Hard to imagine how icky Kirstjen Nielsen feels.
The GOP rage-tweeted her dismissal before her resignation letter was sent. Further compounding her disgrace. Not unlike how they dismissed Gen. Mattis.
Now her best and really only prospects are far right think tanks. No credible university or corp board would want her.
Get your foot out of your mouth, idiot!spews:
Beto O’Rourke called Netanyahu a racist. Probably not the smartest thing to say if he expects Jewish support for his bid for the Democrats’ 2020 nomination.
The real bitch is Donald is going to take up to two years to locate her family so she can spend more time with them.
Thanks, you’ve been great. Tip your waitress. Now give it up for Yakiv Smirnoff.
Really Apple? I override your Yakov = Yakima and then you went Yakov=Yakiv?
Just sit down and be quiet from now on.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Sure. ‘Cuz being a Jew in Murica means you support Kach.
Just because you people have white supremacy dialed, don’t think that makes you an authority on Zionism.
Is the GOP now planning on winning Brooklyn?
Good plan.
Very fine people.
“Nazi-loving Washington man gets busted for plot to murder 30 Jews – and cops find an arsenal of guns”
It’s those who would stand against fascism who present the real danger to America.
Someone in my neighborhood posted on the Facebook Buy/Sell/Trade group a 100 gun safe with a picture of it seeming quite full.
Say you hunt. You’ve got a rifle, in case it’s not working a backup rifle, and for full redundancy a back up to the backup.
Then you also are a professional assasin so some kind of long range rifle and backups.
A .22 for close quarters killing and back ups.
9mm for protection and back ups.
.38 revolver for protection for when you feel today’s the day your 9 is going to jam and back ups.
Maybe a Desert Eagle for blowing the fuck out of something and back ups.
Maybe an AR-15 for when the Army rolls over the suburbs and you need to join the resistance plus backups.
I’m at 21.
Why the Fuck do you have a 100 gun safe?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I know a guy who might have that many.
Thing is, he doesn’t know. He’s been hiding them throughout his houses for years, under drawers, behind false panels, etc. He seems to have lost track years ago.
You would not know it to meet him. He’s very put together otherwise. Senior sales and marketing executive with a big tech hardware company. Married, active, otherwise healthy. I used to ski race with him. Generally a fun guy. But obviously something just isn’t right.
The few good studies that are around would tend to indicate that the vast majority of American gun owners own just one or two firearms. And that a really frightening percentage of firearms are owned by just a small percentage of all owners who amass very large arsenals. Good firearms aren’t cheap. So once they own a few dozen they soon realize that their arsenal is itself a source of risk. Since there are so few restrictions on or tracking of private sales, a stolen gun is very easy to sell for cash. And the guys like this who amass very large collections are always eager to share that knowledge far and wide. Which makes them and their family a ripe target for every pill crusher within a two hour drive. So guess what? They buy more guns. Lather, rinse, repeat.
It’s almost like ALEC and the NRA designed it all this way.
Ailes is out as Secret Service head.
Seems Donald didn’t like that they didn’t accept full responsibility for a Chinese spy accessing Mar-A-Lago instead pointing out that access to Donald’s sandbox remains in the hands of the club itself and implying that they’ve never been happy about the security situation there.
The obligatory, “Imagine if Obama….” fits here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Everybody’s feeling icky these days. Except Doctor Dumbfuck, who’s too stupid to realize he’s not well.
He called her resignation “a cautionary tale of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here’s this woman who, you know, was a reasonably admired bureaucrat, and for the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, ‘Oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages, that’s the woman who broke up families across the border.’ … Because she implemented that policy … she’s going to get what she deserves.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No job, no prospects, no reputation. Working for Trump is a really, really bad career move. You’re sure to get fired, and he’ll destroy you, even if — especially if — you do a good job. He’s as bad as heroin. Just say no.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Unless a whole bunch of Jews also think Benjy is a racist. Maybe he did some polling, and knows something you don’t?
See, your problem is you think in terms of identity politics. E.g., Ben Carson is black, therefore the 90% of blacks who vote Democratic would’ve voted for him if he’d been the GOP nominee.
Not. Stupid people are known for simplistic thinking, if they think at all. You’re no exception.
P.S., if you really want to do something about that 90%, you have to stop being a racist party.
P.P.S., if you want to make inroads with the Jewish vote, which also is 90% Democratic, you have to get your Nazi friends to stop shooting up synagogues.
This got covered in response to BiBi endorsing far right and racist political parties. He must have missed it.
“AIPAC has a longstanding policy not to meet with members of this racist and reprehensible party,” the lobbying group said, echoing comments tweeted by the AJC.
Also, maybe when you do show up with a Rabbi to show how much you love Jews, maybe not a ‘Messianic’ Rabbi, AKA Jews for Jesus.
And maybe don’t tell American Jews that BiBi is their prime minister.
Anyone catch BiBi telling voters to beware because the Arabs are voting over the weekend? Kind of racist.
Just thinking aloud…
Really competent way to run things during a ‘National Emergency’
No DHS Secretary
No Deputy DHS Secretary
No FEMA head
No ICE head
No Inspector General
No Secret Service Chief
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
If that’s “identity politics” it isn’t aimed at about two thirds American Jews, whose religious practices Bibi declares “non-Jewish”, whose rabbis he denounces, and whose children he would see locked up.
Let’s face it. Trump’s white nationalist supporters are as ignorant as he is. If the State of Israel is so desperate for a few more years of Likud that it will bind itself to the minority political party of the US at the same time that party has taken to openly conducting torch rallies and burning crosses l’m not sure who benefits. But I’m pretty sure it does not benefit the guys in white sheets burning crosses.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+33.22% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 8, 2019.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
There’s Wingnut Welfare for scapegoats like her.
She can land at a think tank or a dark money PAC maybe. But not on any boards. And not on any candidate campaigns. So her chances to really earn are probably hosed. Maybe she can steal from her mom’s purse like PI.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 She’s a lawyer. She can always scratch a subsistence living from writing wills for blue-collar Trumpers, charging fifty bucks apiece.
It seems Felicity Huffman is taking a plea deal. She’s likely to get a bit of jail time (less than a year) and probably a big fine. I think there’s a felony conviction, too, which might cause her some problems when attempting to vote in elections.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is Racist News– Demorats Disclose Plan To Reparate Blacks To Africa, Tell Black Leadership Thanks For The Votes Suckers But We’re Replacing You With Mexicans, see, California Attorney General Becomes Latest Democrat To Call For Decriminalization Of Illegal Immigrants; https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/03/becerra-california-decriminalize-illegals/
Democratic 2020 candidates, speaking to black voters in NYC, pledge unanimous support for slavery reparations study bill.
Support for studying the possibility of slavery reparations was a litmus test for Democratic 2020 candidates this week at the National Action Network’s annual convention, a gathering of black leaders and voters from across the nation.
The presidential candidate parade at the Sheraton Times Square featured 13 White House wannabes — and more Martin Luther King Jr. quotes than a civil rights documentary.
Contenders touched on topics important to African Americans, including education, fair wages and racial and social injustice.
But it was a piece of legislation about slavery reparations — first introduced nearly three decades ago — that built the most common ground. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-nan-president-candidates-reparations-20190405-d4oifmxew5avbjc5k2unposigy-story.html
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Ugly Skanks News– Demorat Beauty Queen vs. MAGA-hat Nazi, Round Two.
A supporter of President Donald Trump was harassed at a San Diego post office for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
A video posted on the “Paloma For Trump” Facebook page Saturday shows the Hispanic woman (apparently Paloma) being harassed, and nearly assaulted by a female who took issue with Paloma’s pro-Trump hat. The video is captioned: “Attacked by a liberal for my hat!”
Warning-Wait 30 minutes after eating before watching video- https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/08/hispanic-trump-supporter-harassed-maga-hat-video/
Do let us know when MAGA hat wearers get run over at a protest. Or start shooting people at UW.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 We’ve already paid tax reparations to billionaires, so what’s the big deal?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 Actually, right at the start of the video, the woman at the counter objected to being recorded, not the loudmouth’s hat. She sounds to me like a troll trying to gin up a phony hat issue.
But, that said, if you wear a swastika in public, people will judge you by what Hitler stood for. Likewise, if you wear a MAGA hat in public, people will judge you by what Trump stands for.
Of course, in this country, you’re entitled to be a Nazi or Trump sympathizer. But you’re not entitled to respect from others, and they have a right to comment on your beliefs. If you flaunt repulsive symbols in public, you should expect to get disagreement in return from the respectable elements of society.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Nielsen has dutifully carried out the administration’s orders ….
She did months of diplomatic work with Central America and Mexico, and brokered a deal where asylum seekers were to wait in Mexico for their asylum cases to play out …. She moved to abandon long-standing regulations that dictate how long children are allowed to be held in immigration detention …. She limited what public benefits migrants can receive, and last week put regulations in place to circumvent immigration law and deny asylum to anyone caught crossing the border illegally. And she took ownership over the most divisive of all the decisions, the separation of families at the border. Nearly everything [she did] has been challenged or watered down by the courts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She did Trump’s bidding, and got sacked. Her reputation is in tatters, her career is ruined, and she has nothing to show for it. These are the wages the devil pays. Smart people don’t work for this administration.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“During his visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in California last week, President Donald Trump personally instructed border agents to illegally block all incoming immigrants and then lie to judges about it, CNN host Jake Tapper said ….
“Tapper said … sources informed him that Trump had coached border agents in Calexico on Friday to prevent migrants from entering the country. According to the sources, the president had instructed agents to say, ‘Sorry, judge, I can’t do it. We don’t have the room’ if judges questioned them, Tapper said.
When agents later sought advice from their superiors about Trump’s instructions, Tapper added, they were told to ignore the president and instead follow the law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If true, this is nothing short of incredible. When the President of the United States bypasses the entire chain of command and gives a federal agency’s line employees instructions they’re so uncomfortable with that they feel compelled to ask their supervisors whether to follow them, something is terribly out of whack.
When those “instructions” consist of ordering federal employees to break the law and ignore court orders, I don’t see how that is not an impeachable offense.
And if you wear a Trump hat in public, and defend this president’s behavior, you’re damn right you should be criticized. Especially if you’re not even a citizen of this country, and we don’t know whether that woman is.
Side note…
You’ve had a lifetime to bone up on W.E.B. DuBois so come back when you’ve read something, son.
Someone sent a white powder letter to Eric Idle’s Los Angeles home.
Eric Idle.
He’s not involved in the ‘Crunchy Frog/Anthrax Ripple’ or ‘Castle Anthrax’ bits so who has beef with ‘Spamalot?’
Did the American Taliban just find out about ‘Life of Brian?’
He’s 76 and mostly retired looking on the bright side of life.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 Do you mean @20?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Unlike many members of Congress, Devin Nunes is not a lawyer, he’s from a dairy farming family and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in agricultural science. So it’s not surprising he doesn’t know a damn thing about defamation law. And being a Republican, he’s possessed by a very large sense of grievance.
Nunes seems to think a public figure like him can sue anyone who says something about him he doesn’t like. It doesn’t work that way.
After becoming a national laughingstock for filing a lawsuit demanding $250 million from Twitter for failing to protect him from a parody account called @DevinCow, which quickly gained more followers than Nunes has, he’s filed another lawsuit against a new set of defendants, this time demanding $150 million from a newspaper chain and a Republican strategist — that’s right, a Republican operative — for “conspiring to destroy” his reputation.
Let’s skip over the question of whether he has a reputation worth destroying, because that goes to the measure of damages, and there are no compensable damages in the absence of a meritorious claim.
Nunes is upset because the Fresno Bee reported that a Napa Valley winery in which he’s an investor auctioned off a yacht party as a charity fundraiser allegedly involving cocaine and prostitutes. The winery is owned by a close friend of Nunes, and Nunes is in fact a longtime investor in the winery. The story did not say he was involved with the party. It quoted a winery spokesperson as saying that “no one aboard the yacht that night had any connection to the winery or its owners,” which appears to fully exonerate Nunes of any connection to this event.
The details of the story are that an employee of the winery was asked to arrange the yacht party. She thought it was to be a routine wine-tasting cruise. When it turned into something else, she sued her employer. Among other things, she claimed she was sexually harassed by partygoers, and when she complained to her employer, she was told to “lay low.” The winery paid her an undisclosed settlement. You can read the Fresno Bee’s story here:
I haven’t read Nunes’ legal filings, so it’s not clear to me what his beef with the GOP operative is. A Wikipedia search discloses that she’s a Seattle native, has worked for various Republican politicians, has appeared in various conservative media, and has opposed Trump and agricultural subsidies in the past.
Two things, however, are clear: To successfully sue someone for defamation, you have to prove that what they said about you is false, and if you’re a public figure, you also have to prove it was done with malice.
Those are high hurdles. If the winery did throw a yacht party as described, and Nunes is an investor in the winery, then the paper’s reporting was accurate and there’s no basis for a defamation claim for lack of a falsehood. But even if the paper made some mistakes in its reporting, Nunes still would have to prove the errors were both deliberate and intended to damage his reputation.
The reality is that Nunes has no understanding of defamation law. He apparently thinks you can sue people simply for saying something unflattering about you. But there is no legal right in this country to a 5-star Yelp review, especially if you’re a politician. Newspapers, on the other hand, have a constitutionally protected right to report the news.
The situation is somewhat analogous to the Seattle Times reporting that “an HA poster who calls himself Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock, and two Boeing airplanes have crashed.” I have not been defamed. There is nothing untrue in that statement. It does not claim I had anything to do with the crashes. It simply says I’m an investor in a company that put out an apparently defective product that killed a bunch of people, which is completely true. No falsehood, no claim. I might not like being mentioned in the story, but the paper has every right to report that I’m one of the Boeing Company’s investors and that I own approximately one-five millionth of the company. The newspaper wouldn’t even have to assert I’m a public figure in order to defeat this claim in court.
The bottom line is that Nunes is grandstanding. If money is the mother’s milk of politics, publicity is the ice cream of politics. For a politician like Nunes, bad publicity — even ridicule — is better than no publicity. And the publicity he’s getting from these lawsuits very likely is well worth the Rule 11 sanctions he’ll have to pay to the defendants. It’ll all come out of his campaign funds anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oil supply is tightening, and with Libyan production going offline because of civil unrest in that country, on top of plummeting Venezuelan production and restrictions on Iranian exports, crude prices could go a lot higher. If Trump provokes Iran into closing the Strait of Hormuz, the sky’s the limit.
I won’t mind a bit if gas costs consumers $5.00 a gallon when Trump has to face re-election.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks, and because the market value of oil stocks is tightly correlated with crude prices, will benefit financially from an oil shortage and price gouging at the pump.)
Who’s paying the lawyers? As a private citizen Terry Bollea can take Peter Thiel’s pro bono lawyer and go to court.
A sitting Congressman doing so would be extremely unethical and possibly criminal.
It’s not a stretch to think the lawsuits Nunes is filing over the last couple months are beyond his personal means.
It’s different for politicians. See ‘gifting’ and ‘corruption’. At a maximum gift value of under $50 per and $100 annually, a lawyer providing Pro Bono service to a sitting Congressman will hit that limit in the initial consultation.
Side note:
But, Nunes asserted in the complaint Monday, the event on the yacht was not a “fundraiser” at all, but rather a cruise resulting from a charitable donation — and one that McClatchy knew Nunes had nothing to do with.
A charity held a ‘fundraiser’. The winery donated the cruise. Nunes is an investor in the winery. The cruise was probably auctioned off, this is how charity auctions and donations of ‘experiences’ work. A charity auction is a fundraiser, fund a need, raise the paddle, silent and Live auction, hotel ballroom, black tie, tax deductible over fair market value.
Nunes is going to argue that no one raised any funds by ‘selling’ the cruise. Good luck with that.
Which lawyer is giving you this free advice? And if not free, do you have a receipt Congressman?
Hard to imagine how icky Kirstjen Nielsen feels.
The GOP rage-tweeted her dismissal before her resignation letter was sent. Further compounding her disgrace. Not unlike how they dismissed Gen. Mattis.
Now her best and really only prospects are far right think tanks. No credible university or corp board would want her.
Beto O’Rourke called Netanyahu a racist. Probably not the smartest thing to say if he expects Jewish support for his bid for the Democrats’ 2020 nomination.
The real bitch is Donald is going to take up to two years to locate her family so she can spend more time with them.
Thanks, you’ve been great. Tip your waitress. Now give it up for Yakiv Smirnoff.
Really Apple? I override your Yakov = Yakima and then you went Yakov=Yakiv?
Just sit down and be quiet from now on.
Sure. ‘Cuz being a Jew in Murica means you support Kach.
Just because you people have white supremacy dialed, don’t think that makes you an authority on Zionism.
Is the GOP now planning on winning Brooklyn?
Good plan.
Very fine people.
“Nazi-loving Washington man gets busted for plot to murder 30 Jews – and cops find an arsenal of guns”
It’s those who would stand against fascism who present the real danger to America.
Someone in my neighborhood posted on the Facebook Buy/Sell/Trade group a 100 gun safe with a picture of it seeming quite full.
Say you hunt. You’ve got a rifle, in case it’s not working a backup rifle, and for full redundancy a back up to the backup.
Then you also are a professional assasin so some kind of long range rifle and backups.
A .22 for close quarters killing and back ups.
9mm for protection and back ups.
.38 revolver for protection for when you feel today’s the day your 9 is going to jam and back ups.
Maybe a Desert Eagle for blowing the fuck out of something and back ups.
Maybe an AR-15 for when the Army rolls over the suburbs and you need to join the resistance plus backups.
I’m at 21.
Why the Fuck do you have a 100 gun safe?
I know a guy who might have that many.
Thing is, he doesn’t know. He’s been hiding them throughout his houses for years, under drawers, behind false panels, etc. He seems to have lost track years ago.
You would not know it to meet him. He’s very put together otherwise. Senior sales and marketing executive with a big tech hardware company. Married, active, otherwise healthy. I used to ski race with him. Generally a fun guy. But obviously something just isn’t right.
The few good studies that are around would tend to indicate that the vast majority of American gun owners own just one or two firearms. And that a really frightening percentage of firearms are owned by just a small percentage of all owners who amass very large arsenals. Good firearms aren’t cheap. So once they own a few dozen they soon realize that their arsenal is itself a source of risk. Since there are so few restrictions on or tracking of private sales, a stolen gun is very easy to sell for cash. And the guys like this who amass very large collections are always eager to share that knowledge far and wide. Which makes them and their family a ripe target for every pill crusher within a two hour drive. So guess what? They buy more guns. Lather, rinse, repeat.
It’s almost like ALEC and the NRA designed it all this way.
Ailes is out as Secret Service head.
Seems Donald didn’t like that they didn’t accept full responsibility for a Chinese spy accessing Mar-A-Lago instead pointing out that access to Donald’s sandbox remains in the hands of the club itself and implying that they’ve never been happy about the security situation there.
The obligatory, “Imagine if Obama….” fits here.
Everybody’s feeling icky these days. Except Doctor Dumbfuck, who’s too stupid to realize he’s not well.
@1 “Trump killed Kirstjen Nielsen’s reputation for life, CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin says.
He called her resignation “a cautionary tale of what happens when you go to work for Donald Trump. He is the great reputation killer. Here’s this woman who, you know, was a reasonably admired bureaucrat, and for the rest of her life, people will look at her and think, ‘Oh, that’s the woman who put children in cages, that’s the woman who broke up families across the border.’ … Because she implemented that policy … she’s going to get what she deserves.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No job, no prospects, no reputation. Working for Trump is a really, really bad career move. You’re sure to get fired, and he’ll destroy you, even if — especially if — you do a good job. He’s as bad as heroin. Just say no.
@2 Unless a whole bunch of Jews also think Benjy is a racist. Maybe he did some polling, and knows something you don’t?
See, your problem is you think in terms of identity politics. E.g., Ben Carson is black, therefore the 90% of blacks who vote Democratic would’ve voted for him if he’d been the GOP nominee.
Not. Stupid people are known for simplistic thinking, if they think at all. You’re no exception.
P.S., if you really want to do something about that 90%, you have to stop being a racist party.
P.P.S., if you want to make inroads with the Jewish vote, which also is 90% Democratic, you have to get your Nazi friends to stop shooting up synagogues.
This got covered in response to BiBi endorsing far right and racist political parties. He must have missed it.
Also, maybe when you do show up with a Rabbi to show how much you love Jews, maybe not a ‘Messianic’ Rabbi, AKA Jews for Jesus.
And maybe don’t tell American Jews that BiBi is their prime minister.
Anyone catch BiBi telling voters to beware because the Arabs are voting over the weekend? Kind of racist.
Just thinking aloud…
Really competent way to run things during a ‘National Emergency’
No DHS Secretary
No Deputy DHS Secretary
No FEMA head
No ICE head
No Inspector General
No Secret Service Chief
If that’s “identity politics” it isn’t aimed at about two thirds American Jews, whose religious practices Bibi declares “non-Jewish”, whose rabbis he denounces, and whose children he would see locked up.
Let’s face it. Trump’s white nationalist supporters are as ignorant as he is. If the State of Israel is so desperate for a few more years of Likud that it will bind itself to the minority political party of the US at the same time that party has taken to openly conducting torch rallies and burning crosses l’m not sure who benefits. But I’m pretty sure it does not benefit the guys in white sheets burning crosses.
+33.22% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 8, 2019.
There’s Wingnut Welfare for scapegoats like her.
She can land at a think tank or a dark money PAC maybe. But not on any boards. And not on any candidate campaigns. So her chances to really earn are probably hosed. Maybe she can steal from her mom’s purse like PI.
@17 She’s a lawyer. She can always scratch a subsistence living from writing wills for blue-collar Trumpers, charging fifty bucks apiece.
It seems Felicity Huffman is taking a plea deal. She’s likely to get a bit of jail time (less than a year) and probably a big fine. I think there’s a felony conviction, too, which might cause her some problems when attempting to vote in elections.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Everything Is Racist News– Demorats Disclose Plan To Reparate Blacks To Africa, Tell Black Leadership Thanks For The Votes Suckers But We’re Replacing You With Mexicans, see, California Attorney General Becomes Latest Democrat To Call For Decriminalization Of Illegal Immigrants; https://dailycaller.com/2019/04/03/becerra-california-decriminalize-illegals/
Democratic 2020 candidates, speaking to black voters in NYC, pledge unanimous support for slavery reparations study bill.
Support for studying the possibility of slavery reparations was a litmus test for Democratic 2020 candidates this week at the National Action Network’s annual convention, a gathering of black leaders and voters from across the nation.
The presidential candidate parade at the Sheraton Times Square featured 13 White House wannabes — and more Martin Luther King Jr. quotes than a civil rights documentary.
Contenders touched on topics important to African Americans, including education, fair wages and racial and social injustice.
But it was a piece of legislation about slavery reparations — first introduced nearly three decades ago — that built the most common ground.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax & Ugly Skanks News– Demorat Beauty Queen vs. MAGA-hat Nazi, Round Two.
A supporter of President Donald Trump was harassed at a San Diego post office for wearing a “Make America Great Again” hat.
A video posted on the “Paloma For Trump” Facebook page Saturday shows the Hispanic woman (apparently Paloma) being harassed, and nearly assaulted by a female who took issue with Paloma’s pro-Trump hat. The video is captioned: “Attacked by a liberal for my hat!”
Warning-Wait 30 minutes after eating before watching video-
Do let us know when MAGA hat wearers get run over at a protest. Or start shooting people at UW.
@20 We’ve already paid tax reparations to billionaires, so what’s the big deal?
@21 Actually, right at the start of the video, the woman at the counter objected to being recorded, not the loudmouth’s hat. She sounds to me like a troll trying to gin up a phony hat issue.
But, that said, if you wear a swastika in public, people will judge you by what Hitler stood for. Likewise, if you wear a MAGA hat in public, people will judge you by what Trump stands for.
Of course, in this country, you’re entitled to be a Nazi or Trump sympathizer. But you’re not entitled to respect from others, and they have a right to comment on your beliefs. If you flaunt repulsive symbols in public, you should expect to get disagreement in return from the respectable elements of society.
“Nielsen has dutifully carried out the administration’s orders ….
She did months of diplomatic work with Central America and Mexico, and brokered a deal where asylum seekers were to wait in Mexico for their asylum cases to play out …. She moved to abandon long-standing regulations that dictate how long children are allowed to be held in immigration detention …. She limited what public benefits migrants can receive, and last week put regulations in place to circumvent immigration law and deny asylum to anyone caught crossing the border illegally. And she took ownership over the most divisive of all the decisions, the separation of families at the border. Nearly everything [she did] has been challenged or watered down by the courts.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She did Trump’s bidding, and got sacked. Her reputation is in tatters, her career is ruined, and she has nothing to show for it. These are the wages the devil pays. Smart people don’t work for this administration.
“During his visit to the U.S.-Mexico border in California last week, President Donald Trump personally instructed border agents to illegally block all incoming immigrants and then lie to judges about it, CNN host Jake Tapper said ….
“Tapper said … sources informed him that Trump had coached border agents in Calexico on Friday to prevent migrants from entering the country. According to the sources, the president had instructed agents to say, ‘Sorry, judge, I can’t do it. We don’t have the room’ if judges questioned them, Tapper said.
When agents later sought advice from their superiors about Trump’s instructions, Tapper added, they were told to ignore the president and instead follow the law.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If true, this is nothing short of incredible. When the President of the United States bypasses the entire chain of command and gives a federal agency’s line employees instructions they’re so uncomfortable with that they feel compelled to ask their supervisors whether to follow them, something is terribly out of whack.
When those “instructions” consist of ordering federal employees to break the law and ignore court orders, I don’t see how that is not an impeachable offense.
And if you wear a Trump hat in public, and defend this president’s behavior, you’re damn right you should be criticized. Especially if you’re not even a citizen of this country, and we don’t know whether that woman is.
Side note…
You’ve had a lifetime to bone up on W.E.B. DuBois so come back when you’ve read something, son.
Someone sent a white powder letter to Eric Idle’s Los Angeles home.
Eric Idle.
He’s not involved in the ‘Crunchy Frog/Anthrax Ripple’ or ‘Castle Anthrax’ bits so who has beef with ‘Spamalot?’
Did the American Taliban just find out about ‘Life of Brian?’
He’s 76 and mostly retired looking on the bright side of life.
@27 Do you mean @20?
Unlike many members of Congress, Devin Nunes is not a lawyer, he’s from a dairy farming family and his bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in agricultural science. So it’s not surprising he doesn’t know a damn thing about defamation law. And being a Republican, he’s possessed by a very large sense of grievance.
Nunes seems to think a public figure like him can sue anyone who says something about him he doesn’t like. It doesn’t work that way.
After becoming a national laughingstock for filing a lawsuit demanding $250 million from Twitter for failing to protect him from a parody account called @DevinCow, which quickly gained more followers than Nunes has, he’s filed another lawsuit against a new set of defendants, this time demanding $150 million from a newspaper chain and a Republican strategist — that’s right, a Republican operative — for “conspiring to destroy” his reputation.
Let’s skip over the question of whether he has a reputation worth destroying, because that goes to the measure of damages, and there are no compensable damages in the absence of a meritorious claim.
Nunes is upset because the Fresno Bee reported that a Napa Valley winery in which he’s an investor auctioned off a yacht party as a charity fundraiser allegedly involving cocaine and prostitutes. The winery is owned by a close friend of Nunes, and Nunes is in fact a longtime investor in the winery. The story did not say he was involved with the party. It quoted a winery spokesperson as saying that “no one aboard the yacht that night had any connection to the winery or its owners,” which appears to fully exonerate Nunes of any connection to this event.
The details of the story are that an employee of the winery was asked to arrange the yacht party. She thought it was to be a routine wine-tasting cruise. When it turned into something else, she sued her employer. Among other things, she claimed she was sexually harassed by partygoers, and when she complained to her employer, she was told to “lay low.” The winery paid her an undisclosed settlement. You can read the Fresno Bee’s story here:
I haven’t read Nunes’ legal filings, so it’s not clear to me what his beef with the GOP operative is. A Wikipedia search discloses that she’s a Seattle native, has worked for various Republican politicians, has appeared in various conservative media, and has opposed Trump and agricultural subsidies in the past.
Two things, however, are clear: To successfully sue someone for defamation, you have to prove that what they said about you is false, and if you’re a public figure, you also have to prove it was done with malice.
Those are high hurdles. If the winery did throw a yacht party as described, and Nunes is an investor in the winery, then the paper’s reporting was accurate and there’s no basis for a defamation claim for lack of a falsehood. But even if the paper made some mistakes in its reporting, Nunes still would have to prove the errors were both deliberate and intended to damage his reputation.
The reality is that Nunes has no understanding of defamation law. He apparently thinks you can sue people simply for saying something unflattering about you. But there is no legal right in this country to a 5-star Yelp review, especially if you’re a politician. Newspapers, on the other hand, have a constitutionally protected right to report the news.
The situation is somewhat analogous to the Seattle Times reporting that “an HA poster who calls himself Roger Rabbit owns Boeing stock, and two Boeing airplanes have crashed.” I have not been defamed. There is nothing untrue in that statement. It does not claim I had anything to do with the crashes. It simply says I’m an investor in a company that put out an apparently defective product that killed a bunch of people, which is completely true. No falsehood, no claim. I might not like being mentioned in the story, but the paper has every right to report that I’m one of the Boeing Company’s investors and that I own approximately one-five millionth of the company. The newspaper wouldn’t even have to assert I’m a public figure in order to defeat this claim in court.
The bottom line is that Nunes is grandstanding. If money is the mother’s milk of politics, publicity is the ice cream of politics. For a politician like Nunes, bad publicity — even ridicule — is better than no publicity. And the publicity he’s getting from these lawsuits very likely is well worth the Rule 11 sanctions he’ll have to pay to the defendants. It’ll all come out of his campaign funds anyway.
Oil supply is tightening, and with Libyan production going offline because of civil unrest in that country, on top of plummeting Venezuelan production and restrictions on Iranian exports, crude prices could go a lot higher. If Trump provokes Iran into closing the Strait of Hormuz, the sky’s the limit.
I won’t mind a bit if gas costs consumers $5.00 a gallon when Trump has to face re-election.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns oil stocks, and because the market value of oil stocks is tightly correlated with crude prices, will benefit financially from an oil shortage and price gouging at the pump.)
Who’s paying the lawyers? As a private citizen Terry Bollea can take Peter Thiel’s pro bono lawyer and go to court.
A sitting Congressman doing so would be extremely unethical and possibly criminal.
It’s not a stretch to think the lawsuits Nunes is filing over the last couple months are beyond his personal means.
It’s different for politicians. See ‘gifting’ and ‘corruption’. At a maximum gift value of under $50 per and $100 annually, a lawyer providing Pro Bono service to a sitting Congressman will hit that limit in the initial consultation.
Side note:
A charity held a ‘fundraiser’. The winery donated the cruise. Nunes is an investor in the winery. The cruise was probably auctioned off, this is how charity auctions and donations of ‘experiences’ work. A charity auction is a fundraiser, fund a need, raise the paddle, silent and Live auction, hotel ballroom, black tie, tax deductible over fair market value.
Nunes is going to argue that no one raised any funds by ‘selling’ the cruise. Good luck with that.
Which lawyer is giving you this free advice? And if not free, do you have a receipt Congressman?