It looks like a new county with a coronavirus outbreak. This time Okanogan County. Again agricultural work seems to be a major reason for the outbreak. Obviously we need food. I hope they can get better testing soon.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
So will white libtard Seattle dummocretins verify they didn’t “steal” land from poor blacks this week?
Gotta love how Warren Wilhelm Jr treats his constituents!
Typical dummocretin!
This dummocretin governor will be attacked by the far leftist progressives as being out-of-touch!
“Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith will plead guilty to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign, Clinesmith’s attorney told The Associated Press on Friday.”
Source: Fox News
The Feds say Yale has been discriminating against White and Asian students in its admission policies. How liberal-progressive of Yale!
Where are all you liberal progressive trolls? You should be demanding Yale end its racist admissions policies.
@ 4
Little fish.
In 2018 white dude Shaun King wrote that he was 99% sure he wouldn’t support Biden or Kamala Harris.
“They both helped build & advance mass incarceration.”
White dude Shaun King, now:
Harris was once tough on crime but now claims to be soft on it.
King was once white but now claims to be black.
This is how you successfully consume a shit sandwich.
2-`1 Nutty Ninth decision holding that bans of ammo magazines with more than 10 rounds are unconstitutional.
You were just commenting on HA the weekend before the 2016 election about how Trafalgar was a bullshit poll and look what happened.
Really, Goldy, it should not surprise you that things can change rather quickly.
AOC gets 60 seconds for a pre-recorded “speech” at the virtual DNC event.
I suggest this plus 30 seconds of fill.
Really, the less she says, the better for all concerned.
As the babbling fool talks about how NYC is contemplating how to reopen schools consider:
NYC has ramped up testing over the last month. Yesterday was the seventh straight day that positive tests were <= 1% of administered.
It could be that areas that took extreme measures as cases started ticking up again are seeing results. Or it could just be dumb luck.
Everyone wants to get businesses open and kids back in school. But how? NYC or Miami?
Also, someone who knows NYC would know there’s been a big movement among Dems/Progressives against DeBlasio since the before times.
@ 11
Yesterday was the seventh straight day that positive tests were <= 1% of administered.
It could be that areas that took extreme measures as cases started ticking up again are seeing results. Or it could just be dumb luck.
It more likely is due to the testing spreading well into the segment of the population unlikely to be infected.
Island County tested more than 2,500 of us over a 10+/- day period in May. The intermediate announcement was that every test was negative and there never was a formal final announcement; I assume there were no positives.
Cuomo and DeBlasio are desperate for good news. Sending test teams out to test where good news is likely to be found seems about right.
Earlier this week the usual POS dregs occupied the Shelterhouse at Cal Anderson Park.
Today the Seattle PD moved in with a SWAT team and “took out the trash.” Good.
One softball question to Momala and then Team Biden shut it down right quick before anyone could put ol’ Joe on the spot.
Nearly three more months of this still to go.
Steve deeply regrets having nominated Hillary Clinton. It was never his intent to harm the Democrat party or his colleagues as he believed his support of that horrid human being – an enabling spouse of a serial rapist – was expected of him. But Steve will never understand what he did was wrong and blames everyone but himself.
NYC Death rate is also down.
So far August average deaths per day = 6
July – 9
Jun- 29
Now make the claim that everyone the virus could have killed it already did and fishing for good news.
@ 16
I’ll make the suggestion that NYC belatedly provided the proper protection to those most susceptible to becoming seriously infected and dying. I’ll further suggest an exodus of a lot of them from NYC because of the stupidity of initial policies.
And yeah, it looked worse in March and April because it WAS worse in March and April, because of missteps by Cuomo.
My 90+ year-old FIL is hospitalized in Seattle right now with bacterial pneumonia. I’m not in a mood to fuck with data in other cities – hopefully we’re doing a better job, everywhere, limiting exposure of our most susceptible.
Soaring high endorsement from a master with the still lingering taste of Chris Cantwell and Tara Reade in his mouth.
Ah, another “perjury trap” I see.
And another “exceptional” example of how “nobody is ever prosecuted” for making false statements, etc.
Either that or Flynn is indeed a crook.
And so is the President who pardons him for sticking to the story.
“It looks like a new county with a coronavirus outbreak. This time Okanogan County.”
Wherein a press release dated 6/24/20 and issued by the “North Central Washington Law Enforcement Leadership Group” under the names of, inter alia, the Okanogan County Sheriff, announced they have better things to do than enforce Gov. Inslee’s mask mandate.
Did someone say “an epidemic of stupid”?
Running on a platform of stupid germ-spreading should get Loren Culp 28% of the statewide vote, more in eastern Washington if there are any survivors over there.
@1 I can’t really address that without more-detailed information. What land are you talking about? Speaking for myself, I can only say that my land holdings are limited to a lot on which sits a house for which I paid legal tender U.S. currency; so, off the top of my head, and without benefit of deeper research, I’m inclined to answer your question by saying that, as far as I know, to the best of my knowledge, and in good faith, my land wasn’t stolen from poor blacks, although it probably was stolen from Native Americans at some point but not in the last 7 days.
Anything else, babbling butthole?
@2 “‘We need help, we need more confidence,’ the grocer continued.”
It’s not like the mayor caused the virus. That’s an act of God, nature, or Chinese perfidy, depending on which conspiracy theory you subscribe to. The Democrats you disdainfully call “dummocretins” are trying to help this man and millions of others like him. Trump, Mnuchin, and McConnell are turning their backs to him. You’re not his friend, either.
@3 Given the sensitivity of the abortion issue, and the deeply-felt religious and moral beliefs of many people who personally oppose abortion, and don’t want their taxes used for something they feel is wrong, I think it’s reasonable for Democratic politicians to support bans on public funding of abortions in deference to those constituents who oppose abortions while supporting women’s right to choose and control their own bodies, and I see no inconsistency there, as this isn’t inconsistent with the notion that exercising the constitutional right of having an abortion is a matter of personal choice. If people who want abortions (for whatever reason) can get them without interference or harassment, as long as they pay for them themselves or with their private insurance or gifts from strangers, and people who oppose abortions don’t have to help pay for anyone else’s abortion, that should make everyone happy.
@4 Now do all the Trump officials who’ve made false statements, starting with Trump himself.
Note that because the email in question wasn’t transmitted under oath, satisfying the legal definition of perjury isn’t a necessary element of the above, therefore do not unduly narrow your field of responses on that basis.
A Republican complaining about Clinesmith’s misdemeanor is like Bernie Madoff complaining about a kid shoplifting a candy bar from a chain grocery store.
Bad kid. Worse Madoff.
awww.. it’s friday.. HA HEROES know what this means..
Since a certain troll fool’s return after a long absence, that troll won’t come anywhere near these comment threads within many hours before 8:22 pm ..
Just to be on the “safe” side.. It was so funny when it “white-knuckled” it a minute before the critical time.. and oh yeah was it entertaining who the fool troll put first after sunset on SATURDAY..
those were the days.
“butt” “on the bright side”, these threads will be FREE, FREE of that miserable troll’s blather till it crawls out from under its rock early sunday morning.
Savor it.. fellow HA HEROES…
Puddy is still living FREE@27 in the Planck distance mind of the yellowishleakingbuttspigot! It can’t attack Puddy on the facts so it resorts to the sunset to curry favor with those much smarter than it is! Still calls itself a “hero”. Other people would call you a hero yellowishleakingbuttspigot; except they know what a
gutter dwelling moron you are! When that head swells from calling yourself a hero, maybe you should revisit that thread when a certain leftist dummocretin not only said you were stooooooooooooooooooooopid but also gave you the
P R I C E L E S S !
@22 farted
For a person who took over SeattleJew’s blog you really are uninformed or senility is just getting worse and worse. How do you make that blog useful with the lack of Seattle real time current event knowledge you demonstrate here on assesHorse? Go back and read the leftist dummocretin blogs. The latest city councilman supports these take back the land peeps!
You are a sorry shell of what you used to be senile idiot wabbit.
Bernie Madoff was a registered dummocretin! Chucky Schumer had to return $30 Large from Madoff! Did you forget that too? Puddy had a field day back when he was arrested. Of course you forgot he made off with lots of dummocretin dough!
@27 Better yet, sunset comes even earlier in November …
Marge Simpson has something to say
@29 Squid disappearing into bottom sediment.
We’ve seen this .gif before.
@29 Why don’t you write it up? You can submit articles for posting on SJ’s blog here:
If they satisfy the blog’s posted editorial standards (“fact-based, reasoned argument” which “generally conforms to the commenting guidelines,” i.e. no libel, vulgarity, etc.) posted here,
I’ll post them under your byline.
SJ wasn’t a fan of Sawant, and I’m not either. Maybe voters would dump her for someone besides a Bezos toady. Who knows? Only way to find out is by trying it. Maybe you can help other people who feel the way you do find a moderate candidate to run against her. Her 2019 margin of 4% makes her look vulnerable.
@31 my favorite time of the year here in the threads…
hands down! Dark days outside? pffft.. It’s bright and cheery here in the threads on fridays.
It gets a little tough in June but the magic time comes eventually…
babblin’ butthole goes POOF! Love that head explode @ 28…
Mission accomplished!
@36 He’s complaining because I don’t cover Seattle politics in SJ’s blog, so I invited him to put something (hopefully intelligible) in the article drop box over there.
Whether I’m doing a good job with SJ’s blog is for others to judge, but I’m trying. It consumes a lot of time and effort. Some days I’m working on it until 3 a.m. Readership has tripled since I took it over.
In any case, without me, there’d be no because there is no else.
I like Rick Larsen. Not because of his politics, but because he’s in his (and my) district, getting plenty of publicity but getting it because he’s meeting people. A lot.
Today he was in Oak Harbor and Coupeville.
It’s nice that a left-leaning publication like this pointed out that with the economy recovering, the free $600/week was hurting companies trying to rehire.
I think it’s also nice that Democrats are insisting that it continue, even in the face of the mounting evidence that it was too much given away, and now it’s biting them in the ass.
Anyway, hopefully Rick Larsen received the message and will pass it on, even if it’s something Dem leadership does not want to hear.
Weak people like YLB @ 36 are always happiest when they don’t have to contend with a counterargument.
I can’t remember who it was that YLB wanted banned for holding an opinion that YLB didn’t like. What a fucking whiner. What a fucking child.
senile idiot wabbit whopper #1
senile idiot wabbit whopper #2
Whopper #1 – Sawant is NOT the city councilman supporting the take back Seattle property. Puddy wrote city councilman not city councilwoman. Still stoooooooooooooopid and can’t read either.
Whopper#2 – It is not a political issue senile idiot wabbit. When did Seattle white dummocretin gentrification become a political football senile one? It’s crazed left wrong dummocretin vs. even more crazed left wrong dummocretin so when is that political?
You really are losing it more and more each day.
Here Here!
Nobody missed the P-I when it stopped publishing a dead-tree version.
Nobody cares, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Except your family, which is thrilled that time you spend giving last rites to that dying blog is time you aren’t spending reminding them you still subsist on this earth. They’re the ones making you think you tripled your readership – a minute spent pseudonymously typing a comment on saves them two hours of in-person interaction with you.
Telling everyone how Puddy lives free in the yellowishleakingbuttspigot Planck distance mind is a head explosion to the yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
You are more stoooooooooooooooooopid than a dump truck full of dummocretin skulls!
YLB is a living, breathing participation trophy.
YLB is the Bonnie Tyler of HA.
Seems Jared Kushner tried to reach out to Kamala Harris and Cory Booker to help draft the overwhelmingly bipartisan bill to reform criminal justice laws in 2018. She ignored Jared. Booker did not ignore Jared.
Gave Trump anther campaign video topic with that smooth move!
Seems 60% of parents are not too kool with police-free school zones. Just 11% of them are happy with that new environment. Now Puddy wonders where those 11% live again?
Seems it was mostly white people who were polled.
Another smooth move by the dummmocretin!
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit refers @ 26 to Clinesmith’s “misdemeanor”.
He’s apparently sufficiently scared of the penalty for his “misdemeanor” that he rolled on his colleagues.
adjective form of monomaniac
NOUN – a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
—Friday Night with the “heroes”!—
Online poll by “”
Run by former Washington (“Church of Sun Myung Moon”) Times executive Editor. John Solomon.
Solomon, pusher of Pro-Trump “smear the women” campaign. Pusher of ‘Biden took bribes from Ukraine.”
Fabulist of OpEd pushing that Obama Administration pushed Ukraine NOT to investigate George Soros.
Sweet Jeebus, Piddles, your sources are getting worse.
Heh. We got teh babblin’ butthole inchin’ ever so closer to 8:22 pm..
Are we gonna have a countdown???
and we got a rapey pos… doin” it’s same old mean spirited thing..
yawwwwnn… argument???? misogyny… name-calling… babblin’.. copypasta…
too funny these troll freak HA ZEROES…
I can’t remember who it was
Early onset… no wonder it “retired”…
a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
on Saturdays after sunset…
gettin’ ever so closer..
So where’s teh babblin’ butthole? Oh yeah, yours truly called it.. It can’t chance a countdown…
And where’s sundowner dimfuk? sundownin’… till the end of its days… short days the way it’s going.
Onward to November… scum drumpfers are sabotaging the post office.. what a bunch of fascist criminals…
Riddle me this…
Why would the sample demographics for a Right Wing website’s online poll skew very heavily white?
Wow snowflake@51-53,
Karen much?
Truth cuts like a hot knife through butta!
The same as it had more dummocretins than conservatives? How many whites are in America? – 61% Blacks? – 13% His panics?- 18% Many his panics call themselves white BeerPong! Puddy went to school with one from Puerto Rico. Everyone thought he was a white guy with light brown hair, pasty white skin, and green eyes. Then he started speaking and we knew!
What planet you from eh? DAYUM you be weally weally stooooooooooooooopid!
When BeerPong don’t like the results BeerPong attacks the source! Gets John Solomon and Scott Rasmussen mixed up cuz BeerPong has had one too many today!
Scott Rasmussen gave the results and methodology. Scott Rasmussen called 2016 for Trump almost perfectly.
Train wreck #249,240,282,987,256,145 and counting.
Well, well.. it’s chancin’ it after all..
Just like old times…
keep it comin’ fool!
adjective form of monomaniac
monomaniac – Puddy will submit the yellowishleakingbuttspigot to the Urban Dictionary folks!
NOUN – a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
—Friday Night with the “heroes” on the sundown countdown!—
One HOUR out!
adjective form of monomaniac
monomaniac – sad excuse for human biomASS!
NOUN – a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
—Friday Night with the “heroes” on the sundown countdown!—
keep it comin’ fool…
Bring back MWS.. that fool LOVED to put HA HEROES FIRST on fridays after sunset!
Keep it comin’.. inchin’ ever so closer..
Did the yellowishleakingbuttspigot dance on Mike Webb’s grave?
Yes it did!
adjective form of monomaniac
monomaniac – sad excuse for human biomASS!
NOUN – a person exhibiting an exaggerated or obsessive enthusiasm for or preoccupation with one thing.
—Friday Night with the “heroes” on the sundown countdown!—
Mike Webb posted from another location!
Did you know dummocretin loving HBO now thinks Blazing Saddles is racist? So watching it this weekend makes you a racist!
Imagine that!
Mike Webb posted from another location!…
Oh?? Yours truly was talking about MWS… the one you bragged about your weenie to.. The one you lied time after time about..
Everyone could see it was your sockpuppet.
All these years of lies, of delusion, have clouded your “mind”…
Inchin’ ever so closer.. Keep it comin’ fool..
The freak looks hooked. Looks like it can’t help itself.
Has it truly returned to the bad old days???
Salt mining buddy better pull it off the laptop before it’s too late!
@38 This was (and is) a situation where perfect is the enemy of good.
Get money in the economy. Keep it simple. Meet people’s needs. Don’t ask states to do something they can’t (compute a weekly benefit for each unemployed worker).
Does this overpay some people? Sure. Disincentivize some from returning to work? Probably. But we don’t have the luxury of fine-tuning. Forest, not trees. You know (or should) the drill.
Is it safe for Sharif’s workers to return? I don’t know, and I suspect you don’t either.
True to form, you’re worrying about whether “too much given away” while the props are being pulled from under the economy, millions are still unemployed, and people are facing eviction and hunger.
You’re a dumbfuck.
Hey BeerPong… Another poll for ya!
Seems black voters also approve of BiteME! less than they did of Clinton in 2016. Many black voters see through BiteME!’s slick veneer!
@39 “Weak people like YLB @ 36 … ”
At least he’s not weak minded. Neither are you, but that’s not intended as a compliment. Someone with an IQ to get through med school has no excuse for being a dumbfuck. In your case, it’s a lifestyle choice.
20 minutes out!
@51, 72 – 16 minutes and counting.
In your case, it’s a lifestyle choice.
It busts rape fantasies in the HA comments threads.. Even Elijah saw it.
What “strength” this freak has.. Talk about a smell..
@66 Watch this movie instead. Right up your alley.
10 minutes out.. The sun is goin’ down…
5 minutes! salt mining buddy to the rescue???
Not true. I think they have a point and I agree with he and them. Hopefully they would feel the same way on a couple issues too (intentionally left out which issues) – you fill in the blank
Here we go!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5…
Salt mining buddy saves teh babblin’ butthole’s
Is the freak gonna hold up?
I got the impression he was going to eat his comments. What a shit sandwich that would be.
Ahhh yesss.. Savor this fellow HA HEROES… a comment threads free of teh babbling butthole’s noise…
So nice.. Till Sunday morn…
It puts HA HEROES FIRST on Sat after sunset.. Just like in the bad old days.. It did that more than Fridays… Heh.. Its silly antics are so funny!
Not reading his own links.
Who pays for a poll and how it’s administered on their own website is pretty relevant.
Like how you blow your horse whilst you’re not blowing Putin’s horse)s
@83 >poof<
The peace and quiet sure is nice.
They just can’t help themselves.
“John Lewis. His only claim to fame was that he got conked on the head at the Pettus bridge. And he has milked that for 50 years — or he milked it for 50 years.”
What Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s family breathes, with relief, when he disappears into the computer room:
@ 86
@88 Your horse when you leave …