It’s finally impeachment day. Please if you haven’t already, call or write your member of Congress. The more they hear from you the better.
Also, thanks to everyone who has written. Thank you so, so much to who attended a rally yesterday; Being around you all Downtown and seeing pictures from all over the country lifted my spirit in ways I didn’t know I needed.
Tulsi Gabbard says Trump should be censured, not impeached, citing support for censure instead of impeachment among independents and some Republicans. In her next breath, she says she’s basing this on what’s “right,” not political expediency.
That’s like saying a kid who planned to shoot up his school should be admonished instead of jailed because he was caught and his guns were confiscated before he could carry out his plan.
In any case, if GOP senators as expected refuse to perform their constitutional duty, they’ll have opportunity to introduce a censure resolution. What d’ya wanna bet they will?
Susan Collins announced her re-election campaign today. She might as well have said, “I’m asking Maine’s voters to return me to Washington to continue pandering to Tea Party crazies for another six years,” because she won’t vote to oust Trump any more than there was ever any chance she’d vote against confirming Justice Baby Raper.
Republican evidentiary arguments boil down to, “It’s unfair to convict this defendant because he took the Fifth and therefore didn’t have an opportunity to testify that he’s innocent.”
If her priority is to represent “independents and some Republicans” then perhaps Rep. Gabbard would prefer to run as one of those instead?
She could have waited until closer to the March deadline and avoided tying her candidacy to Trump in this way.
But she’s going to run out of money if she does that.
Moscow Mitch had a plan.
Multiple sources confirming that Van Drew called Cherie Bustos last night and pleaded to keep his DCCC staff after all of his key people quit.
DCCC had no comment.
Van Drew’s COS also emailed every Dem county chair in NJ to sign a pledge of support.
Somehow got caught in the spam filter.
@7 Republicans excel at being cheeky.
No Doc this morning? Must still be trying to round up the water buffalo. As Mrs. Rabbit pointed out to me yesterday, he has to stand on the water buffalo to get a wi-fi signal at his location.
Pelosi made an impassioned plea to defend the Constitution and “our Republic, if we can keep it” against a rogue president. Now Collins is bleating that Democrats have wanted to impeach Trump ever since they won sweeping victories in mid-term elections that anyone with half a brain would interpret as a nationwide repudiation of Trump. That’s their defense?
That’s like a defense attorney arguing that his child molester client should be acquitted because everyone hates him.
In reply to Pelosi, Collins argued that Senate Democrats asking for more witnesses proves House Democrats “didn’t do their job.” He’s referring, of course, to the witnesses Trump ordered not to testify. That’s how absurd the Republican arguments are.
OF COURSE the Republican arguments are absurd. They have no defense. They’re trying to defend the indefensible. Because that’s who they are now.
“‘My conscience is clear’ — GOP Sen. Rick Scott on opposing Trump impeachment and removal”
Easy to say when you don’t have a conscience. None of them do. Republicans don’t have consciences. They couldn’t be Republicans if they did.
I called and left a message with my representative, Ann Wagner, R, Missouri. Oddly enough, it went to voice mail. Nobody live was picking up the phone.
Her Facebook timeline comments are not kind.
They are running 10:1 of Facebook people who say they are in her district, for impeachment.
“…last night there were well over 100 pro-impeachment voters outside her office, versus two men against. Whoever she represents, it’s not people with 631 and 630 zip codes.”
@13 Her base voters haven’t come in from the barn yet. Neither has Doctor Dumbfuck. I wonder if there’s a connection?
So many Republican tears this morning. SAD!
Some of these Reps and Senators are staking their seats on Brad Parscale’s gamble that, having never operated a national campaign of any kind prior to 2016, he knows Republican nationwide district and state politics better than anyone else.
It’s an incredibly audacious proposal, not unlike his success in 2016. And it’s based mostly upon a learned-as-he-went model of Facebook data analysis. But it hasn’t been repeated since. Not once. And whether that is because many of the players active in the 2016 campaign are no longer present (some having been sent to prison), present to a significantly reduced extent (Facebook and Google will not be assigning staff to support the campaign, and Cambridge Analytica is no more) or whether that is because Trump’s name and personality have been absent, is a matter of some debate.
But Trump has injected himself and his personality into many races since 2016 and the track record has not been kind. And all of those contests took place before his Ukraine impeachment debacle. There is absolutely no doubt on the part of any professional involved in these campaigns on the Democrat’s side that Trump’s name and personality have served as an incredibly powerful motivator for driving campaign fund raising and turnout. The same can not be said for the Republican side. We’ve seen significant numbers of House and Senate GOP members declining the president’s participation and many specifically requesting that he stay away.
But having secured control of the RNC, the witting and eager compliance of Moscow Mitch, and with the departure of Paul Ryan, Parscale now deals their hand in nearly every state and every race. At least he does for those who do not have their own independent PACs and sources. So many of them may have no other choice but to believe Parscale’s insistence that this time Trump’s coattails will be long enough.
A “Libertarian” is someone who wants all of the freedoms and benefits of American citizenship with none of the responsibilities, obligations, or taxes. “Libertine” is a close synonym.
@16 You mean Trump’s coattails to Hell? The pit in the movie “Purgatory” comes to mind.
LMFAO!!! But I suppose it makes sense in a batshit insane fascist sort of way. I mean, they really do believe that Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron is a better president than Lincoln.
“Whackjob Lou Dobbs Guest Compares Trump Letter To Gettysburg Address”
Dems and Repukes are talking past each other right now in House “debate”..
Just have the vote and impeach the POS (our dumfuk troll’s own word for the orange idiot).
“A “Libertarian” is someone who wants all of the freedoms and benefits of American citizenship with none of the responsibilities, obligations, or taxes. “Libertine” is a close synonym.”
And all this time I thought it was a repug that smokes pot.
Being Christ-like, of course Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron is a better president than Lincoln. Isn’t it obvious?
‘That’s blasphemy’: GOP’s Barry Loudermilk blasted as a ‘complete lunatic’ for comparing Trump to Jesus Christ
It’s certainly a possibility. I tend to believe a very strong one.
I like to think I understand the strategy that Bannon worked out for these people. I’m inclined to believe that the original intention was for that strategy to produce an over performance in the primaries. But that it was not expected to win the nomination.
But like just about everyone and everything else, including most definitely the Democrats, that strategy and expectation vastly underestimated the degree of indifference expressed by most of the other voters not targeted by that strategy. And that combination along with a few other significant and by now notorious thumbs on the scale produced first a runaway success in the primary, and then later just enough to stagger across the line in November.
But there is a lot of very solid evidence that the clearly measured indifference present in the general electorate in 2016 is gone. A lot of print and pixels have gone into trying to describe the “resentment” that drove shirtless horns and balding capillary farms to shriek their rage at the polls that year. But between the media and the political class there’s been no appetite for examining who stayed away, and why they did. Nevertheless, that was also a huge part of the story. That year the composition of the electorate changed in measurable way. But in every single contest since then that previously measured change has not persisted.
If that continues, and if it results in a rejection of Trump and his party in 2020 the lasting consequences could be devastating.
And all this time I thought it was a repug that smokes pot.
And porn. Don’t forget about the porn.
But other than that, yeah pretty much.
In some ways they’re dumber than Republicans.
Another Jesus comparison. Couldn’t they at least wait until Democrats nail the treasonous motherfucker to a cross?
“GOP Rep. Claims Trump Is Being Treated Worse Than Jesus”
Of course. All roads lead to Russia. Right, Doctor?
“Trump Administration Battles New Sanctions on Russia”
Did they impeach the fucker yet?
Did I miss something? Why no notifications yet? It’s 5:50pm on east coast. They have to be impeaching the fucker soon, I hope!
They only way they could treat The Hump worse than Jesus is to stick an ear of corn up his fucking ass.
Wherein America’s Dumbest Congressman pulls Russian propaganda out of his ass on the House floor and gets it shoved back up his ass.
@26 No and no. They’re still debating and the Republican arguments are so stupid you can’t stand listening to them. See @21 and @28 for examples.
@27 Somebody should stick a rubber stopper up Louie Gohmert’s ass. See #28 for details.
@ 1
In any case, if GOP senators as expected refuse to perform their constitutional duty, they’ll have opportunity to introduce a censure resolution. What d’ya wanna bet they will?
Zero percent chance that GOP senators will introduce a House censure motion, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Gabbard doesn’t vote on Senate motions.
I’m wearing a jacket today…
@31 “Zero percent chance that GOP senators will introduce a House censure motion”
The chance that any GOP senator will introduce a Senate censure motion also is zero, and that’s my point, dumbfuck.
can’t wait to chow down a chalupa back home at the farm in iowa..
our family chef rodrigo from baja makes ’em good..
oh shit..
@32 Strait or sport?
“At one point, Republicans stood on the House floor in a solemn moment of silence to honor the 63 million Americans who voted for Trump.”
And the rest of us don’t exist as far as they’re concerned …
Impeach the fucker!!!!!!!
Why doesn’t Bob criticize The Hump for his all caps and exclamation points, last time I checked he was a fucking Hump about to be impeached, God willing!!!!
This Gabby chic, she’s a traitor. She’s a commie.
Shorter Hearings
Democrats: Reasons. Facts. Rule of Law
Republicans : Giraffe Hording. Nuhuh, SQUIRREL!
Not that you could really count on the major media to properly document it, but I am struck by how many GOP House members used the time they were given to make declarations of provable falsehoods. The lie count must be off the chart.
From blaming House Democrats for the Special Counsel investigation to claims that the House impeachment investigation was too rushed to claims that the ten week process has consumed the entire legislative agenda for 2019.
Particularly noteworthy however was the one lie they refused to tell: that their president didn’t do it.
I’m sure this performance will make them look good to their partisan supporters. And that will also be regarded as the historical moment when the GOP entirely abandoned any pretense at appealing to a broad, diverse cross section of American citizens. Party of Trump now and forever.
Impeachment Article 1 passes the House..
“preznit” POS impeached!
about f’ing time
Let’s all observe a moment of laughter out of disrespect for the 72 million American voters who in 2016 chose someone else.
There’s a whole lot more of us. Yet we persist in supporting a system that fucks us.
That’s funny, right?
That earns me a glass of Ron Zacapa!
You know it was God’s will. We should all bow our heads and say a prayer.
This year all across America, loyal patriotic Republicans will be drowning a Christmas puppy and stabbing a hooker in honor of impeachment.
Both articles have passed. Rep. Jerad Golden (D-ME) voted for the abuse of power article, but against the obstruction article. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard voted “present” on both articles.
Excellent. I can just now see the bottom of my glass!
Round 2!
And always remember going forward from this historic day,
Never let them forget it. And never let them pretend otherwise.
They listened to the tape. They heard the words their nominee spoke. They acknowledged those were his own true words.
And they chose.
Republicans have been groomed for this since before election day.
@45 Not to worry, the President just reassured us that it’s okay to say “Merry Christmas” again. He made it possible!
Article 1: 230-197, 1 voting present, 3 not voting.
Article 2: 229-198, 1 voting present, 3 not voting.
Gabbard was the “present” vote on both articles, and “not voting” were 3 currently vacant seats. 214 votes were needed to pass.
Notably, nearly all (at least 41) of the 44 Democrats from swing districts that voted for Trump in 2016 voted in favor of impeachment.
No reaction by stock futures yet. I’m not expecting one.
Plus, 370,000 inactive voters removed from the rolls.
For Every New Registered Democrat In Florida This Year, Republicans Have Added Two
Spending money to boost Dem politicians in Florida is really not a wise use of funds.
November Report: Gillum PAC Spends $240K on Lawyers Related to Federal Probe
IIRC that was my boss’ “catch phrase” during his television star heyday back in 2005.
Every time he found himself in a quiet moment with a hot starlet, he grabbed them by the snatch, leaned back smiling broadly and said “Merry Christmas!” They all seemed to get a big kick out of it.
Well, none of them ever complained.
Well, okay, some of the ugly ones might have complained. Fuck ’em.
@50 It’s not hard to scoop up bottom feeders in this country. Go trolling through the sewers and you’ll find them. Then bus them to the nearest Trump rally.
@ 49
No reaction by stock futures yet.
What a fucking moron you are, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The impeachment result was known weeks ago. So was the trial outcome.
There’s no change in the nation’s leadership. If anything, the stock market’s rise could be attributed to Trump’s improving political fortunes. See Kathleen Parker’s piece in WaPo today.
You can always hold out hope, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that the market reaction to the impeachment vote will be covered in Barron’s on Friday, and that you can read about it on Saturday.
Gabbard was the “present” vote on both articles
dumfuk and putin’s favorite Dem voting present..
Awww…. it must give them the warm fuzzies for the daze of the black guy.
What’s next? Jill Stein for Speakah Pelosi’s seat?
Gallup, today:
Currently, 46% support impeachment and removal, down six percentage points from the first reading after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the impeachment inquiry. Meanwhile, 51% oppose impeachment and removal — up five percentage points over the same period.
Yabbut I’m sure all of that will change once the market’s reaction to impeachment has a chance to register with voters, right, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
You ought to just go over there and sniff The Hump’s balls. Just to see how close they smell like Putin’s.
Might just be the six percent who until now never really gave a whole lot of thought to that choice they made back in October of 2016:
Either the nominee is a violent sexual predator who was caught on a hot mic bragging about his past criminal sexual assaults on women;
The nominee is an emotionally crippled freak fascinated by sexual violence who desperately fabricates rape fantasies to win the approval of B-listers like Billy Bush.
The only two options.
Who the fuck really knows how that kind of self-knowledge eats away at someone. Certainly no Democratic voter could comprehend. But it’s bound to produce some weird internal dialogues among those post-Trump victims. And not a small amount of Stockholm Syndrome. Still, the best part about it is that it’s a campaign ad that runs itself for free inside their heads every single day.
Runs itself for free inside bot-farm troll’s head, inside PI’s head, inside pork slop’s head. Over and over. On permanent repeat.
Every Republican You Know
@ 57
The only two options.
Sure, just as Clinton and Sanders were the only two options in 2016. Other than Webb and O’Malley, either of whom would have handily cleaned Trump’s clock..
Keep up the overly simplistic analysis, QoS McHillbilly.
We should oblige Rep.Loudermouth then and give Trump a good scourging. I mean that’s what Pilate did to Jesus.
And not a rapist in the bunch.
You make my point, bot-farm troll.
Sixty three million Republican voters chose the rapist. And by now they know it.
And you’ve staked your identity on how they will respond to that knowledge after four years of daily reminders.
@54 “What’s next? Jill Stein for Speakah Pelosi’s seat?” Probably not exactly what the king has in mind:
“President Trump called on his supporters to ‘vote Pelosi the hell out of office’ while speaking at a Christmas MAGA rally in Michigan tonight. ‘Americans will show up by the tens of millions next year to vote Pelosi the hell out of office,’ Trump said in Michigan.”
Hey Dumbfuck, while you’re giving me civics lessons, give one to Trump, too.
@55 So your defense of Trump’s Ukraine behavior is that half the population has their heads up their asses? I don’t remember you ever posting anything about it being wrong, so you’re one of ’em.
Buyer’s remorse?
It’s right there on your Goddamn receipt.
A taste of the bitter tears flowing over at the don’t-tread-on-me FB page where America’s fascists congregate.
Apparently Doctor Dumbfuck and Pork Slop are the only “true Americans” posting at HA.
@ 60
Sixty three million Republican voters chose the rapist. And by now they know it.
Ah, but The DNC chose the corrupt, unlikable cunt who spent her entire married life enabling a rapist.
And by now they know it. Gillebrand knows it. McCaskill knew it before she realized she must kiss the ring. #MeToo knows it if they’re honest with themselves.
There’s much still to be learned from the Epstein saga.
@ 64
Somewhere on that FB page, Steve, is a guy who picks out all of the ‘froggy spews on HA to share there, so they can laugh at y’all HA libbies.
The difference between you and that guy is he’s been laid since the end of the GWB43 administration.
There’s an internal poll done by Team Trump, of the 30 districts represented currently by Democrats but won by Trump..
Not gonna share it.
About 300 people.
I guess they could all be so overwhelmed with “Clinton Shame” that they killed themselves tomorrow.
Would not change the outcome of a single race.
And I certainly wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.
Pleasant dreams, bot-farm troll. You chose.
And now you have to live with it forever.
“The difference between you and that guy is he’s been laid since the end of the GWB43 administration.”
The difference between me and you, Doctor, is I get laid by females of my own species. You should try it sometime.
And then I can be linked by Steve to Putin for 4 more years.
Verified account
Tulsi Gabbard will run in the general as an independent. That was always her plan.
6:07 PM – 18 Dec 2019
“And then I can be linked by Steve to Putin for 4 more years.”
You come here as Putin’s dumbfuck stooge and you expect me to ignore it? No, Doctor, that’s not how it works.
“unlikable cunt who….” …would never have kowtowed to Putin like you and your treasonous fucking orange moron.
That’s why you believe Hillary was so…awful. Because she’d never betray our country for Putin.
Steve, she and Bill The Rapist betrayed it for the money.
@ 72 Because she’d never betray our country for Putin.
Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged after Hillary’s defeat
Contributions plunged from $62,912,331 in 2016 to $26,566,825 in 2017, recently released federal tax filings show.
Revenue from speeches given by the Clintons also fell from a high of $3.6 million in 2015 to just under $300,000 in 2017.
Bet Hillary couldn’t get ten grand from Goldman Sachs for a speech these days.
“Steve, she and Bill The Rapist betrayed it for the money.”
Yeah, it was truly embarrassing to learn that the Clinton Foundation was spending big money on 10′ high portraits of the Clintons. Oh, wait…that was your treasonous orange moron’s charity. Heh. My bad, dumbfuck.
Here’s some irony.
Erica Tishman, architect, identified as woman killed by falling facade in NYC
“ten grand”
By happy coincidence, that happens to be the exact amount your orange moron’s charity shelled out for one of the 10′ high portraits. No word on how much they paid for portraits of Putin.
“In 2016, Charity Navigator began listing the Clinton Foundation as a “low concern” charity, with a four-star rating, its highest rating. The Clinton Foundation currently has a score of 93.91 out of 100 for finances, accountability and transparency.”
“Meanwhile, Charity Navigator in 2016 issued a “high concern” advisory on the Trump Foundation after news reports that the New York attorney general would investigate it and Trump would seek to close it.”
Running as a third, Gabbard consistently deprives Trump of support in the three states that matter.
Putin isn’t the only one who can make good use of her.
Run, Gabby. Run.
And perhaps whenever the bot-farm troll experiences brief moments of regret for getting behind rape, he can use her too.
Few Americans and fewer Democrats believe that Bill Clinton is a rapist. A pig? sure. A bad husband and father? Absolutely. An aggressive womanizer who groomed female employees? Probably.
But not a rapist.
Donald Trump said he was a rapist on a tape recording.
Then ten years later Donald Trump acknowledged that the words recorded on that tape were his own true words.
Maybe what he said was a lie. Maybe an exaggeration? But they were his words. That has never been in dispute. And that left every single one of the 63 million Republicans who voted for him with that same choice that bot-farm troll can’t stand to admit.
But it is not a choice that any Democratic voter ever had to make about Bill Clinton. Because even if any of them believed the shifting, unsubstantiated claims of Broaddrick, Willey or Millwee all three of those allegations were made after his re-election.
But having fallen into a paranoid rabbit hole of 4chan rumors and lurid Pizza Cannibalism fantasies, bot-farm troll thinks you’re as dumb as he is. But you’re not dumb. You’re a Democrat.
“We have 40,000 People in here tonight” declares the Orange Messiah tonight to a building with a max capacity of 6500.
That many people in there would have been The Who in Cincinnati. (Pearl Jam at Roskilde for you younger folks)
@63 You must be a Republican. A real Ukrainian wouldn’t capitalize the “G.” Neither would a godless socialist Democrat.
@64 Hunh. I’ll bet not one of those “true Americans” served in the military. Learned to shoot in the backyard with a .22 they got for Christmas.
They don’t know fuck about real war. Without air or artillery support, and where they gonna get any, they can expect the casualties to be about equal on each side. That’s the reality of close infantry combat.
Unless, of course, they just plan to shoot unarmed old men, women, and children, and stay far away from any liberals who took my advice and armed.
You should get their names and report ’em under the “red flag” laws.
@66 “The difference between you and that guy is he’s been laid since the end of the GWB43 administration.”
The difference between him and you is he doesn’t need to feed and care for a horse to get laid.
@67 What does that poll show for the 40+ districts where Republican incumbents are calling it quits?
@73 “Steve, she and Bill The Rapist betrayed it for the money.”
You do it for free. I’ve never understood that. Do you expect Putin to leave a pony under your tree?
@76 Is that a Trump property? The reason I ask is, well, you know why I ask.
@77 Trump doesn’t give to charity. He gives to himself. That’s why it’s being investigated.
Some stupes voted for Trump thinking he wouldn’t be corrupt because he’s rich and doesn’t need the money. How do they think he got rich in the first place? They don’t think.
@79 Don’t look at me. I had nothing to do with that hole. The mole did it.
The little boy was farmed out to private schools where he was never, ever sent to detention. Now the little boy is being sent to detention. Waaa! Waaa! Waaa!
“A Colorado radio program has been canceled … ‘710 KNUS confirms that an inappropriate comment was made on the Chuck & Julie show by co-host Chuck Bonniwell,’ the station said in a statement Wednesday announcing the end of the program.
“‘You know, you wish for a nice school shooting to interrupt’ it, Bonniwell said on air Tuesday, after complaining about the ‘never-ending’ impeachment process, NBC affiliate KUSA of Denver reported. ‘Don’t even say that,’ co-host Julie Hayden reportedly pushed back. The comments were first reported by the Colorado Times Recorder newspaper.”
Yes, the radio station is based in Aurora, Colorado.
@90. Well, that’s telling. Dead kids are just a prop for THAT republican. Conservative family values on display?
Worth reminding the faithless media that after two years in the minority of watching the GOP/Trump Three Stooges debacle of self-harm, when the Democratic Party was overwhelming elected in an historic wave election the came in with a pledge to set aside impeachment. And they did.
Aaaand… another one hitting the silk to avoid the wipeout:
Republican partisans have all but abandoned any hope for good news about their own party anymore. The only things they ever have to celebrate now are the occasional stories of bad news about Democrats. I guess that’s something. And perhaps for their base of aging, weakening, balding, resentful white men that is enough. But it seems like a poor basis for inspiring recruitment of either new voters or good candidates. And they need both.
Listening to #moscomitch whine that the impeachment process was unfair.
Get over it.
Schumer is calmly shreding #moscoeMitch’s speech, point by point.
@ 95
Get over it.
Way to play the long game, Red.
By your silly comment you are, of course, fully willing to accept Cocaine Mitch’s dismissal of Schumer’s whining with a simple “Get over it.”.
Somebody needs to remind him:
“Don’t break the law then this would never happen.”
Hillary threatens to delay her 2020 campaign announcement.
Pelosi threatens to delay Senate impeachment trial
Black voters threaten to stay away from the polls in November.
Virginia electors threaten to delay casting their votes for the 2020 Dem candidate until after January 20, 2021.
Where does the silliness end?
Another one:
Don’t break the law then this would never happen.”
This one’s for bot-farm troll:
Don’t break the law then this would never happen.
@ 98
Somebody needs to remind him:
“Don’t break the law then this would never happen.”
I’m the somebody who reminds Hillary of this.
Trump’s BFF comes to his defense:
It’s wonderful to have friends you can always count on.
@102 Thirty years of investigations, over $100 million of wasted taxpayer dollars, and you asswipes couldn’t even convict her of a parking ticket. You’re still at it? Of course you are, because you’re a dumbfuck.
@99 Here’s one you’ll never see: Doctor Dumbfuck delays getting his morning sex out in the barn.
But this doesn’t rule out the horse making like Nancy Pelosi.
As of this morning over 1200 instances of whining about “unfairness”.
You know what they say….
@ 104
…couldn’t even convict her of a parking ticket.
We convicted her of the unworthiness of the electoral votes of the states of Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
We convicted her of the incompetence of her belief that Arizona was in play.
We watched her staff take the Fifth, we watched the since-disgraced Comey cover for her, we watched the same emails she inadvertently shared with hostile actors be shared with the pedophile Anthony Weiner.
We don’t need not stinking criminal conviction. Hell, your side just impeached a president without accusing him of committing a crime. That’s the new bar in politics, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
1200 times the GOP president RapeFantsy complains about “unfairness”.
Guess how many times he spoke up about “smaller government”?
117. Just 117 times ever.
And nearly all of those mentions took place on a single day two weeks ago.
” Thirty years of investigations, over $100 million of wasted taxpayer dollars, and you asswipes couldn’t even convict her of a parking ticket.”
Trump admitted to rape.
Two weeks before they voted for him he admitted that those were his own true words. They voted for him anyway.
@ 109
They voted for him anyway.
And I guess it’s up to your side to overturn the results.
After all, their president is so much more than just a rapist.
But still, rapist.
#youbuiltthat I hope you dude-bros enjoy living there forever.
Roger Rabbit’s impeachment commentary posted on Seattle Jew’s blog, if anyone is interested:
Not you, Doctor Dumbfuck. Don’t keep the horse waiting.
@107 If losing an election is a crime, then at least 40 GOP ex-congressmen should be in jail. That’s how many House seats your party lost in 2018, which was widely viewed as a referendum on Trump’s first two years in office.
With 2020 just around the corner, you’d better be building more cells, because you’ve already lost over 40 more GOP congressmen, and the voting hasn’t even started yet.
@108 Only two weeks ago? I’m under the impression he completely and totally lost interest in smaller government at high noon on January 20, 2017. See, e.g., exploding deficits and a border patrol agent asking teenage girls for their citizenship papers in central Montana.
“You’re still at it?”
Being on Team Putin, he has no choice. If he were to ever disappoint Putin, for the rest of his miserable, treasonous life he’d have to put on gloves before touching a door knob.
@110 No, just make him obey the laws.
It’s beyond hilarious to see you defending Trump’s lawlessness after bleating endlessly about a woman who hasn’t even been convicted of a parking ticket despite 30 years and $100 million of taxpayer money spent trying to nail something on her.
In which Democrats realize they do not control both houses of Congress.
New Day✔
.@johnberman: “Are you suggesting it’s possible you will never transmit the articles of impeachment [to the Senate]?”
Rep. Clyburn: “If it were me, yes, that’s what I’m saying.”
5:29 AM – Dec 19, 2019
Any idiot can see this isn’t about “overturning election results.” Every House Democrat voted to certify the 2016 election, despite the cloud of Russian interference hanging over it, and 99.9% of grassroots Democrats have accepted Trump’s presidency as legitimate, unlike Trumplicans who kept insisting in spite of hard evidence that Obama was born in Kenya and was an illegitimate president.
After all, Trump has been in office for three years. He’s been allowed to govern all that time, much of it with his own party in control of both houses of Congress, so any failure to legislate is his and his party’s alone.
And impeachment isn’t about “overturning” a previous election. Impeachment isn’t backward-looking, it’s forward-looking. It’s about Congress exercising authority it clearly has to fire a president for his conduct in office after he’s elected.
Pelosi held back the previously weak voices in her own party calling from Trump’s impeachment, until Trump himself forced her hand by engaging in behavior that created a tidal wave of support for firing him. As Stenny Hoyer said yesterday, “Democrats did not choose impeachment. We did not want this. President Trump’s misconduct has forced our constitutional republic to protect itself.”
This is basic civics. All the efforts in the world by Doctor Dumbfuck and other Putin/Trump propagandists to twist this into something else will resonate with dumbfucks who can’t recite the first three words of the Pledge of Allegiance but nobody else.
So save yourself the trouble and wasted pixels, Dumbfuck. That argument won’t wash here. We’re not third-graders like you and Trump’s other followers.
@117 Explain why Pelosi should play McConnell’s game according to his dictates. Describe which constitutional provisions, laws, or House rules she’s violating. Be specific. And don’t forget to fuck the horse. He’s horny and impatient, and being a jealous creature, he won’t understand your spending time here instead of with him in the barn.
Wherein Republicans pick up a key endorsement for their primary argument of Trump’s defense:
“Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his annual news conference Thursday that US President Donald Trump’s impeachment was based on ‘made-up reasons,’ and expressed doubts that Trump will be removed from power.”
By the way, I understand Mitch McConnell has a standing invitation to visit Moscow any time he likes. Personally, I think he’s too old to partake of the city’s attractions.
The way things are going over 100 GOP congressmen elected with Trump in 2016 won’t be returning to their jobs in 2021. A presently unquantifiable number of these may be serving jail terms instead.
Somehow that is a Democrat’s fault now.
When they aren’t raping, they’re crying.
I suppose that means they never have to go very far to grab a pussy. And that’s good. Because those Medicare mobility scooters have terrible batteries.
While president RapeFantasy screams his rage into a half-filled airplane hangar.
@ 118
Every House Democrat voted to certify the 2016 election…
This is basic civics.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, please explain to me what vote the House took that certified Trump’s election in 2016.
@124 Get a reading tutor. Your reading skills aren’t up to snuff, and in particular, your reading comprehension needs a lot of work. Seriously.
I didn’t say the House voted “in 2016” to certify the 2016 election. I said every House Democrat “voted to certify the 2016 election.” I didn’t mention a date. But if you really want to know, it was Jan. 6, 2017.
There’s your explanation. You truly are a dumbfuck.
Bot-farm troll here with an important lesson in basic civics.
Framer 1: “We should include a way for Congress to remove this national sovereign or “executive”, don’t you think?”
Framer 2: “Absolutely. But we should be careful. Will of the people, and all. They should only do it for a really good reason. How about if they can only do it for violating an enacted federal criminal statute?”
Framer 1: “Uhm… well… yeah, maybe. (checks his pocket copy of the 1787 USC) So then… it looks like they could impeach him if he printed his own money, whipped his horse in front of a church, abused his “franking” whatever that is, and… let’s see… ah, here it is, under-salted codfish sold into interstate commerce. And.. um… that’s it. No other federal criminal statutes exist so far.
Should we rethink that maybe?”
Framer 2: “Grab ’em by the pussy!”
Here endeth the lesson.
We don’t call him “The Smartest Trailerbilly in the Park” for nothing. And yet it hasn’t helped him get any better.
@126 I was about to reply to your comment with “We don’t call him “Dumbfuck” for nothing” and then I saw @127. To funny!
Him, looks like Billy Graham’s rag has yearnings for a President Pence.
“Trump Should Be Removed from Office”
“It’s time to say what we said 20 years ago when a president’s character was revealed for what it was.”
“None of the president’s positives can balance the moral and political danger we face under a leader of such grossly immoral character.”
“That he should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments.”
If they think the orange moron is grossly immoral, they should get a load of Doctor Dumbfuck.
Speaks for itself.
“Statement of the Chairman and Ranking Member of the Committee on Ethics Regarding Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers”
“The extensive record compiled by the Committee in this matter demonstrates that the offices of Representative Rodgers frequently exhibited an indifference to the laws, rules and
regulations relating to the use of official and unofficial resources. This indifference led to myriad instances of resources being used inappropriately. While in some of those instances, the misuse appeared to be a minor deviation from expected conduct, at other times the impropriety was more severe. Taken as a whole, the abuses reviewed by the Committee add up to a concerning pattern over the course of more than five years.”
It was revealed in the first week of October, 2016.
He said he was a rapist.
We checked with him.
At first he denied it.
Then he admitted that those were his own true words.
63 million Republicans, including Graham, voted for him anyway.
Graham may be a bigger hypocrite than most Republicans. But he’s no less a Piece of Shit than Every Republican You Know.
What happens if the evangelicals have had enough?
Christianity Today, the largest circulation magazine of American Evangelists is out.
I guess you can only brag about so many rapes, affairs, divorces, sex with porn stars, lust for preteens, kill so many migrant children and suggest Arlington buried veteran lawmakers are burning in hell before actual Christians say, “Yeah, you’re a little too extra.”
@126 All the troll doctor is doing there is repeating a bullshit GOP talking point. You and I and most 7th graders know that no crime is required. For example, laziness is not a crime, but does anyone doubt that a president could be impeached and removed from office for refusing to show up for work and neglecting his duties?
The real point here is that the troll doctor doesn’t have anything but GOP talking points. Zero original thought or independent thinking went into that, or his other post-impeachment comments. He’s simply copying and pasting from Fox News.
Or maybe the horse is doing it at his behest. You know how that works: “Horse, I want a favor from you.” Thus, maybe the best explanation of the doctor’s post-impeachment trolling is that he has delegated that task to the horse while he messes with the goat behind the barn.
After all, this looks like something a horse would post.
So where did Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron get the idea in their heads that it was Ukraine and not Russia who interfered in our election in 2016?
“‘Putin told me’: Former White House officials say Russian president convinced Trump of Ukraine conspiracy theory”
Doctor, for my part, I believe you two are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet and traitors.
This isn’t news to Bob because he was there that day sniffing their balls.
Everybody wants to discover signals out there in the wild to indicate how the Trump impeachment is playing out among voters. And I think the truth is the House did what it had to reluctantly, while accepting that it might come at some electoral cost. But also hoping that it might deliver some benefit. It’s just that right now it’s way too early to know. But still there are signals.
Compare Van Drew with Amash.
Amash was a FREEEDUMB caucus member. So it’s hard to find a member of the House more ideologically conservative. But also not a Trumper. And not afraid to say so either. Still, about the only times Amash took votes defying the party was when he thought to negotiated bill was too fucking liberal. But in the end, because he wasn’t a Trumper the GOP kicked him out of the caucus. Technically he’s still a Republican in terms of brand. But they’ve stripped him of staff, room office assignments, seniority, and all other party privileges. He is not a Democrat and never will be. And yet the leadership is really considering him to run impeachment for House in the Senate trial. And he is being met with lots of vocal support from back in his district.
Meanwhile Van Drew is a frosh “moderate” Dem who voted with the party 93% and still enjoyed broad backing in a district that went for Trump. But as soon as he started talking about voting against impeachment his district support collapsed and most of his staff told him they would quit. And so upon seeing that, he decides to double down and threaten to switch parties as a way to gain leverage. Which obviously did not work out the way he expected. The point is if impeachment were truly as “partisan” and as “divisive” and “unpopular” as the White House Yes-Men are repeating over and over and over again, why would just a threat to vote against it destroy his base of support? Now his only chance of survival in his seat depends upon switching parties and publicly washing Trump’s anus with his tongue.
Those are not encouraging signals for either House or Senate Republicans. And that’s only the latest in a long, long line of increasingly bad signals for Republicans coming from the voters. Going down fighting is still going down.
Russia has a gun problem, too:
“A gunman opened fire at the headquarters of Russia’s Federal Security Service in central Moscow on Thursday, killing at least one FSB agent and seriously injuring several others ….”
“Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard defended her decision to vote ‘present’ during the House’s formal impeachment vote against President Donald Trump, saying Thursday that her vote was an ‘active protest’ against the ‘terrible fallout of this zero sum mindset’ between the two political parties. … ‘There’s no winning here. Everyone is losing. Our country is losing,’ Gabbard said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Sure sounds to me like someone who can’t make tough decisions, doesn’t recognize when the Constitution and our democracy needed to be defended, or how to keep us from losing even more. I hate to think what would happen if she were commander in chief when North Korea attacked a U.S. Navy ship or Russia invaded the rest of Ukraine.
Even senior citizens in assisted living aren’t safe. Too many guns. Too many wrong hands. Too easy for guns to fall into wrong hands.
@136 “Those are not encouraging signals for either House or Senate Republicans.”
And that was before the magazine that speaks for Billy Graham Ministries announced they’ve had enough of Trump’s “moral deficiencies.”
If Trump loses the evangelicals …
@103 Pooty’s playing to the dotard’s ego and Trump’s too dumb to know it.
“Vlad’s one of the few people in power who sees my brilliance”
I think the Hetero Dem candidates have it out for the gay guy.
They talk about The Hump using a wedge between Americans, they used a wedge this evening to divide Pete as the gay misogynistic gay guy.
So today’s GOP talking point, different from last night’s talking point, is if they need new witnesses they didn’t prove the case.
A lot of these folks are lawyers so they are playing the base for stupid. (well duh, a lot of the base is stupid).
In courtroom terms, Donald just got indicted. The GOP and their willing propagandists would have you believe that nothing that wasn’t presented to secure the indictment is admissible. Yep, that’s even how it works on Law & Order. Once charges have been filed the police and prosecutors stop looking to improve the case. tchonk tchonk!
They’re going after the gay guy….candidates and the Press……that’s a shame.
What a shame….I may have to vote for The Hump. More attacks on the Gay guy.
What a shame. Can’t say it enough, how ashamed I am of these fucks.
Klobuchar talking about a wide tent…..but she’s fucking over the gay guy.
he menitoned me by name, he mentioned me by name…..well they’ve all been mentioning him by name.
Good luck Dems – your all fucked.
@143 Well, they’re sitting on the witnesses, so if they feel they haven’t heard enough testimony yet, they know what to do.
He said he was a rapist.
And now you say you “may have to” vote for him.
I can live with that if you can.
Here come the attacks on Pete…he’s speaking
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you chosen to side with the oppressor.” – Desmond Tutu
“…Present” – Tulsi Gabbord
He didn’t rape me, but I fell like the 6 candidates on stage just raped me.
Like the 6 on stage – I’d say they are even further from neutral and closer to oppressors, after this evening.
@150 You think he won’t be attacked as president? What his fellow Democrats are doing to him now is mild compared to what Republicans will do to him if he becomes the nominee. A presidential campaign is a boot camp for future presidents. If he can’t take it at this stage, he shouldn’t go further. That, of course, applies to all the candidates. The last thing we need is another thin-skinned, jelly-spined president like the current occupant.
Was it Klobuchar who brought up a nightclub with no woman….yeah, it’s called a gay night club. I suppose she doesn’t like or think a gay night club is ok. Nor does she realize that last weekend the club I went to sucked because it had too many woman.
Then you had Wang talk about Misogyny right after a bunch of attacks on Pete, right to the left of him.
This debate is a disaster.
They talk about bridges, wide tents….but they broke some bridges tonight.
@154 He’s taking it, and I have no doubt he can take it. That’s not the issue. The issue is how low the others will go, and I thought better of Dems. I was well aware before this evening, that it would be coming, I just didn’t think they subtle gay remarks would be coming from Dems.
And you know as well as I do, what they are doing tonight is a stage came, to turn peoples minds, I just thought or expected better from them to go after his sexual orientation in the subtle way that they did.
Amy Klobuchar had the best answer to the “forgiveness or gift” question. She also spewed the most off-putting jibe of the night (against Buttigieg). The two are connected.
@151 about a year ago I told a friend and a personal trainer of mine who is of Turkish decent, and a Muslim.
We were talking about Trump and his immigration policy targeting Muslims in a discrimination context. And The Humps discrimination in general, such as toward gay people. My trainer, whom I consider more of a friend now then I did then, somewhat argued points regarding sexual orientation that I disagreed with him on.
And I told him. You can’t allow any discrimination (be neutral) towards anyone – race, color, religion, sexual orientation, etc.. Because I said if you do discriminate one, then you open the door to have discrimination for all, and become an oppressor.
Your call.
Nobody is being raped. They’re debating their support and funding. And Pete gave as good as he got. Can’t handle having your base of funding questioned? Don’t bring it up. Sensitive about doing most of your fundraising among the wealthy? Then you can’t afford to mock them either.
Bit if you and Pete make total agreement and obedience to you the price of your loyalty as Americans then we’ll get by without both of you.
@160 not speaking of the Warren attack on him regrading the Cave. But if you want to focus on that because you want to ignore any other subtle attacks of his sexual orientation then keep you head buried in the sand.
Even the press, and Bob, they talk about the minority voters and the lack of diversity among the Dem Candidates……well they still have 2 women, and Asian and A GAY GUY. Can’t get much more diverse, unless you want to leave him out, purposely or out of ignorance.
And I think you have a typo….But, not Bit
So subtle that you appear to be the only living soul to have noticed them.
I think you’re are making a big mistake here, if you decide to support Trump. You really can’t come back from something like that.
@162 scared you though. Something you should consider.
Go back and watch where the are asked the question about woman and Amy’s response. About a bar full of men being bad. Kind of sexual in nature. No? And why would a bar full of men be bad when one of the men you are generally attacking is a gay man. Now, I don’t know or forget your sexual orientation but a heterosexual bar that is 50/50 women/male of heterosexual sucks too. I think Amy subtly and subconsciously knew what she was doing.
And the not much later they go to Wang and he talks about misogyny, that was no coincidence. Replay the tape maybe you’ll notice, just before Mayor Pete has to remind people how being gay wasn’t easy in life either. Which I’m sure didn’t go over to well with the Heteros. But I’m sure other gay men felt the “rape” that I felt. But I’m sure The Straights feel differently.
Please dude, your a bigger bullshitter than Bob, when it comes to reality and accepting opposed views.
@ 163
QoS McHillbilly, I think you’re a bigger bullshitter than I am, too.
Impeachment is a big, fat SQUIRREL!
While y’all libbies were chasing that acorn,
Mike Davis
The Senate confirmed 12 district judges today, bringing President @realDonaldTrump to 187 Article III judges:
– Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
– All-time record 50 circuits
– 133 districts
– 2 int’l trade court
Unimpeachable Success.@Article3Project’s
1:28 PM – Dec 19, 2019
Klobuchar is right about doing something before he starts his 5th year of remaking the judiciary. But she’ll be far, far too late.
@ 144
They’re going after the gay guy….candidates and the Press……that’s a shame.
There was a debate question about Jussie Smollett?
gman would die a happy man if he knew he could be reincarnated as Mayor Pete’s personal gerbil.
Red @ 151
“…Present” – Tulsi Gabbord
Red, you probably did not know that young Barack voted “Present” more than a hundred times during his legislative career.
Q: How many times did Obama vote ‘present’ as a state senator?
A: He did so 129 times, which represents a little more than 3 percent of his total votes.
It’s a way of risk avoidance. Kind of like you, Red, when you attack me from the safety of your 19-odd similar minded HA libbies. So brave, Red.
The New York Times (Dec. 20, 2007): In Illinois, political experts say voting present is a relatively common way for lawmakers to express disapproval of a measure. It can at times help avoid running the risks of voting no, they add. “If you are worried about your next election, the present vote gives you political cover,” said Kent D. Redfield, a professor of political studies at the University of Illinois at Springfield. “This is an option that does not exist [in] every state and reflects Illinois political culture.”
Red’s response: “That’s different because Shut Up.”
@163 “heterosexual bar that is 50/50 women/male of heterosexual sucks too”
A heterosexual bar that is 100/0 male/female sucks even worse.
Senator Barack Obama went on to run for President as a Democrat, win the nomination and win the office.
Rep. Gabbard is using the Democratic nomination contest as a way to launch an independent campaign.
With no intention of winning the office.
One of them avoided risk in a strategic way to advance himself and his political career.
The other avoided risk in a strategic way for reasons no American citizen could possibly name.
@164 I think he’s wrong. At least about that. But Trump is a bigger bullshitter than you, for whatever small comfort you may find in it.
@167 You won’t be that lucky. You’re going to be reincarnated as yourself.
@168 How many of those 129 times did he vote “present” on the impeachment of a president “accused of corruptly using the levers of government to solicit election assistance from Ukraine in the form of investigations to discredit his Democratic political rivals” or anything similar? (Quote from Seattle Times)
Not all votes are the same, doc. Some change the course of history. Others just raise utility rates or ban roosters within the city limits. This one wasn’t a rooster vote.
“but she’s fucking over the gay guy”
Pete is leading the latest Iowa and New Hampshire polls. This “wine cave” thing has given his opponents an opening. I believe that’s why they’re attacking him. It’s politics, they’re debating, all of them are trying to win. I don’t see any attacks on anybody’s minority status – sexual orientation, color, gender or whatever.
It’s open season on rich white guys, though, and just as I’m starting to like and respect Tom Steyer as a person, possibly even as a presidential candidate.
“Kind of like you, Red, when you attack me from the safety of your 19-odd similar minded HA libbies. So brave, Red. ”
Heh. I know had muster some courage to troll over at (u)SP. So brave of me.
So now you, after only 1/2 hour after the debate, apparently knows what every living soul is feeling. Don’t be so full of yourself.
And people want to take what I’m saying with respect to the Cave discussion, that is not what I’m basing my opinion or statements upon.
Blind? Or do you just not choose to?
Fielding questions about age, and sex were attacks in themselves. If a job interviewer asked those questions there would be a lawsuit. And so you want to pretend that ther were no subtle jabs regarding Pete’s orientation, I get it.
Maybe the following question at one of the next debates should be asked: Candidates do you feel a gay person is qualified to be a President? See what kind of response you get. And I’m not suggesting you would get any homophobic responses – figure it out.
Bob, you are the Gerbil stuck in Putin’s Ass Cave, and you refuse to come out.
@ 177
Blind? Or do you just not choose to?
When all y’all got is a hammer, gman…
I thought Mayor Pete handled himself quite well last night. Some of his lines clearly were rehearsed but he got the better of Fauxchahontas. She should have known not to go there but she’s in freefall right now, and last night did nothing to stop that.
The YouGov/Economist poll has Trump over Mayor Pete, 59-18.
I guess it’s polls going after @ 144 the gay guy now, gman. Candidates, press, and now people some of whom actually vote.
The unfairness of it all. Mayor Pete should be installed as president without an election. That’s the hallmark of a true democratic society. It’s the gay guy’s turn.
I met this lovely young woman at a pre-Thanksgiving event. She just turned 35. Already she’s president of her son’s school’s PTA and she might run for Langley City Council.
I think she’d make a good president and should launch a write-in campaign.
Klobuchar repeatedly dinged Buttigieg as “mayor,” noting that he lost his only statewide campaign in Indiana as well as his bid to become the Democratic National Committee chairman.
“I have not denigrated your experience as a local official. I have been one,” Klobuchar said. “I just think you should respect our experience when you look at how you evaluate someone who can get things done.”
Buttigieg responded: “You actually did denigrate my experience, senator.”’
Thoughts on the matter, gman? Too hetero for y’all? I mean, this woman has some serious limitations. For one, her son’s gerbil is in a cage on his dresser and that gerbil has never seen the inside of a gay man’s rectum. So, the chick’s clearly inexperienced in the ways of the world.
Veep, maybe. Just for the first year.
Whaddya think, gman?
Admit it. Every single one of y’all libbie fucks would feel better if Klobuchar was at least in the Veep slot.
Okay. So apparently calling for rounding up all non-christian, non-conforming males into compounds and gassing them is just a bridge too far for some Republicans:
But still cool with rape. So that’s nice.
Jeff Flake said a majority of GOP senators would vote to remove Trump if it was a secret ballot.
Which is silly, ’cause it’s not.
What is a secret ballot is the general election.
Overall, 76% rate economic conditions in the US today as very or somewhat good, significantly more than those who said so at this time last year (67%). This is the highest share to say the economy is good since February 2001, when 80% said so.
Which is why Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit will vote to re-elect him.
@ 184
An unrepentant domestic terrorist gave Obama his start and may have ghost-written his early books.
Google ‘weather underground obama’.
Other than that, y’all were fine with Ed Mole until the evidence became impossible to dispute.
That having been said, I’m OK replacing Shea with someone else who will vote the same way.
Good for you guys. Really. Well done.
I’m saying it’s a good thing that once you learned that one of your elected lawmakers had been planning and organizing violent attacks targeting your fellow citizens and government employees as well as promoting plans to slaughter huge numbers of your fellow citizens you took away his committee privileges.
And sent him a mean letter.
Nicely done. Now you walk with God… the “rapey” God at least.
@ 187
And sent him a mean letter.
The House GOP leader called for Shea to step down. Just heard it on KUOW. That’s the ‘mean letter’?
Hey gman, check out Goldy’s Twitter sidebar and read what his friends have written about Mayor Pete.
Goldy’s friends think Mayor Pete is a fag, gman. In laughing at Mayor Pete, they’re laughing at y’all, too.