The Washington State Presidential Primary ballots will be mailed on Friday. So you should be getting it next week. You have to declare your party and get it returned by March 10.
RapeHero is working behind the scenes on a big fat swampy deal with his billionaire donors and pals to resume letting hundreds of thousands of feeeeelthy meeegrants come into Red Murika and terk er jerbs!
Trumpers, FEEL THE BURN!
While watching the debate tonite, it dawned on me that #WallStreetPete and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have two things in common:
• Neither one is a millionaire.
• Neither one has had sex with a woman during the current millenium.
JFC were you asleep in 2015-16 while DWS kissed Clinton ass for 18 months straight? Then there was McCaskill, leaping to be the first to endorse The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 after making the mistake about speaking the truth about her husband that one time.
Goldy Retweeted
David Atkins✔
This is a huge cultural differences between Dems and Republicans. Ronna “McDaniel” Romney is playing a servile role to Trump. Meghan McCain is kowtowing to Trump. Lindsey Graham & Ted Cruz likewise.
Not only do Democrats do this, Democrats did it first.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 You’re saying, in other words, that I’m a multi-millionaire and fuck my own species.
I neither confirm nor deny these reports.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 “Not only do Democrats do this, Democrats did it first.”
Which is all the reason you need to vote Republican, even though they do it worse, because you’re a dumbfuck.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“Factionalism among the RapeHero set:
Swallowing vs spitting the Orange Throat Yogurt.
I think we all know on which side bot-farm falls – felching.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Stone sentencing going very, very badly so far.
His latest lawyer essentially just conceded the first of the big sentencing enhancements being argued. Stated his grounds for disputing it. Then when asked for a case citing grounds he… had… nothing. I can’t believe these guys get paid for this shit.
Democrat Pete Buttigieg overstated pledges of support from black leaders, public figures
…the campaign contacted ABC News to say the establishment had agreed to say publicly that they were “proud to partner with Mayor Pete in January.”
But the restaurant owner followed up with ABC News again, a few hours later, to make clear he was “not in any type of partnership with the Buttigieg campaign.” Varner said he would have allowed any campaign to visit.
“When you say ‘partner,’ in a sense they paid us to have an event at our restaurant,” Varner said.
Every time gman “partners” in some grimy alley with someone he met 15 minutes earlier, money changes hands. gman will never be able to retire unless he develops ED.
Hey, #WallStreetPete! Howzit goin’ for y’all in South Carolina?
The Buttigieg campaign published a list of black supporters in South Carolina, which included three leaders and hundreds of other supporters. The problem is, those three leaders all said they had not endorsed Buttigieg. Even worse, many of the names on the list were shown multiple times — and about 40% of the names were white people.
Related to that situation, the Buttigieg campaign put out a promotion for a policy to benefit the black community, but in the promotion they used a stock image of a woman and a child in Kenya rather than an actual picture of black people who supported Buttigieg.
Buttigieg had moved up to 2% support with black voters in South Carolina in a January Fox News poll.
@2. Racist incel, bless your little heart, you tried to make a clever insult. I bet you spent all night on it too. Here’s a participation ribbon for effort.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
In Stone’s sentencing ABJ is now on the second set of enhancements, a 3 level enhancement for obstruction. And the interesting thing is, so far, the prosecution is proceeding as if the second DOJ memorandum does not exist, essentially stating full agreement with all of the initially proposed enhancements.
For what it’s worth, I do not agree that the crimes Stone is convicted of are worthy of lengthy prison sentences. And ABJ has stated that she will take the second memo into consideration after her final calculation is completed. But the way this is going Stone is leaving court today with a sentence of more than five years, which is fucking brutal. And awesome.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
After patiently enduring Stone’s lawyers arguing against their own briefs, ABJ has now ruled that the second set of enhancements will also be applied.
– Second, 3 level enhancement will stand.
Just-nominated DNI Director will be the first openly gay cabinet member.
She already has spent decades playing second fiddle to an abuser of women, in her own household.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Stone final guideline scoring is 27. I think that works out to a range of 6-9. Prosecutors agreed to every single one of the original sentencing enhancements. Stone team barely offered any rebuttal. ABJ still offering to consider the second memo in her final deliberations, so maybe Stone gets closer to the lower end of the range. However prosecution arrived in court today under orders from main justice to refuse to discuss the 2nd memo. So during her efforts to explore the contours of those recommendations ABJ was stonewalled by the prosecution – at one point being told by Crabb “I am not at liberty to discuss the internal deliberations at DOJ”. That would tend to encourage most judges to discount or limit their consideration of any arguments contained in such a memo.
So in the end, DOJ showed up and backed their original sentencing recommendations and repudiated the second, more lenient recommendations. And Stone showed up and mostly rode the wave, barely offering any credible argument opposing the enhancements. If he winds up with a 9 years sentence it won’t be because he was being railroaded or screwed over.
@ 16
Scenario 1: Trump colluded with Russia and Stone interfered with the investigation.
Scenario 2: Trump didn’t collude with Russia and Stone interfered with the investigation.
Should there be a difference in the sentence handed down between those two scenarios?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Both scenarios describe precisely the same criminal offense.
You already knew your answer.
Asking the question therefore can only be regarded as indicating a substantial cognitive bias on your part.
In this way, Dumbfuck, I can help you to perceive the gooey, smelly, pubic hair littered orange film of Teh Orange Event Horizon beyond which you now find yourself trapped. But nobody can help you to return to this side. Ever.
@ 18
I know they describe the same criminal offense.
What I am asking is whether an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently is at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge.
If I knew the answer I would not have asked the question.
@2 how do you know Mayor Pete didn’t have sex with a woman? You don’t know that. You talk out of your horse’s ass.
If I’ve had sex (intercourse) with woman then Mayor Pete probably have too.
And I know many people that are having gay sex but also fuck woman Bob. That’s the reality, if you are subconsciously desiring to have sex with a guy then you should. You shouldn’t die without trying everything you want to try.
The fallacy of sexual orientation is that there is any specific orientation.
Democrats won’t commit to same-day release of Nevada results
Nevada Democrats were going to use the same mobile app developer as Iowa, but quickly sidelined those plans. Instead, they will deploy party-owned, internet-connected iPads to precincts that will come with a Google form that will be used to access early vote totals, perform calculations during the caucus process and, ultimately, submit results electronically to the party.
The Google app and iPads are trusted commercial tech tools, but election experts have warned that developing and deploying any technology late in the process increases the risk of problems. Hundreds of volunteers need training, and the technology must also be field-tested.
In addition, Nevada Democrats offered early voting for the first time — another layer of complexity that Iowa didn’t attempt.
There’s a good chance that the victor in two of the first three Democrat contests will be Donald Trump.
Bob is both not funny or ever right…. potentiality I will be retiring the end of the year at 56 years old or semi retirement being self employed and working like 30 hour per month.
Eat your heart out Bob. You wish you could be me. I get it.
@13 not a fucking chance.
@ 11
But the way this is going Stone is leaving court today with a sentence of more than five years, which is fucking brutal. And awesome.
And wrong.
BULLETIN Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in federal prison »
QoS McHillbilly, you’re a smarmy, fucking asshole. You could have answered my question @ 17 with a bit of intelligence.
You @ 18 played smarmy fucking asshole instead. By now you’ve got that shtick down pat.
Question: If 2,000 former DOJ attorneys called for Barr to resign over his reversal of the original, calculated sentencing recommendation, shouldn’t those same former DOJ attorneys call for Judge Jackson to resign for sentencing Stone outside the calculated range?
Or would the latter be a career-damaging move for them?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
The factors that can be considered in determination of federal criminal sentences are set forth in statute. Whatever the fuck Qanon clownspiracy horse shit that is you are describing is certainly not among them.
Understand, federal criminal statutes are narrowly drawn with respect to offending conduct. Perhaps that’s why there are so goddam many of them. For Roger Stone to have been convicted of five counts of swearing false statements, one count of witness tampering, and one count of obstruction defines specific, now established criminal conduct on his part.
With respect to his conviction on criminal obstruction, and as to the charge of criminal obstruction, do I think that the origin or basis of the matter proven to have been obstructed ought to be a mitigating factor considered in determination of sentence?
The reasons are many. Here are just a couple. First, as a general principle, the federal guidelines for sentencing are not carved out with any special consideration for each and every criminal offense in the codes. The guidelines are general with respect to the conduct of the individual convicted. Then they are applied and analyzed specifically with respect to the underlying convicted offenses. They are already more than sufficiently complex and Byzantine without producing special mitigating factors for each and every offense in the US criminal codes.
Second, as a matter of very well settled law in Western jurisprudence, where obstruction is proved it does not serve the broad pubic interest in justice to to engage in any consideration of the matter having been obstructed, either in the determination of guilt or in the analysis of sentence. The broad public interest is to deter the criminal conduct itself in all cases. And then, should that deterrence fail, to punish it accordingly. A reduction of sentence based upon such consideration would suggest that the harm to that interest might be materially altered by the nature of the matter having been obstructed. But that is a fundamental confusion of the aim of obstruction statutes with the aims of any investigators having been obstructed. The public aim of criminal obstruction statutes is not to enhance, assist, promote, or in any way alter the efforts of investigators or prosecutors. The aim is the protection of due process and justice itself. Try and remember that investigators get charged with obstruction too (notably not so in this case). And the right of individuals to refuse to cooperate with investigations is very well protected in our system.
I realize of course, that none of this will discourage you and all your lunatic 4chan girlfriends from knitting together a tissue of legal sophistry and DERP STATE lunacy to arrive somehow, as if almost by magic, at the conclusions that you neeeeed to reach. But also keep in mind that ABJ did Stone a huge favor today, largely taking it upon herself to depart to the bottom end of the calculated range. And Stone’s “friends” in the White House did him none. You fools ought to think about that. But you won’t.
I hope the Federal Judges Association will discuss the tremendous FISA Court abuse that has taken place with respect to the Mueller Investigation Scam, including the forging of documents and knowingly using the fake and totally discredited Dossier before the Court. Thank you!
2:25 PM – Feb 18, 2020
I guess there wasn’t enough time for the judges’ steering committee to panty-twist about Roger Stone’s sentence AND to discuss the FISA abuses that have been proven and admitted to by their filthy friends.
Trump 1
Judges 0
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Kinda makes you wonder how much Bill Barr now regrets incinerating his own, and his department’s credibility over that.
Line prosecutors hate him. Two out of three of his own AUSAs hate him. Senate Republicans hate him. Now even Trump hates him. And for all that the most Stone will see inside is three years.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Btw, being accused of being a “smarmy, fucking asshole” by you (twice!) is my going to be my little note of self-affirmation for the day. Thanks.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48 the first time since he was sworn in that Gallup has found his approval exceeding his disapproval.
EXCLUSIVE: Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother, reveals Somali community leader, who says both she and her husband told him Ahmed Elmi was her sibling and she would do what she had to do to get him ‘papers’ to keep him in US
‘Squad’ congresswoman Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, can confirm.
And now for the first time one of those friends has come forward to reveal exactly how Omar and Ahmed Elmi scandalized the Somali community in Minneapolis.
Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States, at a time when she was married to her first husband Ahmed Hirsi.
I watched the game with dorm-mates my freshman year. My drink then was Seagram’s, peppermint schnapps, and 7-Up. My beer was wide-mouth Mickey’s.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So Dumbfuck, now that I’ve answered your question (having teased some kind of sense out of it and ignored your childish impatience along the way) let’s see if you have it in you to answer a related question (and you might even learn something in the process!):
I’ll start with your phrasing at 19, but in reference to the actual reality of the law as I’ve tried to explain it.
If an FBI agent were to be convicted of obstruction, having made false statements and intimidated witnesses connected to “an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently” do you think that should be “at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge”?
Why/why not?
@ 33
If an FBI agent were to be convicted of obstruction, having made false statements and intimidated witnesses connected to “an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently” do you think that should be “at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge”?
1. Termination of employment should be immediate upon completion of the investigation that results in the criminal referral.
2. If that FBI agent was part of the fraud that caused the investigation to commence in the first place, then, yes, absolutely, the FBI agent’s role in the fraud’s inception, prior to the misbehavior during the investigation, should be considered as a factor in sentencing.
3. As you stated @ 26, part of the sentence is for deterrence benefit, and the FBI is crucial to the nation’s national security. Deterrence of misbehavior at higher levels within the agency should extend beyond termination and reduction in retirement benefits. An example should be set for those watching.
Hope this is a satisfactory response.
Today Mike Bloomberg is telling anyone who will listen that the winner of last night’s debate is Donald Trump.
Latino Support for Trump Is Real
And that’s a problem for Democrats.
President Donald Trump has done almost everything he can to anger Latino voters. And yet, his support among this crucial portion of the electorate remains surprisingly consistent. After the 2016 election, exit polls analyzed by the Pew Research Center showed that 28 percent of Latino voters supported Trump; today, 30 percent support him.
This percentage may not seem high. But consider what the number means for the Democrats: Displeasure with the president over the past three years has not led to an increase in support for the opposing party.
Democrats lost the 2016 election with about 66 percent of the Latino vote. Today 65 percent of registered Latino voters who are Democrats have a positive view of the party’s presidential candidates. Based on exit polling from the past three election cycles, I estimate that Democrats need about 70 percent of this vote to take back the White House.
There are a lot of Latinos who own businesses and are doing quite well. They have as much to be concerned about with illegal immigration as any white voter.
Democrats, you are driving away much of your base. Stupidity should be painful. You will be very unhappy after the next five years of Trump.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
So I see you’ve chosen a relatively qualified response, and one which, sadly interjects lots of additional unrelated criminal terms. So perhaps you’ll forgive me if I seek clarification.
At 2, you state: “the FBI agent’s role in the fraud’s inception, prior to the misbehavior during the investigation, should be considered as a factor in sentencing.”
So it should only be a mitigating factor if the convicted conduct were directly related to the origin or advancement of the “investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently”?
Awwwwwwww…. Elijah have some empathy for this delusional dimfuk.. It knows not what it f’ing is..
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Just-nominated DNI director-in-waiting has zero intel experience, his qualification for the job being unqualified loyalty to Trump.
Whaddya wanna bet our national intelligence resources will now be redirected inward away from our adversaries onto Trump’s media critics and political opponents?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I want to hear it say it.
Tom Steyer also believes that the winner of last night’s debate is Donald Trump.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
At least it wasn’t the golf caddie.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17(2) Federal judges don’t waste their time on fantasy scenarios.
@ 38
Just-nominated DNI director-in-waiting has zero intel experience…
Now do Leon Panetta at the time he was nominated by Obama to direct the CIA.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48.
And a black guy beat a rich white Mormon because???
Mmmm… Maybe because the Franklin Graham crowd stayed home?
Or was it the “urban vote”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 See #42.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 I fail to see how a 49% approval rating in a country where 42% of the population are congenital morons is worth bragging about.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Collins now already trailing (barely) her likely challenger in latest poll. Gives away double digits among women. Crushed among younger voters.
Campaign doesn’t start for another two weeks. RapeHero just keeps helping.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@32 I didn’t watch the game. I was working that day. That was before I became a capitalist and still had to earn an honest living. The movie was better anyway.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
40, 43,
Does it not understand the question?
Or is it just a “fucking smarmy asshole”?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Whatever else happens, the absolute most Roger Stone can look forward to is spending the rest of his life as a pardoned convicted felon. Oh well, some people don’t care about their reputations anyway; in fact, some criminals even enjoy the notoriety of being a convicted felon.
He’s up double-digits since he beat The Chardonnay Lady 2.0.
There’s a reason all the Democrat candidates are worried that Trump may be re-elected.
It’s because it’s looking increasingly likely.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Does it not understand the question?
Or is it just a “fucking smarmy asshole”?
@ 50
Bill Clinton is an admitted adulterer, a credibly accused rapist, a disbarred attorney, and a perjurer. Doesn’t seem to have made him camera-shy. In fact, it came pretty close to making him First Dude.
You asked a stupid, poorly worded, and inept question that barely conveyed your intent. “Should there be a difference in the sentence handed down between those two scenarios?”
I responded mockingly because it was deserving of mockery, but also because as stated the answer was obvious and implied that the questioner was a stupid person.
So you angrily fixed your shit and then before I could respond you lost it again, calling me a “smarmy, fucking asshole” – which I gotta admit I kinda like.
I gave you a straightforward, no nonsense, direct one word answer followed by a cogent an erudite explanation.
You can’t. Because you are a pussy. And a coward.
And now even you have to admit it.
The Congressional Budget Office’s (CBO) final pre-election forecasts from August 2016 illustrate how today’s economic turnaround was unexpected before President Trump’s election. As of the end of 2019, the figure below illustrates five ways economic results under President Trump exceeded CBO’s forecasts:
Real GDP is 1.4 percent—or $260 billion—higher than projected;
Real wage and salary compensation per household is roughly $2,300 higher than projected;
Total nonfarm payroll employment is 5 million higher than projected;
The unemployment rate is 1.4 percentage points below projections;
The labor force participation rate is 1.5 percentage points above projections.
@ 59
Not sure what you’re looking for here. If it’s an acknowledgement that you did, upon prompt, provide a cerebral response, then I do so acknowledge and appreciate said response.
You’re still a fucking asshole, albeit one of substantial intelligence. It’s why I asked you the question.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You won’t answer the question in return.
In doing so, you are admitting that you have been surpassed. You are admitting that your posting has no sincere purpose. You are admitting that you seek to set standards for you interlocutors that you yourself are incapable of meeting.
In short, you are admitting that you troll.
Also, pussy.
Would someone please explain to Keith X that
1. It was a Bernie supporter who shot Congressman Steve Scalise.
2. Not all candidates, because some are Democrats. Donald Trump must be held accountable because he’s a Republican.
Keith Ellison
I have never seen
supporters being unusually mean or rude. Can someone send me an example of a “Bernie Bro” being bad. Also, are we holding all candidates responsible for the behavior of some of their supporters? Waiting to hear.
8:58 PM · Feb 19, 2020 from Charlotte, NC·Twitter for iPhone
@ 62
Ah. OK.
No, in the case of the FBI agent, the outcome of the investigation (s)he obstructed should not mitigate the crime of obstruction.
Is that what you were asking for?
Question: Would/Should the FBI agent be treated differently because (s)he probably had ethics/law training as part of the curriculum, whereas your basic, ballpark citizen merely knows that it’s bad to lie to the cops?
As far as pussy, I’ve been playing 1-on-20 basketball on the HA hardcourt for more than a decade. So brave of you to call me out for being a pussy, while you are surrounded by so many of your like-thinking if less well educated friends who have your back. YLB, in particular, is right there @ 37 behind you. Whenever you need her, she’ll be right there, cowering behind you.
You are admitting that your posting has no sincere purpose.
Ya think? Between its rape, group sex, porno links and delusional fantasies (everything from Seth Rich to Susana Martinez to Nikki Haley to Epstein bestabud Bill Richardson)….
Like the babbling butthole before it, it is just here for our entertainment.
Imagine feral pig slop suing the dimfuk – now that would be a hilarious video deposition!
I was the only troll at (u)SP (so brave of me, heh) and I call you out as being a pussy, too.
“So brave of you to call me out for being a pussy, while you are surrounded by so many of your like-thinking if less well educated friends who have your back. YLB, in particular, is right there @ 37 behind you.”
I also call you out for being a Putin-loving traitor.
“Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support”
Stupidest thing I’ve read all day. For the umpteenth thousandth time..
Thanks.. Got to go now…
“What are you here for, girlfriend?”
Looks like dumbfuck is here to hit on YLB.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
64, No, in the case of the FBI agent, the outcome of the investigation (s)he obstructed should not mitigate the crime of obstruction.
So why do Republicans believe that Roger Stone’s sentence for obstruction is entitled to mitigation because of “outcomes” related to the investigation he sought to obstruct? Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that this is one of your Senate’s only defenses to your RapeHero’s obstruction (no harm, no foul)? Bear in mind that your RapeHero has by now admitted literally all of the criminally obstructive conduct.
“Question: Would/Should the FBI agent be treated differently because (s)he probably had ethics/law training as part of the curriculum, whereas your basic, ballpark citizen merely knows that it’s bad to lie to the cops?”
Your question implies that under federal law an individual can be charged and convicted merely for the conduct of telling a “lie to the cops”, which is not precisely true. It may be bandied about quite a lot in the Dumbfuck media, and elsewhere. And I suppose it serves some purpose as shorthand. But the statute requires the lie be both material, and made with intent. And the law itself as well as binding DOJ policy require quite a bit more in practice.
By statute alone, to be convicted of violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1001(a)(2) both the FBI agent and the “ballpark citizen” are proved to have formed the intent and then to have committed the act of giving false or misleading information to a federal investigator. Binding policy guidance within the criminal division requires that for these charges to be brought the individual is proved to have been given an opportunity (with counsel present) to cure the conduct. The conduct is the same. The intent is the same. Prior training in ethics or law are irrelevant with respect to the criminal conduct.
And btw, “playing 1-on-20 basketball on the HA hardcourt” might just be a self-deluding way of describing trolling, if you really think about it. The only way you can know it’s any different is by facing your admissions.
You’ve admitted that both the question of guilt/innocence, as well as consideration of punishment for the crime of obstructing a lawful investigation should be unrelated to the outcome or origin of that investigation.
You’ve stated that “termination of employment immediately” should be among the certain consequences for such criminal obstruction.
And you’ve stated that “(d)eterrence of misbehavior at higher levels… should extend beyond termination and reduction in retirement benefits. An example should be set for those watching.”
And President Trump has now openly admitted to multiple acts intended to materially obstruct the Mueller investigation, the Ukraine security funding investigation, and the House impeachment investigation.
Are you absolutely sure you aren’t a troll (or a pussy)?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Needless to say, after diverting billions of dollars from the Pentagon budget to build his vanity wall, Trump will bypass normal bidding procedures, too.
Thirteen-year-old Barron Trump will be the prime contractor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@60 You and every other Republican propaganda peddler still seem to believe this election will be about the economy and that the blatant racism, bad governance, gross mismanagement, rampant corruption, shocking ethical lapses, and general chaos under Trump will have little or no influence on voters. Good luck with that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@64 You obviously don’t know the difference between bravery and arson. Ask a fireman sometime.
The difference between you and a fireman is he goes into a burning building to save others, whereas you come here to set the place on fire.
As for that “20-to-1” business, it’s not surprising you’re a loner. Most arsonists are. Willing confederates are hard to come by in your business.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Baseball is a great sport in no small part because of its lessons about life, many of which were articulated by the great philosopher Yogi Berra. He has passed on, but baseball still has much to teach us, and not just the well-known “Baseball Rule”
that “if you hit one of ours, we’ll hit one of yours.” For example:
“The Houston Astros are cheaters. … [That] makes the Astros, for better or worse, America’s team. …
“Our national pastime couldn’t be more appropriately represented now than by a nationally loathed, orange-clad team that conned its way to a throne; than by an arrogant franchise that, in addition to the cheating scandal, fostered a hostile, misogynistic, media-taunting culture in which the Astros felt they were above the law; than by a squad that, though widely reviled by a majority of fans as unworthy of a title, is maddeningly predicted by pundits to strongly compete for another this year. …
“Though [it] found much wrongdoing by the Astros’ players, Major League Baseball decided not to strip the Astros of their 2017 title nor discipline any of its players. … The team’s ensuing apology tour has been … one in which the ‘apologies’ bent truths and twisted logic so tortuously they would have felt at home in a McConnell-led Senate hearing.”
As for that “20-to-1” business, it’s not surprising you’re a loner. Most arsonists are.
It’s its own house it’s burning down Rog.. Same as the babbling butthole. The babbling butthole played with its own shit so much here at HA that it betrayed its kult.. That’s the reason it had to hide as the sockpuppets mws and reckless.
And now the babbling butthole is gone. Its fellow kultists probably called it out and issued an ultimatum – leave HA for good or it’s shunning or excommunication for the babbling butthole. Awwwww..
dimfuk was initiated into the raygun kult long ago. Shit it celebrates part of that initiation here in this thread @32.
No matter if it weakly trash talks drumpf (feral pig slop take note).. The raygun kult has merely given way to the degenerate drumpf kult…
kult45.. what bonzo raygun sowed its kult members like dimfuk is reaping today – whether it likes what’s crawled out from under the rock or not.
Hey y’all, which ever of y’all speaks with Keith X @ 63 about BernieBros behaving badly, add this to the list. Make sure the stupid SOB knows there will be more.
Ex-Sanders consultant arrested after allegedly planting weapons in jail for ‘evil’ escape plot
A former consultant for Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign was arrested after he allegedly planted loaded weapons and ammunition inside a Tennessee corrections facility that was under construction in an attempt to carry out a future jailbreak, authorities said.
Criminal justice reform advocate Alex Friedmann, who was not an inmate but allegedly was plotting to help prisoners escape when the facility opened, was arrested Tuesday on one count of felony vandalism, but Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall said during a press conference Wednesday that the allegations go far beyond that.
The opening of the Nashville detention center, which was slated for April, was indefinitely postponed after his arrest
I disagree. He’s a half-assed troll, even by troll standards.
Just finished up a “Pete Live” meeting. I don’t care whether he has limited experience. What he may lack in experience he makes up for in his inspirational messages and his leadership.
What we need is leadership and someone to bring this Country back together. We can debate all the issues with different ideas and it really doesn’t matter if you can’t lead. In my opinion the lack of leadership and the polarization of this Country is what prevents us from doing the things that need to be done. You can argue and debate all you want about doing this or doing that for solving or stemming Climate Change, or making healthcare more affordable and expanding access, or working towards lessening income inequality, etc., but if you don’t have the leadership skills and the ability to persuade people to come together, then none of your ideas will come to being or if they do you’ll have to try to do with a lot of resistance and if you do do it you will leave half this nation bitter. Sure, you might say fuck them, but you know if you take that attitude, then you can’t argue with them when they take that attitude.
Let’s do something productive in this Country and accomplish some things. Aside from Amy, I think Pete is the only that has the attitude and ability to do it. Amy, she doesn’t speak of including everyone – so for me that is three strikes against her. Yes, I speak of her inability to even mention the letters L, G, T, B, Q strung together, but also I don’t really ever hear her directly say that she is trying to get Independents (or moderate Republican); she just says that she is the person to get the votes to beat The Hump.
I don’t think the rest of the candidates can bring this Country a bit more together, regardless if they have a better chance in beating The Hump, and I don’t necessarily think they do have a better chance than Pete or Clubfoot.
LGBTQ – Correction. When spewing comments I tend to type faster, or slower maybe, than my brain thinks.
“Are you absolutely sure you aren’t a troll (or a pussy)?”
I’d put even money on troll and pussy. Add “dumbfuck” for the trifecta.
“I disagree. He’s a half-assed troll, even by troll standards.”
I see no reason why good American patriots can’t come together on this. How about “a half-assed dumbfuck troll and pussy, even by half-assed dumbfuck troll and pussy standards”?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Backstabbing Bitches Bombshell News – Demorats Gouge Eyes, Squirt Seltzer In First Debate Worth Watching; Goebbels Award Goes To Chief Squatting Bull For Vicious Takedown Of MiniMike
Warren delivered a particularly brutal assault on the former mayor of New York.
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against,” Warren said, after Sanders opened the debate with a shot at Bloomberg.
“A billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse faced lesbians.’ And no I’m not talking about Donald Trump — I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg,” she said, prompting gasps from the audience. “Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women, and of supporting racist policies like red lining and stop and frisk.”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron says,
“This year I got beaten out by Greta — you know Greta?” he said, prompting the boos.
“Last year I got beaten out — I’ve won it, but when the world revolves around all of us, we should be chosen,” he continued, twirling his finger in a circle on stage. “I mean, we’ve won it. But we should win it every single year.”
Must suck being beaten by a girl. Maybe the doctor will speak to that.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & New Ideas Bombshell News – Demorats Roll Out Last-Ditch Slavery Strategy To Keep Blacks On Demorat Plantation In Face Of Expanding Black Support For Trump
Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) dismissed record-low black unemployment under President Donald Trump, stating black Americans “were fully employed during slavery.”
CAVUTO: Let’s leave the words aside, whether you like his style or not, tweets or not, or comments or not, he’s delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans. Does he not with record-low unemployment levels?… You don’t think that’s something that’s constructive?
REP. CLYBURN: No, because it’s not true. I’m saying that the African American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery… We were fully employed during slavery. So, it all depends how you measure this up.
Joe Bidenspews:
Elisabeth Warren, the last Asian in the race.
Maybe the doctor will speak to that.
The Hump could fuck his horse and he wouldn’t give a shit – I don’t think he’ll be speaking out.
He look! It’s Porksauce @87!
@88 must be his cousin.
67. For a person who had a bisexual brother who ODed, you wouldn’t think he would still be such a homophobic asshole.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“President Donald Trump pushed aside his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry that lawmakers were briefed about Russia’s plan to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump, a former intelligence official briefed on the matter told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, better to do these things on the sneak, otherwise might get impeached again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@85 “Chief Squatting Bull”
Quite the racist, that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@87 Well, Clyburn is black and Cavuto isn’t, so between the two of them I reckon Clyburn is more authoritative on the subject.
you wouldn’t think he would still be such a homophobic asshole.
But that could explain everything – he’s bitter, and internalizing it all because maybe he feels he was part of the reason for his brothers death….would have to know all the circumstances and his relationship between he and his brother.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Again, at least they didn’t choose the golf caddie to replace him.
He had to be talked down from that one.
If we had listened to Bob then we would have thought all was clear with this virus.
If he says rain – don’t forget the sun screen. And if he says sunny then bring that umbrella.
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Brave campus RapeHero crusader at Ohio State is terrified by too much Free Speech. She flees to the safety of her Home Depot security vehicle for a diaper change:
Btw, this is the terrible violence from the “Leftists” that bot-farm pussy and his 4chan girlfriends spend all day whinging about in Tor chatrooms.
And to think it only took three years to go from neck tatted, roid raging “cook my burrito, bitch” MMA fighter to this weak shit. Nature abhors a vacuum. Too bad she chooses to fill it with TikTok pussies.
@ 98
It’s February and you know OH is lost. What’s there to lose from here?
Other than PA being right next to OH, I mean.
A little more than a week ago there was a spike in coronavirus cases due to the decision to base a positive case on chest CT findings rather than the “gold standard” PCR test.
Some data is out – small case series of ultimately proven coronavirus pneumonia patients.
CT had 98% sensitivity at initial scan. PCR had 71% sensitivity at initial test.
Market fluctuations that are “linked” to coronavirus news are noise. A drop of a couple of hundred DJIA points is noise. Now, when you see a drop of two THOUSAND points in response to bad news out of China, you can assume that’s some material news.
As always, consider anything Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has to say, about anything, at your own peril. Meanwhile, ask him how his Fall 2019 investment in 3M is going. (Spoiler: not well)
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
Well no doubt that’s why Parscale has these performance artists appearing in Columbus rather than Montgomery County. 44,000 retired Terk Ur Jerbs! coal rollers gotta gun up, head east, and start killin’ Dems!
Elijah SFA McDotcomspews:
For context, and also but especially because it’s funny AF, this is why the “Leftist Terrorists” are tossing rolls of toilet tissue at bot-farm pussy’s latest boner:
I can imagine how getting White Gurl Wasted your freshman year and gambling on a fart at a crowded kegger could leave some permanent scars. The kind of scars that can only be covered up by turning yourself into a ButterFace performance artist for the erectile dysfunction of militia members.
What I can’t figure out is why is this a trend among females of the new Trumpublican Revolution? Recall that fellow performance artist Laura Loomer chained herself to the NYC entrance to Twitter HQ and shit herself a little over a year ago.
Is the shitting one of the Qanon bread crumbs?
A sign that Andrew McCabe is about to be indicted?
That The Mighty Durham has finally located the real killers of Ron and Nicole?
Her explanation of her little AR-15 demonstration was most interesting:
“In 2018 Bennett posed for her graduation photo holding an AR-10 long gun in front of the university sign. She stated that as a student at Kent, she should have been able to open-carry for self-defense, citing the 1970 Kent State shootings where Ohio National Guardsmen fired on unarmed students protesting the U.S. bombing of Cambodia.”
RapeHero is working behind the scenes on a big fat swampy deal with his billionaire donors and pals to resume letting hundreds of thousands of feeeeelthy meeegrants come into Red Murika and terk er jerbs!
Trumpers, FEEL THE BURN!
While watching the debate tonite, it dawned on me that #WallStreetPete and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit have two things in common:
• Neither one is a millionaire.
• Neither one has had sex with a woman during the current millenium.
JFC were you asleep in 2015-16 while DWS kissed Clinton ass for 18 months straight? Then there was McCaskill, leaping to be the first to endorse The Chardonnay Lady 2.0 after making the mistake about speaking the truth about her husband that one time.
Goldy Retweeted
David Atkins✔
This is a huge cultural differences between Dems and Republicans. Ronna “McDaniel” Romney is playing a servile role to Trump. Meghan McCain is kowtowing to Trump. Lindsey Graham & Ted Cruz likewise.
Democrats do not do this. We stymie & blockade leaders who try to humiliate us.
Feb 18, 2020
Not only do Democrats do this, Democrats did it first.
@2 You’re saying, in other words, that I’m a multi-millionaire and fuck my own species.
I neither confirm nor deny these reports.
@3 “Not only do Democrats do this, Democrats did it first.”
Which is all the reason you need to vote Republican, even though they do it worse, because you’re a dumbfuck.
“Factionalism among the RapeHero set:
Swallowing vs spitting the Orange Throat Yogurt.
I think we all know on which side bot-farm falls – felching.
Stone sentencing going very, very badly so far.
His latest lawyer essentially just conceded the first of the big sentencing enhancements being argued. Stated his grounds for disputing it. Then when asked for a case citing grounds he… had… nothing. I can’t believe these guys get paid for this shit.
– First 8 level enhancement will stand.
gman is not going to have a good day.
Democrat Pete Buttigieg overstated pledges of support from black leaders, public figures
…the campaign contacted ABC News to say the establishment had agreed to say publicly that they were “proud to partner with Mayor Pete in January.”
But the restaurant owner followed up with ABC News again, a few hours later, to make clear he was “not in any type of partnership with the Buttigieg campaign.” Varner said he would have allowed any campaign to visit.
“When you say ‘partner,’ in a sense they paid us to have an event at our restaurant,” Varner said.
Every time gman “partners” in some grimy alley with someone he met 15 minutes earlier, money changes hands. gman will never be able to retire unless he develops ED.
Hey, #WallStreetPete! Howzit goin’ for y’all in South Carolina?
The Buttigieg campaign published a list of black supporters in South Carolina, which included three leaders and hundreds of other supporters. The problem is, those three leaders all said they had not endorsed Buttigieg. Even worse, many of the names on the list were shown multiple times — and about 40% of the names were white people.
Related to that situation, the Buttigieg campaign put out a promotion for a policy to benefit the black community, but in the promotion they used a stock image of a woman and a child in Kenya rather than an actual picture of black people who supported Buttigieg.
Buttigieg had moved up to 2% support with black voters in South Carolina in a January Fox News poll.
@2. Racist incel, bless your little heart, you tried to make a clever insult. I bet you spent all night on it too. Here’s a participation ribbon for effort.
In Stone’s sentencing ABJ is now on the second set of enhancements, a 3 level enhancement for obstruction. And the interesting thing is, so far, the prosecution is proceeding as if the second DOJ memorandum does not exist, essentially stating full agreement with all of the initially proposed enhancements.
For what it’s worth, I do not agree that the crimes Stone is convicted of are worthy of lengthy prison sentences. And ABJ has stated that she will take the second memo into consideration after her final calculation is completed. But the way this is going Stone is leaving court today with a sentence of more than five years, which is fucking brutal. And awesome.
After patiently enduring Stone’s lawyers arguing against their own briefs, ABJ has now ruled that the second set of enhancements will also be applied.
– Second, 3 level enhancement will stand.
Just-nominated DNI Director will be the first openly gay cabinet member.
gman flips to the GOP.
“Racist incel” is overused here.
Hillary won’t be MiniMike’s running mate.
She already has spent decades playing second fiddle to an abuser of women, in her own household.
Stone final guideline scoring is 27. I think that works out to a range of 6-9. Prosecutors agreed to every single one of the original sentencing enhancements. Stone team barely offered any rebuttal. ABJ still offering to consider the second memo in her final deliberations, so maybe Stone gets closer to the lower end of the range. However prosecution arrived in court today under orders from main justice to refuse to discuss the 2nd memo. So during her efforts to explore the contours of those recommendations ABJ was stonewalled by the prosecution – at one point being told by Crabb “I am not at liberty to discuss the internal deliberations at DOJ”. That would tend to encourage most judges to discount or limit their consideration of any arguments contained in such a memo.
So in the end, DOJ showed up and backed their original sentencing recommendations and repudiated the second, more lenient recommendations. And Stone showed up and mostly rode the wave, barely offering any credible argument opposing the enhancements. If he winds up with a 9 years sentence it won’t be because he was being railroaded or screwed over.
@ 16
Scenario 1: Trump colluded with Russia and Stone interfered with the investigation.
Scenario 2: Trump didn’t collude with Russia and Stone interfered with the investigation.
Should there be a difference in the sentence handed down between those two scenarios?
Both scenarios describe precisely the same criminal offense.
You already knew your answer.
Asking the question therefore can only be regarded as indicating a substantial cognitive bias on your part.
In this way, Dumbfuck, I can help you to perceive the gooey, smelly, pubic hair littered orange film of Teh Orange Event Horizon beyond which you now find yourself trapped. But nobody can help you to return to this side. Ever.
@ 18
I know they describe the same criminal offense.
What I am asking is whether an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently is at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge.
If I knew the answer I would not have asked the question.
@2 how do you know Mayor Pete didn’t have sex with a woman? You don’t know that. You talk out of your horse’s ass.
If I’ve had sex (intercourse) with woman then Mayor Pete probably have too.
And I know many people that are having gay sex but also fuck woman Bob. That’s the reality, if you are subconsciously desiring to have sex with a guy then you should. You shouldn’t die without trying everything you want to try.
The fallacy of sexual orientation is that there is any specific orientation.
This sounds promising.
Democrats won’t commit to same-day release of Nevada results
Nevada Democrats were going to use the same mobile app developer as Iowa, but quickly sidelined those plans. Instead, they will deploy party-owned, internet-connected iPads to precincts that will come with a Google form that will be used to access early vote totals, perform calculations during the caucus process and, ultimately, submit results electronically to the party.
The Google app and iPads are trusted commercial tech tools, but election experts have warned that developing and deploying any technology late in the process increases the risk of problems. Hundreds of volunteers need training, and the technology must also be field-tested.
In addition, Nevada Democrats offered early voting for the first time — another layer of complexity that Iowa didn’t attempt.
There’s a good chance that the victor in two of the first three Democrat contests will be Donald Trump.
Bob is both not funny or ever right…. potentiality I will be retiring the end of the year at 56 years old or semi retirement being self employed and working like 30 hour per month.
Eat your heart out Bob. You wish you could be me. I get it.
@13 not a fucking chance.
@ 11
But the way this is going Stone is leaving court today with a sentence of more than five years, which is fucking brutal. And awesome.
And wrong.
BULLETIN Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months in federal prison »
QoS McHillbilly, you’re a smarmy, fucking asshole. You could have answered my question @ 17 with a bit of intelligence.
You @ 18 played smarmy fucking asshole instead. By now you’ve got that shtick down pat.
Question: If 2,000 former DOJ attorneys called for Barr to resign over his reversal of the original, calculated sentencing recommendation, shouldn’t those same former DOJ attorneys call for Judge Jackson to resign for sentencing Stone outside the calculated range?
Or would the latter be a career-damaging move for them?
The factors that can be considered in determination of federal criminal sentences are set forth in statute. Whatever the fuck Qanon clownspiracy horse shit that is you are describing is certainly not among them.
Understand, federal criminal statutes are narrowly drawn with respect to offending conduct. Perhaps that’s why there are so goddam many of them. For Roger Stone to have been convicted of five counts of swearing false statements, one count of witness tampering, and one count of obstruction defines specific, now established criminal conduct on his part.
With respect to his conviction on criminal obstruction, and as to the charge of criminal obstruction, do I think that the origin or basis of the matter proven to have been obstructed ought to be a mitigating factor considered in determination of sentence?
The reasons are many. Here are just a couple. First, as a general principle, the federal guidelines for sentencing are not carved out with any special consideration for each and every criminal offense in the codes. The guidelines are general with respect to the conduct of the individual convicted. Then they are applied and analyzed specifically with respect to the underlying convicted offenses. They are already more than sufficiently complex and Byzantine without producing special mitigating factors for each and every offense in the US criminal codes.
Second, as a matter of very well settled law in Western jurisprudence, where obstruction is proved it does not serve the broad pubic interest in justice to to engage in any consideration of the matter having been obstructed, either in the determination of guilt or in the analysis of sentence. The broad public interest is to deter the criminal conduct itself in all cases. And then, should that deterrence fail, to punish it accordingly. A reduction of sentence based upon such consideration would suggest that the harm to that interest might be materially altered by the nature of the matter having been obstructed. But that is a fundamental confusion of the aim of obstruction statutes with the aims of any investigators having been obstructed. The public aim of criminal obstruction statutes is not to enhance, assist, promote, or in any way alter the efforts of investigators or prosecutors. The aim is the protection of due process and justice itself. Try and remember that investigators get charged with obstruction too (notably not so in this case). And the right of individuals to refuse to cooperate with investigations is very well protected in our system.
I realize of course, that none of this will discourage you and all your lunatic 4chan girlfriends from knitting together a tissue of legal sophistry and DERP STATE lunacy to arrive somehow, as if almost by magic, at the conclusions that you neeeeed to reach. But also keep in mind that ABJ did Stone a huge favor today, largely taking it upon herself to depart to the bottom end of the calculated range. And Stone’s “friends” in the White House did him none. You fools ought to think about that. But you won’t.
Steve’s a rawstory fan, amirite?
Federal judges postpone emergency meeting on Barr political interference after Trump tweets at them
Here’s Trump’s tweet:
Donald J. Trump✔
I hope the Federal Judges Association will discuss the tremendous FISA Court abuse that has taken place with respect to the Mueller Investigation Scam, including the forging of documents and knowingly using the fake and totally discredited Dossier before the Court. Thank you!
2:25 PM – Feb 18, 2020
I guess there wasn’t enough time for the judges’ steering committee to panty-twist about Roger Stone’s sentence AND to discuss the FISA abuses that have been proven and admitted to by their filthy friends.
Trump 1
Judges 0
Kinda makes you wonder how much Bill Barr now regrets incinerating his own, and his department’s credibility over that.
Line prosecutors hate him. Two out of three of his own AUSAs hate him. Senate Republicans hate him. Now even Trump hates him. And for all that the most Stone will see inside is three years.
Btw, being accused of being a “smarmy, fucking asshole” by you (twice!) is my going to be my little note of self-affirmation for the day. Thanks.
Hey, y’all, who’s up for another run at impeachment?
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48. At the moment, Trump stands at 49/48 the first time since he was sworn in that Gallup has found his approval exceeding his disapproval.
Jew-hating first-term congresswoman committed immigration fraud and bigamy, prior to committing adultery.
EXCLUSIVE: Ilhan Omar DID marry her brother, reveals Somali community leader, who says both she and her husband told him Ahmed Elmi was her sibling and she would do what she had to do to get him ‘papers’ to keep him in US
‘Squad’ congresswoman Ilhan Omar told friends years ago that the man who went on to become her second husband was in fact her brother, can confirm.
And now for the first time one of those friends has come forward to reveal exactly how Omar and Ahmed Elmi scandalized the Somali community in Minneapolis.
Abdihakim Osman is the first person to go on record to speak of how Omar said she wanted to get her brother papers so he could stay in the United States, at a time when she was married to her first husband Ahmed Hirsi.
Surprisingly, not yet on
40-year anniversary on Saturday.
‘Miracle on Ice’ 40 years later
I watched the game with dorm-mates my freshman year. My drink then was Seagram’s, peppermint schnapps, and 7-Up. My beer was wide-mouth Mickey’s.
So Dumbfuck, now that I’ve answered your question (having teased some kind of sense out of it and ignored your childish impatience along the way) let’s see if you have it in you to answer a related question (and you might even learn something in the process!):
I’ll start with your phrasing at 19, but in reference to the actual reality of the law as I’ve tried to explain it.
If an FBI agent were to be convicted of obstruction, having made false statements and intimidated witnesses connected to “an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently” do you think that should be “at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge”?
Why/why not?
@ 33
If an FBI agent were to be convicted of obstruction, having made false statements and intimidated witnesses connected to “an investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently” do you think that should be “at all a mitigating factor in the deliberations of a judge”?
1. Termination of employment should be immediate upon completion of the investigation that results in the criminal referral.
2. If that FBI agent was part of the fraud that caused the investigation to commence in the first place, then, yes, absolutely, the FBI agent’s role in the fraud’s inception, prior to the misbehavior during the investigation, should be considered as a factor in sentencing.
3. As you stated @ 26, part of the sentence is for deterrence benefit, and the FBI is crucial to the nation’s national security. Deterrence of misbehavior at higher levels within the agency should extend beyond termination and reduction in retirement benefits. An example should be set for those watching.
Hope this is a satisfactory response.
Today Mike Bloomberg is telling anyone who will listen that the winner of last night’s debate is Donald Trump.
This should concern you.
Latino Support for Trump Is Real
And that’s a problem for Democrats.
There are a lot of Latinos who own businesses and are doing quite well. They have as much to be concerned about with illegal immigration as any white voter.
Democrats, you are driving away much of your base. Stupidity should be painful. You will be very unhappy after the next five years of Trump.
So I see you’ve chosen a relatively qualified response, and one which, sadly interjects lots of additional unrelated criminal terms. So perhaps you’ll forgive me if I seek clarification.
At 2, you state: “the FBI agent’s role in the fraud’s inception, prior to the misbehavior during the investigation, should be considered as a factor in sentencing.”
So it should only be a mitigating factor if the convicted conduct were directly related to the origin or advancement of the “investigation that turns up nothing and which may have been initiated fraudulently”?
You @ 18 played smarmy fucking asshole instead.
Awwwwwwww…. Elijah have some empathy for this delusional dimfuk.. It knows not what it f’ing is..
@13 Just-nominated DNI director-in-waiting has zero intel experience, his qualification for the job being unqualified loyalty to Trump.
Whaddya wanna bet our national intelligence resources will now be redirected inward away from our adversaries onto Trump’s media critics and political opponents?
I want to hear it say it.
Tom Steyer also believes that the winner of last night’s debate is Donald Trump.
At least it wasn’t the golf caddie.
@17(2) Federal judges don’t waste their time on fantasy scenarios.
@ 38
Just-nominated DNI director-in-waiting has zero intel experience…
Now do Leon Panetta at the time he was nominated by Obama to direct the CIA.
Eight years ago tomorrow, Obama’s job approval was 45/48.
And a black guy beat a rich white Mormon because???
Mmmm… Maybe because the Franklin Graham crowd stayed home?
Or was it the “urban vote”?
@19 See #42.
@30 I fail to see how a 49% approval rating in a country where 42% of the population are congenital morons is worth bragging about.
Collins now already trailing (barely) her likely challenger in latest poll. Gives away double digits among women. Crushed among younger voters.
Campaign doesn’t start for another two weeks. RapeHero just keeps helping.
@32 I didn’t watch the game. I was working that day. That was before I became a capitalist and still had to earn an honest living. The movie was better anyway.
40, 43,
Does it not understand the question?
Or is it just a “fucking smarmy asshole”?
Whatever else happens, the absolute most Roger Stone can look forward to is spending the rest of his life as a pardoned convicted felon. Oh well, some people don’t care about their reputations anyway; in fact, some criminals even enjoy the notoriety of being a convicted felon.
@ 46
I fail to see how a 49% approval rating…
Look at it this way, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
At the time of his election, Trump’s favorability rating was only 36%.
He’s up double-digits since he beat The Chardonnay Lady 2.0.
There’s a reason all the Democrat candidates are worried that Trump may be re-elected.
It’s because it’s looking increasingly likely.
Does it not understand the question?
Or is it just a “fucking smarmy asshole”?
@ 50
Bill Clinton is an admitted adulterer, a credibly accused rapist, a disbarred attorney, and a perjurer. Doesn’t seem to have made him camera-shy. In fact, it came pretty close to making him First Dude.
Is this guy one of yours, dumbfuck?
I don’t rcognize hm, and he doesn’t look like one of ours.
Were you and wide-mouth Mickey taking turns blowing each other?
@53 If you think that’s something, you should see who your tribe elected president!
Demagogue, sociopath, liar, cheat, deadbeat, racist, bigot, groper, serial adulterer, serial bankrupt, traitor, and all-around fat slob.
And your crowd thinks he’s Jesus …
A bunch of poor sports. Bloomberg is a pussy, fraud, fake, phony mother fucker.
There’s method behind Trump’s pardons:
“The message Trump is sending seems loud and clear: Fraud and corruption are not serious crimes.”
Does it not understand the question?
Or is it just a “smarmy, fucking asshole”?
I’m afraid the answer may be worse.
Dumbfuck, you are a pussy. A coward and a pussy.
You asked a stupid, poorly worded, and inept question that barely conveyed your intent.
“Should there be a difference in the sentence handed down between those two scenarios?”
I responded mockingly because it was deserving of mockery, but also because as stated the answer was obvious and implied that the questioner was a stupid person.
So you angrily fixed your shit and then before I could respond you lost it again, calling me a “smarmy, fucking asshole” – which I gotta admit I kinda like.
I gave you a straightforward, no nonsense, direct one word answer followed by a cogent an erudite explanation.
You can’t. Because you are a pussy. And a coward.
And now even you have to admit it.
@ 59
Not sure what you’re looking for here. If it’s an acknowledgement that you did, upon prompt, provide a cerebral response, then I do so acknowledge and appreciate said response.
You’re still a fucking asshole, albeit one of substantial intelligence. It’s why I asked you the question.
You won’t answer the question in return.
In doing so, you are admitting that you have been surpassed. You are admitting that your posting has no sincere purpose. You are admitting that you seek to set standards for you interlocutors that you yourself are incapable of meeting.
In short, you are admitting that you troll.
Also, pussy.
Would someone please explain to Keith X that
1. It was a Bernie supporter who shot Congressman Steve Scalise.
2. Not all candidates, because some are Democrats. Donald Trump must be held accountable because he’s a Republican.
Keith Ellison
I have never seen
supporters being unusually mean or rude. Can someone send me an example of a “Bernie Bro” being bad. Also, are we holding all candidates responsible for the behavior of some of their supporters? Waiting to hear.
8:58 PM · Feb 19, 2020 from Charlotte, NC·Twitter for iPhone
@ 62
Ah. OK.
No, in the case of the FBI agent, the outcome of the investigation (s)he obstructed should not mitigate the crime of obstruction.
Is that what you were asking for?
Question: Would/Should the FBI agent be treated differently because (s)he probably had ethics/law training as part of the curriculum, whereas your basic, ballpark citizen merely knows that it’s bad to lie to the cops?
As far as pussy, I’ve been playing 1-on-20 basketball on the HA hardcourt for more than a decade. So brave of you to call me out for being a pussy, while you are surrounded by so many of your like-thinking if less well educated friends who have your back. YLB, in particular, is right there @ 37 behind you. Whenever you need her, she’ll be right there, cowering behind you.
You are admitting that your posting has no sincere purpose.
Ya think? Between its rape, group sex, porno links and delusional fantasies (everything from Seth Rich to Susana Martinez to Nikki Haley to Epstein bestabud Bill Richardson)….
Like the babbling butthole before it, it is just here for our entertainment.
Imagine feral pig slop suing the dimfuk – now that would be a hilarious video deposition!
I was the only troll at (u)SP (so brave of me, heh) and I call you out as being a pussy, too.
“So brave of you to call me out for being a pussy, while you are surrounded by so many of your like-thinking if less well educated friends who have your back. YLB, in particular, is right there @ 37 behind you.”
I also call you out for being a Putin-loving traitor.
“Russia Backs Trump’s Re-election, and He Fears Democrats Will Exploit Its Support”
@ 65
What are you here for, girlfriend?
To give some of the others single-digit IQ company?
To bestow heroism on psychopaths like gman?
Case in point:
You’re still a fucking asshole,
iokiyar… apparently..
@67 LMAO!!!
Stupidest thing I’ve read all day. For the umpteenth thousandth time..
Thanks.. Got to go now…
“What are you here for, girlfriend?”
Looks like dumbfuck is here to hit on YLB.
No, in the case of the FBI agent, the outcome of the investigation (s)he obstructed should not mitigate the crime of obstruction.
So why do Republicans believe that Roger Stone’s sentence for obstruction is entitled to mitigation because of “outcomes” related to the investigation he sought to obstruct? Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that this is one of your Senate’s only defenses to your RapeHero’s obstruction (no harm, no foul)? Bear in mind that your RapeHero has by now admitted literally all of the criminally obstructive conduct.
“Question: Would/Should the FBI agent be treated differently because (s)he probably had ethics/law training as part of the curriculum, whereas your basic, ballpark citizen merely knows that it’s bad to lie to the cops?”
Your question implies that under federal law an individual can be charged and convicted merely for the conduct of telling a “lie to the cops”, which is not precisely true. It may be bandied about quite a lot in the Dumbfuck media, and elsewhere. And I suppose it serves some purpose as shorthand. But the statute requires the lie be both material, and made with intent. And the law itself as well as binding DOJ policy require quite a bit more in practice.
By statute alone, to be convicted of violations of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1001(a)(2) both the FBI agent and the “ballpark citizen” are proved to have formed the intent and then to have committed the act of giving false or misleading information to a federal investigator. Binding policy guidance within the criminal division requires that for these charges to be brought the individual is proved to have been given an opportunity (with counsel present) to cure the conduct. The conduct is the same. The intent is the same. Prior training in ethics or law are irrelevant with respect to the criminal conduct.
And btw, “playing 1-on-20 basketball on the HA hardcourt” might just be a self-deluding way of describing trolling, if you really think about it. The only way you can know it’s any different is by facing your admissions.
You’ve admitted that both the question of guilt/innocence, as well as consideration of punishment for the crime of obstructing a lawful investigation should be unrelated to the outcome or origin of that investigation.
You’ve stated that “termination of employment immediately” should be among the certain consequences for such criminal obstruction.
And you’ve stated that “(d)eterrence of misbehavior at higher levels… should extend beyond termination and reduction in retirement benefits. An example should be set for those watching.”
And President Trump has now openly admitted to multiple acts intended to materially obstruct the Mueller investigation, the Ukraine security funding investigation, and the House impeachment investigation.
Are you absolutely sure you aren’t a troll (or a pussy)?
Needless to say, after diverting billions of dollars from the Pentagon budget to build his vanity wall, Trump will bypass normal bidding procedures, too.
Thirteen-year-old Barron Trump will be the prime contractor.
@60 You and every other Republican propaganda peddler still seem to believe this election will be about the economy and that the blatant racism, bad governance, gross mismanagement, rampant corruption, shocking ethical lapses, and general chaos under Trump will have little or no influence on voters. Good luck with that.
@64 You obviously don’t know the difference between bravery and arson. Ask a fireman sometime.
The difference between you and a fireman is he goes into a burning building to save others, whereas you come here to set the place on fire.
As for that “20-to-1” business, it’s not surprising you’re a loner. Most arsonists are. Willing confederates are hard to come by in your business.
Baseball is a great sport in no small part because of its lessons about life, many of which were articulated by the great philosopher Yogi Berra. He has passed on, but baseball still has much to teach us, and not just the well-known “Baseball Rule”
that “if you hit one of ours, we’ll hit one of yours.” For example:
“The Houston Astros are cheaters. … [That] makes the Astros, for better or worse, America’s team. …
“Our national pastime couldn’t be more appropriately represented now than by a nationally loathed, orange-clad team that conned its way to a throne; than by an arrogant franchise that, in addition to the cheating scandal, fostered a hostile, misogynistic, media-taunting culture in which the Astros felt they were above the law; than by a squad that, though widely reviled by a majority of fans as unworthy of a title, is maddeningly predicted by pundits to strongly compete for another this year. …
“Though [it] found much wrongdoing by the Astros’ players, Major League Baseball decided not to strip the Astros of their 2017 title nor discipline any of its players. … The team’s ensuing apology tour has been … one in which the ‘apologies’ bent truths and twisted logic so tortuously they would have felt at home in a McConnell-led Senate hearing.”
Sports cheaters probably are high on the list for Trump pardons. See @58 above for reasons why.
Bob has no intelligence, just labels.
A failed doctor who excels as a Troll. Sad.
As for that “20-to-1” business, it’s not surprising you’re a loner. Most arsonists are.
It’s its own house it’s burning down Rog.. Same as the babbling butthole. The babbling butthole played with its own shit so much here at HA that it betrayed its kult.. That’s the reason it had to hide as the sockpuppets mws and reckless.
And now the babbling butthole is gone. Its fellow kultists probably called it out and issued an ultimatum – leave HA for good or it’s shunning or excommunication for the babbling butthole. Awwwww..
dimfuk was initiated into the raygun kult long ago. Shit it celebrates part of that initiation here in this thread @32.
No matter if it weakly trash talks drumpf (feral pig slop take note).. The raygun kult has merely given way to the degenerate drumpf kult…
kult45.. what bonzo raygun sowed its kult members like dimfuk is reaping today – whether it likes what’s crawled out from under the rock or not.
Hey y’all, which ever of y’all speaks with Keith X @ 63 about BernieBros behaving badly, add this to the list. Make sure the stupid SOB knows there will be more.
Ex-Sanders consultant arrested after allegedly planting weapons in jail for ‘evil’ escape plot
The Party of Trump is normalizing corruption.
@76 “A failed doctor who excels as a Troll.”
I disagree. He’s a half-assed troll, even by troll standards.
Just finished up a “Pete Live” meeting. I don’t care whether he has limited experience. What he may lack in experience he makes up for in his inspirational messages and his leadership.
What we need is leadership and someone to bring this Country back together. We can debate all the issues with different ideas and it really doesn’t matter if you can’t lead. In my opinion the lack of leadership and the polarization of this Country is what prevents us from doing the things that need to be done. You can argue and debate all you want about doing this or doing that for solving or stemming Climate Change, or making healthcare more affordable and expanding access, or working towards lessening income inequality, etc., but if you don’t have the leadership skills and the ability to persuade people to come together, then none of your ideas will come to being or if they do you’ll have to try to do with a lot of resistance and if you do do it you will leave half this nation bitter. Sure, you might say fuck them, but you know if you take that attitude, then you can’t argue with them when they take that attitude.
Let’s do something productive in this Country and accomplish some things. Aside from Amy, I think Pete is the only that has the attitude and ability to do it. Amy, she doesn’t speak of including everyone – so for me that is three strikes against her. Yes, I speak of her inability to even mention the letters L, G, T, B, Q strung together, but also I don’t really ever hear her directly say that she is trying to get Independents (or moderate Republican); she just says that she is the person to get the votes to beat The Hump.
I don’t think the rest of the candidates can bring this Country a bit more together, regardless if they have a better chance in beating The Hump, and I don’t necessarily think they do have a better chance than Pete or Clubfoot.
LGBTQ – Correction. When spewing comments I tend to type faster, or slower maybe, than my brain thinks.
“Are you absolutely sure you aren’t a troll (or a pussy)?”
I’d put even money on troll and pussy. Add “dumbfuck” for the trifecta.
“I disagree. He’s a half-assed troll, even by troll standards.”
I see no reason why good American patriots can’t come together on this. How about “a half-assed dumbfuck troll and pussy, even by half-assed dumbfuck troll and pussy standards”?
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Backstabbing Bitches Bombshell News – Demorats Gouge Eyes, Squirt Seltzer In First Debate Worth Watching; Goebbels Award Goes To Chief Squatting Bull For Vicious Takedown Of MiniMike
Warren delivered a particularly brutal assault on the former mayor of New York.
“I’d like to talk about who we’re running against,” Warren said, after Sanders opened the debate with a shot at Bloomberg.
“A billionaire who calls women ‘fat broads’ and ‘horse faced lesbians.’ And no I’m not talking about Donald Trump — I’m talking about Mayor Bloomberg,” she said, prompting gasps from the audience. “Democrats are not going to win if we have a nominee who has a history of hiding his tax returns, of harassing women, and of supporting racist policies like red lining and stop and frisk.”
Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron says,
“This year I got beaten out by Greta — you know Greta?” he said, prompting the boos.
“Last year I got beaten out — I’ve won it, but when the world revolves around all of us, we should be chosen,” he continued, twirling his finger in a circle on stage. “I mean, we’ve won it. But we should win it every single year.”
Must suck being beaten by a girl. Maybe the doctor will speak to that.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & New Ideas Bombshell News – Demorats Roll Out Last-Ditch Slavery Strategy To Keep Blacks On Demorat Plantation In Face Of Expanding Black Support For Trump
Appearing Tuesday on the Fox Business Network, House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) dismissed record-low black unemployment under President Donald Trump, stating black Americans “were fully employed during slavery.”
CAVUTO: Let’s leave the words aside, whether you like his style or not, tweets or not, or comments or not, he’s delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans. Does he not with record-low unemployment levels?… You don’t think that’s something that’s constructive?
REP. CLYBURN: No, because it’s not true. I’m saying that the African American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery… We were fully employed during slavery. So, it all depends how you measure this up.
Elisabeth Warren, the last Asian in the race.
The Hump could fuck his horse and he wouldn’t give a shit – I don’t think he’ll be speaking out.
He look! It’s Porksauce @87!
@88 must be his cousin.
67. For a person who had a bisexual brother who ODed, you wouldn’t think he would still be such a homophobic asshole.
“President Donald Trump pushed aside his acting director of national intelligence, Joseph Maguire, because he was angry that lawmakers were briefed about Russia’s plan to interfere in the 2020 election to help Trump, a former intelligence official briefed on the matter told NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, better to do these things on the sneak, otherwise might get impeached again.
@85 “Chief Squatting Bull”
Quite the racist, that.
@87 Well, Clyburn is black and Cavuto isn’t, so between the two of them I reckon Clyburn is more authoritative on the subject.
But that could explain everything – he’s bitter, and internalizing it all because maybe he feels he was part of the reason for his brothers death….would have to know all the circumstances and his relationship between he and his brother.
Again, at least they didn’t choose the golf caddie to replace him.
He had to be talked down from that one.
If we had listened to Bob then we would have thought all was clear with this virus.
If he says rain – don’t forget the sun screen. And if he says sunny then bring that umbrella.
Brave campus RapeHero crusader at Ohio State is terrified by too much Free Speech. She flees to the safety of her Home Depot security vehicle for a diaper change:
Btw, this is the terrible violence from the “Leftists” that bot-farm pussy and his 4chan girlfriends spend all day whinging about in Tor chatrooms.
And to think it only took three years to go from neck tatted, roid raging “cook my burrito, bitch” MMA fighter to this weak shit. Nature abhors a vacuum. Too bad she chooses to fill it with TikTok pussies.
@ 98
It’s February and you know OH is lost. What’s there to lose from here?
Other than PA being right next to OH, I mean.
A little more than a week ago there was a spike in coronavirus cases due to the decision to base a positive case on chest CT findings rather than the “gold standard” PCR test.
Some data is out – small case series of ultimately proven coronavirus pneumonia patients.
CT had 98% sensitivity at initial scan. PCR had 71% sensitivity at initial test.
Market fluctuations that are “linked” to coronavirus news are noise. A drop of a couple of hundred DJIA points is noise. Now, when you see a drop of two THOUSAND points in response to bad news out of China, you can assume that’s some material news.
As always, consider anything Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has to say, about anything, at your own peril. Meanwhile, ask him how his Fall 2019 investment in 3M is going. (Spoiler: not well)
Well no doubt that’s why Parscale has these performance artists appearing in Columbus rather than Montgomery County. 44,000 retired Terk Ur Jerbs! coal rollers gotta gun up, head east, and start killin’ Dems!
For context, and also but especially because it’s funny AF, this is why the “Leftist Terrorists” are tossing rolls of toilet tissue at bot-farm pussy’s latest boner:
I can imagine how getting White Gurl Wasted your freshman year and gambling on a fart at a crowded kegger could leave some permanent scars. The kind of scars that can only be covered up by turning yourself into a ButterFace performance artist for the erectile dysfunction of militia members.
What I can’t figure out is why is this a trend among females of the new Trumpublican Revolution? Recall that fellow performance artist Laura Loomer chained herself to the NYC entrance to Twitter HQ and shit herself a little over a year ago.
Is the shitting one of the Qanon bread crumbs?
A sign that Andrew McCabe is about to be indicted?
That The Mighty Durham has finally located the real killers of Ron and Nicole?
This gal pooped her pants at a party?
Her explanation of her little AR-15 demonstration was most interesting:
“In 2018 Bennett posed for her graduation photo holding an AR-10 long gun in front of the university sign. She stated that as a student at Kent, she should have been able to open-carry for self-defense, citing the 1970 Kent State shootings where Ohio National Guardsmen fired on unarmed students protesting the U.S. bombing of Cambodia.”
In other words, she intended to use it against … the National Guard.