A new restaurant has opened near me. I can’t speak to the quality of the food. But! I can speak to the music. Too goddam loud on the weekend. I could not get to sleep. Should I talk to someone in there? Should I complain to the city? Should I just use ear plugs?
PS this post makes me officially old.
If the House Judiciary committee wants to get involved in a battle of wits, their members shouldn’t show up to hearings unarmed.
@1 All politics is a battle of wits. That’s why when you elect a witless moron to the White House, you have to expect botched politics.
And botched foreign policy. And botched economic policy. And botched immigration policy. Etc., etc., ad nauseum. Every. Fucking. Day.
The presidency is not an entry-level job. It took entry-level voters to put Trump there. Now we have a witless administration that can’t do anything right.
Who would’ve predicted this? Well, just about everybody who wasn’t a Trump voter with his head up his ass.
Think of the silver lining, Carl. Every new restaurant makes Doctor “No Minimum Wage” Dumbfuck look like the dumbfuck he is.
Check city ordinances to see if they have a noise rule that covers this. If they do, complain to the city, although don’t hold your breath waiting for them to do anything about it.
If that doesn’t work, a consultation with a lawyer specializing in nuisance law might bear fruit. Sometimes all it takes is a letter from a lawyer to the offending party to get results.
Most business owners are scared shitless of lawyers, because they don’t understand how toothless city ordinances and enforcement divisions are about things like this.
Another possible strategy is revving a loud motorcycle outside their establishment when they’re playing overly loud music. If you don’t have a motorcycle, maybe you can borrow one from a friend. Or, better yet, hire a biker gang. For a couple hundred bucks you might be able to get 30 bikers cranking up their Harleys in the parking lot. And nobody is going to say anything. At least not to their faces.
I’ve got an idea….
Go in. Be nice. Welcome them to the neighborhood. Maybe eat there. Ask politely if they would mind turning the music down at the very least after 9pm?
Chances are they don’t realize it can be heard outside their walls.
@3&4 starts you off as the guy they are in a battle with when it’s possible they can work with you instead.
Bibi has according to vote count so far, lost. Likud is no longer the majority party.
Bibi is refusing to concede blaming the media ‘Fake News’ and biased election coverage even though Likud faces sanctions for Bibi’s illegal campaigning on election day.
I’m not a tin foil hat, Donald will try to seize the military and stay in power when he gets trounced guy but I fully expect the election results to be called into question every moment for the rest of his natural life whenever a camera is present.
His cult may get violent at times.
“His cult may get violent at times.”
His cult already gets violent, but it’ll likely get a lot worse no matter what scenario plays out.
Oh come on, Carl. Nextdoor.com is the place people are supposed to bitch about stuff like this. Make sure to include alarmist statements about homeless people, coyotes, airplane noise, smart meters, bicycle lanes and the city government’s great conspiracy to make it all worse.
Trump unveiled his gun violence strategy today: Kowtow to the NRA again and blame it on Beto O’Rourke.
If the GOP wish to see their heroes avoid criminal indictment they should not encourage them to admit to multiple counts of obstruction in a public forum under oath. Looking “witty” or “defiant” while doing so has never proven to be an effective criminal defense. Ask Al Capone or any number of other organized crime figures.
Public testimony given under oath is admissible in future proceedings.
So thanks. Sincerely.
PS, the offenses admitted to took place in the spring of 2017. The clock runs through spring of 2022. Don’t forget to vote for the EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE candidate.
Meanwhile, we saw something very interesting from the Federal Reserve today, just hours after the overnight repo market went bonkers, prompting CNBC to run an oh-so-scary headline that “Fed loses control of its own interest rate on day of big decision — ‘This just doesn’t look good’” — !!! (Be sure to sell all your stock, but only if you’re a dumbfuck … or PI.)
(Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/18/fed-loses-control-of-its-own-interest-rate-on-day-of-big-decision-this-just-doesnt-look-good.html)
The Fed cut its own interest rate, which it apparently still controls, by 1/4 point — exactly as Wall Street expected. No big deal, but I agree with the FOMC dissenters (there were several of them) who didn’t think it was a good idea.
But after the decision became known, it also became known that the votes aren’t there for more rate cuts. And Powell, while pledging the Fed will “never” resort to negative interest rates, threw out the possibility he will resort to QE in lieu of the further rate cuts he can’t get (and, it seems, doesn’t want) to keep the Trump economy with a tariff pillow over its head breathing.
The Fed’s doings today also suggest the FOMC is still more independent than Trump would prefer.*
(*This is a euphemism. See https://www.cnbc.com/2019/09/18/trump-says-powell-and-the-fed-fail-again-have-no-guts-no-sense-no-vision.html for details.)
In reality, the Fed has limited control over the economy, and presidents very little. A slowing domestic economy is already here, the global economy is slowing even more, and the Fed will struggle simply to avoid importing it. There’s a good chance Trump will eat a recession in his reelection year. Because free markets. Forces. All beyond Powell’s, the FOMC’s, and his control.
He should have been born in Russian. He should’ve been a communist. A Stalin presiding over a centrally planned economy. At least then he could say things are no worse than under the last Five Year Plan. And if anybody criticizes it, he could ship them off to the Gulag.
He probably daydreams about it.
@10 At least Capone was smart enough to try to bribe the judge. Lewandowski doesn’t have the brains of a carrier pigeon. He’s not smart enough to have gotten a job in Capone’s organization as a messenger boy.
Speaking of judges, this dude calling himself a “Democrat” got himself kicked off the bench for sporting a MAGA noose in his social media posts.
Not just for his term of office, but for life. And he’s only 29, so his exile is likely to last longer than Napoleon’s.
It’s probably just as well that municipal judges can’t mete out the death penalty. For, you know, riding a bike while black … or whatever.
Oh, and by the way, he shares the same name with a “fictional character from the Australian soap opera Neighbours.”
Wonder if it’s the same guy? Nah. No scriptwriter could’ve dreamed this guy up. Only real life produces idiots like him. He’ll probably get a job now as an instructor teaching correspondence legal classes, and Doctor Dumbfuck will be in his first class.
Houthis responsible for refinery strikes which result in minor damage.
House of Saud conveniently falsifies damage reports.
president NUKETHEHURRICANES! then blames the strikes on The Guys He Really Wants to Fight.
Lather. Rinse. Repeat.
Pretty much exactly how the Japanese tanker attack was done except that Japan could not get the shipping company to play along.
As long as the bloodthirsty warfare media continue to welcome the lies, the GOP will continue to A/B test this shit until they get the war they need.
Roger Rabbit Bumper Sticker
Get ’em while they last! Supplies limited! All the nerds on your block will be envious.
@11 So, Trump’s government racks up “Yuuuuuge” deficits (i. e. prints money) and the Fed cuts the rate at which it loans money to the banks who loan it to us ordinary folks for much, much more (i. e. prints more money), while we have a hiccup in the world’s petroleum supply, to which the above-mentioned government wants to start another war and rack up even bigger deficits. Sounds like a recipe for galloping inflation.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Diversity News- Vibrant Migrant Enhances Airplane Travel.
Possible terror ties in American Airlines sabotage case?
Prosecutors cited two factors in pushing for the continued jailing of Abdul-Majeed Maroud Ahmed Alani, a 60-year-old mechanic who was with American since 1988 and previously worked for Alaska Airlines: he has a brother in Iraq who may be involved with the Islamic State extremist group and has made statements about wishing harm on non-Muslims, according to the Miami Herald and the Associated Press.
Also reportedly found: Alani’s smart phone had a “disturbing” ISIS video on it that he shared and that he sent $700 to someone in Iraq, where he was born and has family.
Alani is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Iraq. He is not charged with a terror-related crime.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Liars News- Compulsive Liar Chinabucket Joe Biden-Einstein Lies About Iraq.
Joe Biden’s recent efforts to deny his record of support for invading Iraq are marvels of evasion, with falsehoods that have been refuted by one well-documented appraisal after another after another. This month, Biden claimed that his vote for war on the Senate floor was somehow not a vote for war. Ironically, while he was spinning anew to deny the undeniable, theaters nationwide began screening a movie that exposes the deceptive approach to the Iraq war that Biden exemplifies.
Biden — who played a pivotal role in the rush to war as chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee — proceeded as though people had no right to know. He excluded critical voices and key information from the committee’s high-profile hearings in mid-summer 2002, deceptively serving as the most important lawmaker ushering the war resolution to the Senate floor, where he voted for it in mid-October. The war began five months later. It has never ended.
But now, on the campaign trail, Biden is eager to scramble and rewrite history. He’s displaying the kind of disregard for facts that paved the way for the invasion of Iraq in the first place.
What’s going on in Seattle? North Korea drop a bomb there?
@ 16
Sounds like a recipe for galloping inflation.
Sounded the same way during the Obama administration.
1. Hasn’t happened yet.
2. What if it doesn’t?
Three documented instances, now, of Justin Trudeau appearing in blackface. That’s on top of him committing assault on a female MP.
NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, who made an emotional statement after the first photo was made public, weighed in on the new incidents involving Trudeau on Thursday morning.
Singh said it’s up to Canadians, not him, to decide whether to forgive the Liberal leader.
“I have to really point out what we’re seeing now is an ongoing pattern of behaviour that’s really going to hurt Canadians,” he said. “They’re going to see the prime minister mocking the realities that so many Canadians live with. And it is not a joke.”
Singh said he believes that this “pattern” is “proof of something that is real.”
Ironic, isn’t it, that the things alleged of Trump have been documented in Trudeau’s case, and yet Trudeau has been a darling of the US left for years.
@17 Nice work, Sherlock Holmes. Now run with that in court. I’m sure his brother’s ties will be admissible evidence of terroristicl intent on his part. Or not.
Somehow I have a feeling you’re not an experienced federal prosecutor.
@21 This morning’s Huffington Post headline reads:
“Trudeau Train Wreck: A Blackface Video, Too!”
That doesn’t look like a free pass to me.
Who knows what a Dumbfuck blathers about?
The Canadian media are all front page, above the fold with these stories. All are describing this as crippling to his campaign.
I think Teh Dumbfuck just needed some reason to drain his spleen after realizing that his support for treason was finally being exposed to light.
“I think Teh Dumbfuck just needed some reason to drain his spleen after realizing that his support for treason was finally being exposed to light.”
I can see why the doctor would rather not talk about his treason being exposed. So the big story for Doctor Dumbfuck today is, of course, Justin Trudeau in blackface.
Maybe the reason Dumbfuck wants to talk about a Canadian Politician is because things aren’t going well?
The so-called “liberal” media (e.g., CNN, NBC, ABC, Huffington Post, etc.) are headlining Justin Trudeau’s racism, but I don’t see a thing on Fox News about it.
I think Doctor Dumbfuck’s head got stuck in the oat bag. I think he now believes he’s a horse.
It’s sad to see old age destroy a person’s cognitive functions.
That happened to Puddy, too.
The phrase “progressive degeneration” comes to mind, but that terminology doesn’t seem to quite fit for either Doctor Dumbfuck or Puddy.
Anybody have any suggestions? I’m searching for the right word here. I wouldn’t call it senility. Or even insanity. It’s something else. A global collapse of higher brain function. Nothing left but an empty shell babbling gibberish.
“Persistent vegetative” state comes close, but isn’t quite what I’m looking for here.
What do you call it when people think they’ve become animals? (A horse in one case, a warbling loon in the other case.) It’s not transgender. “Trans-human” doesn’t fit, either, because it implies superhuman capabilities, whereas the former humans who became a horse and a loon went the other direction.
I’m really struggling with this, maybe because science has never seen anything like it before, these two are unique (or almost unique) in the history of the world.
The closest thing to this type of transformation is Transylvania’s werewolves.
Note, I’m talking about Puddy before he was transformed into roadkill by people he thought were his friends. That’s a different kind of transformation, which we’re all familiar with.
Help me out here, fellow libs. I’m stuck on this.
House oversight is requesting more documents from DoD as they have spent at least $180k at Donald’s financially troubled Turnberry Resort since late 2017.
‘Hey look over there…blackface!”
@30 I think if you include the transition of Mr. Cynical into a Klynical Klown who moved to Montana to fuck goats in his barn, the picture becomes more complete.
Only God knows what it all means.
Call it DumbNumbness. Or mabye DumbNumbnility.
Tomorrow’s the big day of the Area 51 invasion.
I wonder what orders Trump has issued to the guards protecting the Air Force’s most sensitive secrets? Probably to fire on anyone who enters the security perimeter.
Yeah! Bang bang! Shoot them pot-smoking hippies! It’s what every Vietnam-era draft dodger dreamed of doing if he grew up to be Commander In Chief!
The GOPologists are out in front of it.
The coming recession is all Elizabeth Warren’s fault:
Trust in this: having gleefully elected another profoundly corrupt and incompetent administration goaded into idiotic trade wars and massively destabilizing federal borrowing, these “Masters of the Universe” will blame Democrats for the inevitable consequence of what they’ve done. No matter the nominee. No matter the outcome. Because for over two decades that is what financial industry lobbyists and surrogates have always done.
And that more than anything else is why “Third Way”, DLC progressive politics have collapsed. It was never in our interest to make common cause with those people.
If those people actually enter Area 51’s borders, they are very likely to be met with deadly force. If you’ve ever been there, you’ll notice the perimeter has warning signs stating that the use of deadly force is authorized. Anyone who violates the perimeter is likely to be shot.
They’re very serious about keeping outsiders on the outside. Anyone who violates that space is committing suicide.
LMAO! When the black guy was re-elected they fell all over themselves predicting doom..
Wow. He did something really offensive. Even though he apologized I guess I can’t vote for him now.. (rolls eyes)
@35 just as I predicted about 6 months ago.
Repukes are a bunch of sleepy slime all fucking dishonest, hypocritical mother fuckers that ever existed in the world.
Sleezy slimeballs (not Sleepy)!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Liars News-Adam Schiff (D- Americahater) & Washington Post (D- Americahater) Launch New Conspiracy Theory Hoax, No-Name Sources As Usual. Thanks Demorats For Being Arrogant & Stupid Liars.
The Russian collusion canard failed so Adam Schiff, a Deep State snitch and their stenographers in the media are attacking President Trump with a new ‘scandal.’
House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA) recently subpoenaed Acting DNI Chief Joseph Maguire and accused him of illegally withholding a whistleblower complaint from Congress that could potentially be ‘covering up the president’s misconduct.’
The Deep State fanned the flames by leaking to the Washington Post ahead of Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson’s closed-door testimony about the whistleblower complaint scheduled for Thursday.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Vibrant Cultural Diversity News-Vibrant Migrant Enhances New Jersey.
MORRISTOWN, N.J. (CBSNewYork) – A New Jersey man has been arrested and is facing terrorism charges – including planning attacks in New York City and other cities for Hezbollah.
The Department of Justice says Alexei Saab of Morristown was allegedly trained by the terror organization in bomb-making and intelligence-gathering which he used to scout potential targets in New York and Istanbul, Turkey.
Authorities allege the 42-year-old has been working with Hezbollah – a Shia Islamist political party and militant group based in Lebanon – since 1996.
The group was designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. State Department in 1997.
According to court documents, Saab also goes by the name “Ali Hassan Saab” and is a naturalized U.S. citizen who came from Lebanon in 2000.
#37. You don’t get it. If Canadian voters forgive Trudeau and reelect him, that means to American republicans that liberals are all hypocrites and republicans are justified in supporting trump to be a dictator and letting him slaughter democrats on 5th ave. Didn’t say it makes sense, but that’s what’s going to happen.
Now what would prompt a “very senior official” in the intelligence community, so high up s/he has access to the president’s conversations with foreign leaders, to go to the Inspector General with a concern the latter found “credible” and “urgent”? After watching this video …
… my guess would be that Trump called Putin and told him who in his government is spying for us, or something along those lines, maybe involving a different country and leader, but it almost has to be of an intelligence nature and very probably involves compromising intelligence sources.
The fact the CIA recently pulled a top spy out of Russian tends to support this theory. In fact, it may involve that spy — but, knowing Trump, probably others too. I don’t think he’d give away just one. I think he’d hand over all of them.
And Trump’s animosity toward the intelligence community is no secret. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s straight-up revenge, although I wouldn’t rule out Trump trading our spies for some personal business advantage (e.g., forbearance on a loan he can’t pay, etc.).
Disclaimer: The above is just my speculation. I have no information that hasn’t been reported by the news media. I do not work for an intelligence agency and do not have access to, nor have I seen, any relevant classified documents. My only source of information about this is news stories.
Trump’s Attorneys Now Arguing That No Prosecutor Can Investigate A Sitting President
Trump Lawyers Argue He Cannot Be Criminally Investigated
The president’s legal team is trying to block a subpoena seeking his tax returns, claiming that any criminal investigation of Mr. Trump is unconstitutional.
WTF? When does this become a constitutional crisis?
@40 Ya, the Inspector General who found the whistleblower complaint “credible” and “urgent” is a Deep Stater (probably an Obama holdover) out to get Trump purely from personal animosity. Probably even put the whistleblower up to it. Revenge for getting kicked off “The Apprentice” or something.
Or maybe you’re a Russian bot.
WaPo: Trump “promise” reported by whistleblower involves Ukraine
It’s like living in Watergate times. Only worse. Back then there were still republicans who cared about rule of law and democracy and America.
“Or maybe you’re a Russian bot.
Pork Sauce could easily be replaced by an algorithm. That is, if Pork Sauce isn’t already an algorithm.
43, 45,
An Inspector General who was hand picked by president peepee himself.
And he still classified the complaint as “credible” and “urgent” knowing that by statute it would obligate the DNI to forward the report to HPSCI.
With virtually everyone now belonging to the DEEEP STAAATE!!! I wonder how we all manage to retain our “mystery” and our “ominous power”.
Must be our secret decoder rings.
@46 Yeah, but asking the president of Ukraine to dig up dirt on Biden wouldn’t trigger a whistleblower complaint from the intelligence community. Some aspect of it had to be very threatening to the intel guys. I suspect it revolves around what Trump promised in exchange for the information he was looking for. Like exchanging spies for information. Like “I’ll give you our spies in exchange for this information.”
But you know what? Trump could commit flagrant treason and Republicans would be okay with it. They’ll make America pay any price and bear any burden to get the judges he’s giving them.
Stop whatever you’re doing and watch Rudy go bananas on Chris Cuomo’s show tonight.
Says it is ridiculous to suggest he went to Ukraine and not 20 seconds later brags about going to Ukraine.
Says he has signed affidavits that the Obama administration asked for Ukraine to spy on candidate Trump an Manafort in January. Oopsie…Manafort didn’t join the campaign until March.
Says that as Donald’s lawyer it is his duty to go to a foreign country without being asked by the client to solicit campaign intel from a foreign nation which….in actuality…is a crime that he just copped to on cable TV.
Asked if he will produce the affidavits from his Ukrainian sources, “Why would I show them to you? Why would I give them to the enemy.” Wherein Rudy joins in with those who believe everyone who doesn’t think Donald shits rose scented chocolate truffles is an Enemy.
That’s your modern GOP. The other side of the aisle, by their very existence, is treasonous. Nothing that is asked of a foreign power in the way of election tampering is illegal, in fact we’re proud patriots!
A sitting President cannot be investigated for criminal acts by ANYONE! WE ARE THE LAW!
Meanwhile, as expected, Donald’s lawyers sue to block the release of his tax returns and a Judge halts CA law that any candidate must disclose taxes to appear on the ballot in the state.
Giving yet another gift to the Democratic Candidate.
“What are you hiding, Donald? You said they couldn’t be released because of an audit. Why did you LIE, Donald? You’re suing to keep the voters from knowing what every candidate in the modern era has disclosed?”
BTW, here’s where a States’ Rights Republican should go apeshit….but they don’t actually have a compass and the GOP is in favor of whatever works right now until we need it to change for right tomorrow.
@50 Once again Giuliani rushes to defend the corrupt, indefensible, illegal, and impeachable acts of his client — but hey, that’s what criminal defense attorneys do.
In what can only be described as a giant GOP hypocrisy salad, my new favorite part is where they insist that overseas corruption investigations into their political opponents bought with taxpayer funded bribes are perfectly okay and routine, etc. while simultaneously insisting that any investigation into setting up those investigations and offering those bribes is DERP STATE!!!
My new second favorite part is that by continuing to engage in criminal conduct into the last year of their term, they continue to extend the timeline for prosecutions beyond their ability to prevent them.
My third favorite part is that we now get to watch Rudes go through the exact same narrative arc as Mr. Safety School,
Esq.minus Avenatti. If I were Judith Giuliani’s lawyer I’d advise her to seek an earlier settlement.