Did you watch the debate? It seemed like Governor Inslee was given a more prominent role than when he was on stage. At least people praising him and his ideas for a bit. Nice to see before it fades.
Those 4:30 senior dinners at Denny’s only carry you for so long.
Hundreds of Texans named Castro lined up today to file name-change petitions. And that was just in San Antonio.
Citing the newly unveiled Biden rule, Paul Manafort and Rod Blagojevich filed petitions for immediate release from prison.
Julian Castro’s stunt last night backfired so badly that Elizabeth Warren has changed her plans to run as a Hispanic man should she reach the general election.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
A lot of people have their underwear tied in knots over some ad the Sinclair folks ran during the debate last night. The ad featured AOC and was a pretty damn effective piece of work.
This next year is going to be absolutely full of these faux outrages over this ad or that one. Buckle up!
@ 5
Perhaps you did not notice that the last 2 1/2 years have been absolutely full of faux outrages.
Orange Man Bad.
Steve is unable to construct a sentence without employing the words “Putin” and “traitor”. He’s unable to order a pizza since 1/20/17.
I think this plays better today than it would have last night. Don’t you, Steve? You’ve got until Darryl’s multimedia post to think on yourMcCabe’s sins.
Seth Barrett Tillman @SethBTillman If McCabe is indicted…we are very close to saying that Trump is a man more sinned against than sinning.
10:25 pm 12 Sep 2019·
YLB uses exclamation points so everyone can appreciate her stupidity.
Julian brought a booster seat so everyone could see him flame out.
Alex Thomas✔
per somebody right next to the stage — Julián Castro has an apple box behind his podium to make him appear taller. I’m told it’s bigger than Klobuchar and Harris’ booster boxes #DemDebate
4:54 PM – Sep 12, 2019
Bob your attempts to be funny lack any humor.
History 98 at UC Berkeley this Fall:
The Right to be Lazy: Shifts in Marxist Thought
Mapping capitalist development from the 19th century to the present we will show how varied struggles have used Marxism as social theory to guide and comprehend their historical moment. Growing out of the workers’ movement at the turn of the 20th century (but always including an anti-work strain) Marxism became a framework of analysis and language of struggle for multiple rebellious groups. Marx’s ideas were taken up by revolutionaries around the globe from the anticolonial militants in Africa and Latin America to those blockading the streets of Paris in 1968 and Italy in the 1970s. We will find in each struggle a Marxism specific to its historical and geographic context, reflected in the various stages of capitalist development. By studying these struggles and the creative responses to conditions they faced, we will try to better understand what it means to be anticapitalist, what are the basic categories of capital, and questions of the revolutionary subject. Some of the thinkers and moments we will be studying include Marx, Frantz Fanon, selections from the Black Panthers, The Situationists, and voices from the queer Berlin squatter movement of the 1990s.
Special guest lecturer: YLB, who will explain that successful laziness requires a source of capital earned by others from which to leach.
2nd Circuit panel Unanimously overturns dismissal of Emoluments lawsuit.
Friends, liberals, hangers-on, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Inslee, not to praise him.
The dumbfuckery that “progressives” spew lives after them;
The costs of their stupidity are not interred with their bones;
So would it have been with Inslee.
Were the dumbfuck successful, anyway.
Remind me again how conservatives are silenced in College campuses.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 You faded before you were out of diapers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 “full of faux outrages”
From the blowhard who posted just yesterday that he’s not gonnba vote for Trump. If you really believe all the outrages he’s accused of are phony, and you agree with his policies, why not vote for him?
Of course, it’s possible you don’t agree with his policies. It’s possible you’re really a closet socialist. Lots of people who are embarrassed by what they are try to pretend to be something else.
Cz-252, focusing @ 11 on that “absolute lock” liberals have on Trump’s revenues.
Meanwhile, this week the Senate confirmed Trump’s 150th judicial appointee.
You do you, Cz-252. It certainly works for me.
One more thing. It wasn’t unanimous, and even if it was, Unanimous still would not be correct. That word is capitalized only when it begins a sentence, Cz-252.
Appointees of Clinton and Obama were the majority, a Bush 41 appointee dissented.
Cz-252, now game that split out to its final appeal to SCOTUS, and tell us all what will happen.
Yeah. That.
@ 15
Lots of people who are embarrassed by what they are try to pretend to be something else.
Your family is embarrassed by you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 Why would an attempt by this administration to prosecute McCabe be seen as anything other than Trump harassing one of his political enemies?
Well, maybe if he’s indicted, if he’s convicted, if an appeals court upholds the conviction — but those are might big ifs.
It seems a little premature for you to be banking on all those ifs. But, as I said recently, you’re not much of an armchair lawyer, even by the usual armchair lawyering standards.
Pars Dominae Foetidaespews:
@6 – Hey, it’s a liberal blog.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 That’s quite a leap from an academic course syllabus to your own half-baked conclusion about what the role of Marxism in history is.
You don’t have to be a Marxist to study Marxism. And studying the historical role of Marxist ideas in shaping world history doesn’t make someone a Marxist.
You don’t have to work this hard at proving you’re a dumbfuck. We already take that for granted.
Everytime Klobuchar says MedicareForAll would make millions of Americans lose their health insurance, a lobbyist gets his wings.
Read this and understand why Warren is my first choice for president.
Biden: “Well, they have to deal with—look, there’s institutional segregation in this country. And from the time I got involved, I started dealing with that. Red lining, banks, making sure we are in a position where — look, you talk about education. I propose that what we take is those very poor schools, the Title I schools, triple the amount of money we spend from $15 to $45 billion a year. Give every single teacher a raise to the equal raise of, getting out—the $60,000 level. Number two, make sure that we bring in to help the teachers deal with the problems that come from home. The problems that come from home, we need — we have one school psychologist for every 1,500 kids in America today. It’s crazy. The teachers are — I’m married to a teacher, my deceased wife is a teacher. They have every problem coming to them. We have to make sure that every single child does, in fact, have 3, 4 and 5-year-olds go to school. School. Not day care, school. We bring social workers in to homes and parents, to help them deal with how to raise their children. It’s not that they don’t want to help, they don’t know quite what to do. Play the radio, make sure the television — excuse me, make sure you have the record player on at night, the phone — make sure that kids hear words, a kid coming from a very poor school — a very poor background will hear 4 million words fewer spoken by the time they get there. There’s so much –“
Moderator: “Thank you, Mr. Vice president. “
Biden: “No, I’m going to go like the rest of them do, twice over. Okay? Because here’s the deal. The deal is that we’ve got this a little backwards. And by the way, in Venezuela, we should be allowing people to come here from Venezuela. I know Maduro. I’ve confronted Maduro. Number two, you talk about the need to do something in Latin America. I’m the guy that came up with $740 million, to see to it those three countries, in fact, changed their system so people don’t have a chance to leave. You’re all acting like we just discovered this yesterday. Thank you very much.”
Is Biden trying to appeal to the trump voters by talking like him?
I have to agree with the racist incel @ 1, this was not Biden’s best performance. It reads like Grampa Simpson.
We can’t bust heads like we used to, but we have our ways. One trick is to tell ’em stories that don’t go anywhere – like the time I caught the ferry over to Shelbyville. I needed a new heel for my shoe, so, I decided to go to Morganville, which is what they called Shelbyville in those days. So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel, and in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on ’em. “Give me five bees for a quarter,” you’d say.
Now where were we? Oh yeah: the important thing was I had an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time. They didn’t have white onions because of the war. The only thing you could get was those big yellow ones…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “Were the dumbfuck successful, anyway.”
Two terms as state representative, seven terms in Congress, two terms as governor — yeah, what a miserable fucking failure. Especially compared to you. (dripping with sarcasm)
What do you have to show for your miserable little life, besides being an object of universal derision on an obscure local Seattle political blog?
@ 18
Why would an attempt by this administration to prosecute McCabe be seen as anything other than Trump harassing one of his political enemies?
It might have to do with lying to the FBI four separate times when the FBI was investigating the basis for illegal spying on one of Hillary Clinton’s political enemies, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Careerists in the FBI proved McCabe is a fucking liar. He was a deputy director, not some low-level agent.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Hey, remember that time a two-term overwhelmingly popular President wore a tan suit?
Or failed to produce his “long form” birth certificate?
Or had a Xmas ornament with a picture of Chairman Mao?
Or put Dijon mustard on a burger?
Or raised his fist?
Or used a bus made in Canada?
Or shook hands with a pirate?
Or played golf on a Saturday?
Or used a binder clip?
Or spent a weekend in Martha’s Vineyard?
Or encouraged Catholics and Protestants in Belfast to get along?
Or openly used the middle name his father gave him?
It was all sooooo horrrrrible. I can’t believe we survived.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 Even if that were true, at least I could say I have a family. You’re unique. Scientists haven’t been able to link you to any other known organism. You’re a mutant freak.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Another reason for not liking Klobuchar is the complaints about how she treats her staff. Being a bad boss isn’t exactly going to endear her to her party’s working-class constituencies.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Barr had to work down through three levels of US Attorneys at DC to find one willing to take the case.
Discover should be interesting. And lengthy. Mostly it’s about money. But McCabe and his team seem to be doing well enough raising funds. And a Barr-led DOJ that chooses to tie up most available key staff hours and resources tilting at windmills is that much less likely to do real harm.
@ 21
Everytime Klobuchar says MedicareForAll would make millions of Americans lose their health insurance, a lobbyist gets his wings.
Every time Liz Warren dodges the cost of Medicare For All, it’s noted for use next year.
This time it was Claire McCaskill and Joe Scarborough pointing it out.
Wait ’til YLB’s kids hear how much they’ll be paying for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Last I checked, McCabe hasn’t been found guilty of anything by anybody, outside of Trump and his political appointees.
For clarification, I’m not here to defend McCabe, I’m defending the process. If Trump could have his way, McCabe would be shot without a trial. And you’d probably cheer.
We already know you’d cheer if Hillary was shot without a trial — something Trump probably daydreams about regularly.
One thing all you rightwing asswipes have in common is you don’t get hung up over due process. Until they come looking for you; then it’s a “witch hunt.”
@ 27
Another reason for not liking Klobuchar is the complaints about how she treats her staff.
Yeah, this was never a problem with Hillary.
Think on your sins, Steve.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@29 As a doctor, we’d expect you to be first in line to support health care for all. But we’d expect a dumbfuck to be against it.
Looks like your dumbfuck side wins. Every. Fucking. Time.
“Warren: “I’ve never met someone who likes their insurance company. They like their doctors, and with this plan they can keep seeing their doctors and not pay a copay or ever have to deal with a middle man whose soul purpose of existence is to profit by finding ways to not provide coverage.””
Warren 2020
Roger Rabbitspews:
@31 I’d guess it’s not possible to ask your former nurses how you treated them, either because they’re all dead, or because you never had any. Who in their right mind would trust you with a nurse? Even goats and horses aren’t safe around you.
You know what would work great? If sometime in mid-2020 SCOTUS were to affirm a president’s right to loot the treasury into his personal businesses.
@ 33
Red, Warren serves red meat to her base.
“Warren is gaining more than any other candidate because her base support is more intense than any other candidate,” Frank Luntz said…
Her base is a minority of voters. In 2015 Bernie did the same thing. Luntz differentiates Warren from Bernie primarily on the basis that Warren is new.
No one in the Democrat debates is pounding Warren for not disclosing the costs for Medicare For All. No one in the Democrat debates is pounding Warren for claiming to be a minority in order to advance her career.
That won’t last, and neither will she.
The older trumper I tell the truth to on facebook, while he posts racist things left and right, the reason he gives for being a trumper and hates all Democrats with the fury of a 1000 white hot suns is that President Obama personally made his crappy insurance more expensive.
So yeah, cost of health care will be an issue, with the Hate Wing Media appealing to their base’s unmitigated greed and racism. Rush voice: “The demo-rats are raising your taxes to give free health care to illegals. “
Roger Rabbitspews:
Speaking of all the rightwing judges Trump is stuffing into the courts, doc, your friends lost two court cases today:
“An appeals court on Friday reinstated a lawsuit from the parents of slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich against Fox News, who exploited Rich’s 2016 murder and promulgated right-wing conspiracy theories about it.”
“A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday revived a lawsuit claiming President Donald Trump violated the U.S. Constitution by profiting from foreign and domestic officials who patronized his hotels and restaurants, adding to the corruption claims against Trump.”
@36 “Red, Warren serves red meat to her base. … Her base is a minority of voters.”
Seems to work for Trump, so why wouldn’t it work for her?
@ 35
Try Spring ’21 or even the Fall ’21 term.
Currently there are 14 Dem-appointed and 11 GOP-appointed Second District judges. There are two pending nominations to replace Dems on senior status, and after this there will be 12 Dem-appointed and 13 GOP-appointed judges.
It won’t get to SCOTUS for awhile. The full Second Circuit could very easily overturn the split decision just issued.
Nice try. You’re quite weak, aren’t you?
@ 39
…so why wouldn’t it work for her?
Next year she won’t be able to dodge the cost of Medicare For All.
Just because YLB is a fucking moron doesn’t mean her kids are as stupid. They’ll be the ones footing the bill.
Medicare For All means YLB’s kids will pay for Steve’s Cialis.
That’s a lot of money to spend on a 30-second encounter with a Fleshlight every Saturday night.
Robert Francis is a fraud. A DUIing, accident scene-leaving fraud.
Ryan Saavedra✔
Robert Francis O’Rourke running for office last year in the state of Texas: “To be clear they should have [AR-15s], if you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it, continue to use it responsibly.”
Beto is a fraud that will say anything to get elected
9:58 PM – Sep 12, 2019
He’s Wendy Davis, without the pink athletic shoes.
“Fuck” that.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Gee. Who would have guessed, with the Real Patriotic American Democratic Party continuing to narrow the field toward the nomination contest next year, that a shy-Trumper would respond to debates by setting forth a lengthy 18 post 2+ hour primal scream rationalizing why he will vote for Trump again?
Yawn. Stretch.
This was all foreseen and foreseeable.
This is what virtually every Republican voter you know is going to be doing over the coming weeks and months. However they may characterize themselves, the truth is they are pure tribalists. They all might just as well have Nixon tattoos on their backs like Roger Stone.
This is precisely what it means to be an EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
There will never, ever be any Democrat good enough (white enough, Bubba enough, Xtian enough, etc) for them. In the end that isn’t what any of that bullshit is about. It’s all about robbing the Democrats of their natural base by pulling them further and further to the right economically.
There are no fiscally conservative, socially progressive voters. They do not exist. Campaigning to voters who do not exist is how Democrats lose elections.
Whoever the Democratic nominee is, if they win in November it will be because they stuck to a consistent message of progressive economic policy. Because that is what the most people want. Playing down that message only promotes the lies and distortions that will come from the other side.
Remember: Trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires, 1000 ship navies that can’t defend themselves against Bayliners, and 1400 mile long walls are NEVER too expensive. But even a single school lunch is an unbearable outrage. They are addicted to this Hayekian bullshit now and it will always be thus. So there is absolutely no point in pandering or soft selling. It only empowers the evil. THERE ARE NO FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE, SOCIALLY LIBERAL VOTERS.
@ 44
There are no fiscally conservative, socially progressive voters. They do not exist. Campaigning to voters who do not exist is how Democrats lose elections.
Continuing to insist that these voters do not exist is how you’ll lose MN, anyway.
And you’ve got proof that a lawfully executes FISA warrant is ‘illegal spying’
Of course you don. Your beloved Donald has said so. Repeatedly.
@40. And how quickly will that get done? As of this morning, the only way to quash discovery, which GOP really never wants to have happen is to take it to the full Circuit Court now.
Then get those new judges confirmed before arguments. And assume that all the pre Trump GOP judges will go along with the idea that a President accepting riches from foreign Govs and US Taxpayers is OK.
Either way, the losing side goes to SCOTUS keeping this in the public eye for at least the next year or so.
Stick to what you know. PR and the law isn’t your thing.
Speaking of overlapping PR, 40 times USAF couldn’t find lodging near a Scottish airport so went out to the countryside?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Continuing to be too lazy to read a voter file (or continuing to support a President who withholds voter file data from GOP Congressional campaigns) is how you lost the House, and how you will lose the Senate.
Lots and lots of people self-identify as “fiscally conservative, socially liberal”. But then again, lots and lots of people believe in unicorns and “sexy vampires”. The fact is whenever political scientists in the last four cycles have done comprehensive voter studies, what emerges time and time again is that actual fiscally conservative, socially liberal voters are very, very uncommon and have no significant impact on the outcome of elections.
Even elections in Minnesota. As in many places, voters in Minnesota may cling to certain myths about themselves. And accordingly they may demand that their elected officials talk to them in a certain way about certain things in order to preserve and respect their belief in those myths. But they overwhelmingly support higher taxes on the wealthy, broad universal access to high quality health care, and affordable access to higher education. They support higher minimum wage and public investments in public schools, roads and sewers. Eleven consecutive Republican Presidential nominees have lost Minnesota’s EVs.
But Trump did better than most.
How? We don’t have to ask. He lied. Often and with great vigor. As usual he lied about everything. But most importantly he lied about economic policy. Over and over again while campaigning in Minnesota Trump lied about his economic plans. And he did all this while his opponent laid low on the economy. Clinton was, and is, a “New Democrat” fully wedded to the idea of somehow threading the needle of pandering to the super-wealthy while promoting bullshit schemes for “public-private” partnerships and “economic opportunity zones”. Big shock: plain spoken lies worked perhaps better than carefully parsed nonsense.
That was then. Now you and Trump have a big fucking problem. You’ve spent three years beating up little sobbing Guatemalan girls, giving massive deficit exploding tax breaks to billionaires, pandering to irrational murderous dictators, and launching trade wars with everyone. The lies are all out in the open. Minnesota knows exactly who you are now. And you Teh Dumbfuck – regardless of how you describe yourself to yourself and you desperately choke-fap in OfDumbfuck’s closet – you are a fiscally conservative, socially conservative voter.
That is manifestly obvious.
And it is why you will vote for Trump next year, and why you will always vote GOP. We Democrats are not interested in your vote. It comes with too much baggage, and too many sobbing Guatemalan toddlers.
“Steve is unable to construct a sentence without employing the words “orange”, “Putin” and “traitor”. He’s unable to order a pizza since 1/20/17.”
Fixed. As much as I could. Pizza?
While Dumbfuck is already spiking the ball on the McCabe thing, reports that Grand Jury has already declined to indict.
If true, and if a Grand Jury has indicted, Barr would be on the Fox News about it, all hail Donald, then you have Barr, and a handpicks USAtty recommending prosecution on their own even though the Government’s evidence has been reviewed.
Which sure would play like a ‘witch hunt’ in the non-crazy media.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
While Barr may have had to dip into the depth chart to find a USA willing to take on this career-ender, I’ll assume he chose carefully and looked for someone who knew a thing or two about managing a GJ.
No news is not always good news. And this mope will not ask them to vote a bill until he is confident that they are going his way. Given what we know about the “evidence” that may take some time. But the longer they go without a bill, the dimmer his chances of getting one.
Elijah has gotten it crossed.. There is no “OfDumbfuck”..
Methinks the reality could very well be it’s “OfMaryK” aka boob aka tehdumbfuck.
After brutal night-long sessions of “discipline” from its dominatrix, “OfMaryK” desperately needs HA.. Kind of like how the babbling butthole needed HA but even more pathetic.
l8r folks..
Okay, I’ll play. I’ll take “Dumbfucks” for $1,000.
“Pizza, Cialis, Fleshlight”
What three things will you always find in a dumbfuck’s horse trailer?
Worked in the midterms…
Those commies at Bloomberg:
House GOP to Run in 2020 on Reducing the Debt They Helped Grow
William H. Macyspews:
Well, looks like I’ll be single for a couple of weeks in the near future. I could get into some real trouble with the time!
(I’m more like “Frank Gallagher” is than you might think!)
The ad featured AOC and was a pretty damn effective piece of work.
The ad should swell the ranks of white supremacists for drumpf.
Keep in mind the most braindead white supremacist ever to troll HA was the babbling butthole, a jewish african-american. But “ofmaryk” has a lock on exceeding even that all-time record.
“Was a pretty effective piece of work…”
If you’re a dumbfuck.
I don’t know anything about Totalitarianism but I hear Socialism is BAAAAAAAAAD!
Because Universal Health care is Just like the Khmer Rouge.
Because getting college costs into the realm of reality is JUST LIKE the killing fields.
Because taxation might as well be slaughtering dissidents.
Because burning an enemy of the state isn’t at all like Totalitarianism , the Khmer Rouge, slaughtering dissidents OR the Killing Fields.
(Wherein our Dumbfuck shows that he would do just fine saying, ‘But we didn’t know. We were just average Americans who didn’t think about why all our brown neighbors were being taken…”)
Which raises the question….
Who is that ad targeted too?
Who is the voter who isn’t already DEEEEP in the GOP fold who thinks America under Democrats or even Socialists is one small step from death squads, mass murder and thought crime murder?
Who’s mind does that turn?
“You know, I was going to vote for a Democrat but I’ll be damned if I’m going to end up on a pile of skulls!”
Side note, the GOP is pinning their “Campaign Kickoff ad on a woman who got absolutely stomped in her only election who is utterly unknown outside California and having her run against a Congresswoman from New York who isn’t on the ballot. Yep, things are GREEEEAT! for the GOP.
GOP 2020. Vote for me or AOC will be in office until at least 2022!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I laughed out loud and got funny looks.
Thank you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Students at the largest Christian university in the world are protesting their president’s support of Donald Trump, saying that the Republican presidential nominee ‘is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.’
Some student body members of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, posted a detailed letter taking a stand against their university president ,Jerry Falwell, Jr., an early Trump supporter ….
“A student group called Liberty United Against Trump published their grievances online. ‘We are Liberty students who are disappointed with President Falwell’s endorsement and are tired of being associated with one of the worst presidential candidates in American history,’ according to a tweet from the group’s social media coordinator ….”
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck claims he’s not gonna vote for Trump, but never ever criticizes Trump in his HA postings.
Memo to Dumbfuck: Trump is a much, much worse candidate than Hillary ever was. Even Jerry Falwell Jr.’s students know that.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“A police officer has lost his job following an investigation into Confederate flags and Ku Klux Klan memorabilia on display in his home in Muskegon, Michigan.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A small step in the right direction, but all 18,000+ U.S. police departments need to get rid of all their racist and rogue cops. Meanwhile, the police union will pull out all the stops to get this scumbag reinstated.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Your wife got two weeks for rigging and bribing.
Crystal Mason got 5 years for trying to vote.
Yes she is African American.
Yes it happened in Texas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
You wanna sympathize, but … he believed Trump? Really?
Biden faded in the third hour.
Those 4:30 senior dinners at Denny’s only carry you for so long.
Hundreds of Texans named Castro lined up today to file name-change petitions. And that was just in San Antonio.
Citing the newly unveiled Biden rule, Paul Manafort and Rod Blagojevich filed petitions for immediate release from prison.
Julian Castro’s stunt last night backfired so badly that Elizabeth Warren has changed her plans to run as a Hispanic man should she reach the general election.
A lot of people have their underwear tied in knots over some ad the Sinclair folks ran during the debate last night. The ad featured AOC and was a pretty damn effective piece of work.
This next year is going to be absolutely full of these faux outrages over this ad or that one. Buckle up!
@ 5
Perhaps you did not notice that the last 2 1/2 years have been absolutely full of faux outrages.
Orange Man Bad.
Steve is unable to construct a sentence without employing the words “Putin” and “traitor”. He’s unable to order a pizza since 1/20/17.
I think this plays better today than it would have last night. Don’t you, Steve? You’ve got until Darryl’s multimedia post to think on
yourMcCabe’s sins.Seth Barrett Tillman @SethBTillman
If McCabe is indicted…we are very close to saying that Trump is a man more sinned against than sinning.
10:25 pm 12 Sep 2019·
YLB uses exclamation points so everyone can appreciate her stupidity.
Julian brought a booster seat so everyone could see him flame out.
Alex Thomas✔
per somebody right next to the stage — Julián Castro has an apple box behind his podium to make him appear taller. I’m told it’s bigger than Klobuchar and Harris’ booster boxes #DemDebate
4:54 PM – Sep 12, 2019
Bob your attempts to be funny lack any humor.
History 98 at UC Berkeley this Fall:
The Right to be Lazy: Shifts in Marxist Thought
Mapping capitalist development from the 19th century to the present we will show how varied struggles have used Marxism as social theory to guide and comprehend their historical moment. Growing out of the workers’ movement at the turn of the 20th century (but always including an anti-work strain) Marxism became a framework of analysis and language of struggle for multiple rebellious groups. Marx’s ideas were taken up by revolutionaries around the globe from the anticolonial militants in Africa and Latin America to those blockading the streets of Paris in 1968 and Italy in the 1970s. We will find in each struggle a Marxism specific to its historical and geographic context, reflected in the various stages of capitalist development. By studying these struggles and the creative responses to conditions they faced, we will try to better understand what it means to be anticapitalist, what are the basic categories of capital, and questions of the revolutionary subject. Some of the thinkers and moments we will be studying include Marx, Frantz Fanon, selections from the Black Panthers, The Situationists, and voices from the queer Berlin squatter movement of the 1990s.
Special guest lecturer: YLB, who will explain that successful laziness requires a source of capital earned by others from which to leach.
2nd Circuit panel Unanimously overturns dismissal of Emoluments lawsuit.
Friends, liberals, hangers-on, lend me your ears;
I come to bury Inslee, not to praise him.
The dumbfuckery that “progressives” spew lives after them;
The costs of their stupidity are not interred with their bones;
So would it have been with Inslee.
Were the dumbfuck successful, anyway.
Remind me again how conservatives are silenced in College campuses.
@1 You faded before you were out of diapers.
@6 “full of faux outrages”
From the blowhard who posted just yesterday that he’s not gonnba vote for Trump. If you really believe all the outrages he’s accused of are phony, and you agree with his policies, why not vote for him?
Of course, it’s possible you don’t agree with his policies. It’s possible you’re really a closet socialist. Lots of people who are embarrassed by what they are try to pretend to be something else.
Cz-252, focusing @ 11 on that “absolute lock” liberals have on Trump’s revenues.
Meanwhile, this week the Senate confirmed Trump’s 150th judicial appointee.
You do you, Cz-252. It certainly works for me.
One more thing. It wasn’t unanimous, and even if it was, Unanimous still would not be correct. That word is capitalized only when it begins a sentence, Cz-252.
Appointees of Clinton and Obama were the majority, a Bush 41 appointee dissented.
Cz-252, now game that split out to its final appeal to SCOTUS, and tell us all what will happen.
Yeah. That.
@ 15
Lots of people who are embarrassed by what they are try to pretend to be something else.
Your family is embarrassed by you, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@7 Why would an attempt by this administration to prosecute McCabe be seen as anything other than Trump harassing one of his political enemies?
Well, maybe if he’s indicted, if he’s convicted, if an appeals court upholds the conviction — but those are might big ifs.
It seems a little premature for you to be banking on all those ifs. But, as I said recently, you’re not much of an armchair lawyer, even by the usual armchair lawyering standards.
@6 – Hey, it’s a liberal blog.
@10 That’s quite a leap from an academic course syllabus to your own half-baked conclusion about what the role of Marxism in history is.
You don’t have to be a Marxist to study Marxism. And studying the historical role of Marxist ideas in shaping world history doesn’t make someone a Marxist.
You don’t have to work this hard at proving you’re a dumbfuck. We already take that for granted.
Everytime Klobuchar says MedicareForAll would make millions of Americans lose their health insurance, a lobbyist gets his wings.
Read this and understand why Warren is my first choice for president.
Is Biden trying to appeal to the trump voters by talking like him?
I have to agree with the racist incel @ 1, this was not Biden’s best performance. It reads like Grampa Simpson.
@12 “Were the dumbfuck successful, anyway.”
Two terms as state representative, seven terms in Congress, two terms as governor — yeah, what a miserable fucking failure. Especially compared to you. (dripping with sarcasm)
What do you have to show for your miserable little life, besides being an object of universal derision on an obscure local Seattle political blog?
@ 18
Why would an attempt by this administration to prosecute McCabe be seen as anything other than Trump harassing one of his political enemies?
It might have to do with lying to the FBI four separate times when the FBI was investigating the basis for illegal spying on one of Hillary Clinton’s political enemies, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Careerists in the FBI proved McCabe is a fucking liar. He was a deputy director, not some low-level agent.
Hey, remember that time a two-term overwhelmingly popular President wore a tan suit?
Or failed to produce his “long form” birth certificate?
Or had a Xmas ornament with a picture of Chairman Mao?
Or put Dijon mustard on a burger?
Or raised his fist?
Or used a bus made in Canada?
Or shook hands with a pirate?
Or played golf on a Saturday?
Or used a binder clip?
Or spent a weekend in Martha’s Vineyard?
Or encouraged Catholics and Protestants in Belfast to get along?
Or openly used the middle name his father gave him?
It was all sooooo horrrrrible. I can’t believe we survived.
@17 Even if that were true, at least I could say I have a family. You’re unique. Scientists haven’t been able to link you to any other known organism. You’re a mutant freak.
@21 Another reason for not liking Klobuchar is the complaints about how she treats her staff. Being a bad boss isn’t exactly going to endear her to her party’s working-class constituencies.
Barr had to work down through three levels of US Attorneys at DC to find one willing to take the case.
Discover should be interesting. And lengthy. Mostly it’s about money. But McCabe and his team seem to be doing well enough raising funds. And a Barr-led DOJ that chooses to tie up most available key staff hours and resources tilting at windmills is that much less likely to do real harm.
@ 21
Everytime Klobuchar says MedicareForAll would make millions of Americans lose their health insurance, a lobbyist gets his wings.
Every time Liz Warren dodges the cost of Medicare For All, it’s noted for use next year.
This time it was Claire McCaskill and Joe Scarborough pointing it out.
Wait ’til YLB’s kids hear how much they’ll be paying for it.
@24 Last I checked, McCabe hasn’t been found guilty of anything by anybody, outside of Trump and his political appointees.
For clarification, I’m not here to defend McCabe, I’m defending the process. If Trump could have his way, McCabe would be shot without a trial. And you’d probably cheer.
We already know you’d cheer if Hillary was shot without a trial — something Trump probably daydreams about regularly.
One thing all you rightwing asswipes have in common is you don’t get hung up over due process. Until they come looking for you; then it’s a “witch hunt.”
@ 27
Another reason for not liking Klobuchar is the complaints about how she treats her staff.
Yeah, this was never a problem with Hillary.
Think on your sins, Steve.
@29 As a doctor, we’d expect you to be first in line to support health care for all. But we’d expect a dumbfuck to be against it.
Looks like your dumbfuck side wins. Every. Fucking. Time.
Elizabeth Warren resonates in debates because she’s smart and real, says longtime GOP pollster
“Warren: “I’ve never met someone who likes their insurance company. They like their doctors, and with this plan they can keep seeing their doctors and not pay a copay or ever have to deal with a middle man whose soul purpose of existence is to profit by finding ways to not provide coverage.””
Warren 2020
@31 I’d guess it’s not possible to ask your former nurses how you treated them, either because they’re all dead, or because you never had any. Who in their right mind would trust you with a nurse? Even goats and horses aren’t safe around you.
You know what would work great? If sometime in mid-2020 SCOTUS were to affirm a president’s right to loot the treasury into his personal businesses.
@ 33
Red, Warren serves red meat to her base.
“Warren is gaining more than any other candidate because her base support is more intense than any other candidate,” Frank Luntz said…
Her base is a minority of voters. In 2015 Bernie did the same thing. Luntz differentiates Warren from Bernie primarily on the basis that Warren is new.
No one in the Democrat debates is pounding Warren for not disclosing the costs for Medicare For All. No one in the Democrat debates is pounding Warren for claiming to be a minority in order to advance her career.
That won’t last, and neither will she.
The older trumper I tell the truth to on facebook, while he posts racist things left and right, the reason he gives for being a trumper and hates all Democrats with the fury of a 1000 white hot suns is that President Obama personally made his crappy insurance more expensive.
So yeah, cost of health care will be an issue, with the Hate Wing Media appealing to their base’s unmitigated greed and racism. Rush voice: “The demo-rats are raising your taxes to give free health care to illegals. “
Speaking of all the rightwing judges Trump is stuffing into the courts, doc, your friends lost two court cases today:
“An appeals court on Friday reinstated a lawsuit from the parents of slain Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich against Fox News, who exploited Rich’s 2016 murder and promulgated right-wing conspiracy theories about it.”
“A U.S. federal appeals court on Friday revived a lawsuit claiming President Donald Trump violated the U.S. Constitution by profiting from foreign and domestic officials who patronized his hotels and restaurants, adding to the corruption claims against Trump.”
@36 “Red, Warren serves red meat to her base. … Her base is a minority of voters.”
Seems to work for Trump, so why wouldn’t it work for her?
@ 35
Try Spring ’21 or even the Fall ’21 term.
Currently there are 14 Dem-appointed and 11 GOP-appointed Second District judges. There are two pending nominations to replace Dems on senior status, and after this there will be 12 Dem-appointed and 13 GOP-appointed judges.
It won’t get to SCOTUS for awhile. The full Second Circuit could very easily overturn the split decision just issued.
Nice try. You’re quite weak, aren’t you?
@ 39
…so why wouldn’t it work for her?
Next year she won’t be able to dodge the cost of Medicare For All.
Just because YLB is a fucking moron doesn’t mean her kids are as stupid. They’ll be the ones footing the bill.
Medicare For All means YLB’s kids will pay for Steve’s Cialis.
That’s a lot of money to spend on a 30-second encounter with a Fleshlight every Saturday night.
Robert Francis is a fraud. A DUIing, accident scene-leaving fraud.
Ryan Saavedra✔
Robert Francis O’Rourke running for office last year in the state of Texas: “To be clear they should have [AR-15s], if you purchased that AR-15, if you own it, keep it, continue to use it responsibly.”
Beto is a fraud that will say anything to get elected
9:58 PM – Sep 12, 2019
He’s Wendy Davis, without the pink athletic shoes.
“Fuck” that.
Gee. Who would have guessed, with the Real Patriotic American Democratic Party continuing to narrow the field toward the nomination contest next year, that a shy-Trumper would respond to debates by setting forth a lengthy 18 post 2+ hour primal scream rationalizing why he will vote for Trump again?
Yawn. Stretch.
This was all foreseen and foreseeable.
This is what virtually every Republican voter you know is going to be doing over the coming weeks and months. However they may characterize themselves, the truth is they are pure tribalists. They all might just as well have Nixon tattoos on their backs like Roger Stone.
This is precisely what it means to be an EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE.
There will never, ever be any Democrat good enough (white enough, Bubba enough, Xtian enough, etc) for them. In the end that isn’t what any of that bullshit is about. It’s all about robbing the Democrats of their natural base by pulling them further and further to the right economically.
There are no fiscally conservative, socially progressive voters. They do not exist. Campaigning to voters who do not exist is how Democrats lose elections.
Whoever the Democratic nominee is, if they win in November it will be because they stuck to a consistent message of progressive economic policy. Because that is what the most people want. Playing down that message only promotes the lies and distortions that will come from the other side.
Remember: Trillion dollar tax cuts for billionaires, 1000 ship navies that can’t defend themselves against Bayliners, and 1400 mile long walls are NEVER too expensive. But even a single school lunch is an unbearable outrage. They are addicted to this Hayekian bullshit now and it will always be thus. So there is absolutely no point in pandering or soft selling. It only empowers the evil. THERE ARE NO FISCALLY CONSERVATIVE, SOCIALLY LIBERAL VOTERS.
@ 44
There are no fiscally conservative, socially progressive voters. They do not exist. Campaigning to voters who do not exist is how Democrats lose elections.
Continuing to insist that these voters do not exist is how you’ll lose MN, anyway.
And you’ve got proof that a lawfully executes FISA warrant is ‘illegal spying’
Of course you don. Your beloved Donald has said so. Repeatedly.
@40. And how quickly will that get done? As of this morning, the only way to quash discovery, which GOP really never wants to have happen is to take it to the full Circuit Court now.
Then get those new judges confirmed before arguments. And assume that all the pre Trump GOP judges will go along with the idea that a President accepting riches from foreign Govs and US Taxpayers is OK.
Either way, the losing side goes to SCOTUS keeping this in the public eye for at least the next year or so.
Stick to what you know. PR and the law isn’t your thing.
Speaking of overlapping PR, 40 times USAF couldn’t find lodging near a Scottish airport so went out to the countryside?
Continuing to be too lazy to read a voter file (or continuing to support a President who withholds voter file data from GOP Congressional campaigns) is how you lost the House, and how you will lose the Senate.
Lots and lots of people self-identify as “fiscally conservative, socially liberal”. But then again, lots and lots of people believe in unicorns and “sexy vampires”. The fact is whenever political scientists in the last four cycles have done comprehensive voter studies, what emerges time and time again is that actual fiscally conservative, socially liberal voters are very, very uncommon and have no significant impact on the outcome of elections.
Even elections in Minnesota. As in many places, voters in Minnesota may cling to certain myths about themselves. And accordingly they may demand that their elected officials talk to them in a certain way about certain things in order to preserve and respect their belief in those myths. But they overwhelmingly support higher taxes on the wealthy, broad universal access to high quality health care, and affordable access to higher education. They support higher minimum wage and public investments in public schools, roads and sewers. Eleven consecutive Republican Presidential nominees have lost Minnesota’s EVs.
But Trump did better than most.
How? We don’t have to ask. He lied. Often and with great vigor. As usual he lied about everything. But most importantly he lied about economic policy. Over and over again while campaigning in Minnesota Trump lied about his economic plans. And he did all this while his opponent laid low on the economy. Clinton was, and is, a “New Democrat” fully wedded to the idea of somehow threading the needle of pandering to the super-wealthy while promoting bullshit schemes for “public-private” partnerships and “economic opportunity zones”. Big shock: plain spoken lies worked perhaps better than carefully parsed nonsense.
That was then. Now you and Trump have a big fucking problem. You’ve spent three years beating up little sobbing Guatemalan girls, giving massive deficit exploding tax breaks to billionaires, pandering to irrational murderous dictators, and launching trade wars with everyone. The lies are all out in the open. Minnesota knows exactly who you are now. And you Teh Dumbfuck – regardless of how you describe yourself to yourself and you desperately choke-fap in OfDumbfuck’s closet – you are a fiscally conservative, socially conservative voter.
That is manifestly obvious.
And it is why you will vote for Trump next year, and why you will always vote GOP. We Democrats are not interested in your vote. It comes with too much baggage, and too many sobbing Guatemalan toddlers.
“Steve is unable to construct a sentence without employing the words “orange”, “Putin” and “traitor”. He’s unable to order a pizza since 1/20/17.”
Fixed. As much as I could. Pizza?
While Dumbfuck is already spiking the ball on the McCabe thing, reports that Grand Jury has already declined to indict.
If true, and if a Grand Jury has indicted, Barr would be on the Fox News about it, all hail Donald, then you have Barr, and a handpicks USAtty recommending prosecution on their own even though the Government’s evidence has been reviewed.
Which sure would play like a ‘witch hunt’ in the non-crazy media.
While Barr may have had to dip into the depth chart to find a USA willing to take on this career-ender, I’ll assume he chose carefully and looked for someone who knew a thing or two about managing a GJ.
No news is not always good news. And this mope will not ask them to vote a bill until he is confident that they are going his way. Given what we know about the “evidence” that may take some time. But the longer they go without a bill, the dimmer his chances of getting one.
Damn! Boob is on a tear this AM…
The kid must truly NOT be his…
But try this on for size:
Elijah has gotten it crossed.. There is no “OfDumbfuck”..
Methinks the reality could very well be it’s “OfMaryK” aka boob aka tehdumbfuck.
After brutal night-long sessions of “discipline” from its dominatrix, “OfMaryK” desperately needs HA.. Kind of like how the babbling butthole needed HA but even more pathetic.
l8r folks..
Okay, I’ll play. I’ll take “Dumbfucks” for $1,000.
“Pizza, Cialis, Fleshlight”
What three things will you always find in a dumbfuck’s horse trailer?
Worked in the midterms…
Those commies at Bloomberg:
Well, looks like I’ll be single for a couple of weeks in the near future. I could get into some real trouble with the time!
(I’m more like “Frank Gallagher” is than you might think!)
Memo to Mary K:
After visiting your stallion upon “OfMaryK” please contribute a generous amount to the Sierra Club:
With your support we could save the planet. Thank you.
The ad should swell the ranks of white supremacists for drumpf.
Keep in mind the most braindead white supremacist ever to troll HA was the babbling butthole, a jewish african-american. But “ofmaryk” has a lock on exceeding even that all-time record.
“Was a pretty effective piece of work…”
If you’re a dumbfuck.
I don’t know anything about Totalitarianism but I hear Socialism is BAAAAAAAAAD!
Because Universal Health care is Just like the Khmer Rouge.
Because getting college costs into the realm of reality is JUST LIKE the killing fields.
Because taxation might as well be slaughtering dissidents.
Because burning an enemy of the state isn’t at all like Totalitarianism , the Khmer Rouge, slaughtering dissidents OR the Killing Fields.
(Wherein our Dumbfuck shows that he would do just fine saying, ‘But we didn’t know. We were just average Americans who didn’t think about why all our brown neighbors were being taken…”)
Which raises the question….
Who is that ad targeted too?
Who is the voter who isn’t already DEEEEP in the GOP fold who thinks America under Democrats or even Socialists is one small step from death squads, mass murder and thought crime murder?
Who’s mind does that turn?
“You know, I was going to vote for a Democrat but I’ll be damned if I’m going to end up on a pile of skulls!”
Side note, the GOP is pinning their “Campaign Kickoff ad on a woman who got absolutely stomped in her only election who is utterly unknown outside California and having her run against a Congresswoman from New York who isn’t on the ballot. Yep, things are GREEEEAT! for the GOP.
GOP 2020. Vote for me or AOC will be in office until at least 2022!
I laughed out loud and got funny looks.
Thank you.
“Students at the largest Christian university in the world are protesting their president’s support of Donald Trump, saying that the Republican presidential nominee ‘is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.’
Some student body members of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, posted a detailed letter taking a stand against their university president ,Jerry Falwell, Jr., an early Trump supporter ….
“A student group called Liberty United Against Trump published their grievances online. ‘We are Liberty students who are disappointed with President Falwell’s endorsement and are tired of being associated with one of the worst presidential candidates in American history,’ according to a tweet from the group’s social media coordinator ….”
Meanwhile, Doctor Dumbfuck claims he’s not gonna vote for Trump, but never ever criticizes Trump in his HA postings.
Memo to Dumbfuck: Trump is a much, much worse candidate than Hillary ever was. Even Jerry Falwell Jr.’s students know that.
“A police officer has lost his job following an investigation into Confederate flags and Ku Klux Klan memorabilia on display in his home in Muskegon, Michigan.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A small step in the right direction, but all 18,000+ U.S. police departments need to get rid of all their racist and rogue cops. Meanwhile, the police union will pull out all the stops to get this scumbag reinstated.
Your wife got two weeks for rigging and bribing.
Crystal Mason got 5 years for trying to vote.
Yes she is African American.
Yes it happened in Texas.
You wanna sympathize, but … he believed Trump? Really?
At least some people learn from experience. Republicans never do.
@47 “Stick to what you know.”
That’s asking a lot of a know-nothing.
@54 By cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and school lunches, of course.
Republicans are predictable. The last time they had a new idea was when Teddy Roosevelt was president.
It was a different GOP then.
You have to wonder if Putin put the idea in his head to pay for The Wall with funds from the military
It can’t vote for drumpf.. Mary K fills out “ofmaryk”‘s ballot.
Or perhaps “gently” persuades “ofmaryk” to support better people for high office.