Does Boeing firing Dennis Muilenburg make a difference for workers or safety? Does it fix the 737 Max more quickly? If so, great. If it’s just a PR move, and his replacement is just as bad, well I guess we’ll see.
It’s hard to imagine any CEO surviving Boeing’s multiple screwups, which are indicative of a management that lost its way — too much emphasis on production, not enough on safety. To change the culture, you have to change the leadership. And yes, PR and image required a change, too. Much harder to win back the confidence of plane buyers and passengers with the same CEO. Is there anyone on this planet who didn’t expect Muilenburg to go? The only surprise is it took this long. Investors like the move; Boeing’s stock is up 3% today.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit still owns some Boeing stock, but only half as much as he used to. Roger Rabbit owns no GE stock, and hasn’t for a long time. Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck, but that requires no disclosure; everyone knows that.)
Boeing should hire Bernie Sanders’ wife to run the company. She did wonders for the college she ran. And she was so incredibly transparent with her loan payment plan.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 I’d bet money they won’t hire you. One fucked up CEO is enough. If for some unfathomable reason they did hire you, I’d immediately short the stock. Big time.
While we’re on that subject, Trump looks like a short to me. I wouldn’t bet money on him becoming the next editor of Christianity Today, either.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Franklin Graham claims his father, if he were here, would support Trump. Yes, I can see that, in a Helen Prejean way. You know, walk with them to the “other room,” Bible in hand, speaking words of comfort about the next world in a low voice. That’s what Christian preachers do for a living. But I can’t imagine any real Christian voting for that piece of shit. Any preacher who did wouldn’t be doling out forgiveness anymore, he’d be begging for it, but I think God would think twice on that one. I know the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit would. As for Doctor Dumbfuck, I think he’s destined for Saint Peter’s septic tank. When Doc shows up at the pearly gates the saint will wonder what the hell he ate.
If you don’t know who the mark is, you’re the mark.
Goldy Retweeted
BREAKING: Christianity Today has seen a surge in new subscriptions since calling for President Trump’s removal from office
Christianity Today Editor in Chief Mark Galli: “We have lost subscribers, but we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Is there a point somewhere in there? Looks to me like Christianity Today just got a popularity boost from calling Trump a piece of shit.*
* Not Galli’s precise words, but his essential meaning. You’d better hope he doesn’t do an editorial on you, doc. It won’t be flattering. The very least you’re guilty of is Christian malpractice.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If McConnell has brains, and he certainly isn’t stupid, nor an “Always Trumper,” he’d rather see Pence on the 2020 ballot. He has the heft to throw Trump under the bus if he wants to, and being the cagiest GOP partisan hack of all time, he might want to. By letting the Democrats do it for him, of course, so he can blame them and parlay the blowback from Trump’s vicious mobs into something positive for his party in what otherwise might be shaping up as a potentially dismal election year.
The racist incel already said he wasn’t a Christian so he doesn’t really care.
Pence would save a lot of Republican politicians
Pence and the rest of them should burn in hell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Yes, he very well might.
@10 Simply as a matter of cold political calculation. No value judgments in @9 or this post. But I would take Pence over Trump any day, although I think removing Trump from office would make the 2020 election tougher for the Democrats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Either he doesn’t like the odds in Pascal’s Wager, or he’s just a fucking troll. I’d bet on the latter.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I think removing Trump from office would make the 2020 election tougher for the Democrats.
I’m not so sure. I think at least half of Trump’s 2020 vote total will be motivated by strain of “Because I said so, that’s why!” sentiment among the unmoored right wing. Give them Pence instead and quite a few would not bother to roll out of the power-lift chair to mail their ballot.
No fan of The Hump, and no fan of The Prude. Either way – may they all burn in hell.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 The main difference between Trump and Pence is that one will be surprised he wound up in Hell and the other won’t.
For me this is about saving American democracy. Pence isn’t up to the task. He’s also batshit insane, just in a different way.
On another note, Biden has never connected with me as a politician, although the measure of his personal losses are staggering and heartbreaking and for that I do have a ton of empathy for the man. Alas, perhaps because of the burden of latest loss of his son Beaux, he is not aging well.
Sadly, Biden’s surviving son Hunter impresses me as belonging in a residential treatment facility, not a Ukrainian energy corporation boardroom.
My support for Joe Biden to be the Democratic Party candidate is tepid, at best.
Time magazine cover – “ If Iran falls, ISIS Rises Again”
Thank You fucking Hump. If a Drm is victorious in 2020 and that happens you know exactly where the blame will be placed. These good for nothing fucking Tepublicans are the Devil.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I gotta agree with Elijah that cops don’t make us safer when they, um, kill the victim. The cop’s lawyer claims it was his own damn fault.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There goes another $5 million of taxpayer money. They should take it out of the guilty cops’ pensions.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“July 25 — 11:04am Michael Duffy: Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”
Kinda says “cover-up,” doesn’t it? In fact, it blares it.
Every lawyer knows the good shit is always in the emails. You always demand the emails in discovery (although in this case, it was obtained via a FOIA request). It’s incredible what people put in emails.
I know there’s been some more negative news regarding Mayor Pete’s fund raising and association with the wealthy. But it was nice to get this same email. Yeah, just a mass email but non the less, nice. Hopefully every candidate campaigning did the same.
“The Duffey e-mail is a prosecutor’s dream, opening up various lines of potentially fruitful questioning.
“Duffey writes, ‘Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine… please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds.’
“First question: Who gave you the referenced guidance? Second question: What was the guidance? … explain the ‘sensitive nature’ of the request to hold back funding from Ukraine? Why was it sensitive? Who told you it was sensitive?
“The answers to these questions could prove damning to Trump and his most senior officials.”
It’s hard to imagine any CEO surviving Boeing’s multiple screwups, which are indicative of a management that lost its way — too much emphasis on production, not enough on safety. To change the culture, you have to change the leadership. And yes, PR and image required a change, too. Much harder to win back the confidence of plane buyers and passengers with the same CEO. Is there anyone on this planet who didn’t expect Muilenburg to go? The only surprise is it took this long. Investors like the move; Boeing’s stock is up 3% today.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit still owns some Boeing stock, but only half as much as he used to. Roger Rabbit owns no GE stock, and hasn’t for a long time. Doctor Dumbfuck is still a dumbfuck, but that requires no disclosure; everyone knows that.)
Boeing should hire Bernie Sanders’ wife to run the company. She did wonders for the college she ran. And she was so incredibly transparent with her loan payment plan.
@2 I’d bet money they won’t hire you. One fucked up CEO is enough. If for some unfathomable reason they did hire you, I’d immediately short the stock. Big time.
While we’re on that subject, Trump looks like a short to me. I wouldn’t bet money on him becoming the next editor of Christianity Today, either.
Franklin Graham claims his father, if he were here, would support Trump. Yes, I can see that, in a Helen Prejean way. You know, walk with them to the “other room,” Bible in hand, speaking words of comfort about the next world in a low voice. That’s what Christian preachers do for a living. But I can’t imagine any real Christian voting for that piece of shit. Any preacher who did wouldn’t be doling out forgiveness anymore, he’d be begging for it, but I think God would think twice on that one. I know the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit would. As for Doctor Dumbfuck, I think he’s destined for Saint Peter’s septic tank. When Doc shows up at the pearly gates the saint will wonder what the hell he ate.
If you don’t know who the mark is, you’re the mark.
Goldy Retweeted
BREAKING: Christianity Today has seen a surge in new subscriptions since calling for President Trump’s removal from office
Christianity Today Editor in Chief Mark Galli: “We have lost subscribers, but we’ve had 3 times as many people start to subscribe.”
@5 Is there a point somewhere in there? Looks to me like Christianity Today just got a popularity boost from calling Trump a piece of shit.*
* Not Galli’s precise words, but his essential meaning. You’d better hope he doesn’t do an editorial on you, doc. It won’t be flattering. The very least you’re guilty of is Christian malpractice.
Looks like McConnell is caving on witnesses.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If McConnell has brains, and he certainly isn’t stupid, nor an “Always Trumper,” he’d rather see Pence on the 2020 ballot. He has the heft to throw Trump under the bus if he wants to, and being the cagiest GOP partisan hack of all time, he might want to. By letting the Democrats do it for him, of course, so he can blame them and parlay the blowback from Trump’s vicious mobs into something positive for his party in what otherwise might be shaping up as a potentially dismal election year.
The racist incel already said he wasn’t a Christian so he doesn’t really care.
Pence would save a lot of Republican politicians
Pence and the rest of them should burn in hell.
@9 Yes, he very well might.
@10 Simply as a matter of cold political calculation. No value judgments in @9 or this post. But I would take Pence over Trump any day, although I think removing Trump from office would make the 2020 election tougher for the Democrats.
@8 Either he doesn’t like the odds in Pascal’s Wager, or he’s just a fucking troll. I’d bet on the latter.
I’m not so sure. I think at least half of Trump’s 2020 vote total will be motivated by strain of “Because I said so, that’s why!” sentiment among the unmoored right wing. Give them Pence instead and quite a few would not bother to roll out of the power-lift chair to mail their ballot.
No fan of The Hump, and no fan of The Prude. Either way – may they all burn in hell.
@14 The main difference between Trump and Pence is that one will be surprised he wound up in Hell and the other won’t.
For me this is about saving American democracy. Pence isn’t up to the task. He’s also batshit insane, just in a different way.
On another note, Biden has never connected with me as a politician, although the measure of his personal losses are staggering and heartbreaking and for that I do have a ton of empathy for the man. Alas, perhaps because of the burden of latest loss of his son Beaux, he is not aging well.
Sadly, Biden’s surviving son Hunter impresses me as belonging in a residential treatment facility, not a Ukrainian energy corporation boardroom.
My support for Joe Biden to be the Democratic Party candidate is tepid, at best.
Time magazine cover – “ If Iran falls, ISIS Rises Again”
Thank You fucking Hump. If a Drm is victorious in 2020 and that happens you know exactly where the blame will be placed. These good for nothing fucking Tepublicans are the Devil.
I gotta agree with Elijah that cops don’t make us safer when they, um, kill the victim. The cop’s lawyer claims it was his own damn fault.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There goes another $5 million of taxpayer money. They should take it out of the guilty cops’ pensions.
“July 25 — 11:04am
Michael Duffy: Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”
Kinda says “cover-up,” doesn’t it? In fact, it blares it.
Every lawyer knows the good shit is always in the emails. You always demand the emails in discovery (although in this case, it was obtained via a FOIA request). It’s incredible what people put in emails.
I know there’s been some more negative news regarding Mayor Pete’s fund raising and association with the wealthy. But it was nice to get this same email. Yeah, just a mass email but non the less, nice. Hopefully every candidate campaigning did the same.
“The Duffey e-mail is a prosecutor’s dream, opening up various lines of potentially fruitful questioning.
“Duffey writes, ‘Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration’s plan to review assistance to Ukraine… please hold off on any additional DoD obligations of these funds.’
“First question: Who gave you the referenced guidance? Second question: What was the guidance? … explain the ‘sensitive nature’ of the request to hold back funding from Ukraine? Why was it sensitive? Who told you it was sensitive?
“The answers to these questions could prove damning to Trump and his most senior officials.”
You can see why McConnell doesn’t want Duffey to testify. On the other hand, if McConnell warms up to the idea of President Pence …
@17 No, they’re not smart enough to be evil, they’re merely stupid with evil consequences.
@16 It’s all relative.
Too little, too late, and not real.
How stupid are racists? Well, pretty stupid when they yell at Native Americans to “go back where you came from!”
P.S., you’ve probably seen this before …
… but it never grows stale.