It would be nice if the Sound Transit area was allowed to pay for Sound Transit without shenanigans from the state. I know, I know there was an initiative. Still, if you want to contact your legislators and let them know that it’s bullshit, Transportation Choices Coalition has a place for you to write them.
Exciting news!
John Durham’s sweeping criminal probe is gathering steam:
Did I say steam?
In today’s news …
“Right-wing backers of President Donald Trump posted the number of the Iowa caucuses reporting hotline on 4chan and encouraged flooding the lines, exacerbating problems already disrupting the caucuses, NBC and Bloomberg reported.”
Sabotaging democracy one state at a time … but hey, we already knew Republicans hate democracy.
@1 Who’s that in the photo wiping Rude’s chin in the nursing home? Doesn’t look brown or female enough to be one of the nursing aides.
How Ironic – Global Warming is the cure for the coronavirus.
@3 That’s my Uncle Lev, whom I’ve never met.
@4 – “Global warming or “climate change” – what’s it gonna be?
@6 I don’t know – whichever one you don’t like. You choose.
@6 Look up “synonym” in a dictionary when you’re not too busy cleaning out your rectum with your tongue.
The beautiful thing about Christianity is that you can get forgiven for anything. Hell, you can even pretend you’re God and forgive yourself.
Remember that new boss that I’ve been telling you guys about, well he’s finally realizing what a mess this place is.
You know this place is a little fucked up when a 3-4 Russians show up, whom all know each other and worked with each other just before coming here as new employees.
We are growing to fast to get adequate people – we just get people who know other people.
These 3-4 Russians have all been hired for the same project, and sit adjacent to the Estimators and myself. One of the estimators calls them the Russian Mafia. This place is, to put it mildly, a little F’d up. It’s also a function of NYC, where people don’t stay with any company for very long, they are like gypsies roaming from company to company in packs.
How do you know that a woman from Maine is on her Period?
@9 yeah – God don’t give a damn if he sucks The Hump’s cock either.
I think we should all embrace God. We should all go around just pretending that God approves of everything we do. That loaf a bread I stole – well God wanted me to steal it, he didn’t want me to starve!
Turn the tables on these fucks. They only embrace God because they know there are people out there that by doing so turns them off. Well, if we all pretend we love God, we will really freak them all out.
CNBC Headline – Dow drops 200 points on concern coronavirus will slow China’s economy.
Jesus fuckin Christ (God is ok with that expression by the way). Just yesterday the Dow was up on a shortened duration for a cure. Which one is it going to be? You tell me @6.
Did it matter that a cruise ship with 14 people sick just docked in fucking NJ? No!
Reuters/Ipsos: Plurality are OK w acquittal of Trump.
It’s actually Lev Parnas.
To get a glimpse at the enormity of what the GOP intends, the memo that AG Barr published to the DOJ as reported yesterday in the NYT has some extra goodies in it that the stalwart access jornos at NYT seemed to have overlooked.
Barr directs all offices and all investigators that they may not undertake any inquiry into the finances of any political campaign without his prior approval. Which is kinda bad on it’s face already. But in fact it’s worse since it extends to inquiries into donors and sources. Meaning that
ifwhen Prighozin gives 20 million to TrumPac2020 they can accept the money and nobody can even look at it unless Barr approves. And if Trump then decides to use the money of pay for hookers and blow nobody can look at that either.This is actually a true thing going on right now. And we’re all just supposed to roll over and take it.
The consolation I suppose is in knowing that these guys are more likely to use the money for bullshit than for legitimate campaign purposes that would contribute to them getting elected. But with an unlimited fire hose of foreign money to tap now, they can probably afford to. And having paid for so many elections and hookers and blow, it would be safe to assume that guys like Putin and MBS would want something in return.
Your problem, fucktard, is that I’m not OK with your fucking treason. That means you have a serious fucking problem, but since you’re a dumbfuck, you don’t even know it.
I’m not playing games with you, asshole.
@16 It’s complete lawlessness and corruption. This is no longer governing, it is coopting.
Hopefully they either get blown out of the water in November, or this gets so bad that their is complete protest. There is no way it is sustainable for the majority of the people to come out ahead and be happy – eventually the majority will be oppressed and not put up with it…unfortunately, the Hillbillies currently think they are doing good with a tarp over the roof of the mobile home.
Little chance of Wuton Flu striving in Antartica – now that we know Chinese virus no like warm weather. Me so horny.
@11 That’s a loaded question. The more interesting questions are, why is a male resident of Florida on TDY in Washington D.C. having periods at all, and why is he having them every day?
@12 Stealing bread? Real Christians would make do with stones.
@12 “They only embrace God because they know there are people out there that by doing so turns them off.”
Turns off? I thought they do it because there are people out there it turns on. Throughout history, this is how tyrants and demagogues recruited witless fools to do their killing for them.
@14 I’m not, but you are. That’s the difference between you and me. Meanwhile, Trump just fired a far better man than he’ll ever be.
@18 Well, they never pretended to believe in government or governing, did they? These guys are mobsters. Electing the GOP is like appointing Al Capone to be Chicago police chief.
@20 TDY?
@19 This is bad. There’s likely a lot of oil under that ice.
@25 Military acronym. It means “temporary duty,” i.e. an assignment that will end shortly.
@15 yeah, that’s Uncle Lev, my father’s brother. The brother he never met.
Serving the community service portion of his sentence?
@26 It’s been balmy here in NYC for the last couple of months. Not sure there is a need to ever visit Florida anymore. It might get in to the low 30’s for lows in the next couple of weeks, that’ll be frosty! Hot chocolate kind of weather.
Republicans apparently are outraged that Democrats would impeach one of their own merely for using government resources and taxpayers’ money for their political dirty tricks.
I’m not sure, but he should do what Senator Collins does and go around only wearing one sock.
After violently forcing his way past security guards in October to place Chinese made surveillance devices inside a classified Secure Compartmentalized Information Facility Rep. Matt Gaetz on Wednesday filed an ethics complaint against The Speaker of the House for recycling waste paper.
@33 As well he should. Recycling deprives loggers and paper mill workers of employment and destroys communities dependent on forest exploitation. Probably hurts coal mining in some way, too, although I haven’t figured out how. MAGA!
LTC Alexander Vindman Fired From the White House
The White House on Friday fired LTC Alexander S. Vindman,
Colonel Vindman’s twin brother, Yevgeny Vindman, also an Army lieutenant colonel who worked at the White House, was fired as well and escorted out at the same time
‘I would rather have a socialist in the White House than Donald Trump,’ says Republican Joe Walsh
EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland, a stand-out witness in the impeachment trial of President Trump, was fired on Friday
Watching the NH Debate. I have to say that I’m proud of each of the candidates.
@35 The Hump is a bastard. This Country has got to get its act together, and thats only going to happen with Democrat and one more moderate.
@36 I’d agree, the question is to get that Socialist in office to replace the hump is for voters to all agree on that. That’s what kind of worries me. But Sanders has my vote too. I just hope he has the votes to win all 270.
You have to wonder why NH has such a high rate of the drug problem.
Tulsi Gabbard is NH Trumpers’ favorite “Democrat.”
@35 Yah, in North Korea — whose government Trump admires — when people fall out of favor their entire families and their next two generations get sent to the coal mines.
I think there’s a connection between @41 and @42 but I can’t figure out in which direction.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Hysterical Dingbat Speech-Rippers Breaking Bombshell News – Demorat Impeachment A Giant Victory
“Right now, this is a political loser for them,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said, referring to the Democrats. “They initiated it. At least for the short term it has been a colossal political mistake.”
Now there are three questions:
When do the House Democrats bring another impeachment?
Can Trump, who can handle adversity, handle success? Or will he self-destruct?
And what about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who cemented herself in the American mind as a petulant child, angrily ripping up her copy of Trump’s State of the Union speech?
The impeachment did backfire. When it began, on the heels of the Mueller report’s failure to prove Trump was a secret Russian agent, the president’s approval ratings began to rise.
His poll numbers have skyrocketed, climbing to the highest they’ve ever been. A new Gallup poll shows him with 49% support, his highest level since taking office. And he has an astounding 63% approval rating for his handling of the booming economy, according to the poll.
Agent Orange Igor Hump – was his name.
@ 2
It’s another giant Russian conspiracy….
Seattle Jerksov Weakly Special Report, Exclusive Interview With Russian Spy Igor Boltsov;
“I big friend Putin, Putin say he send KGB to Iowa, KGB piss all over Demorat ballots, then Demorats no can read, Demorats look again like stupid clowns, hahaha.”
They’re starting to lose me now. Thank you Pete!
@45 Where ya been? Hiding? I’d be, too, if I had to defend a party that just stamped a great big fat red “APPROVED” on using taxpayer money for political dirty tricks. Of course you have to defend it. Because … You’re. One. Of. Them.
LA Times – Candidates pile on Buttigieg.
I notice no talk of LGBTQ I this big tent. I wonder why?
I think I linked to a an articke previously of why.
@50 Democrats across the board, not just gay Democrats, support gay rights and oppose anti-gay bigotry and discrimination with all our hearts and souls. That doesn’t need to be said, because it goes without saying. We’ve got your backs.
@51 Understood 100%. But I think they avoided discussion for various reason, as article I once posted here before, stated.
And they had no problem attacking the inexperienced guy whom they are afraid of
“Recently a poll in New Hampshire found that 62% of Democrats would rather see a giant meteor strike the Earth and extinguish all human life than see President Trump get reelected.”
Roger Rabbit Unscientific Poll:
A. Something is wrong with Democrats.
B. Something is wrong with Trump.
C. Undecided
It’s funny. I think a lot of Democrats might have gone back after 2016 and dug out their old stats textbooks and done a little bit of brushing up. It’s nice to see that “diehard Trump supporters” like bot-farm and pork sauce haven’t.
That latest Gallup had a weighted nationwide GOP lead of +4 points in party identity. One in a recent series of Gallup samples featuring this fairly unprecedented jump in GOP party identity not measured in any other nationwide surveys. The raw numbers are even worse, massively over sampling self identified “Republicans” and “Republican Leaning” despite no other evidence. But then, that’s Gallup. Been that way for a while.
Always read the fucking tables.
@52 You shouldn’t support Buttigieg because he’s gay. You should choose a candidate to support on the merits — including his/her chances of beating Trump, which should be every Democrat’s #1 priority. He impresses me, and he might be the fresh face the Democrats need, but he needs black voters.