This is really the opposite of what I want from bicycle infrastructure. Both as a bicyclist and a city driver. Seattle is very hilly, so we can use the help.
Two separate incidents involving Virginia Militia on the same day in Fauquier County, west of DC.
In both cases drivers’ GPS navigation led them to private property. In both cases property owners fired shots. No injuries fortunately.
If you’re wondering, the county is a rapidly growing wealthy area where the citizens are 87% White. The county voted Donald 60%.
Good to know in 21st century America the assumption of Well Regulated Militia is any car you don’t recognize is there to do you harm. Fear the stranger. Stand your ground.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The complete, total, utter hypocrisy of the “Lock her up!” party.
“Last year, SDOT announced significant cuts to many of the projects included in the $930 million Move Seattle levy, which voters approved in 2015, to reflect reduced federal funding and higher cost estimates for some projects.”
Well, Carl, if the money isn’t there, then the money isn’t there. Maybe you should dig deeper into that “reduced federal funding.” You might find a pile of Trump excrement there.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Playing in her front yard while black! What was she thinking? She could have been killed!
The complete, total, utter hypocrisy of the hypocrisy party.
The federal government isn’t cutting its funding for the Special Olympics, but New York State is, according to its budget.
New York’s budget for the Special Olympics decreased from $200,000 in 2018 to $150,000 for this year. Meanwhile, every one of the state’s 213 lawmakers will ultimately receive a raise
that is almost the same amount cut from the games for disabled athletes.
Oh and then there’s THIS: “More than a year ago, in February 2018, Devos announced that she would donate her entire salary to three charities including the Special Olympics.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
A professor’s arguments for why Biden shouldn’t run.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My own view on this is that anything is better than Trump. Literally.
UNPLANNED but not murderedspews:
More news you mushrooms don’t get in your Multimedia Extravaganza!:
An ‘Unplanned’ Success: Film Doubles Predicted Sales, Earns A+ Audience Score, Breaks Indie Records
Despite all the obstacles in its path, pro-life film Unplanned had quite a successful opening weekend. Surprising many, the film placed fifth in the weekend box office even with its limited release, boasted the “highest per screen average” of any indie film debut in US history, and almost tripled industry predictions for how much revenue it would generate.
Unplanned opened only in 1,060 theaters nationwide, but took 5th place at the box office, generating $6.1 million where industry analysts predicted it would only drag in $2 to $3 million. The movie also accumulated $5,770 per screen, breaking an all-time U.S. indie film release record.
In terms of audience reception, Pureflix’s pro-life endeavor performed well. According to review aggregator site RottenTomatoes, “94%” of audiences liked the film. Unplanned also received an A+ rating from CinemaScore, which The Hollywood Reporter affirmed is “a coveted” achievement in terms of audience reception. Unplanned is Pureflix’s second highest grossing film debut to date, sitting just behind God’s Not Dead 2 ($7.6 million.)
The movie hit theaters Friday and brought in more than $6.1 million at the weekend’s conclusion over an expected $2-3 million, according to The Washington Times. The film came in third for screen earnings, putting up an average of $5,770 per screening, following “Dumbo” and “Us” with averages of $10,566 and $8,978 respectively. “Unplanned” beat out “Captain Marvel” which averaged $5,144 per screening.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 No hypocrisy at all, pal. Your material omissions include the following:
(1) New York’s legislative pay raises are determined by a committee, not by the legislators themselves;
(2) New York state legislators haven’t received a pay raise since 1999, and these raises are spread over 3 years, so this is 23 years of cost-of-living increases;
(3) The raises for legislators in leadership positions are largely canceled out by elimination of leadership stipends;
(4) The terms of the raises include capping legislator’s private income at 15% of their legislative salary; and
(5) These are full-time jobs that currently pay about what a truck driver makes, so a raise of this size is proper and in order.
Special Olympics? You need some straightening out there, too:
(1) DeVos tried to eliminate all federal funding for Special Olympics, amounting to $17.6 million. That’s a bit more than $50,000. To be exact, 352 times more.
(2) It’s hard to describe this as a “cut” when New York historically has not budgeted state money for Special Olympics. Prior to 2017 the state contributed nothing at all.
(3) The 2017 and 2018 budgets, for the first time, included $200,000 appropriations for Special Olympics. When Democrats noticed this item wasn’t in the 2019 budget proposal, they pushed for its inclusion. They got $150,000 in budget negotiations with the other party, which suggests it wasn’t Democrats who “cut” the $50,000 from the appropriation.
You might get away with this bullshit on rightwing blogs, but it doesn’t fly here. Comments on this blog are fact-checked, so you better do your homework, pal. Otherwise, you’re just embarrassing yourself.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 First of all, why would any of us have a problem with this movie? It’s a free country. People can watch any movies they like. Don’t try this in China.
Second, its Rotten Tomatoes score is 56%, not 94%, so where did you get that from?
I couldn’t agree with her more. There are indeed absolutes; there is right and wrong, there is good and bad. She was referring to the abortion debate, but that’s true of life generally.
Sadly, most Republicans have lost sight of those distinctions. Their party has lost its way. It now gives unquestioning loyalty to a deeply immoral man. Its actions reveal a party with almost no moral compass.
If you view abortion as a moral wrong, then in a way the GOP’s crusade against abortion has a silver lining, in that it shows the party still retains a tiny sliver of moral sensibility. That could inspire hope the GOP still might step back from the moral abyss at a time when, in everything else, they think anything goes.
UNPLANNED but not murderedspews:
Something about the abortion doctor made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Later I learned why: The actor was a former abortion doctor who had performed over 1,000 abortions. He knew, quite literally, what he was doing. But like Abby, he experienced an event that changed everything: He witnessed his 6-year-old daughter struck by a car in front of their home. She died in his arms. When he returned to work, his first order of business was a late-term abortion. He performed it, but afterwards froze. In an interview he said:
“But after all those years, after 1,200 abortions, after over 100 late-term abortions, I really looked. I really looked at that pile of body parts on the side of the table. And for the first time in my life, all I could see was somebody’s son or daughter. And in that moment it hit me all at once, a lot like what Abby describes, it me so hard. … I had just buried my daughter, and here someone had come to me and offered me money to kill their son or daughter. And I said yes.”
Roger Rabbitspews:
I wonder if pork sauce, who specializes in murders committed by illegals, will comment about this one?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Road rage, kidnapping, rape, and murder are bad no matter who does them.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Unattributed copypasta from right wing plagiarism mills should be deleted.
That’s just my opinion. But if you want to invite us to read someone else’s work on another web site, a brief sample, appropriately cited with punctuation of some kind to indicate that it is not your work is perfectly fine (we can then ignore it without it taking up so much space).
So really, not only are you a vapid, drooling, womb worshiping fuck stain with no true ideology of your own, but you are an unethical version of one who steals and claims the work of others for your own.
Because, yes, once again this really is the status quo for Republicans now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 Serial offender. See #10.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
More unattributed copypasta.
I suspect you of being a boscht fueled spam bot.
But if you are in fact a living human being, your posts should be deleted because you are merely engaging in mass copypasta.
That’s just one of many forms of abuse that should not be tolerated for what ought to be obvious reasons.
Do you have any words of your own?
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I have no problem with swatting flies. But I am disinclined to swat robot flies. That pathetic liar of a troll (now presumably dead) was famous for this kind of abuse. And more than anything it demonstrated his ignorance. He was simply unable to articulate any ideas of his own in words that comprised actual sentences in a known language. When he did attempt to communicate with his own words expressing his own ideas what came out was an argle-bargle of schizophrenic word salad often featuring caps-lock and weird punctuation. Like watching a fight scene from an episode of Batman.
Whatever the source of this, it ought to be stopped. It can be pleasant to stop by and humiliate the stupidity of aging, increasingly irrelevant right wing cuckolds like Corncob Bob. But I for one am not willing to hack my way through a thicket of Nazi-affiliated, 8-chan copypasta in order to do so.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Maybe his ghost has come back to haunt these threads.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
+32.72% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 1, 2019.
PI's poor motherspews:
My unemployed son stole money out of my purse again this morning.
Politically Incorrect - just another "stupid" millionairespews:
Good to hear from you, Mom, especially since you’ve been dead for nearly 30 years. How are things on the other side?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Seattle Times says neighborhood activists and pols are talking up even more taxes for light rail. The figure this time is $700 million — several hundred dollars for every Seattle resident.
@19 You don’t want to know. Things are bad enough on your side. Don’t go looking for trouble.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Spy News–Demorats Uncover Giant Spy Plot At White House! Ivanka Trump (Russian Spy!) And Jared Kushner (Another Russian Spy!!) Caught Red-Handed With Russian Money!!! This Is Not Just Another Hoax, And Anybody Who Doesn’t Believe Us Is Racist!!!!
According to a source familiar with the whistleblower’s testimony, Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, are two of three unnamed White House officials described in the memo. Kushner was identified as “Senior White House Official 1” and Ivanka was described as “Senior White House Official 2” in the memo, which was written and released on Monday, the source told Yahoo News.
The memo was sent from Democratic Oversight Committee staffers to the committee members. It summarized an interview Democratic and Republican committee staffers conducted with White House security adviser Tricia Newbold on March 23. Newbold, the Adjudications Manager in the Personnel Security Office of the White House, has worked there as a non-partisan career employee for over 18 years.
hey, someone marketed a movie to religio-America. Good on them.
But perspective, It made a little over 6 million. The average price of a movie ticket (factoring in matinee pricing / adults v. kids, etc) is a hair over $9.
So we can extrapolate that around 710,000 saw the film.
So about .2% of the population of the country cared about the movie enough to pay to see it.
Pew research finds that 70% of American’s consider themselves Christian. So you might think that only attracting .2% of the population to a Christian movie backs up the major studio idea that unless you make a Christian movie on the ultra-cheap there is no profit in it over the long run. A studio can scrape together the profit of an opening weekend of a badly reviewed film like “Dumbo” by instead making 15-20 low budget Christian movies and hoping the audience keeps showing up.
Again, good for them but there is a choir being preached to with these Christian movies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 Most of those Christians would rather watch Chuck Norris spray fake blood and gore all over the screen.
@ 23
Again, good for them but there is a choir being preached to with these Christian movies.
Now do An Inconvenient Truth. Fahrenheit 9/11.
Democrat behaving like a Democrat in Baltimore.
Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday formally asked the state prosecutor to investigate allegations of self-dealing and no-bid contracting involving Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh in her role as a member of the University of Maryland Medical System board.
The medical system paid Pugh $500,000 in five installments for copies of her self-published Healthy Holly children’s book series.
The criminal mayor took a leave of absence today, from which she is not expected to return.
Ah, and she hooked up with a charity for mutual fraud. How nice.
Health provider Kaiser Permanente paid Pugh more than $100,000 to buy about 20,000 copies of her books during a period when the company was seeking a lucrative contract to provide health benefits to city employees.
And the nonprofit Associated Black Charities says it collected nearly $90,000 from five separate entities — including CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, another city insurer — to buy and distribute 10,000 copies of Pugh’s books, forwarding nearly $80,000 of that to Pugh’s company and pocketing the rest.
But as long as you brought it up, $50M worldwide (I.T) for a documentary is a big ROI.
$222M worldwide. (F9/11) is orgiastic amounts of money for a documentary.
So yeah, bring up a $6m just barely exceeded the budget movie. Do let us know if the Pro-life religious movie hits either of those marks.
You proved my point for me. Major studios release movies that make money. Or at least hope to. There hasn’t been a major studio “Heaven’s Gate’ in a long time. The closest I can think of is Artisan mortgaging their future on ‘Blair Witch 2.’ Ended up selling the company and it’s massive library of film rights to Lions Gate when it didn’t work for not nearly what it was worth.
The movie in question had a ‘great’ opening weekend and made 300K over budget. Cool. Good for you. Here’s a participation trophy.
Two separate incidents involving Virginia Militia on the same day in Fauquier County, west of DC.
In both cases drivers’ GPS navigation led them to private property. In both cases property owners fired shots. No injuries fortunately.
If you’re wondering, the county is a rapidly growing wealthy area where the citizens are 87% White. The county voted Donald 60%.
Good to know in 21st century America the assumption of Well Regulated Militia is any car you don’t recognize is there to do you harm. Fear the stranger. Stand your ground.
The complete, total, utter hypocrisy of the “Lock her up!” party.
“Last year, SDOT announced significant cuts to many of the projects included in the $930 million Move Seattle levy, which voters approved in 2015, to reflect reduced federal funding and higher cost estimates for some projects.”
Well, Carl, if the money isn’t there, then the money isn’t there. Maybe you should dig deeper into that “reduced federal funding.” You might find a pile of Trump excrement there.
Playing in her front yard while black! What was she thinking? She could have been killed!
The complete, total, utter hypocrisy of the hypocrisy party.
Oh and then there’s THIS: “More than a year ago, in February 2018, Devos announced that she would donate her entire salary to three charities including the Special Olympics.”
A professor’s arguments for why Biden shouldn’t run.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: My own view on this is that anything is better than Trump. Literally.
More news you mushrooms don’t get in your Multimedia Extravaganza!:
An ‘Unplanned’ Success: Film Doubles Predicted Sales, Earns A+ Audience Score, Breaks Indie Records
Despite all the obstacles in its path, pro-life film Unplanned had quite a successful opening weekend. Surprising many, the film placed fifth in the weekend box office even with its limited release, boasted the “highest per screen average” of any indie film debut in US history, and almost tripled industry predictions for how much revenue it would generate.
Unplanned opened only in 1,060 theaters nationwide, but took 5th place at the box office, generating $6.1 million where industry analysts predicted it would only drag in $2 to $3 million. The movie also accumulated $5,770 per screen, breaking an all-time U.S. indie film release record.
In terms of audience reception, Pureflix’s pro-life endeavor performed well. According to review aggregator site RottenTomatoes, “94%” of audiences liked the film. Unplanned also received an A+ rating from CinemaScore, which The Hollywood Reporter affirmed is “a coveted” achievement in terms of audience reception. Unplanned is Pureflix’s second highest grossing film debut to date, sitting just behind God’s Not Dead 2 ($7.6 million.)
The movie hit theaters Friday and brought in more than $6.1 million at the weekend’s conclusion over an expected $2-3 million, according to The Washington Times. The film came in third for screen earnings, putting up an average of $5,770 per screening, following “Dumbo” and “Us” with averages of $10,566 and $8,978 respectively. “Unplanned” beat out “Captain Marvel” which averaged $5,144 per screening.
@5 No hypocrisy at all, pal. Your material omissions include the following:
(1) New York’s legislative pay raises are determined by a committee, not by the legislators themselves;
(2) New York state legislators haven’t received a pay raise since 1999, and these raises are spread over 3 years, so this is 23 years of cost-of-living increases;
(3) The raises for legislators in leadership positions are largely canceled out by elimination of leadership stipends;
(4) The terms of the raises include capping legislator’s private income at 15% of their legislative salary; and
(5) These are full-time jobs that currently pay about what a truck driver makes, so a raise of this size is proper and in order.
Special Olympics? You need some straightening out there, too:
(1) DeVos tried to eliminate all federal funding for Special Olympics, amounting to $17.6 million. That’s a bit more than $50,000. To be exact, 352 times more.
(2) It’s hard to describe this as a “cut” when New York historically has not budgeted state money for Special Olympics. Prior to 2017 the state contributed nothing at all.
(3) The 2017 and 2018 budgets, for the first time, included $200,000 appropriations for Special Olympics. When Democrats noticed this item wasn’t in the 2019 budget proposal, they pushed for its inclusion. They got $150,000 in budget negotiations with the other party, which suggests it wasn’t Democrats who “cut” the $50,000 from the appropriation.
You might get away with this bullshit on rightwing blogs, but it doesn’t fly here. Comments on this blog are fact-checked, so you better do your homework, pal. Otherwise, you’re just embarrassing yourself.
@7 First of all, why would any of us have a problem with this movie? It’s a free country. People can watch any movies they like. Don’t try this in China.
Second, its Rotten Tomatoes score is 56%, not 94%, so where did you get that from?
The real-life person depicted in the film told ABC News “there is right and wrong, good and bad.”
I couldn’t agree with her more. There are indeed absolutes; there is right and wrong, there is good and bad. She was referring to the abortion debate, but that’s true of life generally.
Sadly, most Republicans have lost sight of those distinctions. Their party has lost its way. It now gives unquestioning loyalty to a deeply immoral man. Its actions reveal a party with almost no moral compass.
If you view abortion as a moral wrong, then in a way the GOP’s crusade against abortion has a silver lining, in that it shows the party still retains a tiny sliver of moral sensibility. That could inspire hope the GOP still might step back from the moral abyss at a time when, in everything else, they think anything goes.
Something about the abortion doctor made me shift uncomfortably in my seat. Later I learned why: The actor was a former abortion doctor who had performed over 1,000 abortions. He knew, quite literally, what he was doing. But like Abby, he experienced an event that changed everything: He witnessed his 6-year-old daughter struck by a car in front of their home. She died in his arms. When he returned to work, his first order of business was a late-term abortion. He performed it, but afterwards froze. In an interview he said:
I wonder if pork sauce, who specializes in murders committed by illegals, will comment about this one?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Road rage, kidnapping, rape, and murder are bad no matter who does them.
Unattributed copypasta from right wing plagiarism mills should be deleted.
That’s just my opinion. But if you want to invite us to read someone else’s work on another web site, a brief sample, appropriately cited with punctuation of some kind to indicate that it is not your work is perfectly fine (we can then ignore it without it taking up so much space).
So really, not only are you a vapid, drooling, womb worshiping fuck stain with no true ideology of your own, but you are an unethical version of one who steals and claims the work of others for your own.
Because, yes, once again this really is the status quo for Republicans now.
@12 Serial offender. See #10.
More unattributed copypasta.
I suspect you of being a boscht fueled spam bot.
But if you are in fact a living human being, your posts should be deleted because you are merely engaging in mass copypasta.
That’s just one of many forms of abuse that should not be tolerated for what ought to be obvious reasons.
Do you have any words of your own?
I have no problem with swatting flies. But I am disinclined to swat robot flies. That pathetic liar of a troll (now presumably dead) was famous for this kind of abuse. And more than anything it demonstrated his ignorance. He was simply unable to articulate any ideas of his own in words that comprised actual sentences in a known language. When he did attempt to communicate with his own words expressing his own ideas what came out was an argle-bargle of schizophrenic word salad often featuring caps-lock and weird punctuation. Like watching a fight scene from an episode of Batman.
Whatever the source of this, it ought to be stopped. It can be pleasant to stop by and humiliate the stupidity of aging, increasingly irrelevant right wing cuckolds like Corncob Bob. But I for one am not willing to hack my way through a thicket of Nazi-affiliated, 8-chan copypasta in order to do so.
@15 Maybe his ghost has come back to haunt these threads.
+32.72% for the period January 1, 2018 through April 1, 2019.
My unemployed son stole money out of my purse again this morning.
Good to hear from you, Mom, especially since you’ve been dead for nearly 30 years. How are things on the other side?
Seattle Times says neighborhood activists and pols are talking up even more taxes for light rail. The figure this time is $700 million — several hundred dollars for every Seattle resident.
@19 You don’t want to know. Things are bad enough on your side. Don’t go looking for trouble.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Russia Hoax Spy News–Demorats Uncover Giant Spy Plot At White House! Ivanka Trump (Russian Spy!) And Jared Kushner (Another Russian Spy!!) Caught Red-Handed With Russian Money!!! This Is Not Just Another Hoax, And Anybody Who Doesn’t Believe Us Is Racist!!!!
According to a source familiar with the whistleblower’s testimony, Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, are two of three unnamed White House officials described in the memo. Kushner was identified as “Senior White House Official 1” and Ivanka was described as “Senior White House Official 2” in the memo, which was written and released on Monday, the source told Yahoo News.
The memo was sent from Democratic Oversight Committee staffers to the committee members. It summarized an interview Democratic and Republican committee staffers conducted with White House security adviser Tricia Newbold on March 23. Newbold, the Adjudications Manager in the Personnel Security Office of the White House, has worked there as a non-partisan career employee for over 18 years.
hey, someone marketed a movie to religio-America. Good on them.
But perspective, It made a little over 6 million. The average price of a movie ticket (factoring in matinee pricing / adults v. kids, etc) is a hair over $9.
So we can extrapolate that around 710,000 saw the film.
So about .2% of the population of the country cared about the movie enough to pay to see it.
Pew research finds that 70% of American’s consider themselves Christian. So you might think that only attracting .2% of the population to a Christian movie backs up the major studio idea that unless you make a Christian movie on the ultra-cheap there is no profit in it over the long run. A studio can scrape together the profit of an opening weekend of a badly reviewed film like “Dumbo” by instead making 15-20 low budget Christian movies and hoping the audience keeps showing up.
Again, good for them but there is a choir being preached to with these Christian movies.
@23 Most of those Christians would rather watch Chuck Norris spray fake blood and gore all over the screen.
@ 23
Again, good for them but there is a choir being preached to with these Christian movies.
Now do An Inconvenient Truth. Fahrenheit 9/11.
Democrat behaving like a Democrat in Baltimore.
Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday formally asked the state prosecutor to investigate allegations of self-dealing and no-bid contracting involving Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh in her role as a member of the University of Maryland Medical System board.
The medical system paid Pugh $500,000 in five installments for copies of her self-published Healthy Holly children’s book series.
The criminal mayor took a leave of absence today, from which she is not expected to return.
Ah, and she hooked up with a charity for mutual fraud. How nice.
Health provider Kaiser Permanente paid Pugh more than $100,000 to buy about 20,000 copies of her books during a period when the company was seeking a lucrative contract to provide health benefits to city employees.
And the nonprofit Associated Black Charities says it collected nearly $90,000 from five separate entities — including CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield, another city insurer — to buy and distribute 10,000 copies of Pugh’s books, forwarding nearly $80,000 of that to Pugh’s company and pocketing the rest.
I’m not bragging about the box office for either.
But as long as you brought it up, $50M worldwide (I.T) for a documentary is a big ROI.
$222M worldwide. (F9/11) is orgiastic amounts of money for a documentary.
So yeah, bring up a $6m just barely exceeded the budget movie. Do let us know if the Pro-life religious movie hits either of those marks.
You proved my point for me. Major studios release movies that make money. Or at least hope to. There hasn’t been a major studio “Heaven’s Gate’ in a long time. The closest I can think of is Artisan mortgaging their future on ‘Blair Witch 2.’ Ended up selling the company and it’s massive library of film rights to Lions Gate when it didn’t work for not nearly what it was worth.
The movie in question had a ‘great’ opening weekend and made 300K over budget. Cool. Good for you. Here’s a participation trophy.