As Seattle gets denser, and more adults are wearing backpacks, we’re going to have to figure out some ethics. Like, public transportation. If it’s crowded, take it off and put it on the ground. There are signs for that. But even walking through busy streets, or standing, be aware of it. Don’t hit people in the face or make them dodge you.
“A team of doctors, lawyers and advocates are warning of what they say are major health and hygiene problems at several US Customs and Border Protection facilities in Texas. ‘There was just a pervasive health crisis,’ said attorney Toby Gialluca, describing what she said were conditions at the Ursula Processing Center in McAllen, Texas. ‘Virtually everyone we saw was ill.’ Clara Long, a senior researcher for Human Rights Watch, described what she said were ‘unconscionable conditions’ at a Border Patrol station in Clint, Texas, where unaccompanied minors were being held.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: AOC was right, Trump is treating migrants like concentration camp inmates, and his border camps become more like Buchenwald with every passing day.
What happens when a snowflake feels threatened by a woman in red.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Honestly, I think these people just live for an excuse to beat up women.
Wait a minute. It’s “unethical” to wear a backpack on public transportation if someone else is affected?
I don’t think you meant ethics. You meant manners, Carl.
At this writing the DJIA is within 0.6% of 27,000.
@4 In other words, Roger Rabbit, who doesn’t put all his bets on one rocket stock but rather owns a well-diversified portolio of Dow-component and other blue-chip stocks, is getting richer by the minute. I’ll take it. Sure beats working for Republican wages. Frankly, I don’t understand why everyone isn’t a capitalist, when our system mistreats the workers who create all of our wealth instead of rewarding them.
Elizabeth Warren Wants to Ban Private Prisons: They Have ‘No Place in America’
“The government has a basic responsibility to keep the people in its care safe—not to use their punishment as an opportunity for profit,”
Critics charge that profit motives have led to a desire for higher incarceration and worse conditions.
Additionally Warren said, in her post, that as president she’d stop contractors from charging service fees for essential prison services like phone calls, bank transfers and health care.
“And I’ll prohibit companies from charging for re-entry, supervision, and probation services, too—because no one should have to pay for their own incarceration, whether it’s inside a facility or outside of one.”
>> If one believes in redemption and rehabilitation, for profit prisons are not the right model.
@ 2
She got what she deserved. She was treated coarsely. There’s no reason she should have been permitted to disrupt the event, and in about 7-10 seconds she was removed. She walked the whole way under her own power, with rough guidance.
Hell, if Medea Benjamin were ever treated that way by a US politician, said politico would never lose another race.
Maybe it would be a better idea for those “immigrants” to stop entering the country illegally rather than swarming the border and expecting everything to go their way once they commit their illegal acts?
Ethics is a fine and apt term in this case.
Having worked in for profit medicine, it’s understandable that you might find this unfamiliar territory.
Thoughts and prayers
@4 No doubt that will be a great comfort to the single mom who, despite working three jobs, still can’t afford child care and is drowning in unpaid medical bills.
But I suppose she can always take comfort in her stock portfolio, such as it is. Or at least feel happy for the top 10%, who own 86% of the stock, as she cleans their houses for them.
To be as big a dumbfuck as the doctor, you have to work extra hard at it, but he gives it his best effort.
@7 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck endorses political violence against people whose opinions he doesn’t like.
He probably smirked when that GOP candidate (now a congressman) punched a reporter for asking a question he didn’t like, too.
This is what conservatives are now, yet they continue to deny they’re descended from apes.
So if I am to understand it correctly, the official narrative emerging from GOP/Trumpland is that DERPSTATE BENGHAAZIII generals launched an air strike against targets in Iran without the peepee president’s knowledge or approval. And that just in the nick of time Orange FartBaloon discovered their evil plot and put a stop to it.
I’m not sure which is the more disturbing implication: that the White House thinks this is a plausible explanation, or that the 63 million mewling bovine dupes who voted for them will actually believe it.
Bitch got her free tank ‘o gas. What the fuck she want?
@ 11
Wherein Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to being pushed out of a room by one’s collar after disrupting an event “violence”.
This is why your side loses, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@8 In that same spirit, it would have been better for European Jews if they had stopped being Jews back in the ’30s, wouldn’t you say?
Doctor Dumbfuck just mentioned ethics. You people don’t have any. That becomes clearer with every passing day.
The prosecutor deserves to lose her career. So did Nifong. So did Mosby.
Breaking: Senior Cook County judge appoints special prosecutor to probe handling of @JussieSmollett investigation and prosecution, citing “unprecedented irregularities.”
#Chicago #JussieSmollett
8:15 AM – 21 Jun 2019
@10. Why doesn’t she just sell one of her apartment buildings so she can afford that stuff?
@12 “the 63 million mewling bovine dupes who voted for them will actually believe it”
Without a doubt; and not one of them will join up to fight this war. They expect the blacks and browns to do it.
I notice defense stocks are lower but oil stocks are higher this morning. Looks like Wall Street thinks Trump will back down, and Tehran won’t.
I’m sure we all recall Obama’s steely nerves and steadfastness with regard to Syria in 2013.
Isn’t that right. QoS McHillbilly
Can has reading?
No seriously, can you read?
Thomas Jefferson could. Some even say he could write a little, too.
Read the law, racist dumbfuck. It is perfectly legal to appear at a point of entry or at the first available opportunity and apply for asylum. The law is clear. The GOP helped write it. The GOP was largely responsible for the most recent revisions. The GOP made this legal. And they’ve kept it legal. Don’t like it?
Change it.
You’re in charge. Sponsor legislation. Pass a fucking bill. Change the law, idiot. It’s your “populist” revolution. Do something. Do your fucking job.
Where have you been? Thirty months ago there was nothing stopping you from enacting this priority immediately. While president peepee was rage Tweeting unlawful MOOSLIMBAN Executive Orders and obstructing his ass off, your House and Senate majorities where hiding under their desks choke-fapping to Guatemalan Toddler Torture porn.
You did this. You are doing this. You own it.
@17 Good point! How the hell did I overlook that?
A Republican is someone who thinks child care and health care are unaffordable luxuries and military adventures are indispensable necessities.
@14 “Wherein Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit refers to being pushed out of a room by one’s collar after disrupting an event ‘violence’.”
Typical Republican. You think she should’ve relaxed and enjoyed it.
@14 “This is why your side loses, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.”
I agree that expecting civilized behavior from your ilk has its limitations.
During the protest, footage shows, one woman walked past where Field was sitting, at which he got up from his seat and grabbed her around the neck, pushing her against a nearby pillar. After a brief scuffle, Field is seen leading the woman out of the room by the back of her neck.
“treated coarsely. “with rough guidance.”
Funny way to talk about assault.
Still what do you expect from a racist incel who thought Zimmerman was right to kill 17 year old Trayvon Martin and the cop was right to kill Philando Castile for telling the cop that he had a gun.
Who blindly supports someone who says things like
“I’d like to punch him in the face”
“Part of the problem is no one wants to hurt each other anymore”
“The audience hit back. That’s what we need a little bit more of”
“If you do (hurt him), I’ll defend you in court, don’t worry about it”
“I’ll beat the crap out of you”
on a national stage. The sad thing is, you probably admire him for it. (shrug)
Racist idiot @8,
Title 8 U.S. Code § 1158.
(a) (1)
Any alien who is physically present in the United States or who arrives in the United States (whether or not at a designated port of arrival and including an alien who is brought to the United States after having been interdicted in international or United States waters), irrespective of such alien’s status, may apply for asylum in accordance with this section or, where applicable, section 1225(b) of this title.
Now here’s the kicker, dumbfuck. Can’t build a wall in Mexico. So anyone who can reach the “southern” side of WALL!!! is physically present in the U.S. The law says they must be allowed to apply. And the law says the application must be afforded due process.
These are YOUR rape camps. Own it.
Relax. Be patient. president peepee has a plan.
He just needs more time to find where the Iranian toddlers are kept.
@16 So did Linda Fairstein.
Here’s Doctor Dumbfuck getting his panties in a twist over the non-prosecution of a black guy who filed a false police report while saying nothing about five black teenagers who were spent years in prison for a crime they didn’t commit.
Your racism is showing, doc.
@20 It’s easy to have “steely nerves” when you can send someone else to do the dirty work, isn’t it, doc?
Obama would have been justified to enforce the global consensus ban on chemical weapons, and you can argue he made a mistake by not showing more backbone, but no doubt Russia’s likely response to a U.S. military intervention in Syria factored into his calculations. Whatever Obama was, he wasn’t reckless, like this president is.
It’s a lot harder to see the justification for the war Bolton and his neocon pals are itching to start against Iran.
I don’t recall whether Doctor Dumbfuck ever told us what his military service was. If I did, I forgot. Perhaps he would refresh my recollection?
I volunteered to serve our country, and I’m a true blue All-American war veteran. I salute our flag and honor our veterans.
One more thing: Chickenhawks have no credibility with me. If you didn’t walk the walk, spare the talk, because I’m not listening.
Not just reckless.
Combined live operations like these are complicated and dangerous as hell. The people we depend upon to carry them out train ceaselessly and with enormous discipline in order to be able to do it as safely as possible. But warfare is not a safe activity. And high levels of risk to personnel are accepted as part of the job.
Sometimes circumstances dictate that attack orders be changed or canceled. But those circumstances should not be a mean tweet or a negative mention from a television hairdoo. Good people are injured and/or killed performing these kinds of tasks. They make enormous sacrifices. Their families make enormous sacrifices. The service members who serve alongside them make enormous sacrifices.
Those sacrifices should not be treated disrespectfully.
But disrespect is all Private Bonespurs knows.
The Conservative incel won’t even say if he’s a christian. He’ll never admit he didn’t server.
Hicks transcript reveals her closed door testimony was overseen by two private attorneys, three attorneys from WH Counsel office, and one attorney from DOJ. (Her two private attorneys are paid by the RNC, which is the same as the 2020 Trump campaign. Of course the other four draw taxpayer salaries.)
That’s cool.
Never answer questions without your attorney present.
The six lawyers refused to allow her to answer questions more than 150 times. That’s cool too. It’s your right. Don’t answer questions when your lawyer tells you not to.
What’s odd is that in doing so they pretty consistently cited “absolute immunity” in refusing. Absolute immunity applies when a government official might be charged with a civil or criminal offense for the performance of the lawful duties. And it is most often applied in civil cases. What makes that odd is that is not a legal basis upon which to resist a subpoena nor to avoid sworn testimony. Hopefully I make it clear, she like anyone has an absolute right guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment to refuse to answer.
But the way that works is the person under a subpoena invokes the right specifically with regard to any given question. A subpoena ad testificandum is an order by a court (or Congress) for a specific person to appear and answer questions. The court (or Congress) must be specifically informed that a person is invoking their rights under the Fifth Amendment to ensure that these orders are not be resisted unlawfully. We’ve seen this played out on television. Usually boring. And the protection is specific with respect to self-incrimination. We are never* empowered to refuse to testify in order to protect someone else. And that enables courts (and Congress) to grant specific criminal immunity with respect to those questions the witness identifies as potentially self-incriminating. That may explain the frustration the committee members expressed right after the hearing. They’d probably like to grant Ms. Hicks a limited immunity with respect to the financial crimes she is alleged to have participated in.
This is not a legal maneuver. It’s a purely political one. I suspect really just another trial balloon. It’s functionally the same as ignoring the subpoena. Which qualifies Ms. Hicks for a charge of Contempt. But the White House may be gambling that the Committee will be reluctant to charge her. And if they can lay down that marker now, they may be able to use it again later.
But the only way this doesn’t make them look like a bunch of criminal conspirators trying everything under the sun to protect their conspiracy and continue to obstruct is to game it all the way out. They have to keep everyone in the JDA/conspiracies from testifying in order to maintain support for the idiotic mythology that this is all an illegitimate political WEETCH HUNT!!! And for that to work, someone like Hicks has to be willing to go to jail.
*Spousal privilege/marital communications exceptions, vary by state
As I’ve said before, if you want a thriving economy, deport the citizens and keep the immigrants.
“At this writing the DJIA is within 0.6% of 27,000.”
At this writing the DJIA still has to reach 50,000 before the DJIA under our dumbfuck’s grotesque orange moron matches the DJIA performance under the usurping Kenyan socialist. But who the fuck knows? If the DJIA ever reaches that lofty level, our dumbfuck can next set his sights on his grotesque orange moron someday matching the DJIA’s performance under Bill Clinton.
@34 “Hicks has to be willing to go to jail”
I suspect her loyalty to Trump doesn’t go quite that far. I’m inclined to think she’s an egg that can be cracked.
The State of Mississippi wanted to kill this black guy so bad they tried him six times before they finally got a guilty verdict and death sentence. From an all-white jury, after 41 of 42 prospective black jurors were peremptoried by the prosecutor. The Supreme Court isn’t having it. They didn’t just reverse his death sentence, they reversed his conviction.
But the ruling wasn’t unanimous. Clarence Thomas, joined by Neil Gorsuch, would have let Mississippi execute him.
A federal judge has ruled Missouri can’t get around his injunction against closing the state’s only abortion clinic by not renewing its health department certificate.
In other news, the eastern seaboard’s largest refinery blew up, proving once again that we have nothing to fear from oil wells, refineries, pipelines, and tankers, except when things go wrong.
I think it’s worth finding out. But I also think that has to be done with care. They need to first make a better case for why her compelled testimony is important enough to warrant jailing her.
I think it is. I think she has testimony very relevant to the campaign finance violations as well as obstruction. But it’s also hard to imagine why the GOP would go to this much trouble to avoid a limited grant of immunity if her sworn testimony were of so little value.
“A consultant hired by one of the country’s largest opioid distributors told the firm in 2008 it was violating federal guidelines by filling large, potentially ‘suspicious’ orders for drugs and failing to report them to the government, according to an internal corporate document viewed by NBC News.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So far, the company has only paid a token $44 million fine, but it seems to me you have strong evidence of criminal culpability here.
Instead of executing potentially innocent black people, maybe we should execute guilty corporations, instead. I like the idea of a corporate death penalty: You screw up badly enough, you lose your charter, and the corporation is dissolved and put out of business permanently.
Right at the start of summer driving season.
Huh. That’s odd.
Cocked and locked? Locked and loaded? More like half-cocked and loaded.
Yeah, yeah, I know, he supposedly doesn’t drink. But he lies about everything else, so why should we believe that? It wouldn’t surprise me to find out he’s sneaking nips from a flask in between cabinet meetings.
Oh, I’m sure it was an accident. These guys don’t need to blow up their refineries on purpose. They can do it just by being themselves.
Being a woman in America is a lot like being a black person in America.
-An aging facility in need of major reinvestment and facing enormous political pressure to clean up emissions and improve safety
-4am in a fully automated part of the facility where something like a small change to a “routine” automated procedure combined with one or two valves being in the wrong position
-Corporal Bonespurs and the GOP beating the drums for a new war in the Persian Gulf
This shit didn’t go away just because Enron was bad at it.
Remember those employee bonuses Republicans bragged about after passing their corporate tax cuts?
“Hundreds of companies gave their workers bonuses last year, to share the wealth as their tax bills declined. But most of them only did it once. New Labor Department data shows that bonuses rose 13.2% during the first quarter of 2018, compared with the year before, as bonuses triggered by the tax cuts kicked in. But bonuses dropped by 23% in the first quarter of 2019, the biggest drop in the data series, which begins in 2004. Bonuses are back to the levels of 2015, well before the tax cuts.”
Huh. According to my rabbit math, that’s a net loss of 9.8%. Some bonus! Oh well, the working class still has Social Security and Medicare cuts to look forward to, which Republicans will claim are necessary to pay for the deficits that paid for the corporate tax cuts that are lining the pockets of capitalists like Doctor Dumbfuck and me. Dividend raises keep rolling in, and that’s fine with me! I pity the workers, though. Hey, I didn’t vote for this, I’m just along for the ride.
We now have a real live rape accusation against Trump. Death threats against the accuser are coming soon, because that’s who Republicans are now.
“Trump accused of raping author E. Jean Carroll in department store dressing room”
Eh, whatever. There’s so many of them.
“Cocked and locked?”
He got it mixed up with something Stormy once said to him.
Huh. Global brinkmanship by a vulnerable incumbent relying on re-election to avoid prison.
What could possibly go wrong?
For a deep dive listen to season 2 of ‘In the Dark’ Podcast from Minnesota Public Radio.
“…he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and .. thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me”.
Now that is some quality trolling.
@54 None of which gives a moment’s hesitation, let alone any sober reflection, to any of President Locked and Cocked’s* loyal fans.
* Loose Cannon is more apt.
Something, something Sharia Law, something:
I very much resent the implication.
@56 From what I’ve read about that church they have every reason to be afraid of their members, and I can’t imagine anyone else wanting to go on their campus, so this looks like an internal matter to me.
Heh. If they want a civil war, send the National Guard and let them see what one looks like.
Thay would kill police rather than deal with climate change. Thats taking the idea of not changing to to radical levels.
…not since the civil war i think.