Matt Shea is a paranoid weirdo. The district is pretty solidly Republican, so I don’t know why they don’t kick him out of the party. Or primary him. I am glad for the conservatives and Republicans who call his bullshit. I am just dismayed by how few there are.
Are you sure you can’t think of any reason?
Not even one?
This is the Republican Party. It’s who they are and who they have been for many decades. These are the things they have been fighting for all along. They just used to practice more nuance and subtlety. Trump tells them things like subtlety and nuance are weak. That messaging is how he rose above twenty other more “conventional” Republicans to dominate the primary. Shea is the true face of the GOP.
“The average American household will be down $1,000 per year thanks to the newest round of tariffs on Chinese goods, according to J.P. Morgan.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, there goes your tax cut. But Trump and the GOP congressmen and senators who passed it never intended you would get to keep it. And this is only the beginning, not the end, of the clawbacks. A Republican is someone who offers you a quarter, insists you take it, and then charges you $1 for it. That’s how they get their money. It’s how they’ve always gotten their money. And is the only thing Republicans have ever cared about.
Carl, this goes deeper than Matt Shea. It implicates the voters who keep returning him to the leg. What the hell is wrong with those people? It looks like Idaho’s batshit craziness is spilling over into the bordering Washington counties, like a toxic groundwater plume spreading out into surrounding farms and towns from a leaking Superfund site.
Also, I have a question for the Washington State Bar Association and Washington Supreme Court: Why does this guy still have a license to practice law in our state?
NYPD just announced it has fired the cop who killed Eric Garner.
2, 3 & 4: I’m the guy that thought you up. Just so you know,
I died a couple of days ago at age 86.
Dumbfuck in WH tweets…
“Wow, Report Just Out!” Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought!”
Apparently the dumbfuck in the WH isn’t a racist. Rather, he is the victim of racism!
“Trump Isn’t the One Dividing Us by Race”
If only blacks and other minorities knew how hard it is being a white man, perhaps they’d stop their incessant whining and let go of their racist ways.
As you know, most of the time the only thing that gets you disbarred is fucking around with client trust accounts.
It was inevitable the paranoiac in the White House would turn on his top sponsor, and he just did.
Still, the execs at Fox are a long way from acknowledging they created a monster, and the good of the country requires removing him from office; if not by impeachment or 25th Amendment, then by election.
@5 No, you didn’t. My HA screen name and persona have nothing to do with the Disney movie or character. I’ve explained their etiology before here, many times, but every time a new wingnut shows up here, he makes the same knee-jerk incorrect assumption his predecessors made.
That’s to be expected. Wingnuts can’t think. They knee-jerk everything. If they had functioning brains, they wouldn’t be wingnuts.
I’m not inclined to explain it yet again. Look it up in the HA archives if you want to pursue it. But for the record, I want to state that you didn’t create the Disney character (no relation to me), either. Gary K. Wolf, who’s still living, did. You only animated the character.
Again, typical wingnut, taking credit for someone else’s accomplishments. And now you’re impersonating a famous dead guy, because you have no accomplishments of your own to brag about.
Sheesh. You can’t do anything with these people, except ship them in a container back to wherever they came from.
@7 Why is WSJ publishing an opinion piece by a known racist? Oh, that’s right, because Rupert Murdoch owns it now.
Amazing, astounding, incredible, astonishing, and very, very, very unexpected:
San Diego County numbers and percentages of EEEENDEEEEPENDUNCE registrations surge while WhitePower! registrations plummet.
And zero change in registrations of Democrats.
Of course, there is absolutely zero progressive GOTV or registration effort in CA. None. Nada. Zip. Zilch. Which is understandable at a time when so much focus is on removing a criminal peepee president and gaining control of the Senate.
But WhitePower! House members from CA serve as a beachhead for the party into the biggest fundraising state. And the numbers continue to prove that you can’t flip seats by reaching out to racist/misogynist extremists. Duncan Hunter’s 50th has actually grown the percentage of Republican registrations, despite his criminal arrest and pending trial on charges of spending campaign donations on BDSM Orgies with dozens of women and men who may, or may not, have been the person he was legally married to at the time. NOT that there’s anything WRONG with that!
All these motherfuckers are going to do, and all they were ever going to do, is scrape the Trump sticker off the back window of the pickup, put the MAGA hat in a box in the attic, drag out their trusty old Gadsden flag, and go full TeaBagger again. They will never, ever vote for a candidate that will not swear to honor their whiteness in the proper way. If Democrats want to win, and if by winning, they really mean to bury this shameful legacy forever in the past, the only way that can happen is by being Democrats. We are the more popular party, with more popular policy, and higher approval.
We just don’t vote.
But all the evidence of the last twenty years proves decisively that it is far easier, and far more successful to focus on changing that, rather than trying to peel off Republican voters. And if you doubt that, there’s a forgotten old lady in Chappaqua, NY who’d like to tell you a story.
@8 Yeah, I know, but advocating violent overthrow of our government, and facilitating active efforts to do it, should get serious consideration by the licensing authority, too.
And if not disbarment, then at least censure. His behavior deserves, at minimum, stern rebuke.
@12 Agree. We can’t change Republicans, and shouldn’t try. They’re hopelessly dysfunctional, beyond professional counseling. Also, they don’t have a lot of brainpower going for them, and there’s no way around their stupidity. As I pointed out to someone in idle conversation the other day, someone has to occupy the lower half of the IQ curve.
Nor should we hope for the GOP to go away. They have to be warehoused somewhere, and they need their own political party, because we sure don’t want them in ours. We just have to make sure they never get elected to anything. As you point out, our voters have been complacent. We can only try to educate them on the absolute necessity of voting and hope the last 2 1/2 years have served as a clarion wakeup call.
The klaxons aren’t just sounding, they’re shrieking. It’s impossible not to hear them. But panic is not an option here. This crisis calls for going to the polls in unprecedented numbers. We must bear any burden, and meet any hardship, to get all real patriots to the polls to assure the survival and success of American values, liberties, and constitutional rights against those bent on turning our country into another Russia.
A timeline:
Man and his adult daughter get matching White Supremacy tattoos and post on SM
A man and his adult daughter tape their hands and knuckles on classic pugilistic style to attend a White Power march.
A man and his Adult daughter are confronted by Anti Fascists at a white
Power March.
Anti Fascists are caught on video telling them to back away and clearing a path for them to leave.
A man and his Adult daughter stand their ground.
A Man’s adult daughter throws a punch with her pugilistically taped right.
A man chases the anti fascist his daughter punched an assaults him a second time from behind.
Other Anti Fascists retaliate beating the man.
A fake journalist says, “Man and child attacked by Antifa”
“When being assaulted, use of force is justified. What happened to Stand Your Ground, Racists?” -Trayvon Martin
@15 In case you missed it, a Seattle couple who went to a Yiannopolous event at the U.W. looking for protesters to assault (they were carrying, among other things, bear spray, a knife, and a gun), and ended up shooting an unarmed man, just won a mistrial in King County Superior Court because 2 or 3 ideologically motivated jurors refused to convict them despite the plain evidence of their pre-planned and premeditated violence.
Calling this juror misconduct is an understatement. It’s one thing to refuse to date someone because they’re a Republican or a Democrat. That’s a personal prerogative, and affects only your personal life, with no social consequences.
It’s something entirely different to excuse political violence because you’re in sympathy with the political views of those committing it. If this is what our legal system comes to, we will have no rule of law at all, and political differences will be settled with guns in the streets.
Of course, that’s exactly what the right wants. They’ve said so themselves.
Calling 911 while black. What on earth was she thinking?? She could have been shot!
“I Called 911 On My Neighbors. The Police Showed Up In My Home With Guns Drawn.”
If blacks would simply stop being racists, I’m sure this kind of thing would stop happening to them.
I’m sure Bob approves of this Matt Shear…..Bob is racist sympathizer.
One of the most eye opening Twitter threads I’vee seen in a long time:
Read the whole thing if you can.
This is the GOP.
And I mean all of them.
Including the “shy” Trumpers – who after all, would much rather mock his coarseness and his poor taste than face up to the truth of exactly who the party turned out for like no other candidate since Reagan.
@19 Stunning.
Live in shame, Doctor.
“Top White House officials have started to float a payroll tax cut as a potential means to stem an economic downturn, The Washington Post reported Monday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And to drive Social Security and Medicare deeper in the red to make it easier for them to attack the entitlements that 90% of Americans depend on to make ends meet in their old age. But they’ll probably have to wait for a GOP congressional majority for this proposal to have any chance of going anywhere. Hopefully there will never be another one.
Telling, that Larry Kudlow had to get drunk before appearing on the Sunday morning talk shows to talk about the economy.
“Trump tweets without evidence that …” (fill in blank).
In this case, he’s again asserting that rampant voting fraud is robbing him of his rightful popularity in the polls and at the polls, undoubtedly as part of a calculated design to lay the groundwork for attacking the legitimacy of the 2020 election if he loses.
I think it’s okay to criticize Obama. For example, I believe it was a huge mistake for Obama not to round up Doctor Dumbfuck and the rest of the deplorables and then put them in Walmart FEMA camps. Just look where that little boo-boo left us. SAD!
“Barack Obama was an awesome president — and Democrats shouldn’t forget that”
I wonder if that poor sap PI is still in jail.
@17 A better idea is ridding our police departments of racist cops. New rule: If you’re a racist, you can’t be a cop. That should be SOP at every one of America’s 18,000-plus police agencies.
@25 Are you referring to after-school detention?
@19. Like I’ve been saying The Hump as much as a mother fucker he is, the Repuke Party and the fascist Repukes are the bigger problem. Started long before The Hump got to office.
Waste, Fraud, & Abuse Dep’t
Although “waste, fraud, and abuse” in government is rare, you can find some examples, especially where you have a concentration of white conservatives, such as are found in some Texas schools.
So, dear readers, here’s another example of government officials (in this case, school officials) squandering the taxpayers’ money by engaging in inherently discriminatory actions that literally invite lawsuits that easily could be avoided with a modicum of common sense.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist & Sexist History Channel – Great Moments In Demorat History, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Announces Demorat Theme For 2020, “America was never that great.”
Washington (CNN)New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said America “was never that great” during a speech on Wednesday, drawing criticism from President Donald Trump and the Republican looking to unseat him in November.
Cuomo made the comments in the context of a larger argument about gender equality and women achieving their full potential.
“We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great,” Cuomo, a Democrat, remarked at a bill signing event in New York City. The comment was met by an audible reaction from the crowd.
His comments were a response to President Donald Trump’s campaign catchphrase — “Make America Great Again.”
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Borders Are Racist Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Contender Report – Murder Division, Undocumented Executioners Bryan Castillo & Selvin Geovonny Palacious Miranda
After being chased, beaten and eventually shot in the shoulder, 16-year-old Eduardo Eguia jumped into a small lake in a remote area of Missouri City’s Buffalo Run park and tried to escape by swimming to safety. The small band of MS-13 gang members who’d ambushed Eguia and another teen watched briefly but ran when they saw the flashlights of approaching police officers, according to Fort Bend County court records.The teen’s body was eventually discovered by a Missouri City officer during an organized search of the park.
After months of investigating, Missouri City Police recently charged two undocumented immigrants from El Salvador in connection with the shooting attack and the murder of Eduardo Eguia on Dec. 8, 2018. Selvin Geovanny Palacios Miranda, 18, and Bryan Castillo, 19, were both charged with murder and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.
Founded in Los Angeles in the 1980s by immigrants from El Salvador, MS-13 is known to be involved in drug and human smuggling, prostitution, murder and extortion. It is classified as a Tier 1 threat in the report.
MS-13 members are also known for their involvement in the Satanism, which is evidenced by the gang’s use of demonic nicknames, tattoos and other Satanic imagery. The gang’s hand sign is a devil’s horn signal known as “la garra,” a Spanish reference to Satan’s claws, experts say.
Just wondering,
Will all mainstream conservatives screaming about how publishing a well researched piece on the early history of slavery in America is biased because it didn’t focus enough on noble white people of America’s founding
A) get more votes for Donald among African Americans
B) get fewer votes for Donald among African Americans
@32 You don’t think conservatives plan to let African-Americans vote, do you?
This Reuters poll is mind-blowing. It shows dramatic, even huge, shifts in public opinion — away from Trump’s views and policies. He’s one of the most effective advocates liberals ever had. Never have so many people been sympathetic to blacks or favored increased immigration. And we owe it all to The Donald.
“Trade wars are easy to win”
Michigan could be important, don’t you think?
They can not help themselves. They’ve been feeding and nurturing the absurd premise that slavery in America is “both sides” complicated for decades. It is now second nature. The GOP still insists that there is a “glorious and noble history and grand tradition” somehow just slightly adjacent to the blood soaked whipping post.
But for klownsurvaturds, while America’s vicious and brutal slaving past and still extant white supremacy may be vast and complicated questions intricately caught up in identity and human history, somehow nation state borders, immigration, and the movement of people fleeing famine and violence is super duper simple and morally black and white.
@36 “Guest workers” good, “foreign invaders” bad. This is so simple even their children can understand it, which is important for passing their values on to the next generation.
It’s also eminently practical: We can’t have “furriners” roaming our country at will; they have to be rendered immobile and placed under watchful supervision. If we don’t, they’ll replace us.
Remember when President Obama said that if Irish people didn’t vote for him, they were disloyal to America?
Yeah, me neither.
I really do hate the republicans who give the loser golfer in the white house a pass on everything because he’s hurting the right people.
Well, I’m done, but I’m gonna suck up to the Democrats’ 2020 nominee so I can have a shot as Secretary of the EPA. That’s the job I was after anyway.