– Oh hey, Park(ing) Day is coming up.
– The Parks District looks even more like a thing than election night.
– There is something truly awful about the people who worked so hard to make the ACA work worse than as designed complaining about how it works.
– Whatever happens next with Sports On Earth, the need for a place like that on the Internet is still around.
– SIFF is eventually going to own ever movie theater in this city. I’m looking forward to the reopened Egyptian.
Park(ing) Day = Hipsters waste parking spaces day.
In Wisconsin, Scott Walker is in a tight race with his Democratic challenger.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A Wisconsin relative assures me that the fed-up-with-Walker mood revealed by polls is real, and many voters who weren’t willing to recall him won’t vote to re-elect him either.
We need a Guvnor like Walker:
Walker is a flaming liar, and hopefully it’s catching up with him. He persuaded public employees to agree to over $130 million of givebacks by claiming the cuts were need to balance the state’s budget, then immediately gave rich business owners nearly $130 million of tax cuts.
Of course, he’s already alienated public employees to the point where something like this won’t cost him votes because these people wouldn’t have voted for him anyway.
The thing is, people who behave like Walker can’t be trusted by ANYBODY. Even if I were a business owner who benefited from Walker’s duplicity, I wouldn’t trust him, because if he’ll fuck over the public employees like that there’s no telling when he might do it to me, too.
People who lie their way to power and then use it to screw people tend not to stay around. They’re trusted by no one, and eventually they’re supported by no one.
Rep. Scott DesJarlais, a Tennessee teaparty congressman who gives the term “Republican swine” a whole new (low) definition, is leading his primary challenger by 34,787 votes to 34,752 votes, with all precincts reported but there may be some absentee and provisional ballots remaining to be counted.
So what does Obummer not want the public to know about Obummercare? http://www.nationalreview.com/.....y-melchior?
Could a minimum-wage earner in 1978 earn enough in a summer to pay a full year’s [college] tuition?
Mostly True
We all know what happened after ’78 – klownservatives started ruining this country.
@7 I disagree. I had to put myself through college with no family help, so I always worked full-time in summers and part-time during school years, mostly in minimum-wage jobs, and I couldn’t pay for my living and school expenses from earnings alone. I also needed student loans. (I got a couple of minor scholarships, but they didn’t amount to much. I couldn’t qualify for Pell Grants because of my parents’ income, even though I was fully emancipated, living away from home, and receiving nothing from them.) That was in the 1960s.
It’s true my law school tuition was paid for me, by the V.A., plus I got a monthly living allowance. But the latter was only $170 a month, and even in 1970, I couldn’t live on that, not even by living in a tiny flophouse room that rented for $50 a month and foregoing all pleasures of life, even minor ones. Even though law studies are very demanding and command all of your waking hours, I would have worked during law school if a job was available, but I returned from Vietnam to start law school right when the Boeing Depression hit Seattle and people were turning out the lights. I couldn’t get even a part-time minimum wage job. (It’s not that I didn’t try. And I also learned, very quickly, not to tell employers in job interviews that I was a Vietnam veteran, because that bit of information, I soon learned, instantly and decisively disqualified you from employment. In those days, veterans were pariahs.) So I had to add more student debt during my law school years.
I was the first rabbit in my family to graduate from a professional school. Pop Rabbit worked his way through college in the 1930s, but college was more affordable then. His pop was a farmer, and his pop’s pop was an itinerant preacher whose family lived in a horse-drawn covered wagon as they traveled from town to town. I could not have gone to college or law school without the low-interest, deferred-payment student loans and G.I. Bill veterans benefits supported by Democrats.
That’s WHY and how I became a Democrat. I grew up as a “Goldwater conservative” in a town that voted over 90% Republican. All my school friends were Goldwater conservatives. If you came from a family of Democrats, you were considered some kind of weirdo, and were a social outcast, or at least it seemed that way. In a word, I was a natural-born Republican (in the same sense as the movie title, “Natural Born Killer.”) When I went off to college, on my own, I realized that Republicans hated rabbits like, just wanted to hunt and shoot us, and were doing everything they could to keep us down. They didn’t want us to get a good education; they wanted us to give them cheap labor, and that’s all we were good for. I flipped to the other side almost instantly, and I’ve been a Democrat ever since, and will never be anything else. The Democrats aren’t perfect, they have their faults, but the difference between Democrats and Republicans is so night-and-day that I don’t even think about voting Republican anymore.
But there’s more to this than simply Republicans being mean bastards toward anyone who isn’t born to wealth. They’re also wrong. About everything. When I was a young rabbit, with little experience of the real world, the conservative worldview of seeing everything a black-or-white looked good to me. In that worldview, there was good and evil, with nothing in between, and it was easy to choose between them. It also was easy to define friends and enemies, and oh-so-easy to judge other people. (Poor = lazy, black = criminal, etc.) All I can say is I consider myself fortunate that I outgrew that nonsense at a relatively early age; some people never do. Being a Republican is all about being a selfish jerk. Their guiding philosophy is that everyone pursuing their own narrow self-interest produces the greatest social benefits and is good for everyone. But when they act like a worker who pursues his self-interest by joining a union or asking for a raise is a criminal thug, it makes you suspicious that they really mean only their self-interest. You have to be willfully blind not to see through their transparent hypocrisy. Thus, there was no chance at all that I would have remained a Republican. Their cockeyed belief system, and above all their obnoxious behavior, guaranteed that I would switch sides.
And, I’m proud to say, I did; and had done so before casting my first ballot. (In those days, the voting age was 21; today’s 18 to 20 year olds owe their right to vote to us Vietnam veterans. The argument, which Congress and state legislatures found compelling and irresistable, was that “if you’re old enough to die in Vietnam, you’re old enough to vote.” People who insisted 18, 19, and 20 year olds weren’t mature enough to vote responsibly — as if they were! — had no reply for that.) Thus, even though I grew up as a Goldwater conservative (lured into apostasy by my surroundings and circumstances, if you will), I’ve never been a Republican voter. And that’s one of the proudest things of my life.
One of Puffy’s friends
Wow, when NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit disagrees…
@7 Roger – again, the claim was a full year’s TUITION paid by a full-time summer job at minimum wage in 1978..
Not 1969 and minus room and board..
I remember clearly junior college in California cost next to nothing back then. My father-in-law easily earned two bachelor degrees at state college in CA in the sixties. Money wasn’t a factor either for him. He worked at the parts warehouse for Ford.
He should have went on to law school. He would have been a good labor lawyer but he feared going into debt. Child of the depression.
What a bunch of crockola..
Allen West, Tim Scott, Nikki Haley, etc. weren’t born to wealth. Puddy was dirt poor.
More Horse Manure from the #1 purveyor of horse manure NoBalls IDIOT Wabbit!