As the coronavirus spreads, but I keep taking public transportation, I keep thinking about the grossest things that I have seen. People coughing or sneezing on to their hands and then grabbing the post or the strap. Food strewn about. Mystery liquid or scents.
So I’m glad to see that Metro is as in it as they can be. There are a lot of people who are doing a lot to keep us as healthy as possible right now. Even though I often times can’t see them, I will try to give them the same types of consideration as the memory of things that have grossed me out over the years.
If Obama was president the coronavirus outbreak would be hailed as the solution to global warming.
Amazing NASA images show how pollution has CLEARED over China as coronavirus crisis has kept everyone indoors
When there were GWB43 urinal cakes and targets it was funny.
When there were Obama urinal cakes and targets it was racist.
Trump urinal jokes are now funny:
If there are ever President Warren urinal cakes and targets it will be misogynist.
Y’all libbies are such fucking predictable hypocrites. And Goldy’s Twitter feed is a condensed version of predictable hypocrisy.
Trump is everywhere.
Scoop: Lab for coronavirus test kits may have been contaminated
Trump must have stopped in Atlanta on the way back from the Daytona 500 pace car event to contaminate that lab, amirite?
’cause otherwise it would be gummit employees fuckin’ up. Nothing newsworthy there, just same ol’ same ol’.
Except for that part about Trump confessing to a lengthy history of violent sexual assaults against women. If not for that this would all be a very informative contrast.
If not for that.
Republican voters had four weeks to make up their minds about it. And in the end they all got behind Rape.
Urinal jokes are not nice. Rape is not nice. One is far worse than the other. But not to a Republican.
And now everyone can see that very clearly.
Barack wants y’all to know that the era of the Obama stock market should be recorded in history as beginning March 10, 2009 and ending February 20, 2020.
Maybe Donald shouldn’t have fired the competent ones who would have been the people overseeing the work on those kits.
If Donald hadn’t fired them.
It probably won’t be long before she tits up too.
@5 the horse want everyone to know that it isn’t consensual.
Real actions vs Jokes. Snowflakes gonna cry.
@1 If this was 1943, you’d hail coronavirus as “the end of the Holocaust” because it was killing the Jews faster than Hitler could.
@2 If you’re offended by that, then you surely can’t be the guy who emailed me a photo of a dog pissing on an Obama yard sign a few years ago.
@3 “gummit employees fuckin’ up”
Organizational rot almost always starts at the top and works its way down. See, e.g., Boeing. After 3 years of Trump, his mismanagement and incompetence should be leaching down to the lower echelons right about … now.
@8 Day after tomorrow, if not tomorrow evening.
@10 Check out this video and tell me if you think Doctor Dumbfuck is in it.
Organizational rot almost always starts at the top
Hahn has been in place for two months. Probably just long enough to have picked out a $15,000 credenza.
Previously he was best known for having served as Chief of Radiation Oncology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, where he directed such rampant incompetence that a surgeon under his direct supervision implanted radioactive “seeds” intended to combat prostate cancer in the wrong organs. Very likable by all accounts. He may kill you. But he’ll make you feel good about it while he is doing it.
A chemistry professor from Harvard appears to be in trouble for his connections to China’s biological warfare folks in Wuhan. It gets more curious by the minute. Of course, this story isn’t getting much attention from the media – Super Tuesday is more important!
@ 16
Probably not implanted in the wrong organs.
More likely poor dose homogeneity within the prostate and “hot spots” of seeds concentrated too close to the rectum, causing radiation-induced side effects there.
Along the same lines, if there are hot spots outside the prostate there probably are “cold spots” within the tumor-affected portion of the prostate, which leads to treatment failure caused by underdosing the cold regions.
A guess. But I really doubt the seeds were implanted outside the prostate.
All of which reminds me: DO NOT sit anywhere close to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You tend to notice things more when they get more personal. If you were immune to this virus or any other flu, then you wouldn’t have noticed all that grossness.
Same for Republicans, they can’t believe in something until it affects them – just ask Boob
@ 17
Maybe that’s because the news is a month old, asswipe.
The rush to
endorse Creepy Joestop Bernie Sanders accelerates, as Klobuchar calls it quits and throws in with Biden.#WallStreetPete is said to be ready to endorse as well but now can’t get it up.
Tits just went tits up.
The Nation turns its back on Fauxchahontas.
That forked tongue thing comes at a cost.
Alternative @ 23 headline:
The Nation turns its lonely eyes to Jew.
All yours, Goldy.
@18 You have nothing to worry about. Why the fuck would I want to sit next to you? Not even three stalls over. If I see a barn with your name on it, I’ll find another farm to shit in. No telling what I could pick up from squatting on your dirt. I might glow in the dark.
But I really doubt the seeds were implanted outside the prostate.
“The Times reported last week that investigators for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and V.A. officials had identified Dr. Kao as the doctor who did all but a handful of what they said were 92 substandard seed implants out of 116 cases over more than six years. In some cases, most of the tiny metal seeds ended up in other organs.“
Hahn impressed your farting RapeHero and won a job he is incapable of performing. That should have a familiar ring to Republicans by now.
@19 This will be the anti-vaxxers’ finest hour. They have a chance to infect the whole fucking world.
@24 If you’re gonna be a racist, you might as well be anti-Semite, too.
The Dow going back up. All is well. All is right in the world. Crisis is over.
If anything could get Democrats excited about the prospect of The Chardonnay Lady 3.0’s candidacy, it’s the threat of a Biden nomination.
@28. Honestly, I’d shun anyone who was that racist, homophoic, woman hating in person. What a miserable awful human he is.
About Klob getting out now. Moderates are consolidating the moderate vote. They see that if they don’t do it now then Bernie is going to run away with it. They are all in on Biden.
Did she actually wait to drop out until Pete dropped out first? If so, that’s actually hilarious and petty at the same time.
Hilarious reminder that Tulsi Gabbard is still…. present.
Don’t forget, in 2016 63 million Republicans voted in an anti-vax president. They only softened their opposition to vaccines slightly during the 2019 measles outbreak.
CNN asked a sampling of voters to describe Trump in one word. Here are the top three answers from voters of both parties plus those identifying as independents:
“Won’t Vote For”
As Doctor Dumbfuck claims to be an independent, and says he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and won’t in 2020, he scores with one dart. But can’t bring himself to hit the other two rings.
The bipartisan agreement between Democrats and Republicans is striking. Now if only Republicans matched their words with their deeds. But they won’t; they’ll vote for the bumbling jerk anyway, because (1) he’s their president, (2) they’re Republicans, and (3) as voters go, they’re bumbling jerks, too.
Tweet du jour:
The Fucking Moron II about Klobuchar and timing @ 32
Had she stayed in until tomorrow she would have denied Sanders MN delegates. Team Biden wanted her to stay in. She dropped out now to avoid the humiliation of losing her home state to Sanders.
“They are all in on Biden.”
At this point I tend to agree. But Billionaire Plutocrat II remains a question mark. With the drop out of Buttigieg and Klobuchar and Biden’s big win on Saturday, Mayor Stop-and-Frisk’s most credible argument has suddenly evaporated. Will his support among moderates do likewise?
@ 37
Will his support among moderates do likewise?
A more important question: Will Team Biden accept his money, now that Bernie has said he won’t?
And another: When a billionaire spends the next 3 months spending lavishly so that Bernie doesn’t win, will the BernieBros and all of those young people supporting him turn out in November to support a doddering old man who can’t recall where he is or whom he’s speaking with at any given time?
When there were Obama urinal cakes and targets it was racist.
Yawn… No always wrong winger would piss on that if its heart was on fire.. I read that said about Howard Dean.
Is that a bug or a feature of your tribe?
@35 Probably some medical devices salesman, maybe Mike Lehman of Modular Devices, Inc., aka YouTube’s “Premier 1 Driver.”
@38 “Will Team Biden accept his money, now that Bernie has said he won’t?”
Don’t have to, just kick back and watch him spend his money bashing his arch-enemy ex-fellow-New-Yorker on the airwaves, and pass around the popcorn.
It appears that, as of current CNBC news reporting, 6 deaths from COVID-19 have occurred in the U.S. so far, all of them in the Seattle area — 5 in King County and 1 in Snohomish County.
“As Doctor Dumbfuck claims to be an independent, and says he didn’t vote for Trump in 2016 and won’t in 2020”
Simply not credible. Not at all.
It’s not just that he can’t summon an unkind word about president RapeHero. Or worse, and certainly more telling, that he has absolutely no criticism to offer any of the 63 million Republican voters who heard their nominee’s Access Hollywood Rape Confession and still blindly voted for him.
It is that he has so steadfastly come to Trump’s defense even and especially when Trump has been at his most incompetent and most despicable. Take bot-farm pussy’s tireless defense of Associate Justice GangRape. Cost him more than 40 house seats and blew the GOP out of Reagan’s adopted homeland forever. Eviscerated GOP support in the suburbs. And none of it was necessary. There were dozens of equally well qualified and equally Fed Soc approved candidates. The Senate committee begged Trump to reconsider.
Take his defense of Trump’s White House failures in this thread. Unwavering and steadfast. To the point of lying, fabricating, and self-humiliation.
The examples are endless and inexhaustible. This is a consistent theme. And there is nothing remotely “independent” about it. bot-farm pussy is entirely dependent – dependent upon the affirmation of his tribal identity. He’s a tribal Republican through and through steeped in the conflict and straining to head into the breach at every opportunity.
He voted for Trump. And he’s going to do it again.
Our dear rapey troll keeps saying it doesn’t vote for drumpf.. That seems so… sad…
Look at this circus performer (hat tip to Elijah):
Look at the cut of his suit, his haircut, his glasses. Oh yeah, he saw Strauss lectures and can quote Aristotle. His various nomme de plume includes Roman practitioners of genocide, slavery and endless war. Look where he lectures.. Hillsdale College. Government funding? Shit no! Only Amway, Koch and that kind of money need suffice.
What’s there not to love, rapey?
Anton made the jump past the orange event horizon.. Early… Shit Limbaugh read his shit in total in Sept of 2016..
But, but, but, Anton proclaims the “end of conservatism” right here:
But hey with the likes of Brett Stephens and Bill Kristol defending the old guard, who needs that? Greatness aka orangeness beckons…
Hey fellow HA Heroes, let’s all become birthers of sorts. Let’s make Michael Anton, rapey troll’s gateway drug to orange “greatness”…
We can birth an orange baby..
You’re almost there rapey, you’re almost there… Orangeness drumpfs whiteness…
Alas, that might be a step too far for it. But HA Heroes can still help it become “born again”..
“When a billionaire spends the next 3 months spending lavishly so that Bernie doesn’t win…”
bot-farm pussy still terrible at the math. The most mathematically valid play for Billionaire Plutocrat II steals moderate and Boomer support from Biden. When Bloomberg drops out and offers to fund Biden then he might have some kind of a point. But in all honesty, Bloomberg will have to get in line behind a dozen other billionaires yearning to STOP BERNIE (which is just code for “stop single payer”).
The credible argument to be made here (whether or not you agree with it) is that Sanders has a ceiling of support that he will not surpass. Which leaves a moderate primary candidate an opportunity if they can generate enough energy and enthusiasm. What this argument fails to account for – and not coincidentally what the bot-farm pussy always refuses to account for – is Trump.
The key thing to remember about Anton is that he owes his brief 15 minutes entirely to the Access Hollywood Rape Admissions.
His essay was published in September, before the tape and Trump’s confessions became public. But published in The Claremont Review of Books, an obscure source, even among academics. But it started getting passed around by Gamergate/Alt-right/ProudBoy pseudo intellectual twitter trolls right away as a way for them to justify their extremist racism, provocations, and calls for violence to bring about an all white ethno-European apartheid.
The essay’s currency within the troll-sphere was noticed only slightly within the main stream. But almost as if by magic, in the days following Trump’s glum confessions about the Access Hollywood tapes, suddenly surrogates and commentators in main stream corporate media sources began to bring it up. Almost over night Anton became a celebrated intellectual offering a perfect formulation to justify conservative depravity.
@43 “Simply not credible.”
Did I say he is? I’m skewering him on his own petard. But you know that.
Dow +1,200 points.
Trump says he won’t suspend his
Nazicampaign rallies. Imagine the potential optics: Media images of thousands of Trump supporters wearing N95 masks at his rallies, while health care workers exposed to COVID-19 patients go without because of shortages.@43 “He voted for Trump. And he’s going to do it again.”
He’s not running for office (so far as we know), so he can get away with it. Lying about it, too.
@45 “which is just code for ‘stop single payer'”
And wealth tax. I don’t think they care that much about single payer, beyond how it affects their stocks in health insurance companies, because their FICA taxes will go up the same amount as everyone else’s — a couple bills a month. Won’t even notice. No, it’s the wealth tax they’re worried about. That could hit their purchase of the next 400-foot yacht or Boeing 787 private jet.
@45 I think if Bernie loses out to Biden, it’s a concern that Bernie’s rabid fans might stay home, handing Trump the win. They impress me as being afflicted with Bernie-or-the-highway thinking.
Klobuchar will show up for Biden’s Texas rally tonight. She’s still running for vice president, and suspending her formal campaign was merely a formality. Her black-voter problem could make things tough, though. Same for Mayor Pete. Picking Corey Booker or Stacey Abrams might make more sense for Biden if he’s the nominee. Given his age, many voters likely will assume that person might become president sometime in his second term, so it should be someone those voters believe could govern.
The Dow Is Surging – But Analysts Warn It’s Just a ‘Dead Cat Bounce’
The Dow Jones spiked on Monday on hopes of a huge rate cut from the Federal Reserve. But multiple analysts warn of a dangerous reversal.
“If the Fed does step in, the aptly named dead-cat bounce in which prices recover only for a short while, should not be mistaken for resurrected animal spirits. No amount of rate cuts will cure a single coronavirus patient, nor will anyone frightened of illness decide to buy a new house, a car, or even a night out at a restaurant.”
>> The Dow is surging on the hopes that the goverment is going to give them free stuff…I mean make money even cheaper.
@54 “Analysts Warn It’s Just a ‘Dead Cat Bounce’”
Good question. Apple was up $25 today; that dead cat sure bounces!
I bought Citigroup shares this morning and they bounced $3 after I did.
It seems kinda obvious to me the rivers of money that moved out of the market all at once last week are flooding back into the market. That money could flood out again tomorrow.
The action seems to be in ETFs. People can, with a mouse click, switch money back and forth between stock ETFs and money market funds, and that seems to be happening. A lot.
Technically, this is a “correction,” but it’s starting to look like a supersized-dip.
It seems screamingly obviously we haven’t seen the worst of U.S.-related COVID-19 headlines. If Biden does well tomorrow, Wall Street fears of a Sanders presidency might recede some. I think there may be a couple of influences tugging the market in opposite directions — coronavirus getting worse (in the States), politics getting better (for capitalists).
There seems to be some news that coronavirus is abating in China, and Chinese are going back to work, and that may be the primary driver of today’s bounce. But such a bounce logically would be premised on the notion that it will be contained in the U.S.
And then there’s the possibility the market isn’t rational — maybe God is rolling dice and laughing at us. Or maybe the Karl Marx crowd (not socialists; the masses-are-asses) sold low last week and are buying back high this week — a lot of people do that, thank God, because that helps me make money I don’t have to work for or pay taxes on.
Anecdotally perhaps. But where Clinton’s support collapsed in the three key states in 2016 was among moderates. That’s a fact.
One thing Democrats have to do in order to win not just the White House, but also the Senate is to be realistic about the numbers. In recent cycles where Democratic candidates have under-performed it has been because of unexpected low turnout among so-called “moderate” lean-D voters. And where Democratic candidates have over-performed it has been because of unexpected high turnout among so-called “progressive” lean-D voters.
Overwhelmingly so far, field surveys indicate that both groups are motivated to turn out in larger than usual numbers this year. And they all cite pretty much the same reason: Trump. A wise nominee, whether moderate or progressive, would notice that and use it. That’s another thing Clinton would not do.
Can someone show me where I claimed to be independent?
@56 Well, as Dumbfuck says, she was an awful candidate. (At least according to him; and I’m not above stealing his theme, if it might be useful to explain something.)
My theory about Trump supporters is they’re as dysfunctional as he is. I offer Doctor Dumbfuck as Exhibit A.
Brett Hamil is a walking fuckstick.
He needs to take his unfunny, broke as a joke, carpetbagging ass back to Florida
Biden’s the nominee, Harris the running mate. Assuming this, ‘splain me how Dems keep younger voters from staying home.
Harris has some AG issues.
61 Everyone hates republicans that much
Every so often Goldy retweets a truly fucking moronic tweet.
Here is one:
The site in question is only updated three times per week, and the EOD Monday update hadn’t been done.
There’s plenty of up-to-date info available elsewhere. Nobody is trying to hide anything. Here’s a RT database maintained at Johns Hopkins:
Too many of your friends are fucking morons, Goldy. Conspiracy to defraud should not be your default response in an extremely rapidly changing environment.
Doubtful at this point anyone pays enough attention to you to explain anything.
Ten days ago, according to you, Clinton is the nominee.
Too late for you to unfuck yourself now. Just vote for Trump and die in shame. It’s your destiny.
Anybody got the over/under on the Biden delegate count where bot-farm pussy fires back up the Burisma/Durham/Giuliani Qanon conspiracy?
My guess is it hasn’t aged well.
Well that’s weird. The Twitterverse went off about Chris Matthews retiring so I flipped on the TeeVee and Kornacki is hosting but there’s a clip out there of Matthews opening the show and announcing the last Hardball.
Did he really lead the show with the announcement and leave the set? That’s a pretty baller move and no matter what you think of Matthews I respect that.
Well, I quit! Couldn’t keep my mouth shut because I thought I was the most important thing about doing the news. I didn’t realize people actually don’t like me very much when I attack their sacred icons in politics.
Remember when the racist incel insisted that the Democratic proposal for an emergency appropriation to fight corona virus was “too much” and “could not be spent in time”. Once again, he dutifully came to the RapeHero defense, claiming that the money was “padding” to be spent on “other unrelated” stuff – probably The Blacks or The Poors.
Yeah. About that.
White House now agrees that $7 to $8 billion is needed and HHS wants it yesterday to expand testing and pay for quarantines and additional support for hot spots and screening.
Who on earth could have possibly imagined that credibility would be important in a public health emergency?
So credible and so independent. /s
Score it Liz Warren 1, Chris Mathews 0 at the final buzzer.
Oh fer fucks sake.
Now there’s a video out there of Donald at the White House asking medical experts if getting more people the Flu Vaccine to stop Coronavirus.
This dude literally understands nothing.
“But we vaccinated at birth against DTaP so how is it possible He has chickenpox? Vaccines don’t work obviously.” Donald.
Boob is soooo smart. He’s the smartest guy here. Everything he ever says or predicts is right or comes true – always! Heeeeeee’s sooooo smart. He’s my HA Hero! Never wrong.
Just so strange that he’s afraid to ever make a bet – he’d be a billionaire.
Wherein a college recruiter from Oklahoma Christian University asked a group of charter high school students to line up by skin color and hair texture.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This isn’t who they are now; it’s who they’ve always been. At least the private college knows bad optics when they see them; they fired him. Kinda had to, I would guess.
Paul Begala, Democratic strategist, predicted Trump will dump Pence and put Nikki Haley on his ticket on July 16.
Roger Rabbit, social observer and political commentator, predicts that Pence, as a reward for giving up a governorship to be Trump’s loyal water boy, will get admission to the Mar-O-Lago with a 5% discount on the first year’s $200,000 annual membership fee.*
* This a big deal because Pence, not being a veteran, isn’t eligible for Home Depot’s 10% veteran’s discount. However, to the best of my knowledge, you can’t buy nails or light bulbs at Mar-O-Lago, although I’ve heard the bar has some kick-ass mixed drinks.
They are a bunch of low life scum. They have no purpose in life beyond taking space and being dumber than dumb.
Come on you don’t remember? You try denying that you suck horse cock, and you want us to believe you never said you were an Independent? Ohhh no, not going to happen. You mentioned it twice that you were an Independent.
Paul Begala, Democratic strategist, predicted Trump will dump Pence and put Nikki Haley on his ticket on July 16.
Just read something hilarious concerning Nikki by a maga maniac:
CPAC: The Potemkin Village Of Conservative, Inc…
CPAC today is utterly uncontroversial: socialism bad! free markets rules! Visit our vendors in the hallways to buy your tsotchkes that reinforce your Boomer mindset. “It’s all so tiresome.”
Nikki Haley, real name Nimrata Nikki Randhawa (see how that works?) hosted the official “Welcome Reception” according to CPAC’s official agenda posted online. Did she charge $100,000, her usual speaking fee? She’s a neocon as well so that’s great.
I’m sure this guy from MN is big on Michael Anton and those “power tools”..
I’m lovin’ this “end of klownservaticism” mindset.
They won’t have any leg to stand on later complaining about the Hump – serves them right.
@57 As I recall, you claimed to be a Libertarian, which practically speaking is a non-voter.
The woman ate her salad with her comb once – she’s not right in the mind.
@61 “Harris the running mate”
How do you figure that? And don’t say “she’s a black woman from California” or “he’s east coast and she’s west coast”; that’s too simplistic. For one thing, he doesn’t need her to carry California. Black person, yes, makes sense; a woman, yes, makes sense; picking someone from a state that’s in play, yes, makes sense. Doesn’t necessarily need all three. Doesn’t need any if he doesn’t win the nomination. You seem to think a fix is in; prove it.
Boob is sooo connected! It’s amazing! He knows everything. Everything! Remarkable that there is no end to his connections and knowledge of everything. He is my Hero! HA’s smartest guy! You go Boob.
@63 “Too many of your friends are fucking morons, Goldy.”
I didn’t know you two were friends. But he doesn’t tell me everything.
Come on – you’re talking about Boob, HA’s smarty smart! He knows. He knows everything!
@64 I’m perfectly fine with him throwing his vote away on the Libertarian nominee. This is a better country when his vote doesn’t count for beans.
For a “libertarian” he’s an awfully loyal Republican, and enthusiastic Badge Bunny.
@83 It’s the lawyer in me. Knee-jerk, I want evidence. Remember, I’m not a Republican senator; I think evidence matters.
@85 All I’m saying is that’s what he posted. I’m testifying, not justifying. I’m merely the witness.
Mayor Pete sent out an email at 8:05pm EST indicating that he is supporting Biden – as expected. Not sure if it has been reported on the news already.
Yes, he keeps insisting a “fix” is in.
Only precisely what that “DNC conspiracy” is changes so rapidly and is so inconsistent and untethered that it’s dizzying.
Remember what was wrong with Hillary?
She was part of a pan-globalist cabal of financial “elites” poised to enslave “the Heartland”.
Simultaneously she was under the control of “Marxist-Zionists” and/or Red China (take your pick).
At the same time she was a “Femi-Nazi”.
And then don’t forget how she was going to take away your doctors, your guns, your pickup trucks, and your dick pills and install hairy lesbians on all the courts.
Also she ordered the hit on Seth Rich.
And emails.
IIRC only a few days ago according to the bot-farm pussy, Pete Buttigieg was the conspiracy. Then suddenly he was the victim of the conspiracy. By the time the convention arrives the conspiracy will probably involve an alien with a faint British accent named Klatuu.
Yes, he keeps insisting a “fix” is in.
oooh yeah,..
crowdstrike… nellie and bruce ohr… derp state.. globalists…. vince foster… arkancide….
durham report….
What a joy to see Kshama Sawant sharing the stage with her ally, Andre Taylor.
The same Andre Taylor who is a convicted pimp and child trafficker in the state of Nevada.
That’s YOUR team seattle.
That’s YOUR team seattle.
Didn’t vote for Sawant last election. Couldn’t. Wrong district.. Most of Seattle for that matter.
So you must be team orange – the color of sex assault on more “mature” sex objects..
Sux to be you.
It’s just as well, Chris, because you sucked as a journalist. In fact, you were never a journalist. You’re a rank political hack with no integrity at all.
You should keep making comments here on HA. You’ll fit right in!
You’re a rank political hack with no integrity at all.
You couldn’t have spoken truer words if you had been standing in front of a mirror. Odds on favorite you were doing exactly that.
You did honor to Chris Matthews. That’s quite an accomplishment. Thanks for entertaining us with the projection.
Gold! Pot!
The poor Kekistanian refugee trusts “the plan”.
Trump has been in office for 3 whole years and hasn’t locked her up yet. That must be driving the derpers crazy. Promise kept? Nah, broken promise.
Science Is Bunk Dep’t
“The Trump administration last year moved to roll back regulations designed to prevent infections from spreading in nursing homes, a decision that is facing renewed criticism for endangering the elderly amid the coronavirus outbreak.”
And a doctor would vote for this guy? Or defend him? I guess doctors can be dumbfucks, too.