Here’s what happens when you allow an AWOL, coke-snortin, drunk-driving coward to be the COMMANDER AND THIEF.
Way to go Monkeyface. Yeah I feel safer. Sure I do. Combine this with the fact that you still aren’t sure what happened in New Orleans and your time spent reading MY PET GOAT and we see how competent you and your ilk are.
I guess you don’t have to worry about finding those guns. After all, you never did find your precious WMD did you?
HOPEYOU’RE NOT DRIVING MY BUS MIKE – you forget one small detail. Senator Clinton said she’d END the bullshit war in Iraq. Something your boy Monkeyface doesn’t ever plan to do.
ANYONE in the Democratic party who gets elected to the White House will do a better job of getting us out of Iraq than anyone from the party that put us there.
By the way, not that a WINGNUT ever cares about facts, but Senator Clinton didn’t vote for the war. There was no war vote. She voted to authorize the use of military force in a limited circumstance that Baby Bush used to declare an unauthorized war.
Daddy Lovespews:
Poor Albert Gonzales, caught lying to Congress again. It’s so sad that his handlers don’t give him truthful things to say.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Gotta give the Democrat controlled congress credit, they are doing their best to make bush look good. Even going as far as making sure their poll numbers are below his.
-The democrats insisted they received a mandate from the people to end the war, yet all they did was authorize the surge.
-The democrats cried that bush is trampling all over our 4th amendment rights, yet they just signed the new FISA act, giving bush more authority to wiretap.
-The democrats chanted impeachment, yet their leaders (pelosi, reid, etc) say it’s not even on the table.
-The democrats lied about the republican culture of corruption, yet their little vote stealing act was caught on CSpan last Friday.
-No doubt the democrats on this board believe bush lied us into the war, yet they completely ignore the same lies by their democrat leaders before and during the 15 month long “rush” to war.
No need to reply, Bush doesn’t want you too, and we all know that democrats do what bush wants them to.
Marvin The Stammerin Fool
a. The Dems can’t end the war until they have a veto-proof majority. Thanks for helping to remind us that we need to finish that job. According to the polls, it looks like that won’t be a problem.
b. The Dems didn’t go far enough in stopping Bush from defeating the Constitution, but they did put SOME checks and balances in place that will help keep him and Rove from using the law the way they really want to – which is to spy on their POLITICAL enemies, not AMERICA’s enemies.
c. Impeachment is STILL AN OPTION. Be carefuly what you wish for cunt.
d. Lied? Perhaps you need to look at the roster of new federal prisoners, defendants and indictees – all Publican proof of Publican corruption. As for vote stealing – only Ohio and Florida need be looked at to see that Publicans need to steal to win. The Dems shutting off debate on a bill is no different than when you traitors extended debate to change the outcome when you didn’t like it. We’re just following your example.
e. The only real Democrats that believed we should go to war with Iraq believed that because of lies told by Bush. They shouldn’t have been so stupid as to think a Publican is even capable of recognizing, yet telling the truth.
f. DEMOCRATS in Congress have a 48% approval rating compared to the AWOL coward Bush who has a 30% approval.
But keep dreaming bitch – maybe if you keep your head in the sand long enough, you won’t notice America moving further FROM the right.
female morning anchor on MSNBC just called Fred Thompson a “cradle robber.” Then went on about the 20 year age difference. Also referenced the Vanity Fair article re “Judith” not Judi Giuliani. Wonder has all this will play out in the heartland of gopper country!
Marvin Stamnspews:
#10 robin says:
female morning anchor on MSNBC just called Fred Thompson a “cradle robber.” Then went on about the 20 year age difference. Also referenced the Vanity Fair article re “Judith” not Judi Giuliani. Wonder has all this will play out in the heartland of gopper country!
Nothing like liberal bias in the media. What do they call it, the politics of personal destruction?
11.) Marvin,
I don’t base any voting decisions on the private lives of candidates. I really could care less. The interesting part of this for me to watch is how’s Rudy going to handle say the abstinence only until marriage crap in the GOP platform? You assholes talk a big game, I think your just a bunch of greedy hypocrites, hint, hint Clinton.
Oh, I just love that “liberal bias in the media,” hell it’s about time they start report fair and balanced coverage!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 What’s your next spew, that the GOP is the peace party?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 (continued) Hillary may be less than perfect in the eyes of many Democrats; but the worst Democrat is infinitely preferable to the best Republican in the eyes of all Democrats.
Did everyone notice how the Publicans RAN AS FAST AS THEY COULD from Bush during their so-called debate on Sunday? Nobody in the GOP wants to be closely tied to the least popular President since Trickie Dickie – oh yeah, he was a Publican too!
Here’s some Publican family values for you…
Rompin Rudy has had at least three wives we know of (one being a cousin) and had an affair on his last wife while “managing” 9.11 – his own kids won’t speak to him.
Newt The Hoot Gingrich admitted having an affair whith his intern – while – you guessed it – attacking President Clinton over Monica.
Bob Livingston Publican Speaker of the House had to step down for having an affair.
Mark Foley was chasing the pee-pees of little boys serving as pages in the Publican-controlled House.
Moralist Senator Vitter did the GOP proud by visiting hookers while his ugly wife sat home wondering where he was.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@#11 So if some anchor or host tells the truth about wingnut sycophants, liars, and hypocrites it’s media “bias” but when the shouting wingnut haters who dominate the airwaves and print media lie for the Liar Party you guys call it the “truth”? No wonder Alice thinks she’s back in Wonderland again.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 “I don’t base any voting decisions on the private lives of candidates.”
I do, and that automatically eliminates the GOP field, most of whom are adulterers.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And these flaming hypocrites castigate Clinton for getting a blowjob from an intern …
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 Don’t forget to mention that Newt cheated on his wife while she lay dying of cancer in a hospital.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Probably the only reason Newt didn’t divorce his wife for getting sick was because he wouldn’t inherit her money.
I just watched the video clip of Darcy Burner at YKos talking about the passage of the extension of the expanded FISA bill….she said “it sucks.”
Hell yeah! I think I will have to send her some love$$ just for that quote.
And yes, @8, the first two points are true; the third and fourth not; the fifth only partly. This is why we need to reward more progressive (=better) candidates, and punish enablers. We made a good start in 2006 with Jim Webb, especially. We need to work to help Darcy Burner and get rid of Congressman Looked-Green-River-Gary-in-the-eye enabler-his-whole-career Reichert locally. And hopefully the folks in other states (hello, Nevada! Calling you, Connecticut!) will work to get rid of their enablers too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Stamm isn’t silly, he’s employed. His real name is Kevin Carns.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Carns, for those of you who don’t know, is not only a professional troll who frequently posts on HA under various screen names (e.g., “Angry Voter”), but is also the scumbag who was behind last year’s fake sex offender mailings. Carns has no ethics whatsoever. And yes, BIAW bankrolls his (fat) paychecks.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Who Is Arming Iraqi Insurgents?
“Pentagon loses track of firearms sent to Iraq
“By Glenn Kessler
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.”
And most people who read this blog will happily march to the polls to vote for her, just like they did for Cantwell.
Whoa, hold on a minute. You mean we should have handed Cantwell’s seat to McGavick?
I don’t support Hillary but no way am I handing the White House to another lazy actor like Fred Thompson or a laughingstock corrupt bastard like Guiliani.
No main stream bias...nope none at allspews:
Top 100 Liberal Political Websites of 2007
MSNBC (part of MSN) – 2
BBC (UK) – 35 ABC (part of – 48 CNN – 76 New York Times – 185 Reuters – 513
The Guardian (UK) – 544 Washington Post – 616 San Francisco Chronicle – 1,051 NBC – 1,148 Los Angeles Times – 1,219 Time Magazine – 1,198 Boston Globe – 1,223
CBC News (Canadian) – 1,661
Slate – 1,777
Salon – 1,837
Indymedia – 2,152 PBS – 2,308
CBS News – 2,462
BuzzFlash – 2,767
Huffington Post – 2,804
Arizona Republic – 3,163 NPR – 3,304 New York Daily News – 4,542
Daily Kos – 4,878
Raw Story – 5,309 CNBC – 6,366
Alternet – 8,629
Democratic Underground – 12,107
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – 13,492 The New Yorker – 13,710
Village Voice – 14,201
Amnesty International – 15,099
Talking Points Memo – 16,788
Michael Moore – 17,148 Common Dreams – 17,441
Wonkette – 21,483
BartCop – 22,945
The Nation – 23,911
CounterPunch – 24,640
Truthout – 26,300
Now Toronto (Canada) – 27,504
Bad Subjects – 29,435
Information Clearing House – 30,140
TPM Café – 31,030
Move on – 32,735
Zmag – 33,906
World Socialists – 34,162 Newsweek – 38,205
Washington Monthly – 43,499
New Republic – 40,077
Air America – 40,749
Planned Parenthood – 46,228 Harper’s – 47,126
Robert Scheer’s TruthDig – 47,661
Eschaton – 48,706
Mother Jones – 50,085
Buzz Machine – 50,547
My DD – 51,378
Derechos Human Rights – 52,561 (Spain)
OneWorld – 55,443
Open Secrets – 58,878
ACLU – 61,687 Paul Harvey – 61,992
Anti-Defamation League – 74,850
American Prospect – 77,025
Democrat National Committee – 79,312
Reporters Without Borders – 80,352
Informed Comment – 85,093
Spiked Online – 99,997
Smirking Chimp – 89,759
New Statesman – 90,768
Talk Left – 104,237
Dave Cullen – 115,949 – 123,578
Working for Change – 123,870
Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review – 124,728
The Drudge Retort – 125,053
Andrew Sullivan – 129,099
Human Rights Campaign – 129,463
FAIR – 133,841 Fact Check – 139,642
New Internationalist – 141,615
Indymedia Ireland (Ireland) – 141,980
Le Monde (France – in English) – 142,655
Tom Paine – 150,510
Progressive Wisdom – 156,531
Utne Reader – 162,915
Southern Poverty Law Center – 164,462
The Randi Rhodes Show – 164,539
Greg Palast – 167,347
Third World Traveler – 170,882
Project for the Old American Century – 175,464
The Progressive – 176,598
Asian Human Rights Commission (Asia) – 180,797
Counter Currents – 192,860
Workers of the World Unite – 197,872
Cursor – 200,402
Urban Institute – 210,391
Global Exchange – 217,454 Roll Call – 224,985
Corporate Watch – 225,947
National Organization of Women – 238,371
GLAAD – 247,173
Stay Free Magazine – 251,512
The Stephanie Miller Show – 266,999
Schwartz Report – 267,153
No Peace Without Justice – 270,335
Consortium News – 276,153
Brookings Institute – 283,197
International Federation of Human Rights Leagues – 291,686 (Canada) – 296,143
Act Blue – 299,537
The Globalist – 325,874
Carter Center – 328,027
Irregular Times – 328,765
Lies – 329,289
Brady Campaign – 349,535
Roger L. Simon – 391,751
Human Rights First – 410,484
Angry Bear – 423,484
Feminist Majority – 427,949
Media Transparency – 458,097
Marvin Stamnspews:
“So they’ll prosecute me if I wear my Army uniforms to an anti-war protest? Really?
And anyone that thinks otherwise, quite frankly, is legitimately and objectively un-American.”
“The thing is, every soldier knows that you don’t take part in politics while you’re in your uniform. It’s not only highly inappropriate—it’s also illegal”
This is why the liberals believe they win arguments, they flip flop as needed to win.
Kinda like how democrats think it’s okay to be gay, until they find a gay republican, then they point the finger and laugh.
Or how sex is a personal matter, until a republican has sex outside of marriage.
How shameful it was for bush to try and avoid the war, but not caring when it was clinton doing his best to stay out of the army.
Or how it’s okay for Barney Frank to run a gay prostitution business out of his house, but point at Vitter for having sex with a prostitute.
And the best one is how democrats point at clinton as an example, they did it to clinton, we’ll do it back to you.
Marvin Stamnspews:
“Pakistani protesters burn a U.S. flag to condemn U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama’s remarks…”
He’s not even president, not that the racists in the democrat party would ever elect him, but I digress, he’s not even the president and he’s making the world hate us. Bush at least waited until he was president.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Swiftboating John Kerry-
John recounts a story a hundred times about being on the river on christmas eve under the orders of nixon. It’s “seared” into his memory. The swifboaters easily prove it’s a lie because nixon wasn’t even in power at the time. (funny how the alleged conservative biased media never brought this up in 3 decades)
John tells his story about throwing his medals over the white house fence in protest only later AFTER the swiftboaters exposed him admitted that the medals belonged to someone else.
The swiftboaters alleged that john’s injuries were both superficial and self-inflected, falsely earning him 3 purple hearts and an early exit from the service. Simple question, why didn’t john kerry release his medical records to prove the swiftboaters were liars? Dan Rather proved his bias and ended his career by using fake documents to bash bush for his “time” in the service, why didn’t he insist john release his medical records to prove or disprove the allegations by the swiftboaters?
Did anything the swiftboaters said get proven to be false?
You gotta admit, his refusal to prove the swiftboaters liars cost him the election. Or maybe he was caught in enough lies already and thought it was better to ignore and hope the truth went away.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#28 YLB says:
His real name is Kevin Carns.
Could be, could be. Yesterday he (as Stamn) crapped out some lame talking points from big oil and coal about global warming.
Could Carns be that stupid?
No idea how stupid carns is, never met him. But if you insist I’m him you’ve proven to me how stupid you are.
Hey, are you the same person that used to type in all caps so you would feel your words had more impact? Kudos for learning something, maybe you’re not as stupid as this post made you look.
Military men discuss politics in uniform in Banana Republics like Guatemala or Panama under Noriega. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? Of course it is – you right-wingers are military FETISHISTS!
We laugh at gay Republicans WHO BASH GAYS, I.E HYPOCRITES.
We laugh at Republican adulterers WHO PREACH “FAMILY VALUES”.
Clinton OPPOSED the WAR and avoided it. BUSH SUPPORTED the WAR and AVOIDED IT.
Barney Frank didn’t run gay hookers out of his house. If he did, he wouldn’t be in office. THIS IS A SMEAR.
Stamn, was this your daily home schooling schedule?
8:00 AM Worship – Reagan and Shrub
9:00 AM Faux News and Friends
10:00 AM Limbaugh
11:00 AM Wingnut Math – Zero taxes = infinite gov. revenue
12:00 PM – Lunch: spam, cheetos, lays greasy chips
12:30 PM – Physical Activity – Military Marches
1:00 PM History – Endless War
2:00 PM Talking Points review
3:00 PM Extra curricular – Trolling blogs with fresh talking points
6:00 PM Lay on the couch watching Faux News till passed out
none of em have a sense of humor!!! That’s what makes wingnuts so much fun.
Any idea what the inbred moron at 30 is trying to prove? That if a website is popular it’s liberal bias? Could it be because people tend to pay attention to truth and these sites deliver it rather than distorting it like Faux News?
With right wing turds like this – we can win just off their ignorance.
Marvin Stamnspews:
#12 robin says:
Oh, I just love that “liberal bias in the media,” hell it’s about time they start report fair and balanced coverage!
No bias in the media??
The left have websites that prove the conservative bias of fox, rush, o’reilly, hannity, etc..
Why don’t the left have any websites proving the conservative bias on abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, cnn, olberman, dan rather, Times of new york, etc.?
In reality, when the word bias comes up in the liberal lexicon, it’s fox and talk radio that gets mentioned over and over.
33 – Let’s give Stamn some credit for moving beyond the influence of the “Clenis” to Kerry.
Not that it will do him any good in 2008.
If the Publicans were true patriots, actually thinking we NEED the war in Iraq – actually thinking the WAR ON TERROR is more than a bumper sticker invented by the molestor Rove, then why aren’t they asking tough questions about the Bush regime looooooosing tens of thousands of rifles in Iraq?
Where’d Stamn go? This paid troll in training must be getting schooled by his masters right now over having his ass handed to him.
re 40,
Hey Marvin or whatever your name is, go read, if you can, your own post #11
Vodafone, Prudential and the British government’s Central Office of Information are among the six marketers who just pulled all ads from social networking site Facebook after realizing that they appeared next to content by the right-wing extremist group British Nationalist Party.
Top 100 Liberal Political Websites of 2007
MSNBC (part of MSN) – 2
BBC (UK) – 35
ABC (part of – 48
CNN – 76
New York Times – 185
Reuters – 513
&etc. etc.
Only a wingnut would list a bunch of news sites and call them “political websites.” Come to think of it, I don’t see Faux News anywhere in that list. Hmmm.
Daddy Lovespews:
31 ms
What is NOT OK is an active-duty soldier wearing his uniform at political functions. You see, that is prohibited under the UCMJ and they are under military law.
What IS OK is a veteran wearing military garb at an antiwar rally. You see, they are not bound by the UCMJ.
It’s simple when you think. You should try it.
Daddy Lovespews:
33 MS
Did anything the swiftboaters said get proven to be false?
Yes. All of it.
Daddy Lovespews:
Agasin, there’s a bit of a difference between defending the privacy of a person’s personal life and speaking out against a prominent pro-“family-values” politician who has a taste for illegal assignations with prostitutes.
I don’t have a candidate, lemmings. I never was a Republican, and I am not now a Democrat.
I just point out that in the last six months we have seen the Democrats become part of the problem( war funding, Wiretap expansion, the agreement to use torture).
You can say all you want about social programs, but the Democratic Party has decided to become the chief enabler to the Commander in Chief.
But I’m sure Hillary will promise you everything before she delivers nothing. And you guys are begging for another serving of that Clinton kool-Aid.
The Guy With No Carspews:
I don’t have the links handy and I’m busy at work so I’d have to go research it, but there are numerous quotes from GOP capos and lieutenants indicating that the so-called “liberal media” is just a smoke screen the Publicans threw up as part of their Big Lie campaign. Here’s a quick sample, and one of the most telling, from William Kristol in the New Yorker:
I admit it : The liberal media were never that powerful and the whole thing was often used as an excuse by conservatives for conservative failures.
He wrote this in 1995. Since then the combination of the transition of the vast majority of US-based news outlets from adversarial journalism to being stenographers for big business and the Bush crime family on the one hand, and Faux News being the propaganda arm of the Publicans on the other, has only tipped the scales farther to the right.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Way to paint us all with a nice broad brush. I can’t speak for everyone else on this site, of course, but I don’t trust Hilary Clinton. Not until she completely repudiates her ties to the DLC and stops taking corporate money, and even then I’m not that crazy about continuing the 27-year tradition of having someone named Bush or Clinton at the top of the Executive Branch (and for the hard-of-thinking, that include’s 41’s eight years as Reagan’s VP).
As for the Democrats who are enabling Dubya’s War on Abstract Nouns (like “freedom” and “rights”), I’m looking for a fund I can contribute to to help knock those Blue Lemming Democrats out of power next year. I figure my ancestors didn’t fight and die to get me self-determination and a Bill of Rights to have them squandered by a bunch of so-called representatives who wet their pants every time Bush goes, “Boo!”
I love all the people who think politicians will wake up the day after the election, look under their beds, and find a box with their morals and conscience in it, clean and intact. Politicians justify their shiftiness by saying that is what it takes to win, when that is who they were all along.
Looks like Maria is still a war supporter, considering she voted to fund it in May. Everyone on this blog seems to be against the war, yet am I the only one who actually had the sense to not sanctify it with my vote in November?
Oh yeah, I would see Mike McGavick in office before I would put my stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq. And I guarantee you I will not be voting for anybody who voted in favor of that war, or seeks to continue it.
Just because someone is evil doesn’t mean I vote for someone just a little less evil.
The Guy With No Carspews:
Putting Mike?? in office WOULD be putting your stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq. If you think he would do anything but vote in step with the rest of his party, you are as delusional as you seem to think the rest of us are. People who really wanted to send a message about Senator Cantwell’s stance on the war voted for Hong Tran in the primary. She got, what? Ten percent of the vote? (Which is a lot more than Aaron Dixon, nominally an anti-war candidate in the general election, got.)
In the general election, I guess the rest of us figured a Democrat who would go the way we wanted 75% of the time was better than a Republican who would go the way we wanted 0% of the time. In 2008 the Democrats will be working on two things: Solidifying the gains they made in 2006 (which the current crop of Republicans is making incredibly easy for them) and getting more and better Democrats into office, “better” meaning “more responsive to their constituents and less responsive to big-money special interest and intimidation from the media, the inside-the-Beltway culture and their opponents of opposite ideology.”
I just point out that in the last six months we have seen the Democrats become part of the problem( war funding, Wiretap expansion, the agreement to use torture).
Hey that’s politics. Congress has the power of the purse but that power cuts both ways and is useless if it means the troops are hurt.
Torture? No excuse for any Dem or Republican for that matter to support torture. The stories are coming out from people who witnessed it and they’re disgusting, all the more because it was so unneccessary.
FISA was a huge disappointment to be sure. Blame that on politics as well I guess. Many of those Dems that supported this FISA caving came from districts that went to Bush in 2004. Maybe they felt threatened. Still was no excuse according to some critics. Despite Dem support on the War on Terra in 2006, Rove and Co. bashed the Dems as being soft and the people gave them the Congress anyway.
HOWEVER, anyone know how many wingnuts sat at home in 2006 due to the corruption scandals? They’re not going to sit at home forever.
All in all we need to elect Dems with more backbone for sure. Forget the R’s for a generation in my book. The pendulum has been swinging their way since Raygun in 1981 and it’s got to come back the other way for at least as long.
Oh yeah, I would see Mike McGavick in office before I would put my stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq.
Then you’re not serious. Politicians can’t serve unless they’re in office. Do they let you down? Sure, but sometimes they HAVE TO.
I can’t see Maria Cantwell crossing the line to support the Republicans with a solid Dem supermajority in the Senate and a Dem in the White House that is unless things got too wingnutty here in WA and again her seat was at stake.
Marvin Stamnspews:
Has anyone seen the pictures from the YearlyKos convention??
When the democrats speak of diversity, it appears they mean different weights and degrees of cleanliness of middle-aged white males.
Where in the hell are the African-Americans?
It reminds me of that liberal blog luncheon Clinton had in Harlem last year, with only whites invited.
61 – Here’s the walky-talky point again.
African Americans were at Yearly Kos. How many did you want? Are you for quotas or something?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#52 Daddy Love says: 33 MS
Did anything the swiftboaters said get proven to be false?
Yes. All of it.
Horse shit and you know it!!
I gave two examples, I double dog dare you to prove me wrong. Of course you can’t so why am I even wasting my time with someone of your “intellectually dishonesty.”
Marvin Stamnspews:
#62 YLB says:
61 – Here’s the walky-talky point again.
African Americans were at Yearly Kos. How many did you want? Are you for quotas or something?
Of course they were. Not!
Thanks for all those links to those pics proving your lies inaccuracies.
What is it about you democrats on here, can’t provide a single link to prove anything you insist is true.
61 – Here’s the walky-talky point again.
African Americans were at Yearly Kos. How many did you want? Are you for quotas or something?
(posted the above before adding->)
13% of the population is black. Like many have said on this blog, blacks monolithically support the democrat party. Let’s say, I expect to see 13% of the attendees black.
Call it affirmative action for bloggers.
Stamn: Did you serve? Have you ever dodged a bullet shot in anger? Did the chimpanzee you voted for twice serve in combat?
Oh I forget! You’re 12 or 13!
When do we get to see the “Clenis Envy” from you?
64 – Only wingnut I know who would call for affirmative action or quotas.
What a moron!
Marvin Stamnspews:
For the democrats that don’t know any better…
Clinton had a luncheon for bloggers last year, in Harlem.
Either there are no black liberal bloggers or none were invited, your guess. Of course the help staff was black.
(from a left leaning website so you know the picture is true and accurate)
Marvin Stamnspews:
#66 YLB says:
Stamn: Did you serve? Have you ever dodged a bullet shot in anger? Did the chimpanzee you voted for twice serve in combat?
Oh I forget! You’re 12 or 13!
When do we get to see the “Clenis Envy” from you?
No I haven’t served, too young for vietnam, too old for iraq.
Yes I have dodged bullets in anger, I live in los angeles, the city of riots.
I take offense at you calling Ralph Nadar a chimpanzee. That said, yes he did serve in the military.
As far as Clenis envy, it’s called transference. It’s on your mind, not mine.
Now some questions for you-
Are you as irrational in real life as you are on this blog?
How does it feel to vote for someone that got beat by a chimpanzee?
On Iraq, Maria Cantwell voted EXACTLY the same way Mike McGavick would have. So, on Iraq, YOU voted for Mike McGavick anyway. I didn’t.
And I loved #60’s comment, which said Maria will grow a backbone when it is super safe to do so. Which is the definition of “blowin in the wind”.
68 – Man you must be so hardcore a wingnut that you’d vote to split the Dems instead of voting for the chimpanzee you truly worship.
Hey I bet you did GOTV for Nader as well? That’d prove my theory.
What can I say? It doesn’t feel good to be governed by a troop of war-mongering greedhead chimpanzees.
69 – Bullshit. Cantwell has NOT voted rubberstamp with the Republicans.
Again, a politician can’t serve unless he or she is in office.
In a wingnut state, a Dem makes unpopular votes. That’s reality. WA is not wingnut but it has put R’s in the Senate before.
Remember Slade Gorton?
You live in L.A.?
I think that further supports my theory. You’re so hard core you work to split the Dem vote to throw power to the R’s.
I heard about the de-certified vote fraud machines. You have a hand in that?
Imagine that. Caaaleeefuuurneeaa – the true “prize” for the Bushies.
Either there are no black liberal bloggers or none were invited, your guess.
My guess is none could make it or none had the readership or the kind of impact these folks had.
Clinton’s record on including minorities and women in his administration is excellent.
How frickin’ silly are you?
Marvin Stamnspews:
#71 YLB says:
Man you must be so hardcore a wingnut that you’d vote to split the Dems instead of voting for the chimpanzee you truly worship.
So in your opinion, voting for the candidate you feel best represents you is splitting the democrats? Unlike you, and millions of other mindphucked minions, I chose not to vote for “at least he’s not bush” or “at least he’s not kerry.” And remember, you are only parroting what the publicans said a few years back when ross perot siphoned off voters from bush and clinton got elected. You’ve been well trained by your leaders and lack the courage of your convictions.
Thanks for playing along, I feel you’ve embarrassed yourself enough already.
Oh and I knew you’d get around to the “Clenis Envy” eventually.
Imagine that – a global warming denier who voted for Nader!
What a gift to wingnuts this guy is!
So in your opinion, voting for the candidate you feel best represents you is splitting the democrats?
Did you do GOTV for Nader? Twice? If you did either you were a fool or working for the Republicans.
Nader! Imagine that. I thank that “unreasonable man” every day for giving us Shrub in 2000.
I bet Stamn does too.
The Guy With No Carspews:
One of the best of the liberal black bloggers died this last year. RIP Steve Gilliard.
But see, the thing is, on the Internet no one knows you’re a dog, or black, or female, or Muslim, or gay, 15 years old, unless they bring it up or make an issue of it.
NRA Goldyspews:
More lying liars & shattered glass at New Republic:
This will no doubt really get the wingnuts’ heads spinning on their necks:)
One thing that’s different about Handjob Hannity and Kos is that Kos went to Gulf War I and saw combat while Handjob Hannity had OTHER PRIORITIES.
There are some more great videos here.
Just remember, the presidential candidate that voted for the war, and has not apologized for it, will probably be Hillary Clinton
And most people who read this blog will happily march to the polls to vote for her, just like they did for Cantwell.
So aren’t you people part of the problem, not the solution?
Here’s what happens when you allow an AWOL, coke-snortin, drunk-driving coward to be the COMMANDER AND THIEF.
Way to go Monkeyface. Yeah I feel safer. Sure I do. Combine this with the fact that you still aren’t sure what happened in New Orleans and your time spent reading MY PET GOAT and we see how competent you and your ilk are.
I guess you don’t have to worry about finding those guns. After all, you never did find your precious WMD did you?
HOPEYOU’RE NOT DRIVING MY BUS MIKE – you forget one small detail. Senator Clinton said she’d END the bullshit war in Iraq. Something your boy Monkeyface doesn’t ever plan to do.
ANYONE in the Democratic party who gets elected to the White House will do a better job of getting us out of Iraq than anyone from the party that put us there.
By the way, not that a WINGNUT ever cares about facts, but Senator Clinton didn’t vote for the war. There was no war vote. She voted to authorize the use of military force in a limited circumstance that Baby Bush used to declare an unauthorized war.
Poor Albert Gonzales, caught lying to Congress again. It’s so sad that his handlers don’t give him truthful things to say.
Gotta give the Democrat controlled congress credit, they are doing their best to make bush look good. Even going as far as making sure their poll numbers are below his.
-The democrats insisted they received a mandate from the people to end the war, yet all they did was authorize the surge.
-The democrats cried that bush is trampling all over our 4th amendment rights, yet they just signed the new FISA act, giving bush more authority to wiretap.
-The democrats chanted impeachment, yet their leaders (pelosi, reid, etc) say it’s not even on the table.
-The democrats lied about the republican culture of corruption, yet their little vote stealing act was caught on CSpan last Friday.
-No doubt the democrats on this board believe bush lied us into the war, yet they completely ignore the same lies by their democrat leaders before and during the 15 month long “rush” to war.
No need to reply, Bush doesn’t want you too, and we all know that democrats do what bush wants them to.
Marvin The Stammerin Fool
a. The Dems can’t end the war until they have a veto-proof majority. Thanks for helping to remind us that we need to finish that job. According to the polls, it looks like that won’t be a problem.
b. The Dems didn’t go far enough in stopping Bush from defeating the Constitution, but they did put SOME checks and balances in place that will help keep him and Rove from using the law the way they really want to – which is to spy on their POLITICAL enemies, not AMERICA’s enemies.
c. Impeachment is STILL AN OPTION. Be carefuly what you wish for cunt.
d. Lied? Perhaps you need to look at the roster of new federal prisoners, defendants and indictees – all Publican proof of Publican corruption. As for vote stealing – only Ohio and Florida need be looked at to see that Publicans need to steal to win. The Dems shutting off debate on a bill is no different than when you traitors extended debate to change the outcome when you didn’t like it. We’re just following your example.
e. The only real Democrats that believed we should go to war with Iraq believed that because of lies told by Bush. They shouldn’t have been so stupid as to think a Publican is even capable of recognizing, yet telling the truth.
f. DEMOCRATS in Congress have a 48% approval rating compared to the AWOL coward Bush who has a 30% approval.
But keep dreaming bitch – maybe if you keep your head in the sand long enough, you won’t notice America moving further FROM the right.
female morning anchor on MSNBC just called Fred Thompson a “cradle robber.” Then went on about the 20 year age difference. Also referenced the Vanity Fair article re “Judith” not Judi Giuliani. Wonder has all this will play out in the heartland of gopper country!
#10 robin says:
Nothing like liberal bias in the media. What do they call it, the politics of personal destruction?
11.) Marvin,
I don’t base any voting decisions on the private lives of candidates. I really could care less. The interesting part of this for me to watch is how’s Rudy going to handle say the abstinence only until marriage crap in the GOP platform? You assholes talk a big game, I think your just a bunch of greedy hypocrites, hint, hint Clinton.
Oh, I just love that “liberal bias in the media,” hell it’s about time they start report fair and balanced coverage!
@4 What’s your next spew, that the GOP is the peace party?
@4 (continued) Hillary may be less than perfect in the eyes of many Democrats; but the worst Democrat is infinitely preferable to the best Republican in the eyes of all Democrats.
Did everyone notice how the Publicans RAN AS FAST AS THEY COULD from Bush during their so-called debate on Sunday? Nobody in the GOP wants to be closely tied to the least popular President since Trickie Dickie – oh yeah, he was a Publican too!
Here’s some Publican family values for you…
Rompin Rudy has had at least three wives we know of (one being a cousin) and had an affair on his last wife while “managing” 9.11 – his own kids won’t speak to him.
Newt The Hoot Gingrich admitted having an affair whith his intern – while – you guessed it – attacking President Clinton over Monica.
Bob Livingston Publican Speaker of the House had to step down for having an affair.
Mark Foley was chasing the pee-pees of little boys serving as pages in the Publican-controlled House.
Moralist Senator Vitter did the GOP proud by visiting hookers while his ugly wife sat home wondering where he was.
@#11 So if some anchor or host tells the truth about wingnut sycophants, liars, and hypocrites it’s media “bias” but when the shouting wingnut haters who dominate the airwaves and print media lie for the Liar Party you guys call it the “truth”? No wonder Alice thinks she’s back in Wonderland again.
@12 “I don’t base any voting decisions on the private lives of candidates.”
I do, and that automatically eliminates the GOP field, most of whom are adulterers.
And these flaming hypocrites castigate Clinton for getting a blowjob from an intern …
@16 Don’t forget to mention that Newt cheated on his wife while she lay dying of cancer in a hospital.
Probably the only reason Newt didn’t divorce his wife for getting sick was because he wouldn’t inherit her money.
Marvin Stamn is so silly. His party is corrupt to the core.
The Dems have problems for sure but we can do something about that. And we will.
Where are the people going to turn to move this country forward AWAY from failed policies like Iraq, No Contractor Left Behind?
The Republicans?
That’s just too silly for words.
Here’s a handy-dandy voting guide for all you family-values voters out there!
I just watched the video clip of Darcy Burner at YKos talking about the passage of the extension of the expanded FISA bill….she said “it sucks.”
Hell yeah! I think I will have to send her some love$$ just for that quote.
And yes, @8, the first two points are true; the third and fourth not; the fifth only partly. This is why we need to reward more progressive (=better) candidates, and punish enablers. We made a good start in 2006 with Jim Webb, especially. We need to work to help Darcy Burner and get rid of Congressman Looked-Green-River-Gary-in-the-eye enabler-his-whole-career Reichert locally. And hopefully the folks in other states (hello, Nevada! Calling you, Connecticut!) will work to get rid of their enablers too.
Stamm isn’t silly, he’s employed. His real name is Kevin Carns.
Carns, for those of you who don’t know, is not only a professional troll who frequently posts on HA under various screen names (e.g., “Angry Voter”), but is also the scumbag who was behind last year’s fake sex offender mailings. Carns has no ethics whatsoever. And yes, BIAW bankrolls his (fat) paychecks.
Who Is Arming Iraqi Insurgents?
“Pentagon loses track of firearms sent to Iraq
“By Glenn Kessler
“The Washington Post
“WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has lost track of about 190,000 AK-47 assault rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, according to a new government report, raising fears that some of those weapons have fallen into the hands of insurgents fighting U.S. forces in Iraq.”
Any questions?
His real name is Kevin Carns.
Could be, could be. Yesterday he (as Stamn) crapped out some lame talking points from big oil and coal about global warming.
Could Carns be that stupid?
And most people who read this blog will happily march to the polls to vote for her, just like they did for Cantwell.
Whoa, hold on a minute. You mean we should have handed Cantwell’s seat to McGavick?
I don’t support Hillary but no way am I handing the White House to another lazy actor like Fred Thompson or a laughingstock corrupt bastard like Guiliani.
Top 100 Liberal Political Websites of 2007
MSNBC (part of MSN) – 2
BBC (UK) – 35
ABC (part of – 48
CNN – 76
New York Times – 185
Reuters – 513
The Guardian (UK) – 544
Washington Post – 616
San Francisco Chronicle – 1,051
NBC – 1,148
Los Angeles Times – 1,219
Time Magazine – 1,198
Boston Globe – 1,223
CBC News (Canadian) – 1,661
Slate – 1,777
Salon – 1,837
Indymedia – 2,152
PBS – 2,308
CBS News – 2,462
BuzzFlash – 2,767
Huffington Post – 2,804
Arizona Republic – 3,163
NPR – 3,304
New York Daily News – 4,542
Daily Kos – 4,878
Raw Story – 5,309
CNBC – 6,366
Alternet – 8,629
Democratic Underground – 12,107
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights – 13,492
The New Yorker – 13,710
Village Voice – 14,201
Amnesty International – 15,099
Talking Points Memo – 16,788
Michael Moore – 17,148
Common Dreams – 17,441
Wonkette – 21,483
BartCop – 22,945
The Nation – 23,911
CounterPunch – 24,640
Truthout – 26,300
Now Toronto (Canada) – 27,504
Bad Subjects – 29,435
Information Clearing House – 30,140
TPM Café – 31,030
Move on – 32,735
Zmag – 33,906
World Socialists – 34,162
Newsweek – 38,205
Washington Monthly – 43,499
New Republic – 40,077
Air America – 40,749
Planned Parenthood – 46,228
Harper’s – 47,126
Robert Scheer’s TruthDig – 47,661
Eschaton – 48,706
Mother Jones – 50,085
Buzz Machine – 50,547
My DD – 51,378
Derechos Human Rights – 52,561 (Spain)
OneWorld – 55,443
Open Secrets – 58,878
ACLU – 61,687
Paul Harvey – 61,992
Anti-Defamation League – 74,850
American Prospect – 77,025
Democrat National Committee – 79,312
Reporters Without Borders – 80,352
Informed Comment – 85,093
Spiked Online – 99,997
Smirking Chimp – 89,759
New Statesman – 90,768
Talk Left – 104,237
Dave Cullen – 115,949 – 123,578
Working for Change – 123,870
Lyndon LaRouche’s Executive Intelligence Review – 124,728
The Drudge Retort – 125,053
Andrew Sullivan – 129,099
Human Rights Campaign – 129,463
FAIR – 133,841
Fact Check – 139,642
New Internationalist – 141,615
Indymedia Ireland (Ireland) – 141,980
Le Monde (France – in English) – 142,655
Tom Paine – 150,510
Progressive Wisdom – 156,531
Utne Reader – 162,915
Southern Poverty Law Center – 164,462
The Randi Rhodes Show – 164,539
Greg Palast – 167,347
Third World Traveler – 170,882
Project for the Old American Century – 175,464
The Progressive – 176,598
Asian Human Rights Commission (Asia) – 180,797
Counter Currents – 192,860
Workers of the World Unite – 197,872
Cursor – 200,402
Urban Institute – 210,391
Global Exchange – 217,454
Roll Call – 224,985
Corporate Watch – 225,947
National Organization of Women – 238,371
GLAAD – 247,173
Stay Free Magazine – 251,512
The Stephanie Miller Show – 266,999
Schwartz Report – 267,153
No Peace Without Justice – 270,335
Consortium News – 276,153
Brookings Institute – 283,197
International Federation of Human Rights Leagues – 291,686 (Canada) – 296,143
Act Blue – 299,537
The Globalist – 325,874
Carter Center – 328,027
Irregular Times – 328,765
Lies – 329,289
Brady Campaign – 349,535
Roger L. Simon – 391,751
Human Rights First – 410,484
Angry Bear – 423,484
Feminist Majority – 427,949
Media Transparency – 458,097
This is why the liberals believe they win arguments, they flip flop as needed to win.
Kinda like how democrats think it’s okay to be gay, until they find a gay republican, then they point the finger and laugh.
Or how sex is a personal matter, until a republican has sex outside of marriage.
How shameful it was for bush to try and avoid the war, but not caring when it was clinton doing his best to stay out of the army.
Or how it’s okay for Barney Frank to run a gay prostitution business out of his house, but point at Vitter for having sex with a prostitute.
And the best one is how democrats point at clinton as an example, they did it to clinton, we’ll do it back to you.
He’s not even president, not that the racists in the democrat party would ever elect him, but I digress, he’s not even the president and he’s making the world hate us. Bush at least waited until he was president.
Swiftboating John Kerry-
John recounts a story a hundred times about being on the river on christmas eve under the orders of nixon. It’s “seared” into his memory. The swifboaters easily prove it’s a lie because nixon wasn’t even in power at the time. (funny how the alleged conservative biased media never brought this up in 3 decades)
John tells his story about throwing his medals over the white house fence in protest only later AFTER the swiftboaters exposed him admitted that the medals belonged to someone else.
The swiftboaters alleged that john’s injuries were both superficial and self-inflected, falsely earning him 3 purple hearts and an early exit from the service. Simple question, why didn’t john kerry release his medical records to prove the swiftboaters were liars? Dan Rather proved his bias and ended his career by using fake documents to bash bush for his “time” in the service, why didn’t he insist john release his medical records to prove or disprove the allegations by the swiftboaters?
Did anything the swiftboaters said get proven to be false?
You gotta admit, his refusal to prove the swiftboaters liars cost him the election. Or maybe he was caught in enough lies already and thought it was better to ignore and hope the truth went away.
#28 YLB says:
No idea how stupid carns is, never met him. But if you insist I’m him you’ve proven to me how stupid you are.
Hey, are you the same person that used to type in all caps so you would feel your words had more impact? Kudos for learning something, maybe you’re not as stupid as this post made you look.
Stamn: You’re just too entertaining.
Military men discuss politics in uniform in Banana Republics like Guatemala or Panama under Noriega. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT? Of course it is – you right-wingers are military FETISHISTS!
We laugh at gay Republicans WHO BASH GAYS, I.E HYPOCRITES.
We laugh at Republican adulterers WHO PREACH “FAMILY VALUES”.
Clinton OPPOSED the WAR and avoided it. BUSH SUPPORTED the WAR and AVOIDED IT.
Barney Frank didn’t run gay hookers out of his house. If he did, he wouldn’t be in office. THIS IS A SMEAR.
We’ll do it back to you? HOW DOES IT FEEL?
34 – Stamn. Your reading comprehension sucks. I said you COULD BE Carns.
You came so late in the game with those crappy talking points. It seemed like you were a fresh 12 year old graduate of home school.
You have no sense of humor either. I typed in all caps to make fun of another wingnut here.
Stamn, was this your daily home schooling schedule?
8:00 AM Worship – Reagan and Shrub
9:00 AM Faux News and Friends
10:00 AM Limbaugh
11:00 AM Wingnut Math – Zero taxes = infinite gov. revenue
12:00 PM – Lunch: spam, cheetos, lays greasy chips
12:30 PM – Physical Activity – Military Marches
1:00 PM History – Endless War
2:00 PM Talking Points review
3:00 PM Extra curricular – Trolling blogs with fresh talking points
6:00 PM Lay on the couch watching Faux News till passed out
none of em have a sense of humor!!! That’s what makes wingnuts so much fun.
Any idea what the inbred moron at 30 is trying to prove? That if a website is popular it’s liberal bias? Could it be because people tend to pay attention to truth and these sites deliver it rather than distorting it like Faux News?
With right wing turds like this – we can win just off their ignorance.
#12 robin says:
No bias in the media??
The left have websites that prove the conservative bias of fox, rush, o’reilly, hannity, etc..
Why don’t the left have any websites proving the conservative bias on abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, cnn, olberman, dan rather, Times of new york, etc.?
In reality, when the word bias comes up in the liberal lexicon, it’s fox and talk radio that gets mentioned over and over.
32 – All the racists defected to your party long ago. Remember the Southern Strategy? Hell David Duke was an elected Republican at one time.
Yes Marvin The Stammerer – Faux News gets mentioned BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING CLEARLY BIASED YOU MORON!
Does it hurt to be that stupid Marv? I really want to know.
33 – Let’s give Stamn some credit for moving beyond the influence of the “Clenis” to Kerry.
Not that it will do him any good in 2008.
If the Publicans were true patriots, actually thinking we NEED the war in Iraq – actually thinking the WAR ON TERROR is more than a bumper sticker invented by the molestor Rove, then why aren’t they asking tough questions about the Bush regime looooooosing tens of thousands of rifles in Iraq?
Thought so.
Somewhere in your home schooling schedule we have to work in:
??:?? Reading – Endless reams of right-wing propaganda
Why don’t the left have any websites proving the conservative bias on abc, cbs, nbc, msnbc, cnn, olberman, dan rather, Times of new york, etc.?
You’re so stupid Stamn. Remember Judy Miller from the NY Times in bed with Scooter Libby (literally it was rumored).
There’s plenty of examples of MSM sycophancy to the corrupt Bush crowd.
And you don’t here about it first from the losing websites you read.
Where’d Stamn go? This paid troll in training must be getting schooled by his masters right now over having his ass handed to him.
re 40,
Hey Marvin or whatever your name is, go read, if you can, your own post #11
Vodafone, Prudential and the British government’s Central Office of Information are among the six marketers who just pulled all ads from social networking site Facebook after realizing that they appeared next to content by the right-wing extremist group British Nationalist Party.
Top 100 Liberal Political Websites of 2007
MSNBC (part of MSN) – 2
BBC (UK) – 35
ABC (part of – 48
CNN – 76
New York Times – 185
Reuters – 513
&etc. etc.
Only a wingnut would list a bunch of news sites and call them “political websites.” Come to think of it, I don’t see Faux News anywhere in that list. Hmmm.
31 ms
What is NOT OK is an active-duty soldier wearing his uniform at political functions. You see, that is prohibited under the UCMJ and they are under military law.
What IS OK is a veteran wearing military garb at an antiwar rally. You see, they are not bound by the UCMJ.
It’s simple when you think. You should try it.
33 MS
Yes. All of it.
Agasin, there’s a bit of a difference between defending the privacy of a person’s personal life and speaking out against a prominent pro-“family-values” politician who has a taste for illegal assignations with prostitutes.
I don’t have a candidate, lemmings. I never was a Republican, and I am not now a Democrat.
I just point out that in the last six months we have seen the Democrats become part of the problem( war funding, Wiretap expansion, the agreement to use torture).
You can say all you want about social programs, but the Democratic Party has decided to become the chief enabler to the Commander in Chief.
But I’m sure Hillary will promise you everything before she delivers nothing. And you guys are begging for another serving of that Clinton kool-Aid.
I don’t have the links handy and I’m busy at work so I’d have to go research it, but there are numerous quotes from GOP capos and lieutenants indicating that the so-called “liberal media” is just a smoke screen the Publicans threw up as part of their Big Lie campaign. Here’s a quick sample, and one of the most telling, from William Kristol in the New Yorker:
He wrote this in 1995. Since then the combination of the transition of the vast majority of US-based news outlets from adversarial journalism to being stenographers for big business and the Bush crime family on the one hand, and Faux News being the propaganda arm of the Publicans on the other, has only tipped the scales farther to the right.
Way to paint us all with a nice broad brush. I can’t speak for everyone else on this site, of course, but I don’t trust Hilary Clinton. Not until she completely repudiates her ties to the DLC and stops taking corporate money, and even then I’m not that crazy about continuing the 27-year tradition of having someone named Bush or Clinton at the top of the Executive Branch (and for the hard-of-thinking, that include’s 41’s eight years as Reagan’s VP).
As for the Democrats who are enabling Dubya’s War on Abstract Nouns (like “freedom” and “rights”), I’m looking for a fund I can contribute to to help knock those Blue Lemming Democrats out of power next year. I figure my ancestors didn’t fight and die to get me self-determination and a Bill of Rights to have them squandered by a bunch of so-called representatives who wet their pants every time Bush goes, “Boo!”
I love all the people who think politicians will wake up the day after the election, look under their beds, and find a box with their morals and conscience in it, clean and intact. Politicians justify their shiftiness by saying that is what it takes to win, when that is who they were all along.
Looks like Maria is still a war supporter, considering she voted to fund it in May. Everyone on this blog seems to be against the war, yet am I the only one who actually had the sense to not sanctify it with my vote in November?
Oh yeah, I would see Mike McGavick in office before I would put my stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq. And I guarantee you I will not be voting for anybody who voted in favor of that war, or seeks to continue it.
Just because someone is evil doesn’t mean I vote for someone just a little less evil.
Putting Mike?? in office WOULD be putting your stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq. If you think he would do anything but vote in step with the rest of his party, you are as delusional as you seem to think the rest of us are. People who really wanted to send a message about Senator Cantwell’s stance on the war voted for Hong Tran in the primary. She got, what? Ten percent of the vote? (Which is a lot more than Aaron Dixon, nominally an anti-war candidate in the general election, got.)
In the general election, I guess the rest of us figured a Democrat who would go the way we wanted 75% of the time was better than a Republican who would go the way we wanted 0% of the time. In 2008 the Democrats will be working on two things: Solidifying the gains they made in 2006 (which the current crop of Republicans is making incredibly easy for them) and getting more and better Democrats into office, “better” meaning “more responsive to their constituents and less responsive to big-money special interest and intimidation from the media, the inside-the-Beltway culture and their opponents of opposite ideology.”
I just point out that in the last six months we have seen the Democrats become part of the problem( war funding, Wiretap expansion, the agreement to use torture).
Hey that’s politics. Congress has the power of the purse but that power cuts both ways and is useless if it means the troops are hurt.
Torture? No excuse for any Dem or Republican for that matter to support torture. The stories are coming out from people who witnessed it and they’re disgusting, all the more because it was so unneccessary.
FISA was a huge disappointment to be sure. Blame that on politics as well I guess. Many of those Dems that supported this FISA caving came from districts that went to Bush in 2004. Maybe they felt threatened. Still was no excuse according to some critics. Despite Dem support on the War on Terra in 2006, Rove and Co. bashed the Dems as being soft and the people gave them the Congress anyway.
HOWEVER, anyone know how many wingnuts sat at home in 2006 due to the corruption scandals? They’re not going to sit at home forever.
All in all we need to elect Dems with more backbone for sure. Forget the R’s for a generation in my book. The pendulum has been swinging their way since Raygun in 1981 and it’s got to come back the other way for at least as long.
Oh yeah, I would see Mike McGavick in office before I would put my stamp on that bloodbath in Iraq.
Then you’re not serious. Politicians can’t serve unless they’re in office. Do they let you down? Sure, but sometimes they HAVE TO.
I can’t see Maria Cantwell crossing the line to support the Republicans with a solid Dem supermajority in the Senate and a Dem in the White House that is unless things got too wingnutty here in WA and again her seat was at stake.
Has anyone seen the pictures from the YearlyKos convention??
When the democrats speak of diversity, it appears they mean different weights and degrees of cleanliness of middle-aged white males.
Where in the hell are the African-Americans?
It reminds me of that liberal blog luncheon Clinton had in Harlem last year, with only whites invited.
61 – Here’s the walky-talky point again.
African Americans were at Yearly Kos. How many did you want? Are you for quotas or something?
#52 Daddy Love says: 33 MS
Horse shit and you know it!!
I gave two examples, I double dog dare you to prove me wrong. Of course you can’t so why am I even wasting my time with someone of your “intellectually dishonesty.”
#62 YLB says:
Of course they were. Not!
Thanks for all those links to those pics proving your
liesinaccuracies.What is it about you democrats on here, can’t provide a single link to prove anything you insist is true.
Oops, my bad. One black face out of 105 pictures.
After being linked to for the “all white” photo gallery, he took his pics down.
Oops, my bad another one. He fooled me, he’s articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.
#62 YLB says:
(posted the above before adding->)
13% of the population is black. Like many have said on this blog, blacks monolithically support the democrat party. Let’s say, I expect to see 13% of the attendees black.
Call it affirmative action for bloggers.
Stamn: Did you serve? Have you ever dodged a bullet shot in anger? Did the chimpanzee you voted for twice serve in combat?
Oh I forget! You’re 12 or 13!
When do we get to see the “Clenis Envy” from you?
64 – Only wingnut I know who would call for affirmative action or quotas.
What a moron!
For the democrats that don’t know any better…
Clinton had a luncheon for bloggers last year, in Harlem.
Either there are no black liberal bloggers or none were invited, your guess. Of course the help staff was black.
(from a left leaning website so you know the picture is true and accurate)
#66 YLB says:
No I haven’t served, too young for vietnam, too old for iraq.
Yes I have dodged bullets in anger, I live in los angeles, the city of riots.
I take offense at you calling Ralph Nadar a chimpanzee. That said, yes he did serve in the military.
As far as Clenis envy, it’s called transference. It’s on your mind, not mine.
Now some questions for you-
Are you as irrational in real life as you are on this blog?
How does it feel to vote for someone that got beat by a chimpanzee?
On Iraq, Maria Cantwell voted EXACTLY the same way Mike McGavick would have. So, on Iraq, YOU voted for Mike McGavick anyway. I didn’t.
And I loved #60’s comment, which said Maria will grow a backbone when it is super safe to do so. Which is the definition of “blowin in the wind”.
68 – Man you must be so hardcore a wingnut that you’d vote to split the Dems instead of voting for the chimpanzee you truly worship.
Hey I bet you did GOTV for Nader as well? That’d prove my theory.
What can I say? It doesn’t feel good to be governed by a troop of war-mongering greedhead chimpanzees.
69 – Bullshit. Cantwell has NOT voted rubberstamp with the Republicans.
Again, a politician can’t serve unless he or she is in office.
In a wingnut state, a Dem makes unpopular votes. That’s reality. WA is not wingnut but it has put R’s in the Senate before.
Remember Slade Gorton?
You live in L.A.?
I think that further supports my theory. You’re so hard core you work to split the Dem vote to throw power to the R’s.
I heard about the de-certified vote fraud machines. You have a hand in that?
Imagine that. Caaaleeefuuurneeaa – the true “prize” for the Bushies.
Either there are no black liberal bloggers or none were invited, your guess.
My guess is none could make it or none had the readership or the kind of impact these folks had.
Clinton’s record on including minorities and women in his administration is excellent.
How frickin’ silly are you?
#71 YLB says:
So in your opinion, voting for the candidate you feel best represents you is splitting the democrats? Unlike you, and millions of other mindphucked minions, I chose not to vote for “at least he’s not bush” or “at least he’s not kerry.” And remember, you are only parroting what the publicans said a few years back when ross perot siphoned off voters from bush and clinton got elected. You’ve been well trained by your leaders and lack the courage of your convictions.
Thanks for playing along, I feel you’ve embarrassed yourself enough already.
Oh and I knew you’d get around to the “Clenis Envy” eventually.
Imagine that – a global warming denier who voted for Nader!
What a gift to wingnuts this guy is!
So in your opinion, voting for the candidate you feel best represents you is splitting the democrats?
Did you do GOTV for Nader? Twice? If you did either you were a fool or working for the Republicans.
Nader! Imagine that. I thank that “unreasonable man” every day for giving us Shrub in 2000.
I bet Stamn does too.
One of the best of the liberal black bloggers died this last year. RIP Steve Gilliard.
But see, the thing is, on the Internet no one knows you’re a dog, or black, or female, or Muslim, or gay, 15 years old, unless they bring it up or make an issue of it.
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