Good morning to the 70% of King County residents 16 years old and above who are vaccinated with either the Johnson and Johnson shot or the second of the 2-shot vaccines. It means that in 2 weeks we’ll have 70% of people with full immunity. So things like mask mandates can ease off.
I am proud to live in a county that was able to do that relatively quickly. It has been a real drag, this past year. But of course there remains a lot of work.
So, please, everyone else, get vaccinated if you can.
I live in a partially rural county. Consequently my county is still lagging way behind the rest of my state and dragging down our numbers. We’ve also begun destroying vaccine doses because we can’t get
Trump voters“culturally insecure” poorly educated older white people to show up for their vaccination appointments. Follow ups indicate they are being talked out of it by their family members, their social media circles, and FOX news and AM Hate Radio.And with Delta now rapidly on the rise the rate of hospitalizations and deaths is rising very rapidly among this population of “culturally insecure” poorly educated older white people.
Damn. No really. I mean that. Damn.
It’s just a damn shame this is happening in a completely safe, progressive, well educated, liberal, coastal blue state where the decline in the concentration of deeply stupid “conservatives” is essentially meaningless.
Look on the bright side: same thing is happening in Texas.
@1 the rate of infection here in NYC has completly flattened and no longer on the decline or decrease. Just as I thought would happen.
@1 its very unfortunate that somone like Bob, a freind of the morons, couldn’t waste his time in trying to help or pursuade the mornons to do the right thing and get vaccinated.
I don’t know maybe he believes in freedoms or personal choice, I guess.
Wait…maybe that’s not it – although he says hes ok with the gays, he does bash the gay peopel for putting a dick in thier mouths…..I mean his wife does it I think. What’s the big deal.
Bob really let those people down. He just doesn’t give a shit about them. He doesn’t give a shit about Country! Just Freedom (sarcasm)!
But I can’t just blame Bob. One of the people (friend) who lives in the building I live in, here in liberal NYC where the Queer Liberation front is alive, was proudly celebrating yesterday of the milestone reached here in NY State (70% with a least their first shot).
This person had COVID in March 2020 – I think it is part of what shaped his beliefs. His is liberal minded, maybe more conservative liberal minded….. he didn’t like The FuckHump….he was very fraught over the 1/6 Insurrection.
But anyways, he doesn’t like the mask. He never liked it. He didn’t wear when he was outside, even when the State or CDC recommended or advised. The Building in which we live requires it in common areas (interior or exterior). But about 2 weeks ago he said he was tired of wearing it and the hell with it.
Last night NYC celebrated with an inprompt fireworks display. So a few residents went to the roof deck to get a glimpse. And being outdoors, mostly everyone wasn’t abiding by the rules. Out of respect I was parially because I happen to have a sore throat (tested today with rapid test and result negative). So he asked me why I was still wearing it and I said because I like it (he knew I the sore throat). Screw Bob – I’m sure his mind has drifted to the gutter. Then another neighbor came out (that he knows better than I do) and he had his mask on. So, the dude asks him, “Why you wearing your mask”. And the guy takes it off.
I mean – what the fuck do you care if someone is still wearing the mask. They didn’t ask you why you weren’t wearing yours. Let them wear what the fuck they want without you interrogating or as if you trying to inform the uniformed that they no longer have to worry about COVID, as if he’s a shining light. He does it out of guilt that he doesn’t want to wear one. He doesn’t ask in a demeaning way, but in a jovial way, but still fuck off. We get it – you don’t like the fucking mask! You are one of the selfish that never really cared about doing it for others. He had the antibodies. I bet if he didn’t have antibodies and felt that he was protected that he would have masked up more often.
So the world is a bit fucked up right now. He’s a nice guy, but some just don’t get the seriousness of making a little effort to making a difference.
Is it really unfortunate?
For reasons having largely to do with privacy and safety policies laid down last summer, states like mine aren’t reporting much identifying information about those being rapidly culled by the latest Delta wave of infection. But they do give age and zip code. And that makes it a lot easier to narrow down the range of ideology. And mostly these are old white people living independently or with supportive family in Trump/GOP voting zip codes.
These are mostly people who are waking up this morning, turning on FOX news, and experiencing a refreshing fit of outrage because in a few days Juneteenth will become a federal holiday. Every single one of them has been eligible to be vaccinated since at least January. They’ve blown off months of appeals and opportunities, mass vaccination events, invitations from their own doctors, direct mail appeals, and even phone calls. They live in an exclusive information bubble that convinces them that Donald Trump is a wise and brilliant statesman, and that SARS-CoV-2 is just “the WUHAN flu”. Nearly every single one of them strongly supports a shift in America toward increasing state power and authority at the expense of individual rights – the very thing they claim they are exercising by refusing to vaccinate or wear masks.
@ 2
And with Delta now rapidly on the rise the rate of hospitalizations and deaths is rising very rapidly among this population of “culturally insecure” poorly educated older white people.
Damn. No really. I mean that. Damn.
What happened to “I see nothing wrong with this.”?
If I was as stupid as YLB, I’d ask something like, Gee, I wonder what Schumer will do because of this shift to the right at the state legislature level in a single state?. Silly twat.
@6 referernce @5
I don’t think he sees anything wrong with this. But I don’t want to speak for him.
But it appears to me that you make that statement quite often in reference to many other things.
I guess I just somehow feel like these deaths in affluent, healthy, progressive, highly educated west coast states are going to waste.
So in an indirect way that would be something “wrong” about it.
They are geographically inconvenient. But I have nothing but confidence in the very same people doing the very same thing in places like rural Wisconsin and Western Pennsylvania.
Because character is destiny, a great many poorly educated, older very “conservative” white men are destined to die in those places before the next midterm election.
They should know better. But we’ve been saying that since your last “former guy” promised them a million new Coal Jerbs.
See if you can find Georgia on this here “map”:
I gotta get some shades!
@ 10
I think if you graphed the spread of COVID-19 through the states over time, and graphed the vaccination rates of those states over time, you would see substantial similarity.
I get your point and I even agree with it, for the most part. But the first vaccines were sent to PDX, not to Pendleton. And it’s a significantly greater average distance to a vaccination center in a rural eastern OR county than it is to a vaccination center in Clackamas.
Remember those cell phone tracking map videos after Spring Break last year? Same point – it took a long time for the rural areas to fill in.
It’s not as simple as blaming Fox News, QoS McHillbilly.
YLB isn’t stupid, but you’re a dumbfuck for the ages. I’ve known and worked with many doctors over the years while designing hospitals and clinics and you’re among the most dumbfuck doctors I’ve known. Like the others, you believe you know more about anything than everybody else, including those in other professions, when all you are is fucking stupid.
The most stupid thing you ever did? Solar panels. That was really fucking stupid.
Plenty of conservative women will die, too. My rural county just might turn blue again.
Speaking of conservative women, why are they all so fucking ugly? What’s up with that?
@ 12
Solar panels are usually not a good idea for anyone.
The taxpayers reimbursed me in full for mine. Got in early enough for that to happen.
Now, of course, solar panels are infrastructure. So is estrogen, for those in transition. The world according to Kirsten Gillebrand.
Vaccine refusal in 2021 correlates to 2020 Trump vote even more strongly than 2016 Trump vote correlates to 2020 Trump vote.
However, we should not expect that correlation to strengthen between now and 2024 when Trump wins another GOP nomination.
Too many of you people are going to die between now and then.
I honestly don’t believe they are women.
Seriously. Other than the lab created silicone puppets on FOX the average postmenopausal Republican female is indistinguishable from their husbands other than clothing.
Consider this one:
Dress her in white Nikes, denim cutoffs, a Brawndo tee shirt and mirrored Oakleys and that’s a dude, moobs and all.
58% of Americans think Critical Race Theory is full of shit.
A majority – 53% find it “very unfavorable”. Don’t see that too often. Unless it’s the YLB family discussing the merits of working for a living rather than relying on handouts.
How unlikable is Kamala Harris? (Same poll as @ 17)
It’s striking, really. Overall the cowardly incompetent former opportunistic fellator of Willie Brown is underwater at 42% – 49%.
But it’s even worse with a closer look.
She’s underwater with women at 45 – 47. Sisters before misters unless the sister
sleptsucked her way up the ladder and has to use laughter as a defense mechanism. Ask Jill Biden, who told a conference call about Harris, “She can go fuck herself.”She has only 65% favorability among black voters, and only 46% of black voters are enthused enough to be very favorable about her.
Hispanics hate her, 44-46.
The only income group that offers her a net positive is the $100K+ group, which favors her 48-42.
Libbies, can you imagine running this chick in 2024? The only people who like her are black voters and rich voters. Black voters are quickly finding out she’s hurting them more than helping them, and rich voters will be sick and tired of the inflation, taxation, and crime wrought by the Democrat party by 2024. Remember, a Republican is a Democrat who got mugged.
Not to mention DeSantis will clean her clock come debate time.
She’s awful. Just awful.
Roughly 400 doses, or 200 people vaccinated, in a nation of 1.4 million people.
Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals
Chinese media mocks US donation of 80 vaccine vials to Trinidad and Tobago
China has no business mocking us, but WTF. Why even bother with that tiny quantity?
“We believe that every vaccine counts,” the embassy said.
I believe that some publicity isn’t worth it.
And you’re stupid and a fucking traitor.
Solar panels will be the death of you.
“So things like mask mandates can ease off.”
Not so fast.
“Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, tweeted Monday that vaccinated people should keep an eye on the percentage of delta infections in their community. ‘If you’re seeing more cases [and] more Delta, I’d restore some precautions (esp. if you’re high risk),’ he said on Twitter, including wearing a mask indoors.”
I did a cat story on Handbill today. When was the last time Doctor Dumbfuck posted a cat story on HA? He probably kills and eats them.
@17 “58% of Americans think Critical Race Theory is full of shit.”
And 80% of the 58% are Republicans, and 80% of Republicans are racists …
Bob’s next giant leap will be from “slaves” to “guest workers” …
@19 “Why even bother with that tiny quantity?”
Yeah, what’s a measly 200 dead dark-skinned people?
Even the Chinese propagandists know better than to be so blatantly racist about it.
Look! It’s a “lie”.
Relying on such automated methods, YouGov can’t really even prove that those responding to your survey are “Americans” in any compliant sense. I’ll grant that their methodology is mostly capable of filtering out repeat performers. And it’s probably fair to conclude that most of their respondents are who they claim to be, more or less. YouGov believes they can detect with confidence when respondents are fucking with them. Problem is they won’t tell anyone outside precisely how.
When it comes to their offerings of routine survey products that have a history and some comparables in the marketplace some error checking and validation is available. But the esoteric shit like “What do you think of alcoholic spritzers? or Should shoes ever have Velcro? it’s pure pissing in the wind.
But it’s good enough for you. And so’s the pond out back. The one disturbingly close to the septic.
@18 “Libbies, can you imagine running this chick in 2024?”
Much more easily than I can imagine your party running the corrupt, twice-impeached, cult leader and wannabe-dictator again.
That said, I expect Biden to be our 2024 nominee. By then, your preferred candidate may be pushing up daisies, if his dietary and exercise habits (and complexion and walking gait) are any indication.
Our silly troll “sugar daddy” doesn’t double, triple, quadruple, infinity down on misogyny out of fear of “showing weakness”..
Because misogyny is at the core of what it is. Racism and misogyny drives everything it does and combined are the ugly force that has guided its miserable life. On and on until “that certain day”..
She’s awful. Just awful.
Heh. Awww look.. It’s found a new woman to hate.. A woman of color even.. Hillary’s old hat now.
Did this freak say Obama was “awful”. Probably. I know it said Obama was “unpopular”..
Then Obama got another 4 years.. Heh.
@ 26
Relying on such automated methods, YouGov can’t really even prove…
No disagreement. Although Harris’ numbers have sucked for awhile now, none of them in this poll are a surprise, and she had to have seen similar internals as far back as late 2019 that caused her to bail before the first caucus was held.
QoS McHillbilly, I expect you to call into question all YouGov polls that others might post from now on. Moreover, I expect you to point out the bullshit in every bullshit poll Steve pulls from sources such as RawStory, and hand his ass to him for being such a fawning pantywaist over Biden.
I’m only down to @11
What fucking hogwash. You are dreaming buddy. People from other countries went to Florida to get their shot.
She’s a woman of color too. Go for it dimfuk.. That explains Moscow Mitch’s NAY.. Muslim guy was ok,. Black woman not.. Images of souls to the polls on teh brane.
The sedition caucus of iron fist Hawley and Khruzz voted nay too.
Graham voted Yea.. Orangey turnin’ RINO.
@12 Steve – a true American Patriot that cares about his Country! God Bless Steve!
There’s got to be something for the Neanderthals. Only Neanderthals would go out with that.
Little more drama in this one.. Moscow Mitch nay, sedition bois iron fist and khruzz, nay…
Graham goin’ RINO.. yea..
DC Circuit, woman of color taking Merrick Garland’s seat.. yeah!
Go for it dimfuk..
Biden gets 25th and shivved by Kamala in the process, Kamala gets the White House via succession rather than election, and proves to the world that she’s as awful as she showed us during the ’20 primary debate season.
Harris nominates Elizabeth Warren for Veep, Warren gets 60 votes in the Senate to confirm.
Harris realizes her party is toast if she leads a ticket with an uber-competent-but-not-nice woman who overshadows her more than Cheney overshadowed Bush. Harris elects not to run, supports Warren for the DNC nomination, and Warren picks Mayor Pete as her running mate.
That’s two competent Democrats on the ’24 ticket. Compared with the two incompetent Democrats running the country today.
I would worry greatly about that ticket. I worry not at all about Biden or Harris heading a ’24 ticket.
Put your fucking masks back on!
just 1 in 1000, no big fucking deal.
From the stupid dumbfuck’s poll the traitor is desperately touting today,
Very and somewhat favorable,
Schumer 31%
Pelosi 34%
McConnell 20%
McCarthy 20%
Democratic Party 39%
Republican Party 32%
Kamala Harris 42%
Orange man-baby 37%
If the stupid dumbfuck traitor believes this poll reveals Harris to be “so awful”, WTF does it reveal about the stupid dumbfuck traitor’s GQP, its leadership and the dumbfuck traitor’s raging orange man-baby?
What does this poll reveal about HA’s stupid dumbfuck traitor?
It reveals that which we already knew, that he’s a stupid dumbfuck traitor.
It’s so fucking great that Conservative are fighting the Abortion Fight! And Bob is trolling with sensless shit!
God Bless Steve!
I would worry greatly about that ticket.
Typical repuke worries about “competence”..
It’d rather have an empty suit who plays “at” guitar while NOLA drowns or struts in a flight suit.
That empty suit… see fall 2008… economic meltdown.. that empty suit was awful. just awful.
Can’t he come up with something that’s reality-based, as in not something pulled from his ass?
No, he can’t. Why? Because he’s a stupid dumbfuck.
@28 “Because misogyny is at the core of what it is.”
In other words, the GOP is a party of men afraid of women.
@33 Plenty of people suspect Ann Coulter is a man. See, e.g.,
As for me, I express no opinion; I consider the issue unsettled.
@34 This is the one they’re really skeered of, as in Supreme Court skeeeeeeeeered.
Trumpism is the successor to the corrupt medieval religious cult which burned people at the stake for wondering if the earth orbited the sun instead of the other way around.
@35 This is what schizophrenia looks like in Roman typeface.
@38 A Republican is someone who wants to force people to be born so there’s more to kill with wars and pandemics.
The dumbfuck traitor actually believes DeSantis will be our next president.
Royal Caribbean delays trip after 8 crew test COVID-19 positive
If anyone reads The Millionaire Next Door” you learn that the favorite vehicle of the typical millionaire is the Ford F-150 pickup.. Enter the F-150 Lightning…
But poor rapey dimfuk because of its misogyny and racism will never buy it because Joe Biden said it’s quick.. And other reasons which I’ll get to in a moment.
Yes this vehicle does everything anyone would want from a truck and more – especially for liberals caught in a TexASS power grid meltdown. Freedumb means don’t weatherize the grid for a harsh winter.. Be unprepared..
But dimfuk will never buy one because the chief engineer on the product is a Chinese female immigrant, Linda Zhang. Came to this country when she was eight. Oh how woke is this? Poor dimfuk would feel contaminated in this “Wuhan” truck.
In an age where AMD is eating Intel’s lunch (AMD’s CEO is also an asian female), poor dimfuk has condemned itself to putter around its widbee safespace in a nissan leaf while all teh libruls quickly haul ass and heavy shit about the island.
Too funny.
So much for fixing the power grid that recently killed 700 Texans.
Texas governor puts $250 million down payment on a border wall
@48 Picked up that book in an airport some years ago. Makes for interesting reading. Over half of America’s millionaires live in ordinary houses and drive old cars. The people with flashy lifestyles often don’t have much (or any) net worth, because they spend all their income and are in debt.
In college, I heard a ditty that goes like this: The average American works at a job he hates to earn money he doesn’t need to buy things he doesn’t want to impress people he doesn’t like.
Not much has changed over the last 50 years.
Me, I prefer stock to stuff; it’s portable, liquid, earns income, and doesn’t require maintenance and repairs.
You don’t own stuff; it owns you.
37. Not sure what Pence’s rating was during his vice presidency but judging from the send off they tried to give him on 1/6 it probably was much worse than Trump’s dismal showing. Not that anyone even cared.
Tomorrow is a federal holiday!
President Joe Biden is set to sign JUNETEENTH into law today around noon!
I am overwhelmed with pride and gratitude for America finally recognizing the necessity of this. And I’m grateful for the Democratic majorities in the House and Senate that made this day possible. President Joe Biden makes history again!
Here at our house we’re going to proudly fly our largest flag, fire up the grill, and have a block party.
About fucking time.
I can’t believe we’re halfway through Critic Race Theory Outrage Month already; it feels like Trans Athlete Outrage Month just ended. Before you know it it’ll be Vaccine Passport Outrage Month. So many months before Starbucks Coffee Cup Colour Outrage Month
Biden cancels $500 million in student debt for victims of for-profit school fraud
I know you are asking “Like trump university?”
No, trump ‘university’ was not a school. It was not accredited, it was just a scam to part suckers from their cash.
Supreme Court 7-2 just made Obamacare the Law of the Land.
For good, it seems. “You have no right to sue when it doesn’t affect you,” or words to that effect.
A great big middle finger to the Republican scrooges who wanted to take health care away from 31 million Americans simply because they resent the working poor being able to see a doctor.
@56 I see 2 of 3 raging orange man-baby SCOTUS justices betrayed the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck again.
We should remember that it isn’t just congressmen like Andrew Clyde, who represents in northeast Georgia, who are anti-police and subversive. The voters who elected them are crazy, too.
So, it’s best to avoid that place. Don’t go there. If you’re passing through, drive around. If you have relatives who live there, tell them you’ll get together with them in a neutral location, but not there.
The area covered by Georgia’s 9th congressional district should be considered unsafe for civilized people to enter.
I can see the Court’s reasoning that the Catholic Church has a First Amendment right to be bigots.
But I don’t see the conservative majority’s reasoning that Philadelphia taxpayers have to give their money to bigots.
At least the most radical justices didn’t completely get their way and say we have to let bigots ass-fuck heteros, too.
Even Putin thinks the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck is stupid.
Putin blows up disinfo claims about Biden’s mental fitness: ‘He doesn’t let anything get by, I assure you’
Well, you & your ilk have the right to be fucking arrogant idiots, so the Catholics can do what they want, too.
BTW, it was a unanimous SCOTUS decision .
7-2? How can be 7-2?
7-2 would mean that more than one beloved “Trump Judge” betrayed Tara and the rest of Team Treason!
In Morning Consult and Politico polls this week, a former KGB agent who bombed his own citizens twice, ordered chemical attacks, assassinated rivals overseas, looted his nation’s treasury, and placed bounties on US Marines is substantially more popular with Republicans than Joe Biden is.
Character is destiny.
“The court’s three most conservative justices wanted to overturn three decades of precedent and subject virtually all government regulations that even incidentally impact religious practice to the most exacting judicial scrutiny. But Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Kavanaugh and Barrett appeared unwilling, or at least not yet ready, to make such a move — resting the decision on narrower grounds,” he added. “That may also explain why none of the three more progressive justices dissented — lest they encourage the three justices in the middle to go bigger.”
Roberts, joined by the liberals on the court as well as Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, focused on the fact that Philadelphia had not shown a good reason why the contract should be frozen and the religious rights of the agency should be burdened. He noted that there were other agencies available to work with same sex placements.
There has been discussion that the Roberts and the conservatives not making the radical changes they want to make yet to keep the Democrats from reforming the courts. They are waiting in the hopes the republicans take back congress and the white house.
So SCOTUS held up ACA??? Again???
Oh my… What a slap in the face to black guy haters and SCOTUS klownservatic majority masturbators..
That said, yours truly was never a big fan of ACA.. No public option which was a compromise anyway.. I’m glad plenty of people use it rather than have no insurance at all.
Medicare for all.. One day.
So SCOTUS held up ACA??? Again???
Oh my… What a slap in the face to black guy haters and SCOTUS klownservatic majority masturbators..
That said, yours truly was never a big fan of ACA.. No public option which was a compromise anyway.. I’m glad plenty of people use it rather than have no insurance at all.
Medicare for all.. One day.
So SCOTUS held up ACA??? Again???
Oh my… What a slap in the face to black guy haters and SCOTUS klownservatic majority masturbators..
That said, yours truly was never a big fan of ACA.. No public option which was a compromise anyway.. I’m glad plenty of people use it rather than have no insurance at all.
Medicare for all.. One day.
This one should settle for under a million dollars — I’d guess about $450,000 for the one with stitches, and roughly $325,000 for the one without stitches. And, as usual, taxpayers will foot the bill.
I’ve noticed Asian-haters always go for the very elderly. I wonder if that’s because they’re afraid of 60 and 70 somethings?
Also, I wonder if the suspect in this case is this guy:
Yep, it’s him:
Not clearly a hate crime; this guy robs and stabs everybody, so maybe he’s just a serial sociopath.
Nice. Another reminder of the erosion of confidence in America’s medical profession.
Ex-Trump doctor demands Biden endure cognitive test ex-president took: ‘Person, woman, man, camera TV’
As I’ve said before, if there’s a union in America that needs busting, it’s the AMA. Want proof? Just look at our treasonous dumbfuck radiologist. We need to reduce the likes of him back to bartering for chickens again.
@67 Upheld, not held up.
Chickenshit fucktards who were probably stoked up by the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s attempts to incite violence against Asian-Americans by babbling on and on about “the Wuhan”.
@61 I’m not the idiot who posted “it was a unanimous SCOTUS decision”.
Q: What is Hunter Biden’s fave band?
A: The Slants.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘No yellow!’ Hunter Biden used slur to refer to Asians in 2019 texts with his cousin Caroline who asked if he preferred ‘foreign or domestic’ women – as he’s already been blasted as racist for using the n-word
When you consider all of the racially insensitive stuff his dad has said while on camera, it’s really not a stretch to believe that Hunter does the same thing.
I remember singing this song in Sunday School, when I was, like, five. In my adult life I’ve certainly used the term Redskins, in its NFL context.
But what adult would refer to Asian-heritage people as “yellow”? That’s fucked up. At minimum it’s coked out.
Q: What is Hunter Biden’s fave band?
A: The Slants.
Does Hunter Biden represent any constituency? Besides dumbshit trolls taking cheap shots from their safespace? I’d say he’s a big hit with that dumbshit troll constituency.. Any other should think twice before throwing the lever..
Yawwn.. JOE Biden won with more votes than his corrupt, racist, misogynist opponent. ALL people, not just those with white privilege or those getting table scraps from white privilege, are benefiting from his agenda. Covid-relief, infrastructure, rebuilding alliances, voting rights, etc..
Repukes oppose all that.. And the silliest use Hunter Biden as a prop.
No Joe is far from perfect. He’s fallen short and he’ll fall short in some ways, many ways perhaps.. But oh shit, is he a lot better than the alternative.
But what adult would refer to Asian-heritage people as “yellow”?
I’d say that way of referring to Asian people originated with ignorant white folks.. Same people who invented the word “negro”..
A substantial subset of which refer to covid as “the kung flu”..
Own it dimfuk.
@ 76
YLB, please list the federal voting rights improvements that have occurred since Biden assumed office.
Please also list the infrastructure improvements that have occurred since Biden assumed office. Reauthorizations don’t count. Unless you also plan to credit Biden for each monthly Social Security check that’s delivered.
GOP crushes Manchin’s hopes for elections compromise
Joe Manchin wants to remake Democrats’ sweeping elections reform bill. Republicans plan to take it down before he can try.
WTF? Because the powerful black woman supported it now they can’t? That sounds like greedy racist incel logic. They needed an excuse to not go for it and there it is.
I don’t like racial hyphenating. Too politically correct. If tell a story and it includes, say, a American Japanese woman, I’ll call her a Japanese woman with added descriptors like glasses, long hair, short hair, apparel. That way, the listener can picture her. My friends, including Japanese, know I’m talking about a person of Japanese descent who is as American as apple pie. If not American, I’ll talk about “a woman from Japan…”.
I usually don’t use the term “Native American”. I usually use tribal name. “I was talking with a Skokomish friend, a guy who works at the gas station store…” “I knew an Inuit engineer named Ernie who…”
You know that the conservatives have nothing on the president when they have to attack his son.
@ 81
You know that the conservatives have nothing on the president when they have to attack his son.
Not written by libbies on HA during 2017-2020:
“You know that the liberals have nothing on the president when they have to attack his daughter.”
Unemployment claims rose unexpectedly this week. First Vegetable Joe Biden blamed the Juneteenth holiday.
Leveled out. Looks like infection rate is going back up a bit in Manhattan. So much for this being done and over with.
@82 again false equivalency.
The biggest winner from Biden’s G-7 trip is Kamala Harris.
Compared with Biden’s performance at G-7, Harris’ performance in Guatemala now doesn’t seem so awful.
It’s easy to refer to heteros as Neanderthals
I’d certainly like to thank Stuart Scott for booyah.
Much of our slang comes from the Black community. Not acknowledging that perpetuates racism.
I suppose. But these days Stuart Scott is Elvis Presley’s lyricist.
Next up: Medicare should be expanded to reopen Burlington College.
Over in r/conservative on juneteenth.
what nation on earth do black people excel the most? Where are they richest, freest and safest? I think USA should adopt the policies of that nation.
So take your pick, Denmark, Switzerland, Or Ireland? The USA is currently 69th on the list out of the top 78 and I would be more than happy to improve the lives of my neighbors and fellow countrymen/women.
This list is arbitrary.
The entire PDX police riot squad has resigned.
Antifa isn’t going to let a crisis go to waste – Be Water event tonite at 9:30a.
Andy Ngo’s Twitter feed might be pretty interesting tomorrow.
“Just an idea”, amirite?
YLB, please list the federal voting rights improvements that have occurred since Biden assumed office.
I said it was part of his agenda.. An agenda that upholds ALL people – not just beneficiaries of white privilege.. Voter suppression affects white people too – even Republican white people – especially the elderly.
Like infrastructure – which last I looked hasn’t made it through the moscow mitch gauntlet.. yet.
Does this make Sue Bird a bigot, too?
Q: What is Megan Rapinoe’s fave band?
A: See @ 74
Conservatives everywhere are bragging how Republicans freed the slaves from the Democrats. And then posting crap like this
“I’m so confused about flags. I put out a U.S. flag on flag day, but I guess I was supposed to use a rainbow flag. Is Juneteenth the day I put out the lawn jockey holding a Confederate flag?”
Racists got to be racist.
As usual, you have to resort to stripping context from everything you post. Like when I called you out for it @37 when you used a poll to call the VP “so awful”. Must suck for you. So much so that you ignore me when I do that to you. Of course, what else could you do? Admit to being a stupid dumbfuck?
Context. Your raging orange man-baby’s adult spawn continuously attacked Democrats. Female spawn was even on the WH payroll while doing it. That makes them fair game. Barron spawn has been off-limits.
That’s all. Now you can go back to fucking yourself, you stupid fucking traitor.
I do not think it is too radical an idea to say that keeping teeth in your mouth should not be a luxury. Medicare must be expanded to include dental care, eyeglasses, and hearing aids.
Hear, hear…
And here is something for our pitifully ignorant troll:
In the early 1990s, RAM started getting calls to hold clinics in the U.S. The first U.S. RAM event was held in Sneedville, a town in northern Tennessee, and had a heavy dental chair in the back of a pickup truck, said Brock. “We saw about 150 dental patients because they didn’t have a dentist in Sneedville then. They didn’t even have a hospital. It had closed.”
The vast majority of people who visit the clinics need work on their teeth and eyes, and when pressed to choose, they will opt for the dental work, said Brock.
Imagine that. An outfit that started to serve poor people overseas found the greatest need here.
No, It makes you a stupid dumbfuck.
Putin 1
Biden 0
‘I’ve never seen a president so protected by his aides’: CNN’s Jeff Zeleny slams Biden’s handlers for ‘screaming at him’ to stop him answering questions
Jen Psaki later clarified that the staff isn’t screaming at Biden to stop answering; rather, they’re screaming at him to make use of the carefully created flash cards before each answer.
Biden 1
dimfuk 0
See @60
93. The greedy racist incel is our resident expert on saying racist things. . He can answer that best.
Of course, a lot of times you just post something stupid, no missing context required.
96. They should stop voting for Republicans then.
@70 “Conservative Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson announced Thursday that he wants President Joe Biden to take a cognitive test to prove his mental stability.”
Sheer baloney. The Founding Fathers, whose wisdom and infallibility are second only to God herself, determined that any natural born citizen over age 34 can be president; there are no other qualifications.
An imbecile can serve. So can a felon, a crackhead, and a Russian agent. Note that attributes which may be impeachable, and result in actual impeachment, are not disqualifying. Trump can run again, and if elected can serve again, even though he was impeached twice, is an imbecile, may soon become a convicted felon, and very likely is a Russian agent.
It goes without saying that Biden is vastly superior to any of these, and nearly infinitely superior to Trump. But the point is, he’s a natural born citizen at least 35 years old, and doesn’t have to satisfy or pass any other qualification tests.
YLB @ 76
ALL people, not just those with white privilege or those getting table scraps from white privilege, are benefiting from his agenda. Covid-relief, infrastructure, rebuilding alliances, voting rights, etc..
Well, maybe not all people, YLB. Those minor children who answered candidate Joe Biden’s call to “surge” to the border aren’t having a very good time.
And now the FBI is involved.
Latricia Thomas
What say you now, YLB?
“You know that the liberals have nothing on the president when they have to attack his daughter.”
Wasn’t she part of his inner circle? On the White House payroll? Or maybe she took no pay but she did benefit in kind from being an “presidential counselor”.. Occupied office space day to day.. Doing what exactly?
Ok to attack say Valerie Jarret but not Ivanka..
Yours truly said little to my recollection. Her vapidity spoke for itself.
@74 “When you consider all of the racially insensitive stuff …,” etc.
Given a choice between a “vegetable” spouting “racially insensitive stuff” (your words) or an actual racist, I’d take an eggplant before your preferred candidate.
Q: What’s YLB’s fave time of year?
A: Summer’s Eve.
@79 Sen. Blunt just made clear what all of us already knew, namely, that GOP senators will not vote for any legislation that allows black people to vote.
Because allowing black people to vote is what Stacey Abrams is all about.
Over in Reddit conservative they were frothing at the mouth that July 4th was going to be canceled so that tbe libs could make juneteeth the only summer holiday to own the conservatives apparently.
And now the FBI is involved.
Call me when the miserable websites you read babble about the White House interfering with the investigation. Or when Biden badmouths the investigation to reporters over helicopter noise.
Murdering people who register blacks to vote and burying their bodies in an earthen dam is very 1960s, and definitely out of vogue, so what they do now is throw people in jail for handing a water bottle to a black voter waiting in line for 12 hours to vote in a precinct allocated one voting machine for 5,000 people.
The methods have changed; the racism hasn’t.
@81 His dog will be next.
@ 106
Given a choice between a “vegetable” spouting “racially insensitive stuff” (your words) or an actual racist, I’d take an eggplant before your preferred candidate.
Half of me is inclined to cut Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit some slack on this one, because he thought that BBC was a news organization in the UK rather than, er, something else with the same acronym.
But given Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s use of terms like gooks and towelheads on HA, it’s far more likely that he dropped another slur. Particularly as it was used in a sentence concerning racism.
This is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s macaca moment.
Q: What’s dimfuk’s fave time of year?
Anniversary of the Tulsa massacre? When white folks put blacks “in their place”..
Bet dimfuk woulda perferred lobbing incendiaries from a harley.. More risk-taking than dropping them from a private plane. Closer to the action.
@91 “The entire PDX police riot squad has resigned.”
Which shows the Capitol Police are made of sterner stuff than they are.
But given Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s use of terms like gooks
You voted for McSame no?
Don’t go all anti-racist on us.. It doesn’t work. It never has worked.
@92 I can tell you who’s not improving voting rights: The Arizona GOP senate and Cyber Ninjas. Or any other Republican legislator, congressman, or senator you can name.
More on @ 106, 113
There’s a story online about a judge who called a black defendant a “moolie”.
Moolie is a shortened version of mulignan, which is a Sicilian slur used against black people.. It translates as eggplant.
Gotcha, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@93 I’ll bet she doesn’t take horse cock in the ear.
Eagerly awaiting Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s frantic explanation that he wasn’t slurring blacks, he was slurring conservatives.
After which YLB and Steve will protect Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit once again. The cycle of liberal racism repeats itself in this manner.
@118 laughably reaching and tortured. zzzzZZZzzzz..
that all ya got dimfuk?
Q: What’s doc’s fave time of day?
A: When the horse wakes up.
The cycle of liberal racism repeats itself in this manner.
This from a reprobate who never saw an “LE” killing of an unarmed person of color it didn’t like..
And then was laughably silent when “LE” at the DC Capitol was crushed by a mob of something or other. For once it couldn’t find the stones to say “antifa”.
Wow it found the courage recently to condemn two “hee haw” types. People supported by the iron fist of Fred Waterford – oops, Josh Hawley.
Was that racist of it? The “hee haw” slur?
@ 116
As I predicted @ 120, YLB leaps to Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s defense by, er, pointing out that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit isn’t the only one who uses racist slurs. Other old white guys who served in Vietnam do/did it, too.
Kinda a non-denial defense, YLB. Doncha think?
I’m sure Steve will offer a more convincing defense of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Something like, perhaps, “Not many people realize that the eggplant isn’t a vegetable. In fact, it is a fruit.”
Awww. Isn’t it cute that the greedy racist incel is outraged by the treatment of migrant children now that democrats are in charge. It only took him four years to find his voice.
@113 It takes a real bozo to assume a rabbit is referring to something other than a vegetable when he mentions “eggplant.”
But I can see how a mind accustomed to seeing everything through a racist lens would leap to that conclusion.
@118 I’m not up to speed on all the racist slurs, but I see Doc is.
It’s The Wuhan.
High-level Chinese Defection Rumored
Chinese State Security Vice Minister Dong Jingwei would be highest-level defector in the history of the People’s Republic.
Fuck yeah.
@124 “a more convincing defense of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit”
I’m doing okay on my own right now. It helps that you make it easy.
@ 126
Richard DawsonSteve Harvey: “Name a common vegetable.”Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit: “Eggplant”
Richard DawsonSteve Harvey: “Show me “‘eggplant'”!Other old white guys who served in Vietnam do/did it, too.
You’re closer to “that certain day” than you realize dimfuk..
Long ago I asked you if I should have corrected the language of WWII vet I chatted up on Memorial Day when he referred to Japanese as “Japs”.
And you babbled a non answer.. It didn’t work then..
It doesn’t work now. Aren’t you among the folks who always bring up “context”?
@130 “Name a common vegetable.” Lettuce. I don’t mean money.
Hmmm. No answer on the vote for McSame..
@ 132
Pity you didn’t use “lettuce” instead of a racist slur, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Of course, there was a reason you didn’t, wasn’t there?
Actually, I wish you had used “cucumber”, instead. Would have opened the door to Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit jokes, instead of reinforcing your racist proclivities. You keep doing it, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Now you can’t say it was a mistake you made years ago, and you’re sorry for it and you’ve changed.
It wasn’t a mistake, and you did it today. Own it.
Nothing says free and fair elections like sudden issuance of rules preventing audits of election results.
It obviously voted for the racist John McSame..
I guess it depends on racists to do its dirty work for it..
Like Scott Gudmundsen deferred to police to kill “antifa” for it.
Gudmundsen got probation due to his “mental health” issues.
Dimfuk do take note of this.
@ 133
You’re the one with the database, girlfriend. Let’s see it. I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Refresh my memory. Remember, I’m closer to that certain day than you are. Memories fade.
unfucking believable – that the Umpa Lumpas are fucking traitors to this Country.
“Ex-Colorado GOP chair accused of stealing more than $250K from pro-Trump PAC”
They can’t help themselves. They’re born with larceny implanted in their brains.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Wu who?
@134 You’re the one who associated “eggplant” with a racist slur, not me. When I say “eggplant,” I’m referring to a vegetable. When you hear “eggplant,” you don’t think of a vegetable. It’s obvious to everybody which of us has the problem.
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t use “nigger”, but he’s the only one here who wants them all dead, including children like Tamir Rice. Same with Asians. He doesn’t use gook, chinc or jap, either, but he tries damned hard to incite violence against them with repeated use of “the Wuhan”.
Nothing says free and fair elections like sudden issuance of rules preventing audits of election results.
The county spent $6.1 million to lease the machines from Dominion Voting Systems in a three-year contract that expires before the 2022 election. There are three one-year renewal options.
“There are real concerns about what the unaccredited ‘auditors’ have done to Maricopa County’s voting equipment, and whether the machines remain useable for future elections,” Dominion said in a statement.
It’s clear that the secure chain of custody had been broken, the statement added.
i.e. Arizona has to get many new machines because of GQP tampering.
That said. Voting machines suck. Since 2004 that’s been too obvious.. Paper ballots counted by machines work for me. Audit the paper if need be.
Nothing says free and fair elections like sudden issuance of rules preventing audits of election results.
The county spent $6.1 million to lease the machines from Dominion Voting Systems in a three-year contract that expires before the 2022 election. There are three one-year renewal options.
“There are real concerns about what the unaccredited ‘auditors’ have done to Maricopa County’s voting equipment, and whether the machines remain useable for future elections,” Dominion said in a statement.
It’s clear that the secure chain of custody had been broken, the statement added.
i.e. Arizona has to get many new machines because of GQP tampering.
That said. Voting machines suck. Since 2004 that’s been too obvious.. Paper ballots counted by machines work for me. Audit the paper if need be.
@135 Sounds like common sense to me. I wouldn’t want conspiracy peddlers tinkering with voting machines, either.
The Arizona “audit” will “find” 10,500 more votes than ballots.
The Arizona highway department will find 10,500 ballots blowing around on the highway outside the fairgrounds.,
You sure it’s not the Kentucky Derby?
@ 136
Sounds like a hate crime to me, too. But YLB, if you possessed a three-digit IQ you might have clicked another link in your story.
Police reports detail warning signs in hours before man allegedly held 2 salesmen at gunpoint
I understand why you didn’t, YLB. It’s far easier, as well as unserious, to write the words mental health in quotation marks than it is to spend a little more time on a story before posting it. You’ve always been a lightweight.
It’s all in the hands of a top-secret “forensic lab” in Montana now.
This guy’s probably a regular customer of tire shops.
Meanwhile …
Now wait for some dumbfuck to blow up the bridge.
Man the Press is so gullable and stupid. Don’t they realize this is part of his con job. He says this in an attempt to win back some of the Repukes who were turned off by Insurection Day.
@134 “Actually, I wish you had used ‘cucumber’, instead.”
You were really counting on that, weren’t you? Probably hoping and praying, too. But who ever heard of rabbits eating cucumbers? Shows what a dumbfuck you are.
Read this Bob….I’m more of a Doctor than you.
@ 146
The Arizona “audit” will “find” 10,500 more votes than ballots.
Well, this is why chain of custody is important, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Keep that in mind when the Fulton County, GA work is complete. It’s going to be a problem.
‘member when The Wuhan was a conspiracy theory?
Good times, good times.
According to the police report, Gudmundsen twice needed medical attention after he was jailed, and he “did not really seem to understand what was happening” in the hours after he was arrested.
Uh dimfuk.. He babbled “antifa” and “blm” a lot before he pointed a gun at that black athlete.. And holding him at gunpoint he said he didn’t need to kill him..
He’d let the police do it for him..
Please take note of this. Notice I didn’t say “seek help”. That’s never worked.
Still nothing on voting for John McSame?
@154 “when the Fulton County, GA work is complete”
What “work”? Fulton County’s returns were counted, recounted, and certified months ago. The GOP “audits” are purely recreational, carried out by people with too much time on their hands.
Heh. I guess Scott Gudmundsen was “properly” crazy..
Like all these Qanon nuts.
They don’t know what the F they’re doing.. Like the Cyber Ninja kook..
Like the MyPillow shill who offers a discounted pillow – just enter “QANON” in the coupon field.
Unforced error scores the go-ahead.
The durty hippies are all gonna get drunk and fuck tonight. While dozens of PPB officers search Craigslist for all the cool jobs that eight years of napping and masturbating to Snu Snu porn in the back of a Crown Vic qualifies them for.
The last time anybody who looked like Barry Wesley got probation because “I was high as fuck when I pistol-whipped that old lady” was… never.
Blacking out and being unable to recall having formed criminal intent doesn’t change the fact that the def formed criminal intent.
Res ipsa loquitur.
@159 They didn’t actually resign, they merely refused to be riot cops anymore.
Good. If they don’t want to police riots because one of them was charged for beating up a reporter, that’s excellent. Doc’s having a sad, though.
@160 “Res ipsa loquitur.”
You expect a dumbfuck doctor to know what that means?
Lydia Polgreen@lpolgreen Jun 9
Just as “fake news” really means “reporting I don’t like” and “cancel culture” means “accountability I don’t like,” “CRT” means “any conversation about race I don’t like.”
And “socialism” means “anything that keeps me from doing anything I want regardless of its impact on others.”
Socialism means the government helping people I consider undeserving.
I support a wealth tax because I believe no teacher in America should have a higher federal tax rate than billionaires like Jeff Bezos. Discuss.
Happy Juneteenth everybody. We can celebrate that progressives stopped conservatives from being able to legally treat humans with dark skin as farm equipment and livestock.
They refused to accept the on average additional pay, overtime, comp time, and promotion in rank totalling over $35,000 per year.
PPB will have no trouble replacing all fifty. “Training” and “certification” will take a little time.
What’s that thing you keep saying about “training”?
Pundits described it amusingly “Republicans can’t vote for the Mansion Amendment now that Stacey Abrams has got her Blackness all over it”
Conservatives and that “one drop” mindset. So sad.
I must have missed it on the news, all the coverage of Portland being a smoking pile of rubble?
“If GOP conspiracy theorists think the FBI organized the Jan. 6 attack, wouldn’t they want an independent commission to uncover the truth?”
Ah shucks. Looks like Tara and her 8chan girlfriends are going to find out once again that bukkake is not an honor.
Proud Boys leader Rico Tarrio, having been revealed as a long time FBI informant currently providing GJ testimony against Jan 6 rioters, and having lost all his payment processors for selling Proud Boys merch, is now selling BLM and Impeach 45 merchandise.
170. What a trump. Anything for a buck.
It begins.
That’s Monmouth. Approval now below 50%, down six points in two months. Disapproval up 13 points since inauguration.
‘mornin’, Steve. Honeymoon’s ending, motherfucker.
Indeed. Now that they have lost the dedicated services of the brave heroes who dressed from head to toe in kevlar armor, and preceded by a fog of chemical weapons, club the shit out of 92 pound photojournalists cowering and sobbing on the pavement.
Moscow Mitch now refers to ol’ “bipartisan Joe” as “Rotten to the Core“.
This ought to work out well for both of them.
Manchin having already telegraphed to Senate Republicans his “opposition” to reforms of the 60-vote-rule. And the minority having declared their opposition to any voting rights legislation with “black taint”.
Were we really supposed to believe that the GOP end game was to give Manchin room to move in their direction?
@ 174
Moscow Mitch now refers to ol’ “bipartisan Joe” as “Rotten to the Core“.
That’s objectively false.
S. 1 is not Joe Biden. Joe Biden is not S. 1.
Other than that, QoS McHillbilly, you’re an asshole.
Anyone impressed by Hershel Walker? I’m not. He’s a GOP version of Ashley Judd or Alyssa Milano.
Four syllable words no longer allowed inside Teh Whorange Event Horizon.
FAKE NEWS: one syllable words. Bullet points. Good.
“Grab ’em by the Pussy!”: one and two syllable words. Not as good. But “pussy” after all. Still good.
No Collusion: a three syllable word. Weak. But acceptable. Even “cannibal” is only three.
It’s like a bad pilot for Fascist Eye for the Libertarian Guy.
If States want to have only rich white male landowners vote hey that’s their right according to the greedy racist incel
Judge Linda V. Parker of the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan just issued an order that every single attorney whose name appeared on any court filings by plaintiff in the Donald J. Trump election lawsuit filed in Michigan on his behalf by his lawyer Sidney Powell shall appear in her court for a sanctions hearing on July 6.
Parker, a two-term, rockstar President Obama appointee had less than flattering things to say about Ms. Powell’s “Kraken” lawsuit last December, arguing that the relief it sought “…would disenfranchise the votes of the more than 5.5 million Michigan citizens who, with dignity, hope, and a promise of a voice, participated in the 2020 General Election.” Parker suggested in her ruling tossing the lawsuit that its real objective was to destroy public faith in democracy and elections.
I recommend they bring their checkbooks and a toothbrush.
What he’s really arguing is that a 45 member minority in the Senate should have the “right” to prevent any discussion of the matter.
Presumably because discussing such things is vulgar and too embarrassing. That’s the real “White Man’s Burden”.
Also notice how after seventy years of arguing steadfastly that police never, ever, ever cause rioting, suddenly your crazy-angry-drunken Uncle Liberty is all over that shit.
Child molesters are speaking out against abortion. How precious
And my crazy Uncle Liberty suddenly has new found love for Russia, trusting them even more than our own intelligence services.
Remember filthy Rohrabacher, the “filthiest repukelican”??
Big time vlad and drumpf lover.
Attended the sedition rally. Sells pot for a living now..
Hey y’all, remember last year when Biden thought that Juneteenth was the commemoration of the Tulsa massacre?
Biden conflates Juneteenth celebration with Tulsa massacre in bid to hit Trump
What a fuckin’ clown.
@ 184
Sells pot for a living now.
Hunter Biden consumes crack for a living. Other than introducing people to his dad, that’s all he did for that $83,333 Burisma monthly payout.
I see the dumbfuck traitor loves RV polls now. Not only that, but one with 44% independents and with Republican approval soaring from 11 to 19%! ROLF.
What a stupe.
Heh. The dumbfuck traitor must be drinking “Steve’s Stupid Solution”.
Oh look dimfuk.. This repuke can use your “services”…
In secret recording, Florida Republican threatens to send Russian-Ukrainian ‘hit squad’ after rival
“I really don’t want to have to end anybody’s life for the good of the people of the United States of America,” Braddock said at one point in the conversation last week, according to the recording exclusively obtained by POLITICO. “That will break my heart. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. Luna is a f—ing speed bump in the road. She’s a dead squirrel you run over every day when you leave the neighborhood.”
“dead squirrel”… surely you can help him find the appropriate “words” for his female opponent..
There’s a bright future for ya in repuke politics. You’re spinnin’ your wheels here at HA.
Hunter Biden consumes crack for a living.
And you wolf down spencers and guzzle bourbon while trolling HA..
That “certain day” will come and there will be an end to being bored to tears..
But please continue. We all know you can’t help yourself. And you got nothing else.
Heh. I see the RCP average is still higher than any one poll his raging twice impeached, insurrection leading, orange man-baby had in his entire term in office.
Suck on that, “motherfucker”.
Such a stupe. Oh, and a Putin-loving, America-hating traitor.
Poor Mike Pence.
Pence heckled at conservative event with shouts of ‘traitor’
Yeah, he’s a traitor. So is Doctor Dumbfuck. Let’s hang both of them.
@ 190
Heh. I see the RCP average is still higher than any one poll his raging twice impeached, insurrection leading, orange man-baby had in his entire term in office.
Trump polled well enough to seat 200 federal judges, Steve. Three in particular.
What’s next, Steve? Ya gonna tell me that Hillary’s approval polling wasn’t as low as Trump’s? ’cause that would hurt my feelings.
But I’ll try to go on.
Oops.. trouble in paradise…
The key fault line in the Supreme Court that Donald Trump built is not the ideological clash between right and left — it’s the increasingly acrimonious conflict within the court’s now-dominant conservative wing….
Leading the charge from the right in both cases Thursday was Justice Samuel Alito, who penned caustic opinions taking his colleagues to task for issuing narrow rulings that seemed to him to be aimed at defusing political tensions rather than interpreting the law….
“I think you have a three-three-three court,” said South Texas College of Law Professor Josh Blackman. “I disagree with the notion that we have a six-member conservative majority on many of these divisive issues.”
Sux to be moscow mitch… and dimfuk..
as for drumpf, wtf cares? that tool was always just out for itself.
You mean those SCOTUS justices who keep betraying you when it really counts? ROLF!! Love how you clutch them like pearls.
As always, all GQP roads lead to Russia.
Vladimir Putin and GOP apologists for the Capitol rioters are sharing the same bogus talking points
Dumbfuck traitor sure loves him some Putin.
@ 193
That’s right, you unserious twat. Console yourself with all those concurring opinions. Ignore the fact that your SCOTUS heroes – there’s a word you should recognize, YLB – are issuing dissents.
What’s important to YLB is not that she’s in the minority all the time. It’s that she can cheerlead the fact that the majority doesn’t always speak with one mind.
Unserious twat.
So dimfuk…
You were so “offended” by “yellow” yet you voted for a guy with an R next to his name who used “gook” while asking people for their vote.
Why did you vote for him?
See what I mean about your shit not working?
Awwwwwww. teh rapey snowflake @195 is triggered..
Did yours truly get it celebrating “diversity”??? LOL! They’re at each other’s throat’s dimfuk. Alito’s about to go the way of Scalia.
How are the outcomes working out for ya? Black guy’s program is still operating.. It’s NOT a 6-3 court.
Sux to be you.
It’s now been nearly 24 hours since Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit last used a racial slur when posting on HA.
Probably less time than that since he did it on…
Head like a cabbage @ 198…
“Hee Haw” is in your future.. Those to whom Hawley raises the iron fist as drumpf is sundowning rapidly. Google “trump disheveled”.
iron fist aka Fred Waterford aka Josh Hawley is running in 2024. Its running mate will be Serena Joy aka Kristi Noem..
They’re the great white hopes.. Yours truly predicts you will be on fire. Don’t check out on us yet. We don’t want to miss out on the entertainment.