The other day, I was in West Seattle after work. Rather than take the bus Downtown like a reasonable person, I decided to walk. I used to take my bike that way pretty frequently, but it has been a while.
Anyway, I walked down East Marginal Way and there were no cars. I assumed that traffic was cut off due to all the construction, but it didn’t look like it. And there were plenty of bikes. It was eerie and wonderful at the same time. I would recommend more places inexplicably devoid of cars.
Apparently Donald is pissed the USA hasn’t got anything from North Korea since she started providing all their military defense in 1937.
Pssst Antifa Supremacy isn’t a thing.
The future of the GOP is given an opportunity to discover what it might be like to touch a girl:
WhitePower! klownsurvaturds frequently point to the existence of a lawsuit as “proof” of something. Let’s be clear, the existence of a lawsuit is proof only of the plaintiff having the money to file.
That being said, and having now read the filing fully, I think there’s an odds-on chance that Peter Strozk might prevail in at least one or two of his claims against the DOJ for his termination.
Right up front I’d argue his claims of First Amendment protection are probably going nowhere. But his due process claims appear to have real merit, although there are technical obstacles and lots and lots of rules to sort through. Also his invasion of privacy claims could also turn on how the IG handled his end.
And even prevailing on any of his claims might not result in any real relief beyond mere symbolic victory. But it’s probably a worthwhile exercise for the DOJ, if nothing else. Political influence over the personnel decisions of an independent law enforcement agency is a fact of life. How the senior agency officials deal with that political influence does matter to our safety. We are seeing that right now with the rise of organized domestic terrorism from the white right.
Two months ago Southern Poverty Law Center discovered a white nationalist domestic terrorist working for the Department of State and using State resources, computers, and communications systems to organize domestic terrorists.
SPLC alerted the Department of State at the time. He’s still working there today. No criminal or administrative investigation is known to exist into his activities. What he is doing appears to be approved of by the administration.
“A man is facing an assault charge after Montana authorities say he threw a 13-year-old boy to the ground at a rodeo because the teenager didn’t remove his hat when the national anthem was played.
“The boy was taken to a hospital in Spokane, Washington …. Court documents … said the boy was flown to the hospital for a … fractured skull.
“The assailant justified his actions by saying the boy ‘was disrespecting the national anthem so he had every right to do that,’ Hennick said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I doubt this perp is a liberal or Democrat. Montana? More likely from Doctor Dumbfuck’s tribe. They like to rape and kill kids.
@3 Cardboard is warmer to the touch than vinyl, less slippery, and you don’t have to blow it up.
6)Been awhile since Montana had somebody like Mike Mansfield.
@4&5: The reason Strzok was fired and this guy wasn’t is because Strzok was helping Mueller to uncover Trump’s Russia dealings and criminal obstruction of justice. Probably also because he isn’t white supremacist enough.
Interesting on Yesterdays LINK Transit measure in Chelan and Douglas Counties. The supporters were more organized than opposition. Thought, for that area, it would be the other way around.
Unlike in 2016, for which people can make plausible (if stretched) excuses, Trump is now a known quantity, and because it’s impossible to reconcile any concept of morality with voting for this sewer lizard, you can’t be regarded as a moral person if you vote for Trump in 2020. In other words, ignorance and stupidity will no longer work as excuses. Next time, voting for Trump will brand you as an immoral person. I’m saying this to you, Doctor Dumbfuck, among others.
Fairly, that’s the reason for all the potentially unlawful political pressure.
But at least one legitimate reason he was fired is because he was using his government issued communications devices in a way that is contrary to agency regulations.* However his termination for a violation of agency rules like that would be entitled to an appeals process, which was denied to him. It is not clear what the reason(s) are for that denial. We may assume those reasons will be uncovered during discovery.
In the end it may be that this denial was unlawful, that his termination will be reversed pending that appeal, and that upon being granted that appeal his termination will be upheld for lawful reasons. His relief would then be limited to restoration of back pay.
*I heartily approve of this. Hatch Act aside, I don’t think federal employees should be allowed to use taxpayer resources to engage in partisan political activities. I think that is especially important for any law enforcement agency. We seem to live in a time when people’s addiction to their communications devices is being used to excuse this. But if the agency and the government wish to cite this violation as an example they would be obligated to apply it to all other violators, including those within the executive branch or Homeland Security… for example.
He’s only doing exactly what he promised he would do.
Nothing at all about president peepee has changed since he rode the escalator.
The only thing that has really changed is media framing and expectation. Four years ago the media pretended he was a sideshow at best. And when WhitePower! voters turned out in the primaries in unprecedented numbers to embrace his promises of hatred, bigotry, and rampant corruption, the media uniformly embraced a narrative of “Magical Pivot”. Even leading Democrats got on board with it, ponderously explaining how the “seriousness of the job tended to transform people”.
It’s just taken more than two years of viciousness and incompetence to convince some (if yet not most) in the media that there is no pivot. The man is pivot-less. Behold the field where he grows his pivots. It is barren.
So maybe, just maybe a few of the mouth breathers can be forgiven that they bought the media sell job. But not really. They only bought what deep down inside the wanted to buy in the first place when they nominated this human dumpster fire. In Teh Dumbfuck, there can be no better example. You know damn well he’s a WhitePower! Party primary voter. He joined with the rest of the tribe to put party ahead of country and embrace the hate. And he did it for all the worst reasons, just like the rest of them. Clinton was never going to be as liberal as even Obama, much less Bernie. And Obama was GOP Lite at best. ButteryMales was just a reason offered up to rationalize the truth. Teh Dumbfuck freely admits that his pocket book would have fared better under a Clinton admin. They did it all for the sake of gaining permission to tell racist jokes in public without the shame, and to laugh at the images of Guatemalan Toddler Torture.
They’ve been “immoral” since Nixon.
No reason for a Washington state conservative-leaning person to vote in the US presidential election, primary or general, until the NPV compact goes into effect.
Maybe I’ll vote for the Green party. Maybe I’ll write in Fauxcahontas. No idea.
But I’ll also vote for Rick Larsen. No real reason to vote against someone who will get 60-70%, anyway, and hasn’t done something that makes me want to vote him out.
See, when y’all HA libbies tack waaaaay too far left in the primary season and end up with someone who makes Dennis Kucinich look like Genghis Khan as your standard-bearer, I’ll get to laugh at y’all for the four years thereafter without having done what y’all accused me of doing in 2016 or in 2020.
I haven’t pulled the lever for Trump yet. Don’t plan to do so. I’ll just be a spectator when y’all own-goal next year.
@14 No problem, just change parties and rejoin the human race. Or, as you suggest, take a bye and sit it out. It’s time to turn your back on the GOP, because to be a Republican today is to be antisocial, inasmuch as you’re no longer welcome in the GOP unless you’re a Trump-loving white supremacist. See, e.g.,
Did you catch that, doc?
@14 “I haven’t pulled the lever for Trump yet. Don’t plan to do so.”
I’ll bet you would if you believed your vote would decide our state’s electoral votes.
P.S.: You bragged about moving to Oregon. But you’re still voting in Washington? Isn’t that voting fraud?
P.P.S.: Are you voting in both Washington and Oregon? Asking for a prosecutor friend.
@ 16
Have said nothing about moving to OR. Never. Besides, OR has an income tax.
“I haven’t pulled the lever for Trump yet. Don’t plan to do so.”
Oh, so you cut to the chase in 2016 and were one of those write-in votes for Putin, were you? Figures. You’ve been a loyal footsoldier for Russia’s cause for years. And, no, you were not unwitting about it. You knew exactly what you were fucking doing.
If you were to beg us for forgiveness for your treason, Doctor, you’d likely be wasting your time, but not so much as when you show up here pleading innocence. In the court of HA, you’re guilty as fuck.
Live in shame.
The 10,000 pro-Putin hashtags, reflexive re-linking of PIZZACANNIBAL hot garbage, and unfailing reactionary defense of every single Charlottesville DeathCar TikiTorch Terrorist is just a happy coincidence.
You can’t un-be who you’ve become.
Too late for that. You ran out of time some time “later in the summer” of 2016.
@ 18
In the court of HA, you’re guilty as fuck.
Yeah, but you’ve got the Fleeing Felon moron as your prosecutor, Steve.
Without Putin, Steve, in the community of HA you’d be a mute.
No need to drag your sad incel perversions into this.
@20 No prosecutor required. You do a bang-up job of indicting yourself. Every fucking day.
“Without Putin, Steve, in the community of HA you’d be a mute.”
As long as Republicans continue to rape children and fuck farm animals, I’m sure I’ll have something to say about it.
We survived Obama, and we’ll survive Trump.
Just another “spectator” too, I suppose.
I can remember a time when Republicans fucked.
Even Republicans in places like Washington and California got some once in a while.
It’s no wonder they’re all running around looking for people to shoot.
Hey libbbbieees you are so far left that you are very different and so far from the fascist terrorist that Bob is.
@24The Hump is a fuckwad brought to you by Repuke politics for the last 2 decades. Ever since President Blackie became to be. We have fascist terrorists created by fucking Pukes.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist History Channel-Great Moments In Demorat History: 1971, Saul Alinsky Writes “Rules For Radicals,” a/k/a “The Demorat Playbook,” Dedicated, Unsurprisingly, To Lucifer, Excerpts;
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history… the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
5. “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.”
8. “Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.”
10. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign.”
11. “If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside… every positive has its negative.”
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and ‘frozen.’…
“…any target can always say, ‘Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?’ When your ‘freeze the target,’ you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments…. Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the ‘others’ come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target…’
“One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.” (pps.127-134)
Saul Alinksky, Rules for Radicals, Vintage Books, New York, 1989
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News-Example Of Alinsky/Demorat Tactics, Demorats Claim Trump Raising The American Flag Is Racist
Appearing Monday on MSNBC’s The 11th Hour, NBC News national security contributor Frank Figliuzzi told host Brian Williams that President Donald Trump was at least inadvertently sending a secret message to the “white supremacist movement” by ordering U.S. flags flown at half-mast due to the deadly shootings in Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas, to be re-raised on August 8th.
Now do William Dudley Pelley.
Should be easy for you.
Nah. But we know you voted for one. And you’ll do it again.
Because that’s who you are now.
@24 “we’ll survive Trump”
Some Germans survived Hitler, although they were reduced in number by the time he left office, and some of us will survive Trump, although last weekend another 29 people did not.
@28 Saul Alinsky doesn’t represent or speak for the Democratic Party; otoh, to your ilk, democracy and majority rule, an economy that isn’t it the toilet, paying workers living wages, and requiring billionaires to pay taxes along with the rest of us is “radical.”
Aaaaaaa, not really, there’s always the poor horse to talk about and how much you are a horse cocksucker and terrorist supporter
Farmer states that farmers aren’t doing great and that they are going down……Bob goes down on the horse cock.
@32 – Your party is doing exactly the wrong thing with the candidates (other than Biden) who are,currentl running.. If you guys wanted to get Trump re-elected, you’re doing a fine job.
Guess whose Twitter account has been blocked for TOS violations?
“‘The user was temporarily locked out of their account for a Tweet that violated our violent threats policy, specifically threats involving physical safety,’ a Twitter representative said of the account freeze. McConnell’s campaign accused Twitter of hypocrisy and criticized the ‘speech police in America.'”
Those neaderthals just don’t get it. We don’t live caves anymore, but they seem to think so, and they’re straight out of the Stone Age.
GOP = basket of deplorables
Now that Tucker Carlson has established Fox News as a platform for racist views, watching Fox stamps the mark of a racist on viewers.
Meanwhile, the Fox brass are shuttling him out of sight while waiting for the controversy over his latest racist remarks dies down.
But he won’t be fired or taken off the air, of course, because Fox is a racist network catering to a racist audience and his views simply reflect management’s, which is why they hired him in the first place.
Trump and other Republicans assure us that climate change is a “hoax,” but if it isn’t, food could get a lot more expensive when there isn’t enough of it to go around.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There goes what’s still left of your tax cut.
After learning that the WhitePower! ChuckleFuck who shot up an El Paso WalMart claimed to have “become radicalized” on 8chan by consuming mass quantities of QAnon/BENGHAZII!!/PizzaGate bullshit, the media have once again turned their attention to questioning free speech legal doctrine. In just a few days we’ve seen an outpouring of ill-informed pontificating ranging from criticisms of Sec. 230 to calls for constitutional amendments limiting the scope of the First Amendment.
Many of us who cherish and respect free speech may find it challenging to respond in times like these. First, because so many of the arguments put forth are filled with falsehoods and misinformation. But also because it does seem like expression has some kind of connection to these despicable acts. But that’s also misleading. It spurious cause and effect. And it’s an artifact of a form of modern journalism that is dedicated to “explaining” everything while offending no one.
What’s at work in places like 8chan doesn’t create violent, racist, hateful expression. It just gives people prone to those kinds of expression a place to gather anonymously. The hard truth we are trying to avoid here is that free speech does not create domestic white terrorism. We do. Our society does. The racist nonsense that is woven into the fabric of America is where it comes from.
It’s just far easier and safer to blame a fringe sewer on the internet for WhitePower! mass shootings than it would be to blame an entrenched political strategy of the GOP representing 63 million voters. A society that bends over backwards to protect the butt hurt feels of racist assholes like Teh Dumbfuck is destined to endure this kind of violent hatred. The law can’t and shouldn’t try to fix that. It’s up to us. It’s up to us to stand up, and walk out when Racist Uncle Freedumb talks ignorant shit about “The Mexicans” at Thanksgiving. It’s up to us to notice the little shit.
When you’re down and troubled
And you need a helping hand
And nothing, nothing is going right…
You’ve got a friend
“A 41-year-old Detroit man deported to Iraq in June died Tuesday, according to the American Civil Liberties Union and two people close to the man’s family. The man, Jimmy Aldaoud, spent most of his life in the U.S., but was swept up in President Donald Trump’s intensified immigration enforcement efforts.
“Edward Bajoka, an immigration attorney … close to Aldaoud’s family, wrote … that the death appeared to be linked to the man’s inability to obtain insulin in Baghdad to treat his diabetes.
“Aldaoud was an Iraqi national, but he was born in Greece and came to the U.S. as a young child …. He had never lived in Iraq and did not speak Arabic ….
“‘Rest In Peace Jimmy,’ Bajoka wrote. ‘Your blood is on the hands of ICE and this administration.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s hard to see much daylight between Trump’s deportation policy and Hitler’s when the outcome is the same. It’s perhaps still premature to call Republican voters Nazis, but it’s trending in that direction.
And yesterday we witnessed ICE agents arresting parents at school bus stops after dropping off their children, who had no one waiting to pick them up after school, and today don’t know where there parents are.
ICE = Trump’s Gestapo
I’m not justifying illegal immigration. Foreigners who enter our country without permission are violating our laws, and are subject to detention and deportation. But there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about law enforcement. This is the wrong way. It’s an immoral way that invites comparisons to tyrannical governments and is costing America its moral authority in the world. Voting for this is a profoundly un-Christian act. No one who votes for Trump in 2020 can credibly claim to be either a Christian or a moral person. If you vote for him, you’re as spiritually and morally bankrupt as he is. And you’re also a destroyer of families and an accessory to the deaths of innocent people dying in ICE custody or as a direct or indirect result of Trump’s brutal detention and deportation practices. If you vote for him, you’re voting for more of this, which makes you no better than he is.
If you think the kind of deep seated racism that gives life to horrific mass shootings is somehow something new, something associated with Trump, consider this.
Think about what these two very distinct, very obvious, and very activated groups of Republican voters have in common:
These “very fine people” –
and these “very fine people” –
That’s the base core that the campaign strategy is squarely aimed at. These are the most visible and demonstrative of Republican voters who animate his support within the party. And yet they are worlds apart in many ways. Certainly a couple of generations apart. The first group are either retired, or are nearing retirement from very good jobs, own more than one home, choke-fap to Baywatch reruns, and spend countless hours watching FOX News. The second group deliver pizzas, live in basements, choke-fap to anime, and spend countless hours playing video games. They could not be more different.
But they are alike in one very significant aspect. They’ve given up trying to be “nice”. At some point the first group realized that it no longer mattered if they were liked or respected in the community or the workplace. They had their close friends and weren’t interested in any new ones. They were no longer being considered for promotions at work. They were financially stable and had no real incentive to worry about “getting ahead” any longer.
The second group has become convinced that they have no chance of succeeding in society in the way that they were led to believe they were entitled to. They’ve been confronted by a world far less interested in their “talents” than they were led to expect. And they face stiff competition for both social and professional opportunities from people they were told were “lesser” than they are. They also see no incentive in obtaining the approval of society.
So here’s the thing. They were always racist, misogynistic, assholes. Once upon a time they might have kept that to themselves. But they don’t see any good reason to do so any longer. They’ve decided to let their WhitePower! freak flag fly. Trump/GOP just encouraged them to do so in ways we haven’t seen before.
This is always who they really were all along. Civil Rights didn’t change that. Alex Haley didn’t change that. Obama didn’t change that. Nothing ever will. The only way you defeat them is by outnumbering them every day.
Of course we need to vigorously enforce our immigration laws. And as I’ve said countless times before, we need to enact practical reforms to those laws that encompass the modern reality of immigration and the difficulties faced by the agencies tasked with enforcing them.
But there is no “law enforcement” emergency taking place to justify these kinds of practices. This has always been a political performance piece. These agents are still not going after rapists, drug dealers, or criminal gang members. They are going after pregnant women in delivery rooms and pool cleaners being arraigned for public drunkenness. Whatever threats we face owing to unlawful border crossings, ICE does virtually nothing to lessen those.
A better President with a better Congress would do things very differently. Building vanity WALL!! and RapeCaging Guatemalan Toddlers does not make us any safer.
“The president of the United States, as far as I know, hasn’t shot anyone”
“Charles Manson never shot anyone either”
“Rep. Chris Stewart’s Utah town hall meeting marked by anger over mass shootings, Trump”
There’s a good lesson to be taken from the way both Dayton and El P responded to the NRA/WhitePower! visitation from president peepee.
They largely prevented the NRA/GOP/WhitePower! from using the grant of solemnity that normally accompanies such a visit to deflect from their culpability. But they didn’t do that by demonstrating or being disrespectful. They did it by refusing and ignoring. Consequently there were no photo ops, no big public addresses, no big media ops. A few awkwardly shot phone videos, RageTweets, and walking photos of grinning and thumbs up. And 24 hrs later the visit is gone from the media cycle.
That’s the way it is done with this guy.
When the hand basket finally arrives in Hell….commies at the WSJ.
“White House economic adviser calls Wall Street Journal a communist paper after it names next recession for him”
Here’s one the doctor will love.
“Disturbing video shows cops fatally shooting black teen in his back as he runs away”
Of course he did. Trump at the University Medical Center of El Paso yesterday.
“I was here 3 months ago, That was some crowd… then ‘crazy Beto’ had like 400 people in a parking lot. They said his crowd was wonderful.”
Somewhere a publicist is laughing:
What on earth is Tulsi playing at?
Not much of a mystery. She’s doing exactly as she’s told.
Is it crazy? I dunno. Cults tend to seem that way to outsiders which would pretty much be all the voters. One thing’s for sure: whatever the charismatic leader is ordering the faithful to do, it’s probably in his best interest regardless. But since she owes so much of her political success to the Science of Identity Foundation’s work in Hawaii politics going back almost four decades, I suppose it could be said she owes them and him.
I don’t judge religious belief per se. Frankly I find it all equally bizarre. But there’s a big difference between run-of-the-mill religion and charismatic cults. Religion often serves as a very useful framework in which cult leaders thrive. The fact that David Koresh fucked children, then doused them in gas and immolated them is down to him, not Seventh Day Adventism*.
It doesn’t really matter to me that Gabbard is Hindu or even deeply involved in the global Krishna Consciousness movement. Whatevs. That’s not remarkable. Or at least, it shouldn’t be. But Chris Butler’s Science of Identity Foundation is a closed ecosystem where children are forbidden to attend public schools, where parents are forbidden to socialize outside the cult, and where whatever Butler demands is absolute law. Gabbard, like her father before her, has been hand selected and approved for this by Butler. It’s anyone’s guess what his plans may be for her. But they are not her plans. And they are not Hawaii’s plans either.
*The fact that the SDAs have spent decades systematically protecting pedophiles within their own ranks is down to them entirely.
Lyndsey Graham is such a fucking jerkoff. He talks like a fucking sissy.
Sissy mother fucker. Probably likes horses like Bob
Bob loves terrorists
“A New Jersey mayor called the LGBTQ rights movement ‘an affront to almighty God’ at a town council meeting and warned that people who support ‘unrighteous laws’ will be held accountable.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So is he.
@56 he and Bob probably suck each other’s cock’s when the horse isn’t available
In Texas, as elsewhere, the better educated people are the less likely they are to vote Republican. Anybody with any brains votes Democratic. The GOP gets the dropout vote.
There were 680 illegals arrested by ICE,. Why were the owners who hired the illegals, instead of Americans, not in jail?
@59 Republicans must have needed their rape cages to be replenished with some fresh toddlers.
The right is now trying to spin Trump’s “very fine people on both sides” remark.
One thing we can be sure of: He wasn’t referring to Doctor Dumbfuck.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Hate America & Everything Is Racist News- Racist FBI Arrests Vibrant Obama- Imported Enrichers In Racist Attempt To Prevent Vibrant Cultural Enrichment. Meanwhile Racist Trump Racistly Reduces Imported Vibrant Cultural Enrichment From 54,500 Vibrant Enrichers To Merely <3,000 Vibrant Enrichers.
Two Somali nationals granted refugee status in the United States are accused of attempting to join the Islamic State (ISIS) and sought to obtain American citizenship. Mohamed first arrived in 2014 under the Obama administration from Somalia as the child of a refugee.
Likewise, Hussein first arrived in 2014 under the Obama administration from Somalia as the child of a refugee and was in the process of requesting a green card from the federal government at the time of his arrest.
The Obama administration resettled roughly 54,500 Somali refugees in the U.S. between 2009 and 2016 — with nearly 99 percent being followers of Islam. Compare this mass inflow to recent years under the Trump administration where less than 3,000 Somali refugees have been resettled in the country, almost all of whom are Muslim.
So what you’re saying is that 0.0037% of Somalis tried unsuccessfully to join a terrorist group.
While 63,000,000 peri-diabetic, rapidly aging, aggreived white assholes made the cut by voting for president peepee.
I think I see where you’re going with this…
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