and certainly extraordinarily expensive to be competitive with them.'” — Editorial, Miami Herald 6/11/05
Say — isn’t subsidizing Wal-Mart with taxpayer dollars, er, socialism?
zip @ 41
Who the fuck are you kidding? You post every fucking day on HorsesAss. When were you ever censored here? You can “dissent” from the prevailing liberal view on HorsesAss all you want. Of course … that doesn’t change the fact your a stupid, mindless, unthinking troll ….
Reply to 54
“Anybody hear Queen Christine say on Thursday, in reference to a temporary halt on the new gas tax collections, something to the effect of “I have no interest in further lining the pockets of the oil barons”? I did a double-take. How would THAT line the oil barrons pockets, unless “I” am an oil baron and don’t know it? A halt, permanent or temporary leaves money in OUR pockets.”
Here’s how it works, Rae. Gas prices are set by the market based on supply and demand. The problem is that demand grew beyond what oil producers and refineries can deliver, so prices had to rise until higher prices forced consumers to reduce consumption to where demand and supply were in equilibrium.
Let’s assume the equilibrium price for a gallon of regular gasoline is $2.89 at the pump, including 31 cents of state taxes. If you suspend the state gas tax and the price falls to $2.58, demand will increase, outstripping supply, and the price will rise until it again reaches $2.89. However, the 31 cents now will be going to oil company profits instead of to the state for investing in roads and bridges.
Another problem with suspending the gas tax — apart from the fact it will save consumers nothing and only put another 31 cents a gallon of profit into oil company coffers — is that our state’s roads and bridges already are underfunded. This money will either have to be made up in the future — which means higher taxes — or transportation projects won’t be built.
There’s no free lunch, Rae. If you don’t pay for roads now, you will pay even more later, or there will be no roads to drive on. Do you know how to ride a horse?
dj @ 98
I wrote a long post explaining why Goldy’s “fact-checking” wasn’t up to real journalistic standards, but not only did it get held, but it seems to have been suppressed.
In a nutshell… Go read Goldy’s alleged “proof.” It does nothing to support his headline and Goldy conveniently leaves out a number of items that defend Brown. At best, Goldy gets credit for putting a little meat into the pre-existing question of “was this guy really qualified for the job?” What he wrote is not news. It is an opinion piece that asks questions based on a rumor.
Guess I’m in Permanent Filter Land for challenging the journalistic credentials of Fearless Leader.
Mr. Sharkansky, meet your long-lost brother Mr. Goldstein.
“Oil, which is not far from electricity generation has followed suit, blamed air quality restrictions and everything else under the sun for not upgrading refining capacity.’
Actually, U.S. refinery capacity has been growing in the last 10 years. Although the number of refineries has decreased capacity has expanded through expansion of very large refineries. Economics, not environmental regulation, is driving smaller and less efficient refineries out of the business.
Me @ 141
Wow! A post got through unfiltered!
So, Goldy, wanna tell me what magic words in my journalism critique posts got them filtered??!! I didn’t call you a So*ia1ist even once!
“Question: Would democrats let 11 million Mexican illegal aliens in the USA if they voted Republican?”
Normally I don’t bother to read, much less answer, JCH’s tripe but I can’t let this one go by without a response.
The BUSH ADMINISTRATION is allowing rivers of illegals to flow into the U.S. from Mexico because they are CHEAP LABOR.
Roger @ 142
You do realize that if the global price of fuel rises sufficiently, there will be great incentive to return production of goods to areas closer to the point of consumption.
“It is not the ‘anti-roads’ initiative.”
Really? How so? If I-912 fails, roads get built; if I-912 passes, roads don’t get built. Roads cost $$$, no $$$ = no roads. If you vote for I-912 you are voting against building roads. So how is I-912 not an anti-roads initiative? Dork.
Who the fuck are YOU praying to? God is not on YOUR side!
“Ok let me break it down for you…we already pay plenty that if used efficiently can build AND repair every fucking road in this state…EFFICIENTLY…as well as CONSEVATIVLY”
That’s true. All we have to do is stop sending $127,000,000 a year of gas tax revenue collected in King County to redneck counties, and spend it in King County. Then we don’t need a gas tax hike, and you redneck fuckers can get ride bicycles on cowpaths instead of driving pickups on nice clean asphalt.
Support the troops, you fucking anti-American unpatriotic communist piece of shit!!
Reply to 100
Hey Mark1, what county do you live in? I want to look up how much of my gas tax money is supporting your county’s roads. If you don’t live in King County you’re a
I-900 only if you agree to pay for it.
“Back in the 1970’s the Army Corps of Engineers wanted to create floodgates and strengthen the levees, however far left ultra environmental nuts successfully sued to stop the development. Now in the aftermath of a flood out New Orleans these same left wing nuts have the balls to blame Bush for the travesty they caused.”
Did you bother to read your own link before posting this bullshit? This was a lawsuit to block the draining of a wetland, and had NOTHING to do with the floodgates and levees protecting the city of New Orleans, you fucking liar!
Absolutely! Given that the oil supply is finite and nonrenewable, it’s foolish to waste it shipping farm produce halfway around the world. If Taiwan is the only country producing transistors, and you need transistors, then it makes sense to ship transistors from Taiwan to the U.S. But it makes no damn sense to ship apples from China to Washington state! The only reason people did it is because fuel was cheap. When oil is cheap, people waste it. Expensive oil is not altogether a bad thing.
Did you exceed the word count? Long posts go into the filter.
Reply to 133
“Fair,” huh?
“Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has and will continue to take the biggest hit in the blame game … the marketing and actions of President Bush and his administration will dog him for the next three and a half years … let’s get some more high profile administration officials, including the president, on the ground in New Orleans to counter this public relations disaster. Hopefully Louisiana residents will have enough common sense not to re-elect Mayor Nagin and Governor Blanco.”
How very Republican! The writer is more worried about Bush’s image than the Katrina victims; his solution to the fiasco is better public relations not better federal disaster response next time; his objective is defeating the Democratic mayor and governor in the next election, not caring for the disaster victims.
This article illustrates why conservatives are irrelevant — they are focused totally on politics, to the exclusion of policy. All they care about is whether their side looks good; they could care less whether people are hurting.
Good job, little boys!
Chuck the Schmuck @ 71 The only way to ‘idiotproof’ our highways is to take the driver’s licenses from ‘idiot neo nuts’ like yourself, cynicalembarassment, jch, horsesscrotum, etc.
RR @ 118, better to pass the hat for Doof ASS, so he can finish his 6th grade education…….
Do YOU hate President Bush more than you hate terrorism?
Conservatives are congenital liars. You have to fact check everything they post.
Hey Winguts again,
Check out the top search at Technorati!
@134 rujax206 reply:
Funny, I was thinking the same about you. Try using the name Billy-Bob; it’s more fitting. I’d still love to take that IQ test with you sometime….
@146 & 150 (and generally all posts) Roger Rabbit:
I’m done with your ignorance. You’re far too unintelligent to be worthy of discussion. Like I said before, get a life. It’s obvious to me you don’t have one; you’re on here FAR too much. Loser.
Mark @118,
You seem to be under the delusion that I have ever claimed to be a real journalist. I haven’t. And I repeatedly make that clear.
I have also, very honestly and bluntly stated again and again (for example, on the Robert Mak interview for all to see) that I write for myself. After that, my primary goal is to influence the MSM… to try to get them to cover the stuff I think they are ignoring.
The fact is, whether you like or not, and however crappy a journalistic effort you may think it was, my original post to Daily Kos sparked a wave of investigation and criticism, first on the blogosphere and then in the MSM, that eventually forced the Bush administration to pull Brown out of the Katrina relief efforts. Yes, the information was out there for anybody interested in looking for it, and yes, I only recapitulated the contents of an unsolicited email… but I framed the story in such a way that due to luck and timing captured the imagination of others, and gave the MSM the angle they needed to cover the cronyism story.
I know it must gnaw at some of the trolls here that it was me, the irreverent horse’s ass guy, and not their hard working hero Stefan, who set in motion a story that changed headlines and forced changes at the top of FEMA. But in all humility, all I did was set it in motion… this is above all, and illustration of the power of the blogosphere, of which, I am just one tiny cog.
You’re the loser , Mark 1. Check out the top search on Technorati.
Kill the head and the body will follow.
Headless Lucite: Why lucite? One can look through it because there is no apparent depth or content. So I am imaginary, interesting… So that makes you fictitious? Well let’s take inventory.
1.) Friends say headless lucite is a way of thinking. Yess, if you are an asshole and you spew epithets like dj – sure I can believe it.
2.) Nothing written have ever made sense. Review lucite commentary of past few days.
3.) Claimed to be a wrestling coach. Seriously HA people would you want someone threatening to screw anyone in the ass as your son’s wrestling coach?
4.) Just a jerk. Everyone can view that by the wasted pixels.
5.) Abuses school property. Posting specific material is prohibited by Seattle School Interet rules.
There you be!
Rabbit quotes from a left wing NY TImes article and doesn’t give it’s props. And you lefties go overboard when a righty doesn’t give due?
“Unfortunately, the Bush Administration has and will continue to take the biggest hit in the blame game. The media will continue to highlight the true heroics and valor of actor Sean Penn rescuing stranded citizens in New Orleans and focus on federal officials standing on safe ground.” From Intellectual Conservative.
“Democratic and Republican liberals are loudly declaiming that the Federal government should have anticipated and prevented the lawless thuggery and inept evacuation efforts in New Orleans. What is not sufficiently recognized is that, to have that power, the Federal government must be able to impose martial law on a state instantly, whether the state desires such attention or not.
Is that what we really want? The Governor of Louisiana flatly refused it when, two days before Katrina hit, President Bush urged her to permit federalizing the evacuation and relief program.
Liberals argue out of both sides of their mouths. On the one side, they shriek that the Patriot Act grants too much power to the Federal government to scrutinize individuals’ personal lives, but on the other side demand that the Federal government deal with a Katrina situation, exercising the unilateral and concentrated power of an Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.
Katrina gave us only a couple of days’ forewarning. If the Federal government is to be expected, on such short notice, to shoulder the responsibility of evacuating people and providing food, water, shelter, and protection from looters and armed bands of marauding thugs, then the President must be given the power to order the Department of Defense to move instantly into a state or a city and to take complete control of its affairs.
Giving that power to any President is opening the door to totalitarian dictatorship. It is in complete opposition to the basic principles of the Constitution.
If a President, citing emergency conditions, can unilaterally order Federal troops into any city or state, we will have given him the power that Hitler used in the Austrian Anschluss, the annexation of the Czech Sudetenland, and the occupation of the Danzig corridor.
The Constitution was intended to create a Federal government that would regulate and adjudicate activities among the states, to provide for functions that affected all states equally (such as coining money), and to maintain unified diplomatic and military relations with other nations. All other functions of government were expressly reserved to the states and to the people.
At the other end of the spectrum, liberal-socialists in both political parties have championed the socialist theory that individuals, left to their own devices, are incapable of managing their own lives, that only a collectivized government, wielding unlimited regulatory power, can provide the needs of the people.” – Intellectual Conservative
Why not read Federalist papers 45 & 51? Because they refute HA Lefty Donk Thought!
Another post in the Goldy sandbox. Refers to the Federalist Papers 45 & 51, on why the Feds didn’t overrun LA as you all wanted.
Goldy, you make a point about the blogosphere. So when the same machinations occur for something you disagree with like the blogosphere support for John Roberts as CSCOTUS, you’ll support that also? Just trying to measure the man.
Question: Why do lefty posts get approved faster than righty posts? Seems that you review and approve lefty thought much faster. It’s your blog, but since you liberal lefties mention you all are so progressive; I would think being progressive would be to give your opponents first rights.
A few quick pot-shots before I go on with my day.
I’m amused that in this war, it’s the righties, not the lefties who are attacking the troops. Way to go guys!
Pud @ 172:
Bitching about the filter is old. Everyone’s posts get filtered now and then, and Goldy, damn him, doesn’t hover over his blog waiting to approve filtered posts. Goldy! Stop having a life! Your blog should be your life! Quit your day job! Abandon your daughter! It’s all about US damnit!!!!
I LOOOOOVE righty posts…they are so fucking funny! What a batch of ridiculous morons show up here touting the latest lies fron the cheney/bush cabal.
Fact is kids…Goldy DID get the ball rolling against the incompetent FEMA administrator. A BushCo political patronage appointee.
Fact is the Korruption Konservative Kristians don’t give a fuck whether an appointee can do a job. The EVIDENCE shows they just don’t. The RESULTS show they don’t.
I am delighted that the failures of this incompetent, greedy, bunch of liars, thieves, and megolomaniacs (got a definition for that MARK1??????) are finally getting through to the regular citizens who were sucked in by the greatest PR machine ever seen in American Politics (boy…they could sure do THAT right).
I am heartsick and fucking enraged that real American Citizens…good, hard working, “we’re all in this together so let’s get going” kind of folks, are PAYING THE PRICE for the misadventures, miscalcuations, fantasies, and corruption opportunities of these Elitist pukes. Remember how GHWB didn’t know how a supermarket price scanner worked? What’s changed?
So fume away trolls! This game is pretty much over. chimpy’s at 38% and can’t use 9/11 anymore. They burned that out. Can you imagine that…all that sadness, all that outrage…the tragedy that united the World behide us…all that is GONE. Now our best ally, the UK wants us to muzzle Bolton and the rest of the world sees us as arrogant thugs.
Rant…rave…lie…spin…that’s all that’s left for you. When the whole story comes out…Cheney/Bush might have to take over Cuba so they have somewhere to live ’cause they’ll no longer welcome HERE.
Wow. What a four years. What a legacy. What a tragedy.
Hey ASS how come YOU aren’t over there serving your country instead of flapping your jaw on HorsesAss? -Comment by Roger Rabbit— 9/11/05 @ 2:51 am
The very same reason you aren’t, you miserable, old fart.
Hey Wingnuts,
Get your Freedom Walk Dog-tags, you curs! -Comment by For the Clueless— 9/11/05 @ 8:50 am
That’s such a typical bullshit liberal solution to every single problem – ‘Let’s have an awareness concert’; ‘Let’s all wear cute little pink bracelets to cure cancer’; ‘Let’s all sit on the corner and sing “Kumbaya” for Aids’
If the little “artists” giving their cute little awareness concerts would donate COLD HARD CASH, which they could readily afford, perhaps they could do some actual good.
You liberals need to educate yourselves on the difference between good intentions and good works, because, quite frankly I’m pretty damned sure the hurricane victims, the aids victims, the cancer victims, while they appreciate you “feeling their pain’ would rather have you get up off your ASS and actually contribute something tangible to their well being.
Yeah…just like BushCo. Good works. Booyah!
Here you go, you well intentioned ASSES, – go do some real good instead of just mouthing how much you care
Talk is cheap ASSES, and you constantly prove it.
Whatever PissAss…you cranky old bitch.
You don’t have ANY idea of what goes on outside your little fantasy world.
Oh yeah…38% and Time and Newsweek unloading on BushCo.
It’s gonna be a GREAT week!
From Time Magazine…via Daily Kos via Political Animal:
“The day the storm hit, [Blanco] asked President Bush for “everything you’ve got.” But almost nothing arrived, and she couldn’t wait any longer. So she called the White House and demanded to speak to the President. George Bush could not be located, two Louisiana officials told Time, so she asked for chief of staff Andrew Card, who was also unavailable. Finally, after being passed to another office or two, she left a message with DHS adviser Frances Frago Townsend. She waited hours but had to make another call herself before she finally got Bush on the line. “Help is on the way,” he told her.”
Wow, ruj, you deserve a lot more pity than I ever expected if your “great week” is dependant on a couple failing magazines dumping on the President.
My GREAT WEEK will come via my children, my spouse, time spent with my family and my friends, the good I contribute to my volunteer organizations, the remodeling we’re doing on our home, the terrific books I’m reading….
PissAss…the cranky old bitch.
Good thing you can do something other than hate people who don’t think like you.
STILL gonna be a good week!
Huge leap from PITY to hate, there sweetcheeks. How interesting that you find them interchangeable.
No PissAss-
I READ your comments. You got a pretty funny idea of “pity” if that’s what you mean.
Bitter old Shrew…in the Barbara Bush tradition.
@169 Lucy:
Why? Because I’m not a liberal, tofu-eating, tree huggin be-atch like you? Actually, I am very successfull in life, thank you very much. Let me know if you ever do manage to find that head of yours……..try looking in your ass.
You may “READ” comments rugrat, but you SEE what you want to see a la the ballsless looney.
YOU want to see reasons to hate Conservatives, you want to see reasons to hate Bush, you want to see reasons to blame Bush, you want to see reasons to denigrate anyone with whom you disagree, you want to see reasons to be vile, you want to see reasons to be nothing more than an agitator of unrest.
What you don’t want is a country united around anycause wchich is not YOUR cause.
At least have the balls to admit.
I READ your “post”.
I rest my case.
Admit what, PissAss-
That you are an intolerant, ignorant, closed minded FREAK?
Sure. No problem.
You want to see reasons to denigrate anyone with whom you disagree, you want to see reasons to be vile, you want to see reasons to be nothing more than an agitator of unrest.
What you don’t want is a country united around anycause which is not YOUR cause.
At least have the balls to admit it, coward.
Mark1 It looks like your idea of an IQ test would be to try and say all the letters between I and Q (you’d probably flunk the test). And to state them in order for you and your neocon brothers would be an impossibility
Ass @ all, It is not very difficult to look around and find cause to disagree with the present ‘regime’ or its ‘blind followers’. Just read any newspaper, watch any television channel, or, read any of YOUR posts and the reasons are abundant to be against anything this current neonut administration is for. The only thing they have accomplished is to divide this country like never before and literally STEP DOWN ON anyone who is not in their ‘income bracket’ or in their ‘back pockets’. If the truth hurts you, you blind lemming, who gives a ……….
Now Rog Rabbit is “Zips a Dip”??
We have one LEFTIST PINHEAD who pretends to be 93 different LEFTIST PINHEADS. Good Grief Charlie Brown!!
We have one LEFTIST PINHEAD who pretends to be 93 different LEFTIST PINHEADS. -Comment by Mr. Cynical— 9/11/05 @ 5:42 pm
Who posts in one sentence comments and then has the audacity to brag how much traffic there is here!
Touchy. Touchy.
I’ve laid out plenty of posts here about I believe and what I think needs to happen to address the problems we face now, and in the future. Look aroud on old posts and find ’em…or probably not. You’re too closed-minded. Cranially calcified.
You and your intolerant right-wing simplton buddies seem to be more interested in trashing anyone who disagrees with you to ever consider that the current administration is incapable of doing what they were elected to do.
If I were a completely hopeless idealogue of the “too bad Ellen Craswell wasn’t elected governor variety…I guess I’d be that way too. But I’m not. I like facts. The facts are that by any accepted measure this government under george bush and dick cheney has failed in every single instance to do anything they said they were going to do…with the possible exception of trashing labor regulations, environmental regulations, and personal liberties…and…appointing unqualified idealogues like them to important judicial, regulatory, military, diplomatic and governmental posts.
Did I expect anything different in 2000? Yes. I did. I expected at least that they would be competent…based on the number of BushI veterans. I also expected (materialistically) that I’d pay less for gas for the next four years…oilmen and all that (boy, was I wrong on THAT one). Did I expect something different after 9/11 (moment of silence, please)? Yes, I did. I expected the capture of the perpetrator(s). I expected better security for our Nation. Did I expect this government to LIE about going to war with Iraq? Nope. Did it surprise me when they did? Nope. Do I trust ANY of them…not on YOUR life.
Do I understand why…in the face of all the stupid, dangerous, callous, greedy, self-serving things this bunch does on a routine basis…do I understand WHY they get support from people like you? Never in a million years.
But you don’t give a fuck what I think. All you know and care about is “I don’t think like you.” We will probably never agree on much beside the sun comes up every day and that this IS the greatest country on earth.
Soooo, I actually like reading what you nattering nabobs come up with. It IS very entertaining you know. Ta-Ta.
We will probably never agree on much beside the sun comes up every day and that this IS the greatest country on earth.
Soooo, I actually like reading what you nattering nabobs come up with. It IS very entertaining you know. Ta-Ta. -Comment by rujax206— 9/11/05 @ 6:01 pm
Well, we could possibly agree on THAT if I could actually believe you mean it. But as long as your side holds up someone like Castro to emulate and heralds folks like those pipsqueaks in France and Germany, as long as your side continues to bash America in every single way you perceive her as doing wrong and never once credit her for the great things she does right, you’ll be hard pressed to convince anyone you think America is the greatest country on earth.
Nice try.
Damned filter hell, again.
Jeez PissAss-
You’re really going to town with donna…can you really fight a war on two fronts? KIDDING! Kidding.
Look…just relax tonight I’m worried about your blood pressure.
We just disagree.
Sorry sweetcheeks – the blood pressure is just fine. Fringies like you and tweedledum aren’t important enough in my life to cause a blip in the radar.
Nice try, attempting some self flattery though.
Fringies like you and tweedledum aren’t important enough in my life to cause a blip in the radar.
And yet at least 14 of your 17+ posts on this thread were replies. Way to go, ASS, you show them fringies how you don’t care!
once again, Ass shows his true self. Only talking points, only personal attacks, only idiotic rantings….he must be a relative of that cynicalidiot….they both seem like….well….I guess I should not say such things in public…..
Goldy, how many of your posters are just name changes to the same IP Address? Come on be truthful. You pat yourself on the ass when you “dethrone” a righty. Well now that you cross reference to the DailyKos I expect some new flamers to appear on your side. At least you know my new IP Address because I will always post as Puddybud from whatever state I happen to visit!
I have to admit you side is getting better at creating new names for this blog.
Hey Lucite, I know it’s a movement, not a real person. So your lefty friends really are calling you a bowel movement after all. Yes and we on the right knew all along you were just a pile of shit!!! Now your side confirmed it for us!!
Thank you lefties for proving our point about Headlice Lucite!
Here’s the next fiasco associated with Katrina that you can blame on Bush.
(NOT cross posted to Daily Kos)
“Jim Brown, Louisiana’s insurance commissioner from 1992 until 2004, estimates that only a quarter of houses in the poorest areas affected by Hurricane Katrina had flood insurance.”
Living below sea level surrounded by levees and not carrying flood insurance? Unbelievable.
To be fair zip, I would expect that not many could have actually gotten flood insurance. A short time after Hurrican Andrew we were transferred to Miami… we eventually turned down that transfer, but during our house hunting adventure we found out that NO ONE was writing private homeowner insurance policies. It was only available through something called the Florida Joint Pool and the costs were outrageous.
Because NO New Orleans homeless are headed for MASS and CONN, this proves that, like DON and Goldy, Democrats hate blacks.
ProudAss is 100% on the money zip. The wife has five siblings in the Ft. Lauderdale to Miami zone and they can’t afford total coverage because it’s sky high. So even right leaning types can’t afford it.
I will ask this on the open thread too.
Lefties: Another serious question for you. Whom is helping these Hurricane Katrina victims get back on their feet. Since JustDumbBozo says it’s not FEMA, and we know Nagin and Blanco can’t buy a clue, who is it? Evangelical Christians!
So Goldy, I would dare you, but dj would scramble up some nasty epithet, why not thank your Evangelical enemies for them living their religion and spending their own money? Not like moonbat donk congressional people who love spending our money to help. My wife asked me the other night how much are donks spending? We Googled the Internet. Maybe I put moonbat or donk as part of my search stem and that’s why it didn’t display much!!! I see them creating benefit concerts, but we asked each other besides Celine Dion, whom else on the moonbat is coughing up the big bucks?
I don’t know JCH but you may have a point. Maybe they recognize that more votes in a blue state for a blue state is a worthless cause.
JustDumbBozo, on Sunday night before the hurricane struck, Mayur Nagin was interviewed and he said that just about everyone heeded his call and left the city. The audio is on the Internet. I know you can find it to listen. I heard it tonight for the first time. Well, later in the week he complains he can’t cope and he says he has 10s of thousands are still in the city. Which is it JustDumbBozo? What can we believe of this mayur?
I watched Rita Cosby on MSNBC and she interviews some of NY City’s finest who arrived to give the NO Police Force a break, and they mention that they took down a car of five democratic voting types who were looting and pillaging stores in a car full of guns? But they didn’t shoot a shot JustDumbBozo claimed in an earlier thread.
210……..Puddybud………No blacks from New Orleans are headed for Cambridge or Cape Cod, or the Hamptons. Like Goldy and DON, the Democrats in these areas hate blacks. They are Democrat racists. The Kennedys and Kerrys and Goldy and DON are racists. They need to change and must be charged with hate crimes.
Goldy will never ever truthfully tell you how many of his posts come from the same IP address….but you can tell that many, many new “names” eventually DEvolve into the same writing style, slogans etc.
It’s to Goldy’s benefit to allow this illusion to continue…deluding himself and a few others that there is a lot of traffic on his BLOG.
If Goldy were to summarize the number of posts by IP address, we would all be UNDERWHELMED!!
Goldy is the “David Copperfield” of BLOGGERS!
and cynicalidiot is the ‘david copperfield’ of money launderers, thanks to his butt buddies at BIAW
Benedict Arnold, Clueless, et al. Please continue with the perfectly chosen pithy names. You continue to choose names that prove to us righties just how stoopid you are. God does work in mysterious wayz!!!
poor poor puddy… an’ all the others, it must be sad to be so irony-impaired.
No one said there were no shots. Good to show that you are a fool to claim that. What I did was quote Gen. Honore who stated there were no snipers. Boy, how bad is it that you have to lie to be wrong?
Again, in the Hurricane Pam simulation, they predicted an evacuation rate of only 64%. Hailey Barbur, the republican Govenor who stated he was “caught by surprise” by Katrina, said he was worried about evacuation fatigue from always telling people to leave, and then nothing happening. Despite this, Nagin got 80% of his city evacuated. And you, Wrongboy, are lucky to evacuate 80% of your intestine when you write here.
Again, I highly recomend that you read the truth, not some bad spin from fellow Freepers:
If you have to constantly be wrong, please explain why Bush is worth all the drivels and lies? Also, since half the time you contradict yourself, please explain how you are able to keep posting without having a breakdown? Hell, your pitiful attempts would be like me insisiting that Bush was giving Monica Lewinsky Bible lessons. But, unlike you, I don’t post foolish things that are just wrong.
So it is Bush’s fault for not getting out the last 20% who refused to leave despite the orders?
Michael, see post #169 under the topic Surprise! NW region FEMA chief inexperienced too
Michael @ 219:
Nope, everyone knew it was impossible to clear out an entire city. No one even suggest they try.
But as they prepared for these sort of disasters, local government in Mississippi and Louisiana were told they only had to keep people safe for a few days, that the cavalry would come. And yet, the Bush administration showed no interest in doing their job:
“Monday, after the Hurricane had hit, “The federal interagency team seemed to recognize the urgency of the crisis at a meeting that morning, discussing the potential for six months of flooding in New Orleans, and a preliminary Department of Energy conclusion that as many as 2,000 of 6,500 oil and gas platforms in the Gulf could be affected. But before noon, FEMA’s Brown sent a remarkably mild memo to Chertoff, politely requesting 1,000 employees to be ready to head south “within 48 hours.” Brown’s memo suggested that recruits bring mosquito repellent, sunscreen and cash, because “ATMs may not be working.””
I contradict myself JustDumbBoy? You selectively quote a paragraph or two when the rest of the paragraph totally discredits your position. Kos on JustDumbBoy. I hope all the lefties did read your article. They should have left scratching their heads at you selective use of partial paragraphs.
JustBumbBozo: FEMA told them 72-90 hours for their arrival. Sorry if Terry Ebbert can’t figure it out. Again I call Bullshit to your stoopidity JustDumbBozo. Here is what JustDumbBozo left out in all of his wonderful posts in the same Washington Post article he posted but chose to leave out.
“Even the gloomy Hurricane Pam drill had optimistically assumed the levees would hold, but they were designed to withstand only a Category 3 storm, and Katrina created at least five breaches at three locations. Now the waters were rising.”
“At the Superdome, city officials reckoned that 9,000 people had arrived by evening to ride out the storm. FEMA had sent seven trailers full of food and water — enough, it estimated, to supply two days of food for as many as 22,000 people and three days of water for 30,000.”
In St. Bernard Parish, a hardscrabble industrial zone just outside New Orleans, emergency manager Ingargiola realized that his entire community was marooned. He did not even have contact with his own emergency shelter, so he didn’t know its roof had blown off. But local officials immediately launched rescue efforts with boats they had prepared in advance. They figured help was on the way. – What did I say JustDumbBozo? Other parishes just as hard hit had boats. But not Orleans Parish..
“As water poured into the city, as many as 20,000 more residents poured into the Superdome. “People started coming out of the woodwork,” Ebbert said. The stadium was hot and fetid, and tempers were flaring. Ebbert said he told FEMA that night that the city would need buses to evacuate 30,000 people. “It just took a long time,” he said.” – JustDumbBozo why is that? Even Tim Russert asked the Mayor why didn’t he use the buses. He had no answer. See the Meet the Press transcript.
“As systems either were not followed or broke down, people just went to what they believed they could handle. Every man for himself,” said Ghilarducci, Blanco’s adviser. “You don’t use the system, you don’t use resources effectively and it breaks down.” – What you say? Don’t use your system Govnur?
My post is under scrutiny.
JustDumbBozo, I don’t implement selective chopping of paragraphs to try and make your silly points like you did in the Wa Po article.
Pud and How Proud
Pud and How Proud
Thanks for the correction, guess I never understood how flood insurance works. They’ll still blame it on Bush.
Notice when called on his bullshit, JustDumbBozo went quiet. I can selectively cut and paste an article too. But when called on it does he say sorry you’re right? Hell no! A lefty NEVER says anything bad against another lefty or admits being wrong. The follow their leader Bile of Seattle, HorsesAss Blog Master David Goldstein
@191 Zips:
OK then; I have an idea, why don’t you and I have a spelling contest? Let me guess, you are a “sanitational engineer” by trade. How fitting.