Can’t wait to eat food processed by COVID-19 positive employees. Mmmm.
Obviously the safety of the workers is the most important thing. 56 is a lot of cases and if work isn’t safe for them it shouldn’t happen.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Carl, ya dumbass:
If food was an infection source, we wouldn’t be getting takeout.
Nobody eats raw pork. For one thing, trichinellosis. For another, yuck.
When the money runs out and the Fight for 15! crowd is forced off the dole and back to work, Goldy won’t want any questions about whether the food they prepare is safe to eat.
So don’t ask them.
This Country, if you still can call it one, is being destroyed by the Right Wing fascist mother fuckers. I hope the all die in hell! Fuck You you mother fuckers.
Fuck You Bob!
This is kinda interesting. Transit is “free” on Island County because that’s what the taxpayers want.
They’d probably want this as well, but as long as they’re delivering medicine, that’s not something coming from a food bank or social service agency. I wouldn’t mind not having to go to Rite Aid and standing no more than six feet from a couple of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit types. I mean, yuck.
As the truth of what Obummer did to Lt. General Michael G. Flynn comes out we learn that things Puddy posted from long ago were known but buried. Now we see the leftists at Yahoo News couldn’t hide it.
Mike Flynn was going to throw open the $$$ BILLION $$$ bribes Obummer paid to Iran for a 10 year moratorium on nukular bomb making. So now we see from emails exposed yesterday and the day before the whitey house was intimately involved with the destruction of a good man and his family which he is now bankrupt. I hope he can sue them all for the money he lost.
Andy McCarthy also said Flynn would have learned about the corrupt Russia Russia Russia probe and would have stopped it! – Obummer’s sadministration were all scum bags except for Admiral Mike Rogers
Even Yahoo News, no friend of Republicans knew this was a setup job… “For the usual interagency sessions, principals and deputies could bring staffers. Not this time. “There were no plus ones,” an attendee recalled. When the subject of a principals or deputies meeting was a national security matter, the gathering was often held in the Situation Room of the White House. The in‑house video feed of the Sit Room — without audio — would be available to national security officials at the White House and elsewhere, and these officials could at least see that a meeting was in progress and who was attending. For the meetings related to the Russian hack, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, ordered the video feed turned off. She did not want others in the national security establishment to know what was under way, fearing leaks from within the bureaucracy.” – Rice kept Mike Rogers away because he blew the whistle on FISA abuse by Obummer’s gang. – More truths about Obummer’s sadministration from Admiral Mike Rogers
Before Mike Rogers took over he asked for a full review of previous years activities at NSA and the FISA program. “At the October 26, 2016 hearing, the Court ascribed the government’s failure to disclose those IG and OCO reviews at the October 4, 2016 hearing to an institutional “lack of candor” on NSA’s part and emphasized that “this is a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.””
So now we know: “It’s entirely possible there would have been no FISA disclosure without the 2016 actions of Rogers.
There might have been no investigation by Inspector General Horowitz.” DAYUM amazing and true!
Puddy can’t wait for the John T. Durham investigation to come and change the tide!
Carl, it isn’t so much that work shouldn’t happen as it is that work can, and should be made safe. And trust me, this is not remotely limited to giant processing facilities with hundreds or thousands of employees.
For good or ill, the US enjoys ridiculously low food prices in nearly every category. This outcome has been vigorously pursued as a matter of unspoken policy for decades. But one consequence of it has been dangerous reductions in food safety and worker safety in our food supply system. The products and the workplaces can be made safe. But in order for that to happen these industries must be properly regulated.
gman morphed @ 2 into Deathfrogg so quickly…
When the humiliation and failure of the global movement it has embraced for nearly four years become overwhelming, The Q Clearance Pussy reverts into carping about the local water district.
Might not be quite as satisfying. Certainly can’t feed the annual budget of grift mills like Judicial Watch.
And the great Friday clock countdown has begun anew!!
Can The Loon get its hate-on yet remain true to its faith?
Can it summon the strength and firmness to refrain at 8:20, or will it wilt and fail in its DUTY as it has so many times before?
“God” isn’t watching. But we all will be!
Facts you moron @8. Something you can’t comprehend anymore! Glad you are watching what Puddy posts. You are becoming more intelligent.
Imagine that!
State Farm is dropping it’s pension for new hires:
“Employees hired or rehired on or after January 1, 2021 will not be eligible for the pension plan. Instead, they will have the opportunity to receive larger Company contributions to their 401(k) accounts.”
Now, insurance companies are the absolute experts on annuities (which is what a pension is), so this just another example of how traditional pensions are vanishing and defined contribution plans are replacing them.
Go do something smart like opening a Roth IRA and maxing-out your contributions from now until you plan to retire.
Weyerhauser just suspended its dividend. Expect lumber prices to tumble.
Yesterday I filled two 5-gallon gas containers with dyed diesel on the north end of the island. $1.479/gallon. Diesel at the Oak Harbor marina is $1.20/gallon.
So moron@8,
Jonathan Turley, well known leftist constitutional lawyer is hateful? OR as everyone knows here, you are just a jackASS!
Inquiring minds want to know!
Fer sure. As an example, “gave her a quick one-armed hug to thank her for bringing me my gym bag” could contextually be misinterpreted as “forced me against the wall, pushed aside my panties, and digitally penetrated my vagina”.
It’s too bad this claim wasn’t made while Liz Warren was still running. Would be nice to see her press Biden to release the documents in the same way she pressed Mini-Mike to release the accusing women from their NDAs.
Gas in Snohomish county still hovers around $2.50
I think there is a diesel fuel tax in other counties that isn’t levied in Island County. Diesel very cheap in Oak Harbor, maybe 30-40 cents/gallon less than at Costco in, say, Lynnwood. There’s also a highway use tax that isn’t applied to dyed diesel, used for boating/shipping and farm equipment.
Biden’s fine with a search for records pertaining to Tara Reade in the National Archives.
Biden opposes a search for records pertaining to Tara Reade in his files housed at the University of Delaware.
If friendly Mika can nail him to the wall like this, just think what someone known for actually doing their job as a journalist could do to him.
Someone must have missed the impeachment hearings.
Awe inspiring moments in U.S. History:
Gerald Ford, April 30th 1975
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
Franklin Roosevelt, December 7th, 1941
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
Ronald Reagan, January 28, 1986
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
George W Bush, September 11, 2001
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
William Jefferson Clinton, April 19th, 1995
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
Biden Has Refused To Allow Anyone To Investigate His Senate Files For The Documents of the Reade Allegation
China Has Refused To Allow WHO To Join Its Investigation Of The Origins Of The Coronavirus
Now that Biden’s denied for the record, I’m confident that Glenn Greenwald and Rose McGowan will just quietly go away.
Loon, it is indeed a FACT, and certainly one that you will never overcome, that you can not stage a comeback from INVISIBLE PIZZA BABY CANNIBAL.
“God” won’t let you.
#youbuiltthat #andnowyoumustliveinitforever
I’m afraid we all know far too much about the zits on their taints for either one to retain much credibility.
But I guess you gotta dance with whatever recovering drug addict brought you.
More unintelligible gibberish! Standard attack the messenger because there is nothing wrong with the FACTS! Here are some more facts for that pea brain… – Under oath Chris Steele admits it was bought and paid for by the Dummocretin Nazi Commies and Crooked Heilary
64,000 > 15
“Defeat the corona corona virusy…
Surge igal gowns…
We have no contingee contingingee plan….
Administer convelescen plozma…
Sefey, sef sefahide…
one million 800 hundred and seventy thousand million tests….
Does not appear in any of Ms. Reade’s reports.
It doesn’t serve Ms. Reade’s credibility when her backers make shit up.
And it’s worth noting here that at the time, while the Senate dress code allowed slacks (new in 1993 thanks to Carol Moseley-Braun and Barbara Mikulski), female staffers who chose to wear skirts or dresses were required to wear pantyhose.
But that certainly never stopped the guy The Q Clearance Pussy voted for in 2016.
Back to posting sixth tier websites for fun and click-throughs.
The site Laura Ingraham founded to post her “Too
racistcrazy for Fox” theories?God we’ve missed you!
Have some grape juice.
And a glass of forgiveness.
Beer brains @27,
Still sux to be you when FACTS slap you side yo face! Still can’t refute what Obummer’s DOJ, DNI, CIA, FBI and NSA were doing to Lt. Gen Michael Flynn so you post horse dropping all over the blog! HAHAHAHAHA!
Here is another “sixth tier” web site for you. All the way back to 2018. Remember this? – Obummer’s FBI were scum back in 2018!
See ya!
Now we know why Biden doesn’t want @ 16 anyone searching his Senate files at the University of Delaware.
Mika To Biden: So We’re Supposed To Believe All Women — “Unless It Pertains To You?”
Biden: Yep!
@ 26
She wasn’t wearing them. She has said so, because of the season. August in DC. It’s moist and sticky enough in there already without the hose to make it even moreso.
Biden probably knew. I mean, what with all that sniffing around women he does.
More for beer brains @above
Google Stefan Halper lied about General Flynn and read from any of the number of wonderful links.
This is one Puddy really liked…
“Deep State Spy Stefan Halper Claims He Cannot Be Sued for Lying About General Flynn Because He’s a Government Agent!”
Yeah, he made over $411,000 lying against Republicans!
Here are some of Biden’s greated grabs…
Oh wait this may be seventh tier.
Trump was caught flatfooted by Covid-19, but will be better prepared for the GOP’s “reopen” policies: FEMA and the VA placed orders for 100,000+ more body bags and 200 refrigerated semi-trailers a couple weeks ago.
Derp State!
That didn’t take long…
65,000 > 15
@ 33
I wonder what Chris Coons really thinks of Joe Biden. Maybe when he writes his book we’ll find out.
Coons’ daughter really should have stepped away from Biden. That video would have been priceless.
And those “seventeen” security agencies where the Steele Dossier was “verified” were another bald face lie propagated by horseASSwipes all over this blog years ago.
@1 Anybody else notice the complete lack of interest in, or empathy for, the meat processing workers who are losing their lives in this comment?
Meanwhile, between the lines, it drips with resentment at Congress raising the federal minimum wage from 30 cents an hour to $7.25 an hour. That’s a 2,400% increase!
HIV does terrible things to the mind.
By Biden’s Own Standards, He Is Guilty As Charged
By Andrew Sullivan
I mean, just look @ 2 at poor gman.
[deleted, same as @ 39]
woo hoo! the babblin’ butthole has gone full flower…
we gonna have a countdown tonight???
@2 “This Country, if you still can call it one”
Sure it is, and always will be. Politics can’t change that. The country is simply here. It’s indifferent to what stupid humans do on its surface.
funny that drumpf has gotten no consequences from all its p***y grabbin’ and wife cheatin’
Biden is held to a different standard. yawwwwn..
and too funny that drumpf’s behavior got a pass from the babblin’ butthole because…
pos rapey dimfuk @ 40 can’t even admit to voting for orange julius…
c’mon babblin’ butthole tell us who you threw the lever for in 2016. be proud..
orangeness is the new whiteness.
The yearbooks of Blasey Ford’s high school were relevant, too.
Which is why they were taken offline and otherwise memory-holed.
Discuss, y’all.
Trump was caught flatfooted by Covid-19… blah blah blah
Yes, he was told to listen to the scientists per libtards all over America… So Trump did and here is just one comment…
Short of that, Fauci says skip the masks unless you are contagious, don’t worry about catching anything from Chinese products and certainly don’t avoid Chinese people or restaurants.
Sean Hannity asked Dr. Fauci back on 1/28/2020 if it could be spread airborne. You can listen to Dr Fauci yourselves… – No problem per China
Roger Dumb Wabbit is still an idiot!
It’s not just the Reade complaint that may be hidden in the Biden files. Think of all those calendars, hand-written entries, that could be available for review. All those sudden meetings with Tara Reade scheduled for Biden’s handlers and HR team beginning in August of 1993 and repeated for about a month or so…
Kavanaugh’s hand-entered calendar records helped Kavanaugh. Seems reasonable to believe that Biden’s hiding his because of fears they will hurt Biden.
@3 “any essential items that are not considered dangerous”
In other words, “Reopen” protesters still have to drive their pickups to never-closed gun shops to replenish their .223 ammo stockpiles.
babblin’ butthole…
how many years you been trollin’ here? 16 now??
when’s jeebus comin’?
don’t tell us you don’t know the day or the hour.. You sure know the week, the month or the year..
cuz the kult..
The same thing is happening here with Brown Bear. CEO wants to open and every commenter in favor is all about how they will have their windows closed, have an unlimited pass, nothing can get to them in the car.
But the guy directing you in while standing near high powered spray and the rapidly spinning brushes….well who cares if droplets appear to be the infection point. I NEED A CLEAN RIDE!
@4 “the $$$ BILLION $$$ bribes Obummer paid to Iran”
In other words, any time my bank gives me back my own money, they’re paying a bribe.
Shame on them.
You know what, piddles? You’d be a shitty Assistant U.S. Attorney.
drumpf even gets a pass for more american dead than in all the years of vietnam..
the babblin’ butthole has turned deep ORANGE for damn sure..
Kavanaugh is to Devil’s Triangle as Biden is to…
@9 You wouldn’t know what a “fact” is even if one grabbed your crotch.
Reade Alumnius
@11 “Yesterday I filled two 5-gallon gas containers with dyed diesel on the north end of the island. $1.479/gallon. Diesel at the Oak Harbor marina is $1.20/gallon.”
Your new F-350 is a diesel? Oh, wait, I get it now: The troll who bitches about waitresses earning $2.13 an hour plus tips also has a powerboat in addition to his horse trailer, island home, and 5-acre horse farm.
Or maybe he’s paying for his ferry rides in kind by handing the crew a 5-gallon container of diesel when he boards as a walk-on passenger.
[deleted, duplicate post]
@ 43
funny that drumpf has gotten no consequences from all its p***y grabbin’ and wife cheatin’
Not true. Undoubtedly this increased The Chardonnay Lady 2.0’s popular vote advantage by thousands, YLB. It might have even cost him the win in a close state like MN.
You might find it inconsequential, but Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has brought her NPV advantage up repeatedly for nearly 3 1/2 years now.
@52 @54 In which he plays “riddle me this, riddle me that” with himself.
Probably plays with himself in other ways, too. Even horses need a rest break now and then.
Reade = this cycles buttery males
@51 At least he won’t be caught unprepared this time. He just reordered a 60-day supply of new body bags.
@45 “Yes, he was told to listen to the scientists,”
… and he didn’t, and the rest is history, and after spending two years in a sanitarium you’re still a babbling idiot.
Some things never change.
Glad to see you’re still alive, though. We had doubts. When you suddenly disappeared, we thought your friends had lynched you, but it turns out to only have been a family intervention.
@38. Only liberals care about the meat cutters. Republicans don’t care. Does not hurt them so they don’t care.
Not true.
Big yawwn…. Like 2016 never happened because pos rapey mcdimfuk “didn’t vote” for the p***y grabber..
can this freak be more self-absorbed?
Durham is teh new Horowitz… heh…
just wait! just wait!
@39 The writer extols due process, then explains why Biden shouldn’t get any. Interesting logic there.
At least you and your pal piddles don’t fake pretenses of believing in due process or fair play when you impose conclusive presumptions of guilt on people you don’t like.
Which means your hypocrisy isn’t quite as blatant as his.
She has a right to be heard.
But he doesn’t.
Babbling butthole due process in a nutshell.
Oh my look what crawled up from the garbage heap…
“For The Clueless” itself… @48 et. al.
Notice another can’t unprove the facts so attack attack attack.
Saul Alinsky is proud!
Trump orders 100,000 more body bags and 200 refrigerated semitrailers as he badgers states to reopen.
He may not be as out of touch with reality as we thought.
@67 Struck a nerve, did he? Hahaha
Hey piddles, we missed you! What would we do for laughs without you? Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t as funny as you. He leans more toward being pathetic. You’re downright entertaining!
Golly Idiot Wabbit @66,
You didn’t claim that with Associate Justice Cavanaugh back in 2018! Per your droppings he was guilty because Crazy Maisie ‘Shut up and step up‘ Hirono said so and you were here cheering her on!
What a jackASS! Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh!
Nope Idiot Wabbit @69,
Just calling out more truths!
While Florida was protecting the elderly in nursing homes Cuomo and DiBlasio was sending the Covid-19 sick back to them.
“He turned to Howard Zucker, the state health commissioner, who confirmed the policy, saying “if you are positive, you should be admitted back to a nursing home. The necessary precautions will be taken to protect the other residents there.”
So sad what DUMMOCRETINS did to the elderly in NYS.
@67 yawwwn.. tired old Alinsky trope…
why’d you go dark butthole?
did teh kult put the screws to you after yours truly blew the whistle on your “after sunset (friday and saturday)” priorities?
we’re all so happy you “needed” to put HA HEROES FIRST!
There’s always more than one woman.
@70 Babbling butthole pulling jury duty:
Blasey-Ford: Nah.
Reade: Very credible.
And that’s before any testimony.
I think it’s time for Mika to interview Chris Coons’ daughter.
Better yet, let Rose McGowan interview her.
I’m listening to WTAs Zoomcast on what trails are reopening this weekend.
Rainier, roads are still closed under normal winter conditions. Human powered entrance to the parks is allowed.
Local popular area Rattlesnake Lake is not open because King County Parks are still closed. So this includes Squak and Cougar Mountain.
National Parks and Forests are not open. Parking is not allowed on any Federal Forest land.
There may be some exceptions but restrooms will not be open so go before you go.
Be safe, wear a mask give space when passing. Only hike with people you’ve been sheltering.
edit to add: No trail maintenance has been done this season so conditions may be bad especially in any ‘backcountry’ areas
One has to wonder just how many liberal women are feeling queasy out there, having experienced Biden’s sexual predation and wishing they could prevent someone like him from becoming president, but knowing what would happen to them if they ever went public.
This young Murry woman, therefore, must be dealt with in the most savage terms imaginable.
It’s for the greater good. Takes a village an’ all.
While Florida was protecting the elderly in nursing homes Cuomo and DiBlasio was sending the Covid-19 sick back to them.
heh.. yeah Cuomo and DiBlasio aren’t gonna come out of this well..
and neither are the dictator repuke govs ordering workers to get sick at meat packing plants..
why are repuke govs ordering workers to get sick and die? Aren’t you a veggietarian?
Oh it must be because Tyson hires “illegals”… They’re expendable..
@77 For anybody who’s wondering, you have until May 15 to get studded winter tires off your vehicles, per WSDOT website.
If young girls didn’t want their breasts admired publicly they should do a better job binding them.
One has to wonder just how many liberal women are feeling queasy
that pos rapey mcdimfuk has their best interests in mind…
@78 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck hopes that “liberal women … having experienced Biden’s sexual predation and wishing they could prevent someone like him from becoming president” will vote for Trump.
Probably won’t happen, though, because his candidate is so much worse.
@ 80
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has auto-reminders to change his urethral and rectal catheters on the 15th and 30th of each month.
It was several nasty UTI episodes before his urologist finally figured out that Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit thought “changing catheters” meant reusing the same ones, but swapping holes.
New poll today and this one’s a shocker….
PA Biden +6 @ 49%.(moe 3.9)
How many women, Dumbfuck? Is it 23? Any of them have DNA on a dress?
Ya’ll are out there trying to say Tammy Baldwin is anti-troops.
Biden refused to speculate about Tara Reade’s possible motives. But I will. She’s a fanatical Bernie supporter, and Bernie’s fans think he’ll become the default nominee if Biden drop outs.
There are only two dots here, and a short straight line between them.
@ 85
Cz-252, after your embarrassing performance in 2016 I thought you would have learned something. Like to just STFU.
Lemme help you out.
The Chardonnay Lady was up 6 points on April 30, 2016.
Moveover, she was up roughly 6 points through mid-October.
It may have been why, Cz-252, you boasted that she had an “absolute lock” on 252 EVs.
You were counting PA in that, weren’t you?
If Hillary was up 6 in PA and lost, and a guy from hardscrabble Scranton, PA is only up 6 in PA, that is a reason for concern, Cz-252. Not a reason to be boastful.
Pick a better candidate. You are running out of time.
And, of course, Trump would much rather run against Sanders than Biden. Which explains why fanatical Trump supporters like Doctor Dumbfuck and piddles are going all-in on Reade’s story.
There are only only two dots there, and a short straight line between them.
Plus, Reade loves Putin, but that’s just frosting on the cake.
Idiot Wabbit @75,
Nope. Puddy didn’t post on Blasey Ford!
Good try though!
Chicken droppings @79,
Puddy mostly a vegetarian so Puddy has no dog in that hunt!
Like to just STFU.
Oh my.. that’s the sign we’re doing something right.
when an always wrong wing troll goes all billo teh klown on us.. look what happened to that freak.
retired, a lot less richer.. doin’ a podcast..
Going all in on Reade’s story Idiot Wabbit?
Nope you dope. Puddy asked where are the same libtard DUMMOCRETIN morons who delivered scathing rebukes of Associate Justice Cavanaugh? You seem to forget with your well-known senility that you were right here in a front row seat screaming Yeah Yeah Yeah to their commentary! Now you are mute!
@ 86
Wrong. They think Bernie would deserve to become the nominee.
They fully understand that the DNC will never allow it.
Try to be less of an asshole toward BernieBros in the present, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You’re gonna need their votes in November.
It’s hard for me not to like Eli Lake in the same way it’s hard for me not to like Chris Hayes.
The Case Against Michael Flynn Now Looks a Lot Weaker
@85 IBD/TIPP poll shows Biden-Trump tied, and approve-disapprove tied. Rasmussen poll of same date shows disapprove +8.
Somebody’s methodology is fucked up. You can’t have two polls conducted at the same time showing such different results without at least one of them being drastically flawed.
I can tell you this, though. IBD editorially is hard-right, and its readers are hard-right. (If you’ve ever glanced at a library copy of IBD, you’ll know what I mean when I say nobody else can stomach IBD’s content.) So maybe the IBD poll only picked up the sentiment of its hard-right readership, in which case Trump is in deep shit if he can only pull out a tie from IBD’s audience.
poodebutt has no dog in that hunt!
Heh.. and repuke govs? dont’ tell us you’re a losertarian now..
repukes order: work at unsafe work places or STARVE.
damn.. we’re workin’ up to a countdown now!
I’ve got 65,000 and counting reasons why “all other things being equal” isn’t relevant.
Gotta love it when DUMMOCRETINS eat their own…
“hayes should be suspended, knowingly spreading false allegation must have consequences”
Yet these same morons didn’t ask for that consequence when the Russia lies spouted on MSDNC were proven as lies.
Gotta love twatter!
@ 95
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. YOURS.
You compared Pennsylvania polls, which Cz-252 and I were discussing, to your national poll, for starters. I could keep going, but suffice it to say that it only gets worse for you from there.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A useless, bloviating, fucking clown.
@94 Yeah, innocent people cop pleas all the time, that they know will send them to prison, because they’re weak.
Keep this in mind, dumbfuck: Your very best defense of Flynn is that he’s a weakling who let himself be railroaded by corrupt FBI agents.
In other words, an ideal person to be Trump’s national security adviser.
@99 “You compared Pennsylvania polls”
“Friday, May 1
Race/Topic (Click to Sort) Poll Results Spread
General Election: Trump vs. Biden IBD/TIPP Biden 43, Trump 43 Tie
Pennsylvania: Trump vs. Biden Harper (R) Biden 49, Trump 43 Biden +6
President Trump Job Approval: IBD/TIPP Approve 44, Disapprove 44 Tie
President Trump Job Approval: Rasmussen Reports Approve 45, Disapprove 53 Disapprove +8”
Wherein piddles quotes a random twitter user in Trinidad and Tobago with 620 followers and 65k+ tweets as proof of something.
You didn’t spend your away time getting any better at this.
that consequence when the Russia lies spouted
How many cut/pastes from fb did you post here back in 2016 poodebutt?
Heh. And all this luv for Flynn.. moron was an unregistered paid shill for Turkey.. drumpf had admitted bidness interests in Turkey. even said it was a conflict of interest to bannon freak.
You sayin’ Flynn got fired because MSM and derp state and drumpf fell for it when it told MSM the flynn freak lied to Pence?
damn, your beloved orange demigod is a very weak excuse for a “man”…
@98 Glad to see somebody here doesn’t love Russia.
@102 Yes, but at least he doesn’t love Russia.
scathing rebukes of Associate Justice Cavanaugh
now it defends a drunken..
Don’t they go to church on Sunday? That’s a “sin”…
jeebus forbid!!!
@99 “which Cz-252 and I were discussing”
Of course it didn’t occur to you that I wasn’t joining that discussion, but instead was opening a new conversation with him on a new topic, i.e. the other polls published today.
No, nobody would expect that to occur to a dumbfuck, even though it’s obvious to everyone else.
Kayleigh took to the podium today. Good opening:
Moments later
We had a good run of truth.
She also lied about what FBI memo says, reporters had a copy, to match what Donald says it says. (Narrator: It does not say that)
The Trump Stock Market (TM, pat. pend.) dropped 622 points on the day his administration ordered 100,000 more body bags.
I guess Wall Streeters read the news, too.
@108 Kayleigh is a twit. That’s why she has this job.
Ah yes AssesHorse’s favorite dingleberry checkmate-252 arrives to the fray with absolutely nothing to say. Puddy placed the whole thread there. Puddy chose which one Mike Rodgers?
THE FIRST ONE! You are still as much of a mindless bore as you were when you first arrived! Or is that a mindless boar?
Nuff said sucka!
butthole @ 111
how did you react when your beloved kookoo sleepy ben karsen babbled at a drumpf presser on…
duh duh duh,,,
The freak did not ONCE say repent when it came time for it to babble.
Uh no freak it was BEFORE SUNSET.
CBO know forecasting 16% unemployment for Q3.
Donald is running against
Are you better off than four years ago?
Do you know anyone who died in the last six months from coronavirus?
“Our death totals, our numbers, per million people, are really very, very strong. We’re very proud of the job we’ve done.”
“But did you hear Joe may have been inappropriate with someone! Why isn’t anyone focused on Joe’s sexual assaults? We want to talk about sexual assaults. Well obviously not THOSE sexual assaults. Joe. Just Joe.”
Let’s remember Blasey Ford: She calls on a friend to corroborate her complaint. The friend says she doesn’t recall anything.
Let’s now turn to Tara Reade:
We know five different people have corroborated details of Tara Reade’s sexual assault accusation against former Vice President Joe BiteME and fondle her. How many again for Christine Blasey Ford ?
Reade’s former neighbor Lynda LaCasse, her brother Collin Moulton and former coworker Lorraine Sanchez are among those who have corroborated details of her account. Her mother called Larry King in 1993. It was so damning that Google pulled it from their Larry King Alive catalog soon after. Where were Blasey Ford’s friends and mother?
Reade filed a police report. Blasey Ford did not!
Thems the apples! Nuff said sucka!
Hey clueless cretin @112,
Ain’t you s’posed to be at “work” @ 1PM?
shorter babbin’ butthole @ 114..
One is a liar and the other isn’t..
even pos rapey mcdimfuk is saying “believe all women” these days.
ooops pos rapey mcdimfuk also said blasey didn’t talk to the kops..
most women don’t..
rape happy pos..
@115 what’s your excuse??
ooh.. i’m gettin’ to it now… no response on karsen…
hey babblin’ butthole.. you said you didn’t like roy moore..
butt you love you some drumpf..
ding ding!
In that same year, within a few months of the alleged events, the Senate Doorkeeper, having notified the Senate Sergeant at Arms, sought to exclude an elected member of the Senate from the chamber building on more than one occasion for the same violation of the dress code. But your witness claims an exception was being made in her case – a low ranking, newly hired staff assistant.
Sure, Jan. Let us know when you need a new shovel.
Ben Carson? One of the best neurosurgeons ever?
Jealous much? Poor inner city black kid makes it big while you made it small!
Regarding work. Told to stay at home per libtard guvnur Inslee!
You still suck as ever!
One is a liar and the other isn’t..
Puddy guesses Blasey Ford is the liar eh? Filing a false police report can get you prosecuted. Tara Reade files a police report. Christine Blasey Ford did not!
Look at the FACTS clueless cretin!
babblin’ butthole..
when’s jeebus comin’?
when’s jeebus comin’?
when’s jeebus comin’?
surely YOU know the week or the month or the year…
tell us after SUNSET after 8:21pm.. according to you, that’s allowed under the rules.. just make sure you give an obligatory mumble to sky daddy at 8:22 pm on the dot..
you would want to put HA HEROES FIRST.. again…
Which anyone who cares to look can find right next to the secret android corpse of Seth Rich and the Sandy Hook Crysis Acturs where Podesta hid the Invisubul Survur and all the Barbecue Baby Ribs.
Ben Carson?
$15,000 credenza.
when’s jeebus comin’?
Poor thing hasn’t got a clue.
After that last dozen times he bore false witness and violated the Sabbath, his invisible, omnipotent sky pal stopped speaking to him.
@120 hahaha changes the subject.. Why did kookoo “pyramid is a grain storage” choose orange demigod over sky daddy??
why? no answer!
poodebutt guesses Blasey Ford is the liar eh?
of course you do.. you’re a sick twisted freak.. Blasey was 15 years old…
You believe the young women assaulted by Roy Moore don’t you? Moscow Mitch believed them..
But you give a drunken fool a pass because…
Have one if you want one ya miserable dope!
Is that anything at all like choking a guy out for selling “loosies”, gunning down a public school janitor in front of his girlfriend because “scared”, or prosecuting a sitting President for consensual blowjob?
Today I did not learn that expressions and phrases like “rule of law” have nothing to do with our criminal justice system in the United States. Flynn plead guilty to crimes he actually committed. For all the insincere pearl clutching, none of these people are saying anything different from that.
Fair? Fair has fuck-all to do with our system. Just? What the fuck was just about putting Susan McDougal in jail for exercising her right to remain silent? Federal law enforcement has too much power. Don’t lie to them or piss them off. That is the “rule of law” in this country. It’s been that way far longer than Trump has been fucking porn stars or bragging about his lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women.
What? the freak is gone already.. And yours truly thought we’d surely be at it until countdown time…
there’s some hours left.. we’ll be watchin’
Age has nothing to do when you file a police report you moron. You are assaulted, you file a police report! No comment on the other points. Cause you got nuthin!
See ya moron! Goodness you are one insufferable FOOL!
Sux to be a clueless cretin!
So easily controlled. From prophecy Jesus should come before 2027, maybe sooner. Are you ready for Jesus to come?
Nuff Said sucka!
Ben Carson cleared of all wrongdoing!
Sux to be assesHorse libtards!
Wait until Durham speaks! They won’t be cleared of wrongdoing!
Still dwelling on Roy Moore clueless cretin?
Well gotta do something with all that free time!
Age has nothing to do when you file a police report you brillaint HA HERO I PUT FIRST.
It doubles down on blaming the victim! Drunken catholic bad “boi will be boi” must be defended at all costs.
LOL! What if one of your spawn got assaulted like that? No penetration. just being held down and the drunken assaulter pushing its junk through its jeans in its face??
Would your 15 year old spawn go to the kops much less tell you?
You’d find some way to blame the kid I’m sure..
From prophecy Jesus should come before 2027
Huh… Wow at one time it was 1988.. Oh but that was the whisenaut rapture which babbling butthole doesn’t believe in.
Ok fair enough fool.. we’ll take that up then. If the server doesn’t go cold yours truly will be here!
If for some reason it doesn’t come to pass? Heh. What a “great dissappointment” that will be for you. I will remember.
Are you ready for jeebus to come?
Damn straight fool.. I will say jeebus I’m a proud sinner.. I’m only human made in your daddy’s image.. I ask only one favor from you.
Please send me where the babblin’ butthole isn’t… That’s my idea of hell.. I’ve avoided the fool and its “special friend” so far. One down one to go.
Rapture not in the Bible clueless cretin!
Still dwelling on Roy Moore
Nope just showing you for the hypocrite you are fool..
[oops repeat]
Blaming the victim? More insufferable moronic sputum. You libtards are blaming Reade for being a liar.
Now that’s blaming the victim.
Remember clueless cretin, Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, admitted to the world that protecting baby killing abortions was the primary driver behind Blasey Ford’s testimony and strange rape accusations against Kavanaugh that no one corroborated.
Rapture not in the Bible cluefull ha hero!
Heh. Franklin Graham don’t seem to think so..
Franklin loves him some drumpf.. you loves you some drumpf..
But franklin goes to church on the wrong day! and so does drumpf (for the tv cameras)..
kookoo karsen to the rescue… oh wait.. the freak broke the sabbath.. ON TV…
Did the clueless cretin just admit @118 from looking at his “crazed assesHorse database that Puddy didn’t like Roy Moore?
Now Puddy is “required” to comment on Roy Moore?
What a jackASS the clueless cretin is!
Trump is way better than Heilary Clinton!
What difference does it make? One hell of a lot!
You liberal heroes (opposers of the sexual assaulter drumpf) are blaming Reade for being a liar.
Not a Biden fan myself babblin’ butthole. Never was.
Y’all a bunch of hypocrites being fan bois of the insufferable liar, cheat and sexual assaulter drumpf.
Y’all a bunch of insufferable assholes for calling Blasey Ford every name in the book. pos rapey mcdimfuk called her a “pos” – even after busting a rape fantasy in these comments threads..
Just like little maxwipe did here once a while back. Remember that babblin’ dipwad? You remember that rape fantasy babblin’ butthole? Shall I replay it for you?
This is how y’all do.
Now poodebutt is “required” to comment on Roy Moore?
Funny that the women assaulted by moore are believable and blasey ford is NOT because…
drunken catholic boi must be protected – at all costs!
Trump is way better than Heilary Clinton!
You voted for a liar, swindler, cheat, corrupt self-dealer (while in office) and SEXUAL ASSAULTER..
and you call THAT better…
Hopeless and getting more BORING by the second.
More insufferable moronic sputum. Once again the idiot @143 Puddy never said anything like that. Can’t even find it in the crazed databaze. Blasey Ford still has no other personal friend supporters. Reade has at least five personal friend supporters! Even Alyssa Milano was shamed into hearing her complaint!
I believe Tara Reade!
Nuff said sucka!
Has Trump used his office to investigate his opponents like we’re learning Obummer did?
Nuff said sucka!
Debra Katz, admitted to the world that protecting legal safe abortions
yawnnnn… yet another drumpfed up fever swamp talking point..
“bois will be bois”… Like you were back in the day fool?
Has Trump used his office to investigate his opponents
yep and the orange turd got impeached for it. Remember that?
And Obama?? lmao. Repukes FAYLED at everything they tried with him. Silly Darryl Issa fayled.. Trey Gowdy fayled..
I believe Tara Reade!
And you call Blasey Ford a liar (pos rapey mcdimfuk calls her a “pos”) because..
have an abortion if you want one ya hypocrite fool…
You don’t need ha on sat night because of roman dot bomb, amirite?
Wait until Durham speaks! They won’t be cleared of wrongdoing!
Heh.. “bubbeleh”, what happened to Horowitz?
For our sexual harassment vigilantes:
“The top spokesman for the Department of Health and Human Services repeatedly directed crude and sexist comments toward women in now-deleted tweets ….
“Michael Caputo … called several women on Twitter ‘dogface’ and made crude insinuations and sexist comments aimed at former FBI attorney Lisa Page prior to joining HHS. …
“Caputo, a fierce loyalist to President Donald Trump, … regularly deletes his tweets and erased nearly his entire Twitter history prior to April 12. [He] was appointed as assistant secretary for public affairs at HHS on April 15.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Of course, there’s nothing unusual about this; such behavior is normal for Republicans. Now wait for Doctor Dumbfuck and Piddles to … (pause) … pile on this sexist pig … (pause) … or … (pause) … crickets.
@148-149 It’s difficult to be logical and consistent when you have to defend Republicans, and it’s understandable why they just give up and fall back on illogical and inconsistent talking points.
The loon’s false prophet Ellen White burns in Hell!
@141 “Trump is way better than Heilary Clinton!”
A two-year sabbatical did you no good whatsoever. You’re still as deranged as ever.
@120 “One of the best neurosurgeons ever”
Nobody’s disputing his prowess as a surgeon, but that doesn’t mean he can fly a Beech Bonanza* or run a federal department.
* This single-engine general aviation aircraft with a distinctive V-tail is nicknamed “the doctor killer” because it’s popular with doctor-pilots (and out of reach for most other private pilots) and is often found littering mountain slopes.
I’m sure this will this work out better than White’s prophecies that the world would end in 1843, 1844, 1845 & 1851.
“I need you to do me a favor…”
Biden’s denial may hurt his chances with Trump supporters
TRUMP SUPPORTERS: “Believe this woman!”
ALSO TRUMP SUPPORTERS: “Those 43 women accusing our God Emperor of sexual assault are liars!”.
Carson has no need to fly his own plane when he can make taxpayers and credulous superstitious rubes pay for his NetJets.
Buy Mannatech now! GAWAD comands you!
There’s no need to believe those 43 women.
Believe Trump himself.
On October 6, of 2016 Every Republican You Know, including the idiot trolls, listed to that tape as Trump boasted about his lengthy history and prowess as a violent rapist. And less than 24 hours later every single one of them listened as he told them on live television that every part of what they heard on the tape was absolutely true.
Less than a month later every one of them voted to make him president.
This is all true. It will always be true. And nothing they ever fabricate about Trump’s opponents will ever change that truth.
With Blasey Ford, the issue was that the GOP made sure no meaningful investigation could occur. Grassley literally said they were going to confirm Kavanaugh before the hearings even began. Blasey Ford’s allegation should’ve been a deal breaker without proper vetting. The problem was that the GOP blocked the vetting.
For Biden, no amount of Tara buttery males reade investigations will be enough for republicans
Tara: “I filed a complaint.”
Biden: “Let’s go find that complaint.”
Tara: “I didn’t file a complaint.”
TRUMP SUPPORTERS: “Believe what this woman said first!”
It was a very “slick” airplane in that its approach-to-stall was very short. In other words, the people flying them didn’t pick up on the fact that they were stalling the plane. Once stalled, it didn’t take much yaw, induced through erroneous rudder inputs or through a little induced drag from overuse of ailerons, to cause a spin. That usually panicked the low-experience pilots, often resulting in a crash.
Doctors have been singled out for ridicule here. They had the money to buy this slick little plane, but their egos often were in excess of their piloting skills. This is particularly true of those with limited instruments flying skills. Surgeons of all types were incredibly arrogant and overconfident in their flying skills. Thus, a lot of them “bit the big one” in the V-tailed Beech.
Trump admits he’s a rapist.
And #ReopenRapepublicans admit they are Nazis:
These things are not worthy of debate.
In the last two years Republicans have manufactured sexual assault allegations against Robert Mueller and Pete Buttigieg. They also tried to set up a story that Liz Warren had a toyboy for her BDSM fantasies ( go cougars! )
We’re supposed to forget these ever happened?
Wait a minute Didn’t Lindsay Graham say Republicans were going to weaponize sexual assault claims after kavanaugh?
Makes Tara buttery males Reade less credible.
One thing about the loon rising from the dead is that it shows us how stupid the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck has become in his absense.
65,000 dead
30,000,000 unemployed
Run on that, you stupid fucking fascist traitor. After all, it’s all your fucking fault.
Nuff said sucka!
Oh wait they are fifth tier?
@170 – No, the blame lies with the Communist Party of China.
Can we see the tax returns? We already have the cancelled checks from paying off Stormy.
“Where’s the Birth Certificate!”
Incredible Coronavirus success story Florida reported over 1,000 new cases today and 46 deaths so far.
“Come to Miami. The weather is great and we’ve got disease free beaches! We’ve got orange juice.”
@172 You must have gotten the memo. But you forget to blame Obama, too.
65,000 dead
30,000,000 unemployed
You’re running on that, fucktard traitor, whether you like it or not.
Rub the two brain cells you have between the three of you together and think about it.
Admirable, though, how you, the loon and the dumbfuck doctor have not only recently embraced deficits and debt, but the #metoo movement as well. But I reckon that’s easy to do if you never had any fucking values to begin with.
Don’t forget the DNA sample.
What’s The Loon hiding from? Wrath of GAWAD?
Only two hours and change from countdown…
Will teh babblin’ butthole hold up?
65,000 dead and 30,000,000 unemployed is peak performance for these incompetent dipshits.
Body piles and ruined economies are what Rapepublicans are good at. Consider The Loon. He’s not even any good at lying anymore. The only things he has to look forward to from here on out are loose shoes and a warm place to shit. No tight pussy for him.
Steve you old crack addict. How are you doing?
So let’s discuss what’s going on since you are still as dense as spent uranium.
Exhibit A. THe WHO told the world that the virus was contained in China and could not be spread human to human. January 14th 2020.
1) Trump listened to Dr Fauci and Dr Birx. Dr. Fauci said so. Remember spent uranium, the libtards in the lamestream media told Trump to listen to the scientists. He did. Fauci said so.
2) Trump closed our borders to China but allowed legal residents and American citizens back in. Pelosi tried to make hay of that but got her butt slapped back when the Constitution was brought up. Cuomo called it racist. DiBlasio called it racist The WHO called it racist and unnecessary. Dr Fauci said it saved 000’s of lives. Trump listened to the scientists.
3) What did Pelosi do. Well they tried to convict Trump of impeachment. EPIC FAYLE. Then Pelosi ripped up the SOTU address where Trump mentioned the CoronaVirus
4) Fauci and Birx told Trump what to do. Fauci admitted it. Trump closed down America because Fauci and Birx said so. Fauci doesn’t want any sports venues until next year. Trump wants to reopen America. Leftist guvnurs said no. Leftist guvnurs are ignoring the Constitution. They closed down churches ILLEGALLY from worshiping in their parking lots!
5) The WHO changed it tune. Sweden is now the way to operate. Remember Facebook Google and Twatter took down posts that said Sweden was right because the WHO didn’t agree with Sweden. So what will Facebook, Google and Twatter gonna do with those rejected posts now since the WHO is giving glowing reports about Sweden?
And you are still as dense as spent uranium!
Saw this go by on facebook
Pretty much every trumper I know.
Faux Snooze was sayin’ that the USA should be more like Sweden.. No draconian lockdowns… OPEN FOR BIDNESS!
Compare Sweden to California.. Sweden’s population just a hair over 10 million, approximately one quarter that of California.
2,653 dead from Covid-19 in Sweden vs..
2,111 dead in teh people’s republic of California..
blame it on the socialized medicine..
@179. Thank you for the litany of right wing propaganda points in case we forgot them.
Trump closed our borders to China..
and most of europe except for the UK because..
white people brexit
then when bojo got sick, it caved and banned brits too.
Third poll in a row shows a vast majority of American voters blaming Trump, at least in part for the giant steaming body pile and the worst unemployment since the Great Depression. It’s setting up as a solid trend.
Too bad for our trolls that those outside Teh Orange Event Horizon are just not vulnerable to crazed, irrational Qanon DERP STATE conspiracy theories about invisible baby cannibal pizza parlors.
Once again the clueless cretin gets it wrong. Wrong as evah!
“The world has watched in amazement as Sweden eschewed draconian lockdowns and instead trusted its citizens to manage this virus for themselves. Now the head of the Health Emergencies Programme of the World Health Organization, epidemiologist Michael J. Ryan, M.D., has praised the approach: Sweden “relied on the relationship with the citizens, and on the citizens’ ability and willingness to implement physical distancing and self-regulation… I believe that if we are to reach a new normal situation, Sweden can in many ways represent a model for the future.”
When Trump threatened to close to Europe what did the DUMMOCRETINS claim clueless cretin? Google it ya moron!
As always clueless cretin you are the gutter dwelling moron of assesHorse.
They closed down churches ILLEGALLY from worshiping in their parking lots!
“Bubbeleh”, maybe “leftist” governors (of more densely populated states) don’t want their hospitals blowing up with sick, dying drumpfies..
Try zoom. It’s what the corporate kids are doing even with the chicom baggage.
Those are not any taking points. Ever watch CNN. Dr Fauci said that Trump listened to him on Jake Crapper. Jake got mad! Dr Fauci been on CNN many times Google it ya moron!
three weeks after the TrumPlague virus was already spreading throughout our communities.
Might have been a good time to order some masks and ventilators.
So Rapepublicans failed again.
But the children were driving poor Vanky crazy. And she needed a get away to Bedminster. Priorities!
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
@185 yawwwwn.. More dead in Sweden than in Cali.
Google that fact ya snowflake..
troll triggered.. mission accomplished!
Was that a double post from the clueless cretin?
You claimed that was a Fox News talking point above. Puddy just proved you wrong again. Wrong as evah and clueless as evah since you were born! Ummm, hatched!
You need to expand your web sites idiot!
You are hijacking a term that explains leftists clueless cretin!
They arrested Native American Church members for observing the holy sacrement ILLEGALLY…
They arrested Branch Davidians for fucking adolescents ILLEGALLY…
They arrested Sov Cit LOONS for driving without a license ILLEGALLY…
They tried to shut down Trump’s C’Ville DeathCar Tiki Torch Night Rally ILLEGALLY…
Will Rachel Madcow apologize to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn whom she called a traitor?
Will the morons at FAKE NEWS CNN apologize to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn whom they called a traitor?
How about you assWipes here?
Wow @194 throws up useless crap when its buds were talking about the Coronavirus and 2020. Well that didn’t stick so lets go waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back before 2020 because that’s all its has left.
Might have been a good time to order some masks and ventilators.
That would have been Jan 31..
They got around to the masks on March 15..
let alone the ventilators..
Damn.. So much time lost. These repukes are not cut out for this work..
Leftist talking points. Well done. Back then Dr Fauci told America not to worry. Puddy pasted his words above from Hannity’s web site January 28th.
Sux to be you dot bombed!
You claimed that was a Fox News talking point above.
More dead in Sweden than in Cali..
Look it up snowflake.. Admit it:
Here I’ll help you:
Maybe if trolls whine enough, and threaten to lick the stripper pole some more, they can get Judge Sullivan to apologize. He called Flynn a traitor to his face. Flynn deserved it too.
Maybe one of our trolls should threaten a federal judge.
That might be a good idea.
Will Rachel Madcow apologize to Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn…
Flynn plead guilty. Drumpf fired it for lying to Pence. Chris Christie has publicly said Flynn was a train wreck..
Why do you defend this loon of a failure?
Oh you’re a loon yourself!
Once again the clueless cretin is wrong again. Lets go to CNN!
WHO stands by recommendation to not wear masks if you are not sick or not caring for someone who is sick.
“”There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit. In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly,” Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing in Geneva, Switzerland, on Monday.”
Puddy can go all day clueless cretin butt spigot! I have many leftist sites cached just for this purpose.
Ordering Jews to close synagogues and discontinue in-person gatherings because RAPEPUBLICANS HATE JEWS would be ILLEGAL.
Ordering all religious groups to close their places of worship and other meeting places and discontinue in-person gatherings because you are trying to shrink the GIANT TRUMP BODY PILE is perfectly legal.
This is a very true thing. And in fact, the all-caps has nothing to do with it.
Apparently clueless cretin doesn’t know about a perjury trap. Plead guilty or we’ll jail your son.
““What is our goal? Truth/Admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute [Flynn] or get him fired?””
“Steve you old crack addict. How are you doing?”
I’m doing good, old friend. I’m glad to see that you’re okay, though still batsit insane.
You had me worried! You disappeared the weekend of the Nazi march on Washington (JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!) and I was sure your white supremacist buddies had finally gotten around to lynching your sorry black ass. Glad to see I was wrong!
So what happened? Did the asylum take your internet privileges away from you for your batshit insane behaviour online here at HA? That was my second guess. If I was your shrink I would have pulled the plug on you, too. It’d have been for your own good, of course.
@202 That’s why the “whitey house” reserved 3600 masks for itself. and bought a shitload for the “national stockpile”..
along with the body bags..
Your own beloved orangeness contradicts you dumbass.
Once again dot bomb dot bombed…
Social media users had a variety of reactions to the mayor’s statement, from wondering why he didn’t mention mosques to reminding him about a little thing called the U.S. Constitution, and also bringing up how irresponsible he was in encouraging New Yorkers to continue to go on with their lives despite coronavirus.
Then later he changed his tune and said he would feed 500,000 with halal food.
Steve, I am batshit crazy? Naaaaah my friend I am okay. I told my wife I would take time off from assesHorse so I did. That’s all.
I see the same idiotic morons still populate this blog.
DAYUM! Well gonna sign off as its time to eat. Hopefully you are not drinking the stupid solution anymore but the jury seems to be still out on that one!
May see you Sunday – Pope’s Day!
There must be some reason why most Americans blame Trump instead of Fauci.
There has to be. (Fish tank cleaner)
It just seems so unfair. (“I don’t take any responsibility at all.”)
What reason could there be? (“It will go away like the flu.”)
We have to figure this out. (Bleach!)
Trump: “Meadows! Fire Fauci for me!”
Fauci: “You can’t fire me. I quit.”
Still not one single word of sympathy or condolence for the hundreds of thousands of grief-stricken Americans.
Naaaaah! That can’t possibly be it!
Plead guilty or we’ll jail your son.
Like Elijah said, it’s done all the time to drug dealers and the like.. Flynn broke the law and admitted to it.
Christie said Flynn was a train wreck. And you still defend this nutjob f’up.
Because you’re a nutjob too.
I told my wife I would take time off from assesHorse so I did.
Ahhh. So the Saturday night solution to the “duty dilemma” got to wifey poo..
Mustabeen hell to pay.
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America & Always Believe Women, Unless They Accuse Demorats, Then They Are Lying Sluts Bombshell News – More Proof Demorats Are Lying Phonies; Liar Stickyfingers Joe Biden-Einstein Makes False Claims About Tara Reade Records –
He [Biden] argued on MSNBC that his UDelaware files should not be opened up to the public as they could impact his political career.
“There is only one place a complaint of this kind could be — the National Archives,” the former vice president said in his Friday morning Medium post. “The National Archives is where the records are kept at what was then called the Office of Fair Employment Practices.”
“I am requesting that the secretary of the Senate ask the archives to identify any record of the complaint she alleges she filed and make available to the press any such document,” he added. “If there was ever any such complaint, the record will be there.”
But Biden’s comments on the location of these records are incorrect, according to the National Archives.
“Any records of Senate personnel complaints from 1993 would have remained under the control of the Senate,” the National Archives Public and Media Communications staff said in a statement to the Daily Caller News Foundation.
We’re all hoping you try the bleach remedy.
The Loon has insisted on more than one occasion that in the basement of a pizza restaurant in DC that has no basement high ranking Democratic Party officials and office holders gathered to feast on the raw flesh of human infants as part of a vast, global cabal of Satan worship directed by George Soros.
Nobody familiar with The Loon’s history has any doubt at all regarding the answer to that question. That’s the only reason any of us engage with it. We want to see it lose its shit, and defy and betray its invisible, omnipotent sky buddy by violating HIS Sabbath. The shame and humiliation that follows is priceless.
I refreshed and saw fish tank cleaner.
Once again dot bomb dot bombed. Not well read! HAHAHAHAHA!
Woman Who Blamed Trump after Giving Her Husband Fish-Tank Cleaner Now Under Investigation for Murder
She’s a big time DUMMOCRETIN donor dot bombed!
Regarding your other crap, the leftist lamestream narrative is Trump is always wrong!
See ya!
I wonder if Tara Reade and James O’Keefe know each other?
@213 I’ve heard it’s a permanent cure for Trump-follower stupidity. When injected no relapse is guaranteed.
@208 “I told my wife I would take time off from assesHorse so I did. That’s all.”
I see. Her or HorsesAss. And you’re back.
I met her once. Nice lady. Maybe she’ll do better the second time around. That shouldn’t be hard. Not everyone is a lunatic.
For Mrs. Dumbfuck Doctor, there’s no hope. It would take more than an F-350 and a sturdy chain to get him off that horse. He’s welded to that horse’s ass.
Hey loon. What’s next?
Gonna tout hydroxychloroquine with the z-pack?
Yet another Faux Snooze/Fever swamp/drumpf fayle that ignores competent science!
More like Kim Jong UnDead, amIRight?
C’mon (tap tap tap) is this thing on?
Hey loon…
Look what happens when your crowd listens to its beloved orange demigod:
You voted for it you pitiful idiot! What’s next? Are you gonna shove a glow stick up your ass?
@200 Makes you wonder how he got to be a LTG. Based on my experiences in Vietnam, the Army’s officer promotion standards weren’t rigorous to begin with, and apparently when Flynn came along it still paid off to be a yes-man in an Army run by sheepherders.
c’mon on back for the countdown loon…
loon, come out and play!
damn fool!
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 ….
wooo hooo…
(not freedumb)
FREEDOM!!! (from that babblin’ loon…) just like old times..
We’ll be back in 24 hours…
to wish the loon well as it goes..
“NBC Nightly News has reached out to Tara Reade for her response. She has not responded.”
(At 12:23 into the broadcast)
Does she want to be heard? Well, does she?
Another new poll that must have Donald screaming at Brad Parscale.
Meredeth College (NC) poll – April 27/28 MOE +-4
Trump Approval -12 41/53
68% of REPUBLICANS approve of state shutdown (76% Total)
D Gov Cooper approval +34 (61/27)
Senate seat D-Cunningham 43.5 / R-Incumbant Tillis 34.3
Biden +7 (47/40)
Factoring in the states considered Safe for Biden, Pennsylvania and North Carolina would be 283 EVs.
Dumbfuck will be along shortly to tell us 2020 is going to be EXACTLY like 2016 because no one has seen midterm and special election results over the last two years and no one has seen what a colossal fuck up Donald has been over the first part of an election year.
“Why won’t anyone talk about Joe’s women? We want to talk about sexual harassment. No, not those 40+ harassments. Joe. Only Joe. Can we PLEASE change the subject from thousands dying a day to something Joe may have done with a staffer. Please. I’ll be your best friend if you drop the crisis for Joe and the woman.”
And oh look!
Now there’s an active DOJ investigation into
after Trump and Stone Capo, “Doctor” Corsi accidentally sent incriminating email to a federal prosecutor describing the deal in the works to promote Fish Tank Cleaner.
Rapepublicans are just not cut out for this work.
Cunningham gets to double digits and that’s a coffin nail for both the GOP RapeHero and Moscow Mitch.
Aaaahhh the melodious weeping of racist incel klownsurvaturds!
Your experience is very out of date. You have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about.
Go drink some bleach. You’ll make all of us feel better.
@231 Good to see you again, Bugs. Been a while. If you weren’t around then, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Tell me, when was Flynn commissioned? Do you really think an officer corps in which career advancement revolved around body counts changed very much in 10 years? Flynn’s superiors in his formative years as a fledgling officer spent their formative years in that culture. Do you have any idea where the term “sheepherder” comes from and what it means? Flynn certainly knew how to be a sheep. That’s how he got the job as Trump’s NSA.
“When it became clear that Barack Obama would be the nominee of the Democratic Party in the spring of 2008, he commissioned a team of lawyers to begin an in-depth vetting process of potential candidates for vice president. …
“The comprehensive vet certainly would have turned up any formal complaints filed against Biden during his 36-year career in the Senate. It did not. The team would have investigated any salacious rumors of the sort that travel far and wide in Washington. There were none.
“Through that entire process, the name Tara Reade never came up. No formal complaint. No informal chatter. Certainly, no intimation of sexual harassment or assault from her or anyone else. The team of investigators, expert in their work, would not have missed it. Reade did not surface her allegations of a criminal sexual assault when Biden was a candidate for president in 2008, nor did she offer them confidentially to the Obama vetting team when Biden emerged as a principal contender for vice president later that year.”
Not reaching any conclusions here; just looking at another piece of evidence.
Trump’s new press secretary opened her first press briefing by promising, “I’ll never lie to you,” and then immediately started spewing falsehoods.
Maybe she wasn’t lying; maybe she’s just stupid. That’s certainly possible. After all, she’s a Republican and works for Trump; that’s evidence of stupidity right there.
You’re still a troll.