I am glad that the House of Representatives is going to impeach President Trump. There are so many impeachable crimes that he has committed, boiling it down to just a couple articles. It leaves a lot off the table. Still. Thanks to all of the people voting for it.
Harvey Weinstein at least did it privately.
Homelessness Agency Director Suspended, Investigation Launched After Racy Drag Show at Annual Conference
Y’all HA libbies wanna be taken seriously? Stop acting like YLB in public.
GE goes ex-dividend in 7 days. Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is gleefully anticipating taking the check for $2.00 to the bank that his 200 shares will provide him.
Tilting at windmills again, I see.
19 years ago Al Gore, Jr., was unable to carry the state of Tennessee. The state he served as US senator, and which his father served as US senator.
The people who knew him best went with George W. Bush.
Had Al Gore, Jr. been able to carry his home state, he would have been president.
Greg Stohr
Verified account
19 years ago today the Supreme Court decided Bush v. Gore.
https://www.law.cornell.edu/supct/html/00-949.ZPC.html …
6:44 AM – 12 Dec 2019
Gore, Kerry, Hillary. Democrats, when you run awful candidates, bad things happen.
Hey, look! There’s Liz Warren! Yay! She’s so fun!
Ya know what else won’t change? YLB’s kids will find themselves in an ever-deepening hole as they fund my retirement.
“We know that one Democratic candidate walked into a room of wealthy donors this year to promise that ‘nothing would fundamentally change’ if he’s president.”
Said Elizabeth Warren yesterday, quoted in “The left’s nightmare scenario is looking more believable” (WaPo). She was referring to Biden. She continued, referring to another candidate, but WaPo doesn’t say who: “We know that another calls the people who raise a quarter-million dollars for him his ‘National Investors Circle,’ and he offers them regular phone calls and special access. When a candidate brags about how beholden he feels to a group of wealthy investors, our democracy is in serious trouble.”
I looked it up: She was referring to Buttigieg.
gman wants Mayor Pete. Beyond the cock thing he can’t formulate an explanation for his choice, but beyond the cock thing gman can’t string three words into a sentence.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and President Donald Trump clinched their 50th circuit court judge in just three years on Wednesday, only five short of President Barack Obama’s record over an eight-year period. And McConnell isn’t done yet.
With the holiday recess looming, there isn’t time to confirm all 18 nominees without cooperation from the Democrats — who are loath to strike a deal with the man who’s been steamrolling them on judges in the five years since he became majority leader.
But Republicans are ready to get tough: Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.), McConnell’s top deputy, says if Democrats agree to confirm the judges quickly, they’ll get their judicial picks in blue states like Connecticut, Illinois and New York, the home state of Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. But if Democrats resist, all bets are off.
Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, I cannot thank you enough.
Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, please blow up the Democrat primary system by announcing you’re up for a threepeat.
Figures the Trolls are the first to check in, with nothing to say. They serve no purpose in life.
If Hillary does not run it will be because she and Bill decide they have stolen enough.
@1 what do you do – is the first thing you do every morning is to log on and do a search for “In Drag”? Are the real current events too much for you that you’d rather not read about them
Is that how you also determined when to retire?
You should listen to Tom Tom’s advice.
It’s too bad that The Hump and the rest of The Hump’s aren’t going to do the same.
And you are ok with that. You sick mother fucker.
Run along now Bob, before you wet your pants again.
No, he is a tilted windmill. Get a fucking clue deuchbag
And you probably wish you had a cock like Mayor Pete’s.
You never asked. Maybe if you asked you’d get a response. Regardless, you’d never accept any response because your just a TROLL, so go fuck yourself.
“so go fuck yourself”
those were 4 words, you Horse Fucking Troll.
@5 how do you even know if I find him attractive. If you think I think he’s attractive, then you must feel he’s attractive. And you got his cock on your mind……what’s that say about you Bob. It’s 2019, it’s about time you let the wife know, if you haven’t already or if she hasn’t figured it out for herself. You don’t want her to find out from the Horse.
The only way you can prove that you have a bigger and better cock is to do one thing…..
Maybe Bob’s preference is Yang’s cock? Wait one minute……It’s Putin and Putin’s horse’s cock that Bob prefers, I should have known.
I bet when playing baseball, Bob’s idea of hitting balls had a different meaning.
The Democrats have acted with great restraint. They are impeaching Trump only for his most egregious behavior, that which threatens our very framework of government. The Republicans will now demonstrate they are eager to defend a rogue president and their partisan interests, but are unwilling to defend the Constitution and rule of law. This is for the history books, and for history to judge.
@1 “Y’all HA libbies wanna be taken seriously?”
Something you’ll never be. Envious?
@2 You’re still waiting for your Varian dividend check.
By the way, the DJIA is up all of 12 points after Trump announced his “amazing” trade deal with China. Can we taxpayers stop bailing out the farmers now, so they’ll keep voting for him? Only a few of them, it seems.
That’s too tough a question to pose to a failed doctor turned radiologist/tilted windmill.
@3 If that’s what you call defending the Constitution and our democracy, yes. And how should we describe someone who calls that “tilting at windmills”? I have a suggestion: https://tinyurl.com/tm7rz3c
@ 21
By the way, the DJIA is up all of 12 points after Trump announced his “amazing” trade deal with China.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there was a DJIA spike of about 270 points yesterday, when the deal was announced.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. The market is reacting today about things you’ll learn about tomorrow, when you and your catheters drag yourselves to the library to read today’s issue of Barron’s.
One more reason for your physical library visit is that it gives your family a chance to air out your stinking dwelling.
@7 Yeah, the dumbfuck doc is on steroids this morning, celebrating Trump’s becoming the 4th president in history to have impeachment articles referred to the full House. It’s not easy for a horse to keep a human out of the medicine cabinet.
@22 Yeah, it requires math skills, and he doesn’t have any. He can’t even figure out I made a profit on the GE stock I bought for $6 and sold for $18.
@24 “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, there was a DJIA spike of about 270 points yesterday, when the deal was announced.”
That’s right, with Trump the anticipation is always better than the realization, but you can’t figure that out either.
Apple Computer shares are at an all-time high today.
I remember doing a review of my portfolio, looking at my 200 shares of Apple, which hadn’t gone anywhere in, like, the 8-10 years I had owned them. So I sold them. Within the month the CEO, John Sculley, held a press conference to introduce the first iPod.
Oh, well.
Fortunately, about six months later I discovered 100 shares of Apple I had forgotten I owned, in a retirement account. After a stock split some years later, they are now 700 shares.
Life could be worse. For instance, I could be Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, trying to persuade y’all HA libbies that a 12-point DJIA gain following on the previous day’s spike isn’t a good thing.
@ 27
That’s right, with Trump the anticipation is always better than the realization, but you can’t figure that out either.
No one ever thought to “Buy on the rumor. Sell on the news.” until Trump became president, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
First Rule Of Holes.
@28 Don’t feel bad. I should’ve bought more shares of Starbucks back in the 1990s. We all make mistakes. But at least I still have those shares. The annual dividends are now worth more than I paid for the stock. That’s what can happen when a stock goes up like crazy and keeps raising its dividend rapidly.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s GE shares fell by one-fourth within weeks after he recommended the stock to others. Within months GE slashed its dividend more than 90%.
You hurt your family, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Not something to be taking a victory lap over; rather, something that should be causing you embarrassment and shame.
Rog, 12 points? What a miserable fuck that Hump is. Couldn’t even grab pussy without his money.
nothing like when they find out you fuck a horse and live as a Troll.
Thanks for the material Bob….it makes me a better person….seriously. Just like the nightly shows are experiencing with The Hump as President. Another 4-5 years, or even more, will be fun!
Not to mention that the earth will be closer to it’s demise!
Ok – got work to do for now – see ya.
@29 Let’s talk about holes. The 1929 stock market crash, and the Great Depression that followed, happened on the Republicans’ watch. So did the 1970s stagflation, the 1980s S&L crisis, and the 2007-2008 financial crisis. You guys can’t manage shit.
Now, I’m not above making money from Trump’s pandering to corporations at the expense of workers and the environment, after all I’m a capitalist which means I don’t work for a living, but for my liberal friends grounded in reality who want to protect their IRAs and 401(k)s, here’s what things look like on the ground right now:
(1) Trump has failed to achieve economic growth above trendline.
(2) Federal Reserve stimulus has inflated the value of financial assets and is responsible for most of the stock gains of the last 10 years.
(3) The stock market continues to react to Fed policy far more than anything else.
(4) The Fed has been goosing the stock market all this year with interest rate cuts and balance sheet expansion (which some are calling “QE4”. If you don’t know what QE is, ask, and I’ll be happy to explain).
(5) Stock valuations are high.
(6) Those predicting a continuing market climb next year are basing this on expectations of multiple expansion (higher P/Es), not profit growth. Profit growth is slowing.
(7) Everyone in the investment universe knows the economy is slowing and corporate profit growth is, too; i.e., there’s no fundamental reason for stocks to go higher.
(8) But they could in the short term; in fact, the Street consensus is they will. How can this be? Well, the historical correlation between the stock market and the economy is so weak it’s almost nonexistent. Momentum and psychology are driving it. This is useful for traders, but not for long-term investors, because over the long haul stock valuations are driven by earnings. Relevant to people saving for retirement is that there’s no mathematical reason to be buying stocks right now.
(9) Ray Dalio, the founder and manager of the world’s largest hedge fund, has just bet over $1 billion in the options market on a stock market correction within the next 3 months.
Any questions?
@32 That was an hour ago. It’s up 5 points now.
Yawn. I’ve bet on a market correction as well. It’s called selling covered calls and raising cash levels. Not rocket science.
The Republicans’ miserable performance in this constitutional crisis simply illustrates what an inferior species you humans are. This is pretty normal for your tribes. True, a majority of you in this country are better than this, but that isn’t worth much, because it doesn’t take a majority of humans to inflict misery on the world. Hitler never won the votes of more than about a third of the German people, but that was enough for him to do his damage. We see echoes of the inability of human majorities to control their own destiny in places like Wisconsin, where 54% of you voted for Democrats in your local Assembly races, but Republicans ended up with two-thirds of the Assembly seats. It’s similar in Pennsylvania and other places. And that’s the best you’ve been able to do under a system based on democratic elections. And there’s your history to consider, too; before the Constitution was devised, you had a long sorry history of being ruled by kings, whom you believed were divinely appointed. The bottom line is humans can’t be trusted to govern themselves, much less the rest of us. We rabbits don’t have a problem like this. We’ve never produced a Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim Jung Un, Trump, Mitch McConnell, Duncan Hunter, or Doctor Dumbfuck. Have you ever heard of a rabbit who became a bloody dictator? No. You should let us run things. Everyone will be better off, including your species.
@37 Have I ever said it’s rocket science? No, you’re not paying attention. I’ve repeatedly posted that even children can do this. Heck, even you can do it, if you want to, and that’s all the proof anyone needs that it doesn’t require brains.
Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t like our other trolls. He’s not a gullible fool who falls for lies and conspiracy theories. Cynical and unprincipled, he’s riding the Trump train right now, but he’ll know when to jump off. The others — PI, Tom, David, etc. — will ride it into the washout, and then we’ll hear their pitiful cries coming from the wreckage.
Not only are they traitors, Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron are really fucked up in the head.
“Trump Campaign Posts Bizarre Photo Edit Of Trump’s Face On Greta Thunberg’s Body”
Although I suppose it’s a hell of a lot more realistic to have his head on a girl’s body than Stallone’s.
One can only imagine – 2 or 3 years from now when this Country is in a locked down state, after The Hump of a Snowflake instates Military Rule because he can’t take being ridiculed so much on the nightly shows, that Bob will then be telling us……”See, this is how you get more Nazism”.
Good thing the Clove didn’t fit….otherwise OJ would be saying………see bitches this is how you get more knives.
@41 Man, talk about childish jealousy. Elementary school playgrounds have nothing on this crowd.
I’m pretty happy I never jumped on the Mayor Pete wagon…
What’s your health care plan?
A convicted killer’s family raised over $25,000 for defeated GOP Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin’s re-election campaign. Yesterday, Bevin pardoned him.
2020 Ad.
“How do you feel about a Governor pardoning a convicted murderer for a $25,000 donation?”
Mitch McConnell on Matt Bevin 2019 “ He had a good four years, and I’m awfully proud”
“What about a governor that pardoned a convicted child rapist after he lost reelection?”
Mitch McConnell on Matt Bevin 2019 “ He had a good four years, and I’m awfully proud”
Jerry Nadler ends last night’s impeachment debate and GOP Rep. Doug Collins shits himself in response.
@47 Yeah, the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee were pissed about having to reconvene this morning because they all had more important things on their schedule than voting to impeach a President of the United States of their party for official misconduct. Like having a second cup of coffee in the cafeteria.
As Rolling Stone said, we are witnessing “the complete moral collapse of the Republican Party.”
They did have a point, though. Thinking about it overnight didn’t stir their consciences. Not one of them voted to hold this president accountable for one of the most serious abuses of power in our nation’s history — or the unprecedent coverup and obstruction that followed.
Remember Clint Eastwood’s widely mocked “empty chair” routine at the 2012 GOP convention? Well, Eastwood has fallen on his ass again. Critics are slamming his new movie, “Richard Jewell,” for falsely portraying a real-life reporter as trading sex with an FBI agent for tips. Everyone who knew the reporter says that’s bullshit. Beyond that, it’s also a mean-spirited stereotype of the news profession. Eastwood, whose politics run libertarian, is full of crap and always has been.
Eastwood reportedly didn’t finish high school. He applied for admission to Seattle University but was drafted for the Korean War. Mr. Tough Guy served his enlistment as a lifeguard at Fort Ord and never went overseas.
“The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to hear President Donald Trump’s appeals in three separate cases to prevent his financial records, including tax returns, being handed over to Democratic-led House of Representatives committees and a New York prosecutor.”
For the ten-millionth time, I am not a Republican or a Democrat.
As for trolls, have Carl count the number of posts i’ve made in the past year or so. Then do the same for the number you’ve made over the same time period. Who is REALLY the troll, rodent?
+25.62% for the period January 1, 2018 through December 13, 2019.
1. Mom wasn’t involved/
2. No second job required.
He’s not remotely Libertardian.
He’s nothing but a Trumper who enjoys narcotics. In every single other respect he is bog-standard Republican.
Beats the wife/girlfriend: check.
Cheats on the wife/girlfriend: check.
Won’t support his kids: check.
Cheats on his taxes: check.
Wants more wars: check.
Scared to death of “The Blacks”: check.
Scared to death of “The gays”: check.
Scared to death of “The Vagina”: check.
Dude’s a walking Rorschach test revealing the id of Republicanism. If he’s not a Republican nobody in Hollywood is.
Dr. Dumbfuck hates GE so much not because of their stock, but because their advanced medical equipment could do a better job at detecting cancer and other medical maladies much better than he could ever do. It is probably their machines that put him out to pasture, much to the disdain of his barnyard animals.
Not much you can do with people so deeply in denial they can’t even grasp simple facts, except vote them out of office. Arizona 8th District voters have a job to do next November. It’s a competitive district, so that’s doable.
@54 I think you nailed it.
@51 “For the ten-millionth time, I am not a Republican or a Democrat.”
No, you’re just somebody who won’t criticize Trump for anything he does, and that makes you fair game on a liberal blog. The fact you’re not one of us makes you a troll.
It doesn’t take all that much to become a troll. Here, “troll” isn’t defined by the amount you post. A single post can make you a troll, while a liberal propagandist and Democratic party hack who has posted a quarter million comments isn’t a troll, at least not on HA, because this is a liberal blog. I would be a troll on, say, Free Republic, but I lasted exactly 45 seconds and 1 comment on that blog before being banned for “trolling” — that’s what they accused me of when imposing that sentence. You should be glad that Goldy doesn’t ban trolls, because you wouldn’t be posting here if he did; as a matter of fact, we the denizens of the HA cesspool welcome trolls, because you can’t play hockey without a hockey puck, and we go through a lot of pucks. They have a way of disappearing after a couple weeks of being in the game. You come here choosing to be the puck.
@52 So what? I’ve made six figures this year without lifting a paw. My total take from all sources is over $300K since Jan. 1. You don’t see me working in an Amazon warehouse for $10 an hour. I don’t work at all. Working sucks. I’m 100% a capitalist.
More proof that Trumpers aren’t civilized.
Not to be overlooked: A cascade of major newspaper editorials calling for Trump to be impeached. Some of those editorial boards are reversing their prior position on the issue.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Some people still read newspapers (no, not you, Dumbfuck), and some of those readers are persuaded by editorials. This is something that could move the needle.
Kentucky. Again. The blowback from Bevin is growing.
Kentucky man impersonating cop breaks down door, shoots and kills homeowner in botched robbery. Gets convicted and imprisoned.
His family holds a $21,000 fundraiser for Republican Gov Matt Bevin, personally contribute another $4,000.
Bevin pardons killer.
The Republican state Senate president has condemned Bevin’s pardons and wants U.S. DOJ to investigate.
“The Senate Republican Majority condemns his actions as a travesty and perversion of justice,” Stivers said.
Bevin goes on 20 tweet obfuscate…
“ America is a nation that was established with an understanding and support for redemption and second chances…
17/20: Not one person receiving a pardon would I not welcome as a co-worker, neighbor, or to sit beside me or any member of my family in a church pew or at a public event…
“It’s completely inappropriate. He had the power to do it.” (This is a quote that will get memes as impeachment trial starts)
Lexington Harald Leader front page full width headline…
“ Bevin pardons a KY man convicted of beheading a woman and stuffing her in a barrel”
@61 Looks like Bevin doesn’t intend to run for public office again.