I already wrote this post once, but WordPress ate it (it’s definitely WordPress, and not me not saving it).
Anyway, we need to bring back the thorn. Ot þorn. We don’t need Latin speaking scribes or French speaking rulers to tell us what letters we get to use. Just þink about it. We still make a th sound in English, but it isn’t quite t-h. An actual letter is better.
Þat said, the boat has sailed on æ.
More on that nationwide $15/hr minimum wage analysis by the CBO:
• In an average week in 2025, the $15 option would boost the wages of
17 million workers who would otherwise earn less than $15 per hour.
Another 10 million workers otherwise earning slightly more than $15
per hour might see their wages rise as well. But 1.3 million other workers
would become jobless, according to CBO’s median estimate. There is a twothirds chance that the change in employment would be between about zero
and a decrease of 3.7 million workers. The number of people with annual
income below the poverty threshold in 2025 would fall by 1.3 million.
Goldy won’t ever tell you, ’cause it’s the other side of the coin. But the standard deviation of predicted job losses if this wage increase were implemented includes a number as high as 3,700,000 job losses nationwide.
How will ‘froggy ever get a job in that environment?
Small wonder the Democrat-controlled House is having trouble coming up with a majority to vote in favor.
Even the Fucking Moron would understand that substantial job losses wouldn’t be a “corporate lie”.
@1 Bob, I know you are more than capable to answering the following question or greatly would appreciate a response.
But how does the raising of the minimum wage that have been implemented in many cities factor into the overall gain in wages across the US, that The Hump administration, and the US Agencies/Media report in a positive manner, and The Hump and the Repukes like to take credit for when speaking about this great economy.
Now I may not have stated the question correctly but hopefully you get the gist of what I am saying. I’m speaking of the average hourly pay (/hr).
@ 2
Now I may not have stated the question correctly…
To begin with, gman, you did not use a question mark. Of course, punctuation and grammar are racist:
Well, this is what happens when you turn your publicity over to AOC.
The Committee on Oversight and Reform announced a hearing advisory set for Wednesday titled “Kids in Cages: Inhumane Treatment at the Border” over Twitter. The hearing will be “examining” this alleged inhumane treatment after members of the committee witnessed the “grotesque treatment of children.”
The announcement was meant to be for the inhumane treatment allegedly occurring under President Donald Trump. The tweet included a photo, but there was just one problem.
The picture included in the tweet of children in cages was from the Obama administration, according to President Donald Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign. The photo was quickly deleted.
Not quite quickly enough, motherfuckers.
This is one reason you got Trump.
After the meeting Trump called in Sam Nunberg, then a Trump Organization employee, who saw Pecker leaving Trump’s office. “Michael was sitting in there when I came in, and the issue of the National Enquirer with the pictures of Prince Andrew was on his desk,” Nunberg recalled. “He said not to tell anyone, but that Pecker had just been there and had brought the issue with him. Trump said that Pecker had told him that the pictures of Clinton that Epstein had from his island were worse.”
I suppose when you have your dick inside a 15 year-old girl, you lose track of the other people in the room who are holding cameras.
Speaking of 15 year old girls…
“Trump acted like a ‘total beast’ at cocaine-fueled parties with girls as young as 15 years old: report”
This is why we get more Trump.
@1 Republicans like Doctor Dumbfuck just hate — I mean hate — the idea of workers being paid anything for their labor, let alone a decent wage. Republicans think labor should be free. They also think prison inmates and slaves should be billed for their room and board.
How do you think I feel?
@4 This is your defense of Trump’s treatment of migrant children?
@6 “This is one reason you got Trump.”
There’s only one reason we got Trump and that’s because 63 million stupid motherfuckers voted for him, and I suspect you’re one of them.
“In prepared testimony to the House Financial Services Committee, Powell said business investments across the U.S. have slowed ‘notably’ recently as uncertainties over the economic outlook linger.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The word “uncertainties” is, of course, a euphemism for Trump’s erratic policymaking.
“Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell told Congress on Wednesday that he doesn’t think a return to the gold standard in the U.S. would be a good idea.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This means two things: (a) The gold standard is such a bad idea that even Trump’s handpicked Fed chief won’t endorse it, and (b) Powell is taking a backhand swipe at Trump’s nomination of a gold bug to the Fed board.*
* It’ll be interesting to see whether even the GOP lackeys in the Senate can go along with this.
It’s been a long time since William Jennings Bryan delivered his famous “Cross of Gold” speech, so let me offer a brief refresher: Bryan was a congressman from Nebraska who was attacking the gold standard and eastern moneyed interests (i.e., Wall Street) when he declared: “You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold!”
The way the gold standard works hasn’t, of course, changed since Bryan’s time. Thus, by trying to bring back the gold standard, Trump is coddling eastern moneyed interests and attacking farmers and small businessmen. Like he did with his “tax cuts”.
I just want it to be clear whose side he’s on.
He threw in a “motherfucker”. So even if it was a weak-assed whaddaboudism, he made it with conviction. Which is all that’s left for the “moral majority” frauds now that they are permanently conscripted into the defense of president finger-rapist.
Conservatives Grasp at Straws After CBO Minimum Wage Analysis Shows Clear Benefits
>> So they have already read what the conservative racist incel is attempted without success.
This is what you might call a wealth transfer: well-off people would pay a little bit more for goods, and businesses would lose a little bit more in profits, to finance a wage increase for a substantial segment of the population. Inequality would be reduced by a significant factor. The cost-benefit analysis clearly comes out on the side of benefits.
… If someone making $7.25 an hour, the current minimum, can only find a job half as much of the time at $15 an hour, they still come out ahead.
… However, even with its pessimism, the CBO paints a pretty solid picture of increased wages for twenty-seven million low-wage Americans. These broad benefits outweigh the costs.
Fuck the conservative racist incel, Bring on the $15 min wage.
From the same article.
What you’re left with is business owners blaming the minimum wage for any possible job impact, including personal mismanagement. One example is playing out now in Seattle, where this week Restaurants Unlimited, an upscale restaurant chain, filed for bankruptcy.
The company blamed “progressive wage laws along the Pacific coast that have increased the minimum wage,”
Left unmentioned is the fact that Restaurants Unlimited is a portfolio company of private equity firm Sun Capital, which has weighed it down with substantial debt. While Bagley noted $10.6 million in wage increases, he didn’t point out the company’s $40 million debt load, which makes it unable to reinvest in the businesses or respond to changing tastes. Revenue at the chains, which does not take into account wages, was down last year.
Every Rose has it’s þ
Just like every night has its dawn
Just like every cowboy sings his sad, sad song
Every rose has its þ
(This was a popular nerd joke for EngLit types for a time)
@ 14
These broad benefits outweigh the costs.
Red, if this is so clearly apparent, why isn’t it working its way more quickly through the Democrat-controlled House?
By the way, there’s nothing new about the moral and economic bankruptcy of “trickle down” economics:
“There are two ideas of government. There are those who believe that, if you will only legislate to make the well-to-do prosperous, their prosperity will leak through on those below. The Democratic idea, however, has been that if you legislate to make the masses prosperous, their prosperity will find its way up through every class which rests upon them.”
— from William Jennings Bryan’s 1896 “Cross of Gold” speech
In short, even 123 years ago, Democrats knew trickle-down economics was bullshit and policies based on them were intended to enrich to upper class at the expense of the working classes. Nothing’s changed. Trickle-down is still bullshit, and Republicans are still trying to rip off workers.
Dumbfuck still thinks Bill is running for something.
A more rational person would be troubled with,
“Mr. President, it has come to light that via your lifelong contacts at the National Enquirer you were well aware that Mr. Epstein was and is a serial child rapist. You were also well aware of the extremely lenient sentence U.S. Attorney Acosta gave to Mr. Epstein. Given that knowledge, can you explain why you appointed SECRETARY Acosta, someone who looked the other way allowing a serial child rapist to skirt punishment and rape children again, to your Cabinet?”
(rambles on about the emails, a witch hunt, totally vindicated)
“Why is someone who abetted a child rapist STILL in your cabinet?”
(Great economy, if it weren’t for the press I’d be at 73% approval)
“Sir, why are you STILL associating with those who excuse child rape?”
@17 “Quickly” compared to what? How long it would take Republicans to raise the minimum wage? We all know the answer to that one.
They closed Palomino? Palomino was freaking expensive.
Jordan Cabernet Sauvignon Alexander Valley CA 125
Since the Palomino is going under, the 1% wasn’t doing enough to keep it going. It’s not something that the 99% can afford to eat at. It wasn’t because they paid a server a little more.
I heard an economist explain that since American no longer has a viable path to income improvement, that every generation does better than the previous one, we are becoming polarized, to one side is the politics of resentment and the other side is the politics of redistribution.
if we can’t do better, we are going to take from those doing exceptionally better.
If we can’t do better, we are going to get angry and destroy the Others we feel are taking our prosperity.
Classic example of the damn millennials killing franchises that won’t adapt.
Weird how corporate chain upscale spots like Palomino and PF Chiangs or Cheesecake Factory that even they’re parents thought we’re overpriced aren’t attracting tech-bro millennial customers.
Odd I tell you
I wonder if Willie Horton the sequel will play with Florida voters.
(Violins and mournful oboes)
This is US Attorney Jim Acosta. He had mountains of evidence that Billionaire Jeffrey Epstein was a serial child rapist. Rather than take a serial child rapist like Epstein off the streets for life, Jim Acosta negotiated a plea deal where a serial child rapist was allowed to leave a minimum security prison every day to go to work. When Jim Acosta let a serial child rapist go free that serial child rapist raped more children.
How did long time friend of US Attorney for Florida Jim Acosta Donald J Trump react to Jim Acosta allowing children to be raped?
(Cut music, Photo of smirking Donald)
He appointed US Attoeney for Florida Jim Acosta to his cabinet
@3. Bob you are nothing special when you are so predictable. You should work on that.
Heterosexuals are such predators – that’s what it all boils down to. You fuck horses and goats and 15 year old girls. What? You think you Heteros are not a bunch of fucking heathens!?
YLB has no Y chromosome in a world in which patriarchy has no gender.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez✔
Just when you think all hope is lost, we get a Fox News contributor to realize that patriarchy has no gender 😉 https://twitter.com/lisamarieboothe/status/1148701150318927872 …
2:58 PM – 9 Jul 2019
No body gives a flying fuck about anyone’s commentary on this blog. Your commentary is as relevant and what was in the fortune cookie you opened 30 years ago.
@28 you cared enough to drop in to leave a comment. You must care otherwise you’d probably be fucking a horse instead.
Being so wrong for so long finally got to you?
Don’t blame us. Blame the Antabuse. Sobering up didn’t make you any less wrong. It just made you capable of seeing it.
Is boob busting yet another rapey moment?
@28 “No body gives a flying fuck about anyone’s commentary on this blog.”
Yours least of all.
Some folks should have a look at the tape of a Bartender questioning the Fed Chair today.
Anyone who took their coursework seriously in college can recognize someone who clearly put in the effort to understand even when they disagree with that classmate’s conclusion.
Watching AOC get Fed Chair Powell to agree that anti-inflationary interest rate increases as the Great Recession recovery took hold during the Obama Administration slowed that recovery and likely depressed job growth is really something to see.
Remember when they tried to sell Paul Ryan as an economics wonk?
Boy, I can’t believe I woke this morning without finding out that some straight pig sinner didn’t rape a little child last night. Praise the lord! Alleluia! Where’s the puffer when he’s needed to set the heathen Straights straight!
A lot of trees to check before Puffer’s body is found or discovered.
Finally! 27,000!
Pom poms and skirts in play for Bob!
@35 Yeah, because 1 stock is up. If you don’t own United Healthcare, but you do own every other stock in the Dow list, you’re probably down today.
Oh, and Boob’s one-stock portfolio? Pffft. Varian Medical Systems is down 3.33% today.
Looks like the horse is riding the jockey.
Oh, and I forgot to mention, the Dow hit 27k but didn’t stay there. Boob got to gaze upon that number, which he’s infused with magical properties, for only a few minutes.
But WTI oil is above 60 bucks again, and you can practically see $4 gas knocking on the door, and that will look dirt cheap if John Bolton gets his war with Iran. Speaking of which …
Remember the “better Iran deal” Trump promised? Right now, all he’s getting from them is “fuck you” and harassing attacks on oil tankers and U.S. warships in the Strait of Hormuz.
@33 I remember, even if no one else does, how the GOP’s leading economic candles kept repetitively warning us of hyperinflation if Bernanke, Yellen, et al. refused to implement the same discredited conservative policies that caused the Great Depression and would have turned the Great Recession into a Second Great Depression.
I wouldn’t put these guys in charge of a lemonade stand, but unfortunately, they’re now mucking up a lot more than that, thanks to the stupidity of Trump voters.
Trump is actually trying to put someone on the Federal Reserve Board who would take us back to the failed gold standard, but that’s not surprising, because the entire GOP agenda is based on the worst economic ideas of the 19th century, and their social platform goes back even farther.
A Republican is someone who has an extraordinary capacity to learn nothing — nada, zip, zero — from history or experience.
You can tell a kid will grow up to be a Republican if he burns all 10 of his fingers on a hot stove.
@39 they’re all about today, regardless of what it will bring tomorrow. They don’t care about the kids, or grand kids. Family! Family! Family! Really is about anti gay, anti gay, anti gay. This is pretty apparent from all the organizations with the word “family” in it, they’re all anti gay.
Can’t speak for others, but I value some people’s posts more than others. For example: the conservative racist incel posts drip with venomous contempt for women, african americans and other minorities, gays and workers. He’s constantly telepathic, projecting his fears and rage onto others. Why would I pay attention to that crap?
@40 I disagree. They’re all about yesterday. Republicans are nostalgic for all the 19th century had to offer: Plantation slavery, robber barons, panics and depressions, civil war, the Indian Wars and western land grabs, and best of all the war with Mexico. They’ll never see a century like that again, but they’re trying their damndest to replicate it. And yes, they also dream of throwing gays off the roofs of tall buildings.
Fuck you, gman.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Last Updated: Jul 11, 2019 at 11:59 a.m. EDT
206.26 0.77%
Trump 25:35
For I was an hungred, and ye gave me a moldy Pop Tart: I was thirsty, and ye gave me a toilet to drink from. I was a stranger, and ye yelled “USA! USA! USA!” Naked, and ye grabbed your phone and took pictures. I was sick, and ye laughed and pointed. I was in prison, and ye came unto me and grabbed me by the pussy.
Paying your taxes is patriotic, man. C’mon!
Joe Biden Used Tax-Code Loophole Obama Tried to Plug
@45. I agree. Taxes are the price of civilization. Republicans should try that some time.
Luckily we got Warren and Harris and Buttigieg. They are fine replacements for Biden. And would also beat trump in a fair fight.
Warren got a plan for taxes
“As the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, we can make investments that create economic opportunity, address rural neglect, and a legacy of racial discrimination–if we stop handing out giant tax giveaways to rich people and giant corporations and start asking the people who have gained the most from our country to pay their fair share.
That includes an Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions that can be used to build an economy that works for everyone, including universal childcare, student loan debt relief, and down payments on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All.”
@43 that a boy. Boxing gloves are better than your Pom Poms. Love you too!
Oh and Bob, if it takes you that long to shoot your load, after orgasming, the horse will be looking for a new master.
I donated $250!to Pete!!!!!
Go Pete!!!
@ 47
You can’t get the House to pass a $15 Minimum Wage bill, Red. You think you’ll get the Senate to pass Warren’s plan?
You’re a clown, Red.
@ 47
You can’t get the House to pass a Eight-Hour Work Day bill, Teddy Roosevelt. You think you’ll get the Senate to pass the Fair Labor Standards Act?
You’re a clown, Teddy Roosevelt.
Oh cool.
Donald is going to hold a press conference where he is expected to issue an executive order ‘overiding’ a Supreme Court decision.
There used to be some ‘Constitutionalists’ in the GOP.
I’ve got $50 a lot of those same GOPers will have statements about the President’s ‘right’ to ignore the Supreme Court in the coming days.
This parking lot looks good here on Paradise.
AOC: Y’all House Dems are racist. All y’all ‘cept us 4.
Manu Raju
Verified account
Just asked @aoc if she stands by her comment that Pelosi singles out women of color. “Well I think it’s really just pointing out a pattern, right? We’re not talking just about progressives, it’s singling out four individuals and knowing the media environment we’re operating in..”
7:46 AM – 11 Jul 2019
U.S. Automakers are several years late and hundreds of millions of dollars short…
Cocaine Mitch’s seat is safe. Like, really, really
Manu Raju
Verified account
17h17 hours ago
“Hours after telling the Courier Journal she would have voted to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court, Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Amy McGrath reversed course to say she would, in fact, not have voted for Kavanaugh.”
If only Ashley Judd were….
And about 2,000 safety laws hamstrung.
U.S. Automakers are several years late and hundreds of millions of dollars short…
Cz-252 @ 55, please just once pull your head out of your ass before making a post.
Indian roads are the most dangerous in the world and 1,40,000 people die due to accidents every year.
The number @ 57 probably was 140k. I cut/pasted.
Here’s another figure:
In India, more than 150,000 people are killed each year in traffic accidents. That’s about 400 fatalities a day and far higher than developed auto markets like the US, which in 2016 logged about 40,000.
Read more at:
@ 56, 57 & 58:
You’re wasting your time and energy posting your comments on this blog.
@8 Bob’s wife’s horse spews:
“How do you think I feel?”
Probably no worse than me.
“@ 56, 57 & 58”
Why does @59 waste time posting on this blog?
@ 59
Thanks for the insight.
Some elsewhere on this blog will tell you that it’s a better use of my time than, say, posting on the Sound Politics blog. If a tree falls in a forest and no one has been around to hear it since May of 2017….
Oh. And sometimes I learn useful shit here, too.
David @ 59, please go be someone else’s mother.
@62 you haven’t learned a thin since exiting the vagina.
Economics isn’t a science.
It’s a fucking meat market, baby!
NY Times: Harvard Suspends Star Economist After Sexual Harassment Claims
Mr. Fryer, 42, has been the subject of several concurrent university investigations, which concluded that he had engaged in “unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature” against at least five employees over the course of a decade.
In a letter to the economics department on Wednesday, Claudine Gay, a Harvard dean, said Mr. Fryer would be put on administrative leave for two years, during which he cannot teach or conduct research using university resources. The Education Innovation Laboratory, the off-campus space known as EdLabs where he conducted most of his work, will be permanently closed. A Harvard spokeswoman said he would not be paid during his suspension.
Probably referring to it as HeadLab in university emails to women subordinates was not wise.
On the other hand, the Harvard Mathematics Department has confirmed that Mr. Fryer’s erect penis is, in fact, more than 16 inches in length. He therefore was not charged with lying in his application for tenure.
Uh-oh! The DJIA is at 27,000.27! Will it stay there?? Will today be the day the doctor finally gets to crow that the DJIA only has 23,000 more to go before the DJIA under his Glorious Orange Moron finally matches the performance of the DJIA under the black Muslim socialist from Kenya??
@ 64
@62 you haven’t learned a thin since exiting the vagina.
It’s only been an hour. Full cerebral blood flow has not yet returned.
@ 66
Steve, if this were a Hillary Clinton presidency….
Wait a minute. There’s no need to finish that.
Steve, Hillary Clinton is not president. Think on your sins, as you quietly thank Trump and the GOP for the balance in your 401k.
Of course it did.
Cory Booker’s brother opened a school so bad it got shut down. N.J. just gave him a $150K education job
“They had no idea what the hell they were doing,” said Donnie Houston, a former Omni Prep principal who criticized Cary Booker, now 52, and his co-founder Marc Willis. “They had no clue, and it was really just, for lack of a better word, a clusterf—. Excuse my French, but it was.”
But rising from these ashes the following year was Cary Booker, who would go on to land a top education job in New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s administration.
After working as a policy consultant on Murphy’s campaign in 2017, Cary Booker became the administration’s senior education adviser in 2018, earning $120,000. This June, six days before Murphy stumped for Cory Booker’s presidential campaign in Iowa, the Democratic governor’s administration awarded Cary Booker a new $150,000 position leading the state’s Division of Early Childhood Education, which focuses on birth to third grade.
Let’s hear it for the sibling of Senator Spartacus.
That’s about 400 fatalities a day and far higher than developed auto markets like the US, which in 2016 logged about 40,000.
But we logged 76,000 opiate overdose deaths…
in just a single trailer park in Kentucky!
Mitch McConnell’s spineless opponent:
Amy McGrath
Verified account
I know I disappointed many today with my initial answer on how I would have voted on Brett Kavanaugh. I will make mistakes and always own up to them. The priority is defeating Mitch McConnell.
5:43 PM – 10 Jul 2019
Like YLB, she possesses two X chromosomes but no vertebrae.
“Think on your sins”
Love the insipid repetitiveness of your dumbfuckery, Doctor. Fascism dumb you down much?
It was never necessary to sell out to Russia in order to make money in the stock market, Doctor. The reason you turned traitor was because you hate America.
“Think on your sins”
“Sin = an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law.”
No longer believe in your sky god. I reject the one conservatives worship that allows them to put brown toddlers in cages. So can’t be committing any sins.
@ 72
I love the insipid repetitiveness of your hypocrisy, Steve.
Have you ever posted about me without using some variant of the word “traitor”?
My crime against the nation apparently was not being in favor of either major party candidate in 2016.
72, 73,
His tagline is an admission that electing the bloated, incompetent finger-rapist in 2016 was a moral failure.
Repeting it is his only means of projecting blame.
No sane person, having seen your unfailing record of defending president RapeCage, has any doubt about your voting record… motherfucker.
“Think on your sins” This hypocrisy coming from a conservative racist incel who won’t even commit to telling us what religion he follows.
Do as I say, not as I do and Rules only apply to democrats.
What’s Teh Dumbfuck’s other tagline? Oh yes…
He has every intention of voting for president RapeCage a second time in 2020. He just needs to recruit enough “reasons” to do so.
@74 At least you recognize you committed a crime against the nation. That’s the first essential step toward recovery. But you’ve got to stop fucking that horse, too. Normal people don’t fuck horses.
@ 77
Raised Presbyterian. Rebelled. I observe no religion. Gifts are to nature-protecting organizations and to higher education. I scream silently when my wife writes checks to the ACLU.
I’m under no obligation to answer each and every question you might ask, Red.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has been physically incapable of fucking anything in the current millenium.
South Korean automaker debuts electric car for emerging market of India (1.3billion people)
Note that US Auto makers don’t have a comparable electric car even in their home market. (Lack of investment, assumption that gas will always be cheap enough, macho-gear-headism)
A Dumbfuck retorts that Indian roads are unsafe as if that has fuck all to do with a South Korean automaker outcompeting the US in a 1.3billion consumer market.
Are you wearing the helmet to keep you safe from running into Windows today, Dumbfuck?
@71 Doctor Dumbfuck spews: “Mitch McConnell’s spineless opponent …. Like YLB, she possesses two X chromosomes but no vertebrae.”
Now let’s fact-check that assertion:
“Amy M. McGrath-Henderson … is an American former Marine fighter pilot …. She was the first female Marine Corps pilot to fly the F/A-18 on a combat mission. McGrath … flew 89 combat missions bombing al Qaeda and the Taliban. In 2016, she was inducted into the Aviation Museum of Kentucky’s Hall of Fame and her military story is described in Band of Sisters: American Women at War in Iraq.”
So there you go again, attacking another veteran.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But isn’t that just like a Republican? They all do it. Saxy Chambless did it. Jerome Corsi did it. Trump does it. Doctor Dumbfuck does it. Why do so many Republicans hate our veterans? Is it repressed envy? Is it because they were draft dodgers?
Believe me, I know who spit on me when I returned from Vietnam. It sure wasn’t a Marine fighter pilot. Nor was it John McCain, John Kerry, Max Cleland, or any of the other veteran heroes that Republicans have vilified and abused. It was draft dodging hippies who all became Republicans in their old age.
And just boom goes the dynamite Ford and VW announce electric car strategies.
With this note from CNN
No, many major automakers already have electric vehicles (BMW, Mercedes, Nissan, Toyota) and a racing to make them affordable for all while outside the Bolt US automakers are a decade behind.
Kids let me tell you about a little car called the Honda Civic that debuted n the US in 1972 and the 1973 start of the oil crisis…
Man, I really feel bad for Bob. He took a pounding in the last ten comments. But he got laid, so big thumbs up to Bob on that…I hope the horse had a good time too!
Speaking of the gas crisis, I shit you not, yesterday I saw a guy driving down I-90 in a baby-shit brown 1974 Mustang II.
That was Ford’s initial answer to the Civic. Shrink the body weight of a Mustang but don’t make it too small, drop in an underpowered 4 cylinder Pinto engine and call it good. (Note there was an 8-CYL option added in ’75 that would have made the lighter car an absolute BEAST but it didn’t sell well, see oil crisis.)
So after opening remarks at the “Social Media Summit” complaining about censorship of online conservatives, the pool feed audio and visual was turned off and it has been announced that it will remain off.
Per journos in the room via Twitter,
Conservatives are afraid to use their real names online now.
eds note: You mean someone with your actual information might start harassing you like you were a crisis actor whose child didn’t really die in a school mass shooting and the whole thing is a deep state hoax and then go take military grade weaponry to a Pizza and Ping Pong joint to liberate the child sex slaves in the basement and tell you they hope you get raped?
“You can not attract high paying jobs to your city unless you lavish tax breaks and incentives and massive spending on infrastructure to get it.” Conservative/USChamber of Commerce “Facts”
Per WSJ, Amazon has tripled its leased office space in New York City over the last five years. Google has triple what they had in 2014. Facebook double.
I think there was someone in these comment sections celebrating Amazon pulling out of the liberal city because of AOC being a mean bully.
@61 – It’s OK, I have the time to waste on frivolous activities from time to time. I’m retired, you see!
Unwittingly admits he is no longer able to “make”.
Nursey has a pill for it.
If you’re a good boy and you behave yourself she may offer the suppository.
Remember when ‘Fast and Furious’ was a giant scandal?
This cross administration arming of Saudis is kind of a problem now that CNN Intl can confirm that Saudi Arabia has transferred a whole bunch of weapons to Al Qaeda in Yemen. Anti tank missiles, armored vehicles and other advanced US weaponry.
This issue predates Donald but the dollar value of equipment our government has sold to MBS has exploded since Donald took office.
I guess there could be some advantages here but I think Bob should be concerned with this if he wants to get to 28,000. And I’m not saying it won’t get to 28,000 but if it does it will all be horse shit ( didn’t mean to bring up horses here)
@90 I’m glad you realize you’re frivolous. Self awareness is the first step to rehabilitation.
In today’s news:
A shallow 4.6 earthquake near Monroe rattled Seattle at 2:51 am.
Trump threw Acosta under the bus. His replacement is a Jack Abramoff protege.
Now it’s the borrow-and-spend Republicans beseeching the fiscally prudent Democrats to raise the debt ceiling or the government will run out of money.
Think we should accommodate them? Nah, fuck ’em. What goes around, comes around. Give ’em a taste of their own medicine. And if Trump can afford to spend $5.4 million on his July 4 ego parade, which he probably borrowed from China, he doesn’t need more borrowing authority.
There’s something to be said for letting the government run out of cash. Then we can shut down the whole Trump regime, or at least a chunk of it. It doesn’t do anything useful anyway.